
#' Plot LoCoH-xy object
#' Multi-purpose plotting function for a LoCoH-xy object
#' @param x A \link{LoCoH-xy} object
#' @param lxy Deprecated, use \code{x} instead
#' @param id A vector of the id value(s) to plot
#' @param cex Character expansion factor for the points
#' @param show.start Whether to highlight the starting location (if time stamps are present) in green. T/F.
#' @param show.end Whether to highlight the end location (if time stamps are present) in red. T/F.
#' @param col A single value or vector of color values. Can also be 'auto' in which case the colors saved in \code{lxy} will be used (which are rainbow by default).
#' @param connect.dots Whether to draw line segments between consecutive locations. T/F.
#' @param overlay Whether to overlay the plots of all individuals in \code{lxy} on one pair of axes (map). T/F.
#' @param status Display status messages. T/F.
#' @param title The title to be displayed. Character. If NULL a title will be constructed.
#' @param title.show Whether to show the title. T/F.
#' @param axes.show Whether to show the axes. T/F.
#' @param axes.titles Whether to show axes titles. T/F.
#' @param axes.ticks Whether to show the tick marks and labels on the axes. T/F.
#' @param mar The plot margins. A four item numeric vector
#' @param mgp The distance away from the edge of the plot for the 1) label, 2) tick marks, and 3) axis line. A three-item numeric vector
#' @param lo.save Whether to save and reset the plot device margin settings (some wrapper functions that call this function don't want device settings reset). T/F.
#' @param panel.num A number or letter to display in the upper left hand corner of the plot when the plot will be used as part of a multi-frame graphic (as in publications). Character
#' @param panel.num.inside.plot Whether to display panel.num inside the plot area itself, as opposed to the title area. T/F
#' @param png.fn The path and name of the PNG file to create (instead of displaying in a plot window)
#' @param png.dir The directory for a PNG file (filename will be constructed automatically). Ignored if png.fn is passed
#' @param png.dir.make Whether to create png.dir if it doesn't exist. T/F
#' @param png.width The width of the PNG image
#' @param png.height The height of the PNG image
#' @param png.overwrite Whether to overwrite an existing PNG file if it exists. T/F
#' @param png.pointsize The pointsize (in pixels) for the PNG image, equivalent to the height or width of a character in pixels (increase to make labels appear larger)
#' @param tiff.fn The path and name of a GeoTIFF file (e.g., satellite image) that will be displayed in the background. See notes.
#' @param tiff.bands A vector of threee integers corresponding to the bands of the GeoTIFF image that will be mapped to the red, green and blue color guns respectively.
#' @param tiff.col A vector of color values for plotting single-band images in the background. Ignored if using three bands.
#' @param tiff.pct Whether or to convert the GeoTIFF to an indexed 256 color RGB image, which may speed up drawing. T/F.
#' @param tiff.buff A numeric buffer distance in map units that the range of the plot will be expanded so the points are not right on the edge of the GeoTIFF.
#' @param tiff.fill.plot Whether to fill the entire plot area with the GeoTIFF. T/F.
#' @param layers The name(s) of layers in shp.csv to display in the background. Will be displayed using the symbology in shp.csv. Character vector or comma delimited string
#' @param shp.csv The path and filename of a csv file that contains information about shapefiles, including layer names, file, and symbology.
#' @param xlim The lower and upper limit of the x-axis, two-element numeric vector
#' @param ylim The lower and upper limit of the y-axis, two-element numeric vector
#' @param legend One of the following keywords specifying where to put a legend when overlaying the locations of multiple individuals: \code{bottomright}, \code{bottom}, \code{bottomleft}, \code{left}, \code{topleft},
#' \code{top}, \code{topright}, \code{right} or \code{center}
#' @param add Whether to add to an existing plot. T/F.
#' @param ... Additional parameters that will be passed to the \code{\link{plot}} function
#' @details
#' This is a multi-purpose plotting function for a LoCoH-xy object, with several custom arguments useful for plotting 
#' a movement trajectory. You may also extract the SpatialPointsDataFrame element of the LoCoH-xy object directly by referencing 
#' the \code{pts} element (e.g., \code{x$pts}, where \code{x} is a LoCoH-xy object).
#' @seealso Vignette on T-LoCoH data classes, Tutorial Vignette (for details on displyaing GIS layers and raster images in the background)
#' @export
#' @import sp
#' @method plot locoh.lxy

plot.locoh.lxy <- function(x, lxy, id=NULL, cex=0.8, show.start=TRUE, show.end=TRUE, col=c("auto","gray80")[1], connect.dots=TRUE,
                           overlay=FALSE, status=TRUE, title=NULL, title.show=TRUE, 
                           axes.show=TRUE, axes.titles=axes.show, axes.ticks=axes.show,
                           mar=c(if (axes.titles || axes.ticks) 3.3 else 0.5, if (axes.titles || axes.ticks) 3.2 else 0.5, if (title.show) 3.2 else 0.5, 0.5), 
                           mgp=c(2, 0.7, 0), lo.save=TRUE, panel.num=NULL, panel.num.inside.plot=!title.show,
                           png.fn=NULL, png.dir=NULL, png.dir.make=TRUE, png.width=800, png.height=png.width, png.overwrite=TRUE, png.pointsize=12+(png.width-480)/80, 
                           tiff.fn=NULL, tiff.bands=c(3,2,1), tiff.col=gray(0:255/255), tiff.pct=FALSE, tiff.buff=0, tiff.fill.plot=TRUE, 
                           layers=NULL, shp.csv=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, legend=NULL, add=FALSE, ...) {
    if (!missing(lxy)) warning("argument lxy is deprecated; please use x instead.", call. = FALSE)
    lxy <- x; rm(x)
    if (!inherits(lxy, "locoh.lxy")) stop("lxy should be of class \"locoh.lxy\"")

    if (is.null(id)) {
        id <- levels(lxy[["pts"]][["id"]])
    } else {
        if (FALSE %in% (id %in% levels(lxy[["pts"]][["id"]]))) stop("id not found")
    ## Error check legend argument
    if (!is.null(legend)) {
        legend.vals <- c("bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", "topright", "right", "center")
        if (!legend %in% legend.vals) stop(cw(paste("'legend' should be one of the following: ", paste(legend.vals, collapse=", ", sep=""), sep=""), final.cr=F))
        if (length(id)==1) warning("only one individual found, 'legend' argument will be ignored")
        if (!overlay) warning("legend only supported when overlaying locations of multiple individuals")
    ## Error check incompatible options with add=T
    if (add) {
        if (!is.null(panel.num)) stop("You can not add a panel number to an existing plot")
        if (!is.null(title)) stop("You can not add a title to an existing plot")
        if (!is.null(xlim) || !is.null(ylim)) stop("You can not specify the plot extent when adding to an existing plot")
        if (!is.null(png.dir)) stop("You can not add to an existing plot when plotting to a new png file")
        overlay <- TRUE
    ## Prepare the tiff file
    if (is.null(tiff.fn)) {
        range.expand.tiff <- 0    
    } else {
        if (!requireNamespace("rgdal", quietly=TRUE)) stop("package rgdal required to display a tiff in the background, please install")
        if (!file.exists(tiff.fn)) stop(paste(tiff.fn, "not found"))
        range.expand.tiff <- tiff.buff
        tiff.sgdf <- NULL
        if (length(tiff.bands) > 3) stop("tiff.bands can not be longer than 3")

    ## Prepare GIS features
    gis.features <- if (is.null(layers)) list() else shp.layers(layers, shp.csv=shp.csv)
    tick.show <- if (axes.ticks) "s" else "n"
    ## Create a vector to hold the names of png files created, and create the output folder if needed
    if (!is.null(png.dir)) {
        if (!file.exists(png.dir)) {
            if (png.dir.make) {
                dir.made <- dir.create(png.dir)
                if (!dir.made) stop(paste("Couldn't make output folder ", png.dir, sep=""))            
            } else {
                stop(paste(png.dir, " doesn't exist and png.dir.make is False, so can not continue."))
        first.png.made <- FALSE
        pngs.made <- list()
    if (length(id) > 1 && !overlay) {
        if (lo.save) {
            opar <- par(mfrow = n2mfrow(length(id)), mar=mar, mgp=mgp)
        multiple.plots <- TRUE
    } else {
        ## There will only be a single plot (but might have several individuals overlaid on it)
        multiple.plots <- FALSE
        col.legend <- vector("character", length(id))
        ## Create png device if needed
        if (!is.null(png.dir)) {
            if (is.null(png.fn)) {
                fn <- file.path(png.dir, paste(strTrim(paste(unlist(lxy[["comment"]][id]), collapse = ".", sep = "")), ".xy.png", sep=""))
            } else {
                fn <- png.fn
            if (file.exists(fn) && !png.overwrite) stop(paste(fn, "exists"))

            ## Open PNG device
            png(filename=fn, height=png.height, width=png.width, bg="white", pointsize=png.pointsize)
            pngs.made <- c(pngs.made, list(list(fn=fn, dim=c(png.width, png.height))))
        if (!add) {
            ## Save layout if needed
            if (lo.save) {
                opar <- par(c("mar", "mgp"))

            ## Set the margins
            par(mar=mar, mgp=mgp)
            ## Compute xlim and ylim
            range.expand <- matrix(0, nrow=1, ncol=2)
            range.expand <- c(min(c(range.expand[,1], -range.expand.tiff)), max(c(range.expand[,2], range.expand.tiff)))
            idx_these_ids <- lxy[["pts"]][["id"]] %in% id
            xlim.use <- if (is.null(xlim)) range(coordinates(lxy[["pts"]])[idx_these_ids,1]) + range.expand else xlim
            ylim.use <- if (is.null(ylim)) range(coordinates(lxy[["pts"]])[idx_these_ids,2]) + range.expand else ylim
            ## Create an empty plot
            plot(NULL, xlim=xlim.use, ylim=ylim.use, asp=1, axes=axes.show, xaxt=tick.show, yaxt=tick.show, 
                 xlab=if (axes.titles) colnames(coordinates(lxy[["pts"]]))[1] else "", 
                 ylab=if (axes.titles) colnames(coordinates(lxy[["pts"]]))[2] else "", ...)
        ## Display the tiff
        if (!is.null(tiff.fn)) {
            if (tiff.fill.plot) {
                half.plot.size <- c(-0.5, 0.5) * max(diff(xlim.use), diff(ylim.use))
                rx.tiff <- half.plot.size + mean(xlim.use)
                ry.tiff <- half.plot.size + mean(ylim.use)
            } else {
                rx.tiff <- xlim.use
                ry.tiff <- ylim.use
            tiff.sgdf <- readpartgdal(tiff.fn, xlim=rx.tiff, ylim=ry.tiff, band=tiff.bands, silent=TRUE)
            if (!is.null(tiff.sgdf)) {
                if (tiff.pct && length(tiff.sgdf@data)!=3) {
                    cat("   Incorrect number of bands, can't convert image to indexed RGB\n")
                    tiff.pct <- FALSE
                if (tiff.pct) {
                    tiff.sgdf.cols <- rgdal::SGDF2PCT(tiff.sgdf, adjust.bands=FALSE)
                    tiff.sgdf$idx <- tiff.sgdf.cols$idx
                    image(tiff.sgdf, "idx", col=tiff.sgdf.cols$ct, add=TRUE)
                } else {
                    if (length(tiff.sgdf@data)==3) {
                        image(tiff.sgdf, red=1, green=2, blue=3, add=TRUE)
                    } else {
                        if (length(tiff.col)==0) stop("Something is wrong. tiff.col should not be an empty vector")
                        image(tiff.sgdf, col=tiff.col, add=TRUE)
        ## Lay down the polygons
        for (featname in names(gis.features)[sapply(gis.features, function(x) x[["type"]]=="polygon")]) {
            with(gis.features[[featname]], plot(sdf, col=col, border=border, lty=lty, lwd=lwd, add=TRUE))

    ## Create the color pallete for overlay
    if (length(id) > 1 && overlay) cols.pallete <- rainbow(length(id), end=5/6)

    ## Loop through all the individuals
    for (i in 1:length(id)) {
        idVal <- id[i]
        idVal.idx <- which(lxy[["pts"]][["id"]] == idVal)
        if (identical(col, "auto")) {
            if (is.null(lxy[["pts"]][["col"]])) {
                if (length(id) > 1 && overlay) {
                    col.use <- cols.pallete[i]                    
                } else {
                    col.use <- topo.colors(length(idVal.idx))
            } else {
                col.use <- as.character(lxy[["pts"]][["col"]][idVal.idx])
        } else {
            col.use <- col

        if (multiple.plots) {

            ## Create png device for this plot if needed
            if (!is.null(png.dir)) {
                if (first.png.made) dev.off()
                fn <- file.path(png.dir, paste(lxy[["comment"]][[idVal]], ".xys.png", sep=""))
                if (file.exists(fn) && !png.overwrite) stop(paste(fn, "exists"))
                ## Open PNG device
                png(filename=fn, height=png.height, width=png.width, bg="white", pointsize=png.pointsize)
                first.png.made <- TRUE
                pngs.made <- c(pngs.made, list(list(fn=fn, dim=c(png.width, png.height))))
            if (!add) { 
                ## Set the margins
                par(mar=mar, mgp=mgp)
                ## Compute xlim and ylim
                range.expand <- matrix(0, nrow=1, ncol=2)
                range.expand <- c(min(c(range.expand[,1], -range.expand.tiff)), max(c(range.expand[,2], range.expand.tiff)))
                xlim.use <- if (is.null(xlim)) range(coordinates(lxy[["pts"]])[,1]) + range.expand else xlim
                ylim.use <- if (is.null(ylim)) range(coordinates(lxy[["pts"]])[,2]) + range.expand else ylim
                ## Create an empty plot
                plot(NULL, xlim=xlim.use, ylim=ylim.use, asp = 1, axes=axes.show, xaxt=tick.show, yaxt=tick.show, 
                     xlab=if (axes.titles) colnames(coordinates(lxy[["pts"]]))[1] else "", 
                     ylab=if (axes.titles) colnames(coordinates(lxy[["pts"]]))[2] else "", ...)
            if (!is.null(tiff.fn)) {
                if (tiff.fill.plot) {
                    half.plot.size <- c(-0.5, 0.5) * max(diff(xlim.use), diff(ylim.use))
                    rx.tiff <- half.plot.size + mean(xlim.use)
                    ry.tiff <- half.plot.size + mean(ylim.use)
                } else {
                    rx.tiff <- xlim.use
                    ry.tiff <- ylim.use
                tiff.sgdf <- readpartgdal(tiff.fn, xlim=rx.tiff, ylim=ry.tiff, band=tiff.bands, silent=TRUE)
                if (!is.null(tiff.sgdf)) {
                    if (tiff.pct && length(tiff.sgdf@data)!=3) {
                        cat("   Incorrect number of bands, can't convert image to indexed RGB\n")
                        tiff.pct <- FALSE
                    if (tiff.pct) {
                        tiff.sgdf.cols <- rgdal::SGDF2PCT(tiff.sgdf, adjust.bands=FALSE)
                        tiff.sgdf$idx <- tiff.sgdf.cols$idx
                        image(tiff.sgdf, "idx", col=tiff.sgdf.cols$ct, add=TRUE)
                    } else {
                        if (length(tiff.sgdf@data)==3) {
                            image(tiff.sgdf, red=1, green=2, blue=3, add=TRUE)
                        } else {
                            if (length(tiff.col)==0) stop("Something is wrong. tiff.col should not be an empty vector")
                            image(tiff.sgdf, col=tiff.col, add=TRUE)

            ## Add legend
            if (!is.null(legend)) {

        } else {
            ## Single plot, record col.use
            if (length(col.use)==1) col.legend[i] <- col.use

        ## Add the connecting lines if needed, and then the points themselves
        points(coordinates(lxy[["pts"]])[idVal.idx,], col="gray80", type= if (connect.dots) "l" else "n", asp=1)
        points(coordinates(lxy[["pts"]])[idVal.idx,], type="p", col=col.use, pch=20, asp=1, cex=cex)
        if (show.start) points(coordinates(lxy[["pts"]])[idVal.idx[1],], col="green", pch=19, cex=1.5)
        if (show.end) points(coordinates(lxy[["pts"]])[idVal.idx[length(idVal.idx)],], col="red", pch=19, cex=1.5)
        if ((nlevels(lxy[["pts"]][["id"]]) == 1 || !overlay) && title.show) title(main=if (is.null(title)) lxy[["comment"]][[idVal]] else title)

        ## Add panel.num
        if (!is.null(panel.num)) {
            if (panel.num.inside.plot) {
                text(x=par("usr")[1], y=par("usr")[4], labels=panel.num, cex=2, adj=c(-0.3,1.2), font=2)
            } else {
                mar.old <- par("mar")
                par(mar=c(0, 0.3, 0.2, 0))
                title(main=panel.num, adj=0, cex.main=2, line=-1.5)
        ## Plot the gis layers containing lines and points
        for (featname in names(gis.features)[sapply(gis.features, function(x) x[["type"]] %in% c("point", "line"))]) {
            with(gis.features[[featname]], plot(sdf, pch=pch, cex=cex, col=col, lwd=lwd, lty=lty, add=TRUE))
    }  # for each id
    ## Add a plot title if overlaying multiple individuals
    if (title.show && length(id) > 1 && overlay && !add) {
        if (is.null(title)) {
            title.use <- paste(unlist(lxy[["comment"]][id]), collapse = "\n", sep = "")
        } else {
            title.use <- title
    ## Add legend if overlaying multiple individuals
    if (!is.null(legend) && length(id) > 1 && overlay) {
        legend(legend, legend=id, col=col.legend, lty=1, lwd=2, bg="white") 
    if (!is.null(png.dir)) {
        if (status) {
            cat("png file(s) made: \n")
            print(sapply(pngs.made, function(x) x[["fn"]]))

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tlocoh documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:27 p.m.