
Defines functions .meanLogCPMIs .integrateSignals .plotASpliDetectionSummary .filterSignals .splicingReport

#Splicing Report
#This function integrates differential usage information from different sources.
#Receives bin usage and junction usage and merges them in three steps.
#First merges all bin based junction information (jir, jes, jalt).
#Then merges locale information with coverage information in the regions.
#Finally does the same with anchors.
.splicingReport <- function(bdu, jdu, counts){
  #Sanity check
  if(class(bdu) != "ASpliDU"){
    stop("bdu must be an ASpliDU object, try running gbDUreport first") 
  if(class(jdu) != "ASpliJDU"){
    stop("jdu must be an ASpliJDU object, try running jDUreport first") 
  if(class(counts) != "ASpliCounts"){
    stop("counts must be an ASpliCounts object, try running gbCounts first") 

  mr <- new( Class="ASpliSplicingReport" )
  mr@contrast <- jdu@contrast
  #Mergin bin based junctions
  jir                    <- jir(jdu)
  jir$event              <- NA
  jir$dPSI               <- NA
  jir                    <- jir[, c("event", "J3", "multiplicity", "logFC", "log.mean", "LR", "pvalue", "FDR", "dPIR", "dPSI", "NonUniformity", colnames(jir)[grep("counts", colnames(jir))])]
  colnames(jir)[colnames(jir) %in% c("FDR", "NonUniformity")] <- c("junction.fdr", "nonuniformity")
  #jir$bin                <- rownames(jir)
  jes                    <- jes(jdu)
  jes$nonuniformity      <- NA
  jes$dPIR               <- NA
  jes                    <- jes[, c("event", "J3", "multiplicity", "logFC", "log.mean", "LR", "pvalue", "FDR", "dPIR", "dPSI", "nonuniformity", colnames(jes)[grep("counts", colnames(jes))])]
  colnames(jes)[colnames(jes) %in% c("FDR")] <- c("junction.fdr")
  #jes$bin                <- rownames(jes)
  jalt                   <- jalt(jdu)
  jalt$nonuniformity     <- NA
  jalt$dPIR              <- NA
  jalt                   <- jalt[, c("event", "J3", "multiplicity", "logFC", "log.mean", "LR", "pvalue", "FDR", "dPIR", "dPSI", "nonuniformity", colnames(jalt)[grep("counts", colnames(jalt))])]
  colnames(jalt)[colnames(jalt) %in% c("FDR")] <- c("junction.fdr")
  #jalt$bin               <- rownames(jalt)
  j                      <- data.table(rbind(jir, jes, jalt), keep.rownames = TRUE)
  bins                   <- data.table(binsDU(bdu), keep.rownames = TRUE)
  aux                    <- data.frame(merge(bins, j, by="rn", all=T))
  colnames(aux)          <- c("bin", "feature", "bin.event", "locus", "locus_overlap", "symbol", "gene_coordinates", "start",
                              "end", "length", "bin.logFC", "bin.pvalue", "bin.fdr", "junction.event", "J3", "J3.multiplicity", "J3.logFC",
                              "J3.log.mean", "cluster.LR", "cluster.pvalue", "cluster.fdr", "cluster.dPIR", "cluster.dPSI", "cluster.nonuniformity", colnames(aux)[grep("counts", colnames(aux))])
  aux                    <- aux[, !colnames(aux) %in% c("symbol", "junction.event")]
  #aux                    <- aux[union(which(aux$bin.fdr < maxBinFDR), which(aux$junction.fdr < maxJunctionFDR)), ]
  aux                    <- aux[order(aux$bin), ]
  rownames(aux)          <- NULL
  #Buscamos los elementos sin start y se las asignamos a partir de los features
  sin_start            <- which(is.na(aux$start))
    imputaciones         <- countsb(counts)[aux$bin[sin_start], ]
    aux$start[sin_start] <- imputaciones$start
    aux$end[sin_start]   <- imputaciones$end
    aux$bin.event[sin_start]<-imputaciones$event                   #ACH aver
    aux$gene_coordinates[sin_start] <- imputaciones$gene_coordinates
    aux$feature[sin_start] <- imputaciones$feature
  binbased(mr)         <- aux
  localej   <- localej(jdu)
  junctions <- strsplit2(rownames(localej), "[.]")
  seqnames  <- junctions[, 1]
  start     <- as.numeric(junctions[, 2]) + 1
  end       <- as.numeric(junctions[, 3]) - 1
  grjunctions <- GRanges(seqnames, IRanges(start, end), strand="*")
  seqnames <- strsplit2(binsDU(bdu)$gene_coordinates, "[:]")[, 1]
  start    <- binsDU(bdu)$start
  end      <- binsDU(bdu)$end
  grbines      <- GRanges(seqnames, IRanges(start, end), strand="*")
  if(!all(unique(grbines@seqnames) %in% unique(grjunctions@seqnames))){
    saux <- "Not every chromosome is present in both bins and locales:\n"
    saux <- c(saux,paste(sort(unique(as.character(grbines@seqnames))),collapse=" "),"\n",
                   paste(sort(unique(as.character(grjunctions@seqnames))),collapse=" ")) 
  overlap      <- data.frame(findOverlaps(grbines, grjunctions))
  bins <- binsDU(bdu)
  colnames(bins)[colnames(bins) %in% c("logFC")] <- "bin.logFC"
  #Unique identifier por locale pvalue
  colnames(localej)[colnames(localej) %in% c("pvalue")] <- "junction.pvalue"
  #Merge overlaping bins and locales
  junctionbased_junctions <- data.table(bin=rownames(bins)[overlap$queryHits], bins[overlap$queryHits, ], 
                                        J3 = rownames(localej)[overlap$subjectHits], localej[overlap$subjectHits, ])
  junctions               <- data.table(localej[!rownames(localej) %in% junctionbased_junctions$J3, ], 
                                        keep.rownames = TRUE)
  colnames(junctions)[colnames(junctions) %in% c("rn")]  <- c("J3")
  #Adds non overlaping locales
  junctionbased_junctions <- rbindlist(list(junctionbased_junctions, junctions), 
                                       use.names = TRUE,
                                       fill = TRUE)
  colnames(junctionbased_junctions) <- c("bin", "feature", "event", "locus", "locus_overlap", "symbol", "gene_coordinates", "bin.start", "bin.end",
                                         "bin.length", "bin.logFC", "bin.pvalue", "bin.fdr","junction", "junction.cluster", "junction.log.mean",
                                         "junction.logFC", "junction.pvalue", "junction.fdr", "junction.annotated", "junction.participation", "junction.dparticipation", colnames(junctionbased_junctions)[grep("counts", colnames(junctionbased_junctions))])
  #Change type of junction.cluster so we can merge with cluster information
  junctionbased_junctions$junction.cluster <- as.character(junctionbased_junctions$junction.cluster)

  localec <- data.table(localec(jdu), keep.rownames = TRUE)

  #Tries to find cluster locus
  junctions  <- strsplit2(localec$range, "[.]")
  seqnames   <- junctions[, 1]
  start      <- as.numeric(junctions[, 2]) + 1
  end        <- as.numeric(junctions[, 3]) - 1
  grclusters <- GRanges(seqnames, IRanges(start, end), strand="*")
  seqnames   <- strsplit2(genesDE(bdu)$gene_coordinates, "[:]")[, 1]
  start      <- genesDE(bdu)$start
  end        <- genesDE(bdu)$end
  grgenes    <- GRanges(seqnames, IRanges(start, end), strand="*")
  overlap    <- data.frame(findOverlaps(grclusters, grgenes))
  localec$locus <- NA
  localec$locus[overlap$queryHits] <- as.character(genesDE(bdu)$symbol[overlap$subjectHits])
  colnames(localec) <- c("rn", "cluster.size", "cluster.LR", "cluster.pvalue", "cluster.fdr", "cluster.range", "cluster.participation", "cluster.dparticipation", "cluster.locus")
  fulldt <- data.frame(merge(junctionbased_junctions, localec, by.x = "junction.cluster", by.y = "rn",
                             all = TRUE))
  fulldt <- fulldt[, 
                   c("junction", "junction.annotated",
                     "junction.logFC", "junction.pvalue", "junction.fdr", 
                     colnames(fulldt)[grep("counts", colnames(fulldt))],
                     "junction.cluster", "junction.participation", "junction.dparticipation",
                     "cluster.locus", "cluster.size", "cluster.LR", "cluster.pvalue", "cluster.fdr", "cluster.range", "cluster.participation", "cluster.dparticipation", 
                     "bin", "bin.pvalue", "bin.fdr")
  rownames(fulldt) <- NULL
  #fulldt           <- fulldt[union(which(fulldt$bin.fdr < maxBinFDR), which(fulldt$cluster.fdr < maxJunctionFDR)), ] #Traemos todos
  index.orden      <- strsplit2(fulldt$junction, "[.]")
  index.orden      <- order(GRanges(index.orden[, 1], IRanges(as.numeric(index.orden[, 2]), as.numeric(index.orden[, 3]))))
  fulldt           <- fulldt[index.orden, ] 
  rownames(fulldt) <- NULL
  localebased(mr)  <- fulldt
  anchorj  <- anchorj(jdu)
  junctions <- strsplit2(rownames(anchorj), "[.]")
  seqnames <- junctions[, 1]
  start    <- as.numeric(junctions[, 2]) + 1
  end      <- as.numeric(junctions[, 3]) - 1
  grjunctions <- GRanges(seqnames, IRanges(start, end), strand="*")
  seqnames <- strsplit2(bdu@bins$gene_coordinates, "[:]")[, 1]
  start    <- binsDU(bdu)$start
  end      <- binsDU(bdu)$end
  grbines      <- GRanges(seqnames, IRanges(start, end), strand="*")
  overlap      <- data.frame(findOverlaps(grbines, grjunctions))
  bins <- binsDU(bdu)
  colnames(bins)[colnames(bins) %in% c("logFC")] <- "bin.logFC"

  colnames(anchorj)[colnames(anchorj) %in% c("pvalue")] <- "junction.pvalue"  
  junctionbased_junctions <- data.table(bin=rownames(bins)[overlap$queryHits], bins[overlap$queryHits, ], 
                                        J3 = rownames(anchorj)[overlap$subjectHits], anchorj[overlap$subjectHits, ])
  junctions               <- data.table(anchorj[!rownames(anchorj) %in% junctionbased_junctions$J3, ], 
                                        keep.rownames = TRUE)
  colnames(junctions)[colnames(junctions) %in% c("rn")]  <- c("J3")
  junctionbased_junctions <- rbindlist(list(junctionbased_junctions, junctions), 
                                       use.names = TRUE,
                                       fill = TRUE)
  colnames(junctionbased_junctions) <- c("bin", "feature", "event", "locus", "locus_overlap", "symbol", "gene_coordinates", "bin.start", "bin.end",
                                         "bin.length", "bin.logFC", "bin.pvalue", "bin.fdr", "junction", "junction.log.mean",
                                         "junction.logFC", "junction.LR", "junction.pvalue", "junction.fdr", "J1.pvalue", "J2.pvalue",
                                         "junction.nonuniformity", "junction.dPIR", "junction.annotated",
                                         colnames(junctionbased_junctions)[grep("counts", colnames(junctionbased_junctions))])
  anchorc <- data.table(anchorc(jdu), keep.rownames = TRUE)  #Tries to find cluster locus
  junctions  <- strsplit2(anchorc$rn, "[.]")
  seqnames   <- junctions[, 1]
  start      <- as.numeric(junctions[, 2]) + 1
  end        <- as.numeric(junctions[, 3]) - 1
  grclusters <- GRanges(seqnames, IRanges(start, end), strand="*")
  seqnames   <- strsplit2(genesDE(bdu)$gene_coordinates, "[:]")[, 1]
  start      <- genesDE(bdu)$start
  end        <- genesDE(bdu)$end
  grgenes    <- GRanges(seqnames, IRanges(start, end), strand="*")
  overlap    <- data.frame(findOverlaps(grclusters, grgenes))
  anchorc$locus <- NA
  anchorc$locus[overlap$queryHits] <- as.character(genesDE(bdu)$symbol[overlap$subjectHits])
  colnames(anchorc) <- c("rn", "cluster.LR", "cluster.pvalue", "cluster.fdr", "cluster.locus")
  fulldt <- data.frame(merge(junctionbased_junctions, anchorc, by.x = "junction", by.y = "rn", 
                             all = TRUE))
  fulldt <- fulldt[, 
                   c("junction", "junction.annotated",
                     "junction.logFC", "junction.LR", "junction.pvalue", "junction.fdr", "J1.pvalue", "J2.pvalue",
                     "junction.nonuniformity", "junction.dPIR",
                     colnames(fulldt)[grep("counts", colnames(fulldt))],
                     "cluster.locus", "cluster.pvalue", "cluster.fdr",
                     "bin", "bin.pvalue", "bin.fdr")
  rownames(fulldt) <- NULL
  #fulldt          <- fulldt[union(which(fulldt$bin.fdr < maxBinFDR), which(fulldt$cluster.fdr < maxJunctionFDR)), ]
  index.orden     <- strsplit2(fulldt$junction, "[.]")
  index.orden     <- order(GRanges(index.orden[, 1], IRanges(as.numeric(index.orden[, 2]), as.numeric(index.orden[, 3]))))
  #countsJ1 <- fulldt[, colnames(fulldt)[grep("countsJ1", colnames(fulldt))]]
  #countsJ2 <- fulldt[, colnames(fulldt)[grep("countsJ2", colnames(fulldt))]]
  #countsJ3 <- fulldt[, colnames(fulldt)[grep("countsJ3", colnames(fulldt))]]
  #pir             <- (countsJ1 + countsJ2)/(countsJ1 + countsJ2 + countsJ3)
  #colnames(pir)   <- strsplit2(colnames(pir), "[.]")[, 2]
  #dpir            <- rowSums(t(t(pir)*jdu@contrast[colnames(pir)]))
  #fulldt$dPIR     <- dpir
  fulldt          <- fulldt[index.orden, ] 
  rownames(fulldt)<- NULL
  anchorbased(mr) <- fulldt

                         bin.FC = 3,
                         bin.fdr = 0.05,nonunif=1,
                         bin.inclussion = 0.1,
                         bjs.inclussion = 0.2,
                         bjs.fdr = 0.1,
                         a.inclussion = 0.3,
                         a.fdr = 0.05,
                         l.inclussion = 0.3,
                         l.fdr = 0.05,bDetectionSummary=FALSE){
  b <- binbased(sr)
  b <- b[!is.na(b$length), ]
  #bin: qv + soporte juntura
  ibin1 <- (!is.na(b$bin.fdr) & b$bin.fdr < bin.fdr) &
    ( (!is.na(b$cluster.dPIR) & abs(b$cluster.dPIR) > bin.inclussion) |
        (!is.na(b$cluster.dPSI) & abs(b$cluster.dPSI) > bin.inclussion))
  #bin: qv + FC + nonunif
  ibin2  <- (!is.na(b$bin.fdr) & b$bin.fdr < bin.fdr) &
    abs(b$bin.logFC) > log2(bin.FC) &
    (is.na(b$cluster.nonuniformity) | b$cluster.nonuniformity<nonunif)
  ibin   <- ibin1 | ibin2  
  #bin a partir de solo soporte de juntura
  b  <- binbased(sr)
  ibjs <- b$cluster.fdr < bjs.fdr &
    ( (!is.na(b$cluster.dPIR) & abs(b$cluster.dPIR) > bjs.inclussion) |
        (!is.na(b$cluster.dPSI) & abs(b$cluster.dPSI) > bjs.inclussion))
  b    <- anchorbased(sr)
  ianc <-  b$cluster.fdr < a.fdr & abs(b$junction.dPIR) > a.inclussion
  b     <- localebased(sr)
  iloc  <- b$cluster.fdr < l.fdr & 
    (!is.na(b$cluster.dparticipation) & abs(b$cluster.dparticipation) > l.inclussion)
  lfs <- list(ibin1=which(ibin1),ibin2=which(ibin2),ibjs=which(ibjs),ianc=which(ianc),iloc=which(iloc))
    .plotASpliDetectionSummary(sr,lfs,   bin.FC = bin.FC,
                                     bin.fdr = bin.fdr,nonunif=nonunif,
                                     bin.inclussion = bin.inclussion,
                                     bjs.inclussion = bjs.inclussion,
                                     bjs.fdr = bjs.fdr,
                                     a.inclussion = a.inclussion,
                                     a.fdr = a.fdr,
                                     l.inclussion = l.inclussion,
                                     l.fdr = l.fdr)

                          bin.FC = 3,
                          bin.fdr = 0.05,nonunif=1,
                          bin.inclussion = 0.1,
                          bjs.inclussion = 0.2,
                          bjs.fdr = 0.1,
                          a.inclussion = 0.3,
                          a.fdr = 0.05,
                          l.inclussion = 0.3,
                          l.fdr = 0.05){
    bplot <- TRUE 
    #Seniales de bin y soporte de junturas
    #corrijo los locus NA
    ina <- which(is.na(a$locus))
    aux <- a$bin[ina]
    aux <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(aux,":",fixed=TRUE),function(x){x[1]}))
    a$locus[ina] <- aux

    ibin1 <- lfs$ibin1
    ibin2 <- lfs$ibin2
    ibjs  <- lfs$ibjs
    ianc  <- lfs$ianc
    iloc  <- lfs$iloc
    ibin   <- ibin1 | ibin2
    b1loc  <- unique(a$locus[ibin1])
    b2loc  <- unique(a$locus[ibin2])
    bloc   <- unique(a$locus[ibin])
    #solo soporte de juntura
    jloc <- unique(a$locus[ibjs])
      plot  (a$bin.logFC,-log(a$bin.fdr),col="gray",pch=20,log="y",xlab="bin logFC",ylab="-log bin.fdr")
      iqv <- which(a$bin.fdr<bin.fdr)
      aux <- c(abs(a$cluster.dPIR)[iqv],abs(a$cluster.dPSI)[iqv]) 
      aux <- aux[!is.na(aux)]  
      plot(ecdf(aux),xlab="junction support inclussion",main=paste0("signif bins:",length(iqv)))
      legend("bottomright",paste0(sum(aux>bin.inclussion)," (",length(b1loc),")"),bty="n")
      plot(ecdf(abs(a$bin.logFC[iqv])),xlab="log2 FC",main="")
      legend("bottomright",paste0(sum(abs(a$bin.logFC[iqv])>log2(bin.FC))," (",length(b2loc),")"),bty="n")
      iqv <- which(a$cluster.fdr < bjs.fdr)
      aux <- c(abs(a$cluster.dPIR)[iqv],abs(a$cluster.dPSI)[iqv]) 
      aux <- aux[!is.na(aux)]  
      plot(ecdf(aux),xlab="inclussion",main=paste0("signif junc supp clusters:",length(iqv)))
      legend("bottomright",paste0(sum(aux>bjs.inclussion)," (",length(jloc),")"),bty="n")
    a    <- anchorbased(sr)
    aloc <- unique(a$cluster.locus[ianc])
      iq <- which(a$junction.fdr < a.fdr )
      plot(ecdf(abs(a$junction.dPIR)[iq]),main=paste0("signif anchor j-clusters:",length(iq)),xlab="abs dPIR")
      legend("bottomright",paste0(sum(abs(a$junction.dPIR[ianc])>a.inclussion,na.rm=TRUE)," (",length(aloc),")"),bty="n")
    a     <- localebased(sr)
    iloc  <- a$cluster.fdr < l.fdr & (!is.na(a$cluster.dparticipation) & abs(a$cluster.dparticipation) > l.inclussion) 
    gloc  <- unique(a$cluster.locus[iloc]) 
      iq <- which(a$cluster.fdr < l.fdr )
      aux <- a$cluster.dparticipation[iq]
      plot(ecdf(abs(aux)),main=paste0("stat signif locale junctions:",length(aux)),xlab="abs dparticipation")
      legend("bottomright",paste0(sum(abs(aux)>l.inclussion,na.rm=TRUE)," (",length(gloc),")"),bty="n")
    # #Combino seniales
    # gasp <- unique(c(gloc,aloc,jloc,bloc))
    # return(gasp)

#Genera un data.table de regiones genicas con seniales diferenciales de diferente naturaleza
#                     region b bjs ja jl
# 1:       Chr1:45560-45645 1   1  0  0
# 2:     Chr1:387673-388267 1   1  1  1
# 3:     Chr1:406793-406902 1   1  0  0
# ...
# b: bin coverage signal / bjs: bin junction support signal / ja: junction anchor / jl: junction locale
# para la senial de junturas soporte de bin coverage se usan criterios basados en dPIN/dPI y 
# adicionalmente es posible usar, o no, el valor de fdr asociado a la juntura J3
# Aca lo que hacemos es ver el overlap entre regiones que tienen seniales diferentes. Para el caso del overlap entre 
# b o bjs y cualquier otro, usamos cualquier overlap, mientras que para el overlap entre ja y jl tienen que ser las mismas regiones
# Ademas, filtramos las ja y jl por junction.fdr unicamente. De esa forma, una region que tiene una juntura con uso diferencial, 
# por ejemplo, jl y que se solapa con un bin en al menos 3 pares de bases, aparece con soporte en bjs y en jl, mientras que si se solapa
# con b, solamente de coverage, aparece con b y jl. Las junturas que aparecen reportadas al final son las que aparecen en el bin en caso
# de tratarse de una region meramente "binica" o son la region en caso de venir de ja o jl.
#bin.FC = 3; bin.fdr = 0.05; nonunif = 1; usenonunif = FALSE; bin.inclussion = 0.1; bjs.inclussion = 0.2; bjs.fdr = 0.1; a.inclussion = 0.3; a.fdr = 0.05; l.inclussion = 0.3; l.fdr = 0.05; otherSources = NULL; overlapType = "any"
#bin.FC = 3;bin.fdr = 0.05;nonunif = 1;usenonunif = FALSE;bin.inclussion = 0.1;bjs.inclussion = 10.2;bjs.fdr = 10.1;a.inclussion = 0.3;a.fdr = 0.05;l.inclussion = 0.3;l.fdr = 0.05;otherSources = NULL;overlapType = "any"
  if(class(sr) != "ASpliSplicingReport"){
    stop("sr must be an ASpliSplicingReport object")   
  if(class(asd) != "ASpliAS"){
    stop("asd must be an ASpliAS object") 
  is <- new( Class="ASpliIntegratedSignals" )
  is@filters <- data.frame( bin.FC = bin.FC,
                            bin.fdr = bin.fdr,
                            nonunif = nonunif,
                            usenonunif = usenonunif,
                            bin.inclussion = bin.inclussion,
                            bjs.inclussion = bjs.inclussion,
                            bjs.fdr = bjs.fdr,
                            a.inclussion = a.inclussion,
                            a.fdr = a.fdr,
                            l.inclussion = l.inclussion,
                            l.fdr = l.fdr,
                            overlapType = overlapType)
  # Pongo todo lo que quiero comparar en GRanges
  #bines significativos y uniformes 1.130149.130372 
  original_signals <- setNames(vector("list", 4), c("b", "bjs", "ja", "jl"))
  #apply filters
  lfs <- .filterSignals(sr, bin.FC=bin.FC, bin.fdr=bin.fdr, bin.inclussion=bin.inclussion, 
                            bjs.inclussion=bjs.inclussion, bjs.fdr=bjs.fdr,
                            a.inclussion=a.inclussion, a.fdr=a.fdr,
                            l.inclussion = l.inclussion,l.fdr = l.fdr)

  b <- binbased(sr)
  b <- b[!is.na(b$length), ]
  b <- b[union(lfs$ibin1, lfs$ibin2), ]
  original_signals$b <- b
  #Define GRanges associated to bin splicing signals
  if(nrow(b) > 0){
    start   = as.numeric(b$start)#aggregate(start ~ cluster, data=b, FUN=min)
    end     = as.numeric(b$end)#aggregate(end ~ cluster, data=b, FUN=max)
    seqnames = strsplit2(b$gene_coordinates, ":")[, 1]
    strand  = rep("*", times=length(seqnames))
    tipo    = rep("binbased", times=length(seqnames))
    binbased <- GRanges(seqnames, IRanges(start, end), strand, tipo)
    binbased <- GRanges()

  #Let's start again...looking for junction support signals
  b  <- binbased(sr)
  b  <- b[lfs$ibjs, ]
  original_signals$bjs <- b 
  #Lets define ranges coming from junction supporte splicing signals
  if(nrow(b) > 0){
    start   = as.numeric(b$start)#aggregate(start ~ cluster, data=b, FUN=min)
    end     = as.numeric(b$end)#aggregate(end ~ cluster, data=b, FUN=max)
    seqnames = strsplit2(b$gene_coordinates, ":")[, 1]
    strand  = rep("*", times=length(seqnames))
    tipo    = rep("binbased", times=length(seqnames))
    binsupport <- GRanges(seqnames, IRanges(start, end), strand, tipo)
    binsupport <- GRanges()
  b    <- anchorbased(sr)
  b <- b[lfs$ianc, ]
  original_signals$ja <- b
  #anchor ranges
  if(nrow(b) > 0){
    aux <- strsplit2(b$junction, "[.]")
    start   = as.numeric(aux[, 2]) + 1#aggregate(start ~ cluster, data=b, FUN=min)
    end     = as.numeric(aux[, 3]) - 1#aggregate(end ~ cluster, data=b, FUN=max)
    seqnames = aux[, 1]
    strand  = rep("*", times=length(seqnames))
    tipo    = rep("anchorbased", times=length(aux[, 1]))
    anchorbased <- unique(GRanges(seqnames, IRanges(start, end), strand, tipo)) #Puede haber duplicados porque machean con varios bines
    anchorbased <- GRanges()

  b <- localebased(sr) 
  b <- b[lfs$iloc, ]
  original_signals$jl <- b

  #locale ranges  
  if(nrow(b) > 0){
    aux <- strsplit2(b$cluster.range, "[.]") #Reemplazamos la juntura por el rango del cluster al que pertenece que es el dato importante
    start   = as.numeric(aux[, 2])#aggregate(start ~ cluster, data=b, FUN=min)
    end     = as.numeric(aux[, 3])#aggregate(end ~ cluster, data=b, FUN=max)
    seqnames = aux[, 1]
    strand  = rep("*", times=length(seqnames))
    tipo    = rep("localebased", times=length(aux[, 1]))
    localebased <- unique(GRanges(seqnames, IRanges(start, end), strand, tipo)) #Puede haber duplicados porque machean con varios bines
    localebased <- GRanges()

  # Overlap estimation (order matters)
  laux  <- list(b=binbased,bjs=binsupport,jl=localebased,ja=anchorbased)
  if(class(otherSources) == "GRanges") laux$otherSources = otherSources
  lover <- list()
  for(i in seq_along(laux)){
    for(j in (i+1):length(laux)){
      if(j>length(laux)) break
      saux <- paste0("overlaps_",paste0(names(laux)[c(i,j)],collapse="_"))

      # if(names(laux)[i]%in%c("b","bjs","otherSources") | names(laux)[j]%in%c("b","bjs","otherSources")){
      #   ttype<-overlapType
      # }else{
      #   ttype<-"equal"
      # }

      suppressWarnings(taux <- as.data.table(findOverlaps(laux[[i]],laux[[j]],type=ttype, minoverlap = 3)))
      if(nrow(taux) > 0){
        taux$queryHits   <- paste(names(laux)[i],taux$queryHits,sep=".")
        taux$subjectHits <- paste(names(laux)[j],taux$subjectHits,sep=".")
        colnames(taux) <- names(laux)[c(i,j)]
        lover[[saux]]           <-  taux
  #Genero overlaps_aux: con region y 0/1 si hay evidencia
  overlaps     <- rbindlist(lover, use.names = FALSE)
  overlaps_aux <- data.table(region=character(), b=numeric(), bjs=numeric(), ja=numeric(), jl=numeric())
  if(class(otherSources) == "GRanges") overlaps_aux$otherSources = numeric()
  for(i in unique(c(overlaps$b, overlaps$bjs))){
    j <- c(i, overlaps$bjs[overlaps$b == i], overlaps$b[overlaps$bjs == i])
    d <- data.table(region = i,
                    b=as.numeric(length(grep("b.", j,fixed=TRUE)) > 0),
                    bjs=as.numeric(length(grep("bjs.", j,fixed=TRUE)) > 0),
                    ja=as.numeric(length(grep("ja.", j,fixed=TRUE)) > 0),
                    jl=as.numeric(length(grep("jl.", j,fixed=TRUE)) > 0))
    if(class(otherSources) == "GRanges") d$otherSources = as.numeric(length(grep("otherSources.", j,fixed=TRUE)) > 0)
    overlaps_aux <- rbindlist(list(overlaps_aux, d))
  #junction anchorBased que no tienen overlap con otra clase de eventos
  if(length(anchorbased) > 0){
    nooverlap <- setdiff(paste0("ja.", (1:length(anchorbased))), overlaps_aux$region[grep("ja.", overlaps_aux$region,fixed=TRUE)])
    if(length(nooverlap) > 0){
      d <- data.table(region = nooverlap,
      if(class(otherSources) == "GRanges") d$otherSources = 0    
      overlaps_aux <- rbindlist(list(overlaps_aux, d))
  #junction localeBased que no tienen overlap con otra clase de eventos
  if(length(localebased) > 0){
    nooverlap <- setdiff(paste0("jl.", (1:length(localebased))), overlaps_aux$region[grep("jl.", overlaps_aux$region,fixed=TRUE)])
    if(length(nooverlap) > 0){
      d <- data.table(region = nooverlap,
      if(class(otherSources) == "GRanges") d$otherSources = 0
      overlaps_aux <- rbindlist(list(overlaps_aux, d))
  #bin based que no tienen overlap con otra clase de eventos
  if(length(binbased) > 0){
    nooverlap <- setdiff(paste0("b.", (1:length(binbased))), overlaps_aux$region[grep("b.", overlaps_aux$region,fixed=TRUE)])
    if(length(nooverlap) > 0){
      d <- data.table(region = nooverlap,
      if(class(otherSources) == "GRanges") d$otherSources = 0
      overlaps_aux <- rbindlist(list(overlaps_aux, d))
  #junction bin support que no tienen overlap con otra clase de eventos
  if(length(binsupport) > 0){
    nooverlap <- setdiff(paste0("bjs.", (1:length(binsupport))), overlaps_aux$region[grep("bjs.", overlaps_aux$region,fixed=TRUE)])
    if(length(nooverlap) > 0){
      d <- data.table(region = nooverlap,
      if(class(otherSources) == "GRanges") d$otherSources = 0
      overlaps_aux <- rbindlist(list(overlaps_aux, d))
  #Other sources que no tienen overlap con otra clase de eventos
  if(class(otherSources) == "GRanges"){
    if(length(otherSources) > 0){
      nooverlap <- setdiff(paste0("otherSources.", (1:length(otherSources))), overlaps_aux$region[grep("otherSources.", overlaps_aux$region,fixed=TRUE)])
      if(length(nooverlap) > 0){
        d <- data.table(region = nooverlap,
                        b=0,bjs=0,ja=0,jl=0, otherSources = 1)
        overlaps_aux <- rbindlist(list(overlaps_aux, d))
  #Hasta aca arme la tabla de 1/0 evidenciaL overlaps_aux 
  # regiones que son reportadas por diferentes seniales aparecen en mas de una fila
  # i <- grep("ja.", overlaps_aux$region,fixed=TRUE)
  # if(length(i)){
  #   L <- as.data.frame(anchorbased[as.numeric(strsplit2(overlaps_aux$region[i], "ja.")[, 2])])
  #   overlaps_aux$region[i] <- paste0("Chr", L$seqnames, ":", L$start, "-", L$end)
  # }
  # i <- grep("jl.", overlaps_aux$region,fixed=TRUE)
  # L <- as.data.frame(localebased[as.numeric(strsplit2(overlaps_aux$region[i], "jl.")[, 2])])
  # overlaps_aux$region[i] <- paste0("Chr", L$seqnames, ":", L$start+1, "-", L$end-1)
  #Cambio id de region por Rango genomico
  i <- grep("b.", overlaps_aux$region,fixed=TRUE)
    L <- as.data.frame(binbased[as.numeric(strsplit2(overlaps_aux$region[i], "b.")[, 2])])
    overlaps_aux$region[i] <- paste0(L$seqnames, ":", L$start, "-", L$end)
  i <- grep("bjs.", overlaps_aux$region, fixed=TRUE)
    L <- as.data.frame(binsupport[as.numeric(strsplit2(overlaps_aux$region[i], "bjs.")[, 2])])
    overlaps_aux$region[i] <- paste0(L$seqnames, ":", L$start, "-", L$end)
  if(class(otherSources) == "GRanges"){
    i <- grep("otherSources.", overlaps_aux$region,fixed=TRUE)
      L <- as.data.frame(otherSources[as.numeric(strsplit2(overlaps_aux$region[i], "otherSources.")[, 2])])
      overlaps_aux$region[i] <- paste0(L$seqnames, ":", L$start, "-", L$end)
  i <- grep("jl.", overlaps_aux$region,fixed=TRUE)
    L <- as.data.frame(localebased[as.numeric(strsplit2(overlaps_aux$region[i], "jl.")[, 2])])
    overlaps_aux$region[i] <- paste0(L$seqnames, ":", L$start, "-", L$end)
  #corregi rango de junturas para buscar bounderies de intrones, pero se reporta
  #el rango de la juntura original  
  # se consigna con extremos corregidos para matchear borde de intron del anchor con bin-intronico con senial,
  # si es un rango nuevo, se consigna el rango de la juntura original
  i <- grep("ja.", overlaps_aux$region,fixed=TRUE)
    L <- as.data.frame(anchorbased[as.numeric(strsplit2(overlaps_aux$region[i], "ja.")[, 2])])
    aux_region <- paste0(L$seqnames, ":", L$start, "-", L$end)
    j <- which(aux_region %in% setdiff(aux_region, overlaps_aux$region))
    overlaps_aux$region[i] <- aux_region
    overlaps_aux$region[i[j]] <- paste0(L$seqnames[j], ":", L$start[j] - 1, "-", L$end[j] + 1)
  #comienzo a mergear rangos  
  if(nrow(overlaps_aux) > 0){
    #Let's aggregate signals from identical regions
    a <- by(overlaps_aux[,-1],overlaps_aux$region,function(x){
    aa           <- data.frame(region=names(a),matrix(as.numeric(unlist(a)),byrow=TRUE,ncol=ncol(overlaps_aux)-1))
    colnames(aa)[-1] <- colnames(overlaps_aux)[-1]

    overlaps_aux <- data.table(aa)  
    overlaps_aux <- overlaps_aux[order(overlaps_aux$region), ]
    #matcheo rango con bin
    roi  <- as.character(overlaps_aux$region)
    rroi <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(roi,":",fixed=TRUE),function(x){return(x[2])}))
    # table(is.na(ii))
    aa <- binbased(sr)[ii,c(1:3,7:8,13)]
    aa <- cbind(aa[,-c(4,5)],binreg=paste(aa$start,aa$end,sep="-"))
    aa  <-cbind(overlaps_aux,aa)
    roi <- gsub("[:]", ".", roi)
    roi <- gsub("[-]", ".", roi)
    aa$J3 <- as.character(aa$J3)
    aa$J3[is.na(aa$J3)] <- roi[is.na(aa$J3)] #Hacemos esto para machear con los anchor. Recordar restar uno al start y sumar uno al end para machear correctamente
                                             # Nota ACH: me parece mejor dejarlo NA y poner la logica de usar el rango
                                             # de la region cuando haga falta (!)
    #Se hizo esto para recalcular el locus de los locales que ahora vienen por cluster
    if(nrow(asd@junctionsPJU) > 0){
      regiones <- aa$region
      regiones <- gsub("[:]", ".", regiones)
      regiones <- gsub("[-]", ".", regiones)
      regiones <- strsplit2(regiones, "[.]")
      regiones <- GRanges(regiones[, 1], ranges = IRanges(start = as.numeric(regiones[, 2]), end = as.numeric(regiones[, 3])))
      genes    <- gsub("[:]", ".", asd@junctionsPJU$gene_coordinates)
      genes    <- gsub("[-]", ".", genes)
      genes    <- strsplit2(genes, "[.]")
      rownames(genes) <- asd@junctionsPJU$symbol
      genes    <- unique(genes)
      grgenes  <- GRanges(genes[, 1], ranges = IRanges(start = as.numeric(genes[, 2]), end = as.numeric(genes[, 3])))
      overlap  <- data.frame(findOverlaps(regiones, grgenes, type="any"))
      aa$locus[overlap$queryHits] <- rownames(genes)[overlap$subjectHits]
      aa$locus <- NA
    #Traemos los locus del bin si no estan
    genes <- strsplit2(aa$bin, ":")[, 1]
    locus_a_imputar <- which(is.na(aa$locus) & !is.na(aa$bin))
    aa$locus[locus_a_imputar] <- genes[locus_a_imputar]

    #Reordenamos las columnas
    nombre_de_seniales <- c("b", "bjs", "ja", "jl")
    if(class(otherSources) == "GRanges"){
      nombre_de_seniales <- c(nombre_de_seniales, "otherSources")
    aa <- aa[, c("region", "locus", "bin.event", nombre_de_seniales, "bin", "feature", "J3", "binreg"), with = FALSE]
    aa$locus_overlap <- "-"
    locus_overlap <- binbased(sr)$locus_overlap[binbased(sr)$locus %in% aa$locus[!is.na(aa$locus)]]
    names(locus_overlap) <- binbased(sr)$locus[binbased(sr)$locus %in% aa$locus[!is.na(aa$locus)]]
    aa$locus_overlap[!is.na(aa$locus)] <- locus_overlap[aa$locus[!is.na(aa$locus)]]
    aa$locus_overlap[is.na(aa$locus_overlap)] <- "-"
    aa$b.fdr          <- NA
    aa$b.logfc        <- NA

    aa$bjs.lr            <- NA
    aa$bjs.fdr           <- NA
    aa$bjs.logfc         <- NA
    aa$bjs.nonuniformity <- NA
    aa$bjs.inclussion    <- NA
    aa$a.lr            <- NA
    aa$a.fdr           <- NA
    aa$a.logfc         <- NA
    aa$a.nonuniformity <- NA
    aa$a.dpir          <- NA

    aa$l.lr            <- NA
    aa$l.fdr           <- NA
    #aa$l.logfc         <- NA
    aa$l.participation <- NA
    aa$l.dparticipation <- NA

    #Generamos el rango para los bines para clasificar los locales
    bines       <- data.frame(bin = sr@binbased$bin, feature = sr@binbased$feature, gene_coordinates = sr@binbased$gene_coordinates, start = sr@binbased$start, end = sr@binbased$end, 
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    bines       <- bines[complete.cases(bines), ]
    chromosomes <- strsplit2(bines$gene_coordinates, "[:]")[, 1]
    rango_bines <- GRanges(seqnames = chromosomes, ranges = IRanges(start = bines$start, end = bines$end))
    elementos_a_eliminar <- c() #Puede que podamos colapsar algunos elementos, por lo que los duplicados tienen que eliminarse
    for(b in 1:nrow(aa)){
      if(aa$b[b] != 0){
        i <- which(original_signals$b$bin == aa$bin[b])
        if(length(i) > 0){
          aa$b.fdr[b] <- original_signals$b$bin.fdr[i[1]]
          aa$b.logfc[b] <- original_signals$b$bin.logFC[i[1]]
          aa$b[b] <- "*"
      if(aa$bjs[b] != 0 | aa$b[b] != 0){
        i <- which(original_signals$bjs$J3 == aa$J3[b])
        if(length(i) > 0){
          aa$bjs.lr[b]            <- original_signals$bjs$cluster.LR[i[1]]
          aa$bjs.fdr[b]           <- original_signals$bjs$cluster.fdr[i[1]]
          aa$bjs.logfc[b]         <- original_signals$bjs$J3.logFC[i[1]]
          aa$bjs.nonuniformity[b] <- original_signals$bjs$cluster.nonuniformity[i[1]]
          aa$bjs.inclussion[b]    <- replace_na(original_signals$bjs$cluster.dPSI[i[1]], original_signals$bjs$cluster.dPIR[i[1]])  
          if(aa$bjs[b] != 0){
            aa$bjs[b] <- "*"
      if(aa$ja[b] != 0){
        i <- which(original_signals$ja$junction == aa$J3[b])
        if(length(i) > 0){
          aa$a.lr[b] <- original_signals$ja$junction.LR[i[1]]
          aa$a.fdr[b] <- original_signals$ja$junction.fdr[i[1]]
          aa$a.logfc[b] <- original_signals$ja$junction.logFC[i[1]]
          aa$a.nonuniformity[b] <- original_signals$ja$junction.nonuniformity[i[1]]
          aa$a.dpir[b] <- original_signals$ja$junction.dPIR[i[1]]
          #Si no tiene feature se lo tratamos de asignar
            i <- which(binbased(sr)$J3 == aa$J3[b])
            if(length(i) > 0){
              if(length(grep("Io", binbased(sr)$bin)) > 0){
                aa$bin.event[b] <- "IoR" #Es un evento conocido, puede venir de un Io  
                aa$bin[b] <- binbased(sr)$bin[i[[1]]]
              if(aa$b[b] == "*"){ #Es un evento complejo, csp
                aa$bin.event[b] <- "CSP" 
              }else if(aa$b[b] == "0"){ #Es un evento nuevo que no se asocia a ningun bin, new alternative splicing pattern
                aa$bin.event[b] <- "Novel ASP" 
          aa$ja[b] <- "*"
      if(aa$jl[b] != 0){
        roi <- aa$region[b]
        roi <- gsub("[:]", ".", roi)
        roi <- gsub("[-]", ".", roi)
        i <- which(original_signals$jl$cluster.range == roi)
        if(length(i) > 0){
          aa$l.lr[b] <- original_signals$jl$cluster.LR[i[1]]
          aa$l.fdr[b] <- original_signals$jl$cluster.fdr[i[1]]
          aa$l.participation[b] <- original_signals$jl$cluster.participation[i[1]]
          aa$l.dparticipation[b] <- original_signals$jl$cluster.dparticipation[i[1]]
        }else{ #Vemos si machea con la juntura quizas
          i <- which(original_signals$jl$cluster.range == aa$J3[b])
          if(length(i) > 0){
            aa$l.lr[b] <- original_signals$jl$cluster.LR[i[1]]
            aa$l.fdr[b] <- original_signals$jl$cluster.fdr[i[1]]
            aa$l.participation[b] <- original_signals$jl$cluster.participation[i[1]]
            aa$l.dparticipation[b] <- original_signals$jl$cluster.dparticipation[i[1]]
            aa$jl[b] <- "*"
        if(aa$jl[b] == 1){ #Encontre el cluster
          if(is.na(aa$feature[b])){ #Tratamos de darle sentido al evento
            junturas <- strsplit2(unique(original_signals$jl$junction[i]), "[.]")
            #Vemos si hay un unico pivot.
            punta_1 <- length(table(junturas[, 2]))
            punta_2 <- length(table(junturas[, 3]))
            #Vemos si es alt o complejo              
            if(punta_1 == 1 | punta_2 == 1){
              if(punta_1 == 1){
                #Buscamos el rango de las junturas
                rango_min    <- min(as.numeric(junturas[, 3]))
                rango_max    <- max(as.numeric(junturas[, 3]))
                rango        <- GRanges(junturas[1, 1], IRanges(rango_min, rango_max))
                rango_intron <- GRanges(junturas[1, 1], IRanges(rango_min, rango_max - 1))
              }else if (punta_2 == 1){ 
                #Buscamos el rango de las junturas
                rango_min    <- min(as.numeric(junturas[, 2]))
                rango_max    <- max(as.numeric(junturas[, 2]))
                rango        <- GRanges(junturas[1, 1], IRanges(rango_min, rango_max))
                rango_intron <- GRanges(junturas[1, 1], IRanges(rango_min + 1, rango_max))

              #Vemos que tipo de bines atraviezan las junturas. Si son todos del mismo tipo, es alt
              hits        <- data.frame(findOverlaps(rango, rango_bines))
              #if(length(table(bines$feature[hits$subjectHits])) == 1){
              tt <- table(bines$feature[hits$subjectHits])
              tt <- tt[names(tt)!="Io"]
              if(length(tt) == 1){
                aa$bin.event[b] <- "Alt 5'/3'"
                #Vemos si se trata de un intron alt
                hits        <- data.frame(findOverlaps(rango_intron, rango_bines))
                tt <- table(bines$feature[hits$subjectHits])
                tt <- tt[names(tt)!="Io"]
                if(length(tt) == 1){
                  aa$bin.event[b] <- "Alt 5'/3'"
                }else{ #No parece ser alt, es complejo entonces
                  aa$bin.event[b] <- "CSP"
              #Vemos si el evento es alternativo y si podemos encontrar el bin asociado a este evento
              if(aa$bin.event[b]=="Alt 5'/3'"){
                fo <- data.frame(findOverlaps(rango_intron,rango_bines,type = "equal"))
                  rbin <-  data.frame(rango_bines[fo$subjectHits])
                  region_bin <- paste0(rbin[1, 1], ":", rbin[, 2], "-", rbin[, 3])
                  j <- which(as.character(aa$region)== region_bin)
                  if(length(j) > 0){ #Lo encontramos, sacamos directamente esta fila porque coincide con la que ya existe y tiene mas datos.
                    elementos_a_eliminar <- c(elementos_a_eliminar, b)
                    aa[j[1], c("jl", "l.lr", "l.fdr", "l.participation", "l.dparticipation")] <- aa[b, c("jl", "l.lr", "l.fdr", "l.participation", "l.dparticipation")] 
              #Vemos si es ES
              if(nrow(junturas) == 3){
                i <- which(original_signals$jl$cluster.range == aa$J3[b])
                if(length(i) > 0){ 
                  aa$bin.event[b] <- "ES"
                  #Vemos si podemos encontrar el bin asociado a este ES o si podemos machear el bin del medio
                  region_intermedia <- paste0(junturas[1, 1], ":", min(as.numeric(junturas[, 3])), "-", max(as.numeric(junturas[, 2])))
                  j <- which(aa$region == aa$J3[b] | aa$region == region_intermedia)
                  if(length(j) > 0){ #Lo encontramos, sacamos directamente esta fila porque coincide con la que ya existe y tiene mas datos.
                    elementos_a_eliminar <- c(elementos_a_eliminar, b)
                    aa[j[1], c("jl", "l.lr", "l.fdr", "l.participation", "l.dparticipation")] <- aa[b, c("jl", "l.lr", "l.fdr", "l.participation", "l.dparticipation")] 
                    #aa$b.fdr[b]   <- binbased(sr)$bin.fdr[j[1]]
                    #aa$b.logfc[b] <- binbased(sr)$bin.logFC[j[1]]
	                  #aa$b[b]       <- 1
                  aa$bin.event[b] <- "CSP"
              }else{ #Si no es nada de lo anterior entonces es complejo
                aa$bin.event[b] <- "CSP"
            #Vemos si es un novel event
            if(any(asd@junctionsPJU$junction[rownames(asd@junctionsPJU) %in% original_signals$jl$junction[i]] == "noHit")){
              aa$bin.event[b] <- paste("Novel", aa$bin.event[b])
      #Tratamos de darle sentido a otros eventos - de bines
      if((aa$b[b] == 1 | aa$bjs[b] == 1 | aa$jl[b] == 1) & aa$bin.event[b] == "-"){
        if(aa$feature[b] == "E"){
          aa$bin.event[b] <- "ASCE"
        }else if(aa$feature[b] == "I"){ 
          if(aa$b[b] != "*" & aa$bjs[b] != "*" & aa$ja[b] != "*" & aa$jl[b] != "*"){
            aa$bin.event[b] <- "IR"
            aa$bin.event[b] <- "CSP"
    #Descartamos elementos duplicados por ES
      aa <- aa[-elementos_a_eliminar, ]
    aa <- aa[order(aa$b.fdr), ]
    # r <- strsplit2(unique(aa$region), "Chr")[, 2]
    # chr <- strsplit2(r, ":")[, 1]
    # chr <- sapply(chr, function(s){return(is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(s))))})
    # aa$region[chr] <- r[chr] 
    #Finds events with bjs and locale and tries to merge them
    bjs_jl <- aa$b == 0 & aa$bjs == 1 & aa$ja == 0 & aa$jl == 1
      regions <- strsplit2(strsplit2(aa$region[bjs_jl], ":")[, 2], "-")
      regions <- cbind(regions, locus=aa$locus[bjs_jl])
      regions <- cbind(regions, bin=aa$bin[bjs_jl])
      regions <- cbind(regions, region_original=aa$region[bjs_jl])
      regions <- as.data.table(regions)
      regions$V1 <- as.numeric(regions$V1)
      regions$V2 <- as.numeric(regions$V2)
      a_descartar <- c()
      for(i in unique(regions$locus)){
        a_ver <- regions[regions$locus == i, ]
        posible_a_descartar <- which(is.na(a_ver$bin))
        if(length(posible_a_descartar) > 0){
          for(j in posible_a_descartar){
            if(any(a_ver$V1 == a_ver$V1[j] + 1 | a_ver$V1 == a_ver$V1[j] - 1 | a_ver$V2 == a_ver$V2[j] - 1 | a_ver$V2 == a_ver$V2[j] - 1)){
              a_descartar <- c(a_descartar, which(aa$region == a_ver$region_original[j] & is.na(aa$bin) & aa$b == 0 & aa$bjs == 1 & aa$ja == 0 & aa$jl == 1))
        aa <- aa[-a_descartar, ]
    #Buscamos duplicados
    hash <- apply(aa[, mget(colnames(aa)[!colnames(aa) %in% c("region", "bin.event", "bin", "feature", "binreg")])], 1, paste, collapse = "-")
    duplicados <- table(hash)
    #Comparamos los distintos eventos duplicados para mergearlos
    duplicados_a_remover <- c()
    for(duplicado in names(duplicados)[duplicados > 1]){
      if(all(aa$bin.event[hash %in% duplicado] %in% c("Novel ES", "ES", "ASCE"))){
        posibles <- which(hash %in% duplicado)
        duplicados_a_remover <- c(duplicados_a_remover, posibles[is.na(aa$bin[hash %in% duplicado])])
    #Removemos los elementos mergeados
    if(length(duplicados_a_remover) > 0){
      aa <- aa[-duplicados_a_remover, ]
    aa <- data.table(region = character(), locus = character(), b = numeric(), bjs = numeric(), ja = numeric(),
                     jl = numeric(), bin = character(), feature = character(), bin.event = character(),
                     J3 = character(), binreg = character(), locus_overlap = numeric(), b.fdr = numeric(),
                     b.logfc = numeric(), bjs.lr = numeric(), bjs.fdr = numeric(), bjs.logfc = numeric(), bjs.nonuniformity = numeric(),
                     bjs.inclussion = numeric(), a.lr = numeric(), a.fdr = numeric(), a.logfc = numeric(), a.nonuniformity = numeric(),
                     a.participation = numeric(),
                     a.dparticipation = numeric(), l.lr = numeric(), l.fdr = numeric(), l.logfc = numeric(), l.participation = numeric(),l.dparticipation = numeric())
  is@signals <- aa

.meanLogCPMIs <- function(is, counts){
  y <- countsb(counts)[, getConditions(counts@targets)]
  y <- apply(cpm(y,log=TRUE),1,mean)
  y <- data.frame(meanLogCPM = y)
  f <- cbind(is@signals, meanLogCPM = y[is@signals$bin,])

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ASpli documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:21 p.m.