
Defines functions estfun.gmmFct

Documented in estfun.gmmFct

####### All methods with gmmModels (and its subclasses) signature

#######################  Print ########################
### The getGeneric for print is here only, so the file must be compiled
### before any other files containing print

setMethod("print", "gmmModels",
          function(x, ...) {
              cat("GMM Model\n")
              cat("Moment type: ", strsplit(is(x)[1], "G")[[1]][1], "\n", sep="")
              cat("Covariance matrix: ", x@vcov, sep="")
              if (x@vcov == "HAC")
                      cat(" with ", x@vcovOptions$kernel, " kernel and ", sep="")
                      if (is.numeric(x@vcovOptions$bw))
                          cat("Fixed  bandwidth (", round(x@vcovOptions$bw,3), ")",  sep="")
                          cat(x@vcovOptions$bw, " bandwidth",  sep="")
              if (x@vcov == "CL")
                  cat("\nClustered based on: ",
                      paste(colnames(x@vcovOptions$cluster), collapse=" and "), sep="")
              if (length(x@survOptions)>0)
                  cat("\nSurvey weights type: ", x@survOptions$type, sep="")
              d <- modelDims(x)
              cat("Number of regressors: ", d$k, "\n", sep="")
              cat("Number of moment conditions: ", d$q, "\n", sep="")
              if (!inherits(x, "functionGmm"))
                  cat("Number of Endogenous Variables: ", sum(x@isEndo), "\n", sep="")
              if (!is.null(x@survOptions$weights) && x@survOptions$type == "frequency")
                  cat("Implied sample size (sum of weights): ", d$n, "\n")
                  cat("Sample size: ", d$n, "\n")})

setMethod("show", "gmmModels", function(object) print(object))

##### coef  ########
### For this, it only attach the names to theta

setMethod("coef", "gmmModels",
          function(object, theta) {
              names(theta) <- object@parNames

################## model.matrix and modelResponse #################
### I did not make model.response as generic because it is not
### a method in stats and I want different arguments

setGeneric("modelResponse", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("modelResponse"))

setMethod("modelResponse", signature("linearGmm"),

setMethod("model.matrix", signature("linearGmm"),
          function(object, type=c("regressors","instruments"))
              type <- match.arg(type)
              if (type == "regressors")
                  ti <- attr(object@modelF, "terms")
                  mat <- as.matrix(model.matrix(ti, object@modelF)[,])
              } else {
                  ti <- attr(object@instF, "terms")
                  mat <- as.matrix(model.matrix(ti, object@instF)[,])

setMethod("model.matrix", signature("nonlinearGmm"),
          function(object, type=c("regressors","instruments"))
              type <- match.arg(type)
              if (type == "regressors")
                  stop("no model.matrix of type regressors for nonlinear Gmm. set type to 'instruments' to get the matrix of instruments")
              } else {
                  ti <- attr(object@instF, "terms")
                  mat <- model.matrix(ti, object@instF)[,]

#################### residuals ###########################
### The getGeneric for residuals is here only, so the file must be compiled
### before any other files containing print

### rlinearGmm inherits from linearGmm
setMethod("residuals", signature("linearGmm"), function(object, theta){
    X <- model.matrix(object)
    Y <- modelResponse(object)
    e <- Y-c(X%*%theta)

setMethod("residuals", signature("nonlinearGmm"), 
          function(object, theta)
                  res <- modelDims(object)
                  nt <- names(theta)
                  nt0 <- names(res$theta0)
                  if (length(theta) != length(nt0))
                      stop("The length of theta is not equal to the number of parameters")
                  if (is.null(nt))
                      stop("theta must be a named vector")
                  if (!all(nt%in%nt0 & nt0%in%nt))
                      stop("names in theta dont match parameter names")
                  varList <- c(as.list(theta), as.list(object@modelF))
                  if (!is.null(res$fLHS))
                          lhs <- try(eval(res$fLHS, varList))
                          if (any(class(lhs)=="try-error"))
                              stop("Cannot evaluate the LHS")
                      } else {
                          lhs <- 0
                  rhs <- try(eval(res$fRHS, varList))
                  if (any(class(rhs)=="try-error"))
                      stop("Cannot evaluate the RHS")

################ evalMoment ##########################

setGeneric("evalMoment", function(object, theta, ...) standardGeneric("evalMoment"))

setMethod("evalMoment", signature("regGmm"),
          function(object, theta) {
              e <- residuals(object, theta)
              Z <- model.matrix(object, "instruments")

setMethod("evalMoment", signature("functionGmm"),
          function(object, theta) {
              theta <- coef(object, theta)
              gt <- object@fct(theta, object@X)
              if (!is.null(sub <- attr(object@X, "subset")))
                  gt <- gt[,sub]

setMethod("evalMoment", signature("formulaGmm"),
          function(object, theta) {
              res <- modelDims(object)
              nt <- names(theta)
              nt0 <- names(res$theta0)
              if (length(theta) != length(nt0))
                  stop("The length of theta is not equal to the number of parameters")
              if (is.null(nt))
                  stop("theta must be a named vector")
              if (!all(nt%in%nt0 & nt0%in%nt))
                  stop("names in theta dont match parameter names")
              varList <- c(as.list(theta), as.list(object@modelF))
              sapply(1:res$q, function(i) {
                  if (!is.null(res$fLHS[[i]]))
                          lhs <- try(eval(res$fLHS[[i]], varList))
                          if (any(class(lhs)=="try-error"))
                              stop("Cannot evaluate the LHS")
                      } else {
                          lhs <- 0
                  if (!is.null(res$fRHS[[i]]))
                          rhs <- try(eval(res$fRHS[[i]], varList))
                          if (any(class(lhs)=="try-error"))
                              stop("Cannot evaluate the RHS")
                      } else {
                          lhs <- 0

################ evalDresiduals ##########################

setGeneric("Dresiduals", function(object, theta, ...) standardGeneric("Dresiduals"))

setMethod("Dresiduals", signature("linearGmm"),
          function(object, theta) {

setMethod("Dresiduals", signature("nonlinearGmm"),
          function(object, theta) {
              res <- modelDims(object)
              nt <- names(theta)
              nt0 <- names(res$theta0)
              if (length(theta) != length(nt0))
                  stop("The length of theta is not equal to the number of parameters")
              if (is.null(nt))
                  stop("theta must be a named vector")
              if (!all(nt%in%nt0 & nt0%in%nt))
                  stop("names in theta dont match parameter names")
              varList <- c(as.list(theta), as.list(object@modelF))
              De <- numeric()
              for (i in nt)
                      if (!is.null(res$fLHS))
                          d <- eval(D(res$fLHS, i), varList)      
                          d <- 0
                      De <-  cbind(De, d-matrix(eval(D(res$fRHS, i), varList),res$n,1))

############### modelDims #######################

setGeneric("modelDims", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("modelDims"))

setMethod("modelDims", "linearGmm",
          function(object) {
              list(k=object@k, q=object@q, n=object@n, parNames=object@parNames,
                   momNames=object@momNames, isEndo=object@isEndo)

setMethod("modelDims", "nonlinearGmm",
          function(object) {
              list(k=object@k, q=object@q, n=object@n, parNames=object@parNames,
                   momNames=object@momNames, theta0=object@theta0,
                   fRHS=object@fRHS, fLHS=object@fLHS, isEndo=object@isEndo)

setMethod("modelDims", "functionGmm",
          function(object) {
              list(k=object@k, q=object@q, n=object@n, parNames=object@parNames,
                   momNames=object@momNames, theta0=object@theta0,
                   fct=object@fct, dfct=object@dfct, isEndo=object@isEndo)

setMethod("modelDims", "formulaGmm",
          function(object) {
              list(k=object@k, q=object@q, n=object@n, parNames=object@parNames,
                   momNames=object@momNames, theta0=object@theta0,
                   fRHS=object@fRHS, fLHS=object@fLHS, isEndo=object@isEndo,

################ evalDMoment ##########################

setGeneric("evalDMoment", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("evalDMoment"))

setMethod("evalDMoment", signature("regGmm"),
          function(object, theta, impProb=NULL) {
              De <- Dresiduals(object, theta)
              Z <- model.matrix(object, "instrument")
              if (is.null(impProb))
                  impProb <- 1/nrow(Z)
              G <- apply(De,2, function(x) colSums(Z*x*impProb))
              spec <- modelDims(object)
              if (!is.matrix(G))
                      G <- matrix(G,  spec$q, spec$k)
              dimnames(G) <- list(spec$momNames, spec$parNames)

setMethod("evalDMoment", signature("functionGmm"),
          function(object, theta, impProb=NULL) {
              spec <- modelDims(object)
              if (is.null(object@dfct))
                  f <- function(theta, object, impProb)
                      gt <- evalMoment(object, theta)
                      if (is.null(impProb))
                  env <- new.env()
                  assign("theta", theta, envir=env)
                  assign("object", object, envir=env)
                  assign("impProb", impProb, envir=env)
                  assign("f", f, envir=env)
                  G <- numericDeriv(quote(f(theta, object, impProb)), "theta", env)
                  G <- attr(G, "gradient")
              } else {
                  G <- object@dfct(theta, object@X)
              if (!is.matrix(G))
                  G <- matrix(G,  spec$q, spec$k)
              dimnames(G) <- list(spec$momNames, spec$parNames)

setMethod("evalDMoment", signature("formulaGmm"),
          function(object, theta, impProb=NULL) {
              res <- modelDims(object)
              nt <- names(theta)
              nt0 <- names(res$theta0)
              spec <- modelDims(object)
              if (is.null(impProb))
                  impProb <- 1/spec$n
              if (length(theta) != length(nt0))
                  stop("The length of theta is not equal to the number of parameters")
              if (is.null(nt))
                  stop("theta must be a named vector")
              if (!all(nt%in%nt0 & nt0%in%nt))
                  stop("names in theta dont match parameter names")
              varList <- c(as.list(theta), as.list(object@modelF))
              G <- numeric()
              for (i in nt)
                      lhs <- sapply(1:res$q, function(j) {
                          if (!is.null(res$fLHS[[j]]))
                                  tmp <- eval(D(res$fLHS[[j]], i), varList)
                                  if (length(tmp)>1)
                                      d <- sum(tmp*impProb)
                                      d <- tmp
                              } else {
                                  d <- 0
                      rhs <- sapply(1:res$q, function(j) {
                          if (!is.null(res$fRHS[[j]]))
                                  tmp <- eval(D(res$fRHS[[j]], i), varList)
                                  if (length(tmp)>1)
                                      d <- sum(tmp*impProb)
                                      d <- tmp
                              } else {
                                  d <- 0
                      G <- cbind(G, lhs-rhs)
              if (!is.matrix(G))
                  G <- matrix(G,  spec$q, spec$k)
              dimnames(G) <- list(spec$momNames, spec$parNames)

###########   estfun :  Don't like it ###############

estfun.gmmFct <- function(x, ...) x

##########  vcovHAC from sandwich #################

setMethod("vcovHAC", "gmmModels",
          function (x, theta) { 
              gmat <- evalMoment(x, theta)
              if (x@vcov != "HAC")
                      warning("Model set as ", x@vcov, ". The default HAC options are used")
                      x@vcov <- "HAC"
                      x@vcovOptions <- .getVcovOptions("HAC")
              if (x@centeredVcov) 
                  gmat <- scale(gmat, scale = FALSE)
              class(gmat) <- "gmmFct"
              options <- x@vcovOptions
              if (is.character(options$bw))
                  if (options$bw == "Wilhelm")
                      G <- evalDMoment(x, theta)
                      obj <- list(gt = gmat, G = G)
                      class(obj) <- "gmm"
                  } else {
                      obj <- gmat
                  bwFct  <- get(paste("bw",options$bw,sep=""))
                  bwArgs <- options
                  bwArgs$bw <- NULL
                  bwArgs$tol <- NULL
                  bwArgs$x <- obj
                  bw <- do.call(bwFct, bwArgs)
              } else {
                  bw <- options$bw
              weights <- weightsAndrews(x = gmat, bw = bw, kernel = options$kernel, 
                                        prewhite = options$prewhite, tol = options$tol)
              w <- vcovHAC(x = gmat, order.by = NULL, weights = weights, 
                           prewhite = options$prewhite, sandwich = FALSE,
                           ar.method = options$ar.method)
              attr(w, "Spec") <- list(weights = weights, bw = bw, kernel = options$kernel)

################ momentVcov  ##########################

setGeneric("momentVcov", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("momentVcov"))

setMethod("momentVcov", signature("gmmModels"),
          function(object, theta, ...){
              if ((inherits(object, "functionGmm") || inherits(object, "formulaGmm")) &
                  object@vcov == "iid")
                  object@vcov <- "MDS"
              if (object@vcov == "MDS")
                      gt <- evalMoment(object, theta)
                      if (object@centeredVcov)
                          gt <- scale(gt, scale=FALSE)
                      w <- crossprod(gt)/nrow(gt)
                  } else if (object@vcov == "iid") {
                      sig <- sd(residuals(object, theta))
                      Z <- model.matrix(object, "instrument")
                      w <- sig^2*crossprod(Z)/nrow(Z)
                  } else if (object@vcov == "CL") {
                      gt <- evalMoment(object, theta)
                      class(gt) <- "gmmFct"
                      opt <- object@vcovOptions
                      opt$x <- gt
                      w <- do.call(meatCL, opt)                                            
                  } else {
                      w <- vcovHAC(object, theta)

################### weights Object and methods: Is it too much??? #################

setGeneric("evalWeights", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("evalWeights"))

setMethod("evalWeights", signature("gmmModels"),valueClass="gmmWeights",
          function(object, theta=NULL, w="optimal", ...)
                  wSpec <- list()
                  if (is.matrix(w))
                          type <- "weights"
                      } else {
                          if (w == "ident")
                                  type <- "weights"
                              } else {
                                  if (inherits(object, c("formulaGmm", "functionGmm")) &
                                      object@vcov == "iid")
                                      object@vcov <- "MDS"
                                  if (object@vcov == "MDS")
                                          gt <- evalMoment(object, theta)
                                          if (object@centeredVcov)
                                              gt <- scale(gt, scale=FALSE)
                                          w <- qr(gt/sqrt(nrow(gt)))
                                          if (w$rank < object@q)
                                              warning("The moment matrix is not full column rank")
                                          type <- "qr"
                                      } else if (object@vcov == "iid") {
                                          sig <- mean(residuals(object, theta)^2)
                                          sig <- sqrt(sig)
                                          ti <- attr(object@instF, "terms")
                                          Z <- model.matrix(ti, object@instF)[,]
                                          w <- qr(sig*Z/sqrt(nrow(Z)))
                                          if (w$rank < object@q)
                                              warning("The moment matrix is not full column rank")
                                          type <- "qr"
                                      } else if (object@vcov == "CL") {
                                          gt <- evalMoment(object, theta)
                                          class(gt) <- "gmmFct"
                                          opt <- object@vcovOptions
                                          opt$x <- gt
                                          w <- chol(do.call(meatCL, opt))
                                          type <- "chol"
                                      } else {
                                          w <- vcovHAC(object, theta)
                                          wSpec <- attr(w,"Spec")
                                          w <- chol(w[,])
                                          type <- "chol"
                  new("gmmWeights", type=type, w=w, wSpec=wSpec)

############ evalObjective #################################

setGeneric("evalObjective", function(object, theta, wObj, ...) standardGeneric("evalObjective"))

setMethod("evalObjective", signature("gmmModels", "numeric", "gmmWeights"),
          function(object, theta, wObj, ...)
                  gt <- evalMoment(object, theta)
                  n <- modelDims(object)$n
                  gt <- colMeans(gt)
                  obj <- quadra(wObj, gt)

#########################  solveGmm  #########################

setGeneric("solveGmm", function(object, wObj, ...) standardGeneric("solveGmm"))

setMethod("solveGmm", signature("linearGmm", "gmmWeights"),
          function(object, wObj, theta0=NULL, ...)
              X <- model.matrix(object)
              Z <- model.matrix(object, "instrument")
              Y <- modelResponse(object)
              d <- modelDims(object)
              n <- d$n
              Sig.zy <- crossprod(Z,Y)/n
              Sig.zx <- crossprod(Z,X)/n
              if (d$q == d$k)
                  T1 <- Sig.zx
                  T2 <- Sig.zy
              } else {
                  T1 <- quadra(wObj, Sig.zx)
                  T2 <- quadra(wObj, Sig.zx, Sig.zy)
              theta <- c(solve(T1, T2))
              names(theta) <- d$parNames
              list(theta=theta, convergence=NULL)

setMethod("solveGmm", signature("allNLGmm", "gmmWeights"),
          function(object, wObj, theta0=NULL, algo=c("optim","nlminb"), ...)
                  algo <- match.arg(algo)
                  if (is.null(theta0))
                      theta0 <- modelDims(object)$theta0
                  g <- function(theta, wObj, object)
                      evalObjective(object, theta, wObj)
                  dg <- function(theta, wObj, object)
                          gt <- evalMoment(object, theta)
                          n <- nrow(gt)
                          gt <- colMeans(gt)
                          G <- evalDMoment(object, theta)
                          obj <- 2*n*quadra(wObj, G, gt)
                  if (algo == "optim")
                          if ("method" %in% names(list(...)))
                              res <- optim(par=theta0, fn=g, gr=dg, 
                                           object=object, wObj=wObj, ...)
                              res <- optim(par=theta0, fn=g, gr=dg, method="BFGS",
                                           object=object, wObj=wObj, ...)
                      } else {
                          res <- nlminb(start=theta0, objective=g, gradient=dg,
                                        object=object, wObj=wObj, ...)
                  theta <- res$par
                  names(theta) <- modelDims(object)$parNames
                  list(theta=theta, convergence=res$convergence)

##################### momentStrength ####################

setGeneric("momentStrength", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("momentStrength"))

setMethod("momentStrength", signature("nonlinearGmm"), 
          function(object, theta=NULL, ...)
              list(strength=NULL, mess=NULL)

setMethod("momentStrength", signature("functionGmm"), 
          function(object, theta=NULL, ...)
              list(strength=NULL, mess=NULL)

setMethod("momentStrength", signature("formulaGmm"), 
          function(object, theta=NULL, ...)
              list(strength=NULL, mess=NULL)

setMethod("momentStrength", signature("linearGmm"), 
          function(object, theta, vcovType=c("OLS","HC","HAC","CL")){
              spec <- modelDims(object)
              EndoVars <- !(spec$parNames %in% spec$momNames)
              exoInst <- spec$momNames %in% spec$parNames
              vcovType <- match.arg(vcovType)
              if (all(!EndoVars))
                      fstats <- NULL
                      mess <- "No endogenous variables: no strength measure"  
                  } else {
                      X <- model.matrix(object)
                      X <- X[,EndoVars,drop=FALSE]
                      Z <- model.matrix(object, "instrument")
                      fstats <- matrix(ncol=0, nrow=3)
                      df1 <- sum(!exoInst)                      
                      for (i in 1:ncol(X))
                              resu <- lm(X[,i   ]~Z-1)                              
                              v <- switch(vcovType,
                                          CL=do.call(vcovCL,c(object@vcovOptions, x=resu)))
                              v <- v[!exoInst,!exoInst]
                              b <- coef(resu)[!exoInst]
                              f <- b%*%solve(v, b)/df1
                              df2 <- resu$df.residual
                              fstats <- cbind(fstats, c(f, df1, df2))
                      fstats <- rbind(fstats, 1-pf(fstats[1,], fstats[2,],fstats[3,]))
                      colnames(fstats) <- colnames(X)
                      rownames(fstats) <- c("Stats","df1","df2","pv")
                      fstats <- t(fstats)
                      mess <- "Instrument strength based on the F-Statistics of the first stage OLS"
              list(strength=fstats, mess=mess)

### Subsetting models

setMethod("[", c("regGmm", "numeric", "missing"),
          function(x, i, j){
              i <- unique(as.integer(i))
              spec <- modelDims(x)
              q <- spec$q
              if (!all(abs(i) %in% (1:q))) 
                  stop("SubMoment must be between 1 and q")
              momNames <- x@momNames[i]
              if (length(momNames)<spec$k)
                  stop("The model is under-identified")
              if (momNames[1] == "(Intercept)") 
                  f <- reformulate(momNames[-1], NULL, TRUE)
                  f <- reformulate(momNames, NULL, FALSE)
              instF <- model.frame(f, x@instF)
              x@q <- length(momNames)
              x@instF <- instF
              x@momNames <- momNames

setMethod("[", c("functionGmm", "numeric", "missing"),
          function(x, i, j){
              i <- unique(as.integer(i))
              spec <- modelDims(x)
              q <- spec$q
              if (!all(abs(i) %in% (1:q))) 
                  stop("SubMoment must be between 1 and q")
              if (length(i)==q)
              momNames <- x@momNames[i]
              if (length(momNames)<spec$k)
                  stop("The model is under-identified")
              attr(x@X, "subset") <- i
              x@q <- length(momNames)
              x@momNames <- momNames

setMethod("[", c("formulaGmm", "numeric", "missing"),
          function(x, i, j){
              i <- unique(as.integer(i))
              spec <- modelDims(x)
              q <- spec$q
              if (!all(abs(i) %in% (1:q))) 
                  stop("SubMoment must be between 1 and q")
               if (length(i)==q)
               momNames <- x@momNames[i]
               if (length(momNames)<spec$k)
                   stop("The model is under-identified")
              x@fRHS <- x@fRHS[i]
              x@fLHS <- x@fLHS[i]
              x@q <- length(momNames)
              x@momNames <- momNames

setMethod("[", c("gmmModels", "missing", "missing"),
          function(x, i, j) x)

### Observation subset

setMethod("subset", "regGmm",
          function(x, i) {
              x@modelF <- x@modelF[i,,drop=FALSE]
              x@instF <- x@instF[i,,drop=FALSE]
              if (!is.null(x@vcovOptions$cluster))
                  x@vcovOptions$cluster <- x@vcovOptions$cluster[i,,drop=FALSE]
              if (!is.null(x@survOptions$weights))
                  x@survOptions$weights <- x@survOptions$weights[i]
              x@n <- nrow(x@modelF)

setMethod("subset", "functionGmm",
          function(x, i) {
              if (is.matrix(x@X) || is.data.frame(x@X))
                  x@X <- x@X[i,,drop=FALSE]
              else if (is.numeric(x@X))
                  x@X <- x@X[i, drop=FALSE]
                  stop("X is not subsetable")
              if (!is.null(x@vcovOptions$cluster))
                  x@vcovOptions$cluster <- x@vcovOptions$cluster[i,,drop=FALSE]
              if (!is.null(x@survOptions$weights))
                  x@survOptions$weights <- x@survOptions$weights[i]              
              x@n <- NROW(x@X)

setMethod("subset", "formulaGmm",
          function(x, i) {
              x@modelF <- x@modelF[i,,drop=FALSE]
              if (!is.null(x@vcovOptions$cluster))
                  x@vcovOptions$cluster <- x@vcovOptions$cluster[i,,drop=FALSE]
              if (!is.null(x@survOptions$weights))
                  x@survOptions$weights <- x@survOptions$weights[i]              
              x@n <- nrow(x@modelF)

## modelFit

setGeneric("modelFit", function(model, ...) standardGeneric("modelFit"))

setMethod("modelFit", signature("formulaGmm"), valueClass="gmmfit", 
          definition = function(model, type=c("twostep", "iter","cue", "onestep"),
              itertol=1e-7, initW=c("ident", "tsls"), weights="optimal", 
              itermaxit=100, efficientWeights=FALSE, theta0=NULL, ...)
              Call <- try(match.call(call=sys.call(sys.parent())), silent=TRUE)
              if (inherits(Call,"try-error"))
                  Call <- NULL
              if (model@isMDE && model@centeredVcov)
                  if (is.character(weights) && weights == "optimal")
                      spec <- modelDims(model)
                      wObj <- evalWeights(model, spec$theta0, "optimal")
                      met <- getMethod("modelFit", "gmmModels")
                      res <- met(model, weights=wObj, efficientWeights=TRUE, ...)
                      res@type <- "mde"
                  } else {
                      res <- callNextMethod()
              } else {
                  res <- callNextMethod()
              res@call <- Call              

setMethod("modelFit", signature("gmmModels"), valueClass="gmmfit", 
         definition = function(model, type=c("twostep", "iter","cue", "onestep"),
              itertol=1e-7, initW=c("ident", "tsls"), weights="optimal", 
              itermaxit=100, efficientWeights=FALSE, theta0=NULL, ...)
             Call <- try(match.call(call=sys.call(sys.parent())), silent=TRUE)
             if (inherits(Call,"try-error"))
                 Call <- NULL
             chk <- validObject(model)                  
             type <- match.arg(type)
             initW <- match.arg(initW)
             i <- 1L
             chk <- validObject(model, TRUE)
             if (!chk)
                 stop("model is not a valid gmmModels object")
             if (initW == "tsls" && class(model) != "linearGmm")
                 stop("initW='tsls' is for linear models only")
             if (is.character(weights) && !(weights%in%c("optimal","ident")))
                 stop("weights is a matrix or one of 'optimal' or 'ident'")
             spec <- modelDims(model)
             if (spec$q==spec$k)
                 ## This allow to weight the moments in case of
                 ## large scale difference.
                 if (!is.matrix(weights) && !inherits(weights,"gmmWeights"))
                     weights <- "ident"
                 type <- "onestep"
             } else if (type == "onestep" && !is.matrix(weights)) {
                 weights <- "ident"
             } else if (is.matrix(weights) || inherits(weights,"gmmWeights")) {
                 type <- "onestep"
             } else if (weights == "ident") {
                 type <- "onestep"
             if (type == "onestep")
                 if (inherits(weights,"gmmWeights"))
                     wObj <- weights
                     wObj <- evalWeights(model, w=weights)
                 res <- solveGmm(model, wObj, theta0, ...)
                 convergence <- res$convergence
                 efficientGmm <- ifelse(is.character(weights), FALSE,
                 ans <- new("gmmfit", theta=res$theta,
                            convergence=convergence, convIter=NULL, type=type,
                            wObj=wObj, model=model, call=Call, niter=i,
             if (class(model) == "linearGmm")
                 if (model@vcov == "iid")
                     if (is.character(weights) && weights == "optimal")
                         res <- tsls(model)
                         res@call <- Call
             if (type == "twostep")
                 itermaxit <- 1
             if (initW=="tsls")
                 theta0 <- coef(tsls(model))
             } else {
                 wObj <- evalWeights(model, NULL, "ident")
                 theta0 <- solveGmm(model, wObj, theta0, ...)$theta
             bw <- model@vcovOptions$bw
             if (type != "cue")
                 wObj <- evalWeights(model, theta0, "optimal")
                 if (model@vcov=="HAC" && is.character(bw))
                     model@vcovOptions$bw <- wObj@wSpec$bw
                 res <- solveGmm(model, wObj, theta0, ...)
                 theta1 <- res$theta
                 convergence <- res$convergence
                 crit <- sqrt( sum((theta1-theta0)^2)/(1+sqrt(sum(theta0^2))))
                 if (crit < itertol & type=="iter")
                     convIter <- 0
                 i <- i + 1L
                 theta0 <- theta1
                 if (i>itermaxit)
                     if (type=="twostep")
                         convIter <- NULL
                         convIter <- 1
             } else {
                 convIter <- NULL
                 if (model@vcov=="HAC" && is.character(bw))
                     w <- momentVcov(model, theta0)
                     model@vcovOptions$bw <- attr(w, "Spec")$bw
                 obj <- function(theta, model)
                     wObj <- evalWeights(model, theta, "optimal")
                     evalObjective(model, theta, wObj)
                 res <- optim(theta0, obj, model=model,
                 theta1 <- res$par
                 convergence <- res$convergence
                 wObj <- evalWeights(model, theta1, "optimal")                 
             model@vcovOptions$bw <- bw
             names(theta1) <- spec$parNames
             new("gmmfit", theta=theta1, convergence=convergence, type=type,
                 wObj=wObj, model=model, convIter=convIter, call=Call,
                 niter=i, efficientGmm=TRUE)

## tsls

setGeneric("tsls", function(model, ...) standardGeneric("tsls"))

setMethod("tsls", signature("linearGmm"), valueClass="tsls", 
              Call <- try(match.call(call=sys.call(sys.parent())), silent=TRUE)
              if (inherits(Call,"try-errors"))
                  Call <- NULL
              chk <- validObject(model)
              X <- model.matrix(model)
              Z <- model.matrix(model, "instrument")
              Y <- modelResponse(model)
              spec <- modelDims(model)
              EndoVars <- !(spec$parNames %in% spec$momNames)
              if (any(EndoVars))
                      res <- lm(X[,EndoVars]~Z)
                      X[,EndoVars] <- fitted(res)
              theta <- lm.fit(X, Y)$coefficients
              names(theta) <- spec$parNames
              vcov <- model@vcov
              model@vcov <- "iid"
              efficientGmm <- vcov == "iid"
              wObj <- evalWeights(model, theta, "optimal")
              model@vcov <- vcov
              obj <- new("tsls", theta=theta, convergence=NULL, type="tsls",
                         wObj=wObj, model=model, convIter=NULL, call=Call,
                         niter=1L, efficientGmm=efficientGmm)

## evalModel

setGeneric("evalModel", function(model, ...) standardGeneric("evalModel"))

setMethod("evalModel", signature("gmmModels"),
          function(model, theta, wObj=NULL, ...) {
              spec <- modelDims(model)
              Call <- try(match.call(call=sys.call(sys.parent())), silent=TRUE)
              if (inherits(Call,"try-error"))
                  Call <- NULL
              if (!is.null(names(theta)))
                      if (!all(names(theta) %in% spec$parNames))
                          stop("You provided a named theta with wrong names")
                      theta <- theta[match(spec$parNames, names(theta))]
                  } else {
                      if (class(model) %in% c("formulaGmm","nonlinearGmm"))
                          stop("To evaluate nonlinear models, theta must be named")
                      names(theta) <- spec$parNames
              if (is.null(wObj))
                  wObj <- evalWeights(model, theta)
              new("gmmfit", theta=theta, convergence=NULL, convIter=NULL,
                  call=Call, type="eval", wObj=wObj, niter=0L, efficientGmm=FALSE,

## Convert to GEL
setGeneric("gmmToGel", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("gmmToGel"))

setMethod("gmmToGel", signature("gmmModels"),
          function(object, gelType, rhoFct=NULL){
              cls <- strsplit(class(object), "Gmm")[[1]][1]
              cls <- paste(cls, "Gel", sep="")
              wSpec <- kernapply(object)
              if (!is.null(rhoFct))
                  gelType <- "Other"
              new(cls, wSpec=wSpec, gelType=list(name=gelType, fct=rhoFct),

## update

setMethod("update", "gmmModels",
          function(object, ...)
              arg <- list(...)
              allowed <- c("vcov","vcovOptions", "centeredVcov",
              arg <- arg[na.omit(match(allowed, names(arg)))]
              if (length(arg) == 0)                  
              if (!is.null(arg$vcov))
                  object@vcov <- arg$vcov              
              if (is.null(arg$vcovOptions))
                  arg$vcovOption <- list()
              if (is.null(arg$survOptions))
                  arg$survOptions <- list()
              object@vcovOptions <- .getVcovOptions(arg$vcov, NULL, arg$vcovOptions)
              object@survOptions <- .getSurvOptions(NULL, arg$survOptions)              
              if (!is.null(arg$centeredVcov))
                  object@centeredVcov <- arg$centeredVcov

## kernapply

setMethod("kernapply", "gmmModels",
          function(x, theta=NULL, ...)
              getMethod("kernapply", "gelModels")(x, theta, FALSE)


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gmm4 documentation built on Dec. 6, 2019, 3:01 a.m.