
Defines functions huge.graph boot.nodag nodag mll boot.gclm gclm boot.genie3 genie3 boot.lingam lingam boot.glasso glasso boot.arges arges boot.rsmax2 rsmax2 boot.notears notears boot.ges ges boot.tabu tabu boot.hc hc boot.aracne aracne boot.chowliu chowliu boot.parents.children parents.children boot.iamb iamb boot.gs gs boot.fci fci boot.pc pc boot.skeleton skeleton

Documented in aracne arges boot.aracne boot.arges boot.chowliu boot.fci boot.gclm boot.genie3 boot.ges boot.glasso boot.gs boot.hc boot.iamb boot.lingam boot.nodag boot.notears boot.parents.children boot.pc boot.rsmax2 boot.skeleton boot.tabu chowliu fci gclm genie3 ges glasso gs hc huge.graph iamb lingam nodag notears parents.children pc rsmax2 skeleton tabu

ci.tests <- c('cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', 'mi-g-sh')
scores <- c('pred-loglik-g', 'loglik-g', 'aic-g', 'bic-g', 'bge')

# Structure Learning Algorithms

## Constraint-Based

#' Peter & Clark Skeleton Algorithm
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Peter & Clark skeleton algorithm (stable version).
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param max.sx Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param implementation Peter & Clark algorithm implementation: 'pcalg' or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'pcalg'
#' @param pcalg.indep.test Conditional independence test to be used (pcalg implementation). Default: pcalg::gaussCItest
#' @param bnlearn.test Conditional independence test to be used (bnlearn implementation): 'cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', or 'mi-g-sh'. Default: 'cor'
#' @param bnlearn.B Number of permutations considered for each permutation test (bnlearn implementation).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- skeleton(df, implementation='pcalg')
#' g <- skeleton(df, implementation='bnlearn')

skeleton <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, alpha=0.01, max.sx=Inf, m=NULL,
                     to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
                     cluster=parallel::detectCores(), implementation=c('pcalg','bnlearn'),
                     pcalg.indep.test=pcalg::gaussCItest, pcalg.u2pd=c('relaxed','rand','retry'),
                     pcalg.conservative=FALSE, pcalg.maj.rule=FALSE, pcalg.solve.confl=FALSE,
                     bnlearn.test=ci.tests, bnlearn.B=NULL, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    to <- match.arg(to)
    implementation <- match.arg(implementation)
    pcalg.u2pd <- match.arg(pcalg.u2pd)
    bnlearn.test <- match.arg(bnlearn.test)


    if (pcalg.conservative | pcalg.solve.confl) {
        pcalg.u2pd <- 'relaxed'

    if (!is.null(whitelist) & implementation=='pcalg') {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'adjacency')
        whitelist <- whitelist > 0

    if (!is.null(blacklist) & implementation=='pcalg') {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'adjacency')
        blacklist <- blacklist > 0

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
    if (implementation=='pcalg') {
        suffStat <- list(C=cor(splitted.df$train), n=nrow(splitted.df$train))
        varNames <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
        g <- pcalg::skeleton(suffStat, indepTest=pcalg.indep.test, labels=varNames, alpha=alpha, m.max=max.sx,
                             fixedEdges=whitelist, fixedGaps=blacklist, method='stable', NAdelete=TRUE)
        g <- as(g@graph, 'matrix')
        rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
    } else if (implementation=='bnlearn') {
        if (class(cluster)[1] == 'numeric') {
            cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(cluster)
        if (!is.null(cluster)) {
            parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cluster, seed)
            g <- bnlearn::pc.stable(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=bnlearn.test, alpha=alpha,
                                    B=bnlearn.B, max.sx=max.sx, undirected=TRUE, cluster=cluster)
            g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
            rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
        } else {
            g <- bnlearn::pc.stable(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=bnlearn.test, alpha=alpha,
                                    B=bnlearn.B, max.sx=max.sx, undirected=TRUE)
            g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
            rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)

    g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)

#' Peter & Clark Skeleton Algorithm With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Peter & Clark skeleton algorithm (stable version).
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param max.sx Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param implementation Peter & Clark algorithm implementation: 'pcalg' or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'pcalg'
#' @param pcalg.indep.test Conditional independence test to be used (pcalg implementation). Default: pcalg::gaussCItest
#' @param bnlearn.test Conditional independence test to be used (bnlearn implementation): 'cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', or 'mi-g-sh'. Default: 'cor'
#' @param bnlearn.B Number of permutations considered for each permutation test (bnlearn implementation).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.skeleton(df, implementation='pcalg')
#' obj <- boot.skeleton(df, implementation='bnlearn')
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates

boot.skeleton <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, alpha=0.01, max.sx=Inf, R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5,
                          to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
                          cluster=parallel::detectCores(), implementation=c('pcalg','bnlearn'),
                          pcalg.indep.test=pcalg::gaussCItest, pcalg.u2pd=c('relaxed','rand','retry'),
                          pcalg.conservative=FALSE, pcalg.maj.rule=FALSE, pcalg.solve.confl=FALSE,
                          bnlearn.test=ci.tests, bnlearn.B=NULL, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    to <- match.arg(to)
    implementation <- match.arg(implementation)
    pcalg.u2pd <- match.arg(pcalg.u2pd)
    bnlearn.test <- match.arg(bnlearn.test)


    if (pcalg.conservative | pcalg.solve.confl) {
        pcalg.u2pd <- 'relaxed'

    if (!is.null(whitelist) & implementation=='pcalg') {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'adjacency')
        whitelist <- whitelist > 0

    if (!is.null(blacklist) & implementation=='pcalg') {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'adjacency')
        blacklist <- blacklist > 0

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
        format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
        total = R,
        width = 70)

    tick <- function(n){
        pb$tick(tokens = list())

    if (is.null(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)

    graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
        skeleton(df, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, alpha=alpha, max.sx=max.sx, m=m,
                 to='adjacency', cluster=NULL, implementation=implementation,
                 pcalg.indep.test=pcalg.indep.test, pcalg.u2pd=pcalg.u2pd,
                 pcalg.conservative=pcalg.conservative, pcalg.maj.rule=pcalg.maj.rule, pcalg.solve.confl=pcalg.solve.confl,
                 bnlearn.test=bnlearn.test, bnlearn.B=bnlearn.B, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))

    g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
    for (i in 1:R) {
        graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
    obj <- list(
        average = g,
        replicates = graphs

#' Peter & Clark Algorithm (PC)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Peter & Clark algorithm (stable version).
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param max.sx Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param implementation Peter & Clark algorithm implementation: 'pcalg' or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'pcalg'
#' @param pcalg.indep.test Conditional independence test to be used (pcalg implementation). Default: pcalg::gaussCItest
#' @param pcalg.u2pd Method for dealing with conflicting information when trying to orient edges (pcalg implementation). Default: 'relaxed'
#' @param pcalg.conservative Whether or not the conservative PC is used (pcalg implementation). Default: FALSE
#' @param pcalg.maj.rule Whether or not the triples shall be checked for ambiguity using a majority rule idea, which is less strict than the conservative PC algorithm (pcalg implementation). Default: FALSE
#' @param pcalg.solve.confl If TRUE, the orientation of the v-structures and the orientation rules work with lists for candidate sets and allow bi-directed edges to resolve conflicting edge orientations (pcalg implementation). Default: FALSE
#' @param bnlearn.test Conditional independence test to be used (bnlearn implementation): 'cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', or 'mi-g-sh'. Default: 'cor'
#' @param bnlearn.B Number of permutations considered for each permutation test (bnlearn implementation).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- pc(df, implementation='pcalg')
#' g <- pc(df, implementation='bnlearn')

pc <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, alpha=0.01, max.sx=Inf, m=NULL,
               to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
               cluster=parallel::detectCores(), implementation=c('pcalg','bnlearn'),
               pcalg.indep.test=pcalg::gaussCItest, pcalg.u2pd=c('relaxed','rand','retry'),
               pcalg.conservative=FALSE, pcalg.maj.rule=FALSE, pcalg.solve.confl=FALSE,
               bnlearn.test=ci.tests, bnlearn.B=NULL, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    to <- match.arg(to)
    implementation <- match.arg(implementation)
    pcalg.u2pd <- match.arg(pcalg.u2pd)
    bnlearn.test <- match.arg(bnlearn.test)


    if (pcalg.conservative | pcalg.solve.confl) {
        pcalg.u2pd <- 'relaxed'

    if (!is.null(whitelist) & implementation=='pcalg') {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'adjacency')
        whitelist <- whitelist > 0

    if (!is.null(blacklist) & implementation=='pcalg') {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'adjacency')
        blacklist <- blacklist > 0

    if (!is.null(whitelist) & implementation=='bnlearn') {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')

    if (!is.null(blacklist) & implementation=='bnlearn') {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
    if (implementation=='pcalg') {
        suffStat <- list(C=cor(splitted.df$train), n=nrow(splitted.df$train))
        varNames <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
        g <- pcalg::pc(suffStat, indepTest=pcalg.indep.test, labels=varNames, alpha=alpha, m.max=max.sx,
                       u2pd=pcalg.u2pd, conservative=pcalg.conservative, maj.rule=pcalg.maj.rule, solve.confl=pcalg.solve.confl,
                       fixedEdges=whitelist, fixedGaps=blacklist, skel.method='stable', NAdelete=TRUE)
        g <- as(g@graph, 'matrix')
        rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
    } else if (implementation=='bnlearn') {
        if (class(cluster)[1] == 'numeric') {
            cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(cluster)
        if (!is.null(cluster)) {
            parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cluster, seed)
            g <- bnlearn::pc.stable(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=bnlearn.test, alpha=alpha,
                                    B=bnlearn.B, max.sx=max.sx, undirected=FALSE, cluster=cluster)
            g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
            rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
        } else {
            g <- bnlearn::pc.stable(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=bnlearn.test, alpha=alpha,
                                    B=bnlearn.B, max.sx=max.sx, undirected=FALSE)
            g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
            rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)

    g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)

#' Peter & Clark Algorithm (PC) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Peter & Clark algorithm (stable version).
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param max.sx Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param implementation Peter & Clark algorithm implementation: 'pcalg' or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'pcalg'
#' @param pcalg.indep.test Conditional independence test to be used (pcalg implementation). Default: pcalg::gaussCItest
#' @param pcalg.u2pd Method for dealing with conflicting information when trying to orient edges (pcalg implementation). Default: 'relaxed'
#' @param pcalg.conservative Whether or not the conservative PC is used (pcalg implementation). Default: FALSE
#' @param pcalg.maj.rule Whether or not the triples shall be checked for ambiguity using a majority rule idea, which is less strict than the conservative PC algorithm (pcalg implementation). Default: FALSE
#' @param pcalg.solve.confl If TRUE, the orientation of the v-structures and the orientation rules work with lists for candidate sets and allow bi-directed edges to resolve conflicting edge orientations (pcalg implementation). Default: FALSE
#' @param bnlearn.test Conditional independence test to be used (bnlearn implementation): 'cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', or 'mi-g-sh'. Default: 'cor'
#' @param bnlearn.B Number of permutations considered for each permutation test (bnlearn implementation).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.pc(df, implementation='pcalg')
#' obj <- boot.pc(df, implementation='bnlearn')
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates

boot.pc <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, alpha=0.01, max.sx=Inf, R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5,
                    to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
                    cluster=parallel::detectCores(), implementation=c('pcalg','bnlearn'),
                    pcalg.indep.test=pcalg::gaussCItest, pcalg.u2pd=c('relaxed','rand','retry'),
                    pcalg.conservative=FALSE, pcalg.maj.rule=FALSE, pcalg.solve.confl=FALSE,
                    bnlearn.test=ci.tests, bnlearn.B=NULL, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    to <- match.arg(to)
    implementation <- match.arg(implementation)
    pcalg.u2pd <- match.arg(pcalg.u2pd)
    bnlearn.test <- match.arg(bnlearn.test)


    if (pcalg.conservative | pcalg.solve.confl) {
        pcalg.u2pd <- 'relaxed'

    if (!is.null(whitelist) & implementation=='pcalg') {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'adjacency')
        whitelist <- whitelist > 0

    if (!is.null(blacklist) & implementation=='pcalg') {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'adjacency')
        blacklist <- blacklist > 0

    if (!is.null(whitelist) & implementation=='bnlearn') {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')

    if (!is.null(blacklist) & implementation=='bnlearn') {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
        format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
        total = R,
        width = 70)

    tick <- function(n){
        pb$tick(tokens = list())

    if (is.null(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)

    graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
        pc(df, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, alpha=alpha, max.sx=max.sx, m=m,
           to='adjacency', cluster=NULL, implementation=implementation,
           pcalg.indep.test=pcalg.indep.test, pcalg.u2pd=pcalg.u2pd,
           pcalg.conservative=pcalg.conservative, pcalg.maj.rule=pcalg.maj.rule, pcalg.solve.confl=pcalg.solve.confl,
           bnlearn.test=bnlearn.test, bnlearn.B=bnlearn.B, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))

    g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
    for (i in 1:R) {
        graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
    obj <- list(
        average = g,
        replicates = graphs

#' Fast Causal Inference Algorithm (FCI)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Fast Causal Inference algorithm (stable version).
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param indep.test Conditional independence test to be used (pcalg implementation). Default: pcalg::gaussCItest
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param max.sx Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param pdsep.max Maximum size of Possible-D-SEP for which subsets are considered as conditioning sets in the conditional independence tests.
#' @param conservative Whether or not the conservative PC is used (pcalg implementation). Default: FALSE
#' @param maj.rule Whether or not the triples shall be checked for ambiguity using a majority rule idea, which is less strict than the conservative PC algorithm (pcalg implementation). Default: FALSE
#' @param version Version of FCI algorithm to be used: 'fci', 'rfci', or 'fci.plus'. Default: 'fci'
#' @param type Type of FCI algorithm to be used: 'normal', 'anytime', or 'adaptive'. Default: 'normal'
#' @param rules Logical vector of length 10 indicating which rules should be used when directing edges. Default: rep(TRUE,10)
#' @param doPdsep If FALSE, Possible-D-SEP is not computed, so that the algorithm simplifies to the Modified PC algorithm of Spirtes, Glymour and Scheines (2000, p.84). Default: TRUE
#' @param biCC If TRUE, only nodes on paths between nodes x and y are considered to be in Possible-D-SEP(x) when testing independence between x and y. Default: TRUE
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- fci(df)

fci <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, indep.test=pcalg::gaussCItest, alpha=0.01, max.sx=Inf, pdsep.max=Inf,
                conservative=FALSE, maj.rule=FALSE, version=c('fci','rfci','fci.plus'), type=c('normal','anytime','adaptive'),
                rules=rep(TRUE,10), doPdsep=TRUE, biCC=FALSE, m=NULL,
                to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    version <- match.arg(version)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    to <- match.arg(to)


    if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'adjacency')
        whitelist <- whitelist > 0

    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'adjacency')
        blacklist <- blacklist > 0

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
    suffStat <- list(C=cor(splitted.df$train), n=nrow(splitted.df$train))
    varNames <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
    g <- switch(version,
        fci = { pcalg::fci(suffStat, indepTest=indep.test, labels=varNames, alpha=alpha, m.max=max.sx, pdsep.max=pdsep.max,
                           conservative=conservative, maj.rule=maj.rule, type=type, rules=rules, doPdsep=doPdsep, biCC=biCC,
                           fixedEdges=whitelist, fixedGaps=blacklist, skel.method='stable', NAdelete=TRUE) },
        rfci = { pcalg::rfci(suffStat, indepTest=indep.test, labels=varNames, alpha=alpha, m.max=max.sx,
                             conservative=conservative, maj.rule=maj.rule, rules=rules,
                             fixedEdges=whitelist, fixedGaps=blacklist, skel.method='stable', NAdelete=TRUE) },
        fci.plus = { pcalg::fciPlus(suffStat, indepTest=indep.test, labels=varNames, alpha=alpha) }
    g <- as(g, 'matrix')
    rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)

    g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)

#' Fast Causal Inference Algorithm (FCI) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Fast Causal Inference algorithm (stable version).
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param indep.test Conditional independence test to be used (pcalg implementation). Default: pcalg::gaussCItest
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param max.sx Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param pdsep.max Maximum size of Possible-D-SEP for which subsets are considered as conditioning sets in the conditional independence tests.
#' @param conservative Whether or not the conservative PC is used (pcalg implementation). Default: FALSE
#' @param maj.rule Whether or not the triples shall be checked for ambiguity using a majority rule idea, which is less strict than the conservative PC algorithm (pcalg implementation). Default: FALSE
#' @param version Version of FCI algorithm to be used: 'fci', 'rfci', or 'fci.plus'. Default: 'fci'
#' @param type Type of FCI algorithm to be used: 'normal', 'anytime', or 'adaptive'. Default: 'normal'
#' @param rules Logical vector of length 10 indicating which rules should be used when directing edges. Default: rep(TRUE,10)
#' @param doPdsep If FALSE, Possible-D-SEP is not computed, so that the algorithm simplifies to the Modified PC algorithm of Spirtes, Glymour and Scheines (2000, p.84). Default: TRUE
#' @param biCC If TRUE, only nodes on paths between nodes x and y are considered to be in Possible-D-SEP(x) when testing independence between x and y. Default: TRUE
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.fci(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates

boot.fci <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, indep.test=pcalg::gaussCItest, alpha=0.01, max.sx=Inf, pdsep.max=Inf,
                     conservative=FALSE, maj.rule=FALSE, version=c('fci','rfci','fci.plus'), type=c('normal','anytime','adaptive'),
                     rules=rep(TRUE,10), doPdsep=TRUE, biCC=FALSE,
                     R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    version <- match.arg(version)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    to <- match.arg(to)


    if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'adjacency')
        whitelist <- whitelist > 0

    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'adjacency')
        blacklist <- blacklist > 0

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
        format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
        total = R,
        width = 70)

    tick <- function(n){
        pb$tick(tokens = list())

    if (is.null(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)

    graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
        fci(df, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, indep.test=indep.test, alpha=alpha, max.sx=max.sx, pdsep.max=pdsep.max,
                        conservative=conservative, maj.rule=maj.rule, version=version, type=type,
                        rules=rules, doPdsep=doPdsep, biCC=biCC, m=m,
                        to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))

    g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
    for (i in 1:R) {
        graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
    obj <- list(
        average = g,
        replicates = graphs

#' Grow-Shrink Algorithm (GS)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Grow-Shrink algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param test Conditional independence test to be used: 'cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', or 'mi-g-sh'. Default: 'cor'
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param B Number of permutations considered for each permutation test.
#' @param max.sx Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- gs(df)

gs <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, test=ci.tests, alpha=0.01, B=NULL, max.sx=NULL,
               m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    test <- match.arg(test)
    to <- match.arg(to)


    if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')

    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
    if (class(cluster)[1] == 'numeric') {
        cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(cluster)
    if (!is.null(cluster)) {
        parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cluster, seed)
        g <- bnlearn::gs(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=test, alpha=alpha,
                         B=B, max.sx=max.sx, undirected=FALSE, cluster=cluster)
        g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
        rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
    } else {
        g <- bnlearn::gs(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=test, alpha=alpha,
                         B=B, max.sx=max.sx, undirected=FALSE)
        g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
        rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)

    g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)

#' Grow-Shrink Algorithm (GS) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Grow-Shrink algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param test Conditional independence test to be used: 'cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', or 'mi-g-sh'. Default: 'cor'
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param B Number of permutations considered for each permutation test.
#' @param max.sx Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.gs(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates

boot.gs <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, test=ci.tests, alpha=0.01, B=NULL, max.sx=NULL,
                    R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    test <- match.arg(test)
    to <- match.arg(to)


    if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')

    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
        format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
        total = R,
        width = 70)

    tick <- function(n){
        pb$tick(tokens = list())

    if (is.null(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)

    graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
        gs(df, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=test, alpha=alpha, B=B, max.sx=max.sx,
           m=m, to='adjacency', cluster=NULL, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))

    g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
    for (i in 1:R) {
        graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
    obj <- list(
        average = g,
        replicates = graphs

#' Incremental Association Algorithm (IAMB)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Incremental Association algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param test Conditional independence test to be used: 'cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', or 'mi-g-sh'. Default: 'cor'
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param B Number of permutations considered for each permutation test.
#' @param max.sx Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param version Algorithm version: 'iamb', 'fast.iamb', 'inter.iamb', or 'iamb.fdr'. Default: 'iamb'
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- iamb(df)

iamb <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, test=ci.tests, alpha=0.01, B=NULL, max.sx=NULL, version=c('iamb','fast.iamb','inter.iamb','iamb.fdr'),
                 m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    test <- match.arg(test)
    version <- match.arg(version)
    to <- match.arg(to)


    algorithm <- switch(version,
        iamb = bnlearn::iamb,
        fast.iamb = bnlearn::fast.iamb,
        inter.iamb = bnlearn::inter.iamb,
        iamb.fdr = bnlearn::iamb.fdr

    if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')

    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
    if (class(cluster)[1] == 'numeric') {
        cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(cluster)
    if (!is.null(cluster)) {
        parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cluster, seed)
        g <- algorithm(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=test, alpha=alpha,
                       B=B, max.sx=max.sx, undirected=FALSE, cluster=cluster)
        g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
        rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
    } else {
        g <- algorithm(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=test, alpha=alpha,
                       B=B, max.sx=max.sx, undirected=FALSE)
        g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
        rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)

    g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)

#' Incremental Association Algorithm (IAMB) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Incremental Association algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param test Conditional independence test to be used: 'cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', or 'mi-g-sh'. Default: 'cor'
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param B Number of permutations considered for each permutation test.
#' @param max.sx Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param version Algorithm version: 'iamb', 'fast.iamb', 'inter.iamb', or 'iamb.fdr'. Default: 'iamb'
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.iamb(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates

boot.iamb <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, test=ci.tests, alpha=0.01, B=NULL, max.sx=NULL, version=c('iamb','fast.iamb','inter.iamb','iamb.fdr'),
                      R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    test <- match.arg(test)
    version <- match.arg(version)
    to <- match.arg(to)


    algorithm <- switch(version,
        iamb = bnlearn::iamb,
        fast.iamb = bnlearn::fast.iamb,
        inter.iamb = bnlearn::inter.iamb,
        iamb.fdr = bnlearn::iamb.fdr

    if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')

    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
        format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
        total = R,
        width = 70)

    tick <- function(n){
        pb$tick(tokens = list())

    if (is.null(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)

    graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
        iamb(df, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=test, alpha=alpha, B=B, max.sx=max.sx, version=version,
             m=m, to='adjacency', cluster=NULL, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))

    g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
    for (i in 1:R) {
        graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
    obj <- list(
        average = g,
        replicates = graphs

#' Parents & Children Algorithm
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using Parents & Children algorithms.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param test Conditional independence test to be used: 'cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', or 'mi-g-sh'. Default: 'cor'
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param B Number of permutations considered for each permutation test.
#' @param max.sx Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param version Algorithm version: 'mmpc', 'si.hiton.pc', or 'hpc'. Default: 'mmpc'
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- parents.children(df)

parents.children <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, test=ci.tests, alpha=0.01, B=NULL, max.sx=NULL, version=c('mmpc','si.hiton.pc','hpc'),
                             m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    test <- match.arg(test)
    version <- match.arg(version)
    to <- match.arg(to)


    algorithm <- switch(version,
        mmpc = bnlearn::mmpc,
        si.hiton.pc = bnlearn::si.hiton.pc,
        hpc = bnlearn::hpc

    if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')

    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
    if (class(cluster)[1] == 'numeric') {
        cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(cluster)
    if (!is.null(cluster)) {
        parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cluster, seed)
        g <- algorithm(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=test, alpha=alpha,
                       B=B, max.sx=max.sx, undirected=FALSE, cluster=cluster)
        g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
        rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
    } else {
        g <- algorithm(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=test, alpha=alpha,
                       B=B, max.sx=max.sx, undirected=FALSE)
        g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
        rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)

    g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)

#' Parents & Children Algorithm With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using Parents & Children algorithms.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param test Conditional independence test to be used: 'cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', or 'mi-g-sh'. Default: 'cor'
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param B Number of permutations considered for each permutation test.
#' @param max.sx Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param version Algorithm version: 'mmpc', 'si.hiton.pc', or 'hpc'. Default: 'mmpc'
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.parents.children(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates

boot.parents.children <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, test=ci.tests, alpha=0.01, B=NULL, max.sx=NULL, version=c('mmpc','si.hiton.pc','hpc'),
                                  R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    test <- match.arg(test)
    version <- match.arg(version)
    to <- match.arg(to)


    algorithm <- switch(version,
        mmpc = bnlearn::mmpc,
        si.hiton.pc = bnlearn::si.hiton.pc,
        hpc = bnlearn::hpc

    if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')

    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
        format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
        total = R,
        width = 70)

    tick <- function(n){
        pb$tick(tokens = list())

    if (is.null(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)

    graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
        parents.children(df, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=test, alpha=alpha, B=B, max.sx=max.sx, version=version,
                         m=m, to='adjacency', cluster=NULL, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))

    g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
    for (i in 1:R) {
        graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
    obj <- list(
        average = g,
        replicates = graphs

#' Chow-Liu Algorithm
#' This function allows you to learn a undirected graph from a dataset using the Chow-Liu algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph.
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph.
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- chowliu(df)

chowliu <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    to <- match.arg(to)


    if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')

    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
    g <- bnlearn::chow.liu(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, mi='mi-g')
    g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
    rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)

    g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)

#' Chow-Liu Algorithm With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a undirected graph from a dataset using the Chow-Liu algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph.
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph.
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.chowliu(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates

boot.chowliu <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    to <- match.arg(to)


    if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')

    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
        format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
        total = R,
        width = 70)

    tick <- function(n){
        pb$tick(tokens = list())

    if (is.null(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)

    graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
        chowliu(df, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, m=m, to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))

    g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
    for (i in 1:R) {
        graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
    obj <- list(
        average = g,
        replicates = graphs

#' ARACNE Algorithm
#' This function allows you to learn a undirected graph from a dataset using the ARACNE algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph.
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph.
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- aracne(df)

aracne <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    to <- match.arg(to)


    if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')

    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
    g <- bnlearn::aracne(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, mi='mi-g')
    g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
    rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)

    g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)

#' ARACNE Algorithm With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a undirected graph from a dataset using the ARACNE algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph.
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph.
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.aracne(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates

boot.aracne <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    to <- match.arg(to)


    if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')

    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
        format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
        total = R,
        width = 70)

    tick <- function(n){
        pb$tick(tokens = list())

    if (is.null(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)

    graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
        aracne(df, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, m=m, to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))

    g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
    for (i in 1:R) {
        graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
    obj <- list(
        average = g,
        replicates = graphs

## Score-Based

#' Hill-Climbing Algorithm (HC)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Hill-Climbing algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param start Preseeded directed acyclic graph used to initialize the algorithm (optional).
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param score Score to be used: 'pred-loglik-g', 'loglik-g', 'aic-g', 'bic-g', or 'bge'. Default: 'pred-loglik-g'
#' @param restart Number of random restarts. Default: 0
#' @param perturb Number of attempts to randomly insert/remove/reverse an arc on every random restart. Default: 1
#' @param max.iter Maximum number of iterations. Default: Inf
#' @param maxp Maximum number of parents for a node. Default: Inf
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- hc(df)

hc <- function(df, start=NULL, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, score=scores, restart=0, perturb=1, max.iter=Inf, maxp=Inf,
               m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    to <- match.arg(to)


    if (!is.null(start)) {
        start <- convert.format(start, to='bnlearn')
    score <- match.arg(score)

    if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')

    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
    g <- bnlearn::hc(splitted.df$train, newdata=splitted.df$test, start=start, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, score=score,
                     restart=restart, perturb=perturb, max.iter=max.iter, maxp=maxp, optimized=TRUE)
    g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
    rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)

    g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)

#' Hill-Climbing Algorithm (HC) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Hill-Climbing algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param start Preseeded directed acyclic graph used to initialize the algorithm (optional).
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param score Score to be used: 'pred-loglik-g', 'loglik-g', 'aic-g', 'bic-g', or 'bge'. Default: 'pred-loglik-g'
#' @param restart Number of random restarts. Default: 0
#' @param perturb Number of attempts to randomly insert/remove/reverse an arc on every random restart. Default: 1
#' @param max.iter Maximum number of iterations. Default: Inf
#' @param maxp Maximum number of parents for a node. Default: Inf
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.hc(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates

boot.hc <- function(df, start=NULL, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, score=scores, restart=0, perturb=1, max.iter=Inf, maxp=Inf,
                    R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    to <- match.arg(to)


    if (!is.null(start)) {
        start <- convert.format(start, to='bnlearn')
    score <- match.arg(score)

    if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')

    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
        format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
        total = R,
        width = 70)

    tick <- function(n){
        pb$tick(tokens = list())

    if (is.null(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)

    graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
        hc(df, start=start, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, score=score, restart=restart, perturb=perturb, max.iter=max.iter, maxp=maxp,
           m=m, to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))

    g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
    for (i in 1:R) {
        graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
    obj <- list(
        average = g,
        replicates = graphs

#' Tabu Search Algorithm (TABU)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Tabu Search algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param start Preseeded directed acyclic graph used to initialize the algorithm (optional).
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param score Score to be used: 'pred-loglik-g', 'loglik-g', 'aic-g', 'bic-g', or 'bge'. Default: 'pred-loglik-g'
#' @param tabu Length of the tabu list. Default: 10
#' @param max.tabu Iterations tabu search can perform without improving the best score. Default: tabu (10)
#' @param max.iter Maximum number of iterations. Default: Inf
#' @param maxp Maximum number of parents for a node. Default: Inf
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- tabu(df)

tabu <- function(df, start=NULL, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, score=scores, tabu=10, max.tabu=NULL, max.iter=Inf, maxp=Inf,
                 m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    to <- match.arg(to)


    if (!is.null(start)) {
         start <- convert.format(start, to='bnlearn')
    score <- match.arg(score)
    if (is.null(max.tabu)) {
        max.tabu <- tabu

    if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')

    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
    g <- bnlearn::tabu(splitted.df$train, newdata=splitted.df$test, start=start, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, score=score,
                       tabu=tabu, max.tabu=max.tabu, max.iter=max.iter, maxp=maxp, optimized=TRUE)
    g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
    rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)

    g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)

#' Tabu Search Algorithm (TABU) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Tabu Search algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param start Preseeded directed acyclic graph used to initialize the algorithm (optional).
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param score Score to be used: 'pred-loglik-g', 'loglik-g', 'aic-g', 'bic-g', or 'bge'. Default: 'pred-loglik-g'
#' @param tabu Length of the tabu list. Default: 10
#' @param max.tabu Iterations tabu search can perform without improving the best score. Default: tabu (10)
#' @param max.iter Maximum number of iterations. Default: Inf
#' @param maxp Maximum number of parents for a node. Default: Inf
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.tabu(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates

boot.tabu <- function(df, start=NULL, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, score=scores, tabu=10, max.tabu=NULL, max.iter=Inf, maxp=Inf,
                      R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    to <- match.arg(to)


    if (!is.null(start)) {
         start <- convert.format(start, to='bnlearn')
    score <- match.arg(score)
    if (is.null(max.tabu)) {
        max.tabu <- tabu

    if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')

    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
        format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
        total = R,
        width = 70)

    tick <- function(n){
        pb$tick(tokens = list())

    if (is.null(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)

    graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
        tabu(df, start=start, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, score=score, tabu=tabu, max.tabu=max.tabu, max.iter=max.iter, maxp=maxp,
             m=m, to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))

    g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
    for (i in 1:R) {
        graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
    obj <- list(
        average = g,
        replicates = graphs

#' Greedy Equivalence Search Algorithm (GES) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Greedy Equivalence Search (GES) algorithm of Chickering (2002).
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param adaptive Whether constraints should be adapted to newly detected v-structures or unshielded triples: 'none', 'vstructures', or 'triples'. Default: 'none'
#' @param maxDegree Parameter used to limit the vertex degree of the estimated graph. Default: integer(0)
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- ges(df)

ges <- function(df, blacklist=NULL, adaptive=c('none','vstructures','triples'), maxDegree=integer(0),
                m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    adaptive <- match.arg(adaptive)
    to <- match.arg(to)


    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'adjacency')
        blacklist <- blacklist > 0

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
    score <- new(pcalg::.__C__GaussL0penObsScore, data=splitted.df$train)
    g <- pcalg::ges(score, labels=score$getNodes(), fixedGaps=blacklist, maxDegree=maxDegree,
                    adaptive=adaptive, phase=c('forward','backward'), iterate=TRUE)
    g <- g$repr$weight.mat()
    rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)

    g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)

#' Greedy Equivalence Search Algorithm (GES) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Greedy Equivalence Search (GES) algorithm of Chickering (2002).
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param adaptive Whether constraints should be adapted to newly detected v-structures or unshielded triples: 'none', 'vstructures', or 'triples'. Default: 'none'
#' @param maxDegree Parameter used to limit the vertex degree of the estimated graph. Default: integer(0)
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.ges(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates

boot.ges <- function(df, blacklist=NULL, adaptive=c('none','vstructures','triples'), maxDegree=integer(0),
                     R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    adaptive <- match.arg(adaptive)
    to <- match.arg(to)


    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'adjacency')
        blacklist <- blacklist > 0

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
        format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
        total = R,
        width = 70)

    tick <- function(n){
        pb$tick(tokens = list())

    if (is.null(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)

    graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
        ges(df, blacklist=blacklist, adaptive=adaptive, maxDegree=maxDegree,
            m=m, to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))

    g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
    for (i in 1:R) {
        graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
    obj <- list(
        average = g,
        replicates = graphs

#' Linear NO-TEARS Algorithm (Reimplemented)
#' This function allows you to learn an adjacency matrix from a dataset using the Linear NO-TEARS algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param lambda1 L1 regularization parameter. Default: 0.1
#' @param loss.type Type of loss function to be used: 'l2', 'logistic', or 'poisson'. Default: 'l2'
#' @param max.iter Maximum number of dual ascent steps. Default: 100
#' @param h.tol Minimum absolute value of h. Default: 1e-8
#' @param rho.max Maximum value of rho. Default: 1e+16
#' @param w.threshold Threshold of absolute value of weight. Default: 0.1
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @keywords learning adjacency
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- notears(df)

notears <- function(df, lambda1=0.1, loss.type=c('l2','logistic','poisson'),
                    max.iter=100, h.tol=1e-6, rho.max=1e+6, w.threshold=0.1, m=NULL,
                    to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    loss.type <- match.arg(loss.type)
    to <- match.arg(to)


    splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
    X <- df <- as.matrix(splitted.df$train)

    loss.func <- function(W) { # ?
        M <- X %*% W
        if (loss.type=='l2') {
            R <- X - M
            loss <- 0.5 / dim(X)[1] * sum(R ** 2)
        } else if (loss.type=='logistic') {
            loss <- 1.0 / dim(X)[1] * sum(log(sum(exp(M)+1)) - X * M)
        } else if (loss.type=='poisson') {
            S <- exp(M)
            loss <- 1.0 / dim(X)[1] * sum(S - X * M)

    G.loss.func <- function(W) { # ?
        M <- X %*% W
        if (loss.type=='l2') {
            R <- X - M
            G.loss <- -1.0 / dim(X)[1] * t(X) %*% R
        } else if (loss.type=='logistic') {
            G.loss <- 1.0 / dim(X)[1] * t(X) %*% (1.0 / (1 + exp(-1 * M)) - X)
        } else if (loss.type=='poisson') {
            S <- exp(M)
            G.loss <- 1.0 / dim(X)[1] * t(X) %*% (S - X)

    h.func <- function(W) { # ?
        M <- diag(1, d, d) + W * W / d
        E <- matrixcalc::matrix.power(M, d-1)
        h.new <- sum(t(E) * M) - d

    G.h.func <- function(W) { # ?
        M <- diag(1, d, d) + W * W / d
        E <- matrixcalc::matrix.power(M, d-1)
        G.h <- t(E) * W * 2

    adj <- function(w) { # ?
        w <- as.matrix(w)
        w.pos <- w[1:(length(w)/2),]
        w.neg <- w[((length(w)/2)+1):(length(w)),]
        dim(w.pos) <- c(d,d)
        dim(w.neg) <- c(d,d)
        W <- w.pos - w.neg

    fn <- function(w) { # ?
        W <- adj(w)
        loss <- loss.func(W)
        h.new <- h.func(W)
        obj <- loss + 0.5 * rho * h.new * h.new + alpha * h.new + lambda1 * sum(w)

    gr <- function(w) { # ?
        W <- adj(w)
        G.loss <- G.loss.func(W)
        h.new <- h.func(W)
        G.h <- G.h.func(W)
        G.smooth <- G.loss + (rho * h.new + alpha) * G.h
        G.obj <- c(array(G.smooth + lambda1), array(-1 * G.smooth + lambda1))

    n <- nrow(df)
    d <- ncol(df)
    nodes <- colnames(df)
    w.est <- replicate(2*d*d, 0)
    rho <- 1
    alpha <- 0
    h <- Inf

    for (i in 1:max.iter) {
        w.new <- NULL
        h.new <- NULL
        while (rho < rho.max) {
            w.new <- optim(w.est, fn, gr=gr, method='L-BFGS-B', lower=0, upper=Inf)$par # ?
            h.new <- h.func(adj(w.new))
            if (h.new > (0.25*h)) {
                rho = rho*10
            } else {
        w.est <- w.new
        h <- h.new
        alpha <- alpha + (rho*h)
        if (h <= h.tol | rho >= rho.max) {
    W.est <- adj(w.est)
    W.est[abs(W.est) < w.threshold] <- 0
    colnames(W.est) <- rownames(W.est) <- nodes

    rownames(W.est) <- colnames(W.est) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
    g <- convert.format(W.est, from='adjacency', to=to)

#' Linear NO-TEARS Algorithm (Reimplemented) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Linear NO-TEARS algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param lambda1 L1 regularization parameter. Default: 0.1
#' @param loss.type Type of loss function to be used: 'l2', 'logistic', or 'poisson'. Default: 'l2'
#' @param max.iter Maximum number of dual ascent steps. Default: 100
#' @param h.tol Minimum absolute value of h. Default: 1e-8
#' @param rho.max Maximum value of rho. Default: 1e+16
#' @param w.threshold Threshold of absolute value of weight. Default: 0.1
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.notears(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates

boot.notears <- function(df, lambda1=0.1, loss.type=c('l2','logistic','poisson'),
                         max.iter=100, h.tol=1e-6, rho.max=1e+6, w.threshold=0.1,
                         R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    loss.type <- match.arg(loss.type)
    to <- match.arg(to)


    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
        format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
        total = R,
        width = 70)

    tick <- function(n){
        pb$tick(tokens = list())

    if (is.null(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)

    graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
        notears(df, lambda1=lambda1, loss.type=loss.type,
                max.iter=max.iter, h.tol=h.tol, rho.max=rho.max, w.threshold=w.threshold, m=m,

    g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
    for (i in 1:R) {
        graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
    obj <- list(
        average = g,
        replicates = graphs

## Hybrid (Constraint-Based + Score-Based)

#' General 2-Phase Restricted Maximization Algorithm (rsmax2)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the General 2-Phase Restricted Maximization algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param restrict Constraint-based or local search algorithm to be used in the restrict phase: 'pc.stable', 'gs', 'iamb', 'fast.iamb', 'inter.iamb', 'iamb.fdr', 'mmpc', 'si.hiton.pc', or 'hpc'. Default: 'pc.stable'
#' @param maximize Score-based algorithm to be used in the maximize phase: 'hc' or 'tabu'. Default: 'hc'
#' @param restrict.args List of arguments to be passed to the algorithm specified by restrict.
#' @param maximize.args List of arguments to be passed to the algorithm specified by maximize.
#' @param version Algorithm version: 'rsmax2','mmhc', or 'h2pc'. Default: 'rsmax2'
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- rsmax2(df)

rsmax2 <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, restrict=c('pc.stable','gs','iamb','fast.iamb','inter.iamb','iamb.fdr','mmpc','si.hiton.pc','hpc'),
                   maximize=c('hc','tabu'), restrict.args=list(), maximize.args=list(), version=c('rsmax2','mmhc','h2pc'),
                   m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    restrict <- match.arg(restrict)
    maximize <- match.arg(maximize)
    version <- match.arg(version)
    to <- match.arg(to)


    restrict <- switch(version,
        rsmax2 = restrict,
        mmhc = 'mmpc',
        h2pc = 'hpc'

    maximize <- switch(version,
        rsmax2 = maximize,
        mmhc = 'hc',
        h2pc = 'hc'

    if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')

    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)

    if (class(cluster)[1] == 'numeric') {
        cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(cluster)
    if (!is.null(cluster)) {
        parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cluster, seed)
        restrict.args$cluster <- cluster
        g <- bnlearn::rsmax2(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, restrict=restrict, maximize=maximize,
                             restrict.args=restrict.args, maximize.args=maximize.args)
        g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
        rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
    } else {
        g <- bnlearn::rsmax2(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, restrict=restrict, maximize=maximize,
                             restrict.args=restrict.args, maximize.args=maximize.args)
        g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
        rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)

    g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)

#' General 2-Phase Restricted Maximization Algorithm (rsmax2) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the General 2-Phase Restricted Maximization algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param restrict Constraint-based or local search algorithm to be used in the restrict phase: 'pc.stable', 'gs', 'iamb', 'fast.iamb', 'inter.iamb', 'iamb.fdr', 'mmpc', 'si.hiton.pc', or 'hpc'. Default: 'pc.stable'
#' @param maximize Score-based algorithm to be used in the maximize phase: 'hc' or 'tabu'. Default: 'hc'
#' @param restrict.args List of arguments to be passed to the algorithm specified by restrict.
#' @param maximize.args List of arguments to be passed to the algorithm specified by maximize.
#' @param version Algorithm version: 'rsmax2','mmhc', or 'h2pc'. Default: 'rsmax2'
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.rsmax2(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates

boot.rsmax2 <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, restrict=c('pc.stable','gs','iamb','fast.iamb','inter.iamb','iamb.fdr','mmpc','si.hiton.pc','hpc'),
                        maximize=c('hc','tabu'), restrict.args=list(), maximize.args=list(), version=c('rsmax2','mmhc','h2pc'),
                        R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    restrict <- match.arg(restrict)
    maximize <- match.arg(maximize)
    version <- match.arg(version)
    to <- match.arg(to)


    restrict <- switch(version,
        rsmax2 = restrict,
        mmhc = 'mmpc',
        h2pc = 'hpc'

    maximize <- switch(version,
        rsmax2 = maximize,
        mmhc = 'hc',
        h2pc = 'hc'

    if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')

    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
        format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
        total = R,
        width = 70)

    tick <- function(n){
        pb$tick(tokens = list())

    if (is.null(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)

    graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
        rsmax2(df, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, restrict=restrict,
               maximize=maximize, restrict.args=restrict.args, maximize.args=maximize.args, version=version,
               m=m, to='adjacency', cluster=NULL, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))

    g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
    for (i in 1:R) {
        graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
    obj <- list(
        average = g,
        replicates = graphs

#' Adaptively Restricted Greedy Equivalence Search Algorithm (ARGES)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Adaptively Restricted Greedy Equivalence Search (ARGES) algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param indep.test Conditional independence test to be used (pcalg implementation). Default: pcalg::gaussCItest
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param max.sx Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param adaptive Whether constraints should be adapted to newly detected v-structures or unshielded triples: 'none', 'vstructures', or 'triples'. Default: 'none'
#' @param maxDegree Parameter used to limit the vertex degree of the estimated graph. Default: integer(0)
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- arges(df)

arges <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, indep.test=pcalg::gaussCItest, alpha=0.01, max.sx=Inf,
                  adaptive=c('none','vstructures','triples'), maxDegree=integer(0),
                  m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    adaptive <- match.arg(adaptive)
    to <- match.arg(to)


    if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'adjacency')
        whitelist <- whitelist > 0

    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'adjacency')
        blacklist <- blacklist > 0

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
    suffStat <- list(C=cor(splitted.df$train), n=nrow(splitted.df$train))
    varNames <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
    skel <- pcalg::skeleton(suffStat, indepTest=indep.test, labels=varNames, alpha=alpha, m.max=max.sx,
                            fixedEdges=whitelist, fixedGaps=blacklist, method='stable', NAdelete=TRUE)
    skel <- as(skel@graph, 'matrix')
    score <- new(pcalg::.__C__GaussL0penObsScore, data=splitted.df$train)
    g <- pcalg::ges(score, labels=score$getNodes(), fixedGaps=!skel, maxDegree=maxDegree,
                    adaptive=adaptive, phase=c('forward','backward'), iterate=TRUE)
    g <- g$repr$weight.mat()
    rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)

    g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)

#' Adaptively Restricted Greedy Equivalence Search Algorithm (ARGES) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Adaptively Restricted Greedy Equivalence Search (ARGES) algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param indep.test Conditional independence test to be used (pcalg implementation). Default: pcalg::gaussCItest
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param max.sx Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param adaptive Whether constraints should be adapted to newly detected v-structures or unshielded triples: 'none', 'vstructures', or 'triples'. Default: 'none'
#' @param maxDegree Parameter used to limit the vertex degree of the estimated graph. Default: integer(0)
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.arges(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates

boot.arges <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, indep.test=pcalg::gaussCItest, alpha=0.01, max.sx=Inf,
                       adaptive=c('none','vstructures','triples'), maxDegree=integer(0),
                       R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {

    adaptive <- match.arg(adaptive)
    to <- match.arg(to)


    if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
        whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'adjacency')
        whitelist <- whitelist > 0

    if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
        blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'adjacency')
        blacklist <- blacklist > 0

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
        format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
        total = R,
        width = 70)

    tick <- function(n){
        pb$tick(tokens = list())

    if (is.null(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)

    graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
        arges(df, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, indep.test=indep.test, alpha=alpha, max.sx=max.sx,
              adaptive=adaptive, maxDegree=maxDegree,
              m=m, to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))

    g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
    for (i in 1:R) {
        graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
    obj <- list(
        average = g,
        replicates = graphs

## Graphical Lasso

#' Graphical Lasso (GLASSO)
#' This function allows you to learn an undirected graph from a dataset using the GLASSO algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param rho Non-negative regularization parameter for GLASSO.
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- glasso(df, rho=0.1)

glasso <- function(df, rho=0.1, m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    to <- match.arg(to)


    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
    S <- cov(as.matrix(splitted.df$train))
    g <- glasso::glasso(S, rho=rho)
    A <- g$wi
    p <- ncol(splitted.df$train) # ?
    W <- diag(p) - diag(1/diag(A)) %*% A # ?
    A <- sign(abs(A)) # ?
    A <- W * A # ?
    diag(A) <- 0
    rownames(A) <- colnames(A) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)

    g <- convert.format(A, from='adjacency', to=to)

#' Graphical Lasso (GLASSO) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn an undirected graph from a dataset using the GLASSO algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param rho Non-negative regularization parameter for GLASSO.
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.glasso(df, rho=0.1)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates

boot.glasso <- function(df, rho=0.1, R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    to <- match.arg(to)


    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
        format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
        total = R,
        width = 70)

    tick <- function(n){
        pb$tick(tokens = list())

    if (is.null(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)

    graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
        glasso(df, rho=rho, m=m, to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))

    A <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to='adjacency')

    g <- convert.format(A, to=to)
    for (i in 1:R) {
        graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
    obj <- list(
        average = g,
        replicates = graphs

## Restricted Structural Equation Models

#' Restricted Structural Equation Models (LINGAM)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the LINGAM algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- lingam(df)

lingam <- function(df, m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    to <- match.arg(to)


    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
    g <- pcalg::lingam(splitted.df$train)
    g <- g$Bpruned
    rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)

    g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)

## Restricted Structural Equation Models

#' Restricted Structural Equation Models (LINGAM) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the LINGAM algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.lingam(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates

boot.lingam <- function(df, R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    to <- match.arg(to)


    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
        format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
        total = R,
        width = 70)

    tick <- function(n){
        pb$tick(tokens = list())

    if (is.null(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)

    graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
        lingam(df, m=m, to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))

    g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
    for (i in 1:R) {
        graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
    obj <- list(
        average = g,
        replicates = graphs

## GEne Network Inference with Ensemble of trees

#' GEne Network Inference with Ensemble of trees (GENIE3)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the GENIE3 algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param tree.method Random Forest ('rf') or Extra-Trees ('et'). Default: 'rf'
#' @param K Number of candidate regulators that are randomly selected at each tree node for the best split determination. Default: 'sqrt' (square root of the number of genes)
#' @param n.trees Number of trees that are grown per ensemble. Default: 1000
#' @param min.weight Minimum absolute value considered in the adjacency matrix. Lower values will be replaced by zero. Default: 0.1
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster The number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- genie3(df)

genie3 <- function(df, tree.method=c('rf','et'), K='sqrt', n.trees=1000, min.weight=0.1,
                   m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
                   cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    tree.method <- match.arg(tree.method)
    to <- match.arg(to)


    tree.method <- toupper(tree.method)

    if (class(K)[1]=='character' & K != 'sqrt' & K != 'all') {
        K <- 'sqrt'

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
    splitted.df$train <- t(splitted.df$train)
    if (!is.null(cluster)) {
        g <- GENIE3::GENIE3(splitted.df$train, treeMethod=tree.method, K=K, nTrees=n.trees, nCores=cluster)
    } else {
        g <- GENIE3::GENIE3(splitted.df$train, treeMethod=tree.method, K=K, nTrees=n.trees, nCores=1)
    rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- rownames(splitted.df$train)
    g[g < min.weight] <- 0

    g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)

#' GEne Network Inference with Ensemble of trees (GENIE3) with Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the GENIE3 algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param tree.method Random Forest ('rf') or Extra-Trees ('et'). Default: 'rf'
#' @param K Number of candidate regulators that are randomly selected at each tree node for the best split determination. Default: 'sqrt' (square root of the number of genes)
#' @param n.trees Number of trees that are grown per ensemble. Default: 1000
#' @param min.weight Minimum absolute value considered in the adjacency matrix. Lower values will be replaced by zero. Default: 0.1
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.genie3(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates

boot.genie3 <- function(df, tree.method=c('rf','et'), K='sqrt', n.trees=1000, min.weight=0.1,
                        R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
                        cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    tree.method <- match.arg(tree.method)
    to <- match.arg(to)


    if (class(K)[1]=='character' & K != 'sqrt' & K != 'all') {
        K <- 'sqrt'

    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
        format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
        total = R,
        width = 70)

    tick <- function(n){
        pb$tick(tokens = list())

    if (is.null(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)

    graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
        genie3(df, tree.method=tree.method, K=K, n.trees=n.trees, min.weight=min.weight,
               m=m, to='adjacency', cluster=NULL, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))

    g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
    for (i in 1:R) {
        graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
    obj <- list(
        average = g,
        replicates = graphs

## Graphical Continuous Lyapunov Models

#' Graphical Continuous Lyapunov Models (GCLM)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the GCLM algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param lambda Lambda regularization parameter. Use NULL to compute lambda. Default: 0.1
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- gclm(df)

gclm <- function(df, lambda=0.1, m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    to <- match.arg(to)


    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
    df <- as.matrix(df)

    splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
    S.train <- cov(splitted.df$train)
    S.test <-  cov(splitted.df$test)
    dd <- diag(1/sqrt(diag(S.train)))
    S.train.cor <- cov2cor(S.train)
    p <- ncol(S.train)

    if (is.null(lambda)) {

        results.path <- gclm::gclm.path(S.train.cor,
                                        B = -0.5*diag(p),
                                        lambdac = 0.01,
                                        lambdas =6*10^seq(0,-4,length=100),
                                        eps = 1e-5, job=0, maxIter=100)

        results.path <- lapply(results.path, function(res) {
                       B = results.path$B,
                       C = results.path$C,
                       lambda = 0,
                       lambdac = -1,
                       eps = 1e-6,
                       job = 10)

        tmp <- sapply(results.path, function(res) {
            mll(solve(res$Sigma), dd %*% S.test %*% dd)
        bidx <- which.min(tmp)
        A <- t(results.path[[bidx]]$B)

    } else {

        results.path <- gclm::gclm(S.train.cor,
                                   B = -0.5*diag(p),
                                   lambda = lambda,
                                   lambdac = 0.01,
                                   eps = 1e-5,
                                   job = 0,

        A <- t(results.path$B)

    rownames(A) <- colnames(A) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
    diag(A) <- 0

    g <- convert.format(A, from='adjacency', to=to)

#' Graphical Continuous Lyapunov Models (GCLM) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the GCLM algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param lambda Lambda regularization parameter. Use NULL to compute lambda. Default: 0.1
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.gclm(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates

boot.gclm <- function(df, lambda=0.1, R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    to <- match.arg(to)


    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
    df <- as.matrix(df)

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
        format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
        total = R,
        width = 70)

    tick <- function(n){
        pb$tick(tokens = list())

    if (is.null(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)

    graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
        gclm(df, lambda=lambda, m=m, to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))

    A <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to='adjacency')
    g <- convert.format(A, to=to)
    for (i in 1:R) {
        graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
    obj <- list(
        average = g,
        replicates = graphs

mll <- function(P, S) {
    -determinant(P, logarithm=TRUE)$modulus + sum(S*P)


#' NODAG Algorithm
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the NODAG algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param lambda Lambda regularization parameter. Default: 0.1
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @useDynLib gnlearn
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- nodag(df)

nodag <- function(df, lambda=0.1, m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    to <- match.arg(to)


    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
    df <- as.matrix(df)

    splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
    p <- ncol(splitted.df$train)
    out <- .Fortran('NODAG', as.integer(p),
            as.double(diag(p)), as.double(lambda),
            as.double(1e-5), as.double(0.5), as.integer(1e+3),
    A <- matrix(ncol=p, nrow=p, data=out[[3]])
    W <- diag(p) - diag(1/diag(A)) %*% A # ?
    A <- sign(abs(A)) # ?
    A <- W * A # ?
    diag(A) <- 0
    rownames(A) <- colnames(A) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)

    g <- convert.format(A, from='adjacency', to=to)

#' NODAG Algorithm With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the NODAG algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param lambda Lambda regularization parameter. Default: 0.1
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @useDynLib gnlearn
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.nodag(df, '/home/user/nodag/nodag.so')
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates

boot.nodag <- function(df, lambda=0.1, R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
    to <- match.arg(to)


    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
    df <- as.matrix(df)

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
        format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
        total = R,
        width = 70)

    tick <- function(n){
        pb$tick(tokens = list())

    if (is.null(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)

    graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
        nodag(df, lambda=lambda, m=m, to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))

    g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
    for (i in 1:R) {
        graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
    obj <- list(
        average = g,
        replicates = graphs

#' Learn Huge Graph (With Random Gene Selection + Cells Bootstrapping)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a high-dimensional dataset.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param algorithm Algorithm to be used (any of the gnlearn 'boot.x' algorithms, such as boot.pc or boot.hc). Default: boot.pc
#' @param n.genes Number of random genes per iteration. Default: 15
#' @param R Number of iterations. Defaults: 200
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param iter.R Number of bootstrap replicates. Default: 200
#' @param iter.m Size of training set. Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn').
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @param ... Other arguments for the specified algorithm.
#' @keywords learning huge graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- huge.graph(df, algorithm=boot.tabu)
#' obj <- huge.graph(df, algorithm=boot.lingam)
#' obj <- huge.graph(df, algorithm=boot.iamb, n.genes=20, R=100, threshold=0.9, iter.R=10)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates

huge.graph <- function(df, algorithm=boot.pc, n.genes=15, R=200, threshold=0.5, iter.R=4, iter.m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1), ...) {
    to <- match.arg(to)


    df <- drop.all.zeros(df)

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
        format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
        total = R,
        width = 70)

    tick <- function(n){
        pb$tick(tokens = list())

    if (is.null(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
    } else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
        cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)

    graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
        sel.genes <- sample(colnames(df), n.genes, replace=FALSE)
        sel.df <- subset(df, select=sel.genes)
        obj <- algorithm(df=sel.df, R=iter.R, m=iter.m, threshold=0, to='adjacency', cluster=NULL, seed=seed, ...)

    R <- length(graphs)
    replicates <- list()
    for (i in 1:R) {
        replicates <- c(replicates, graphs[[i]])
    g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
    obj <- list(
        average = g,
        replicates = replicates
rlebron-bioinfo/gnlearn documentation built on July 25, 2020, 12:38 p.m.