# derive timeseries of coalescent and ltt along appropriate time axis
.tre2df <- function( apephylo, tre, res, maxHeight = Inf, minLTT = 1, adapt_time_axis = F, sampleTimes = NULL ){
n <- ape::Ntip( apephylo )
if (is.null( minLTT))
minLTT <- floor( n / 5 )
if ( inherits( tre, c('multiPhylo','list') ) ){
phys <- lapply( tre, function(tr) {class(tr) <- 'phylo'; tr } )
stopifnot( !is.null( sampleTimes ))
rts <- sapply( phys, function( phy ) {
mdepth <- max( node.depth.edgelength( phy ) )
mst <- max( sampleTimes [ phy$tip.label ] )
mst - mdepth
mst = max( sampleTimes )
sts <- sampleTimes - min( rts )
rhs = mst - rts
rh = max( rhs )
maxHeight <- min( rh, maxHeight )
shs = rh - sts
inhs_list <- lapply( 1:length(phys), function(k){
phy <- phys[[k]]
rh = rhs[k]
ndel <- ape::node.depth.edgelength( phy )
sort( rh - ndel[ (Ntip(phy)+1):(Ntip(phy) + phy$Nnode) ] )
inhs <- sort( do.call( c, inhs_list ) )
stopifnot( inherits (tre, c('phylo','treedater') ))
D <- ape::node.depth.edgelength( apephylo )
rh <- max( D[1:n] )
rhs = rh # for compatibility with multitree version
sts <- D[1:n]
maxHeight <- min( rh, maxHeight )
shs <- rh - sts
inhs <- sort( rh - D[ (n+1):(n + apephylo$Nnode) ] )
u_shs <- unique( shs )
u_inhs <- unique( inhs )
nnode <- sum( inhs <= maxHeight)
ne_haxis <- seq( maxHeight/res ,maxHeight*(1-1/res), le = res-1 )
if (adapt_time_axis){
ne_haxis <- approx( seq(0,1,length.out=nnode), inhs[inhs <= maxHeight], xout = seq(1/res, 1-1/res, length.out = res-1 ) )$y
dh_ne <- diff( c(0, ne_haxis, maxHeight ) )
#< h , event, ltt(descending), intervallength, nco, likterm, ne_bin >
tredat <- data.frame( h= c( u_shs, u_inhs, ne_haxis)
, type = c( rep('sample', length( u_shs))
, rep('node', length(u_inhs))
, rep('neswitch', length(ne_haxis))
tredat <- tredat[ tredat$h <= maxHeight , ]
tredat$ne_bin <- sapply( tredat$h, function(x) sum( ne_haxis < x ) + 1)
ltt.h <- function(h) max(1, sum( shs <= h ) - sum( inhs < h ) - sum( rhs < h ) ) # note <= for samples
tredat$ltt <- sapply( tredat$h, ltt.h )
tredat$nco <- 0
tredat$nco[ tredat$type=='node' ] <- sapply( tredat$h[ tredat$type=='node' ], function(x) sum( x == inhs ))
tredat <- tredat[ order( tredat$h ), ]
tredat$intervalLength <- c( 0, diff( tredat$h ))
tredat$ltt_terms <- tredat$ltt * (tredat$ltt-1) / 2
# combine ne bins:
done <- ( minLTT == 1 )
done <- TRUE
bin2maxltt <- sapply( 1:res, function( bin ){
i = which( tredat$ne_bin == bin )
if (length(i) > 0)
return( max( tredat$ltt[ i ] ) )
for (i in 1:nrow(tredat)){
if ( bin2maxltt[ tredat$ne_bin[i] ] < minLTT ){
tredat$ne_bin[i] <- max( 1, tredat$ne_bin[i] - 1 )
done <- FALSE
tredat$dh <- dh_ne[ tredat$ne_bin ]
#' Heuristic selection of grid resolution. Selects res based on
#' reduction in MSE of coalescent times relative to nearest grid point.
#' @param tree A dated phylogeny in ape::phylo format
#' @param th Precision parameter
#' @export
suggest_res <- function(tree, th = .001 )
ct = tail( ape::node.depth.edgelength( tree ) , ape::Nnode( tree ))
rct = range(ct)
k <- 1
x <- seq( rct[1], rct[2], length = k + 2 )
l0 <- sum( apply( sapply( ct, function(y) (y - x)^2 ), MARGIN = 2, FUN = min ) )
ll <- l0
k <- k + 1
x <- seq( rct[1], rct[2], length = k + 2 )
l <- sum( apply( sapply( ct, function(y) (y - x)^2 ), MARGIN = 2, FUN = min ) )
#print( c( k, l, x ))
if ( (l < (th*l0)) | (ll<=l) ) break
#if ( ((ll - l ) / l) < th ) break
ll <- l
k <- k - 1
#' Optimize the skygrid time axis resolution using AIC criterion
#' @param tree A dated phylogeny in ape::phylo format
#' @param res A vector of time axis resolution parameters to test
#' @param ncpu Integer number of cores to use with parallel processing
#' @param ... Remaining parameters are passed to mlskygrid
#' @export
optim_res_aic <- function(tree, res = c(1,3,5, seq(10, 100, by = 10)), ncpu = 1, ... )
res2aic <- function(r){
ll1 <- mlskygrid( tree, res = r, ncpu =ncpu, ...)$loglik
2 * r - 2 * ll1
aics <- unlist( pbmcapply::pbmclapply( res, res2aic, mc.cores = ncpu ) )
res[ which.min( aics )]
#' Optimize the skygrid time axis resolution using BIC criterion
#' @param tree A dated phylogeny in ape::phylo format
#' @param res A vector of time axis resolution parameters to test
#' @param ncpu Integer number of cores to use with parallel processing
#' @param ... Remaining parameters are passed to mlskygrid
#' @export
optim_res_bic <- function(tree, res = c(1:5, seq(10, 100, by = 10)), ncpu = 1, ... )
res2bic <- function(r){
ll1 <- mlskygrid( tree, res = r, ncpu =ncpu, ...)$loglik
r * log(tree$Nnode) - 2 * ll1
bics <- unlist( pbmcapply::pbmclapply( res, res2bic, mc.cores = ncpu ) )
res[ which.min( bics )]
roughness_penalty <- function(x,dh,tau,b=NULL,model=1, responsevar = 'logNe'){
logne <- rev( x )
B <- rep( 1, length( logne ))
if (!is.null(b)) {
if ( responsevar == 'logNe' ){
B <- b
} else if (responsevar == 'diffLogNe' ){
B <- cumsum(b)
} else if (responsevar == 'diffDiffLogNe' ){
B <- cumsum( cumsum( b ))
if (model==1) {#skykappa model
dh2 <- dh[ -c(1, length(dh)) ]
y <- diff(diff( B))
rp_terms=dnorm(diff(diff( logne)), y, sd = sqrt(dh2/tau), log = TRUE)
#plot( b[-1], diff( logne ))
if (model==2) {#skygrid model
dh2 <- dh[ -1 ]
y <- diff ( B )
rp_terms=dnorm(diff(logne), y, sd = sqrt(dh2/tau), log = TRUE)
if (model==3) { # skygrowth model
dh2 <- dh[ -c(1, length(dh)) ]
y <- diff( diff(exp(B))/exp(B[-length(B)]) )
rp_terms=dnorm( diff(rhos), y, sd = sqrt(dh2/tau), log = TRUE)
rv = sum(rp_terms)
#This function calculates the cross-validation score for a given tau
.mlskygrid_oos <- function( tau, tredat, ne0, res = 50, maxHeight = Inf, quiet = TRUE, control = NULL, ncross = 5, ncpu = 1,model=1
, cvtype = 'interweaved' ){
#~ , cvtype = 'segmented' ){
if ( ncross < 2 ) stop('*ncross* must be at least two')
ne=ne0 #ne <- rlnorm( res , log( ne0 ), .2 ) # add some jitter
if ( cvtype == 'interweaved' ){
cvsets = lapply( 1:ncross, function(icross) seq( icross, nrow(tredat), by = ncross ) )
} else if ( cvtype == 'segmented' ) {
cvbounds <- cbind(
seq( 1/nrow(tredat), 1-1/ncross , length = ncross )
, seq( 1/ncross, 1 , length = ncross )
) * nrow(tredat)
cvbounds[,1] <- ceiling( cvbounds[,1] )
cvbounds[,2] <- floor( cvbounds[,2] )
cvsets <- lapply( 1:ncross, function(icross){
} else{
stop('Incorrect cvtype')
dh <- sapply( 1:res, function(i) tredat$dh[ which(tredat$ne_bin==i)[1]] )
lterms <- function(logne)
ne <- exp( logne )
sterms <- with(tredat, {
-intervalLength * ltt_terms / ne [ ne_bin ]
coterms <- with(tredat, {
nco * ( log( ltt_terms ) - logne[ ne_bin ] )
coterms[ is.na(coterms)] <- 0
coterms + sterms
of.cv.oos <- function(logne, icross ){
sum( lterms( logne )[ cvsets[[icross]] ] )
of.cv.ws <- function(logne, icross){
i = setdiff(1:nrow(tredat) , cvsets[[icross]] )
sum( lterms( logne )[ i ] ) + roughness_penalty( logne,dh,tau,model = model )
fits <- pbmcapply::pbmclapply( 1:ncross, function(icross){
optim( par = log(ne), fn = of.cv.ws
, method = 'BFGS'
, control = list( trace = ifelse( quiet ,0, 1), fnscale = -1 )
, hessian = FALSE
, icross = icross
}, mc.cores = ncpu )
oos_perfs <- sapply( 1:ncross, function(i){
logne = fits[[i]]$par
of.cv.oos( logne, i )
sum( oos_perfs )
.bind_tres <- function(tres, sts){
phys <- lapply( tres, function(tr) {class(tr) <- 'phylo'; tr } )
rts <- sapply( phys, function( phy ) {
mdepth <- max( node.depth.edgelength( phy ) )
mst <- max( sts [ phy$tip.label ] )
mst - mdepth
minrt <- min( rts )
maxrt <- max( rts )
rels <- rts - minrt + 1e-3
phys <- lapply( 1:length(phys), function(k) {
phy <- phys[[k]]
phy$root.edge <- rels[k]; phy
.phy <- phys[[1]]
for ( k in 2:length( phys )){
#.phy <- bind.tree( .phy , phys[[k]] )
.phy <- .phy + phys[[k]]
multi2di( .phy )
#' Maximum likelihood non-parametric estimation of effective population size through time
#' @param tre A dated phylogeny in ape::phylo or treedater format (see documentation for ape). This can also be a multiPhylo or list of trees, in which case each is treated as a clade sampled from within the same population. In this case the sampleTimes vector should be supplied so that clades can be aligned in time.
#' @param sampleTimes An optional named vector of sample times for each taxon. Names should correspond to tip labels in trees. This is required if providing a list of trees or covariates.
#' @param res Length of time axis over which to estimate Ne(t) (integer). If NULL, will heuristically search for a good value
#' @param tau Precision parameter. Larger values generate smoother trajectories of Ne(t). If NULL, will optimize using cross-validation.
#' @param tau_lower Lower bound for precision parameter if estimating
#' @param tau_upper Upper bound for precision parameter if estimating
#' @param tau_tol Optimization tolerance when optimizing tau by cross-validation
#' @param ncross Number of folds in cross-validation
#' @param ncpu If doing cross-validation, each fold will be handled in parallel if ncpu > 1 (see parallel package)
#' @param quiet Provide verbose output from optimizer?
#' @param NeStartTimeBeforePresent If <Inf, will only estimate Ne(t) between the most recent sample and this time before the most recent sample
#' @param ne0 Vector of length *res* giving starting conditions of Ne(t) for optimization, or a single value which will be used as rep(ne0,res)
#' @param adapt_time_axis If TRUE will choose Ne(t) change points in periods with high frequency of phylogenetic branching
#' @param model Model to use, can be 1 (=skykappa model), 2 (=skygrid model) or 3 (=skygrowth model)
#' @param formula Formula for use of covariates. The left hand side should be one of 'diffLogNe', 'logNe' or 'diffDiffLogNe'. For example, if modeling the effect of a single covariate x on growth of Ne, an appropriate formula may be `diffLogNe ~ x - 1` where '-1' specifies that an intercept is not estimated.
#' @param data For use of covariates, data.frame must include 'time'
#' @return A fitted model including effective size through time
#' @export
# @examples
# library(mlesky)
# tree <- read.tree( system.file( package='mlskygrid', 'mrsa.nwk' , mustWork=TRUE) )
# print( (fit <- mlskygrid( tree, tau = 10, NeStartTimeBeforePresent = 15) ))
# plot( fit , logy = FALSE)
mlskygrid <- function(tre
, sampleTimes = NULL
, res = 25
, tau = 1
, tau_lower = NULL
, tau_upper = NULL
, tau_tol = 1e-3
, ncross = 5
, ncpu = 1
, quiet = TRUE
, NeStartTimeBeforePresent = Inf
, ne0 = NULL
, adapt_time_axis = FALSE
, model = 1
, formula = NULL
, data = NULL
apephylo <- tre
if ( inherits( tre, c('multiPhylo','list') ) ){
apephylo <- .bind_tres( tre , sampleTimes )
class(apephylo) <- 'phylo'
stopifnot( !is.null( sampleTimes ))
stopifnot( inherits (tre, c('phylo','treedater') ))
class( apephylo ) <- 'phylo'
if (!is.null( sampleTimes )){
stopifnot( is.numeric( sampleTimes ))
if ( !all( apephylo$tip.label %in% names(sampleTimes) ) )
stop('Some tip labels could not be matched to sampleTimes')
sampleTimes <- sampleTimes[apephylo$tip.label]
if ( is.null( res )){
res <- suggest_res(tre)
if ( res < 1)
stop('The minimum allowable *res* value is 1.')
tredat <- .tre2df(apephylo = apephylo, tre = tre, res = res , maxHeight= NeStartTimeBeforePresent, adapt_time_axis = adapt_time_axis , sampleTimes = sampleTimes )
if ( is.null( tau ) ) {
if ( is.null(tau_lower) | is.null(tau_upper))
stop('If *tau* is not specified, boundaries *tau_lower* and *tau_upper* must be specified.')
if (res<3) tau=NULL
if ( is.null( ne0 )){
coint <- ape::coalescent.intervals( apephylo )
with( coint , {
abs(interval.length) * ( lineages * (lineages-1) / 2)
}) -> .ne
.ne[ .ne == 0 ] <- NA
ne0 <- median( .ne, na.rm=T)
ne0<-rep(ne0,res);ne<-ne0#ne <- rlnorm( res , log( ne0 ), .2 ) # add some jitter
} else{
if ( length(ne0)==1){
ne0 <- rep( ne0, res )
ne = ne0
# if covariates
ncovar <- 0
covar.df <- NA
responsevar <- 'logNe' # response if using covariates
betanames <- c()
if (!is.null( formula )){
stopifnot( !is.null(sampleTimes) )
stopifnot( !is.null(data) )
# do an initial fit without covars to serve as initial condition
fit0 <- mlskygrid(tre
, sampleTimes = sampleTimes
, res = res
, tau = tau
, tau_lower = tau_lower
, tau_upper = tau_upper
, tau_tol = tau_tol
, ncross = ncross
, ncpu = ncpu
, quiet = quiet
, NeStartTimeBeforePresent = NeStartTimeBeforePresent
, ne0 = ne0
, adapt_time_axis = adapt_time_axis
, model = model
, formula = NULL
, data = NULL
v <- all.vars( formula )
if ( !(v[1] %in% c('logNe', 'diffLogNe', 'diffDiffLogNe' ) )) {
stop( "Left hand side must be one of 'logNe', 'diffLogNe', or 'diffDiffLogNe' " )
responsevar = v[1]
data$logNe <- 1
data$diffLogNe <- 0
data$diff2LogNe <- 0
X0 <- as.data.frame( model.matrix( formula , data ) )
betanames <- colnames( X0 )#[-1] # not counting intercept?
ncovar = length( betanames )
X0 <- cbind( time = data$time
, X0 )
covar.df <- data.frame( time =fit0$time #[-c(1,length(fit0$time))]
, logNe = log(fit0$ne) #[-c(1,length(fit0$time))]
, diffLogNe = c( NA, diff( log ( fit0$ne )) )
, diffDiffLogNe = c( NA, diff( diff ( log ( fit0$ne ))), NA )
for ( bn in betanames ){
itime <- setdiff( order( X0$time ), which(is.na( X0[[bn]] )) )
covar.df[[bn]] <- approx( X0$time[itime] , X0[[bn]][itime], xout = covar.df$time,rule = 2)$y
covar.df <- covar.df[ order( covar.df$time) , ]
lmfit <- lm ( formula
, data = covar.df
beta0 <- coef(lmfit)
tau = fit0$tau
ne0 = fit0$ne
beta2zxb <- function( beta ){
if ( length( betanames ) > 1 ){
zedCrossBeta <- as.vector( as.matrix(covar.df[, betanames]) %*% beta )
} else{
zedCrossBeta <- covar.df[, betanames] * beta
zedCrossBeta # NOTE logne is in reverse order in optimizer but this is in forward order
dh <- sapply( 1:res, function(i) tredat$dh[ which(tredat$ne_bin==i)[1]] )
# estimate tau
tauof <- function(tau){
.mlskygrid_oos( tau, tredat, ne0, res =res, maxHeight = NeStartTimeBeforePresent, ncross = ncross, ncpu = ncpu,quiet=quiet,model=model)
if (is.null(tau) && res>=3){
message('Precision parameter *tau* not provided. Computing now....')
taustar <- optimize( tauof, lower = tau_lower, upper = tau_upper, maximum = TRUE , tol = tau_tol)
tau = taustar$maximum
message( paste( 'Precision parameter tau = ', tau ) )
#/estimate tau
lterms <- function(logne)
ne <- exp( logne )
sterms <- with(tredat, {
-intervalLength * ltt_terms / ne [ ne_bin ]
coterms <- with(tredat, {
nco * ( log( ltt_terms ) - logne[ ne_bin ] )
coterms[ is.na(coterms)] <- 0
coterms + sterms
of <- function( theta ){
if (ncovar == 0) b = NULL else b = tail( theta , ncovar )
logne = head( theta, length(theta) - ncovar )
lt = sum(lterms( logne))
.beta2zxb <- NULL
if ( ncovar > 0 ){
.beta2zxb = beta2zxb(b)
rp = roughness_penalty(logne, dh, tau, b=.beta2zxb, model=model, responsevar = responsevar )
lt + rp
theta0 <- log( ne )
if (ncovar > 0 ){
theta0 <- c( theta0, beta0 )
parscale = rep(1, length( theta0 ))
if ( ncovar > 0 ){
parscale = c( rep(1, length(ne)), abs(beta0) / abs(median(log(ne)) ) )
parscale[ parscale<=0 ] <- 1
optim( par = theta0, fn = of
, method = 'BFGS'
, control = list( trace = ifelse(quiet, 0, 1)
, fnscale = -1
, parscale = parscale
, hessian = F
) -> fit
# output
# note reverse axis
theta <- fit$par
# disabling Fisher approx CI's
#~ H <- -fit$hessian
#~ if ( ncovar > 0 )
#~ H <- solve( -fit$hessian[ !(rownames(fit$hessian)%in%betanames), !(rownames(fit$hessian)%in%betanames) ] )
#~ fi <- tryCatch( H, error = function(e) {
#~ warning('Hessian could not be computed. Will not compute CIs.')
#~ NA
#~ })
fi <- NA
fsigma <- if (!any(is.na(fi))) {
sqrt( diag( fi ) )
} else{
rep( NA, length( theta ) - ncovar )
logne = theta
beta = NULL
if ( ncovar > 0 ){
logne <- head( theta , length( theta ) - ncovar )
beta <- tail( theta, ncovar )
# reverse
fsigma_ne <- rev( fsigma )
logne <- rev( logne )
ne <- exp( logne )
nelb <- exp( logne - fsigma_ne*1.96 )
neub <- exp( logne + fsigma_ne*1.96 )
ne_ci <- cbind( nelb, ne, neub )
loglik = of ( fit$par ) - roughness_penalty ( fit$par,dh,tau,model=model, responsevar = responsevar )
mst = ifelse( is.null(sampleTimes), 0, max(sampleTimes) )
h2 <- -c( sort( -tredat$h[ tredat$type == 'neswitch' ] ) , 0)
time <- h2 - diff( c(max(tredat$h), h2) )/2
time <- mst - time
growthrate = c( diff( logne ) / diff( time ), NA )
rv <- list(
ne = ne
, ne_ci = ne_ci
, growthrate = growthrate
, tau = tau
, time = time
, tredat = tredat
, tre = tre
, sigma = fsigma_ne
, fsigma = fsigma
, optim = fit
, loglik = loglik
, lterms = lterms( theta )
, sampleTimes = sampleTimes
, beta = beta
, covar.df = covar.df
# other inputs:
, model = model
, res = res
, tau_tol = tau_tol
, ncross = ncross
, quiet = quiet
, NeStartTimeBeforePresent = NeStartTimeBeforePresent
, ne0 = ne0
, adapt_time_axis = adapt_time_axis
, formula = formula
, data = data
class(rv) <- 'mlskygrid'
#' Parametric bootstrap for Ne and regression coefficients.
#' This will simulate coalescent trees conditional on the provided mlesky estimate of Ne.
#' The model is refitted to each coalescent tree to provide an estimate of the standard error of Ne estimates over time.
#' @param fit mlesky fit
#' @param nrep Number of simulations
#' @param ncpu Number of CPUs
#' @param dd Whether or not to use dd simulation method. Default is false for ntip<=500 and true otherwise
#' @return A fitted mlesky model with updated confidence intervals for Ne and regression coefficients
#' @export
parboot <- function( fit, nrep = 200 , ncpu = 1, dd)
if (missing(dd)) {
if (Ntip(fit$tre)<=500) dd=F else dd=T
if ( fit$adapt_time_axis )
stop( 'parboot not supported with adapt_time_axis==TRUE' )
af <- approxfun( fit$time, fit$ne, rule = 2)
sts <- fit$sampleTimes
if ( is.null( fit$sampleTimes )){
sts <- ape::node.depth.edgelength( fit$tre )[ 1:ape::Ntip(fit$tre) ]
sts = sts-max(sts)
message('Simulating coalescent trees for parametric bootstrap: ')
res = pbmcapply::pbmclapply( 1:nrep, function(irep){
if (dd==T)
tr = ddSimCoal( sts, alphaFun = af, guessRootTime = min( c(min(sts), min(fit$time)) ) )
tr = simCoal( sts, alphaFun = af)
f1 <- mlskygrid( tr
, sampleTimes = sts
, res = fit$res
, tau = fit$tau
, tau_tol = fit$tau_tol
, ncross = fit$ncross
, quiet = fit$quiet
, NeStartTimeBeforePresent = fit$NeStartTimeBeforePresent
, ne0 = median( fit$ne ) #note
, adapt_time_axis = FALSE #note re-use time axis
, formula = fit$formula
, data = fit$data
, ncpu = 1 #note, 1 b/c not optimising res or tau
, model = fit$model
list( ne = f1$ne, beta = f1$beta, growthrate = f1$growthrate )
} , mc.cores = ncpu)
nemat <- do.call( cbind, lapply( res, '[[', 'ne' ) )
lognesd <- apply( log( nemat ), MARGIN=1, sd )
fit$ne_ci <- cbind(
nelb= exp( log(fit$ne) - 1.96 * lognesd )
, ne = fit$ne
, neub = exp( log(fit$ne) + 1.96 * lognesd )
#~ fit$ne_ci <- cbind(
#~ nelb= apply( nemat, MARGIN=1, function(x) quantile(x, prob=.025) )
#~ , ne = fit$ne
#~ , neub = apply( nemat, MARGIN=1, function(x) quantile(x, prob=.975) )
#~ )
grmat <- do.call( cbind, lapply( res, '[[', 'growthrate' ) )
grsd <- apply( grmat, MARGIN=1, sd )
fit$growthrate_ci <- cbind(
grlb= fit$growthrate - 1.96 * grsd
, gr = fit$growthrate
, grub = fit$growthrate + 1.96 * grsd
if ( !is.null( fit$beta ))
betamat <- do.call( cbind, lapply( res, '[[', 'beta' ) )
fit$beta_ci <- cbind(
betalb= apply( betamat, MARGIN = 1 , FUN=function(x) quantile(x, prob=.025 ) )
, beta = fit$beta
, betaub = apply( betamat, MARGIN = 1 , FUN=function(x) quantile(x, prob=.975 ) )
#' Bootstrap for Ne and regression coefficients
#' The trees provided to this function can be based on a non-parametric bootstrap such as produced by IQ-TREE or PhyML.
#' Confidence intervals for Ne are based on a normal approximation to the bootstrap distribution at each time point.
#' @param fit mlesky fitted object (mlskygrid class)
#' @param trees list of trees or ape::multiPhylo object
#' @param ncpu Number of CPUs to use for parallel computation
#' @return A list of fitted mlesky models (length equal to the number of trees provided) with confidence intervals for Ne and regression coefficients
#' @export
boot <- function( fit, trees, ncpu = 1) {
stopifnot(inherits(fit, 'mlskygrid'))
stopifnot(inherits(trees, c('multiPhylo','list')))
all_tips_equal = sapply(1:length(trees), function(x) identical(sort(fit$tre$tip.label), sort(trees[[x]]$tip.label)))
sts = fit$sampleTimes
if ( is.null( trees[[1]]$sampleTimes )){
sts = ape::node.depth.edgelength( trees[[1]] )[ 1:ape::Ntip(trees[[1]]) ]
names(sts) = fit$tre$tip.label
message('Calculating mlesky fits for the input trees:')
taxis <- fit$time
res = pbmcapply::pbmclapply( 1:length(trees), function(irep){
f1 <- mlskygrid( trees[[irep]], sampleTimes = sts, res = fit$res,
tau = fit$tau, tau_tol = fit$tau_tol , ncross = fit$ncross,
quiet = fit$quiet, NeStartTimeBeforePresent = fit$NeStartTimeBeforePresent ,
ne0 = median( fit$ne ), adapt_time_axis = FALSE, formula = fit$formula,
data = fit$data, ncpu = ncpu, model = fit$model )
af <- approxfun( f1$time, f1$ne, rule = 2)
afgr <- approxfun( f1$time, f1$growthrate , rule =2)
list(ne = af(taxis), beta = f1$beta, growthrate = afgr(taxis) )
}, mc.cores = ncpu)
nemat <- do.call( cbind, lapply( res, '[[', 'ne' ) )
grmat <- do.call( cbind, lapply( res, '[[', 'growthrate' ))
fit$ne_ci <- cbind(
nelb = unname( apply( nemat, 1, FUN = function(x) quantile(x, c(.025))) )
, ne = unname( apply( nemat, 1, FUN = function(x) quantile(x, c(.50))) )
, neub = unname( apply( nemat, 1, FUN = function(x) quantile(x, c(.975))) )
fit$growthrate_ci <- cbind(
grlb = unname( apply( grmat, 1, FUN = function(x) quantile(x, c(.025))) )
, gr = unname( apply( grmat, 1, FUN = function(x) quantile(x, c(.50))) )
, grub = unname( apply( grmat, 1, FUN = function(x) quantile(x, c(.975))) )
if ( !is.null( fit$beta ))
betamat <- do.call( cbind, lapply( res, '[[', 'beta' ) )
fit$beta_ci <- cbind(
betalb= apply( betamat, MARGIN = 1 , FUN=function(x) quantile(x, prob=.025 ) )
, beta = apply( betamat, MARGIN = 1 , FUN=function(x) quantile(x, prob=.50 ) )
, betaub = apply( betamat, MARGIN = 1 , FUN=function(x) quantile(x, prob=.975 ) )
.neplot <- function( fit, ggplot=TRUE, logy = TRUE , ... )
nemed <- nelb <- neub <- NULL
stopifnot(inherits(fit, "mlskygrid"))
if (length(fit$ne)==1) {#This is in case res=1
#if (!is.null(fit$sampleTimes)) {
# root_time <- max(fit$sampleTimes)-max(fit$tredat$h)
# fit$time <- fit$time - ( min(fit$time) - root_time )
ne <- fit$ne_ci
if ( 'ggplot2' %in% installed.packages()[,1] & ggplot)
pldf <- data.frame( t = fit$time, nelb = ne[,1], nemed = ne[,2], neub = ne[,3] )
pl <- ggplot2::ggplot( pldf, ggplot2::aes( x = t, y = nemed), ... ) + ggplot2::geom_line() + ggplot2::geom_ribbon( ggplot2::aes( ymin = nelb, ymax = neub), fill = 'blue', alpha = .2) + ggplot2::ylab('Effective population size') + ggplot2::xlab('Time before most recent sample')
if (logy) pl <- pl + ggplot2::scale_y_log10()
} else{
if (!hasArg('ylim')) ylim=range(ne[,1:3],na.rm=T) else ylim=list(...)$ylim
args=list(x=fit$time,y=ne[,2],ylim=ylim,lwd =2, col = 'black', type = 'l', xlab='Time', ylab='Effective population size')
if (logy) args=modifyList(args,list(log='y'))
lines( fit$time, ne[,1] , lty=3)
lines( fit$time, ne[,3] , lty=3)
.growthplot <- function( fit , ggplot=TRUE, logy=FALSE, ...)
stopifnot(inherits(fit, "mlskygrid"))
if ( 'ggplot2' %in% installed.packages() & ggplot)
pldf <- data.frame( t = dateLastSample+fit$time, gr = fit$growthrate)
pl <- ggplot2::ggplot( pldf, ggplot2::aes( x = t, y = gr), ... ) + ggplot2::geom_line() + ggplot2::ylab('Growth rate') + ggplot2::xlab('Time before most recent sample')
if (logy) pl <- pl + ggplot2::scale_y_log10()
} else{
if (logy)
plot( dateLastSample+fit$time, fit$growthrate, lwd =2, col = 'black', type = 'l', log='y', xlab='Time', ylab='Growth rate',...)
plot( dateLastSample+fit$time, fit$growthrate, lwd =2, col = 'black', type = 'l', xlab='Time', ylab='Growth rate', ...)
#' Plot mlskygrid
#' @param x A fitted object
#' @param growth If TRUE will plot estimated growth rate instead of Ne(t)
#' @param logy If TRUE, the plot is returned with logarithmic y-axis (default is TRUE for Ne plot and FALSE for growth plot)
#' @param ggplot If TRUE, returns a ggplot2 figure
#' @param ... Additional parameters are passed to ggplot or the base plotting function
#' @return Plotted object
#' @export
plot.mlskygrid <- function(x, growth=FALSE, ggplot=FALSE,logy, ... ){
if (growth) {
if (missing(logy)) logy=FALSE
return(.growthplot(x, ggplot, logy, ... ))
} else{
if (missing(logy)) logy=TRUE
return(.neplot(x, ggplot, logy, ... ))
#' Print fitted mlskygrid
#' @param x Fitted mlskygrid object
#' @param ... Additional parameters are passed on
#' @export
print.mlskygrid <- function( x,... ){
stopifnot(inherits(x, "mlskygrid"))
d <- as.data.frame( x$ne_ci )
d <- cbind( x$time, d )
if ( is.null ( x$sampleTimes )){
colnames( d ) <- c( 'Time before most recent sample', '2.5%', 'MLE', '97.5%' )
} else {
colnames( d ) <- c( 'Time', '2.5%', 'MLE', '97.5%' )
cat(paste( 'mlskygrid fit
Smoothing parameter tau =', x$tau, '\n\n'))
cat( 'Estimated Ne(t): \n')
print ( d,... )
invisible( x )
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