allele_count | allele_count |
allele_frequencies | Compute allele frequencies per markers and populations |
assign_defaults | assign_defaults |
bayescan_one | bayescan one iteration |
betas_estimator | Estimate betas per population |
blacklist_hw | blacklist_hw |
boxplot_stats | boxplot_stats |
calibrate_alleles | Calibrate REF and ALT alleles based on count |
change_pop_names | Transform into a factor the STRATA column, change names and... |
check_args_class | check_args_class |
check_dart | check_dart |
check_header_source_vcf | Check the vcf header and detect vcf source |
check_pop_levels | Check the use of pop.levels, pop.labels and |
clean_dart_colnames | clean_dart_colnames |
clean_dart_locus | clean_dart_locus |
clean_ind_names | Clean individual's names for radiator and other packages |
clean_markers_names | Clean marker's names for radiator and other packages |
clean_pop_names | Clean population's names for radiator and other packages |
compound_assignment_pipe_operator | compound assignment pipe operator |
compute_maf | compute_maf |
count_monomorphic | count_monomorphic |
dart2gds | dart2gds |
data_info | data_info |
detect_allele_problems | Detect alternate allele problems |
detect_all_missing | Detect markers with all missing genotypes |
detect_biallelic_markers | Detect biallelic data |
detect_biallelic_problems | Detect biallelic problems |
detect_dart_format | detect_dart_format |
detect_duplicate_genomes | Compute pairwise genome similarity or distance between... |
detect_genomic_format | Used internally in radiator to detect the file format |
detect_gt | detect_gt |
detect_het_outliers | Detect heterozygotes outliers and estimate miscall rate |
detect_microsatellites | Detect microsatellites |
detect_mixed_genomes | Detect mixed genomes |
detect_paralogs | Detect paralogs |
detect_ref_genome | Detect reference genome |
diagnostic_maf | MA diagnostic |
distance2tibble | distance2tibble |
distance_individuals | Distance individuals |
erase_genotypes | Erase genotypes |
estimate_m | heterozygotes miscall rate |
Exposition_pipe_operator | Exposition pipe-operator |
extract_coverage | check_coverage |
extract_dart_target_id | Extract DArT target id |
extract_data_source | extract_data_source |
extract_dots | extract_dots |
extract_genotypes_metadata | extract_genotypes_metadata |
extract_individuals_metadata | extract_individuals_metadata |
extract_individuals_vcf | Extract individuals from vcf file |
extract_info_vcf | extract_info_vcf |
extract_markers_metadata | extract_markers_metadata |
filter_blacklist_genotypes | Filter dataset with blacklist of genotypes |
filter_common_markers | Filter common markers between strata |
filter_coverage | Filter markers mean coverage |
filter_dart_reproducibility | Filter data based on DArT reproducibility statistics |
filter_fis | Fis filter |
filter_genotyping | Filter markers based on genotyping/missing rate |
filter_het | Heterozygosity filter |
filter_hwe | Filter markers based on Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium |
filter_individuals | Filter individuals based on genotyping/missingness rate,... |
filter_ld | GBS/RADseq short and long distance linkage disequilibrium... |
filter_ma | MAC, MAF and MAD filter |
filter_monomorphic | Filter monomorphic markers |
filter_snp_number | Filter SNP number per locus/read |
filter_snp_position_read | Filter markers/SNP based on their position on the read |
filter_whitelist | Filter dataset with whitelist of markers |
folder_prefix | folder_prefix |
folder_short | folder_short |
gds2tidy | gds2tidy |
generate_filename | Filename radiator |
generate_folder | generate_folder |
generate_geno_freq_boundaries | generate_geno_freq_boundaries |
generate_gt_vcf_nuc | generate_gt_vcf_nuc |
generate_hzar | generate_hzar |
generate_markers_metadata | Generate markers metadata |
generate_squeleton_folders | generate_squeleton_folders |
generate_stats | generate_stats |
generate_strata | Generate strata object from the data |
generate_whitelist | generate_whitelist |
genome_similarity | genome_similarity |
genomic_converter | Conversion tool among several genomic formats |
gt2array | gt2array |
gt_recoding | gt_recoding |
haplotype_reconstruction | haplotype_reconstruction |
hwe_analysis | hwe_analysis |
ibdg_fh | FH measure of IBDg |
import_dart | import_dart |
individual_het | individual_het |
individuals2strata | Create a strata file from a list of individuals |
ind_total_reads | ind_total_reads |
join_rad | join_rad |
join_strata | Join the strata with the data |
ld2df | ld2df |
ld_boxplot | ld_boxplot |
ld_missing | Prune dataset based on LD and missingness. |
ld_pruning | Prune dataset based on LD. |
list_filters | List current active filters (individuals and markers) in... |
ma_one | ma_one |
markers_fis | markers_fis |
markers_genotyped_helper | markers_genotyped_helper |
markers_het | markers_het |
merge_dart | Merge DArT files |
message_func_call | message_func_call |
minor_allele_stats | minor_allele_stats |
missing_per_pop | missing_per_pop |
n | The number of observations in the current group. |
not_common_markers | not_common_markers |
parallel_core_opt | parallel_core_opt |
parse_gds_metadata | parse_gds_metadata |
pi | Nucleotide diversity |
pipe | Forward-pipe operator |
pi_pop | pi_pop |
pi_rad | pi_rad |
plot_bayescan | plot_bayescan |
plot_boxplot_coverage | Figure box plot of coverage summary statistics |
plot_boxplot_diversity | Box plot of the diversity (Gene and Haplotypes) |
plot_coverage_imbalance_diagnostic | Visual diagnostic of coverage imbalance |
plot_density_distribution_coverage | Figure of distribution (histogram) |
plot_density_distribution_het | Figure density distribution of the observed heterozygosity... |
plot_density_distribution_maf | Figure density distribution of minor allele frequency (MAF)... |
plot_distribution_diversity | Density distribution of diversity (Gene and Haplotypes) |
plot_het_outliers | plot_het_outliers |
plot_snp_number_loci | Figure of the distribution of SNP per locus before and after... |
plot_snp_position_read | Figure of the distribution of SNP nucleotide position alond... |
plot_upset | plot_upset |
private_alleles | Find private alleles |
private_haplotypes | private haplotypes |
radiator_common_arguments | radiator common arguments |
radiator_dots | radiator_dots |
radiator_folder | radiator_folder |
radiator_function_header | radiator_function_header |
radiator_future | radiator parallel function |
radiator_gds | radiator gds constructor |
radiator_gds_skeleton | radiator_gds_skeleton |
radiator_packages_dep | radiator_packages_dep |
radiator_parameters | radiator_parameters |
radiator_pkg_install | radiator packages install helper |
radiator_question | radiator_question |
radiator_results_message | radiator_results_message |
radiator_snakecase | radiator_snakecase |
radiator_split_tibble | radiator_split_tibble |
radiator_tic | radiator_tic |
radiator_toc | radiator_toc |
rad_long | rad_long |
rad_wide | rad_wide |
read_blacklist_genotypes | read blacklist of genotypes |
read_blacklist_id | read_blacklist_id |
read_dart | Read and tidy DArT output files. |
read_plink | Reads PLINK tped and bed files |
read_rad | Read radiator file ending '.gds, .rad, .gds.rad'. |
read_strata | read strata |
read_vcf | Read VCF files and write a GDS file |
read_whitelist | read whitelist of markers |
remove_duplicates | Read tidy genomic data file ending .rad |
replace_by_na | replace_by_na |
reset_filters | Reset filters (individuals and markers) in radiator GDS... |
run_bayescan | Run BayeScan |
separate_gt | separate_gt |
separate_markers | Separate markers column into chrom, locus and pos |
sex_markers_plot | sex_markers_plot |
sexy_markers | sexy_markers finds sex-linked markers and re-assigns sex |
simulate_genos_from_posterior | simulate_genos_from_posterior |
split_tibble_rows | split_tibble_rows |
split_vcf | Split a VCF file |
split_vec | split_vec |
strata_haplo | strata_haplo |
strip_rad | strip_rad |
subsampling_data | subsampling data |
summarise_genotypes | summarise genotypes |
summarize_sex | summarize_sex |
summary_gds | summary_gds |
summary_rad | Summary statistics for RADseq data |
summary_strata | Summary of strata |
switch_allele_count | switch_allele_count |
switch_genotypes | switch_genotypes |
sync_gds | sync_gds |
tibble_stats | tibble_stats |
tidy2gds | tidy2gds |
tidy2wide | tidy2wide |
tidy_dart_metadata | Import and tidy DArT metadata. |
tidy_fstat | fstat file to tidy dataframe |
tidy_genepop | Import genepop file and convert to a tidy dataframe |
tidy_genind | Tidy a genind object to a tidy dataframe |
tidy_genlight | Tidy a genlight object to a tidy dataframe and/or GDS... |
tidy_genomic_data | Transform common genomic dataset format in a tidy data frame |
tidy_gtypes | Tidy a gtypes object to a tidy dataframe |
tidy_plink | Tidy PLINK tped and bed files |
tidy_vcf | Tidy vcf file |
tidy_wide | Read/Import a tidy genomic data frames. |
update_bl_individuals | update_bl_individuals |
update_bl_markers | update_bl_markers |
update_filter_parameter | update filter parameter file |
update_radiator_gds | update_radiator_gds |
vcf_strata | Join stratification metadata to a VCF (population-aware VCF) |
write_arlequin | Write an arlequin file from a tidy data frame |
write_bayescan | Write a BayeScan file from a tidy data frame |
write_betadiv | Write a betadiv file from a tidy data frame |
write_colony | Write a 'COLONY' input file |
write_dadi | Write a 'dadi' SNP input file from a tidy data frame. |
write_fasta | Export FASTA |
write_faststructure | Write a faststructure file from a tidy data frame |
write_fineradstructure | Write a fineRADstructure file from a tidy data frame |
write_gds | Write a GDS object from a tidy data frame |
write_genepop | Write a genepop file |
write_genepopedit | Write a genepopedit flatten object |
write_genind | Write a genind object from a tidy data frame or GDS file or... |
write_genlight | Write a genlight object from a tidy data frame or GDS file or... |
write_gsi_sim | Write a gsi_sim file from a data frame (wide or long/tidy). |
write_gtypes | Write a strataG object from radiator GDS and tidy data file... |
write_hapmap | Write a HapMap file from a tidy data frame |
write_hierfstat | Write a hierfstat file from a tidy data frame |
write_hzar | Write a HZAR file from a tidy data frame. |
write_ldna | Write a LDna object from a tidy data frame |
write_maverick | Write a maverick file from a tidy data frame |
write_pcadapt | Write a pcadapt file from a tidy data frame |
write_plink | Write a plink tped/tfam file from a tidy data frame |
write_rad | Write tidy genomic data file or close GDS file |
write_related | Write a related file from a tidy data frame |
write_rubias | Write a rubias object |
write_snprelate | Write a SNPRelate object from a tidy data frame |
write_stockr | Write a stockR dataset from a tidy data frame or GDS file or... |
write_structure | Write a structure file from a tidy data frame |
write_vcf | Write a vcf file from a tidy data frame |
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