## xlsx.r: Functions to simplify working with the xlsx format. Most of the
## people with whom we work prefer Excel files. I am not particularly a fan and
## so wanted a way to create reasonably nice workbooks without intervention and
## therefore hopefully without significant chance of shenanigans.
#' Create the named worksheet in a workbook, this function was not well named.
#' This tries to make sure that some of the problems of creating new worksheets
#' do not occur. E.g. Names must be less than something and must be unique.
#' @param wb Workbook to modify
#' @param sheet Sheet to check/create.
#' @return The workbook object hopefully with a new worksheet.
#' @seealso [openxlsx::addWorksheet()]
check_xlsx_worksheet <- function(wb, sheet) {
newsheet <- NULL
if (is.null(wb)) {
current_sheets <- wb@.xData[[".->sheet_names"]]
found_sheets <- 0
if (sheet %in% current_sheets) {
found_sheets <- found_sheets + 1
retlist <- list("wb" = wb, "sheet" = sheet)
newsheet <- try(openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = sheet), silent = TRUE)
if (class(newsheet)[1] == "try-error") {
if (grepl(pattern = "already exists", x = newsheet[1])) {
message("The sheet already exists.")
tt <- openxlsx::removeWorksheet(wb, sheet)
newsheet <- try(openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = sheet), silent = TRUE)
} else if (grepl(pattern = "too long", x = newsheet[1])) {
sheet <- abbreviate(sheet, minlength = 28)
newsheet <- try(openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = sheet), silent = TRUE)
} else {
message("Unknown error: ", newsheet)
retlist <- list("wb" = wb, sheet = sheet)
#' Initialize an xlsx file with a little bit of logic to make sure there are no
#' annoying downstream errors.
#' @param excel Excel file to create.
#' @return List containing the basename of the excel file along with the
#' openxlsx workbook data structure.
#' @seealso [openxlsx::createWorkbook()]
#' @export
init_xlsx <- function(excel = "excel/something.xlsx") {
if (isFALSE(excel)) {
excel <- NULL
## Thank you, Najib for this new and more robust regular expression.
excel_basename <- basename(gsub(pattern = "\\.xlsx$|\\.xl.+$", replacement = "", x = excel))
if (is.null(excel)) {
excel_dir <- dirname(as.character(excel))
if (!file.exists(excel_dir)) {
created <- dir.create(excel_dir, recursive = TRUE)
write_permission <- as.numeric(file.access(excel_dir, 2))
if (write_permission < 0) {
warning("The directory: ", excel_dir, " does not have write permission, this will fail.")
if (file.exists(excel)) {
message("Deleting the file ", excel, " before writing the tables.")
removed <- file.remove(excel)
wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook(creator = "hpgltools")
retlist <- list(
"dirname" = excel_dir,
"basename" = excel_basename,
"wb" = wb)
class(retlist) <- "initialized_xlsx"
#' Sanitize unreliable presentation of percent values from excel.
#' In a recent sample sheet, we had some percentage values which were
#' '0.5', '5%', ' 6%' and a few other weirdo things. This function
#' should sanitize such shenanigans.
#' @param numbers Either a vector of excel crap, or a column
#' name/number.
#' @param df When provided, a data frame from which to extract the
#' numbers.
#' @return Either the numbers or dataframe with the sanitized information.
#' @export
sanitize_percent <- function(numbers, df = NULL) {
number_column <- NULL
if (!is.null(df)) {
number_column <- numbers
numbers <- df[[numbers]]
## Count up the things we changed
num_pct_removed <- 0
num_gt_one <- 0
num_na <- 0
num_other <- 0
num_numeric <- 0
numbers <- gsub(pattern = "\\s+", replacement = "", x = numbers)
encoded <- grepl(x = numbers, pattern = "\\%")
numericable <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(numbers))
num_encoded <- sum(encoded)
for (n in seq_along(numbers)) {
start <- numbers[n]
encode <- encoded[n]
if (isTRUE(encode)) {
re_encoded <- gsub(x = start, pattern = "^.*?(\\d+)\\%.*$",
replacement = "\\1", perl = TRUE)
re_encoded <- as.numeric(re_encoded) / 100.0
num_pct_removed <- num_pct_removed + 1
} else if (is.na(start)) {
re_encoded <- NA
num_na <- num_na + 1
} else if (is.na(numericable[n])) {
re_encoded <- NA
num_other <- num_other + 1
} else if (as.numeric(start) > 1) {
re_encoded <- as.numeric(start) / 100.0
num_gt_one <- num_gt_one + 1
} else {
re_encoded <- as.numeric(start)
num_numeric <- num_numeric + 1
numbers[n] <- re_encoded
numbers <- as.numeric(numbers)
mesg("Re-encoded the following: ")
mesg("Contained a '%': ", num_pct_removed, ".")
mesg("Written as greater than 1: ", num_gt_one, ".")
mesg("Written as a non-number: ", num_other, ".")
mesg("Written as NA: ", num_na, ".")
mesg("Written as a normal number from 0-1: ", num_numeric, ".")
## If a df was provided, return that instead of the number vector.
if (!is.null(df)) {
df[[number_column]] <- numbers
numbers <- df
#' Re-encode South American numbers so they fit my preconceptions.
#' Ensure that we handle numbers encoded as '4.012.321,10' are
#' properly (from the perspective of R using my encoding system)
#' interpreted as 'four million twelve thousand three hundred
#' twenty-one and one tenth.'
#' @param numbers Column of numbers.
#' @param df optional df rather than just a vector.
sanitize_number_encoding <- function(numbers, df = NULL) {
number_column <- NULL
if (!is.null(df)) {
number_column <- numbers
numbers <- df[[numbers]]
numbers <- gsub(pattern = "\\s+", replacement = "", x = numbers)
## If any numbers in the set have a . followed by a ,
## Then let us first get rid of any .'s and then replace
## the comma with a .
encoded <- grepl(x = numbers, pattern = "\\..*\\,")
num_encoded <- sum(encoded)
if (num_encoded > 0) {
removed_dot <- gsub(x = numbers, pattern = "\\.",
replacement = "")
replaced_comma <- gsub(x = removed_dot, pattern = "\\,",
replacement = "\\.")
numbers <- as.numeric(replaced_comma)
if (!is.null(df)) {
df[[number_column]] <- numbers
numbers <- df
#' Write a dataframe to an excel spreadsheet sheet.
#' I like to give folks data in any format they prefer, even though I sort
#' of hate excel. Most people I work with use it, so therefore I do too.
#' This function has been through many iterations, first using XLConnect,
#' then xlsx, and now openxlsx. Hopefully this will not change again.
#' @param data Data frame to print.
#' @param wb Workbook to which to write.
#' @param sheet Name of the sheet to write.
#' @param excel Filename of final excel workbook to write
#' @param rownames Include row names in the output?
#' @param start_row First row of the sheet to write. Useful if writing multiple tables.
#' @param start_col First column to write.
#' @param title Title for this xlsx table.
#' @param float_format Revisit this, but it hard-sets the number of decimal
#' points in floating point columns.
#' @param data_table Write this as an excel data table instead of just a collection of cells.
#' @param freeze_first_row Add a hint to make the first row always on screen?
#' @param freeze_first_column Add a hint to make the first column always on screen?
#' @param date_format Coerce date columns to this format.
#' @param column_width Either a specific value, NULL, or 'heuristic' which guesses.
#' @param ... Set of extra arguments given to openxlsx.
#' @return List containing the sheet and workbook written as well as the
#' bottom-right coordinates of the last row/column written to the worksheet.
#' @seealso [openxlsx] [openxlsx::createWorkbook()] [openxlsx::writeData()]
#' [openxlsx::writeDataTable()] [openxlsx::saveWorkbook()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' xls_coords <- write_xlsx(dataframe, sheet = "hpgl_data", excel = "testing.xlsx")
#' xls_coords <- write_xlsx(another_df, wb = xls_coords$workbook,
#' sheet = "hpgl_data", start_row = xls_coords$end_col)
#' }
#' @export
write_xlsx <- function(data = NULL, wb = NULL, sheet = "first", excel = NULL,
rownames = TRUE, start_row = 1, start_col = 1,
title = NULL, float_format = "0.000", data_table = TRUE,
freeze_first_row = TRUE, freeze_first_column = TRUE,
date_format = "yyyy-mm-dd",
column_width = "heuristic", ...) {
arglist <- list(...)
if (is.null(data)) {
if (class(data)[[1]] == "list") {
written <- NULL
for (element in seq_along(data)) {
sheet_name <- names(data)[element]
one_df <- data[[sheet_name]]
if (!is.null(written[["workbook"]])) {
wb <- written[["workbook"]]
written <- write_xlsx(
data = one_df, wb = wb, sheet = sheet_name, excel = excel, rownames = rownames,
start_row = start_row, start_col = start_col,
freeze_first_column = freeze_first_column, title = title,
freeze_first_row = freeze_first_row)
old_options <- options(openxlsx.dateFormat = date_format)
## Added to check if each column is comprised of whole numbers.
## If this is TRUE for a column, do not use the float_format
## parameter above.
is_numberp <- function(x) all(varhandle::check.numeric(x))
is_wholep <- function(x) all(floor(x) == x)
is_largep <- function(x) any(abs(as.numeric(x)) > 1e7)
## One may want to change this for other date formats...
is_datep <- function(x) all(grepl(x = x, pattern = "\\d{4}\\-\\d{2}\\-\\d{2}"))
is_pctp <- function(x) all(grepl(x = x, pattern = "%$"))
if ("matrix" %in% class(data) || "character" %in% class(data)) {
data <- as.data.frame(data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if ("data.table" %in% class(data)) {
data <- as.data.frame(data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (!is.null(excel)) {
xlsx <- init_xlsx(excel = excel)
if (is.null(wb)) {
wb <- xlsx[["wb"]]
## Heading style 1 (For titles)
hs1_fmt <- openxlsx::createStyle(fontColour = "#000000", halign = "LEFT",
textDecoration = "bold", border = "Bottom",
fontSize = "30")
sig_fmt <- openxlsx::createStyle(numFmt = float_format)
whole_fmt <- openxlsx::createStyle(numFmt = "COMMA")
date_fmt <- openxlsx::createStyle(numFmt = "DATE")
pct_fmt <- openxlsx::createStyle(numFmt = "percentage")
sci_fmt <- openxlsx::createStyle(numFmt = "scientific")
## Create the new worksheet.
wb_sheet <- check_xlsx_worksheet(wb, sheet)
wb <- wb_sheet[["wb"]]
sheet <- wb_sheet[["sheet"]]
new_row <- start_row
new_col <- start_col
if (!is.null(title)) {
openxlsx::addStyle(wb = wb, sheet = sheet, style = hs1_fmt, rows = new_row,
cols = new_col, gridExpand = FALSE, stack = FALSE)
## An important caveat:
## glue'd() strings are not just class character, but their own thing,
## which means that just dumping them in this situation leads to unexpected results.
xl_result <- openxlsx::writeData(
wb = wb, sheet = sheet,
x = as.character(title),
startCol = new_col, startRow = new_row)
new_row <- new_row + 1
## I might have run into a bug in openxlsx, in WorkbookClass.R there is a call to is.nan()
## for a data.frame and it appears to me to be called oddly and causing problems
## I hacked the writeDataTable() function in openxlsx and sent a bug report.
## Another way to trip this up is for a column in the table to be of class 'list'
test_column <- 0
final_colnames <- colnames(data)
final_colnames <- tolower(final_colnames)
final_colnames <- make.unique(final_colnames, sep = "_")
final_colnames <- make.names(final_colnames)
colnames(data) <- final_colnames
final_data <- as.data.frame(data)
for (col in seq_len(ncol(final_data))) {
column_name <- colnames(final_data)[col]
if ("list" %in% class(final_data[[col]])) {
## The above did not work, trying what I found in:
## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15930880/unlist-all-list-elements-in-a-dataframe
##list_entries <- is.list(data[, test_column])
##ListCols <- sapply(data, is.list)
##cbind(data[!ListCols], t(apply(data[ListCols], 1, unlist)))
final_data[[col]] <- as.character(final_data[[col]])
} else if ("vector" %in% class(final_data[[col]])) {
final_data[[col]] <- as.character(final_data[[col]])
} else if ("factor" %in% class(final_data[[col]])) {
final_data[[col]] <- as.character(final_data[[col]])
} else if ("AsIs" %in% class(final_data[[col]])) {
final_data[[col]] <- as.character(final_data[[col]])
} ## Finished adjusting stupid column types.
## One more check that there are no '.'s in the column names,
## apparently excel doesn't like that sometimes (but others it doesn't care)
colnames(final_data) = gsub(x = colnames(final_data),
pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_")
written <- NULL
if (isTRUE(data_table)) {
written <- try(openxlsx::writeDataTable(
wb = wb, sheet = sheet, x = final_data,
startCol = new_col, startRow = new_row, tableStyle = table_style,
rowNames = rownames, colNames = TRUE))
} else {
written <- try(openxlsx::writeData(
wb = wb, sheet = sheet, x = final_data,
startCol = new_col, startRow = new_row,
rowNames = rownames, colNames = TRUE))
written_row <- new_row + nrow(final_data)
new_row <- written_row + 2
## Set the column lengths, hard set the first to 20,
## then try to set it to auto if the length is not too long.
for (data_col in seq_len(ncol(final_data))) {
## Make an explicit check that the data is not null, which comes out here as character(0)
column_name <- colnames(final_data)[data_col]
style_set <- NULL
this_column <- final_data[[data_col]]
test_column <- as.character(this_column)
test_column[is.na(test_column)] <- ""
test_null <- identical(as.character(test_column), character(0))
test_numeric <- is_numberp(test_column)
test_date <- is_datep(test_column)
test_whole <- FALSE
test_float <- FALSE
test_large <- FALSE
test_pct <- is_pctp(test_column)
if (isTRUE(test_numeric)) {
test_whole <- is_wholep(as.numeric(test_column))
test_float <- !test_whole
test_large <- is_largep(test_column)
if (isTRUE(test_large)) {
test_whole <- FALSE
test_float <- FALSE
test_large <- TRUE
test_max <- 4
if (isTRUE(test_null)) {
test_max <- 1
final_data[[data_col]] <- NULL ## Drop the offending column.
} else {
test_max <- max(nchar(as.character(test_column)), na.rm = TRUE)
## Keep in mind that if we are going to set the column widths
## and we set a start_col, then the actual column we will be changing is start_col + data_col.
row_range <- seq(from = start_row + 1, to = written_row)
current_col <- start_col + data_col - 1 ## start_col is 1 indexed.
this_col_num <- start_col + data_col
if (is.null(column_width)) {
## I am not sure if I want to do anything here yet.
## mesg("Column widths already set, if you set them now there will be problems.")
funkytown <- NULL
} else if (column_width == "heuristic") {
if (data_col == 1) {
openxlsx::setColWidths(wb = wb, sheet = sheet, cols = this_col_num, widths = 20)
} else if (test_max > 30) {
openxlsx::setColWidths(wb = wb, sheet = sheet, cols = this_col_num, widths = 30)
} else {
openxlsx::setColWidths(wb = wb, sheet = sheet, cols = this_col_num, widths = "auto")
} else {
mesg("Setting every column to 'auto'.")
openxlsx::setColWidths(wb = wb, sheet = sheet, cols = this_col_num, widths = "auto")
if (isTRUE(test_float)) {
style_set <- openxlsx::addStyle(wb = wb, sheet = sheet, style = sig_fmt,
rows = row_range, cols = this_col_num)
if (isTRUE(test_whole)) {
style_set <- openxlsx::addStyle(wb = wb, sheet = sheet, style = whole_fmt,
rows = row_range, cols = this_col_num)
if (isTRUE(test_date)) {
style_set <- openxlsx::addStyle(wb = wb, sheet = sheet, style = date_fmt,
rows = row_range, cols = this_col_num)
if (isTRUE(test_pct)) {
style_set <- openxlsx::addStyle(wb = wb, sheet = sheet, style = pct_fmt,
rows = row_range, cols = this_col_num)
if (isTRUE(test_large)) {
style_set <- openxlsx::addStyle(wb = wb, sheet = sheet, style = sci_fmt,
rows = row_range, cols = this_col_num)
end_col <- new_col + ncol(final_data) + 1
new_options <- options(old_options)
frozen <- NULL
if (isTRUE(freeze_first_row) && isTRUE(freeze_first_column)) {
frozen <- openxlsx::freezePane(wb, sheet, firstCol = TRUE, firstRow = TRUE)
} else if (isTRUE(freeze_first_column)) {
frozen <- openxlsx::freezePane(wb, sheet, firstCol = TRUE)
} else if (isTRUE(freeze_first_row)) {
frozen <- openxlsx::freezePane(wb, sheet, firstRow = TRUE)
ret <- list(
"workbook" = wb,
"sheet" = sheet,
"frozen" = frozen,
"end_row" = new_row,
"end_col" = end_col,
"file" = excel)
if (!is.null(excel)) {
mesg("Saving to: ", excel)
save_result <- openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, excel, overwrite = TRUE)
ret[["save_result"]] <- save_result
class(ret) <- "written_xlsx"
#' An attempt to improve the behaivor of openxlsx's plot inserter.
#' The functions provided by openxlsx for adding plots to xlsx files are quite
#' nice, but they can be a little annoying. This attempt to catch some corner cases
#' and potentially save an extra svg-version of each plot inserted.
#' @param a_plot The plot provided
#' @param wb Workbook to which to write.
#' @param sheet Name or number of the sheet to which to add the plot.
#' @param width Plot width in the sheet.
#' @param height Plot height in the sheet.
#' @param res Resolution of the png image inserted into the sheet.
#' @param plotname Prefix of the pdf file created.
#' @param savedir Directory to which to save pdf copies of the plots.
#' @param fancy Plot fancy plots with the xlsx file?
#' @param fancy_type Plot publication quality images in this format.
#' @param start_row Row on which to place the plot in the sheet.
#' @param start_col Column on which to place the plot in the sheet.
#' @param file_type Currently this only does pngs, but perhaps I will parameterize this.
#' @param units Units for the png plotter.
#' @param ... Extra arguments are passed to arglist (Primarily for vennerable
#' plots which are odd)
#' @return List containing the result of the tryCatch{} used to invoke the plot prints.
#' @seealso [openxlsx::insertImage()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' fun_plot <- plot_pca(stuff)$plot
#' df <- some_data_frame
#' wb <- write_xlsx(df, excel = "funkytown.xlsx")$workbook
#' try_results <- xlsx_insert_png(fun_plot, wb = wb)
#' }
#' @export
xlsx_insert_png <- function(a_plot, wb = NULL, sheet = 1, width = 6, height = 6, res = 90,
plotname = "plot", savedir = "saved_plots", fancy = FALSE,
fancy_type = "pdf", start_row = 1, start_col = 1,
file_type = "png", units = "in", ...) {
arglist <- list(...)
if (is.null(a_plot)) {
if (!is.null(arglist[["doWeights"]])) {
requireNamespace(package = "Vennerable")
## library("Vennerable")
if (is.null(wb)) {
wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook(creator = "hpgltools")
} else if (class(wb)[1] == "list") {
## In case the return from write_xlsx() was passed to write_xlsx()
wb <- wb[["workbook"]]
} else if (class(wb)[1] != "Workbook") {
stop("A workbook was passed to this, but the format is not understood.")
insert_ret <- fancy_ret <- png_ret <- print_ret <- NULL
if (isTRUE(fancy)) {
high_quality <- file.path(savedir, glue("{plotname}.{fancy_type}"))
if (!is.null(savedir)) {
if (!file.exists(savedir)) {
created <- dir.create(savedir, recursive = TRUE)
if (fancy_type == "pdf") {
fancy_ret <- try(pdf(file = high_quality))
} else if (fancy_type == "ps") {
fancy_ret <- try(postscript(file = high_quality))
} else if (fancy_type == "svg") {
fancy_ret <- try(svg(filename = high_quality))
} else if (fancy_type == "emf") {
fancy_ret <- try(devEMF::emf(file = high_quality))
} else {
## Default to pdf
high_quality_renamed <- gsub(pattern = "\\..*$", replacement = "\\.pdf", x = high_quality)
fancy_ret <- try(pdf(file = high_quality_renamed))
## I do not understand why some images are plot()ed while others
## seem to need to be print()ed. Adding a try to attempt
## to work around this concern.
if (class(a_plot)[1] == "Venn") {
fancy_ret <- try(Vennerable::plot(a_plot, doWeights = FALSE))
} else {
fancy_ret <- try(suppressWarnings(print(a_plot)))
if (class(fancy_ret)[1] == "try-error") {
fancy_ret <- try(suppressWarnings(plot(a_plot, ...)))
png_name <- try(tmpmd5file(pattern = "figureImage", fileext = glue(".{file_type}")))
if ("try-error" %in% class(png_name)) {
warning("There are too many tmp files in your current Rtmp directory.")
warning("You need to clean it out ASAP.")
png_name <- try(tmpmd5file(pattern = "figureImage2", fileext = glue(".{file_type}")))
png_ret <- try(png(filename = png_name,
width = width,
height = height,
units = units,
res = res))
if (class(a_plot)[1] == "Venn") {
print_ret <- try(Vennerable::plot(a_plot, doWeights = FALSE))
} else {
print_ret <- try(suppressWarnings(print(a_plot)))
if (class(print_ret)[1] == "try-error") {
print_ret <- try(suppressWarnings(plot(a_plot, ...)))
## Check that the worksheet exists and add the plot.
wb_sheet <- check_xlsx_worksheet(wb, sheet)
wb <- wb_sheet[["wb"]]
sheet <- wb_sheet[["sheet"]]
if (file.exists(png_name)) {
insert_ret <- try(openxlsx::insertImage(wb = wb, sheet = sheet, file = png_name,
width = width, height = height,
startRow = start_row, startCol = start_col,
units = units, dpi = res))
if (class(insert_ret)[1] == "try-error") {
message("There was an error inserting the image at: ", png_name)
} else {
message("The png file name did not exist: ", png_name)
ret <- list(
"filename" = png_name,
"png_fh" = png_ret,
"png_print" = print_ret,
"openxlsx" = insert_ret)
if (isTRUE(fancy)) {
ret[["fancy_print"]] <- fancy_ret
## EOF
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