Man pages for singleCellTK
Comprehensive and Interactive Analysis of Single Cell RNA-Seq Data

calcEffectSizesFinds the effect sizes for all genes in the original dataset,...
combineSCECombine a list of SingleCellExperiment objects as one...
computeZScoreCompute Z-Score
constructSCECreate SingleCellExperiment object from csv or txt input
convertGeneIDsConvert Gene IDs
convertSCEToSeuratconvertSCEToSeurat Converts sce object to seurat while...
convertSeuratToSCEconvertSeuratToSCE Converts the input seurat object to a sce...
dataAnnotationColorGenerate distinct colors for all categorical col/rowData...
discreteColorPaletteGenerate given number of color codes
distinctColorsGenerate a distinct palette for coloring different clusters
dot-addSeuratToMetaDataSCE.addSeuratToMetaDataSCE Adds the input seurat object to the...
dot-checkDiffExpResultExistsCheck if the specified MAST result in SingleCellExperiment...
dot-computeSignificantPC.computeSignificantPC Computes the significant principal...
dot-extractSCEAnnotationExtract columns from row/colData and transfer to factors
dot-formatDEAListHelper function for differential expression analysis methods...
dot-getComponentNames.getComponentNames Creates a list of PC/IC components to...
dot-ggBarBar plot plotting tool.
dot-ggDensityDensity plot plotting tool.
dot-ggScatterPlot results of reduced dimensions data.
dot-ggViolinViolin plot plotting tool.
dot-sce2adataCoverts SingleCellExperiment object from R to anndata.AnnData...
dot-seuratGetVariableFeatures.seuratGetVariableFeatures Retrieves the requested number of...
dot-seuratInvalidate.seuratInvalidate Removes seurat data from the input...
dot-updateAssaySCE.updateAssaySCE Update/Modify/Add an assay in the provided...
downSampleCellsEstimate numbers of detected genes, significantly...
downSampleDepthEstimate numbers of detected genes, significantly...
enrichRSCEenrichR Given a list of genes this function runs the...
exportSCEExport data in SingleCellExperiment object
exportSCEtoAnnDataExport a SingleCellExperiment R object as Python annData...
exportSCEtoFlatFileExport a SingleCellExperiment object to flat text files
featureIndexRetrieve row index for a set of features
findMarkerDiffExpFind the marker gene set for each cluster With an input...
generateMetaGenerate manifest file for droplet and cell count data
generateSimulatedDataGenerates a single simulated dataset, bootstrapping from the...
getBiomarkerGiven a list of genes and a SingleCellExperiment object,...
getMSigDBTableShows MSigDB categories
getPCAPerform PCA on a SingleCellExperiment Object A wrapper to...
getSceParamsExtract QC parameters from the SingleCellExperiment object
getTopHVGgetTopHVG Extracts the top variable genes from an input...
getTSNERun t-SNE dimensionality reduction method on a...
getUMAPUniform Manifold Approximation and Projection(UMAP) algorithm...
gsvaSCERun GSVA analysis on a SingleCellExperiment object
importAnnDataCreate a SingleCellExperiment Object from Python AnnData...
importBUStoolsConstruct SCE object from BUStools output
importCellRangerConstruct SCE object from Cell Ranger output
importCellRangerV2SampleConstruct SCE object from Cell Ranger V2 output for a single...
importCellRangerV3SampleConstruct SCE object from Cell Ranger V3 output for a single...
importDropEstCreate a SingleCellExperiment Object from DropEst output
importExampleDataRetrieve example datasets
importFromFilesCreate a SingleCellExperiment object from files
importGeneSetsFromCollectionImports gene sets from a GeneSetCollection object
importGeneSetsFromGMTImports gene sets from a GMT file
importGeneSetsFromListImports gene sets from a list
importGeneSetsFromMSigDBImports gene sets from MSigDB
importMultipleSourcesImports samples from different sources and compiles them into...
importOptimusConstruct SCE object from Optimus output
importSEQCConstruct SCE object from seqc output
importSTARsoloConstruct SCE object from STARsolo outputs
iterateSimulationsReturns significance data from a snapshot.
mergeSCEColDataMerging colData from two singleCellExperiment objects
mouseBrainSubsetSCEExample Single Cell RNA-Seq data in SingleCellExperiment...
msigdb_tableMSigDB gene get Cctegory table
plotBarcodeRankDropsResultsPlots for runEmptyDrops outputs.
plotBarcodeRankScatterPlots for runBarcodeRankDrops outputs.
plotBatchVariancePlot the percent of the variation that is explained by batch...
plotBcdsResultsPlots for runBcds outputs.
plotBiomarkerGiven a set of genes, return a ggplot of expression values.
plotCxdsResultsPlots for runCxds outputs.
plotDecontXResultsPlots for runDecontX outputs.
plotDEGHeatmapHeatmap visualization of DEG result
plotDEGRegressionplot the linear regression to show visualize the expression...
plotDEGViolinplot the violin plot to show visualize the expression...
plotDoubletCellsResultsPlots for runDoubletCells outputs.
plotDoubletFinderResultsPlots for runDoubletFinder outputs.
plotEmptyDropsResultsPlots for runEmptyDrops outputs.
plotEmptyDropsScatterPlots for runEmptyDrops outputs.
plotMarkerDiffExpPlot a heatmap to visualize the result of 'findMarkerDiffExp'
plotMASTThresholdGenesMAST Identify adaptive thresholds
plotPCAPlot PCA run data from its components.
plotRunPerCellQCResultsPlots for runPerCellQC outputs.
plotScdsHybridResultsPlots for runCxdsBcdsHybrid outputs.
plotSCEBarAssayDataBar plot of assay data.
plotSCEBarColDataBar plot of colData.
plotSCEBatchFeatureMeanPlot mean feature value in each batch of a...
plotSCEDensityDensity plot of any data stored in the SingleCellExperiment...
plotSCEDensityAssayDataDensity plot of assay data.
plotSCEDensityColDataDensity plot of colData.
plotSCEDimReduceColDataDimension reduction plot tool for colData
plotSCEDimReduceFeaturesDimension reduction plot tool for assay data
plotSCEHeatmapPlot heatmap of using data stored in SingleCellExperiment...
plotSCEScatterDimension reduction plot tool for all types of data
plotSCEViolinViolin plot of any data stored in the SingleCellExperiment...
plotSCEViolinAssayDataViolin plot of assay data.
plotSCEViolinColDataViolin plot of colData.
plotScrubletResultsPlots for runScrublet outputs.
plotTSNEPlot t-SNE plot on dimensionality reduction data run from...
plotUMAPPlot UMAP results either on already run results or run first...
qcInputProcessCreate SingleCellExperiment object from command line input...
readSingleCellMatrixRead single cell expression matrix
reportCellQCGet runCellQC .html report
reportDiffExpGet runDEAnalysis .html report
reportDropletQCGet runDropletQC .html report
reportQCToolGet .html report of the output of the selected QC algorithm
retrieveSCEIndexRetrieve cell/feature index by giving identifiers saved in...
runANOVAPerform differential expression analysis on SCE with ANOVA
runBarcodeRankDropsIdentify empty droplets using barcodeRanks.
runBBKNNApply BBKNN batch effect correction method to...
runBcdsFind doublets/multiplets using bcds.
runCellQCPerform comprehensive single cell QC
runComBatApply ComBat batch effect correction method to...
runCxdsFind doublets/multiplets using cxds.
runCxdsBcdsHybridFind doublets/multiplets using cxds_bcds_hybrid.
runDEAnalysisPerform differential expression analysis on SCE with...
runDecontXDetecting contamination with DecontX.
runDESeq2Perform differential expression analysis on SCE with DESeq2.
runDoubletCellsDetect doublet cells using scDblFinder.
runDoubletFinderGenerates a doublet score for each cell via doubletFinder
runDropletQCPerform comprehensive droplet QC
runEmptyDropsIdentify empty droplets using emptyDrops.
runFastMNNApply a fast version of the mutual nearest neighbors (MNN)...
runKMeansGet clustering with KMeans
runLimmaBCApply Limma's batch effect correction method to...
runLimmaDEPerform differential expression analysis on SCE with Limma.
runMASTPerform differential expression analysis on SCE with MAST
runMNNCorrectApply the mutual nearest neighbors (MNN) batch effect...
runPerCellQCWrapper for calculating QC metrics with scater.
runSCANORAMAApply the mutual nearest neighbors (MNN) batch effect...
runSCMergeApply scMerge batch effect correction method to...
runScranSNNGet clustering with SNN graph
runScrubletFind doublets using 'scrublet'.
runZINBWaVEApply ZINBWaVE Batch effect correction method to...
sampleSummaryStatsGenerate table of SCTK QC outputs.
scater_logNormCountsscater_logNormCounts Uses logNormCounts to log normalize...
sceExample Single Cell RNA-Seq data in SingleCellExperiment...
sceBatchesExample Single Cell RNA-Seq data in SingleCellExperiment...
scran_modelGeneVarscran_modelGeneVar Generates and stores variability data from...
sctkListGeneSetCollectionsLists imported GeneSetCollections
sctkPythonInstallCondaInstalls Python packages into a Conda environment
sctkPythonInstallVirtualEnvInstalls Python packages into a virtual environment
SEGStably Expressed Gene (SEG) list obect, with SEG sets for...
selectSCTKCondaSelects a Conda environment
selectSCTKVirtualEnvironmentSelects a virtual environment
seuratComputeHeatmapseuratComputeHeatmap Computes the heatmap plot object from...
seuratComputeJackStrawseuratComputeJackStraw Compute jackstraw plot and store the...
seuratElbowPlotseuratElbowPlot Computes the plot object for elbow plot from...
seuratFindClustersseuratFindClusters Computes the clusters from the input sce...
seuratFindHVGseuratFindHVG Find highly variable genes and store in the...
seuratHeatmapPlotseuratHeatmapPlot Modifies the heatmap plot object so it...
seuratICAseuratICA Computes ICA on the input sce object and stores the...
seuratIntegrationseuratIntegration A wrapper function to Seurat...
seuratJackStrawPlotseuratJackStrawPlot Computes the plot object for jackstraw...
seuratNormalizeDataseuratNormalizeData Wrapper for NormalizeData() function from...
seuratPCAseuratPCA Computes PCA on the input sce object and stores the...
seuratPlotHVGseuratPlotHVG Plot highly variable genes from input sce...
seuratReductionPlotseuratReductionPlot Plots the selected dimensionality...
seuratRunTSNEseuratRunTSNE Computes tSNE from the given sce object and...
seuratRunUMAPseuratRunUMAP Computes UMAP from the given sce object and...
seuratScaleDataseuratScaleData Scales the input sce object according to the...
seuratSCTransformseuratSCTransform Runs the SCTransform function to...
simpleLogA decorator that prints the arguments to the decorated...
singleCellTKRun the single cell analysis app
subDiffExPasses the output of generateSimulatedData() to differential...
subsetSCEColsSubset a SingleCellExperiment object by columns
subsetSCERowsSubset a SingleCellExperiment object by rows
summarizeSCESummarize an assay in a SingleCellExperiment
trimCountsTrim Counts
singleCellTK documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:21 p.m.