Man pages for sportsdataverse/sportyR
Plot Scaled 'ggplot' Representations of Sports Playing Surfaces

add_featureAdd a surface's feature to a 'ggplot2' instance
baseball_baseOne of the bases on the diamond, or really any base on the...
baseball_batters_boxThe batter's boxes on the field. This is where a batter must...
baseball_catchers_boxThe catcher's box. This is where the catcher is located on...
baseball_features_set_colorsSet the colors to be used for the plot. The values provided...
baseball_foul_lineThe foul line. These are the white lines that extend from the...
baseball_home_plateHome plate. This is a pentagonal shape with its back tip...
baseball_infield_dirtThe dirt that comprises the infield. This includes the base...
baseball_infield_grassThe dirt that comprises the infield grass. This is the area...
baseball_pitchers_moundThe pitcher's mound. This is where the pitcher's plate is...
baseball_pitchers_plateThe pitcher's plate. This is where the pitcher must throw the...
baseball_running_laneThe running lane is entirely in foul territory. The depth...
basketball_backboardThe backboard is the backing onto which the basket ring...
basketball_basket_ringThe hoop through which the ball must pass to score points for...
basketball_center_circle_fillThe center circle is broken into two parts: the...
basketball_center_circle_outlineThe center circle is broken into two parts: the outline (this...
basketball_court_apronThe apron of the court is the colored boundary around the...
basketball_division_lineThe division line divides the court into two halves, and is...
basketball_endlineThe endline on a basketball court, also called the baseline,...
basketball_features_set_colorsSet the colors to be used for the plot. The values provided...
basketball_free_throw_circleThe outline of the free throw circle. The interior filling...
basketball_free_throw_circle_dashOn some courts, there are a series of dashes that comprise...
basketball_free_throw_circle_fillThe filled-in section of the free throw circle. The circle is...
basketball_free_throw_lane_boundaryThe lines providing the boundary to the free throw lane. When...
basketball_half_courtEach half court spans from the inner edge of the baseline to...
basketball_inbounding_lineThe inbounding line is where the ball is inbounded on the...
basketball_lane_space_markThe lane space marks, also known as the blocks, denote where...
basketball_lower_defensive_box_markThe lower defensive box is an imaginary box on the court...
basketball_netTo make the basket ring easier to identify, the nets will...
basketball_painted_areaThe painted area is the area contained by the free throw lane...
basketball_restricted_arcThe arc located in the free-throw lane is called the...
basketball_sidelineThe sideline on a basketball court run the full length of the...
basketball_substitution_lineThe substitution line is where players checking into the game...
basketball_team_bench_linePlayers not in the game must stay within the team bench lines...
basketball_three_point_lineAn arc on the court, behind which any made basket counts as...
basketball_two_point_rangeIf a court has a three-point line (see...
cani_color_league_featuresCheck to see what features of a surface can be colored
cani_plot_leagueCheck to see if a league can be plotted, and alert as to...
cani_plot_sportCheck to see if a sport can be plotted, and alert as to which...
convert_unitsConvert all units, regardless of starting and ending units
create_circleCreate a set of 'x' and 'y' coordinates that form a circle...
create_diamondCreate a set of 'x' and 'y' coordinates that form a diamond....
create_plot_baseCreate the base for the 'ggplot2' instance with the correct...
create_rectangleCreate a set of 'x' and 'y' coordinates that form a rectangle
create_squareCreate a set of 'x' and 'y' coordinates that form a square....
create_x_shapeCreate a set of 'x' and 'y' coordinates that form an "X"-like...
curling_back_lineThe back line is the line in the back of the house. Its outer...
curling_buttonThe inner-most of the concentric circles comprising the house...
curling_centre_lineThe centre line is the line that runs the full length of the...
curling_centre_zoneThe curling sheet is the entire sheet, with the houses at...
curling_courtesy_lineThe courtesy lines are where players stand during the...
curling_endThe curling sheet is the entire sheet, with the houses at...
curling_features_set_colorsSet the colors to be used for the plot. The values provided...
curling_hack_footholdThe hack exits on both sides of the curling sheet between the...
curling_hack_lineThe hack line connects the two footholds at each hack. It...
curling_hog_lineThe hog line is the line that begins the Free Guard Zone at...
curling_house_ringThe house is comprised of three concentric circles outside of...
curling_sheet_apronThe apron of the sheet is what separates adjacent sheets, and...
curling_tee_lineThe tee line is the line that runs through the center of the...
distance_formulaGet the Euclidean distance between two points
football_coaching_boxThe coaching box is the area between the restricted area and...
football_coaching_box_lineThe coaching box line is the line that separates the team...
football_directional_arrowThe directional arrows point towards the nearest goal line...
football_end_lineThe end line is the line beyond the back of the endzone. Its...
football_endzoneThe endzones are the area beyond the goal line. Any offensive...
football_features_set_colorsSet the colors to be used for the plot. The values provided...
football_field_apronThe field should have an apron to appropriately see all...
football_field_borderThe field border is the border line around the outer edge of...
football_field_border_outlineThe field border's outline is the outline around the outer...
football_goal_lineThe goal lines are the lines the ball must cross while being...
football_half_fieldEach half of the football field spans from the edge of the...
football_major_yard_lineThe major yard lines are the yard lines that span the entire...
football_minor_yard_lineThe minor yard lines are the yard lines in between all of the...
football_red_zone_borderThe field border (see 'football_field_border()') may have a...
football_red_zone_border_outlineThe outline of the 'football_red_zone_border()' may be a...
football_restricted_areaThe restricted area is the area nearest the sideline's...
football_sidelineThe sidelines are the lines that run the length of the field,...
football_team_bench_areaThe team bench area is the area beyond the restricted area...
football_team_bench_area_outlineThe outline of the team bench area runs beyond the team...
football_try_markThe try mark is the mark from which all tries start. This...
geom_baseballGenerate a 'ggplot2' instance containing a baseball field for...
geom_basketballGenerate a 'ggplot2' instance containing a basketball court...
geom_curlingGenerate a 'ggplot2' instance containing a curling sheet for...
geom_footballGenerate a 'ggplot2' instance containing a football field for...
geom_hockeyGenerate a 'ggplot2' instance containing an ice rink for a...
geom_lacrosseGenerate a 'ggplot2' instance containing a lacrosse field for...
geom_soccerGenerate a 'ggplot2' instance containing a soccer pitch for a...
geom_tennisGenerate a 'ggplot2' instance containing a tennis court for a...
geom_volleyballGenerate a 'ggplot2' instance containing a volleyball court...
grapes-or-grapesSet the default value when not provided in a list
hockey_boardsThe boards are the wall around the outside of the rink that...
hockey_center_faceoff_circleThe center faceoff circle is where the each period of the...
hockey_center_faceoff_spotThe center faceoff spot is the spot at which the game begins....
hockey_center_lineThe center line is the line that divides the ice surface in...
hockey_defensive_zoneThe defensive zone is the left "third" of the rink in TV...
hockey_features_set_colorsSet the colors to be used for the plot. The values provided...
hockey_goal_crease_fillThe goal crease is the area where a goaltender plays their...
hockey_goal_crease_outlineThe goal crease is the area where a goaltender plays their...
hockey_goal_frameThe goal frame is where the puck enters after crossing the...
hockey_goal_frame_fillThe goal frame is where the puck enters after crossing the...
hockey_goal_lineThe goal lines are the lines over which a puck must cross...
hockey_goaltenders_restricted_areaThe goaltender's restricted area marks where a goaltender is...
hockey_neutral_zoneThe neutral zone is the middle "third" of the rink. This is...
hockey_nodzone_faceoff_spot_ringThe non-centered faceoff spots are located in the neutral,...
hockey_nodzone_faceoff_spot_stripeThe non-centered faceoff spots are located in the neutral,...
hockey_odzone_faceoff_circleThe non-centered faceoff circles are located in the offensive...
hockey_odzone_faceoff_linesThe offensive/defensive zone faceoff lines are the L-shaped...
hockey_offensive_zoneThe offensive zone is the right "third" of the rink in TV...
hockey_off_ice_officials_boxThe off-ice officials' box is located between the two penalty...
hockey_penalty_box_fillThe penalty boxes are the areas outside the confines of the...
hockey_penalty_box_outlineThe penalty boxes are the areas outside the confines of the...
hockey_player_bench_area_fillThe player benches are the areas outside the confines of the...
hockey_player_bench_outlineThe player benches are the areas outside the confines of the...
hockey_referee_creaseThe referee's crease is a semi-circle on the "bottom" of the...
hockey_zone_lineThe zone lines are the lines that separate the neutral zone...
is_hexIdentify if a passed color is a hexadecimal string
lacrosse_below_goal_markingOn some fields, there is a below goal marking. These are...
lacrosse_boardsThe boards are the wall around the outside of the field that...
lacrosse_center_circleThe center circle is where play begins to start a game. This...
lacrosse_center_lineThe center line divides the field of play into two equal...
lacrosse_change_area_fillThe change area is the box-shaped area in front of the team...
lacrosse_change_area_outlineThe change area is the box-shaped area in front of the team...
lacrosse_defensive_area_lineThe defensive-area lines run parallel to the sidelines and...
lacrosse_defensive_zoneThe defensive zone is the TV-left area of the playing...
lacrosse_end_lineThe end lines run the width of the field, with its interior...
lacrosse_face_off_markerThe face-off markers are where face-offs occur. They may take...
lacrosse_features_set_colorsSet the colors to be used for the plot. The values provided...
lacrosse_field_apronOutdoor require should have a field apron so that boundary...
lacrosse_goal_arcThe arc around the goal circle is a semi-circular area...
lacrosse_goal_circleThe goal circle is a circular feature on the field that...
lacrosse_goal_circle_fillThis feature is the area enclosed by the goal circle's...
lacrosse_goal_fanThe goal arc fan is present on some fields (e.g. NCAAW) as a...
lacrosse_goal_fan_hash_markThe hash marks around the goal fan (see...
lacrosse_goal_frameThe goal frame is the posts through which the ball must pass...
lacrosse_goal_lineThe goal line is where the front edge of the goal sits. It...
lacrosse_goal_mouthThe goal mouth is similar to the goal fan, except it is...
lacrosse_goal_mouth_hash_markThe goal mouth may have a hash mark that extends towards...
lacrosse_goal_netThe goal net is the netting that the ball must hit in order...
lacrosse_neutral_zoneThe neutral zone corresponds to the area between the...
lacrosse_offensive_zoneThe offensive zone is where a team tries to score a goal. It...
lacrosse_off_field_officials_boxThe off-field officials' box is located between the two...
lacrosse_penalty_box_fillThe penalty boxes are the areas outside the confines of the...
lacrosse_penalty_box_outlineThe penalty boxes are the areas outside the confines of the...
lacrosse_player_bench_area_fillThe player benches are the areas outside the confines of the...
lacrosse_player_bench_outlineThe player benches are the areas outside the confines of the...
lacrosse_referee_creaseThe referee's crease is a semi-circle on the "bottom" of the...
lacrosse_referee_crease_fillThe referee's crease is a semi-circle on the "bottom" of the...
lacrosse_restraining_lineThe restraining line spans the entire width of the field...
lacrosse_sidelineThe sidelines run the length of the field, with its interior...
lacrosse_wing_lineThe wing lines run parallel to the sidelines and cross the...
load_default_parametersLoad default parameters for a specified league. This should...
quadratic_formulaDeploy the quadratic formula given inputs 'a', 'b', and 'c'...
reflectPerform a mathematical reflection of coordinates over a...
rotate_coordsPerform a mathematical rotation about (0, 0) of coordinates....
soccer_center_circleThe center circle is the circle located at the center of the...
soccer_center_markThe center mark is where kickoffs for each half, as well as...
soccer_corner_arcThe corner arcs are the quarter-circles located where the...
soccer_corner_defensive_marksThe corner defensive marks on the pitch are typically located...
soccer_features_set_colorsSet the colors to be used for the plot. The values provided...
soccer_goalThe goal is located beyond each goal line. By rule, the goal...
soccer_goal_boxThe goal box is the smaller of the two boxes that extend from...
soccer_goal_lineThe goal line is the line that runs the full width of the...
soccer_half_pitchHalf of the pitch is located on each side of the halfway line...
soccer_halfway_lineThe halfway line, aka the midfield line or center line, runs...
soccer_penalty_boxThe penalty box on the pitch is the larger of the two boxes...
soccer_penalty_markThe penalty mark is the center point for the arc of the...
soccer_pitch_apronThe pitch should have an apron around it to do two things:
soccer_touchlineThe lines that run the full length of the pitch are called...
tennis_backcourtThe backcourt is the area behind the serviceline on the...
tennis_baselineThe baseline is the line behind which a player will serve the...
tennis_center_markThe center mark identifies the center point of the...
tennis_center_servicelineThe center serviceline on the court divides the service area...
tennis_court_apronThe court apron is referred to as the backstop and sidestop....
tennis_doubles_alleyThe doubles alley is the area between the singles and doubles...
tennis_features_set_colorsSet the colors to be used for the plot. The values provided...
tennis_frontcourt_halfThe front court is the area between the 'tennis_net()' and...
tennis_netThe net divides the court into two halves, and should run...
tennis_servicelineThe serviceline is the line in front of which (nearest the...
tennis_sidelineThe sideline runs the entire length of the court, and there...
volleyball_attack_lineThe attack line runs from sideline to sideline separating the...
volleyball_backcourtThe backcourt is the area between the the attack line (see...
volleyball_center_lineThe center line's axis runs along 'x = 0' when viewing the...
volleyball_court_apronThe court apron is similar to the 'basketball_court_apron()'...
volleyball_end_lineThe lines on the court that run the full width of the court...
volleyball_features_set_colorsSet the colors to be used for the plot. The values provided...
volleyball_free_zoneThe free zone is similar to the 'basketball_court_apron()' in...
volleyball_front_zoneThe front zone is the area between the attack line (see...
volleyball_service_zone_markThe service zone marks are the lines beyond the end lines...
volleyball_sidelineThe lines on the court that run the full length of the court...
volleyball_substitution_zone_dashThe substitution zone is typically marked by a dashed line...
sportsdataverse/sportyR documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 11:50 a.m.