
Defines functions cbp_new_cancer_type format_gene_expression_data cbp_add_expression cbp_add_cna cbp_add_maf check_cbp_study_id cbp_add_clinical cbp_new_study cbp_datatypes

Documented in cbp_add_clinical cbp_add_cna cbp_add_expression cbp_add_maf cbp_datatypes cbp_new_cancer_type cbp_new_study check_cbp_study_id format_gene_expression_data

# Export data from Synapse as a cBioPortal dataset, where different data types can be added to the package one-by-one,
# much in the spirit of https://github.com/r-lib/usethis.
# This file contains the higher-level wrappers that are user-facing.
# See `cboilerplate.R` for the lower-level utils, which allows more control.
# All functions should start with `cbp_*` so that it's clear this is cBioPortal-relevant functionality.

#' Enumerate combinations of valid cBP data types and data subtypes and helper utils if available
#' https://docs.cbioportal.org/file-formats/
#' @keywords internal
cbp_datatypes <- function() {

  types <- data.table::rbindlist(list(
    list("CLINICAL", "SAMPLE_ATTRIBUTES", "cbp_add_clinical", ""),
    list("CLINICAL", "PATIENT_ATTRIBUTES", "cbp_add_clinical", ""),
    list("COPY_NUMBER_ALTERATION", "SEG", "cbp_add_cna", "default"),
    list("COPY_NUMBER_ALTERATION", "LOG2-VALUE", "", ""),
    list("MRNA_EXPRESSION", "CONTINUOUS", "cbp_add_expression", ""),
    list("MRNA_EXPRESSION", "Z-SCORE", "cbp_add_expression", ""),
    list("MUTATION_EXTENDED", "MAF", "cbp_add_maf", ""),
    list("METHYLATION", "CONTINUOUS", "", ""),
    list("PROTEIN_LEVEL", "LOG2-VALUE", "", ""),
    list("STRUCTURAL_VARIANT", "SV", "", "")))

  setnames(types, c("dataType", "dataSubtype", "util", "note"))

#' Initialize a new cBioPortal study dataset
#' Create a new directory with a basic required [study meta file](https://docs.cbioportal.org/file-formats/#meta-file),
#' much like how we'd create a new R package and put a DESCRIPTION file in it.
#' @param cancer_study_identifier Cancer study identifier in format such as `nst_nfosi_ntap_2022`.
#' @param name Name of the study, e.g. "Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor (NF-OSI, 2022)".
#' @param type_of_cancer Id for type of cancer. If `validate` is TRUE, this is one of the things validated with warning if mismatched.
#' @param description Description of the study, defaults to a generic description that can be edited later.
#' @param short_name (Optional) Short name for the study.
#' @param citation (Optional) A relevant citation, e.g. "TCGA, Nature 2012".
#' @param pmid (Optional) One or more relevant pubmed ids (comma-separated, no whitespace); if used, citation cannot be `NULL`.
#' @param groups (Optional) Defaults to "PUBLIC" for use with public cBioPortal;
#' otherwise, use group names that makes sense with the configuration of your cBioPortal instance.
#' @param add_global_case_list (Optional) Use `NULL` to ignore, default is `TRUE` for an "All samples" case list( to be generated automatically.
#' @param validate Validate against public cBioPortal configuration. Default `TRUE`,
#' but might want to set to `FALSE` especially if using a custom cBioPortal instance with different configuration.
#' @param verbose Whether to be chatty.
#' @export
cbp_new_study <- function(cancer_study_identifier,
                          description = "The data are contributed by researchers funded by the Neurofibromatosis Therapeutic Acceleration Program (NTAP). The reprocessing of the raw data is managed by the NF Open Science Initiative (https://nf.synapse.org/).",
                          short_name = NULL,
                          citation = NULL,
                          pmid = NULL,
                          groups = "PUBLIC",
                          add_global_case_list = TRUE,
                          validate = TRUE,
                          verbose = TRUE) {

  # TODO Validate study id
  study_dir <- cancer_study_identifier
  if(!dir.exists(study_dir)) {
    if(verbose) checked_message(glue::glue("Creating {study_dir} study directory"))

  checked_message("Setting dataset directory as working directory")

  if(validate) {
      cancer_ids <- httr::GET("https://www.cbioportal.org/api/cancer-types?direction=ASC&pageNumber=0&pageSize=10000&projection=SUMMARY") %>%
        httr::content() %>%
        sapply(`[[`, "cancerTypeId")
      if(!type_of_cancer %in% cancer_ids) {
        warning("Specified `type_of_cancer id` isn't in the public list.
                Check for typos or include additional meta for this cancer type -- see https://docs.cbioportal.org/file-formats/#cancer-type")
    }, error = function(e) warning("Note: Other issue with validation via public API...skipping."))

  df_file <- make_meta_study_generic(cancer_study_identifier = cancer_study_identifier,
                                     type_of_cancer = type_of_cancer,
                                     name = name,
                                     description = description,
                                     citation = citation,
                                     pmid = pmid,
                                     groups = groups,
                                     short_name = short_name,
                                     add_global_case_list = add_global_case_list)

  write_meta(df_file, "meta_study.txt", verbose = verbose)
  if(verbose) checked_message("Study meta added")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

#' Export and add clinical data to cBioPortal dataset
#' This should be run in an existing dataset package root.
#' Clinical data are mapped and exported according to a reference mapping.
#' Also reformatting of `PATIENT_ID`, `SAMPLE_ID` to contain only letters, numbers, points, underscores, hyphens;
#' in Nextflow processing any spaces gets replaced with underscores so that's the default here.
#' Does *not* check for missing samples, as final validation via cBioPortal tool is still expected for that.
#' @param clinical_data Clinical table query.
#' @param ref_map YAML file specifying the mapping of (NF) clinical metadata to cBioPortal model. See details.
#' @param verbose Whether to provide informative messages throughout.
#' @export
cbp_add_clinical <- function(clinical_data,
                             verbose = TRUE) {

  cancer_study_identifier <- check_cbp_study_id()

  df <- .syn$tableQuery(clinical_data, includeRowIdAndRowVersion = FALSE)$asDataFrame()
  if(verbose) checked_message("Retrieved clinical data from Synapse")

  if(verbose) checked_message("Formatting and making clinical data file(s)")
  checked_message("Spaces in specimen IDs will be replaced with _ per cBioPortal specifications")
  df$specimenID <- gsub(" ", "_", df$specimenID)
  write_cbio_clinical(df, ref_map = ref_map, verbose = verbose)

  if(verbose) checked_message("Making sample clinical meta file")
  make_meta_sample(cancer_study_identifier, verbose = verbose)

  # Before making meta, check that the optional patient data file was written
  if(file.exists("data_clinical_patient.txt")) {
    if(verbose) checked_message("Making patient clinical meta file")
    make_meta_patient(cancer_study_identifier, verbose = verbose)

  if(verbose) checked_message("Done with adding clinical data")


#' Check that in valid cBioPortal study dataset root
#' The `cbp_add*` functions need to be run while in the study package root.
#' This checks in valid study directory and returns the `cancer_study_id`.
#' @keywords internal
#' @return `cancer_study_id` for the current cBioPortal cancer study.
check_cbp_study_id <- function() {


      study <- yaml::read_yaml("meta_study.txt")

  }, error = function(e) stop("The path ", getwd(),
                              " does not appear to be a valid cBioPortal study.",
                              call. = FALSE))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

#' Export and add mutations data to cBioPortal dataset
#' This should be run in an existing dataset package root.
#' Get merged maf file that represents filtered subset of `maf`s containing only (non-germline) data OK to release publicly.
#' This needs to be packaged with other files like this
#' [example of a public mutations dataset](https://github.com/cBioPortal/datahub/tree/1e03ea6ab5e0ddd497ecf349cbee7d50aeebcd5e/public/msk_ch_2020).
#' @inheritParams cbp_new_study
#' @param maf_data Synapse id of `merged maf` file for public release.
#' @export
cbp_add_maf <- function(maf_data, verbose = TRUE) {

  cancer_study_identifier <- check_cbp_study_id()

  if(verbose) checked_message("Getting `maf_data` file from Synapse")
  file <- .syn$get(maf_data, downloadLocation = ".")
  data_mutations <- sub(file$name, "data_mutations.txt", file$path)
  file.rename(file$path, data_mutations)

  if(verbose) checked_message("Making maf meta file")
  make_meta_maf(cancer_study_identifier, verbose = verbose)

  if(verbose) checked_message("Done with adding MAF data")


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

#' Export and add CNA (seg) data to cBioPortal dataset
#' This should be run in an existing dataset package root.
#' @inheritParams cbp_new_study
#' @param cna_data Synapse id of CNA data file, currently only handles `.seg` file.
#' @export
cbp_add_cna <- function(cna_data, verbose = TRUE) {

  cancer_study_identifier <- check_cbp_study_id()

  if(verbose) checked_message("Getting the CNA (.seg) data file from Synapse")
  file <- .syn$get(cna_data, downloadLocation = ".")
  data_cna <- sub(file$name, "data_cna.seg", file$path)
  file.rename(file$path, data_cna)

  if(verbose) checked_message("Making the meta file")

  if(verbose) checked_message("Done with adding CNA data")


#' Export and add expression data to cBioPortal dataset
#' This should be run in an existing dataset package root.
#' Note that there are a number of different options generated by the STAR Salmon pipeline.
#' cBioPortal has confirmed that they prefer normalized counts `gene_tpm.tsv` and,
#' _though not used_, find it helpful to also have raw counts `gene_counts.tsv`.
#' @inheritParams cbp_new_study
#' @param expression_data Syn id of normalized gene counts results (default to TPM). See details.
#' @param expression_data_raw (Optional) Syn id of raw counts results. See details.
#' @export
cbp_add_expression <- function(expression_data,
                               expression_data_raw = NULL,
                               verbose = TRUE) {

  cancer_study_identifier <- check_cbp_study_id()

  if(verbose) checked_message("Getting the main mRNA expression data file from Synapse")
  file <- .syn$get(expression_data, downloadLocation = ".")
  data_expression <- sub(file$name, "data_expression_tpm.txt", file$path)
  file.rename(file$path, data_expression)

  if(verbose) checked_message("Making the meta file")
  make_meta_expression(cancer_study_identifier, type = "tpm")

  if(!is.null(expression_data_raw)) {
    if(verbose) checked_message("Also retrieving supplemental raw mRNA expression data file from Synapse")
    file <- .syn$get(expression_data_raw, downloadLocation = ".")
    data_expression_supp <- sub(file$name, "data_expression_raw.txt", file$path)
    file.rename(file$path, data_expression_supp)

    if(verbose) checked_message("Making the meta file for supplemental raw mRNA expression data file")
    make_meta_expression(cancer_study_identifier, type = "raw")


  if(verbose) checked_message("Done with adding expression data")


#' Format gene expression
#' @keywords internal
#' @import data.table
format_gene_expression_data <- function(file) {
  data_expression <- fread(file)
  data_expression[, gene_id := NULL] # Ensembl ids not used in cBioPortal
  setnames(data_expression, old = c("gene_name"), new = c("Hugo_Symbol"))
  fwrite(data_expression, file = file, sep = "\t")

#' Create reference file for new cancer type
#' Helper for creating reference for new cancer subtype which does not already exist.
#' https://docs.cbioportal.org/file-formats/#cancer-type
#' @param type_of_cancer Id for new cancer type, e.g. "cnf".
#' @param name Full name for new cancer type, e.g. "Cutaneous Neurofibroma"
#' @param color Color name for new cancer; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#X11_color_names.
#' @param parent_type_of_cancer Id of existing parent, e.g. "nfib" for Neurofibroma.
#' @export
cbp_new_cancer_type <- function(type_of_cancer,
                                parent_type_of_cancer) {

  cat("genetic_alteration_type: CANCER_TYPE",
      "datatype: CANCER_TYPE",
      "data_filename: cancer_type.txt",
      sep = "\n",
      file = "meta_cancer_type.txt")

      file = "cancer_type.txt")

  checked_message("Created new cancer type meta and data")
nf-osi/nfportalutils documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 2:15 p.m.