meffil.summarize.relationship: Describe the relationship between two variables.

View source: R/ewas-variable-summaries.r

meffil.summarize.relationshipR Documentation

Describe the relationship between two variables.


Describe the relationship between two variables.





A data frame with at least two columns. The first two columns will be compared.


A list whose elements depends on the types of the two variables. In each case, the list contains the following elements:


Name of the first variable, i.e. colnames(vars)1.


Name of the second variable.


Spearman's correlation between the variables. This may be meaningless if one variable is an unordered factor.


P-value corresponding to the correlation between the variables.


The contents of the list formatted to be printed as markdown text.


A plot (ggplot2) visualizing the relationship.

If both variables are factors, then the list will include a frequency table (freq) and a corresponding matrix of p-values (p.values) obtained using Fisher's test to test for enrichment in each cell of the frequency table.

If one variable is a factor and the other numeric, then list will include the F-statistic (F.stat) and p-value (p.value) from one-way analysis of variance. There will also be a data frame (cases) with each row providing statistics from a t-test comparing the numeric variable within and without each level of the factor variable.

If both variables are numeric, then the list will include the F-statistic (F.stat) and p-value (p.value) from the linear model fitting the variables.

perishky/meffil documentation built on March 29, 2025, 5:33 a.m.