
Defines functions get_expanded_comps

Documented in get_expanded_comps

#' Calculate expanded composition data for lengths and marginal ages
#' Conduct a two-stage expansion of length and age composition data. The first
#' stage expands data up to the tow level and the second stage expands the data
#' up the user-defined strata areas. This function is designed to be used with
#' catch pulled using [pull_catch()] and biological data pulled using [pull_bio()].
#' @param bio_data A data frame of length-composition data returned from
#'   [pull_bio()].
#' @param catch_data A data frame of catch data returned from [pull_catch()].
#' @param comp_bins Vector of intergers to bin length or age data by
#'   create expanded composition data.Values above or below the minimum or maximum
#'   values in the vector are grouped into the first size or plus group size, respectively.
#'   For example, creating length compositions that uses a vector bin of seq(10, 50, 2)
#'   would create 2 cm bins where fish length between [0, 11.99) would be included in the
#'   10 cm bin, fish of length [12, 13.99) would be included in the 12 cm bin, and
#'   all fish [50- Inf) would be included in the 50 cm plus bin.
#' @template strata
#' @template dir
#' @param comp_column_name The name of the column to create composition data for that
#'   must be a string. This column can be is used to determine whether to format the
#'   composition data for length or age compositions by looking for either age
#'   (e.g., `age_years`, `Age`, `age`, `best_age`) or length (e.g., `length`,
#'   `length_cm`, `Length`, `Length_cm`) in the comp_column_name. The comp_column_name
#'   is not case sensitive.The default is `length_cm`.
#' @param output Switch to specify how to return the composition data where the options
#'   are c("full_expansion_ss3_format", "tow_expansion_only", "full_expansion_unformatted").
#'   The default is `output = "full_expansion_ss3_format"` where a list is returned with
#'   formatted composition data for SS3. The `tow_expansion_only` retuns a dataframe of
#'   composition data only expanded up to the tow level (first-stage) and
#'   `full_expansion_unformatted` returns a dataframe with compositon data expanded up to
#'   the tow and strata level but not formatted for SS3.
#' @param two_sex_comps Default TRUE. If TRUE composition data will be formatted for a
#'   Stock Synthesis two-sex model and if FALSE composition data will be formatted for a
#'   single-sex model.
#' @param input_n_method Determines the default input sample size to add to
#'   the composition data for SS3. There are three options: c("stewart_hamel", "tows",
#'   "total_samples") where the default is "stewart_hamel".
#' @param month Month the samples were collected based on the expected format for
#'   Stock Synthesis to determine the length/age estimate to compare to. Default
#'   "Enter Month".
#' @param fleet A fleet number to assign the composition data to based on the expected
#'   format for Stock Synthesis. Default "Enter Fleet".
#' @template partition
#' @param ageerr Number of ageing error vector to apply to the age data based on
#'   Stock Synthesis. Default "Enter Numeric".
#' @param Lbin_lo Lower age bin for all age composition data based on the expected
#'   format for Stock Synthesis. Default value of -1 which translates to the lowest age
#'   bin.
#' @param Lbin_hi Upper age bin for all age composition data based on the expected
#'   format for Stock Synthesis. Default value of -1 which translates to the highest
#    age bin.
#' @param age_error Deprecated with {nwfscSurvey} 2.2. Use Lbin_hi instead.
#' @param age_low Deprecated with {nwfscSurvey} 2.2. Use Lbin_lo instead.
#' @param age_high Deprecated with {nwfscSurvey} 2.2. Use Lbin_hi instead.
#' @template printfolder
#' @template verbose
#' @seealso See
#' \code{\link{get_input_n}} for information on input sample size calculations.
#' @author Chantel Wetzel and Allan Hicks
#' @return A list or dataframe is returned depending upon `output`.
#' The default `output = "full_expansion_ss3_format"` returns a list of
#' expanded composition data by sex grouping (e.g., sexed and unsexed fish)
#' formatted for Stock Synthesis v.3.30+. If `output = "full_expansion_unformatted"`
#' a dataframe is returned of unformatted expanded composition data and if
#' `output = "tow_expansion_only"` a dataframe is returned with the composition
#' data only expanded to the tow level (first stage expansion only).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bio <- pull_bio(
#'   common_name = "lingcod",
#'   survey = "NWFSC.Combo"
#' )
#' catch <- pull_catch(
#'   common_name = "lingcod",
#'   survey = "NWFSC.Combo"
#' )
#' strata <- CreateStrataDF.fn(
#'   names = c("shallow_wa", "shallow_or", "shallow_nca", "shelf_wa", "shelf_or", "shelf_nca"),
#'   depths.shallow = c(55, 55, 55, 183, 183, 183),
#'   depths.deep = c(183, 183, 183, 350, 350, 350),
#'   lats.south = c(46.0, 42.0, 40.10, 46.0, 42.0, 40.10),
#'   lats.north = c(49.0, 46.0, 42.0, 49.0, 46.0, 42.0)
#' )
#' length_comps <- get_expanded_comps(
#'   bio_data = bio,
#'   catch_data = catch,
#'   strata = strata,
#'   comp_bins = seq(20, 70, 4),
#'   comp_column_name = "length_cm"
#' )
#' }
get_expanded_comps <- function(
    dir = NULL,
    comp_column_name = "length_cm",
    output = c("full_expansion_ss3_format", "tow_expansion_only", "full_expansion_unformatted"),
    two_sex_comps = TRUE,
    input_n_method = c("stewart_hamel", "tows", "total_samples"),
    month = "Enter Month",
    fleet = "Enter Fleet",
    partition = 0,
    ageerr = "Enter Numeric",
    Lbin_lo = -1,
    Lbin_hi = -1,
    age_low = lifecycle::deprecated(),
    age_high = lifecycle::deprecated(),
    age_error = lifecycle::deprecated(),
    printfolder = "forSS3",
    verbose = TRUE) {
  # arguments deprecated to be consistent with output column names
  # revised to better match r4ss
  # https://github.com/pfmc-assessments/nwfscSurvey/issues/164
  if (lifecycle::is_present(age_low)) {
      when = "2.2",
      what = "nwfscSurvey::get_expanded_comps(age_low =)",
      with = "nwfscSurvey::get_expanded_comps(Lbin_lo =)"
  if (lifecycle::is_present(age_high)) {
      when = "2.2",
      what = "nwfscSurvey::get_expanded_comps(age_high =)",
      with = "nwfscSurvey::get_expanded_comps(Lbin_hi =)"
  if (lifecycle::is_present(age_error)) {
      when = "2.2",
      what = "nwfscSurvey::get_expanded_comps(age_error =)",
      with = "nwfscSurvey::get_expanded_comps(ageerr =)"

  plotdir <- file.path(dir, printfolder)
  check_dir(dir = dir, verbose = verbose)

  input_n_method <- rlang::arg_match(input_n_method)
  output <- rlang::arg_match(output)

  # Convert all the column names to lower case so that code works with old and
  # data pull formats
  colnames(bio_data) <- tolower(colnames(bio_data))
  colnames(catch_data) <- tolower(colnames(catch_data))
  colnames(strata) <- tolower(colnames(strata))
  comp_column_name <- tolower(comp_column_name)

  species <- gsub(" ", "_", tolower(unique(bio_data[, "common_name"])))[1]
  project <- project <- gsub(" ", "_", tolower(unique(bio_data[, "project"])))

  # Check for needed columns
  required_bio_columns <- c(
  required_catch_columns <- c(
  if (any(!required_bio_columns %in% colnames(bio_data))) {
    missing_columns <- required_bio_columns[!required_bio_columns %in% colnames(bio_data)]
      "The following column(s) are missing in the bio_data: {missing_columns}"
  if (any(!required_catch_columns %in% colnames(catch_data))) {
    missing_columns <- required_catch_columns[!required_catch_columns %in% colnames(catch_data)]
      "The following column(s) are missing in the catch_data: {missing_columns}"
  # Put in row names to make easier to index later
  row.names(strata) <- strata[, 1]

  strata_vars <- c("depth_m", "latitude_dd")
  check_strata <- tolower(unique(gsub("\\..*", "", colnames(strata))))
  if (any(!c("depth_m", "latitude_dd") %in% check_strata)) {
      "The strata needs to be by depth_m and latitude_dd."
  bio_data[, "comp_column"] <- bio_data[, comp_column_name]
  bio_data <- bio_data |> filter(!is.na(comp_column))
  if (two_sex_comps) {
    bio_data[, "sex"] <- codify_sex(bio_data[, "sex"])
  } else {
    bio_data[, "sex"] <- "U"

  bins <- c(-999, comp_bins, Inf)
  bio_data[, "bin"] <- bins[findInterval(as.numeric(bio_data[, "comp_column"]), bins, all.inside = TRUE)]
  if (verbose) {
    percent_min <- round(100 * sum(bio_data[, "bin"] == -999) / dim(bio_data)[1], 2)
    percent_max <- round(100 * sum(bio_data[, "comp_column"] >= max(comp_bins)) / dim(bio_data)[1], 2)
      i = "There are {percent_min}% of records that are less than the minimum
     composition bin. These fish will be added to the minimum bin.",
      i = "There are {percent_max}% of records that are greater than the maximum
     composition bin. These fish will be added to the maximum bin."
  bio_data[which(bio_data$bin == -999), "bin"] <- min(comp_bins)

  positive_tows <- catch_data[which(catch_data$total_catch_numbers > 0), ]
  find <- !(positive_tows$trawl_id %in% bio_data$trawl_id)
  no_samples_taken <- sum(find)
  missing <- sum(positive_tows[find, "total_catch_numbers"])
  percent <- 100 * round(missing / sum(catch_data[, "total_catch_numbers"]), 3)
  if (verbose) {
      "There are {no_samples_taken} tows where fish were observed but not sampled.
      These tows comprise {percent} percent of the total catch numbers.
      Only measured fished in the bio_data file are used for composition expansions."

  strata[, "strata"] <- strata[, "name"]
  catch_data[, "strata"] <- StrataFactors.fn(catch_data, strata_vars, strata)
  catch_data <- dplyr::left_join(
    strata[, c("strata", "area")],
    by = "strata"
  ) |>
      area_swept = area_swept_ha * 0.01
    ) |>
    dplyr::group_by(year, strata) |>
      tows = n()

  bio_data[, "strata"] <- StrataFactors.fn(bio_data, strata_vars, strata)
  if (verbose) {
    n <- sum(is.na(bio_data[, "strata"]))
      "There were {n} biological samples removed out of {dim(bio_data)[1]} after filtering for strata."
  bio_data <- bio_data |>
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(strata)) |>
    dplyr::group_by(trawl_id) |>
      all_fish = n()

  bio_catch <- dplyr::left_join(
    bio_data[, c("year", "trawl_id", "comp_column", "sex", "bin", "all_fish")],
    catch_data[, c("trawl_id", "area_swept", "strata", "area", "tows", "total_catch_numbers")],
    by = "trawl_id"
  ) |>
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(strata)) |>
    dplyr::group_by(trawl_id, comp_column) |>
      year = unique(year),
      area_swept = unique(area_swept),
      strata = unique(strata),
      strata_area = unique(area),
      tows = unique(tows),
      total_catch_numbers = unique(total_catch_numbers),
      bin = unique(bin),
      all_fish = unique(all_fish),
      n_female = sum(sex == "F"),
      n_male = sum(sex == "M"),
      n_unsexed = sum(sex == "U"),
      multiplier = total_catch_numbers / all_fish,
      exp_f = n_female * multiplier,
      exp_m = n_male * multiplier,
      exp_u = n_unsexed * multiplier

  if (output == "tow_expansion_only") {
    if (verbose) {
        "Composition data only expanded to the tow level.
        Formatted composition data file not written for SS3."
    bio_catch <- label_tow_expansion(x = bio_catch)
    if (!is.null(dir)) {
        x = bio_catch,
        dir = dir,
        name_base = paste0(comp_column_name, "_tow_expanded_comps_", species, "_", project),
        verbose = verbose
      metadata <- bio_catch |> labelled::generate_dictionary()
        x = metadata,
        dir = dir,
        name_base = paste0("metadata_tow_expanded_comps_", species, "_", project),
        verbose = verbose

  stratum_exp <- bio_catch |>
    dplyr::group_by(year, strata, bin) |>
      female = unique(strata_area) * sum(exp_f / area_swept) / unique(tows),
      male = unique(strata_area) * sum(exp_m / area_swept) / unique(tows),
      unsexed = unique(strata_area) * sum(exp_u / area_swept) / unique(tows),

  total_by_year <- stratum_exp |>
    dplyr::group_by(year) |>
      prop_total_fm = sum(female + male),
      prop_total_unsexed = sum(unsexed)

  init_comps_by_year <- total_by_year |>
    dplyr::group_by(year, bin) |>
      total_female = sum(female),
      total_male = sum(male),
      total_unsexed = sum(unsexed),
      prop_female = 100 * total_female / unique(prop_total_fm),
      prop_male = 100 * total_male / unique(prop_total_fm),
      prop_unsexed = 100 * total_unsexed / unique(prop_total_unsexed)
    ) |>

  # Create grid of all combinations of year and bin that includes combinations
  # that are not observed in the data across all years
  check_bin_width <- diff(comp_bins)
  if (any(check_bin_width != check_bin_width[1])) {
      "The output should be careful checked to ensure correctness when unequal
      bin intervals are used."
  bin_width <- check_bin_width[1]
  grid <- init_comps_by_year |>
    tidyr::expand(year, tidyr::full_seq(comp_bins, bin_width))
  colnames(grid)[2] <- "bin"
  # Join the grid with the composition data by year:
  full_comps <- init_comps_by_year |>
  # Fill in any missing combinations that have NA or NaN with 0:
  comps_by_year <- full_comps |>
    tidyr::complete(year, bin,
      fill = list(
        total_female = 0,
        total_male = 0,
        total_unsexed = 0,
        prop_female = 0,
        prop_male = 0,
        prop_unsexed = 0

  if (output == "full_expansion_unformatted") {
    if (!is.null(dir)) {
        x = comps_by_year,
        dir = dir,
        name_base = paste0(comp_column_name, "_expanded_comps", species, "_", project),
        verbose = verbose

  unsexed_comps <- comps_by_year[, c("year", "bin", "prop_unsexed")] |>
      names_from = bin,
      names_prefix = "u",
      values_from = prop_unsexed
  unsexed_comps[is.na(unsexed_comps)] <- 0

  female_comps <- comps_by_year[, c("year", "bin", "prop_female")] |>
      names_from = bin,
      names_prefix = "f",
      values_from = prop_female
  female_comps[is.na(female_comps)] <- 0

  male_comps <- comps_by_year[, c("year", "bin", "prop_male")] |>
      names_from = bin,
      names_prefix = "m",
      values_from = prop_male
  male_comps[is.na(male_comps)] <- 0

  # Calculate input sample size based on existing function
  species_type <- get_species_info(
    species = species,
    unident = FALSE,
    verbose = FALSE

  samples <- get_input_n(
    dir = dir,
    data = bio_data,
    comp_column_name = comp_column_name,
    input_n_method = input_n_method,
    species_group = species_type,
    printfolder = printfolder,
    verbose = verbose

  dimensions <- 2:(length(comp_bins) + 1)
  bin_range <- paste0(min(comp_bins), "_", max(comp_bins))

  comps <- list()
  if (two_sex_comps) {
    sexed_formatted <- data.frame(
      year = female_comps[, "year"],
      month = month,
      fleet = fleet,
      sex = 3,
      partition = partition,
      input_n = samples |> dplyr::filter(sex_grouped == "sexed") |> dplyr::select(input_n)
    sexed_formatted <- cbind(sexed_formatted, female_comps[, dimensions], male_comps[, dimensions])
    remove <- which(apply(sexed_formatted[, 7:ncol(sexed_formatted)], 1, sum) == 0)
    if (length(remove) > 0) {
      sexed_formatted <- sexed_formatted[-remove, ]

    input_n <- samples |> dplyr::filter(sex_grouped == "unsexed") |> dplyr::select(input_n)
    # if there are no unsexed fish, input_n will be empty
    if(nrow(input_n) == 0) {
      input_n <- 0

    unsexed_formatted <- data.frame(
      year = unsexed_comps[, "year"],
      month = month,
      fleet = fleet,
      sex = 0,
      partition = partition,
      input_n = input_n
    unsexed_comps_good <- unsexed_comps[, dimensions]
    placeholder_comps <- 0 * unsexed_comps[, dimensions]
    unsexed_formatted <- cbind(unsexed_formatted, unsexed_comps_good, placeholder_comps)
    remove <- which(apply(unsexed_formatted[, 7:ncol(unsexed_formatted)], 1, sum) == 0)
    if (length(remove) > 0) {
      unsexed_formatted <- unsexed_formatted[-remove, ]

    if (length(grep("age", comp_column_name, ignore.case = TRUE)) > 0) {
      sexed_formatted <- cbind(sexed_formatted[, 1:5], ageerr, Lbin_lo, Lbin_hi, sexed_formatted[, 6:dim(sexed_formatted)[2]])
      if (dim(unsexed_formatted)[1] > 0) {
        unsexed_formatted <- cbind(unsexed_formatted[, 1:5], ageerr, Lbin_lo, Lbin_hi, unsexed_formatted[, 6:dim(unsexed_formatted)[2]])

    if (!is.null(dir)) {
        x = sexed_formatted,
        file = file.path(dir, printfolder, paste0(comp_column_name, "_sexed_expanded_", bin_range, "_", species, "_", project, ".csv")),
        row.names = FALSE
      if (dim(unsexed_formatted)[1] > 0) {
          x = unsexed_formatted,
          file = file.path(dir, printfolder, paste0(comp_column_name, "_unsexed_expanded_", bin_range, "_", species, "_", project, ".csv")),
          row.names = FALSE
    comps$sexed <- sexed_formatted
    comps$unsexed <- unsexed_formatted
  } else {
    all_formatted <- data.frame(
      year = unsexed_comps[, "year"],
      month = month,
      fleet = fleet,
      sex = 0,
      partition = partition,
      input_n = samples |> dplyr::filter(sex_grouped == "unsexed") |> dplyr::select(input_n)
    all_formatted <- cbind(all_formatted, unsexed_comps[, dimensions])
    remove <- which(apply(all_formatted[, 7:ncol(all_formatted)], 1, sum) == 0)
    if (length(remove) > 0) {
      all_formatted <- all_formatted[-remove, ]

    if (length(grep("age", comp_column_name, ignore.case = TRUE)) > 0) {
      all_formatted <- cbind(all_formatted[, 1:5], ageerr, Lbin_lo, Lbin_hi, all_formatted[, 6:dim(all_formatted)[2]])

    if (!is.null(dir)) {
        x = all_formatted,
        file = file.path(dir, printfolder, paste0(comp_column_name, "_unsexed_expanded_", bin_range, "_", species, "_", project, ".csv")),
        row.names = FALSE

    comps$unsexed <- all_formatted

nwfsc-assess/nwfscSurvey documentation built on Feb. 16, 2025, 5:06 p.m.