API for nickytong/GenAnalysis
Genomic Analysis

Global functions
BootstrapGenes Man page
Getter Man page Source code
RPPAdat Man page
SIBER2 Man page
WriteXLSOR Man page Source code
WriteXLS_array Source code
WriteXLS_arrayOR Man page Source code
WriteXLS_file Source code
WriteXLS_list Source code
WriteXLS_listOR Man page Source code
aMatrix Man page Source code
aheatmap Man page Source code
aheatmap2 Man page Source code
aheatmat Man page Source code
aheatmatcor Man page Source code
anovaP Man page
aoMatrix Man page Source code
augmentMatrixColumnByID Man page Source code
augmentMatrixColumnByID_update Man page Source code
augmentMatrixRowByID Man page Source code
autocolpal Source code
autocolpal4DF Man page Source code
buildSilhouette Man page Source code
buildapp Man page Source code
buildapp0 Man page Source code
cat_cat_bar Source code
cat_cat_pie Source code
categorizePvec Man page
cluster_mat Man page Source code
colorpalette2colvec Man page
combine_cormat Man page Source code
compareNames Source code
convert_annotations Man page Source code
cophCorFromConsMat Man page Source code
copheneticCoef Man page Source code
corTest Man page Source code
coxphP2 Man page
createSurvivalFrame Source code
createSurvivalFrame0 Source code
create_bum Man page Source code
decideOrder Man page Source code
df_force_factor Man page Source code
df_format_df Man page Source code
dichotomizeExpr Man page Source code
dichotomizeExpr_BI Man page Source code
dichotomizeExpr_quantile Man page Source code
dispersionFromConsMat Man page Source code
distanceMatrix2 Source code
doccoRmd Man page Source code
draw_annotation_legend Source code
draw_annotations Source code
draw_colnames Source code
draw_dendrogram Source code
draw_legend Source code
draw_main Source code
draw_matrix Source code
draw_rownames Source code
duplicated2 Source code
emptydfFromDF Man page Source code
ensureClusterIndex Source code
fitSIBERonMat Man page
fitSIBERonMat_Bygroup Man page
fn_TWanova Man page
formatAnnotation4aheatmap Man page Source code
formatDF Man page Source code
formatLevel Man page
formatVec Man page Source code
genbreaks Man page Source code
generate_annotation_colours Source code
generate_breaks Man page Source code
generate_breaks0 Man page Source code
getDefaultBarColList Man page Source code
getName Source code
getPvecSmry Man page Source code
getTopNindex Man page Source code
getTopNvalue Man page Source code
get_pal Man page Source code
get_stretch Man page Source code
getfisherP Man page
getter Source code
getter.augMat Man page Source code
getter.colpal4DF Man page Source code
getter.rowanovaMatVec Man page
getter.rowcorMatVec Man page Source code
getter.rowttestMatVec Man page
ggKM Man page Source code
ggKMcat Man page Source code
guessAlpha Man page Source code
guessAlpha_line Man page Source code
guessCEX Man page Source code
guess_angle Man page Source code
guess_nrowL Man page Source code
heatm Man page
heatm.rowcorMatVec Man page Source code
heatm.rowttestMatVec Man page
heatmap_motor Source code
hist.rowTWanovaMatVec Man page
hist.rowanovaMatVec Man page
hist.rowcorMatVec Man page Source code
hist.rowfisherMatVec Man page
hist.rowpairedttestMatVec Man page
hist.rowttestMatVec Man page
isCat Source code
isCont Man page Source code
isTopN Man page Source code
is_continuous Man page Source code
iscat Man page Source code
iscatDF Man page Source code
ismapcat Source code
ispaloverflow Source code
ixglobal2local Man page Source code
ixlocal2global Man page Source code
ixunify2index Man page Source code
kmeans_aheatmap Source code
lm_xy Man page
lo Source code
logic2sortedIndex Man page Source code
longVec2short Source code
makeColMat Man page Source code
makestring Man page Source code
mapNames Man page Source code
mapNames4mat Man page Source code
maskByLimit Man page Source code
mylibrary Man page Source code
n_unique Man page Source code
name of the vec as in the named list of colpal Man page
namedColVec Man page Source code
noNA Man page Source code
nonNumeric2FactorByColumn Man page Source code
overwritef Man page Source code
pairedttestP Man page
parse_coxphP2 Man page
pdfOR Man page Source code
plainRmd Man page Source code
plot.colpal4DF Man page Source code
plot.fn_TWanova Man page
plot.phm Man page Source code
plot.prepcolbar Man page Source code
plot.rowanovaMatVec Man page
plot.rowcorMatVec Man page Source code
plot.rowttestMatVec Man page
plot4rowanovaMatVec Man page
plot4rowcorMatVec Man page Source code
plot4rowttestMatVec Man page
plotBumFDR Man page Source code
plotBumFDR0 Source code
plotCCC Man page Source code
plotCatCat Man page Source code
plotContCat Man page Source code
plotContCont Man page Source code
plotHeatmap Man page Source code
plotHeatmapTable Man page Source code
plotKM Man page Source code
plotKM0 Man page Source code
plotMeanSD4mat Man page Source code
plotScatter Man page Source code
plotSummaryFromConsensusClusterPlus Man page Source code
polrP Man page
prepDat4pairedttest Man page
prepare4ColList Man page Source code
prepare4aheatmap Man page Source code
prepcolbar Man page Source code
print.phm Man page Source code
printPvecSmry Man page Source code
qplot_survival Source code
rcor Man page Source code
rcorrMat Source code
rcorrTest Man page Source code
rowMatVecDo Man page
rowTWanovaMatVec Man page
rowanovaMatVec Man page
rowcorMatMat_L Man page Source code
rowcorMatVec Man page Source code
rowcorMatVec_Bygroup Man page
rowdoMatVec_Bygroup Man page Source code
rowfisherMatVec Man page
rowkmMatVec Man page
rowlmMatVec Man page
rowpairedttestMatVec Man page
rowranktestMatVec Man page
rowttestMatMat_L Man page Source code
rowttestMatVec Man page
s_unique Man page Source code
safelog Man page Source code
saveOR Man page Source code
scale_colours Source code
scale_mat Man page Source code
scale_rows Source code
scale_vec_colours Source code
scatter Man page
scatter.rowTWanovaMatVec Man page
scatter.rowanovaMatVec Man page
scatter.rowcorMatVec Man page Source code
scatter.rowfisherMatVec Man page
scatter.rowkmMatVec Man page
scatter.rowpairedttestMatVec Man page
scatter.rowttestMatVec Man page
scatter_rowTWanovaMatVec Man page
scatter_rowanovaMatVec Man page
scatter_rowcorMatVec Man page Source code
scatter_rowttestMatVec Man page
selectGeneFromMeanSD Man page Source code
showDuplicateInfo Source code
showWithRestrict Source code
statContCont Man page Source code
str_extract2 Man page Source code
subsetMainMat Man page Source code
swap Man page Source code
testObject Man page Source code
test_tree_split Man page Source code
testree Man page Source code
testree.phm Man page Source code
theme_base Man page
toFC Man page
toNaturalVar Man page Source code
transform_smat Man page Source code
tree2dendro Source code
truncByLimit Man page Source code
truncByQuantile Man page Source code
truncMat Man page Source code
ttestP Man page
updatePal Man page Source code
updateRowname Source code
vec2colvec Man page Source code
vec2namedList Source code
vecpal2map Man page Source code
venndiagram Man page
venndiagram.rowTWanovaMatVec Man page
vplayout Source code
whichCat Man page Source code
whichCont Man page Source code
wilcoxP Man page
write.csvOR Man page Source code
nickytong/GenAnalysis documentation built on July 20, 2019, 8:57 a.m.