
###            Qools: Utilities for quantiles
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or
#  any later version.
#  This program is distributed without any warranty,
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

".onAttach" <- function(lib, pkg) {
    if(interactive() || getOption("verbose"))
	packageStartupMessage(sprintf("Package %s (%s) loaded. Type citation(\"%s\") on how to cite this package\n", pkg,
		packageDescription(pkg)$Version, pkg))

### Sample quantiles

# mid-CDF

midecdf <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE){

if(!na.rm && any(is.na(x))) 
if(na.rm && any(ii <- is.na(x))) 
	x <- x[!ii]
	x <- sort(x)

n <- length(x)
if (n < 1) 
	stop("'x' must have 1 or more non-missing values")
xo <- unique(x)

pmf <- as.numeric(table(x)/n)
val <- list()
val$x <- xo
val$y <- ecdf(x)(xo) - 0.5*pmf
attr(val, "function") <- approxfun(val$x, val$y, method = "linear", rule = 1)


midquantile <- function(x, probs = 1:3/4, na.rm = FALSE){

if(!na.rm && any(is.na(x))) 
if(na.rm && any(ii <- is.na(x))) 
	x <- x[!ii]
if(any(c(probs < 0, probs > 1)))
	stop("the probability must be between 0 and 1")
Fn <- midecdf(x)
Qn <- approxfun(Fn$y, Fn$x, method = "linear", rule = 2)
val <- list()
val$x <- probs
val$y <- Qn(probs)
attr(val, "function") <- Qn

### Confidence intervals for unconditional quantiles

midquantile.ci <- function(x, probs = 1:3/4, level = 0.95){

if(any(!probs > 0) | any(!probs < 1)) stop("Quantile index out of range: p must be > 0 and < 1")

Fn <- midecdf(x)
Qn <- midquantile(x, probs = probs)
k <- length(probs)
n <- length(x)
p <- table(x)/n
val <- dens <- rep(NA, k)
level <- level + (1-level)/2

for(i in 1:k){
	sel <- findInterval(probs[i], Fn$y)
	if(!sel %in% c(0, length(Fn$y))){
		lambda <- (Fn$y[sel+1] - probs[i])/(Fn$y[sel+1] - Fn$y[sel]);
		val[i] <- probs[i]*(1- probs[i]) - (1 - (lambda - 1)^2)*p[sel]/4 - (1 - lambda^2)*p[sel+1]/4
		dens[i] <- 0.5*(p[sel] + p[sel+1])/(Fn$x[sel+1] - Fn$x[sel])
stderr <- sqrt(val/(n*dens^2))
LB <- Qn$y - qt(level, n - 1) * stderr
UB <- Qn$y + qt(level, n - 1) * stderr
val <- data.frame(midquantile = Qn$y, lower = LB, upper = UB)
rownames(val) <- paste0(probs*100, "%")
attr(val, "stderr") <- stderr

### Q-based statistics

qlss <- function(...) UseMethod("qlss")

qlss.numeric <- function(x, probs = 0.1, ...){

if(any(!probs > 0) | any(!probs < 0.5)) stop("Quantile index out of range: probs must be > 0 and < 0.5")
if(any(duplicated(probs))) probs <- unique(probs)
nq <- length(probs)

vec3 <- as.numeric(do.call(what = quantile, args = list(x = x, probs = 1:3/4, ...)))
Me <- vec3[2]
IQR <- vec3[3] - vec3[1]

IPR <- Ap <- Tp <- rep(NA, nq)
for(i in 1:nq){
	vecp <- as.numeric(do.call(what = quantile, args = list(x = x, probs = probs[i], ...)))
	vecq <- as.numeric(do.call(what = quantile, args = list(x = x, probs = 1 - probs[i], ...)))

	IPR[i] <- vecq - vecp
	Ap[i] <- (vecq - 2*Me + vecp)/IPR[i]
	Tp[i] <- IPR[i]/IQR
names(IPR) <- names(Ap) <- names(Tp) <- probs

val <- list(location = list(median = Me), scale = list(IQR = IQR, IPR = IPR), shape = list(skewness = Ap, shape = Tp))
class(val) <- "qlss"

qlss.default <- function(fun = "qnorm", probs = 0.1, ...){

if(any(!probs > 0) | any(!probs < 0.5)) stop("Quantile index out of range: probs must be > 0 and < 0.5")
if(any(duplicated(probs))) probs <- unique(probs)
nq <- length(probs)

vec3 <- as.numeric(do.call(what = match.fun(fun), args = list(p = 1:3/4, ...)))
Me <- vec3[2]
IQR <- vec3[3] - vec3[1]

IPR <- Ap <- Tp <- rep(NA, nq)
for(i in 1:nq){
	vecp <- as.numeric(do.call(what = match.fun(fun), args = list(p = probs[i], ...)))
	vecq <- as.numeric(do.call(what = match.fun(fun), args = list(p = 1 - probs[i], ...)))

	IPR[i] <- vecq - vecp
	Ap[i] <- (vecq - 2*Me + vecp)/IPR[i]
	Tp[i] <- IPR[i]/IQR
names(IPR) <- names(Ap) <- names(Tp) <- probs

val <- list(location = list(median = Me), scale = list(IQR = IQR, IPR = IPR), shape = list(skewness = Ap, shape = Tp))
class(val) <- "qlss"

qlssFit.rq <- function(fitLs, predictLs, ci, R, ...){

fit <- do.call(rq, args = fitLs)
predictLs <- c(list(object = fit), as.list(predictLs))
vecp <- as.matrix(do.call(predict, args = predictLs))
if(ci) Bp <- summary(fit, se = "boot", R = R, covariance = TRUE)$B

fitLs$tau <- 1-fitLs$tau
fit <- do.call(rq, args = fitLs)
predictLs$object <- fit
vecq <- as.matrix(do.call(predict, args = predictLs))
if(ci) Bq <- summary(fit, se = "boot", R = R, covariance = TRUE)$B

fitLs$tau <- 1:3/4
fit <- do.call(rq, args = fitLs)
predictLs$object <- fit
vec3 <- as.matrix(do.call(predict, args = predictLs))
if(ci) B3 <- lapply(summary(fit, se = "boot", R = R, covariance = TRUE), function(x) x$B)

Me <- as.matrix(vec3[,2])
IQR <- as.matrix(vec3[,3] - vec3[,1])

sel <- match("newdata", names(predictLs))
	newdata <- predictLs[["newdata"]]
	nn <- names(newdata)
	h <- setdiff(names(fit$model), nn)
	for(j in 1:length(h)){
		newdata[[length(newdata)+j]] <- rep(0, nrow(newdata))
	names(newdata) <- c(nn, h)
	fit$model <- newdata

IPR <- vecq - vecp
Ap <- (vecq - 2*Me + vecp)/IPR

	x <-  model.matrix(fit$formula, fit$model)
	iqr <- x%*%t(B3[[3]] - B3[[1]])
	ipr <- x%*%t(Bq - Bp)
	ap <- x%*%t((Bq - 2*B3[[2]] + Bp))/ipr
	tp <- ipr/iqr

val <- list(Me = Me, IQR = IQR, IPR = IPR, Ap = Ap, Tp = Tp)
if(ci) val$ci <- list(Me = x%*%t(B3[[2]]), IQR = iqr, IPR = ipr, Ap = ap, Tp = tp)


qlssFit.rqt <- function(fitLs, predictLs, fitQ, ci, R, ...){

tau <- fitLs$tau
fitLs$lambda <- fitLs$lambda.p
fitLs$delta <- fitLs$delta.p
fit.p <- if(fitLs$tsf == "mcjII") do.call(tsrq2, args = fitLs) else do.call(tsrq, args = fitLs)
predictLs <- c(list(object = fit.p), as.list(predictLs))
vecp <- as.matrix(do.call(predict, args = predictLs))
if(ci) Bp <- summary(fit.p, se = "boot", R = R, conditional = TRUE, covariance = TRUE)$B

fitLs$tau <- 1 - fitLs$tau
fitLs$lambda <- fitLs$lambda.q
fitLs$delta <- fitLs$delta.q
fit.q <- if(fitLs$tsf == "mcjII") do.call(tsrq2, args = fitLs) else do.call(tsrq, args = fitLs)
predictLs$object <- fit.q
vecq <- as.matrix(do.call(predict, args = predictLs))
if(ci) Bq <- summary(fit.q, se = "boot", R = R, conditional = TRUE, covariance = TRUE)$B

predictLs$object <- fitQ
vec3 <- as.matrix(do.call(predict, args = predictLs))
if(ci) B3 <- summary(fitQ, se = "boot", R = R, conditional = TRUE, covariance = TRUE)$B

Me <- as.matrix(vec3[,2])
IQR <- as.matrix(vec3[,3] - vec3[,1])

n <- if(!is.na(match("newdata", names(predictLs)))) nrow(predictLs[["newdata"]]) else nrow(fit.p$x)
mpar <- ncol(fit.p$x)

IPR <- vecq - vecp
Ap <- (vecq - 2*Me + vecp)/IPR

me <- iqr <- ipr <- ap <- tp <- matrix(NA, n, R)

	for(k in 1:R){
		predictLs$object$coefficients <- matrix(B3[k, ], nrow = mpar)
		tmp <- as.matrix(do.call(predict, args = predictLs))
		me[,k] <- tmp[,2]
		iqr[,k] <- tmp[,3] - tmp[,1]
	for(k in 1:R){
		predictLs$object <- fit.p
		predictLs$object$coefficients <- matrix(Bp[k, ], nrow = mpar)
		tmp <- as.matrix(do.call(predict, args = predictLs))

		predictLs$object <- fit.q
		predictLs$object$coefficients <- matrix(Bq[k, ], nrow = mpar)
		tmq <- as.matrix(do.call(predict, args = predictLs))
		ipr[,k] <- tmq - tmp
		ap[,k] <- (tmq - 2*me[,k] + tmp)/ipr[,k]
		tp[,k] <- ipr[,k]/iqr[,k]

val <- list(Me = Me, IQR = IQR, IPR = IPR, Ap = Ap, Tp = Tp)
if(ci) val$ci <- list(Me = me, IQR = iqr, IPR = ipr, Ap = ap, Tp = tp)



qlss.formula <- function(formula, data, type = "rq", tsf = NULL, symm = TRUE, dbounded = FALSE, lambda.p = NULL, delta.p = NULL, lambda.q = NULL, delta.q = NULL, probs = 0.1, ci = FALSE, R = 500, predictLs = NULL, ...){

if(any(!probs > 0) | any(!probs < 0.5)) stop("Quantile index out of range: probs must be > 0 and < 0.5")
if(any(duplicated(probs))) probs <- unique(probs)
if(type == "rqt" && is.null(tsf)) stop("Specify transformation in 'tsf'")
nq <- length(probs)

sel <- match("newdata", names(predictLs))
	x <- predictLs$newdata
} else {
	x <- model.matrix(formula, data)
n <- nrow(x)

if(type == "rqt"){
	if(is.null(lambda.p)) lambda.p <- rep(0, nq) else {if(length(lambda.p)!=nq) stop("'lambda.p' must be the same lenght as 'probs'")}
	if(is.null(delta.p)) delta.p <- rep(0, nq) else {if(length(delta.p)!=nq) stop("'delta.p' must be the same lenght as 'probs'")}
	if(is.null(lambda.q)) lambda.q <- rep(0, nq) else {if(length(lambda.q)!=nq) stop("'lambda.q' must be the same lenght as 'probs'")}
	if(is.null(delta.q)) delta.q <- rep(0, nq) else {if(length(delta.q)!=nq) stop("'delta.q' must be the same lenght as 'probs'")}

fitLs <- list(formula = formula, data = data, method = "fn")
fitLs <- c(fitLs, list(...))

Me <- IQR <- IPR <- Ap <- Tp <- matrix(NA, n, nq)
CI <- list(Me = list(), IQR = list(), IPR = list(), Ap = list(), Tp = list())

for(i in 1:nq){

	if(type == "rqt"){
		fitLs$tsf <- tsf
		fitLs$symm <- symm
		fitLs$dbounded <- dbounded
		fitLs$tau <- 1:3/4
		fitLs$lambda <- rep(lambda.p[i], 3)
		fitLs$delta <- rep(delta.p[i], 3)
		fitLs$conditional <- TRUE
		fitQ <- if(tsf == "mcjII") do.call(tsrq2, args = fitLs) else do.call(tsrq, args = fitLs)

	fitLs$tau <- probs[i]
	if(type == "rqt"){
		fitLs$lambda.p <- lambda.p[i]
		fitLs$delta.p <- delta.p[i]
		fitLs$lambda.q <- lambda.q[i]
		fitLs$delta.q <- delta.q[i]

	tmp <- switch(type,
		rq = qlssFit.rq(fitLs, predictLs, ci = ci, R = R),
		rqt = qlssFit.rqt(fitLs, predictLs, fitQ, ci = ci, R = R)

	Me[,i] <- tmp$Me
	IQR[,i] <- tmp$IQR
	IPR[,i] <- tmp$IPR
	Ap[,i] <- tmp$Ap
	Tp[,i] <- tmp$Tp

	if (ci){
		CI$Me[[i]] <- tmp$ci$Me
		CI$IQR[[i]] <- tmp$ci$IQR
		CI$IPR[[i]] <- tmp$ci$IPR
		CI$Ap[[i]] <- tmp$ci$Ap
		CI$Tp[[i]] <- tmp$ci$Tp

val <- list(location = list(median = Me), scale = list(IQR = IQR, IPR = IPR), shape = list(skewness = Ap, shape = Tp))
if(ci) val$CI <- CI

class(val) <- "qlss"


plot.qlss <- function(x, z, which = 1, ci = FALSE, level = 0.95, type = "l", ...){

level <- level + (1-level)/2

sdtrim <- function(u, trim = 0.05){
sel1 <- u > quantile(u, probs = trim/2, na.rm = TRUE)
sel2 <- u < quantile(u, probs = 1-trim/2, na.rm = TRUE)
sd(u[sel1 & sel2])

r <- order(z)
n <- length(z)
	if(is.null(x$CI)) stop("Use 'qlss' with 'ci = TRUE' first.") else 
		CI <- x$CI
		#Meq <- t(apply(CI$Me[[which]], 1, function(x) quantile(x, probs = level)))
		tmp <- qt(level, n - 1) * apply(CI$Me[[which]], 1, sdtrim)
		Meq <- cbind(x$location$median[,which] - tmp, x$location$median[,which] + tmp)
		#IQRq <- t(apply(CI$IQR[[which]], 1, function(x) quantile(x, probs = level)))
		tmp <- qt(level, n - 1) * apply(CI$IQR[[which]], 1, sdtrim)
		IQRq <- cbind(x$scale$IQR[,which] - tmp, x$scale$IQR[,which] + tmp)
		#Apq <- t(apply(CI$Ap[[which]], 1, function(x) quantile(x, probs = level)))
		tmp <- qt(level, n - 1) * apply(CI$Ap[[which]], 1, sdtrim)
		Apq <- cbind(x$shape$skewness[,which] - tmp, x$shape$skewness[,which] + tmp)
		Apq[Apq > 1] <- 1
		Apq[Apq < -1] <- -1
		#Tpq <- t(apply(CI$Tp[[which]], 1, function(x) quantile(x, probs = level)))
		tmp <- qt(level, n - 1) * apply(CI$Tp[[which]], 1, sdtrim)
		Tpq <- cbind(x$shape$shape[,which] - tmp, x$shape$shape[,which] + tmp)

	yl1 <- range(c(x$location$median[,which],Meq))
	yl2 <- range(c(x$scale$IQR[,which],IQRq))
	yl3 <- range(c(x$shape$skewness[,which],Apq))
	yl4 <- range(c(x$shape$shape[,which],Tpq))
} else {
	yl1 <- range(c(x$location$median[,which]))
	yl2 <- range(c(x$scale$IQR[,which]))
	yl3 <- range(c(x$shape$skewness[,which]))
	yl4 <- range(c(x$shape$shape[,which]))

par(mfrow = c(2,2))
plot(z[r], x$location$median[r,which], ylab = "Median", type = type, ylim = yl1, ...)
abline(h = 0, col = grey(.5))
lines(z[r], Meq[r,1], lty = 2, ...)
lines(z[r], Meq[r,2], lty = 2, ...)

plot(z[r], x$scale$IQR[r,which], ylab = "IQR", type = type, ylim = yl2, ...)
abline(h = 0, col = grey(.5))
lines(z[r], IQRq[r,1], lty = 2, ...)
lines(z[r], IQRq[r,2], lty = 2, ...)

plot(z[r], x$shape$skewness[r,which], ylab = "Skewness", type = type, ylim = yl3, ...)
abline(h = 0, col = grey(.5))
lines(z[r], Apq[r,1], lty = 2, ...)
lines(z[r], Apq[r,2], lty = 2, ...)

plot(z[r], x$shape$shape[r,which], ylab = "Shape", type = type, ylim = yl4, ...)
abline(h = 0, col = grey(.5))
lines(z[r], Tpq[r,1], lty = 2, ...)
lines(z[r], Tpq[r,2], lty = 2, ...)


### Transformation models

# base transformation functions

powerbase <- function(x, lambda){
(x^(lambda) - 1)/lambda

invpowerbase <- function(x, lambda, replace = TRUE){
sx <- if(replace) 0 else NA
val <- (lambda*x + 1)^(1/lambda)
val[(lambda*x + 1) <= 0] <- sx

powrecbase <- function(x, lambda){
1/(2*lambda) * (x^lambda - x^(-lambda))

# Logit transformation
logit <- function(theta, omega = 0.001){
if(any(theta < 0) | any(theta > 1)) stop("theta outside interval")
theta[theta == 0] <- omega
theta[theta == 1] <- 1-omega
val <- log(theta/(1-theta))

# Inverse logit transformation
invlogit <- function(x){
val <- exp(x)/(1 + exp(x))
val[val < 0] <- 0
val[val > 1] <- 1

# c-log-log transformation
cloglog <- function(theta, omega = 0.001){
if(any(theta < 0) | any(theta > 1)) stop("theta outside interval")
theta[theta == 0] <- omega
theta[theta == 1] <- 1-omega
val <- log(-log(1 - theta))

# inverse c-log-log transformation
invcloglog <- function(x){
val <- 1 - exp(-exp(x))

# Proposal I (one parameter)

mcjI <- function(x, lambda, symm = TRUE, dbounded = FALSE, omega = 0.001){

	if(any(x < 0) | any(x > 1)) stop("x outside interval")
	x[x == 0] <- omega
	x[x == 1] <- 1 - omega
} else {
	if(any(x <= 0)) stop("x must be strictly positive")

		x <- x/(1-x)
	} else {
		x <- -log(1-x)
} else {
		x <- log(1+x)

if(lambda != 0){
	val <-  powrecbase(x, lambda)
	} else {val <- log(x)}



# Inverse proposal I (one parameter)

invmcjI <- function(x, lambda, symm = TRUE, dbounded = FALSE){

		if(lambda != 0){
				x <- lambda*x
				y <- (x + sqrt(1 + x^2))^(1/lambda)
				val <- y/(1+y)
			} else {
			val <- invlogit(x)
	} else {
		if(lambda != 0){
				x <- lambda*x
				val <- (x + sqrt(1 + x^2))^(1/lambda)
				val <- 1 - exp(-val)
			} else {
			val <- invcloglog(x)
else {
	if(lambda != 0){
		x <- lambda*x
		val <- (x + sqrt(1 + x^2))^(1/lambda)
	} else {val <- exp(x)}

		val <- exp(val) - 1


# Proposal II (two parameters)

mcjII <- function(x, lambda, delta, dbounded = FALSE, omega = 0.001){

	if(any(x < 0) | any(x > 1)) stop("x outside interval")
	x[x == 0] <- omega
	x[x == 1] <- 1 - omega
} else {
	if(any(x <= 0)) stop("x must be strictly positive")

if(lambda == 0){
	lambda <- 1e-10
if(delta == 0){
	delta <- 1e-10

	x <- ((1-x)^(-delta) - 1)/delta
	val <- powrecbase(x, lambda)
else {
	x <- x/(1+x)
	x <- ((1-x)^(-delta) - 1)/delta
	val <- powrecbase(x, lambda)



# Inverse proposal II (two parameters)

invmcjII <- function(x, lambda, delta, dbounded = FALSE){

if(lambda == 0){
	lambda <- 1e-10
if(delta == 0){
	delta <- 1e-10

	x <- lambda*x
	val <- (x + sqrt(1 + x^2))^(1/lambda)
	val <- 1 - (val*delta + 1)^(-1/delta)
else {
	x <- lambda*x
	val <- (x + sqrt(1 + x^2))^(1/lambda)
	val <- 1 - (val*delta + 1)^(-1/delta)
	val <- val/(1-val)


# Aranda-Ordaz transformation (symmetric and asymmetric)

ao <- function(theta, lambda, symm = TRUE, omega = 0.001){
if(any(theta < 0) | any(theta > 1)) stop("theta outside interval")
theta[theta == 0] <- omega
theta[theta == 1] <- 1 - omega

	if(lambda != 0){
	val <- (2/lambda)* ((theta^lambda) - (1-theta)^lambda)/((theta^lambda) + (1-theta)^lambda)
	} else {
	val <- logit(theta)
} else {
	if(lambda != 0){
	val <- log(((1-theta)^(-lambda) - 1)/lambda)
	} else {
	val <- cloglog(theta)



# Inverse Aranda-Ordaz transformation (symmetric and asymmetric)

invao <- function(x, lambda, symm  = TRUE, replace = TRUE){
sx <- if(replace) 0 else NA
dx <- if(replace) 1 else NA

	if(lambda != 0){
		y <- (lambda*x/2)
		a <- (1 + y)^(1/lambda)
		b <- (1 - y)^(1/lambda)
		val <- rep(dx, length(x))
		val <- ifelse(abs(y) < 1, a/(a + b), val)
		val[y <= -1] <- sx
	} else {val <- invlogit(x)}
} else {
	if(lambda != 0){
		y <- lambda*exp(x)
		val <- ifelse(y > -1, 1 - (1 + y)^(-1/lambda), 1)
	} else {val <- invcloglog(x)}


# Box-Cox transformation

bc <- function(x, lambda){
if(any(x <= 0)) stop("x must be strictly positive")
val <- if(lambda != 0) powerbase(x, lambda) else log(x)

# Inverse Box-Cox transformation

invbc <- function(x, lambda, replace = TRUE){

val <- if(lambda != 0) invpowerbase(x, lambda, replace = replace) else exp(x)

# Mapping from x.r[1],x.r[2] to 0,1

map <- function(x, x.r = NULL){
if(is.null(x.r)) x.r <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
theta <- (x - x.r[1])/(x.r[2] - x.r[1])
attr(theta, "range") <- x.r

# Mapping from 0,1 to x.r[1],x.r[2]

invmap <- function(x, x.r = NULL){

if(is.null(x.r)) x.r <- attr(x, "range")

(x.r[2] - x.r[1]) * x + x.r[1]


# L1-norm and residual cusum loss functions
l1Loss <- function(x, tau, weights){

ind <- ifelse(x < 0, 1, 0)
sum(weights * x * (tau - ind))/sum(weights)


rcLoss <- function(lambda, x, y, tsf, symm = TRUE, dbounded = FALSE, tau = 0.5, method.rq = "fn"){

if(length(tau) > 1) stop("One quantile at a time")
n <- length(y)
out <- rep(NA, n)

z <- switch(tsf,
	mcjI = mcjI(y, lambda, symm, dbounded, omega = 0.001),
	bc = bc(y, lambda),
	ao = ao(y, lambda, symm, omega = 0.001)

Rfun <- function(x, t, e) mean(apply(x, 1, function(xj,t) all(xj <= t), t = t) * e)

fit <- try(rq(z ~ x - 1, tau = tau, method = method.rq), silent = T)

	e <- as.numeric(fit$residuals <= 0)
	#out <- apply(x, 1, function(t, z, e) Rfun(z, t, e), z = x, e = tau - e)
	for(i in 1:n){
	#out[i] <- mean(apply(x, 1, function(x,t) all(x <= t), t = x[i,]) * (tau - e))
	out[i] <- mean(apply(t(x) <= x[i,], 2, function(x) all(x)) * (tau - e))	



# One-parameter transformations (MCJI, Box-Cox, Aranda-Ordaz)

# Two-stage estimator

tsrq <- function(formula, tsf = "mcjI", symm = TRUE, dbounded = FALSE, lambda = NULL, conditional = FALSE, tau = 0.5, data, subset, weights, na.action, method = "fn", ...){

if(any(tau <= 0) | any(tau >= 1)) stop("Quantile index out of range")
if(any(duplicated(tau))) tau <- unique(tau)

nq <- length(tau)

call <- match.call()
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
if(!is.data.frame(data)) stop("`data' must be a data frame")
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
x <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
y <-  y.old <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
w <- if (missing(weights)) rep(1, length(y)) else weights

if(tsf == "mcjII") stop("For two-parameter transformations, see 'tsrq2' and 'nlrq2'")
isBounded <- (tsf == "mcjI" && dbounded)
isBounded <- tsf == "ao" || isBounded
if(isBounded) y <- map(y)

if(is.null(lambda) && !conditional){
	lambda <- if(tsf == "ao" & symm == FALSE) seq(-2, 2, by = 0.005)
		else seq(0, 2, by = 0.005)
nl <- length(lambda)

n <- length(y)
p <- ncol(x)

zhat <- res <- array(NA, dim = c(n, nq, nl))
matLoss <- rejected <- matrix(NA, nq, nl)
Ind <- array(NA, dim = c(n, nq, nl))

f.tmp <- update.formula(formula, newresponse ~ .)
data.tmp <- data
	data.tmp <- subset(data, subset)

	for(i in 1:nl){

	# transform response
	data.tmp$newresponse <- switch(tsf,
		mcjI = mcjI(y, lambda[i], symm, dbounded, omega = 0.001),
		bc = bc(y, lambda[i]),
		ao = ao(y, lambda[i], symm, omega = 0.001)

	# estimate linear QR for a sequence of lambdas
		for(j in 1:nq){
		fit <- try(do.call(rq, args = list(formula = f.tmp, data = data.tmp, tau = tau[j], method = method, weights = w)), silent = TRUE)
			zhat[,j,i] <- predict(fit)
			Fitted <- switch(tsf,
				mcjI = invmcjI(zhat[,j,i], lambda[i], symm, dbounded),
				bc = invbc(zhat[,j,i], lambda[i]),
				ao = invao(zhat[,j,i], lambda[i], symm),
			res <- y - Fitted
			if(tsf == "bc"){
				FLAG <- lambda[i]*zhat[,j,i] + 1 > 0
				Ind[,j,i] <- FLAG
				rejected[j,i] <- mean(!FLAG)

			if(tsf == "ao" & symm == TRUE){
				FLAG <- abs(lambda[i]*zhat[,j,i]/2) - 1 < 0
				Ind[,j,i] <- FLAG
				rejected[j,i] <- mean(!FLAG)
			matLoss[j,i] <- l1Loss(res, tau = tau[j], weights = w)
	if(all(is.na(matLoss))) return(list(call = call, y = y, x = x))
	# minimise for lambda
	lambdahat <- apply(matLoss, 1, function(x, lambda) lambda[which.min(x)], lambda = lambda)
} else {
	if(is.null(lambda)) stop("Must specify value for 'lambda' when 'conditional = TRUE'")
	if(length(lambda) != nq) stop("Length of 'lambda' must be the same as length of 'tau'")
	lambdahat <- lambda

betahat <- matrix(NA, p, nq)
colnames(betahat) <- tau
Fitted <- matrix(NA, n, nq)
colnames(Fitted) <- tau
fit <- list()

for(j in 1:nq){
# transform response with optimal lambda
data.tmp$newresponse <- switch(tsf,
	mcjI = mcjI(y, lambdahat[j], symm, dbounded, omega = 0.001),
	bc = bc(y, lambdahat[j]),
	ao = ao(y, lambdahat[j], symm, omega = 0.001)
fit[[j]] <- try(do.call(rq, args = list(formula = f.tmp, data = data.tmp, tau = tau[j], method = method, weights = w)), silent = TRUE)

	betahat[,j] <- coefficients(fit[[j]])
	tmp <- x%*%matrix(betahat[,j])
	Fitted[,j] <- switch(tsf,
		mcjI = invmcjI(tmp, lambdahat[j], symm, dbounded),
		bc = invbc(tmp, lambdahat[j]),
		ao = invao(tmp, lambdahat[j], symm)


	Fitted <- apply(Fitted, 2, function(x,x.r) invmap(x, x.r), x.r = range(y.old))

dimnames(betahat) <- list(dimnames(x)[[2]], paste("tau =", format(round(tau, 3))))
names(lambdahat) <- paste("tau =", format(round(tau, 3)))

fit$call <- call
fit$method <- method
fit$mf <- mf
fit$y <- y.old
if(isBounded) fit$theta <- y
fit$x <- x
fit$weights <- w
fit$tau <- tau
fit$lambda <- lambdahat
fit$lambda.grid <- if(conditional) NULL else lambda
fit$tsf <- tsf
attr(fit$tsf, "symm") <- symm
attr(fit$tsf, "dbounded") <- dbounded
attr(fit$tsf, "isBounded") <- isBounded
attr(fit$tsf, "npar") <- 1
fit$objective <- matLoss
fit$optimum <- apply(matLoss, 1, function(x) x[which.min(x)])
fit$coefficients <- betahat
fit$fitted.values <- drop(Fitted)
fit$rejected <- rejected
fit$terms <- mt
fit$term.labels <- colnames(x)
fit$rdf <- n - p - 1
class(fit) <- "rqt"

# Cusum process estimator

rcrq <- function(formula, tsf = "mcjI", symm = TRUE, dbounded = FALSE, lambda = NULL, tau = 0.5, data, subset, weights, na.action, method = "fn", ...){

if(any(tau <= 0) | any(tau >= 1)) stop("Quantile index out of range")
if(any(duplicated(tau))) tau <- unique(tau)

nq <- length(tau)

call <- match.call()
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
if(!is.data.frame(data)) stop("`data' must be a data frame")
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
x <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
y <-  y.old <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
w <- if (missing(weights)) rep(1, length(y)) else weights

if(tsf == "mcjII") stop("For two-parameter transformations, see 'tsrq2' and 'nlrq2'")
isBounded <- (tsf == "mcjI" && dbounded)
isBounded <- tsf == "ao" || isBounded
if(isBounded) y <- map(y)

	lambda <- if(tsf == "ao" & symm == FALSE) seq(-2, 2, by = 0.05)
		else seq(0, 2, by = 0.05)

n <- length(y)
p <- ncol(x)
nl <- length(lambda)

zhat <- res <- array(NA, dim = c(n, nq, nl))
matLoss <- rejected <- matrix(NA, nq, nl)
Ind <- array(NA, dim = c(n, nq, nl))

for(i in 1:nl){

# estimate linear QR for for sequence of lambdas

	for(j in 1:nq){
	matLoss[j,i] <- rcLoss(lambda[i], x, y, tsf, symm = symm, dbounded = dbounded, tau = tau[j], method.rq = method)


if(all(is.na(matLoss))) return(list(call = call, y = y, x = x))

# minimise for lambda
lambdahat <- apply(matLoss, 1, function(x, lambda) lambda[which.min(x)], lambda = lambda)

betahat <- matrix(NA, p, nq)
colnames(betahat) <- tau
Fitted <- matrix(NA, n, nq)
colnames(Fitted) <- tau
fit <- list()

f.tmp <- update.formula(formula, newresponse ~ .)
data.tmp <- data
	data.tmp <- subset(data, subset)

for(j in 1:nq){
# transform response with optimal lambda
data.tmp$newresponse <- switch(tsf,
	mcjI = mcjI(y, lambdahat[j], symm, dbounded, omega = 0.001),
	bc = bc(y, lambdahat[j]),
	ao = ao(y, lambdahat[j], symm, omega = 0.001)

fit[[j]] <- try(do.call(rq, args = list(formula = f.tmp, data = data.tmp, tau = tau[j], method = method, weights = w)), silent = TRUE)

	betahat[,j] <- coefficients(fit[[j]])
	tmp <- x%*%matrix(betahat[,j])
	Fitted[,j] <- switch(tsf,
		mcjI = invmcjI(tmp, lambdahat[j], symm, dbounded),
		bc = invbc(tmp, lambdahat[j]),
		ao = invao(tmp, lambdahat[j], symm))


	Fitted <- apply(Fitted, 2, function(x,x.r) invmap(x, x.r), x.r = range(y.old))

dimnames(betahat) <- list(dimnames(x)[[2]], paste("tau =", format(round(tau, 3))))
names(lambdahat) <- paste("tau =", format(round(tau, 3)))

fit$call <- call
fit$method <- method
fit$mf <- mf
fit$y <- y.old
if(isBounded) fit$theta <- y
fit$x <- x
fit$weights <- w
fit$tau <- tau
fit$lambda <- lambdahat
fit$lambda.grid <- lambda
fit$tsf <- tsf
attr(fit$tsf, "symm") <- symm
attr(fit$tsf, "dbounded") <- dbounded
attr(fit$tsf, "isBounded") <- isBounded
attr(fit$tsf, "npar") <- 1
fit$objective <- matLoss
fit$optimum <- apply(matLoss, 1, function(x) x[which.min(x)])
fit$coefficients <- betahat
fit$fitted.values <- drop(Fitted)
fit$rejected <- rejected
fit$terms <- mt
fit$term.labels <- colnames(x)
fit$rdf <- n - p - 1
class(fit) <- "rqt"


# Two-parameter transformations (MCJII)

# Two-stage estimator

tsrq2 <- function(formula, dbounded = FALSE, lambda = NULL, delta = NULL, conditional = FALSE, tau = 0.5, data, subset, weights, na.action, method = "fn", ...){

if(any(tau <= 0) | any(tau >= 1)) stop("Quantile index out of range")
if(any(duplicated(tau))) tau <- unique(tau)

call <- match.call()
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action"), 
	names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
mf <- eval.parent(mf)
if (method == "model.frame") 
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
y <- y.old <- model.response(mf)
w <- if (missing(weights)) rep(1, length(y)) else weights
x <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
if(dbounded) y <- map(y)

if(is.null(lambda) && !conditional){
	lambda <- seq(0, 2, by = 0.005)
if(is.null(delta) && !conditional){
	delta <- seq(0, 2, by = 0.005)
nl <- length(lambda)
nd <- length(delta)

n <- length(y)
p <- ncol(x)
nq <- length(tau)

matLoss <- array(NA, dim = c(nl, nd, nq), dimnames = list(lambda = 1:nl, delta = 1:nd, tau = tau))

f.tmp <- update.formula(formula, newresponse ~ .)
data.tmp <- data
	data.tmp <- subset(data, subset)

	for(k in 1:nd){
		for(i in 1:nl){
		# transform response
		data.tmp$newresponse <- mcjII(y, lambda[i], delta[k], dbounded, omega = 0.001)
			for(j in 1:nq){
			fit <- try(do.call(rq, args = list(formula = f.tmp, data = data.tmp, tau = tau[j], method = method, weights = w)), silent = TRUE)
				Fitted <- invmcjII(predict(fit), lambda[i], delta[k], dbounded)
				matLoss[i,k,j] <- l1Loss(y - Fitted, tau = tau[j], weights = w)

	if(all(is.na(matLoss))) return(list(call = call, y = y, x = x))
	# minimise for lambda
	parhat <- apply(matLoss, 3, function(x, lambda, delta){
	m <- which(x == min(x, na.rm = TRUE), arr.ind = TRUE)[1,];
	return(c(lambda[m[1]], delta[m[2]]))}, lambda = lambda, delta = delta)
} else {
	if(is.null(lambda)) stop("Must specify value for 'lambda' when 'conditional = TRUE'")
	if(length(lambda) != nq) stop("Length of 'lambda' must be the same as length of 'tau'")
	if(is.null(delta)) stop("Must specify value for 'delta' when 'conditional = TRUE'")
	if(length(delta) != nq) stop("Length of 'delta' must be the same as length of 'tau'")
	parhat <- matrix(c(lambda, delta), ncol = nq, byrow = TRUE)

betahat <- matrix(NA, p, nq)
Fitted <- matrix(NA, n, nq)
colnames(Fitted) <- tau

fit <- list()

for(j in 1:nq){
# transform response with optimal lambda
data.tmp$newresponse <- mcjII(y, parhat[1,j], parhat[2,j], dbounded, omega = 0.001)
fit[[j]] <- try(do.call(rq, args = list(formula = f.tmp, data = data.tmp, tau = tau[j], method = method, weights = w)), silent = TRUE)
	betahat[,j] <- coefficients(fit[[j]])
	Fitted[,j] <- invmcjII(x%*%matrix(betahat[,j]), parhat[1,j], parhat[2,j], dbounded)

	Fitted <- apply(Fitted, 2, function(x,x.r) invmap(x, x.r), x.r = range(y.old))

dimnames(betahat) <- list(dimnames(x)[[2]], paste("tau =", format(round(tau, 3))))
dimnames(parhat) <- list(c("lambda","delta"), paste("tau =", format(round(tau, 3))))

fit$call <- call
fit$method <- method
fit$mf <- mf
fit$y <- y.old
if(dbounded) fit$theta <- y
fit$x <- x
fit$weights <- w
fit$tau <- tau
fit$eta <- parhat
fit$lambda.grid <- if(conditional) NULL else lambda
fit$delta.grid <- if(conditional) NULL else delta
fit$tsf <- "mcjII"
attr(fit$tsf, "dbounded") <- dbounded
attr(fit$tsf, "isBounded") <- dbounded
attr(fit$tsf, "npar") <- 2
fit$objective <- matLoss
fit$optimum <- if(conditional) NA else apply(matLoss, 3, function(x){m <- which(x == min(x, na.rm = TRUE), arr.ind = TRUE)[1,];return(x[m[1],m[2]])})
fit$coefficients <- betahat
fit$fitted.values <- drop(Fitted)
fit$terms <- mt
fit$term.labels <- colnames(x)
fit$rdf <- n - p - 2
class(fit) <- "rqt"

# Nelder-Mead optimization (joint estimation)

nlrq2 <- function(formula, par = NULL, dbounded = FALSE, tau = 0.5, data, subset, weights, na.action, ...){

if(any(tau <= 0) | any(tau >= 1)) stop("Quantile index out of range")
if(any(duplicated(tau))) tau <- unique(tau)

call <- match.call()
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action"), 
	names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
mf <- eval.parent(mf)
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
y <- y.old <- model.response(mf)
x <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
w <- if (missing(weights)) rep(1, length(y)) else weights
if(dbounded) y <- map(y)

n <- length(y)
p <- ncol(x)
nq <- length(tau)

if(is.null(par)) par <- rep(0, p + 2)

f <- function(theta, data){
	beta <- matrix(theta[-c(1:2)])
	if(theta[2] < 0) return(Inf)
	Fitted <- invmcjII(data$x %*% beta, lambda = theta[1], delta = theta[2], dbounded = data$dbounded)
	return(l1Loss(data$y - Fitted, tau = data$tau, weights = data$weights))

fit <- list()
betahat <- matrix(NA, p, nq)
parhat <- matrix(NA, 2, nq)
Fitted <- matrix(NA, n, nq)

for(j in 1:nq){
	fit[[j]] <- try(optim(par = par, fn = f, method = "Nelder-Mead", data = list(x = x, y = y, dbounded = dbounded, tau = tau[j], weights = w)), silent = T)

		betahat[,j] <- fit[[j]]$par[-c(1:2)]
		parhat[,j] <- c(fit[[j]]$par[1], fit[[j]]$par[2])
		Fitted[,j] <- invmcjII(x %*% matrix(betahat[,j]), parhat[1,j], parhat[2,j], dbounded)

	Fitted <- apply(Fitted, 2, function(x,x.r) invmap(x, x.r), x.r = range(y.old))

dimnames(betahat) <- list(dimnames(x)[[2]], paste("tau =", format(round(tau, 3))))
dimnames(parhat) <- list(c("lambda","delta"), paste("tau =", format(round(tau, 3))))

fit$call <- call
fit$method <- "Nelder-Mead"
fit$mf <- mf
fit$y <- y.old
if(dbounded) fit$theta <- y
fit$x <- x
fit$weights <- w
fit$tau <- tau
fit$eta <- parhat
fit$tsf <- "mcjII"
attr(fit$tsf, "dbounded") <- dbounded
attr(fit$tsf, "isBounded") <- dbounded
attr(fit$tsf, "npar") <- 2
fit$coefficients <- betahat
fit$fitted.values <- drop(Fitted)
fit$terms <- mt
fit$term.labels <- colnames(x)
fit$rdf <- n - p - 2
class(fit) <- "rqt"

# Print, summary, bootstrap, predict, fitted for class rqt

print.rqt <- function(x, ...){

if (!is.null(cl <- x$call)) {
type <- if(attr(x$tsf, "isBounded")) "(doubly bounded response)" else "(singly bounded response)"
tsf <- switch(x$tsf,
	mcjI = "Proposal I",
	bc = "Box-Cox",
	ao = "Aranda-Ordaz",
	mcjII = "Proposal II")
if(x$tsf %in% c("mcjI", "ao")){
	tsf <- paste(tsf, if(attr(x$tsf, "symm"))
	"symmetric" else "asymmetric")
tsf <- paste(tsf, "transformation", type)

cat(tsf, "\n")
cat("\nOptimal transformation parameter:\n")
if(x$tsf == "mcjII") print(x$eta) else print(x$lambda)

coef <- x$coefficients
cat("\nCoefficients linear model (transformed scale):\n")
print(coef, ...)

nobs <- length(x$y)
p <- ncol(x$x)
rdf <- nobs - p
cat("\nDegrees of freedom:", nobs, "total;", rdf, "residual\n")
if (!is.null(attr(x, "na.message"))) 
	cat(attr(x, "na.message"), "\n")

predict.rqt <- function(object, newdata, na.action = na.pass, type = "response", ...){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
tsf <- object$tsf
symm <- attributes(tsf)$symm
dbounded <- attributes(tsf)$dbounded
isBounded <- attributes(tsf)$isBounded
if(tsf == "mcjII"){
	etahat <- object$eta
} else {
	lambdahat <- object$lambda
betahat <- object$coefficients

if(missing(newdata)) {x <- object$x} else {
	objt <- terms(object)
	Terms <- delete.response(objt)
	m <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, na.action = na.action, 
		xlev = object$levels)
	if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses"))) 
		.checkMFClasses(cl, m)
	x <- model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts.arg = object$contrasts)

linpred <- x %*% betahat

Fitted <- matrix(NA, nrow(linpred), ncol(linpred))
if(type == "link"){
	if(!missing(newdata)) attr(linpred, "x") <- x

if(tsf == "mcjII"){
	for(j in 1:nq){
		Fitted[,j] <- invmcjII(x = linpred[,j], lambda = etahat['lambda',j], delta = etahat['delta',j], dbounded = dbounded)
} else {
	for(j in 1:nq){
		Fitted[,j] <- switch(tsf,
			mcjI = invmcjI(linpred[,j], lambdahat[j], symm, dbounded),
			bc = invbc(linpred[,j], lambdahat[j]),
			ao = invao(linpred[,j], lambdahat[j], symm))

	Fitted <- apply(Fitted, 2, function(x,x.r) invmap(x, x.r), x.r = range(object$y))

if(!missing(newdata)) attr(Fitted, "x") <- x



boot.rqt <- function(data, inds, object){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
all.obs <- rownames(object$x)
n <- length(all.obs)
flag <- !object$tsf %in% c("mcjII")
nn <- if(flag) c(object$term.labels, "lambda") else c(object$term.labels, "lambda", "delta")

if(nq == 1){
	fit <- update(object, data = data[inds,])
	val <- fit$coefficients
	val <- if(flag) c(val, fit$lambda) else c(val, fit$eta)
} else {
	fit <- update(object, data = data[inds,])
	val <- fit$coefficients
	val <- if(flag) rbind(val, fit$lambda) else rbind(val, fit$eta)

val <- as.vector(val)
names(val) <- rep(nn, nq)


summary.rqt <- function(object, alpha = 0.05, se = "boot", R = 50, sim = "ordinary", stype = "i", conditional = FALSE, ...){

call <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
mpar <- ncol(object$x)
ntot <- mpar + attr(object$tsf, "npar")
if(mpar == 1) object$mf$intercept <- 1

flag <- (!conditional) && (se %in% c("iid","nid"))
if(object$tsf == "mcjII" && flag)  stop("Summary not available. Change to 'se = boot' or 'conditional = TRUE'.")

	ans <- list()
	B <- NULL
	for(j in 1:nq){
		Args <- list()
		Args$object <- object[[j]]
		Args$se <- se
		if(se == "boot") Args$R <- R
		nn <- c("covariance","hs","bsmethod","mofn","iid")
		nn <- nn[pmatch(names(call), nn, duplicates.ok = FALSE)]
		nn <- nn[!is.na(nn)]
		if(length(nn) > 0) {tmp <- as.list(call[[nn]]); names(tmp) <- nn; Args <- c(Args, tmp)}
		tmp <- do.call(summary.rq, args = Args)
		ans[[j]] <- tmp$coefficients
		if(!is.null(tmp$B)) B <- cbind(B, tmp$B)
		if(object$tsf == "mcjII") {
			tmp <- matrix(NA, nrow = 2, ncol = ncol(ans[[j]]))
			tmp[,1] <- object$eta[,j]
			rownames(tmp) <- c("lambda","delta")
		} else {
			tmp <- c(object$lambda[j], rep(NA, ncol(ans[[j]]) - 1))
			names(tmp) <- "lambda"
		ans[[j]] <- rbind(ans[[j]], tmp)
	object$B <- B
} else {
	if(se == "boot"){
		Args <- list()
		Args$data <- object$mf
		Args$statistic <- boot.rqt
		Args$object <- object
		Args$R <- R
		Args$sim <- sim
		Args$stype <- stype
		nn <- c("strata","L","m","weights","ran.gen","mle","simple","parallel","ncpus","cl")
		nn <- nn[pmatch(names(call), nn, duplicates.ok = FALSE)]
		nn <- nn[!is.na(nn)]
		if(length(nn) > 0) {tmp <- as.list(call[[nn]]); names(tmp) <- nn; Args <- c(Args, tmp)}
		B <- do.call(boot, args = Args)
		ci <- mapply(boot.ci, index = 1:(ntot*nq), MoreArgs = list(boot.out = B, conf = 1 - alpha, type = "perc"))[4,]
		ci <- t(sapply(ci, function(x) x[4:5]))

		S <- cov(B$t, use = "complete.obs")
		val <- cbind(B$t0, apply(B$t, 2L, mean, na.rm=TRUE) - B$t0, sqrt(diag(S)), ci)
		nn <- c("Value", "Bias", "Std. Error", "Lower bound", "Upper bound")
		colnames(val) <- nn
		maxn <- seq(0, ntot*nq, by = ntot)[-1]
		minn <- seq(1, ntot*nq, by = ntot)
		ans <- list()
		for(j in 1:nq){
			ans[[j]] <- val[minn[j]:maxn[j], ]
		names(ans) <- tau
		object$B <- B
	} else if(se %in% c("iid", "nid")) {
		ans <- list()
		S <- se.rqt(object, se = se)
		for(j in 1:nq){
			val <- c(object[[j]]$coefficients, lambda = object$lambda[j])
			val <- cbind(val, sqrt(diag(S[,,j])), val - sqrt(diag(S[,,j]))*qnorm(1-alpha/2), val + sqrt(diag(S[,,j]))*qnorm(1-alpha/2))
			nn <- c("Value", "Std. Error", "Lower bound", "Upper bound")
			colnames(val) <- nn
			ans[[j]] <- val
		names(ans) <- tau
	} else ans <- NULL	

attr(ans, "conditional") <- conditional
object$coefficients <- ans
object$call <- call
class(object) <- c("summary.rqt", class(object))


print.summary.rqt <- function(x, ...){

if (!is.null(cl <- x$call)) {

tau <- x$tau
nq <- length(tau)
mpar <- ncol(x$x)

type <- if(attr(x$tsf, "isBounded")) "(doubly bounded response)" else "(singly bounded response)"
tsf <- switch(x$tsf,
	mcjI = "Proposal I",
	bc = "Box-Cox",
	ao = "Aranda-Ordaz",
	mcjII = "Proposal II")
if (x$tsf %in% c("mcjI", "ao")){ 
	tsf <- paste(tsf, if (attr(x$tsf, "symm")) 
	else "asymmetric")
tsf <- paste(tsf, "transformation", type)

cat(tsf, "\n")

conditional <- if(attr(x$coefficients, "conditional")) "conditional" else "unconditional"
cat("\nSummary for", conditional, "inference\n")

for(i in 1:nq){
cat("\ntau = ", tau[i], "\n")

cat("\nOptimal transformation parameter:\n")
print(x$coefficients[[i]][-c(1:mpar),], ...)

cat("\nCoefficients linear model (transformed scale):\n")
print(x$coefficients[[i]][1:mpar,], ...)

nobs <- length(x$y)
p <- ncol(x$x)
rdf <- nobs - p
cat("\nDegrees of freedom:", nobs, "total;", rdf, "residual\n")
if (!is.null(attr(x, "na.message"))) 
	cat(attr(x, "na.message"), "\n")


fitted.rqt <- function(object, ...){



residuals.rqt <- function(object, ...){

return(object$y - object$fitted.values)


coef.rqt <- coefficients.rqt <- function(object, all = FALSE, ...){

if(!class(object) %in% c("rqt")) stop("Class 'rqt' only")

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
tsf <- object$tsf
nn <- object$term.labels

	nn <- if(tsf %in% "mcjII") c(nn, "lambda", "delta") else c(nn, "lambda")

tpar <- if(tsf %in% "mcjII") object$eta else object$lambda

	ans <- object$coefficients
} else {
	ans <- if(nq == 1) c(object$coefficients, tpar)
		else rbind(object$coefficients, tpar)

if(nq == 1){
	names(ans) <- nn
} else {
	rownames(ans) <- nn
	colnames(ans) <- paste("tau =", tau)



### Asymptotics

# Generic
sparsity <- function(object, se = "nid", hs = TRUE) UseMethod("sparsity")

# rqt object

sparsity.rqt <- function(object, se = "nid", hs = TRUE){
    mt <- terms(object)
    m <- model.frame(object)
    y <- model.response(m)
    x <- model.matrix(mt, m, contrasts = object$contrasts)
    wt <- model.weights(object$model)
    taus <- object$tau
    nt <- length(taus)
    eps <- .Machine$double.eps^(2/3)

    vnames <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
    residm <- sweep(- predict(object, type = "response"), 1, y, FUN = "+")
    n <- length(y)
    p <- length(coefficients(object, all = TRUE))
    rdf <- n - p
    if (!is.null(wt)) {
        residm <- residm * wt
        x <- x * wt
        y <- y * wt
    if (is.null(se)) {
		se <- "nid"

spar <- dens <- matrix(NA, n, nt)
for(i in 1:nt){

tau <- taus[i]

    if (se == "iid") {
		resid <- residm[,i]
        pz <- sum(abs(resid) < eps)
        h <- max(p + 1, ceiling(n * bandwidth.rq(tau, n, hs = hs)))
        ir <- (pz + 1):(h + pz + 1)
        ord.resid <- sort(resid[order(abs(resid))][ir])
        xt <- ir/(n - p)
        spar[,i] <- rq(ord.resid ~ xt)$coef[2]
        dens[,i] <- 1/spar[,i]
    else if (se == "nid") {
        h <- bandwidth.rq(tau, n, hs = hs)
        if (tau + h > 1) 
            stop("tau + h > 1:  error in summary.rq")
        if (tau - h < 0) 
            stop("tau - h < 0:  error in summary.rq")
        bhi <- update(object, tau = tau + h)
        blo <- update(object, tau = tau - h)
        dyhat <- predict(bhi, type = "response") - predict(blo, type = "response")
        if (any(dyhat <= 0)) 
            warning(paste(sum(dyhat <= 0), "non-positive fis"))
        f <- pmax(0, (2 * h)/(dyhat - eps))
        dens[,i] <- f
		spar[,i] <- 1/f
    else if (se == "ker") {
        h <- bandwidth.rq(tau, n, hs = hs)
        if (tau + h > 1) 
            stop("tau + h > 1:  error in summary.rq")
        if (tau - h < 0) 
            stop("tau - h < 0:  error in summary.rq")
        uhat <- c(residm[,i])
        h <- (qnorm(tau + h) - qnorm(tau - h)) * min(sqrt(var(uhat)), 
            (quantile(uhat, 0.75) - quantile(uhat, 0.25))/1.34)
        f <- dnorm(uhat/h)/h
        dens[,i] <- f
		spar[,i] <- 1/f
}# loop i

	colnames(dens) <- colnames(spar) <- taus
    return(list(density = dens, sparsity = spar, bandwidth = h))

# rq object

sparsity.rq <- sparsity.rqs <-function(object, se = "nid", hs = TRUE){
    mt <- terms(object)
    m <- model.frame(object)
    y <- model.response(m)
    x <- model.matrix(mt, m, contrasts = object$contrasts)
    wt <- model.weights(object$model)
    taus <- object$tau
    nq <- length(taus)
    eps <- .Machine$double.eps^(2/3)

    vnames <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
    residm <- as.matrix(object$residuals)
    n <- length(y)
    p <- nrow(as.matrix(object$coef))
    rdf <- n - p
    if (!is.null(wt)) {
        residm <- residm * wt
        x <- x * wt
        y <- y * wt
    if (is.null(se)) {
		se <- "nid"

spar <- dens <- matrix(NA, n, nq)
for(i in 1:nq){

tau <- taus[i]

    if (se == "iid") {
		resid <- residm[,i]
		pz <- sum(abs(resid) < eps)
        h <- max(p + 1, ceiling(n * bandwidth.rq(tau, n, hs = hs)))
        ir <- (pz + 1):(h + pz + 1)
        ord.resid <- sort(resid[order(abs(resid))][ir])
        xt <- ir/(n - p)
        spar[,i] <- rq(ord.resid ~ xt)$coef[2]
        dens[,i] <- 1/spar[,i]
    else if (se == "nid") {
        h <- bandwidth.rq(tau, n, hs = hs)
        if (tau + h > 1) 
            stop("tau + h > 1:  error in summary.rq")
        if (tau - h < 0) 
            stop("tau - h < 0:  error in summary.rq")
        bhi <- rq.fit.fnb(x, y, tau = tau + h)$coef
        blo <- rq.fit.fnb(x, y, tau = tau - h)$coef
        dyhat <- x %*% (bhi - blo)
        if (any(dyhat <= 0)) 
            warning(paste(sum(dyhat <= 0), "non-positive fis"))
        f <- pmax(0, (2 * h)/(dyhat - eps))
        dens[,i] <- f
	  spar[,i] <- 1/f
    else if (se == "ker") {
        h <- bandwidth.rq(tau, n, hs = hs)
        if (tau + h > 1) 
            stop("tau + h > 1:  error in summary.rq")
        if (tau - h < 0) 
            stop("tau - h < 0:  error in summary.rq")
        uhat <- c(residm[,i])
        h <- (qnorm(tau + h) - qnorm(tau - h)) * min(sqrt(var(uhat)), 
            (quantile(uhat, 0.75) - quantile(uhat, 0.25))/1.34)
        f <- dnorm(uhat/h)/h
        dens[,i] <- f
	  spar[,i] <- 1/f
}# loop i

	colnames(dens) <- colnames(spar) <- taus
    return(list(density = dens, sparsity = spar, bandwidth = h))

d1bc <- function(x, lambda){
zero <- rep(0, length(x))
g1 <- deriv(~ (lambda*x + 1)^(1/lambda), "x", func = function(x,lambda){})
g2 <- deriv(~ exp(x), "x", func = function(x){})
    if (lambda != 0) {
        val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(x, lambda))$gradient)
		val <- ifelse(lambda * x + 1 > 0, val, zero)
    else {
        val <- exp(x)

d2bc <- function(x, lambda){
zero <- rep(0, length(x))
g1 <- deriv(~ (lambda*x + 1)^(1/lambda), "lambda", func = function(lambda,x){})
    if (lambda != 0) {
        val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(lambda,x))$gradient)
    else {
        val <- zero

d1mcjI <- function(x, lambda, symm, dbounded){

	g1 <- deriv(~ (lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))^(1/lambda)/(1 + (lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))^(1/lambda)), "x", func = function(x, lambda){})
	g2 <- deriv(~ exp(x)/(1+exp(x)), "x", func = function(x){})
		if(lambda != 0){
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(x, lambda))$gradient)
		} else {
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g2(x))$gradient)
	} else {
	g1 <- deriv(~ 1 - exp(-(lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))^(1/lambda)), "x", func = function(x, lambda){})
	g2 <- deriv(~ 1 - exp(-exp(x)), "x", func = function(x){})
		if(lambda != 0){
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(x, lambda))$gradient)
		} else {
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g2(x))$gradient)
} else {
	g1 <- deriv(~ (lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))^(1/lambda), "x", func = function(x, lambda){})
	g2 <- deriv(~ exp(x), "x", func = function(x){})
		if (lambda != 0) {
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(x, lambda))$gradient)
		} else {
			val <- exp(x)
	} else {
	g1 <- deriv(~ exp((lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))^(1/lambda)) - 1, "x", func = function(x, lambda){})
	g2 <- deriv(~ exp(exp(x)) - 1, "x", func = function(x){})
		if (lambda != 0) {
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(x, lambda))$gradient)
		} else {
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g2(x))$gradient)



d2mcjI <- function(x, lambda, symm, dbounded){
zero <- rep(0, length(x))
	g1 <- deriv(~ (lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))^(1/lambda)/(1 + (lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))^(1/lambda)), "lambda", func = function(lambda, x){})
	g2 <- deriv(~ exp(x)/(1+exp(x)), "x", func = function(x){})
		if(lambda != 0){
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(lambda, x))$gradient)
		} else {
			val <- zero
	} else {
	g1 <- deriv(~ 1 - exp(-(lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))^(1/lambda)), "lambda", func = function(lambda, x){})
	g2 <- deriv(~ 1 - exp(-exp(x)), "x", func = function(x){})
		if(lambda != 0){
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(lambda, x))$gradient)
		} else {
			val <- zero
} else {
	g1 <- deriv(~ (lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))^(1/lambda), "lambda", func = function(lambda, x){})
	g2 <- deriv(~ exp(x), "x", func = function(x){})
		if (lambda != 0) {
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(lambda, x))$gradient)
		} else {
			val <- zero
	} else {
		g1 <- deriv(~ exp((lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))^(1/lambda)) - 1, "lambda", func = function(lambda, x){})
		g2 <- deriv(~ exp(exp(x)) - 1, "x", func = function(x){})
		if (lambda != 0) {
			val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(lambda, x))$gradient)
		} else {
			val <- zero



d1ao <- function(x, lambda, symm){
zero <- rep(0, length(x))
g1 <- deriv(~ (1 + lambda*x/2)^(1/lambda)/((1 + lambda*x/2)^(1/lambda) + (1 - lambda*x/2)^(1/lambda)), "x", func = function(x, lambda){})
g2 <- deriv(~ exp(x)/(1+exp(x)), "x", func = function(x){})
	if(lambda != 0){
		#y <- (lambda * x/2)
		#a <- (1 + y)^(1/lambda)
		#b <- (1 - y)^(1/lambda)
		#aprime <- (1 + y)^(1/lambda - 1)
		#bprime <- (1 - y)^(1/lambda - 1)
		#val <- 0.5*aprime/(a + b) - (a * (0.5*aprime - 0.5*bprime))/(a + b)^2
		val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(x, lambda))$gradient)
		val <- ifelse(abs(lambda * x/2) < 1, val, zero)
	} else {
		#val <- exp(-x)/(1 + exp(-x))^2
		val <- as.numeric(attributes(g2(x))$gradient)
} else {
g1 <- deriv(~ 1 - (1 + lambda*exp(x))^(-1/lambda), "x", func = function(x, lambda){})
g2 <- deriv(~ 1 - exp(-exp(x)), "x", func = function(x){})
	if(lambda != 0){
		#y <- lambda * exp(x)
		#val <- ifelse(y > -1, exp(x) * (1 + y)^(-1/lambda - 1), zero)
		val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(x, lambda))$gradient)
		val <- ifelse(lambda * exp(x) > -1, val, zero)
		} else {
		#val <- exp(x - exp(x))
		val <- as.numeric(attributes(g2(x))$gradient)



d2ao <- function(x, lambda, symm){
zero <- rep(0, length(x))
g1 <- deriv(~ (1 + lambda*x/2)^(1/lambda)/((1 + lambda*x/2)^(1/lambda) + (1 - lambda*x/2)^(1/lambda)), "lambda", func = function(lambda, x){})
	if(lambda != 0){
		val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(lambda, x))$gradient)
		val <- ifelse(abs(lambda * x/2) < 1, val, zero)
	} else {
		val <- zero
} else {
g1 <- deriv(~ 1 - (1 + lambda*exp(x))^(-1/lambda), "lambda", func = function(lambda, x){})
	if(lambda != 0){
		val <- as.numeric(attributes(g1(lambda, x))$gradient)
		val <- ifelse(lambda * exp(x) > -1, val, zero)
		} else {
		val <- zero



se.rqt <- function(object, se = "nid"){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
tsf <- object$tsf
symm <- attributes(tsf)$symm
dbounded <- attributes(tsf)$dbounded
isBounded <- attributes(tsf)$isBounded
if (tsf == "mcjII") {
	etahat <- object$eta
} else {
	lambdahat <- object$lambda

if(isBounded) {
	fis <- sparsity.rqt(object, se = se)$density
	} else {
		fis <- NULL
		for(j in 1:nq) fis <- cbind(fis, as.numeric(sparsity.rq(object[[j]], se = se)$density))

betahat <- as.matrix(object$coefficients)
linpred <- predict(object, type = "link")

x <- object$x
n <- nrow(x)
p <- ncol(x)

g1 <- g2 <- matrix(NA, n, nq)
dbl <- matrix(NA, p, nq)
V <- array(NA, dim = c(p + 1, p + 1, nq))

for(j in 1:nq){
	g1[,j] <- switch(tsf,
		mcjI = d1mcjI(linpred[,j], lambdahat[j], symm, dbounded),
		bc = d1bc(linpred[,j], lambdahat[j]),
		ao = d1ao(linpred[,j],lambdahat[j], symm)

	g2[,j] <- switch(tsf,
		mcjI = d2mcjI(linpred[,j], lambdahat[j], symm, dbounded),
		bc = d2bc(linpred[,j], lambdahat[j]),
		ao = d2ao(linpred[,j], lambdahat[j], symm)

	f0 <- as.numeric(fis[,j]/g1[,j])
	dbl[,j] <- - solve(crossprod(sqrt(f0 * g1[,j]) * x)/n) %*% matrix(colMeans((f0 * g2[,j] * x)))

	A <- rbind(cbind(diag(p), matrix(0, p, p), rep(0, p)),

	d2 <- cbind(g1[,j] * x, g2[,j])
	d <- cbind(x,d2)
	H <- A %*% (t(f0*d) %*% d2)/n
	Hinv <- try(chol2inv(chol(H)), silent = TRUE)
	if(class(Hinv) == "try-error") Hinv <- try(solve(H), silent = TRUE)
	if(class(Hinv) == "try-error") Hinv <- matrix(NA, p + 1, p + 1)

	L <- tau[j] * (1 - tau[j]) * A %*% (crossprod(d)/n^2) %*% t(A)

	V[,,j] <- Hinv %*% L %*% t(Hinv)

#if(nq == 1) V <- drop(V)



### Marginal effects

# Generic

maref <- function(object, newdata, index = 2, index.extra = NULL, ...) UseMethod("maref")

# rqt object

maref.rqt <- function(object, newdata, index = 2, index.extra = NULL, ...){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
tsf <- object$tsf
symm <- attributes(tsf)$symm
dbounded <- attributes(tsf)$dbounded
isBounded <- attributes(tsf)$isBounded
if (tsf == "mcjII") {
	etahat <- object$eta
else {
	lambdahat <- object$lambda

betahat <- as.matrix(object$coefficients)
linpred <- predict(object, newdata, type = "link")

if(missing(newdata)) {x <- object$x}
	else {x <- attr(linpred, "x")}
n <- nrow(x)

if(identical(x[,index], rep(1,n))) return(kronecker(matrix(betahat[index,],nrow = 1), rep(1,n)))

	if(index %in% index.extra) warning(paste("Index", index, "appears twice as 'index' and in 'index.extra'."))
	param <- matrix(NA, n, nq)
	for(i in 1:nq){
		tmp <- sweep(as.matrix(x[,index.extra]), 2, betahat[index.extra,i], "*")
		param[,i] <- betahat[index,i] + rowSums(tmp)
} else {param <- matrix(betahat[index,], nrow = 1)}

val <- matrix(NA, n, nq)

for(j in 1:nq)(
val[,j] <- switch(tsf,
	mcjI = marefmcjI(linpred[,j], param[,j], lambdahat[j], symm, dbounded),
	bc = marefbc(linpred[,j], param[,j], lambdahat[j]),
	ao = marefao(linpred[,j], param[,j], lambdahat[j], symm),



marefbc <- function(x, param, lambda){

if(lambda != 0){
	val <- param * (lambda * x + 1)^(1/lambda - 1)
} else {
	val <- param * exp(x)


marefao <- function(x, param, lambda, symm){

	if(lambda != 0){
		y <- (lambda * x/2)
		a <- (1 + y)^(1/lambda)
		b <- (1 - y)^(1/lambda)
		aprime <- 1/2*param * (1 + y)^(1/lambda - 1)
		bprime <- -1/2*param * (1 - y)^(1/lambda - 1)
		val <- (b/aprime^2 - bprime/a)/(1 + b/a)^2
	} else {
		val <- (param * exp(-x))/(1 + exp(-x))^2
} else {
	if(lambda != 0){
		y <- lambda * exp(x)
		val <- (param * exp(x)) * (1 + y)^(-1/lambda - 1)
	} else {
		val <- param * exp(x - exp(x))


marefmcjI <- function(x, param, lambda, symm, dbounded){

		if(lambda != 0){
			y <- lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2)
			a <- 1/lambda * (y^(-1/lambda - 1)) * (lambda * param + (x*param*lambda^2)/sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))
			b <- (1 + y^(-1/lambda))^2
			val <- a/b
		} else {
			val <- (param * exp(-x))/(1 + exp(-x))^2
	} else {
		if(lambda != 0){
			y <- lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2)
			val <- 1/lambda * (y^(1/lambda - 1)) * (lambda * param + (x*param*lambda^2)/sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2)) * (exp(-y^(1/lambda)))
		} else {
			val <- param * exp(x - exp(x))	
} else {
		if (lambda != 0) {
			y <- lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2)
			val <- 1/lambda * (y^(1/lambda - 1)) * (lambda*param + (x*param*lambda^2)/sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))
		} else {
			val <- param * exp(x)
	} else {
		if (lambda != 0) {
			y <- lambda*x + sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2)
			val <- 1/lambda * (y^(1/lambda - 1)) * (lambda*param + (x*param*lambda^2)/sqrt(1 + (lambda*x)^2))
			val <- val * exp(y^(1/lambda))
		} else {
			val <- param * exp(x)
			val <- val * exp(exp(x))



### Restricted quantiles

rrq <- function(formula, tau, data, subset, weights, na.action, method = "fn", model = TRUE, contrasts = NULL, ...){

call <- match.call()
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action"), names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
mf <- eval.parent(mf)
if (method == "model.frame")
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
weights <- as.vector(model.weights(mf))
y <- model.response(mf)
x <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)

eps <- .Machine$double.eps^(2/3)
nq <- length(tau)

if (nq > 1) {
        if (any(tau < 0) || any(tau > 1)) 
            stop("invalid tau:  taus should be >= 0 and <= 1")
        if (any(tau == 0)) 
            tau[tau == 0] <- eps
        if (any(tau == 1)) 
            tau[tau == 1] <- 1 - eps

fit.lad <- {
if (length(weights)) 
	rq.wfit(x, y, tau = 0.5, weights, method, ...)
	else rq.fit(x, y, tau = 0.5, method, ...)
r.lad <- fit.lad$residuals
r.abs <- abs(fit.lad$residuals)
beta <- fit.lad$coefficients

#fit.lad <- rq(formula, tau = 0.5, data = data, method = method)
#data$r.lad <- fit.lad$residuals
#data$r.abs <- abs(fit.lad$residuals)
#beta <- fit.lad$coefficients

fit.lad <- {
if (length(weights)) 
	rq.wfit(x, r.abs, tau = 0.5, weights, method, ...)
	else rq.fit(x, r.abs, tau = 0.5, method, ...)
s.lad <- fit.lad$fitted.values
gamma <- fit.lad$coefficients

#fit.lad <- rq(update.formula(formula, r.abs ~ .), tau = 0.5, data = data, method = method)
#data$s.lad <- fit.lad$fitted
#gamma <- fit.lad$coefficients

zeta <- rep(0, nq)
for (i in 1:nq) {
	zeta[i] <- {
	if (length(weights)) 
		rq.wfit(matrix(s.lad), matrix(r.lad), tau = tau[i], weights, method, ...)$coefficients
		else rq.fit(matrix(s.lad), matrix(r.lad), tau = tau[i], method, ...)$coefficients

#zeta <- rq(r.lad ~ s.lad - 1, tau = tau, data = data, method = method)$coefficients

if (nq > 1){
	coef <- apply(outer(matrix(gamma, nrow = 1), zeta, "*"), 3, function(x, b) x + b, b = beta)
	taulabs <- paste0("tau = ", format(round(tau, 3)))
	dimnames(coef) <- list(dimnames(x)[[2]], taulabs)
} else {
	coef <- as.numeric(beta + zeta * gamma)

fit <- list(coefficients = coef, zeta = zeta, beta = beta, gamma = gamma, tau = tau)
fit$na.action <- attr(mf, "na.action")
fit$formula <- formula
fit$terms <- mt
fit$xlevels <- .getXlevels(mt, mf)
fit$call <- call
fit$weights <- weights
fit$method <- method
fit$x <- x
fit$y <- y
fit$fitted.values <- drop(x %*% coef)
fit$residuals <- drop(y - x %*% coef)
attr(fit, "na.message") <- attr(m, "na.message")
if (model)
	fit$model <- mf
class(fit) <- "rrq"

rrq.fit <- function(x, y, tau, method = "fn", ...){

if(length(tau) > 1) stop("only one quantile")

fit.lad <- rq.fit(x, y, tau = 0.5, method = method, ...)
r.lad <- fit.lad$residuals
r.abs <- abs(fit.lad$residuals)
beta <- fit.lad$coefficients

fit.lad <- rq.fit(x, r.abs, tau = 0.5, method = method, ...)
s.lad <- fit.lad$fitted.values
gamma <- fit.lad$coefficients

zeta <- rq.fit(s.lad, r.lad, tau = tau, method = method, ...)$coefficients

val <- beta + zeta * gamma

return(list(coefficients = val, zeta = zeta, beta = beta, gamma = gamma, tau = tau))

rrq.wfit <- function(x, y, tau, weights, method = "fn", ...){

if(length(tau) > 1) stop("only one quantile")

fit.lad <- rq.wfit(x, y, tau = 0.5, weights, method = method, ...)
r.lad <- fit.lad$residuals
r.abs <- abs(fit.lad$residuals)
beta <- fit.lad$coefficients

fit.lad <- rq.wfit(x, r.abs, tau = 0.5, weights, method = method, ...)
s.lad <- fit.lad$fitted.values
gamma <- fit.lad$coefficients

zeta <- rq.wfit(s.lad, r.lad, tau = tau, weights, method = method, ...)$coefficients

val <- beta + zeta * gamma

return(list(coefficients = val, zeta = zeta, beta = beta, gamma = gamma, tau = tau, weights = weights))

boot.rrq <- function(data, inds, object){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
all.obs <- rownames(object$x)
n <- length(all.obs)
nn <- dimnames(object$coefficients)[[1]]

fit <- update(object, data = data[inds,])
val <- fit$coefficients

val <- as.vector(val)
names(val) <- rep(nn, nq)


summary.rrq <- function(object, alpha = 0.05, se = "boot", R = 50, sim = "ordinary", stype = "i", ...){

call <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
ntot <- ncol(object$x)

if(se == "boot"){
	Args <- list()
	Args$data <- object$model
	Args$statistic <- boot.rrq
	Args$object <- object
	Args$R <- R
	Args$sim <- sim
	Args$stype <- stype
	nn <- c("strata","L","m","weights","ran.gen","mle","simple","parallel","ncpus","cl")
	nn <- nn[pmatch(names(call), nn, duplicates.ok = FALSE)]
	nn <- nn[!is.na(nn)]
	if(length(nn) > 0) {tmp <- as.list(call[[nn]]); names(tmp) <- nn; Args <- c(Args, tmp)}
	B <- do.call(boot, args = Args)
	ci <- mapply(boot.ci, index = 1:(ntot*nq), MoreArgs = list(boot.out = B, conf = 1 - alpha, type = "perc"))[4,]
	ci <- t(sapply(ci, function(x) x[4:5]))

	S <- cov(B$t, use = "complete.obs")
	val <- cbind(B$t0, apply(B$t, 2L, mean, na.rm=TRUE) - B$t0, sqrt(diag(S)), ci)
	nn <- c("Value", "Bias", "Std. Error", "Lower bound", "Upper bound")
	colnames(val) <- nn
	maxn <- seq(0, ntot*nq, by = ntot)[-1]
	minn <- seq(1, ntot*nq, by = ntot)
	ans <- list()
	for(j in 1:nq){
		ans[[j]] <- val[minn[j]:maxn[j], ]
	names(ans) <- tau
	object$B <- B
} else {ans <- NULL}

object$coefficients <- ans
object$call <- call
class(object) <- c("summary.rrq", class(object))


predict.rrq <- function(object, newdata, na.action = na.pass, ...){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
betahat <- object$coefficients

if(missing(newdata)) {x <- object$x} else {
	objt <- terms(object)
	Terms <- delete.response(objt)
	m <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, na.action = na.action, 
		xlev = object$levels)
	if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses"))) 
		.checkMFClasses(cl, m)
	x <- model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts.arg = object$contrasts)

return(x %*% betahat)


print.rrq <- function(x, ...){

class(x) <- "rqs"
print(x, ...)


print.summary.rrq <- function(x, ...){

if (!is.null(cl <- x$call)) {

tau <- x$tau
nq <- length(tau)
mpar <- ncol(x$x)

cat("\nSummary for restricted regression quantiles\n")

for(i in 1:nq){
cat("\ntau = ", tau[i], "\n")

cat("\nCoefficients linear model:\n")
print(x$coefficients[[i]][1:mpar,], ...)

nobs <- length(x$y)
p <- ncol(x$x)
rdf <- nobs - p
cat("\nDegrees of freedom:", nobs, "total;", rdf, "residual\n")
if (!is.null(attr(x, "na.message"))) 
	cat(attr(x, "na.message"), "\n")


### Multiple imputation

mice.impute.rq <- function (y, ry, x, tsf = "none", symm = TRUE, dbounded = FALSE, lambda = NULL, epsilon = 0.001, method.rq = "fn", ...) 
    x <- cbind(1, as.matrix(x))
	y.old <- y
	isDbounded <- (tsf == "mcjI" && dbounded)
	isDbounded <- tsf == "ao" || isDbounded

		lambda <- 0

	if(tsf %in% c("mcjI","bc","ao")){
		if(isDbounded) y <- map(y)
		z <- switch(tsf,
			mcjI = mcjI(y, lambda, symm, dbounded, omega = 0.001),
			bc = bc(y, lambda),
			ao = ao(y, lambda, symm, omega = 0.001)
	} else {z <- y}

	n <- sum(!ry)
	p <- ncol(x)
	u <- round(runif(n, epsilon, 1 - epsilon)*1e3)
	u <- ifelse(u %in% c(1:4,996:999), u/1e3, (u - u %% 5)/1e3)
	taus <- unique(u)
	nt <- length(taus)

	xobs <- x[ry, ]
	yobs <- z[ry]
	xmis <- x[!ry,]
	fit <- matrix(NA, p, nt)
	for(j in 1:nt){
		fit[,j] <- as.numeric(rq.fit(xobs, yobs, tau = taus[j], method = method.rq)$coefficients)
	# n times nt matrix
	ypred <- xmis%*%fit
	# diagonal of n times n matrix
	ypred <- diag(ypred[,match(u, taus)])

	if(tsf %in% c("mcjI","bc","ao")){
		val <- switch(tsf,
			mcjI = invmcjI(ypred, lambda, symm, dbounded),
			bc = invbc(ypred, lambda),
			ao = invao(ypred, lambda, symm));
		if(isDbounded) val <- invmap(val, range(y.old))
	} else {val <- ypred}

# Impute using restricted quantiles

mice.impute.rrq <- function (y, ry, x, tsf = "none", symm = TRUE, dbounded = FALSE, lambda = NULL, epsilon = 0.001, method.rq = "fn", ...) 
    x <- cbind(1, as.matrix(x))
	y.old <- y
	isDbounded <- (tsf == "mcjI" && dbounded)
	isDbounded <- tsf == "ao" || isDbounded

		lambda <- 0

	if(tsf %in% c("mcjI","bc","ao")){
		if(isDbounded) y <- map(y)
		z <- switch(tsf,
			mcjI = mcjI(y, lambda, symm, dbounded, omega = 0.001),
			bc = bc(y, lambda),
			ao = ao(y, lambda, symm, omega = 0.001)
	} else {z <- y}

	n <- sum(!ry)
	p <- ncol(x)
	u <- round(runif(n, epsilon, 1 - epsilon)*1e3)
	u <- ifelse(u %in% c(1:4,996:999), u/1e3, (u - u %% 5)/1e3)
	taus <- unique(u)
	nt <- length(taus)

	xobs <- x[ry, ]
	yobs <- z[ry]
	xmis <- x[!ry,]
	fit <- matrix(NA, p, nt)
	for(j in 1:nt){
		fit[,j] <- as.numeric(rrq.fit(xobs, yobs, tau = taus[j], method = method.rq)$coef)
	# n times nt matrix
	ypred <- xmis%*%fit
	# diagonal of n times n matrix
	ypred <- diag(ypred[,match(u, taus)])
	if(tsf %in% c("mcjI","bc","ao")){
		val <- switch(tsf,
			mcjI = invmcjI(ypred, lambda, symm, dbounded),
			bc = invbc(ypred, lambda),
			ao = invao(ypred, lambda, symm));
		if(isDbounded) val <- invmap(val, range(y.old))
	} else {val <- ypred}


### QR for counts

rq.counts <- function (formula, tau = 0.5, data, tsf = "bc", symm = TRUE, lambda = 0, weights = NULL, offset = NULL, contrasts = NULL, M = 50, zeta = 1e-5, B = 0.999, cn = NULL, alpha = 0.05, method = "fn") 
nq <- length(tau)
if (nq > 1) 
	stop("One quantile at a time")

call <- match.call()
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "weights"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")

y <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
w <- as.vector(model.weights(mf))
if (!is.null(w) && !is.numeric(w)) 
  stop("'weights' must be a numeric vector")
  w <- rep(1, length(y))
x <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
p <- ncol(x)
n <- nrow(x)
term.labels <- colnames(x)

if (is.null(offset)) 
	offset <- rep(0, n)

Fn <- function(x, cn){
	xf <- floor(x)
	df <- x - xf
	if(df < cn & x >= 1){
		val <- xf - 0.5 + df/(2*cn)
	if(any(cn <= df & df < (1 - cn), x < 1)){
		val <- xf

	if(df >= (1 - cn)){
		val <- xf + 0.5 + (df - 1)/(2*cn)


Fvec <- Vectorize(Fn)

# Add noise
Z <- replicate(M, addnoise(y, centered = FALSE, B = B))

# Transform Z
TZ <- apply(Z, 2, function(x, off, tsf, symm, lambda, tau, zeta){
	z <- ifelse((x - tau) > zeta, x - tau, zeta);
		mcjI = mcjI(z, lambda, symm, dbounded = FALSE, omega = 0.001),
		bc = bc(z, lambda)) - off
	}, off = offset, tsf = tsf, symm = symm, lambda = lambda, tau = tau, zeta = zeta)

# Fit linear QR on TZ
fit <- apply(TZ, 2, function(y, x, weights, tau, method) 
	rq.wfit(x = x, y = y, tau = tau, weights = weights, method = method), x = x, tau = tau, weights = w, method = method)
# predicted values
yhat <- sapply(fit, function(obj, x) x %*% obj$coefficients, x = x)
yhat <- as.matrix(yhat)

# sweep offset back in
linpred <- sweep(yhat, 1, offset, "+")

# back-transform + offset tau
zhat <- matrix(NA, n, M)
for(i in 1:M){
zhat[,i] <- tau + switch(tsf,
	mcjI = invmcjI(linpred[,i], lambda, symm, dbounded = FALSE),
	bc = invbc(linpred[,i], lambda))
# covariance matrix
if(is.null(cn)) cn <- 0.5 * log(log(n))/sqrt(n)
F <- apply(zhat, 2, Fvec, cn = cn)
Fp <- apply(zhat + 1, 2, Fvec, cn = cn)

multiplier <- (tau - (TZ <= yhat))^2
a <- array(NA, dim = c(p, p, M))
for (i in 1:M) a[, , i] <- t(x * multiplier[, i]) %*% x/n

multiplier <- tau^2 + (1 - 2 * tau) * (y <= (zhat - 1)) + 
	((zhat - y) * (zhat - 1 < y & y <= zhat)) * (zhat - y - 
		2 * tau)
b <- array(NA, dim = c(p, p, M))
for (i in 1:M) b[, , i] <- t(x * multiplier[, i]) %*% x/n

multiplier <- (zhat - tau) * (F <= Z & Z < Fp)
d <- array(NA, dim = c(p, p, M))
sel <- rep(TRUE, M)
for (i in 1:M) {
	tmpInv <- try(solve(t(x * multiplier[, i]) %*% x/n), 
		silent = TRUE)
	if (class(tmpInv) != "try-error") 
		{d[, , i] <- tmpInv}
	else {sel[i] <- FALSE}
dad <- 0
dbd <- 0
for (i in (1:M)[sel]) {
	dad <- dad + d[, , i] %*% a[, , i] %*% d[, , i]
	dbd <- dbd + d[, , i] %*% b[, , i] %*% d[, , i]
m.n <- sum(sel)
if (m.n != 0) {
	V <- dad/(m.n^2) + (1 - 1/m.n) * dbd * 1/m.n
	stds <- sqrt(diag(V))
	} else {
	stds <- NA
	warning("Standard error not available")

betahat <- sapply(fit, function(x) x$coefficients)
betahat <- if (p == 1) mean(betahat) else rowMeans(betahat)

linpred <- if (p == 1) {
	mean(linpred[1, ])
} else {

Fitted <- tau + switch(tsf,
	mcjI = invmcjI(linpred, lambda, symm, dbounded = FALSE),
	bc = invbc(linpred, lambda))

lower <- betahat + qt(alpha/2, n - p) * stds
upper <- betahat + qt(1 - alpha/2, n - p) * stds
tP <- 2 * pt(-abs(betahat/stds), n - p)

ans <- cbind(betahat, stds, lower, upper, tP)
colnames(ans) <- c("Value", "Std. Error", "lower bound", "upper bound", "Pr(>|t|)")
rownames(ans) <- names(betahat) <- term.labels

fit <- list()
fit$call <- call
fit$method <- method
fit$mf <- mf
fit$x <- x
fit$y <- y
fit$weights <- w
fit$offset <- offset
fit$tau <- tau
fit$lambda <- lambda
fit$tsf <- tsf
attr(fit$tsf, "symm") <- symm
fit$coefficients <- betahat
fit$M <- M
fit$Mn <- m.n
fit$fitted.values <- Fitted
fit$tTable <- ans
fit$Cov <- V
fit$levels <- .getXlevels(mt, mf)
fit$terms <- mt
fit$term.labels <- term.labels
fit$rdf <- n - p

class(fit) <- "rq.counts"

coef.rq.counts <- coefficients.rq.counts <- function(object, ...){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
ans <- object$coefficients

if(nq == 1){
  names(ans) <- object$term.labels



fitted.rq.counts <- function(object, ...){



predict.rq.counts <- function(object, newdata, offset, na.action = na.pass, type = "response", ...) 

tsf <- object$tsf
symm <- attributes(tsf)$symm
lambda <- object$lambda

	linpred <- drop(object$x %*% object$coefficients) + object$offset
} else {
	objt <- terms(object)
	Terms <- delete.response(objt)
	m <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, na.action = na.action, xlev = object$levels)
	if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses"))) .checkMFClasses(cl, m)
	x <- model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts.arg = object$contrasts)
	if(missing(offset)) offset <- rep(0, nrow(x))
	linpred <- drop(x %*% object$coefficients) + offset

if (type == "link") {
	if(!missing(newdata)) attr(linpred, "x") <- x

Fitted <- object$tau + switch(tsf,
	mcjI = invmcjI(linpred, lambda, symm, dbounded = FALSE),
	bc = invbc(linpred, lambda))

residuals.rq.counts <- function(object, ...){

ans <- drop(object$y) - predict(object, type = "response", ...)


print.rq.counts <- function (x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) 
    tau <- x$tau
    nq <- length(tau)
    cat("Call: ")
    if (nq == 1) {
        cat(paste("Quantile", tau, "\n"))
        cat("Fixed effects:\n")
        printCoefmat(x$tTable, signif.stars = TRUE, P.values = TRUE)
    else {

maref.rq.counts <- function(object, newdata, index = 2, index.extra = NULL, ...){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
tsf <- object$tsf
symm <- attributes(tsf)$symm
lambda <- object$lambda

betahat <- as.matrix(object$coefficients)
linpred <- as.matrix(predict(object, newdata, type = "link"))

if(missing(newdata)) {x <- object$x}
	else {x <- attr(linpred, "x")}
n <- nrow(x)

if(identical(x[,index], rep(1,n))) return(kronecker(matrix(betahat[index,],nrow = 1), rep(1,n)))

	if(index %in% index.extra) warning(paste("Index", index, "appears twice as 'index' and in 'index.extra'."))
	param <- matrix(NA, n, nq)
	for(i in 1:nq){
		tmp <- sweep(as.matrix(x[,index.extra]), 2, betahat[index.extra,i], "*")
		param[,i] <- betahat[index,i] + rowSums(tmp)
} else {param <- matrix(betahat[index,], nrow = 1)}

val <- matrix(NA, n, nq)

for(j in 1:nq)(
val[,j] <- switch(tsf,
	mcjI = marefmcjI(linpred[,j], param[,j], lambda, symm, dbounded = FALSE),
	bc = marefbc(linpred[,j], param[,j], lambda))



addnoise <- function(x, centered = TRUE, B = 0.999) 

	n <- length(x)
    if (centered) 
        z <- x + runif(n, -B/2, B/2)
    else z <- x + runif(n, 0, B)

### Khmaladze and other tests

KhmaladzeFormat <- function(object, epsilon){

if(class(object) != "KhmaladzeTest") stop("class(object) must be 'KhmaladzeTest'")
tt <- get("KhmaladzeTable")
if(!(epsilon %in% unique(tt$epsilon))) stop("'epsilon' must be in c(0.05,0.10,0.15,0.20,0.25,0.30)")

p <- length(object$THn)
ans <- matrix(NA, p + 1, 2)
colnames(ans) <- c("Value", "Pr")

sel <- tt[tt$p == p & tt$epsilon == epsilon,3:5]
alpha <- c(0.01,0.05,0.1)

ans[1,1] <- object$Tn
ans[1,2] <- min(c(1,alpha[object$Tn > sel]))
ans[2:(p+1),1] <- object$THn

sig <- c("significant at 1% level", "significant at 5% level", "significant at 10% level", "not significant at 10% level")
null <- if(object$nullH == "location") "location-shift hypothesis" else "location-scale-shift hypothesis"

if(p==1){val <- min(c(1,alpha[object$THn > sel]))} else
{val <- rep(0,p); for(i in 1:p) val[i] <- min(c(1,alpha[object$THn[i] > sel]))}
ans[2:(p+1),2] <- val

mm <- match(ans[1,2], c(alpha,1))
nn <- match(ans[2:(p+1),2], c(alpha,1))

cat("Khmaladze test for the", null, "\n")
cat("Joint test is", sig[mm], "\n")
cat("Test(s) for individual slopes:", "\n")
for(i in 1:p){
cat(names(object$THn)[i], sig[nn][i], "\n")


normalize <- function(x){

n <- nrow(x)
p <- ncol(x)

if(p < 2 | n < p) stop("Provide n x p matrix with n > p > 1")

xx <- x

for (i in 2:p) {
	H <- c(crossprod(x[, i], xx[, 1:(i - 1)]))/diag(crossprod(xx[,1:(i - 1)]))
	xx[, i] <- x[, i] - matrix(xx[, 1:(i - 1)], nrow = n) %*% 
		matrix(H, nrow = i - 1)
H <- 1/sqrt(diag(crossprod(xx)))
xx <- t(t(xx) * H)



rcTest <- function(object, alpha = 0.05, B = 100, seed = NULL){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)

x <- if(is.null(object[['x']])){
		do.call(model.matrix, args = list(object = as.formula(object$formula), data = object$model))
	} else {object[['x']]}
n <- nrow(x)
p <- ncol(x)
x <- normalize(x)*sqrt(n)
Rmat <- residuals(object)
if(nq == 1) Rmat <- matrix(Rmat)
psi <- sweep(Rmat > 0, 2, tau, "*") + sweep(Rmat <= 0, 2, (tau - 1), "*")
if(is.null(seed)) seed <- round(runif(1, 1, 1000))

Tn <- Tc <- pval <- vector()
for(j in 1:nq){
	omega <- replicate(B, sample(c(tau, -tau, 1-tau, tau-1), size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = c((1-tau)/2, (1-tau)/2, tau/2, tau/2)))
	out <- matrix(0, p, p)
	outstar <- array(0, dim = c(p, p, B))

	for(i in 1:n){
		I <- apply(t(x) <= x[i,], 2, function(x) all(x))
		R <- matrix(colSums(x*I*psi[,j])/sqrt(n))
		out <- out + tcrossprod(R)
		S <- apply(x, 1, function(a) tcrossprod(matrix(a)))
		S <- matrix(colSums(t(S)*I)/n, p, p)
		for(k in 1:B){
			Rstar <- matrix(rowSums(t(omega[,k]*I*x) - S%*%t(x*omega[,k]))/sqrt(n))
			outstar[,,k] <- outstar[,,k] + tcrossprod(Rstar)
	Tstar <- apply(outstar, 3, function(x, n) eigen(x/n)$values[1], n = n)
	Tc[j] <- quantile(Tstar, 1 - alpha)
	Tn[j] <- eigen(out/n)$values[1]
	pval[j] <- 1 - ecdf(Tstar)(Tn[j])

names(Tn) <- names(Tc) <- names(pval) <- tau

val <- list(Tn = Tn, Tcrit = Tc, p.value = pval, tau = tau)
class(val) <- "rcTest"
attr(val, "seed") <- seed


GOFTest <- function(object, type = "cusum", alpha = 0.05, B = 100, seed = NULL){

val <- list()

val[[1]] <- switch(type,
	cusum = rcTest(object = object, alpha = alpha, B = B, seed = seed))

attr(val, "type") <- type
class(val) <- "GOFTest"


print.GOFTest <- function (x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...){

nt <- length(x)
type <- attributes(x)$type
txt <- vector()
txt[1] <- "Goodness-of-fit test for quantile regression based on the cusum process"
tau <- x[[1]]$tau
nq <- length(tau)

if(type == "cusum"){
	x <- x[[1]]
	cat(txt[1], "\n")
	for (j in 1:nq) {
		cat(paste0("Quantile ", tau[j], ": "))
		cat(paste0("Test statistic = ", round(x$Tn[j], digits), "; p-value = ", round(x$p.value[j],digits)), "\n")


KhmaladzeTable <- structure(list(p = c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 
11L, 12L, 13L, 14L, 15L, 16L, 17L, 18L, 19L, 20L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 
4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 12L, 13L, 14L, 15L, 16L, 17L, 
18L, 19L, 20L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 
12L, 13L, 14L, 15L, 16L, 17L, 18L, 19L, 20L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 
5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 12L, 13L, 14L, 15L, 16L, 17L, 18L, 
19L, 20L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 12L, 
13L, 14L, 15L, 16L, 17L, 18L, 19L, 20L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 
7L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 12L, 13L, 14L, 15L, 16L, 17L, 18L, 19L, 
20L), epsilon = c(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 
0.05, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 
0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 
0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 
0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 
0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 
0.2, 0.2, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 
0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 
0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 
0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3), alpha01 = c(2.721, 4.119, 
5.35, 6.548, 7.644, 8.736, 9.876, 10.79, 11.81, 12.91, 14.03, 
15, 15.93, 16.92, 17.93, 18.85, 19.68, 20.63, 21.59, 22.54, 2.64, 
4.034, 5.267, 6.34, 7.421, 8.559, 9.573, 10.53, 11.55, 12.54, 
13.58, 14.65, 15.59, 16.52, 17.53, 18.46, 19.24, 20.21, 21.06, 
22.02, 2.573, 3.908, 5.074, 6.148, 7.247, 8.355, 9.335, 10.35, 
11.22, 12.19, 13.27, 14.26, 15.22, 16.12, 17.01, 17.88, 18.78, 
19.7, 20.53, 21.42, 2.483, 3.742, 4.893, 6.023, 6.985, 8.147, 
9.094, 10.03, 10.9, 11.89, 12.85, 13.95, 14.86, 15.69, 16.55, 
17.41, 18.19, 19.05, 19.96, 20.81, 2.42, 3.633, 4.737, 5.818, 
6.791, 7.922, 8.856, 9.685, 10.61, 11.48, 12.48, 13.54, 14.34, 
15.26, 16, 16.81, 17.59, 18.49, 19.4, 20.14, 2.32, 3.529, 4.599, 
5.599, 6.577, 7.579, 8.542, 9.413, 10.27, 11.15, 12.06, 12.96, 
13.82, 14.64, 15.46, 16.25, 17.04, 17.85, 18.78, 19.48), alpha05 = c(2.14, 
3.393, 4.523, 5.56, 6.642, 7.624, 8.578, 9.552, 10.53, 11.46, 
12.41, 13.34, 14.32, 15.14, 16.11, 16.98, 17.9, 18.83, 19.72, 
20.58, 2.102, 3.287, 4.384, 5.43, 6.465, 7.412, 8.368, 9.287, 
10.26, 11.17, 12.1, 13, 13.9, 14.73, 15.67, 16.56, 17.44, 18.32, 
19.24, 20.11, 2.048, 3.199, 4.269, 5.284, 6.264, 7.197, 8.125, 
9.044, 9.963, 10.85, 11.77, 12.61, 13.48, 14.34, 15.24, 16.06, 
16.93, 17.8, 18.68, 19.52, 1.986, 3.1, 4.133, 5.091, 6.07, 6.985, 
7.887, 8.775, 9.672, 10.52, 11.35, 12.22, 13.09, 13.92, 14.77, 
15.58, 16.43, 17.3, 18.09, 18.95, 1.923, 3, 4.018, 4.948, 5.853, 
6.76, 7.611, 8.51, 9.346, 10.17, 10.99, 11.82, 12.66, 13.46, 
14.33, 15.09, 15.95, 16.78, 17.5, 18.3, 1.849, 2.904, 3.883, 
4.807, 5.654, 6.539, 7.357, 8.211, 9.007, 9.832, 10.62, 11.43, 
12.24, 13.03, 13.85, 14.61, 15.39, 16.14, 16.94, 17.74), alpha1 = c(1.872, 
3.011, 4.091, 5.104, 6.089, 7.047, 7.95, 8.89, 9.82, 10.72, 11.59, 
12.52, 13.37, 14.28, 15.19, 16.06, 16.97, 17.84, 18.73, 19.62, 
1.833, 2.946, 3.984, 4.971, 5.931, 6.852, 7.77, 8.662, 9.571, 
10.43, 11.29, 12.2, 13.03, 13.89, 14.76, 15.65, 16.53, 17.38, 
18.24, 19.11, 1.772, 2.866, 3.871, 4.838, 5.758, 6.673, 7.536, 
8.412, 9.303, 10.14, 10.98, 11.86, 12.69, 13.48, 14.36, 15.22, 
16.02, 16.86, 17.7, 18.52, 1.73, 2.781, 3.749, 4.684, 5.594, 
6.464, 7.299, 8.169, 9.018, 9.843, 10.66, 11.48, 12.31, 13.11, 
13.91, 14.74, 15.58, 16.37, 17.17, 17.97, 1.664, 2.693, 3.632, 
4.525, 5.406, 6.241, 7.064, 7.894, 8.737, 9.517, 10.28, 11.11, 
11.93, 12.67, 13.47, 14.26, 15.06, 15.83, 16.64, 17.38, 1.602, 
2.602, 3.529, 4.365, 5.217, 6.024, 6.832, 7.633, 8.4, 9.192, 
9.929, 10.74, 11.51, 12.28, 13.05, 13.78, 14.54, 15.3, 16.05, 
16.79)), .Names = c("p", "epsilon", "alpha01", "alpha05", "alpha1"
), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -120L))

### Binary quantile regression

rqbinControl <- function(theta = NULL, lower = NULL, upper = NULL, maximise = TRUE, rt = 0.15, tol = 1e-6, ns = 10, nt = 20, neps = 4, maxiter = 1e5, sl = NULL, vm = NULL, seed1 = 1, seed2 = 2, temp = 10, sgn = 1)
if(seed1 < 0 | seed1 > 31328 | seed2 < 0 | seed2 > 30081)
    stop(" 'seed1' must be between 0 and 31328 and 'seed2' must be between 0 and 30081.")

if(temp <= 0)
	stop(" The initial temperature 't' must be > 0.")

list(theta = theta, lower = lower, upper = upper, maximise = maximise, rt = rt, tol = tol, ns = ns, nt = nt, neps = neps, maxiter = maxiter, sl = sl, vm = vm, seed1 = seed1, seed2 = seed2, temp = temp, sgn = sgn)


errorHandling <- function (code, type, maxit, tol, fn) 
    txt <- switch(type, sa = "Simulated annealing")
    if (code == -1)
        warning(paste(txt, " did not converge in: ", fn, ". Try increasing max number of iterations ", 
            "(", maxit, ") or tolerance (", tol, ")\n", sep = ""))
    if (code == -2) 
        warning(paste(txt, " did not start in: ", fn, ". Check max number of iterations ", 
            "(", maxit, ")\n", sep = ""))

rqbin.fit <- function(x, y, tau = 0.5, weights, control)
x <- as.matrix(x*weights)
y <- as.vector(y*weights)
nobs <- nrow(x)
p <- ncol(x)

if(length(y) != nobs)
	stop("Number of rows of 'x' does not match length of 'y'")

		weights <- rep(1, nobs)

if(is.null(control$theta)) {
	tmp <- glm.fit(x, y, family = binomial(link = "probit"))
	control$theta <- tmp$coefficients/tmp$coefficients[p]

if(is.null(control$lower)) {
	control$lower <- c(rep(-10, p-1),1)
	#control$lower <- c(control$theta[p-1] - 10, 1)

if(is.null(control$upper)) {
	control$upper <- c(rep(10, p-1),1)
	#control$upper <- c(control$theta[p-1] + 10, 1)

if(any(control$theta < control$lower) | any(control$theta > control$upper)) stop("The starting values (theta) are out of bounds")

	control$sl <- rep(2, p)
	control$vm <- rep(1, p)

fit <- .Fortran("sa",
         tau = as.double(tau),
         coef = as.double(control$theta),
         obj = as.double(0),
         niter = as.integer(0),
         converge = as.integer(0),
		 as.double(control$sgn), PACKAGE = "Qtools"

errorHandling(fit$converge, "sa", control$max_iter, control$tol, "rq.bin")	 
list(coefficients = fit$coef, logLik = fit$obj, opt = fit$niter)


rq.bin <- function (formula, tau = 0.5, data, weights = NULL, contrasts = NULL, normalize = "last", control = NULL, fit = TRUE){ 

if (any(tau <= 0) | any(tau >= 1)) 
	stop("Quantile index out of range")
nq <- length(tau)
if(!normalize %in% c("last","all"))
	stop("'normalize' not recognised")
Call <- match.call()
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action"), 
	names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
y <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
w <- as.vector(model.weights(mf))

if (!is.null(w) && !is.numeric(w)) 
	stop("'weights' must be a numeric vector")
if (is.null(w)) 
	w <- rep(1, length(y))

x <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
term.labels <- colnames(x)
nobs <- nrow(x)
p <- ncol(x)
intercept <- attr(mt, "intercept") == 1

np <- if(intercept) p - 1 else p
if(np < 2) warning(paste0("There is only one covariate. The coefficient for ", term.labels[2], " is set to 1 for any type of normalization. Results may not be easy to interpret."))

if (is.null(names(control))) 
	control <- rqbinControl()
else {
	control_default <- rqbinControl()
	control_names <- intersect(names(control), names(control_default))
	control_default[control_names] <- control[control_names]
	control <- control_default

	tmp <- glm.fit(x, y, family = binomial(link = "probit"))
	control$theta <- tmp$coefficients/tmp$coefficients[p]

if(is.null(control$lower)) {
	#control$lower <- c(rep(-10, p-1),1)
	control$lower <- c(control$theta[1:(p-1)] - 10, 1)

if(is.null(control$upper)) {
	#control$upper <- c(rep(10, p-1),1)
	control$upper <- c(control$theta[1:(p-1)] + 10, 1)

if(any(control$theta < control$lower) | any(control$theta > control$upper)) stop("The starting values (theta) are out of bounds")

	control$sl <- rep(2, p)

	control$vm <- rep(1, p)

if (!fit) 
	return(list(x = as.matrix(x), y = y, tau = tau, weights = w, control = control))

if (nq == 1) {
	fit <- rqbin.fit(x = as.matrix(x), y = y, weights = w, tau = tau, control = control)
	if (normalize == "all"){
		theta <- fit$coefficients
			theta <- c(theta[1], theta[2:p]/sqrt(sum(theta[2:p]^2)))
		} else {
			theta <- theta/sqrt(sum(theta^2))
		fit$coefficients <- theta
else {
	fit <- vector("list", nq)
	names(fit) <- format(tau, digits = 4)
	for (i in 1:nq){
		fit[[i]] <- rqbin.fit(x = as.matrix(x), y = y, weights = w, tau = tau[i], control = control)
		if (normalize == "all"){
			theta <- fit[[i]]$coefficients
				theta <- c(theta[1], theta[2:p]/sqrt(sum(theta[2:p]^2)))
			} else {
				theta <- theta/sqrt(sum(theta^2))
		fit[[i]]$coefficients <- theta

if (nq > 1) {
	fit$coefficients <- matrix(NA, p, nq)
	for (i in 1:nq) {
		fit$coefficients[, i] <- fit[[i]]$coefficients
	rownames(fit$coefficients) <- term.labels
	colnames(fit$coefficients) <- format(tau, digits = 4)
class(fit) <- "rq.bin"
fit$call <- Call
fit$mf <- mf
fit$na.action <- attr(mf, "na.action")
fit$contrasts <- attr(x, "contrasts")
fit$term.labels <- term.labels
fit$terms <- mt
fit$nobs <- nobs
fit$edf <- if(normalize == "last") p - 1 else p
fit$rdf <- fit$nobs - fit$edf
fit$tau <- tau
fit$x <- as.matrix(x)
fit$y <- y
fit$fitted.values <- x %*% fit$coefficients
fit$weights <- w
fit$levels <- .getXlevels(mt, mf)
fit$control <- control
fit$normalize <- normalize

print.rq.bin <- function(x, digits = max(6, getOption("digits")), ...){

tau <- x$tau
nq <- length(tau)

normalize <- switch(x$normalize,
	last = "last coefficient is set equal to 1",
	all = "vector of 'slopes' has norm equal to 1")

if(nq == 1){
	theta <- x$coefficients
	names(theta) <- x$term.labels

	cat("Call: ")
	cat("\nBinary quantile model\n")
	cat("\nCoefficients of the binary quantile model (", normalize, "):", "\n", sep = "")
	cat(paste("Quantile", tau, "\n"))
	print.default(format(theta, digits = digits), print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)

	cat("\nDegrees of freedom:", x$nobs, "total;", x$rdf, "residual\n")
	cat(paste("Log-likelihood:", format(x$logLik, digits = digits),"\n"))
} else {
	theta <- x$coefficients;
	rownames(theta) <- x$term.labels;
	colnames(theta) <- paste("tau = ", format(tau, digits = digits), sep ="")

	cat("Call: ")
	cat("Binary quantile model\n")
	cat("\nCoefficients (", normalize, "):", "\n", sep = "")
	print.default(format(theta, digits = digits), print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
	cat("\nDegrees of freedom:", x$nobs, "total;", x$rdf, "residual\n")


coef.rq.bin <- coefficients.rq.bin <- function(object, ...){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
ans <- object$coefficients

if(nq == 1){
  names(ans) <- object$term.labels



predict.rq.bin <- function(object, newdata, na.action = na.pass, type = "latent", grid = TRUE, ...) 

tau <- object$tau

if(type == "probability"){
	if(object$normalize == "all")
		stop("When 'type' is 'probability', then 'normalize' in main call rq.bin must be 'last'.")
		gtau <- if(grid) seq(0.05, 0.95, by = 0.05) else sort(tau)
		gobject <- if(grid) update(object, tau = gtau) else object
		gtau <- sort(grid)
		gobject <- update(object, tau = gtau)
	if(length(gtau) < 2) stop("Probabilities can be recovered only with > 1 grid points. Either set 'grid = TRUE' or provide an appropriate grid of breakpoints.")

	yhat <- drop(object$x %*% object$coefficients)
	if(type == "probability"){
		gyhat <- drop(gobject$x %*% gobject$coefficients)
else {
	objt <- terms(object)
	Terms <- delete.response(objt)
	m <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, na.action = na.action, xlev = object$levels)
	if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses"))) .checkMFClasses(cl, m)
	x <- model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts.arg = object$contrasts)
	yhat <- drop(x %*% object$coefficients)
	if(type == "probability"){
		gyhat <- drop(x %*% gobject$coefficients)

if(type == "probability"){
	sgn <- gyhat >= 0
	sgn <- t(apply(sgn, 1, cumsum))
	sel <- apply(sgn, 1, function(x) which(x == 1)[1])
	up <- 1 - c(0, gtau)[sel]
	low <- 1 - gtau[sel]
	phat <- cbind(low, up)
	phat[is.na(sel),1] <- c(0)
	phat[is.na(sel),2] <- c(gtau[1])
	colnames(phat) <- c("lower", "upper")

ans <- if(type == "probability") phat else if(type == "latent") yhat else NULL


fitted.rq.bin <- function(object, ...){



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