
Defines functions as.data.frame.BenchmarkResult as.data.frame.BenchmarkResults as.character.Serializable as.list.Serializable R6Point1Class

Documented in as.data.frame.BenchmarkResult as.data.frame.BenchmarkResults R6Point1Class

#' Version of R6 with heritable static/class methods and attributes
#' Elements in `static` can be called without instantiation, e.g. `Class$method()`.
#' Functions are evaluated in the environment of `Class`, so you can refer to `self`
#' (which is the class—not the instance—here) to create class methods.
#' @param ... Passed through to [R6::R6Class]
#' @param static A named list of static/class functions/values to turn into
#' methods/attributes. Note there is currently no differentiation between static
#' and class methods at the moment; static methods are simply class methods that
#' do not access `self`, though it will exist in their evaluation environment.
#' This arrangement can be changed in the future if reason exists.
#' @section Why this exists:
#' Sometimes we want static/class methods/attributes that can be accessed from
#' the class (e.g. `MyR6Class$my_static_method()`) instead of an instance of
#' that class (e.g. `MyR6Class$new(...)$my_normal_method()`). As individual
#' classes are environments, these can be added after the fact like so:
#' ``` r
#' MyR6Class <- R6Class(...)
#' MyR6Class$my_static_method <- function(x) ...
#' ```
#' But the problem with the above is it's not heritable; if you make a class that
#' inherits from `MyR6Class`, it will not have `$my_static_method()` unless you
#' manually re-add it.
#' This class structure abstracts the pattern, so when you create a new class, it
#' checks if the parent contains anything in `private$static`, and copies over any
#' methods/attributes there, less any overwritten in the new class.
#' @section How static/class methods/attributes may be useful:
#' There are lots of reasons you may want static/class methods/attributes, but
#' the immediate use-case here is to create alternate methods for instantiating
#' a class besides `$new()`/`$initialize()`. For instance, if a class can be
#' represented as JSON, it's quite helpful to have a `$from_json()` method that
#' can recreate an instance from a JSON blob.
#' You could have a separate special reader function that returns an instance,
#' but especially as classes multiply this solution becomes difficult to
#' maintain.
#' @keywords internal
#' @include util.R
R6Point1Class <- function(..., static = NULL) {
  Class <- R6::R6Class(...)
  Class$parent_env <- parent.frame()

  full_static <- modifyList(
    Class$get_inherit()$private_fields$static %||% list(),
    static %||% list()
  full_static <- lapply(full_static, function(x) {
    if (!is.function(x)) return(x)
    environment(x) <- Class
  Class$set('private', 'static', full_static)

  for (name in names(Class$private_fields$static)) {
    Class[[name]] <- Class$private_fields$static[[name]]


# Abstract class for a structure that can be written to JSON
# This is an abstract class that is not useful on its own, but if taken as a
# parent class provides methods for serializing and deserializing to/from
# JSON-like representations (JSON strings, JSON files, lists representing JSON).
# Specifically:
# - `$json`: Active binding that returns a JSON string
# - `$list`: Active binding that returns a list
# - `$write_json()`: Method that writes a JSON representation to a file
# - `$from_json()`: Class method that creates an instance from a JSON string
# - `$from_list()`: Class method that creates an instance from a list
# - `$read_json()`: Class method that creates an instance from a JSON file
# Note that attributes stored in `private$to_serialize` will be serialized;
# other attributes will not, including public attributes not duplicated in
# `private$to_serialize`. This scheme can be changed if there is reason.
Serializable <- R6Point1Class(
  classname = "Serializable",

  public = list(
    write_json = function(path) {
      if (!dir.exists(dirname(path))) {
        dir.create(dirname(path), recursive = TRUE)
      writeLines(self$json, path)

  active = list(
    list = function() {
      lapply(private$to_serialize, function(element) {
        # recurse
        if (inherits(element, "Serializable")) {
          element <- element$list
        # iterate through lists of serializables and recurse
        if (is.list(element) && all(vapply(element, function(el) inherits(el, "Serializable"), logical(1)))) {
          element <- lapply(element, function(el) el$list)
    json = function() {
        auto_unbox = TRUE,
        null = "null",
        POSIXt = "ISO8601",
        digits = 16L,
        pretty = TRUE

  private = list(
    to_serialize = list(),

    get_or_set_serializable = function(variable, value) {
      if (!missing(value)) {
        private$to_serialize[[variable]] <- value

  static = list(
    from_list = function(list) {
      do.call(self$new, list)
    from_json = function(json) {
        paste(json, collapse = "\n"),
        # Cursed, but necessary; we need to maintain singleton arrays
        simplifyVector = FALSE, simplifyMatrix = FALSE, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE
    read_json = function(path) {
      self$from_json(paste(readLines(path), collapse = "\n"))

#' @export
as.list.Serializable <- function(x, ...) x$list
#' @export
as.character.Serializable <- function(x, ...) x$json

# A class for the results of running a benchmark
# Because this class inherits from `Serializable`, it can be written to and
# instantiated from JSON forms.
# An instance can be passed to `as.data.frame()` and `get_params_summary()`, the
# returns of which are simply what would be returned from the `$to_dataframe()`
# method and the `$params_summary` active binding.
# All attributes are active bindings so that validation can be run when they are
# set, whether during or after instantiation.
BenchmarkResult <- R6Point1Class(
  classname = "BenchmarkResult",
  inherit = Serializable,

  public = list(
    initialize = function(run_name = NULL,
                          run_id = NULL,
                          batch_id = NULL,
                          run_reason = NULL,
                          timestamp = utc_now_iso_format(),
                          stats = NULL,
                          error = NULL,
                          validation = NULL,
                          tags = NULL,
                          info = NULL,
                          optional_benchmark_info = NULL,
                          machine_info = NULL,
                          cluster_info = NULL,
                          context = NULL,
                          github = github_info()) {
      self$run_name <- run_name
      self$run_id <- run_id
      self$batch_id <- batch_id
      self$run_reason <- run_reason
      self$timestamp <- timestamp
      self$stats <- stats
      self$error <- error
      self$validation <- validation
      self$tags <- tags
      self$info <- info
      self$optional_benchmark_info <- optional_benchmark_info
      self$machine_info <- machine_info
      self$cluster_info <- cluster_info
      self$context <- context
      self$github <- github

    to_dataframe = function(row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, packages = "arrow", ...) {
      x <- self$list

      stopifnot(c("params", "result") %in% names(x$optional_benchmark_info))

      pkgs <- x$optional_benchmark_info$params$packages
      x$optional_benchmark_info$params$packages <- NULL
      for (p in packages) {
        x$optional_benchmark_info$params[[paste0("version_", p)]] <- pkgs[p, "version"]

      to_list_col <- lengths(x$optional_benchmark_info$params) != 1L
      x$optional_benchmark_info$params[to_list_col] <- lapply(x$optional_benchmark_info$params[to_list_col], list)

      result_df <- x$optional_benchmark_info$result
      out <- dplyr::bind_cols(
        iteration = seq_len(nrow(result_df)),
      out$output <- x$optional_benchmark_info$output

      # append other fields to dataframe as attributes
      metadata_elements <- setdiff(names(x), "optional_benchmark_info")
      for (element in metadata_elements) {
        attr(out, element) <- x[[element]]


  active = list(
    run_name = function(run_name) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "run_name", value = run_name),
    run_id = function(run_id) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "run_id", value = run_id),
    batch_id = function(batch_id) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "batch_id", value = batch_id),
    run_reason = function(run_reason) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "run_reason", value = run_reason),
    timestamp = function(timestamp) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "timestamp", value = timestamp),
    stats = function(stats) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "stats", value = stats),
    error = function(error) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "error", value = error),
    validation = function(validation) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "validation", value = validation),
    tags = function(tags) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "tags", value = tags),
    info = function(info) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "info", value = info),
    optional_benchmark_info = function(optional_benchmark_info) {
      if (!missing(optional_benchmark_info)) {
        # roundtrip data.frames
        if (!is.null(optional_benchmark_info$result)) {
          optional_benchmark_info$result <- dplyr::bind_rows(optional_benchmark_info$result)
        if (!is.null(optional_benchmark_info$params$packages)) {
          optional_benchmark_info$params$packages <- dplyr::bind_rows(optional_benchmark_info$params$packages)
        private$to_serialize[["optional_benchmark_info"]] <- optional_benchmark_info
    machine_info = function(machine_info) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "machine_info", value = machine_info),
    cluster_info = function(cluster_info) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "cluster_info", value = cluster_info),
    context = function(context) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "context", value = context),
    github = function(github) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "github", value = github),

    params_summary = function() {
      d <- self$optional_benchmark_info$params

      d$packages <- NULL

      to_list_col <- lengths(d) != 1
      d[to_list_col] <- lapply(d[to_list_col], list)

      d <- dplyr::as_tibble(d)
      d$did_error <- !is.null(self$error)

# A class for holding a set of benchmark results
# This class is primarily a list of `BenchmarkResult` instances, one for each
# combination of arguments for the benchmark's parameters. The list is accessible
# via the `$results` active binding.
# An instance can be passed to `as.data.frame()` and `get_params_summary()`, the
# returns of which are simply what would be returned from the `$to_dataframe()`
# method and the `$params_summary` active binding.
# Can be serialized to JSON, though as of writing is not anywhere programmatically.
BenchmarkResults <- R6Point1Class(
  classname = "BenchmarkResults",
  inherit = Serializable,

  public = list(
    initialize = function(results) {
      self$results <- results
    to_dataframe = function(row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...) {
        purrr::possibly(~.x$to_dataframe(...), otherwise = list())

  active = list(
    results = function(results) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "results", value = results),

    params_summary = function() {
      purrr::map_dfr(self$results, ~.x$params_summary)

#' Convert benchmark result object to a tidy data frame
#' @param x a benchmark result object or list of them as returned by [run_one()] or [run_benchmark()]
#' @param row.names for generic consistency
#' @param optional for generic consistency
#' @param ... additional arguments passed on to methods for individual results.
#' `packages` is the only currently supported argument.
#' @return A data.frame suitable for analysis in R
#' @export
as.data.frame.BenchmarkResults <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...) {
  x$to_dataframe(row.names = row.names, optional = optional, ...)

#' @param packages Packages for which to extract versions
#' @rdname as.data.frame.BenchmarkResults
#' @export
as.data.frame.BenchmarkResult <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, packages = "arrow", ...) {
  x$to_dataframe(row.names = row.names, optional = optional, packages = packages, ...)

# A class for holding metadata on a benchmark run
# Because this class inherits from `Serializable`, it can be written to and
# instantiated from JSON forms.
# All attributes are active bindings so that validation can be run when they are
# set, whether during or after instantiation.
BenchmarkRun <- R6Point1Class(
  classname = "BenchmarkRun",
  inherit = Serializable,

  public = list(
    initialize = function(
      name = NULL,
      id = NULL,
      reason = NULL,
      info = NULL,
      machine_info = NULL,
      cluster_info = NULL,
      github = github_info(),
      finished_timestamp = NULL,
      error_type = NULL,
      error_info = NULL
    ) {
      self$name <- name
      self$id <- id
      self$reason <- reason
      self$info <- info
      self$machine_info <- machine_info
      self$cluster_info <- cluster_info
      self$github <- github
      self$finished_timestamp <- finished_timestamp
      self$error_type <- error_type
      self$error_info <- error_info

  active = list(
    name = function(name) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "name", value = name),
    id = function(id) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "id", value = id),
    reason = function(reason) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "reason", value = reason),
    info = function(info) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "info", value = info),
    machine_info = function(machine_info) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "machine_info", value = machine_info),
    cluster_info = function(cluster_info) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "cluster_info", value = cluster_info),
    github = function(github) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "github", value = github),
    finished_timestamp = function(finished_timestamp) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "finished_timestamp", value = finished_timestamp),
    error_type = function(error_type) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "error_type", value = error_type),
    error_info = function(error_info) private$get_or_set_serializable(variable = "error_info", value = error_info)
ursa-labs/arrowbench documentation built on July 8, 2023, 11:36 a.m.