

Download data

This vignette uses the same data as "mca_marker_selection.Rmd". Please check it to download the data.

Load data

Here, function dataPath contains path to the downloaded files with data. You need to adjust it to your folder:

marker_path <- "../markers/"
dataPath <- function(...) file.path("~/mh/Data/MCA/lung/", ...)

readTxtMtx <- function(path) {
  suppressWarnings(cm <- data.table::fread(path))
  cm <- as.matrix(cm[, 2:ncol(cm)], rownames=cm$V1) %>% as("dgCMatrix")
cms <- list.files(dataPath(), pattern="*.txt", full.names=T) %>% lapply(readTxtMtx)

cm_merged <- conos:::mergeCountMatrices(cms)
cell_info <- read.csv(dataPath("MCA_CellAssignments.csv"))

cluster_ids <- cell_info %$% setNames(gsub("Lung_", "", ClusterID),
annotation <- cell_info %$% setNames(Annotation, %>% .[colnames(cm_merged)] %>% 
  droplevels() %>% gsub("[(]Lung[)]", "", .) %>% gsub("−", "-", .) %>% 
  setNames(colnames(cm_merged)) %>% .[!]

We simplify annotation a bit for the demonstration purpose:

annotation_map <- c(
  `AT2 Cell`="AT2",
  `AT1 Cell`="AT1",
  `Alveolar bipotent progenitor`="AT2",
  `Ig−producing B cell`="B cells",
  `B Cell`="B cells",
  `Ciliated cell`="Ciliated cells",
  `Clara Cell`="Ciliated cells",
  `Dividing cells`="Ciliated cells",
  `Endothelial cell_Tmem100 high`="Endothelial",
  `Endothelial cells_Vwf high`="Endothelial",
  `Endothelial cell_Kdr high`="Endothelial",
  `Stromal cell_Inmt high`="Fibroblasts",
  `Stromal cell_Dcn high`="Fibroblasts",
  `Stromal cell_Acta2 high`="Fibroblasts",
  `Neutrophil granulocyte`="Granulocytes",
  `Eosinophil granulocyte`="Granulocytes",
  `Conventional dendritic cell_H2-M2 high`="H2-M2 DCs",
  `Dendritic cell_Naaa high`="Naaa DCs",
  `Dividing dendritic cells`="Naaa DCs",
  `Conventional dendritic cell_Tubb5 high`="Mgl2 DCs",
  `Conventional dendritic cell_Gngt2 high`="Plasmacytoid DCs",
  `Plasmacytoid dendritic cell`="Plasmacytoid DCs",
  `Conventional dendritic cell_Mgl2 high`="Mgl2 DCs",
  `Alveolar macrophage_Ear2 high`="Alveolar macrophage",
  `Alveolar macrophage_Pclaf high`="Alveolar macrophage",
  `NK Cell`="Natural killer cells",
  `T Cell_Cd8b1 high`="T cells",
  `Dividing T cells`="T cells",
  `Nuocyte`="T cells"

annotation[annotation %in% names(annotation_map)] <-  annotation_map[annotation[annotation %in% names(annotation_map)]]
p2 <- basicP2proc(cm_merged[, names(annotation)], n.cores=10, get.largevis=F, make.geneknn=F)
p2$getKnnClusters(type="PCA",, resolution=6, n.iterations=10, name="leiden")

Original annotation:

  conos::embeddingPlot(p2$embeddings$PCA$tSNE, groups=annotation, font.size=c(3, 5)),
  conos::embeddingPlot(p2$embeddings$PCA$tSNE, groups=p2$clusters$PCA$leiden, font.size=c(3, 5)),


cm_norm <- Matrix::t(p2$misc$rawCounts) %>% normalizeTfIdfWithFeatures()
marker_list <- parseMarkerFile(marker_path)

Let's do some distortion of markers to introduce problems to the annotation:

marker_list$AT1 <- NULL # Remove whole subtype
marker_list$AT2$expressed %<>% setdiff("Sfta2") # Remove one of the positive markers
marker_list$`Interstitial macrophage`$not_expressed %<>% c("Mgl2") # Wrong negative marker

And run classification:

clf_data <- getClassificationData(cm_norm, marker_list, prenormalized=T)
ann_by_level <- assignCellsByScores(p2$graphs$PCA, clf_data, clusters=p2$clusters$PCA$leiden)

Results contain to types of annotation:

It's usefult to plot both:

plotAnnotationByLevels(p2$embeddings$PCA$tSNE, ann_by_level$annotation, size=0.2, 
                       font.size=c(2, 4), shuffle.colors=T)

plotAnnotationByLevels(p2$embeddings$PCA$tSNE, ann_by_level$annotation.filt, size=0.2, 
                       font.size=c(2, 4), shuffle.colors=T)

So we see that though most cell types (with exception of AT1) are classified correctly, annotation for some of them should be improved. To understand the reason we need to perform QC.

Three types of uncertainty

There are three types of uncertainty we can distinguish:

  1. Low coverage with positive markers
  2. High expression of negative markers for all types
  3. Conflicting positive markers

Either of these problems is enough to missclassify a cell. So we can plot these metric per cell:

score_info <- getMarkerScoreInfo(clf_data)
unc_info <- scoreCellUncertaintyPerLevel(ann_by_level, score_info)
plotUncertaintyPerCell(p2$embeddings$PCA$tSNE, unc_info$l1, size=0.3)

Or per cluster:

unc_per_clust <- scoreClusterUncertaintyPerLevel(unc_info, p2$clusters$PCA$leiden)
plotUncertaintyPerClust(unc_per_clust$l1, p2$clusters$PCA$leiden, annotation=ann_by_level$annotation$l1)

Indeed, we can do it per cell type:

unc_per_clust <- scoreClusterUncertaintyPerLevel(unc_info, ann_by_level$annotation$l1)
plotUncertaintyPerClust(unc_per_clust$l1, ann_by_level$annotation$l1, n.col=3, text.angle=60)

More detailed QC

To get a bit more information about problem of conflicting positive markers we can plot assignment confusion heatmap:

plotAssignmentConfusion(ann_by_level$scores$l1, annotation=ann_by_level$annotation$l1)

Or, to get more information, we can go it per cluster:

plotAssignmentConfusion(ann_by_level$scores$l1, annotation=ann_by_level$annotation$l1, clusters=p2$clusters$PCA$leiden)

Here we can see several important facts:

  1. Monocyte progenitor cells are completely missed, and there is even no single cluster corresponding to them
  2. Interstitial macrophages conflicts with AT2 cells
  3. Granulocytes and basophils conflicts with Mgl2 DCs

Even more verbose version of this heatmap is plotting assignment score per cell:

plotAssignmentScores(p2$embeddings$PCA$tSNE, ann_by_level$scores$l1, clf_data$classification.tree, size=0.1)

On this plot we can see that type "Monocyte progenitor cells" indeed label proper cells, but they're not assigned properly because clustering resolution is too low.

Finally, the most comprehensive representation of the markers is plotting expression of the each marker. It also can be done per cell type, per cluster or per cell.

Per cell type:

plotMarkerListViolinMap(p2$counts, annotation=ann_by_level$annotation$l1, text.angle=60, 
                        gene.order=T, marker.list=clf_data$marker.list)

To plot arbitrary set of markers, check plotExpressionViolinMap function

Markers per cell:

plotSubtypeMarkers(p2$embeddings$PCA$tSNE, p2$counts, marker.list=clf_data$marker.list, size=0.2, 
                   font.size=c(2, 4), shuffle.colors=T, build.panel=T, n.col=4)

To plot arbitrary set of markers, check plotGeneExpression function

Fixing QC problems

Now it's time to combine all obtained knowledge and to improve quality of annotation. Here we'll be adding markers by modifying marker.list, but normally you should change the markup file and reload it to get the new marker list.

First of all, let's increase clustering resolution:

p2$getKnnClusters(type="PCA",, resolution=10, n.iterations=10, name="leiden")

  conos::embeddingPlot(p2$embeddings$PCA$tSNE, groups=annotation, font.size=c(3, 5)),
  conos::embeddingPlot(p2$embeddings$PCA$tSNE, groups=p2$clusters$PCA$leiden, font.size=c(3, 5)),

Now we need to add some more positive markers for AT2 cluster. Fortunately, there are plenty in the paper (see Fig. S4B)

c("Wfdc2", "Sfta2", "Sftpb", "Sftpc", "Bex4", "Sftpd", "Sftpa1") %>% 
  plotGeneExpression(p2$embeddings$PCA$tSNE, p2$counts, size=0.1)

And here only Bex4 was used:


So, let's add Sfta2 and Wfdc2. Though, as Wfdc2 also covers Ciliated cells we need to add some negative markers to discriminate them:

clf_data$marker.list$`Ciliated cells`$expressed %>% 
  plotGeneExpression(p2$embeddings$PCA$tSNE, p2$counts, size=0.1)
clf_data$marker.list$AT2$expressed %<>% union(c("Sfta2", "Wfdc2"))
clf_data$marker.list$AT2$not_expressed %<>% union(clf_data$marker.list$`Ciliated cells`$expressed)

We also know that Interstitial macrophage markers are expressed in AT2 cluster. Let's add negative marker there as well:

clf_data$marker.list$`Interstitial macrophage`$not_expressed %<>% union("Sfta2")

Finally, we remember that Interstitial macrophages had high uncertainty by negative markers. Let's plot their markers and check:

clf_data$marker.list$`Interstitial macrophage`$not_expressed %>% 
  plotGeneExpression(p2$embeddings$PCA$tSNE, p2$counts, size=0.1, n.col=3)

We can see that Mgl2 is indeed expressed in Interstitial macrophages, so it shouldn't be used as a negative marker:

clf_data$marker.list$`Interstitial macrophage`$not_expressed %<>% setdiff("Mgl2")

Now let's re-anntate the data with the adjusted markers:

ann_by_level <- assignCellsByScores(p2$graphs$PCA, clf_data, clusters=p2$clusters$PCA$leiden)
plotAnnotationByLevels(p2$embeddings$PCA$tSNE, ann_by_level$annotation, size=0.2, 
                       font.size=c(2, 4), shuffle.colors=T)

plotAnnotationByLevels(p2$embeddings$PCA$tSNE, ann_by_level$annotation.filt, size=0.2, 
                       font.size=c(2, 4), shuffle.colors=T)

We still see that one cluster is not annotated. Let's run differential expression on these cells:

unknown_clust <- p2$clusters$PCA$leiden %>% names() %>% split(p2$clusters$PCA$leiden) %>% 
  sapply(function(cbs) mean($annotation.filt$l1[cbs]))) %>% 
  which.max() %>% names()

de_genes <- p2$getDifferentialGenes(type="PCA", clusterType="leiden", append.auc=T)[[unknown_clust]]
de_genes_f <- de_genes %>% filter(AUC > 0.75) %>% arrange(-Specificity)
de_genes_f$Gene[1:5] %>% 
  plotGeneExpression(p2$embeddings$PCA$tSNE, p2$counts, size=0.1)

Now we can query these genes using SCfind tool on Tabula Muris dataset. Indeed, we could run it straight on Mouse Cell Atlas, but it would be cheating.

Using query "Igfbp2 and Spock2 and Pdpn" shows that it's "Lung.type I pneumocyte".

And it's exactly Alveolar Type I, which we removed distorting the data. So, let's add it:

clf_data$marker.list %<>% c(emptyMarkerList("AT1", parent="root"))
clf_data$marker.list$AT1$expressed %<>% union(c("Igfbp2", "Spock2"))
clf_data$classification.tree <- createClassificationTree(clf_data$marker.list)

Let's re-run annotation again:

ann_by_level <- assignCellsByScores(p2$graphs$PCA, clf_data, clusters=p2$clusters$PCA$leiden)
plotAnnotationByLevels(p2$embeddings$PCA$tSNE, ann_by_level$annotation, size=0.2, 
                       font.size=c(2, 4), shuffle.colors=T)

plotAnnotationByLevels(p2$embeddings$PCA$tSNE, ann_by_level$annotation.filt, size=0.2, 
                       font.size=c(2, 4), shuffle.colors=T)

And now it works! Still, it's nice to plot uncertainty per cell to double-check:

score_info <- getMarkerScoreInfo(clf_data)
unc_info <- scoreCellUncertaintyPerLevel(ann_by_level, score_info)
plotUncertaintyPerCell(p2$embeddings$PCA$tSNE, unc_info$l1, size=0.3)

We see that whole marker coverage is shallow, and adding more marker genes per type would be nice, but even this is enough for correct annotation.

khodosevichlab/CellAnnotatoR documentation built on June 29, 2022, 9:12 p.m.