
Defines functions create_monocle_cds

Documented in create_monocle_cds

#'Create a monocle CellDataSet object from a directory of cellranger-aligned 10X Genomics scRNAseq data 
#' @description create_monocle_cds() creates a monocle CellDataSet object from a directory of 10X Genomics scRNAseq data
#' created using the cellranger pipeline. Includes options to determine which barcodes are cells vs non-cells
#' in the original raw matrix.
#' @param cellranger_outs_path the path to the "outs" directory in the cellranger library folder e.g.
#' "/mycellranger_library/outs"
#' @param which_matrix must be "raw" or "filtered" to specify the raw or filtered matrix to load respectively.
#' @param cellranger_v3 logical; if cellranger version 3 and above was used to produced matrices.
#' @param UMI_cutoff numeric; a single cutoff of total UMI counts per cell to use for determining cells (i.e. 
#' all barcodes with total UMI counts above this cutoff will be included in the expression matrix); defaults 
#' to NULL
#' @param testDrops logical; whether to use the testDrops function to determine which barcodes are cells (and
#' therefore included in the expression matrix)
#' @param lower_UMI_threshold numeric; parameter for the testDrops function. All barcodes with total UMI counts
#' below this value are considered empty droplets (i.e. not cells)
#' @param upper_UMI_threshold numeric; parameter for the testDrops function. All barcodes with total UMI counts
#' above this value are considered cells
#' @param FDR numeric; parameter for the testDrops function. FDR value to use in the testDrops function when
#' statistically determining cells vs non-cells
#' @param cell_barcodes a vector of barcodes to use for creating the expression matrix (all barcodes specified
#' by cell_barcodes are assumed to be cells)
#' @keywords create_monocle_cds
#' @export
#' @return a monocle CellDataSet object
#' @examples
#' dat <- create_monocle_cds(cellranger_outs_path, cellranger_filter= F, UMI_cutoff=NULL, testDrops=T,
#' lower_UMI_threshold=100, upper_UMI_threshold=500, FDR=0.01, cell_barcodes=NULL)

create_monocle_cds <- function(cellranger_outs_path, cellranger_v3 = T,  which_matrix="raw", UMI_cutoff=NULL, testDrops=F,
                               lower_UMI_threshold=100, upper_UMI_threshold=500, FDR=0.01, cell_barcodes=NULL) {
    file_names <- list.files(cellranger_outs_path, recursive = T)
    if(which_matrix == "filtered") {
      matrix_path <- file_names[grep("filtered.*matrix.mtx" ,file_names)]
      barcodes_path <- file_names[grep("filtered.*barcodes.tsv" ,file_names)]
      if(cellranger_v3 == T) { genes_path <- file_names[grep("filtered.*features.tsv" ,file_names)] 
        } else { genes_path <- file_names[grep("filtered.*genes.tsv" ,file_names)] }
    } else { 
      if(which_matrix == "raw") {
      matrix_path <- file_names[grep("raw.*matrix.mtx" ,file_names)]
      barcodes_path <- file_names[grep("raw.*barcodes.tsv" ,file_names)]
      if(cellranger_v3 == T) { genes_path <- file_names[grep("raw.*features.tsv" ,file_names)] 
        } else { genes_path <- file_names[grep("raw.*genes.tsv" ,file_names)] 
      } else { message("Need to specify 'raw' or 'filtered' in which_matrix parameter") }
    #Read in matrix
    mtx <- Matrix::readMM(paste0(cellranger_outs_path, "/",matrix_path))
    #Append barcodes
    mtx_barcodes <- read.delim(paste0(cellranger_outs_path, "/",barcodes_path), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, sep = "\t", header = FALSE)
    colnames(mtx_barcodes) <- c("barcode")
    rownames(mtx_barcodes) <- mtx_barcodes$barcode
    colnames(mtx) <- mtx_barcodes$barcode
    #Read in genes/features
    mtx_genes <- read.delim(paste0(cellranger_outs_path, "/",genes_path), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, sep = "\t", header = FALSE)
    #Add colnames for fData
    if(cellranger_v3 == T) {  colnames(mtx_genes) <- c("id","gene_short_name", "feature_type")
    } else { 
      colnames(mtx_genes) <- c("id","gene_short_name") 
    rownames(mtx_genes) <- mtx_genes$id
    rownames(mtx) <- mtx_genes$id
  #Create monocle cds
  cds <- monocle::newCellDataSet(cellData=as(mtx, "sparseMatrix"),
  #Apply single cutoff
  if(is.null(UMI_cutoff) == F) {
    #Compute UMI totals for each cell
    UMI_count <- as.data.frame(Matrix::colSums(mtx))
    colnames(UMI_count) <- c("UMI_count")
    rownames(UMI_count) <- mtx_barcodes[,1]
    cutoff_barcodes <- rownames(UMI_count[UMI_count$UMI_count >= UMI_cutoff, , drop=F])
    cds <- cds[,cutoff_barcodes]
  } else { cds <- cds }
  #Determine cells with testDrops function
  if(testDrops==T) {
    mtx_split<- split_aggr_mtx(mtx)
    testDrops_res <- lapply(mtx_split, testDrops, lower_UMI_threshold=lower_UMI_threshold,
                            upper_UMI_threshold=upper_UMI_threshold, test.ambient=F, FDR=FDR)
    cell_drops<- c(unlist(lapply(sample_drops, function(x) {x$cell_barcodes})))
    cds <- cds[,cell_drops]
  } else { cds <- cds}
  #Select cell barcodes
  if(is.null(cell_barcodes) == F) {
    cds <- cds[,cell_barcodes]
  } else {cds <- cds}
jacobheng/cellwrangler documentation built on Aug. 12, 2019, 6:49 a.m.