#' Support Vector Machine (SVM)
#' Perform recursive SVM for feature selection and classification. Uses \code{\link[e1071]{svm}} function.
#' Writes results to \code{"svm_sigfeatures.csv"} file.
#' R-SVM uses SVM (with linear kernel) to perform classification recursively
#' using different feature subsets. Features are selected based on their relative
#' contribution in the classification using cross validation error rates. 
#' The least important features are eliminated in the subsequent steps. 
#' This process creates a series of SVM models (levels). 
#' The features used by the best model are plotted. 
#' LOOCV: leave one out cross-validation.
#' @param dataSet List, data set object generated by \code{\link[MSdata]{MS_to_MA}} function.
#' @param analSet List, containing the results of statistical analysis (can be just an empty list).
#' @param cvType Type of cross-validation of: integer - N-fold-CV is used; 
#' \code{"LOO"} - leave-one-out CV (LOOCV); \code{"bootstrape"} - bootstrape CV
#' @return Native \code{analSet} with one added element \code{$svm} containing  
#' - standard \code{\link[randomForest]{randomForest}} function output
#' @seealso \code{\link[e1071]{svm}} for used statistical function\cr
#' \code{\link{PlotRSVM}} for plotting functions
#' @export

# recursive SVM for feature selection and classification
RSVM.Anal<-function(dataSet, analSet, cvType=10){

   ladder = CreateLadder(ncol(dataSet$norm));
   svm.out <- RSVM(dataSet$norm, dataSet$cls, ladder, CVtype=cvType);

   # calculate important features
   ERInd <- max( which(svm.out$Error == min(svm.out$Error)) )
   MinLevel <- svm.out$ladder[ERInd]
   FreqVec <- svm.out$SelFreq[, ERInd]
   SelInd <- which(rank(FreqVec) >= (svm.out$ladder[1]-MinLevel));
   FreqInd<-svm.out$SelFreq[SelInd, ERInd]

   #create a sig table for display
   sig.var<- rev(sort(FreqInd));
   sig.var<-as.matrix(sig.var); # 1-column matrix


   # add sorted features frequencies as importance indicator
   svm.out<-append(svm.out, list(sig.mat=sig.var, best.inx=ERInd));

#' Plot RSVM
#' Set of functions for plotting the results of recursive Support Vector Machine analysis.
#' @param dataSet List, data set object generated by \code{\link[MSdata]{MS_to_MA}} function.
#' @param analSet List, containing the results of statistical analysis (can be just an empty list). 
#' @param imgName Image file name prefix.
#' @param format Image format, one of: "png", "tiff", "pdf", "ps", "svg"
#' @param dpi Image resolution.
#' @param width Image width.
#' @seealso \code{\link{RSVM.Anal}} for analytical function
#' @name PlotRSVM

#' \code{PlotRSVM.Classification} - plot feature classification.
#' @rdname PlotRSVM

PlotRSVM.Classification<-function(dataSet, analSet, imgName="svm_cls_", format="png", dpi=72, width=NA){
    if (is.null(analSet$svm)) stop("Please, conduct RSVM.Anal first.")
    edge<-(max(res)-min(res))/100; # expand y uplimit for text
    imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
        w <- 8;
    }else if(width == 0){
        w <- 7;
        w <- width;
    h <- w*6/8;

    Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
    plot(res,type='l',xlab='Number of variables (levels)',ylab='Error Rate',
                ylim = c(min(res)-5*edge, max(res)+18*edge), axes=F,
                main="Recursive SVM classification")
    text(res,labels =paste(100*round(res,3),'%'), adj=c(-0.3, -0.5), srt=45, xpd=T)

    points(res, col=ifelse(1:length(res)==analSet$svm$best.inx,"red","blue"));
    axis(1, 1:length(res), names(res));

#' \code{PlotRSVM.VIP} - please note : features are ranked by their frequencies being selected in the best classifiers (only top 15 will be shown)
#' @rdname PlotRSVM

# if too many, plot top 15
PlotRSVM.Cmpd<-function(dataSet, analSet, imgName="svm_imp_", format="png", dpi=72, width=NA){
    if (is.null(analSet$svm)) stop("Please, conduct RSVM.Anal first.")
    imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
        w <- 8;
    }else if(width == 0){
        w <- 7;
        w <- width;
    h <- w*7/8;

    Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
    PlotImpVar(dataSet, data,"Frequency");

GetSigTable.SVM<-function(dataSet, analSet){
    GetSigTable(dataSet, analSet$svm$sig.mat, "Recursive SVM");

# significance measure, double[][]



### R-code for R-SVM
### use leave-one-out / Nfold or bootstrape to permute data for external CV
### build SVM model and use mean-balanced weight to sort genes on training set
### and recursive elimination of least important genes
### author: Dr. Xin Lu, Research Scientist
### Biostatistics Department, Harvard School of Public Health

## create a decreasing ladder for recursive feature elimination
CreateLadder <- function(Ntotal, Nmin=5 ){
    x <- vector()
    x[1] <- Ntotal
    # note SVM is very computationally intensive, large step first 
    # first descend with 0.5 -> 50 var left
    # then descend with 0.6 -> 25 var left
    # then desend with 0.75 -> 5 var

    for( i in 1:100 ){
            pRatio = 0.4
        }else if(x[i]>50){
            pRatio = 0.5
        }else if(x[i]>25){
            pRatio = 0.6
            pRatio = 0.75
        pp <- round(x[i] * pRatio)
        if( pp == x[i] ){
            pp <- pp-1
        if( pp >= Nmin ) {
            x[i+1] <- pp
        } else{

## R-SVM core code
## input:
##    x: row matrix of data
##    y: class label: 1 / -1 for 2 classes
##    CVtype:
##        integer: N fold CV
##        "LOO":    leave-one-out CV
##        "bootstrape": bootstrape CV
##    CVnum:   number of CVs
##        LOO: defined as sample size
##        Nfold and bootstrape:  user defined, default as sample size
## output: a named list
##    Error: a vector of CV error on each level
##    SelFreq: a matrix for the frequency of each gene being selected in each level
##             with each column corresponds to a level of selection
##             and each row for a gene
##          The top important gene in each level are those high-freqent ones
RSVM <- function(x, y, ladder, CVtype, CVnum=0 ){
	## check if y is binary response
    Ytype <- names(table(y))
    if( length(Ytype) != 2)
        print("ERROR!! RSVM can only deal with 2-class problem")

    ## class mean
    m1 <- apply(x[ which(y==Ytype[1]), ], 2, mean)
    m2 <- apply(x[ which(y==Ytype[2]), ], 2, mean)
    md <- m1-m2

    yy <- vector( length=length(y))
    yy[which(y==Ytype[1])] <- 1
    yy[which(y==Ytype[2])] <- -1
    y <- yy

    ## check ladder
    if( min(diff(ladder)) >= 0 )
        print("ERROR!! ladder must be monotonously decreasing")

    if( ladder[1] != ncol(x) )
        ladder <- c(ncol(x), ladder)

    nSample <- nrow(x)
    nGene   <- ncol(x)
    SampInd <- seq(1, nSample)

    if( CVtype == "LOO" )
        CVnum <- nSample
    } else
        if( CVnum == 0 )
            CVnum <- nSample

    ## vector for test error and number of tests
    ErrVec <- vector( length=length(ladder))
    names(ErrVec) <- as.character(ladder);
    nTests <- 0

    SelFreq <- matrix( 0, nrow=nGene, ncol=length(ladder))
    colnames(SelFreq) <- paste("Level", ladder);

    ## for each CV
    for( i in 1:CVnum )
        ## split data
        if( CVtype == "LOO" )
            TestInd <- i
            TrainInd <- SampInd[ -TestInd]
        } else {
            if( CVtype == "bootstrape" ) {
                TrainInd <- sample(SampInd, nSample, replace=T);
                TestInd <- SampInd[ which(!(SampInd %in% TrainInd ))];
            } else {
                ## Nfold
                TrainInd <- sample(SampInd, nSample*(CVtype-1)/CVtype);
                TestInd <- SampInd[ which(!(SampInd %in% TrainInd ))];

        nTests <- nTests + length(TestInd)

        ## in each level, train a SVM model and record test error
        xTrain <- x[TrainInd, ]
        yTrain <- y[TrainInd]

        xTest  <- x[TestInd,]
        yTest  <- y[TestInd]

        ## index of the genes used in the
        SelInd <- seq(1, nGene)
        for( gLevel in 1:length(ladder) )
            ## record the genes selected in this ladder
            SelFreq[SelInd, gLevel] <- SelFreq[SelInd, gLevel] +1

            ## train SVM model and test error
            ## note the scale is changed to T or it never returns sometime for unscaled data ###
            ## note: the classification performance is idenpendent of about scale is T/F  #####
            ## for "LOO", the test data should be as.data.frame, matrxi will trigger error #####
             svmres <- e1071::svm(xTrain[, SelInd], yTrain, scale=T, type="C-classification", kernel="linear" )
             if( CVtype == "LOO" ){
                 svmpred <- predict(svmres, as.data.frame(xTest[SelInd], nrow=1) )
                 svmpred <- predict(svmres, xTest[, SelInd] )
             ErrVec[gLevel] <- ErrVec[gLevel] + sum(svmpred != yTest )

            ## weight vector
             W <- t(svmres$coefs*yTrain[svmres$index]) %*% svmres$SV * md[SelInd]
             rkW <- rank(W)

             if( gLevel < length(ladder) ){
                SelInd <- SelInd[which(rkW > (ladder[gLevel] - ladder[gLevel+1]))]
    ret <- list(ladder=ladder, Error=ErrVec/nTests, SelFreq=SelFreq);
flajole/MApckg documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:16 p.m.