ci.tests <- c('cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', 'mi-g-sh')
scores <- c('pred-loglik-g', 'loglik-g', 'aic-g', 'bic-g', 'bge')
# Structure Learning Algorithms
## Constraint-Based
#' Peter & Clark Skeleton Algorithm
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Peter & Clark skeleton algorithm (stable version).
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param implementation Peter & Clark algorithm implementation: 'pcalg' or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'pcalg'
#' @param pcalg.indep.test Conditional independence test to be used (pcalg implementation). Default: pcalg::gaussCItest
#' @param bnlearn.test Conditional independence test to be used (bnlearn implementation): 'cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', or 'mi-g-sh'. Default: 'cor'
#' @param bnlearn.B Number of permutations considered for each permutation test (bnlearn implementation).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- skeleton(df, implementation='pcalg')
#' g <- skeleton(df, implementation='bnlearn')
skeleton <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, alpha=0.01,, m=NULL,
to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
cluster=parallel::detectCores(), implementation=c('pcalg','bnlearn'),
pcalg.indep.test=pcalg::gaussCItest, pcalg.u2pd=c('relaxed','rand','retry'),
pcalg.conservative=FALSE, pcalg.maj.rule=FALSE, pcalg.solve.confl=FALSE,
bnlearn.test=ci.tests, bnlearn.B=NULL, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
to <- match.arg(to)
implementation <- match.arg(implementation)
pcalg.u2pd <- match.arg(pcalg.u2pd)
bnlearn.test <- match.arg(bnlearn.test)
if (pcalg.conservative | pcalg.solve.confl) {
pcalg.u2pd <- 'relaxed'
if (!is.null(whitelist) & implementation=='pcalg') {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'adjacency')
whitelist <- whitelist > 0
if (!is.null(blacklist) & implementation=='pcalg') {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'adjacency')
blacklist <- blacklist > 0
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
if (implementation=='pcalg') {
suffStat <- list(C=cor(splitted.df$train), n=nrow(splitted.df$train))
varNames <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
g <- pcalg::skeleton(suffStat, indepTest=pcalg.indep.test, labels=varNames, alpha=alpha,,
fixedEdges=whitelist, fixedGaps=blacklist, method='stable', NAdelete=TRUE)
g <- as(g@graph, 'matrix')
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
} else if (implementation=='bnlearn') {
if (class(cluster)[1] == 'numeric') {
cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(cluster)
if (!is.null(cluster)) {
parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cluster, seed)
g <- bnlearn::pc.stable(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=bnlearn.test, alpha=alpha,
B=bnlearn.B,, undirected=TRUE, cluster=cluster)
g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
} else {
g <- bnlearn::pc.stable(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=bnlearn.test, alpha=alpha,
B=bnlearn.B,, undirected=TRUE)
g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)
#' Peter & Clark Skeleton Algorithm With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Peter & Clark skeleton algorithm (stable version).
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param implementation Peter & Clark algorithm implementation: 'pcalg' or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'pcalg'
#' @param pcalg.indep.test Conditional independence test to be used (pcalg implementation). Default: pcalg::gaussCItest
#' @param bnlearn.test Conditional independence test to be used (bnlearn implementation): 'cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', or 'mi-g-sh'. Default: 'cor'
#' @param bnlearn.B Number of permutations considered for each permutation test (bnlearn implementation).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.skeleton(df, implementation='pcalg')
#' obj <- boot.skeleton(df, implementation='bnlearn')
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates
boot.skeleton <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, alpha=0.01,, R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5,
to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
cluster=parallel::detectCores(), implementation=c('pcalg','bnlearn'),
pcalg.indep.test=pcalg::gaussCItest, pcalg.u2pd=c('relaxed','rand','retry'),
pcalg.conservative=FALSE, pcalg.maj.rule=FALSE, pcalg.solve.confl=FALSE,
bnlearn.test=ci.tests, bnlearn.B=NULL, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
to <- match.arg(to)
implementation <- match.arg(implementation)
pcalg.u2pd <- match.arg(pcalg.u2pd)
bnlearn.test <- match.arg(bnlearn.test)
if (pcalg.conservative | pcalg.solve.confl) {
pcalg.u2pd <- 'relaxed'
if (!is.null(whitelist) & implementation=='pcalg') {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'adjacency')
whitelist <- whitelist > 0
if (!is.null(blacklist) & implementation=='pcalg') {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'adjacency')
blacklist <- blacklist > 0
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
total = R,
width = 70)
tick <- function(n){
pb$tick(tokens = list())
if (is.null(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)
graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
skeleton(df, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, alpha=alpha,, m=m,
to='adjacency', cluster=NULL, implementation=implementation,
pcalg.indep.test=pcalg.indep.test, pcalg.u2pd=pcalg.u2pd,
pcalg.conservative=pcalg.conservative, pcalg.maj.rule=pcalg.maj.rule, pcalg.solve.confl=pcalg.solve.confl,
bnlearn.test=bnlearn.test, bnlearn.B=bnlearn.B, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))
g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
for (i in 1:R) {
graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
obj <- list(
average = g,
replicates = graphs
#' Peter & Clark Algorithm (PC)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Peter & Clark algorithm (stable version).
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param implementation Peter & Clark algorithm implementation: 'pcalg' or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'pcalg'
#' @param pcalg.indep.test Conditional independence test to be used (pcalg implementation). Default: pcalg::gaussCItest
#' @param pcalg.u2pd Method for dealing with conflicting information when trying to orient edges (pcalg implementation). Default: 'relaxed'
#' @param pcalg.conservative Whether or not the conservative PC is used (pcalg implementation). Default: FALSE
#' @param pcalg.maj.rule Whether or not the triples shall be checked for ambiguity using a majority rule idea, which is less strict than the conservative PC algorithm (pcalg implementation). Default: FALSE
#' @param pcalg.solve.confl If TRUE, the orientation of the v-structures and the orientation rules work with lists for candidate sets and allow bi-directed edges to resolve conflicting edge orientations (pcalg implementation). Default: FALSE
#' @param bnlearn.test Conditional independence test to be used (bnlearn implementation): 'cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', or 'mi-g-sh'. Default: 'cor'
#' @param bnlearn.B Number of permutations considered for each permutation test (bnlearn implementation).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- pc(df, implementation='pcalg')
#' g <- pc(df, implementation='bnlearn')
pc <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, alpha=0.01,, m=NULL,
to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
cluster=parallel::detectCores(), implementation=c('pcalg','bnlearn'),
pcalg.indep.test=pcalg::gaussCItest, pcalg.u2pd=c('relaxed','rand','retry'),
pcalg.conservative=FALSE, pcalg.maj.rule=FALSE, pcalg.solve.confl=FALSE,
bnlearn.test=ci.tests, bnlearn.B=NULL, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
to <- match.arg(to)
implementation <- match.arg(implementation)
pcalg.u2pd <- match.arg(pcalg.u2pd)
bnlearn.test <- match.arg(bnlearn.test)
if (pcalg.conservative | pcalg.solve.confl) {
pcalg.u2pd <- 'relaxed'
if (!is.null(whitelist) & implementation=='pcalg') {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'adjacency')
whitelist <- whitelist > 0
if (!is.null(blacklist) & implementation=='pcalg') {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'adjacency')
blacklist <- blacklist > 0
if (!is.null(whitelist) & implementation=='bnlearn') {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')
if (!is.null(blacklist) & implementation=='bnlearn') {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
if (implementation=='pcalg') {
suffStat <- list(C=cor(splitted.df$train), n=nrow(splitted.df$train))
varNames <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
g <- pcalg::pc(suffStat, indepTest=pcalg.indep.test, labels=varNames, alpha=alpha,,
u2pd=pcalg.u2pd, conservative=pcalg.conservative, maj.rule=pcalg.maj.rule, solve.confl=pcalg.solve.confl,
fixedEdges=whitelist, fixedGaps=blacklist, skel.method='stable', NAdelete=TRUE)
g <- as(g@graph, 'matrix')
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
} else if (implementation=='bnlearn') {
if (class(cluster)[1] == 'numeric') {
cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(cluster)
if (!is.null(cluster)) {
parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cluster, seed)
g <- bnlearn::pc.stable(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=bnlearn.test, alpha=alpha,
B=bnlearn.B,, undirected=FALSE, cluster=cluster)
g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
} else {
g <- bnlearn::pc.stable(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=bnlearn.test, alpha=alpha,
B=bnlearn.B,, undirected=FALSE)
g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)
#' Peter & Clark Algorithm (PC) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Peter & Clark algorithm (stable version).
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param implementation Peter & Clark algorithm implementation: 'pcalg' or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'pcalg'
#' @param pcalg.indep.test Conditional independence test to be used (pcalg implementation). Default: pcalg::gaussCItest
#' @param pcalg.u2pd Method for dealing with conflicting information when trying to orient edges (pcalg implementation). Default: 'relaxed'
#' @param pcalg.conservative Whether or not the conservative PC is used (pcalg implementation). Default: FALSE
#' @param pcalg.maj.rule Whether or not the triples shall be checked for ambiguity using a majority rule idea, which is less strict than the conservative PC algorithm (pcalg implementation). Default: FALSE
#' @param pcalg.solve.confl If TRUE, the orientation of the v-structures and the orientation rules work with lists for candidate sets and allow bi-directed edges to resolve conflicting edge orientations (pcalg implementation). Default: FALSE
#' @param bnlearn.test Conditional independence test to be used (bnlearn implementation): 'cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', or 'mi-g-sh'. Default: 'cor'
#' @param bnlearn.B Number of permutations considered for each permutation test (bnlearn implementation).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.pc(df, implementation='pcalg')
#' obj <- boot.pc(df, implementation='bnlearn')
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates
boot.pc <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, alpha=0.01,, R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5,
to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
cluster=parallel::detectCores(), implementation=c('pcalg','bnlearn'),
pcalg.indep.test=pcalg::gaussCItest, pcalg.u2pd=c('relaxed','rand','retry'),
pcalg.conservative=FALSE, pcalg.maj.rule=FALSE, pcalg.solve.confl=FALSE,
bnlearn.test=ci.tests, bnlearn.B=NULL, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
to <- match.arg(to)
implementation <- match.arg(implementation)
pcalg.u2pd <- match.arg(pcalg.u2pd)
bnlearn.test <- match.arg(bnlearn.test)
if (pcalg.conservative | pcalg.solve.confl) {
pcalg.u2pd <- 'relaxed'
if (!is.null(whitelist) & implementation=='pcalg') {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'adjacency')
whitelist <- whitelist > 0
if (!is.null(blacklist) & implementation=='pcalg') {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'adjacency')
blacklist <- blacklist > 0
if (!is.null(whitelist) & implementation=='bnlearn') {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')
if (!is.null(blacklist) & implementation=='bnlearn') {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
total = R,
width = 70)
tick <- function(n){
pb$tick(tokens = list())
if (is.null(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)
graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
pc(df, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, alpha=alpha,, m=m,
to='adjacency', cluster=NULL, implementation=implementation,
pcalg.indep.test=pcalg.indep.test, pcalg.u2pd=pcalg.u2pd,
pcalg.conservative=pcalg.conservative, pcalg.maj.rule=pcalg.maj.rule, pcalg.solve.confl=pcalg.solve.confl,
bnlearn.test=bnlearn.test, bnlearn.B=bnlearn.B, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))
g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
for (i in 1:R) {
graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
obj <- list(
average = g,
replicates = graphs
#' Fast Causal Inference Algorithm (FCI)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Fast Causal Inference algorithm (stable version).
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param indep.test Conditional independence test to be used (pcalg implementation). Default: pcalg::gaussCItest
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param pdsep.max Maximum size of Possible-D-SEP for which subsets are considered as conditioning sets in the conditional independence tests.
#' @param conservative Whether or not the conservative PC is used (pcalg implementation). Default: FALSE
#' @param maj.rule Whether or not the triples shall be checked for ambiguity using a majority rule idea, which is less strict than the conservative PC algorithm (pcalg implementation). Default: FALSE
#' @param version Version of FCI algorithm to be used: 'fci', 'rfci', or ''. Default: 'fci'
#' @param type Type of FCI algorithm to be used: 'normal', 'anytime', or 'adaptive'. Default: 'normal'
#' @param rules Logical vector of length 10 indicating which rules should be used when directing edges. Default: rep(TRUE,10)
#' @param doPdsep If FALSE, Possible-D-SEP is not computed, so that the algorithm simplifies to the Modified PC algorithm of Spirtes, Glymour and Scheines (2000, p.84). Default: TRUE
#' @param biCC If TRUE, only nodes on paths between nodes x and y are considered to be in Possible-D-SEP(x) when testing independence between x and y. Default: TRUE
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- fci(df)
fci <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, indep.test=pcalg::gaussCItest, alpha=0.01,, pdsep.max=Inf,
conservative=FALSE, maj.rule=FALSE, version=c('fci','rfci',''), type=c('normal','anytime','adaptive'),
rules=rep(TRUE,10), doPdsep=TRUE, biCC=FALSE, m=NULL,
to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
version <- match.arg(version)
type <- match.arg(type)
to <- match.arg(to)
if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'adjacency')
whitelist <- whitelist > 0
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'adjacency')
blacklist <- blacklist > 0
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
suffStat <- list(C=cor(splitted.df$train), n=nrow(splitted.df$train))
varNames <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
g <- switch(version,
fci = { pcalg::fci(suffStat, indepTest=indep.test, labels=varNames, alpha=alpha,, pdsep.max=pdsep.max,
conservative=conservative, maj.rule=maj.rule, type=type, rules=rules, doPdsep=doPdsep, biCC=biCC,
fixedEdges=whitelist, fixedGaps=blacklist, skel.method='stable', NAdelete=TRUE) },
rfci = { pcalg::rfci(suffStat, indepTest=indep.test, labels=varNames, alpha=alpha,,
conservative=conservative, maj.rule=maj.rule, rules=rules,
fixedEdges=whitelist, fixedGaps=blacklist, skel.method='stable', NAdelete=TRUE) }, = { pcalg::fciPlus(suffStat, indepTest=indep.test, labels=varNames, alpha=alpha) }
g <- as(g, 'matrix')
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)
#' Fast Causal Inference Algorithm (FCI) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Fast Causal Inference algorithm (stable version).
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param indep.test Conditional independence test to be used (pcalg implementation). Default: pcalg::gaussCItest
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param pdsep.max Maximum size of Possible-D-SEP for which subsets are considered as conditioning sets in the conditional independence tests.
#' @param conservative Whether or not the conservative PC is used (pcalg implementation). Default: FALSE
#' @param maj.rule Whether or not the triples shall be checked for ambiguity using a majority rule idea, which is less strict than the conservative PC algorithm (pcalg implementation). Default: FALSE
#' @param version Version of FCI algorithm to be used: 'fci', 'rfci', or ''. Default: 'fci'
#' @param type Type of FCI algorithm to be used: 'normal', 'anytime', or 'adaptive'. Default: 'normal'
#' @param rules Logical vector of length 10 indicating which rules should be used when directing edges. Default: rep(TRUE,10)
#' @param doPdsep If FALSE, Possible-D-SEP is not computed, so that the algorithm simplifies to the Modified PC algorithm of Spirtes, Glymour and Scheines (2000, p.84). Default: TRUE
#' @param biCC If TRUE, only nodes on paths between nodes x and y are considered to be in Possible-D-SEP(x) when testing independence between x and y. Default: TRUE
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.fci(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates
boot.fci <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, indep.test=pcalg::gaussCItest, alpha=0.01,, pdsep.max=Inf,
conservative=FALSE, maj.rule=FALSE, version=c('fci','rfci',''), type=c('normal','anytime','adaptive'),
rules=rep(TRUE,10), doPdsep=TRUE, biCC=FALSE,
R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
version <- match.arg(version)
type <- match.arg(type)
to <- match.arg(to)
if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'adjacency')
whitelist <- whitelist > 0
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'adjacency')
blacklist <- blacklist > 0
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
total = R,
width = 70)
tick <- function(n){
pb$tick(tokens = list())
if (is.null(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)
graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
fci(df, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, indep.test=indep.test, alpha=alpha,, pdsep.max=pdsep.max,
conservative=conservative, maj.rule=maj.rule, version=version, type=type,
rules=rules, doPdsep=doPdsep, biCC=biCC, m=m,
to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))
g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
for (i in 1:R) {
graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
obj <- list(
average = g,
replicates = graphs
#' Grow-Shrink Algorithm (GS)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Grow-Shrink algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param test Conditional independence test to be used: 'cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', or 'mi-g-sh'. Default: 'cor'
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param B Number of permutations considered for each permutation test.
#' @param Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- gs(df)
gs <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, test=ci.tests, alpha=0.01, B=NULL,,
m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
test <- match.arg(test)
to <- match.arg(to)
if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
if (class(cluster)[1] == 'numeric') {
cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(cluster)
if (!is.null(cluster)) {
parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cluster, seed)
g <- bnlearn::gs(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=test, alpha=alpha,
B=B,, undirected=FALSE, cluster=cluster)
g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
} else {
g <- bnlearn::gs(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=test, alpha=alpha,
B=B,, undirected=FALSE)
g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)
#' Grow-Shrink Algorithm (GS) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Grow-Shrink algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param test Conditional independence test to be used: 'cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', or 'mi-g-sh'. Default: 'cor'
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param B Number of permutations considered for each permutation test.
#' @param Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <-
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, test=ci.tests, alpha=0.01, B=NULL,,
R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
test <- match.arg(test)
to <- match.arg(to)
if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
total = R,
width = 70)
tick <- function(n){
pb$tick(tokens = list())
if (is.null(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)
graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
gs(df, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=test, alpha=alpha, B=B,,
m=m, to='adjacency', cluster=NULL, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))
g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
for (i in 1:R) {
graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
obj <- list(
average = g,
replicates = graphs
#' Incremental Association Algorithm (IAMB)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Incremental Association algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param test Conditional independence test to be used: 'cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', or 'mi-g-sh'. Default: 'cor'
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param B Number of permutations considered for each permutation test.
#' @param Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param version Algorithm version: 'iamb', 'fast.iamb', 'inter.iamb', or 'iamb.fdr'. Default: 'iamb'
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- iamb(df)
iamb <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, test=ci.tests, alpha=0.01, B=NULL,, version=c('iamb','fast.iamb','inter.iamb','iamb.fdr'),
m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
test <- match.arg(test)
version <- match.arg(version)
to <- match.arg(to)
algorithm <- switch(version,
iamb = bnlearn::iamb,
fast.iamb = bnlearn::fast.iamb,
inter.iamb = bnlearn::inter.iamb,
iamb.fdr = bnlearn::iamb.fdr
if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
if (class(cluster)[1] == 'numeric') {
cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(cluster)
if (!is.null(cluster)) {
parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cluster, seed)
g <- algorithm(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=test, alpha=alpha,
B=B,, undirected=FALSE, cluster=cluster)
g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
} else {
g <- algorithm(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=test, alpha=alpha,
B=B,, undirected=FALSE)
g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)
#' Incremental Association Algorithm (IAMB) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Incremental Association algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param test Conditional independence test to be used: 'cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', or 'mi-g-sh'. Default: 'cor'
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param B Number of permutations considered for each permutation test.
#' @param Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param version Algorithm version: 'iamb', 'fast.iamb', 'inter.iamb', or 'iamb.fdr'. Default: 'iamb'
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.iamb(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates
boot.iamb <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, test=ci.tests, alpha=0.01, B=NULL,, version=c('iamb','fast.iamb','inter.iamb','iamb.fdr'),
R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
test <- match.arg(test)
version <- match.arg(version)
to <- match.arg(to)
algorithm <- switch(version,
iamb = bnlearn::iamb,
fast.iamb = bnlearn::fast.iamb,
inter.iamb = bnlearn::inter.iamb,
iamb.fdr = bnlearn::iamb.fdr
if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
total = R,
width = 70)
tick <- function(n){
pb$tick(tokens = list())
if (is.null(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)
graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
iamb(df, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=test, alpha=alpha, B=B,, version=version,
m=m, to='adjacency', cluster=NULL, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))
g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
for (i in 1:R) {
graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
obj <- list(
average = g,
replicates = graphs
#' Parents & Children Algorithm
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using Parents & Children algorithms.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param test Conditional independence test to be used: 'cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', or 'mi-g-sh'. Default: 'cor'
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param B Number of permutations considered for each permutation test.
#' @param Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param version Algorithm version: 'mmpc', 'si.hiton.pc', or 'hpc'. Default: 'mmpc'
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- parents.children(df)
parents.children <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, test=ci.tests, alpha=0.01, B=NULL,, version=c('mmpc','si.hiton.pc','hpc'),
m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
test <- match.arg(test)
version <- match.arg(version)
to <- match.arg(to)
algorithm <- switch(version,
mmpc = bnlearn::mmpc,
si.hiton.pc = bnlearn::si.hiton.pc,
hpc = bnlearn::hpc
if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
if (class(cluster)[1] == 'numeric') {
cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(cluster)
if (!is.null(cluster)) {
parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cluster, seed)
g <- algorithm(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=test, alpha=alpha,
B=B,, undirected=FALSE, cluster=cluster)
g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
} else {
g <- algorithm(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=test, alpha=alpha,
B=B,, undirected=FALSE)
g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)
#' Parents & Children Algorithm With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using Parents & Children algorithms.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param test Conditional independence test to be used: 'cor', 'mc-cor', 'smc-cor', 'zf', 'mc-zf', 'smc-zf', 'mi-g', 'mc-mi-g', 'smc-mi-g', or 'mi-g-sh'. Default: 'cor'
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param B Number of permutations considered for each permutation test.
#' @param Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param version Algorithm version: 'mmpc', 'si.hiton.pc', or 'hpc'. Default: 'mmpc'
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.parents.children(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates
boot.parents.children <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, test=ci.tests, alpha=0.01, B=NULL,, version=c('mmpc','si.hiton.pc','hpc'),
R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
test <- match.arg(test)
version <- match.arg(version)
to <- match.arg(to)
algorithm <- switch(version,
mmpc = bnlearn::mmpc,
si.hiton.pc = bnlearn::si.hiton.pc,
hpc = bnlearn::hpc
if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
total = R,
width = 70)
tick <- function(n){
pb$tick(tokens = list())
if (is.null(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)
graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
parents.children(df, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, test=test, alpha=alpha, B=B,, version=version,
m=m, to='adjacency', cluster=NULL, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))
g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
for (i in 1:R) {
graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
obj <- list(
average = g,
replicates = graphs
#' Chow-Liu Algorithm
#' This function allows you to learn a undirected graph from a dataset using the Chow-Liu algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph.
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph.
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- chowliu(df)
chowliu <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
to <- match.arg(to)
if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
g <- bnlearn::chow.liu(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, mi='mi-g')
g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)
#' Chow-Liu Algorithm With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a undirected graph from a dataset using the Chow-Liu algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph.
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph.
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.chowliu(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates
boot.chowliu <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
to <- match.arg(to)
if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
total = R,
width = 70)
tick <- function(n){
pb$tick(tokens = list())
if (is.null(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)
graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
chowliu(df, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, m=m, to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))
g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
for (i in 1:R) {
graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
obj <- list(
average = g,
replicates = graphs
#' ARACNE Algorithm
#' This function allows you to learn a undirected graph from a dataset using the ARACNE algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph.
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph.
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- aracne(df)
aracne <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
to <- match.arg(to)
if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
g <- bnlearn::aracne(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, mi='mi-g')
g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)
#' ARACNE Algorithm With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a undirected graph from a dataset using the ARACNE algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph.
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph.
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.aracne(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates
boot.aracne <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
to <- match.arg(to)
if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
total = R,
width = 70)
tick <- function(n){
pb$tick(tokens = list())
if (is.null(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)
graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
aracne(df, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, m=m, to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))
g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
for (i in 1:R) {
graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
obj <- list(
average = g,
replicates = graphs
## Score-Based
#' Hill-Climbing Algorithm (HC)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Hill-Climbing algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param start Preseeded directed acyclic graph used to initialize the algorithm (optional).
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param score Score to be used: 'pred-loglik-g', 'loglik-g', 'aic-g', 'bic-g', or 'bge'. Default: 'pred-loglik-g'
#' @param restart Number of random restarts. Default: 0
#' @param perturb Number of attempts to randomly insert/remove/reverse an arc on every random restart. Default: 1
#' @param max.iter Maximum number of iterations. Default: Inf
#' @param maxp Maximum number of parents for a node. Default: Inf
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- hc(df)
hc <- function(df, start=NULL, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, score=scores, restart=0, perturb=1, max.iter=Inf, maxp=Inf,
m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
to <- match.arg(to)
if (!is.null(start)) {
start <- convert.format(start, to='bnlearn')
score <- match.arg(score)
if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
g <- bnlearn::hc(splitted.df$train, newdata=splitted.df$test, start=start, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, score=score,
restart=restart, perturb=perturb, max.iter=max.iter, maxp=maxp, optimized=TRUE)
g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)
#' Hill-Climbing Algorithm (HC) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Hill-Climbing algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param start Preseeded directed acyclic graph used to initialize the algorithm (optional).
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param score Score to be used: 'pred-loglik-g', 'loglik-g', 'aic-g', 'bic-g', or 'bge'. Default: 'pred-loglik-g'
#' @param restart Number of random restarts. Default: 0
#' @param perturb Number of attempts to randomly insert/remove/reverse an arc on every random restart. Default: 1
#' @param max.iter Maximum number of iterations. Default: Inf
#' @param maxp Maximum number of parents for a node. Default: Inf
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.hc(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates
boot.hc <- function(df, start=NULL, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, score=scores, restart=0, perturb=1, max.iter=Inf, maxp=Inf,
R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
to <- match.arg(to)
if (!is.null(start)) {
start <- convert.format(start, to='bnlearn')
score <- match.arg(score)
if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
total = R,
width = 70)
tick <- function(n){
pb$tick(tokens = list())
if (is.null(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)
graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
hc(df, start=start, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, score=score, restart=restart, perturb=perturb, max.iter=max.iter, maxp=maxp,
m=m, to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))
g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
for (i in 1:R) {
graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
obj <- list(
average = g,
replicates = graphs
#' Tabu Search Algorithm (TABU)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Tabu Search algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param start Preseeded directed acyclic graph used to initialize the algorithm (optional).
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param score Score to be used: 'pred-loglik-g', 'loglik-g', 'aic-g', 'bic-g', or 'bge'. Default: 'pred-loglik-g'
#' @param tabu Length of the tabu list. Default: 10
#' @param max.tabu Iterations tabu search can perform without improving the best score. Default: tabu (10)
#' @param max.iter Maximum number of iterations. Default: Inf
#' @param maxp Maximum number of parents for a node. Default: Inf
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- tabu(df)
tabu <- function(df, start=NULL, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, score=scores, tabu=10, max.tabu=NULL, max.iter=Inf, maxp=Inf,
m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
to <- match.arg(to)
if (!is.null(start)) {
start <- convert.format(start, to='bnlearn')
score <- match.arg(score)
if (is.null(max.tabu)) {
max.tabu <- tabu
if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
g <- bnlearn::tabu(splitted.df$train, newdata=splitted.df$test, start=start, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, score=score,
tabu=tabu, max.tabu=max.tabu, max.iter=max.iter, maxp=maxp, optimized=TRUE)
g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)
#' Tabu Search Algorithm (TABU) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Tabu Search algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param start Preseeded directed acyclic graph used to initialize the algorithm (optional).
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param score Score to be used: 'pred-loglik-g', 'loglik-g', 'aic-g', 'bic-g', or 'bge'. Default: 'pred-loglik-g'
#' @param tabu Length of the tabu list. Default: 10
#' @param max.tabu Iterations tabu search can perform without improving the best score. Default: tabu (10)
#' @param max.iter Maximum number of iterations. Default: Inf
#' @param maxp Maximum number of parents for a node. Default: Inf
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.tabu(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates
boot.tabu <- function(df, start=NULL, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, score=scores, tabu=10, max.tabu=NULL, max.iter=Inf, maxp=Inf,
R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
to <- match.arg(to)
if (!is.null(start)) {
start <- convert.format(start, to='bnlearn')
score <- match.arg(score)
if (is.null(max.tabu)) {
max.tabu <- tabu
if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
total = R,
width = 70)
tick <- function(n){
pb$tick(tokens = list())
if (is.null(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)
graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
tabu(df, start=start, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, score=score, tabu=tabu, max.tabu=max.tabu, max.iter=max.iter, maxp=maxp,
m=m, to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))
g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
for (i in 1:R) {
graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
obj <- list(
average = g,
replicates = graphs
#' Greedy Equivalence Search Algorithm (GES) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Greedy Equivalence Search (GES) algorithm of Chickering (2002).
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param adaptive Whether constraints should be adapted to newly detected v-structures or unshielded triples: 'none', 'vstructures', or 'triples'. Default: 'none'
#' @param maxDegree Parameter used to limit the vertex degree of the estimated graph. Default: integer(0)
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- ges(df)
ges <- function(df, blacklist=NULL, adaptive=c('none','vstructures','triples'), maxDegree=integer(0),
m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
adaptive <- match.arg(adaptive)
to <- match.arg(to)
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'adjacency')
blacklist <- blacklist > 0
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
score <- new(pcalg::.__C__GaussL0penObsScore, data=splitted.df$train)
g <- pcalg::ges(score, labels=score$getNodes(), fixedGaps=blacklist, maxDegree=maxDegree,
adaptive=adaptive, phase=c('forward','backward'), iterate=TRUE)
g <- g$repr$weight.mat()
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)
#' Greedy Equivalence Search Algorithm (GES) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Greedy Equivalence Search (GES) algorithm of Chickering (2002).
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param adaptive Whether constraints should be adapted to newly detected v-structures or unshielded triples: 'none', 'vstructures', or 'triples'. Default: 'none'
#' @param maxDegree Parameter used to limit the vertex degree of the estimated graph. Default: integer(0)
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.ges(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates
boot.ges <- function(df, blacklist=NULL, adaptive=c('none','vstructures','triples'), maxDegree=integer(0),
R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
adaptive <- match.arg(adaptive)
to <- match.arg(to)
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'adjacency')
blacklist <- blacklist > 0
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
total = R,
width = 70)
tick <- function(n){
pb$tick(tokens = list())
if (is.null(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)
graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
ges(df, blacklist=blacklist, adaptive=adaptive, maxDegree=maxDegree,
m=m, to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))
g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
for (i in 1:R) {
graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
obj <- list(
average = g,
replicates = graphs
#' Linear NO-TEARS Algorithm (Reimplemented)
#' This function allows you to learn an adjacency matrix from a dataset using the Linear NO-TEARS algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param lambda1 L1 regularization parameter. Default: 0.1
#' @param loss.type Type of loss function to be used: 'l2', 'logistic', or 'poisson'. Default: 'l2'
#' @param max.iter Maximum number of dual ascent steps. Default: 100
#' @param h.tol Minimum absolute value of h. Default: 1e-8
#' @param rho.max Maximum value of rho. Default: 1e+16
#' @param w.threshold Threshold of absolute value of weight. Default: 0.1
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @keywords learning adjacency
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- notears(df)
notears <- function(df, lambda1=0.1, loss.type=c('l2','logistic','poisson'),
max.iter=100, h.tol=1e-6, rho.max=1e+6, w.threshold=0.1, m=NULL,
to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
loss.type <- match.arg(loss.type)
to <- match.arg(to)
splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
X <- df <- as.matrix(splitted.df$train)
loss.func <- function(W) { # ?
M <- X %*% W
if (loss.type=='l2') {
R <- X - M
loss <- 0.5 / dim(X)[1] * sum(R ** 2)
} else if (loss.type=='logistic') {
loss <- 1.0 / dim(X)[1] * sum(log(sum(exp(M)+1)) - X * M)
} else if (loss.type=='poisson') {
S <- exp(M)
loss <- 1.0 / dim(X)[1] * sum(S - X * M)
G.loss.func <- function(W) { # ?
M <- X %*% W
if (loss.type=='l2') {
R <- X - M
G.loss <- -1.0 / dim(X)[1] * t(X) %*% R
} else if (loss.type=='logistic') {
G.loss <- 1.0 / dim(X)[1] * t(X) %*% (1.0 / (1 + exp(-1 * M)) - X)
} else if (loss.type=='poisson') {
S <- exp(M)
G.loss <- 1.0 / dim(X)[1] * t(X) %*% (S - X)
h.func <- function(W) { # ?
M <- diag(1, d, d) + W * W / d
E <- matrixcalc::matrix.power(M, d-1) <- sum(t(E) * M) - d
G.h.func <- function(W) { # ?
M <- diag(1, d, d) + W * W / d
E <- matrixcalc::matrix.power(M, d-1)
G.h <- t(E) * W * 2
adj <- function(w) { # ?
w <- as.matrix(w)
w.pos <- w[1:(length(w)/2),]
w.neg <- w[((length(w)/2)+1):(length(w)),]
dim(w.pos) <- c(d,d)
dim(w.neg) <- c(d,d)
W <- w.pos - w.neg
fn <- function(w) { # ?
W <- adj(w)
loss <- loss.func(W) <- h.func(W)
obj <- loss + 0.5 * rho * * + alpha * + lambda1 * sum(w)
gr <- function(w) { # ?
W <- adj(w)
G.loss <- G.loss.func(W) <- h.func(W)
G.h <- G.h.func(W)
G.smooth <- G.loss + (rho * + alpha) * G.h
G.obj <- c(array(G.smooth + lambda1), array(-1 * G.smooth + lambda1))
n <- nrow(df)
d <- ncol(df)
nodes <- colnames(df)
w.est <- replicate(2*d*d, 0)
rho <- 1
alpha <- 0
h <- Inf
for (i in 1:max.iter) { <- NULL <- NULL
while (rho < rho.max) { <- optim(w.est, fn, gr=gr, method='L-BFGS-B', lower=0, upper=Inf)$par # ? <- h.func(adj(
if ( > (0.25*h)) {
rho = rho*10
} else {
w.est <-
h <-
alpha <- alpha + (rho*h)
if (h <= h.tol | rho >= rho.max) {
W.est <- adj(w.est)
W.est[abs(W.est) < w.threshold] <- 0
colnames(W.est) <- rownames(W.est) <- nodes
rownames(W.est) <- colnames(W.est) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
g <- convert.format(W.est, from='adjacency', to=to)
#' Linear NO-TEARS Algorithm (Reimplemented) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Linear NO-TEARS algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param lambda1 L1 regularization parameter. Default: 0.1
#' @param loss.type Type of loss function to be used: 'l2', 'logistic', or 'poisson'. Default: 'l2'
#' @param max.iter Maximum number of dual ascent steps. Default: 100
#' @param h.tol Minimum absolute value of h. Default: 1e-8
#' @param rho.max Maximum value of rho. Default: 1e+16
#' @param w.threshold Threshold of absolute value of weight. Default: 0.1
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.notears(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates
boot.notears <- function(df, lambda1=0.1, loss.type=c('l2','logistic','poisson'),
max.iter=100, h.tol=1e-6, rho.max=1e+6, w.threshold=0.1,
R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
loss.type <- match.arg(loss.type)
to <- match.arg(to)
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
total = R,
width = 70)
tick <- function(n){
pb$tick(tokens = list())
if (is.null(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)
graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
notears(df, lambda1=lambda1, loss.type=loss.type,
max.iter=max.iter, h.tol=h.tol, rho.max=rho.max, w.threshold=w.threshold, m=m,
g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
for (i in 1:R) {
graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
obj <- list(
average = g,
replicates = graphs
## Hybrid (Constraint-Based + Score-Based)
#' General 2-Phase Restricted Maximization Algorithm (rsmax2)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the General 2-Phase Restricted Maximization algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param restrict Constraint-based or local search algorithm to be used in the restrict phase: 'pc.stable', 'gs', 'iamb', 'fast.iamb', 'inter.iamb', 'iamb.fdr', 'mmpc', 'si.hiton.pc', or 'hpc'. Default: 'pc.stable'
#' @param maximize Score-based algorithm to be used in the maximize phase: 'hc' or 'tabu'. Default: 'hc'
#' @param restrict.args List of arguments to be passed to the algorithm specified by restrict.
#' @param maximize.args List of arguments to be passed to the algorithm specified by maximize.
#' @param version Algorithm version: 'rsmax2','mmhc', or 'h2pc'. Default: 'rsmax2'
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- rsmax2(df)
rsmax2 <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, restrict=c('pc.stable','gs','iamb','fast.iamb','inter.iamb','iamb.fdr','mmpc','si.hiton.pc','hpc'),
maximize=c('hc','tabu'), restrict.args=list(), maximize.args=list(), version=c('rsmax2','mmhc','h2pc'),
m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
restrict <- match.arg(restrict)
maximize <- match.arg(maximize)
version <- match.arg(version)
to <- match.arg(to)
restrict <- switch(version,
rsmax2 = restrict,
mmhc = 'mmpc',
h2pc = 'hpc'
maximize <- switch(version,
rsmax2 = maximize,
mmhc = 'hc',
h2pc = 'hc'
if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
if (class(cluster)[1] == 'numeric') {
cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(cluster)
if (!is.null(cluster)) {
parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cluster, seed)
restrict.args$cluster <- cluster
g <- bnlearn::rsmax2(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, restrict=restrict, maximize=maximize,
restrict.args=restrict.args, maximize.args=maximize.args)
g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
} else {
g <- bnlearn::rsmax2(splitted.df$train, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, restrict=restrict, maximize=maximize,
restrict.args=restrict.args, maximize.args=maximize.args)
g <- convert.format(g, to='adjacency')
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)
#' General 2-Phase Restricted Maximization Algorithm (rsmax2) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the General 2-Phase Restricted Maximization algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param restrict Constraint-based or local search algorithm to be used in the restrict phase: 'pc.stable', 'gs', 'iamb', 'fast.iamb', 'inter.iamb', 'iamb.fdr', 'mmpc', 'si.hiton.pc', or 'hpc'. Default: 'pc.stable'
#' @param maximize Score-based algorithm to be used in the maximize phase: 'hc' or 'tabu'. Default: 'hc'
#' @param restrict.args List of arguments to be passed to the algorithm specified by restrict.
#' @param maximize.args List of arguments to be passed to the algorithm specified by maximize.
#' @param version Algorithm version: 'rsmax2','mmhc', or 'h2pc'. Default: 'rsmax2'
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.rsmax2(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates
boot.rsmax2 <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, restrict=c('pc.stable','gs','iamb','fast.iamb','inter.iamb','iamb.fdr','mmpc','si.hiton.pc','hpc'),
maximize=c('hc','tabu'), restrict.args=list(), maximize.args=list(), version=c('rsmax2','mmhc','h2pc'),
R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
restrict <- match.arg(restrict)
maximize <- match.arg(maximize)
version <- match.arg(version)
to <- match.arg(to)
restrict <- switch(version,
rsmax2 = restrict,
mmhc = 'mmpc',
h2pc = 'hpc'
maximize <- switch(version,
rsmax2 = maximize,
mmhc = 'hc',
h2pc = 'hc'
if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'edges')
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'edges')
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
total = R,
width = 70)
tick <- function(n){
pb$tick(tokens = list())
if (is.null(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)
graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
rsmax2(df, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, restrict=restrict,
maximize=maximize, restrict.args=restrict.args, maximize.args=maximize.args, version=version,
m=m, to='adjacency', cluster=NULL, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))
g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
for (i in 1:R) {
graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
obj <- list(
average = g,
replicates = graphs
#' Adaptively Restricted Greedy Equivalence Search Algorithm (ARGES)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Adaptively Restricted Greedy Equivalence Search (ARGES) algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param indep.test Conditional independence test to be used (pcalg implementation). Default: pcalg::gaussCItest
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param adaptive Whether constraints should be adapted to newly detected v-structures or unshielded triples: 'none', 'vstructures', or 'triples'. Default: 'none'
#' @param maxDegree Parameter used to limit the vertex degree of the estimated graph. Default: integer(0)
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- arges(df)
arges <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, indep.test=pcalg::gaussCItest, alpha=0.01,,
adaptive=c('none','vstructures','triples'), maxDegree=integer(0),
m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
adaptive <- match.arg(adaptive)
to <- match.arg(to)
if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'adjacency')
whitelist <- whitelist > 0
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'adjacency')
blacklist <- blacklist > 0
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
suffStat <- list(C=cor(splitted.df$train), n=nrow(splitted.df$train))
varNames <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
skel <- pcalg::skeleton(suffStat, indepTest=indep.test, labels=varNames, alpha=alpha,,
fixedEdges=whitelist, fixedGaps=blacklist, method='stable', NAdelete=TRUE)
skel <- as(skel@graph, 'matrix')
score <- new(pcalg::.__C__GaussL0penObsScore, data=splitted.df$train)
g <- pcalg::ges(score, labels=score$getNodes(), fixedGaps=!skel, maxDegree=maxDegree,
adaptive=adaptive, phase=c('forward','backward'), iterate=TRUE)
g <- g$repr$weight.mat()
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)
#' Adaptively Restricted Greedy Equivalence Search Algorithm (ARGES) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the Adaptively Restricted Greedy Equivalence Search (ARGES) algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param whitelist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param blacklist A data frame with two columns, containing a set of arcs not to be included in the graph (optional).
#' @param indep.test Conditional independence test to be used (pcalg implementation). Default: pcalg::gaussCItest
#' @param alpha Target nominal type I error rate. Default: 0.01
#' @param Maximum allowed size of the conditioning sets.
#' @param adaptive Whether constraints should be adapted to newly detected v-structures or unshielded triples: 'none', 'vstructures', or 'triples'. Default: 'none'
#' @param maxDegree Parameter used to limit the vertex degree of the estimated graph. Default: integer(0)
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.arges(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates
boot.arges <- function(df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, indep.test=pcalg::gaussCItest, alpha=0.01,,
adaptive=c('none','vstructures','triples'), maxDegree=integer(0),
R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
adaptive <- match.arg(adaptive)
to <- match.arg(to)
if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
whitelist <- convert.format(whitelist, 'adjacency')
whitelist <- whitelist > 0
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
blacklist <- convert.format(blacklist, 'adjacency')
blacklist <- blacklist > 0
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
total = R,
width = 70)
tick <- function(n){
pb$tick(tokens = list())
if (is.null(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)
graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
arges(df, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, indep.test=indep.test, alpha=alpha,,
adaptive=adaptive, maxDegree=maxDegree,
m=m, to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))
g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
for (i in 1:R) {
graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
obj <- list(
average = g,
replicates = graphs
## Graphical Lasso
#' Graphical Lasso (GLASSO)
#' This function allows you to learn an undirected graph from a dataset using the GLASSO algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param rho Non-negative regularization parameter for GLASSO.
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- glasso(df, rho=0.1)
glasso <- function(df, rho=0.1, m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
to <- match.arg(to)
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
S <- cov(as.matrix(splitted.df$train))
g <- glasso::glasso(S, rho=rho)
A <- g$wi
p <- ncol(splitted.df$train) # ?
W <- diag(p) - diag(1/diag(A)) %*% A # ?
A <- sign(abs(A)) # ?
A <- W * A # ?
diag(A) <- 0
rownames(A) <- colnames(A) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
g <- convert.format(A, from='adjacency', to=to)
#' Graphical Lasso (GLASSO) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn an undirected graph from a dataset using the GLASSO algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param rho Non-negative regularization parameter for GLASSO.
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.glasso(df, rho=0.1)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates
boot.glasso <- function(df, rho=0.1, R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
to <- match.arg(to)
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
total = R,
width = 70)
tick <- function(n){
pb$tick(tokens = list())
if (is.null(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)
graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
glasso(df, rho=rho, m=m, to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))
A <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to='adjacency')
g <- convert.format(A, to=to)
for (i in 1:R) {
graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
obj <- list(
average = g,
replicates = graphs
## Restricted Structural Equation Models
#' Restricted Structural Equation Models (LINGAM)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the LINGAM algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- lingam(df)
lingam <- function(df, m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
to <- match.arg(to)
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
g <- pcalg::lingam(splitted.df$train)
g <- g$Bpruned
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)
## Restricted Structural Equation Models
#' Restricted Structural Equation Models (LINGAM) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the LINGAM algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.lingam(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates
boot.lingam <- function(df, R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
to <- match.arg(to)
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
total = R,
width = 70)
tick <- function(n){
pb$tick(tokens = list())
if (is.null(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)
graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
lingam(df, m=m, to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))
g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
for (i in 1:R) {
graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
obj <- list(
average = g,
replicates = graphs
## GEne Network Inference with Ensemble of trees
#' GEne Network Inference with Ensemble of trees (GENIE3)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the GENIE3 algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param tree.method Random Forest ('rf') or Extra-Trees ('et'). Default: 'rf'
#' @param K Number of candidate regulators that are randomly selected at each tree node for the best split determination. Default: 'sqrt' (square root of the number of genes)
#' @param n.trees Number of trees that are grown per ensemble. Default: 1000
#' @param min.weight Minimum absolute value considered in the adjacency matrix. Lower values will be replaced by zero. Default: 0.1
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster The number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- genie3(df)
genie3 <- function(df, tree.method=c('rf','et'), K='sqrt', n.trees=1000, min.weight=0.1,
m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
tree.method <- match.arg(tree.method)
to <- match.arg(to)
tree.method <- toupper(tree.method)
if (class(K)[1]=='character' & K != 'sqrt' & K != 'all') {
K <- 'sqrt'
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
splitted.df$train <- t(splitted.df$train)
if (!is.null(cluster)) {
g <- GENIE3::GENIE3(splitted.df$train, treeMethod=tree.method, K=K, nTrees=n.trees, nCores=cluster)
} else {
g <- GENIE3::GENIE3(splitted.df$train, treeMethod=tree.method, K=K, nTrees=n.trees, nCores=1)
rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- rownames(splitted.df$train)
g[g < min.weight] <- 0
g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)
#' GEne Network Inference with Ensemble of trees (GENIE3) with Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the GENIE3 algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param tree.method Random Forest ('rf') or Extra-Trees ('et'). Default: 'rf'
#' @param K Number of candidate regulators that are randomly selected at each tree node for the best split determination. Default: 'sqrt' (square root of the number of genes)
#' @param n.trees Number of trees that are grown per ensemble. Default: 1000
#' @param min.weight Minimum absolute value considered in the adjacency matrix. Lower values will be replaced by zero. Default: 0.1
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.genie3(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates
boot.genie3 <- function(df, tree.method=c('rf','et'), K='sqrt', n.trees=1000, min.weight=0.1,
R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
tree.method <- match.arg(tree.method)
to <- match.arg(to)
if (class(K)[1]=='character' & K != 'sqrt' & K != 'all') {
K <- 'sqrt'
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
total = R,
width = 70)
tick <- function(n){
pb$tick(tokens = list())
if (is.null(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)
graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
genie3(df, tree.method=tree.method, K=K, n.trees=n.trees, min.weight=min.weight,
m=m, to='adjacency', cluster=NULL, seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))
g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
for (i in 1:R) {
graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
obj <- list(
average = g,
replicates = graphs
## Graphical Continuous Lyapunov Models
#' Graphical Continuous Lyapunov Models (GCLM)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the GCLM algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param lambda Lambda regularization parameter. Use NULL to compute lambda. Default: 0.1
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- gclm(df)
gclm <- function(df, lambda=0.1, m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
to <- match.arg(to)
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
df <- as.matrix(df)
splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
S.train <- cov(splitted.df$train)
S.test <- cov(splitted.df$test)
dd <- diag(1/sqrt(diag(S.train)))
S.train.cor <- cov2cor(S.train)
p <- ncol(S.train)
if (is.null(lambda)) {
results.path <- gclm::gclm.path(S.train.cor,
B = -0.5*diag(p),
lambdac = 0.01,
lambdas =6*10^seq(0,-4,length=100),
eps = 1e-5, job=0, maxIter=100)
results.path <- lapply(results.path, function(res) {
B = results.path$B,
C = results.path$C,
lambda = 0,
lambdac = -1,
eps = 1e-6,
job = 10)
tmp <- sapply(results.path, function(res) {
mll(solve(res$Sigma), dd %*% S.test %*% dd)
bidx <- which.min(tmp)
A <- t(results.path[[bidx]]$B)
} else {
results.path <- gclm::gclm(S.train.cor,
B = -0.5*diag(p),
lambda = lambda,
lambdac = 0.01,
eps = 1e-5,
job = 0,
A <- t(results.path$B)
rownames(A) <- colnames(A) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
diag(A) <- 0
g <- convert.format(A, from='adjacency', to=to)
#' Graphical Continuous Lyapunov Models (GCLM) With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the GCLM algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param lambda Lambda regularization parameter. Use NULL to compute lambda. Default: 0.1
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.gclm(df)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates
boot.gclm <- function(df, lambda=0.1, R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
to <- match.arg(to)
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
df <- as.matrix(df)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
total = R,
width = 70)
tick <- function(n){
pb$tick(tokens = list())
if (is.null(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)
graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
gclm(df, lambda=lambda, m=m, to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))
A <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to='adjacency')
g <- convert.format(A, to=to)
for (i in 1:R) {
graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
obj <- list(
average = g,
replicates = graphs
mll <- function(P, S) {
-determinant(P, logarithm=TRUE)$modulus + sum(S*P)
#' NODAG Algorithm
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the NODAG algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param lambda Lambda regularization parameter. Default: 0.1
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @useDynLib gnlearn
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- nodag(df)
nodag <- function(df, lambda=0.1, m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
to <- match.arg(to)
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
df <- as.matrix(df)
splitted.df <- dataset.split(df, m=m)
p <- ncol(splitted.df$train)
out <- .Fortran('NODAG', as.integer(p),
as.double(diag(p)), as.double(lambda),
as.double(1e-5), as.double(0.5), as.integer(1e+3),
A <- matrix(ncol=p, nrow=p, data=out[[3]])
W <- diag(p) - diag(1/diag(A)) %*% A # ?
A <- sign(abs(A)) # ?
A <- W * A # ?
diag(A) <- 0
rownames(A) <- colnames(A) <- colnames(splitted.df$train)
g <- convert.format(A, from='adjacency', to=to)
#' NODAG Algorithm With Bootstrapping
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a dataset using the NODAG algorithm.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param lambda Lambda regularization parameter. Default: 0.1
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates (optional). Default: 200
#' @param m Size of training set (optional). Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @keywords learning graph
#' @useDynLib gnlearn
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- boot.nodag(df, '/home/user/nodag/')
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates
boot.nodag <- function(df, lambda=0.1, R=200, m=NULL, threshold=0.5, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1)) {
to <- match.arg(to)
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
df <- as.matrix(df)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
total = R,
width = 70)
tick <- function(n){
pb$tick(tokens = list())
if (is.null(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)
graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
nodag(df, lambda=lambda, m=m, to='adjacency', seed=sample(1:10**6, 1))
g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
for (i in 1:R) {
graphs[[i]] <- convert.format(graphs[[i]], from='adjacency', to=to)
obj <- list(
average = g,
replicates = graphs
#' Learn Huge Graph (With Random Gene Selection + Cells Bootstrapping)
#' This function allows you to learn a directed graph from a high-dimensional dataset.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param algorithm Algorithm to be used (any of the gnlearn 'boot.x' algorithms, such as boot.pc or boot.hc). Default: boot.pc
#' @param n.genes Number of random genes per iteration. Default: 15
#' @param R Number of iterations. Defaults: 200
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average adjacency matrix (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param iter.R Number of bootstrap replicates. Default: 200
#' @param iter.m Size of training set. Default: nrow(df)/2
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn').
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @param seed Seed used for random selection. Default: NULL
#' @param ... Other arguments for the specified algorithm.
#' @keywords learning huge graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- huge.graph(df, algorithm=boot.tabu)
#' obj <- huge.graph(df, algorithm=boot.lingam)
#' obj <- huge.graph(df, algorithm=boot.iamb, n.genes=20, R=100, threshold=0.9, iter.R=10)
#' avg.g <- obj$average
#' g.rep <- obj$replicates
huge.graph <- function(df, algorithm=boot.pc, n.genes=15, R=200, threshold=0.5, iter.R=4, iter.m=NULL, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores(), seed=sample(1:10**6, 1), ...) {
to <- match.arg(to)
df <- drop.all.zeros(df)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = ":current/:total (:percent) [:bar] :elapsedfull | eta: :eta",
total = R,
width = 70)
tick <- function(n){
pb$tick(tokens = list())
if (is.null(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (!'cluster' %in% class(cluster)) {
cluster <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
} else if (class(cluster)[1]) {
cluster <- makeCluster(cluster)
graphs <- foreach(rep=1:R, .options.snow = list(progress = tick)) %dopar% {
sel.genes <- sample(colnames(df), n.genes, replace=FALSE)
sel.df <- subset(df, select=sel.genes)
obj <- algorithm(df=sel.df, R=iter.R, m=iter.m, threshold=0, to='adjacency', cluster=NULL, seed=seed, ...)
R <- length(graphs)
replicates <- list()
for (i in 1:R) {
replicates <- c(replicates, graphs[[i]])
g <- average.graph(graphs, threshold=threshold, to=to)
obj <- list(
average = g,
replicates = replicates
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