
#' Creates Data Frame for Group Membership Based on Specified Main Effects
#' The method assigns each sample to a group, for future analyses, based on the variable(s) specified as main effects.
#' @param omicsData an object of the class 'seqData' created by \code{\link{as.seqData}}.
#' @param main_effects a character vector with no more than two variable names that should be used as main effects to determine group membership of samples. The variable name must match a column name from \code{f_data}.
#' @param covariates a character vector of no more than two variable names that should be used as covariates in downstream analyses. Covariates are typically variables that a user wants to account for in the analysis but quantifying/examining the effect of the variable is not of interest.
#' @param time_course an optional character string specifying the variable name of a time course variable, if applicable to the experimental data.
#' @details Groups are formed based on the levels of the main effect variables. One or two main effect variables are allowed. In the case of two main effect variables, groups are formed based on unique combinations of the levels of the two main effect variables. Any samples with level "NA" for a main effect variable will be removed from the data and not included in the final group designation results. Any groups with less than 2 samples will be designated to group "NA" and the affected sample(s) will be removed from the data.
#' @return An object of the same class as the input \code{omicsData} object - the provided object with the samples filtered out, if any NAs were produced in designating groups. An attribute 'group_DF', a data.frame with columns for sample id and group, is added to the object. If two main effects are provided the original main effect levels for each sample are returned as the third and fourth columns of the data.frame. If time_course is included, a column for 'TimeCourse' will be output as well. Additionally, the covariates provided will be listed as attributes of this data.frame.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(mintJansson)
#' data(rRNA_data)
#' rRNA_data2 <- group_designation(omicsData = rRNA_data, main_effects = "treatment")
#' attr(rRNA_data2, "group_DF")
#' }
#' @author Allison Thompson, Kelly Stratton, Lisa Bramer
#' @export

group_designation <- function(omicsData, main_effects, covariates=NULL, time_course=NULL){

  ### perform some intial checks that data is in an acceptable format ###

  # check that omicsData is of appropriate class #
  if(!(class(omicsData) %in% c("seqData"))) stop("omicsData is not an object of appropriate class")

  # Check that main_effects are character vector #
  if( !is.character(main_effects) ) stop("main_effects must be a character vector.")

  # Check that main_effects is of an appropriate length #
  if (length(main_effects) < 1) stop("No main effects were provided")
  #if (length(main_effects) > 2) stop("No more than two main effects can be provided")

  # Check that covariates is of an appropriate length #
  if( !is.null(covariates)){
    if (length(covariates) > 2){
      stop("No more than two covariates can be provided")

  # Check that main_effects given are in f_data #
    if(sum(main_effects %in% names(omicsData$f_data))!=length(main_effects)) stop("One or more of the main_effects is not found in f_data of omicsData")

  # Check time_course
      # check that time_course is a character #
      stop("time_course must be a character specifying the name of the variable denoting time")

    # check that time_course is found in the data #
    if(!(time_course %in% names(omicsData$f_data))) stop("time_course is not found in f_data of omicsData")

    # check that no more than 1 main_effect is specified when time_course is non NULL #
    if(length(main_effects) > 1) stop("Only 1 main effect may be specified when time_course is provided")

  ### end of preliminary checks ###

  # store f_data temporarily #
  temp_data = omicsData$f_data

  # pull sample id column name #
  samp_id = attr(omicsData, "cnames")$fdata_cname

  # Get number of main effects #
  n.maineffects = length(main_effects)

  # Case 1: 1 main effect variable #
    # return groups as levels of the main effect variable #
    Group = temp_data[,names(temp_data) %in% main_effects]

  # create output formatted with first column being sample id and second column group id #
    output = data.frame(Sample.ID = temp_data[,samp_id], Group = as.character(Group))
    names(output)[1] = samp_id


  # Case 2: 2 main effect variables #

    # get main effect variables #
    obs.effects = temp_data[,names(temp_data)%in% main_effects]
    obs.effects <- apply(obs.effects, 2, as.character)

    # create a group variable and paste main effect levels together for samples #
    # samples with a value of NA for either main effect will have a Group value of NA #
    Group = rep(NA, nrow(temp_data))

    # identify samples that will have a Group membership that is not missing #
    #nonna.group = (!is.na(obs.effects[,1]) & !is.na(obs.effects[,2]) )
    nonna.group <- apply(obs.effects, 1, function(x) all(!is.na(x)))

    #Group[nonna.group] = paste(as.character(obs.effects[nonna.group,1]), as.character(obs.effects[nonna.group,2]), sep = "_")
    Group[nonna.group] = apply(obs.effects[nonna.group,], 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse="_"))

    # create output formatted with first column being sample id and second column group id #
    # third and fourth columns are the original main effect levels #
    output = data.frame(Sample.ID = temp_data[,samp_id], Group = Group, obs.effects)
    names(output)[1] = samp_id

# if time_course is non NULL add a column to the output #
    output$TimeCourse = temp_data[, which(colnames(temp_data) == time_course)]

  # check for group sizes <2; if there are any, set them to NA's
    output$Group = as.character(output$Group)
    sm.groups = which(table(output$Group)<2)
    sm.groups = names(sm.groups)
    n.sm.groups = length(sm.groups)
      for(i in 1:n.sm.groups){
        output$Group[output$Group==sm.groups[i]] = NA
    # output a warning message listing the groups and samples that are removed (7/8/2016 KS)
    sm.samps = as.character(output[is.na(output$Group),samp_id])
    n.samps = length(sm.samps)
    mystr <- paste("The following ", n.sm.groups, " groups have been removed from the dataset due to a group size of less than 2 samples: \n", sep="")
    mystr2 <- paste(as.character(sm.groups), sep="' '", collapse=", ")
    mystr3 <- paste("\n\nThis corresponds to the following ", n.samps, " samples: \n", sep="")
    mystr4 <- paste(as.character(sm.samps), sep="' '", collapse=", ")
    warning(paste(mystr, mystr2, mystr3, mystr4, sep=""))

  # check for time courses with <2 samples; if there are any, set them to NA's
    sm.groups = which(table(output$TimeCourse)<2)
    sm.groups = names(sm.groups)
    n.sm.groups = length(sm.groups)
      for(i in 1:n.sm.groups){
        output$TimeCourse[output$TimeCourse==sm.groups[i]] = NA

  # find any samples with NA for group membership #
  if(length(which(is.na(output$Group))) > 0){
    na.group = as.character(output[which(is.na(output$Group)), samp_id])
  }else{na.group = NULL}

  # find any samples with NA for time course #
    na.time = as.character(output[which(is.na(output$TimeCourse)), samp_id])
  }else{na.time = NULL}

  all.na = union(na.group, na.time)

  # remove samples with group or time NA from output and data
  if(length(all.na) > 0){
    # remove from output #
    output2 = output[-which(output[,samp_id] %in% all.na),]

    # remove from e_data and f_data #
    edat_ids = which(names(omicsData$e_data) %in% all.na)
    fdat_ids = which(temp_data[ , samp_id] %in% all.na)

    omicsData$e_data = omicsData$e_data[,-edat_ids]
    omicsData$f_data = omicsData$f_data[-fdat_ids,]
  }else{output2 = output}

  attr(output2, "main_effects") = main_effects
  attr(output2, "covariates") = covariates
  attr(output2, "time_course") = time_course
  attr(omicsData, "group_DF") = output2

  # Update attributes (7/7/2016 by KS)
  edata_cname = attributes(omicsData)$cnames$edata_cname
  taxa_cname = attributes(omicsData)$cnames$taxa_cname
  ec_cname = attributes(omicsData)$cnames$ec_cname
  gene_cname = attributes(omicsData)$cnames$gene_cname
  attributes(omicsData)$data_info$num_edata = length(unique(omicsData$e_data[, edata_cname]))
  attributes(omicsData)$data_info$num_miss_obs = sum(is.na(omicsData$e_data[,-which(names(omicsData$e_data)==edata_cname)]))
  attributes(omicsData)$data_info$num_prop_missing = mean(is.na(omicsData$e_data[,-which(names(omicsData$e_data)==edata_cname)]))
  attributes(omicsData)$data_info$num_samps = ncol(omicsData$e_data) - 1

    # number of unique e_meta that map to a feature in e_data #
      num_taxa = length(unique(omicsData$e_meta[which(as.character(omicsData$e_meta[, taxa_cname]) %in% as.character(omicsData$e_data[, edata_cname])), taxa_cname]))
    }else{num_taxa = NULL}
      num_ec = length(unique(omicsData$e_meta[which(as.character(omicsData$e_meta[, ec_cname]) %in% as.character(omicsData$e_data[, edata_cname])), ec_cname]))
    }else{num_ec = NULL}
      num_gene = length(unique(omicsData$e_meta[which(as.character(omicsData$e_meta[, gene_cname]) %in% as.character(omicsData$e_data[, edata_cname])), gene_cname]))
    }else{num_gene = NULL}
    num_taxa = NULL
    num_ec = NULL
    num_gene = NULL
  attr(omicsData, "data_info")$num_taxa = num_taxa
  attr(omicsData, "data_info")$num_ec = num_ec
  attr(omicsData, "data_info")$num_gene = num_gene
  ## end of update attributes (7/7/2016 by KS)

pmartR/pmartRseq documentation built on May 25, 2019, 9:20 a.m.