
#' Generate and calculate bootstrap means for all clusters
#' @param variants: data frame of variants with cluster assignments and VAF
#' of samples. Columns are c('cluster', 'sample1vaf', 'sample2vaf', ...,
#' 'sample1depth', 'sample2depth', ....). If possible, reduce input file to
#' only necessary columns. For unweighted resampling, columns will be assumed
#' to be VAF columns if not explicitly specified.
#' @param cluster.col.name: name of column containing cluster information. Must
#' be specified. Default: 'cluster'.
#' @param vaf.col.names: names of columns containing VAFs for each sample.
#' Default NULL. If weighted=FALSE and no VAF columns are specified, every
#' column except the cluster column will be treated as VAF columns.
#' @param depth.col.names: names of columns containing depth for each sample.
#' Default NULL. If weighted=TRUE, depth column names must all be specified.
#' @param vaf.in.percent: If TRUE, VAFs will be converted to proportions
#' between 0 and 1. Default TRUE.
#' @param num.boots: Number of times to resample. Default 1000.
#' @param bootstrap.model: specifies the statistical model used in bootstrap
#' resampling. Model can be normal, normal-truncated, beta, binomial,
#' beta-binomial, or non-parametric. Default: 'non-parametric'.
#' @param num.bernoulli.trials: the number of Bernoulli trials to perform when
#' using the beta-binomial model. For weighted analysis, cluster 'mean' depth
#' is the default. Otherwise, the user should specify what depth to use as a
#' numerical scalar or vector of depths for each cluster. If a scalar, that
#' value will be used for all clusters in all samples. If a vector, the length
#' must match the number of clusters times the number of samples.
#' @param weighted: If TRUE, weights variants proportionally to read count.
#' If TRUE, VAF and depth cluster columns must be specified. Default: FALSE.
#' @param zero.sample: The sample of zero vaf (to use to compare with other
#' clusters to determine if the cluster should be considered zero VAF, and
#' not included in the models)

#Last update: Steven Mason Foltz 2015-03-31
#Original by Ha X. Dang
#SMF added weighted parametric bootstrap functionality

generate.boot <- function(variants,

    #check that the model is not NULL
        stop("User must specify statistical model for parametric bootstrap resampling. Model can be 'normal', 'normal-truncated', 'beta', 'binomial', 'beta-binomial', or 'non-parametric'.\n")
    if(!(bootstrap.model %in% c("normal","normal-truncated", "beta", "binomial",
      "beta-binomial", "non-parametric"))){
        stop("User must specify statistical model for parametric bootstrap resampling. Model can be 'normal', 'normal-truncated', 'beta', 'binomial', 'beta-binomial', or 'non-parametric'.\n")

    #check that the weighted parameter is logical
        stop("'weighted' parameter must be TRUE or FALSE. Default is FALSE.\n")

    #check the cluster input variable
        stop("Input error: cluster column name cannot be null.\n")
    if(!(cluster.col.name %in% colnames(variants))){
        stop("Input error: cluster column name does not appear in variants file.\n")

    #check VAF, and count column specifications
    if(!is.null(vaf.col.names) | !is.null(depth.col.names)){
        #checks that input column names appear in variants file.
        if(!is.null(vaf.col.names) & !all(vaf.col.names %in%
            stop("Input error: not all specified VAF column names appear in variants file.\n")
        if(weighted & !is.null(depth.col.names) & !all(depth.col.names %in%
            stop("Input error: not all specified depth column names appear in variants file.\n")

    #assigns names to vaf.col.names as needed
        if(is.null(vaf.col.names) | is.null(depth.col.names)){
            stop("Input error: for weighted resampling, please specify all VAF and depth column names.\n")
        #check that VAF and depth column names are same length if depth not null
        if(length(vaf.col.names) != length(depth.col.names)){
            stop("Input error: different number of VAF and depth columns.\n")
        if(any(vaf.col.names %in% depth.col.names)){
            stop("Input error: one or more VAF and depth column names overlap.\n")
    else{ #not weighted
            vaf.col.names = setdiff(colnames(variants),cluster.col.name)
            cat("Note: VAF columns assumed to be every column except specified cluster. If depth columns were specified, they were ignored.\n")

    if (any(is.na(variants[, vaf.col.names]))){
        stop('ERROR: Some variants have VAF = NA in some samples. Remove them!')

    #if no cluster or no sample provided, return NULL
    clusters = unique(variants[[cluster.col.name]])
    num.clusters = length(clusters)
    num.samples = length(vaf.col.names)
    if (num.samples == 0 || num.clusters == 0){return(NULL)}
    if (vaf.in.percent){
        variants[,vaf.col.names] = variants[,vaf.col.names]/100.00
        cat("Note: all VAFs were divided by 100 to convert from percentage to proportion.\n")

    #for beta-binomial, make sure num.bernoulli trials is okay
            if(length(num.bernoulli.trials) > 1){
                      #good to go
                      cat("Using given depths for beta-binomial model.\n")
                   else{stop("Beta-binomial: incorrect number of depths.")}
                else{stop("Beta-binomial: depths not numeric.")}
                    cat("Using scalar depth for all clusters and samples for beta-binomial model.\n")
                else if(is.character(num.bernoulli.trials)){
                       cat("Using cluster mean depth for beta-binomial model.\n")
                    else{ #something wrong
                        stop("Beta-binomial:  User should specify either 'mean' for the number of Bernoulli trials or a numeric scalar vector of depths corresponding to each cluster in each sample.\n")
                else{ #something wrong
                    stop("Beta-binomial:  User should specify either 'mean' for the number of Bernoulli trials or a numeric scalar or vector of depths corresponding to each cluster in each sample.\n")
        else{ #unweighted
            if(is.numeric(num.bernoulli.trials) &
                   #good to go
                   print("Using given depths for beta-binomial model.\n")
            else if(is.numeric(num.bernoulli.trials) &
                cat("Using scalar depth for all clusters and samples for beta-binomial model.\n")
            else{ #something wrong
                stop("Beta-binomial: In unweighted analysis, user should specify a numeric scalar or vector of depths corresponding to each cluster in each sample.\n")

    # check if all VAF are in range [0,1] after scaled. This code will
    # produce error if there is an NA (current fix added above to produce
    # error if there exists NA VAF)
    if(any(variants[,vaf.col.names] < 0 | variants[,vaf.col.names] > 1)){
        stop("Input error: some VAFs not between 0 and 1.\n")

    #define mean.vaf.test function
    mean.vaf.test <- function(variants,mean.vaf0=0,bootstrap.model,p=.05,
            pval = t.test(variants,mu=mean.vaf0)$p.value
        #could not find test for other models that were satisfactory
        #binom.test is for only one binomial random variable, not many
        #beta-binomial bb.test in ibb package seems to be for group comparisons
        #truncated normal could do fine with t.test but not sure
        #beta test not found
        else{ #do non-parametric Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon signed rank test
            pval = wilcox.test(variants, alternative="greater",mu=mean.vaf0,
        return(pval>p) #if true, produce zero vector for means

    cat(paste0('Generating ',bootstrap.model,' boostrap samples...\n'))
    boot.means = NULL

    #make separate data frame for each cluster
    v = list()
    for (cl in clusters){
        v1 = variants[variants[[cluster.col.name]]==cl, c(vaf.col.names,
        if (length(c(vaf.col.names, depth.col.names)) == 1){#single sample, no depth
            v1 = data.frame(vaf=v1); colnames(v1) = vaf.col.names
        v[[as.character(cl)]] = v1

    # generate bootstrap samples for each cluster, each sample
    num.variants.per.cluster = table(variants[[cluster.col.name]])

    boot.means = list()
    clusters = as.character(clusters)
    zeros = c()
    for (col.name in 1:length(vaf.col.names)){
        vaf.col.name = vaf.col.names[col.name]
        #cat('Booting sample: ', vaf.col.name, '\n')
        sample.boot.means = matrix(NA, nrow=num.boots, ncol=num.clusters)
        colnames(sample.boot.means) = clusters
        rownames(sample.boot.means) = seq(1, num.boots)

        for (cl in clusters){
            boot.size = num.variants.per.cluster[cl]
            vafs = v[[cl]][[vaf.col.name]]

            # learn zero samples from data,
            # if a cluster has median VAF = 0, consider
            # it as a sample generated from true VAF = 0
            if (median(vafs)==0){zeros = c(zeros, vafs)}

            #find the mean and standard deviation of the cluster
            #mean and sd are used as parameters in bootstrapping
            if(weighted){ #weighted sum and sd
                depth.col.name = depth.col.names[col.name]
                depth = v[[cl]][[depth.col.name]]
                this.mean = (1/sum(depth))*sum(vafs*depth)
                this.sd = sqrt((sum(depth)/(sum(depth)^2-sum(depth^2)))*
            else{ #not weighted
                depth = rep(1,boot.size)
                this.mean = mean(vafs)
                this.sd = sd(vafs)

            #uses normal - could produce values below 0 or above 1 (bad)
            if(bootstrap.model == "normal"){
                for (b in 1:num.boots){
                    #use mean and standard deviation as normal MLEs
                    s.mean = mean(rnorm(n=boot.size,mean=this.mean,sd=this.sd))
                    sample.boot.means[b,cl] = s.mean

            #uses zero-one truncated Normal distribution
            else if(bootstrap.model == "normal-truncated"){
                library(truncnorm) #use truncnorm library
                for (b2 in 1:num.boots){ #b2 since b in rtruncnorm()
                    #use mean and standard deviation as normal MLEs
                    s.mean = mean(rtruncnorm(n=boot.size,a=0,b=1,mean=this.mean,
                    sample.boot.means[b2,cl] = s.mean

            else if(bootstrap.model == "beta"){
                #use mean and sd to calculate alpha and beta (method of moments)
                m = this.mean; var = this.sd^2
                alphahat = m*((m-m*m)/var-1); betahat = (1-m)*((m-m*m)/var-1)
                for(b in 1:num.boots){
                    s.mean = mean(rbeta(n=boot.size, shape1=alphahat,
                    sample.boot.means[b,cl] = s.mean

            else if(bootstrap.model == "binomial"){
                #use mean to define probability of success in 1 bernoulli trials
                #nbt is number of bernoulli trials
                for(b in 1:num.boots){
                    s.mean = mean(rbinom(n=boot.size,size=nbt,prob=this.mean))
                    sample.boot.means[b,cl] = s.mean/nbt

            else if(bootstrap.model == "beta-binomial"){
                #binomial with probability drawn from a beta distribution
                #use moments 1 and 2 to calculate alpha and beta

                #set up the number of bernoulli trials
                if(length(num.bernoulli.trials) > 1){ #weighted or unweighted
                    #if length > 1, user must have specified depths
                    #could one scalar value repeated or a vector of values
                    #do col.name*which(clusters==cl) to get at that sample's
                    #cluster depth
                    nbt = num.bernoulli.trials[col.name*which(clusters==cl)]
                else if(weighted & num.bernoulli.trials=="mean"){ #weighted only
                    nbt = round(mean(depth))
                else{#strange if error not caught earlier
                    stop("Beta-binomial:  User should specify either 'mean' for the number of Bernoulli trials or a numeric scalar or vector of depths corresponding to each cluster in each sample.\n")

                #multiply VAFs by nbt and round to get whole number of counts
                vafn <- round(vafs*nbt)
                #calculate first moment
                m1 <- (1/length(vafn))*sum(vafn)
                #calculate second moment
                m2 <- (1/length(vafn))*sum(vafn^2)
                #method of moments estimate of alpha and beta
                alphahat <- (nbt*m1-m2)/(nbt*(m2/m1-m1-1)+m1)
                betahat <- (nbt-m1)*(nbt-m2/m1)/(nbt*(m2/m1-m1-1)+m1)

                #if the parameters or data make fit impossible
                if((alphahat < 0 | betahat < 0) & median(vafs)==0 &
                    #test these four conditions:
                    #if alphahat or betahat < 0: underdispersed
                    #if median(vafs)==0 and mean.vaf.test==TRUE: zero cluster
                    cat(paste0("Warning: Cluster ",cl," may be underdispersed in ",vaf.col.names[col.name]," and is a zero mean cluster. Returning vector of 0 means for this cluster.\n"))
                    sample.boot.means[,cl] <- rep(0,num.boots)
                else if(alphahat < 0 | betahat < 0){
                    stop(paste0("Warning: Cluster ",cl," may be underdispersed in ",vaf.col.names[col.name]," but has non-zero median VAF. Program breaking without going on. Consider fitting a model with lower variance.\n"))
                else{ #beta-binomial model should fit fine
                    for(b in 1:num.boots){
                        #generate different probability for every set of trials
                        beta.probs = rbeta(n=boot.size,shape1=alphahat,
                        #get mean from set of trials
                        s.mean = mean(rbinom(n=boot.size,size=nbt,
                        #divide by the number of trials in each set to normalize
                        sample.boot.means[b,cl] = s.mean/nbt

            else { #if(bootstrap.model == "non-parametric"){
                #cat('Booting cluster: ', cl, 'boot.size=', boot.size, '\n')
                for (b in 1:num.boots){
                    #let higher depth increase chance of being drawn
                    # hdng: allow mean or median for non-parametric
                    # TODO: allow this for all other models
                    if (cluster.center.method == 'mean'){
                        s.mean = mean(sample(v[[cl]][[vaf.col.name]], boot.size,
                          replace=TRUE, prob=depth))
                    }else if (cluster.center.method == 'median'){
                        s.mean = median(sample(v[[cl]][[vaf.col.name]], boot.size,
                          replace=TRUE, prob=depth))

                    sample.boot.means[b, cl] = s.mean
    boot.means[[vaf.col.name]] = sample.boot.means

    #generate bootstrap means for zero sample
    if (is.null(zero.sample)){
        zero.sample = zeros

    if (length(zero.sample) > 0){
        zero.sample.boot.means = rep(NA, num.boots)
        zero.sample.boot.size = length(zero.sample)
        for (b in 1:num.boots){
            s.mean = mean(sample(zero.sample, zero.sample.boot.size,
            zero.sample.boot.means[b] = s.mean
        boot.means$zero.means = zero.sample.boot.means
hdng/clonevol documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:19 p.m.