
#' CellTag Extraction Function
#' This function extracts CellTags from the raw fastq/bam sequencing file. If it is a fastq file, provides counts of each CellTag and sorts them in desending order. If it is a bam file, returns the barcode, umi, celltag information.
#' @param fastq.bam.input The input fastq/bam data directory
#' @param short.nt.before.tag A short sequence before the 8nt tag to help more specific identification
#' @param short.nt.after.tag A short sequence after the 8nt tag to help more specific identification
#' @param extraction.output.filename The output file directory, i.e. where would you like to store the 8nt tags with their counts?
#' @param save.fullTag Would you like to save full sequences with the short sequences provided without counts? Defaults to TRUE
#' @param save.onlyTag Would you like to save only the 8nt CellTags without counts? Defaults to TRUE
#' @return A list contains count table of CellTags. If requested to save fullTag counts, i.e. save.fullTag.counts = TRUE, return a list of both 8nt tags and full sequences count. Otherwise, a list of 8nt tags counts. 
#' @keywords single-cell RNA-seq data, CellTagging
#' @export
#' @examples
#' CellTagExtraction("data.fastq", "v1", "~/Desktop/whitelist.txt")
CellTagExtraction <- function(fastq.bam.input, celltag.version, extraction.output.filename, save.fullTag = TRUE, save.onlyTag = TRUE) {
  # Set up the output filenames and path
  output.file <- extraction.output.filename
  output.file.dirname <- dirname(output.file)
  output.file.basename <- basename(output.file)
  output.file.bnm.parts <- strsplit(output.file.basename, "[.]")[[1]]
  output.file.bnm <- paste0(output.file.bnm.parts[c(1:(length(output.file.bnm.parts) - 1))], collapse = "_")
  if (tolower(celltag.version) == "v1") {
    short.nt.before.tag <- "CCGGT"
  } else if (tolower(celltag.version) == "v2") {
    short.nt.before.tag <- "GTGATG"
  } else {
    short.nt.before.tag <- "TGTACG"
  short.nt.after.tag <- "GAATTC"
  # Set up the patterns to extract the tags and open the connection to file
  pattern <- paste0(short.nt.before.tag, "[ATCG]{8}", short.nt.after.tag)
  if (endsWith(fastq.bam.input, "fastq")) {
    rslt <- fastq.process(fastq.file = fastq.bam.input, pattern = pattern, short.nt.before.tag, short.nt.after.tag)
    # Save them if required
    if (save.fullTag) {
      print("Saving Full CellTag......")
      fullTag.nm <- paste0(output.file.dirname, "/", output.file.bnm, "_fullTag.txt")
      write.table(rslt[[1]], fullTag.nm, sep = "\n", quote = F, row.names = F, col.names = F)
    if (save.onlyTag) {
      print("Saving CellTag......")
      onlyTag.nm <- paste0(output.file.dirname, "/", output.file.bnm, "_onlyTag.txt")
      write.table(rslt[[2]], onlyTag.nm, sep = "\n", quote = F, row.names = F, col.names = F)
  if (endsWith(fastq.bam.input, "bam")) {
    rslt <- bam.process(bam.file = fastq.bam.input, pattern = pattern, short.nt.before.tag, short.nt.after.tag)
    write.table(rslt, output.file, sep = "\t", quote = F, row.names = F)


#' CellTag Matrix Generation Function
#' This function uses the extract information from data processed before and generate a Cell Barcode x CellTag matrix
#' @param barcodes.file A .tsv output file from 10x CellRanger pipeline. It contains a list of all cell barcodes identified in the filtered dataset.
#' @param celltag.read.data.file A .tsv output file that contains information about the parsed Cell barcode, UMI, CellTag data
#' @return Cell Barcodes x CellTag matrix
#' @keywords single-cell RNA-seq data, CellTagging
#' @export
#' @examples
#' CellTagMatrixCount("barcodes.tsv", "D0_V1_tag_info.tsv")
CellTagMatrixCount <- function(barcodes.file, celltag.read.data.file) {
  # Get the basename of this file
  base.fnm.parts <- strsplit(basename(barcodes.file), "[.]")[[1]]
  base.fnm <- paste0(base.fnm.parts[c(1:(length(base.fnm.parts) - 1))], collapse = "_")
  dir.nm <- dirname(celltag.read.data.file)
  #Creates a file name for the summary file.
  summaryOut <- paste0(dir.nm, "/", base.fnm, ".celltag.stats.txt")
  #Creates a file name for the CellTag UMI Count Matrix.
  matrixOut <- paste0(dir.nm, "/", base.fnm, ".matrix.tsv")
  #Creates a file name to save the CellTag UMI Count Matrix as an R object. 
  rdsOut <- paste0(dir.nm, "/", base.fnm, ".celltag.matrix.Rds")
  # Read in the cell barcodes identified during alignment
  barcodeList <- fread(barcodes.file, header = FALSE)[[1]]
  # Read in the parsed CellTag information
  celltagData <- fread(celltag.read.data.file)
  #With the parsed CellTag reads loaded we can then easily filter the data and generate UMI Counts for each Cell Barcode/Cell Tag combination.
  #-Groups the data.table by Cell Barcode/Cell Tag combination and creates a new column "UMI.Count" which has the number of unique UMI associated with each Cell Barcode/Cell.Tag combination. uniqueN is equivalent to length(unique(UMI))
  celltagCounts <- celltagData[, .(UMI.Count = uniqueN(UMI)), .(Cell.BC, Cell.Tag)]          
  #The data is now in a long format and needs to be reshaped. We will cast the long data into a wide format resembling a matrix.
  celltagCountsWide <- dcast(data = celltagCounts, formula = Cell.BC ~ Cell.Tag, value.var = "UMI.Count", fill = 0 )
  #Now we have the data we want in the correct format. Next we can add Cells from the barcode list that were not in the celltagData.
  missingCells <- barcodeList[!(barcodeList %in% celltagCountsWide$Cell.BC)]
  #Lets make a data.table with one column Cell.BC which will contain a list of the missing cells. This can then be merged with the UMI Count data table.
  missingCells <- data.table(Cell.BC = missingCells)
  #Bind the missing cells to the data.table containing the Cell Tag UMI Counts.
  alltagCounts <- rbind(celltagCountsWide, missingCells, fill = TRUE)
  #We have added the missing cells, whose values now need to be changed from NA to 0.
  alltagCounts[is.na(alltagCounts)] <- 0
  #Now we can filter out cells which are not in our barcode list.
  alltagCounts <- alltagCounts[Cell.BC %in% barcodeList, ]
  #Lets also filter Cell Tags in which no UMIs are counted.
  celltagExpr <- colSums(alltagCounts[, -1])
  tagsRemove <- names(celltagExpr)[celltagExpr == 0]
  alltagCounts[, (tagsRemove):= NULL]
  #We now have a final matrix. Next lets generate some stats about the Cell Tags. 
  celltagExpr <- summary(colSums(alltagCounts[, -1]))
  cellsPerTag <- summary(colSums(alltagCounts[, -1] > 0))
  cellExpr <- summary(rowSums(alltagCounts[, -1]))
  tagsPerCell <- rowSums(alltagCounts[, -1] > 0)
  tagsPerCellSum <- summary(tagsPerCell)
  stats.df <- rbind(celltagExpr, cellsPerTag, cellExpr, tagsPerCellSum)
  rownames(stats.df) <- c("CellTag.UMI.Counts", "Cells.per.CellTag", "Cell.UMI.Counts", "CellTags.per.Cell")
  stats.df <- as.data.frame(stats.df)
  cat("Number of Cells expressing No Cell Tags\n")
  cat(sum(tagsPerCell == 0))
  cat("\nNumer of Cells expressing 1 or more CellTags\n")
  cat(sum(tagsPerCell >= 1))
  cat("\nNumber of Cells Expressing 5 or more CellTags\n")
  cat(sum(tagsPerCell >= 5))
  cat("\nNumber of Cells Expressing 10 or more CellTags\n")
  cat(sum(tagsPerCell >= 10))
  fwrite(alltagCounts, file = matrixOut)
  saveRDS(alltagCounts, file = rdsOut)

#' Fastq Process Function
#' This function extracts CellTags from the raw fastq sequencing file, provides counts of each CellTag and sorts them in desending order.
#' @param fastq.file The input fastq/bam data directory
#' @param pattern The pattern to seek for
#' @param short.nt.before.tag A short sequence before the 8nt tag to help more specific identification
#' @param short.nt.after.tag A short sequence after the 8nt tag to help more specific identification
#' @return A list contains count table of CellTags. If requested to save fullTag counts, i.e. save.fullTag.counts = TRUE, return a list of both 8nt tags and full sequences count. Otherwise, a list of 8nt tags counts. 
#' @keywords single-cell RNA-seq data, CellTagging
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fastq.process("data.fastq", "CCGGT[ATCG]{8}GAATTC", "CCGGT", "GAATTC")
fastq.process <- function(fastq.file, pattern, short.nt.before.tag, short.nt.after.tag) {
  con <- file(fastq.file, "r")
  # Get the sequences containing the tags (with both full tag region and only 8nt tag)
  seq.list <- c()
  filtered.sequences <- c()
  full.tag.seq <- c()
  only.tag.seq <- c()
  print("Reading File......")
  while(TRUE) {
    curr.lines <- readLines(con, 1000000)
    if (length(curr.lines) == 0) break
    else {
      curr.seqs <- curr.lines[seq(2, 1000000, by = 4)]
      seq.list <- c(seq.list, curr.seqs)
      reg.rslt <- regexpr(pattern, curr.seqs, ignore.case = TRUE, perl = TRUE)
      contain.idx <- which(reg.rslt > 0)
      curr.f.seq <- curr.seqs[contain.idx]
      filtered.sequences <- c(filtered.sequences, curr.f.seq)
      start.loc <- reg.rslt[contain.idx]
      end.loc <- start.loc + nchar(short.nt.before.tag) + 8 + nchar(short.nt.after.tag) - 1
      curr.full.tag <- substr(curr.f.seq, start = start.loc, stop = end.loc)
      only.tag <- substr(curr.full.tag, start = (nchar(short.nt.before.tag) + 1), stop = (nchar(short.nt.before.tag) + 8))
      full.tag.seq <- c(full.tag.seq, curr.full.tag)
      only.tag.seq <- c(only.tag.seq, only.tag)
  rslt <- list(full.tag.seq, only.tag.seq)

#' Bam File Process Function
#' This function extracts CellTags from the bam sequencing file, provides cell barcode, umi and their corresponding celltag information.
#' @param bam.file The input bam data directory
#' @param pattern The pattern to seek for
#' @param short.nt.before.tag A short sequence before the 8nt tag to help more specific identification
#' @param short.nt.after.tag A short sequence after the 8nt tag to help more specific identification
#' @return A data table contains cell barcode, celltag and umi information
#' @keywords single-cell RNA-seq data, CellTagging
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bam.process("data.fastq", "CCGGT[ATCG]{8}GAATTC", "CCGGT", "GAATTC")
bam.process <- function(bam.file, pattern, short.nt.before.tag, short.nt.after.tag) {
  # Install Rsamtools
  if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
  if (!requireNamespace("Rsamtools", quietly = TRUE)) {
    BiocManager::install("Rsamtools", version = "3.8")
  # Get the bam file
  bamFile <- BamFile(bam.file)
  yieldSize(bamFile) <- 1000000
  parameters <- ScanBamParam(what = scanBamWhat(), tag = c("CB", "GN", "UB"))
  bam.parsed.df <- data.frame()
  count <- 0
  while(TRUE) {
    curr.read <- scanBam(bamFile, param = parameters)[[1]]
    if (length(curr.read$qname) <= 0) {
    } else {
      # Read in all information
      curr.seqs <- as.character(curr.read$seq)
      # Check if the sequences contain the celltag motif
      reg.rslt <- regexpr(pattern, curr.seqs, ignore.case = TRUE, perl = TRUE)
      contain.idx <- which(reg.rslt > 0)
      if (length(contain.idx) > 0) {
        curr.cell.bc <- curr.read$tag$CB
        curr.umi <- curr.read$tag$UB
        curr.cell.tag <- rep(NA, length(curr.read$qname))
        if (!(is.null(curr.cell.bc) | is.null(curr.umi))) {
          # Initialize the current data table
          curr.df <- data.table(Cell.BC = curr.cell.bc, UMI = curr.umi, Cell.Tag = curr.cell.tag)
          curr.f.seq <- curr.seqs[contain.idx]
          start.loc <- reg.rslt[contain.idx]
          end.loc <- start.loc + nchar(short.nt.before.tag) + 8 + nchar(short.nt.after.tag) - 1
          curr.full.tag <- substr(curr.f.seq, start = start.loc, stop = end.loc)
          only.tag <- substr(curr.full.tag, start = (nchar(short.nt.before.tag) + 1), stop = (nchar(short.nt.before.tag) + 8))
          curr.df$Cell.Tag[contain.idx] <- only.tag
          # Add to the current data frame
          if (nrow(bam.parsed.df) <= 0) {
            bam.parsed.df <- curr.df[contain.idx,]
          } else {
            bam.parsed.df <- rbind(bam.parsed.df, curr.df[contain.idx, ])
    count <- count + 1
morris-lab/CloneHunter documentation built on June 12, 2019, 11:01 a.m.