#' Phylofactorization of vector data using two-sample tests
#' @export
#' @param Z Vector of data.
#' @param tree phylo class object
#' @param nfactors number of factors to compute
#' @param method string indicating two-sample test two use. Can take values of "contrast" (default), "Fisher", "Wilcox", 't.test', or "custom", indicating the two-sample test to be used.
#' @param TestFunction optional input customized test function, taking input \code{{grps,tree,Z,PF.output,..}} and output objective omega. \code{grps} is a two-element list containing indexes for each group; see \code{\link{getPhyloGroups}}. PF.output is a logical: the output from PF.output=T should be a P-value and can be input into the \code{stop.fcn}.
#' @param ncores number of cores to use for parallelization
#' @param stop.fcn stop function taking as input the output from \code{TestFunction} when \code{PF.output=T} and returning logical where an output of \code{TRUE} will stop phylofactorization. Inputting character string "KS", will use KS-test on the P-values output from \code{TestFunction}.
#' @param cluster.depends expression loading dependencies for \code{TestFunction} onto cluster.
#' @param Metropolis logical. If true, phylofactorization will be implemented by stochastically sample edges using \code{sampleFcn}.
#' @param sampleFcn function taking argument \code{omegas}, which is used to implement Metropolis phylofactorization.
#' @param lambda Parameter for default Metropolis phylofactorization in which groups are drawn with probability proportional to omega^lambda.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{TestFunction}
#' @examples
#' library(phylofactor)
#' library(ggtree)
#' library(viridis)
#' set.seed(1)
#' D <- 300
#' tree <- rtree(D)
#' n1 <- 477
#' n2 <- 332
#' c1 <- phangorn::Descendants(tree,n1,'tips')[[1]]
#' c2 <- phangorn::Descendants(tree,n2,'tips')[[1]]
#' Z <- rnorm(D)
#' Z[c1] <- Z[c1]+1
#' Z[c2] <- Z[c2]-2
#' pf <- twoSampleFactor(Z,tree,2,ncores=2)
#' cbind(c(length(c2),length(c1)),pf$factors)
#' pp <- pf.tree(pf,layout='rectangular')$ggplot
#' tipcolors <- rgb(ecdf(Z)(Z),0,1-ecdf(Z)(Z))
#' pp+geom_cladelabel(node=n1,'clade_1')+
#' geom_cladelabel(node=n2,'clade_2')+
#' geom_tippoint(color=tipcolors,size=3)
#' ############# binary data #################
#' Z <- rbinom(D,1,0.3)
#' Z[c1] <- rbinom(length(c1),1,0.9)
#' Z[c2] <- 0
#' pf <- twoSampleFactor(Z,tree,nfactors=2,method='Fisher',alternative='two.sided')
#' pp <- pf.tree(pf,layout='rectangular')$ggplot
#' tipcolors <- viridis(2)[Z+1]
#' pp+geom_cladelabel(node=n1,'clade_1')+
#' geom_cladelabel(node=n2,'clade_2')+
#' geom_tippoint(color=tipcolors,size=3)
twoSampleFactor <- function(Z,tree,nfactors,method='contrast',TestFunction=NULL,ncores=NULL,stop.fcn=NULL,cluster.depends='',Metropolis=F,sampleFcn=NULL,lambda=1,...){
if (!is.null(TestFunction)){
method <- 'custom'
if (method=='contrast'){
TestFunction <- function(grps,Z,PF.output=F,...){
if (!PF.output){
return(abs(matrix(ilrvec(grps,length(Z)),nrow=1) %*% Z))
} else {
return(stats::t.test(Z[grps[[1]]],Z[grps[[2]]],var.equal = T,...)$p.value)
} else if (method=='Fisher'){
TestFunction <- function(grps,Z,PF.output=F,...){
s1 <- S4Vectors::na.omit(Z[grps[[1]]])
s2 <- S4Vectors::na.omit(Z[grps[[2]]])
n1 <- sum(s1)
n2 <- sum(s2)
p <- tryCatch(stats::fisher.test(matrix(c(n1,length(s1)-n1,n2,length(s2)-n2),ncol=2),...)$p.value,
error=function(e) 1)
if (!PF.output){
} else {
} else if (method=='Wilcox'){
TestFunction <- function(grps,Z,PF.output=F,...){
if (!PF.output){
s <- 1/stats::wilcox.test(S4Vectors::na.omit(Z[grps[[1]]]),S4Vectors::na.omit(Z[grps[[2]]]))$p.value
} else {
s <- stats::wilcox.test(Z[grps[[1]]],Z[grps[[2]]])$p.value
} else if (method=='t.test'){
TestFunction <- function(grps,Z,PF.output=F,...){
if (!PF.output){
error=function(e) 0))
} else {
error=function(e) 0))
}else if (method!='custom'){
stop('unknown input method')
if (Metropolis & is.null(sampleFcn)){
sampleFcn <- function(omegas,lambda) sample(length(omegas),1,prob=omegas^lambda)
if (!is.null(ncores)){
cl <- phyloFcluster(ncores)
parallel::clusterExport(cl,varlist = 'cluster.depends',envir = environment())
treeList <- list(tree)
binList <- list(1:ape::Ntip(tree))
output <- NULL
tm <- Sys.time()
while (pfs < min(length(Z)-1,nfactors)){
if (pfs>=1){
treeList <- updateTreeList(treeList,binList,grp,tree,skip.check=T)
binList <- updateBinList(binList,grp)
Grps <- getNewGroups(tree,treeList,binList)
if (is.null(ncores)){
omegas <- sapply(Grps,FUN=TestFunction,Z=Z,...)
} else {
omegas <- parallel::parSapply(cl,Grps,TestFunction,Z=Z,...)
if (!Metropolis){
ix <- which.max(omegas)
best.grp <- Grps[[ix]]
P <- TestFunction(best.grp,Z=Z,PF.output=T,...)
} else {
ix <- sampleFcn(omegas,lambda)
best.grp <- Grps[[ix]]
P <- TestFunction(best.grp,Z=Z,PF.output=T,...)
output$pvals <- c(output$pvals,P)
output$objective <- c(output$objective,omegas[ix])
grp <- getLabelledGrp(tree=tree,Groups=best.grp)
output$groups <- c(output$groups,list(best.grp))
grpInfo <- matrix(c(names(grp)),nrow=2)
output$factors <- cbind(output$factors,grpInfo)
tm2 <- Sys.time()
time.elapsed <- signif(difftime(tm2,tm,units = 'mins'),3)
if (pfs==1){
GUI.notification <- paste('\r',pfs,'factor completed in',time.elapsed,'minutes. ')
} else {
GUI.notification <- paste('\r',pfs,'factors completed in',time.elapsed,'minutes. ')
GUI.notification <- paste(GUI.notification,'Estimated time of completion:',
' \r')
if (!is.null(ncores)){
if (!is.null(output$factors)){
colnames(output$factors)=sapply(as.list(1:pfs),FUN=function(a,b) paste(b,a,sep=' '),b='Factor',simplify=T)
output$factors <- t(output$factors) %>% as.data.frame
for (i in 1:length(output$groups)){
V <- cbind(V,ilrvec(output$groups[[i]],ape::Ntip(tree)))
output$basis <- V
output$bins <- bins(V)
output$tree <- tree
output$nfactors <- pfs
output$Data <- matrix(Z,ncol=1)
output$model.fcn <- TestFunction
output$method <- method
output$additional.arguments <- list(...)
names(output$Data) <- tree$tip.label
output$phylofactor.fcn <- 'twoSampleFactor'
class(output) <- 'phylofactor'
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