knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE)

This is an example for analyzing a time-course experiment.

Data preparation

Load in required libraries.


Before any analysis, we need to specify the ADAGE model and the data compendium we want to use.

model <- eADAGEmodel
compendium <- PAcompendium
probe_dist <- probedistribution

We first load in the dataset E-GEOD-52445. It is a high resolution time-series data of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1.

accession <- "E-GEOD-52445"
data_raw <- load_dataset(input = accession, isProcessed = FALSE,
                         isRNAseq = FALSE, model = model,
                         compendium = compendium,
                         quantile_ref = probe_dist,
                         download_folder = "./download", norm01 = FALSE)

ADAGE only accepts expression values in the (0,1) range. We linearly transform expression values to be between 0 and 1 using the Pa compendium as the reference.

data_normed <- zeroone_norm(input_data = data_raw, use_ref = TRUE,
                            ref_data = compendium)

To better understand the dataset, we query its sample information from ArrayExpress. Later we define sample phenotypes based on this query result.

pheno_table <- get_sample_info(accession)

We reorder samples in the pheno_table to have the same order as the expression data.

pheno_table <- pheno_table[match(colnames(data_raw)[-1],
                                 pheno_table$`Array Data File`), ]
DT::datatable(pheno_table[, 1:10], class = 'cell-border stripe')

ADAGE signature analysis

Activity calculation

We calculate the activity of each signature for each sample in the dataset.

data_activity <- calculate_activity(input_data = data_normed, model = model)

The returned data_activity is a data.frame with signature names in the first column and activity values per sample starting from the second column.

Most responsive signatures

For datasets with complex experimental design, it is helpful to first look at signatures that have the most dramatic activity changes across samples.

We first calculate the range of each signature's activity.

activity_range <- apply(data_activity[, -1], 1, function(x) diff(range(x)))
activity_range <- data.frame(signature = data_activity[, 1], activity_range,
                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Get the top 15 signatures with largest ranges.

large_range_sigs <- activity_range[order(activity_range$activity_range,
                                         decreasing = TRUE), "signature"][1:15]

Signatures that show dramatic changes across samples are:


View these signatures' activity changes in a heatmap.

plot_activity_heatmap(activity = data_activity, signatures = large_range_sigs)

As we can see in the heatmap, Node50pos, Node41pos, Node1neg, Node34pos, and Node28neg become more active when oxygen is depleted, indicating these signatures are related to anaerobic adaptation. On the other side, Node31pos, Node107pos, Node33neg, Node75pos, Node269pos become less active when oxygen is depleted, indicating that they capture biological processes that depend on oxygen. Node100pos, Node12neg, and Node69pos show an interesting activity pattern. Their activities increase with time. Node5pos and Node112pos do not show a clear pattern.

KEGG annotation

We can associate these signatures to known KEGG pathways to better understand them.

KEGG <- fetch_geneset(type = "KEGG")
# we only consider KEGG pathways with more than 5 genes and less than 100 genes
# as meaningful pathways
KEGG_subset <- KEGG[lengths(KEGG) >= 5 & lengths(KEGG) <= 100]
pathway_association <- annotate_signatures_with_genesets(
  selected_signatures = large_range_sigs, model = model, genesets = KEGG_subset)
knitr::kable(pathway_association, digits = 4, row.names = FALSE, align = "c")

From the KEGG annotation, we can see that Node100pos, Node12neg, and Node69pos are associated with sulfate-related metabolism; Node50pos, Node34pos, and Node28neg are associated with nitrogen related metabolism; Node31pos and Node33neg are associated with Type VI secretion system. Other signatures are uncharacterized by KEGG.

We calculate the activity of associated pathways inside active signatures. This help differentiate active vs. non-active pathways assoicated with active signatures.

pathway_activity <- signature_geneset_activity(
  signature_geneset_df = pathway_association[, c("signature", "geneset")],
  gene_set_list = KEGG_subset, model = model, input_data = data_normed)

From the heatmap, we can see that the pathway Cytochrome c oxidase has the strongest activity changes, while Type VI secretion system does not have an obvious temporal pattern.

Signature overlap

We next check the gene overlap between these signatures.

plot_signature_overlap creates a heatmap of odds ratios. The odds ratio represents the odds that two signatures share a specific number of genes.

plot_signature_overlap(selected_signatures = large_range_sigs, model = model)

Consistent with the KEGG annotation and the activity pattern, Node12neg, Node69pos, and Node100pos have some gene overlaps; Node50pos, Node28neg, Node34pos, and Node41pos have large gene overlaps; Node33neg, Node75pos have large gene overlaps; Node107pos, Node269pos, Node31pos have small gene overlaps.

Let's take the "Node12neg, Node69pos, and Node100pos" signature cluster as an example to calculate their marginal activities.

similar_sigs <- c("Node12neg", "Node69pos", "Node100pos")
marginal_activity <- calculate_marginal_activity(input_data = data_normed,
                                                 selected_signatures = similar_sigs,
                                                 model = model)

View these signatures' marginal activity changes in a heatmap.

plot_activity_heatmap(activity = marginal_activity)

From the heatmap we see that Node100pos and Node69pos still show a temporal pattern even after genes shared with each other or Node12neg have been removed. The temporal pattern of Node12neg becomes much weaker when Node100pos or Node69pos is removed. Therefore, among these three signatures we can safely drop Node12neg.

Gene-gene network

We can check how genes in these signatures cluster in the ADAGE gene-gene network.

visualize_gene_network(selected_signatures = large_range_sigs,
                       model = model, cor_cutoff = 0.5,
                       curated_pathways = KEGG)

Differential temporal pattern detection using limma

We can also use customized statistical tests on signature activities to identify signatures of interest. We apply the limma model for time-course experimental design here as an example (Chapter 9.6.2 in limma usersguide). This test helps us detect signatures with general differences in their temporal trends between the oxygen depletion and oxygen addition processes.

We first create a numeric vector representing time.

time_pheno <- as.numeric(gsub("\\D", "", pheno_table$`FactorValue [TIME]`))

We next create a treatment factor specifying the oxygen depletion vs oxygen addition treatment.

treat_pheno <- factor(pheno_table$`FactorValue [TREATMENT]`)
levels(treat_pheno) <- c("LowToHigh", "HighToLow")

Represent a time course with a cubic spline curve.

X <- splines::ns(time_pheno, df = 3)

Build a design matrix for limma and then fit a limma model.

design <- model.matrix(~treat_pheno*X)
fit <- limma::lmFit(data_activity[, -1], design)
fit <- limma::eBayes(fit)

Extract the top 15 most significant signatures from the limma fit result.

limma_result <- limma::topTable(fit, number = nrow(data_activity),
                       = "none")
limma_result$signature <- data_activity$signature
different_sigs <- limma_result[order(limma_result$F, decreasing = TRUE),

Signatures that show differences in temporal trends between oxygen depletion and oxygen addition are:

paste(different_sigs, collapse = ",")

View these signatures' activity changes in a heatmap.

plot_activity_heatmap(activity = data_activity, signatures = different_sigs)

This approach also identified Node34pos, Node28neg, Node50pos, Node41pos, Node75pos and some other signatures that do not show a large range of activity perturbations but show significant differences in their temporal patterns during the shift from high-to-low oxygen process and low-to-high oxygen process. We can use the same strategies above (KEGG annotations, signature overlap check, gene-gene network) to investigate these signatures.

greenelab/ADAGEpath documentation built on May 25, 2022, 7:11 a.m.