
Defines functions PeakList2PeakMatrix MergerMSIDataSets SaveProcessingParams ProcessWizard MergePeakMatrices ProcessImage

Documented in MergePeakMatrices MergerMSIDataSets PeakList2PeakMatrix ProcessImage ProcessWizard SaveProcessingParams

#     rMSIproc - R package for MSI data processing
#     Copyright (C) 2014 Pere Rafols Soler
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' ProcessImage.
#' Perform all image pre-processing using a multi-threading implementation.
#' If aligment is used then the hdd files are overwirted with aligned data.
#' A recomeneded value of aligment ietarations is 3.
#' @param img an rMSI data object to process or a list of rMSI objects if various datasets must merged for processing.
#' @param EnableSmoothing a boolean declaring if smoothing alignment must be performed.
#' @param SmoothingKernelSize size of smoothing kernel. NULL value may be specified if EnableSmoothing is FALSE.
#' @param EnableAlignment a boolean declaring if label-free alignment must be performed.
#' @param AlignmentIterations number of iterations of label-free alignment. The rMSI ramdisk will be overwritted with aligned data. NULL value may be specified if EnableAlignment is FALSE.
#' @param AlignmentMaxShiftppm the maximum shift that alignment can apply in ppm. NULL value may be specified if EnableAlignment is FALSE.
#' @param AlignmentBilinear if TRUE the biliniar algiment mode will be used insetad of linear.
#' @param AlignmentRefLow the relative location of the spectrum where the bottom part correlation is calculated.
#' @param AlignmentRefMid the relative location of the spectrum where the central part correlation is calculated (only for bilinear mode).
#' @param AlignmentRefHigh the relative location of the spectrum where the top part correlation is calculated.
#' @param AlignmentOversampling the oversampling used in spectrum scale/shift to provide better accuracy.
#' @param EnableCalibration a boolean declaring if mass calibration must be performed.
#' @param CalibrationPeakWin the windows size used for peak detection in calibration window.
#' @param EnablePeakPicking a boolean declaring if peak-pickin (and binning) must be performed.
#' @param SNR minimal singal to noise ratio of peaks to retain. NULL value may be specified if EnablePeakPicking is FALSE.
#' @param peakWindow windows size used for peak detection. Generally should be similar to peak with number of data points.  NULL value may be specified if EnablePeakPicking is FALSE.
#' @param peakUpSampling upsampling factor used in peak interpolation fo exact mass prediction. NULL value may be specified if EnablePeakPicking is FALSE.
#' @param UseBinning if true binned matrices are returned instead of peak lists.
#' @param BinTolerance the tolerance used to merge peaks to the same bin. It is recomanded to use the half of peak width in ppm units. NULL value may be specified if EnablePeakPicking is FALSE.
#' @param BinFilter the peaks bins non detected in at least the BinFitler*TotalNumberOfPixels spectra will be deleted. NULL value may be specified if EnablePeakPicking is FALSE.
#' @param BinToleranceUsingPPM if True the peak binning tolerance is specified in ppm, if false the tolerance is set using scans.
#' @param EnableSpectraNormalization if normalization must be applied.
#' @param EnableTICNorm if TIC normalization must be performed on spectra.
#' @param EnableRMSNorm if RMS normalization must be performed on spectra.
#' @param EnableMAXNorm if MAX normalization must be performed on spectra.
#' @param EnableTICAcqNorm if TICAcq normalization must be performed on spectra.
#' @param NumOfThreads the number number of threads used to process the data.
#' @param CalSpan the used span for the loess fittin used in mass calibration.
#' @param ExportPeakList a boolean detailing wheter the un-binned peak list must be exported or not.
#' @param refSpc alternative reference spectrum for the alignment routine.
#' @return  a named list containing:
#'             - The process image reference (procImg).
#'             - The results peak-picking (peakMat). This can be returned in two forms:
#'                 From1 (if binning is used) - a list containing three matrices (intensity, SNR and area) and a vector with a common mass axis.
#'                 Form2 (if NO binning is applied) - a list of detected peaks for each pixel.
#'             - The applied mass shifts in first alignment iteration (alignShifts).
#' @export
ProcessImage <- function(img, 
                         EnableSmoothing = T, SmoothingKernelSize = 5,
                         EnableAlignment = T, AlignmentIterations = 3, AlignmentMaxShiftppm = 200, AlignmentBilinear = F,
                         AlignmentRefLow = 0, AlignmentRefMid = 0.5, AlignmentRefHigh = 1, AlignmentOversampling = 2,
                         EnableCalibration = T, CalibrationPeakWin = 20,
                         EnablePeakPicking = T, SNR = 5, peakWindow = 10, peakUpSampling = 10, 
                         UseBinning = T, BinTolerance = 5, BinFilter = 0.05, BinToleranceUsingPPM = F,
                         EnableSpectraNormalization = T, EnableTICNorm = T, EnableRMSNorm = T, EnableMAXNorm = T, EnableTICAcqNorm = T,
                         NumOfThreads = min(parallel::detectCores()/2, 6), CalSpan = 0.75, ExportPeakList = F, refSpc = NULL)
  pt <- Sys.time()
  if(class(img) == "rMSIObj")
    #Single image processing
    dataInf <- getrMSIdataInfo(img)
    img_list <- list(img)
    bReturnAList <- FALSE #Ensure the return the same data structre as it was provided
    #Multiple image processing
    img_list <- img
    for(i in 1:length(img_list))
      if( class(img_list[[i]]) != "rMSIObj" )
        stop("Error: Found an object that is not an rMSIObj class, aborting...\n")
    dataInf <- getrMSIdataInfoMultipleDataSets(img_list)
    bReturnAList <- TRUE #Ensure the return the same data structre as it was provided
  #Avoid using MALDIquant from here
  for(i in 1:length(img_list))
    if(class(img_list[[i]]$mean) == "MassSpectrum")
      img_list[[i]]$mean <- img_list[[i]]$mean@intensity
  #Apply Savitzky-Golay smoothing to RAW data and average spectrum
  if( EnableSmoothing )
    cat("Running Savitzky-Golay Smoothing...\n")
    #The ff files must be closed befor running the Cpp code
    for( i in 1:length(img_list))
      lapply(img_list[[i]]$data, function(x){ close(x) })
    FullImageSmoothing(fileNames = dataInf$filenames, 
                       massChannels = dataInf$masschannels, 
                       numRows = dataInf$nrows,
                       dataType = dataInf$datatype, 
                       numOfThreads = NumOfThreads, 
                       SmoothingKernelSize = SmoothingKernelSize)
    #The ff file must be re-open to continue
    for( i in 1:length(img_list))
      lapply(img_list[[i]]$data, function(x){ open(x) })
  #Label-free Alignment
  if( EnableAlignment )
    #Calculate reference spectrum for label free alignment
      refSpc <- InternalReferenceSpectrumMultipleDatasets(img_list)
      cat(paste0("Pixel with ID ", refSpc$ID, " from image indexed as ", refSpc$imgIndex, " (", img_list[[ refSpc$imgIndex]]$name, ") selected as internal reference.\n"))
      refSpc <- refSpc$spectrum
    cat("Running Label-Free Alignment...\n")
    #The ff file must be closed befor running the Cpp code
    for( i in 1:length(img_list))
      lapply(img_list[[i]]$data, function(x){ close(x) })
    alngLags <- FullImageAlign(fileNames = dataInf$filenames, 
                               mass = img_list[[1]]$mass,
                               refSpectrum = refSpc, 
                               numRows = dataInf$nrows,
                               dataType = dataInf$datatype, 
                               numOfThreads = NumOfThreads, 
                               AlignmentBilinear = AlignmentBilinear,
                               AlignmentIterations = AlignmentIterations,
                               AlignmentMaxShiftPpm = AlignmentMaxShiftppm,
                               RefLow = AlignmentRefLow,
                               RefMid = AlignmentRefMid, 
                               RefHigh = AlignmentRefHigh, 
                               OverSampling = AlignmentOversampling )
    #The ff file must be re-open to continue
    for( i in 1:length(img_list))
      lapply(img_list[[i]]$data, function(x){ open(x) })
    alngLags <- NULL
  #Recalculate mean spectrum and apply bit depth reduction
  if( EnableSmoothing || EnableAlignment )
    cat("Running Bit depth reduction...\n")
    #The ff file must be closed befor running the Cpp code
    for( i in 1:length(img_list))
      lapply(img_list[[i]]$data, function(x){ close(x) })
    FullImageBitDepthReduction( fileNames = dataInf$filenames, 
                                massChannels = dataInf$masschannels, 
                                numRows = dataInf$nrows, 
                                dataType = dataInf$datatype, 
                                numOfThreads = NumOfThreads, 
                                NoiseWinSize = 16 )
    #The ff file must be re-open to continue
    for( i in 1:length(img_list))
      lapply(img_list[[i]]$data, function(x){ open(x) })
    cat("Calculating average spectrum...\n")
    for( i in 1:length(img_list))
      img_list[[i]]$mean <- AverageSpectrum_rMSIproc(img_list[[i]], NumOfThreads ) 
  #Do not count time while the user is in manual calibration window
  elap_1st_stage <- Sys.time() - pt
  #Manual calibration (user will be promp with calibration dialog)
  if( EnableCalibration )
    #The ff files must be closed befor running the GUI and potentially loading many GTK libs
    for( i in 1:length(img_list))
      lapply(img_list[[i]]$data, function(x){ close(x) })
    cal_intensity_spc <- rep(0, dataInf$masschannels) 
    for( i in 1:length(img_list))
      cal_intensity_spc <- cal_intensity_spc + img_list[[i]]$mean
    cal_intensity_spc <- cal_intensity_spc/length(img_list)
    if(length(img_list) == 1)
      str_cal_title <- img_list[[1]]$name
      str_cal_title <- paste("Merged data of", length(img_list), "datasets")
    common_mass <- CalibrationWindow( img_list[[1]]$mass, cal_intensity_spc, CalibrationPeakWin , str_cal_title, CalibrationSpan = CalSpan )
    #The ff file must be re-open to continue
    for( i in 1:length(img_list))
      lapply(img_list[[i]]$data, function(x){ open(x) })
      for( i in 1:length(img_list))
      stop("Aborted by user\n")
    #Store the common mass axis for all images
    for( i in 1:length(img_list))
      img_list[[i]]$mass <- common_mass
  #Reset elapset time counter
  pt <- Sys.time()
  #Peak-Picking and binning
  if( EnablePeakPicking )
    cat("Running Peak Picking...\n")
    peakData <- FullImagePeakPicking(fileNames = dataInf$filenames,
                                     mass =  img_list[[1]]$mass,  
                                     numRows = dataInf$nrows,
                                     dataType = dataInf$datatype, 
                                     numOfThreads = NumOfThreads, 
                                     SNR = SNR, 
                                     WinSize = peakWindow, 
                                     InterpolationUpSampling = peakUpSampling, 
                                     doBinning = UseBinning, 
                                     binningTolerance = BinTolerance, 
                                     binningFilter = BinFilter,
                                     binningIn_ppm = BinToleranceUsingPPM, 
                                     exportPeakList = ExportPeakList)
      cat("Replacing zero values in the binned peak matrix...\n")
      peakData$PeakMatrix <- ReplacePeakMatrixZeros(peakData$PeakMatrix, 
                                          fileNames = dataInf$filenames, 
                                          mass = img_list[[1]]$mass, 
                                          numRows = dataInf$nrows, 
                                          dataType = dataInf$datatype, 
                                          numOfThreads = NumOfThreads, 
                                          WinSize = peakWindow,  
                                          InterpolationUpSampling = peakUpSampling )
      #Keep track of used binSize in the binning stage
      usedBinSize <- peakData$PeakMatrix$binsize
      usedBinSize <- NULL
    peakData <- list() #Dummy peak list because no peak-picking was carried out
    peakData$PeakMatrix <- NULL
    usedBinSize <- NULL
  #Calculate some normalizations
  if( EnableSpectraNormalization )
    for( i in 1:length(img_list))
      cat(paste0("Normalizations for image ", i, "/", length(img_list), "\n"))
        img_list[[i]]$normalizations <- list()
      if( EnableTICNorm )
        img_list[[i]] <- rMSI::NormalizeTIC(img_list[[i]], remove_empty_pixels = F)
      if( EnableRMSNorm )
        img_list[[i]] <- rMSI::NormalizeRMS(img_list[[i]], remove_empty_pixels = F)
      if( EnableMAXNorm )
        img_list[[i]] <- rMSI::NormalizeMAX(img_list[[i]], remove_empty_pixels = F)
      if( EnableTICAcqNorm )
        img_list[[i]] <- rMSI::NormalizeByAcqDegradation(img_list[[i]])
  #Append normalizations to the peak matrix
    if(all(unlist(lapply(img_list, function(x){ !is.null(x$normalizations) }))))
      #All images have normalizations enabled
      NormTIC_Exists <- all(unlist(lapply(img_list, function(x){ !is.null(x$normalizations$TIC) })))
      NormRMS_Exists <- all(unlist(lapply(img_list, function(x){ !is.null(x$normalizations$RMS) })))
      NormMAX_Exists <- all(unlist(lapply(img_list, function(x){ !is.null(x$normalizations$MAX) })))
      NormAcqTic_Exists <- all(unlist(lapply(img_list, function(x){ !is.null(x$normalizations$AcqTic) })))
      if(any(c(NormTIC_Exists, NormRMS_Exists, NormMAX_Exists, NormAcqTic_Exists )))
        #Some of the normalization is present for all images
        mergedNormList <- list()
        if( NormTIC_Exists )
          mergedNormList$TIC <- c()
        if( NormRMS_Exists )
          mergedNormList$RMS <- c()
        if( NormMAX_Exists )
          mergedNormList$MAX <- c()
        if( NormAcqTic_Exists )
          mergedNormList$AcqTic <- c()
        for( i in 1:length(img_list))
          if( NormTIC_Exists )
            mergedNormList$TIC <- c(mergedNormList$TIC,  img_list[[i]]$normalizations$TIC)
          if( NormRMS_Exists )
            mergedNormList$RMS <- c(mergedNormList$RMS,  img_list[[i]]$normalizations$RMS)
          if( NormMAX_Exists )
            mergedNormList$MAX <- c(mergedNormList$MAX,  img_list[[i]]$normalizations$MAX)
          if( NormAcqTic_Exists )
            mergedNormList$AcqTic <- c(mergedNormList$AcqTic,  img_list[[i]]$normalizations$AcqTic)
        peakData$PeakMatrix$normalizations <-  as.data.frame(mergedNormList)
        cat("Some normalization vector is not available for some images, so the peak-matrix will not contain normalizations.\n")
      cat("Some images do not contain normalization vectors, so the peak-matrix will not contain normalizations.\n")
  #Add a copy of img$pos to peakData$PeakMatrix
  if( EnablePeakPicking )
    mergedNames <- unlist(lapply(img_list, function(x){ return(x$name) }))
    mergedNumPixels <- unlist(lapply(img_list, function(x){ return(nrow(x$pos)) }))
    mergedPos <- matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = sum(mergedNumPixels))
    mergedMotors <- matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = sum(mergedNumPixels))
    mergedUUIDs <- unlist(lapply(img_list, function(x){ return(x$uuid) }))
    colnames(mergedPos) <- c("x", "y")
    colnames(mergedMotors) <- c("x", "y")
    istart <- 1
    for( i in 1:length(img_list))
      istop <- istart + nrow(img_list[[i]]$pos) - 1
      mergedPos[ istart:istop , "x"] <- img_list[[i]]$pos[, "x"]
      mergedPos[ istart:istop , "y"] <- img_list[[i]]$pos[, "y"]
        mergedMotors[ istart:istop , "x"] <- img_list[[i]]$posMotors[, "x"]
        mergedMotors[ istart:istop , "y"] <- img_list[[i]]$posMotors[, "y"]
        mergedMotors[ istart:istop , "x"] <- img_list[[i]]$pos[, "x"]
        mergedMotors[ istart:istop , "y"] <- img_list[[i]]$pos[, "y"]
      istart <- istop + 1 
    peakData$PeakMatrix <- FormatPeakMatrix(peakData$PeakMatrix, mergedPos,  mergedNumPixels, mergedNames, mergedUUIDs, mergedMotors) 
  elap_2nd_stage <- Sys.time() - pt
  cat("Total used processing time:\n")
  print(elap_1st_stage + elap_2nd_stage)
  return_list <- list()
  if( bReturnAList )
    return_list$procImg <- img_list
    return_list$procImg <- img_list[[1]]
  if(!is.null(peakData$PeakList) )
    return_list$peakList <- peakData$PeakList
  if(!is.null(peakData$PeakMatrix) )
    return_list$peakMat <- peakData$PeakMatrix
  return_list$alignShifts <- alngLags
  return_list$binSizes <- usedBinSize
  return ( return_list )

#' FormatPeakMatrix.
#' Formats a C style peak matrix generated by MTPeakPicking::BinPeaks() to a rMSIprocPeakMatrix.
#' If the original motors matrix posMotors is not provided, a copy of posMat will be used.
#' @param cPeakMatrix a peak matrix with the same format as retured by MTPeakPicking::BinPeaks().
#' @param posMat a rMSI image pos matrix.
#' @param numPixels a vector including the number of pixels of each sample.
#' @param names a vector of strings with the name of each sample.
#' @param uuid a vector of img UUID to be also stored in peak matrices
#' @param posMotors a rMSI image original motros coordinates matrix.
#' @return the formated matrix.
FormatPeakMatrix <- function (cPeakMatrix, posMat, numPixels, names, uuid, posMotors = NULL)
  cPeakMatrix$pos <- posMat
  cPeakMatrix$numPixels <- numPixels
  cPeakMatrix$names <- names
  cPeakMatrix$uuid <- uuid
    cPeakMatrix$posMotors <- posMotors
    cPeakMatrix$posMotors <- posMat
  class(cPeakMatrix) <- "rMSIprocPeakMatrix"

#' MergePeakMatrices.
#' Merges a list containing various peak matrices in a single peak matrix.
#' The rMSIproc binning method is used to calculate the new masses.
#' @param PeakMatrixList A list of various peak matrix objexts produced using rMSIproc.
#' @param binningTolerance the tolerance used to merge peaks to the same bin specified in ppm. It is recomanded to use the half of the peak width.
#' @param binningFilter the peaks bins non detected in at least the BinFitler*TotalNumberOfPixels spectra will be deleted.
#' @return a intensity matrix where each row corresponds to an spectrum.
#' @export
MergePeakMatrices <- function( PeakMatrixList, binningTolerance = 100, binningFilter = 0.01  )
  pt <- Sys.time()
  #Merge peak matrices
  pkMatrix <- MergePeakMatricesC( PeakMatrixList, binningTolerance, binningFilter )
  #Testing if normalizations arrays are concatenable (otherwise raise an error)
  normNames1 <- NULL
  if( !is.null(PeakMatrixList[[1]]$normalizations))
    normNames1 <- names(PeakMatrixList[[1]]$normalizations)
  for( i in 1:length(PeakMatrixList))
    if( is.null(normNames1) != is.null(PeakMatrixList[[i]]$normalizations))
      stop("Error: Normalizations is not present for all peak matrices. Please, provide peak matrices with same normalizations.\n")
    if( !is.null(PeakMatrixList[[i]]$normalizations))
      normNamesI <- names(PeakMatrixList[[i]]$normalizations)
      if( length(normNamesI) != length(normNames1) )
        stop("Error: Peak matrices contains different numbers of normalizations.\n")
      for( j  in 1:length(normNames1))
        if( normNamesI[j] != normNames1[j] )
          stop("Error: Peak matrices contains normalizations with differents names.\n")
  #Concatenate pos arrays and normalizations arrays 
  mergedUUIDs <- unlist(lapply(PeakMatrixList, function(x){x$uuid}))
  numOfPixels <- sum(unlist(lapply(PeakMatrixList, function(x){ nrow(x$pos) })))
  pkMatrix$pos <- matrix(nrow = numOfPixels, ncol = 2 )
  pkMatrix$posMotors <- matrix(nrow = numOfPixels, ncol = 2 )
  if( !is.null(normNames1) )
    pkMatrix$normalizations <- data.frame( matrix( NA, nrow = numOfPixels, ncol = length(normNames1)) )
    names(pkMatrix$normalizations) <- normNames1
  colnames(pkMatrix$pos) <- c("x", "y")
  colnames(pkMatrix$posMotors) <- c("x", "y")
  iStart <- 1 #Index of matrix row
  pkMatrix$numPixels <- c()
  sampleNames <- c()
  for( i in 1:length(PeakMatrixList))
    iStop <- iStart + nrow(PeakMatrixList[[i]]$pos) - 1
    pkMatrix$pos[ (iStart:iStop ), ] <- PeakMatrixList[[i]]$pos
      pkMatrix$posMotors[ (iStart:iStop ), ] <- PeakMatrixList[[i]]$pos
      pkMatrix$posMotors[ (iStart:iStop ), ] <- PeakMatrixList[[i]]$posMotors
    pkMatrix$numPixels <- c(pkMatrix$numPixels, nrow(PeakMatrixList[[i]]$pos))
    #Set normalizations
    if( !is.null(pkMatrix$normalizations) )
      pkMatrix$normalizations[ (iStart:iStop) , ] <- PeakMatrixList[[i]]$normalizations[,]
    iStart <- iStop + 1
    #Set matrix names
    if( is.null(PeakMatrixList[[i]]$names) )
      cat(paste("Warning: No sample name found in matrix", i, "\n"))
      sampleNames <- c(sampleNames, paste("unamed_sample_", i, sep = ""))
      sampleNames <- c(sampleNames, PeakMatrixList[[i]]$names )
  elap <- Sys.time() - pt
  cat("Total used processing time:\n")
  return( FormatPeakMatrix(pkMatrix, pkMatrix$pos, pkMatrix$numPixels, sampleNames, mergedUUIDs, pkMatrix$posMotors))

#' ProcessWizard.
#' Imports and process MSI data using a friendly GUI.
#' Various images can be loaded and processed with a single execution.
#' Data can be in XMASS, tar (rMSI) or imzML format.
#' Processed data will be saved in a user specified directory.
#' The applied processing consists in:
#'   - Label-free aligment (various iterations can be performed, zero iterations means no alignment).
#'   - Peak-picking.
#'   - Peak-binning.
#'   - Mass calibration with internal reference compounds.
#' Processed data includes:
#'   - a .tar file with the processed data.
#'   - a rMSIproc formated matrices with binned peaks.
#'   - a plain text file with used processing parameters.
#' @param deleteRamdisk if the used ramdisks for MS images must be deleted for each image processing (will be deleted after saving it to .tar file).
#' @param overwriteRamdisk if the current ramdisk must be overwrited.
#' @param calibrationSpan the used span in the loess fitting for mass calibration.
#' @param store_binsize_txt_file if the binSize used in each binning column must be soterd in a text file.
#' @export
ProcessWizard <- function( deleteRamdisk = T, overwriteRamdisk = F, calibrationSpan = 0.75, store_binsize_txt_file = F )
  #Get processing params using a GUI
  procParams <- ImportWizardGui()
    cat("Processing aborted\n")
  #Decide from the begining if tar data must be saved or not. I'm doing it that way because some of this paramters my change during processing.
  MSIDataMustBeSavedInTARFormat <- procParams$smoothing$enabled || procParams$alignment$enabled || procParams$calibration$enabled || procParams$spectraNormalization$enabled || procParams$data$source$type != "tar"

  #Get number of images
  brukerXmlCounters <- rep(0, length(procParams$data$source$xmlpath))
  brukerXmlRois <- list()
  if( procParams$data$source$type == "xmass" )
    for( i in 1:length(procParams$data$source$xmlpath))
      brukerXmlRois[[i]] <- rMSI::ParseBrukerXML(procParams$data$source$xmlpath[i])
      brukerXmlCounters[i] <- length(brukerXmlRois[[i]])
    NumOfImages <- sum(brukerXmlCounters)
    NumOfImages <- length(procParams$data$source$datapath)
  #Depending on the dataset merge bit the whole processing will be executed differnt times
    NumOfProcRuns <- 1
    NumOfImages2Merge <- NumOfImages
    NumOfProcRuns <- NumOfImages
    NumOfImages2Merge <- 1
  #Create structured list with all of the data paths
  dataPaths <- list()
  brukerCounter_ant <- 0
  selBrukerXML <- 1
  selBrukerClass <- 0
  for( i in 1:NumOfImages)
    dataPaths[[i]] <- list()
    if( procParams$data$source$type == "xmass" )
      if (brukerXmlCounters[selBrukerXML] >= i - brukerCounter_ant)
        selBrukerClass <- selBrukerClass + 1
        brukerCounter_ant <- brukerXmlCounters[selBrukerXML] + brukerCounter_ant
        selBrukerXML <- selBrukerXML + 1
        selBrukerClass <- 1
      dataPaths[[i]]$name <- paste(basename(procParams$data$source$xmlpath[selBrukerXML]), "_", brukerXmlRois[[selBrukerXML]][[selBrukerClass]]$name )
      dataPaths[[i]]$filepath <- procParams$data$source$xmlpath[selBrukerXML]
      dataPaths[[i]]$brukerclass <- selBrukerClass
      dataPaths[[i]]$name <- basename(procParams$data$source$datapath[i])
      dataPaths[[i]]$filepath <-  procParams$data$source$datapath[i]
  #Ask the user for the XML's containing the ROI files
  imgs_names <- unlist(lapply(dataPaths, function(x){ x$name }))
  xmlRoiFiles <- XmlRoiSelectionDialog(imgs_names, init_dir = dirname(procParams$data$source$datapath), is_imzML =  (procParams$data$source$type == "imzml") )
    #Process aborted by user
    cat("Processing aborted\n")
  for( i in 1:NumOfImages)
    if(xmlRoiFiles$xml_include[i] != "")
      dataPaths[[i]]$xmlroiInclude <- xmlRoiFiles$xml_include[i]
    if(xmlRoiFiles$xml_exclude[i] != "")
      dataPaths[[i]]$xmlroiExclude <- xmlRoiFiles$xml_exclude[i]
  #Parse sub-images xml
  subImgCoords <- list()
  for( i in 1:length(xmlRoiFiles$xml_subimg))
    if( xmlRoiFiles$xml_subimg[i] != "")
      xmlRois_subImg <- rMSI::ParseBrukerXML( xmlRoiFiles$xml_subimg[i] )
      NumOfImages <- NumOfImages + length(xmlRois_subImg) - 1
      for( j in 1:length(xmlRois_subImg))
        subImgCoords[[length(subImgCoords) + 1]] <- list(name = xmlRois_subImg[[j]]$name, coords = complex(real = xmlRois_subImg[[j]]$pos$x, imaginary = xmlRois_subImg[[j]]$pos$y ))
        #replicate dataPaths
        if( j > 1)
          newItemIndx <- length(subImgCoords)
          newlst <- dataPaths[1:(newItemIndx - 1)]
          newlst[[newItemIndx]] <-  dataPaths[[newItemIndx-1]]
          if( length(dataPaths) >=  newItemIndx)
            newlst[(newItemIndx+1):(length(dataPaths)+1)] <- dataPaths[newItemIndx:length(dataPaths)]
          dataPaths <- newlst
      #No SubImage roi specified for current image
      subImgCoords[[length(subImgCoords) + 1]] <-  list(name = NULL, coords = NULL)
  #Depending on the dataset merge bit the whole processing will be executed differnt times
    NumOfProcRuns <- 1
    NumOfImages2Merge <- NumOfImages
    NumOfProcRuns <- NumOfImages
    NumOfImages2Merge <- 1
  pixelID_list <- list()
  for( i in 1:NumOfProcRuns)
    cat(paste("Processing execution", i, "of", NumOfProcRuns, "\n"))
    #Load each image
    mImg_list <- list()
    for( iimg in 1:NumOfImages2Merge)
        loadImgIndex <- iimg
        loadImgIndex <- i
      if( procParams$data$source$type == "xmass" )
        mImg_list[[iimg]] <- rMSI::importBrukerXmassImg( procParams$data$source$datapath, procParams$data$pixelsize, brukerXmlRois[[loadImgIndex]], procParams$data$source$spectrumpath, selected_img = dataPaths[[loadImgIndex]]$brukerclass )
        mImg_list[[iimg]]  <- rMSI::LoadMsiData(dataPaths[[loadImgIndex]]$filepath, ff_overwrite = overwriteRamdisk, imzMLRename = subImgCoords[[loadImgIndex]]$name, imzMLSubCoords = subImgCoords[[loadImgIndex]]$coords )  
      #Include ID's in include ROI's
      if(!is.null( dataPaths[[loadImgIndex]]$xmlroiInclude))
        #Id's are sorted for better performance
        pixelID_list[[iimg]] <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(rMSI::ReadBrukerRoiXML(mImg_list[[loadImgIndex]], dataPaths[[loadImgIndex]]$xmlroiInclude), function(x){ x$id }))))
        pixelID_list[[iimg]] <- 0
      #Excude ID's in exclude ROI's
      if(!is.null( dataPaths[[loadImgIndex]]$xmlroiExclude))
        #Id's are sorted for better performance
        excudeIds <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(rMSI::ReadBrukerRoiXML(mImg_list[[loadImgIndex]], dataPaths[[loadImgIndex]]$xmlroiExclude), function(x){ x$id }))))
        if( pixelID_list[[iimg]][1] == 0 )
          pixelID_list[[iimg]] <- 1:nrow(mImg_list[[loadImgIndex]]$pos) #Pre-load all Id's in case that no include ROI is specified
        excludeIdsLocations <- c()
        for( idExcluded in excudeIds )
          exIdloc <- which(pixelID_list[[iimg]] == idExcluded)
          if(length(exIdloc) > 0)
            excludeIdsLocations <- c(excludeIdsLocations, exIdloc)
        if(length(excludeIdsLocations) > 0)
          pixelID_list[[iimg]] <- pixelID_list[[iimg]][-excludeIdsLocations]
    # Merge data and resample it if mass axis is different and ID pixel selection if xml are provided
    mImg_list <- MergerMSIDataSets(mImg_list, procParams$data$outpath, pixel_id = pixelID_list ) 
    #Independently of the selected norms, set also the one used for imzML peak list export
    if( procParams$peakpicking$enabled )
        if(procParams$peakpicking$exportPeakListNormalization == "TIC")
          procParams$spectraNormalization$TIC <- T
        else if(procParams$peakpicking$exportPeakListNormalization == "MAX")
          procParams$spectraNormalization$MAX <- T
        else if(procParams$peakpicking$exportPeakListNormalization == "RMS")
          procParams$spectraNormalization$RMS <- T
        else if(procParams$peakpicking$exportPeakListNormalization == "AcqTic")
          procParams$spectraNormalization$AcqTIC <- T
    #Independently of the selected norms, set also the one used for data summary export
      if(xmlRoiFiles$summary_norm == "TIC")
        procParams$spectraNormalization$TIC <- T
      else if(xmlRoiFiles$summary_norm == "MAX")
        procParams$spectraNormalization$MAX <- T
      else if(xmlRoiFiles$summary_norm == "RMS")
        procParams$spectraNormalization$RMS <- T
      else if(xmlRoiFiles$summary_norm == "AcqTic")
        procParams$spectraNormalization$AcqTIC <- T
    procParams$spectraNormalization$enabled <- any( procParams$spectraNormalization$TIC, 
                                                      procParams$spectraNormalization$AcqTIC )
    #Process data
    procData <- ProcessImage(img = mImg_list,
                             EnableSmoothing = procParams$smoothing$enabled, SmoothingKernelSize = procParams$smoothing$sgkernsize,
                             EnableAlignment = procParams$alignment$enabled, AlignmentIterations = procParams$alignment$iterations, AlignmentMaxShiftppm = procParams$alignment$maxshift,
                             AlignmentBilinear = procParams$alignment$bilinear, AlignmentOversampling = procParams$alignment$oversampling,
                             AlignmentRefLow = procParams$alignment$reflow, AlignmentRefMid = procParams$alignment$refmid, AlignmentRefHigh = procParams$alignment$refhigh,
                             EnableCalibration = procParams$calibration$enabled, CalibrationPeakWin = procParams$calibration$winsize,
                             EnablePeakPicking = procParams$peakpicking$enabled, SNR = procParams$peakpicking$snr, peakWindow = procParams$peakpicking$winsize, peakUpSampling = procParams$peakpicking$oversample,
                             UseBinning = T, BinTolerance = procParams$peakpicking$bintolerance, BinFilter = procParams$peakpicking$binfilter, BinToleranceUsingPPM = procParams$peakpicking$binUsingPPM,
                             EnableSpectraNormalization = procParams$spectraNormalization$enabled, EnableTICNorm = procParams$spectraNormalization$TIC, EnableRMSNorm = procParams$spectraNormalization$RMS, EnableMAXNorm = procParams$spectraNormalization$MAX, EnableTICAcqNorm = procParams$spectraNormalization$AcqTIC,
                             NumOfThreads = procParams$nthreads, CalSpan = calibrationSpan, ExportPeakList = procParams$peakpicking$exportPeakList )

    #Store data summary (before than storing img's because the rMSI objects will be removed)
      cat("Storing data summary files...\n")
        #Use the full XML file list
        #Use the current XML
      ExportROIAveragesMultiple(procData$procImg, xmlList, procData$peakMat, procParams$data$outpath, xmlRoiFiles$summary_norm)
    #Store peak matrix
    if( procParams$peakpicking$enabled )
        pkMatName <- "mergeddata"
        pkMatName <- sub('\\..*$', '',procData$procImg[[1]]$name) #Remove extensions of image name
      StorePeakMatrix( file.path(procParams$data$outpath,  paste(pkMatName,"-peaks.zip", sep ="")), procData$peakMat)
      if( !is.null(procData$binSizes) && store_binsize_txt_file )
        write.table(procData$binSizes, file = file.path(procParams$data$outpath,  paste(pkMatName,"-binSize.txt", sep ="")), append = F, row.names = F, col.names = F, dec = ".")
      #Store the processed imzML (split export, each image its one imzML file)
        iStart <- 1
        for( iexp_imzML in 1:length(procData$procImg))
          cat(paste0("Storing ", procParams$peakpicking$exportPeakListNormalization ," normalized peak list as imzML of img ", iexp_imzML, " of ", length(procData$procImg), "\n"))
          iEnd <- iStart + nrow(procData$procImg[[iexp_imzML]]$pos) - 1
          imgName <- sub('\\..*$', '',procData$procImg[[iexp_imzML]]$name) #Remove extensions of image name
          fname_imzML <- file.path( path.expand(procParams$data$outpath), paste0("peakList_", imgName, "_", procParams$peakpicking$exportPeakListNormalization))
          if(procParams$peakpicking$exportPeakListNormalization == "RAW")
            norm_imzML <- rep(1, nrow(procData$procImg[[iexp_imzML]]$pos))
            norm_imzML <- procData$procImg[[iexp_imzML]]$normalizations[[procParams$peakpicking$exportPeakListNormalization]]
          rMSIproc::export_imzMLpeakList(peakList = procData$peakList[iStart:iEnd], 
                                         posMatrix = procData$procImg[[iexp_imzML]]$pos,
                                         filename = fname_imzML, 
                                         pixel_size_um = procData$procImg[[iexp_imzML]]$pixel_size_um,
                                         normalization = norm_imzML )
          iStart <- 1 + iEnd
    #Store MS image to a tar file
    if( MSIDataMustBeSavedInTARFormat  )
      for( iSave in 1:length(procData$procImg) )
        cat(paste0("--- Dataset ", iSave, "/", length(procData$procImg), " ---\n"))
        #Remove extensions of image name
        imgName <- procData$procImg[[iSave]]$name
        imgName <- sub('\\.tar.*$', '', imgName)
        imgName <- sub('\\.TAR.*$', '', imgName)
        imgName <- sub('\\.imzml.*$', '', imgName)
        imgName <- sub('\\.IMZML.*$', '', imgName)
        imgName <- sub('\\.imzML.*$', '', imgName)
        rMSI::SaveMsiData( procData$procImg[[iSave]], file.path(procParams$data$outpath,  paste(imgName,"-proc.tar", sep ="")))
        #Delete data 
  #Store processing params
  SaveProcessingParams( procParams, 
                        file.path(procParams$data$outpath, "processing_parameters.txt"),
                        xmlRoiFilesInclude = xmlRoiFiles$xml_include, xmlRoiFilesExclude = xmlRoiFiles$xml_exclude,
                        RoiNormalization = xmlRoiFiles$summary_norm)
  cat(paste0("All data processing was completed at ", format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ,"\n"))

#' SaveProcessingParams.
#' Save all parameters in a list of processing params generated using ImportWizardGui() function.
#' Parameters will be saved in a plain text file.
#' @param procParams a list of parameters.
#' @param filepath a full path where params will be stored
#' @param xmlRoiFilesInclude a vector with the used ROI XML files for ID inclusion, NULL if no ROI was used.
#' @param xmlRoiFilesExclude a vector with the used ROI XML files for ID exclusion, NULL if no ROI was used.
#' @param RoiNormalization a string with the name of normalization used to export the data summary.
SaveProcessingParams <- function( procParams, filepath, xmlRoiFilesInclude = NULL, xmlRoiFilesExclude = NULL, RoiNormalization = NULL)
  fObj <- file(description = filepath, open = "w" )
  writeLines("Processing parameters", con = fObj)
  writeLines(paste("Data source type = ", procParams$data$source$type, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
  if( procParams$data$source$type == "xmass" )
    writeLines(paste("Data source directory = ", procParams$data$source$datapath, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
    for(i in 1:length( procParams$data$source$xmlpath))
      writeLines(paste("Data source XML file", i," = ", procParams$data$source$xmlpath[i], sep ="" ), con = fObj)
    writeLines(paste("Data source ref spectrum = ", procParams$data$source$spectrumpath, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
    for(i in 1:length( procParams$data$source$datapath))
      writeLines(paste("Data source file", i," = ", procParams$data$source$datapath[i], sep ="" ), con = fObj)
  writeLines(paste("Data output directory = ", procParams$data$outpath, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
  writeLines(paste("Smoothing enabled = ", procParams$smoothing$enabled, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
    writeLines(paste("Smoothing SG kernel size = ", procParams$smoothing$sgkernsize, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
  writeLines(paste("Alignment enabled = ", procParams$alignment$enabled, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
    writeLines(paste("Alignment iterations = ", procParams$alignment$iterations, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
    writeLines(paste("Alignment max shift [ppm] = ", procParams$alignment$maxshift, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
    writeLines(paste("Alignment Bilinear = ", procParams$alignment$bilinear, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
    writeLines(paste("Alignment Oversampling = ", procParams$alignment$oversampling, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
    writeLines(paste("Alignment Ref. Low = ", procParams$alignment$reflow, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
    writeLines(paste("Alignment Ref. Mid = ", procParams$alignment$refmid, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
    writeLines(paste("Alignment Ref. High = ", procParams$alignment$refhigh, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
  writeLines(paste("Calibration enabled = ", procParams$calibration$enabled, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
    #Reserverd for future expansion...

    writeLines(paste("Spectra TIC normalization enabled = ", procParams$spectraNormalization$TIC, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
    writeLines(paste("Spectra RMS normalization enabled = ", procParams$spectraNormalization$RMS, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
    writeLines(paste("Spectra MAX normalization enabled = ", procParams$spectraNormalization$MAX, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
    writeLines(paste("Spectra TICAcq normalization enabled = ", procParams$spectraNormalization$AcqTIC, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
  writeLines(paste("Peak-picking enabled = ", procParams$peakpicking$enabled, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
  if( procParams$peakpicking$enabled)
    writeLines(paste("Peak-picking SNR threshold = ", procParams$peakpicking$snr, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
    writeLines(paste("Peak-picking detector window = ", procParams$peakpicking$winsize, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
    writeLines(paste("Peak-picking oversampling = ", procParams$peakpicking$oversample, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
      writeLines("Peak-picking binning tolerance is in ppm", con = fObj)  
      writeLines("Peak-picking binning tolerance is in scans", con = fObj)  
    writeLines(paste("Peak-picking binning tolerance = ", procParams$peakpicking$bintolerance, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
    writeLines(paste("Peak-picking binning filter = ", procParams$peakpicking$binfilter, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
  writeLines(paste("Merge datasets = ", procParams$mergedatasets, sep ="" ), con = fObj)
    writeLines("\nUsed ROI Include files:", con = fObj)
    for(i in 1:length(xmlRoiFilesInclude))
      writeLines(paste0("ROI", i, ": ", xmlRoiFilesInclude[i] ), con = fObj)
    writeLines("\n", con = fObj)
    writeLines("\nUsed ROI Exclude files:", con = fObj)
    for(i in 1:length(xmlRoiFilesExclude))
      writeLines(paste0("ROI", i, ": ", xmlRoiFilesExclude[i] ), con = fObj)
    writeLines("\n", con = fObj)
    writeLines(paste0("Data summary normalization: ", RoiNormalization ), con = fObj)

#' MergerMSIDataSets.
#' Merges various rMSI objects in order to process all of them in the same run.
#' For example, this is usefull to align data form diferent experiments together.
#' In case that images don't share the same mass axis, all of them will be resampled and stored in a new ramdisk.
#' If pixel_id is provided, a new ramdisk for each image will be created to filter out non specified pixel ID's.
#' Discarding pixels of a dataset may result interesting to avoid artifacts in alignment and peak binning if some
#' regions are not well-correlated to the rest of tissue.
#' @param img_list a list of images to be merged.
#' @param ramdisk_path a path where resampled data ramdisk will be stored.
#' @param pixel_id a list containing a vector of ID's to retain for each img. If some img have to use all ID's 0 may be supplied. Th ID's must be sorted in ascending order.
#' @return a list with the merged images.
MergerMSIDataSets <- function( img_list, ramdisk_path, pixel_id = NULL )
  # 1- If the img_list contains only one element, then is nothing to merge, just return the list itself
  if( length(img_list) == 1 && is.null(pixel_id))
    return( img_list )
  if( length(img_list) == 1 && pixel_id[[1]] == 0)
    return( img_list )
  # 2- Check if the mass axis is the same
  common_mass <- img_list[[1]]$mass
  identicalMassAxis <- TRUE
  if( length(img_list) > 1)
    for( i in 2:length(img_list))
      identicalMassAxis <- identicalMassAxis & identical(common_mass, img_list[[i]]$mass)
  if(identicalMassAxis && is.null(pixel_id))
    #No need to merge, all data sets can be used together because they share the same mass axis
    return( img_list )
  if(identicalMassAxis &&  all( unlist(lapply(pixel_id, function(x){ x == 0}))))
    #No need to merge, all data sets can be used together because they share the same mass axis and no ROI filtering used
    return( img_list ) 
  # 3- Calculate the new common mass axis
  common_mass <- img_list[[1]]$mass
    for( i in 2:length(img_list))
      massMergeRes <- MergeTwoMassAxis(common_mass, img_list[[i]]$mass)
        stop("ERROR: The mass axis of the images to merge is not compatible because they do not share a common range.\n")
      common_mass <- massMergeRes$mass
  # 4- Apply the resampling and/or pixel id selection and create the new ramdisk 
  for( i in 1:length(img_list))
    cat(paste0("Merging dataset ", i, "/", length(img_list), "\n"))
    # Get ID's for current image
      imgSelIDs <- 1:nrow(img_list[[i]]$pos)
    else if ( pixel_id[[i]][1] == 0 )
      imgSelIDs <- 1:nrow(img_list[[i]]$pos)
      imgSelIDs <-  pixel_id[[i]]
    if( !identical(imgSelIDs, 1:nrow(img_list[[i]]$pos)) || !identicalMassAxis )
      #Only create a new sub-dataset if the mass axis is not common through all data or the selected ID of some images are a subset of ID's
      data_path <- file.path(ramdisk_path, paste0(img_list[[i]]$name, "_resam"))
      imgAux <- rMSI::CreateSubDataset(img_list[[i]], imgSelIDs, data_path, common_mass)
      img_list[[i]] <- imgAux

#' PeakList2PeakMatrix.
#' Convert's an R peak list into a peak matrix.
#' @param PeakList R peak list. Missing values will be set to zero.
#' @param PosMatrix the pos matrix as following the same format as in rMSI object.
#' @param BinTolerance tolerance used to merge peaks to the same bin. It is recomanded to use the half of peak width in ppm units. 
#' @param BinToleranceUsingPPM if True the peak binning tolerance is specified in ppm, if false the tolerance is set using scans.
#' @param BinFilter the peaks bins non detected in at least the BinFitler*TotalNumberOfPixels spectra will be deleted.
#' @param imgUUID a unique ID for the peak matrix, if not provided it will be automatically generated.
#' @param imgName the name of the original MSI dataset.
#' @return peak matrix.
#' @export
#' @examples  
#'   #Import an imzML using centroid mode (after peak picking).
#'   pkLst <- rMSIproc::import_imzMLpeakList("~/path/to/processed/data/file.imzML")
#'   #Run the peak-binning to get the peak matrix.
#'   myPkMat <- rMSIproc::PeakList2PeakMatrix(pkLst$peakList, pkLst$pos, BinTolerance = 25, BinToleranceUsingPPM = T)
#'   #Save the peak matrix. 
#'   rMSIproc::StorePeakMatrix("~/path/to/file.zip", myPkMat)
PeakList2PeakMatrix<-function( PeakList, PosMatrix,  
                               BinTolerance = 5, BinToleranceUsingPPM = T, BinFilter = 0.1,
                               imgUUID = rMSI:::uuid_timebased(), imgName = "rMSIproc_PeakList2PeakMatrix_peakMat" )
  for(i in 1:length(PeakList))
      stop(paste0("ERROR: Pixel number ", i, " does not contain intensity data. Aborting...\n"))
      stop(paste0("ERROR: Pixel numbe r", i, " does not contain mass data. Aborting...\n"))
    if( length(PeakList[[i]]$mass) != length(PeakList[[i]]$intensity)  )
      stop(paste0("ERROR: Pixel number ", i, " mass and intensity vector lengths are different. Aborting...\n"))
      PeakList[[i]]$area <- rep(0, length(PeakList[[i]]$mass))
      PeakList[[i]]$SNR <- rep(0, length(PeakList[[i]]$mass))
      PeakList[[i]]$binSize <- rep(0, length(PeakList[[i]]$mass))
  PeakMat <- CPeakList2PeakMatrix(PeakList, BinTolerance, BinFilter, BinToleranceUsingPPM )
  return(FormatPeakMatrix(PeakMat, PosMatrix, nrow(PosMatrix), imgName, imgUUID))
prafols/rMSIproc documentation built on Dec. 12, 2021, 7:31 p.m.