# findPairs.R
# author: stefan <>
# author: Yue-Hien
# description: find pairs of binding sites for every seqObject in a given runObject
# get.pairs returns all pairs and its distances as list
setMethod("find.pairs", signature(x="cobindr"),
function(x, background_scan, n.cpu = NA) {
if(any(x@configuration@pairs == 'none')) { # abort if no pair finding specified in configuration
cat('no pairs specified in configuration: \'none\'\n')
warn = NA
if(!background_scan & nrow(x@binding_sites) < 1) warn <- 'provided input object does not contain any predicted binding sites - please make sure to run prediction first (and see if there are hits)...'
if(background_scan & nrow(x@bg_binding_sites) < 1) warn <- 'provided input object does not contain any predicted binding sites- please make sure to run prediction first (and see if there are hits)...'
if(! {
# set number of cores to use, if not specified
n.cpu <- determine.cores.option(n.cpu)
a = Sys.time()
# using matrix to save results
pairs = matrix('0', nrow=0, ncol=8)
if (background_scan) {
target_sequences = x@bg_sequences
binding_sites = x@bg_binding_sites
} else {
target_sequences = x@sequences
binding_sites = x@binding_sites
if(any(x@configuration@pairs == 'all')) {
cat('Searching for all combinations of motifs can take long...\n')
poi = apply(combn(sort(names(x@pfm)),2),2,paste, collapse=' ')
} else { poi = x@configuration@pairs }
## new <fast> version
cat('Searching for pairs...\n') <- 'find.pairs_intern'
func.opt <- list(target_sequences, binding_sites, x@configuration@max_distance)
res <- parallelize(, poi, func.opt, n.cpu)
pairs =, res)
## old <slow> version
# ####
# lapply version of slow
# res = lapply(poi,function(pair){
# pwm1 = unlist(strsplit(pair, ' '))[1]
# pwm2 = unlist(strsplit(pair, ' '))[2]
# pair_of_interest_sorted = paste(sort(c(pwm1, pwm2)), collapse = ' ')
# cat('Searching for pair', pair_of_interest_sorted, '.\n')
# # get only binding sites from pair of interest
# binding_sites_filtered = binding_sites[binding_sites$pwm == pwm1 | binding_sites$pwm == pwm2, ]
# # loop through each sequence
# <- 'find.pairs_intern'
# func.opt <- list(pair_of_interest_sorted, binding_sites_filtered, x)
# results <- parallelize(, target_sequences, func.opt, n.cpu)
# return(, results))
# })
# pairs =, res)
# ###
# for loop version of slow
# pairs = NULL
# for (pair_of_interest in poi) {
# pwm1 = unlist(strsplit(pair_of_interest, ' '))[1]
# pwm2 = unlist(strsplit(pair_of_interest, ' '))[2]
# pair_of_interest_sorted = paste(sort(c(pwm1, pwm2)), collapse = ' ')
# cat('Searching for pair', pair_of_interest_sorted, '.\n')
# # get only binding sites from pair of interest
# binding_sites_filtered = binding_sites[binding_sites$pwm == pwm1 | binding_sites$pwm == pwm2, ]
# # loop through each sequence
# <- 'find.pairs_intern'
# func.opt <- list(pair_of_interest_sorted, binding_sites_filtered, x)
# results <- parallelize(, target_sequences, func.opt, n.cpu)
# pairs <- rbind(pairs,, results))
# }
if(nrow(pairs) > 0) {
pairs.df = data.frame(uid = as.numeric(1:nrow(pairs)))
pairs.df = cbind(pairs.df, seqObj_uid = as.numeric(pairs[, 2]))
pairs.df = cbind(pairs.df, pair = factor(pairs[, 3]))
pairs.df = cbind(pairs.df, strand1 = factor(pairs[, 4]))
pairs.df = cbind(pairs.df, strand2 = factor(pairs[, 5]))
pairs.df = cbind(pairs.df, bs_uid1 = as.numeric(pairs[, 6]))
pairs.df = cbind(pairs.df, bs_uid2 = as.numeric(pairs[, 7]))
pairs.df = cbind(pairs.df, distance = as.numeric(pairs[, 8]))
cat('Found', nrow(pairs), 'pairs.\n')
# check if background sequences have been scanned
if (background_scan) x@bg_pairs = pairs.df
else x@pairs = pairs.df
} else cat('No pairs have been found.\n')
print(Sys.time() - a)
# ----------------- #
# Find Pairs intern #
# ----------------- #
# 2013-01-09: How does multiple binding work?
# setMethod("find.pairs_intern", signature(x="SeqObj"),
# function(x, opts) {
# # creating variables from the list
# pair_of_interest_sorted <- opts[[1]]
# binding_sites_filtered <- opts[[2]]
# runObj <- opts[[3]]
# pairs_cache = matrix('0', nrow=0, ncol=8)
# seqObj_bs = binding_sites_filtered[binding_sites_filtered$seqObj_uid == x@uid, ]
# # check if enough binding sites are available
# if (nrow(seqObj_bs) > 1) {
# # sort binding sites after start position, very important !!!
# seqObj_bs = seqObj_bs[with(seqObj_bs, order(start, pwm)), ]
# # get parameters for finding pairs
# max_distance = runObj@configuration@max_distance
# # find pairs
# for (i in 1:(nrow(seqObj_bs) - 1)) {
# for (k in (i+1):nrow(seqObj_bs)) {
# distance_between_bs = seqObj_bs[k, 'start'] - seqObj_bs[i, 'end']
# # check if pair is within range
# if (distance_between_bs >= max_distance && max_distance > 0) {
# break
# }
# # build pair
# pair = paste(sort(c(as.character(seqObj_bs[i, 'pwm']), as.character(seqObj_bs[k, 'pwm']))), collapse = ' ')
# # check if pair is of interest
# if (pair == pair_of_interest_sorted) {
# # save pair to matrix
# pairs_cache = rbind(pairs_cache, c(1, seqObj_bs[k, 'seqObj_uid'], paste(c(as.character(seqObj_bs[i, 'pwm']), as.character(seqObj_bs[k, 'pwm'])), collapse=' '), seqObj_bs[i, 'strand'], seqObj_bs[k, 'strand'], seqObj_bs[i, 'uid'], seqObj_bs[k, 'uid'], distance_between_bs))
# }
# }
# }
# }
# pairs_cache
# }
# )
# ----------------- #
# Find Pairs intern
# optimized for large ncpu and large # of pairs #
# ----------------- #
# 2013-03-17: How does multiple binding work?
# setMethod("find.pairs_intern", signature(x="character"),
find.pairs_intern <- function(x, opts) {
# creating variables from the list
target_sequences <- opts[[1]]
binding_sites <- opts[[2]]
max_distance <- opts[[3]]
pairs_cache = matrix('0', nrow=0, ncol=8)
pwm1 = unlist(strsplit(x, ' '))[1]
pwm2 = unlist(strsplit(x, ' '))[2]
pair_of_interest_sorted = paste(sort(c(pwm1, pwm2)), collapse = ' ')
cat('Searching for pair', pair_of_interest_sorted, '.\n')
# get only binding sites froms pair of interest
bs_filtered1 = binding_sites[binding_sites$pwm == pwm1,]
bs_filtered2 = binding_sites[binding_sites$pwm == pwm2,]
if(nrow(bs_filtered1) == 0 || nrow(bs_filtered2) == 0 ) return(pairs_cache)
inter_seqObj = intersect(bs_filtered1$seqObj_uid, bs_filtered2$seqObj_uid)
# bs_filtered = unique(rbind(bs_filtered1[match(inter_seqObj,bs_filtered1$seqObj_uid),],bs_filtered2[match(inter_seqObj,bs_filtered2$seqObj_uid),]))
bs_filtered = unique(rbind(bs_filtered1[bs_filtered1$seqObj_uid %in% inter_seqObj, ], bs_filtered2[bs_filtered2$seqObj_uid %in% inter_seqObj, ]))
# check if pwm's share bs in same sequences if not return empty set
if (nrow(bs_filtered) == 0) return(pairs_cache)
uid_vec = sapply(target_sequences, function(seq) slot(seq,"uid"))
seqObj_bs = target_sequences[match(unique(bs_filtered$seqObj_uid), uid_vec)]
found = lapply(seqObj_bs, function(seq) {
bs = bs_filtered[bs_filtered$seqObj_uid == slot(seq, "uid"),]
# sort binding sites after start position, very important !!!
# bs = bs[with(bs, order(start, pwm)), ]
# bs[with(bs, order(get('start'), get('pwm'))), ]
bs = bs[with(bs, order(get('start'), get('pwm'))), ]
# find pairs
if(nrow(bs) < 2) return(pairs_cache)
for (i in 1:(nrow(bs) - 1)) {
for (k in (i+1):nrow(bs)) {
distance_between_bs = bs[k, 'start'] - bs[i, 'end']
# check if pair is within range
if (distance_between_bs >= max_distance && max_distance > 0) {
# build pair
pair = paste(sort(c(as.character(bs[i, 'pwm']), as.character(bs[k, 'pwm']))), collapse = ' ')
# check if pair is of interest
if (pair == pair_of_interest_sorted) {
# save pair to matrix
pairs_cache = rbind(pairs_cache, c(1, bs[k, 'seqObj_uid'], paste(c(as.character(bs[i, 'pwm']), as.character(bs[k, 'pwm'])), collapse=' '), bs[i, 'strand'], bs[k, 'strand'], bs[i, 'uid'], bs[k, 'uid'], distance_between_bs))
return(, found))
# ----------------- #
# returns all found pairs as data.frame in bed format for later
# ----------------- #
setMethod ("get.pairs", signature(x="cobindr"),
function(x, background=FALSE) {
if(exists(as.character(substitute(x@pairs))) && length(x@pairs)>0){
seq_slot = "sequences"
pair_slot = "pairs"
bs_slot = "binding_sites"
seq_type = "sequence_type"
if (background) {
seq_slot = "bg_sequences"
pair_slot = "bg_pairs"
bs_slot = "bg_binding_sites"
seq_type = "bg_sequence_type"
# get locations from orig. sequences and extract position of TFBS:
seqUIDs = slot(x, pair_slot)$seqObj_uid
bed_locs = lapply(slot(x, seq_slot), function(i) c(i@uid,i@location))
bed_locs = matrix(unlist(bed_locs),ncol=2, byrow=T)
bed_locs = bed_locs[match(seqUIDs, bed_locs[,1]),]
# bed_locs = matrix(unlist(strsplit(bed_locs[match(seqUIDs, bed_locs[,1]),2],":")), ncol=3, byrow=T)
# bed_locs = data.frame(as.character(bed_locs[,1]),as.numeric(bed_locs[,2]),as.numeric(bed_locs[,3]))
bed_locs = t(apply(bed_locs, 1,function(loc) {
if(length(grep(".+:.+:.+",loc[2]))> 0) return(unlist(strsplit(loc[2],":")))
else return(c(NA,NA,NA))
# names
bed_names = paste(slot(x, pair_slot)$seqObj_uid,gsub(' ' ,'-',slot(x, pair_slot)$pair),sep="-")
# score = distance between pairs
bed_distance = slot(x, pair_slot)$distance
# strand - always set "+"
bed_strand = rep("+",dim(slot(x, pair_slot))[1])
# thickstart
bs1 = slot(x, bs_slot)[slot(x, pair_slot)$bs_uid1,]
bs2 = slot(x, bs_slot)[slot(x, pair_slot)$bs_uid2,]
bed_thickstart = sapply(1:dim(bs1)[1],function(i) min(bs1$start[i], bs1$end[i], bs2$start[i], bs2$end[i])+bed_locs[i,2])
# thickend
bed_thickend = sapply(1:dim(bs1)[1],function(i) max(bs1$start[i], bs1$end[i], bs2$start[i], bs2$end[i])+bed_locs[i,2])
# blockcounts
bed_bc = 2
# blockSizes
bed_bs =apply(data.frame(
slot(x, bs_slot)[slot(x, pair_slot)$bs_uid1,]$end - slot(x, bs_slot)[slot(x, pair_slot)$bs_uid1,]$start,
# slot(x,pair_slot)$distance,
slot(x, bs_slot)[slot(x, pair_slot)$bs_uid2,]$end - slot(x, bs_slot)[slot(x, pair_slot)$bs_uid2,]$start),1, function(i) paste(i, collapse=","))
# blockStarts
bed_bstarts = apply(data.frame(
# bed_locs[,2] +
slot(x, bs_slot)[slot(x, pair_slot)$bs_uid1,]$start,
# slot(x,pair_slot)$distance,
# bed_locs[,2] +
slot(x, bs_slot)[slot(x, pair_slot)$bs_uid2,]$start ),1, function(i) paste(i, collapse=","))
bed_rgb = rep("255,255,255", nrow(bed_locs))
# compose final BEDfile styled table
bed.output = data.frame(bed_locs,
colnames(bed.output) = c("chr","start", "end", "name", "distance", "strand","areaOfInterest_start", "areaOfInterest_end", "color")
#if somethings runs out of defined ranges:
bed.output[which(bed.output$end < bed.output$areaOfInterest_end),]$areaOfInterest_end = bed.output[which(bed.output$end < bed.output$areaOfInterest_end),]$end
# get.significant.pairs returns all binding sites of found significant pairs
# tsv file. If locations for the sequences are given, binding site locations
# will be mapped to these locations.
setMethod ("get.significant.pairs", signature(x="cobindr"),
function(x, pwm1, pwm2, bin_length=20, z_value=3, overlap=0, abs.distance=FALSE) {
results = detrending(x, pwm1, pwm2, bin_length, overlap, abs.distance)
if(is.null(results)) return() #if detrending failed stop here
x_coord = results[[1]]
occurrences = results[[2]]
bg_occurrences = results[[3]]
yy = results[[4]]
y = results[[5]]
# check if candidate pairs were found
#if (TRUE %in% (y > z_value*sd(y)) || TRUE %in% (y < -z_value*sd(y))) {
if (TRUE %in% (y > z_value*sd(y))) {
pair_bs = matrix(nrow=0, ncol=9)
colnames(pair_bs) = c('seqUID', paste('seq1(', pwm1, ')', sep=''), 'loc1', 'strand1', paste('seq2(', pwm2, ')', sep=''), 'loc2', 'strand2', 'distance', 'source')
candidates = matrix(nrow=0, ncol=5)
colnames(candidates) = c('Pair', 'start', 'end', 'Z-value', 'source')
for (i in 1:length(x_coord)) {
if (y[i] > z_value*sd(y)) {
# foreground
more_results = get.detrending_intern(pwm1, pwm2, x@sequences, abs.distance, x@pairs, x_coord[i], bin_length, overlap, x@binding_sites, pair_bs, candidates, y[i]/sd(y), 'FOREGROUND')
pair_bs = more_results[[1]]
candidates = more_results[[2]]
# return binding_sites
if (nrow(candidates) > 0) {
results = list("pair_bs","candidates")
results[[1]] = pair_bs
results[[2]] = candidates
} else {
cat('No overrepresented distances were found for pair', pwm1, pwm2, '.\n')
# 2013-01-08: What does this function do???
# This should be an internal function.
# Does it belong to a class?
get.detrending_intern = function(pwm1, pwm2, sequences, abs.distance, pairs, x, bin_length, overlap, binding_sites, pair_bs, candidates, p_z_value, source) {
pair_positive = paste(c(pwm1, pwm2), collapse=' ')
pair_negative = paste(c(pwm2, pwm1), collapse=' ')
# convert seqObj to list
seqUID = list()
for (seq in sequences) seqUID[as.character(seq@uid)] = seq@location
if (abs.distance) {
pairs_cache = pairs[pairs$pair == pair_positive & pairs$distance >= x - bin_length + 1 - overlap & pairs$distance < x + 1 - overlap, ]
pairs_cache = rbind(pairs_cache, pairs[pairs$pair == pair_negative & pairs$distance >= x - bin_length + 1 - overlap & pairs$distance < x + 1 - overlap, ])
else {
if (x > 0) {
pairs_cache = pairs[pairs$pair == pair_positive & pairs$distance >= x - bin_length + 1 - overlap & pairs$distance < x + 1 - overlap & pairs$strand1 == 1, ]
pairs_cache = rbind(pairs_cache, pairs[pairs$pair == pair_negative & pairs$distance >= x - bin_length + 1 - overlap & pairs$distance < x + 1 - overlap & pairs$strand2 == 2, ])
else {
pairs_cache = pairs[pairs$pair == pair_positive & pairs$distance >= -x - bin_length + 1 - overlap & pairs$distance < -x + 1 - overlap & pairs$strand1 == 2, ]
pairs_cache = rbind(pairs_cache, pairs[pairs$pair == pair_negative & pairs$distance >= -x - bin_length + 1 - overlap & pairs$distance < -x + 1 - overlap & pairs$strand2 == 1, ])
for (tt in 1:nrow(pairs_cache)) {
bs1 = binding_sites[binding_sites$uid == pairs_cache[tt, 'bs_uid1'], ]
bs2 = binding_sites[binding_sites$uid == pairs_cache[tt, 'bs_uid2'], ]
if (seqUID[as.character(pairs_cache[tt, 'seqObj_uid'])] != 'unknown') {
location = unlist(strsplit(unlist(seqUID[as.character(pairs_cache[tt, 'seqObj_uid'])]), ':'))
loc1 = paste(location[[1]], as.numeric(location[[2]]) + bs1$start - 1, as.numeric(location[[2]]) + bs1$end - 1, sep=':')
loc2 = paste(location[[1]], as.numeric(location[[2]]) + bs2$start - 1, as.numeric(location[[2]]) + bs2$end - 1, sep=':')
else {
loc1 = 'unknown'
loc2 = 'unknown'
if (x > 0) {
pm = 1
else {
pm = -1
if (bs1$pwm == pwm1) {
pair_bs = rbind(pair_bs, c(pairs_cache[tt, 'seqObj_uid'], bs1$seq, loc1, bs1$strand, bs2$seq, loc2, bs2$strand, pm * pairs_cache[tt, 'distance'], source))
else {
pair_bs = rbind(pair_bs, c(pairs_cache[tt, 'seqObj_uid'], bs2$seq, loc2, bs2$strand, bs1$seq, loc1, bs1$strand, pm * pairs_cache[tt, 'distance'], source))
if (x > 0) {
p_start = x - bin_length + 1
else {
p_start = x + bin_length - 1
p_end = x
cat('Found candidate pair in', source, pwm1, pwm2, 'in distance', p_start, '-', p_end, 'bp. Z-value is', p_z_value, '\n')
candidates = rbind(candidates, c(pair_positive, p_start, p_end, p_z_value, source))
list(pair_bs, candidates)
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