
Defines functions calc_joint_dist generate_clique_factors sample_ug plot.sim print.sim bdgraph.sim

Documented in bdgraph.sim calc_joint_dist generate_clique_factors plot.sim print.sim sample_ug

## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
#     Copyright (C) 2012 - 2022  Reza Mohammadi                                |
#                                                                              |
#     This file is part of BDgraph package.                                    |
#                                                                              |
#     BDgraph is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under |
#     the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free     |
#     Software Foundation; see <https://cran.r-project.org/web/licenses/GPL-3>.|
#                                                                              |
#     Maintainer: Reza Mohammadi <a.mohammadi@uva.nl>                          |
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
#     Data generator according to the graph structure                          |
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |

bdgraph.sim = function( p = 10, graph = "random", n = 0, type = "Gaussian", 
						prob = 0.2, size = NULL, mean = 0, class = NULL, 
						cut = 4, b = 3, D = diag( p ), K = NULL, sigma = NULL, 
						q = exp( -1 ), beta = 1, vis = FALSE, rewire = 0.05,
						range.mu = c( 3, 5 ), range.dispersion = c( 0.01, 0.1 ),
						nu = 1 )
    if( p < 2 )                           stop( "'p' must be greater than 1" )
    if( ( prob < 0 ) | ( prob > 1 ) )     stop( "'prob' must be between ( 0, 1 )" )
    if( cut < 2 )                         stop( "'cut' must be greater than 1" )
    if( b <= 2 )                          stop( "'b' must be greater than 2" )
 	if( ( rewire < 0 ) | ( rewire > 1 ) ) stop( "'rewire' must be between ( 0, 1 )" )
    if( length( range.mu ) != 2 )         stop( "'range.mu' must be a vector with length 2" )
    if( length( range.dispersion ) != 2 ) stop( "'range.dispersion' must be a vector with length 2" )
    if( inherits( graph, "graph" ) ) graph = unclass( graph )
    if( is.matrix( graph ) & is.matrix( K ) ) if( nrow( graph ) != nrow( K ) ) stop( "'graph' and 'K' have non-conforming size" )
    if( !is.null( size ) ) 
        if( ( sum( size ) < 0 ) | ( sum( size ) > ( p * ( p - 1 ) / 2 ) ) ) stop( "'size' must be between ( 0, p*(p-1)/2 )" )
    if( is.matrix( K ) )
        if( !isSymmetric( K ) ) stop( "'K' must be a positive definite matrix" )
        graph <- "fixed"
        p     <- nrow( K )
    if( type == "normal"     ) type = "Gaussian"
    if( type == "non-normal" ) type = "non-Gaussian"
    #if( type == "discrete"   ) type = "count"
    if( ( type == "categorical" ) & ( cut == 2 ) ) type = "binary"
    if( is.matrix( graph ) )
        if( !isSymmetric( graph ) ) stop( "'graph' must be symmetric matrix" )

        p = nrow( graph )
        if( ( graph != 0 ) && ( graph != 1 ) ) stop( "Elements of matrix 'graph' must be 0 or 1" )
        G     <- graph
	    graph <- "fixed"
    # - - build the graph structure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|
    if( !any( graph == c( "fixed", "AR1", "AR2", "circle" ) ) )
		G <- BDgraph::graph.sim( p = p, graph = graph, prob = prob, size = size, class = class, rewire = rewire )

    if( graph == "AR1" )
        sigma = matrix( 0, p, p )
        for( i in 1 : ( p - 1 ) )
            for( j in ( i + 1 ) : p )
                sigma[ i, j ] = ( 0.7 ) ^ abs( i - j )
            sigma = sigma + t( sigma ) + diag( p )
            K     = solve( sigma )
            G     = 1 * ( abs( K ) > 0.02 ) 
    if( graph == "AR2" )
        K = stats::toeplitz( c( 1, 0.5, 0.25, rep( 0, p - 3 ) ) )
        G = 1 * ( abs( K ) > 0.02 ) 
    if( graph == "circle" )
        K         <- stats::toeplitz( c( 1, 0.5, rep( 0, p - 2 ) ) )
        K[ 1, p ] <- 0.4
        K[ p, 1 ] <- 0.4
        G = 1 * ( abs( K ) > 0.02 ) 
    # - - generate multivariate data according to the graph structure - - - - -|
	if( n != 0 )
		if( !is.null( sigma ) ) K <- solve( sigma )   

		if( is.matrix( K ) )
			G         = 1 * ( abs( K ) > 0.02 )
			diag( G ) = 0
			# if( is.null( sigma ) ) sigma <- solve( K )	
			if( is.null( sigma ) ) 
			    sigma = stats::cov2cor( solve( K ) )
			# - - Generate precision matrix according to the graph structure - |
		    if( !isSymmetric( D ) ) 
		        stop( "'D' must be a positive definite matrix" )
		    Ti        = chol( solve( D ) )
			diag( G ) = 0
			K         = matrix( 0, p, p )
			threshold = 1e-8  # for "rgwish_c" function in C++
			result = .C( "rgwish_c", as.integer(G), as.double(Ti), K = as.double(K), 
						 as.integer(b), as.integer(p), as.double(threshold), PACKAGE = "BDgraph" )
			K     = matrix( result $ K, p, p ) 		
			# sigma = solve( K )
			sigma = stats::cov2cor( solve( K ) )
			K = solve( sigma )  
		# - - generate multivariate normal data - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|
		d <- BDgraph::rmvnorm( n = n, mean = mean, sigma = sigma )
		# - - generate multivariate mixed data - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
		not.cont = numeric( p )

		if( type == "mixed" )
			# generating mixed data which are 'count', 'ordinal', 'non-Gaussian', 
			# 'binary', and 'Gaussian', respectively.
			ps = floor( p / 5 )
			# generating count data
			col_number        <- c( 1:ps )
			prob              <- stats::pnorm( d[ , col_number ] )
			d[ , col_number ] <- stats::qpois( p = prob, lambda = 10 )
			not.cont[ 1:ps ] = 1

			# generating ordinal data
			col_number        <- c( ( ps + 1 ):( 2 * ps ) )
			prob              <- stats::pnorm( d[ , col_number ] )
			d[ , col_number ] <- stats::qpois( p = prob, lambda = 2 )
			not.cont[ c( ( ps + 1 ):( 2 * ps ) ) ] = 1
			# generating non-Gaussian data
			col_number       <- c( ( 2 * ps + 1 ):( 3 * ps ) )
			prob             <- stats::pnorm( d[ , col_number ] )
			d[ ,col_number ] <- stats::qexp( p = prob, rate = 10 )

			# for binary data
			col_number        <- c( ( 3 * ps + 1 ):( 4 * ps ) )
			prob              <- stats::pnorm( d[ , col_number ] )
			d[ , col_number ] <- stats::qbinom( p = prob, size = 1, prob = 0.5 )
			not.cont[ c( ( 3 * ps + 1 ):( 4 * ps ) ) ] = 1

		# - - generate multivariate continuous non-Gaussian data - - - - - - - |
		if( type == "non-Gaussian" )
			# generating multivariate continuous non-Gaussian data  
			prob <- stats::pnorm( d )
			d    <- stats::qexp( p = prob, rate = 10 )

		# - - To generate multivariate data from T-distribution - - - - - - - |
		if( type == "t" )
		    tau_gamma = stats::rgamma( n, shape = nu / 2, rate = nu / 2 )
            d         = mean + d / sqrt( tau_gamma )
    	if ( type == "alternative-t" )
    		taugamma = stats::rgamma( n * p, shape = nu / 2, rate = nu / 2 )
    		taugamma = matrix( taugamma, n, p )
    		d        = mean + d / sqrt( taugamma )
		# - - generate multivariate count data - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
		if( type == "categorical" )
		    not.cont[ 1:p ] = 1
			runif_m   = matrix( stats::runif( cut * p ), nrow = p, ncol = cut )   
			marginals = apply( runif_m, 1, function( x ) { stats::qnorm( cumsum( x / sum( x ) )[ -length( x ) ] ) } )
			if( cut == 2 ) 
			    marginals = matrix( marginals, nrow = 1, ncol = p )
			for( j in 1:p )
				breaks   <- c( min( d[ , j ] ) - 1, marginals[ , j ], max( d[ , j ] ) + 1 )  
				d[ , j ] <- as.integer( cut( d[ , j ], breaks = breaks, right = FALSE ) )
			d = d - 1

		if( type == "binary" )
		    not.cont[ 1:p ] = 1
		    if( p > 16 ) 
		        stop( "'p' must be less than 16, for option 'type = \"binary\"'" )
			## Generate clique factors
			clique_factors = generate_clique_factors( ug = G )

			d = sample_ug( n = n, ug = G, clique_factors = clique_factors )
			d = d - 1
		if((type == "dweibull") | (type == "dw"))
            if(length(q   ) == 1) q    = rep(q   , time = p) 
            if(length(beta) == 1) beta = rep(beta, time = p)
            # q & beta can be a vector of length p (one for each Y variable)
            if(is.vector(q   ) && (length(q   ) != p)) stop("'q', as a vector, has non-conforming size with 'p'"   )
            if(is.vector(beta) && (length(beta) != p)) stop("'beta', as a vector, has non-conforming size with 'p'")
            # or an n x p matrix (in the case of covariates)
            if(is.matrix(q   ) && any(dim( q   ) != c(n, p))) stop("'q', as a matrix, has non-conforming size with 'n' and 'p'")
            if(is.matrix(beta) && any(dim( beta) != c(n, p))) stop("'beta', as a matrix, has non-conforming size with 'n' and 'p'")
            not.cont[1:p] = 1
            Y_data <- matrix(c(0, 1), nrow = n, ncol = p)

            # To detect binary variables
            # while( any( apply( Y_data, 2, function( x ) { all( x %in% 0:1 ) } ) ) == TRUE ) {  
            Z = tmvtnorm::rtmvnorm(n = n, mean = rep(mean, p), sigma = sigma, lower = rep(-5, length = p), upper = rep(5, length = p))
            pnorm_Z = stats::pnorm(Z)
            if(is.matrix(q) && is.matrix(beta)) 
                for(j in 1:p) 
                    Y_data[, j] = BDgraph::qdweibull(pnorm_Z[, j], q = q[, j], beta = beta[, j], zero = TRUE)
            if(is.vector(q) && is.vector(beta)) 
                for(j in 1:p) 
                    Y_data[, j] = BDgraph::qdweibull( pnorm_Z[, j],  q = q[j], beta = beta[j], zero = TRUE)		    
            if( any( apply( Y_data, 2, function( x ) { all( x %in% 0 : 1 ) } ) ) ) cat( " Some of the variables are binary \n" )
            d = Y_data
		if( ( type == "nbinom" ) | ( type == "NB" ) )
            not.cont[ 1:p ] = 1
            Y.star <- matrix( c( 0, 1 ), nrow = n, ncol = p )
            # To detect binary variables 
            while ( any( apply( Y.star, 2, function( x ) { all( x %in% 0:1 ) } ) ) == TRUE ) 
                d = tmvtnorm::rtmvnorm( n = n, mean = rep( mean, p ), sigma = sigma, 
                                         lower = rep( -5, length = p ), upper = rep( 5, length = p ) )
                #mu   <- stats::runif( n = p, min = 0.5, max = 5 )
                #size <- stats::runif( n = p, min = 0.1, max = 3 )
                mu   = stats::runif( n = p, min = range.mu[ 1 ], max = range.mu[ 2 ] )
                size = stats::runif( n = p, min = range.dispersion[ 1 ], max = range.dispersion[ 2 ] ) 
                for(j in 1 : p ) 
                    Y.star[ , j ] = stats::qnbinom( stats::pnorm( d[ , j ] ), size = size[ j ], 
                                                     mu = mu[ j ], lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE )
                # cat( "any binary variables ", any( apply( Y , 2, function( x ) { all( x %in% 0:1 ) }) ) , "\n" )
            d = Y.star
		if( ( type == "pois" ) | ( type == "count" ) )
            not.cont[ 1:p ] = 1
            Y.star = matrix( c( 0, 1 ), nrow = n, ncol = p )
            while( any( apply( Y.star, 2, function( x ) { all( x %in% 0:1 ) } ) ) == TRUE ) ##detect binary variables 
                d = tmvtnorm::rtmvnorm( n = n, mean = rep( mean, p ), sigma = sigma, 
                                        lower = rep( -5, length = p ), upper = rep( 5, length = p ) )
                #lambda = stats::runif( n = p, min = 2, max = 3 )
                #lambda = stats::runif( n = p, min = 2, max = 5 )
                lambda = stats::runif( n = p, min = range.mu[ 1 ], max = range.mu[ 2 ] )

                for(j in 1 : p ) 
                    Y.star[ , j ] = stats::qpois( stats::pnorm( d[ , j ] ), lambda = lambda[ j ],  lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE )
            d = Y.star
	# - - Saving the result - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|
	if( n != 0 )
	    if( type != "dw" ){
		    simulation <- list( G = G, graph = graph, data = d, sigma = sigma, K = K, type = type, not.cont = not.cont )
	        simulation <- list( G = G, graph = graph, data = d, sigma = sigma, K = K, type = type, not.cont = not.cont,
	                            beta = beta, q = q )
		simulation <- list( G = G, graph = graph )		

    # - - graph visualization - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|
    if( vis == TRUE )
        BDgraph::plot.graph( G, main = "Graph structure" )
	class( simulation ) <- "sim"
	return( simulation )
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
# Print function for simulation data
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
print.sim = function( x, ... )
	p     = ncol( x $ G )
	sum_G = sum( x $ G )

	cat( paste( "  graph generated by bdgraph.sim" ), fill = TRUE )

	if( !is.null( x $ type ) )
		cat( paste( "  Data type       =", x $ type         ), fill = TRUE )
		cat( paste( "  Sample size     =", nrow( x $ data ) ), fill = TRUE )
	cat( paste( "  Graph type      =", x $ graph                          ), fill = TRUE )
	cat( paste( "  Number of nodes =", p                                  ), fill = TRUE )
	cat( paste( "  Graph size      =", sum_G / 2                          ), fill = TRUE )
	cat( paste( "  Sparsity        =", round( BDgraph::sparsity( x ), 4 ) ), fill = TRUE )		
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
# plot for class "sim" from bdgraph.sim function
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
plot.sim = function( x, ... )
    BDgraph::plot.graph( x, ... )
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
# Function for exact sampling from binary data
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
sample_ug = function( n = 1, ug = diag( 3 ), clique_factors = NULL )
	p = ncol( ug ) # p smaller than 17 check
	if( p > 16 ) 
	    stop( "number of nodes must be smaller than 16" )
	ug[ lower.tri( ug, diag = TRUE ) ] = 0
	if( is.null( clique_factors ) ) 
	    clique_factors = generate_clique_factors( ug )
	prob = calc_joint_dist( ug, clique_factors )
	noc  = length( prob )
	ind  = sample( 1:noc, n, replace = TRUE, prob = prob )
	oc   = sapply( 1:noc, function( x ){ as.integer( intToBits( x ) ) } )
	oc   = 2 - t( oc[ 1:p, ] )
	data = oc[ ind, ]
	return( data )
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
generate_clique_factors = function( ug )
	ug[ lower.tri( ug, diag = TRUE ) ] = 0   
	p              = ncol( ug )
	edges          = which( ug == 1, arr.ind = T )
	a              = igraph::make_undirected_graph( c( t( edges ) ), p )
	cliques        = igraph::max_cliques( a )
	clique_factors = vector( 'list', length( cliques ) )
	for ( i in 1:length( cliques ) )
		clq                 = cliques[[i]]
		clique_factors[[i]] = stats::runif( 2 ^ length( clq ) )
	return( clique_factors )
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
calc_joint_dist = function( ug, clique_factors )
	p          = ncol( ug )
	oc         = sapply( 1:( 2 ^ p ), function( x ){ as.integer( intToBits( x ) ) } )
	oc         = 2 - t( oc[ 1:p, ] )

	edges      = which( ug == 1, arr.ind = T )
	a          = igraph::make_undirected_graph( c( t( edges ) ), p )

	joint_dist = rep( 1, 2 ^ p )
	cliques    = igraph::max_cliques( a )
	for ( i in 1:length( cliques ) )
		clq        = cliques[[i]]
		k          = length( clq )
		temp       = sapply( 1:( 2 ^ k ), function( x ){ as.integer( intToBits( x ) ) } )
		clq_oc     = 2 - t( temp[1:k, ] )
		clq_factor = clique_factors[[i]]
		for ( j in 1:nrow( clq_oc ) )
			oc_col_clq = oc[ , clq ]
			if( is.null( dim( oc_col_clq ) ) ) 
				oc_col_clq = matrix( oc_col_clq, nrow = length( oc_col_clq ), ncol = 1 )
			ind             = apply( oc_col_clq, 1, identical, clq_oc[ j, ] )
			joint_dist[ind] = joint_dist[ ind ] * clq_factor[ j ]
	joint_dist = joint_dist / sum( joint_dist )
	return( joint_dist )	
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |

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BDgraph documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:30 p.m.