
Defines functions mixtureHeatMap

Documented in mixtureHeatMap

#' plot mixture of all two compartment profile combinations as panel; assumes eight compartments
#' @param Acup relative amount of a given cellular compartment protein that ends up in a given centrifugation fraction
#' @param totProt vector of amounts starting material in each fraction
#' @param NstartMaterialFractions number of fractions in starting material
#' @param eps small positive constant to add before taking a log transformation
#' @return color heat map of errors
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @importFrom graphics text
#' @importFrom viridisLite magma
#' @import plot.matrix
#' @import grid
#' @import gridExtra
#' @export

mixtureHeatMap <- function(Acup, totProt, NstartMaterialFractions=6, eps=0.001) {

  numDataCols <- ncol(Acup)
  nCompart <- nrow(Acup)
  refLocationProfilesAcup <- Acup
  refLocationProfilesNSA <-
                                        totProt=totProt )
  refLocationProfilesRSA <-

  op <- par(mfrow=c(3,3))
  protAmtList <- c("Relative specific amount\n(RSA)",
                   "Normalized specific amount\n(NSA)",
                   "Relative amount\n(Acup)",
                   "Log2 RSA", "Log2 NSA", "Log2 Acup")
  protAmtMat <- matrix(protAmtList, nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)

  x <- c(0,1)
  y <- c(0,1)
  nComp <- nrow(Acup)  # number of compartments
  par(mfrow=c(nComp,nComp), mar=c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5), xpd=NA)
 compartmentList <- rownames(Acup)
 # print column labels
 for (k in seq_len(nComp)) {
   plot(y ~ x, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
   if (k != 1) text(0.5, 0.5, compartmentList[k], cex=2)

 # start with a 2 by 3 matrix of zeros;
 #  this will contain the sum of all errors matrices
 errorMatAll <- matrix(0, nrow=2, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
 for (i in seq_len((nComp-1))) {
   for (j in seq_len(nComp)) {

   if (j <= i) {
     plot(y ~ x, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")

     if ((j == 1) & (i != nCompart)) text(0.5, 0.5, compartmentList[i], cex=2)
    if (j > i) {

  # i=1
  # j=4
  # create mixture
  mixProtiProtjAcup <- proteinMix(refLocationProfilesAcup, Loc1=i, Loc2=j)
  mixProtiProtjRSA <- RSAfromAcup(Acup=mixProtiProtjAcup,
                        NstartMaterialFractions=NstartMaterialFractions, totProt=totProt)

  # find RSA
  refLocationProfilesRSA <- RSAfromNSA(NSA=refLocationProfilesNSA, NstartMaterialFractions=NstartMaterialFractions,
  # apply CPA to relative specific amounts (recommended way)
  mixProtiProtjProp <- fitCPA(profile=mixProtiProtjRSA,

  # normalized specific amounts
 # mixProtiProtjSpecAmt <- t(apply(mixProtiProtjRSA,1, function(x) x/sum(x)))
  mixProtiProtjNSA <- NSAfromRSA(mixProtiProtjRSA)

  # apply CPA to normalized specific amounts
  #mixProtiProtjPropSpecAmt <- fitCPA(profile=mixProtiProtjSpecAmt,
  mixProtiProtjPropNSA <- fitCPA(profile=mixProtiProtjNSA,

  # apply CPA to relative amounts (Acup)
  mixProtiProtjPropAcup <-
            refLocationProfiles=refLocationProfilesAcup, numDataCols=numDataCols)

  # log transformed

  mixProtiProtjPropLog2 <- fitCPA(profile=log2(mixProtiProtjRSA + eps),
                                   refLocationProfiles=log2(refLocationProfilesRSA + eps),

  mixProtiProtjPropNSALog2 <-
    fitCPA(profile=log2(mixProtiProtjNSA + eps),
            refLocationProfiles=log2(refLocationProfilesNSA + eps), numDataCols=numDataCols)

  mixProtiProtjPropAcupLog2 <-
    fitCPA(profile=log2(mixProtiProtjAcup + eps),
            refLocationProfiles=log2(refLocationProfilesAcup + eps) , numDataCols=numDataCols)

# # # #

  ae11 <- mixtureAreaError(mixProtiProtjCPA=mixProtiProtjProp, NstartMaterialFractions=NstartMaterialFractions,
                 Loc1=i, Loc2=j, increment.prop=0.1)
  ae12 <- mixtureAreaError(mixProtiProtjCPA=mixProtiProtjPropNSA,
                 NstartMaterialFractions=NstartMaterialFractions, Loc1=i, Loc2=j,
  ae13 <- mixtureAreaError(mixProtiProtjCPA=mixProtiProtjPropAcup, NstartMaterialFractions=NstartMaterialFractions,
                 Loc1=i, Loc2=j, increment.prop=0.1)

  ae21 <- mixtureAreaError(mixProtiProtjCPA=mixProtiProtjPropLog2, NstartMaterialFractions=NstartMaterialFractions,
                 Loc1=i, Loc2=j, increment.prop=0.1)
  ae22 <- mixtureAreaError(mixProtiProtjCPA=mixProtiProtjPropNSALog2, NstartMaterialFractions=NstartMaterialFractions,
                 Loc1=i, Loc2=j, increment.prop=0.1)
  ae23 <- mixtureAreaError(mixProtiProtjCPA=mixProtiProtjPropAcupLog2,
                 NstartMaterialFractions=NstartMaterialFractions, Loc1=i, Loc2=j,
  errorMat <- matrix(c(ae11, ae12, ae13, ae21, ae22, ae23), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)
  # add up all errors
  errorMatAll <- errorMatAll + errorMat

  errorMat1m <- 2 - errorMat # so that higher errors are dark red

  col <- rev(viridis::magma(20))
  plot(errorMat, col=col, breaks=seq(0, 2, 0.10), key=NULL, main="",
     axis.col=NULL, axis.row=NULL, xlab="", ylab="", digits=2, cex=0.8)
 par(op)  # restore par
mooredf22/protlocassign0p1p1 documentation built on Feb. 7, 2022, 1:55 a.m.