
Defines functions gust check.gene.mut make.prediction reformat correct.small.sample.bias append.info compute.fitch.stats check.gene.consv.all compute.spatial.stats compute.selection.stats get.opt.genes condense.type get.exp compute.selection prob.joint.indel prob.joint prob organize.obs parse.aggregated.mut find.outliers initialize.gust

Documented in append.info check.gene.consv.all check.gene.mut compute.fitch.stats compute.selection compute.selection.stats compute.spatial.stats condense.type correct.small.sample.bias find.outliers get.exp get.opt.genes gust initialize.gust make.prediction organize.obs parse.aggregated.mut prob prob.joint prob.joint.indel reformat

#' Prepare data for GUST classification
#' return a list of data frames, containing fitch rates of protein positions.
#' @examples initialize.gust();
initialize.gust <- function() {
	cat('initializing ...\n'); flush.console();
	fitch.block <- list();
	for(k in 1:10) {
		fitch.block.name <- paste('fitch.block.', k, sep='');
		fitch.block[[k]] <- get(fitch.block.name)
	assign('fitch.block', fitch.block, envir=.GlobalEnv);
#	cat(sum(unlist(lapply(fitch.block, nrow))), '\n');

#' Find hypo- and hyper-mutated samples
#' @param input.file.name: A VCF-formatted file to read SnpEff annotated somatic variants. This input file shall contain these fields: Tumor_Sample_Barcode, Chromosome, Start_Position, dbSNP_RS, Reference_Allele, Tumor_Seq_Allele2, FILTER, One_Consequence, Hugo_Symbol, Gene, Feature, ENSP, HGVSc, HGVSp_Short, Amino_acids, Codons, ENSP, RefSeq, Entrez_Gene_Id.
#' @param output.folder: the folder to write the output files
#' @param output.prefix: prefix used to name the output file as prefix.outlier.txt .
#' @return NULL
#' @examples find.outliers(input.file.name='./examples/TCGA.ACC.mutect.somatic.maf.gz', output.folder='./examples/', output.prefix='TCGA.ACC');
find.outliers <- function(input.file.name, output.folder, output.prefix) {
	cat('finding outliers ...\n', '   ', input.file.name, '...'); flush.console();
	outlier.file.name <- paste(output.folder, '/', output.prefix, '.outlier.txt', sep='');
	if(nchar(output.prefix) == 0) {
		outlier.file.name <- paste(working.dir, 'outlier.txt', sep='');

	mut.all <- read.table(input.file.name, sep='\t', header=T, quote='', stringsAsFactors=F);
	cat(nrow(mut.all), 'lines\n'); flush.console();
	mut.filtered <- mut.all[, c('Tumor_Sample_Barcode', 'Chromosome', 'Start_Position', 'dbSNP_RS', 'Reference_Allele', 'Tumor_Seq_Allele2', 'FILTER', 'One_Consequence', 'Hugo_Symbol', 'Gene', 'Feature', 'ENSP', 'HGVSc', 'HGVSp_Short', 'Amino_acids', 'Codons', 'ENSP', 'RefSeq', 'Entrez_Gene_Id')];
	colnames(mut.filtered) <- c('sample', 'chr', 'pos', 'rsid', 'ref', 'alt', 'filter', 'type', 'symbol', 'ensembl.gene', 'cds.id', 'protein.id', 'cds.comp', 'prot.comp', 'aa', 'codon', 'prot.id', 'refseq', 'gene.id');
	mut.filtered <- mut.filtered[which(mut.filtered$type %in% c('synonymous_variant', 'missense_variant', 'stop_gained', 'frameshift_variant', 'inframe_insertion', 'inframe_deletion')), ];
	agg <- aggregate(chr ~ sample, data=mut.filtered, 'length')
	agg <- agg[order(agg$chr), ]
	# lower.cutoff <- m - 3*d;
	# upper.cutoff <- m + 3*d;	
	x <- log(agg$chr, 2)
	m <- mean(x)
	d <- sd(x)
	q1 <- quantile(x, 0.25);
	q3 <- quantile(x, 0.75);
	iqr <- IQR(x)
	lower.cutoff <- 2^(q1 - iqr*1.5);
	upper.cutoff <- 2^(q3 + iqr*1.5);
	lower.outlier <- which(agg$chr < lower.cutoff)
	upper.outlier <- which(agg$chr > upper.cutoff)
	cat('     mean (', round(2^m), '), std (', round(2^d), '), cutoffs (', lower.cutoff, ' - ', upper.cutoff, ')\n'); flush.console();
	cat('     hypo- (', length(lower.outlier), ') ... hyper (', length(upper.outlier), ')\n'); flush.console();
	agg$outlier <- 'no';
	agg[lower.outlier, 'outlier'] <- 'hypo';
	agg[upper.outlier, 'outlier'] <- 'hyper';

	write.table(agg, outlier.file.name, sep='\t', quote=F, row.names=F);

#' Parse the VCF file to aggregate variants by genes and mutation types
#' @param input.file.name: A VCF-formatted file to read SnpEff annotated somatic variants. This input file shall contain these fields: Tumor_Sample_Barcode, Chromosome, Start_Position, dbSNP_RS, Reference_Allele, Tumor_Seq_Allele2, FILTER, One_Consequence, Hugo_Symbol, Gene, Feature, ENSP, HGVSc, HGVSp_Short, Amino_acids, Codons, ENSP, RefSeq, Entrez_Gene_Id.
#' @param output.folder: the folder to write output files
#' @param output.prefix: prefix used to name the output files. Output files include prefix.error.txt (mutations cannot be mapped), prefix.mut.filtered.txt (somatic variants with matching types, prefix.mut.cnt.txt (somatic variants aggregated by sample, gene and mutational type), prefix.mut.summary.txt (somatic variants aggregated by gene and mutational type across all samples), prefix.symbol_2_cds_id.txt (mapping gene symbols to ensembl transcript ids), and prefix.log.txt (log information).
#' @return NULL
#' @examples parse.aggregated.mut(input.file.name='./examples/TCGA.ACC.mutect.somatic.maf.gz', output.folder='./examples/', output.prefix='TCGA.ACC')
parse.aggregated.mut <- function(input.file.name, output.folder='', output.prefix='') {
	cat('parsing aggregated calls ...\n');
	cat('   ', input.file.name, '...'); flush.console();

	error.file.name <- paste(output.folder, '/', output.prefix, '.error.txt', sep='');
	outlier.file.name <- paste(output.folder, '/', output.prefix, '.outlier.txt', sep='');
	log.file <- file(paste(output.folder, '/', output.prefix, '.log.txt', sep=''), open='a');
	mut.filtered.file.name <- paste(output.folder, '/', output.prefix, '.mut.filtered.txt', sep='');
	mut.cnt.file.name <- paste(output.folder, '/', output.prefix, '.mut.cnt.txt', sep='');
	mut.summary.file.name <- paste(output.folder, '/', output.prefix, '.mut.summary.txt', sep='');
	map.file.name <- paste(output.folder, '/', output.prefix, '.symbol_2_cds_id.txt', sep='');
	if(nchar(output.prefix) == 0) {
		error.file.name <- paste(working.dir, 'error.txt', sep='');
		outlier.file.name <- paste(working.dir, 'outlier.txt', sep='');
		log.file.name <- paste(working.dir, 'log.txt', sep='');
		mut.filtered..file.name <- paste(working.dir, 'mut.filtered..txt', sep='');
		mut.cnt.file.name <- paste(working.dir, 'mut.cnt.txt', sep='');
		mut.summary.file.name <- paste(working.dir, 'mut.summary.txt', sep='');
		map.file.name <- paste(working.dir, 'symbol_2_cds_id.txt', sep='');

	mut.all <- read.table(input.file.name, sep='\t', header=T, quote='', stringsAsFactors=F);
	cat(nrow(mut.all), 'lines\n'); flush.console();
	mut.filtered <- mut.all[, c('Tumor_Sample_Barcode', 'Chromosome', 'Start_Position', 'dbSNP_RS', 'Reference_Allele', 'Tumor_Seq_Allele2', 'FILTER', 'One_Consequence', 'Hugo_Symbol', 'Gene', 'Feature', 'ENSP', 'HGVSc', 'HGVSp_Short', 'Amino_acids', 'Codons', 'ENSP', 'RefSeq', 'Entrez_Gene_Id')];
	colnames(mut.filtered) <- c('sample', 'chr', 'pos', 'rsid', 'ref', 'alt', 'filter', 'type', 'symbol', 'ensembl.gene', 'cds.id', 'protein.id', 'cds.comp', 'prot.comp', 'aa', 'codon', 'prot.id', 'refseq', 'gene.id');
	if(nchar(outlier.file.name) > 0) {
		outliers <- read.table(outlier.file.name, sep='\t', header=T, stringsAsFactors=F);
		mut.filtered <- mut.filtered[which(mut.filtered$sample %in% outliers[which(outliers$outlier == 'no'), 'sample']), ];
	cat('    mutations after removing outlier samples', nrow(mut.filtered), '\n'); flush.console();	
	mut.filtered <- mut.filtered[which(mut.filtered$type %in% c('synonymous_variant', 'missense_variant', 'stop_gained', 'frameshift_variant', 'inframe_insertion', 'inframe_deletion')), ];
	mut.filtered$type <- ifelse(mut.filtered$type == 'synonymous_variant', 'syn', ifelse(mut.filtered$type == 'missense_variant', 'missense', ifelse(mut.filtered$type == 'stop_gained', 'nonsense', ifelse(mut.filtered$type =='frameshift_variant', 'fs', ifelse(mut.filtered$type =='inframe_insertion', 'inf_ins', 'inf_del')))));
	fs.idx <- which(mut.filtered$type == 'fs');
	fs.idx.ins <- intersect(fs.idx, grep('ins', mut.filtered$cds.comp));
	fs.idx.del <- intersect(fs.idx, grep('del', mut.filtered$cds.comp));
	fs.idx.dup <- intersect(fs.idx, grep('dup', mut.filtered$cds.comp));
	if(sum(length(fs.idx.ins), length(fs.idx.del), length(fs.idx.dup)) != length(fs.idx)) {
		cat('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Error !!!!!!!!!!!!! CHECK FS INDELS!!!!!!!!!\n');  flush.console();	
	mut.filtered[fs.idx.ins, 'type'] <- 'fs_ins'
	mut.filtered[fs.idx.del, 'type'] <- 'fs_del'
	mut.filtered[fs.idx.dup, 'type'] <- 'fs_ins'	
	cat('    coding mutations', nrow(mut.filtered ), '; ');  flush.console();
	pattern.cds.1 <- str_match(mut.filtered$cds.comp, 'c\\.([0-9]+)([A-Z]+)>([A-Z]+)')
	pattern.cds.2 <- str_match(mut.filtered$cds.comp, 'c\\.([0-9]+)([ins|del|dup|\\+])(.+)')
	pattern.cds.3 <- str_match(mut.filtered$cds.comp, 'c\\.([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)([ins|del|dup|\\+])(.+)')
	pattern.prot.1 <- str_match(mut.filtered$prot.comp, 'p\\.([A-Z*])([0-9]+)([A-Z*=])$')
	pattern.prot.2 <- str_match(mut.filtered$prot.comp, 'p\\.([A-Z*])([0-9]+)([A-Z])fs(.+)')
	pattern.prot.3 <- str_match(mut.filtered$prot.comp, 'p\\.([A-Z*])([0-9]+)([A-Z*a-z_0-9]+)')
	pattern.codon <- str_match(mut.filtered$codon, '([A-Za-z\\-]+)/([A-Za-z]+)')
	pattern.aa <- str_match(mut.filtered$aa, '([A-Z\\-]+)/([A-Z*]+)')
	mut.filtered$cds.pos <- pattern.cds.1[, 2]
	mut.filtered$cds.ref <- pattern.cds.1[, 3]
	mut.filtered$cds.alt <- pattern.cds.1[, 4]
	idx <- which(is.na(mut.filtered$cds.alt));
	mut.filtered[idx, c('cds.pos', 'cds.ref', 'cds.alt')] <- pattern.cds.2[idx, 2:4]
	idx <- which(is.na(mut.filtered$cds.alt));
	mut.filtered[idx, c('cds.pos', 'cds.ref', 'cds.alt')] <- pattern.cds.3[idx, c(2, 4, 5)]
	mut.filtered$prot.pos <- pattern.prot.1[, 3]
	mut.filtered$prot.ref <- pattern.prot.1[, 2]
	mut.filtered$prot.alt <- pattern.prot.1[, 4]
	idx <- which(is.na(mut.filtered$prot.alt) & mut.filtered$type %in% c('fs_ins', 'fs_del'));
	mut.filtered[idx, c('prot.pos', 'prot.ref', 'prot.alt')] <- pattern.prot.2[idx, c(3, 2, 4)]
	idx <- which(is.na(mut.filtered$prot.alt) & mut.filtered$type %in% c('inf_ins', 'inf_del'));
	mut.filtered[idx, c('prot.pos', 'prot.ref', 'prot.alt')] <- pattern.prot.3[idx, c(3, 2, 4)]
	idx <- which(mut.filtered$prot.alt == '=')
	mut.filtered[idx, 'prot.alt'] = mut.filtered[idx, 'prot.ref']
	e <- t(apply(mut.filtered[, c('cds.id', 'cds.pos')], 1, function(x) { i<-which(seq_bp$cds.id.2==x[1]); r <- c(); if(length(i)==0) { r <- c('', '', ''); } else { p<-as.numeric(x[2]); s=seq_bp[i, 'cds.seq']; prev=substr(s, p-1, p-1); current=substr(s, p, p); post=substr(s, p+1, p+1); r<-c(prev, current, post);} }))
	f <- unlist(apply(mut.filtered[, c('prot.id', 'prot.pos')], 1, function(x) { i<-which(seq_aa$pep.id.2==x[1]); r <- c(); if(length(i)==0) { r <- c(''); } else { p<-as.numeric(x[2]); s=seq_aa[i, 'pep.seq']; current=substr(s, p, p); r<-c(current); } }))
	mut.filtered$seq.prev <- e[, 1];
	mut.filtered$seq.current <- e[, 2];
	mut.filtered$seq.post <- e[, 3];
	mut.filtered$prot.current <- f;
	index.error.1 <- which(!mut.filtered$type %in% c('fs_ins', 'fs_del', 'inf_ins', 'inf_del') & mut.filtered$seq.current != mut.filtered$cds.ref);
	index.error.2 <- which(!mut.filtered$type %in% c('fs_ins', 'fs_del', 'inf_ins', 'inf_del') & mut.filtered$prot.current != mut.filtered$prot.ref);
	index.error <- unique(c(index.error.1, index.error.2));
	errors <- c();
	if(length(index.error) > 0) {
		errors <- mut.filtered[index.error, ]
		mut.filtered <- mut.filtered[-index.error, ]
	cat(' with matching seq', nrow(mut.filtered), '\n'); flush.console();
	if(nrow(mut.filtered) > 0) {
		mut.filtered$mut_type <- paste(mut.filtered$cds.ref, mut.filtered$cds.alt, sep='-');
		mut.filtered$mut_type <- ifelse(mut.filtered$mut_type == 'C-T' & mut.filtered$seq.post == 'G', 'C-T-h', ifelse(mut.filtered$mut_type == 'G-A' & mut.filtered$seq.prev == 'C', 'G-A-h', mut.filtered$mut_type));
		mut.filtered$mut_type <- ifelse(mut.filtered$type == 'fs_ins', 'fs_ins', mut.filtered$mut_type);
		mut.filtered$mut_type <- ifelse(mut.filtered$type == 'fs_del', 'fs_del', mut.filtered$mut_type);
		mut.filtered$mut_type <- ifelse(mut.filtered$type == 'inf_ins', 'inf_ins', mut.filtered$mut_type);
		mut.filtered$mut_type <- ifelse(mut.filtered$type == 'inf_del', 'inf_del', mut.filtered$mut_type);
		mut.filtered <- merge(mut.filtered, annotation, by.x='ensembl.gene', by.y='ensembl.gene.id', all.x=T, all.y=F);
		mut.filtered$gene.id <- as.integer(as.character(mut.filtered$gene.id.y));
		mut.filtered$symbol <- mut.filtered$symbol.y;
		write.table(mut.filtered, mut.filtered.file.name, sep='\t', row.names=F, quote=F);
	write.table(errors, error.file.name, sep='\t', row.names=F, quote=F);
	agg.error <- aggregate(chr ~ symbol + pos + ensembl.gene + cds.id + prot.id, data=errors, 'length');
	agg.error <- agg.error[order(-agg.error$chr), ]
	agg.error <- aggregate(chr ~ symbol +  ensembl.gene + cds.id + prot.id, data=errors, 'length');
	agg.error <- agg.error[order(-agg.error$chr), ]
	cat('    unmatched mutations:', length(index.error), 'in', length(unique(agg.error$symbol)), 'genes, max cnt in unmatched genes (', agg.error[1, 'symbol'], ':', agg.error[1, 'chr'], ')\n'); flush.console();

	mut.list <- split(mut.filtered, mut.filtered$sample)
	cat('    total samples after removing outliers', length(mut.list), '\n'); flush.console();
	list.genes <- c();
	summary.mut <- c();
	symbol.2.cds.id <- c();
	for(ml in 1:length(mut.list)) {
		mut <- mut.list[[ml]];
		sample.name <- unique(mut$sample);
		# subject.name <- substr(sample.name, 1, 20);
		subject.name <- sample.name;
		cat('        ', ml, '...', subject.name, '...', nrow(mut), '\n', file=log.file); flush.console();
		if(!is.na(subject.name) & nrow(mut) > 0) {
			x <- aggregate(chr ~ symbol + type + mut_type, data=mut, 'length');
			m <- aggregate(chr ~ gene.id + symbol + cds.pos + cds.ref + cds.alt + mut_type + type + prot.pos + prot.ref + prot.alt, data=mut, 'length');
			summary.mut <- rbind(summary.mut, m);
			symbol.2.cds.id <- rbind(unique(symbol.2.cds.id), unique(mut[, c('cds.id', 'symbol')]));
			colnames(x) <- c('symbol', 'type', 'mut_type', subject.name);
			list.genes[[ml]] <- x;
	genes.samples <- Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all=T, by=c('symbol', 'type', 'mut_type')), list.genes)
	write.table(genes.samples, mut.cnt.file.name, sep='\t', row.names=F, quote=F);
	cat('    mutations by sample', nrow(genes.samples), 'x', ncol(genes.samples)-3, ';');  
	summary.mut <- aggregate(chr ~ gene.id + symbol + cds.pos + cds.ref + cds.alt + mut_type + prot.pos + prot.ref + prot.alt, data=summary.mut, 'sum');
	summary.mut <- summary.mut[order(-summary.mut$chr), ]
	write.table(summary.mut, mut.summary.file.name, sep='\t', row.names=F, quote=F);
	cat('unique mutations', nrow(summary.mut), ';');  

	map <- c();
	for(s in unique(symbol.2.cds.id$symbol)) {
		cds.ids <- symbol.2.cds.id[which(symbol.2.cds.id$symbol == s), 'cds.id'];
		cds.length <- seq.length[which(seq.length$cds.id %in% cds.ids), ];
		longest.id <- cds.length[which.max(cds.length$length), 'cds.id'][1]
		map <- rbind(map, c(s, longest.id));
	colnames(map) <- c('symbol', 'cds.id');
	write.table(map, map.file.name, sep='\t', row.names=F, quote=F);	
	cat('unique genes', nrow(map), '\n');  

#' Organize a collection of variants in a gene into counts 
#' @param x: a data frame with four columns: name, type, mut_type, cnt.
#' @return: a data frame with counts of variants grouped by types
organize.obs <- function(x) {
	colnames(x) <- c('name', 'type', 'mut_type', 'cnt');
	mt <- unique(x$mut_type);
	syn.sum <- data.frame(mut_type=mt, sample=rep(0, length(mt)));
	missense.sum <- syn.sum;
	nonsense.sum <- syn.sum;
	fs.sum <- syn.sum;
	inframe.sum <- syn.sum;
	s <- which(x$type == 'syn');
	m <- which(x$type == 'missense');
	n <- which(x$type == 'nonsense');
	fi <- which(x$type == 'fs_ins');
	fd <- which(x$type == 'fs_del');
	ii <- which(x$type == 'inf_ins');
	id <- which(x$type == 'inf_del');
	if(length(s) > 0) {
		syn.sum <- x[s, c('mut_type', 'cnt')];
	if(length(m) > 0) {
		missense.sum <- x[m, c('mut_type', 'cnt')];
	if(length(n) > 0) {
		nonsense.sum <- x[n, c('mut_type', 'cnt')];
	if(length(fi) + length(fd) > 0) {
		fs.sum <- x[c(fi, fd), c('mut_type', 'cnt')];
	if(length(ii) + length(id) > 0) {
		inframe.sum <- x[c(ii, id), c('mut_type', 'cnt')];
	colnames(syn.sum)[2] <- 'cnt.syn';
	colnames(missense.sum)[2] <- 'cnt.missense';
	colnames(nonsense.sum)[2] <- 'cnt.nonsense';
	colnames(fs.sum)[2] <- 'cnt.fs';
	colnames(inframe.sum)[2] <- 'cnt.inframe';
	sum.obs <- Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all=T, by='mut_type'), list(syn.sum, missense.sum, nonsense.sum, fs.sum, inframe.sum))
	colnames(sum.obs) <- c('mut_type', 'syn.obs', 'missense.obs', 'nonsense.obs', 'fs.obs', 'inframe.obs');
	sum.obs[is.na(sum.obs)] <- 0;
	sum.obs$mut_type <- as.character(sum.obs$mut_type);

#' optimization function to estimate independent probabilities of a specific mutation type 
prob <- function(theta, obs_exp, compare) {
	mut_type <- unique(obs_exp$mut_type);
	if(compare == 'missense') {
		mut_type <- mut_type[which(mut_type != 'fs')];
	p <- 0;
	for(t in mut_type) {
		obs_syn <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), 'syn.obs'];
		exp_syn <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), 'syn.exp'];
		obs_compare <- 0;
		exp_compare <- 0;
		obs_total <- 0;
		if(compare == 'missense') {
			obs_compare <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), 'missense.obs'];
			exp_compare <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), 'missense.exp'];
		} else if(compare == 'nonsense') {
			obs_compare <- sum(obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), c('nonsense.obs', 'fs.obs')]);  ## mut_type=='fs', nonsense.obs=0; otherwise, fs.obs=0;
			exp_compare <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), 'nonsense.exp'];
		} else {
			obs_compare <- sum(obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), c('missense.obs', 'nonsense.obs', 'fs.obs')]);
			exp_compare <- sum(obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), c('missense.exp', 'nonsense.exp')]);
		obs_total <- obs_syn + obs_compare;
		if(exp_syn == 0 | exp_compare == 0) {
			pp <- 0;
		} else {
			pp <- lfactorial(obs_total) - lfactorial(obs_syn) - lfactorial(obs_compare) + obs_syn*log(exp_syn) + obs_compare*log(theta*exp_compare) - obs_total*log(exp_syn + theta * exp_compare);
		p <- p + pp;
#		cat(t, '\t', pp, '\t', p, '\n');

#' optimization function to estimate joint probabilities of different types of variants. Indels are treated independently from substitutions.
prob.joint <- function(par, obs_exp) {
#	cat(par);
	phi <- par[1];
	psi <- par[2];
	if(phi < -5 | phi > 5 | psi < -5 | psi > 5) {
	mut_type <- unique(obs_exp$mut_type);
	p <- 0;
	for(t in mut_type) {
#		cat(t, ':' );
		obs_syn <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), 'syn.obs'];
		exp_syn <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), 'syn.exp'];
		obs_missense <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), 'missense.obs'];
		exp_missense <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), 'missense.exp'];
		obs_nonsense <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), 'nonsense.obs'];
		exp_nonsense <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), 'nonsense.exp'];
		exp_syn <- ifelse(exp_syn == 0, 1, exp_syn);
		exp_missense <- ifelse(exp_missense == 0, 1, exp_missense);
		exp_nonsense <- ifelse(exp_nonsense == 0, 1, exp_nonsense);
		pp <- 0;
		if(t == 'inframe') {
		} else if(t == 'fs') {	
			obs_fs <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), 'fs.obs'];
			obs_inframe <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == 'inframe'), 'inframe.obs'];
			if(obs_fs > 0 | obs_inframe > 0) {
				gene.length <- sum(obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), c('syn.exp', 'missense.exp', 'nonsense.exp')])/3;
				exp_fs <- gene.length*2/3;  ## expected fs is the length of the protein
	#			exp_fs <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), 'nonsense.exp']; 
				exp_inframe <- gene.length*1/3;  ## expected fs is the length of the protein
				obs_total <- obs_inframe + obs_fs;
#				pp <- lfactorial(obs_total) - lfactorial(obs_syn) - lfactorial(obs_fs) + obs_syn*log(exp_syn) + obs_fs*log(psi*exp_fs) - obs_total*log(exp_syn + psi*exp_fs);
#				pp <- lfactorial(obs_total) - lfactorial(obs_syn) - lfactorial(obs_fs) + obs_syn*log(exp_syn) + obs_fs*psi + obs_fs*log(exp_fs) - obs_total*log(exp_syn + exp(psi)*exp_fs);
				pp <- lfactorial(obs_total) - lfactorial(obs_inframe) - lfactorial(obs_fs) + obs_inframe*log(exp_inframe) + obs_fs*psi + obs_fs*log(exp_fs) - obs_total*log(exp_inframe + exp(psi)*exp_fs);
#			pp=0;
		} else {
			obs_total <- obs_syn + obs_missense + obs_nonsense;
			if(obs_total > 0) {
#				pp <- lfactorial(obs_total) - lfactorial(obs_syn) - lfactorial(obs_missense) - lfactorial(obs_nonsense) + obs_syn*log(exp_syn) + obs_missense*log(phi*exp_missense) + obs_nonsense*log(psi*exp_nonsense) - obs_total*log(exp_syn + phi*exp_missense + psi*exp_nonsense);
				pp <- lfactorial(obs_total) - lfactorial(obs_syn) - lfactorial(obs_missense) - lfactorial(obs_nonsense) + obs_syn*log(exp_syn) + obs_missense*phi + obs_missense*log(exp_missense) + obs_nonsense*psi + obs_nonsense*log(exp_nonsense) - obs_total*log(exp_syn + exp(phi)*exp_missense + exp(psi)*exp_nonsense);
		p <- p + pp;
#		cat(t, '\t', pp, '\t', p, '\n');
#	cat(' ', -p, '\n');

#' optimization function to estimate joint probabilities of different types of variants including indels.
prob.joint.indel <- function(par, obs_exp) {
#	cat(par);
	phi <- par[1];
	psi <- par[2];
	if(phi < -5 | phi > 5 | psi < -5 | psi > 5) {
	mut_type <- unique(obs_exp$mut_type);
	mut_type <- mut_type[which(mut_type != 'NA-NA')]
	p <- 0;
	for(t in mut_type) {
#		cat(t, ':' );
		obs_syn <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), 'syn.obs'];
		exp_syn <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), 'syn.exp'];
		obs_missense <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), 'missense.obs'];
		exp_missense <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), 'missense.exp'];
		obs_nonsense <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), 'nonsense.obs'];
		exp_nonsense <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), 'nonsense.exp'];
		exp_syn <- ifelse(exp_syn == 0, 1, exp_syn);
		exp_missense <- ifelse(exp_missense == 0, 1, exp_missense);
		exp_nonsense <- ifelse(exp_nonsense == 0, 1, exp_nonsense);
		pp <- 0;
		if(t %in% c('inf_ins', 'inf_del')) {
		} else if(t %in% c('fs_ins', 'fs_del')) {	
			gene.length <- sum(exp_syn, exp_missense, exp_nonsense)/3;
			exp_fs <- gene.length * 2/3;
			exp_inframe <- gene.length * 1/3;
			obs_fs <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == t), 'fs.obs'];
			obs_inframe <- 0; 
			if(t == 'fs_ins') {
				obs_inframe <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == 'inf_ins'), 'inframe.obs'];
				exp_fs <- exp_fs * 0.34;
				exp_inframe <- exp_inframe * 0.34;
			} else {
				obs_inframe <- obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type == 'inf_del'), 'inframe.obs'];
				exp_fs <- exp_fs * 0.66;
				exp_inframe <- exp_inframe * 0.66;
			obs_total <- obs_inframe + obs_fs;
			if(obs_total > 0) {
				pp <- lfactorial(obs_total) - lfactorial(obs_inframe) - lfactorial(obs_fs) + obs_inframe*log(exp_inframe) + obs_fs*psi + obs_fs*log(exp_fs) - obs_total*log(exp_inframe + exp(psi)*exp_fs);
		} else {
			obs_total <- obs_syn + obs_missense + obs_nonsense;
			if(obs_total > 0) {
				pp <- lfactorial(obs_total) - lfactorial(obs_syn) - lfactorial(obs_missense) - lfactorial(obs_nonsense) + obs_syn*log(exp_syn) + obs_missense*phi + obs_missense*log(exp_missense) + obs_nonsense*psi + obs_nonsense*log(exp_nonsense) - obs_total*log(exp_syn + exp(phi)*exp_missense + exp(psi)*exp_nonsense);
		p <- p + pp;
#		cat(t, '\t', pp, '\t', p, '\n');
#	cat(' ', -p, '\n');

#' Estimate selection coefficients of missense mutations and truncating mutations
#' @param obs_exp: A data frame with observed and expected counts
#' @param joint: A boolean flag to estimate joint probabilities
#' @param indel: A boolean flag to consider indel jointly with or independently from substitutions 
#' @return A vector with observed counts, end values and estimated probabilities
compute.selection <- function(obs_exp, joint=FALSE, indel=FALSE) {
	obs_exp[is.na(obs_exp)] <- 0;
	sums <- colSums(obs_exp[-1]);
	sum.obs <- sum(sums[c('syn.obs', 'missense.obs', 'nonsense.obs', 'fs.obs', 'inframe.obs')]);
	sum.obs.disabling <- sum(sums[c('nonsense.obs', 'fs.obs')]);
	sum.exp <- sum(sums[c('syn.exp', 'missense.exp', 'nonsense.exp')]);
	opt.missense <- c(NA, NA);
	opt.nonsense <- c(NA, NA);
	opt.prot <- c(NA, NA);
	if(sum.obs >= 3 & sum.exp > 0) {
		if(joint) {
			opt.joint <- c();
			if(indel) {
				opt.joint <- unlist(optim(par=c(0, 0), fn=prob.joint.indel, obs_exp=obs_exp)); 
			} else {
				opt.joint <- unlist(optim(par=c(0, 0), fn=prob.joint, obs_exp=obs_exp)); 
			opt.missense <- as.numeric(opt.joint[c(1,3)]);
			opt.nonsense <- as.numeric(opt.joint[c(2,3)]);
		} else {
			a <- sums[1]; b <- sums[2]; c <- sums[3]; d <- sums[4]; e <- sums[5];
			if(b > 1 & (a + b) >= 3) {
				opt.missense <- unlist(optimize(prob, interval=c(0, 100), obs_exp, 'missense')); 
			if((c + d) > 1 & (a + c + d) >= 3) {
				opt.nonsense <- unlist(optimize(prob, interval=c(0, 100), obs_exp, 'nonsense')); 
			if((b + c + d) > 1 & (a + b + c + d) >= 3) {
				opt.prot <- unlist(optimize(prob, interval=c(0, 100), obs_exp, 'prot')); 
	opt <- c(sums[1:5], opt.missense, opt.nonsense, opt.prot);

#' Get expected counts of variants for a vector of gene symbols
#' @param symbols.focus: A vector of gene symbols
#' @return A data frame with expected counts of variants
get.exp <- function(symbols.focus) {
	result <- c();
	for(s in symbols.focus) {
		id.focus <- map[which(map$symbol == s), 'cds.id']
		exp.focus <- results.seq_cat[which(results.seq_cat$cds.id == id.focus), ]
		exp.focus.cnt <- colSums(exp.focus[, 2:4])
		exp.focus.ratio <- c(exp.focus.cnt[2]/exp.focus.cnt[1], exp.focus.cnt[3]/exp.focus.cnt[1])
		result <- rbind(result, exp.focus.ratio);
	rownames(result) <- seq(1, nrow(result));
	result <- as.data.frame(result);
	result$symbol <- symbols.focus;

#' Combine reciprocal mutation types
#' @param obs_exp: A data frame with observed and expected counts of variants
#' @return A data frame with observed and expected counts of variants after combining reciprocal mutation types
condense.type <- function(obs_exp) {
	AC.TG <- colSums(obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type %in% c('A-C', 'T-G')), -1], na.rm=T);
	AG.TC <- colSums(obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type %in% c('A-G', 'T-C')), -1], na.rm=T);
	AT.TA <- colSums(obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type %in% c('A-T', 'T-A')), -1], na.rm=T);
	CA.GT <- colSums(obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type %in% c('C-A', 'G-T')), -1], na.rm=T);
	CG.GC <- colSums(obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type %in% c('C-G', 'G-C')), -1], na.rm=T);
	GA.CT <- colSums(obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type %in% c('G-A', 'C-T')), -1], na.rm=T);
	CTh.GAh <- colSums(obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type %in% c('C-T-h', 'G-A-h')), -1], na.rm=T);
	fs_ins <- colSums(obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type %in% c('fs_ins')), -1]);
	fs_del <- colSums(obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type %in% c('fs_del')), -1]);
	inf_ins <- colSums(obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type %in% c('inf_ins')), -1]);
	inf_del <- colSums(obs_exp[which(obs_exp$mut_type %in% c('inf_del')), -1]);
	result <- rbind(AC.TG, AG.TC, AT.TA, CA.GT, CG.GC, GA.CT, CTh.GAh, fs_ins, fs_del, inf_ins, inf_del);
	result <- data.frame(mut_type=rownames(result), result, stringsAsFactors=F);
	result[is.na(result)] <- 0;

#' Estimate selection coefficients
#' @param data.all: A data frame with observed counts of variants
#' @param genes.opt.file.name: A file to write the computed selection coefficients.
#' @param map: A data frame containing symbol_2_cds_id mapping
#' @return A data frame with selection coefficients
get.opt.genes <- function(data.all, genes.opt.file.name='', indel=FALSE, map) {
	genes.all.opt <- c();
	counter <- 0;
	symbols.all <- unique(data.all$symbol);
	for(s in symbols.all) {
		counter <- counter + 1;
		if(counter %% 1000 == 0) { cat(counter, '...'); flush.console(); }
		data.s <- data.all[which(data.all$symbol == s), ]
		obs <- organize.obs(data.s);
		cds.id <- unique(map[which(map$symbol == s), 'cds.id'])[1];
		expected <- results.seq_cat[which(results.seq_cat$cds.id == cds.id), 1:4]
		total.cnt <- colSums(expected[, 2:4]);
		expected <- rbind(expected, data.frame(mut_type='fs_ins', cnt_syn=total.cnt[1], cnt_nonsyn=total.cnt[2], cnt_nonsense=total.cnt[3]));
		expected <- rbind(expected, data.frame(mut_type='fs_del', cnt_syn=total.cnt[1], cnt_nonsyn=total.cnt[2], cnt_nonsense=total.cnt[3]));
		expected <- rbind(expected, data.frame(mut_type='inf_ins', cnt_syn=total.cnt[1], cnt_nonsyn=total.cnt[2], cnt_nonsense=total.cnt[3]));
		expected <- rbind(expected, data.frame(mut_type='inf_del', cnt_syn=total.cnt[1], cnt_nonsyn=total.cnt[2], cnt_nonsense=total.cnt[3]));
		obs_exp <- merge(obs, expected, by='mut_type', all=T)
		obs_exp <- condense.type(obs_exp);
		colnames(obs_exp) <- c('mut_type', 'syn.obs', 'missense.obs', 'nonsense.obs', 'fs.obs', 'inframe.obs', 'syn.exp', 'missense.exp', 'nonsense.exp');

#		opt <- compute.selection(obs_exp)[c(1:4, 5, 7, 9)];	
		opt <- compute.selection(obs_exp, joint=T, indel=indel)[c(1:6, 8, 10)];	
		genes.all.opt <- rbind(genes.all.opt, opt);	
	genes.all.opt <- as.data.frame(genes.all.opt);
	colnames(genes.all.opt) <- c('syn.obs', 'missense.obs', 'nonsense.obs', 'fs.obs', 'inframe.obs', 'max.missense', 'max.nonsense', 'max.prot');
	rownames(genes.all.opt) <- symbols.all;
	genes.all.opt$symbol <- symbols.all;
	genes.all.opt <- merge(genes.all.opt, map, by='symbol', all.x=T, all.y=F);
	cat('\n'); flush.console();

	if(!is.null(genes.opt.file.name) && nchar(genes.opt.file.name) > 0) {
		write.table(genes.all.opt, genes.opt.file.name, sep='\t', row.names=F, quote=F);

#' Compute statistics related to somatic selection
#' @param output.folder: A folder containing aggregated mutations produced by the parse.aggregated.mut() function.
#' @param output.prefix: Prefix used in the parse.aggregated.mut() function
#' @return NULL
#' @examples: compute.selection.stats(output.folder='./examples/', output.prefix='TCGA.ACC');
compute.selection.stats <- function(output.folder='', output.prefix='') {
	cat('computing somatic selection ...\n');
	working.dir <- paste(output.folder, '/', sep='');
	cat('    folder', output.folder, '...');
	mut.cnt.file.name <- paste(working.dir, output.prefix, '.mut.cnt.txt', sep='');
	mut.summary.file.name <- paste(working.dir, output.prefix, '.mut.summary.txt', sep='');
	genes.opt.file.name <- paste(working.dir, output.prefix, '.genes.opt.txt', sep='');
	map.file.name <- paste(working.dir, output.prefix, '.symbol_2_cds_id.txt', sep='');
	if(nchar(output.prefix) == 0) {
		mut.cnt.file.name <- paste(working.dir, 'mut.cnt.txt', sep='');
		mut.summary.file.name <- paste(working.dir, 'mut.summary.txt', sep='');
		genes.opt.file.name <- paste(working.dir, 'genes.opt.txt', sep='');
		map.file.name <- paste(working.dir, 'symbol_2_cds_id.txt', sep='');
	genes.samples <- read.table(mut.cnt.file.name, header=T, sep='\t', stringsAsFactors=F);
	summary.mut <- read.table(mut.summary.file.name, header=T, sep='\t', stringsAsFactors=F);
	map <- read.table(map.file.name, header=T, sep='\t', stringsAsFactors=F);
	#map <- merge(map, gtex.skin.exp[, c('Description', 'avg.reads')], by.x='symbol', by.y='Description', all.x=T, all.y=F);
	#dim(map)  ## 17648     3  ## 19166     3
	map <- merge(map, seq.length, by='cds.id', all.x=T, all.y=F);
	data.all <- cbind(genes.samples[, 1:3], cnt=apply(genes.samples[, 4:ncol(genes.samples)], 1, sum, na.rm=T));
	cat(' genes.samples:', nrow(genes.samples), '; summary.mut:', nrow(summary.mut), '; map:', nrow(map), '; data.all:', nrow(data.all), '\n'); flush.console();

	cat('    processing ...'); flush.console();
	opts.result <- get.opt.genes(data.all, genes.opt.file.name, indel=T, map=map);

#' Detect mutational hotspots
#' @param x: a vector of mutated positions
#' @return A data frame with peak coordinates
find_peaks <- function (x, m=3, bw=bw){
	shape <- diff(sign(diff(x, na.pad = FALSE)))
	pks <- sapply(which(shape < 0), FUN = function(i){
		z <- i - m + 1
		z <- ifelse(z > 0, z, 1)
		w <- i + m + 1
		w <- ifelse(w < length(x), w, length(x))
		if(all(x[c(z : i, (i + 2) : w)] <= x[i + 1])) return(i + 1) else return(numeric(0))
	pks <- unlist(pks)
	pks.end <- sapply(pks, function(pk) { 
		pk <- ifelse(pk - bw < 1, bw, ifelse(pk + bw > length(x), length(x) - bw, pk));
		a <- x[(pk-m):(pk+m)];
		if(min(a, na.rm=T) > 0) {
			x[(pk-m):(pk+m)] <- min(a, na.rm=T);
		x.after <- x[pk:length(x)] - x[pk]; e <- min(which(x.after!=0)) + pk - m + 1; return(e)
	pks <- ifelse(pks<=bw, 1, pks-bw);
	pks.end <- ifelse(pks.end + bw > length(x), length(x), pks.end+bw);
	return(data.frame(pk.start=pks, pk.end=pks.end));

#' Compute statistics related to mutational spatial distributions
#' @param output.folder: A folder containing a "mut.summary.txt" file produced by the parse.aggregated.mut() function.
#' @param output.prefix: A prefix string used label the various files. Spatial statistics is written to a file "prefix.spatial.txt".
#' @return NULL
#' @examples: compute.spatial.stat(folder='./examples/', prefix='TCGA.ACC');
compute.spatial.stats <- function(output.folder, output.prefix, bw=5, m=3) {
	cat('computing spatial distribution statistics ...\n'); flush.console();
	input.file.name <- paste(output.folder, output.prefix, '.mut.summary.txt', sep='');
	output.file.name <- paste(output.folder, output.prefix, '.spatial.txt', sep='');
	if(nchar(output.prefix) == 0) {
		input.file.name <- paste(output.folder, 'mut.summary.txt', sep='');
		output.file.name <- paste(output.folder, 'spatial.txt', sep='');
	sample.mut <- read.table(input.file.name, sep='\t', header=T, stringsAsFactors=F);
	symbols <- unique(sample.mut$symbol);
	scores <- c();
	for(s in symbols) {
		subset.mut <- sample.mut[which(sample.mut$symbol == s), ]
		wt.stop <- 0;
		mut <- subset.mut[which(subset.mut$prot.alt == '*' | subset.mut$mut_type %in% c('fs_del', 'fs_ins')), ];
		if(nrow(mut) > 0) {
			wt.stop <- sum(mut$prot.pos * mut$chr)/sum(mut$chr)

		mut <- subset.mut[which(subset.mut$prot.ref != subset.mut$prot.alt & nchar(subset.mut$mut_type) < 6 & subset.mut$prot.alt != '*'), ];
		scr.multiple.pct <- scr.max.pct <- NA;
		max.cnt <- max.peak.cnt <- multiple.cnt <- summit.start <- summit.end <- 0;
		if(nrow(mut) > 0) {
			agg.mut <- aggregate(chr ~ prot.pos, data=mut, 'sum');
			total.cnt <- sum(agg.mut$chr);
			max.cnt <- max.peak.cnt <- max(agg.mut$chr);
			summit.start <- summit.end <- agg.mut[which.max(agg.mut$chr), 'prot.pos'];
			single.cnt <- length(which(agg.mut$chr == 1));
			multiple.cnt <- sum(agg.mut[which(agg.mut$chr > 1), 'chr']);
			scr.multiple.pct <- multiple.cnt/total.cnt;
			scr.max.pct <- max.cnt/total.cnt;
			mut.distr <- unlist(apply(agg.mut, 1, function(x) { return(rep(x[1], x[2])) }));
			if(length(mut.distr) > 1 & bw > 0) {
				mut.density <- density(mut.distr, bw=bw, kernel='rectangular', n=max(mut.distr) + bw);
				xx <- round(mut.density$x);
				yy <- mut.density$y;
				yy <- round(yy/sum(yy), 4);
				xy <- data.frame(xx, yy);
				xy <- aggregate(yy ~ xx, data=xy, 'max');
				xx <- xy$xx;
				yy <- xy$yy;
				pks <- find_peaks(yy, m=m, bw=bw);
				pks$pk.start <- xx[pks$pk.start]
				pks$pk.end <- xx[pks$pk.end]
				pks.mut <- apply(pks, 1, function(x) { 
					x1 <- x[1];
					x2 <- x[2];
					aa <- ifelse(x1-2 < 1, 1, x1-2);
					bb <- ifelse(x2+2 > max(xx), max(xx), x2+2);
					i <- which(mut.distr >= aa & mut.distr <= bb); 
					if (length(i) > 1) return(i); 
				pks.mut.cnt <- unlist(lapply(pks.mut, length));
				if(length(which(pks.mut.cnt > 0)) > 0) {
					max.peak.cnt <- max(pks.mut.cnt);
					if(max.peak.cnt > max.cnt) {
						scr.max.pct <- max.peak.cnt/total.cnt;
					if(max.peak.cnt > 1) {
						coord <- mut.distr[pks.mut[[which.max(pks.mut.cnt)]]];
#						coord <- as.numeric(gsub('.prot.pos', '', coord))
						summit.start <- min(coord);
						summit.end <- max(coord);
				pks.mut.uniq <- unique(unlist(pks.mut))
				pks.multiple.cnt <- length(pks.mut.uniq);
				if(pks.multiple.cnt > multiple.cnt) {
					multiple.cnt <- pks.multiple.cnt;
					scr.multiple.pct <- multiple.cnt/total.cnt;
		scores <- rbind(scores, c(max.cnt, scr.multiple.pct, scr.max.pct, max.peak.cnt, multiple.cnt, summit.start, summit.end, wt.stop));
	scores <- data.frame(symbol=symbols, score=scores);
	write.table(scores, output.file.name, sep='\t', row.names=F, quote=F);	

#' Retreve fitch rate for each position of a protein.
#' @param id: An ID indicating the gene.
#' @param type: A flag indicating what type the "id" is. Possible values are "symbol" (gene symbol), "gene.id" (Entrez gene ID), "ensembl.cds" (Ensemble transcript ID), "ensembl.protein" (Ensemble protein ID), and "ensembl.gene" (Ensembl gene ID).
#' @return A vector containing fitch rate using 100 vertebrate alignments.
check.gene.consv.all <- function(id, type='symbol') {
	refseq.id <- id;
	if (type == 'symbol') {
		refseq.id <- unique(refseq_map[which(refseq_map$symbol == id), 'refseq.2'])
	} else if (type == 'gene.id') {
		refseq.id <- unique(refseq_map[which(refseq_map$gene.id == id), 'refseq.2'])
	} else if (type == 'ensembl.cds') {
		refseq.id <- unique(refseq_map[which(refseq_map$cds.id == id), 'refseq.2'])
	} else if (type == 'ensembl.protein') {
		refseq.id <- unique(refseq_map[which(refseq_map$protein.id == id), 'refseq.2'])
	} else if (type == 'ensembl.gene') {
		refseq.id <- unique(refseq_map[which(refseq_map$ensembl.gene == id), 'refseq.2'])
	refseq.id <- refseq.id[1];
	k <- ref.block[which(ref.block$refseq == refseq.id), 'k']
	if(length(k) > 0) {
		fitch.k <- fitch.block[[k]]
		gene.fitch <- fitch.k[which(fitch.k$refseq == refseq.id), ]

#' Compute statistics related to evolutionary conservation
#' @param output.folder: A folder containing a "mut.summary.txt" file and a 'spatial.txt' file.
#' @param output.prefix: A prefix string used label the various files. Conservation statistics is written to a file "prefix.fitch.txt".
#' @return NULL
#' @examples: compute.fitch.stats(output.folder='./examples/', output.prefix='TCGA.ACC');
compute.fitch.stats <- function(output.folder, output.prefix) {
	cat('computing conservational statistics ...\n'); flush.console();
	mut.summary.file.name <- paste(output.folder, output.prefix, '.mut.summary.txt', sep='');
	spatial.file.name <- paste(output.folder, output.prefix, '.spatial.txt', sep='');
	output.file.name <- paste(output.folder, output.prefix, '.fitch.txt', sep='');
	if(nchar(output.prefix) == 0) {
		mut.summary.file.name <- paste(output.folder, 'mut.summary.txt', sep='');
		spatial.file.name <- paste(output.folder, 'spatial.txt', sep='');
		output.file.name <- paste(output.folder, 'fitch.txt', sep='');

	mut.summary <- read.table(mut.summary.file.name, sep='\t', header=T, stringsAsFactors=F);
	mut.in <- mut.summary[which(mut.summary$prot.ref != mut.summary$prot.alt & nchar(mut.summary$mut_type) < 6 & mut.summary$prot.alt != '*'), ]
	agg.in <- aggregate(chr ~ symbol + prot.pos, data=mut.in, 'sum')
	agg.in.list <- split(agg.in, agg.in$symbol);
	consv <- do.call(rbind, lapply(agg.in.list, function(x) {
		consv.all <- check.gene.consv.all(id=unique(x$symbol), type='symbol');
		return(consv.all[which(consv.all$pos %in% x$prot.pos), c('refseq', 'pos', 'fitchratevertebrate')]);
	consv$symbol <- rownames(consv);	
	consv$symbol <- gsub('\\.[0-9]+', '', consv$symbol);
	colnames(consv) <- c('refseq', 'prot.pos', 'fitchratevertebrate', 'symbol');
	agg.anno <- merge(agg.in, consv, by=c('symbol', 'prot.pos'), all=T);
	bb <- unique(agg.anno);
	bb$fitch <- bb$fitchratevertebrate * bb$chr
	agg.bb <- aggregate(fitch ~ symbol, data=bb, 'sum', na.rm=T)
	agg.ss <- aggregate(chr ~ symbol, data=bb, 'sum', na.rm=T)
	agg.bs <- unique(merge(agg.bb, agg.ss, by='symbol'))
	agg.ff <- data.frame(symbol=agg.bs$symbol, fitch=agg.bs$fitch/agg.bs$chr)

	spatial <- read.table(spatial.file.name, sep='\t', header=T, stringsAsFactors=F);
	spatial <- spatial[which(spatial$score.6 > 0), ]
	spatial.bb <- merge(bb, spatial, by='symbol', all=F);
	spatial.bb <- spatial.bb[which(spatial.bb$prot.pos >= spatial.bb$score.6 & spatial.bb$prot.pos <= spatial.bb$score.7), ]
	agg.bb <- aggregate(fitch ~ symbol + score.6, data=spatial.bb, 'sum', na.rm=T)
	agg.ss <- aggregate(chr ~ symbol + score.6, data=spatial.bb, 'sum', na.rm=T)
	agg.bs <- unique(merge(agg.bb, agg.ss, by='symbol'))
	agg.spatial <- data.frame(symbol=agg.bs$symbol, fitch.summit=agg.bs$fitch/agg.bs$chr)
	agg <- merge(agg.ff, agg.spatial, by='symbol', all=T);
	write.table(agg, output.file.name, sep='\t', row.names=F, quote=F);

#' Merge selection coefficients, spatial concentration, conservation scores and gene expression data
#' @param output.folder: A folder containing a "genes.opt.txt" file and a 'spatial.txt' file, a 'fitch.txt' file.
#' @param output.prefix: A prefix string used label the various files. Combined data frame is written to a file "prefix.combined.txt".
#' @return NULL
#' @examples: append.info(output.folder='./examples/', output.prefix='TCGA.ACC');
append.info <- function(output.folder, output.prefix) {
	cat('appending somatic selection, spatial distribution and conservation stats ...\n'); flush.console();
	genes.opt.file.name <- paste(output.folder, output.prefix, '.genes.opt.txt', sep='');
	spatial.file.name <- paste(output.folder, output.prefix, '.spatial.txt', sep='');
	fitch.file.name <- paste(output.folder, output.prefix, '.fitch.txt', sep='');
	output.file.name <- paste(output.folder, output.prefix, '.combined.txt', sep='');
	if(nchar(output.prefix) == 0) {
		genes.opt.file.name <- paste(output.folder, 'genes.opt.txt', sep='');
		spatial.file.name <- paste(output.folder, 'spatial.txt', sep='');
		fitch.file.name <- paste(output.folder, 'fitch.txt', sep='');
		output.file.name <- paste(output.folder, 'combined.txt', sep='');
	genes.opt <- read.table(genes.opt.file.name, sep='\t', header=T);
	cat('    selection data (', nrow(genes.opt), ')\n'); flush.console();
	genes.spatial <- read.table(spatial.file.name, sep='\t', header=T, stringsAsFactors=F);
	cat('    spatial data (', nrow(genes.spatial), ')\n'); flush.console();
	genes.fitch <- read.table(fitch.file.name, sep='\t', header=T, stringsAsFactors=F);
	cat('    conservation data (', nrow(genes.fitch), ')\n'); flush.console();

	genes.opt$total.mut.cnt <- rowSums(genes.opt[, c('syn.obs', 'missense.obs', 'nonsense.obs', 'fs.obs', 'inframe.obs')]);
	genes.opt$prot.mut.cnt <- rowSums(genes.opt[, c('missense.obs', 'nonsense.obs', 'fs.obs')]);
	genes.opt$total.mut.pct <- genes.opt$total.mut.cnt/genes.opt$length*100;
	genes.opt$prot.mut.pct <- genes.opt$prot.mut.cnt/genes.opt$length*100;
	colnames(genes.spatial) <- c('symbol', 'score.max_cnt', 'score.mult_pct', 'score.max_pct', 'max.peak.cnt', 'multiple.cnt', 'summit.start', 'summit.end', 'wt.stop');

	genes.opt.fitch <- Reduce(function(...) merge(..., by='symbol', all=T, stringsAsFactors=F), list(genes.opt, genes.spatial, genes.fitch));
	genes.opt.fitch <- unique(genes.opt.fitch);
	genes.opt.fitch <- genes.opt.fitch[which(genes.opt.fitch$total.mut.cnt > 0), ];
	genes.opt.fitch$fitch.summit <- ifelse(genes.opt.fitch$max.peak.cnt > 1, genes.opt.fitch$fitch.summit, genes.opt.fitch$fitch);
	genes.opt.fitch$max.peak.cnt <- ifelse(genes.opt.fitch$max.peak.cnt == 1, 0, genes.opt.fitch$max.peak.cnt);
	write.table(genes.opt.fitch, output.file.name, sep='\t', row.names=F, quote=F);

#' Correct biases for genes with too few somatic variants.
#' @param opts.scs: A data frame containing all features.
#' @return A data frame containing all features after correction
correct.small.sample.bias <- function(opts.scs) {
	# max.nonsense check
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$syn.obs == 0 & opts.scs$inframe.obs == 0 & opts.scs$missense.obs > opts.scs$cnt.disabling*10 & opts.scs$max.nonsense > 2);
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] <- -5;
#	cat(' nonsense... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$fs.obs >= 10 & (opts.scs$inframe.obs == 0 | opts.scs$fs.obs/opts.scs$inframe.obs >= 10 & opts.scs$max.nonsense < 4));
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] <- opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] + 2;
#	cat(' ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$nonsense.obs >= 10 & (opts.scs$syn.obs == 0 | opts.scs$nonsense.obs/opts.scs$syn.obs >= 10 & opts.scs$max.nonsense < 4));
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] <- opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] + 2;
#	cat(' ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$nonsense.obs >= 10 & opts.scs$nonsense.obs > opts.scs$syn.obs/2 & opts.scs$max.nonsense < 4);
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] <- opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] + 1;
#	cat(' ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$syn.obs > 0 & opts.scs$nonsense.obs/opts.scs$syn.obs >= 5 & opts.scs$max.nonsense < 4);
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] <- opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] + 2;
#	cat(' ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$inframe.obs > 0 & opts.scs$fs.obs <= opts.scs$inframe.obs*3 & opts.scs$nonsense.obs < opts.scs$syn.obs*2 & opts.scs$max.nonsense > 2);
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] <- 0;
#	cat(' ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$nonsense.obs >= (opts.scs$syn.obs + opts.scs$missense.obs)/3 & opts.scs$max.nonsense < -2);
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] <- 0;
#	cat(' ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$cnt.disabling >= opts.scs$total.mut.cnt/5 & opts.scs$max.nonsense < -2);
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] <- 0;
#	cat(' ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$cnt.disabling == 1 & opts.scs$total.mut.cnt >= 9 & opts.scs$max.nonsense > 0);
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] <- -4;
#	cat(' ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$cnt.disabling == 1 & opts.scs$max.nonsense > 0);
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] <- 0;
#	cat(' ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$cnt.disabling <= 2 & opts.scs$total.mut.cnt > 25 & opts.scs$max.nonsense > -1 & opts.scs$max.nonsense < 0);
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] <- opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] - 1;
#	cat(' ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$fs.obs == 0 & opts.scs$inframe.obs == 1 & opts.scs$max.nonsense > 1 & opts.scs$max.nonsense < 2);
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] <- opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] + 1;
#	cat(' ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$fs.obs >= 10 & opts.scs$inframe.obs == 0 & opts.scs$max.nonsense > 2.5 & opts.scs$max.nonsense < 3);
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] <- opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] + 1;
#	cat(' ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$fs.obs/opts.scs$inframe.obs >= 20 & opts.scs$max.nonsense > 2.5 & opts.scs$max.nonsense < 3);
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] <- opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] + 1;
#	cat(' ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$nonsense.obs > opts.scs$missense.obs & opts.scs$max.nonsense > 1 & opts.scs$max.nonsense < 2);
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] <- opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] + 1;
#	cat(' ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$disabling.cnt == 1 & opts.scs$total.mut.cnt > 5 & opts.scs$max.nonsense > 2);
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] <- 0;
#	cat(' ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$cnt.neutral >= opts.scs$cnt.disabling & opts.scs$max.nonsense > 2);
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] <- -5;
#	cat(' ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$cnt.neutral == 1 & opts.scs$cnt.disabling >= 10 & opts.scs$max.nonsense < 4);
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] <- opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] + 2;
#	cat(' ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$cnt.neutral >= 1 & opts.scs$cnt.disabling/opts.scs$cnt.neutral >= 5 & opts.scs$max.nonsense < 3);
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] <- opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] + 1.5;
#	cat(' ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$cnt.neutral >= 1 & opts.scs$cnt.disabling/opts.scs$cnt.neutral >= 5 & opts.scs$max.nonsense <= 0);
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.nonsense'] <- 3;
#	cat(' ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	opts.scs[which(opts.scs$max.nonsense > 5), 'max.nonsense'] <- 5;
	# max.missense check	
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$syn.obs >= 1 & opts.scs$missense.obs > opts.scs$syn.obs*10 & (opts.scs$nonsense.obs + opts.scs$fs.obs) <= 1 & opts.scs$max.missense < 2);
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.missense'] <- 4;	
#	cat(' missense ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$syn.obs >= 1 & opts.scs$missense.obs >= opts.scs$syn.obs*9 & opts.scs$max.missense < 2);
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.missense'] <- opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.missense'] + 1;	
#	cat(' missense ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();
	check.idx <- which(opts.scs$max.peak.cnt >= 10 & opts.scs$score.summit > 0.4 & opts.scs$max.missense < 3);
	opts.scs[check.idx, 'max.missense'] <- 3.5;	
#	cat(' missense ... convert', length(check.idx), '\n'); flush.console();

#' Reformat a data frame to be suitable for modeling.
#' @param output.folder: A folder containing a "combined.txt" file.
#' @param output.prefix: A prefix string used to label the files. Reformatted data frame is written to a file "prefix.reformatted.txt".
#' @return A data frame containing all features after reformat
#' @examples: reformat(output.folder='./examples/', output.prefix='TCGA.ACC');
reformat <- function(output.folder, output.prefix) {
	cat('reformatting ...\n');
	input.file.name <- paste(output.folder, output.prefix, '.combined.txt', sep='');
	output.file.name <- paste(output.folder, output.prefix, '.reformatted.txt', sep='');
	if(nchar(output.prefix) == 0) {
		input.file.name <- paste(output.folder, 'combined.txt', sep='');
		output.file.name <- paste(output.folder, 'reformatted.txt', sep='');
	opts.scs <- read.table(input.file.name, sep='\t', header=T, stringsAsFactors=F);
	opts.scs <- opts.scs[which(!is.na(opts.scs$syn.obs)), ];
	opts.scs <- opts.scs[which(!is.na(opts.scs$length)), ];
	opts.scs <- correct.small.sample.bias(opts.scs);
	opts.scs$length <- opts.scs$length/9;
	opts.scs$cnt.disabling <- rowSums(opts.scs[, c('nonsense.obs', 'fs.obs')]);
	opts.scs$fitch <- ifelse(is.na(opts.scs$fitch), mean(opts.scs$fitch, na.rm=T), opts.scs$fitch);
	opts.scs$fitch <- ifelse(opts.scs$fitch < 0.01, 0, opts.scs$fitch);
	opts.scs$fitch.summit <- ifelse(is.na(opts.scs$fitch.summit), opts.scs$fitch, opts.scs$fitch.summit);
	opts.scs$fitch <- round(opts.scs$fitch, 3);
	opts.scs$fitch.summit <- round(opts.scs$fitch.summit, 3);
	opts.scs$wt.stop.pct <- opts.scs$wt.stop/opts.scs$length;
	opts.scs$wt.stop.pct <- ifelse(opts.scs$wt.stop.pct > 1, 1, opts.scs$wt.stop.pct);
	opts.scs$max.missense <- ifelse(is.na(opts.scs$max.missense), 0, opts.scs$max.missense);
	opts.scs$max.nonsense <- ifelse(is.na(opts.scs$max.nonsense), 0, opts.scs$max.nonsense);
	opts.scs$max.missense <- round(opts.scs$max.missense, 2);
	opts.scs$max.nonsense <- round(opts.scs$max.nonsense, 2);
	colnames(opts.scs) <- ifelse(colnames(opts.scs)=='score.mult_pct', 'score.peak', ifelse(colnames(opts.scs)=='score.max_pct', 'score.summit', colnames(opts.scs)))
	opts.scs$score.max_cnt <- ifelse(is.na(opts.scs$score.max_cnt), 0, opts.scs$score.max_cnt);
	opts.scs[which(is.na(opts.scs$score.peak)), 'score.peak'] <- 0;
	opts.scs[which(is.na(opts.scs$score.summit)), 'score.summit'] <- 0;
	opts.scs$max.prot <- rowSums(opts.scs[, c('max.missense', 'max.nonsense')], na.rm=T);
	opts.scs <- opts.scs[which(opts.scs$total.mut.cnt >= 5 & !is.na(opts.scs$max.missense) & !is.na(opts.scs$max.missense) & !is.na(opts.scs$max.prot)), ]

	opts.scs$syn.obs.pct <- opts.scs$syn.obs/opts.scs$total.mut.cnt;
	opts.scs$missense.obs.pct <- opts.scs$missense.obs/opts.scs$total.mut.cnt;
	opts.scs$truncating.obs.pct <- (opts.scs$nonsense.obs + opts.scs$fs.obs)/opts.scs$total.mut.cnt;
	opts.scs$wt.stop.pct <- opts.scs$wt.stop/opts.scs$length;
	opts.scs <- merge(opts.scs, anno.length[, c('ensembl_transcript_id', 'ensembl.gene.id')], by.x='cds.id', by.y='ensembl_transcript_id', all.x=T, all.y=F);

	write.table(opts.scs, output.file.name, sep='\t', row.names=F, quote=F);

#' Predict oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes and passenger genes.
#' @param output.folder: A folder containing a "reformatted.txt" file.
#' @param output.prefix: A prefix string used to label the files. Predictions are written to a file "prefix.predictions.txt".
#' @return NULL
#' @examples: make.prediction(output.folder='./examples/', output.prefix='TCGA.ACC');
make.prediction <- function(output.folder, output.prefix) {
	cat('making predictions ...\n');
	input.file.name <- paste(output.folder, output.prefix, '.reformatted.txt', sep='');
	output.file.name <- paste(output.folder, output.prefix, '.predictions.txt', sep='');
	if(nchar(output.prefix) == 0) {
		input.file.name <- paste(output.folder, 'reformatted.txt', sep='');
		output.file.name <- paste(output.folder, 'predictions.txt', sep='');
	all.data <- read.table(input.file.name, sep='\t', header=T, stringsAsFactors=F);
	col.sub <- c('missense.obs.pct', 'truncating.obs.pct', 'max.missense', 'max.nonsense', 'score.peak', 'score.summit', 'max.peak.cnt', 'wt.stop.pct', 'fitch', 'fitch.summit')

	predictors.all <- all.data
	na.row = which(is.na(predictors.all), arr.ind=T)
	if(length(na.row) > 0) predictors.all = predictors.all[-unique(na.row[, 1]), ];
	classes.pred <- predict(md, predictors.all[, col.sub])
	classes.pred.prob <- predict(md, predictors.all[, col.sub], 'prob')
	classes.pred.prob.max <- apply(classes.pred.prob, 1, max)
	colnames(classes.pred.prob) <- c('prob.CIG', 'prob.OG', 'prob.TSG');
	predictors.all$pred <- classes.pred;
	predictors.all$pred <- as.character(predictors.all$pred);
	predictors.all$pred <- ifelse(predictors.all$pred == 'CIG', 'PG', predictors.all$pred);
	predictors.all <- cbind(predictors.all, classes.pred.prob, 'prob.pred'=classes.pred.prob.max)
	predictors.all <- merge(predictors.all, cgc.drivers, by='symbol', all.x=T, all.y=F);
	predictors.all.orig <- predictors.all;
	dim(predictors.all.orig);  ## 91889
	predictors.all.orig$cgc.cat <- ifelse(is.na(predictors.all.orig$cgc.cat), 'passenger', as.character(predictors.all.orig$cgc.cat));
	predictors.all.orig$tumor <- gsub('TCGA.', '', output.prefix);
	predictors.all.orig <- merge(unique(annotation[, c('symbol', 'gene.id')]), predictors.all.orig, by='symbol', all.x=F, all.y=T);

	predictors.output <- predictors.all.orig[, c('symbol', 'ensembl.gene.id', 'gene.id', 'length', 'tumor', 'syn.obs', 'missense.obs', 'nonsense.obs', 'fs.obs', 'inframe.obs', 'max.missense', 'max.nonsense', 'missense.obs.pct',   'truncating.obs.pct', 'score.peak', 'score.summit', 'max.peak.cnt', 'wt.stop.pct', 'fitch', 'fitch.summit', 'cgc.cat', 'prob.CIG', 'prob.OG', 'prob.TSG', 'pred', 'prob.pred')]
	colnames(predictors.output) <- c('Symbol', 'Ensembl.gene', 'Entrez.gene', 'Gene.length', 'Tumor', 'Silent', 'Missense', 'Nonsense', 'Indel.fs', 'Indel.inframe', 'Sel.missense', 'Sel.truncating', 'R.missense', 'R.truncating', 'R.peak', 'R.summit', 'C.summit', 'R.length', 'E.gene', 'E.summit', 'CGC.cat', 'PG.prob', 'OG.prob', 'TSG.prob', 'GUST.pred', 'GUST.prob')
	predictors.output$R.missense <- round(predictors.output$R.missense, 2)
	predictors.output$R.truncating <- round(predictors.output$R.truncating, 2)
	predictors.output$R.peak <- round(predictors.output$R.peak, 2)
	predictors.output$R.summit <- round(predictors.output$R.summit, 2)
	predictors.output$R.length <- round(predictors.output$R.length, 2)
	write.table(predictors.output, output.file.name, sep='\t', row.names=F, quote=F);

#' Retreve somatic mutations of a gene from one or more tumor types.
#' @param gene.symbol: A gene symbol.
#' @param folder: A folder containing a "prefix.mut.summary.txt" file and a "prefix.symbol_2_cds_id.txt" file.
#' @param prefix: A prefix string used to label the files. Usually, it contains TCGA.tumor_abbreviation.
#' @return A list with three elements: the first element is a data frame with mutations counts aggregated on protein level; the second element is a data frame with mutations counts aggregated on nucleotide level; the third element is the Ensembl transcript ID.
check.gene.mut <- function(gene.symbol, folder, prefix) {
	mut.summary <- read.table(paste(folder, '/', prefix, '.mut.summary.txt', sep=''), header=T, sep='\t', stringsAsFactors=F);
	mut.summary.s <- mut.summary[which(mut.summary$symbol == gene.symbol), ];
	mut.summary.s.neutral <- mut.summary.s[which(mut.summary.s$mut_type %in% c('inf_del', 'inf_ins') | mut.summary.s$prot.ref == mut.summary.s$prot.alt), ]
	mut.summary.s.nn <- setdiff(mut.summary.s, mut.summary.s.neutral);
	if(nrow(mut.summary.s.neutral) > 0) {
		mut.summary.s.neutral$type <- 'neutral'
	if(nrow(mut.summary.s.nn) > 0) {
		mut.summary.s.nn$type <- ifelse(mut.summary.s.nn$mut_type %in% c('fs_del', 'fs_ins') | mut.summary.s.nn$prot.alt == '*', 'nonsense', 'missense'); ## account for diff prot.alt at a pos
	mut.summary.s <- rbind(mut.summary.s.neutral, mut.summary.s.nn);
	mut.summary.s <- mut.summary.s[order(mut.summary.s$prot.pos), ]
	result <- c();
	if(nrow(mut.summary.s) > 0) {
		agg <- aggregate(chr ~ prot.pos + prot.ref + prot.alt + type, data=mut.summary.s, 'sum')
		agg <- agg[order(-agg$chr), ];
		agg$tumor <- gsub('TCGA.', '', prefix);
		result <- rbind(result, agg)
	if(!is.null(result)) {
		colnames(result) <- c('prot.pos', 'prot.ref', 'prot.alt', 'type', 'cnt', 'tumor');
		result <- result[order(result$tumor, result$prot.pos), ]
		aa.length <- max(anno.length[which(anno.length$symbol == gene.symbol), 'length']);
		result$length <- aa.length;
	map <- read.table(paste(folder, '/', prefix, '.symbol_2_cds_id.txt', sep=''), header=T, sep='\t', stringsAsFactors=F);
	cds.id <- map[map$symbol==gene.symbol, 'cds.id'][1];

	return(list(result, mut.summary.s, cds.id));

#' Perform GUST classification of oncogens, tumor suppressor genes and passenger genes from exome sequencing data.
#' @param input.file.name: A VCF-formatted file to read SnpEff annotated somatic variants. This input file shall contain these fields: Tumor_Sample_Barcode, Chromosome, Start_Position, dbSNP_RS, Reference_Allele, Tumor_Seq_Allele2, FILTER, One_Consequence, Hugo_Symbol, Gene, Feature, ENSP, HGVSc, HGVSp_Short, Amino_acids, Codons, ENSP, RefSeq, Entrez_Gene_Id.
#' @param output.folder: the folder to write the temporary and final prediction files. 
#' @param output.prefix: prefix used to name the temporary and final prediction files. Temporary files include prefix.outlier.txt, prefix.mut.cnt.txt, prefix.mut.filtered.txt, prefix.mut.summary.txt, prefix.error.txt, prefix.log.txt, prefix.symbol_2_cds_id.txt, prefix.genes.opt.txt, prefix.spatial.txt, prefix.fitch.txt, prefix.combined.txt, prefix.reformatted.txt, prefix.gust.txt
#' @param steps: A vector of integers indicating which functions to execute. 1-find.outliers(), 2-parse.aggregated.mut(), 3-compute.selection.stats, 4-compute.spatial.stats(), 5-compute.fitch.stats(), 6-append.info(), 7-reformat(), 8-make.prediction(). Default to 1:8.
#' @return NULL
#' @examples gust(input.file.name='./examples/TCGA.ACC.mutect.somatic.maf.gz', output.folder='./examples/', output.prefix='TCGA.ACC');
gust <- function(input.file.name, output.folder, output.prefix, steps=1:8) {
	output.folder <- paste(output.folder, '/', sep='');
	if(1 %in% steps) {
		find.outliers(input.file.name=input.file.name, output.folder=output.folder, output.prefix=output.prefix);
	if(2 %in% steps) {
		parse.aggregated.mut(input.file.name=input.file.name, output.folder=output.folder, output.prefix=output.prefix);
	if(3 %in% steps) {
		compute.selection.stats(output.folder=output.folder, output.prefix=output.prefix);
	if(4 %in% steps) {
		compute.spatial.stats(output.folder=output.folder, output.prefix=output.prefix);
	if(5 %in% steps) {
		compute.fitch.stats(output.folder=output.folder, output.prefix=output.prefix);
	if(6 %in% steps) {
		append.info(output.folder=output.folder, output.prefix=output.prefix)
	if(7 %in% steps) {
		reformat(output.folder=output.folder, output.prefix=output.prefix)
	if(8 %in% steps) {
		make.prediction(output.folder=output.folder, output.prefix=output.prefix)
liliulab/gust documentation built on Aug. 30, 2022, 1:42 a.m.