createAcademicStandard | Create new AcademicStandard. |
createAcademicStandardDefault | Create new AcademicStandardDefault. |
createAcademicStandardGradeRange | Create new AcademicStandardGradeRange. |
createAcademicStandardGradeRangeDefault | Create new AcademicStandardGradeRangeDefault. |
createAcademicStandardGradingScaleGroup | Create new AcademicStandardGradingScaleGroup. |
createAcademicStandardGradingScaleGroupAcademicStandard | Create new AcademicStandardGradingScaleGroupAcademicStandard. |
createAcademicStandardHierarchyDepth | Create new AcademicStandardHierarchyDepth. |
createAcademicStandardSet | Create new AcademicStandardSet. |
createAcademicStandardSetDefault | Create new AcademicStandardSetDefault. |
createAcademicStandardSubject | Create new AcademicStandardSubject. |
createAcademicStandardSubjectDefault | Create new AcademicStandardSubjectDefault. |
createACHAccount | Create new ACHAccount. |
createAction | Create new Action. |
createActionAttendanceType | Create new ActionAttendanceType. |
createActionType | Create new ActionType. |
createActivity | Create new Activity. |
createActivityEvent | Create new ActivityEvent. |
createActivityPersonnel | Create new ActivityPersonnel. |
createActivityType | Create new ActivityType. |
createAddress | Create new Address. |
createAddressRangeDefault | Create new AddressRangeDefault. |
createAddressRangeDefaultAddress | Create new AddressRangeDefaultAddress. |
createAddressRangeImportSchool | Create new AddressRangeImportSchool. |
createAddressSecondaryUnit | Create new AddressSecondaryUnit. |
createAdministerNameMedication | Create new AdministerNameMedication. |
createAlert | Create new Alert. |
createAMTransportation | Create new AMTransportation. |
createAppleSchoolManagerConfig | Create new AppleSchoolManagerConfig. |
createApplySchemaChangeAllChangesConfirmation | Create new ApplySchemaChangeAllChangesConfirmation. |
createApplySchemaChangeFieldSelection | Create new ApplySchemaChangeFieldSelection. |
createApplySchemaChangeObjectSelection | Create new ApplySchemaChangeObjectSelection. |
createApplySchemaChangeRelationshipSelection | Create new ApplySchemaChangeRelationshipSelection. |
createApplySchemaChangeRun | Create new ApplySchemaChangeRun. |
createArea | Create new Area. |
createAssessment | Create new Assessment. |
createAssessmentToolMN | Create new AssessmentToolMN. |
createAssignment | Create new Assignment. |
createAssignmentAttachment | Create new AssignmentAttachment. |
createAssignmentQuestion | Create new AssignmentQuestion. |
createAssignmentTypePlanPositionDistributionSummary | Create new AssignmentTypePlanPositionDistributionSummary. |
createAttachment | Create new Attachment. |
createAttachmentType | Create new AttachmentType. |
createAttendancePeriod | Create new AttendancePeriod. |
createAttendancePeriodConfigEntityGroupYear | Create new AttendancePeriodConfigEntityGroupYear. |
createAttendanceReason | Create new AttendanceReason. |
createAttendanceReportRunHistory | Create new AttendanceReportRunHistory. |
createAttendanceReportRunHistoryThresholdResetRange | Create new AttendanceReportRunHistoryThresholdResetRange. |
createAttendanceTerm | Create new AttendanceTerm. |
createAttendanceType | Create new AttendanceType. |
createAuthenticationAssertion | Create new AuthenticationAssertion. |
createAuthenticationMethod | Create new AuthenticationMethod. |
createAuthenticationRole | Create new AuthenticationRole. |
createAuthenticationRoleLDAPProvider | Create new AuthenticationRoleLDAPProvider. |
createAuthenticationRoleMethod | Create new AuthenticationRoleMethod. |
createAvailabilityCourseFilter | Create new AvailabilityCourseFilter. |
createAvailabilityFilterArenaSchedulingSetting | Create new AvailabilityFilterArenaSchedulingSetting. |
createAvailabilityFilterCourseRequestSetting | Create new AvailabilityFilterCourseRequestSetting. |
createAvailabilityFilterCourseStudent | Create new AvailabilityFilterCourseStudent. |
createAvailabilityFilterCourseStudentCourse | Create new AvailabilityFilterCourseStudentCourse. |
createAvailabilityFilterCourseStudentStudent | Create new AvailabilityFilterCourseStudentStudent. |
createAvailabilityStudentFilter | Create new AvailabilityStudentFilter. |
createAwardCategory | Create new AwardCategory. |
createAwardHardware | Create new AwardHardware. |
createAwardType | Create new AwardType. |
createBaseRunAnalysis | Create new BaseRunAnalysis. |
createBellSchedule | Create new BellSchedule. |
createBellScheduleGroup | Create new BellScheduleGroup. |
createBellScheduleGroupBellSchedule | Create new BellScheduleGroupBellSchedule. |
createBellSchedulingPeriod | Create new BellSchedulingPeriod. |
createBenchmarkingQuestion | Create new BenchmarkingQuestion. |
createBenchmarkingQuestionAnswer | Create new BenchmarkingQuestionAnswer. |
createBenchmarkingSurvey | Create new BenchmarkingSurvey. |
createBenchmarkingSurveyDelay | Create new BenchmarkingSurveyDelay. |
createBenchmarkingSurveyInstance | Create new BenchmarkingSurveyInstance. |
createBenchmarkingSurveyQuestion | Create new BenchmarkingSurveyQuestion. |
createBlockPeriod | Create new BlockPeriod. |
createBlockPeriodDisplayPeriod | Create new BlockPeriodDisplayPeriod. |
createBodyMassIndexPercentile | Create new BodyMassIndexPercentile. |
createBodyPart | Create new BodyPart. |
createBrowse | Create new Browse. |
createBrowseFieldPath | Create new BrowseFieldPath. |
createBrowseFilter | Create new BrowseFilter. |
createBrowseFilterLastUsed | Create new BrowseFilterLastUsed. |
createBrowseMenu | Create new BrowseMenu. |
createBrowseView | Create new BrowseView. |
createBrowseViewLastUsed | Create new BrowseViewLastUsed. |
createBuilding | Create new Building. |
createBuildingPlanPositionDistributionSummary | Create new BuildingPlanPositionDistributionSummary. |
createBulkLoad | Create new BulkLoad. |
createBurstAction | Create new BurstAction. |
createBus | Create new Bus. |
createBusinessMigrationHistory | Create new BusinessMigrationHistory. |
createBusRoute | Create new BusRoute. |
createBusStop | Create new BusStop. |
createCacheInitialization | Create new CacheInitialization. |
createCalculationGroup | Create new CalculationGroup. |
createCalculationGroupAcademicStandard | Create new CalculationGroupAcademicStandard. |
createCalculationGroupAcademicStandardCalculationGroupHierarchyDepth | Create new... |
createCalculationGroupAcademicStandardGradeBucket | Create new CalculationGroupAcademicStandardGradeBucket. |
createCalculationGroupAcademicStandardWeighting | Create new CalculationGroupAcademicStandardWeighting. |
createCalculationGroupCategory | Create new CalculationGroupCategory. |
createCalculationGroupCourse | Create new CalculationGroupCourse. |
createCalculationGroupGradeBucket | Create new CalculationGroupGradeBucket. |
createCalculationGroupHierarchyDepth | Create new CalculationGroupHierarchyDepth. |
createCalculationGroupSubject | Create new CalculationGroupSubject. |
createCalculationGroupSubjectAcademicStandard | Create new CalculationGroupSubjectAcademicStandard. |
createCalculationGroupSubjectGradeBucket | Create new CalculationGroupSubjectGradeBucket. |
createCalculationGroupSubjectWeighting | Create new CalculationGroupSubjectWeighting. |
createCalculationGroupWeighting | Create new CalculationGroupWeighting. |
createCalendar | Create new Calendar. |
createCalendarDay | Create new CalendarDay. |
createCalendarDayBellScheduleGroupBellSchedule | Create new CalendarDayBellScheduleGroupBellSchedule. |
createCalendarDayCalendarEvent | Create new CalendarDayCalendarEvent. |
createCalendarDayDisplayPeriodOverride | Create new CalendarDayDisplayPeriodOverride. |
createCalendarDaySchedulingPeriodTimesOverride | Create new CalendarDaySchedulingPeriodTimesOverride. |
createCalendarDisplayPeriod | Create new CalendarDisplayPeriod. |
createCalendarEvent | Create new CalendarEvent. |
createCalendarYear | Create new CalendarYear. |
createCareerPlanDeclarationTimePeriod | Create new CareerPlanDeclarationTimePeriod. |
createCareerPlanDeclarationTimePeriodGradeReference | Create new CareerPlanDeclarationTimePeriodGradeReference. |
createCareerPlanDeclarationTimePeriodStudentEntityYear | Create new CareerPlanDeclarationTimePeriodStudentEntityYear. |
createCareerPlanGradeLevel | Create new CareerPlanGradeLevel. |
createCategory | Create new Category. |
createCategoryGradeBucketType | Create new CategoryGradeBucketType. |
createCertification | Create new Certification. |
createCertificationCompetency | Create new CertificationCompetency. |
createCertificationDelimitedFileFormat | Create new CertificationDelimitedFileFormat. |
createCertificationDetail | Create new CertificationDetail. |
createCertificationFixedLengthFileFormat | Create new CertificationFixedLengthFileFormat. |
createCertificationGrade | Create new CertificationGrade. |
createCertificationLevel | Create new CertificationLevel. |
createCertificationSubject | Create new CertificationSubject. |
createCertificationThirdPartyFormat | Create new CertificationThirdPartyFormat. |
createCertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationCompetency | Create new... |
createCertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationGrade | Create new CertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationGrade. |
createCertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationLevel | Create new CertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationLevel. |
createCertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationSubject | Create new CertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationSubject. |
createCertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationType | Create new CertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationType. |
createCertificationThirdPartyFormatInstitution | Create new CertificationThirdPartyFormatInstitution. |
createCertificationThirdPartyImport | Create new CertificationThirdPartyImport. |
createCertificationType | Create new CertificationType. |
createChangeRequest | Create new ChangeRequest. |
createChangeRequestDetail | Create new ChangeRequestDetail. |
createChangeRequestDetailApproval | Create new ChangeRequestDetailApproval. |
createCharacterLimitGroup | Create new CharacterLimitGroup. |
createChildhoodIllness | Create new ChildhoodIllness. |
createChildhoodIllnessComment | Create new ChildhoodIllnessComment. |
createChildhoodIllnessGuardianNotification | Create new ChildhoodIllnessGuardianNotification. |
createChildhoodIllnessGuardianResponse | Create new ChildhoodIllnessGuardianResponse. |
createChildhoodIllnessObservation | Create new ChildhoodIllnessObservation. |
createChildhoodIllnessReferralReason | Create new ChildhoodIllnessReferralReason. |
createChildhoodIllnessReferralResult | Create new ChildhoodIllnessReferralResult. |
createClassGroup | Create new ClassGroup. |
createClassGroupSection | Create new ClassGroupSection. |
createClosedGradingPeriodGradeChange | Create new ClosedGradingPeriodGradeChange. |
createClosedGradingPeriodStudentGradeBucketChange | Create new ClosedGradingPeriodStudentGradeBucketChange. |
createCommentBucket | Create new CommentBucket. |
createCommentBucketCourse | Create new CommentBucketCourse. |
createCommentCode | Create new CommentCode. |
createCommentSet | Create new CommentSet. |
createCommonEducationDataStandardsGradeLevel | Create new CommonEducationDataStandardsGradeLevel. |
createComplianceSchedule | Create new ComplianceSchedule. |
createComplianceScheduleDetail | Create new ComplianceScheduleDetail. |
createComplianceScheduleDetailBooster | Create new ComplianceScheduleDetailBooster. |
createComplianceScheduleRule | Create new ComplianceScheduleRule. |
createConfigDistrict | Create new ConfigDistrict. |
createConfigDistrictEnrollment | Create new ConfigDistrict. |
createConfigDistrictGradebook | Create new ConfigDistrict. |
createConfigDistrictGraduationRequirements | Create new ConfigDistrict. |
createConfigDistrictGroup | Create new ConfigDistrictGroup. |
createConfigDistrictGroupHealth | Create new ConfigDistrictGroup. |
createConfigDistrictStudent | Create new ConfigDistrict. |
createConfigDistrictTransportation | Create new ConfigDistrict. |
createConfigDistrictYear | Create new ConfigDistrictYear. |
createConfigDistrictYearContact | Create new ConfigDistrictYearContact. |
createConfigDistrictYearEnrollment | Create new ConfigDistrictYear. |
createConfigDistrictYearFamily | Create new ConfigDistrictYear. |
createConfigDistrictYearGradebook | Create new ConfigDistrictYear. |
createConfigDistrictYearGrading | Create new ConfigDistrictYear. |
createConfigDistrictYearHealth | Create new ConfigDistrictYear. |
createConfigDistrictYearMessageCenter | Create new ConfigDistrictYear. |
createConfigDistrictYearWithdrawalCode | Create new ConfigDistrictYearWithdrawalCode. |
createConfigDistrictYearWithdrawalCodeMessageCenter | Create new ConfigDistrictYearWithdrawalCode. |
createConfigEntity | Create new ConfigEntity. |
createConfigEntityGroupYear | Create new ConfigEntityGroupYear. |
createConfigEntityGroupYearDiscipline | Create new ConfigEntityGroupYear. |
createConfigEntityGroupYearFamily | Create new ConfigEntityGroupYear. |
createConfigEntityGroupYearGradebook | Create new ConfigEntityGroupYear. |
createConfigEntityGroupYearGrading | Create new ConfigEntityGroupYear. |
createConfigEntityGroupYearStaff | Create new ConfigEntityGroupYear. |
createConfigEntityGroupYearStudent | Create new ConfigEntityGroupYear. |
createConfigEntityHealth | Create new ConfigEntity. |
createConfigEntityYear | Create new ConfigEntityYear. |
createConfigEntityYearDistrict | Create new ConfigEntityYear. |
createConfigEntityYearGrading | Create new ConfigEntityYear. |
createConfigEntityYearGraduationRequiredCredit | Create new ConfigEntityYearGraduationRequiredCredit. |
createConfigEntityYearScheduling | Create new ConfigEntityYear. |
createConfigSystem | Create new ConfigSystem. |
createConfigSystemDiscipline | Create new ConfigSystem. |
createConfigSystemFamily | Create new ConfigSystem. |
createConfigSystemReporting | Create new ConfigSystem. |
createConfigSystemSecurity | Create new ConfigSystem. |
createConfigSystemSkySys | Create new ConfigSystem. |
createConfigSystemStaff | Create new ConfigSystem. |
createConfigSystemStudent | Create new ConfigSystem. |
createCOPPAConsent | Create new COPPAConsent. |
createCOPPAConsentObjectMA | Create new COPPAConsentObjectMA. |
createCounty | Create new County. |
createCourse | Create new Course. |
createCourseAlternate | Create new CourseAlternate. |
createCourseCorequisiteGroup | Create new CourseCorequisiteGroup. |
createCourseCorequisiteGroupCourse | Create new CourseCorequisiteGroupCourse. |
createCourseCustomRequirement | Create new CourseCustomRequirement. |
createCourseEarnedCreditsMethod | Create new CourseEarnedCreditsMethod. |
createCourseEntityOfferedTo | Create new CourseEntityOfferedTo. |
createCourseEntityOfferedToSection | Create new CourseEntityOfferedToSection. |
createCourseEntityOfferedToSectionMeet | Create new CourseEntityOfferedToSectionMeet. |
createCourseEntityOfferedToSectionMeetDisplayPeriod | Create new CourseEntityOfferedToSectionMeetDisplayPeriod. |
createCourseEntityOfferedToSectionStaffMeet | Create new CourseEntityOfferedToSectionStaffMeet. |
createCourseGPAMethod | Create new CourseGPAMethod. |
createCourseGPAMethodGradeReferenceOverride | Create new CourseGPAMethodGradeReferenceOverride. |
createCourseGradeReference | Create new CourseGradeReference. |
createCourseGradingScaleGroup | Create new CourseGradingScaleGroup. |
createCourseGradingScaleGroupCourse | Create new CourseGradingScaleGroupCourse. |
createCourseGroup | Create new CourseGroup. |
createCourseGroupCourse | Create new CourseGroupCourse. |
createCourseLength | Create new CourseLength. |
createCourseLevelMN | Create new CourseLevelMN. |
createCourseMasterMassUpdate | Create new CourseMasterMassUpdate. |
createCoursePrerequisite | Create new CoursePrerequisite. |
createCoursePrerequisiteCurriculumCourse | Create new CoursePrerequisiteCurriculumCourse. |
createCoursePrerequisiteCurriculumCourseStudentCourseRequest | Create new... |
createCourseSectionLengthExclude | Create new CourseSectionLengthExclude. |
createCourseSubject | Create new CourseSubject. |
createCourseType | Create new CourseType. |
createCrossEntityAttendanceReason | Create new CrossEntityAttendanceReason. |
createCrossEntityAttendanceType | Create new CrossEntityAttendanceType. |
createCrossEntityCalendarDisplayPeriod | Create new CrossEntityCalendarDisplayPeriod. |
createCrossReference | Create new CrossReference. |
createCurrentSportsSelections | Create new CurrentSportsSelections. |
createCurriculum | Create new Curriculum. |
createCurriculumAcademicStandard | Create new CurriculumAcademicStandard. |
createCurriculumCluster | Create new CurriculumCluster. |
createCurriculumClusterCurriculum | Create new CurriculumClusterCurriculum. |
createCurriculumClusterDefault | Create new CurriculumClusterDefault. |
createCurriculumCustomRequirement | Create new CurriculumCustomRequirement. |
createCurriculumGradeLevel | Create new CurriculumGradeLevel. |
createCurriculumProgramMN | Create new CurriculumProgramMN. |
createCurriculumSubArea | Create new CurriculumSubArea. |
createCurriculumSubject | Create new CurriculumSubject. |
createCurriculumSubjectAcademicStandard | Create new CurriculumSubjectAcademicStandard. |
createCurriculumYear | Create new CurriculumYear. |
createCustomCode | Create new CustomCode. |
createCustomCodeType | Create new CustomCodeType. |
createCustomRequirement | Create new CustomRequirement. |
createCustomScreen | Create new CustomScreen. |
createCustomScreenElement | Create new CustomScreenElement. |
createDailySectionAttendance | Create new DailySectionAttendance. |
createDashboard | Create new Dashboard. |
createDatabaseConnection | Create new DatabaseConnection. |
createDatabaseRequest | Create new DatabaseRequest. |
createDatabaseSession | Create new DatabaseSession. |
createDatabaseTransaction | Create new DatabaseTransaction. |
createDataMigrationHistory | Create new DataMigrationHistory. |
createDataMiningReport | Create new DataMiningReport. |
createDataMiningReportField | Create new DataMiningReportField. |
createDataMiningReportFieldFilter | Create new DataMiningReportFieldFilter. |
createDataMiningReportFieldParameter | Create new DataMiningReportFieldParameter. |
createDataMiningReportFieldSort | Create new DataMiningReportFieldSort. |
createDataMiningReportSortBreak | Create new DataMiningReportSortBreak. |
createDataMiningReportSubtopic | Create new DataMiningReportSubtopic. |
createDataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter | Create new DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter. |
createDataObjectFieldPath | Create new DataObjectFieldPath. |
createDateRangePreset | Create new DateRangePreset. |
createDayRotation | Create new DayRotation. |
createDayRotationPattern | Create new DayRotationPattern. |
createDefaultGradingScaleGroupGradeMark | Create new DefaultGradingScaleGroupGradeMark. |
createDentalComment | Create new DentalComment. |
createDentalGuardianNotification | Create new DentalGuardianNotification. |
createDentalGuardianResponse | Create new DentalGuardianResponse. |
createDentalReferralReason | Create new DentalReferralReason. |
createDentalReferralResult | Create new DentalReferralResult. |
createDentalScreening | Create new DentalScreening. |
createDentalScreeningComment | Create new DentalScreeningComment. |
createDentalScreeningNote | Create new DentalScreeningNote. |
createDentalScreeningReferral | Create new DentalScreeningReferral. |
createDentalScreeningResult | Create new DentalScreeningResult. |
createDentalScreeningSecuredNote | Create new DentalScreeningSecuredNote. |
createDentalTreatment | Create new DentalTreatment. |
createDepartment | Create new Department. |
createDependent | Create new Dependent. |
createDiabetesCareLog | Create new DiabetesCareLog. |
createDiabetesCareLogNote | Create new DiabetesCareLogNote. |
createDiabetesCareLogReferral | Create new DiabetesCareLogReferral. |
createDiabetesCareLogSecuredNote | Create new DiabetesCareLogSecuredNote. |
createDiabetesCareLogTreatment | Create new DiabetesCareLogTreatment. |
createDiabetesGuardianNotification | Create new DiabetesGuardianNotification. |
createDiabetesGuardianResponse | Create new DiabetesGuardianResponse. |
createDiabetesKetoneResult | Create new DiabetesKetoneResult. |
createDiabetesReferralReason | Create new DiabetesReferralReason. |
createDiabetesReferralResult | Create new DiabetesReferralResult. |
createDiabetesTreatment | Create new DiabetesTreatment. |
createDirectional | Create new Directional. |
createDisciplineLetterRunHistory | Create new DisciplineLetterRunHistory. |
createDisciplineLetterRunHistoryAction | Create new DisciplineLetterRunHistoryAction. |
createDisciplineLetterRunHistoryOffense | Create new DisciplineLetterRunHistoryOffense. |
createDisciplineLetterTemplate | Create new DisciplineLetterTemplate. |
createDisciplineLetterTemplateEntity | Create new DisciplineLetterTemplateEntity. |
createDisciplineLetterTemplateHeaderColumn | Create new DisciplineLetterTemplateHeaderColumn. |
createDisciplineLetterTemplateHeaderRow | Create new DisciplineLetterTemplateHeaderRow. |
createDisciplineThreshold | Create new DisciplineThreshold. |
createDisplayPeriod | Create new DisplayPeriod. |
createDisplayPeriodConflict | Create new DisplayPeriodConflict. |
createDisplayPeriodRotation | Create new DisplayPeriodRotation. |
createDisplayPeriodRotationDisplayPeriod | Create new DisplayPeriodRotationDisplayPeriod. |
createDistrict | Create new District. |
createDistrictGroup | Create new DistrictGroup. |
createDistrictSchoolYear | Create new DistrictSchoolYear. |
createDoseInterval | Create new DoseInterval. |
createDoseMinimumAge | Create new DoseMinimumAge. |
createDropLowScoreRun | Create new DropLowScoreRun. |
createDropLowScoreRunStudentAssignment | Create new DropLowScoreRunStudentAssignment. |
createDroppedStudentAttendancePeriod | Create new DroppedStudentAttendancePeriod. |
createDrug | Create new Drug. |
createEarlyEducationInstructionalApproachMN | Create new EarlyEducationInstructionalApproachMN. |
createEarlyEducationProgramMN | Create new EarlyEducationProgramMN. |
createEarlyExitReason | Create new EarlyExitReason. |
createEarnedCreditsBucketGroup | Create new EarnedCreditsBucketGroup. |
createEarnedCreditsBucketGroupGradeBucket | Create new EarnedCreditsBucketGroupGradeBucket. |
createEarnedCreditsBucketGroupGradeBucketStudentOverride | Create new... |
createEarnedCreditsMethod | Create new EarnedCreditsMethod. |
createEarnedCreditsMethodEntity | Create new EarnedCreditsMethodEntity. |
createElectronicSignature | Create new ElectronicSignature. |
createElectronicTranscriptAcademicAwardException | Create new ElectronicTranscriptAcademicAwardException. |
createElectronicTranscriptAcademicAwardV1 | Create new ElectronicTranscriptAcademicAwardV1. |
createElectronicTranscriptAcademicHonorException | Create new ElectronicTranscriptAcademicHonorException. |
createElectronicTranscriptAcademicHonorV1 | Create new ElectronicTranscriptAcademicHonorV1. |
createElectronicTranscriptAcademicRecordException | Create new ElectronicTranscriptAcademicRecordException. |
createElectronicTranscriptAcademicRecordV1 | Create new ElectronicTranscriptAcademicRecordV1. |
createElectronicTranscriptAcademicSessionException | Create new ElectronicTranscriptAcademicSessionException. |
createElectronicTranscriptAcademicSessionV1 | Create new ElectronicTranscriptAcademicSessionV1. |
createElectronicTranscriptAcademicSummaryException | Create new ElectronicTranscriptAcademicSummaryException. |
createElectronicTranscriptAcademicSummaryV1 | Create new ElectronicTranscriptAcademicSummaryV1. |
createElectronicTranscriptAddressException | Create new ElectronicTranscriptAddressException. |
createElectronicTranscriptAddressV1 | Create new ElectronicTranscriptAddressV1. |
createElectronicTranscriptAgencyIdentifierException | Create new ElectronicTranscriptAgencyIdentifierException. |
createElectronicTranscriptAgencyIdentifierV1 | Create new ElectronicTranscriptAgencyIdentifierV1. |
createElectronicTranscriptAPITransaction | Create new ElectronicTranscriptAPITransaction. |
createElectronicTranscriptCourseException | Create new ElectronicTranscriptCourseException. |
createElectronicTranscriptCourseV1 | Create new ElectronicTranscriptCourseV1. |
createElectronicTranscriptImmunizationException | Create new ElectronicTranscriptImmunizationException. |
createElectronicTranscriptImmunizationV1 | Create new ElectronicTranscriptImmunizationV1. |
createElectronicTranscriptLicensureException | Create new ElectronicTranscriptLicensureException. |
createElectronicTranscriptLicensureNoteException | Create new ElectronicTranscriptLicensureNoteException. |
createElectronicTranscriptLicensureNoteV1 | Create new ElectronicTranscriptLicensureNoteV1. |
createElectronicTranscriptLicensureV1 | Create new ElectronicTranscriptLicensureV1. |
createElectronicTranscriptPersonException | Create new ElectronicTranscriptPersonException. |
createElectronicTranscriptPersonV1 | Create new ElectronicTranscriptPersonV1. |
createElectronicTranscriptPhoneException | Create new ElectronicTranscriptPhoneException. |
createElectronicTranscriptPhoneV1 | Create new ElectronicTranscriptPhoneV1. |
createElectronicTranscriptRunHistory | Create new ElectronicTranscriptRunHistory. |
createElectronicTranscriptSubtestException | Create new ElectronicTranscriptSubtestException. |
createElectronicTranscriptSubtestV1 | Create new ElectronicTranscriptSubtestV1. |
createElectronicTranscriptTestException | Create new ElectronicTranscriptTestException. |
createElectronicTranscriptTestScoreException | Create new ElectronicTranscriptTestScoreException. |
createElectronicTranscriptTestScoreV1 | Create new ElectronicTranscriptTestScoreV1. |
createElectronicTranscriptTestV1 | Create new ElectronicTranscriptTestV1. |
createElement | Create new Element. |
createElementGroup | Create new ElementGroup. |
createElementGroupTemplate | Create new ElementGroupTemplate. |
createElementStatus | Create new ElementStatus. |
createElementStatusSurveyAnswer | Create new ElementStatusSurveyAnswer. |
createEmail | Create new Email. |
createEmailAttachment | Create new EmailAttachment. |
createEmailType | Create new EmailType. |
createEmergencyContact | Create new EmergencyContact. |
createEmployer | Create new Employer. |
createEndorsement | Create new Endorsement. |
createEndorsementDeclarationTimePeriod | Create new EndorsementDeclarationTimePeriod. |
createEndorsementDeclarationTimePeriodGradeReference | Create new EndorsementDeclarationTimePeriodGradeReference. |
createEndorsementDeclarationTimePeriodStudentEntityYear | Create new EndorsementDeclarationTimePeriodStudentEntityYear. |
createEndorsementDefault | Create new EndorsementDefault. |
createEndorsementOption | Create new EndorsementOption. |
createEndorsementOptionDefault | Create new EndorsementOptionDefault. |
createEndorsementRequirement | Create new EndorsementRequirement. |
createEndorsementRequirementAssessment | Create new EndorsementRequirementAssessment. |
createEndorsementRequirementAssessmentCluster | Create new EndorsementRequirementAssessmentCluster. |
createEndorsementRequirementAssessmentClusterDefault | Create new EndorsementRequirementAssessmentClusterDefault. |
createEndorsementRequirementAssessmentDefault | Create new EndorsementRequirementAssessmentDefault. |
createEndorsementRequirementAssessmentScore | Create new EndorsementRequirementAssessmentScore. |
createEndorsementRequirementAssessmentScoreDefault | Create new EndorsementRequirementAssessmentScoreDefault. |
createEndorsementRequirementCurriculum | Create new EndorsementRequirementCurriculum. |
createEndorsementRequirementCurriculumDefault | Create new EndorsementRequirementCurriculumDefault. |
createEndorsementRequirementDefault | Create new EndorsementRequirementDefault. |
createEntity | Create new Entity. |
createEntityCloneDestination | Create new EntityCloneDestination. |
createEntityCloneError | Create new EntityCloneError. |
createEntityCloneRun | Create new EntityCloneRun. |
createEntityCloneSelectedObject | Create new EntityCloneSelectedObject. |
createEntityCloneSelection | Create new EntityCloneSelection. |
createEntityGroup | Create new EntityGroup. |
createEntityGroupEntity | Create new EntityGroupEntity. |
createEntityGroupSetup | Create new EntityGroupSetup. |
createEntityGroupSetupEntity | Create new EntityGroupSetupEntity. |
createEntityGroupSetupRun | Create new EntityGroupSetupRun. |
createEntityGroupSetupRunDetail | Create new EntityGroupSetupRunDetail. |
createEntitySchool | Create new EntitySchool. |
createEntitySchoolBuilding | Create new EntitySchoolBuilding. |
createEntryCode | Create new EntryCode. |
createEntryWithdrawal | Create new EntryWithdrawal. |
createEthnicityMA | Create new EthnicityMA. |
createEventType | Create new EventType. |
createExternalLink | Create new ExternalLink. |
createExternalLinkEntity | Create new ExternalLinkEntity. |
createFactorBasedAddOn | Create new FactorBasedAddOn. |
createFallSport | Create new FallSport. |
createFallSportsTeam | Create new FallSportsTeam. |
createFamily | Create new Family. |
createFamilyGuardian | Create new FamilyGuardian. |
createFeedback | Create new Feedback. |
createFeederSchool | Create new FeederSchool. |
createField | Create new Field. |
createFieldMapping | Create new FieldMapping. |
createFieldRestriction | Create new FieldRestriction. |
createFieldRestrictionRole | Create new FieldRestrictionRole. |
createFieldRestrictionScreen | Create new FieldRestrictionScreen. |
createFileDestination | Create new FileDestination. |
createFileDestinationResult | Create new FileDestinationResult. |
createFilter | Create new Filter. |
createFiscalYear | Create new FiscalYear. |
createFTPConnection | Create new FTPConnection. |
createFTPProcessType | Create new FTPProcessType. |
createFTPProcessTypeConnection | Create new FTPProcessTypeConnection. |
createFTPResult | Create new FTPResult. |
createGPABucket | Create new GPABucket. |
createGPABucketEntity | Create new GPABucketEntity. |
createGPABucketGroup | Create new GPABucketGroup. |
createGPABucketGroupGradeBucket | Create new GPABucketGroupGradeBucket. |
createGPABucketGroupGradeBucketStudentOverride | Create new GPABucketGroupGradeBucketStudentOverride. |
createGPABucketGroupSummary | Create new GPABucketGroupSummary. |
createGPABucketSet | Create new GPABucketSet. |
createGPABucketType | Create new GPABucketType. |
createGPAMethod | Create new GPAMethod. |
createGPAMethodCourseGroup | Create new GPAMethodCourseGroup. |
createGPAMethodEntity | Create new GPAMethodEntity. |
createGPAMethodGradeBucketFlagGPAPointsOverride | Create new GPAMethodGradeBucketFlagGPAPointsOverride. |
createGradebookLockGradeBucket | Create new GradebookLockGradeBucket. |
createGradebookLockGradeReference | Create new GradebookLockGradeReference. |
createGradeBucket | Create new GradeBucket. |
createGradeBucketFlag | Create new GradeBucketFlag. |
createGradeBucketFlagDetail | Create new GradeBucketFlagDetail. |
createGradeBucketFlagDetailGPAMethod | Create new GradeBucketFlagDetailGPAMethod. |
createGradeBucketType | Create new GradeBucketType. |
createGradeLevel | Create new GradeLevel. |
createGradeMark | Create new GradeMark. |
createGradeMarkPointSet | Create new GradeMarkPointSet. |
createGradeReference | Create new GradeReference. |
createGradeReportAcademicSession | Create new GradeReportAcademicSession. |
createGradeReportAcademicSessionTemplate | Create new GradeReportAcademicSessionTemplate. |
createGradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateCourse | Create new GradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateCourse. |
createGradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateCourseGroup | Create new GradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateCourseGroup. |
createGradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateGradeLevel | Create new GradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateGradeLevel. |
createGradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateGroup | Create new GradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateGroup. |
createGradeReportColumnAttendanceCategory | Create new GradeReportColumnAttendanceCategory. |
createGradeReportColumnAttendanceTerm | Create new GradeReportColumnAttendanceTerm. |
createGradeReportColumnGradeBucket | Create new GradeReportColumnGradeBucket. |
createGradeReportColumnGroup | Create new GradeReportColumnGroup. |
createGradeReportColumnGroupColumn | Create new GradeReportColumnGroupColumn. |
createGradeReportEndorsementRow | Create new GradeReportEndorsementRow. |
createGradeReportGPARow | Create new GradeReportGPARow. |
createGradeReportGradingScale | Create new GradeReportGradingScale. |
createGradeReportRow | Create new GradeReportRow. |
createGradeReportRowColumn | Create new GradeReportRowColumn. |
createGradeReportRowDetail | Create new GradeReportRowDetail. |
createGradeReportRunHistory | Create new GradeReportRunHistory. |
createGradeReportRunHistoryAttachment | Create new GradeReportRunHistoryAttachment. |
createGradeReportStudent | Create new GradeReportStudent. |
createGradeReportStudentAttendanceTerm | Create new GradeReportStudentAttendanceTerm. |
createGradeReportStudentCTE | Create new GradeReportStudentCTE. |
createGradeReportStudentHighlightIN | Create new GradeReportStudentHighlightIN. |
createGradeReportStudentTestRow | Create new GradeReportStudentTestRow. |
createGradeReportStudentTestType | Create new GradeReportStudentTestType. |
createGradeReportStudentVaccination | Create new GradeReportStudentVaccination. |
createGradeReportTemplate | Create new GradeReportTemplate. |
createGradeReportTemplateCommentSet | Create new GradeReportTemplateCommentSet. |
createGradeReportTemplateEndorsement | Create new GradeReportTemplateEndorsement. |
createGradeReportTemplateGPABucket | Create new GradeReportTemplateGPABucket. |
createGradeReportTemplateGPAMethod | Create new GradeReportTemplateGPAMethod. |
createGradeReportTemplateGradeMark | Create new GradeReportTemplateGradeMark. |
createGradeReportTemplateHeaderColumn | Create new GradeReportTemplateHeaderColumn. |
createGradeReportTemplateHeaderRow | Create new GradeReportTemplateHeaderRow. |
createGradeReportTemplateHierarchyDepthSetting | Create new GradeReportTemplateHierarchyDepthSetting. |
createGradeReportTemplateTestType | Create new GradeReportTemplateTestType. |
createGradeReportTemplateVaccination | Create new GradeReportTemplateVaccination. |
createGradesheetAssignmentSetting | Create new GradesheetAssignmentSetting. |
createGradingPeriod | Create new GradingPeriod. |
createGradingPeriodGradeBucket | Create new GradingPeriodGradeBucket. |
createGradingPeriodSet | Create new GradingPeriodSet. |
createGradingScaleGroup | Create new GradingScaleGroup. |
createGradingScaleGroupGradeMark | Create new GradingScaleGroupGradeMark. |
createGradReqRankGPACourseType | Create new GradReqRankGPACourseType. |
createGradReqRankGPAMethodEntity | Create new GradReqRankGPAMethodEntity. |
createGradReqRankHighSchoolGradeLevel | Create new GradReqRankHighSchoolGradeLevel. |
createGradReqRankSchoolYearIncludeLocalCredit | Create new GradReqRankSchoolYearIncludeLocalCredit. |
createGradReqSubjectType | Create new GradReqSubjectType. |
createGroup | Create new Group. |
createGroupEntityAutoAdd | Create new GroupEntityAutoAdd. |
createGroupImpersonationRole | Create new GroupImpersonationRole. |
createGroupLDAPSynchronization | Create new GroupLDAPSynchronization. |
createGroupMembership | Create new GroupMembership. |
createGroupRole | Create new GroupRole. |
createHealthAttachment | Create new HealthAttachment. |
createHealthCondition | Create new HealthCondition. |
createHealthConditionComment | Create new HealthConditionComment. |
createHealthConditionResponses | Create new HealthConditionResponses. |
createHealthConditionTreatment | Create new HealthConditionTreatment. |
createHealthProfessional | Create new HealthProfessional. |
createHealthProfessionalType | Create new HealthProfessionalType. |
createHearingComment | Create new HearingComment. |
createHearingDecibelLevel | Create new HearingDecibelLevel. |
createHearingDecibelLevelDefault | Create new HearingDecibelLevelDefault. |
createHearingGuardianNotification | Create new HearingGuardianNotification. |
createHearingGuardianResponse | Create new HearingGuardianResponse. |
createHearingHertzLevel | Create new HearingHertzLevel. |
createHearingHertzLevelDefault | Create new HearingHertzLevelDefault. |
createHearingObservation | Create new HearingObservation. |
createHearingReferralReason | Create new HearingReferralReason. |
createHearingReferralResult | Create new HearingReferralResult. |
createHearingScreening | Create new HearingScreening. |
createHearingScreeningComment | Create new HearingScreeningComment. |
createHearingScreeningNote | Create new HearingScreeningNote. |
createHearingScreeningObservation | Create new HearingScreeningObservation. |
createHearingScreeningReferral | Create new HearingScreeningReferral. |
createHearingScreeningSecuredNote | Create new HearingScreeningSecuredNote. |
createHearingScreeningThreshold | Create new HearingScreeningThreshold. |
createHierarchyDepth | Create new HierarchyDepth. |
createHomeroom | Create new Homeroom. |
createHonorRollRuleGPA | Create new HonorRollRuleGPA. |
createHonorRollRuleGradeMark | Create new HonorRollRuleGradeMark. |
createHonorRollRuleGradeMarkGradeBucket | Create new HonorRollRuleGradeMarkGradeBucket. |
createHonorRollRuleGradeMarkGradeMark | Create new HonorRollRuleGradeMarkGradeMark. |
createHonorRollRulePriorHonorRoll | Create new HonorRollRulePriorHonorRoll. |
createHonorRollRulePriorHonorRollLevel | Create new HonorRollRulePriorHonorRollLevel. |
createHonorRollRun | Create new HonorRollRun. |
createHonorRollRunHistory | Create new HonorRollRunHistory. |
createHonorRollRunLevel | Create new HonorRollRunLevel. |
createHonorRollRunLevelHistory | Create new HonorRollRunLevelHistory. |
createHonorRollRunLevelRule | Create new HonorRollRunLevelRule. |
createImpersonation | Create new Impersonation. |
createImport | Create new Import. |
createImportDataObjectSource | Create new ImportDataObjectSource. |
createImportModulePath | Create new ImportModulePath. |
createImportResult | Create new ImportResult. |
createImportResultRow | Create new ImportResultRow. |
createImportResultRowDetail | Create new ImportResultRowDetail. |
createIncident | Create new Incident. |
createIncidentOffense | Create new IncidentOffense. |
createIncidentOffenseName | Create new IncidentOffenseName. |
createIncidentOffenseNameAction | Create new IncidentOffenseNameAction. |
createIncidentOffenseNameActionDetail | Create new IncidentOffenseNameActionDetail. |
createIncidentOffenseNameActionDetailPeriod | Create new IncidentOffenseNameActionDetailPeriod. |
createIncidentOffenseNameDrug | Create new IncidentOffenseNameDrug. |
createIncidentOffenseNameReportRunHistory | Create new IncidentOffenseNameReportRunHistory. |
createIncidentOffenseNameWeapon | Create new IncidentOffenseNameWeapon. |
createIndexStatisticsAlwaysUpdate | Create new IndexStatisticsAlwaysUpdate. |
createIndicator | Create new Indicator. |
createInjury | Create new Injury. |
createInjuryOccurrence | Create new InjuryOccurrence. |
createInjuryOccurrenceBodyPart | Create new InjuryOccurrenceBodyPart. |
createInjuryOccurrenceBodyPartInjury | Create new InjuryOccurrenceBodyPartInjury. |
createInjuryOccurrenceBodyPartInjuryTreatment | Create new InjuryOccurrenceBodyPartInjuryTreatment. |
createInjuryOccurrenceComment | Create new InjuryOccurrenceComment. |
createInjuryOccurrenceGuardianNotification | Create new InjuryOccurrenceGuardianNotification. |
createInjuryOccurrenceGuardianResponse | Create new InjuryOccurrenceGuardianResponse. |
createInjuryOccurrenceInjuryOccurrenceComment | Create new InjuryOccurrenceInjuryOccurrenceComment. |
createInjuryOccurrenceNote | Create new InjuryOccurrenceNote. |
createInjuryOccurrenceReferral | Create new InjuryOccurrenceReferral. |
createInjuryOccurrenceReferralReason | Create new InjuryOccurrenceReferralReason. |
createInjuryOccurrenceReferralResult | Create new InjuryOccurrenceReferralResult. |
createInjuryOccurrenceSecuredNote | Create new InjuryOccurrenceSecuredNote. |
createInstitution | Create new Institution. |
createInstitutionDefault | Create new InstitutionDefault. |
createIPRange | Create new IPRange. |
createJobTitleMA | Create new JobTitleMA. |
createKiosk | Create new Kiosk. |
createLanguage | Create new Language. |
createLanguageSchoolYear | Create new LanguageSchoolYear. |
createLastNameNumber | Create new LastNameNumber. |
createLDAPGroup | Create new LDAPGroup. |
createLDAPProvider | Create new LDAPProvider. |
createLocation | Create new Location. |
createLocationHealth | Create new Location. |
createLock | Create new Lock. |
createLockCombination | Create new LockCombination. |
createLocker | Create new Locker. |
createLockerArea | Create new LockerArea. |
createLockMake | Create new LockMake. |
createLog | Create new Log. |
createLoginHistory | Create new LoginHistory. |
createMassCreateAttendanceByClassActivityRangeRun | Create new MassCreateAttendanceByClassActivityRangeRun. |
createMassPrintHistory | Create new MassPrintHistory. |
createMassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory | Create new MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory. |
createMassPrintStudentScheduleRunHistory | Create new MassPrintStudentScheduleRunHistory. |
createMassUpdateSystemDateRunHistory | Create new MassUpdateSystemDateRunHistory. |
createMassUpdateSystemDateRunHistoryDetail | Create new MassUpdateSystemDateRunHistoryDetail. |
createMassUpdateSystemDateRunHistoryError | Create new MassUpdateSystemDateRunHistoryError. |
createMaximumTeachingHourOverride | Create new MaximumTeachingHourOverride. |
createMCCCTermGradeBucketMN | Create new MCCCTermGradeBucketMN. |
createMedia | Create new Media. |
createMediaType | Create new MediaType. |
createMedication | Create new Medication. |
createMedicationClassification | Create new MedicationClassification. |
createMedicationClassificationMedication | Create new MedicationClassificationMedication. |
createMedicationComment | Create new MedicationComment. |
createMedicationDosageUnit | Create new MedicationDosageUnit. |
createMedicationRoute | Create new MedicationRoute. |
createMeet | Create new Meet. |
createMeetDisplayPeriod | Create new MeetDisplayPeriod. |
createMeetEntityRoomPeriod | Create new MeetEntityRoomPeriod. |
createMeetEntityRoomPeriodDateSeatsAvailable | Create new MeetEntityRoomPeriodDateSeatsAvailable. |
createMeetRequirement | Create new MeetRequirement. |
createMeetSummary | Create new MeetSummary. |
createMeetSummaryDetail | Create new MeetSummaryDetail. |
createMenuCategory | Create new MenuCategory. |
createMenuModule | Create new MenuModule. |
createMenuScreen | Create new MenuScreen. |
createMenuSecurityItem | Create new MenuSecurityItem. |
createMessage | Create new Message. |
createMessageMaster | Create new MessageMaster. |
createMobileSSO | Create new MobileSSO. |
createModule | Create new Module. |
createModulePath | Create new ModulePath. |
createMonitorSummaryByClass | Create new MonitorSummaryByClass. |
createMonitorSummaryByTeacher | Create new MonitorSummaryByTeacher. |
createMultifactorAuthentication | Create new MultifactorAuthentication. |
createMultifactorAuthenticationAssertion | Create new MultifactorAuthenticationAssertion. |
createName | Create new Name. |
createNameAddress | Create new NameAddress. |
createNameAlias | Create new NameAlias. |
createNameEmail | Create new NameEmail. |
createNameEthnicityRaceSubcategoryMN | Create new NameEthnicityRaceSubcategoryMN. |
createNameMedication | Create new NameMedication. |
createNameMedicationComment | Create new NameMedicationComment. |
createNameMedicationNote | Create new NameMedicationNote. |
createNameMedicationPrescription | Create new NameMedicationPrescription. |
createNameMedicationSchedule | Create new NameMedicationSchedule. |
createNameMedicationSecuredNote | Create new NameMedicationSecuredNote. |
createNameMergeRunHistory | Create new NameMergeRunHistory. |
createNameOfficeVisit | Create new NameOfficeVisit. |
createNameOfficeVisitDisposition | Create new NameOfficeVisitDisposition. |
createNameOfficeVisitNote | Create new NameOfficeVisitNote. |
createNameOfficeVisitNotification | Create new NameOfficeVisitNotification. |
createNameOfficeVisitReason | Create new NameOfficeVisitReason. |
createNameOfficeVisitReferral | Create new NameOfficeVisitReferral. |
createNameOfficeVisitSecuredNote | Create new NameOfficeVisitSecuredNote. |
createNameOfficeVisitTimeTransaction | Create new NameOfficeVisitTimeTransaction. |
createNameOfficeVisitTreatment | Create new NameOfficeVisitTreatment. |
createNamePhone | Create new NamePhone. |
createNameProcedure | Create new NameProcedure. |
createNameProcedureNote | Create new NameProcedureNote. |
createNameProcedureOccurrence | Create new NameProcedureOccurrence. |
createNameProcedureSchedule | Create new NameProcedureSchedule. |
createNameProcedureScheduleDay | Create new NameProcedureScheduleDay. |
createNameProcedureSecuredNote | Create new NameProcedureSecuredNote. |
createNameSuffix | Create new NameSuffix. |
createNameTitle | Create new NameTitle. |
createNameVehicle | Create new NameVehicle. |
createNameWebsite | Create new NameWebsite. |
createNewStudentEnrollmentGuardianData | Create new NewStudentEnrollmentGuardianData. |
createNewStudentEnrollmentUserData | Create new NewStudentEnrollmentUserData. |
createNextIncidentNumber | Create new NextIncidentNumber. |
createNextStaffNumber | Create new NextStaffNumber. |
createNextStudentNumber | Create new NextStudentNumber. |
createNoteType | Create new NoteType. |
createNotification | Create new Notification. |
createNotificationAction | Create new NotificationAction. |
createNotificationAttendanceType | Create new NotificationAttendanceType. |
createNotificationCarbonCopyStaff | Create new NotificationCarbonCopyStaff. |
createNotificationDisciplineThreshold | Create new NotificationDisciplineThreshold. |
createNotificationGradeBucket | Create new NotificationGradeBucket. |
createNotificationGradeMark | Create new NotificationGradeMark. |
createNotificationGradeReference | Create new NotificationGradeReference. |
createNotificationMethod | Create new NotificationMethod. |
createNotificationMethodHealth | Create new NotificationMethod. |
createNotificationOffense | Create new NotificationOffense. |
createNotificationOnlineForm | Create new NotificationOnlineForm. |
createNotificationScheduleIsAvailableSectionLength | Create new NotificationScheduleIsAvailableSectionLength. |
createNotificationUnrecordedClassAttendance | Create new NotificationUnrecordedClassAttendance. |
createNotificationWithdrawalCode | Create new NotificationWithdrawalCode. |
createNotPerformedReason | Create new NotPerformedReason. |
createNumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear | Create new NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear. |
createNumberedStudentEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear | Create new NumberedStudentEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear. |
createObject | Create new Object. |
createOccupation | Create new Occupation. |
createOffense | Create new Offense. |
createOffenseAction | Create new OffenseAction. |
createOffenseLevel | Create new OffenseLevel. |
createOfficeVisitComment | Create new OfficeVisitComment. |
createOfficeVisitCommentHealth | Create new OfficeVisitComment. |
createOfficeVisitDisposition | Create new OfficeVisitDisposition. |
createOfficeVisitGuardianResponse | Create new OfficeVisitGuardianResponse. |
createOfficeVisitGuardianResponseHealth | Create new OfficeVisitGuardianResponse. |
createOfficeVisitReason | Create new OfficeVisitReason. |
createOfficeVisitReasonHealth | Create new OfficeVisitReason. |
createOfficeVisitReferralReason | Create new OfficeVisitReferralReason. |
createOfficeVisitReferralResult | Create new OfficeVisitReferralResult. |
createOnlineForm | Create new OnlineForm. |
createOnlineFormClearance | Create new OnlineFormClearance. |
createOnlineFormDateException | Create new OnlineFormDateException. |
createOnlineFormEntity | Create new OnlineFormEntity. |
createOnlineFormStatus | Create new OnlineFormStatus. |
createOnlineFormStatusName | Create new OnlineFormStatusName. |
createOnlineFormType | Create new OnlineFormType. |
createOnlinePaymentLog | Create new OnlinePaymentLog. |
createOnlinePaymentVendor | Create new OnlinePaymentVendor. |
createOnlinePaymentVendorEntity | Create new OnlinePaymentVendorEntity. |
createOpenPeriodAnalysis | Create new OpenPeriodAnalysis. |
createOpenPeriodAnalysisStudent | Create new OpenPeriodAnalysisStudent. |
createOTCMedication | Create new OTCMedication. |
createPage | Create new Page. |
createPageBurst | Create new PageBurst. |
createPaymentNoticeLog | Create new PaymentNoticeLog. |
createPaymentPlanMA | Create new PaymentPlanMA. |
createPerceivedMotivation | Create new PerceivedMotivation. |
createPermit | Create new Permit. |
createPhoneType | Create new PhoneType. |
createPhysicalComment | Create new PhysicalComment. |
createPhysicalGuardianNotification | Create new PhysicalGuardianNotification. |
createPhysicalGuardianResponse | Create new PhysicalGuardianResponse. |
createPhysicalObservation | Create new PhysicalObservation. |
createPhysicalReferralReason | Create new PhysicalReferralReason. |
createPhysicalReferralResult | Create new PhysicalReferralResult. |
createPhysicalScreening | Create new PhysicalScreening. |
createPhysicalScreeningComment | Create new PhysicalScreeningComment. |
createPhysicalScreeningNote | Create new PhysicalScreeningNote. |
createPhysicalScreeningObservation | Create new PhysicalScreeningObservation. |
createPhysicalScreeningReferral | Create new PhysicalScreeningReferral. |
createPhysicalScreeningSecuredNote | Create new PhysicalScreeningSecuredNote. |
createPlan | Create new Plan. |
createPlanDefault | Create new PlanDefault. |
createPlanEmployee | Create new PlanEmployee. |
createPlanEntity | Create new PlanEntity. |
createPlanGroup | Create new PlanGroup. |
createPlanGroupAssignmentType | Create new PlanGroupAssignmentType. |
createPlanGroupBuilding | Create new PlanGroupBuilding. |
createPlanGroupClearance | Create new PlanGroupClearance. |
createPlanGroupPositionType | Create new PlanGroupPositionType. |
createPlanPosition | Create new PlanPosition. |
createPlanPositionBenefit | Create new PlanPositionBenefit. |
createPlanPositionDistribution | Create new PlanPositionDistribution. |
createPlanPositionDistributionAccountDistribution | Create new PlanPositionDistributionAccountDistribution. |
createPlanPositionPay | Create new PlanPositionPay. |
createPlanPositionPayAccountCalculation | Create new PlanPositionPayAccountCalculation. |
createPlanPositionPayAccountDistribution | Create new PlanPositionPayAccountDistribution. |
createPlanPositionPayBenefit | Create new PlanPositionPayBenefit. |
createPlanPositionPayBenefitAccount | Create new PlanPositionPayBenefitAccount. |
createPlanPositionSupplement | Create new PlanPositionSupplement. |
createPlanStaffPlanning | Create new Plan. |
createPMTransportation | Create new PMTransportation. |
createPointSet | Create new PointSet. |
createPointSetEntity | Create new PointSetEntity. |
createPositionTypePlanPositionDistributionSummary | Create new PositionTypePlanPositionDistributionSummary. |
createPrerequisite | Create new Prerequisite. |
createPrerequisiteCurriculum | Create new PrerequisiteCurriculum. |
createPrerequisiteCurriculumCourse | Create new PrerequisiteCurriculumCourse. |
createProcedure | Create new Procedure. |
createProcessRestriction | Create new ProcessRestriction. |
createProduct | Create new Product. |
createProductModulePath | Create new ProductModulePath. |
createProductOwned | Create new ProductOwned. |
createProfile | Create new Profile. |
createProfileModule | Create new ProfileModule. |
createProfileScreen | Create new ProfileScreen. |
createPrompt | Create new Prompt. |
createPromptTemplate | Create new PromptTemplate. |
createQuestion | Create new Question. |
createQuestionAnswer | Create new QuestionAnswer. |
createQuestionAnswerMedia | Create new QuestionAnswerMedia. |
createQuestionMedia | Create new QuestionMedia. |
createQueuedCompletedCareerPlanChangeNotification | Create new QueuedCompletedCareerPlanChangeNotification. |
createQueuedCompletedGradeChangeNotification | Create new QueuedCompletedGradeChangeNotification. |
createQueuedGPACalculation | Create new QueuedGPACalculation. |
createQueuedGraduationPlanRecalcTrigger | Create new QueuedGraduationPlanRecalcTrigger. |
createQueuedStudentEndorsementCalculation | Create new QueuedStudentEndorsementCalculation. |
createQueuedStudentPlanCourseworkApplication | Create new QueuedStudentPlanCourseworkApplication. |
createQueuedStudentSection | Create new QueuedStudentSection. |
createQuickEntryText | Create new QuickEntryText. |
createRaisersEdgeObjectMA | Create new RaisersEdgeObjectMA. |
createRankMethod | Create new RankMethod. |
createRankRunHistory | Create new RankRunHistory. |
createRecordedUnrecordedAttendance | Create new RecordedUnrecordedAttendance. |
createRelationship | Create new Relationship. |
createRelationshipSkySys | Create new Relationship. |
createReligion | Create new Religion. |
createReport | Create new Report. |
createReportError | Create new ReportError. |
createReportMenuModule | Create new ReportMenuModule. |
createReportQueue | Create new ReportQueue. |
createReportQueueBurstAction | Create new ReportQueueBurstAction. |
createReportQueueSQL | Create new ReportQueueSQL. |
createReportRole | Create new ReportRole. |
createReportRunInfo | Create new ReportRunInfo. |
createReportStyle | Create new ReportStyle. |
createResponseTable | Create new ResponseTable. |
createRole | Create new Role. |
createRoleAttachmentType | Create new RoleAttachmentType. |
createRoleField | Create new RoleField. |
createRoleIPRange | Create new RoleIPRange. |
createRoleMenuSecurityItem | Create new RoleMenuSecurityItem. |
createRoleModulePath | Create new RoleModulePath. |
createRolePortal | Create new RolePortal. |
createRoom | Create new Room. |
createRoomLayout | Create new RoomLayout. |
createRoomLayoutObject | Create new RoomLayoutObject. |
createRoomObject | Create new RoomObject. |
createRoomType | Create new RoomType. |
createScheduleBlocker | Create new ScheduleBlocker. |
createScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod | Create new ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod. |
createScheduledImport | Create new ScheduledImport. |
createScheduledReport | Create new ScheduledReport. |
createScheduledTask | Create new ScheduledTask. |
createScheduledTaskInstance | Create new ScheduledTaskInstance. |
createScheduledTaskParameterData | Create new ScheduledTaskParameterData. |
createScheduleRestorePoint | Create new ScheduleRestorePoint. |
createSchedulingBoardFilter | Create new SchedulingBoardFilter. |
createSchedulingCategory | Create new SchedulingCategory. |
createSchedulingGroup | Create new SchedulingGroup. |
createSchedulingGroupCourse | Create new SchedulingGroupCourse. |
createSchedulingGroupSection | Create new SchedulingGroupSection. |
createSchedulingPeriod | Create new SchedulingPeriod. |
createSchedulingPeriodDisplayPeriod | Create new SchedulingPeriodDisplayPeriod. |
createSchedulingTeam | Create new SchedulingTeam. |
createSchedulingTeamGradeReference | Create new SchedulingTeamGradeReference. |
createSchemaHistory | Create new SchemaHistory. |
createSchool | Create new School. |
createSchoolDistrict | Create new SchoolDistrict. |
createSchoolPath | Create new SchoolPath. |
createSchoolPathSchool | Create new SchoolPathSchool. |
createSchoolPathSchoolOverride | Create new SchoolPathSchoolOverride. |
createSchoolPathStudent | Create new SchoolPathStudent. |
createSchoolPathType | Create new SchoolPathType. |
createSchoolYear | Create new SchoolYear. |
createScoliosisComment | Create new ScoliosisComment. |
createScoliosisGuardianNotification | Create new ScoliosisGuardianNotification. |
createScoliosisGuardianResponse | Create new ScoliosisGuardianResponse. |
createScoliosisObservation | Create new ScoliosisObservation. |
createScoliosisReferralReason | Create new ScoliosisReferralReason. |
createScoliosisReferralResult | Create new ScoliosisReferralResult. |
createScoliosisResult | Create new ScoliosisResult. |
createScoliosisScreening | Create new ScoliosisScreening. |
createScoliosisScreeningComment | Create new ScoliosisScreeningComment. |
createScoliosisScreeningNote | Create new ScoliosisScreeningNote. |
createScoliosisScreeningObservation | Create new ScoliosisScreeningObservation. |
createScoliosisScreeningReferral | Create new ScoliosisScreeningReferral. |
createScoliosisScreeningSecuredNote | Create new ScoliosisScreeningSecuredNote. |
createScoliosisTreatment | Create new ScoliosisTreatment. |
createScoreClarifier | Create new ScoreClarifier. |
createSeatingChart | Create new SeatingChart. |
createSeatingChartMeet | Create new SeatingChartMeet. |
createSeatingChartSeat | Create new SeatingChartSeat. |
createSeatingChartUsedLast | Create new SeatingChartUsedLast. |
createSection | Create new Section. |
createSectionAcademicStandardWeight | Create new SectionAcademicStandardWeight. |
createSectionCategory | Create new SectionCategory. |
createSectionCorequisiteGroup | Create new SectionCorequisiteGroup. |
createSectionCorequisiteGroupSection | Create new SectionCorequisiteGroupSection. |
createSectionCustomRequirement | Create new SectionCustomRequirement. |
createSectionDefault | Create new SectionDefault. |
createSectionEnrollmentTotalForSectionLengthSubset | Create new SectionEnrollmentTotalForSectionLengthSubset. |
createSectionEnrollmentTotalForSectionLengthSubsetAndEntity | Create new... |
createSectionGradeBucket | Create new SectionGradeBucket. |
createSectionGradeBucketSetting | Create new SectionGradeBucketSetting. |
createSectionGradeBucketWeight | Create new SectionGradeBucketWeight. |
createSectionGradingPeriodData | Create new SectionGradingPeriodData. |
createSectionGradingScaleGroup | Create new SectionGradingScaleGroup. |
createSectionLength | Create new SectionLength. |
createSectionLengthGPABucket | Create new SectionLengthGPABucket. |
createSectionLengthSubset | Create new SectionLengthSubset. |
createSectionMeetSummary | Create new SectionMeetSummary. |
createSectionSchedulerCourseConstraint | Create new SectionSchedulerCourseConstraint. |
createSectionSchedulerDayRotationForMeet | Create new SectionSchedulerDayRotationForMeet. |
createSectionSchedulerDisplayPeriodExcludedForCourse | Create new SectionSchedulerDisplayPeriodExcludedForCourse. |
createSectionSchedulerPattern | Create new SectionSchedulerPattern. |
createSectionSchedulerPatternDayRotation | Create new SectionSchedulerPatternDayRotation. |
createSectionSchedulerPatternExcludedForMeetRequirement | Create new SectionSchedulerPatternExcludedForMeetRequirement. |
createSectionSchedulerProposedMeet | Create new SectionSchedulerProposedMeet. |
createSectionSchedulerProposedMeetConflict | Create new SectionSchedulerProposedMeetConflict. |
createSectionSchedulerProposedMeetDisplayPeriod | Create new SectionSchedulerProposedMeetDisplayPeriod. |
createSectionSchedulerProposedStaffMeet | Create new SectionSchedulerProposedStaffMeet. |
createSectionSchedulerRoomTypeForCourse | Create new SectionSchedulerRoomTypeForCourse. |
createSectionSchedulerRunAnalysis | Create new SectionSchedulerRunAnalysis. |
createSectionSchedulerStaffForCourse | Create new SectionSchedulerStaffForCourse. |
createSectionSchedulingCategory | Create new SectionSchedulingCategory. |
createSectionSchedulingTeam | Create new SectionSchedulingTeam. |
createSectionSubjectWeight | Create new SectionSubjectWeight. |
createSecurityLocation | Create new SecurityLocation. |
createSecurityLocationMenuSecurityItem | Create new SecurityLocationMenuSecurityItem. |
createSecurityLocationReportSet | Create new SecurityLocationReportSet. |
createSecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo | Create new SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo. |
createSessionFileUpload | Create new SessionFileUpload. |
createSharedElementStatus | Create new SharedElementStatus. |
createSiteBasedInitiativeMN | Create new SiteBasedInitiativeMN. |
createSkylertAttendanceExportAttendanceType | Create new SkylertAttendanceExportAttendanceType. |
createSkylertAttendanceExportSetting | Create new SkylertAttendanceExportSetting. |
createSkylertAttendanceExportSettingScheduledTask | Create new SkylertAttendanceExportSettingScheduledTask. |
createSkywardConfiguration | Create new SkywardConfiguration. |
createSkywardSupportAccess | Create new SkywardSupportAccess. |
createSkywardSupportAccessLoginHistory | Create new SkywardSupportAccessLoginHistory. |
createSort | Create new Sort. |
createSortBreak | Create new SortBreak. |
createSortGroup | Create new SortGroup. |
createSpringSport | Create new SpringSport. |
createSpringSportsTeam | Create new SpringSportsTeam. |
createStaff | Create new Staff. |
createStaffContact | Create new StaffContact. |
createStaffDepartment | Create new StaffDepartment. |
createStaffEntityYear | Create new StaffEntityYear. |
createStaffMeet | Create new StaffMeet. |
createStaffMeetLastScored | Create new StaffMeetLastScored. |
createStaffMeetSetting | Create new StaffMeetSetting. |
createStaffStaffType | Create new StaffStaffType. |
createStaffStudent | Create new StaffStudent. |
createStaffType | Create new StaffType. |
createStandardFilter | Create new StandardFilter. |
createStandardFilterPrompt | Create new StandardFilterPrompt. |
createStandardNormalDistribution | Create new StandardNormalDistribution. |
createStandardPlacementMN | Create new StandardPlacementMN. |
createState | Create new State. |
createStateDistrictMN | Create new StateDistrictMN. |
createStep | Create new Step. |
createStepStatus | Create new StepStatus. |
createStreet | Create new Street. |
createStudent | Create new Student. |
createStudentAccountsMA | Create new StudentAccountsMA. |
createStudentActivity | Create new StudentActivity. |
createStudentActivityTransaction | Create new StudentActivityTransaction. |
createStudentAnswer | Create new StudentAnswer. |
createStudentArea | Create new StudentArea. |
createStudentAssignment | Create new StudentAssignment. |
createStudentAssignmentAttempt | Create new StudentAssignmentAttempt. |
createStudentAttendance | Create new StudentAttendance. |
createStudentAttendanceEntity | Create new StudentAttendanceEntity. |
createStudentAttendancePeriod | Create new StudentAttendancePeriod. |
createStudentAttendancePeriodGroup | Create new StudentAttendancePeriodGroup. |
createStudentAttendancePeriodRunHistory | Create new StudentAttendancePeriodRunHistory. |
createStudentAttendanceRunHistory | Create new StudentAttendanceRunHistory. |
createStudentAttendanceTerm | Create new StudentAttendanceTerm. |
createStudentAutoSchedulerCourse | Create new StudentAutoSchedulerCourse. |
createStudentAutoSchedulerProposedStudentCourseRequest | Create new StudentAutoSchedulerProposedStudentCourseRequest. |
createStudentAutoSchedulerProposedStudentSection | Create new StudentAutoSchedulerProposedStudentSection. |
createStudentAutoSchedulerProposedStudentSectionTransaction | Create new... |
createStudentAutoSchedulerRunAnalysis | Create new StudentAutoSchedulerRunAnalysis. |
createStudentAutoSchedulerRunAnalysisException | Create new StudentAutoSchedulerRunAnalysisException. |
createStudentAutoSchedulerRunAnalysisTotal | Create new StudentAutoSchedulerRunAnalysisTotal. |
createStudentAutoSchedulerSection | Create new StudentAutoSchedulerSection. |
createStudentAutoSchedulerStudent | Create new StudentAutoSchedulerStudent. |
createStudentAutoSchedulerStudentCourseRequest | Create new StudentAutoSchedulerStudentCourseRequest. |
createStudentAutoSchedulerStudentCourseRequestSection | Create new StudentAutoSchedulerStudentCourseRequestSection. |
createStudentAutoSchedulerStudentCourseRequestSectionDetail | Create new... |
createStudentAward | Create new StudentAward. |
createStudentBusStop | Create new StudentBusStop. |
createStudentCareerPlan | Create new StudentCareerPlan. |
createStudentChildhoodIllness | Create new StudentChildhoodIllness. |
createStudentChildhoodIllnessComment | Create new StudentChildhoodIllnessComment. |
createStudentChildhoodIllnessNote | Create new StudentChildhoodIllnessNote. |
createStudentChildhoodIllnessObservation | Create new StudentChildhoodIllnessObservation. |
createStudentChildhoodIllnessReferral | Create new StudentChildhoodIllnessReferral. |
createStudentChildhoodIllnessSecuredNote | Create new StudentChildhoodIllnessSecuredNote. |
createStudentCommentBucket | Create new StudentCommentBucket. |
createStudentCourseRequest | Create new StudentCourseRequest. |
createStudentCourseRequestSectionLengthSubset | Create new StudentCourseRequestSectionLengthSubset. |
createStudentCustomCode | Create new StudentCustomCode. |
createStudentDisciplineThresholdAttendanceReportRunHistory | Create new... |
createStudentDistrict | Create new StudentDistrict. |
createStudentEarnedCreditsBucket | Create new StudentEarnedCreditsBucket. |
createStudentEarnedCreditsBucketGroup | Create new StudentEarnedCreditsBucketGroup. |
createStudentEndorsement | Create new StudentEndorsement. |
createStudentEndorsementOption | Create new StudentEndorsementOption. |
createStudentEndorsementRequirement | Create new StudentEndorsementRequirement. |
createStudentEndorsementRequirementAssessment | Create new StudentEndorsementRequirementAssessment. |
createStudentEndorsementRequirementAssessmentScore | Create new StudentEndorsementRequirementAssessmentScore. |
createStudentEndorsementRequirementCourseRequest | Create new StudentEndorsementRequirementCourseRequest. |
createStudentEndorsementRequirementCurriculum | Create new StudentEndorsementRequirementCurriculum. |
createStudentEntityYear | Create new StudentEntityYear. |
createStudentEntityYearSchedulingCategory | Create new StudentEntityYearSchedulingCategory. |
createStudentEthnicityMA | Create new StudentEthnicityMA. |
createStudentFamily | Create new StudentFamily. |
createStudentFreeFormCommentBucket | Create new StudentFreeFormCommentBucket. |
createStudentGPABucket | Create new StudentGPABucket. |
createStudentGPABucketGroup | Create new StudentGPABucketGroup. |
createStudentGradeBucket | Create new StudentGradeBucket. |
createStudentGradeBucketAcademicStandard | Create new StudentGradeBucketAcademicStandard. |
createStudentGradeBucketFlag | Create new StudentGradeBucketFlag. |
createStudentGradeBucketSubject | Create new StudentGradeBucketSubject. |
createStudentGradingScaleGroup | Create new StudentGradingScaleGroup. |
createStudentGradingScaleGroupStudentSection | Create new StudentGradingScaleGroupStudentSection. |
createStudentGroup | Create new StudentGroup. |
createStudentGroupAssignment | Create new StudentGroupAssignment. |
createStudentGroupStudentSection | Create new StudentGroupStudentSection. |
createStudentGroupTeacherSectionSetting | Create new StudentGroupTeacherSectionSetting. |
createStudentGuardian | Create new StudentGuardian. |
createStudentGuardianRestrictedAccess | Create new StudentGuardianRestrictedAccess. |
createStudentHealthCondition | Create new StudentHealthCondition. |
createStudentHealthConditionComment | Create new StudentHealthConditionComment. |
createStudentHealthConditionNote | Create new StudentHealthConditionNote. |
createStudentHealthConditionSecuredNote | Create new StudentHealthConditionSecuredNote. |
createStudentHonorRollRunLevel | Create new StudentHonorRollRunLevel. |
createStudentIHP | Create new StudentIHP. |
createStudentInOutTime | Create new StudentInOutTime. |
createStudentLocker | Create new StudentLocker. |
createStudentMassUpdate | Create new StudentMassUpdate. |
createStudentMedia | Create new StudentMedia. |
createStudentNote | Create new StudentNote. |
createStudentOfficeVisit | Create new StudentOfficeVisit. |
createStudentOfficeVisitNote | Create new StudentOfficeVisitNote. |
createStudentOfficeVisitNotification | Create new StudentOfficeVisitNotification. |
createStudentOfficeVisitReason | Create new StudentOfficeVisitReason. |
createStudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction | Create new StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction. |
createStudentPermit | Create new StudentPermit. |
createStudentPlan | Create new StudentPlan. |
createStudentPlanThreadLock | Create new StudentPlanThreadLock. |
createStudentQuestion | Create new StudentQuestion. |
createStudentRank | Create new StudentRank. |
createStudentSection | Create new StudentSection. |
createStudentSectionEarnedCreditsBucketGroup | Create new StudentSectionEarnedCreditsBucketGroup. |
createStudentSectionEarnedCreditsMethod | Create new StudentSectionEarnedCreditsMethod. |
createStudentSectionGPABucketGroup | Create new StudentSectionGPABucketGroup. |
createStudentSectionGPAMethod | Create new StudentSectionGPAMethod. |
createStudentSectionGradingScaleGradeBucket | Create new StudentSectionGradingScaleGradeBucket. |
createStudentSectionNote | Create new StudentSectionNote. |
createStudentSectionTransaction | Create new StudentSectionTransaction. |
createStudentSectionTransactionRoomPeriod | Create new StudentSectionTransactionRoomPeriod. |
createStudentSubArea | Create new StudentSubArea. |
createStudentSubAreaCurriculumSubArea | Create new StudentSubAreaCurriculumSubArea. |
createStudentSubAreaWaiver | Create new StudentSubAreaWaiver. |
createStudentThresholdPeriod | Create new StudentThresholdPeriod. |
createStudentTransportation | Create new StudentTransportation. |
createStudentType | Create new StudentType. |
createStudentVaccinationWaiver | Create new StudentVaccinationWaiver. |
createStudentVaccinationYear | Create new StudentVaccinationYear. |
createStudentVaccinationYearStatus | Create new StudentVaccinationYearStatus. |
createStudentVaccinationYearStatusStudentVaccine | Create new StudentVaccinationYearStatusStudentVaccine. |
createStudentVaccine | Create new StudentVaccine. |
createStudentVaccineMaintenance | Create new StudentVaccineMaintenance. |
createStudyHallSchedulerRunAnalysis | Create new StudyHallSchedulerRunAnalysis. |
createSubArea | Create new SubArea. |
createSubAreaLimitGroup | Create new SubAreaLimitGroup. |
createSubAreaLimitGroupCurriculumSubArea | Create new SubAreaLimitGroupCurriculumSubArea. |
createSubject | Create new Subject. |
createSubjectGradingScaleGroup | Create new SubjectGradingScaleGroup. |
createSubjectGradingScaleGroupSubject | Create new SubjectGradingScaleGroupSubject. |
createSubjectReporting | Create new Subject. |
createSubjectSecurityLocation | Create new SubjectSecurityLocation. |
createSubtopic | Create new Subtopic. |
createSubtopicField | Create new SubtopicField. |
createSubtopicStandardFilter | Create new SubtopicStandardFilter. |
createSummaryReportParameter | Create new SummaryReportParameter. |
createSummaryReportPrompt | Create new SummaryReportPrompt. |
createSummaryReportSection | Create new SummaryReportSection. |
createSummaryReportSectionColumn | Create new SummaryReportSectionColumn. |
createSurvey | Create new Survey. |
createSurveyAnswer | Create new SurveyAnswer. |
createSurveyInstance | Create new SurveyInstance. |
createSurveyQuestion | Create new SurveyQuestion. |
createSystemEmailTypeConfig | Create new SystemEmailTypeConfig. |
createSystemVersion | Create new SystemVersion. |
createTeacherEntry | Create new TeacherEntry. |
createTeacherOnlineForm | Create new TeacherOnlineForm. |
createTeacherSectionAcademicStandardGradeBucketSetting | Create new TeacherSectionAcademicStandardGradeBucketSetting. |
createTeacherSectionCategoryAnalyticsSetting | Create new TeacherSectionCategoryAnalyticsSetting. |
createTeacherSectionGradeBucketAnalyticsSetting | Create new TeacherSectionGradeBucketAnalyticsSetting. |
createTeacherSectionGradeBucketSetting | Create new TeacherSectionGradeBucketSetting. |
createTeacherSectionGradingPeriodSetting | Create new TeacherSectionGradingPeriodSetting. |
createTeacherSectionSetting | Create new TeacherSectionSetting. |
createTeacherSectionStandardsDisplayAcademicStandardSetting | Create new... |
createTeacherSectionStandardsDisplayGradeBucketSetting | Create new TeacherSectionStandardsDisplayGradeBucketSetting. |
createTeacherSectionStudentSectionSetting | Create new TeacherSectionStudentSectionSetting. |
createTeacherSectionSubjectGradeBucketSetting | Create new TeacherSectionSubjectGradeBucketSetting. |
createTempAcademicStandard | Create new TempAcademicStandard. |
createTempAcademicStandardGradeRange | Create new TempAcademicStandardGradeRange. |
createTempAcademicStandardSet | Create new TempAcademicStandardSet. |
createTempAcademicStandardSubject | Create new TempAcademicStandardSubject. |
createTempACHAccount | Create new TempACHAccount. |
createTempActivityRecord | Create new TempActivityRecord. |
createTempAddress | Create new TempAddress. |
createTempAddressRangeDefault | Create new TempAddressRangeDefault. |
createTempAdjustedCategory | Create new TempAdjustedCategory. |
createTempAdministerNameMedication | Create new TempAdministerNameMedication. |
createTempAffectedCalendarDayRecord | Create new TempAffectedCalendarDayRecord. |
createTempAffectedStudentAttendancePeriodRecord | Create new TempAffectedStudentAttendancePeriodRecord. |
createTempAffectedStudentAttendanceRecord | Create new TempAffectedStudentAttendanceRecord. |
createTempAffectedWithdrawalRecord | Create new TempAffectedWithdrawalRecord. |
createTempAssignmentError | Create new TempAssignmentError. |
createTempAttachmentError | Create new TempAttachmentError. |
createTempAttendanceTerm | Create new TempAttendanceTerm. |
createTempBellScheduleGroupBellSchedule | Create new TempBellScheduleGroupBellSchedule. |
createTempBrowseViewColumn | Create new TempBrowseViewColumn. |
createTempCalcGroupBucketRemoveStandardOrSubjectResult | Create new TempCalcGroupBucketRemoveStandardOrSubjectResult. |
createTempCalculationGroupAcademicStandardWeighting | Create new TempCalculationGroupAcademicStandardWeighting. |
createTempCalculationGroupSubjectWeighting | Create new TempCalculationGroupSubjectWeighting. |
createTempCalculationGroupWeighting | Create new TempCalculationGroupWeighting. |
createTempCalendar | Create new TempCalendar. |
createTempCalendarAttendanceTerm | Create new TempCalendarAttendanceTerm. |
createTempCalendarDayBellScheduleGroupBellSchedule | Create new TempCalendarDayBellScheduleGroupBellSchedule. |
createTempCalendarDayCalendarEventRecord | Create new TempCalendarDayCalendarEventRecord. |
createTempCertification | Create new TempCertification. |
createTempCertificationDetail | Create new TempCertificationDetail. |
createTempCertificationError | Create new TempCertificationError. |
createTempCertificationOnlineForm | Create new TempCertification. |
createTempCloneCalendarError | Create new TempCloneCalendarError. |
createTempCloneCalendarRecord | Create new TempCloneCalendarRecord. |
createTempCloneGradebookSection | Create new TempCloneGradebookSection. |
createTempCourse | Create new TempCourse. |
createTempCourseEntityOfferedToSection | Create new TempCourseEntityOfferedToSection. |
createTempCourseMasterMassUpdateError | Create new TempCourseMasterMassUpdateError. |
createTempCourseMasterMassUpdateErrorDetail | Create new TempCourseMasterMassUpdateErrorDetail. |
createTempCourseMasterMassUpdateField | Create new TempCourseMasterMassUpdateField. |
createTempCourseMoveCourse | Create new TempCourseMoveCourse. |
createTempCourseMoveError | Create new TempCourseMoveError. |
createTempCourseMoveSectionError | Create new TempCourseMoveSectionError. |
createTempDataGridRow | Create new TempDataGridRow. |
createTempDayRotation | Create new TempDayRotation. |
createTempDegree | Create new TempDegree. |
createTempDeletedPortalAccessSecurityUser | Create new TempDeletedPortalAccessSecurityUser. |
createTempDependent | Create new TempDependent. |
createTempDiagnostic | Create new TempDiagnostic. |
createTempDropLowScoreStudentAssignment | Create new TempDropLowScoreStudentAssignment. |
createTempEmergencyContact | Create new TempEmergencyContact. |
createTempEmergencyContactOnlineForm | Create new TempEmergencyContact. |
createTempEmployeeAccessSecurityUser | Create new TempEmployeeAccessSecurityUser. |
createTempEndorsementDefault | Create new TempEndorsementDefault. |
createTempEndorsementImportError | Create new TempEndorsementImportError. |
createTempEntityForClone | Create new TempEntityForClone. |
createTempError | Create new TempError. |
createTempException | Create new TempException. |
createTempExceptionScheduling | Create new TempException. |
createTempExceptionStaffPlanning | Create new TempException. |
createTempFactorBasedAddOn | Create new TempFactorBasedAddOn. |
createTempFailedCourse | Create new TempFailedCourse. |
createTempFailedDayRotation | Create new TempFailedDayRotation. |
createTempFailedGradingPeriod | Create new TempFailedGradingPeriod. |
createTempFailedPortalAccessSecurityUser | Create new TempFailedPortalAccessSecurityUser. |
createTempFailedSection | Create new TempFailedSection. |
createTempFailedSectionLengthSubset | Create new TempFailedSectionLengthSubset. |
createTempFailedStaffMeet | Create new TempFailedStaffMeet. |
createTempFailedStudentCourseRequest | Create new TempFailedStudentCourseRequest. |
createTempFailedStudentCourseRequestToReactivate | Create new TempFailedStudentCourseRequestToReactivate. |
createTempFailedStudentCourseRequestToReactivateDetail | Create new TempFailedStudentCourseRequestToReactivateDetail. |
createTempFailedStudentSection | Create new TempFailedStudentSection. |
createTempFailedStudentSectionTransaction | Create new TempFailedStudentSectionTransaction. |
createTempFailedStudentSubAreaCurriculumSubArea | Create new TempFailedStudentSubAreaCurriculumSubArea. |
createTempFailedStudentSubAreaWaiver | Create new TempFailedStudentSubAreaWaiver. |
createTempFailedTileYearUpdate | Create new TempFailedTileYearUpdate. |
createTempFamilyAccessSecurityUser | Create new TempFamilyAccessSecurityUser. |
createTempFamilyGuardian | Create new TempFamilyGuardian. |
createTempFieldRestrictionScreen | Create new TempFieldRestrictionScreen. |
createTempFieldSelection | Create new TempFieldSelection. |
createTempFitnessGram | Create new TempFitnessGram. |
createTempGradebookCloneError | Create new TempGradebookCloneError. |
createTempGradebookGroupError | Create new TempGradebookGroupError. |
createTempGradeBucketFlagDetailGPAMethod | Create new TempGradeBucketFlagDetailGPAMethod. |
createTempGradeBucketFlagDetailGPAMethodError | Create new TempGradeBucketFlagDetailGPAMethodError. |
createTempGradeMarkError | Create new TempGradeMarkError. |
createTempGradeMarkPointSetError | Create new TempGradeMarkPointSetError. |
createTempGradeRangeCopyResult | Create new TempGradeRangeCopyResult. |
createTempGradeReportAttendanceTerm | Create new TempGradeReportAttendanceTerm. |
createTempGradeReportGradeBucket | Create new TempGradeReportGradeBucket. |
createTempGradeReportTemplate | Create new TempGradeReportTemplate. |
createTempGradeReportTemplateError | Create new TempGradeReportTemplateError. |
createTempGradingPeriod | Create new TempGradingPeriod. |
createTempGradingPeriodError | Create new TempGradingPeriodError. |
createTempGradingPeriodGradeBucket | Create new TempGradingPeriodGradeBucket. |
createTempGradingPeriodGradeBucketError | Create new TempGradingPeriodGradeBucketError. |
createTempGradingUtilityError | Create new TempGradingUtilityError. |
createTempHierarchyDepth | Create new TempHierarchyDepth. |
createTempHomeroomError | Create new TempHomeroomError. |
createTempHomeroomRecord | Create new TempHomeroomRecord. |
createTempHonorRollGradeMarkMethodRange | Create new TempHonorRollGradeMarkMethodRange. |
createTempHonorRollGradeMarkMethodRangeCourseGroup | Create new TempHonorRollGradeMarkMethodRangeCourseGroup. |
createTempHonorRollGradeMarkMethodRangeGradeMark | Create new TempHonorRollGradeMarkMethodRangeGradeMark. |
createTempHonorRollGradeMarkMethodRangeGradingPeriodGradeBucket | Create new... |
createTempHonorRollMethodRange | Create new TempHonorRollMethodRange. |
createTempImpersonationRoleForClone | Create new TempImpersonationRoleForClone. |
createTempImportPreviewResultRow | Create new TempImportPreviewResultRow. |
createTempIncidentInvolvedPerson | Create new TempIncidentInvolvedPerson. |
createTempIncidentInvolvedPersonIN | Create new TempIncidentInvolvedPersonIN. |
createTempIncidentInvolvedPersonMN | Create new TempIncidentInvolvedPersonMN. |
createTempIncidentInvolvedPersonPA | Create new TempIncidentInvolvedPersonPA. |
createTempIncidentInvolvedPersonTX | Create new TempIncidentInvolvedPersonTX. |
createTempIncidentInvolvedPersonWA | Create new TempIncidentInvolvedPersonWA. |
createTempIncidentOffense | Create new TempIncidentOffense. |
createTempIncidentOffenseName | Create new TempIncidentOffenseName. |
createTempIncidentOffenseNameAction | Create new TempIncidentOffenseNameAction. |
createTempIncidentOffenseNameActionDetail | Create new TempIncidentOffenseNameActionDetail. |
createTempIncidentOffenseNameActionDetailRecord | Create new TempIncidentOffenseNameActionDetailRecord. |
createTempIncidentOffenseNameActionIN | Create new TempIncidentOffenseNameActionIN. |
createTempIncidentOffenseNameActionMN | Create new TempIncidentOffenseNameActionMN. |
createTempIncidentOffenseNameActionPA | Create new TempIncidentOffenseNameActionPA. |
createTempIncidentOffenseNameActionWA | Create new TempIncidentOffenseNameActionWA. |
createTempIncidentOffenseNameActionWI | Create new TempIncidentOffenseNameActionWI. |
createTempIncidentOffenseNameDrug | Create new TempIncidentOffenseNameDrug. |
createTempIncidentOffenseNameParentalInvolvementPA | Create new TempIncidentOffenseNameParentalInvolvementPA. |
createTempIncidentOffenseNameReportRunHistoryRecord | Create new TempIncidentOffenseNameReportRunHistoryRecord. |
createTempIncidentOffenseNameWeapon | Create new TempIncidentOffenseNameWeapon. |
createTempIncidentOffenseNameWeaponMN | Create new TempIncidentOffenseNameWeaponMN. |
createTempLockCombination | Create new TempLockCombination. |
createTempLocker | Create new TempLocker. |
createTempLoginHistory | Create new TempLoginHistory. |
createTempMassChangeResult | Create new TempMassChangeResult. |
createTempMassUpdateGeolocationAddress | Create new TempMassUpdateGeolocationAddress. |
createTempMasterDateChangeDetail | Create new TempMasterDateChangeDetail. |
createTempMedia | Create new TempMedia. |
createTempMeet | Create new TempMeet. |
createTempMessage | Create new TempMessage. |
createTempNameAddress | Create new TempNameAddress. |
createTempNameAddressMoveSchoolPathSchoolOverride | Create new TempNameAddressMoveSchoolPathSchoolOverride. |
createTempNameEmail | Create new TempNameEmail. |
createTempNameEmailError | Create new TempNameEmailError. |
createTempNameError | Create new TempNameError. |
createTempNameMedication | Create new TempNameMedication. |
createTempNameNumber | Create new TempNameNumber. |
createTempNameProcedureOccurrence | Create new TempNameProcedureOccurrence. |
createTempNameProcedureOccurrenceErrorDetail | Create new TempNameProcedureOccurrenceErrorDetail. |
createTempNameProcedureScheduleDay | Create new TempNameProcedureScheduleDay. |
createTempNameProcedureScheduleDayErrorDetail | Create new TempNameProcedureScheduleDayErrorDetail. |
createTempNameProcedureScheduleError | Create new TempNameProcedureScheduleError. |
createTempNameProcedureScheduleErrorDetail | Create new TempNameProcedureScheduleErrorDetail. |
createTempNewStudentEnrollmentGuardianEmail | Create new TempNewStudentEnrollmentGuardianEmail. |
createTempNewStudentEnrollmentGuardianPhone | Create new TempNewStudentEnrollmentGuardianPhone. |
createTempNoShowEntryWithdrawal | Create new TempNoShowEntryWithdrawal. |
createTempPlanPositionBenefit | Create new TempPlanPositionBenefit. |
createTempPlanPositionDistribution | Create new TempPlanPositionDistribution. |
createTempPlanPositionDistributionAccountDistribution | Create new TempPlanPositionDistributionAccountDistribution. |
createTempPlanPositionEmployee | Create new TempPlanPositionEmployee. |
createTempPlanPositionException | Create new TempPlanPositionException. |
createTempPlanPositionPay | Create new TempPlanPositionPay. |
createTempPlanPositionPayAccountCalculation | Create new TempPlanPositionPayAccountCalculation. |
createTempPlanPositionPayAccountDistribution | Create new TempPlanPositionPayAccountDistribution. |
createTempPlanPositionPayBenefit | Create new TempPlanPositionPayBenefit. |
createTempPlanPositionPayBenefitAccount | Create new TempPlanPositionPayBenefitAccount. |
createTempPlanPositionSupplement | Create new TempPlanPositionSupplement. |
createTempRoleForClone | Create new TempRoleForClone. |
createTempSchedulingTeamGradeReference | Create new TempSchedulingTeamGradeReference. |
createTempSchoolPathSchoolOverride | Create new TempSchoolPathSchoolOverride. |
createTempSection | Create new TempSection. |
createTempSectionAssignment | Create new TempSectionAssignment. |
createTempSectionCategory | Create new TempSectionCategory. |
createTempSectionGradeBucket | Create new TempSectionGradeBucket. |
createTempSectionGradeBucketWeight | Create new TempSectionGradeBucketWeight. |
createTempSectionGradingScale | Create new TempSectionGradingScale. |
createTempSectionGradingScaleGroupToCreate | Create new TempSectionGradingScaleGroupToCreate. |
createTempSectionLength | Create new TempSectionLength. |
createTempSectionLengthSubset | Create new TempSectionLengthSubset. |
createTempSecurityImportError | Create new TempSecurityImportError. |
createTempSecurityImportGroupMembership | Create new TempSecurityImportGroupMembership. |
createTempSecurityImportPreview | Create new TempSecurityImportPreview. |
createTempSpecialtyAccessGroup | Create new TempSpecialtyAccessGroup. |
createTempStaffMeet | Create new TempStaffMeet. |
createTempStep | Create new TempStep. |
createTempStepError | Create new TempStepError. |
createTempStudent | Create new TempStudent. |
createTempStudentAccessSecurityUser | Create new TempStudentAccessSecurityUser. |
createTempStudentActivity | Create new TempStudentActivity. |
createTempStudentActivityError | Create new TempStudentActivityError. |
createTempStudentActivityTransactionRecord | Create new TempStudentActivityTransactionRecord. |
createTempStudentAssignedLockCombinationRecord | Create new TempStudentAssignedLockCombinationRecord. |
createTempStudentAssignedLockerRecord | Create new TempStudentAssignedLockerRecord. |
createTempStudentAssignment | Create new TempStudentAssignment. |
createTempStudentAttendanceRecord | Create new TempStudentAttendanceRecord. |
createTempStudentBusStop | Create new TempStudentBusStop. |
createTempStudentChildhoodIllness | Create new TempStudentChildhoodIllness. |
createTempStudentCommentBucket | Create new TempStudentCommentBucket. |
createTempStudentCourseRequest | Create new TempStudentCourseRequest. |
createTempStudentCourseRequestSectionLengthSubset | Create new TempStudentCourseRequestSectionLengthSubset. |
createTempStudentCourseRequestToReactivateMN | Create new TempStudentCourseRequestToReactivateMN. |
createTempStudentCourseRequestToReactivateNonState | Create new TempStudentCourseRequestToReactivateNonState. |
createTempStudentDisciplineThresholdAttendanceReportRunHistoryRecord | Create new... |
createTempStudentEnrollmentError | Create new TempStudentEnrollmentError. |
createTempStudentEnrollmentRecord | Create new TempStudentEnrollmentRecord. |
createTempStudentEntityYear | Create new TempStudentEntityYear. |
createTempStudentError | Create new TempStudentError. |
createTempStudentErrorMessage | Create new TempStudentErrorMessage. |
createTempStudentGPABucket | Create new TempStudentGPABucket. |
createTempStudentGPABucketGroup | Create new TempStudentGPABucketGroup. |
createTempStudentGradeBucket | Create new TempStudentGradeBucket. |
createTempStudentGradeBucketFlag | Create new TempStudentGradeBucketFlag. |
createTempStudentGradingScaleGroupStudentSection | Create new TempStudentGradingScaleGroupStudentSection. |
createTempStudentHealthCondition | Create new TempStudentHealthCondition. |
createTempStudentHonorRollRunLevel | Create new TempStudentHonorRollRunLevel. |
createTempStudentMassUpdateError | Create new TempStudentMassUpdateError. |
createTempStudentMassUpdateField | Create new TempStudentMassUpdateField. |
createTempStudentMergeObject | Create new TempStudentMergeObject. |
createTempStudentPermit | Create new TempStudentPermit. |
createTempStudentRank | Create new TempStudentRank. |
createTempStudentSchedulingCategory | Create new TempStudentSchedulingCategory. |
createTempStudentSchedulingTeam | Create new TempStudentSchedulingTeam. |
createTempStudentSection | Create new TempStudentSection. |
createTempStudentSectionFailedUpdate | Create new TempStudentSectionFailedUpdate. |
createTempStudentSectionGPABucketGroup | Create new TempStudentSectionGPABucketGroup. |
createTempStudentSectionScheduling | Create new TempStudentSection. |
createTempStudentSectionTransaction | Create new TempStudentSectionTransaction. |
createTempStudentThresholdPeriodRecord | Create new TempStudentThresholdPeriodRecord. |
createTempStudentTransportation | Create new TempStudentTransportation. |
createTempStudentVaccine | Create new TempStudentVaccine. |
createTempStudentWithoutLockerRecord | Create new TempStudentWithoutLockerRecord. |
createTempSubstituteAssignment | Create new TempSubstituteAssignment. |
createTempSubtopicRelationshipOption | Create new TempSubtopicRelationshipOption. |
createTempTeacherAccessSecurityUser | Create new TempTeacherAccessSecurityUser. |
createTempTransferCourse | Create new TempTransferCourse. |
createTempTransportation | Create new TempTransportation. |
createTempUnDropLowScoreStudentSection | Create new TempUnDropLowScoreStudentSection. |
createTempUploadDataMiningReportLog | Create new TempUploadDataMiningReportLog. |
createTempUploadImportLog | Create new TempUploadImportLog. |
createTempUsageHistory | Create new TempUsageHistory. |
createTempValidateBusinessObject | Create new TempValidateBusinessObject. |
createTheme | Create new Theme. |
createThreadActivity | Create new ThreadActivity. |
createThresholdResetRange | Create new ThresholdResetRange. |
createThresholdResetRangeAttendancePeriod | Create new ThresholdResetRangeAttendancePeriod. |
createThresholdResetRangeAttendanceType | Create new ThresholdResetRangeAttendanceType. |
createTile | Create new Tile. |
createTopic | Create new Topic. |
createTranscriptNote | Create new TranscriptNote. |
createTranscriptSent | Create new TranscriptSent. |
createTransportationCategory | Create new TransportationCategory. |
createTreatment | Create new Treatment. |
createTrustedDevice | Create new TrustedDevice. |
createUNCPath | Create new UNCPath. |
createUnenteredStudentGradeBucket | Create new UnenteredStudentGradeBucket. |
createUpdateTracker | Create new UpdateTracker. |
createUploadReportLog | Create new UploadReportLog. |
createUsageHistory | Create new UsageHistory. |
createUser | Create new User. |
createUserAuthenticationMethod | Create new UserAuthenticationMethod. |
createUserCalendarPreference | Create new UserCalendarPreference. |
createUserDock | Create new UserDock. |
createUserFavorite | Create new UserFavorite. |
createUserImport | Create new UserImport. |
createUserImportApproval | Create new UserImportApproval. |
createUserImportResult | Create new UserImportResult. |
createUserImportResultError | Create new UserImportResultError. |
createUserMenuModule | Create new UserMenuModule. |
createUserMessageSetting | Create new UserMessageSetting. |
createUsernameStructure | Create new UsernameStructure. |
createUserPasswordReset | Create new UserPasswordReset. |
createUserPreference | Create new UserPreference. |
createUserProfileData | Create new UserProfileData. |
createUserProfileTabStatus | Create new UserProfileTabStatus. |
createUserReportPrompt | Create new UserReportPrompt. |
createUserSetting | Create new UserSetting. |
createUserSettingSecurity | Create new UserSetting. |
createUserStudentCalendarPreference | Create new UserStudentCalendarPreference. |
createVaccination | Create new Vaccination. |
createVaccinationChildhoodIllness | Create new VaccinationChildhoodIllness. |
createVaccinationWaiver | Create new VaccinationWaiver. |
createVaccinationYear | Create new VaccinationYear. |
createVaccinationYearComplianceSchedule | Create new VaccinationYearComplianceSchedule. |
createVaccinationYearComplianceScheduleRule | Create new VaccinationYearComplianceScheduleRule. |
createVaccine | Create new Vaccine. |
createVaccineContent | Create new VaccineContent. |
createValidationRule | Create new ValidationRule. |
createValueSource | Create new ValueSource. |
createVehicle | Create new Vehicle. |
createVendorAssignment | Create new VendorAssignment. |
createVendorCategory | Create new VendorCategory. |
createVendorStudentAssignment | Create new VendorStudentAssignment. |
createVisionComment | Create new VisionComment. |
createVisionCorrectiveLens | Create new VisionCorrectiveLens. |
createVisionGuardianNotification | Create new VisionGuardianNotification. |
createVisionGuardianResponse | Create new VisionGuardianResponse. |
createVisionObservation | Create new VisionObservation. |
createVisionReferralReason | Create new VisionReferralReason. |
createVisionReferralResult | Create new VisionReferralResult. |
createVisionScreening | Create new VisionScreening. |
createVisionScreeningComment | Create new VisionScreeningComment. |
createVisionScreeningNote | Create new VisionScreeningNote. |
createVisionScreeningObservation | Create new VisionScreeningObservation. |
createVisionScreeningReferral | Create new VisionScreeningReferral. |
createVisionScreeningSecuredNote | Create new VisionScreeningSecuredNote. |
createVitalSign | Create new VitalSign. |
createWaiver | Create new Waiver. |
createWeapon | Create new Weapon. |
createWhiteListFieldPath | Create new WhiteListFieldPath. |
createWinterSport | Create new WinterSport. |
createWinterSportsTeam | Create new WinterSportsTeam. |
createWithdrawalCode | Create new WithdrawalCode. |
createZip | Create new Zip. |
deleteAcademicStandard | Delete a specific AcademicStandard |
deleteAcademicStandardDefault | Delete a specific AcademicStandardDefault |
deleteAcademicStandardGradeRange | Delete a specific AcademicStandardGradeRange |
deleteAcademicStandardGradeRangeDefault | Delete a specific AcademicStandardGradeRangeDefault |
deleteAcademicStandardGradingScaleGroup | Delete a specific AcademicStandardGradingScaleGroup |
deleteAcademicStandardGradingScaleGroupAcademicStandard | Delete a specific... |
deleteAcademicStandardHierarchyDepth | Delete a specific AcademicStandardHierarchyDepth |
deleteAcademicStandardSet | Delete a specific AcademicStandardSet |
deleteAcademicStandardSetDefault | Delete a specific AcademicStandardSetDefault |
deleteAcademicStandardSubject | Delete a specific AcademicStandardSubject |
deleteAcademicStandardSubjectDefault | Delete a specific AcademicStandardSubjectDefault |
deleteACHAccount | Delete a specific ACHAccount |
deleteAction | Delete a specific Action |
deleteActionAttendanceType | Delete a specific ActionAttendanceType |
deleteActionType | Delete a specific ActionType |
deleteActivity | Delete a specific Activity |
deleteActivityEvent | Delete a specific ActivityEvent |
deleteActivityPersonnel | Delete a specific ActivityPersonnel |
deleteActivityType | Delete a specific ActivityType |
deleteAddress | Delete a specific Address |
deleteAddressRangeDefault | Delete a specific AddressRangeDefault |
deleteAddressRangeDefaultAddress | Delete a specific AddressRangeDefaultAddress |
deleteAddressRangeImportSchool | Delete a specific AddressRangeImportSchool |
deleteAddressSecondaryUnit | Delete a specific AddressSecondaryUnit |
deleteAdministerNameMedication | Delete a specific AdministerNameMedication |
deleteAlert | Delete a specific Alert |
deleteAMTransportation | Delete a specific AMTransportation |
deleteAppleSchoolManagerConfig | Delete a specific AppleSchoolManagerConfig |
deleteApplySchemaChangeAllChangesConfirmation | Delete a specific ApplySchemaChangeAllChangesConfirmation |
deleteApplySchemaChangeFieldSelection | Delete a specific ApplySchemaChangeFieldSelection |
deleteApplySchemaChangeObjectSelection | Delete a specific ApplySchemaChangeObjectSelection |
deleteApplySchemaChangeRelationshipSelection | Delete a specific ApplySchemaChangeRelationshipSelection |
deleteApplySchemaChangeRun | Delete a specific ApplySchemaChangeRun |
deleteArea | Delete a specific Area |
deleteAssessment | Delete a specific Assessment |
deleteAssessmentToolMN | Delete a specific AssessmentToolMN |
deleteAssignment | Delete a specific Assignment |
deleteAssignmentAttachment | Delete a specific AssignmentAttachment |
deleteAssignmentQuestion | Delete a specific AssignmentQuestion |
deleteAssignmentTypePlanPositionDistributionSummary | Delete a specific... |
deleteAttachment | Delete a specific Attachment |
deleteAttachmentType | Delete a specific AttachmentType |
deleteAttendancePeriod | Delete a specific AttendancePeriod |
deleteAttendancePeriodConfigEntityGroupYear | Delete a specific AttendancePeriodConfigEntityGroupYear |
deleteAttendanceReason | Delete a specific AttendanceReason |
deleteAttendanceReportRunHistory | Delete a specific AttendanceReportRunHistory |
deleteAttendanceReportRunHistoryThresholdResetRange | Delete a specific... |
deleteAttendanceTerm | Delete a specific AttendanceTerm |
deleteAttendanceType | Delete a specific AttendanceType |
deleteAuthenticationAssertion | Delete a specific AuthenticationAssertion |
deleteAuthenticationMethod | Delete a specific AuthenticationMethod |
deleteAuthenticationRole | Delete a specific AuthenticationRole |
deleteAuthenticationRoleLDAPProvider | Delete a specific AuthenticationRoleLDAPProvider |
deleteAuthenticationRoleMethod | Delete a specific AuthenticationRoleMethod |
deleteAvailabilityCourseFilter | Delete a specific AvailabilityCourseFilter |
deleteAvailabilityFilterArenaSchedulingSetting | Delete a specific AvailabilityFilterArenaSchedulingSetting |
deleteAvailabilityFilterCourseRequestSetting | Delete a specific AvailabilityFilterCourseRequestSetting |
deleteAvailabilityFilterCourseStudent | Delete a specific AvailabilityFilterCourseStudent |
deleteAvailabilityFilterCourseStudentCourse | Delete a specific AvailabilityFilterCourseStudentCourse |
deleteAvailabilityFilterCourseStudentStudent | Delete a specific AvailabilityFilterCourseStudentStudent |
deleteAvailabilityStudentFilter | Delete a specific AvailabilityStudentFilter |
deleteAwardCategory | Delete a specific AwardCategory |
deleteAwardHardware | Delete a specific AwardHardware |
deleteAwardType | Delete a specific AwardType |
deleteBaseRunAnalysis | Delete a specific BaseRunAnalysis |
deleteBellSchedule | Delete a specific BellSchedule |
deleteBellScheduleGroup | Delete a specific BellScheduleGroup |
deleteBellScheduleGroupBellSchedule | Delete a specific BellScheduleGroupBellSchedule |
deleteBellSchedulingPeriod | Delete a specific BellSchedulingPeriod |
deleteBenchmarkingQuestion | Delete a specific BenchmarkingQuestion |
deleteBenchmarkingQuestionAnswer | Delete a specific BenchmarkingQuestionAnswer |
deleteBenchmarkingSurvey | Delete a specific BenchmarkingSurvey |
deleteBenchmarkingSurveyDelay | Delete a specific BenchmarkingSurveyDelay |
deleteBenchmarkingSurveyInstance | Delete a specific BenchmarkingSurveyInstance |
deleteBenchmarkingSurveyQuestion | Delete a specific BenchmarkingSurveyQuestion |
deleteBlockPeriod | Delete a specific BlockPeriod |
deleteBlockPeriodDisplayPeriod | Delete a specific BlockPeriodDisplayPeriod |
deleteBodyMassIndexPercentile | Delete a specific BodyMassIndexPercentile |
deleteBodyPart | Delete a specific BodyPart |
deleteBrowse | Delete a specific Browse |
deleteBrowseFieldPath | Delete a specific BrowseFieldPath |
deleteBrowseFilter | Delete a specific BrowseFilter |
deleteBrowseFilterLastUsed | Delete a specific BrowseFilterLastUsed |
deleteBrowseMenu | Delete a specific BrowseMenu |
deleteBrowseView | Delete a specific BrowseView |
deleteBrowseViewLastUsed | Delete a specific BrowseViewLastUsed |
deleteBuilding | Delete a specific Building |
deleteBuildingPlanPositionDistributionSummary | Delete a specific BuildingPlanPositionDistributionSummary |
deleteBulkLoad | Delete a specific BulkLoad |
deleteBurstAction | Delete a specific BurstAction |
deleteBus | Delete a specific Bus |
deleteBusinessMigrationHistory | Delete a specific BusinessMigrationHistory |
deleteBusRoute | Delete a specific BusRoute |
deleteBusStop | Delete a specific BusStop |
deleteCacheInitialization | Delete a specific CacheInitialization |
deleteCalculationGroup | Delete a specific CalculationGroup |
deleteCalculationGroupAcademicStandard | Delete a specific CalculationGroupAcademicStandard |
deleteCalculationGroupAcademicStandardCalculationGroupHierarchyDepth | Delete a specific... |
deleteCalculationGroupAcademicStandardGradeBucket | Delete a specific CalculationGroupAcademicStandardGradeBucket |
deleteCalculationGroupAcademicStandardWeighting | Delete a specific CalculationGroupAcademicStandardWeighting |
deleteCalculationGroupCategory | Delete a specific CalculationGroupCategory |
deleteCalculationGroupCourse | Delete a specific CalculationGroupCourse |
deleteCalculationGroupGradeBucket | Delete a specific CalculationGroupGradeBucket |
deleteCalculationGroupHierarchyDepth | Delete a specific CalculationGroupHierarchyDepth |
deleteCalculationGroupSubject | Delete a specific CalculationGroupSubject |
deleteCalculationGroupSubjectAcademicStandard | Delete a specific CalculationGroupSubjectAcademicStandard |
deleteCalculationGroupSubjectGradeBucket | Delete a specific CalculationGroupSubjectGradeBucket |
deleteCalculationGroupSubjectWeighting | Delete a specific CalculationGroupSubjectWeighting |
deleteCalculationGroupWeighting | Delete a specific CalculationGroupWeighting |
deleteCalendar | Delete a specific Calendar |
deleteCalendarDay | Delete a specific CalendarDay |
deleteCalendarDayBellScheduleGroupBellSchedule | Delete a specific CalendarDayBellScheduleGroupBellSchedule |
deleteCalendarDayCalendarEvent | Delete a specific CalendarDayCalendarEvent |
deleteCalendarDayDisplayPeriodOverride | Delete a specific CalendarDayDisplayPeriodOverride |
deleteCalendarDaySchedulingPeriodTimesOverride | Delete a specific CalendarDaySchedulingPeriodTimesOverride |
deleteCalendarDisplayPeriod | Delete a specific CalendarDisplayPeriod |
deleteCalendarEvent | Delete a specific CalendarEvent |
deleteCalendarYear | Delete a specific CalendarYear |
deleteCareerPlanDeclarationTimePeriod | Delete a specific CareerPlanDeclarationTimePeriod |
deleteCareerPlanDeclarationTimePeriodGradeReference | Delete a specific... |
deleteCareerPlanDeclarationTimePeriodStudentEntityYear | Delete a specific... |
deleteCareerPlanGradeLevel | Delete a specific CareerPlanGradeLevel |
deleteCategory | Delete a specific Category |
deleteCategoryGradeBucketType | Delete a specific CategoryGradeBucketType |
deleteCertification | Delete a specific Certification |
deleteCertificationCompetency | Delete a specific CertificationCompetency |
deleteCertificationDelimitedFileFormat | Delete a specific CertificationDelimitedFileFormat |
deleteCertificationDetail | Delete a specific CertificationDetail |
deleteCertificationFixedLengthFileFormat | Delete a specific CertificationFixedLengthFileFormat |
deleteCertificationGrade | Delete a specific CertificationGrade |
deleteCertificationLevel | Delete a specific CertificationLevel |
deleteCertificationSubject | Delete a specific CertificationSubject |
deleteCertificationThirdPartyFormat | Delete a specific CertificationThirdPartyFormat |
deleteCertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationCompetency | Delete a specific... |
deleteCertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationGrade | Delete a specific... |
deleteCertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationLevel | Delete a specific... |
deleteCertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationSubject | Delete a specific... |
deleteCertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationType | Delete a specific... |
deleteCertificationThirdPartyFormatInstitution | Delete a specific CertificationThirdPartyFormatInstitution |
deleteCertificationThirdPartyImport | Delete a specific CertificationThirdPartyImport |
deleteCertificationType | Delete a specific CertificationType |
deleteChangeRequest | Delete a specific ChangeRequest |
deleteChangeRequestDetail | Delete a specific ChangeRequestDetail |
deleteChangeRequestDetailApproval | Delete a specific ChangeRequestDetailApproval |
deleteCharacterLimitGroup | Delete a specific CharacterLimitGroup |
deleteChildhoodIllness | Delete a specific ChildhoodIllness |
deleteChildhoodIllnessComment | Delete a specific ChildhoodIllnessComment |
deleteChildhoodIllnessGuardianNotification | Delete a specific ChildhoodIllnessGuardianNotification |
deleteChildhoodIllnessGuardianResponse | Delete a specific ChildhoodIllnessGuardianResponse |
deleteChildhoodIllnessObservation | Delete a specific ChildhoodIllnessObservation |
deleteChildhoodIllnessReferralReason | Delete a specific ChildhoodIllnessReferralReason |
deleteChildhoodIllnessReferralResult | Delete a specific ChildhoodIllnessReferralResult |
deleteClassGroup | Delete a specific ClassGroup |
deleteClassGroupSection | Delete a specific ClassGroupSection |
deleteClosedGradingPeriodGradeChange | Delete a specific ClosedGradingPeriodGradeChange |
deleteClosedGradingPeriodStudentGradeBucketChange | Delete a specific ClosedGradingPeriodStudentGradeBucketChange |
deleteCommentBucket | Delete a specific CommentBucket |
deleteCommentBucketCourse | Delete a specific CommentBucketCourse |
deleteCommentCode | Delete a specific CommentCode |
deleteCommentSet | Delete a specific CommentSet |
deleteCommonEducationDataStandardsGradeLevel | Delete a specific CommonEducationDataStandardsGradeLevel |
deleteComplianceSchedule | Delete a specific ComplianceSchedule |
deleteComplianceScheduleDetail | Delete a specific ComplianceScheduleDetail |
deleteComplianceScheduleDetailBooster | Delete a specific ComplianceScheduleDetailBooster |
deleteComplianceScheduleRule | Delete a specific ComplianceScheduleRule |
deleteConfigDistrict | Delete a specific ConfigDistrict |
deleteConfigDistrictEnrollment | Delete a specific ConfigDistrict |
deleteConfigDistrictGradebook | Delete a specific ConfigDistrict |
deleteConfigDistrictGraduationRequirements | Delete a specific ConfigDistrict |
deleteConfigDistrictGroup | Delete a specific ConfigDistrictGroup |
deleteConfigDistrictGroupHealth | Delete a specific ConfigDistrictGroup |
deleteConfigDistrictStudent | Delete a specific ConfigDistrict |
deleteConfigDistrictTransportation | Delete a specific ConfigDistrict |
deleteConfigDistrictYear | Delete a specific ConfigDistrictYear |
deleteConfigDistrictYearContact | Delete a specific ConfigDistrictYearContact |
deleteConfigDistrictYearEnrollment | Delete a specific ConfigDistrictYear |
deleteConfigDistrictYearFamily | Delete a specific ConfigDistrictYear |
deleteConfigDistrictYearGradebook | Delete a specific ConfigDistrictYear |
deleteConfigDistrictYearGrading | Delete a specific ConfigDistrictYear |
deleteConfigDistrictYearHealth | Delete a specific ConfigDistrictYear |
deleteConfigDistrictYearMessageCenter | Delete a specific ConfigDistrictYear |
deleteConfigDistrictYearWithdrawalCode | Delete a specific ConfigDistrictYearWithdrawalCode |
deleteConfigDistrictYearWithdrawalCodeMessageCenter | Delete a specific ConfigDistrictYearWithdrawalCode |
deleteConfigEntity | Delete a specific ConfigEntity |
deleteConfigEntityGroupYear | Delete a specific ConfigEntityGroupYear |
deleteConfigEntityGroupYearDiscipline | Delete a specific ConfigEntityGroupYear |
deleteConfigEntityGroupYearFamily | Delete a specific ConfigEntityGroupYear |
deleteConfigEntityGroupYearGradebook | Delete a specific ConfigEntityGroupYear |
deleteConfigEntityGroupYearGrading | Delete a specific ConfigEntityGroupYear |
deleteConfigEntityGroupYearStaff | Delete a specific ConfigEntityGroupYear |
deleteConfigEntityGroupYearStudent | Delete a specific ConfigEntityGroupYear |
deleteConfigEntityHealth | Delete a specific ConfigEntity |
deleteConfigEntityYear | Delete a specific ConfigEntityYear |
deleteConfigEntityYearDistrict | Delete a specific ConfigEntityYear |
deleteConfigEntityYearGrading | Delete a specific ConfigEntityYear |
deleteConfigEntityYearGraduationRequiredCredit | Delete a specific ConfigEntityYearGraduationRequiredCredit |
deleteConfigEntityYearScheduling | Delete a specific ConfigEntityYear |
deleteConfigSystem | Delete a specific ConfigSystem |
deleteConfigSystemDiscipline | Delete a specific ConfigSystem |
deleteConfigSystemFamily | Delete a specific ConfigSystem |
deleteConfigSystemReporting | Delete a specific ConfigSystem |
deleteConfigSystemSecurity | Delete a specific ConfigSystem |
deleteConfigSystemSkySys | Delete a specific ConfigSystem |
deleteConfigSystemStaff | Delete a specific ConfigSystem |
deleteConfigSystemStudent | Delete a specific ConfigSystem |
deleteCOPPAConsent | Delete a specific COPPAConsent |
deleteCOPPAConsentObjectMA | Delete a specific COPPAConsentObjectMA |
deleteCounty | Delete a specific County |
deleteCourse | Delete a specific Course |
deleteCourseAlternate | Delete a specific CourseAlternate |
deleteCourseCorequisiteGroup | Delete a specific CourseCorequisiteGroup |
deleteCourseCorequisiteGroupCourse | Delete a specific CourseCorequisiteGroupCourse |
deleteCourseCustomRequirement | Delete a specific CourseCustomRequirement |
deleteCourseEarnedCreditsMethod | Delete a specific CourseEarnedCreditsMethod |
deleteCourseEntityOfferedTo | Delete a specific CourseEntityOfferedTo |
deleteCourseEntityOfferedToSection | Delete a specific CourseEntityOfferedToSection |
deleteCourseEntityOfferedToSectionMeet | Delete a specific CourseEntityOfferedToSectionMeet |
deleteCourseEntityOfferedToSectionMeetDisplayPeriod | Delete a specific... |
deleteCourseEntityOfferedToSectionStaffMeet | Delete a specific CourseEntityOfferedToSectionStaffMeet |
deleteCourseGPAMethod | Delete a specific CourseGPAMethod |
deleteCourseGPAMethodGradeReferenceOverride | Delete a specific CourseGPAMethodGradeReferenceOverride |
deleteCourseGradeReference | Delete a specific CourseGradeReference |
deleteCourseGradingScaleGroup | Delete a specific CourseGradingScaleGroup |
deleteCourseGradingScaleGroupCourse | Delete a specific CourseGradingScaleGroupCourse |
deleteCourseGroup | Delete a specific CourseGroup |
deleteCourseGroupCourse | Delete a specific CourseGroupCourse |
deleteCourseLength | Delete a specific CourseLength |
deleteCourseLevelMN | Delete a specific CourseLevelMN |
deleteCourseMasterMassUpdate | Delete a specific CourseMasterMassUpdate |
deleteCoursePrerequisite | Delete a specific CoursePrerequisite |
deleteCoursePrerequisiteCurriculumCourse | Delete a specific CoursePrerequisiteCurriculumCourse |
deleteCoursePrerequisiteCurriculumCourseStudentCourseRequest | Delete a specific... |
deleteCourseSectionLengthExclude | Delete a specific CourseSectionLengthExclude |
deleteCourseSubject | Delete a specific CourseSubject |
deleteCourseType | Delete a specific CourseType |
deleteCrossEntityAttendanceReason | Delete a specific CrossEntityAttendanceReason |
deleteCrossEntityAttendanceType | Delete a specific CrossEntityAttendanceType |
deleteCrossEntityCalendarDisplayPeriod | Delete a specific CrossEntityCalendarDisplayPeriod |
deleteCrossReference | Delete a specific CrossReference |
deleteCurrentSportsSelections | Delete a specific CurrentSportsSelections |
deleteCurriculum | Delete a specific Curriculum |
deleteCurriculumAcademicStandard | Delete a specific CurriculumAcademicStandard |
deleteCurriculumCluster | Delete a specific CurriculumCluster |
deleteCurriculumClusterCurriculum | Delete a specific CurriculumClusterCurriculum |
deleteCurriculumClusterDefault | Delete a specific CurriculumClusterDefault |
deleteCurriculumCustomRequirement | Delete a specific CurriculumCustomRequirement |
deleteCurriculumGradeLevel | Delete a specific CurriculumGradeLevel |
deleteCurriculumProgramMN | Delete a specific CurriculumProgramMN |
deleteCurriculumSubArea | Delete a specific CurriculumSubArea |
deleteCurriculumSubject | Delete a specific CurriculumSubject |
deleteCurriculumSubjectAcademicStandard | Delete a specific CurriculumSubjectAcademicStandard |
deleteCurriculumYear | Delete a specific CurriculumYear |
deleteCustomCode | Delete a specific CustomCode |
deleteCustomCodeType | Delete a specific CustomCodeType |
deleteCustomRequirement | Delete a specific CustomRequirement |
deleteCustomScreen | Delete a specific CustomScreen |
deleteCustomScreenElement | Delete a specific CustomScreenElement |
deleteDailySectionAttendance | Delete a specific DailySectionAttendance |
deleteDashboard | Delete a specific Dashboard |
deleteDatabaseConnection | Delete a specific DatabaseConnection |
deleteDatabaseRequest | Delete a specific DatabaseRequest |
deleteDatabaseSession | Delete a specific DatabaseSession |
deleteDatabaseTransaction | Delete a specific DatabaseTransaction |
deleteDataMigrationHistory | Delete a specific DataMigrationHistory |
deleteDataMiningReport | Delete a specific DataMiningReport |
deleteDataMiningReportField | Delete a specific DataMiningReportField |
deleteDataMiningReportFieldFilter | Delete a specific DataMiningReportFieldFilter |
deleteDataMiningReportFieldParameter | Delete a specific DataMiningReportFieldParameter |
deleteDataMiningReportFieldSort | Delete a specific DataMiningReportFieldSort |
deleteDataMiningReportSortBreak | Delete a specific DataMiningReportSortBreak |
deleteDataMiningReportSubtopic | Delete a specific DataMiningReportSubtopic |
deleteDataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter | Delete a specific DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter |
deleteDataObjectFieldPath | Delete a specific DataObjectFieldPath |
deleteDateRangePreset | Delete a specific DateRangePreset |
deleteDayRotation | Delete a specific DayRotation |
deleteDayRotationPattern | Delete a specific DayRotationPattern |
deleteDefaultGradingScaleGroupGradeMark | Delete a specific DefaultGradingScaleGroupGradeMark |
deleteDentalComment | Delete a specific DentalComment |
deleteDentalGuardianNotification | Delete a specific DentalGuardianNotification |
deleteDentalGuardianResponse | Delete a specific DentalGuardianResponse |
deleteDentalReferralReason | Delete a specific DentalReferralReason |
deleteDentalReferralResult | Delete a specific DentalReferralResult |
deleteDentalScreening | Delete a specific DentalScreening |
deleteDentalScreeningComment | Delete a specific DentalScreeningComment |
deleteDentalScreeningNote | Delete a specific DentalScreeningNote |
deleteDentalScreeningReferral | Delete a specific DentalScreeningReferral |
deleteDentalScreeningResult | Delete a specific DentalScreeningResult |
deleteDentalScreeningSecuredNote | Delete a specific DentalScreeningSecuredNote |
deleteDentalTreatment | Delete a specific DentalTreatment |
deleteDepartment | Delete a specific Department |
deleteDependent | Delete a specific Dependent |
deleteDiabetesCareLog | Delete a specific DiabetesCareLog |
deleteDiabetesCareLogNote | Delete a specific DiabetesCareLogNote |
deleteDiabetesCareLogReferral | Delete a specific DiabetesCareLogReferral |
deleteDiabetesCareLogSecuredNote | Delete a specific DiabetesCareLogSecuredNote |
deleteDiabetesCareLogTreatment | Delete a specific DiabetesCareLogTreatment |
deleteDiabetesGuardianNotification | Delete a specific DiabetesGuardianNotification |
deleteDiabetesGuardianResponse | Delete a specific DiabetesGuardianResponse |
deleteDiabetesKetoneResult | Delete a specific DiabetesKetoneResult |
deleteDiabetesReferralReason | Delete a specific DiabetesReferralReason |
deleteDiabetesReferralResult | Delete a specific DiabetesReferralResult |
deleteDiabetesTreatment | Delete a specific DiabetesTreatment |
deleteDirectional | Delete a specific Directional |
deleteDisciplineLetterRunHistory | Delete a specific DisciplineLetterRunHistory |
deleteDisciplineLetterRunHistoryAction | Delete a specific DisciplineLetterRunHistoryAction |
deleteDisciplineLetterRunHistoryOffense | Delete a specific DisciplineLetterRunHistoryOffense |
deleteDisciplineLetterTemplate | Delete a specific DisciplineLetterTemplate |
deleteDisciplineLetterTemplateEntity | Delete a specific DisciplineLetterTemplateEntity |
deleteDisciplineLetterTemplateHeaderColumn | Delete a specific DisciplineLetterTemplateHeaderColumn |
deleteDisciplineLetterTemplateHeaderRow | Delete a specific DisciplineLetterTemplateHeaderRow |
deleteDisciplineThreshold | Delete a specific DisciplineThreshold |
deleteDisplayPeriod | Delete a specific DisplayPeriod |
deleteDisplayPeriodConflict | Delete a specific DisplayPeriodConflict |
deleteDisplayPeriodRotation | Delete a specific DisplayPeriodRotation |
deleteDisplayPeriodRotationDisplayPeriod | Delete a specific DisplayPeriodRotationDisplayPeriod |
deleteDistrict | Delete a specific District |
deleteDistrictGroup | Delete a specific DistrictGroup |
deleteDistrictSchoolYear | Delete a specific DistrictSchoolYear |
deleteDoseInterval | Delete a specific DoseInterval |
deleteDoseMinimumAge | Delete a specific DoseMinimumAge |
deleteDropLowScoreRun | Delete a specific DropLowScoreRun |
deleteDropLowScoreRunStudentAssignment | Delete a specific DropLowScoreRunStudentAssignment |
deleteDroppedStudentAttendancePeriod | Delete a specific DroppedStudentAttendancePeriod |
deleteDrug | Delete a specific Drug |
deleteEarlyEducationInstructionalApproachMN | Delete a specific EarlyEducationInstructionalApproachMN |
deleteEarlyEducationProgramMN | Delete a specific EarlyEducationProgramMN |
deleteEarlyExitReason | Delete a specific EarlyExitReason |
deleteEarnedCreditsBucketGroup | Delete a specific EarnedCreditsBucketGroup |
deleteEarnedCreditsBucketGroupGradeBucket | Delete a specific EarnedCreditsBucketGroupGradeBucket |
deleteEarnedCreditsBucketGroupGradeBucketStudentOverride | Delete a specific... |
deleteEarnedCreditsMethod | Delete a specific EarnedCreditsMethod |
deleteEarnedCreditsMethodEntity | Delete a specific EarnedCreditsMethodEntity |
deleteElectronicSignature | Delete a specific ElectronicSignature |
deleteElectronicTranscriptAcademicAwardException | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptAcademicAwardException |
deleteElectronicTranscriptAcademicAwardV1 | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptAcademicAwardV1 |
deleteElectronicTranscriptAcademicHonorException | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptAcademicHonorException |
deleteElectronicTranscriptAcademicHonorV1 | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptAcademicHonorV1 |
deleteElectronicTranscriptAcademicRecordException | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptAcademicRecordException |
deleteElectronicTranscriptAcademicRecordV1 | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptAcademicRecordV1 |
deleteElectronicTranscriptAcademicSessionException | Delete a specific... |
deleteElectronicTranscriptAcademicSessionV1 | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptAcademicSessionV1 |
deleteElectronicTranscriptAcademicSummaryException | Delete a specific... |
deleteElectronicTranscriptAcademicSummaryV1 | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptAcademicSummaryV1 |
deleteElectronicTranscriptAddressException | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptAddressException |
deleteElectronicTranscriptAddressV1 | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptAddressV1 |
deleteElectronicTranscriptAgencyIdentifierException | Delete a specific... |
deleteElectronicTranscriptAgencyIdentifierV1 | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptAgencyIdentifierV1 |
deleteElectronicTranscriptAPITransaction | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptAPITransaction |
deleteElectronicTranscriptCourseException | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptCourseException |
deleteElectronicTranscriptCourseV1 | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptCourseV1 |
deleteElectronicTranscriptImmunizationException | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptImmunizationException |
deleteElectronicTranscriptImmunizationV1 | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptImmunizationV1 |
deleteElectronicTranscriptLicensureException | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptLicensureException |
deleteElectronicTranscriptLicensureNoteException | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptLicensureNoteException |
deleteElectronicTranscriptLicensureNoteV1 | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptLicensureNoteV1 |
deleteElectronicTranscriptLicensureV1 | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptLicensureV1 |
deleteElectronicTranscriptPersonException | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptPersonException |
deleteElectronicTranscriptPersonV1 | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptPersonV1 |
deleteElectronicTranscriptPhoneException | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptPhoneException |
deleteElectronicTranscriptPhoneV1 | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptPhoneV1 |
deleteElectronicTranscriptRunHistory | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptRunHistory |
deleteElectronicTranscriptSubtestException | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptSubtestException |
deleteElectronicTranscriptSubtestV1 | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptSubtestV1 |
deleteElectronicTranscriptTestException | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptTestException |
deleteElectronicTranscriptTestScoreException | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptTestScoreException |
deleteElectronicTranscriptTestScoreV1 | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptTestScoreV1 |
deleteElectronicTranscriptTestV1 | Delete a specific ElectronicTranscriptTestV1 |
deleteElement | Delete a specific Element |
deleteElementGroup | Delete a specific ElementGroup |
deleteElementGroupTemplate | Delete a specific ElementGroupTemplate |
deleteElementStatus | Delete a specific ElementStatus |
deleteElementStatusSurveyAnswer | Delete a specific ElementStatusSurveyAnswer |
deleteEmail | Delete a specific Email |
deleteEmailAttachment | Delete a specific EmailAttachment |
deleteEmailType | Delete a specific EmailType |
deleteEmergencyContact | Delete a specific EmergencyContact |
deleteEmployer | Delete a specific Employer |
deleteEndorsement | Delete a specific Endorsement |
deleteEndorsementDeclarationTimePeriod | Delete a specific EndorsementDeclarationTimePeriod |
deleteEndorsementDeclarationTimePeriodGradeReference | Delete a specific... |
deleteEndorsementDeclarationTimePeriodStudentEntityYear | Delete a specific... |
deleteEndorsementDefault | Delete a specific EndorsementDefault |
deleteEndorsementOption | Delete a specific EndorsementOption |
deleteEndorsementOptionDefault | Delete a specific EndorsementOptionDefault |
deleteEndorsementRequirement | Delete a specific EndorsementRequirement |
deleteEndorsementRequirementAssessment | Delete a specific EndorsementRequirementAssessment |
deleteEndorsementRequirementAssessmentCluster | Delete a specific EndorsementRequirementAssessmentCluster |
deleteEndorsementRequirementAssessmentClusterDefault | Delete a specific... |
deleteEndorsementRequirementAssessmentDefault | Delete a specific EndorsementRequirementAssessmentDefault |
deleteEndorsementRequirementAssessmentScore | Delete a specific EndorsementRequirementAssessmentScore |
deleteEndorsementRequirementAssessmentScoreDefault | Delete a specific... |
deleteEndorsementRequirementCurriculum | Delete a specific EndorsementRequirementCurriculum |
deleteEndorsementRequirementCurriculumDefault | Delete a specific EndorsementRequirementCurriculumDefault |
deleteEndorsementRequirementDefault | Delete a specific EndorsementRequirementDefault |
deleteEntity | Delete a specific Entity |
deleteEntityCloneDestination | Delete a specific EntityCloneDestination |
deleteEntityCloneError | Delete a specific EntityCloneError |
deleteEntityCloneRun | Delete a specific EntityCloneRun |
deleteEntityCloneSelectedObject | Delete a specific EntityCloneSelectedObject |
deleteEntityCloneSelection | Delete a specific EntityCloneSelection |
deleteEntityGroup | Delete a specific EntityGroup |
deleteEntityGroupEntity | Delete a specific EntityGroupEntity |
deleteEntityGroupSetup | Delete a specific EntityGroupSetup |
deleteEntityGroupSetupEntity | Delete a specific EntityGroupSetupEntity |
deleteEntityGroupSetupRun | Delete a specific EntityGroupSetupRun |
deleteEntityGroupSetupRunDetail | Delete a specific EntityGroupSetupRunDetail |
deleteEntitySchool | Delete a specific EntitySchool |
deleteEntitySchoolBuilding | Delete a specific EntitySchoolBuilding |
deleteEntryCode | Delete a specific EntryCode |
deleteEntryWithdrawal | Delete a specific EntryWithdrawal |
deleteEthnicityMA | Delete a specific EthnicityMA |
deleteEventType | Delete a specific EventType |
deleteExternalLink | Delete a specific ExternalLink |
deleteExternalLinkEntity | Delete a specific ExternalLinkEntity |
deleteFactorBasedAddOn | Delete a specific FactorBasedAddOn |
deleteFallSport | Delete a specific FallSport |
deleteFallSportsTeam | Delete a specific FallSportsTeam |
deleteFamily | Delete a specific Family |
deleteFamilyGuardian | Delete a specific FamilyGuardian |
deleteFeedback | Delete a specific Feedback |
deleteFeederSchool | Delete a specific FeederSchool |
deleteField | Delete a specific Field |
deleteFieldMapping | Delete a specific FieldMapping |
deleteFieldRestriction | Delete a specific FieldRestriction |
deleteFieldRestrictionRole | Delete a specific FieldRestrictionRole |
deleteFieldRestrictionScreen | Delete a specific FieldRestrictionScreen |
deleteFileDestination | Delete a specific FileDestination |
deleteFileDestinationResult | Delete a specific FileDestinationResult |
deleteFilter | Delete a specific Filter |
deleteFiscalYear | Delete a specific FiscalYear |
deleteFTPConnection | Delete a specific FTPConnection |
deleteFTPProcessType | Delete a specific FTPProcessType |
deleteFTPProcessTypeConnection | Delete a specific FTPProcessTypeConnection |
deleteFTPResult | Delete a specific FTPResult |
deleteGPABucket | Delete a specific GPABucket |
deleteGPABucketEntity | Delete a specific GPABucketEntity |
deleteGPABucketGroup | Delete a specific GPABucketGroup |
deleteGPABucketGroupGradeBucket | Delete a specific GPABucketGroupGradeBucket |
deleteGPABucketGroupGradeBucketStudentOverride | Delete a specific GPABucketGroupGradeBucketStudentOverride |
deleteGPABucketGroupSummary | Delete a specific GPABucketGroupSummary |
deleteGPABucketSet | Delete a specific GPABucketSet |
deleteGPABucketType | Delete a specific GPABucketType |
deleteGPAMethod | Delete a specific GPAMethod |
deleteGPAMethodCourseGroup | Delete a specific GPAMethodCourseGroup |
deleteGPAMethodEntity | Delete a specific GPAMethodEntity |
deleteGPAMethodGradeBucketFlagGPAPointsOverride | Delete a specific GPAMethodGradeBucketFlagGPAPointsOverride |
deleteGradebookLockGradeBucket | Delete a specific GradebookLockGradeBucket |
deleteGradebookLockGradeReference | Delete a specific GradebookLockGradeReference |
deleteGradeBucket | Delete a specific GradeBucket |
deleteGradeBucketFlag | Delete a specific GradeBucketFlag |
deleteGradeBucketFlagDetail | Delete a specific GradeBucketFlagDetail |
deleteGradeBucketFlagDetailGPAMethod | Delete a specific GradeBucketFlagDetailGPAMethod |
deleteGradeBucketType | Delete a specific GradeBucketType |
deleteGradeLevel | Delete a specific GradeLevel |
deleteGradeMark | Delete a specific GradeMark |
deleteGradeMarkPointSet | Delete a specific GradeMarkPointSet |
deleteGradeReference | Delete a specific GradeReference |
deleteGradeReportAcademicSession | Delete a specific GradeReportAcademicSession |
deleteGradeReportAcademicSessionTemplate | Delete a specific GradeReportAcademicSessionTemplate |
deleteGradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateCourse | Delete a specific GradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateCourse |
deleteGradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateCourseGroup | Delete a specific... |
deleteGradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateGradeLevel | Delete a specific... |
deleteGradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateGroup | Delete a specific GradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateGroup |
deleteGradeReportColumnAttendanceCategory | Delete a specific GradeReportColumnAttendanceCategory |
deleteGradeReportColumnAttendanceTerm | Delete a specific GradeReportColumnAttendanceTerm |
deleteGradeReportColumnGradeBucket | Delete a specific GradeReportColumnGradeBucket |
deleteGradeReportColumnGroup | Delete a specific GradeReportColumnGroup |
deleteGradeReportColumnGroupColumn | Delete a specific GradeReportColumnGroupColumn |
deleteGradeReportEndorsementRow | Delete a specific GradeReportEndorsementRow |
deleteGradeReportGPARow | Delete a specific GradeReportGPARow |
deleteGradeReportGradingScale | Delete a specific GradeReportGradingScale |
deleteGradeReportRow | Delete a specific GradeReportRow |
deleteGradeReportRowColumn | Delete a specific GradeReportRowColumn |
deleteGradeReportRowDetail | Delete a specific GradeReportRowDetail |
deleteGradeReportRunHistory | Delete a specific GradeReportRunHistory |
deleteGradeReportRunHistoryAttachment | Delete a specific GradeReportRunHistoryAttachment |
deleteGradeReportStudent | Delete a specific GradeReportStudent |
deleteGradeReportStudentAttendanceTerm | Delete a specific GradeReportStudentAttendanceTerm |
deleteGradeReportStudentCTE | Delete a specific GradeReportStudentCTE |
deleteGradeReportStudentHighlightIN | Delete a specific GradeReportStudentHighlightIN |
deleteGradeReportStudentTestRow | Delete a specific GradeReportStudentTestRow |
deleteGradeReportStudentTestType | Delete a specific GradeReportStudentTestType |
deleteGradeReportStudentVaccination | Delete a specific GradeReportStudentVaccination |
deleteGradeReportTemplate | Delete a specific GradeReportTemplate |
deleteGradeReportTemplateCommentSet | Delete a specific GradeReportTemplateCommentSet |
deleteGradeReportTemplateEndorsement | Delete a specific GradeReportTemplateEndorsement |
deleteGradeReportTemplateGPABucket | Delete a specific GradeReportTemplateGPABucket |
deleteGradeReportTemplateGPAMethod | Delete a specific GradeReportTemplateGPAMethod |
deleteGradeReportTemplateGradeMark | Delete a specific GradeReportTemplateGradeMark |
deleteGradeReportTemplateHeaderColumn | Delete a specific GradeReportTemplateHeaderColumn |
deleteGradeReportTemplateHeaderRow | Delete a specific GradeReportTemplateHeaderRow |
deleteGradeReportTemplateHierarchyDepthSetting | Delete a specific GradeReportTemplateHierarchyDepthSetting |
deleteGradeReportTemplateTestType | Delete a specific GradeReportTemplateTestType |
deleteGradeReportTemplateVaccination | Delete a specific GradeReportTemplateVaccination |
deleteGradesheetAssignmentSetting | Delete a specific GradesheetAssignmentSetting |
deleteGradingPeriod | Delete a specific GradingPeriod |
deleteGradingPeriodGradeBucket | Delete a specific GradingPeriodGradeBucket |
deleteGradingPeriodSet | Delete a specific GradingPeriodSet |
deleteGradingScaleGroup | Delete a specific GradingScaleGroup |
deleteGradingScaleGroupGradeMark | Delete a specific GradingScaleGroupGradeMark |
deleteGradReqRankGPACourseType | Delete a specific GradReqRankGPACourseType |
deleteGradReqRankGPAMethodEntity | Delete a specific GradReqRankGPAMethodEntity |
deleteGradReqRankHighSchoolGradeLevel | Delete a specific GradReqRankHighSchoolGradeLevel |
deleteGradReqRankSchoolYearIncludeLocalCredit | Delete a specific GradReqRankSchoolYearIncludeLocalCredit |
deleteGradReqSubjectType | Delete a specific GradReqSubjectType |
deleteGroup | Delete a specific Group |
deleteGroupEntityAutoAdd | Delete a specific GroupEntityAutoAdd |
deleteGroupImpersonationRole | Delete a specific GroupImpersonationRole |
deleteGroupLDAPSynchronization | Delete a specific GroupLDAPSynchronization |
deleteGroupMembership | Delete a specific GroupMembership |
deleteGroupRole | Delete a specific GroupRole |
deleteHealthAttachment | Delete a specific HealthAttachment |
deleteHealthCondition | Delete a specific HealthCondition |
deleteHealthConditionComment | Delete a specific HealthConditionComment |
deleteHealthConditionResponses | Delete a specific HealthConditionResponses |
deleteHealthConditionTreatment | Delete a specific HealthConditionTreatment |
deleteHealthProfessional | Delete a specific HealthProfessional |
deleteHealthProfessionalType | Delete a specific HealthProfessionalType |
deleteHearingComment | Delete a specific HearingComment |
deleteHearingDecibelLevel | Delete a specific HearingDecibelLevel |
deleteHearingDecibelLevelDefault | Delete a specific HearingDecibelLevelDefault |
deleteHearingGuardianNotification | Delete a specific HearingGuardianNotification |
deleteHearingGuardianResponse | Delete a specific HearingGuardianResponse |
deleteHearingHertzLevel | Delete a specific HearingHertzLevel |
deleteHearingHertzLevelDefault | Delete a specific HearingHertzLevelDefault |
deleteHearingObservation | Delete a specific HearingObservation |
deleteHearingReferralReason | Delete a specific HearingReferralReason |
deleteHearingReferralResult | Delete a specific HearingReferralResult |
deleteHearingScreening | Delete a specific HearingScreening |
deleteHearingScreeningComment | Delete a specific HearingScreeningComment |
deleteHearingScreeningNote | Delete a specific HearingScreeningNote |
deleteHearingScreeningObservation | Delete a specific HearingScreeningObservation |
deleteHearingScreeningReferral | Delete a specific HearingScreeningReferral |
deleteHearingScreeningSecuredNote | Delete a specific HearingScreeningSecuredNote |
deleteHearingScreeningThreshold | Delete a specific HearingScreeningThreshold |
deleteHierarchyDepth | Delete a specific HierarchyDepth |
deleteHomeroom | Delete a specific Homeroom |
deleteHonorRollRuleGPA | Delete a specific HonorRollRuleGPA |
deleteHonorRollRuleGradeMark | Delete a specific HonorRollRuleGradeMark |
deleteHonorRollRuleGradeMarkGradeBucket | Delete a specific HonorRollRuleGradeMarkGradeBucket |
deleteHonorRollRuleGradeMarkGradeMark | Delete a specific HonorRollRuleGradeMarkGradeMark |
deleteHonorRollRulePriorHonorRoll | Delete a specific HonorRollRulePriorHonorRoll |
deleteHonorRollRulePriorHonorRollLevel | Delete a specific HonorRollRulePriorHonorRollLevel |
deleteHonorRollRun | Delete a specific HonorRollRun |
deleteHonorRollRunHistory | Delete a specific HonorRollRunHistory |
deleteHonorRollRunLevel | Delete a specific HonorRollRunLevel |
deleteHonorRollRunLevelHistory | Delete a specific HonorRollRunLevelHistory |
deleteHonorRollRunLevelRule | Delete a specific HonorRollRunLevelRule |
deleteImpersonation | Delete a specific Impersonation |
deleteImport | Delete a specific Import |
deleteImportDataObjectSource | Delete a specific ImportDataObjectSource |
deleteImportModulePath | Delete a specific ImportModulePath |
deleteImportResult | Delete a specific ImportResult |
deleteImportResultRow | Delete a specific ImportResultRow |
deleteImportResultRowDetail | Delete a specific ImportResultRowDetail |
deleteIncident | Delete a specific Incident |
deleteIncidentOffense | Delete a specific IncidentOffense |
deleteIncidentOffenseName | Delete a specific IncidentOffenseName |
deleteIncidentOffenseNameAction | Delete a specific IncidentOffenseNameAction |
deleteIncidentOffenseNameActionDetail | Delete a specific IncidentOffenseNameActionDetail |
deleteIncidentOffenseNameActionDetailPeriod | Delete a specific IncidentOffenseNameActionDetailPeriod |
deleteIncidentOffenseNameDrug | Delete a specific IncidentOffenseNameDrug |
deleteIncidentOffenseNameReportRunHistory | Delete a specific IncidentOffenseNameReportRunHistory |
deleteIncidentOffenseNameWeapon | Delete a specific IncidentOffenseNameWeapon |
deleteIndexStatisticsAlwaysUpdate | Delete a specific IndexStatisticsAlwaysUpdate |
deleteIndicator | Delete a specific Indicator |
deleteInjury | Delete a specific Injury |
deleteInjuryOccurrence | Delete a specific InjuryOccurrence |
deleteInjuryOccurrenceBodyPart | Delete a specific InjuryOccurrenceBodyPart |
deleteInjuryOccurrenceBodyPartInjury | Delete a specific InjuryOccurrenceBodyPartInjury |
deleteInjuryOccurrenceBodyPartInjuryTreatment | Delete a specific InjuryOccurrenceBodyPartInjuryTreatment |
deleteInjuryOccurrenceComment | Delete a specific InjuryOccurrenceComment |
deleteInjuryOccurrenceGuardianNotification | Delete a specific InjuryOccurrenceGuardianNotification |
deleteInjuryOccurrenceGuardianResponse | Delete a specific InjuryOccurrenceGuardianResponse |
deleteInjuryOccurrenceInjuryOccurrenceComment | Delete a specific InjuryOccurrenceInjuryOccurrenceComment |
deleteInjuryOccurrenceNote | Delete a specific InjuryOccurrenceNote |
deleteInjuryOccurrenceReferral | Delete a specific InjuryOccurrenceReferral |
deleteInjuryOccurrenceReferralReason | Delete a specific InjuryOccurrenceReferralReason |
deleteInjuryOccurrenceReferralResult | Delete a specific InjuryOccurrenceReferralResult |
deleteInjuryOccurrenceSecuredNote | Delete a specific InjuryOccurrenceSecuredNote |
deleteInstitution | Delete a specific Institution |
deleteInstitutionDefault | Delete a specific InstitutionDefault |
deleteIPRange | Delete a specific IPRange |
deleteJobTitleMA | Delete a specific JobTitleMA |
deleteKiosk | Delete a specific Kiosk |
deleteLanguage | Delete a specific Language |
deleteLanguageSchoolYear | Delete a specific LanguageSchoolYear |
deleteLastNameNumber | Delete a specific LastNameNumber |
deleteLDAPGroup | Delete a specific LDAPGroup |
deleteLDAPProvider | Delete a specific LDAPProvider |
deleteLocation | Delete a specific Location |
deleteLocationHealth | Delete a specific Location |
deleteLock | Delete a specific Lock |
deleteLockCombination | Delete a specific LockCombination |
deleteLocker | Delete a specific Locker |
deleteLockerArea | Delete a specific LockerArea |
deleteLockMake | Delete a specific LockMake |
deleteLog | Delete a specific Log |
deleteLoginHistory | Delete a specific LoginHistory |
deleteMassCreateAttendanceByClassActivityRangeRun | Delete a specific MassCreateAttendanceByClassActivityRangeRun |
deleteMassPrintHistory | Delete a specific MassPrintHistory |
deleteMassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory | Delete a specific MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistory |
deleteMassPrintStudentScheduleRunHistory | Delete a specific MassPrintStudentScheduleRunHistory |
deleteMassUpdateSystemDateRunHistory | Delete a specific MassUpdateSystemDateRunHistory |
deleteMassUpdateSystemDateRunHistoryDetail | Delete a specific MassUpdateSystemDateRunHistoryDetail |
deleteMassUpdateSystemDateRunHistoryError | Delete a specific MassUpdateSystemDateRunHistoryError |
deleteMaximumTeachingHourOverride | Delete a specific MaximumTeachingHourOverride |
deleteMCCCTermGradeBucketMN | Delete a specific MCCCTermGradeBucketMN |
deleteMedia | Delete a specific Media |
deleteMediaType | Delete a specific MediaType |
deleteMedication | Delete a specific Medication |
deleteMedicationClassification | Delete a specific MedicationClassification |
deleteMedicationClassificationMedication | Delete a specific MedicationClassificationMedication |
deleteMedicationComment | Delete a specific MedicationComment |
deleteMedicationDosageUnit | Delete a specific MedicationDosageUnit |
deleteMedicationRoute | Delete a specific MedicationRoute |
deleteMeet | Delete a specific Meet |
deleteMeetDisplayPeriod | Delete a specific MeetDisplayPeriod |
deleteMeetEntityRoomPeriod | Delete a specific MeetEntityRoomPeriod |
deleteMeetEntityRoomPeriodDateSeatsAvailable | Delete a specific MeetEntityRoomPeriodDateSeatsAvailable |
deleteMeetRequirement | Delete a specific MeetRequirement |
deleteMeetSummary | Delete a specific MeetSummary |
deleteMeetSummaryDetail | Delete a specific MeetSummaryDetail |
deleteMenuCategory | Delete a specific MenuCategory |
deleteMenuModule | Delete a specific MenuModule |
deleteMenuScreen | Delete a specific MenuScreen |
deleteMenuSecurityItem | Delete a specific MenuSecurityItem |
deleteMessage | Delete a specific Message |
deleteMessageMaster | Delete a specific MessageMaster |
deleteMobileSSO | Delete a specific MobileSSO |
deleteModule | Delete a specific Module |
deleteModulePath | Delete a specific ModulePath |
deleteMonitorSummaryByClass | Delete a specific MonitorSummaryByClass |
deleteMonitorSummaryByTeacher | Delete a specific MonitorSummaryByTeacher |
deleteMultifactorAuthentication | Delete a specific MultifactorAuthentication |
deleteMultifactorAuthenticationAssertion | Delete a specific MultifactorAuthenticationAssertion |
deleteName | Delete a specific Name |
deleteNameAddress | Delete a specific NameAddress |
deleteNameAlias | Delete a specific NameAlias |
deleteNameEmail | Delete a specific NameEmail |
deleteNameEthnicityRaceSubcategoryMN | Delete a specific NameEthnicityRaceSubcategoryMN |
deleteNameMedication | Delete a specific NameMedication |
deleteNameMedicationComment | Delete a specific NameMedicationComment |
deleteNameMedicationNote | Delete a specific NameMedicationNote |
deleteNameMedicationPrescription | Delete a specific NameMedicationPrescription |
deleteNameMedicationSchedule | Delete a specific NameMedicationSchedule |
deleteNameMedicationSecuredNote | Delete a specific NameMedicationSecuredNote |
deleteNameMergeRunHistory | Delete a specific NameMergeRunHistory |
deleteNameOfficeVisit | Delete a specific NameOfficeVisit |
deleteNameOfficeVisitDisposition | Delete a specific NameOfficeVisitDisposition |
deleteNameOfficeVisitNote | Delete a specific NameOfficeVisitNote |
deleteNameOfficeVisitNotification | Delete a specific NameOfficeVisitNotification |
deleteNameOfficeVisitReason | Delete a specific NameOfficeVisitReason |
deleteNameOfficeVisitReferral | Delete a specific NameOfficeVisitReferral |
deleteNameOfficeVisitSecuredNote | Delete a specific NameOfficeVisitSecuredNote |
deleteNameOfficeVisitTimeTransaction | Delete a specific NameOfficeVisitTimeTransaction |
deleteNameOfficeVisitTreatment | Delete a specific NameOfficeVisitTreatment |
deleteNamePhone | Delete a specific NamePhone |
deleteNameProcedure | Delete a specific NameProcedure |
deleteNameProcedureNote | Delete a specific NameProcedureNote |
deleteNameProcedureOccurrence | Delete a specific NameProcedureOccurrence |
deleteNameProcedureSchedule | Delete a specific NameProcedureSchedule |
deleteNameProcedureScheduleDay | Delete a specific NameProcedureScheduleDay |
deleteNameProcedureSecuredNote | Delete a specific NameProcedureSecuredNote |
deleteNameSuffix | Delete a specific NameSuffix |
deleteNameTitle | Delete a specific NameTitle |
deleteNameVehicle | Delete a specific NameVehicle |
deleteNameWebsite | Delete a specific NameWebsite |
deleteNewStudentEnrollmentGuardianData | Delete a specific NewStudentEnrollmentGuardianData |
deleteNewStudentEnrollmentUserData | Delete a specific NewStudentEnrollmentUserData |
deleteNextIncidentNumber | Delete a specific NextIncidentNumber |
deleteNextStaffNumber | Delete a specific NextStaffNumber |
deleteNextStudentNumber | Delete a specific NextStudentNumber |
deleteNoteType | Delete a specific NoteType |
deleteNotification | Delete a specific Notification |
deleteNotificationAction | Delete a specific NotificationAction |
deleteNotificationAttendanceType | Delete a specific NotificationAttendanceType |
deleteNotificationCarbonCopyStaff | Delete a specific NotificationCarbonCopyStaff |
deleteNotificationDisciplineThreshold | Delete a specific NotificationDisciplineThreshold |
deleteNotificationGradeBucket | Delete a specific NotificationGradeBucket |
deleteNotificationGradeMark | Delete a specific NotificationGradeMark |
deleteNotificationGradeReference | Delete a specific NotificationGradeReference |
deleteNotificationMethod | Delete a specific NotificationMethod |
deleteNotificationMethodHealth | Delete a specific NotificationMethod |
deleteNotificationOffense | Delete a specific NotificationOffense |
deleteNotificationOnlineForm | Delete a specific NotificationOnlineForm |
deleteNotificationScheduleIsAvailableSectionLength | Delete a specific... |
deleteNotificationUnrecordedClassAttendance | Delete a specific NotificationUnrecordedClassAttendance |
deleteNotificationWithdrawalCode | Delete a specific NotificationWithdrawalCode |
deleteNotPerformedReason | Delete a specific NotPerformedReason |
deleteNumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear | Delete a specific... |
deleteNumberedStudentEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYear | Delete a specific... |
deleteObject | Delete a specific Object |
deleteOccupation | Delete a specific Occupation |
deleteOffense | Delete a specific Offense |
deleteOffenseAction | Delete a specific OffenseAction |
deleteOffenseLevel | Delete a specific OffenseLevel |
deleteOfficeVisitComment | Delete a specific OfficeVisitComment |
deleteOfficeVisitCommentHealth | Delete a specific OfficeVisitComment |
deleteOfficeVisitDisposition | Delete a specific OfficeVisitDisposition |
deleteOfficeVisitGuardianResponse | Delete a specific OfficeVisitGuardianResponse |
deleteOfficeVisitGuardianResponseHealth | Delete a specific OfficeVisitGuardianResponse |
deleteOfficeVisitReason | Delete a specific OfficeVisitReason |
deleteOfficeVisitReasonHealth | Delete a specific OfficeVisitReason |
deleteOfficeVisitReferralReason | Delete a specific OfficeVisitReferralReason |
deleteOfficeVisitReferralResult | Delete a specific OfficeVisitReferralResult |
deleteOnlineForm | Delete a specific OnlineForm |
deleteOnlineFormClearance | Delete a specific OnlineFormClearance |
deleteOnlineFormDateException | Delete a specific OnlineFormDateException |
deleteOnlineFormEntity | Delete a specific OnlineFormEntity |
deleteOnlineFormStatus | Delete a specific OnlineFormStatus |
deleteOnlineFormStatusName | Delete a specific OnlineFormStatusName |
deleteOnlineFormType | Delete a specific OnlineFormType |
deleteOnlinePaymentLog | Delete a specific OnlinePaymentLog |
deleteOnlinePaymentVendor | Delete a specific OnlinePaymentVendor |
deleteOnlinePaymentVendorEntity | Delete a specific OnlinePaymentVendorEntity |
deleteOpenPeriodAnalysis | Delete a specific OpenPeriodAnalysis |
deleteOpenPeriodAnalysisStudent | Delete a specific OpenPeriodAnalysisStudent |
deleteOTCMedication | Delete a specific OTCMedication |
deletePage | Delete a specific Page |
deletePageBurst | Delete a specific PageBurst |
deletePaymentNoticeLog | Delete a specific PaymentNoticeLog |
deletePaymentPlanMA | Delete a specific PaymentPlanMA |
deletePerceivedMotivation | Delete a specific PerceivedMotivation |
deletePermit | Delete a specific Permit |
deletePhoneType | Delete a specific PhoneType |
deletePhysicalComment | Delete a specific PhysicalComment |
deletePhysicalGuardianNotification | Delete a specific PhysicalGuardianNotification |
deletePhysicalGuardianResponse | Delete a specific PhysicalGuardianResponse |
deletePhysicalObservation | Delete a specific PhysicalObservation |
deletePhysicalReferralReason | Delete a specific PhysicalReferralReason |
deletePhysicalReferralResult | Delete a specific PhysicalReferralResult |
deletePhysicalScreening | Delete a specific PhysicalScreening |
deletePhysicalScreeningComment | Delete a specific PhysicalScreeningComment |
deletePhysicalScreeningNote | Delete a specific PhysicalScreeningNote |
deletePhysicalScreeningObservation | Delete a specific PhysicalScreeningObservation |
deletePhysicalScreeningReferral | Delete a specific PhysicalScreeningReferral |
deletePhysicalScreeningSecuredNote | Delete a specific PhysicalScreeningSecuredNote |
deletePlan | Delete a specific Plan |
deletePlanDefault | Delete a specific PlanDefault |
deletePlanEmployee | Delete a specific PlanEmployee |
deletePlanEntity | Delete a specific PlanEntity |
deletePlanGroup | Delete a specific PlanGroup |
deletePlanGroupAssignmentType | Delete a specific PlanGroupAssignmentType |
deletePlanGroupBuilding | Delete a specific PlanGroupBuilding |
deletePlanGroupClearance | Delete a specific PlanGroupClearance |
deletePlanGroupPositionType | Delete a specific PlanGroupPositionType |
deletePlanPosition | Delete a specific PlanPosition |
deletePlanPositionBenefit | Delete a specific PlanPositionBenefit |
deletePlanPositionDistribution | Delete a specific PlanPositionDistribution |
deletePlanPositionDistributionAccountDistribution | Delete a specific PlanPositionDistributionAccountDistribution |
deletePlanPositionPay | Delete a specific PlanPositionPay |
deletePlanPositionPayAccountCalculation | Delete a specific PlanPositionPayAccountCalculation |
deletePlanPositionPayAccountDistribution | Delete a specific PlanPositionPayAccountDistribution |
deletePlanPositionPayBenefit | Delete a specific PlanPositionPayBenefit |
deletePlanPositionPayBenefitAccount | Delete a specific PlanPositionPayBenefitAccount |
deletePlanPositionSupplement | Delete a specific PlanPositionSupplement |
deletePlanStaffPlanning | Delete a specific Plan |
deletePMTransportation | Delete a specific PMTransportation |
deletePointSet | Delete a specific PointSet |
deletePointSetEntity | Delete a specific PointSetEntity |
deletePositionTypePlanPositionDistributionSummary | Delete a specific PositionTypePlanPositionDistributionSummary |
deletePrerequisite | Delete a specific Prerequisite |
deletePrerequisiteCurriculum | Delete a specific PrerequisiteCurriculum |
deletePrerequisiteCurriculumCourse | Delete a specific PrerequisiteCurriculumCourse |
deleteProcedure | Delete a specific Procedure |
deleteProcessRestriction | Delete a specific ProcessRestriction |
deleteProduct | Delete a specific Product |
deleteProductModulePath | Delete a specific ProductModulePath |
deleteProductOwned | Delete a specific ProductOwned |
deleteProfile | Delete a specific Profile |
deleteProfileModule | Delete a specific ProfileModule |
deleteProfileScreen | Delete a specific ProfileScreen |
deletePrompt | Delete a specific Prompt |
deletePromptTemplate | Delete a specific PromptTemplate |
deleteQuestion | Delete a specific Question |
deleteQuestionAnswer | Delete a specific QuestionAnswer |
deleteQuestionAnswerMedia | Delete a specific QuestionAnswerMedia |
deleteQuestionMedia | Delete a specific QuestionMedia |
deleteQueuedCompletedCareerPlanChangeNotification | Delete a specific QueuedCompletedCareerPlanChangeNotification |
deleteQueuedCompletedGradeChangeNotification | Delete a specific QueuedCompletedGradeChangeNotification |
deleteQueuedGPACalculation | Delete a specific QueuedGPACalculation |
deleteQueuedGraduationPlanRecalcTrigger | Delete a specific QueuedGraduationPlanRecalcTrigger |
deleteQueuedStudentEndorsementCalculation | Delete a specific QueuedStudentEndorsementCalculation |
deleteQueuedStudentPlanCourseworkApplication | Delete a specific QueuedStudentPlanCourseworkApplication |
deleteQueuedStudentSection | Delete a specific QueuedStudentSection |
deleteQuickEntryText | Delete a specific QuickEntryText |
deleteRaisersEdgeObjectMA | Delete a specific RaisersEdgeObjectMA |
deleteRankMethod | Delete a specific RankMethod |
deleteRankRunHistory | Delete a specific RankRunHistory |
deleteRecordedUnrecordedAttendance | Delete a specific RecordedUnrecordedAttendance |
deleteRelationship | Delete a specific Relationship |
deleteRelationshipSkySys | Delete a specific Relationship |
deleteReligion | Delete a specific Religion |
deleteReport | Delete a specific Report |
deleteReportError | Delete a specific ReportError |
deleteReportMenuModule | Delete a specific ReportMenuModule |
deleteReportQueue | Delete a specific ReportQueue |
deleteReportQueueBurstAction | Delete a specific ReportQueueBurstAction |
deleteReportQueueSQL | Delete a specific ReportQueueSQL |
deleteReportRole | Delete a specific ReportRole |
deleteReportRunInfo | Delete a specific ReportRunInfo |
deleteReportStyle | Delete a specific ReportStyle |
deleteResponseTable | Delete a specific ResponseTable |
deleteRole | Delete a specific Role |
deleteRoleAttachmentType | Delete a specific RoleAttachmentType |
deleteRoleField | Delete a specific RoleField |
deleteRoleIPRange | Delete a specific RoleIPRange |
deleteRoleMenuSecurityItem | Delete a specific RoleMenuSecurityItem |
deleteRoleModulePath | Delete a specific RoleModulePath |
deleteRolePortal | Delete a specific RolePortal |
deleteRoom | Delete a specific Room |
deleteRoomLayout | Delete a specific RoomLayout |
deleteRoomLayoutObject | Delete a specific RoomLayoutObject |
deleteRoomObject | Delete a specific RoomObject |
deleteRoomType | Delete a specific RoomType |
deleteScheduleBlocker | Delete a specific ScheduleBlocker |
deleteScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod | Delete a specific ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriod |
deleteScheduledImport | Delete a specific ScheduledImport |
deleteScheduledReport | Delete a specific ScheduledReport |
deleteScheduledTask | Delete a specific ScheduledTask |
deleteScheduledTaskInstance | Delete a specific ScheduledTaskInstance |
deleteScheduledTaskParameterData | Delete a specific ScheduledTaskParameterData |
deleteScheduleRestorePoint | Delete a specific ScheduleRestorePoint |
deleteSchedulingBoardFilter | Delete a specific SchedulingBoardFilter |
deleteSchedulingCategory | Delete a specific SchedulingCategory |
deleteSchedulingGroup | Delete a specific SchedulingGroup |
deleteSchedulingGroupCourse | Delete a specific SchedulingGroupCourse |
deleteSchedulingGroupSection | Delete a specific SchedulingGroupSection |
deleteSchedulingPeriod | Delete a specific SchedulingPeriod |
deleteSchedulingPeriodDisplayPeriod | Delete a specific SchedulingPeriodDisplayPeriod |
deleteSchedulingTeam | Delete a specific SchedulingTeam |
deleteSchedulingTeamGradeReference | Delete a specific SchedulingTeamGradeReference |
deleteSchemaHistory | Delete a specific SchemaHistory |
deleteSchool | Delete a specific School |
deleteSchoolDistrict | Delete a specific SchoolDistrict |
deleteSchoolPath | Delete a specific SchoolPath |
deleteSchoolPathSchool | Delete a specific SchoolPathSchool |
deleteSchoolPathSchoolOverride | Delete a specific SchoolPathSchoolOverride |
deleteSchoolPathStudent | Delete a specific SchoolPathStudent |
deleteSchoolPathType | Delete a specific SchoolPathType |
deleteSchoolYear | Delete a specific SchoolYear |
deleteScoliosisComment | Delete a specific ScoliosisComment |
deleteScoliosisGuardianNotification | Delete a specific ScoliosisGuardianNotification |
deleteScoliosisGuardianResponse | Delete a specific ScoliosisGuardianResponse |
deleteScoliosisObservation | Delete a specific ScoliosisObservation |
deleteScoliosisReferralReason | Delete a specific ScoliosisReferralReason |
deleteScoliosisReferralResult | Delete a specific ScoliosisReferralResult |
deleteScoliosisResult | Delete a specific ScoliosisResult |
deleteScoliosisScreening | Delete a specific ScoliosisScreening |
deleteScoliosisScreeningComment | Delete a specific ScoliosisScreeningComment |
deleteScoliosisScreeningNote | Delete a specific ScoliosisScreeningNote |
deleteScoliosisScreeningObservation | Delete a specific ScoliosisScreeningObservation |
deleteScoliosisScreeningReferral | Delete a specific ScoliosisScreeningReferral |
deleteScoliosisScreeningSecuredNote | Delete a specific ScoliosisScreeningSecuredNote |
deleteScoliosisTreatment | Delete a specific ScoliosisTreatment |
deleteScoreClarifier | Delete a specific ScoreClarifier |
deleteSeatingChart | Delete a specific SeatingChart |
deleteSeatingChartMeet | Delete a specific SeatingChartMeet |
deleteSeatingChartSeat | Delete a specific SeatingChartSeat |
deleteSeatingChartUsedLast | Delete a specific SeatingChartUsedLast |
deleteSection | Delete a specific Section |
deleteSectionAcademicStandardWeight | Delete a specific SectionAcademicStandardWeight |
deleteSectionCategory | Delete a specific SectionCategory |
deleteSectionCorequisiteGroup | Delete a specific SectionCorequisiteGroup |
deleteSectionCorequisiteGroupSection | Delete a specific SectionCorequisiteGroupSection |
deleteSectionCustomRequirement | Delete a specific SectionCustomRequirement |
deleteSectionDefault | Delete a specific SectionDefault |
deleteSectionEnrollmentTotalForSectionLengthSubset | Delete a specific... |
deleteSectionEnrollmentTotalForSectionLengthSubsetAndEntity | Delete a specific... |
deleteSectionGradeBucket | Delete a specific SectionGradeBucket |
deleteSectionGradeBucketSetting | Delete a specific SectionGradeBucketSetting |
deleteSectionGradeBucketWeight | Delete a specific SectionGradeBucketWeight |
deleteSectionGradingPeriodData | Delete a specific SectionGradingPeriodData |
deleteSectionGradingScaleGroup | Delete a specific SectionGradingScaleGroup |
deleteSectionLength | Delete a specific SectionLength |
deleteSectionLengthGPABucket | Delete a specific SectionLengthGPABucket |
deleteSectionLengthSubset | Delete a specific SectionLengthSubset |
deleteSectionMeetSummary | Delete a specific SectionMeetSummary |
deleteSectionSchedulerCourseConstraint | Delete a specific SectionSchedulerCourseConstraint |
deleteSectionSchedulerDayRotationForMeet | Delete a specific SectionSchedulerDayRotationForMeet |
deleteSectionSchedulerDisplayPeriodExcludedForCourse | Delete a specific... |
deleteSectionSchedulerPattern | Delete a specific SectionSchedulerPattern |
deleteSectionSchedulerPatternDayRotation | Delete a specific SectionSchedulerPatternDayRotation |
deleteSectionSchedulerPatternExcludedForMeetRequirement | Delete a specific... |
deleteSectionSchedulerProposedMeet | Delete a specific SectionSchedulerProposedMeet |
deleteSectionSchedulerProposedMeetConflict | Delete a specific SectionSchedulerProposedMeetConflict |
deleteSectionSchedulerProposedMeetDisplayPeriod | Delete a specific SectionSchedulerProposedMeetDisplayPeriod |
deleteSectionSchedulerProposedStaffMeet | Delete a specific SectionSchedulerProposedStaffMeet |
deleteSectionSchedulerRoomTypeForCourse | Delete a specific SectionSchedulerRoomTypeForCourse |
deleteSectionSchedulerRunAnalysis | Delete a specific SectionSchedulerRunAnalysis |
deleteSectionSchedulerStaffForCourse | Delete a specific SectionSchedulerStaffForCourse |
deleteSectionSchedulingCategory | Delete a specific SectionSchedulingCategory |
deleteSectionSchedulingTeam | Delete a specific SectionSchedulingTeam |
deleteSectionSubjectWeight | Delete a specific SectionSubjectWeight |
deleteSecurityLocation | Delete a specific SecurityLocation |
deleteSecurityLocationMenuSecurityItem | Delete a specific SecurityLocationMenuSecurityItem |
deleteSecurityLocationReportSet | Delete a specific SecurityLocationReportSet |
deleteSecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo | Delete a specific SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo |
deleteSessionFileUpload | Delete a specific SessionFileUpload |
deleteSharedElementStatus | Delete a specific SharedElementStatus |
deleteSiteBasedInitiativeMN | Delete a specific SiteBasedInitiativeMN |
deleteSkylertAttendanceExportAttendanceType | Delete a specific SkylertAttendanceExportAttendanceType |
deleteSkylertAttendanceExportSetting | Delete a specific SkylertAttendanceExportSetting |
deleteSkylertAttendanceExportSettingScheduledTask | Delete a specific SkylertAttendanceExportSettingScheduledTask |
deleteSkywardConfiguration | Delete a specific SkywardConfiguration |
deleteSkywardSupportAccess | Delete a specific SkywardSupportAccess |
deleteSkywardSupportAccessLoginHistory | Delete a specific SkywardSupportAccessLoginHistory |
deleteSort | Delete a specific Sort |
deleteSortBreak | Delete a specific SortBreak |
deleteSortGroup | Delete a specific SortGroup |
deleteSpringSport | Delete a specific SpringSport |
deleteSpringSportsTeam | Delete a specific SpringSportsTeam |
deleteStaff | Delete a specific Staff |
deleteStaffContact | Delete a specific StaffContact |
deleteStaffDepartment | Delete a specific StaffDepartment |
deleteStaffEntityYear | Delete a specific StaffEntityYear |
deleteStaffMeet | Delete a specific StaffMeet |
deleteStaffMeetLastScored | Delete a specific StaffMeetLastScored |
deleteStaffMeetSetting | Delete a specific StaffMeetSetting |
deleteStaffStaffType | Delete a specific StaffStaffType |
deleteStaffStudent | Delete a specific StaffStudent |
deleteStaffType | Delete a specific StaffType |
deleteStandardFilter | Delete a specific StandardFilter |
deleteStandardFilterPrompt | Delete a specific StandardFilterPrompt |
deleteStandardNormalDistribution | Delete a specific StandardNormalDistribution |
deleteStandardPlacementMN | Delete a specific StandardPlacementMN |
deleteState | Delete a specific State |
deleteStateDistrictMN | Delete a specific StateDistrictMN |
deleteStep | Delete a specific Step |
deleteStepStatus | Delete a specific StepStatus |
deleteStreet | Delete a specific Street |
deleteStudent | Delete a specific Student |
deleteStudentAccountsMA | Delete a specific StudentAccountsMA |
deleteStudentActivity | Delete a specific StudentActivity |
deleteStudentActivityTransaction | Delete a specific StudentActivityTransaction |
deleteStudentAnswer | Delete a specific StudentAnswer |
deleteStudentArea | Delete a specific StudentArea |
deleteStudentAssignment | Delete a specific StudentAssignment |
deleteStudentAssignmentAttempt | Delete a specific StudentAssignmentAttempt |
deleteStudentAttendance | Delete a specific StudentAttendance |
deleteStudentAttendanceEntity | Delete a specific StudentAttendanceEntity |
deleteStudentAttendancePeriod | Delete a specific StudentAttendancePeriod |
deleteStudentAttendancePeriodGroup | Delete a specific StudentAttendancePeriodGroup |
deleteStudentAttendancePeriodRunHistory | Delete a specific StudentAttendancePeriodRunHistory |
deleteStudentAttendanceRunHistory | Delete a specific StudentAttendanceRunHistory |
deleteStudentAttendanceTerm | Delete a specific StudentAttendanceTerm |
deleteStudentAutoSchedulerCourse | Delete a specific StudentAutoSchedulerCourse |
deleteStudentAutoSchedulerProposedStudentCourseRequest | Delete a specific... |
deleteStudentAutoSchedulerProposedStudentSection | Delete a specific StudentAutoSchedulerProposedStudentSection |
deleteStudentAutoSchedulerProposedStudentSectionTransaction | Delete a specific... |
deleteStudentAutoSchedulerRunAnalysis | Delete a specific StudentAutoSchedulerRunAnalysis |
deleteStudentAutoSchedulerRunAnalysisException | Delete a specific StudentAutoSchedulerRunAnalysisException |
deleteStudentAutoSchedulerRunAnalysisTotal | Delete a specific StudentAutoSchedulerRunAnalysisTotal |
deleteStudentAutoSchedulerSection | Delete a specific StudentAutoSchedulerSection |
deleteStudentAutoSchedulerStudent | Delete a specific StudentAutoSchedulerStudent |
deleteStudentAutoSchedulerStudentCourseRequest | Delete a specific StudentAutoSchedulerStudentCourseRequest |
deleteStudentAutoSchedulerStudentCourseRequestSection | Delete a specific... |
deleteStudentAutoSchedulerStudentCourseRequestSectionDetail | Delete a specific... |
deleteStudentAward | Delete a specific StudentAward |
deleteStudentBusStop | Delete a specific StudentBusStop |
deleteStudentCareerPlan | Delete a specific StudentCareerPlan |
deleteStudentChildhoodIllness | Delete a specific StudentChildhoodIllness |
deleteStudentChildhoodIllnessComment | Delete a specific StudentChildhoodIllnessComment |
deleteStudentChildhoodIllnessNote | Delete a specific StudentChildhoodIllnessNote |
deleteStudentChildhoodIllnessObservation | Delete a specific StudentChildhoodIllnessObservation |
deleteStudentChildhoodIllnessReferral | Delete a specific StudentChildhoodIllnessReferral |
deleteStudentChildhoodIllnessSecuredNote | Delete a specific StudentChildhoodIllnessSecuredNote |
deleteStudentCommentBucket | Delete a specific StudentCommentBucket |
deleteStudentCourseRequest | Delete a specific StudentCourseRequest |
deleteStudentCourseRequestSectionLengthSubset | Delete a specific StudentCourseRequestSectionLengthSubset |
deleteStudentCustomCode | Delete a specific StudentCustomCode |
deleteStudentDisciplineThresholdAttendanceReportRunHistory | Delete a specific... |
deleteStudentDistrict | Delete a specific StudentDistrict |
deleteStudentEarnedCreditsBucket | Delete a specific StudentEarnedCreditsBucket |
deleteStudentEarnedCreditsBucketGroup | Delete a specific StudentEarnedCreditsBucketGroup |
deleteStudentEndorsement | Delete a specific StudentEndorsement |
deleteStudentEndorsementOption | Delete a specific StudentEndorsementOption |
deleteStudentEndorsementRequirement | Delete a specific StudentEndorsementRequirement |
deleteStudentEndorsementRequirementAssessment | Delete a specific StudentEndorsementRequirementAssessment |
deleteStudentEndorsementRequirementAssessmentScore | Delete a specific... |
deleteStudentEndorsementRequirementCourseRequest | Delete a specific StudentEndorsementRequirementCourseRequest |
deleteStudentEndorsementRequirementCurriculum | Delete a specific StudentEndorsementRequirementCurriculum |
deleteStudentEntityYear | Delete a specific StudentEntityYear |
deleteStudentEntityYearSchedulingCategory | Delete a specific StudentEntityYearSchedulingCategory |
deleteStudentEthnicityMA | Delete a specific StudentEthnicityMA |
deleteStudentFamily | Delete a specific StudentFamily |
deleteStudentFreeFormCommentBucket | Delete a specific StudentFreeFormCommentBucket |
deleteStudentGPABucket | Delete a specific StudentGPABucket |
deleteStudentGPABucketGroup | Delete a specific StudentGPABucketGroup |
deleteStudentGradeBucket | Delete a specific StudentGradeBucket |
deleteStudentGradeBucketAcademicStandard | Delete a specific StudentGradeBucketAcademicStandard |
deleteStudentGradeBucketFlag | Delete a specific StudentGradeBucketFlag |
deleteStudentGradeBucketSubject | Delete a specific StudentGradeBucketSubject |
deleteStudentGradingScaleGroup | Delete a specific StudentGradingScaleGroup |
deleteStudentGradingScaleGroupStudentSection | Delete a specific StudentGradingScaleGroupStudentSection |
deleteStudentGroup | Delete a specific StudentGroup |
deleteStudentGroupAssignment | Delete a specific StudentGroupAssignment |
deleteStudentGroupStudentSection | Delete a specific StudentGroupStudentSection |
deleteStudentGroupTeacherSectionSetting | Delete a specific StudentGroupTeacherSectionSetting |
deleteStudentGuardian | Delete a specific StudentGuardian |
deleteStudentGuardianRestrictedAccess | Delete a specific StudentGuardianRestrictedAccess |
deleteStudentHealthCondition | Delete a specific StudentHealthCondition |
deleteStudentHealthConditionComment | Delete a specific StudentHealthConditionComment |
deleteStudentHealthConditionNote | Delete a specific StudentHealthConditionNote |
deleteStudentHealthConditionSecuredNote | Delete a specific StudentHealthConditionSecuredNote |
deleteStudentHonorRollRunLevel | Delete a specific StudentHonorRollRunLevel |
deleteStudentIHP | Delete a specific StudentIHP |
deleteStudentInOutTime | Delete a specific StudentInOutTime |
deleteStudentLocker | Delete a specific StudentLocker |
deleteStudentMassUpdate | Delete a specific StudentMassUpdate |
deleteStudentMedia | Delete a specific StudentMedia |
deleteStudentNote | Delete a specific StudentNote |
deleteStudentOfficeVisit | Delete a specific StudentOfficeVisit |
deleteStudentOfficeVisitNote | Delete a specific StudentOfficeVisitNote |
deleteStudentOfficeVisitNotification | Delete a specific StudentOfficeVisitNotification |
deleteStudentOfficeVisitReason | Delete a specific StudentOfficeVisitReason |
deleteStudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction | Delete a specific StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction |
deleteStudentPermit | Delete a specific StudentPermit |
deleteStudentPlan | Delete a specific StudentPlan |
deleteStudentPlanThreadLock | Delete a specific StudentPlanThreadLock |
deleteStudentQuestion | Delete a specific StudentQuestion |
deleteStudentRank | Delete a specific StudentRank |
deleteStudentSection | Delete a specific StudentSection |
deleteStudentSectionEarnedCreditsBucketGroup | Delete a specific StudentSectionEarnedCreditsBucketGroup |
deleteStudentSectionEarnedCreditsMethod | Delete a specific StudentSectionEarnedCreditsMethod |
deleteStudentSectionGPABucketGroup | Delete a specific StudentSectionGPABucketGroup |
deleteStudentSectionGPAMethod | Delete a specific StudentSectionGPAMethod |
deleteStudentSectionGradingScaleGradeBucket | Delete a specific StudentSectionGradingScaleGradeBucket |
deleteStudentSectionNote | Delete a specific StudentSectionNote |
deleteStudentSectionTransaction | Delete a specific StudentSectionTransaction |
deleteStudentSectionTransactionRoomPeriod | Delete a specific StudentSectionTransactionRoomPeriod |
deleteStudentSubArea | Delete a specific StudentSubArea |
deleteStudentSubAreaCurriculumSubArea | Delete a specific StudentSubAreaCurriculumSubArea |
deleteStudentSubAreaWaiver | Delete a specific StudentSubAreaWaiver |
deleteStudentThresholdPeriod | Delete a specific StudentThresholdPeriod |
deleteStudentTransportation | Delete a specific StudentTransportation |
deleteStudentType | Delete a specific StudentType |
deleteStudentVaccinationWaiver | Delete a specific StudentVaccinationWaiver |
deleteStudentVaccinationYear | Delete a specific StudentVaccinationYear |
deleteStudentVaccinationYearStatus | Delete a specific StudentVaccinationYearStatus |
deleteStudentVaccinationYearStatusStudentVaccine | Delete a specific StudentVaccinationYearStatusStudentVaccine |
deleteStudentVaccine | Delete a specific StudentVaccine |
deleteStudentVaccineMaintenance | Delete a specific StudentVaccineMaintenance |
deleteStudyHallSchedulerRunAnalysis | Delete a specific StudyHallSchedulerRunAnalysis |
deleteSubArea | Delete a specific SubArea |
deleteSubAreaLimitGroup | Delete a specific SubAreaLimitGroup |
deleteSubAreaLimitGroupCurriculumSubArea | Delete a specific SubAreaLimitGroupCurriculumSubArea |
deleteSubject | Delete a specific Subject |
deleteSubjectGradingScaleGroup | Delete a specific SubjectGradingScaleGroup |
deleteSubjectGradingScaleGroupSubject | Delete a specific SubjectGradingScaleGroupSubject |
deleteSubjectReporting | Delete a specific Subject |
deleteSubjectSecurityLocation | Delete a specific SubjectSecurityLocation |
deleteSubtopic | Delete a specific Subtopic |
deleteSubtopicField | Delete a specific SubtopicField |
deleteSubtopicStandardFilter | Delete a specific SubtopicStandardFilter |
deleteSummaryReportParameter | Delete a specific SummaryReportParameter |
deleteSummaryReportPrompt | Delete a specific SummaryReportPrompt |
deleteSummaryReportSection | Delete a specific SummaryReportSection |
deleteSummaryReportSectionColumn | Delete a specific SummaryReportSectionColumn |
deleteSurvey | Delete a specific Survey |
deleteSurveyAnswer | Delete a specific SurveyAnswer |
deleteSurveyInstance | Delete a specific SurveyInstance |
deleteSurveyQuestion | Delete a specific SurveyQuestion |
deleteSystemEmailTypeConfig | Delete a specific SystemEmailTypeConfig |
deleteSystemVersion | Delete a specific SystemVersion |
deleteTeacherEntry | Delete a specific TeacherEntry |
deleteTeacherOnlineForm | Delete a specific TeacherOnlineForm |
deleteTeacherSectionAcademicStandardGradeBucketSetting | Delete a specific... |
deleteTeacherSectionCategoryAnalyticsSetting | Delete a specific TeacherSectionCategoryAnalyticsSetting |
deleteTeacherSectionGradeBucketAnalyticsSetting | Delete a specific TeacherSectionGradeBucketAnalyticsSetting |
deleteTeacherSectionGradeBucketSetting | Delete a specific TeacherSectionGradeBucketSetting |
deleteTeacherSectionGradingPeriodSetting | Delete a specific TeacherSectionGradingPeriodSetting |
deleteTeacherSectionSetting | Delete a specific TeacherSectionSetting |
deleteTeacherSectionStandardsDisplayAcademicStandardSetting | Delete a specific... |
deleteTeacherSectionStandardsDisplayGradeBucketSetting | Delete a specific... |
deleteTeacherSectionStudentSectionSetting | Delete a specific TeacherSectionStudentSectionSetting |
deleteTeacherSectionSubjectGradeBucketSetting | Delete a specific TeacherSectionSubjectGradeBucketSetting |
deleteTempAcademicStandard | Delete a specific TempAcademicStandard |
deleteTempAcademicStandardGradeRange | Delete a specific TempAcademicStandardGradeRange |
deleteTempAcademicStandardSet | Delete a specific TempAcademicStandardSet |
deleteTempAcademicStandardSubject | Delete a specific TempAcademicStandardSubject |
deleteTempACHAccount | Delete a specific TempACHAccount |
deleteTempActivityRecord | Delete a specific TempActivityRecord |
deleteTempAddress | Delete a specific TempAddress |
deleteTempAddressRangeDefault | Delete a specific TempAddressRangeDefault |
deleteTempAdjustedCategory | Delete a specific TempAdjustedCategory |
deleteTempAdministerNameMedication | Delete a specific TempAdministerNameMedication |
deleteTempAffectedCalendarDayRecord | Delete a specific TempAffectedCalendarDayRecord |
deleteTempAffectedStudentAttendancePeriodRecord | Delete a specific TempAffectedStudentAttendancePeriodRecord |
deleteTempAffectedStudentAttendanceRecord | Delete a specific TempAffectedStudentAttendanceRecord |
deleteTempAffectedWithdrawalRecord | Delete a specific TempAffectedWithdrawalRecord |
deleteTempAssignmentError | Delete a specific TempAssignmentError |
deleteTempAttachmentError | Delete a specific TempAttachmentError |
deleteTempAttendanceTerm | Delete a specific TempAttendanceTerm |
deleteTempBellScheduleGroupBellSchedule | Delete a specific TempBellScheduleGroupBellSchedule |
deleteTempBrowseViewColumn | Delete a specific TempBrowseViewColumn |
deleteTempCalcGroupBucketRemoveStandardOrSubjectResult | Delete a specific... |
deleteTempCalculationGroupAcademicStandardWeighting | Delete a specific... |
deleteTempCalculationGroupSubjectWeighting | Delete a specific TempCalculationGroupSubjectWeighting |
deleteTempCalculationGroupWeighting | Delete a specific TempCalculationGroupWeighting |
deleteTempCalendar | Delete a specific TempCalendar |
deleteTempCalendarAttendanceTerm | Delete a specific TempCalendarAttendanceTerm |
deleteTempCalendarDayBellScheduleGroupBellSchedule | Delete a specific... |
deleteTempCalendarDayCalendarEventRecord | Delete a specific TempCalendarDayCalendarEventRecord |
deleteTempCertification | Delete a specific TempCertification |
deleteTempCertificationDetail | Delete a specific TempCertificationDetail |
deleteTempCertificationError | Delete a specific TempCertificationError |
deleteTempCertificationOnlineForm | Delete a specific TempCertification |
deleteTempCloneCalendarError | Delete a specific TempCloneCalendarError |
deleteTempCloneCalendarRecord | Delete a specific TempCloneCalendarRecord |
deleteTempCloneGradebookSection | Delete a specific TempCloneGradebookSection |
deleteTempCourse | Delete a specific TempCourse |
deleteTempCourseEntityOfferedToSection | Delete a specific TempCourseEntityOfferedToSection |
deleteTempCourseMasterMassUpdateError | Delete a specific TempCourseMasterMassUpdateError |
deleteTempCourseMasterMassUpdateErrorDetail | Delete a specific TempCourseMasterMassUpdateErrorDetail |
deleteTempCourseMasterMassUpdateField | Delete a specific TempCourseMasterMassUpdateField |
deleteTempCourseMoveCourse | Delete a specific TempCourseMoveCourse |
deleteTempCourseMoveError | Delete a specific TempCourseMoveError |
deleteTempCourseMoveSectionError | Delete a specific TempCourseMoveSectionError |
deleteTempDataGridRow | Delete a specific TempDataGridRow |
deleteTempDayRotation | Delete a specific TempDayRotation |
deleteTempDegree | Delete a specific TempDegree |
deleteTempDeletedPortalAccessSecurityUser | Delete a specific TempDeletedPortalAccessSecurityUser |
deleteTempDependent | Delete a specific TempDependent |
deleteTempDiagnostic | Delete a specific TempDiagnostic |
deleteTempDropLowScoreStudentAssignment | Delete a specific TempDropLowScoreStudentAssignment |
deleteTempEmergencyContact | Delete a specific TempEmergencyContact |
deleteTempEmergencyContactOnlineForm | Delete a specific TempEmergencyContact |
deleteTempEmployeeAccessSecurityUser | Delete a specific TempEmployeeAccessSecurityUser |
deleteTempEndorsementDefault | Delete a specific TempEndorsementDefault |
deleteTempEndorsementImportError | Delete a specific TempEndorsementImportError |
deleteTempEntityForClone | Delete a specific TempEntityForClone |
deleteTempError | Delete a specific TempError |
deleteTempException | Delete a specific TempException |
deleteTempExceptionScheduling | Delete a specific TempException |
deleteTempExceptionStaffPlanning | Delete a specific TempException |
deleteTempFactorBasedAddOn | Delete a specific TempFactorBasedAddOn |
deleteTempFailedCourse | Delete a specific TempFailedCourse |
deleteTempFailedDayRotation | Delete a specific TempFailedDayRotation |
deleteTempFailedGradingPeriod | Delete a specific TempFailedGradingPeriod |
deleteTempFailedPortalAccessSecurityUser | Delete a specific TempFailedPortalAccessSecurityUser |
deleteTempFailedSection | Delete a specific TempFailedSection |
deleteTempFailedSectionLengthSubset | Delete a specific TempFailedSectionLengthSubset |
deleteTempFailedStaffMeet | Delete a specific TempFailedStaffMeet |
deleteTempFailedStudentCourseRequest | Delete a specific TempFailedStudentCourseRequest |
deleteTempFailedStudentCourseRequestToReactivate | Delete a specific TempFailedStudentCourseRequestToReactivate |
deleteTempFailedStudentCourseRequestToReactivateDetail | Delete a specific... |
deleteTempFailedStudentSection | Delete a specific TempFailedStudentSection |
deleteTempFailedStudentSectionTransaction | Delete a specific TempFailedStudentSectionTransaction |
deleteTempFailedStudentSubAreaCurriculumSubArea | Delete a specific TempFailedStudentSubAreaCurriculumSubArea |
deleteTempFailedStudentSubAreaWaiver | Delete a specific TempFailedStudentSubAreaWaiver |
deleteTempFailedTileYearUpdate | Delete a specific TempFailedTileYearUpdate |
deleteTempFamilyAccessSecurityUser | Delete a specific TempFamilyAccessSecurityUser |
deleteTempFamilyGuardian | Delete a specific TempFamilyGuardian |
deleteTempFieldRestrictionScreen | Delete a specific TempFieldRestrictionScreen |
deleteTempFieldSelection | Delete a specific TempFieldSelection |
deleteTempFitnessGram | Delete a specific TempFitnessGram |
deleteTempGradebookCloneError | Delete a specific TempGradebookCloneError |
deleteTempGradebookGroupError | Delete a specific TempGradebookGroupError |
deleteTempGradeBucketFlagDetailGPAMethod | Delete a specific TempGradeBucketFlagDetailGPAMethod |
deleteTempGradeBucketFlagDetailGPAMethodError | Delete a specific TempGradeBucketFlagDetailGPAMethodError |
deleteTempGradeMarkError | Delete a specific TempGradeMarkError |
deleteTempGradeMarkPointSetError | Delete a specific TempGradeMarkPointSetError |
deleteTempGradeRangeCopyResult | Delete a specific TempGradeRangeCopyResult |
deleteTempGradeReportAttendanceTerm | Delete a specific TempGradeReportAttendanceTerm |
deleteTempGradeReportGradeBucket | Delete a specific TempGradeReportGradeBucket |
deleteTempGradeReportTemplate | Delete a specific TempGradeReportTemplate |
deleteTempGradeReportTemplateError | Delete a specific TempGradeReportTemplateError |
deleteTempGradingPeriod | Delete a specific TempGradingPeriod |
deleteTempGradingPeriodError | Delete a specific TempGradingPeriodError |
deleteTempGradingPeriodGradeBucket | Delete a specific TempGradingPeriodGradeBucket |
deleteTempGradingPeriodGradeBucketError | Delete a specific TempGradingPeriodGradeBucketError |
deleteTempGradingUtilityError | Delete a specific TempGradingUtilityError |
deleteTempHierarchyDepth | Delete a specific TempHierarchyDepth |
deleteTempHomeroomError | Delete a specific TempHomeroomError |
deleteTempHomeroomRecord | Delete a specific TempHomeroomRecord |
deleteTempHonorRollGradeMarkMethodRange | Delete a specific TempHonorRollGradeMarkMethodRange |
deleteTempHonorRollGradeMarkMethodRangeCourseGroup | Delete a specific... |
deleteTempHonorRollGradeMarkMethodRangeGradeMark | Delete a specific TempHonorRollGradeMarkMethodRangeGradeMark |
deleteTempHonorRollGradeMarkMethodRangeGradingPeriodGradeBucket | Delete a specific... |
deleteTempHonorRollMethodRange | Delete a specific TempHonorRollMethodRange |
deleteTempImpersonationRoleForClone | Delete a specific TempImpersonationRoleForClone |
deleteTempImportPreviewResultRow | Delete a specific TempImportPreviewResultRow |
deleteTempIncidentInvolvedPerson | Delete a specific TempIncidentInvolvedPerson |
deleteTempIncidentInvolvedPersonIN | Delete a specific TempIncidentInvolvedPersonIN |
deleteTempIncidentInvolvedPersonMN | Delete a specific TempIncidentInvolvedPersonMN |
deleteTempIncidentInvolvedPersonPA | Delete a specific TempIncidentInvolvedPersonPA |
deleteTempIncidentInvolvedPersonTX | Delete a specific TempIncidentInvolvedPersonTX |
deleteTempIncidentInvolvedPersonWA | Delete a specific TempIncidentInvolvedPersonWA |
deleteTempIncidentOffense | Delete a specific TempIncidentOffense |
deleteTempIncidentOffenseName | Delete a specific TempIncidentOffenseName |
deleteTempIncidentOffenseNameAction | Delete a specific TempIncidentOffenseNameAction |
deleteTempIncidentOffenseNameActionDetail | Delete a specific TempIncidentOffenseNameActionDetail |
deleteTempIncidentOffenseNameActionDetailRecord | Delete a specific TempIncidentOffenseNameActionDetailRecord |
deleteTempIncidentOffenseNameActionIN | Delete a specific TempIncidentOffenseNameActionIN |
deleteTempIncidentOffenseNameActionMN | Delete a specific TempIncidentOffenseNameActionMN |
deleteTempIncidentOffenseNameActionPA | Delete a specific TempIncidentOffenseNameActionPA |
deleteTempIncidentOffenseNameActionWA | Delete a specific TempIncidentOffenseNameActionWA |
deleteTempIncidentOffenseNameActionWI | Delete a specific TempIncidentOffenseNameActionWI |
deleteTempIncidentOffenseNameDrug | Delete a specific TempIncidentOffenseNameDrug |
deleteTempIncidentOffenseNameParentalInvolvementPA | Delete a specific... |
deleteTempIncidentOffenseNameReportRunHistoryRecord | Delete a specific... |
deleteTempIncidentOffenseNameWeapon | Delete a specific TempIncidentOffenseNameWeapon |
deleteTempIncidentOffenseNameWeaponMN | Delete a specific TempIncidentOffenseNameWeaponMN |
deleteTempLockCombination | Delete a specific TempLockCombination |
deleteTempLocker | Delete a specific TempLocker |
deleteTempLoginHistory | Delete a specific TempLoginHistory |
deleteTempMassChangeResult | Delete a specific TempMassChangeResult |
deleteTempMassUpdateGeolocationAddress | Delete a specific TempMassUpdateGeolocationAddress |
deleteTempMasterDateChangeDetail | Delete a specific TempMasterDateChangeDetail |
deleteTempMedia | Delete a specific TempMedia |
deleteTempMeet | Delete a specific TempMeet |
deleteTempMessage | Delete a specific TempMessage |
deleteTempNameAddress | Delete a specific TempNameAddress |
deleteTempNameAddressMoveSchoolPathSchoolOverride | Delete a specific TempNameAddressMoveSchoolPathSchoolOverride |
deleteTempNameEmail | Delete a specific TempNameEmail |
deleteTempNameEmailError | Delete a specific TempNameEmailError |
deleteTempNameError | Delete a specific TempNameError |
deleteTempNameMedication | Delete a specific TempNameMedication |
deleteTempNameNumber | Delete a specific TempNameNumber |
deleteTempNameProcedureOccurrence | Delete a specific TempNameProcedureOccurrence |
deleteTempNameProcedureOccurrenceErrorDetail | Delete a specific TempNameProcedureOccurrenceErrorDetail |
deleteTempNameProcedureScheduleDay | Delete a specific TempNameProcedureScheduleDay |
deleteTempNameProcedureScheduleDayErrorDetail | Delete a specific TempNameProcedureScheduleDayErrorDetail |
deleteTempNameProcedureScheduleError | Delete a specific TempNameProcedureScheduleError |
deleteTempNameProcedureScheduleErrorDetail | Delete a specific TempNameProcedureScheduleErrorDetail |
deleteTempNewStudentEnrollmentGuardianEmail | Delete a specific TempNewStudentEnrollmentGuardianEmail |
deleteTempNewStudentEnrollmentGuardianPhone | Delete a specific TempNewStudentEnrollmentGuardianPhone |
deleteTempNoShowEntryWithdrawal | Delete a specific TempNoShowEntryWithdrawal |
deleteTempPlanPositionBenefit | Delete a specific TempPlanPositionBenefit |
deleteTempPlanPositionDistribution | Delete a specific TempPlanPositionDistribution |
deleteTempPlanPositionDistributionAccountDistribution | Delete a specific... |
deleteTempPlanPositionEmployee | Delete a specific TempPlanPositionEmployee |
deleteTempPlanPositionException | Delete a specific TempPlanPositionException |
deleteTempPlanPositionPay | Delete a specific TempPlanPositionPay |
deleteTempPlanPositionPayAccountCalculation | Delete a specific TempPlanPositionPayAccountCalculation |
deleteTempPlanPositionPayAccountDistribution | Delete a specific TempPlanPositionPayAccountDistribution |
deleteTempPlanPositionPayBenefit | Delete a specific TempPlanPositionPayBenefit |
deleteTempPlanPositionPayBenefitAccount | Delete a specific TempPlanPositionPayBenefitAccount |
deleteTempPlanPositionSupplement | Delete a specific TempPlanPositionSupplement |
deleteTempRoleForClone | Delete a specific TempRoleForClone |
deleteTempSchedulingTeamGradeReference | Delete a specific TempSchedulingTeamGradeReference |
deleteTempSchoolPathSchoolOverride | Delete a specific TempSchoolPathSchoolOverride |
deleteTempSection | Delete a specific TempSection |
deleteTempSectionAssignment | Delete a specific TempSectionAssignment |
deleteTempSectionCategory | Delete a specific TempSectionCategory |
deleteTempSectionGradeBucket | Delete a specific TempSectionGradeBucket |
deleteTempSectionGradeBucketWeight | Delete a specific TempSectionGradeBucketWeight |
deleteTempSectionGradingScale | Delete a specific TempSectionGradingScale |
deleteTempSectionGradingScaleGroupToCreate | Delete a specific TempSectionGradingScaleGroupToCreate |
deleteTempSectionLength | Delete a specific TempSectionLength |
deleteTempSectionLengthSubset | Delete a specific TempSectionLengthSubset |
deleteTempSecurityImportError | Delete a specific TempSecurityImportError |
deleteTempSecurityImportGroupMembership | Delete a specific TempSecurityImportGroupMembership |
deleteTempSecurityImportPreview | Delete a specific TempSecurityImportPreview |
deleteTempSpecialtyAccessGroup | Delete a specific TempSpecialtyAccessGroup |
deleteTempStaffMeet | Delete a specific TempStaffMeet |
deleteTempStep | Delete a specific TempStep |
deleteTempStepError | Delete a specific TempStepError |
deleteTempStudent | Delete a specific TempStudent |
deleteTempStudentAccessSecurityUser | Delete a specific TempStudentAccessSecurityUser |
deleteTempStudentActivity | Delete a specific TempStudentActivity |
deleteTempStudentActivityError | Delete a specific TempStudentActivityError |
deleteTempStudentActivityTransactionRecord | Delete a specific TempStudentActivityTransactionRecord |
deleteTempStudentAssignedLockCombinationRecord | Delete a specific TempStudentAssignedLockCombinationRecord |
deleteTempStudentAssignedLockerRecord | Delete a specific TempStudentAssignedLockerRecord |
deleteTempStudentAssignment | Delete a specific TempStudentAssignment |
deleteTempStudentAttendanceRecord | Delete a specific TempStudentAttendanceRecord |
deleteTempStudentBusStop | Delete a specific TempStudentBusStop |
deleteTempStudentChildhoodIllness | Delete a specific TempStudentChildhoodIllness |
deleteTempStudentCommentBucket | Delete a specific TempStudentCommentBucket |
deleteTempStudentCourseRequest | Delete a specific TempStudentCourseRequest |
deleteTempStudentCourseRequestSectionLengthSubset | Delete a specific TempStudentCourseRequestSectionLengthSubset |
deleteTempStudentCourseRequestToReactivateMN | Delete a specific TempStudentCourseRequestToReactivateMN |
deleteTempStudentCourseRequestToReactivateNonState | Delete a specific... |
deleteTempStudentDisciplineThresholdAttendanceReportRunHistoryRecord | Delete a specific... |
deleteTempStudentEnrollmentError | Delete a specific TempStudentEnrollmentError |
deleteTempStudentEnrollmentRecord | Delete a specific TempStudentEnrollmentRecord |
deleteTempStudentEntityYear | Delete a specific TempStudentEntityYear |
deleteTempStudentError | Delete a specific TempStudentError |
deleteTempStudentErrorMessage | Delete a specific TempStudentErrorMessage |
deleteTempStudentGPABucket | Delete a specific TempStudentGPABucket |
deleteTempStudentGPABucketGroup | Delete a specific TempStudentGPABucketGroup |
deleteTempStudentGradeBucket | Delete a specific TempStudentGradeBucket |
deleteTempStudentGradeBucketFlag | Delete a specific TempStudentGradeBucketFlag |
deleteTempStudentGradingScaleGroupStudentSection | Delete a specific TempStudentGradingScaleGroupStudentSection |
deleteTempStudentHealthCondition | Delete a specific TempStudentHealthCondition |
deleteTempStudentHonorRollRunLevel | Delete a specific TempStudentHonorRollRunLevel |
deleteTempStudentMassUpdateError | Delete a specific TempStudentMassUpdateError |
deleteTempStudentMassUpdateField | Delete a specific TempStudentMassUpdateField |
deleteTempStudentMergeObject | Delete a specific TempStudentMergeObject |
deleteTempStudentPermit | Delete a specific TempStudentPermit |
deleteTempStudentRank | Delete a specific TempStudentRank |
deleteTempStudentSchedulingCategory | Delete a specific TempStudentSchedulingCategory |
deleteTempStudentSchedulingTeam | Delete a specific TempStudentSchedulingTeam |
deleteTempStudentSection | Delete a specific TempStudentSection |
deleteTempStudentSectionFailedUpdate | Delete a specific TempStudentSectionFailedUpdate |
deleteTempStudentSectionGPABucketGroup | Delete a specific TempStudentSectionGPABucketGroup |
deleteTempStudentSectionScheduling | Delete a specific TempStudentSection |
deleteTempStudentSectionTransaction | Delete a specific TempStudentSectionTransaction |
deleteTempStudentThresholdPeriodRecord | Delete a specific TempStudentThresholdPeriodRecord |
deleteTempStudentTransportation | Delete a specific TempStudentTransportation |
deleteTempStudentVaccine | Delete a specific TempStudentVaccine |
deleteTempStudentWithoutLockerRecord | Delete a specific TempStudentWithoutLockerRecord |
deleteTempSubstituteAssignment | Delete a specific TempSubstituteAssignment |
deleteTempSubtopicRelationshipOption | Delete a specific TempSubtopicRelationshipOption |
deleteTempTeacherAccessSecurityUser | Delete a specific TempTeacherAccessSecurityUser |
deleteTempTransferCourse | Delete a specific TempTransferCourse |
deleteTempTransportation | Delete a specific TempTransportation |
deleteTempUnDropLowScoreStudentSection | Delete a specific TempUnDropLowScoreStudentSection |
deleteTempUploadDataMiningReportLog | Delete a specific TempUploadDataMiningReportLog |
deleteTempUploadImportLog | Delete a specific TempUploadImportLog |
deleteTempUsageHistory | Delete a specific TempUsageHistory |
deleteTempValidateBusinessObject | Delete a specific TempValidateBusinessObject |
deleteTheme | Delete a specific Theme |
deleteThreadActivity | Delete a specific ThreadActivity |
deleteThresholdResetRange | Delete a specific ThresholdResetRange |
deleteThresholdResetRangeAttendancePeriod | Delete a specific ThresholdResetRangeAttendancePeriod |
deleteThresholdResetRangeAttendanceType | Delete a specific ThresholdResetRangeAttendanceType |
deleteTile | Delete a specific Tile |
deleteTopic | Delete a specific Topic |
deleteTranscriptNote | Delete a specific TranscriptNote |
deleteTranscriptSent | Delete a specific TranscriptSent |
deleteTransportationCategory | Delete a specific TransportationCategory |
deleteTreatment | Delete a specific Treatment |
deleteTrustedDevice | Delete a specific TrustedDevice |
deleteUNCPath | Delete a specific UNCPath |
deleteUnenteredStudentGradeBucket | Delete a specific UnenteredStudentGradeBucket |
deleteUpdateTracker | Delete a specific UpdateTracker |
deleteUploadReportLog | Delete a specific UploadReportLog |
deleteUsageHistory | Delete a specific UsageHistory |
deleteUser | Delete a specific User |
deleteUserAuthenticationMethod | Delete a specific UserAuthenticationMethod |
deleteUserCalendarPreference | Delete a specific UserCalendarPreference |
deleteUserDock | Delete a specific UserDock |
deleteUserFavorite | Delete a specific UserFavorite |
deleteUserImport | Delete a specific UserImport |
deleteUserImportApproval | Delete a specific UserImportApproval |
deleteUserImportResult | Delete a specific UserImportResult |
deleteUserImportResultError | Delete a specific UserImportResultError |
deleteUserMenuModule | Delete a specific UserMenuModule |
deleteUserMessageSetting | Delete a specific UserMessageSetting |
deleteUsernameStructure | Delete a specific UsernameStructure |
deleteUserPasswordReset | Delete a specific UserPasswordReset |
deleteUserPreference | Delete a specific UserPreference |
deleteUserProfileData | Delete a specific UserProfileData |
deleteUserProfileTabStatus | Delete a specific UserProfileTabStatus |
deleteUserReportPrompt | Delete a specific UserReportPrompt |
deleteUserSetting | Delete a specific UserSetting |
deleteUserSettingSecurity | Delete a specific UserSetting |
deleteUserStudentCalendarPreference | Delete a specific UserStudentCalendarPreference |
deleteVaccination | Delete a specific Vaccination |
deleteVaccinationChildhoodIllness | Delete a specific VaccinationChildhoodIllness |
deleteVaccinationWaiver | Delete a specific VaccinationWaiver |
deleteVaccinationYear | Delete a specific VaccinationYear |
deleteVaccinationYearComplianceSchedule | Delete a specific VaccinationYearComplianceSchedule |
deleteVaccinationYearComplianceScheduleRule | Delete a specific VaccinationYearComplianceScheduleRule |
deleteVaccine | Delete a specific Vaccine |
deleteVaccineContent | Delete a specific VaccineContent |
deleteValidationRule | Delete a specific ValidationRule |
deleteValueSource | Delete a specific ValueSource |
deleteVehicle | Delete a specific Vehicle |
deleteVendorAssignment | Delete a specific VendorAssignment |
deleteVendorCategory | Delete a specific VendorCategory |
deleteVendorStudentAssignment | Delete a specific VendorStudentAssignment |
deleteVisionComment | Delete a specific VisionComment |
deleteVisionCorrectiveLens | Delete a specific VisionCorrectiveLens |
deleteVisionGuardianNotification | Delete a specific VisionGuardianNotification |
deleteVisionGuardianResponse | Delete a specific VisionGuardianResponse |
deleteVisionObservation | Delete a specific VisionObservation |
deleteVisionReferralReason | Delete a specific VisionReferralReason |
deleteVisionReferralResult | Delete a specific VisionReferralResult |
deleteVisionScreening | Delete a specific VisionScreening |
deleteVisionScreeningComment | Delete a specific VisionScreeningComment |
deleteVisionScreeningNote | Delete a specific VisionScreeningNote |
deleteVisionScreeningObservation | Delete a specific VisionScreeningObservation |
deleteVisionScreeningReferral | Delete a specific VisionScreeningReferral |
deleteVisionScreeningSecuredNote | Delete a specific VisionScreeningSecuredNote |
deleteVitalSign | Delete a specific VitalSign |
deleteWaiver | Delete a specific Waiver |
deleteWeapon | Delete a specific Weapon |
deleteWhiteListFieldPath | Delete a specific WhiteListFieldPath |
deleteWinterSport | Delete a specific WinterSport |
deleteWinterSportsTeam | Delete a specific WinterSportsTeam |
deleteWithdrawalCode | Delete a specific WithdrawalCode |
deleteZip | Delete a specific Zip |
getAcademicStandard | Get a specific AcademicStandard |
getAcademicStandardDefault | Get a specific AcademicStandardDefault |
getAcademicStandardGradeRange | Get a specific AcademicStandardGradeRange |
getAcademicStandardGradeRangeDefault | Get a specific AcademicStandardGradeRangeDefault |
getAcademicStandardGradingScaleGroup | Get a specific AcademicStandardGradingScaleGroup |
getAcademicStandardGradingScaleGroupAcademicStandard | Get a specific... |
getAcademicStandardHierarchyDepth | Get a specific AcademicStandardHierarchyDepth |
getAcademicStandardSet | Get a specific AcademicStandardSet |
getAcademicStandardSetDefault | Get a specific AcademicStandardSetDefault |
getAcademicStandardSubject | Get a specific AcademicStandardSubject |
getAcademicStandardSubjectDefault | Get a specific AcademicStandardSubjectDefault |
getACHAccount | Get a specific ACHAccount |
getAction | Get a specific Action |
getActionAttendanceType | Get a specific ActionAttendanceType |
getActionType | Get a specific ActionType |
getActivity | Get a specific Activity |
getActivityEvent | Get a specific ActivityEvent |
getActivityPersonnel | Get a specific ActivityPersonnel |
getActivityType | Get a specific ActivityType |
getAddress | Get a specific Address |
getAddressRangeDefault | Get a specific AddressRangeDefault |
getAddressRangeDefaultAddress | Get a specific AddressRangeDefaultAddress |
getAddressRangeImportSchool | Get a specific AddressRangeImportSchool |
getAddressSecondaryUnit | Get a specific AddressSecondaryUnit |
getAdministerNameMedication | Get a specific AdministerNameMedication |
getAlert | Get a specific Alert |
getAllAcademicStandardDefaults | Get all AcademicStandardDefaults. |
getAllAcademicStandardGradeRangeDefaults | Get all AcademicStandardGradeRangeDefaults. |
getAllAcademicStandardGradeRanges | Get all AcademicStandardGradeRanges. |
getAllAcademicStandardGradingScaleGroupAcademicStandards | Get all AcademicStandardGradingScaleGroupAcademicStandards. |
getAllAcademicStandardGradingScaleGroups | Get all AcademicStandardGradingScaleGroups. |
getAllAcademicStandardHierarchyDepths | Get all AcademicStandardHierarchyDepths. |
getAllAcademicStandards | Get all AcademicStandards. |
getAllAcademicStandardSetDefaults | Get all AcademicStandardSetDefaults. |
getAllAcademicStandardSets | Get all AcademicStandardSets. |
getAllAcademicStandardSubjectDefaults | Get all AcademicStandardSubjectDefaults. |
getAllAcademicStandardSubjects | Get all AcademicStandardSubjects. |
getAllACHAccounts | Get all ACHAccounts. |
getAllActionAttendanceTypes | Get all ActionAttendanceTypes. |
getAllActions | Get all Actions. |
getAllActionTypes | Get all ActionTypes. |
getAllActivities | Get all Activities. |
getAllActivityEvents | Get all ActivityEvents. |
getAllActivityPersonnels | Get all ActivityPersonnels. |
getAllActivityTypes | Get all ActivityTypes. |
getAllAddresses | Get all Addresses. |
getAllAddressRangeDefaultAddresses | Get all AddressRangeDefaultAddresses. |
getAllAddressRangeDefaults | Get all AddressRangeDefaults. |
getAllAddressRangeImportSchools | Get all AddressRangeImportSchools. |
getAllAddressSecondaryUnits | Get all AddressSecondaryUnits. |
getAllAdministerNameMedications | Get all AdministerNameMedications. |
getAllAlerts | Get all Alerts. |
getAllAMTransportations | Get all AMTransportations. |
getAllAppleSchoolManagerConfigs | Get all AppleSchoolManagerConfigs. |
getAllApplySchemaChangeAllChangesConfirmations | Get all ApplySchemaChangeAllChangesConfirmations. |
getAllApplySchemaChangeFieldSelections | Get all ApplySchemaChangeFieldSelections. |
getAllApplySchemaChangeObjectSelections | Get all ApplySchemaChangeObjectSelections. |
getAllApplySchemaChangeRelationshipSelections | Get all ApplySchemaChangeRelationshipSelections. |
getAllApplySchemaChangeRuns | Get all ApplySchemaChangeRuns. |
getAllAreas | Get all Areas. |
getAllAssessments | Get all Assessments. |
getAllAssessmentToolMNs | Get all AssessmentToolMNs. |
getAllAssignmentAttachments | Get all AssignmentAttachments. |
getAllAssignmentQuestions | Get all AssignmentQuestions. |
getAllAssignments | Get all Assignments. |
getAllAssignmentTypePlanPositionDistributionSummaries | Get all AssignmentTypePlanPositionDistributionSummaries. |
getAllAttachments | Get all Attachments. |
getAllAttachmentTypes | Get all AttachmentTypes. |
getAllAttendancePeriodConfigEntityGroupYears | Get all AttendancePeriodConfigEntityGroupYears. |
getAllAttendancePeriods | Get all AttendancePeriods. |
getAllAttendanceReasons | Get all AttendanceReasons. |
getAllAttendanceReportRunHistories | Get all AttendanceReportRunHistories. |
getAllAttendanceReportRunHistoryThresholdResetRanges | Get all AttendanceReportRunHistoryThresholdResetRanges. |
getAllAttendanceTerms | Get all AttendanceTerms. |
getAllAttendanceTypes | Get all AttendanceTypes. |
getAllAuthenticationAssertions | Get all AuthenticationAssertions. |
getAllAuthenticationMethods | Get all AuthenticationMethods. |
getAllAuthenticationRoleLDAPProviders | Get all AuthenticationRoleLDAPProviders. |
getAllAuthenticationRoleMethods | Get all AuthenticationRoleMethods. |
getAllAuthenticationRoles | Get all AuthenticationRoles. |
getAllAvailabilityCourseFilters | Get all AvailabilityCourseFilters. |
getAllAvailabilityFilterArenaSchedulingSettings | Get all AvailabilityFilterArenaSchedulingSettings. |
getAllAvailabilityFilterCourseRequestSettings | Get all AvailabilityFilterCourseRequestSettings. |
getAllAvailabilityFilterCourseStudentCourses | Get all AvailabilityFilterCourseStudentCourses. |
getAllAvailabilityFilterCourseStudents | Get all AvailabilityFilterCourseStudents. |
getAllAvailabilityFilterCourseStudentStudents | Get all AvailabilityFilterCourseStudentStudents. |
getAllAvailabilityStudentFilters | Get all AvailabilityStudentFilters. |
getAllAwardCategories | Get all AwardCategories. |
getAllAwardHardwares | Get all AwardHardwares. |
getAllAwardTypes | Get all AwardTypes. |
getAllBaseRunAnalysises | Get all BaseRunAnalysises. |
getAllBellScheduleGroupBellSchedules | Get all BellScheduleGroupBellSchedules. |
getAllBellScheduleGroups | Get all BellScheduleGroups. |
getAllBellSchedules | Get all BellSchedules. |
getAllBellSchedulingPeriods | Get all BellSchedulingPeriods. |
getAllBenchmarkingQuestionAnswers | Get all BenchmarkingQuestionAnswers. |
getAllBenchmarkingQuestions | Get all BenchmarkingQuestions. |
getAllBenchmarkingSurveies | Get all BenchmarkingSurveies. |
getAllBenchmarkingSurveyDelaies | Get all BenchmarkingSurveyDelaies. |
getAllBenchmarkingSurveyInstances | Get all BenchmarkingSurveyInstances. |
getAllBenchmarkingSurveyQuestions | Get all BenchmarkingSurveyQuestions. |
getAllBlockPeriodDisplayPeriods | Get all BlockPeriodDisplayPeriods. |
getAllBlockPeriods | Get all BlockPeriods. |
getAllBodyMassIndexPercentiles | Get all BodyMassIndexPercentiles. |
getAllBodyParts | Get all BodyParts. |
getAllBrowseFieldPaths | Get all BrowseFieldPaths. |
getAllBrowseFilterLastUseds | Get all BrowseFilterLastUseds. |
getAllBrowseFilters | Get all BrowseFilters. |
getAllBrowseMenus | Get all BrowseMenus. |
getAllBrowses | Get all Browses. |
getAllBrowseViewLastUseds | Get all BrowseViewLastUseds. |
getAllBrowseViews | Get all BrowseViews. |
getAllBuildingPlanPositionDistributionSummaries | Get all BuildingPlanPositionDistributionSummaries. |
getAllBuildings | Get all Buildings. |
getAllBulkLoads | Get all BulkLoads. |
getAllBurstActions | Get all BurstActions. |
getAllBuses | Get all Buses. |
getAllBusinessMigrationHistories | Get all BusinessMigrationHistories. |
getAllBusRoutes | Get all BusRoutes. |
getAllBusStops | Get all BusStops. |
getAllCacheInitializations | Get all CacheInitializations. |
getAllCalculationGroupAcademicStandardCalculationGroupHierarchyDepths | Get all... |
getAllCalculationGroupAcademicStandardGradeBuckets | Get all CalculationGroupAcademicStandardGradeBuckets. |
getAllCalculationGroupAcademicStandards | Get all CalculationGroupAcademicStandards. |
getAllCalculationGroupAcademicStandardWeightings | Get all CalculationGroupAcademicStandardWeightings. |
getAllCalculationGroupCategories | Get all CalculationGroupCategories. |
getAllCalculationGroupCourses | Get all CalculationGroupCourses. |
getAllCalculationGroupGradeBuckets | Get all CalculationGroupGradeBuckets. |
getAllCalculationGroupHierarchyDepths | Get all CalculationGroupHierarchyDepths. |
getAllCalculationGroups | Get all CalculationGroups. |
getAllCalculationGroupSubjectAcademicStandards | Get all CalculationGroupSubjectAcademicStandards. |
getAllCalculationGroupSubjectGradeBuckets | Get all CalculationGroupSubjectGradeBuckets. |
getAllCalculationGroupSubjects | Get all CalculationGroupSubjects. |
getAllCalculationGroupSubjectWeightings | Get all CalculationGroupSubjectWeightings. |
getAllCalculationGroupWeightings | Get all CalculationGroupWeightings. |
getAllCalendarDayBellScheduleGroupBellSchedules | Get all CalendarDayBellScheduleGroupBellSchedules. |
getAllCalendarDayCalendarEvents | Get all CalendarDayCalendarEvents. |
getAllCalendarDayDisplayPeriodOverrides | Get all CalendarDayDisplayPeriodOverrides. |
getAllCalendarDays | Get all CalendarDays. |
getAllCalendarDaySchedulingPeriodTimesOverrides | Get all CalendarDaySchedulingPeriodTimesOverrides. |
getAllCalendarDisplayPeriods | Get all CalendarDisplayPeriods. |
getAllCalendarEvents | Get all CalendarEvents. |
getAllCalendars | Get all Calendars. |
getAllCalendarYears | Get all CalendarYears. |
getAllCareerPlanDeclarationTimePeriodGradeReferences | Get all CareerPlanDeclarationTimePeriodGradeReferences. |
getAllCareerPlanDeclarationTimePeriods | Get all CareerPlanDeclarationTimePeriods. |
getAllCareerPlanDeclarationTimePeriodStudentEntityYears | Get all CareerPlanDeclarationTimePeriodStudentEntityYears. |
getAllCareerPlanGradeLevels | Get all CareerPlanGradeLevels. |
getAllCategories | Get all Categories. |
getAllCategoryGradeBucketTypes | Get all CategoryGradeBucketTypes. |
getAllCertificationCompetencies | Get all CertificationCompetencies. |
getAllCertificationDelimitedFileFormats | Get all CertificationDelimitedFileFormats. |
getAllCertificationDetails | Get all CertificationDetails. |
getAllCertificationFixedLengthFileFormats | Get all CertificationFixedLengthFileFormats. |
getAllCertificationGrades | Get all CertificationGrades. |
getAllCertificationLevels | Get all CertificationLevels. |
getAllCertifications | Get all Certifications. |
getAllCertificationSubjects | Get all CertificationSubjects. |
getAllCertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationCompetencies | Get all... |
getAllCertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationGrades | Get all CertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationGrades. |
getAllCertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationLevels | Get all CertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationLevels. |
getAllCertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationSubjects | Get all CertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationSubjects. |
getAllCertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationTypes | Get all CertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationTypes. |
getAllCertificationThirdPartyFormatInstitutions | Get all CertificationThirdPartyFormatInstitutions. |
getAllCertificationThirdPartyFormats | Get all CertificationThirdPartyFormats. |
getAllCertificationThirdPartyImports | Get all CertificationThirdPartyImports. |
getAllCertificationTypes | Get all CertificationTypes. |
getAllChangeRequestDetailApprovals | Get all ChangeRequestDetailApprovals. |
getAllChangeRequestDetails | Get all ChangeRequestDetails. |
getAllChangeRequests | Get all ChangeRequests. |
getAllCharacterLimitGroups | Get all CharacterLimitGroups. |
getAllChildhoodIllnessComments | Get all ChildhoodIllnessComments. |
getAllChildhoodIllnesses | Get all ChildhoodIllnesses. |
getAllChildhoodIllnessGuardianNotifications | Get all ChildhoodIllnessGuardianNotifications. |
getAllChildhoodIllnessGuardianResponses | Get all ChildhoodIllnessGuardianResponses. |
getAllChildhoodIllnessObservations | Get all ChildhoodIllnessObservations. |
getAllChildhoodIllnessReferralReasons | Get all ChildhoodIllnessReferralReasons. |
getAllChildhoodIllnessReferralResults | Get all ChildhoodIllnessReferralResults. |
getAllClassGroups | Get all ClassGroups. |
getAllClassGroupSections | Get all ClassGroupSections. |
getAllClosedGradingPeriodGradeChanges | Get all ClosedGradingPeriodGradeChanges. |
getAllClosedGradingPeriodStudentGradeBucketChanges | Get all ClosedGradingPeriodStudentGradeBucketChanges. |
getAllCommentBucketCourses | Get all CommentBucketCourses. |
getAllCommentBuckets | Get all CommentBuckets. |
getAllCommentCodes | Get all CommentCodes. |
getAllCommentSets | Get all CommentSets. |
getAllCommonEducationDataStandardsGradeLevels | Get all CommonEducationDataStandardsGradeLevels. |
getAllComplianceScheduleDetailBoosters | Get all ComplianceScheduleDetailBoosters. |
getAllComplianceScheduleDetails | Get all ComplianceScheduleDetails. |
getAllComplianceScheduleRules | Get all ComplianceScheduleRules. |
getAllComplianceSchedules | Get all ComplianceSchedules. |
getAllConfigDistrictGroups | Get all ConfigDistrictGroups. |
getAllConfigDistrictGroupsHealth | Get all ConfigDistrictGroups. |
getAllConfigDistricts | Get all ConfigDistricts. |
getAllConfigDistrictsEnrollment | Get all ConfigDistricts. |
getAllConfigDistrictsGradebook | Get all ConfigDistricts. |
getAllConfigDistrictsGraduationRequirements | Get all ConfigDistricts. |
getAllConfigDistrictsStudent | Get all ConfigDistricts. |
getAllConfigDistrictsTransportation | Get all ConfigDistricts. |
getAllConfigDistrictYearContacts | Get all ConfigDistrictYearContacts. |
getAllConfigDistrictYears | Get all ConfigDistrictYears. |
getAllConfigDistrictYearsEnrollment | Get all ConfigDistrictYears. |
getAllConfigDistrictYearsFamily | Get all ConfigDistrictYears. |
getAllConfigDistrictYearsGradebook | Get all ConfigDistrictYears. |
getAllConfigDistrictYearsGrading | Get all ConfigDistrictYears. |
getAllConfigDistrictYearsHealth | Get all ConfigDistrictYears. |
getAllConfigDistrictYearsMessageCenter | Get all ConfigDistrictYears. |
getAllConfigDistrictYearWithdrawalCodes | Get all ConfigDistrictYearWithdrawalCodes. |
getAllConfigDistrictYearWithdrawalCodesMessageCenter | Get all ConfigDistrictYearWithdrawalCodes. |
getAllConfigEntities | Get all ConfigEntities. |
getAllConfigEntitiesHealth | Get all ConfigEntities. |
getAllConfigEntityGroupYears | Get all ConfigEntityGroupYears. |
getAllConfigEntityGroupYearsDiscipline | Get all ConfigEntityGroupYears. |
getAllConfigEntityGroupYearsFamily | Get all ConfigEntityGroupYears. |
getAllConfigEntityGroupYearsGradebook | Get all ConfigEntityGroupYears. |
getAllConfigEntityGroupYearsGrading | Get all ConfigEntityGroupYears. |
getAllConfigEntityGroupYearsStaff | Get all ConfigEntityGroupYears. |
getAllConfigEntityGroupYearsStudent | Get all ConfigEntityGroupYears. |
getAllConfigEntityYearGraduationRequiredCredits | Get all ConfigEntityYearGraduationRequiredCredits. |
getAllConfigEntityYears | Get all ConfigEntityYears. |
getAllConfigEntityYearsDistrict | Get all ConfigEntityYears. |
getAllConfigEntityYearsGrading | Get all ConfigEntityYears. |
getAllConfigEntityYearsScheduling | Get all ConfigEntityYears. |
getAllConfigSystems | Get all ConfigSystems. |
getAllConfigSystemsDiscipline | Get all ConfigSystems. |
getAllConfigSystemsFamily | Get all ConfigSystems. |
getAllConfigSystemsReporting | Get all ConfigSystems. |
getAllConfigSystemsSecurity | Get all ConfigSystems. |
getAllConfigSystemsSkySys | Get all ConfigSystems. |
getAllConfigSystemsStaff | Get all ConfigSystems. |
getAllConfigSystemsStudent | Get all ConfigSystems. |
getAllCOPPAConsentObjectMAs | Get all COPPAConsentObjectMAs. |
getAllCOPPAConsents | Get all COPPAConsents. |
getAllCounties | Get all Counties. |
getAllCourseAlternates | Get all CourseAlternates. |
getAllCourseCorequisiteGroupCourses | Get all CourseCorequisiteGroupCourses. |
getAllCourseCorequisiteGroups | Get all CourseCorequisiteGroups. |
getAllCourseCustomRequirements | Get all CourseCustomRequirements. |
getAllCourseEarnedCreditsMethods | Get all CourseEarnedCreditsMethods. |
getAllCourseEntityOfferedTos | Get all CourseEntityOfferedTos. |
getAllCourseEntityOfferedToSectionMeetDisplayPeriods | Get all CourseEntityOfferedToSectionMeetDisplayPeriods. |
getAllCourseEntityOfferedToSectionMeets | Get all CourseEntityOfferedToSectionMeets. |
getAllCourseEntityOfferedToSections | Get all CourseEntityOfferedToSections. |
getAllCourseEntityOfferedToSectionStaffMeets | Get all CourseEntityOfferedToSectionStaffMeets. |
getAllCourseGPAMethodGradeReferenceOverrides | Get all CourseGPAMethodGradeReferenceOverrides. |
getAllCourseGPAMethods | Get all CourseGPAMethods. |
getAllCourseGradeReferences | Get all CourseGradeReferences. |
getAllCourseGradingScaleGroupCourses | Get all CourseGradingScaleGroupCourses. |
getAllCourseGradingScaleGroups | Get all CourseGradingScaleGroups. |
getAllCourseGroupCourses | Get all CourseGroupCourses. |
getAllCourseGroups | Get all CourseGroups. |
getAllCourseLengths | Get all CourseLengths. |
getAllCourseLevelMNs | Get all CourseLevelMNs. |
getAllCourseMasterMassUpdates | Get all CourseMasterMassUpdates. |
getAllCoursePrerequisiteCurriculumCourses | Get all CoursePrerequisiteCurriculumCourses. |
getAllCoursePrerequisiteCurriculumCourseStudentCourseRequests | Get all... |
getAllCoursePrerequisites | Get all CoursePrerequisites. |
getAllCourses | Get all Courses. |
getAllCourseSectionLengthExcludes | Get all CourseSectionLengthExcludes. |
getAllCourseSubjects | Get all CourseSubjects. |
getAllCourseTypes | Get all CourseTypes. |
getAllCrossEntityAttendanceReasons | Get all CrossEntityAttendanceReasons. |
getAllCrossEntityAttendanceTypes | Get all CrossEntityAttendanceTypes. |
getAllCrossEntityCalendarDisplayPeriods | Get all CrossEntityCalendarDisplayPeriods. |
getAllCrossReferences | Get all CrossReferences. |
getAllCurrentSportsSelectionses | Get all CurrentSportsSelectionses. |
getAllCurriculumAcademicStandards | Get all CurriculumAcademicStandards. |
getAllCurriculumClusterCurriculums | Get all CurriculumClusterCurriculums. |
getAllCurriculumClusterDefaults | Get all CurriculumClusterDefaults. |
getAllCurriculumClusters | Get all CurriculumClusters. |
getAllCurriculumCustomRequirements | Get all CurriculumCustomRequirements. |
getAllCurriculumGradeLevels | Get all CurriculumGradeLevels. |
getAllCurriculumProgramMNs | Get all CurriculumProgramMNs. |
getAllCurriculums | Get all Curriculums. |
getAllCurriculumSubAreas | Get all CurriculumSubAreas. |
getAllCurriculumSubjectAcademicStandards | Get all CurriculumSubjectAcademicStandards. |
getAllCurriculumSubjects | Get all CurriculumSubjects. |
getAllCurriculumYears | Get all CurriculumYears. |
getAllCustomCodes | Get all CustomCodes. |
getAllCustomCodeTypes | Get all CustomCodeTypes. |
getAllCustomRequirements | Get all CustomRequirements. |
getAllCustomScreenElements | Get all CustomScreenElements. |
getAllCustomScreens | Get all CustomScreens. |
getAllDailySectionAttendances | Get all DailySectionAttendances. |
getAllDashboards | Get all Dashboards. |
getAllDatabaseConnections | Get all DatabaseConnections. |
getAllDatabaseRequests | Get all DatabaseRequests. |
getAllDatabaseSessions | Get all DatabaseSessions. |
getAllDatabaseTransactions | Get all DatabaseTransactions. |
getAllDataMigrationHistories | Get all DataMigrationHistories. |
getAllDataMiningReportFieldFilters | Get all DataMiningReportFieldFilters. |
getAllDataMiningReportFieldParameters | Get all DataMiningReportFieldParameters. |
getAllDataMiningReportFields | Get all DataMiningReportFields. |
getAllDataMiningReportFieldSorts | Get all DataMiningReportFieldSorts. |
getAllDataMiningReports | Get all DataMiningReports. |
getAllDataMiningReportSortBreaks | Get all DataMiningReportSortBreaks. |
getAllDataMiningReportSubtopics | Get all DataMiningReportSubtopics. |
getAllDataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilters | Get all DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilters. |
getAllDataObjectFieldPaths | Get all DataObjectFieldPaths. |
getAllDateRangePresets | Get all DateRangePresets. |
getAllDayRotationPatterns | Get all DayRotationPatterns. |
getAllDayRotations | Get all DayRotations. |
getAllDefaultGradingScaleGroupGradeMarks | Get all DefaultGradingScaleGroupGradeMarks. |
getAllDentalComments | Get all DentalComments. |
getAllDentalGuardianNotifications | Get all DentalGuardianNotifications. |
getAllDentalGuardianResponses | Get all DentalGuardianResponses. |
getAllDentalReferralReasons | Get all DentalReferralReasons. |
getAllDentalReferralResults | Get all DentalReferralResults. |
getAllDentalScreeningComments | Get all DentalScreeningComments. |
getAllDentalScreeningNotes | Get all DentalScreeningNotes. |
getAllDentalScreeningReferrals | Get all DentalScreeningReferrals. |
getAllDentalScreeningResults | Get all DentalScreeningResults. |
getAllDentalScreenings | Get all DentalScreenings. |
getAllDentalScreeningSecuredNotes | Get all DentalScreeningSecuredNotes. |
getAllDentalTreatments | Get all DentalTreatments. |
getAllDepartments | Get all Departments. |
getAllDependents | Get all Dependents. |
getAllDiabetesCareLogNotes | Get all DiabetesCareLogNotes. |
getAllDiabetesCareLogReferrals | Get all DiabetesCareLogReferrals. |
getAllDiabetesCareLogs | Get all DiabetesCareLogs. |
getAllDiabetesCareLogSecuredNotes | Get all DiabetesCareLogSecuredNotes. |
getAllDiabetesCareLogTreatments | Get all DiabetesCareLogTreatments. |
getAllDiabetesGuardianNotifications | Get all DiabetesGuardianNotifications. |
getAllDiabetesGuardianResponses | Get all DiabetesGuardianResponses. |
getAllDiabetesKetoneResults | Get all DiabetesKetoneResults. |
getAllDiabetesReferralReasons | Get all DiabetesReferralReasons. |
getAllDiabetesReferralResults | Get all DiabetesReferralResults. |
getAllDiabetesTreatments | Get all DiabetesTreatments. |
getAllDirectionals | Get all Directionals. |
getAllDisciplineLetterRunHistories | Get all DisciplineLetterRunHistories. |
getAllDisciplineLetterRunHistoryActions | Get all DisciplineLetterRunHistoryActions. |
getAllDisciplineLetterRunHistoryOffenses | Get all DisciplineLetterRunHistoryOffenses. |
getAllDisciplineLetterTemplateEntities | Get all DisciplineLetterTemplateEntities. |
getAllDisciplineLetterTemplateHeaderColumns | Get all DisciplineLetterTemplateHeaderColumns. |
getAllDisciplineLetterTemplateHeaderRows | Get all DisciplineLetterTemplateHeaderRows. |
getAllDisciplineLetterTemplates | Get all DisciplineLetterTemplates. |
getAllDisciplineThresholds | Get all DisciplineThresholds. |
getAllDisplayPeriodConflicts | Get all DisplayPeriodConflicts. |
getAllDisplayPeriodRotationDisplayPeriods | Get all DisplayPeriodRotationDisplayPeriods. |
getAllDisplayPeriodRotations | Get all DisplayPeriodRotations. |
getAllDisplayPeriods | Get all DisplayPeriods. |
getAllDistrictGroups | Get all DistrictGroups. |
getAllDistricts | Get all Districts |
getAllDistrictSchoolYears | Get all DistrictSchoolYears. |
getAllDoseIntervals | Get all DoseIntervals. |
getAllDoseMinimumAges | Get all DoseMinimumAges. |
getAllDropLowScoreRuns | Get all DropLowScoreRuns. |
getAllDropLowScoreRunStudentAssignments | Get all DropLowScoreRunStudentAssignments. |
getAllDroppedStudentAttendancePeriods | Get all DroppedStudentAttendancePeriods. |
getAllDrugs | Get all Drugs. |
getAllEarlyEducationInstructionalApproachMNs | Get all EarlyEducationInstructionalApproachMNs. |
getAllEarlyEducationProgramMNs | Get all EarlyEducationProgramMNs. |
getAllEarlyExitReasons | Get all EarlyExitReasons. |
getAllEarnedCreditsBucketGroupGradeBuckets | Get all EarnedCreditsBucketGroupGradeBuckets. |
getAllEarnedCreditsBucketGroupGradeBucketStudentOverrides | Get all EarnedCreditsBucketGroupGradeBucketStudentOverrides. |
getAllEarnedCreditsBucketGroups | Get all EarnedCreditsBucketGroups. |
getAllEarnedCreditsMethodEntities | Get all EarnedCreditsMethodEntities. |
getAllEarnedCreditsMethods | Get all EarnedCreditsMethods. |
getAllElectronicSignatures | Get all ElectronicSignatures. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptAcademicAwardExceptions | Get all ElectronicTranscriptAcademicAwardExceptions. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptAcademicAwardV1s | Get all ElectronicTranscriptAcademicAwardV1s. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptAcademicHonorExceptions | Get all ElectronicTranscriptAcademicHonorExceptions. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptAcademicHonorV1s | Get all ElectronicTranscriptAcademicHonorV1s. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptAcademicRecordExceptions | Get all ElectronicTranscriptAcademicRecordExceptions. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptAcademicRecordV1s | Get all ElectronicTranscriptAcademicRecordV1s. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptAcademicSessionExceptions | Get all ElectronicTranscriptAcademicSessionExceptions. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptAcademicSessionV1s | Get all ElectronicTranscriptAcademicSessionV1s. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptAcademicSummaryExceptions | Get all ElectronicTranscriptAcademicSummaryExceptions. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptAcademicSummaryV1s | Get all ElectronicTranscriptAcademicSummaryV1s. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptAddressExceptions | Get all ElectronicTranscriptAddressExceptions. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptAddressV1s | Get all ElectronicTranscriptAddressV1s. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptAgencyIdentifierExceptions | Get all ElectronicTranscriptAgencyIdentifierExceptions. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptAgencyIdentifierV1s | Get all ElectronicTranscriptAgencyIdentifierV1s. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptAPITransactions | Get all ElectronicTranscriptAPITransactions. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptCourseExceptions | Get all ElectronicTranscriptCourseExceptions. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptCourseV1s | Get all ElectronicTranscriptCourseV1s. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptImmunizationExceptions | Get all ElectronicTranscriptImmunizationExceptions. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptImmunizationV1s | Get all ElectronicTranscriptImmunizationV1s. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptLicensureExceptions | Get all ElectronicTranscriptLicensureExceptions. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptLicensureNoteExceptions | Get all ElectronicTranscriptLicensureNoteExceptions. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptLicensureNoteV1s | Get all ElectronicTranscriptLicensureNoteV1s. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptLicensureV1s | Get all ElectronicTranscriptLicensureV1s. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptPersonExceptions | Get all ElectronicTranscriptPersonExceptions. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptPersonV1s | Get all ElectronicTranscriptPersonV1s. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptPhoneExceptions | Get all ElectronicTranscriptPhoneExceptions. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptPhoneV1s | Get all ElectronicTranscriptPhoneV1s. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptRunHistories | Get all ElectronicTranscriptRunHistories. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptSubtestExceptions | Get all ElectronicTranscriptSubtestExceptions. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptSubtestV1s | Get all ElectronicTranscriptSubtestV1s. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptTestExceptions | Get all ElectronicTranscriptTestExceptions. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptTestScoreExceptions | Get all ElectronicTranscriptTestScoreExceptions. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptTestScoreV1s | Get all ElectronicTranscriptTestScoreV1s. |
getAllElectronicTranscriptTestV1s | Get all ElectronicTranscriptTestV1s. |
getAllElementGroups | Get all ElementGroups. |
getAllElementGroupTemplates | Get all ElementGroupTemplates. |
getAllElements | Get all Elements. |
getAllElementStatuses | Get all ElementStatuses. |
getAllElementStatusSurveyAnswers | Get all ElementStatusSurveyAnswers. |
getAllEmailAttachments | Get all EmailAttachments. |
getAllEmails | Get all Emails. |
getAllEmailTypes | Get all EmailTypes. |
getAllEmergencyContacts | Get all EmergencyContacts. |
getAllEmployers | Get all Employers. |
getAllEndorsementDeclarationTimePeriodGradeReferences | Get all EndorsementDeclarationTimePeriodGradeReferences. |
getAllEndorsementDeclarationTimePeriods | Get all EndorsementDeclarationTimePeriods. |
getAllEndorsementDeclarationTimePeriodStudentEntityYears | Get all EndorsementDeclarationTimePeriodStudentEntityYears. |
getAllEndorsementDefaults | Get all EndorsementDefaults. |
getAllEndorsementOptionDefaults | Get all EndorsementOptionDefaults. |
getAllEndorsementOptions | Get all EndorsementOptions. |
getAllEndorsementRequirementAssessmentClusterDefaults | Get all EndorsementRequirementAssessmentClusterDefaults. |
getAllEndorsementRequirementAssessmentClusters | Get all EndorsementRequirementAssessmentClusters. |
getAllEndorsementRequirementAssessmentDefaults | Get all EndorsementRequirementAssessmentDefaults. |
getAllEndorsementRequirementAssessments | Get all EndorsementRequirementAssessments. |
getAllEndorsementRequirementAssessmentScoreDefaults | Get all EndorsementRequirementAssessmentScoreDefaults. |
getAllEndorsementRequirementAssessmentScores | Get all EndorsementRequirementAssessmentScores. |
getAllEndorsementRequirementCurriculumDefaults | Get all EndorsementRequirementCurriculumDefaults. |
getAllEndorsementRequirementCurriculums | Get all EndorsementRequirementCurriculums. |
getAllEndorsementRequirementDefaults | Get all EndorsementRequirementDefaults. |
getAllEndorsementRequirements | Get all EndorsementRequirements. |
getAllEndorsements | Get all Endorsements. |
getAllEntities | Get all Entities in District |
getAllEntityCloneDestinations | Get all EntityCloneDestinations. |
getAllEntityCloneErrors | Get all EntityCloneErrors. |
getAllEntityCloneRuns | Get all EntityCloneRuns. |
getAllEntityCloneSelectedObjects | Get all EntityCloneSelectedObjects. |
getAllEntityCloneSelections | Get all EntityCloneSelections. |
getAllEntityGroupEntities | Get all EntityGroupEntities. |
getAllEntityGroups | Get all EntityGroups. |
getAllEntityGroupSetupEntities | Get all EntityGroupSetupEntities. |
getAllEntityGroupSetupRunDetails | Get all EntityGroupSetupRunDetails. |
getAllEntityGroupSetupRuns | Get all EntityGroupSetupRuns. |
getAllEntityGroupSetups | Get all EntityGroupSetups. |
getAllEntitySchoolBuildings | Get all EntitySchoolBuildings. |
getAllEntitySchools | Get all EntitySchools. |
getAllEntryCodes | Get all EntryCodes. |
getAllEntryWithdrawals | Get all EntryWithdrawals. |
getAllEthnicityMAs | Get all EthnicityMAs. |
getAllEventTypes | Get all EventTypes. |
getAllExternalLinkEntities | Get all ExternalLinkEntities. |
getAllExternalLinks | Get all ExternalLinks. |
getAllFactorBasedAddOns | Get all FactorBasedAddOns. |
getAllFallSports | Get all FallSports. |
getAllFallSportsTeams | Get all FallSportsTeams. |
getAllFamilies | Get all Families. |
getAllFamilyGuardians | Get all FamilyGuardians. |
getAllFeedbacks | Get all Feedbacks. |
getAllFeederSchools | Get all FeederSchools. |
getAllFieldMappings | Get all FieldMappings. |
getAllFieldRestrictionRoles | Get all FieldRestrictionRoles. |
getAllFieldRestrictions | Get all FieldRestrictions. |
getAllFieldRestrictionScreens | Get all FieldRestrictionScreens. |
getAllFields | Get all Fields. |
getAllFileDestinationResults | Get all FileDestinationResults. |
getAllFileDestinations | Get all FileDestinations. |
getAllFilters | Get all Filters. |
getAllFiscalYears | Get all FiscalYears. |
getAllFTPConnections | Get all FTPConnections. |
getAllFTPProcessTypeConnections | Get all FTPProcessTypeConnections. |
getAllFTPProcessTypes | Get all FTPProcessTypes. |
getAllFTPResults | Get all FTPResults. |
getAllGPABucketEntities | Get all GPABucketEntities. |
getAllGPABucketGroupGradeBuckets | Get all GPABucketGroupGradeBuckets. |
getAllGPABucketGroupGradeBucketStudentOverrides | Get all GPABucketGroupGradeBucketStudentOverrides. |
getAllGPABucketGroups | Get all GPABucketGroups. |
getAllGPABucketGroupSummaries | Get all GPABucketGroupSummaries. |
getAllGPABuckets | Get all GPABuckets. |
getAllGPABucketSets | Get all GPABucketSets. |
getAllGPABucketTypes | Get all GPABucketTypes. |
getAllGPAMethodCourseGroups | Get all GPAMethodCourseGroups. |
getAllGPAMethodEntities | Get all GPAMethodEntities. |
getAllGPAMethodGradeBucketFlagGPAPointsOverrides | Get all GPAMethodGradeBucketFlagGPAPointsOverrides. |
getAllGPAMethods | Get all GPAMethods. |
getAllGradebookLockGradeBuckets | Get all GradebookLockGradeBuckets. |
getAllGradebookLockGradeReferences | Get all GradebookLockGradeReferences. |
getAllGradeBucketFlagDetailGPAMethods | Get all GradeBucketFlagDetailGPAMethods. |
getAllGradeBucketFlagDetails | Get all GradeBucketFlagDetails. |
getAllGradeBucketFlags | Get all GradeBucketFlags. |
getAllGradeBuckets | Get all GradeBuckets. |
getAllGradeBucketTypes | Get all GradeBucketTypes. |
getAllGradeLevels | Get all GradeLevels. |
getAllGradeMarkPointSets | Get all GradeMarkPointSets. |
getAllGradeMarks | Get all GradeMarks. |
getAllGradeReferences | Get all GradeReferences. |
getAllGradeReportAcademicSessions | Get all GradeReportAcademicSessions. |
getAllGradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateCourseGroups | Get all GradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateCourseGroups. |
getAllGradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateCourses | Get all GradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateCourses. |
getAllGradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateGradeLevels | Get all GradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateGradeLevels. |
getAllGradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateGroups | Get all GradeReportAcademicSessionTemplateGroups. |
getAllGradeReportAcademicSessionTemplates | Get all GradeReportAcademicSessionTemplates. |
getAllGradeReportColumnAttendanceCategories | Get all GradeReportColumnAttendanceCategories. |
getAllGradeReportColumnAttendanceTerms | Get all GradeReportColumnAttendanceTerms. |
getAllGradeReportColumnGradeBuckets | Get all GradeReportColumnGradeBuckets. |
getAllGradeReportColumnGroupColumns | Get all GradeReportColumnGroupColumns. |
getAllGradeReportColumnGroups | Get all GradeReportColumnGroups. |
getAllGradeReportEndorsementRows | Get all GradeReportEndorsementRows. |
getAllGradeReportGPARows | Get all GradeReportGPARows. |
getAllGradeReportGradingScales | Get all GradeReportGradingScales. |
getAllGradeReportRowColumns | Get all GradeReportRowColumns. |
getAllGradeReportRowDetails | Get all GradeReportRowDetails. |
getAllGradeReportRows | Get all GradeReportRows. |
getAllGradeReportRunHistories | Get all GradeReportRunHistories. |
getAllGradeReportRunHistoryAttachments | Get all GradeReportRunHistoryAttachments. |
getAllGradeReportStudentAttendanceTerms | Get all GradeReportStudentAttendanceTerms. |
getAllGradeReportStudentCTEs | Get all GradeReportStudentCTEs. |
getAllGradeReportStudentHighlightINs | Get all GradeReportStudentHighlightINs. |
getAllGradeReportStudents | Get all GradeReportStudents. |
getAllGradeReportStudentTestRows | Get all GradeReportStudentTestRows. |
getAllGradeReportStudentTestTypes | Get all GradeReportStudentTestTypes. |
getAllGradeReportStudentVaccinations | Get all GradeReportStudentVaccinations. |
getAllGradeReportTemplateCommentSets | Get all GradeReportTemplateCommentSets. |
getAllGradeReportTemplateEndorsements | Get all GradeReportTemplateEndorsements. |
getAllGradeReportTemplateGPABuckets | Get all GradeReportTemplateGPABuckets. |
getAllGradeReportTemplateGPAMethods | Get all GradeReportTemplateGPAMethods. |
getAllGradeReportTemplateGradeMarks | Get all GradeReportTemplateGradeMarks. |
getAllGradeReportTemplateHeaderColumns | Get all GradeReportTemplateHeaderColumns. |
getAllGradeReportTemplateHeaderRows | Get all GradeReportTemplateHeaderRows. |
getAllGradeReportTemplateHierarchyDepthSettings | Get all GradeReportTemplateHierarchyDepthSettings. |
getAllGradeReportTemplates | Get all GradeReportTemplates. |
getAllGradeReportTemplateTestTypes | Get all GradeReportTemplateTestTypes. |
getAllGradeReportTemplateVaccinations | Get all GradeReportTemplateVaccinations. |
getAllGradesheetAssignmentSettings | Get all GradesheetAssignmentSettings. |
getAllGradingPeriodGradeBuckets | Get all GradingPeriodGradeBuckets. |
getAllGradingPeriods | Get all GradingPeriods. |
getAllGradingPeriodSets | Get all GradingPeriodSets. |
getAllGradingScaleGroupGradeMarks | Get all GradingScaleGroupGradeMarks. |
getAllGradingScaleGroups | Get all GradingScaleGroups. |
getAllGradReqRankGPACourseTypes | Get all GradReqRankGPACourseTypes. |
getAllGradReqRankGPAMethodEntities | Get all GradReqRankGPAMethodEntities. |
getAllGradReqRankHighSchoolGradeLevels | Get all GradReqRankHighSchoolGradeLevels. |
getAllGradReqRankSchoolYearIncludeLocalCredits | Get all GradReqRankSchoolYearIncludeLocalCredits. |
getAllGradReqSubjectTypes | Get all GradReqSubjectTypes. |
getAllGroupEntityAutoAdds | Get all GroupEntityAutoAdds. |
getAllGroupImpersonationRoles | Get all GroupImpersonationRoles. |
getAllGroupLDAPSynchronizations | Get all GroupLDAPSynchronizations. |
getAllGroupMemberships | Get all GroupMemberships. |
getAllGroupRoles | Get all GroupRoles. |
getAllGroups | Get all Groups. |
getAllHealthAttachments | Get all HealthAttachments. |
getAllHealthConditionComments | Get all HealthConditionComments. |
getAllHealthConditionResponseses | Get all HealthConditionResponseses. |
getAllHealthConditions | Get all HealthConditions. |
getAllHealthConditionTreatments | Get all HealthConditionTreatments. |
getAllHealthProfessionals | Get all HealthProfessionals. |
getAllHealthProfessionalTypes | Get all HealthProfessionalTypes. |
getAllHearingComments | Get all HearingComments. |
getAllHearingDecibelLevelDefaults | Get all HearingDecibelLevelDefaults. |
getAllHearingDecibelLevels | Get all HearingDecibelLevels. |
getAllHearingGuardianNotifications | Get all HearingGuardianNotifications. |
getAllHearingGuardianResponses | Get all HearingGuardianResponses. |
getAllHearingHertzLevelDefaults | Get all HearingHertzLevelDefaults. |
getAllHearingHertzLevels | Get all HearingHertzLevels. |
getAllHearingObservations | Get all HearingObservations. |
getAllHearingReferralReasons | Get all HearingReferralReasons. |
getAllHearingReferralResults | Get all HearingReferralResults. |
getAllHearingScreeningComments | Get all HearingScreeningComments. |
getAllHearingScreeningNotes | Get all HearingScreeningNotes. |
getAllHearingScreeningObservations | Get all HearingScreeningObservations. |
getAllHearingScreeningReferrals | Get all HearingScreeningReferrals. |
getAllHearingScreenings | Get all HearingScreenings. |
getAllHearingScreeningSecuredNotes | Get all HearingScreeningSecuredNotes. |
getAllHearingScreeningThresholds | Get all HearingScreeningThresholds. |
getAllHierarchyDepths | Get all HierarchyDepths. |
getAllHomerooms | Get all Homerooms. |
getAllHonorRollRuleGPAs | Get all HonorRollRuleGPAs. |
getAllHonorRollRuleGradeMarkGradeBuckets | Get all HonorRollRuleGradeMarkGradeBuckets. |
getAllHonorRollRuleGradeMarkGradeMarks | Get all HonorRollRuleGradeMarkGradeMarks. |
getAllHonorRollRuleGradeMarks | Get all HonorRollRuleGradeMarks. |
getAllHonorRollRulePriorHonorRollLevels | Get all HonorRollRulePriorHonorRollLevels. |
getAllHonorRollRulePriorHonorRolls | Get all HonorRollRulePriorHonorRolls. |
getAllHonorRollRunHistories | Get all HonorRollRunHistories. |
getAllHonorRollRunLevelHistories | Get all HonorRollRunLevelHistories. |
getAllHonorRollRunLevelRules | Get all HonorRollRunLevelRules. |
getAllHonorRollRunLevels | Get all HonorRollRunLevels. |
getAllHonorRollRuns | Get all HonorRollRuns. |
getAllImpersonations | Get all Impersonations. |
getAllImportDataObjectSources | Get all ImportDataObjectSources. |
getAllImportModulePaths | Get all ImportModulePaths. |
getAllImportResultRowDetails | Get all ImportResultRowDetails. |
getAllImportResultRows | Get all ImportResultRows. |
getAllImportResults | Get all ImportResults. |
getAllImports | Get all Imports. |
getAllIncidentOffenseNameActionDetailPeriods | Get all IncidentOffenseNameActionDetailPeriods. |
getAllIncidentOffenseNameActionDetails | Get all IncidentOffenseNameActionDetails. |
getAllIncidentOffenseNameActions | Get all IncidentOffenseNameActions. |
getAllIncidentOffenseNameDrugs | Get all IncidentOffenseNameDrugs. |
getAllIncidentOffenseNameReportRunHistories | Get all IncidentOffenseNameReportRunHistories. |
getAllIncidentOffenseNames | Get all IncidentOffenseNames. |
getAllIncidentOffenseNameWeapons | Get all IncidentOffenseNameWeapons. |
getAllIncidentOffenses | Get all IncidentOffenses. |
getAllIncidents | Get all Incidents. |
getAllIndexStatisticsAlwaysUpdates | Get all IndexStatisticsAlwaysUpdates. |
getAllIndicators | Get all Indicators. |
getAllInjuries | Get all Injuries. |
getAllInjuryOccurrenceBodyPartInjuries | Get all InjuryOccurrenceBodyPartInjuries. |
getAllInjuryOccurrenceBodyPartInjuryTreatments | Get all InjuryOccurrenceBodyPartInjuryTreatments. |
getAllInjuryOccurrenceBodyParts | Get all InjuryOccurrenceBodyParts. |
getAllInjuryOccurrenceComments | Get all InjuryOccurrenceComments. |
getAllInjuryOccurrenceGuardianNotifications | Get all InjuryOccurrenceGuardianNotifications. |
getAllInjuryOccurrenceGuardianResponses | Get all InjuryOccurrenceGuardianResponses. |
getAllInjuryOccurrenceInjuryOccurrenceComments | Get all InjuryOccurrenceInjuryOccurrenceComments. |
getAllInjuryOccurrenceNotes | Get all InjuryOccurrenceNotes. |
getAllInjuryOccurrenceReferralReasons | Get all InjuryOccurrenceReferralReasons. |
getAllInjuryOccurrenceReferralResults | Get all InjuryOccurrenceReferralResults. |
getAllInjuryOccurrenceReferrals | Get all InjuryOccurrenceReferrals. |
getAllInjuryOccurrences | Get all InjuryOccurrences. |
getAllInjuryOccurrenceSecuredNotes | Get all InjuryOccurrenceSecuredNotes. |
getAllInstitutionDefaults | Get all InstitutionDefaults. |
getAllInstitutions | Get all Institutions. |
getAllIPRanges | Get all IPRanges. |
getAllJobTitleMAs | Get all JobTitleMAs. |
getAllKiosks | Get all Kiosks. |
getAllLanguages | Get all Languages. |
getAllLanguageSchoolYears | Get all LanguageSchoolYears. |
getAllLastNameNumbers | Get all LastNameNumbers. |
getAllLDAPGroups | Get all LDAPGroups. |
getAllLDAPProviders | Get all LDAPProviders. |
getAllLocations | Get all Locations. |
getAllLocationsHealth | Get all Locations. |
getAllLockCombinations | Get all LockCombinations. |
getAllLockerAreas | Get all LockerAreas. |
getAllLockers | Get all Lockers. |
getAllLockMakes | Get all LockMakes. |
getAllLocks | Get all Locks. |
getAllLoginHistories | Get all LoginHistories. |
getAllLogs | Get all Logs. |
getAllMassCreateAttendanceByClassActivityRangeRuns | Get all MassCreateAttendanceByClassActivityRangeRuns. |
getAllMassPrintHistories | Get all MassPrintHistories. |
getAllMassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistories | Get all MassPrintStaffScheduleRunHistories. |
getAllMassPrintStudentScheduleRunHistories | Get all MassPrintStudentScheduleRunHistories. |
getAllMassUpdateSystemDateRunHistories | Get all MassUpdateSystemDateRunHistories. |
getAllMassUpdateSystemDateRunHistoryDetails | Get all MassUpdateSystemDateRunHistoryDetails. |
getAllMassUpdateSystemDateRunHistoryErrors | Get all MassUpdateSystemDateRunHistoryErrors. |
getAllMaximumTeachingHourOverrides | Get all MaximumTeachingHourOverrides. |
getAllMCCCTermGradeBucketMNs | Get all MCCCTermGradeBucketMNs. |
getAllMedias | Get all Medias. |
getAllMediaTypes | Get all MediaTypes. |
getAllMedicationClassificationMedications | Get all MedicationClassificationMedications. |
getAllMedicationClassifications | Get all MedicationClassifications. |
getAllMedicationComments | Get all MedicationComments. |
getAllMedicationDosageUnits | Get all MedicationDosageUnits. |
getAllMedicationRoutes | Get all MedicationRoutes. |
getAllMedications | Get all Medications. |
getAllMeetDisplayPeriods | Get all MeetDisplayPeriods. |
getAllMeetEntityRoomPeriodDateSeatsAvailables | Get all MeetEntityRoomPeriodDateSeatsAvailables. |
getAllMeetEntityRoomPeriods | Get all MeetEntityRoomPeriods. |
getAllMeetRequirements | Get all MeetRequirements. |
getAllMeets | Get all Meets. |
getAllMeetSummaries | Get all MeetSummaries. |
getAllMeetSummaryDetails | Get all MeetSummaryDetails. |
getAllMenuCategories | Get all MenuCategories. |
getAllMenuModules | Get all MenuModules. |
getAllMenuScreens | Get all MenuScreens. |
getAllMenuSecurityItems | Get all MenuSecurityItems. |
getAllMessageMasters | Get all MessageMasters. |
getAllMessages | Get all Messages. |
getAllMobileSSOs | Get all MobileSSOs. |
getAllModulePaths | Get all ModulePaths. |
getAllModules | Get all Modules. |
getAllMonitorSummaryByClasses | Get all MonitorSummaryByClasses. |
getAllMonitorSummaryByTeachers | Get all MonitorSummaryByTeachers. |
getAllMultifactorAuthenticationAssertions | Get all MultifactorAuthenticationAssertions. |
getAllMultifactorAuthentications | Get all MultifactorAuthentications. |
getAllNameAddresses | Get all NameAddresses. |
getAllNameAliases | Get all NameAliases. |
getAllNameEmails | Get all NameEmails. |
getAllNameEthnicityRaceSubcategoryMNs | Get all NameEthnicityRaceSubcategoryMNs. |
getAllNameMedicationComments | Get all NameMedicationComments. |
getAllNameMedicationNotes | Get all NameMedicationNotes. |
getAllNameMedicationPrescriptions | Get all NameMedicationPrescriptions. |
getAllNameMedications | Get all NameMedications. |
getAllNameMedicationSchedules | Get all NameMedicationSchedules. |
getAllNameMedicationSecuredNotes | Get all NameMedicationSecuredNotes. |
getAllNameMergeRunHistories | Get all NameMergeRunHistories. |
getAllNameOfficeVisitDispositions | Get all NameOfficeVisitDispositions. |
getAllNameOfficeVisitNotes | Get all NameOfficeVisitNotes. |
getAllNameOfficeVisitNotifications | Get all NameOfficeVisitNotifications. |
getAllNameOfficeVisitReasons | Get all NameOfficeVisitReasons. |
getAllNameOfficeVisitReferrals | Get all NameOfficeVisitReferrals. |
getAllNameOfficeVisits | Get all NameOfficeVisits. |
getAllNameOfficeVisitSecuredNotes | Get all NameOfficeVisitSecuredNotes. |
getAllNameOfficeVisitTimeTransactions | Get all NameOfficeVisitTimeTransactions. |
getAllNameOfficeVisitTreatments | Get all NameOfficeVisitTreatments. |
getAllNamePhones | Get all NamePhones. |
getAllNameProcedureNotes | Get all NameProcedureNotes. |
getAllNameProcedureOccurrences | Get all NameProcedureOccurrences. |
getAllNameProcedures | Get all NameProcedures. |
getAllNameProcedureScheduleDays | Get all NameProcedureScheduleDays. |
getAllNameProcedureSchedules | Get all NameProcedureSchedules. |
getAllNameProcedureSecuredNotes | Get all NameProcedureSecuredNotes. |
getAllNames | Get all Names. |
getAllNameSuffixs | Get all NameSuffixs. |
getAllNameTitles | Get all NameTitles. |
getAllNameVehicles | Get all NameVehicles. |
getAllNameWebsites | Get all NameWebsites. |
getAllNewStudentEnrollmentGuardianDatas | Get all NewStudentEnrollmentGuardianDatas. |
getAllNewStudentEnrollmentUserDatas | Get all NewStudentEnrollmentUserDatas. |
getAllNextIncidentNumbers | Get all NextIncidentNumbers. |
getAllNextStaffNumbers | Get all NextStaffNumbers. |
getAllNextStudentNumbers | Get all NextStudentNumbers. |
getAllNoteTypes | Get all NoteTypes. |
getAllNotificationActions | Get all NotificationActions. |
getAllNotificationAttendanceTypes | Get all NotificationAttendanceTypes. |
getAllNotificationCarbonCopyStaffs | Get all NotificationCarbonCopyStaffs. |
getAllNotificationDisciplineThresholds | Get all NotificationDisciplineThresholds. |
getAllNotificationGradeBuckets | Get all NotificationGradeBuckets. |
getAllNotificationGradeMarks | Get all NotificationGradeMarks. |
getAllNotificationGradeReferences | Get all NotificationGradeReferences. |
getAllNotificationMethods | Get all NotificationMethods. |
getAllNotificationMethodsHealth | Get all NotificationMethods. |
getAllNotificationOffenses | Get all NotificationOffenses. |
getAllNotificationOnlineForms | Get all NotificationOnlineForms. |
getAllNotifications | Get all Notifications. |
getAllNotificationScheduleIsAvailableSectionLengths | Get all NotificationScheduleIsAvailableSectionLengths. |
getAllNotificationUnrecordedClassAttendances | Get all NotificationUnrecordedClassAttendances. |
getAllNotificationWithdrawalCodes | Get all NotificationWithdrawalCodes. |
getAllNotPerformedReasons | Get all NotPerformedReasons. |
getAllNumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYears | Get all NumberedStaffEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYears. |
getAllNumberedStudentEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYears | Get all NumberedStudentEntityYearForDistrictAndSchoolYears. |
getAllObjects | Get all Objects. |
getAllOccupations | Get all Occupations. |
getAllOffenseActions | Get all OffenseActions. |
getAllOffenseLevels | Get all OffenseLevels. |
getAllOffenses | Get all Offenses. |
getAllOfficeVisitComments | Get all OfficeVisitComments. |
getAllOfficeVisitCommentsHealth | Get all OfficeVisitComments. |
getAllOfficeVisitDispositions | Get all OfficeVisitDispositions. |
getAllOfficeVisitGuardianResponses | Get all OfficeVisitGuardianResponses. |
getAllOfficeVisitGuardianResponsesHealth | Get all OfficeVisitGuardianResponses. |
getAllOfficeVisitReasons | Get all OfficeVisitReasons. |
getAllOfficeVisitReasonsHealth | Get all OfficeVisitReasons. |
getAllOfficeVisitReferralReasons | Get all OfficeVisitReferralReasons. |
getAllOfficeVisitReferralResults | Get all OfficeVisitReferralResults. |
getAllOnlineFormClearances | Get all OnlineFormClearances. |
getAllOnlineFormDateExceptions | Get all OnlineFormDateExceptions. |
getAllOnlineFormEntities | Get all OnlineFormEntities. |
getAllOnlineForms | Get all OnlineForms. |
getAllOnlineFormStatuses | Get all OnlineFormStatuses. |
getAllOnlineFormStatusNames | Get all OnlineFormStatusNames. |
getAllOnlineFormTypes | Get all OnlineFormTypes. |
getAllOnlinePaymentLogs | Get all OnlinePaymentLogs. |
getAllOnlinePaymentVendorEntities | Get all OnlinePaymentVendorEntities. |
getAllOnlinePaymentVendors | Get all OnlinePaymentVendors. |
getAllOpenPeriodAnalysises | Get all OpenPeriodAnalysises. |
getAllOpenPeriodAnalysisStudents | Get all OpenPeriodAnalysisStudents. |
getAllOTCMedications | Get all OTCMedications. |
getAllPageBursts | Get all PageBursts. |
getAllPages | Get all Pages. |
getAllPaymentNoticeLogs | Get all PaymentNoticeLogs. |
getAllPaymentPlanMAs | Get all PaymentPlanMAs. |
getAllPerceivedMotivations | Get all PerceivedMotivations. |
getAllPermits | Get all Permits. |
getAllPhoneTypes | Get all PhoneTypes. |
getAllPhysicalComments | Get all PhysicalComments. |
getAllPhysicalGuardianNotifications | Get all PhysicalGuardianNotifications. |
getAllPhysicalGuardianResponses | Get all PhysicalGuardianResponses. |
getAllPhysicalObservations | Get all PhysicalObservations. |
getAllPhysicalReferralReasons | Get all PhysicalReferralReasons. |
getAllPhysicalReferralResults | Get all PhysicalReferralResults. |
getAllPhysicalScreeningComments | Get all PhysicalScreeningComments. |
getAllPhysicalScreeningNotes | Get all PhysicalScreeningNotes. |
getAllPhysicalScreeningObservations | Get all PhysicalScreeningObservations. |
getAllPhysicalScreeningReferrals | Get all PhysicalScreeningReferrals. |
getAllPhysicalScreenings | Get all PhysicalScreenings. |
getAllPhysicalScreeningSecuredNotes | Get all PhysicalScreeningSecuredNotes. |
getAllPlanDefaults | Get all PlanDefaults. |
getAllPlanEmployees | Get all PlanEmployees. |
getAllPlanEntities | Get all PlanEntities. |
getAllPlanGroupAssignmentTypes | Get all PlanGroupAssignmentTypes. |
getAllPlanGroupBuildings | Get all PlanGroupBuildings. |
getAllPlanGroupClearances | Get all PlanGroupClearances. |
getAllPlanGroupPositionTypes | Get all PlanGroupPositionTypes. |
getAllPlanGroups | Get all PlanGroups. |
getAllPlanPositionBenefits | Get all PlanPositionBenefits. |
getAllPlanPositionDistributionAccountDistributions | Get all PlanPositionDistributionAccountDistributions. |
getAllPlanPositionDistributions | Get all PlanPositionDistributions. |
getAllPlanPositionPaies | Get all PlanPositionPaies. |
getAllPlanPositionPayAccountCalculations | Get all PlanPositionPayAccountCalculations. |
getAllPlanPositionPayAccountDistributions | Get all PlanPositionPayAccountDistributions. |
getAllPlanPositionPayBenefitAccounts | Get all PlanPositionPayBenefitAccounts. |
getAllPlanPositionPayBenefits | Get all PlanPositionPayBenefits. |
getAllPlanPositions | Get all PlanPositions. |
getAllPlanPositionSupplements | Get all PlanPositionSupplements. |
getAllPlans | Get all Plans. |
getAllPlansStaffPlanning | Get all Plans. |
getAllPMTransportations | Get all PMTransportations. |
getAllPointSetEntities | Get all PointSetEntities. |
getAllPointSets | Get all PointSets. |
getAllPositionTypePlanPositionDistributionSummaries | Get all PositionTypePlanPositionDistributionSummaries. |
getAllPrerequisiteCurriculumCourses | Get all PrerequisiteCurriculumCourses. |
getAllPrerequisiteCurriculums | Get all PrerequisiteCurriculums. |
getAllPrerequisites | Get all Prerequisites. |
getAllProcedures | Get all Procedures. |
getAllProcessRestrictions | Get all ProcessRestrictions. |
getAllProductModulePaths | Get all ProductModulePaths. |
getAllProductOwneds | Get all ProductOwneds. |
getAllProducts | Get all Products. |
getAllProfileModules | Get all ProfileModules. |
getAllProfiles | Get all Profiles. |
getAllProfileScreens | Get all ProfileScreens. |
getAllPrompts | Get all Prompts. |
getAllPromptTemplates | Get all PromptTemplates. |
getAllQuestionAnswerMedias | Get all QuestionAnswerMedias. |
getAllQuestionAnswers | Get all QuestionAnswers. |
getAllQuestionMedias | Get all QuestionMedias. |
getAllQuestions | Get all Questions. |
getAllQueuedCompletedCareerPlanChangeNotifications | Get all QueuedCompletedCareerPlanChangeNotifications. |
getAllQueuedCompletedGradeChangeNotifications | Get all QueuedCompletedGradeChangeNotifications. |
getAllQueuedGPACalculations | Get all QueuedGPACalculations. |
getAllQueuedGraduationPlanRecalcTriggers | Get all QueuedGraduationPlanRecalcTriggers. |
getAllQueuedStudentEndorsementCalculations | Get all QueuedStudentEndorsementCalculations. |
getAllQueuedStudentPlanCourseworkApplications | Get all QueuedStudentPlanCourseworkApplications. |
getAllQueuedStudentSections | Get all QueuedStudentSections. |
getAllQuickEntryTexts | Get all QuickEntryTexts. |
getAllRaisersEdgeObjectMAs | Get all RaisersEdgeObjectMAs. |
getAllRankMethods | Get all RankMethods. |
getAllRankRunHistories | Get all RankRunHistories. |
getAllRecordedUnrecordedAttendances | Get all RecordedUnrecordedAttendances. |
getAllRelationships | Get all Relationships. |
getAllRelationshipsSkySys | Get all Relationships. |
getAllReligions | Get all Religions. |
getAllReportErrors | Get all ReportErrors. |
getAllReportMenuModules | Get all ReportMenuModules. |
getAllReportQueueBurstActions | Get all ReportQueueBurstActions. |
getAllReportQueues | Get all ReportQueues. |
getAllReportQueueSQLs | Get all ReportQueueSQLs. |
getAllReportRoles | Get all ReportRoles. |
getAllReportRunInfos | Get all ReportRunInfos. |
getAllReports | Get all Reports. |
getAllReportStyles | Get all ReportStyles. |
getAllResponseTables | Get all ResponseTables. |
getAllRoleAttachmentTypes | Get all RoleAttachmentTypes. |
getAllRoleFields | Get all RoleFields. |
getAllRoleIPRanges | Get all RoleIPRanges. |
getAllRoleMenuSecurityItems | Get all RoleMenuSecurityItems. |
getAllRoleModulePaths | Get all RoleModulePaths. |
getAllRolePortals | Get all RolePortals. |
getAllRoles | Get all Roles. |
getAllRoomLayoutObjects | Get all RoomLayoutObjects. |
getAllRoomLayouts | Get all RoomLayouts. |
getAllRoomObjects | Get all RoomObjects. |
getAllRooms | Get all Rooms. |
getAllRoomTypes | Get all RoomTypes. |
getAllScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriods | Get all ScheduleBlockerDisplayPeriods. |
getAllScheduleBlockers | Get all ScheduleBlockers. |
getAllScheduledImports | Get all ScheduledImports. |
getAllScheduledReports | Get all ScheduledReports. |
getAllScheduledTaskInstances | Get all ScheduledTaskInstances. |
getAllScheduledTaskParameterDatas | Get all ScheduledTaskParameterDatas. |
getAllScheduledTasks | Get all ScheduledTasks. |
getAllScheduleRestorePoints | Get all ScheduleRestorePoints. |
getAllSchedulingBoardFilters | Get all SchedulingBoardFilters. |
getAllSchedulingCategories | Get all SchedulingCategories. |
getAllSchedulingGroupCourses | Get all SchedulingGroupCourses. |
getAllSchedulingGroups | Get all SchedulingGroups. |
getAllSchedulingGroupSections | Get all SchedulingGroupSections. |
getAllSchedulingPeriodDisplayPeriods | Get all SchedulingPeriodDisplayPeriods. |
getAllSchedulingPeriods | Get all SchedulingPeriods. |
getAllSchedulingTeamGradeReferences | Get all SchedulingTeamGradeReferences. |
getAllSchedulingTeams | Get all SchedulingTeams. |
getAllSchemaHistories | Get all SchemaHistories. |
getAllSchoolDistricts | Get all SchoolDistricts. |
getAllSchoolPaths | Get all SchoolPaths. |
getAllSchoolPathSchoolOverrides | Get all SchoolPathSchoolOverrides. |
getAllSchoolPathSchools | Get all SchoolPathSchools. |
getAllSchoolPathStudents | Get all SchoolPathStudents. |
getAllSchoolPathTypes | Get all SchoolPathTypes. |
getAllSchools | Get all Schools. |
getAllSchoolYears | Get all SchoolYears. |
getAllScoliosisComments | Get all ScoliosisComments. |
getAllScoliosisGuardianNotifications | Get all ScoliosisGuardianNotifications. |
getAllScoliosisGuardianResponses | Get all ScoliosisGuardianResponses. |
getAllScoliosisObservations | Get all ScoliosisObservations. |
getAllScoliosisReferralReasons | Get all ScoliosisReferralReasons. |
getAllScoliosisReferralResults | Get all ScoliosisReferralResults. |
getAllScoliosisResults | Get all ScoliosisResults. |
getAllScoliosisScreeningComments | Get all ScoliosisScreeningComments. |
getAllScoliosisScreeningNotes | Get all ScoliosisScreeningNotes. |
getAllScoliosisScreeningObservations | Get all ScoliosisScreeningObservations. |
getAllScoliosisScreeningReferrals | Get all ScoliosisScreeningReferrals. |
getAllScoliosisScreenings | Get all ScoliosisScreenings. |
getAllScoliosisScreeningSecuredNotes | Get all ScoliosisScreeningSecuredNotes. |
getAllScoliosisTreatments | Get all ScoliosisTreatments. |
getAllScoreClarifiers | Get all ScoreClarifiers. |
getAllSearchConditionTypes | Get all Search Conditions Types for use in Filtering |
getAllSeatingChartMeets | Get all SeatingChartMeets. |
getAllSeatingCharts | Get all SeatingCharts. |
getAllSeatingChartSeats | Get all SeatingChartSeats. |
getAllSeatingChartUsedLasts | Get all SeatingChartUsedLasts. |
getAllSectionAcademicStandardWeights | Get all SectionAcademicStandardWeights. |
getAllSectionCategories | Get all SectionCategories. |
getAllSectionCorequisiteGroups | Get all SectionCorequisiteGroups. |
getAllSectionCorequisiteGroupSections | Get all SectionCorequisiteGroupSections. |
getAllSectionCustomRequirements | Get all SectionCustomRequirements. |
getAllSectionDefaults | Get all SectionDefaults. |
getAllSectionEnrollmentTotalForSectionLengthSubsetAndEntities | Get all... |
getAllSectionEnrollmentTotalForSectionLengthSubsets | Get all SectionEnrollmentTotalForSectionLengthSubsets. |
getAllSectionGradeBuckets | Get all SectionGradeBuckets. |
getAllSectionGradeBucketSettings | Get all SectionGradeBucketSettings. |
getAllSectionGradeBucketWeights | Get all SectionGradeBucketWeights. |
getAllSectionGradingPeriodDatas | Get all SectionGradingPeriodDatas. |
getAllSectionGradingScaleGroups | Get all SectionGradingScaleGroups. |
getAllSectionLengthGPABuckets | Get all SectionLengthGPABuckets. |
getAllSectionLengths | Get all SectionLengths. |
getAllSectionLengthSubsets | Get all SectionLengthSubsets. |
getAllSectionMeetSummaries | Get all SectionMeetSummaries. |
getAllSections | Get all Sections. |
getAllSectionSchedulerCourseConstraints | Get all SectionSchedulerCourseConstraints. |
getAllSectionSchedulerDayRotationForMeets | Get all SectionSchedulerDayRotationForMeets. |
getAllSectionSchedulerDisplayPeriodExcludedForCourses | Get all SectionSchedulerDisplayPeriodExcludedForCourses. |
getAllSectionSchedulerPatternDayRotations | Get all SectionSchedulerPatternDayRotations. |
getAllSectionSchedulerPatternExcludedForMeetRequirements | Get all SectionSchedulerPatternExcludedForMeetRequirements. |
getAllSectionSchedulerPatterns | Get all SectionSchedulerPatterns. |
getAllSectionSchedulerProposedMeetConflicts | Get all SectionSchedulerProposedMeetConflicts. |
getAllSectionSchedulerProposedMeetDisplayPeriods | Get all SectionSchedulerProposedMeetDisplayPeriods. |
getAllSectionSchedulerProposedMeets | Get all SectionSchedulerProposedMeets. |
getAllSectionSchedulerProposedStaffMeets | Get all SectionSchedulerProposedStaffMeets. |
getAllSectionSchedulerRoomTypeForCourses | Get all SectionSchedulerRoomTypeForCourses. |
getAllSectionSchedulerRunAnalysises | Get all SectionSchedulerRunAnalysises. |
getAllSectionSchedulerStaffForCourses | Get all SectionSchedulerStaffForCourses. |
getAllSectionSchedulingCategories | Get all SectionSchedulingCategories. |
getAllSectionSchedulingTeams | Get all SectionSchedulingTeams. |
getAllSectionSubjectWeights | Get all SectionSubjectWeights. |
getAllSecurityLocationMenuSecurityItems | Get all SecurityLocationMenuSecurityItems. |
getAllSecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfos | Get all SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfos. |
getAllSecurityLocationReportSets | Get all SecurityLocationReportSets. |
getAllSecurityLocations | Get all SecurityLocations. |
getAllSessionFileUploads | Get all SessionFileUploads. |
getAllSharedElementStatuses | Get all SharedElementStatuses. |
getAllSiteBasedInitiativeMNs | Get all SiteBasedInitiativeMNs. |
getAllSkylertAttendanceExportAttendanceTypes | Get all SkylertAttendanceExportAttendanceTypes. |
getAllSkylertAttendanceExportSettings | Get all SkylertAttendanceExportSettings. |
getAllSkylertAttendanceExportSettingScheduledTasks | Get all SkylertAttendanceExportSettingScheduledTasks. |
getAllSkywardConfigurations | Get all SkywardConfigurations. |
getAllSkywardSupportAccesses | Get all SkywardSupportAccesses. |
getAllSkywardSupportAccessLoginHistories | Get all SkywardSupportAccessLoginHistories. |
getAllSortBreaks | Get all SortBreaks. |
getAllSortGroups | Get all SortGroups. |
getAllSorts | Get all Sorts. |
getAllSpringSports | Get all SpringSports. |
getAllSpringSportsTeams | Get all SpringSportsTeams. |
getAllStaff | Get all Staff. |
getAllStaffContacts | Get all StaffContacts. |
getAllStaffDepartments | Get all StaffDepartments. |
getAllStaffEntityYears | Get all StaffEntityYears. |
getAllStaffMeetLastScoreds | Get all StaffMeetLastScoreds. |
getAllStaffMeets | Get all StaffMeets. |
getAllStaffMeetSettings | Get all StaffMeetSettings. |
getAllStaffStaffTypes | Get all StaffStaffTypes. |
getAllStaffStudents | Get all StaffStudents. |
getAllStaffTypes | Get all StaffTypes. |
getAllStandardFilterPrompts | Get all StandardFilterPrompts. |
getAllStandardFilters | Get all StandardFilters. |
getAllStandardNormalDistributions | Get all StandardNormalDistributions. |
getAllStandardPlacementMNs | Get all StandardPlacementMNs. |
getAllStateDistrictMNs | Get all StateDistrictMNs. |
getAllStates | Get all States. |
getAllSteps | Get all Steps. |
getAllStepStatuses | Get all StepStatuses. |
getAllStreets | Get all Streets. |
getAllStudentAccountsMAs | Get all StudentAccountsMAs. |
getAllStudentActivities | Get all StudentActivities. |
getAllStudentActivityTransactions | Get all StudentActivityTransactions. |
getAllStudentAnswers | Get all StudentAnswers. |
getAllStudentAreas | Get all StudentAreas. |
getAllStudentAssignmentAttempts | Get all StudentAssignmentAttempts. |
getAllStudentAssignments | Get all StudentAssignments. |
getAllStudentAttendanceEntities | Get all StudentAttendanceEntities. |
getAllStudentAttendancePeriodGroups | Get all StudentAttendancePeriodGroups. |
getAllStudentAttendancePeriodRunHistories | Get all StudentAttendancePeriodRunHistories. |
getAllStudentAttendancePeriods | Get all StudentAttendancePeriods. |
getAllStudentAttendanceRunHistories | Get all StudentAttendanceRunHistories. |
getAllStudentAttendances | Get all StudentAttendances. |
getAllStudentAttendanceTerms | Get all StudentAttendanceTerms. |
getAllStudentAutoSchedulerCourses | Get all StudentAutoSchedulerCourses. |
getAllStudentAutoSchedulerProposedStudentCourseRequests | Get all StudentAutoSchedulerProposedStudentCourseRequests. |
getAllStudentAutoSchedulerProposedStudentSections | Get all StudentAutoSchedulerProposedStudentSections. |
getAllStudentAutoSchedulerProposedStudentSectionTransactions | Get all... |
getAllStudentAutoSchedulerRunAnalysises | Get all StudentAutoSchedulerRunAnalysises. |
getAllStudentAutoSchedulerRunAnalysisExceptions | Get all StudentAutoSchedulerRunAnalysisExceptions. |
getAllStudentAutoSchedulerRunAnalysisTotals | Get all StudentAutoSchedulerRunAnalysisTotals. |
getAllStudentAutoSchedulerSections | Get all StudentAutoSchedulerSections. |
getAllStudentAutoSchedulerStudentCourseRequests | Get all StudentAutoSchedulerStudentCourseRequests. |
getAllStudentAutoSchedulerStudentCourseRequestSectionDetails | Get all... |
getAllStudentAutoSchedulerStudentCourseRequestSections | Get all StudentAutoSchedulerStudentCourseRequestSections. |
getAllStudentAutoSchedulerStudents | Get all StudentAutoSchedulerStudents. |
getAllStudentAwards | Get all StudentAwards. |
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getAllStudentChildhoodIllnessComments | Get all StudentChildhoodIllnessComments. |
getAllStudentChildhoodIllnesses | Get all StudentChildhoodIllnesses. |
getAllStudentChildhoodIllnessNotes | Get all StudentChildhoodIllnessNotes. |
getAllStudentChildhoodIllnessObservations | Get all StudentChildhoodIllnessObservations. |
getAllStudentChildhoodIllnessReferrals | Get all StudentChildhoodIllnessReferrals. |
getAllStudentChildhoodIllnessSecuredNotes | Get all StudentChildhoodIllnessSecuredNotes. |
getAllStudentCommentBuckets | Get all StudentCommentBuckets. |
getAllStudentCourseRequests | Get all StudentCourseRequests. |
getAllStudentCourseRequestSectionLengthSubsets | Get all StudentCourseRequestSectionLengthSubsets. |
getAllStudentCustomCodes | Get all StudentCustomCodes. |
getAllStudentDisciplineThresholdAttendanceReportRunHistories | Get all... |
getAllStudentDistricts | Get all StudentDistricts. |
getAllStudentEarnedCreditsBucketGroups | Get all StudentEarnedCreditsBucketGroups. |
getAllStudentEarnedCreditsBuckets | Get all StudentEarnedCreditsBuckets. |
getAllStudentEndorsementOptions | Get all StudentEndorsementOptions. |
getAllStudentEndorsementRequirementAssessments | Get all StudentEndorsementRequirementAssessments. |
getAllStudentEndorsementRequirementAssessmentScores | Get all StudentEndorsementRequirementAssessmentScores. |
getAllStudentEndorsementRequirementCourseRequests | Get all StudentEndorsementRequirementCourseRequests. |
getAllStudentEndorsementRequirementCurriculums | Get all StudentEndorsementRequirementCurriculums. |
getAllStudentEndorsementRequirements | Get all StudentEndorsementRequirements. |
getAllStudentEndorsements | Get all StudentEndorsements. |
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getAllStudentEntityYearSchedulingCategories | Get all StudentEntityYearSchedulingCategories. |
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getAllStudentGPABuckets | Get all StudentGPABuckets. |
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getAllStudentGradeBucketFlags | Get all StudentGradeBucketFlags. |
getAllStudentGradeBuckets | Get all StudentGradeBuckets. |
getAllStudentGradeBucketSubjects | Get all StudentGradeBucketSubjects. |
getAllStudentGradingScaleGroups | Get all StudentGradingScaleGroups. |
getAllStudentGradingScaleGroupStudentSections | Get all StudentGradingScaleGroupStudentSections. |
getAllStudentGroupAssignments | Get all StudentGroupAssignments. |
getAllStudentGroups | Get all StudentGroups. |
getAllStudentGroupStudentSections | Get all StudentGroupStudentSections. |
getAllStudentGroupTeacherSectionSettings | Get all StudentGroupTeacherSectionSettings. |
getAllStudentGuardianRestrictedAccesses | Get all StudentGuardianRestrictedAccesses. |
getAllStudentGuardians | Get all StudentGuardians. |
getAllStudentHealthConditionComments | Get all StudentHealthConditionComments. |
getAllStudentHealthConditionNotes | Get all StudentHealthConditionNotes. |
getAllStudentHealthConditions | Get all StudentHealthConditions. |
getAllStudentHealthConditionSecuredNotes | Get all StudentHealthConditionSecuredNotes. |
getAllStudentHonorRollRunLevels | Get all StudentHonorRollRunLevels. |
getAllStudentIHPs | Get all StudentIHPs. |
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getAllStudentLockers | Get all StudentLockers. |
getAllStudentMassUpdates | Get all StudentMassUpdates. |
getAllStudentMedias | Get all StudentMedias. |
getAllStudentNotes | Get all StudentNotes. |
getAllStudentOfficeVisitNotes | Get all StudentOfficeVisitNotes. |
getAllStudentOfficeVisitNotifications | Get all StudentOfficeVisitNotifications. |
getAllStudentOfficeVisitReasons | Get all StudentOfficeVisitReasons. |
getAllStudentOfficeVisits | Get all StudentOfficeVisits. |
getAllStudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactions | Get all StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactions. |
getAllStudentPermits | Get all StudentPermits. |
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getAllStudentQuestions | Get all StudentQuestions. |
getAllStudentRanks | Get all StudentRanks. |
getAllStudents | Get all Students. |
getAllStudentSectionEarnedCreditsBucketGroups | Get all StudentSectionEarnedCreditsBucketGroups. |
getAllStudentSectionEarnedCreditsMethods | Get all StudentSectionEarnedCreditsMethods. |
getAllStudentSectionGPABucketGroups | Get all StudentSectionGPABucketGroups. |
getAllStudentSectionGPAMethods | Get all StudentSectionGPAMethods. |
getAllStudentSectionGradingScaleGradeBuckets | Get all StudentSectionGradingScaleGradeBuckets. |
getAllStudentSectionNotes | Get all StudentSectionNotes. |
getAllStudentSections | Get all StudentSections. |
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getAllStudentSectionTransactions | Get all StudentSectionTransactions. |
getAllStudentSubAreaCurriculumSubAreas | Get all StudentSubAreaCurriculumSubAreas. |
getAllStudentSubAreas | Get all StudentSubAreas. |
getAllStudentSubAreaWaivers | Get all StudentSubAreaWaivers. |
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getAllStudentTransportations | Get all StudentTransportations. |
getAllStudentTypes | Get all StudentTypes. |
getAllStudentVaccinationWaivers | Get all StudentVaccinationWaivers. |
getAllStudentVaccinationYears | Get all StudentVaccinationYears. |
getAllStudentVaccinationYearStatuses | Get all StudentVaccinationYearStatuses. |
getAllStudentVaccinationYearStatusStudentVaccines | Get all StudentVaccinationYearStatusStudentVaccines. |
getAllStudentVaccineMaintenances | Get all StudentVaccineMaintenances. |
getAllStudentVaccines | Get all StudentVaccines. |
getAllStudyHallSchedulerRunAnalysises | Get all StudyHallSchedulerRunAnalysises. |
getAllSubAreaLimitGroupCurriculumSubAreas | Get all SubAreaLimitGroupCurriculumSubAreas. |
getAllSubAreaLimitGroups | Get all SubAreaLimitGroups. |
getAllSubAreas | Get all SubAreas. |
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getAllSubjectGradingScaleGroupSubjects | Get all SubjectGradingScaleGroupSubjects. |
getAllSubjects | Get all Subjects. |
getAllSubjectSecurityLocations | Get all SubjectSecurityLocations. |
getAllSubjectsReporting | Get all Subjects. |
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getAllSubtopics | Get all Subtopics. |
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getAllSummaryReportPrompts | Get all SummaryReportPrompts. |
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getAllSummaryReportSections | Get all SummaryReportSections. |
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getAllSurveyAnswers | Get all SurveyAnswers. |
getAllSurveyInstances | Get all SurveyInstances. |
getAllSurveyQuestions | Get all SurveyQuestions. |
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getAllTeacherEntries | Get all TeacherEntries. |
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getAllTeacherSectionCategoryAnalyticsSettings | Get all TeacherSectionCategoryAnalyticsSettings. |
getAllTeacherSectionGradeBucketAnalyticsSettings | Get all TeacherSectionGradeBucketAnalyticsSettings. |
getAllTeacherSectionGradeBucketSettings | Get all TeacherSectionGradeBucketSettings. |
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getAllTeacherSectionSettings | Get all TeacherSectionSettings. |
getAllTeacherSectionStandardsDisplayAcademicStandardSettings | Get all... |
getAllTeacherSectionStandardsDisplayGradeBucketSettings | Get all TeacherSectionStandardsDisplayGradeBucketSettings. |
getAllTeacherSectionStudentSectionSettings | Get all TeacherSectionStudentSectionSettings. |
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getAllTempAcademicStandards | Get all TempAcademicStandards. |
getAllTempAcademicStandardSets | Get all TempAcademicStandardSets. |
getAllTempAcademicStandardSubjects | Get all TempAcademicStandardSubjects. |
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getAllTempAffectedStudentAttendancePeriodRecords | Get all TempAffectedStudentAttendancePeriodRecords. |
getAllTempAffectedStudentAttendanceRecords | Get all TempAffectedStudentAttendanceRecords. |
getAllTempAffectedWithdrawalRecords | Get all TempAffectedWithdrawalRecords. |
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getAllTempAttachmentErrors | Get all TempAttachmentErrors. |
getAllTempAttendanceTerms | Get all TempAttendanceTerms. |
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getAllTempCalculationGroupAcademicStandardWeightings | Get all TempCalculationGroupAcademicStandardWeightings. |
getAllTempCalculationGroupSubjectWeightings | Get all TempCalculationGroupSubjectWeightings. |
getAllTempCalculationGroupWeightings | Get all TempCalculationGroupWeightings. |
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getAllTempCertificationErrors | Get all TempCertificationErrors. |
getAllTempCertifications | Get all TempCertifications. |
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getAllTempCloneCalendarRecords | Get all TempCloneCalendarRecords. |
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getAllTempCourseEntityOfferedToSections | Get all TempCourseEntityOfferedToSections. |
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getAllTempCourseMasterMassUpdateErrors | Get all TempCourseMasterMassUpdateErrors. |
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getAllTempCourseMoveCourses | Get all TempCourseMoveCourses. |
getAllTempCourseMoveErrors | Get all TempCourseMoveErrors. |
getAllTempCourseMoveSectionErrors | Get all TempCourseMoveSectionErrors. |
getAllTempCourses | Get all TempCourses. |
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getAllTempDayRotations | Get all TempDayRotations. |
getAllTempDegrees | Get all TempDegrees. |
getAllTempDeletedPortalAccessSecurityUsers | Get all TempDeletedPortalAccessSecurityUsers. |
getAllTempDependents | Get all TempDependents. |
getAllTempDiagnostics | Get all TempDiagnostics. |
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getAllTempEmergencyContacts | Get all TempEmergencyContacts. |
getAllTempEmergencyContactsOnlineForm | Get all TempEmergencyContacts. |
getAllTempEmployeeAccessSecurityUsers | Get all TempEmployeeAccessSecurityUsers. |
getAllTempEndorsementDefaults | Get all TempEndorsementDefaults. |
getAllTempEndorsementImportErrors | Get all TempEndorsementImportErrors. |
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getAllTempErrors | Get all TempErrors. |
getAllTempExceptions | Get all TempExceptions. |
getAllTempExceptionsScheduling | Get all TempExceptions. |
getAllTempExceptionsStaffPlanning | Get all TempExceptions. |
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getAllTempFailedDayRotations | Get all TempFailedDayRotations. |
getAllTempFailedGradingPeriods | Get all TempFailedGradingPeriods. |
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getAllTempFailedSectionLengthSubsets | Get all TempFailedSectionLengthSubsets. |
getAllTempFailedSections | Get all TempFailedSections. |
getAllTempFailedStaffMeets | Get all TempFailedStaffMeets. |
getAllTempFailedStudentCourseRequests | Get all TempFailedStudentCourseRequests. |
getAllTempFailedStudentCourseRequestToReactivateDetails | Get all TempFailedStudentCourseRequestToReactivateDetails. |
getAllTempFailedStudentCourseRequestToReactivates | Get all TempFailedStudentCourseRequestToReactivates. |
getAllTempFailedStudentSections | Get all TempFailedStudentSections. |
getAllTempFailedStudentSectionTransactions | Get all TempFailedStudentSectionTransactions. |
getAllTempFailedStudentSubAreaCurriculumSubAreas | Get all TempFailedStudentSubAreaCurriculumSubAreas. |
getAllTempFailedStudentSubAreaWaivers | Get all TempFailedStudentSubAreaWaivers. |
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getAllTempFieldSelections | Get all TempFieldSelections. |
getAllTempFitnessGrams | Get all TempFitnessGrams. |
getAllTempGradebookCloneErrors | Get all TempGradebookCloneErrors. |
getAllTempGradebookGroupErrors | Get all TempGradebookGroupErrors. |
getAllTempGradeBucketFlagDetailGPAMethodErrors | Get all TempGradeBucketFlagDetailGPAMethodErrors. |
getAllTempGradeBucketFlagDetailGPAMethods | Get all TempGradeBucketFlagDetailGPAMethods. |
getAllTempGradeMarkErrors | Get all TempGradeMarkErrors. |
getAllTempGradeMarkPointSetErrors | Get all TempGradeMarkPointSetErrors. |
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getAllTempGradeReportGradeBuckets | Get all TempGradeReportGradeBuckets. |
getAllTempGradeReportTemplateErrors | Get all TempGradeReportTemplateErrors. |
getAllTempGradeReportTemplates | Get all TempGradeReportTemplates. |
getAllTempGradingPeriodErrors | Get all TempGradingPeriodErrors. |
getAllTempGradingPeriodGradeBucketErrors | Get all TempGradingPeriodGradeBucketErrors. |
getAllTempGradingPeriodGradeBuckets | Get all TempGradingPeriodGradeBuckets. |
getAllTempGradingPeriods | Get all TempGradingPeriods. |
getAllTempGradingUtilityErrors | Get all TempGradingUtilityErrors. |
getAllTempHierarchyDepths | Get all TempHierarchyDepths. |
getAllTempHomeroomErrors | Get all TempHomeroomErrors. |
getAllTempHomeroomRecords | Get all TempHomeroomRecords. |
getAllTempHonorRollGradeMarkMethodRangeCourseGroups | Get all TempHonorRollGradeMarkMethodRangeCourseGroups. |
getAllTempHonorRollGradeMarkMethodRangeGradeMarks | Get all TempHonorRollGradeMarkMethodRangeGradeMarks. |
getAllTempHonorRollGradeMarkMethodRangeGradingPeriodGradeBuckets | Get all... |
getAllTempHonorRollGradeMarkMethodRanges | Get all TempHonorRollGradeMarkMethodRanges. |
getAllTempHonorRollMethodRanges | Get all TempHonorRollMethodRanges. |
getAllTempImpersonationRoleForClones | Get all TempImpersonationRoleForClones. |
getAllTempImportPreviewResultRows | Get all TempImportPreviewResultRows. |
getAllTempIncidentInvolvedPersonINs | Get all TempIncidentInvolvedPersonINs. |
getAllTempIncidentInvolvedPersonMNs | Get all TempIncidentInvolvedPersonMNs. |
getAllTempIncidentInvolvedPersonPAs | Get all TempIncidentInvolvedPersonPAs. |
getAllTempIncidentInvolvedPersons | Get all TempIncidentInvolvedPersons. |
getAllTempIncidentInvolvedPersonTXs | Get all TempIncidentInvolvedPersonTXs. |
getAllTempIncidentInvolvedPersonWAs | Get all TempIncidentInvolvedPersonWAs. |
getAllTempIncidentOffenseNameActionDetailRecords | Get all TempIncidentOffenseNameActionDetailRecords. |
getAllTempIncidentOffenseNameActionDetails | Get all TempIncidentOffenseNameActionDetails. |
getAllTempIncidentOffenseNameActionINs | Get all TempIncidentOffenseNameActionINs. |
getAllTempIncidentOffenseNameActionMNs | Get all TempIncidentOffenseNameActionMNs. |
getAllTempIncidentOffenseNameActionPAs | Get all TempIncidentOffenseNameActionPAs. |
getAllTempIncidentOffenseNameActions | Get all TempIncidentOffenseNameActions. |
getAllTempIncidentOffenseNameActionWAs | Get all TempIncidentOffenseNameActionWAs. |
getAllTempIncidentOffenseNameActionWIs | Get all TempIncidentOffenseNameActionWIs. |
getAllTempIncidentOffenseNameDrugs | Get all TempIncidentOffenseNameDrugs. |
getAllTempIncidentOffenseNameParentalInvolvementPAs | Get all TempIncidentOffenseNameParentalInvolvementPAs. |
getAllTempIncidentOffenseNameReportRunHistoryRecords | Get all TempIncidentOffenseNameReportRunHistoryRecords. |
getAllTempIncidentOffenseNames | Get all TempIncidentOffenseNames. |
getAllTempIncidentOffenseNameWeaponMNs | Get all TempIncidentOffenseNameWeaponMNs. |
getAllTempIncidentOffenseNameWeapons | Get all TempIncidentOffenseNameWeapons. |
getAllTempIncidentOffenses | Get all TempIncidentOffenses. |
getAllTempLockCombinations | Get all TempLockCombinations. |
getAllTempLockers | Get all TempLockers. |
getAllTempLoginHistories | Get all TempLoginHistories. |
getAllTempMassChangeResults | Get all TempMassChangeResults. |
getAllTempMassUpdateGeolocationAddresses | Get all TempMassUpdateGeolocationAddresses. |
getAllTempMasterDateChangeDetails | Get all TempMasterDateChangeDetails. |
getAllTempMedias | Get all TempMedias. |
getAllTempMeets | Get all TempMeets. |
getAllTempMessages | Get all TempMessages. |
getAllTempNameAddresses | Get all TempNameAddresses. |
getAllTempNameAddressMoveSchoolPathSchoolOverrides | Get all TempNameAddressMoveSchoolPathSchoolOverrides. |
getAllTempNameEmailErrors | Get all TempNameEmailErrors. |
getAllTempNameEmails | Get all TempNameEmails. |
getAllTempNameErrors | Get all TempNameErrors. |
getAllTempNameMedications | Get all TempNameMedications. |
getAllTempNameNumbers | Get all TempNameNumbers. |
getAllTempNameProcedureOccurrenceErrorDetails | Get all TempNameProcedureOccurrenceErrorDetails. |
getAllTempNameProcedureOccurrences | Get all TempNameProcedureOccurrences. |
getAllTempNameProcedureScheduleDayErrorDetails | Get all TempNameProcedureScheduleDayErrorDetails. |
getAllTempNameProcedureScheduleDays | Get all TempNameProcedureScheduleDays. |
getAllTempNameProcedureScheduleErrorDetails | Get all TempNameProcedureScheduleErrorDetails. |
getAllTempNameProcedureScheduleErrors | Get all TempNameProcedureScheduleErrors. |
getAllTempNewStudentEnrollmentGuardianEmails | Get all TempNewStudentEnrollmentGuardianEmails. |
getAllTempNewStudentEnrollmentGuardianPhones | Get all TempNewStudentEnrollmentGuardianPhones. |
getAllTempNoShowEntryWithdrawals | Get all TempNoShowEntryWithdrawals. |
getAllTempPlanPositionBenefits | Get all TempPlanPositionBenefits. |
getAllTempPlanPositionDistributionAccountDistributions | Get all TempPlanPositionDistributionAccountDistributions. |
getAllTempPlanPositionDistributions | Get all TempPlanPositionDistributions. |
getAllTempPlanPositionEmployees | Get all TempPlanPositionEmployees. |
getAllTempPlanPositionExceptions | Get all TempPlanPositionExceptions. |
getAllTempPlanPositionPaies | Get all TempPlanPositionPaies. |
getAllTempPlanPositionPayAccountCalculations | Get all TempPlanPositionPayAccountCalculations. |
getAllTempPlanPositionPayAccountDistributions | Get all TempPlanPositionPayAccountDistributions. |
getAllTempPlanPositionPayBenefitAccounts | Get all TempPlanPositionPayBenefitAccounts. |
getAllTempPlanPositionPayBenefits | Get all TempPlanPositionPayBenefits. |
getAllTempPlanPositionSupplements | Get all TempPlanPositionSupplements. |
getAllTempRoleForClones | Get all TempRoleForClones. |
getAllTempSchedulingTeamGradeReferences | Get all TempSchedulingTeamGradeReferences. |
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getAllTempSectionAssignments | Get all TempSectionAssignments. |
getAllTempSectionCategories | Get all TempSectionCategories. |
getAllTempSectionGradeBuckets | Get all TempSectionGradeBuckets. |
getAllTempSectionGradeBucketWeights | Get all TempSectionGradeBucketWeights. |
getAllTempSectionGradingScaleGroupToCreates | Get all TempSectionGradingScaleGroupToCreates. |
getAllTempSectionGradingScales | Get all TempSectionGradingScales. |
getAllTempSectionLengths | Get all TempSectionLengths. |
getAllTempSectionLengthSubsets | Get all TempSectionLengthSubsets. |
getAllTempSections | Get all TempSections. |
getAllTempSecurityImportErrors | Get all TempSecurityImportErrors. |
getAllTempSecurityImportGroupMemberships | Get all TempSecurityImportGroupMemberships. |
getAllTempSecurityImportPreviews | Get all TempSecurityImportPreviews. |
getAllTempSpecialtyAccessGroups | Get all TempSpecialtyAccessGroups. |
getAllTempStaffMeets | Get all TempStaffMeets. |
getAllTempStepErrors | Get all TempStepErrors. |
getAllTempSteps | Get all TempSteps. |
getAllTempStudentAccessSecurityUsers | Get all TempStudentAccessSecurityUsers. |
getAllTempStudentActivities | Get all TempStudentActivities. |
getAllTempStudentActivityErrors | Get all TempStudentActivityErrors. |
getAllTempStudentActivityTransactionRecords | Get all TempStudentActivityTransactionRecords. |
getAllTempStudentAssignedLockCombinationRecords | Get all TempStudentAssignedLockCombinationRecords. |
getAllTempStudentAssignedLockerRecords | Get all TempStudentAssignedLockerRecords. |
getAllTempStudentAssignments | Get all TempStudentAssignments. |
getAllTempStudentAttendanceRecords | Get all TempStudentAttendanceRecords. |
getAllTempStudentBusStops | Get all TempStudentBusStops. |
getAllTempStudentChildhoodIllnesses | Get all TempStudentChildhoodIllnesses. |
getAllTempStudentCommentBuckets | Get all TempStudentCommentBuckets. |
getAllTempStudentCourseRequests | Get all TempStudentCourseRequests. |
getAllTempStudentCourseRequestSectionLengthSubsets | Get all TempStudentCourseRequestSectionLengthSubsets. |
getAllTempStudentCourseRequestToReactivateMNs | Get all TempStudentCourseRequestToReactivateMNs. |
getAllTempStudentCourseRequestToReactivateNonStates | Get all TempStudentCourseRequestToReactivateNonStates. |
getAllTempStudentDisciplineThresholdAttendanceReportRunHistoryRecords | Get all... |
getAllTempStudentEnrollmentErrors | Get all TempStudentEnrollmentErrors. |
getAllTempStudentEnrollmentRecords | Get all TempStudentEnrollmentRecords. |
getAllTempStudentEntityYears | Get all TempStudentEntityYears. |
getAllTempStudentErrorMessages | Get all TempStudentErrorMessages. |
getAllTempStudentErrors | Get all TempStudentErrors. |
getAllTempStudentGPABucketGroups | Get all TempStudentGPABucketGroups. |
getAllTempStudentGPABuckets | Get all TempStudentGPABuckets. |
getAllTempStudentGradeBucketFlags | Get all TempStudentGradeBucketFlags. |
getAllTempStudentGradeBuckets | Get all TempStudentGradeBuckets. |
getAllTempStudentGradingScaleGroupStudentSections | Get all TempStudentGradingScaleGroupStudentSections. |
getAllTempStudentHealthConditions | Get all TempStudentHealthConditions. |
getAllTempStudentHonorRollRunLevels | Get all TempStudentHonorRollRunLevels. |
getAllTempStudentMassUpdateErrors | Get all TempStudentMassUpdateErrors. |
getAllTempStudentMassUpdateFields | Get all TempStudentMassUpdateFields. |
getAllTempStudentMergeObjects | Get all TempStudentMergeObjects. |
getAllTempStudentPermits | Get all TempStudentPermits. |
getAllTempStudentRanks | Get all TempStudentRanks. |
getAllTempStudents | Get all TempStudents. |
getAllTempStudentSchedulingCategories | Get all TempStudentSchedulingCategories. |
getAllTempStudentSchedulingTeams | Get all TempStudentSchedulingTeams. |
getAllTempStudentSectionFailedUpdates | Get all TempStudentSectionFailedUpdates. |
getAllTempStudentSectionGPABucketGroups | Get all TempStudentSectionGPABucketGroups. |
getAllTempStudentSections | Get all TempStudentSections. |
getAllTempStudentSectionsScheduling | Get all TempStudentSections. |
getAllTempStudentSectionTransactions | Get all TempStudentSectionTransactions. |
getAllTempStudentThresholdPeriodRecords | Get all TempStudentThresholdPeriodRecords. |
getAllTempStudentTransportations | Get all TempStudentTransportations. |
getAllTempStudentVaccines | Get all TempStudentVaccines. |
getAllTempStudentWithoutLockerRecords | Get all TempStudentWithoutLockerRecords. |
getAllTempSubstituteAssignments | Get all TempSubstituteAssignments. |
getAllTempSubtopicRelationshipOptions | Get all TempSubtopicRelationshipOptions. |
getAllTempTeacherAccessSecurityUsers | Get all TempTeacherAccessSecurityUsers. |
getAllTempTransferCourses | Get all TempTransferCourses. |
getAllTempTransportations | Get all TempTransportations. |
getAllTempUnDropLowScoreStudentSections | Get all TempUnDropLowScoreStudentSections. |
getAllTempUploadDataMiningReportLogs | Get all TempUploadDataMiningReportLogs. |
getAllTempUploadImportLogs | Get all TempUploadImportLogs. |
getAllTempUsageHistories | Get all TempUsageHistories. |
getAllTempValidateBusinessObjects | Get all TempValidateBusinessObjects. |
getAllThemes | Get all Themes. |
getAllThreadActivities | Get all ThreadActivities. |
getAllThresholdResetRangeAttendancePeriods | Get all ThresholdResetRangeAttendancePeriods. |
getAllThresholdResetRangeAttendanceTypes | Get all ThresholdResetRangeAttendanceTypes. |
getAllThresholdResetRanges | Get all ThresholdResetRanges. |
getAllTiles | Get all Tiles. |
getAllTopics | Get all Topics. |
getAllTranscriptNotes | Get all TranscriptNotes. |
getAllTranscriptSents | Get all TranscriptSents. |
getAllTransportationCategories | Get all TransportationCategories. |
getAllTreatments | Get all Treatments. |
getAllTrustedDevices | Get all TrustedDevices. |
getAllUNCPaths | Get all UNCPaths. |
getAllUnenteredStudentGradeBuckets | Get all UnenteredStudentGradeBuckets. |
getAllUpdateTrackers | Get all UpdateTrackers. |
getAllUploadReportLogs | Get all UploadReportLogs. |
getAllUsageHistories | Get all UsageHistories. |
getAllUserAuthenticationMethods | Get all UserAuthenticationMethods. |
getAllUserCalendarPreferences | Get all UserCalendarPreferences. |
getAllUserDocks | Get all UserDocks. |
getAllUserFavorites | Get all UserFavorites. |
getAllUserImportApprovals | Get all UserImportApprovals. |
getAllUserImportResultErrors | Get all UserImportResultErrors. |
getAllUserImportResults | Get all UserImportResults. |
getAllUserImports | Get all UserImports. |
getAllUserMenuModules | Get all UserMenuModules. |
getAllUserMessageSettings | Get all UserMessageSettings. |
getAllUsernameStructures | Get all UsernameStructures. |
getAllUserPasswordResets | Get all UserPasswordResets. |
getAllUserPreferences | Get all UserPreferences. |
getAllUserProfileDatas | Get all UserProfileDatas. |
getAllUserProfileTabStatuses | Get all UserProfileTabStatuses. |
getAllUserReportPrompts | Get all UserReportPrompts. |
getAllUsers | Get all Users. |
getAllUserSettings | Get all UserSettings. |
getAllUserSettingsSecurity | Get all UserSettings. |
getAllUserStudentCalendarPreferences | Get all UserStudentCalendarPreferences. |
getAllVaccinationChildhoodIllnesses | Get all VaccinationChildhoodIllnesses. |
getAllVaccinations | Get all Vaccinations. |
getAllVaccinationWaivers | Get all VaccinationWaivers. |
getAllVaccinationYearComplianceScheduleRules | Get all VaccinationYearComplianceScheduleRules. |
getAllVaccinationYearComplianceSchedules | Get all VaccinationYearComplianceSchedules. |
getAllVaccinationYears | Get all VaccinationYears. |
getAllVaccineContents | Get all VaccineContents. |
getAllVaccines | Get all Vaccines. |
getAllValidationRules | Get all ValidationRules. |
getAllValueSources | Get all ValueSources. |
getAllVehicles | Get all Vehicles. |
getAllVendorAssignments | Get all VendorAssignments. |
getAllVendorCategories | Get all VendorCategories. |
getAllVendorStudentAssignments | Get all VendorStudentAssignments. |
getAllVisionComments | Get all VisionComments. |
getAllVisionCorrectiveLenses | Get all VisionCorrectiveLenses. |
getAllVisionGuardianNotifications | Get all VisionGuardianNotifications. |
getAllVisionGuardianResponses | Get all VisionGuardianResponses. |
getAllVisionObservations | Get all VisionObservations. |
getAllVisionReferralReasons | Get all VisionReferralReasons. |
getAllVisionReferralResults | Get all VisionReferralResults. |
getAllVisionScreeningComments | Get all VisionScreeningComments. |
getAllVisionScreeningNotes | Get all VisionScreeningNotes. |
getAllVisionScreeningObservations | Get all VisionScreeningObservations. |
getAllVisionScreeningReferrals | Get all VisionScreeningReferrals. |
getAllVisionScreenings | Get all VisionScreenings. |
getAllVisionScreeningSecuredNotes | Get all VisionScreeningSecuredNotes. |
getAllVitalSigns | Get all VitalSigns. |
getAllWaivers | Get all Waivers. |
getAllWeapons | Get all Weapons. |
getAllWhiteListFieldPaths | Get all WhiteListFieldPaths. |
getAllWinterSports | Get all WinterSports. |
getAllWinterSportsTeams | Get all WinterSportsTeams. |
getAllWithdrawalCodes | Get all WithdrawalCodes. |
getAllZips | Get all Zips. |
getAMTransportation | Get a specific AMTransportation |
getAppleSchoolManagerConfig | Get a specific AppleSchoolManagerConfig |
getApplySchemaChangeAllChangesConfirmation | Get a specific ApplySchemaChangeAllChangesConfirmation |
getApplySchemaChangeFieldSelection | Get a specific ApplySchemaChangeFieldSelection |
getApplySchemaChangeObjectSelection | Get a specific ApplySchemaChangeObjectSelection |
getApplySchemaChangeRelationshipSelection | Get a specific ApplySchemaChangeRelationshipSelection |
getApplySchemaChangeRun | Get a specific ApplySchemaChangeRun |
getArea | Get a specific Area |
getAssessment | Get a specific Assessment |
getAssessmentToolMN | Get a specific AssessmentToolMN |
getAssignment | Get a specific Assignment |
getAssignmentAttachment | Get a specific AssignmentAttachment |
getAssignmentQuestion | Get a specific AssignmentQuestion |
getAssignmentTypePlanPositionDistributionSummary | Get a specific AssignmentTypePlanPositionDistributionSummary |
getAttachment | Get a specific Attachment |
getAttachmentType | Get a specific AttachmentType |
getAttendancePeriod | Get a specific AttendancePeriod |
getAttendancePeriodConfigEntityGroupYear | Get a specific AttendancePeriodConfigEntityGroupYear |
getAttendanceReason | Get a specific AttendanceReason |
getAttendanceReportRunHistory | Get a specific AttendanceReportRunHistory |
getAttendanceReportRunHistoryThresholdResetRange | Get a specific AttendanceReportRunHistoryThresholdResetRange |
getAttendanceTerm | Get a specific AttendanceTerm |
getAttendanceType | Get a specific AttendanceType |
getAuthenticationAssertion | Get a specific AuthenticationAssertion |
getAuthenticationMethod | Get a specific AuthenticationMethod |
getAuthenticationRole | Get a specific AuthenticationRole |
getAuthenticationRoleLDAPProvider | Get a specific AuthenticationRoleLDAPProvider |
getAuthenticationRoleMethod | Get a specific AuthenticationRoleMethod |
getAvailabilityCourseFilter | Get a specific AvailabilityCourseFilter |
getAvailabilityFilterArenaSchedulingSetting | Get a specific AvailabilityFilterArenaSchedulingSetting |
getAvailabilityFilterCourseRequestSetting | Get a specific AvailabilityFilterCourseRequestSetting |
getAvailabilityFilterCourseStudent | Get a specific AvailabilityFilterCourseStudent |
getAvailabilityFilterCourseStudentCourse | Get a specific AvailabilityFilterCourseStudentCourse |
getAvailabilityFilterCourseStudentStudent | Get a specific AvailabilityFilterCourseStudentStudent |
getAvailabilityStudentFilter | Get a specific AvailabilityStudentFilter |
getAwardCategory | Get a specific AwardCategory |
getAwardHardware | Get a specific AwardHardware |
getAwardType | Get a specific AwardType |
getBaseRunAnalysis | Get a specific BaseRunAnalysis |
getBellSchedule | Get a specific BellSchedule |
getBellScheduleGroup | Get a specific BellScheduleGroup |
getBellScheduleGroupBellSchedule | Get a specific BellScheduleGroupBellSchedule |
getBellSchedulingPeriod | Get a specific BellSchedulingPeriod |
getBenchmarkingQuestion | Get a specific BenchmarkingQuestion |
getBenchmarkingQuestionAnswer | Get a specific BenchmarkingQuestionAnswer |
getBenchmarkingSurvey | Get a specific BenchmarkingSurvey |
getBenchmarkingSurveyDelay | Get a specific BenchmarkingSurveyDelay |
getBenchmarkingSurveyInstance | Get a specific BenchmarkingSurveyInstance |
getBenchmarkingSurveyQuestion | Get a specific BenchmarkingSurveyQuestion |
getBlockPeriod | Get a specific BlockPeriod |
getBlockPeriodDisplayPeriod | Get a specific BlockPeriodDisplayPeriod |
getBodyMassIndexPercentile | Get a specific BodyMassIndexPercentile |
getBodyPart | Get a specific BodyPart |
getBrowse | Get a specific Browse |
getBrowseFieldPath | Get a specific BrowseFieldPath |
getBrowseFilter | Get a specific BrowseFilter |
getBrowseFilterLastUsed | Get a specific BrowseFilterLastUsed |
getBrowseMenu | Get a specific BrowseMenu |
getBrowseView | Get a specific BrowseView |
getBrowseViewLastUsed | Get a specific BrowseViewLastUsed |
getBuilding | Get a specific Building |
getBuildingPlanPositionDistributionSummary | Get a specific BuildingPlanPositionDistributionSummary |
getBulkLoad | Get a specific BulkLoad |
getBurstAction | Get a specific BurstAction |
getBus | Get a specific Bus |
getBusinessMigrationHistory | Get a specific BusinessMigrationHistory |
getBusRoute | Get a specific BusRoute |
getBusStop | Get a specific BusStop |
getCacheInitialization | Get a specific CacheInitialization |
getCalculationGroup | Get a specific CalculationGroup |
getCalculationGroupAcademicStandard | Get a specific CalculationGroupAcademicStandard |
getCalculationGroupAcademicStandardCalculationGroupHierarchyDepth | Get a specific... |
getCalculationGroupAcademicStandardGradeBucket | Get a specific CalculationGroupAcademicStandardGradeBucket |
getCalculationGroupAcademicStandardWeighting | Get a specific CalculationGroupAcademicStandardWeighting |
getCalculationGroupCategory | Get a specific CalculationGroupCategory |
getCalculationGroupCourse | Get a specific CalculationGroupCourse |
getCalculationGroupGradeBucket | Get a specific CalculationGroupGradeBucket |
getCalculationGroupHierarchyDepth | Get a specific CalculationGroupHierarchyDepth |
getCalculationGroupSubject | Get a specific CalculationGroupSubject |
getCalculationGroupSubjectAcademicStandard | Get a specific CalculationGroupSubjectAcademicStandard |
getCalculationGroupSubjectGradeBucket | Get a specific CalculationGroupSubjectGradeBucket |
getCalculationGroupSubjectWeighting | Get a specific CalculationGroupSubjectWeighting |
getCalculationGroupWeighting | Get a specific CalculationGroupWeighting |
getCalendar | Get a specific Calendar |
getCalendarDay | Get a specific CalendarDay |
getCalendarDayBellScheduleGroupBellSchedule | Get a specific CalendarDayBellScheduleGroupBellSchedule |
getCalendarDayCalendarEvent | Get a specific CalendarDayCalendarEvent |
getCalendarDayDisplayPeriodOverride | Get a specific CalendarDayDisplayPeriodOverride |
getCalendarDaySchedulingPeriodTimesOverride | Get a specific CalendarDaySchedulingPeriodTimesOverride |
getCalendarDisplayPeriod | Get a specific CalendarDisplayPeriod |
getCalendarEvent | Get a specific CalendarEvent |
getCalendarYear | Get a specific CalendarYear |
getCareerPlanDeclarationTimePeriod | Get a specific CareerPlanDeclarationTimePeriod |
getCareerPlanDeclarationTimePeriodGradeReference | Get a specific CareerPlanDeclarationTimePeriodGradeReference |
getCareerPlanDeclarationTimePeriodStudentEntityYear | Get a specific... |
getCareerPlanGradeLevel | Get a specific CareerPlanGradeLevel |
getCategory | Get a specific Category |
getCategoryGradeBucketType | Get a specific CategoryGradeBucketType |
getCertification | Get a specific Certification |
getCertificationCompetency | Get a specific CertificationCompetency |
getCertificationDelimitedFileFormat | Get a specific CertificationDelimitedFileFormat |
getCertificationDetail | Get a specific CertificationDetail |
getCertificationFixedLengthFileFormat | Get a specific CertificationFixedLengthFileFormat |
getCertificationGrade | Get a specific CertificationGrade |
getCertificationLevel | Get a specific CertificationLevel |
getCertificationSubject | Get a specific CertificationSubject |
getCertificationThirdPartyFormat | Get a specific CertificationThirdPartyFormat |
getCertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationCompetency | Get a specific... |
getCertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationGrade | Get a specific... |
getCertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationLevel | Get a specific... |
getCertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationSubject | Get a specific... |
getCertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationType | Get a specific CertificationThirdPartyFormatCertificationType |
getCertificationThirdPartyFormatInstitution | Get a specific CertificationThirdPartyFormatInstitution |
getCertificationThirdPartyImport | Get a specific CertificationThirdPartyImport |
getCertificationType | Get a specific CertificationType |
getChangeRequest | Get a specific ChangeRequest |
getChangeRequestDetail | Get a specific ChangeRequestDetail |
getChangeRequestDetailApproval | Get a specific ChangeRequestDetailApproval |
getCharacterLimitGroup | Get a specific CharacterLimitGroup |
getChildhoodIllness | Get a specific ChildhoodIllness |
getChildhoodIllnessComment | Get a specific ChildhoodIllnessComment |
getChildhoodIllnessGuardianNotification | Get a specific ChildhoodIllnessGuardianNotification |
getChildhoodIllnessGuardianResponse | Get a specific ChildhoodIllnessGuardianResponse |
getChildhoodIllnessObservation | Get a specific ChildhoodIllnessObservation |
getChildhoodIllnessReferralReason | Get a specific ChildhoodIllnessReferralReason |
getChildhoodIllnessReferralResult | Get a specific ChildhoodIllnessReferralResult |
getClassGroup | Get a specific ClassGroup |
getClassGroupSection | Get a specific ClassGroupSection |
getClosedGradingPeriodGradeChange | Get a specific ClosedGradingPeriodGradeChange |
getClosedGradingPeriodStudentGradeBucketChange | Get a specific ClosedGradingPeriodStudentGradeBucketChange |
getCommentBucket | Get a specific CommentBucket |
getCommentBucketCourse | Get a specific CommentBucketCourse |
getCommentCode | Get a specific CommentCode |
getCommentSet | Get a specific CommentSet |
getCommonEducationDataStandardsGradeLevel | Get a specific CommonEducationDataStandardsGradeLevel |
getComplianceSchedule | Get a specific ComplianceSchedule |
getComplianceScheduleDetail | Get a specific ComplianceScheduleDetail |
getComplianceScheduleDetailBooster | Get a specific ComplianceScheduleDetailBooster |
getComplianceScheduleRule | Get a specific ComplianceScheduleRule |
getConfigDistrict | Get a specific ConfigDistrict |
getConfigDistrictEnrollment | Get a specific ConfigDistrict |
getConfigDistrictGradebook | Get a specific ConfigDistrict |
getConfigDistrictGraduationRequirements | Get a specific ConfigDistrict |
getConfigDistrictGroup | Get a specific ConfigDistrictGroup |
getConfigDistrictGroupHealth | Get a specific ConfigDistrictGroup |
getConfigDistrictStudent | Get a specific ConfigDistrict |
getConfigDistrictTransportation | Get a specific ConfigDistrict |
getConfigDistrictYear | Get a specific ConfigDistrictYear |
getConfigDistrictYearContact | Get a specific ConfigDistrictYearContact |
getConfigDistrictYearEnrollment | Get a specific ConfigDistrictYear |
getConfigDistrictYearFamily | Get a specific ConfigDistrictYear |
getConfigDistrictYearGradebook | Get a specific ConfigDistrictYear |
getConfigDistrictYearGrading | Get a specific ConfigDistrictYear |
getConfigDistrictYearHealth | Get a specific ConfigDistrictYear |
getConfigDistrictYearMessageCenter | Get a specific ConfigDistrictYear |
getConfigDistrictYearWithdrawalCode | Get a specific ConfigDistrictYearWithdrawalCode |
getConfigDistrictYearWithdrawalCodeMessageCenter | Get a specific ConfigDistrictYearWithdrawalCode |
getConfigEntity | Get a specific ConfigEntity |
getConfigEntityGroupYear | Get a specific ConfigEntityGroupYear |
getConfigEntityGroupYearDiscipline | Get a specific ConfigEntityGroupYear |
getConfigEntityGroupYearFamily | Get a specific ConfigEntityGroupYear |
getConfigEntityGroupYearGradebook | Get a specific ConfigEntityGroupYear |
getConfigEntityGroupYearGrading | Get a specific ConfigEntityGroupYear |
getConfigEntityGroupYearStaff | Get a specific ConfigEntityGroupYear |
getConfigEntityGroupYearStudent | Get a specific ConfigEntityGroupYear |
getConfigEntityHealth | Get a specific ConfigEntity |
getConfigEntityYear | Get a specific ConfigEntityYear |
getConfigEntityYearDistrict | Get a specific ConfigEntityYear |
getConfigEntityYearGrading | Get a specific ConfigEntityYear |
getConfigEntityYearGraduationRequiredCredit | Get a specific ConfigEntityYearGraduationRequiredCredit |
getConfigEntityYearScheduling | Get a specific ConfigEntityYear |
getConfigSystem | Get a specific ConfigSystem |
getConfigSystemDiscipline | Get a specific ConfigSystem |
getConfigSystemFamily | Get a specific ConfigSystem |
getConfigSystemReporting | Get a specific ConfigSystem |
getConfigSystemSecurity | Get a specific ConfigSystem |
getConfigSystemSkySys | Get a specific ConfigSystem |
getConfigSystemStaff | Get a specific ConfigSystem |
getConfigSystemStudent | Get a specific ConfigSystem |
getCOPPAConsent | Get a specific COPPAConsent |
getCOPPAConsentFields | Get all COPPAConsent fields. |
getCOPPAConsentObjectMA | Get a specific COPPAConsentObjectMA |
getCounty | Get a specific County |
getCourse | Get a specific Course |
getCourseAlternate | Get a specific CourseAlternate |
getCourseCorequisiteGroup | Get a specific CourseCorequisiteGroup |
getCourseCorequisiteGroupCourse | Get a specific CourseCorequisiteGroupCourse |
getCourseCustomRequirement | Get a specific CourseCustomRequirement |
getCourseEarnedCreditsMethod | Get a specific CourseEarnedCreditsMethod |
getCourseEntityOfferedTo | Get a specific CourseEntityOfferedTo |
getCourseEntityOfferedToSection | Get a specific CourseEntityOfferedToSection |
getCourseEntityOfferedToSectionMeet | Get a specific CourseEntityOfferedToSectionMeet |
getCourseEntityOfferedToSectionMeetDisplayPeriod | Get a specific CourseEntityOfferedToSectionMeetDisplayPeriod |
getCourseEntityOfferedToSectionStaffMeet | Get a specific CourseEntityOfferedToSectionStaffMeet |
getCourseGPAMethod | Get a specific CourseGPAMethod |
getCourseGPAMethodGradeReferenceOverride | Get a specific CourseGPAMethodGradeReferenceOverride |
getCourseGradeReference | Get a specific CourseGradeReference |
getCourseGradingScaleGroup | Get a specific CourseGradingScaleGroup |
getCourseGradingScaleGroupCourse | Get a specific CourseGradingScaleGroupCourse |
getCourseGroup | Get a specific CourseGroup |
getCourseGroupCourse | Get a specific CourseGroupCourse |
getCourseLength | Get a specific CourseLength |
getCourseLevelMN | Get a specific CourseLevelMN |
getCourseMasterMassUpdate | Get a specific CourseMasterMassUpdate |
getCoursePrerequisite | Get a specific CoursePrerequisite |
getCoursePrerequisiteCurriculumCourse | Get a specific CoursePrerequisiteCurriculumCourse |
getCoursePrerequisiteCurriculumCourseStudentCourseRequest | Get a specific... |
getCourseSectionLengthExclude | Get a specific CourseSectionLengthExclude |
getCourseSubject | Get a specific CourseSubject |
getCourseType | Get a specific CourseType |
getCrossEntityAttendanceReason | Get a specific CrossEntityAttendanceReason |
getCrossEntityAttendanceType | Get a specific CrossEntityAttendanceType |
getCrossEntityCalendarDisplayPeriod | Get a specific CrossEntityCalendarDisplayPeriod |
getCrossReference | Get a specific CrossReference |
getCurrentSportsSelections | Get a specific CurrentSportsSelections |
getCurriculum | Get a specific Curriculum |
getCurriculumAcademicStandard | Get a specific CurriculumAcademicStandard |
getCurriculumCluster | Get a specific CurriculumCluster |
getCurriculumClusterCurriculum | Get a specific CurriculumClusterCurriculum |
getCurriculumClusterDefault | Get a specific CurriculumClusterDefault |
getCurriculumCustomRequirement | Get a specific CurriculumCustomRequirement |
getCurriculumGradeLevel | Get a specific CurriculumGradeLevel |
getCurriculumProgramMN | Get a specific CurriculumProgramMN |
getCurriculumSubArea | Get a specific CurriculumSubArea |
getCurriculumSubject | Get a specific CurriculumSubject |
getCurriculumSubjectAcademicStandard | Get a specific CurriculumSubjectAcademicStandard |
getCurriculumYear | Get a specific CurriculumYear |
getCustomCode | Get a specific CustomCode |
getCustomCodeType | Get a specific CustomCodeType |
getCustomRequirement | Get a specific CustomRequirement |
getCustomScreen | Get a specific CustomScreen |
getCustomScreenElement | Get a specific CustomScreenElement |
getDailySectionAttendance | Get a specific DailySectionAttendance |
getDashboard | Get a specific Dashboard |
getDatabaseConnection | Get a specific DatabaseConnection |
getDatabaseRequest | Get a specific DatabaseRequest |
getDatabaseSession | Get a specific DatabaseSession |
getDatabaseTransaction | Get a specific DatabaseTransaction |
getDataMigrationHistory | Get a specific DataMigrationHistory |
getDataMiningReport | Get a specific DataMiningReport |
getDataMiningReportField | Get a specific DataMiningReportField |
getDataMiningReportFieldFilter | Get a specific DataMiningReportFieldFilter |
getDataMiningReportFieldParameter | Get a specific DataMiningReportFieldParameter |
getDataMiningReportFieldSort | Get a specific DataMiningReportFieldSort |
getDataMiningReportSortBreak | Get a specific DataMiningReportSortBreak |
getDataMiningReportSubtopic | Get a specific DataMiningReportSubtopic |
getDataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter | Get a specific DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter |
getDataObjectFieldPath | Get a specific DataObjectFieldPath |
getDateRangePreset | Get a specific DateRangePreset |
getDayRotation | Get a specific DayRotation |
getDayRotationPattern | Get a specific DayRotationPattern |
getDefaultGradingScaleGroupGradeMark | Get a specific DefaultGradingScaleGroupGradeMark |
getDentalComment | Get a specific DentalComment |
getDentalGuardianNotification | Get a specific DentalGuardianNotification |
getDentalGuardianResponse | Get a specific DentalGuardianResponse |
getDentalReferralReason | Get a specific DentalReferralReason |
getDentalReferralResult | Get a specific DentalReferralResult |
getDentalScreening | Get a specific DentalScreening |
getDentalScreeningComment | Get a specific DentalScreeningComment |
getDentalScreeningNote | Get a specific DentalScreeningNote |
getDentalScreeningReferral | Get a specific DentalScreeningReferral |
getDentalScreeningResult | Get a specific DentalScreeningResult |
getDentalScreeningSecuredNote | Get a specific DentalScreeningSecuredNote |
getDentalTreatment | Get a specific DentalTreatment |
getDepartment | Get a specific Department |
getDependent | Get a specific Dependent |
getDiabetesCareLog | Get a specific DiabetesCareLog |
getDiabetesCareLogNote | Get a specific DiabetesCareLogNote |
getDiabetesCareLogReferral | Get a specific DiabetesCareLogReferral |
getDiabetesCareLogSecuredNote | Get a specific DiabetesCareLogSecuredNote |
getDiabetesCareLogTreatment | Get a specific DiabetesCareLogTreatment |
getDiabetesGuardianNotification | Get a specific DiabetesGuardianNotification |
getDiabetesGuardianResponse | Get a specific DiabetesGuardianResponse |
getDiabetesKetoneResult | Get a specific DiabetesKetoneResult |
getDiabetesReferralReason | Get a specific DiabetesReferralReason |
getDiabetesReferralResult | Get a specific DiabetesReferralResult |
getDiabetesTreatment | Get a specific DiabetesTreatment |
getDirectional | Get a specific Directional |
getDisciplineLetterRunHistory | Get a specific DisciplineLetterRunHistory |
getDisciplineLetterRunHistoryAction | Get a specific DisciplineLetterRunHistoryAction |
getDisciplineLetterRunHistoryOffense | Get a specific DisciplineLetterRunHistoryOffense |
getDisciplineLetterTemplate | Get a specific DisciplineLetterTemplate |
getDisciplineLetterTemplateEntity | Get a specific DisciplineLetterTemplateEntity |
getDisciplineLetterTemplateHeaderColumn | Get a specific DisciplineLetterTemplateHeaderColumn |
getDisciplineLetterTemplateHeaderRow | Get a specific DisciplineLetterTemplateHeaderRow |
getDisciplineThreshold | Get a specific DisciplineThreshold |
getDisplayPeriod | Get a specific DisplayPeriod |
getDisplayPeriodConflict | Get a specific DisplayPeriodConflict |
getDisplayPeriodRotation | Get a specific DisplayPeriodRotation |
getDisplayPeriodRotationDisplayPeriod | Get a specific DisplayPeriodRotationDisplayPeriod |
getDistrict | Get a specific District |
getDistrictGroup | Get a specific DistrictGroup |
getDistrictSchoolYear | Get a specific DistrictSchoolYear |
getDoseInterval | Get a specific DoseInterval |
getDoseMinimumAge | Get a specific DoseMinimumAge |
getDropLowScoreRun | Get a specific DropLowScoreRun |
getDropLowScoreRunStudentAssignment | Get a specific DropLowScoreRunStudentAssignment |
getDroppedStudentAttendancePeriod | Get a specific DroppedStudentAttendancePeriod |
getDrug | Get a specific Drug |
getEarlyEducationInstructionalApproachMN | Get a specific EarlyEducationInstructionalApproachMN |
getEarlyEducationProgramMN | Get a specific EarlyEducationProgramMN |
getEarlyExitReason | Get a specific EarlyExitReason |
getEarnedCreditsBucketGroup | Get a specific EarnedCreditsBucketGroup |
getEarnedCreditsBucketGroupGradeBucket | Get a specific EarnedCreditsBucketGroupGradeBucket |
getEarnedCreditsBucketGroupGradeBucketStudentOverride | Get a specific... |
getEarnedCreditsMethod | Get a specific EarnedCreditsMethod |
getEarnedCreditsMethodEntity | Get a specific EarnedCreditsMethodEntity |
getElectronicSignature | Get a specific ElectronicSignature |
getElectronicTranscriptAcademicAwardException | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptAcademicAwardException |
getElectronicTranscriptAcademicAwardV1 | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptAcademicAwardV1 |
getElectronicTranscriptAcademicHonorException | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptAcademicHonorException |
getElectronicTranscriptAcademicHonorV1 | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptAcademicHonorV1 |
getElectronicTranscriptAcademicRecordException | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptAcademicRecordException |
getElectronicTranscriptAcademicRecordV1 | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptAcademicRecordV1 |
getElectronicTranscriptAcademicSessionException | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptAcademicSessionException |
getElectronicTranscriptAcademicSessionV1 | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptAcademicSessionV1 |
getElectronicTranscriptAcademicSummaryException | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptAcademicSummaryException |
getElectronicTranscriptAcademicSummaryV1 | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptAcademicSummaryV1 |
getElectronicTranscriptAddressException | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptAddressException |
getElectronicTranscriptAddressV1 | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptAddressV1 |
getElectronicTranscriptAgencyIdentifierException | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptAgencyIdentifierException |
getElectronicTranscriptAgencyIdentifierV1 | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptAgencyIdentifierV1 |
getElectronicTranscriptAPITransaction | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptAPITransaction |
getElectronicTranscriptCourseException | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptCourseException |
getElectronicTranscriptCourseV1 | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptCourseV1 |
getElectronicTranscriptImmunizationException | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptImmunizationException |
getElectronicTranscriptImmunizationV1 | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptImmunizationV1 |
getElectronicTranscriptLicensureException | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptLicensureException |
getElectronicTranscriptLicensureNoteException | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptLicensureNoteException |
getElectronicTranscriptLicensureNoteV1 | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptLicensureNoteV1 |
getElectronicTranscriptLicensureV1 | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptLicensureV1 |
getElectronicTranscriptPersonException | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptPersonException |
getElectronicTranscriptPersonV1 | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptPersonV1 |
getElectronicTranscriptPhoneException | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptPhoneException |
getElectronicTranscriptPhoneV1 | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptPhoneV1 |
getElectronicTranscriptRunHistory | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptRunHistory |
getElectronicTranscriptSubtestException | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptSubtestException |
getElectronicTranscriptSubtestV1 | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptSubtestV1 |
getElectronicTranscriptTestException | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptTestException |
getElectronicTranscriptTestScoreException | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptTestScoreException |
getElectronicTranscriptTestScoreV1 | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptTestScoreV1 |
getElectronicTranscriptTestV1 | Get a specific ElectronicTranscriptTestV1 |
getElement | Get a specific Element |
getElementGroup | Get a specific ElementGroup |
getElementGroupTemplate | Get a specific ElementGroupTemplate |
getElementStatus | Get a specific ElementStatus |
getElementStatusSurveyAnswer | Get a specific ElementStatusSurveyAnswer |
getEmail | Get a specific Email |
getEmailAttachment | Get a specific EmailAttachment |
getEmailType | Get a specific EmailType |
getEmergencyContact | Get a specific EmergencyContact |
getEmployer | Get a specific Employer |
getEndorsement | Get a specific Endorsement |
getEndorsementDeclarationTimePeriod | Get a specific EndorsementDeclarationTimePeriod |
getEndorsementDeclarationTimePeriodGradeReference | Get a specific EndorsementDeclarationTimePeriodGradeReference |
getEndorsementDeclarationTimePeriodStudentEntityYear | Get a specific... |
getEndorsementDefault | Get a specific EndorsementDefault |
getEndorsementOption | Get a specific EndorsementOption |
getEndorsementOptionDefault | Get a specific EndorsementOptionDefault |
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