queryReport: queryReport is a helper function to report on the number of...

View source: R/rampQueryHelper.R

queryReportR Documentation

queryReport is a helper function to report on the number of query items that were found and missed, and the list of missed query values.


queryReport is a helper function to report on the number of query items that were found and missed, and the list of missed query values.


queryReport(queryList, foundList)



is a list object that contains all user input query values


is a list object of all user input query values that were retrieved during the query


returns a list object with three return values, 'query_list_size', 'found_list_size', 'missed_query_elements' The 'size' values are integers for the size of the input query and the number of input query values found. The missed_query_elements is a list containing the subset of query values that are not found during the query.

ncats/RaMP-DB documentation built on June 1, 2024, 9:34 p.m.