Man pages for surh/HMVAR
Human Microbiome Variant Analysis in R

annotate_gosAnnotate GO terms
annots_to_geneGOConvert annotation table to gene or annotation list for topGO
assign_alleleAssign alleles bases on allele frequency and depth
benchmark_imputationBenchmark mice imputation
bimbam_imputeImpute genotypes with BIMBAM
calculate_dosCalculate Direction of Selection
calculate_fstCalculate Fixation Index (Fst)
calculate_mktableCalculate McDonald-Kreitman contingency table
calculate_p_errorCalculate prob of error
calculate_prevalenceCalculate taxon prevalence
check_mapProcess map
check_midas_dataChecks loaded midas data
check_pvals_in_fileCheck p-values in outfile
check_pvaluesCheck p-values
determine_sample_distDetermine distributiion within sample
determine_snp_distSNP distribution between sites
determine_snp_effectDetermine the effect of a coding variant on the aminoacid...
determine_substitution_typeDetermine DNA substitution type
dosCalculate Direction of Selection from SNV data
expand_annotExpand annotation
find_singletonsFind singletons
format_inputFormats input form HMMCP 16S files
format_input_hmqcpRead HMQCP input
gemma_kinshipCalculate kinship matrix with GEMMA
gemma_lmmRun LMM via GEMMA
gene_midas_dataGet all MIDAS data from a gene
gene_sel_fungene selection function
gene_snv_alnGet gene SNV alignment
genome_wide_niCalculate genome-wide NI and alpha
get_mk_results_filesGet files for MK results
get_sequence_fragmentGet sequence fragment
get_site_distDetermine whether a variant site is fixed or polymorphic
group_sizeSize of groups
gseaGene-set enrichment analysis
match_freq_and_depthMatch freq and depth
mice_imputeImputation via mice
midas_dosDirection of Selection statistics on MIDAS output
midas_mktestPerform McDonald-Kreitman test on MIDAS SNPs
midas_to_bimbamConvert MIDAS merge output to BIMBAM input
mktestMcDonald-Kreitman test
mkvaluesEntries in McDonald-Kreitman table.
phylotype2rdpFormat HMMCP phylotype taxonomy for AMOR
phylotype2rdp2Phylotype to RDP version 2
plotgg_manhattanManhattan plot with ggplot2
plotgg_stacked_columnsPlot columns as stacked bars
pval_qqplotp-value qqplot
qp_genotypesQuasi-phased genotypes
read_eggnogRead eggNOG mapper annotations
read_midas_abunRead MIDAS abundance file
read_midas_dataRead midas snp merge data
read_midas_infoRead MIDAS snps_info.txt file
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
run_commandRun system command
select_samples_from_abunSelect samples that are present in mapping file
sign_testSign test
site_fstFixation Index (Fst) for one site
term_gseaGene-set Enrichment analysis on one term.
terms_enrichmentEnrichment analysis of annotation terms
test_goGene Ontology enrichment via topGO
test_singleton_enrichmentTest for singleton enrichments
tidy_miceTidy mice
variable_dist_per_siteCalculated distribution of variable per site
varsites_pipelineVarsites pipeline
window_fstSliding window Fst calculation
surh/HMVAR documentation built on Aug. 18, 2021, 1:21 a.m.