
Defines functions ModSummary.OddsRatio ModSummary.glm ModSummary.lm ModSummary model.matrix.gls VIF NMAE NMSE SMAPE.lm SMAPE MAPE.lm MAPE RMSE.lm RMSE MSE.lm MSE MAE.lm MAE Cstat.default Cstat.glm BrierScore.mult BrierScore.glm BrierScore.default BrierScore Spec Sens print.Conf plot.Conf Conf.regr Conf.qda Conf.lda Conf.svm Conf.randomForest Conf.glm Conf.multinom Conf.rpart Conf.matrix Conf.default Conf.table Conf

Documented in BrierScore BrierScore.default BrierScore.glm Conf Conf.default Conf.glm Conf.matrix Conf.multinom Conf.randomForest Conf.regr Conf.rpart Conf.svm Conf.table Cstat.default Cstat.glm MAE MAE.lm MAPE MAPE.lm ModSummary ModSummary.glm ModSummary.lm MSE MSE.lm NMAE NMSE plot.Conf print.Conf RMSE RMSE.lm Sens SMAPE SMAPE.lm Spec VIF

Conf <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("Conf")

Conf.table <- function(x, pos = NULL, ...) {
  CollapseConfTab <- function(x, pos = NULL, ...) {
    if(nrow(x) > 2) {
      names(attr(x, "dimnames")) <- c("pred", "obs")
      x <- CollapseTable(x, obs=c("neg", pos)[(rownames(x)==pos)+1],
                         pred=c("neg", pos)[(rownames(x)==pos)+1])
    # order confusion table so
    # that the positive class is the first and the others keep their position
    ord <- c(pos, rownames(x)[-grep(pos, rownames(x), fixed=TRUE)])
    # the columnnames must be the same as the rownames
    x <- as.table(x[ord, ord])
  p <- (d <- dim(x))[1L]
  if(!is.numeric(x) || length(d) != 2L || p != d[2L]) {    # allow nxn!  || p != 2L)
    stop("'x' is not a nxn numeric matrix.")
    # print(x)
    # invisible()
  # observed in columns, predictions in rows
  if(!identical(rownames(x), colnames(x)))
    stop("rownames(x) and colnames(x) must be identical")
  if(is.null(pos)) pos <- rownames(x)[1]
  if(nrow(x)!=2) {
    # ignore pos for nxn tables, pos makes only sense for sensitivity
    # and that is not defined for n-dim tables
    pos <- NULL
  } else {
    # order 2x2-confusion table so
    # that the positive class is the first and the others keep their position
    # fixed=TRUE as we might run into problems with columnnames like (8-9] ...
    ord <- c(pos, rownames(x)[-grep(pos, rownames(x), fixed=TRUE)])
    # the columnnames must be the same as the rownames
    x <- as.table(x[ord, ord])
  # overall statistics first
  res <- list(
    table   = x,
    pos     = pos,
    diag    = sum(diag(x)),
    n       = sum(x)
  res <- c(res,
           acc     = BinomCI(x=res$diag, n=res$n),
           sapply(binom.test(x=res$diag, n=res$n,
                             p=max(apply(x, 2, sum) / res$n),
                             alternative = "greater")[c("null.value", "p.value")], unname),
           kappa   = CohenKappa(x),
           mcnemar = mcnemar.test(x)$p.value
  names(res) <- c("table","pos","diag","n","acc","acc.lci","acc.uci",
  # byclass
  lst <- list()
  for(i in 1L:nrow(x)){
    z <- CollapseConfTab(x=x, pos=rownames(x)[i])
    z[] <- as.double(z)
    A <- z[1, 1]; B <- z[1, 2]; C <- z[2, 1]; D <- z[2, 2]
    lst[[i]] <- rbind(
      sens    = A / (A + C),                 # sensitivity
      spec    = D / (B + D),                 # specificity
      ppv     = A / (A + B),                 # positive predicted value
      npv     = D / (C + D),                 # negative predicted value
      prev    = (A + C) / (A + B + C + D),   # prevalence
      detprev = (A + B) / (A + B + C + D),   # detection prevalence
      detrate = A / (A + B + C + D),         # detection rate
      bacc    = mean(c(A / (A + C), D / (B + D)) ),  # balanced accuracy
      fval    = Hmean(c(A / (A + B), A / (A + C)), conf.level = NA), # guetemass wollschlaeger s. 150
      #   this would overflow for already small frequencies if we don't cast z to double ..
      mcc     = (A*D-B*C) / sqrt((A+B)*(A+C)*(D+B)*(D+C))  # Matthews correlation coefficient (=Phi(x) with sign!)      
  res <- c(res, byclass=list(do.call(cbind, lst)))
  colnames(res[["byclass"]]) <- rownames(x)
  if(nrow(x)==2) res[["byclass"]] <- res[["byclass"]][, res[["pos"]], drop=FALSE]
  class(res) <- "Conf"

Conf.default <-  function(x, ref, pos = NULL, na.rm = TRUE, ...) {
  if(na.rm) {
    idx <- complete.cases(data.frame(x, ref))
    x <- x[idx]
    ref <- ref[idx]
  clvl <- CombLevels(x, ref)
  Conf.table(table(Prediction=factor(x, levels=clvl), 
                   Reference=factor(ref, levels=clvl)), pos = pos, ...)

Conf.matrix <- function(x, pos = NULL, ...) {
  Conf.table(as.table(x), pos=pos, ...)

# the confusion interface for rpart
Conf.rpart <- function(x, ...){
  # y <- attr(x, "ylevels")
       ref=attr(x,"ylevels")[x$y], ...)

Conf.multinom <- function(x, ...){
  if(is.null(x$model)) stop("x does not contain model. Run multinom with argument model=TRUE!")
  resp <- model.extract(x$model, "response")
  # attention: this will not handle correctly responses defined as dummy codes
  # adapt for that!!  ************************************************************
  # resp <- x$response[,1]
  pred <- predict(x, type="class")
  Conf(x=pred, resp, ... )

Conf.glm <- function(x, cutoff = 0.5, pos=NULL, ...){
  resp <- model.extract(x$model, "response")
    pred <- levels(resp)[(predict(x, type="response") > cutoff)+1]
    if(is.null(pos)) pos <- levels(resp)[2]
  } else {
    lvl <- levels(factor(resp))
    pred <- lvl[(predict(x, type="response") > cutoff)+1]
    if(is.null(pos)) pos <- lvl[2]
  Conf(x=pred, ref=resp, pos=pos, ... )

Conf.randomForest <- function(x, ...){
  Conf(x=x$predicted, ref=x$y, ... )

Conf.svm <- function(x, ...){
  # old:  Conf(x=predict(x), ref=model.extract(model.frame(x), "response"), ... )
  Conf(x=predict(x, type="class"), ref=model.response(model.frame(x)), ... )

Conf.lda <- function(x, ...){
  # extract response from the model
       ref=model.extract(model.frame(x), "response") , ... )

Conf.qda <- function(x, ...){
       ref=model.extract(model.frame(x), "response") , ... )

Conf.regr <- function(x, ...){
  # Conf(x=Predict(x, type="class"), reference=x$response[,], ... )

plot.Conf <- function(x, main="Confusion Matrix", ...){
  mosaicplot(t(x$table), shade=TRUE, main=main, col=c("red", "green"), ...)

print.Conf <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
  cat("\nConfusion Matrix and Statistics\n\n")
  if(all(names(attr(x$table, "dimnames")) == ""))
    names(attr(x$table, "dimnames")) <- c("Prediction","Reference")
  print(x$table, ...)
  if(nrow(x$table)!=2) cat("\nOverall Statistics\n")
  txt <- gettextf("
                Total n : %s
               Accuracy : %s
                 95%s CI : (%s, %s)
    No Information Rate : %s
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : %s

                  Kappa : %s
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : %s\n\n",
                  Format(x$n, digits=0, big.mark="'"),
                  Format(x$acc, digits=digits), "%",
                  Format(x$acc.lci, digits=digits), Format(x$acc.uci, digits=digits),
                  Format(x$nri, digits=digits), Format(x$acc.pval, fmt="p", na.form="NA"),
                  Format(x$kappa, digits=digits), Format(x$mcnemar.pval, fmt="p", na.form="NA")
  rownames(x$byclass) <- c("Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Pos Pred Value", "Neg Pred Value", "Prevalence",
                           "Detection Rate", "Detection Prevalence", "Balanced Accuracy","F-val Accuracy", "Matthews Cor.-Coef")
      paste(StrPad(paste(rownames(x$byclass), ":"), width=25, adj = "right"),
            Format(x$byclass, digits=digits))
      , sep="\n")
    txt <- gettextf("\n       'Positive' Class : %s\n\n", x$pos)
  } else {
    cat("\nStatistics by Class:\n\n")
    print(Format(x$byclass, digits = digits, na.form="NA"), quote = FALSE)

Sens <- function(x, ...) Conf(x, ...)[["byclass"]]["sens",]

Spec <- function(x, ...) Conf(x, ...)[["byclass"]]["spec",]

# PseudoR2 <- function(x, which = NULL) {
#   # this function will not work with weights, neither with cbind lhs!!
#   # http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/183699/how-to-calculate-pseudo-r2-when-using-logistic-regression-on-aggregated-data-fil
#   # test: https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/other/mult-pkg/faq/general/faq-what-are-pseudo-r-squareds/
#   # library(haven)
#   # hsb2 <- as.data.frame(read_dta("https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/stat/stata/notes/hsb2.dta"))
#   # hsb2$honcomp <- hsb2$write >= 60
#   # r.logit <- glm(honcomp ~ female + read + science, hsb2, family="binomial")
#   # PseudoR2(r.logit, "a")
#   # http://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2150&context=jmasm
#   # Walker, Smith (2016) JMASM36: Nine Pseudo R^2 Indices for Binary Logistic Regression Models (SPSS)
#   # fuer logit Korrektur https://langer.soziologie.uni-halle.de/pdf/papers/rc33langer.pdf
#   # check with pscl::pR2(x); rcompanion::nagelkerke(x)
#   if (!(inherits(x, what="glm") || inherits(x, what="polr")
#         || inherits(x, what = "multinom") || inherits(x, what = "vglm")))
#     return(NA)
#   if(inherits(x, what="vglm") && !requireNamespace("VGAM", quietly=TRUE)) {
#     stop("Could not find package 'VGAM' - please install first") }
#   if (!(inherits(x, what="vglm")) && !is.null(x$call$summ) && !identical(x$call$summ, 0))
#     stop("can NOT get Loglik when 'summ' argument is not zero")
#   L.full <- logLik(x)
#   D.full <- -2 * L.full          # deviance(x)
#   if(inherits(x, what="multinom"))
#     L.base <- logLik(update(x, ~1, trace=FALSE))
#   else if(inherits(x, what="glm"))
#     # replaced 2019-08-19, based on mail by inferrator:
#     #
#     #   L.base <- logLik(update(x, ~1))
#     L.base <- logLik(glm(formula = reformulate('1', 
#                                                # replace the right side of the formula by 1                                           
#                                                gsub(" .*$", "", 
#                                                     # not all glms have a formula element, e.g. MASS::negbin                                           
#                                                     deparse(unlist(list(x$formula, x$call$formula, formula(x)))[[1]]))),
#                          # use the first non null list element
#                          # note x$call$data is a symbol and must first be evaluated
#                          data = Filter(Negate(is.null), list(x$data, eval(x$call$data) ))[[1]],
#                          family = x$family))
#   else 
#     L.base <- logLik(update(x, ~1))
#   D.base <- -2 * L.base # deviance(update(x, ~1))
#   G2 <- -2 * (L.base - L.full)
#   # n <- if(length(weights(x)))
#   #   sum(weights(x))
#   # else
#   n <- attr(L.full, "nobs")   # alternative: n <- dim(x$residuals)[1]
#   if(inherits(x, "multinom"))
#     edf <- x$edf
#   else if(inherits(x, "vglm")){
#     edf <- x@rank
#     n <- nobs(x)  # logLik does not return nobs for vglm
#   } else
#     edf <- x$rank
#   # McFadden
#   McFadden <- 1 - (L.full/L.base)
#   # adjusted to penalize for the number of predictors (k) in the model
#   McFaddenAdj <- 1 - ((L.full - edf)/L.base)
#   # Nagelkerke / CraggUhler
#   Nagelkerke <- (1 - exp((D.full - D.base)/n))/(1 - exp(-D.base/n))
#   # CoxSnell / Maximum Likelihood R2
#   CoxSnell <- 1 - exp(-G2/n)
#   res <- c(McFadden=McFadden, McFaddenAdj=McFaddenAdj,
#            CoxSnell=CoxSnell, Nagelkerke=Nagelkerke, AldrichNelson=NA,
#            VeallZimmermann=NA,
#            Efron=NA, McKelveyZavoina=NA, Tjur=NA,
#            AIC=AIC(x), BIC=BIC(x), logLik=L.full, logLik0=L.base, G2=G2)
#   if(inherits(x, what="glm") || inherits(x, what="vglm") ) {
#     if(inherits(x, what="vglm")){
#       fam <- x@family@vfamily
#       link <- if(all(x@extra$link == "logit")){
#         "logit"
#       } else if(all(x@extra$link == "probit")){
#         "probit"
#       } else {
#         NA
#       }
#       y <- x@y
#     } else {
#       fam <- x$family$family
#       link <- x$family$link
#       y <- x$y
#     }
#     s2 <- switch(link, probit = 1, logit = pi^2/3, NA)
#     # corrected based on mail by Chiroc Han, 2019-08-01 ******
#     # Aldrich/Nelson
#     # from: 
#     # res["AldrichNelson"] <- G2 / (G2 + n * s2)
#     # to:
#     res["AldrichNelson"] <- G2 / (G2 + n)
#     # Veall/Zimmermann
#     # res["VeallZimmermann"] <- res["AldrichNelson"] * (2*L.base - n * s2)/(2*L.base)
#     res["VeallZimmermann"] <- res["AldrichNelson"] * (2*L.base - n)/(2*L.base)
#     # McKelveyZavoina
#     # y.hat <- predict(x, type="link")
#     # remark Daniel Wollschlaeger, vglm would not dispatch correctly 30.11.2019
#     y.hat <- if(inherits(x, "vglm")) {
#       VGAM::predictvglm(x, type="link")
#     } else {
#       predict(x, type="link")
#     }
#     sse <- sum((y.hat - mean(y.hat))^2)
#     res["McKelveyZavoina"] <- sse/(n * s2 + sse)
#     # EfronR2
#     y.hat.resp <- predict(x, type="response")
#     res["Efron"] <- (1 - (sum((y - y.hat.resp)^2)) /
#                        (sum((y - mean(y))^2)))
#     # Tjur's D
#     # compare with binomTools::Rsq.glm()
#     if(identical(fam, "binomial"))
#       res["Tjur"] <- unname(diff(tapply(y.hat.resp, y, mean, na.rm=TRUE)))
#   }
#   if(is.null(which))
#     which <- "McFadden"
#   else
#     which <- match.arg(which, c("McFadden","AldrichNelson","VeallZimmermann","McFaddenAdj", "CoxSnell", "Nagelkerke",
#                                 "Efron", "McKelveyZavoina", "Tjur","AIC", "BIC", "logLik", "logLik0","G2","all"),
#                        several.ok = TRUE)
#   if(any(which=="all"))
#     return(res)
#   else
#     return(res[which])
# }

BrierScore <- function(...){

BrierScore.default <- function(resp, pred, scaled = FALSE, ...){
  res <- mean(resp * (1-pred)^2 + (1-resp) * pred^2)
    mean_y <- mean(resp)
    Bmax <- mean_y * (1-mean_y)^2 + (1-mean_y) * mean_y^2
    res <- 1 - res/Bmax

BrierScore.glm <- function(x, scaled = FALSE, ...){
  BrierScore.default(resp=x$y, pred=predict(x, type="response"), scaled = scaled)

BrierScore.mult <- function(x, scaled=FALSE, ...){
  # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brier_score
  ref <- model.response(model.frame(x))
  res <- mean(apply((Dummy(ref, method = "full") - predict(x, type="prob"))^2, 1, sum))
  # check for reference, this is not correct!!
  # if(scaled){
  #   mean_y <- mean(x)
  #   Bmax <- mean_y * (1-mean_y)^2 + (1-mean_y) * mean_y^2
  #   res <- 1 - res/Bmax
  # }

# Cstat <- function(x){
#   y <- as.numeric(factor(model.response(x$model)))
#   probs <- predict(x, type = "response")
#   d.comb <- expand.grid(pos = probs[y == 2L],
#                         neg = probs[y == 1L])
#   mean(d.comb$pos > d.comb$neg)
# }

Cstat <- function (x, ...)

Cstat.glm <- function(x, ...) {
  Cstat.default(predict(x, type = "response"), model.response(x$model))

Cstat.default <- function(x, resp, ...) {
  # this is algorithmically clumsy and O(n^2)
  # the response ("class")
  # y <- as.numeric(factor(resp))
  # prob <- x # predicted probs
  # d.comb <- expand.grid(pos = prob[y == 2L],
  #                       neg = prob[y == 1L])
  # mean(d.comb$pos > d.comb$neg)
  # ... instead of elegant O(n log(n))
  # changed by 0.99.27
  z <- .DoCount(as.numeric(factor(resp)), x)
  return((z$C + 0.5*z$T)/(z$D+z$C+z$T))

# test:
# resp <- c(1,1,0,0)
# pred <- c(1,1,1,0)
# model <- glm(resp~pred, family = binomial())
# Cstat(model)
# Cstat(pred, resp = resp)
# ROC(FitMod(resp~pred, fitfn="logit"))$auc

# alternative
# library(rms)
# rcorr.cens(pred, resp)

# Example Code from:
# https://www.listendata.com/2014/08/learn-area-under-curve-auc.html
# # Read Data
# df = read.csv("https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/stat/data/binary.csv")
# # Factor Variables
# df$admit = as.factor(df$admit)
# df$rank = as.factor(df$rank)
# # Logistic Model
# df$rank <- relevel(df$rank, ref='4')
# mylogistic <- glm(admit ~ ., data = df, family = "binomial")
# summary(mylogistic)$coefficient
# # Predict
# pred = predict(mylogistic, type = "response")
# finaldata = cbind(df, pred)
# AUC <- function (actuals, predictedScores){
#   fitted <- data.frame (Actuals=actuals, PredictedScores=predictedScores)
#   colnames(fitted) <- c('Actuals','PredictedScores')
#   ones <- fitted[fitted$Actuals==1, ] # Subset ones
#   zeros <- fitted[fitted$Actuals==0, ] # Subsetzeros
#   totalPairs <- nrow (ones) * nrow (zeros) # calculate total number of pairs to check
#   conc <- sum (c(vapply(ones$PredictedScores, function(x) {((x > zeros$PredictedScores))}, FUN.VALUE=logical(nrow(zeros)))), na.rm=T)
#   disc <- sum(c(vapply(ones$PredictedScores, function(x) {((x < zeros$PredictedScores))}, FUN.VALUE = logical(nrow(zeros)))), na.rm = T)
#   concordance <- conc/totalPairs
#   discordance <- disc/totalPairs
#   tiesPercent <- (1-concordance-discordance)
#   AUC = concordance + 0.5*tiesPercent
#   Gini = 2*AUC - 1
#   return(list("Concordance"=concordance, "Discordance"=discordance,
#               "Tied"=tiesPercent, "AUC"=AUC, "Gini or Somers D"=Gini))
# }
# AUC(finaldata$admit, finaldata$pred)

MAE <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("MAE")

MAE.lm <- function(x, ...)
  # regr will escalate to lm, so no need for another interface here
  MAE(predict(x, type="response"), model.response(x$model), na.rm=FALSE)

MAE.default <- function (x, ref, na.rm=FALSE, ...) {
  # mean will bark, if there are NAs, so no need to do here anyhing further
  # (the difference will report NAs anyway)
  mean(abs(ref-x), na.rm=na.rm, ...)

MSE <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("MSE")

MSE.lm <- function(x, ...)
  # regr will escalate to lm, so no need for another interface here
  MSE(predict(x, type="response"), model.response(x$model), na.rm=FALSE)

MSE.default <- function (x, ref, na.rm=FALSE, ...) {
  mean((ref-x)^2, na.rm=na.rm, ...)

RMSE <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("RMSE")

RMSE.lm <- function(x, ...)
  # regr will escalate to lm, so no need for another interface here
  RMSE(predict(x, type="response"), model.response(x$model), na.rm=FALSE)

RMSE.default <- function (x, ref, na.rm=FALSE, ...) {
  sqrt(MSE(x, ref, na.rm, ...))

MAPE <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("MAPE")

MAPE.lm <- function(x, ...)
  # regr will escalate to lm, so no need for another interface here
  MAPE(predict(x, type="response"), model.response(x$model), na.rm=FALSE)

MAPE.default <- function (x, ref, na.rm=FALSE, ...) {
  # mean will bark, if there are NAs, so no need to do here anyhing further
  # (the difference will report NAs anyway)
  mean(abs((ref-x)/ref), na.rm=na.rm, ...)

SMAPE <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("SMAPE")

SMAPE.lm <- function(x, ...)
  # regr will escalate to lm, so no need for another interface here
  SMAPE(predict(x, type="response"), model.response(x$model), na.rm=FALSE)

SMAPE.default <- function (x, ref, na.rm=FALSE, ...) {
  mean( 2 * abs(ref-x) / (abs(x) + abs(ref)), na.rm=na.rm, ...)

# Chen and Yang (2004), in an unpublished working paper, defined the sMAPE as
# \[\text{sMAPE} = \text{mean}(2|y_t - \hat{y}_t|/(|y_t| + |\hat{y}_t|)).\]
# They still called it a measure of "percentage error" even though they dropped the multiplier 100.
# At least they got the range correct, stating that this measure has a maximum value of two when
# either y_t or \hat{y}_t is zero, but is undefined when both are zero.
# The range of this version of sMAPE is (0,2). Perhaps this is the definition that Makridakis and
# Armstrong intended all along, although neither has ever managed to include it correctly
# in one of their papers or books.
# source: http://robjhyndman.com/hyndsight/smape/

NMSE <- function(x, ref, train.y){
  sse <- sum((ref-x)^2)

NMAE <- function(x, ref, train.y){
  sae <- sum(abs(ref-x))

VIF <- function(mod) {
  # original from car: Henric Nilsson and John Fox
  if (any(is.na(coef(mod))))
    stop ("there are aliased coefficients in the model")
  v <- vcov(mod)
  assign <- attr(model.matrix(mod), "assign")
  if (names(coefficients(mod)[1]) == "(Intercept)") {
    v <- v[-1, -1]
    assign <- assign[-1]
  else warning("No intercept: vifs may not be sensible.")
  terms <- labels(terms(mod))
  n.terms <- length(terms)
  if (n.terms < 2) stop("model contains fewer than 2 terms")
  R <- cov2cor(v)
  detR <- det(R)
  result <- matrix(0, n.terms, 3)
  rownames(result) <- terms
  colnames(result) <- c("GVIF", "Df", "GVIF^(1/(2*Df))")
  for (term in 1:n.terms) {
    subs <- which(assign == term)
    result[term, 1] <- det(as.matrix(R[subs, subs])) *
      det(as.matrix(R[-subs, -subs])) / detR
    result[term, 2] <- length(subs)
  if (all(result[, 2] == 1)) result <- result[, 1]
  else result[, 3] <- result[, 1]^(1/(2 * result[, 2]))

# ????
# this will presumably not be found without a S3method declaration, but John doesn't declare it either
model.matrix.gls <- function(object, ...){
  model.matrix(formula(object), data=eval(object$call$data))

ModSummary <- function(x, ...){

ModSummary.lm <- function(x, conf.level=0.95, ...){
  smrx <- summary(x)
  #coefx <- cbind(smrx$coefficients, confint(x, level=conf.level), stbeta=c(NA, StdCoeff(x)))
  # coefx <- data.frame(rownames(smrx$coefficients), smrx$coefficients, confint(x, level=conf.level),
  #                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  coefx <- merge(smrx$coefficients, confint(x, level = conf.level), by="row.names", sort=FALSE, all=TRUE)
  # order might have been changed by merging procedure
  coefx[order(match(coefx$Row.names, row.names(smrx$coefficients))),]
  colnames(coefx) <- c("name","est","se","stat","p","lci","uci")
  fit <- x$fitted.values
  y <- model.response(x$model)
  statsx <- c(with(smrx, c(
    sigma         = sigma,
    r.squared     = r.squared,
    adj.r.squared = adj.r.squared,
    "n vars" = length(attr(x$terms, "term.labels")),
    "n coef" = nrow(smrx$coefficients), 
    F             = fstatistic[[1]],
    numdf         = fstatistic[[2]],
    dendf         = fstatistic[[3]],
    p             = pf(fstatistic[[1]], fstatistic[[2]], fstatistic[[3]], lower.tail=FALSE)
  N             = nobs(x),
  logLik        = logLik(x),
  deviance      = deviance(x),
  AIC           = AIC(x),
  BIC           = BIC(x),
  MAE           = MAE(x=fit, ref = y),
  MAPE          = MAPE(x=fit, ref = y),
  MSE           = MSE(x=fit, ref = y),
  RMSE          = RMSE(x=fit, ref = y)
  list(coef=coefx, ncoef=length(x$coefficients), statsx=statsx, contrasts=x$contrasts, xlevels=x$xlevels, call=x$call)

ModSummary.lmrob <- function (x, conf.level = 0.95, ...) {
  smrx <- summary(x)
  coefx <- data.frame(rownames(smrx$coefficients), smrx$coefficients,
                      confint(x, level = conf.level), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(coefx) <- c("name", "est", "se", "stat", "p", "lci",
  fit <- x$fitted.values
  y <- model.response(x$model)
  statsx <- c(with(smrx, c(sigma = sigma, r.squared = r.squared,
                           adj.r.squared = adj.r.squared, F = df[[1]], numdf = df[[3]],
                           dendf = df[[2]], p = pf(df[[1]], df[[2]],
                                                   df[[3]], lower.tail = FALSE))), N = nobs(x),
              #           logLik = logLik(x), deviance = deviance(x), AIC = AIC(x),
              logLik = NA, deviance = NA, AIC = NA,
              "n vars" = length(attr(x$terms, "term.labels")),
              "n coef" = nrow(smrx$coefficients), 
              BIC = NA, MAE = MAE(x = fit, ref = y), MAPE = MAPE(x = fit, ref = y),
              MSE = MSE(x = fit, ref = y), RMSE = RMSE(x = fit, ref = y))
  list(coef = coefx, ncoef = length(x$coefficients), statsx = statsx,
       contrasts = x$contrasts, xlevels = x$xlevels, call = x$call)
  # https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2005-April/070611.html
  # More fundamentally, `AIC' is about maximum-likelihood fitting of true
  # models.  Now rlm does usually correspond to ML fitting of a non-normal
  # linear model, so it would be possible to compute a likelihood and hence
  # AIC.  The point however is that the model is assumed to be false.  There
  # are AIC-like criteria for that situation, but they are essentially
  # impossible to compute accurately as they depend on fine details of the
  # unknown true error distribution (and still assume a linear model).
  # Ripley

ModSummary.glm <- function(x, conf.level=0.95, use.profile = TRUE, ...){
  sumry <- summary(x)
  # coefx <- cbind(summod$coefficients, confint(x, level=conf.level), stbeta=c(NA, StdCoeff(x)))
    ci <- confint(x, level=conf.level)
    ci <- confint.default(x, level=conf.level)
    ci <- t(ci)
  coefx <- data.frame(row.names(sumry$coefficients), sumry$coefficients, ci,
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(coefx) <- c("name", "est","se","stat","p","lci","uci")
  pred <- x$fitted.values
  y <- model.response(x$model)
  N <- if(length(weights(x))) {
    sum(weights(x), na.rm=TRUE)
  } else {
  phi <- sumry$dispersion
  degf <- sumry$df.null - sumry$df.residual
  # if(degf > 0){
  LR <- sumry$null.deviance - sumry$deviance
  p <- pchisq(LR, degf, lower.tail=FALSE)
  L0.pwr <- exp(-sumry$null.deviance / N)
  if(x$family$family == "binomial"){
    statsx <- PseudoR2(x, which = "all")
    statsy <- .assocs_condis(pred, model.response(x$model))
    statsx <- c(statsx,
                "N" =  nobs(x),
                "n vars" = length(attr(x$terms, "term.labels")),
                "n coef" = nrow(x$coefficients),
                "numdf" = attr(logLik(x), "df"),
                "Kendall Tau-a" = unname(statsy["taua"]),
                "Somers Delta" = unname(statsy["somers_r"]),
                "Gamma" = unname(statsy["gamma"]),
                "Brier" = BrierScore(x), "C"= Cstat(x)
  } else {
    statsx <- PseudoR2(x, which =c("McFadden","McFaddenAdj","Nagelkerke","CoxSnell",
                                   "logLik0", "G2"))
    statsx <- c(statsx[],
                "N" =  nobs(x),
                "n vars" = length(attr(x$terms, "term.labels")),
                "n coef" = length(x$coefficients),
                "numdf" = attr(logLik(x), "df"),
                "MAE" = MAE(pred, model.response(x$model)),
                "MAPE" = MAPE(pred, model.response(x$model)),
                "MSE" = MSE(pred, model.response(x$model)),
                "RMSE" = RMSE(pred, model.response(x$model))
  # L0.pwr        = exp(-summod$null.deviance / N),
  # logLik        = logLik(x),
  # deviance      = deviance(x),
  list(coef=coefx, ncoef=length(x$coefficients), statsx=statsx, contrasts=x$contrasts, xlevels=x$xlevels, call=x$call)

ModSummary.OddsRatio <- function(x, conf.level=0.95, ...){
  statsx <- x$PseudoR2
  statsx <- c(N = x$nobs,
              "n vars" = length(x$terms),
              "n coef" = nrow(x$res), 
              "BrierScore" = x$BrierScore)
  coef <- data.frame(name=rownames(x$or), est=x$res$or, se=NA, stat=NA, p=x$res$`Pr(>|z|)`,
                     lci=x$res$or.lci, uci=x$res$or.uci, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  list(coef=coef, ncoef=nrow(x$or),
       statsx=statsx, contrasts=NULL, xlevels=NULL,

TMod <- function(..., FUN = NULL, order = NA){
  # prepare function to put together coefficients and stats
    FUN <- function(est, se, tval, pval, lci, uci){
      res <- gettextf("%s %s",
                      Format(est, fmt=Fmt("num")),
                      Format(pval, fmt="*"))
      replace(res, is.na(est), NA)
  to.frame <- function(x){
    res <- data.frame(names(x), x)
    colnames(res) <- c("name", "val")
  # convert language to string either with: toString or deparse, but not as.character!!!
  # modname <- unlist(lapply(match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)$..., as.character))
  modname <- unlist(lapply(match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)$..., toString))
  lmod <- list(...)
  lst <- lapply(lmod, ModSummary)
  modname[names(lst) != ""] <- names(lst)[names(lst) != ""]
  lcoef <- lapply(lst, "[[", "coef")
  lstatsx <- lapply(lst, "[[", "statsx")
  # merge coefficients of all models
  m <- lcoef[[1]][, c("name", "est")]
  m$est <- apply(lcoef[[1]][,-1], 1, function(x) FUN(x["est"], x["se"], x["stat"], x["p"], x["lci"], x["uci"]))
  colnames(m) <- c("name", modname[1])
  if(length(lcoef)>1) {
    for(i in 2L:length(lcoef)){
      ordm <- m$name
      m2 <- lcoef[[i]][, c("name", "est")]
      m2$est <- apply(lcoef[[i]][,-1], 1, function(x) FUN(x["est"], x["se"], x["stat"], x["p"], x["lci"], x["uci"]))
      m <- merge(x=m, y=m2, by.x="name", by.y="name",
                 all.x=TRUE, all.y=TRUE, sort=FALSE)
      colnames(m)[i+1] <- modname[i]
      # keeping the order of m, then m2
      # ord <- c("red","green","blue")
      # x[order(match(x, ord))]
      ord <- c(ordm, m2$name[m2$name %nin% ordm])
      m <- m[order(match(m$name, ord)), ]
  colnames(m)[1] <- "coef"
  # merge statistics of all models
  mm <- to.frame(lstatsx[[1]])
  colnames(mm) <- c("name", modname[1])
  if(length(lstatsx) > 1){
    for(i in 2L:length(lstatsx)){
      mm <- merge(x=mm, y=to.frame(lstatsx[[i]]), by.x="name", by.y="name",
                  all.x=TRUE, all.y=TRUE, sort=FALSE)
      colnames(mm)[i+1] <- modname[i]
  colnames(mm)[1] <- "stat"
  row.names(mm) <- mm$stat
  mm <- mm[match(c("r.squared", "adj.r.squared","sigma","logLik","logLik0","G2","deviance",
                   "AIC","BIC","numdf","dendf","N","n vars","n coef","F","p","MAE","MAPE","MSE","RMSE","McFadden",
                   "McFaddenAdj","Nagelkerke","CoxSnell","Kendall Tau-a","Somers Delta","Gamma","Brier","C"),
           , ]
  mm <- mm[!is.na(mm$stat), ]
  row.names(mm) <- NULL
  # # compose est-lci-uci table
  # merge_mod <- function(z, ord){
  #   lst <- lapply(lcoef, function(x) cbind(SetNames(x[[z]], names=x[["name"]])))
  #   mcoef <- lst[[1]]
  #   for(i in 2:length(lst)){
  #     mcoef <- merge(mcoef, lst[[i]], by = "row.names",
  #                    all.x=TRUE, all.y=TRUE, sort=FALSE)
  #     rownames(mcoef) <- mcoef$Row.names
  #     mcoef$Row.names <- NULL
  #     colnames(mcoef) <- NULL
  #     }
  #   mcoef[order(match(rownames(mcoef), ord)),]
  # }
  # # define a better order than merge is returning, coefficients from left to right
  # seq_ord <- function(lst){
  #   jj <- character(0)
  #   for(i in seq_along(lst)){
  #     jj <- c(jj, setdiff(lst[[i]], jj))
  #   }
  #   return(jj)
  # }
  # # the coefficients should be ordered such, that the coeffs of the first model
  # # come first, then the coeffs from the second model which were not included
  # # in the model one, then the coeffs from mod3 not present in mod1 and mod2
  # # and so forth...
  # coef_order <- seq_ord(lapply(lcoef, rownames))
  # # set coefficient order to all result object
  # m <- m[order(match(m$coef, coef_order)),]
  # if(length(lmod) > 1){
  #   mall <- Abind(merge_mod("est", coef_order),
  #               merge_mod("lci", coef_order),
  #               merge_mod("uci", coef_order), along=3)
  # } else {
  #   mall <- as.matrix(lcoef[[1]][, c("est","lci","uci")])
  #   dim(mall) <- c(nrow(mall), 1, 3)
  # }
  # dimnames(mall) <- list(m$coef, modname, c("est","lci","uci"))
  mall <- Abind(
    est = do.call(MultMerge, lapply(lst, 
                                    function(x) SetNames(x$coef[,c("est"), drop=FALSE], rownames=x$coef$name))),
    lci = do.call(MultMerge, lapply(lst, 
                                    function(x) SetNames(x$coef[,c("lci"), drop=FALSE], rownames=x$coef$name))),
    uci = do.call(MultMerge, lapply(lst, 
                                    function(x) SetNames(x$coef[,c("uci"), drop=FALSE], rownames=x$coef$name))), 
  dimnames(mall)[[2]] <- modname
  if(!identical(order, NA)){
    # get order 
    ordm <- rbind(m, SetNames(mm, colnames=colnames(m)))
    j <- order(unlist(ordm[match(order, ordm[, 1]), -1]))
    m <- m[, c(1, j+1)]
    mm <- mm[, c(1, j+1)]
  # return the terms of the model in order to be able to set a filter on them
  # when plotting
  mterms <- lapply(lmod, function(m) {
    res <- lapply(labels(terms(m)), function(x) 
      colnames(model.matrix(formula(gettextf("~ 0 + %s", x)), data=model.frame(m))))
    names(res) <- labels(terms(m))
  } )
  names(mterms) <- modname
  return(structure(list(m, mm, lcoef, mall=mall, terms=mterms), class="TMod"))

print.TMod <- function(x, digits=3, na.form = "-", ...){
  colnames(x[[1]])[-1] <- paste0(colnames(x[[1]])[-1], strrep(" ", times=4))
  x[[1]][, -1] <- Format(x[[1]][, -1], digits=digits, na.form = na.form)
  x2 <- x[[2]]
  x[[2]][, -1] <- Format(x[[2]][, -1], digits=digits, na.form = na.form)
  x[[2]][x[[2]]$stat %in% c("numdf", "dendf", "N", "n vars", "n coef"), -1] <-
    Format(x2[x[[2]]$stat %in% c("numdf", "dendf", "N", "n vars", "n coef"), -1], digits=0, na.form=na.form)
  m <- rbind(x[[1]],  setNames(c("---", rep("", ncol(x[[1]]) -1)), colnames(x[[1]])),
             setNames(x[[2]], colnames(x[[1]])))
  m[, -1] <- apply(m[, -1, drop=FALSE], 2, StrAlign, sep=".")
  row.names(m) <- NULL
  print(m, ...)

plot.TMod <- function(x, terms=NULL, intercept=FALSE, ...){
  # see also: termplot
  if(length(dim(x$mall)) > 2)
    xx <- aperm(x$mall, perm = c(2, 1, 3))
  else {
    xx <- x$mall
    # v <- unlist(x$terms)
    # coefnames <- unique(v[v %in% terms])
    # xx <- xx[, coefnames, , drop=FALSE]
    v <- unique(c(sapply(x$terms, labels)))
    coefnames <- unlist(x$terms[[1]][labels(x$terms[[1]]) %in% terms])
    xx <- xx[, dimnames(xx)[[2]] %in% coefnames, , drop=FALSE]
    xx <- xx[, !grepl("intercept", dimnames(xx)[[2]], ignore.case = TRUE), , drop=FALSE]
  args.plotdot1 <- list(x=xx[,,1], pch=21, bg="white",
                        args.errbars = list(from=xx[,,2], to=xx[,,3], mid=xx[,,1]))
  # Attention:
  # this evaluates the dots, which goes wrong e.g. for panel.first arguments!
  # dots <- list(...)
  dots <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$`...`
  if (!is.null(dots)) {
    args.plotdot1[names(dots)] <- dots
  do.call("PlotDot", args.plotdot1)

# ToWrd.TMod <- function(x, font=NULL, para=NULL, main=NULL, align=NULL,
#                        autofit=TRUE, ..., wrd=DescToolsOptions("lastWord")) {
#   m <- FixToTable(capture.output(x))
#   if(is.null(align))
#     align <- "l"
#   wt <- ToWrd.matrix(x=m, font=font, para=para, main=main, align=align, autofit=autofit, ..., wrd=wrd)
#   # insert decimal tabs
#   # Selection.ParagraphFormat.TabStops(CentimetersToPoints(1.14)).Position = CentimetersToPoints(1.14)
#   # Selection.TypeText Text:=vbTab
# }

ToWrd.TMod <- function (x, font = NULL, para = NULL, main = NULL, align = NULL, 
                        split=" ", fixed = TRUE, 
                        autofit = TRUE, digits = 3, na.form = "-", ..., 
                        wrd = DescToolsOptions("lastWord")) {

  # prepare quality measures  
  x2 <- x[[2]]
  x[[2]][, -1] <- Format(x[[2]][, -1], digits = digits, na.form = na.form)
  x[[2]][x[[2]]$stat %in% c("numdf", "dendf", "N", "n vars", "n coef"), -1] <- 
    Format(x2[x[[2]]$stat %in% c("numdf", "dendf", "N", "n vars", "n coef"), -1], 
           digits = 0, na.form = na.form)
  if(!is.null(split)) {
    # xx <- SplitToCol(x[[1]][, -1], split=split, fixed=fixed)
    xx <- SplitToCol(as.data.frame(lapply(x[[1]], StrTrim))[, -1], 
                     split=split, fixed=fixed)
    zz <- x[[2]][,-1]
    vn <- character()
    for(i in seq_along(attr(xx, "cols"))) {
      j <- attr(xx, "cols")[i]
      zz <- Append(zz, values = matrix("", ncol=j-1), 
                   after = cumsum(c(1, attr(xx, "cols")))[i], names="", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      vn <- c(vn, names(attr(xx, "cols"))[i], rep("", j-1))
  } else {
    xx <- x[[1]][-1]
    zz <- x[[2]][-1]
  tt <- do.call(rbind, list(SetNames(xx, ""), 
                            SetNames(rep("",  ncol(xx)), ""),
                            SetNames(zz, "")))
  ttt <- SetNames(data.frame(c(x[[1]][,1], "---", as.character(x[[2]][,1])), tt, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                  c(colnames(x[[1]])[1], vn))

.partialsd <- function(x, sd, vif, n, p = length(x) - 1) {
  sd * sqrt(1 / vif) * sqrt((n - 1)/(n - p))

PartialSD <- function(x) {
  mm <- model.matrix(x)
  .partialsd(coef(x), apply(mm, 2L, sd), VIF(x), nobs(x),
             sum(attr(mm, "assign") != 0))

coeffs <-
  function (model) UseMethod("coeffs")

coeffs.multinom <-
  function (model) {
    cf <- coef(model)
    if (!is.vector(cf)) {
      cf <- t(as.matrix(cf))
      cfnames <- expand.grid(dimnames(cf), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      cfnames <- sprintf("%s(%s)", cfnames[,2L], cfnames[,1L])
      structure(as.vector(cf), names = cfnames)
    } else cf

coeffs.survreg <-
  function (model) {
    rval <- coef(model)
    if (nrow(vcov(model)) > length(rval)) { # scale was estimated
      lgsc <- log(model$scale)
      names(lgsc) <- if(is.null(names(lgsc)))
        "Log(scale)" else
          paste0("Log(scale):", names(lgsc))
      rval <- c(rval, lgsc)

coeffs.default <-
  function(model) coef(model)

coefTable <-
  function (model, ...) UseMethod("coefTable")

.makeCoefTable <-
  function(x, se, df = NA_real_, coefNames = names(x)) {
    if(n <- length(x)) {
      xdefined <- !is.na(x)
      ndef <- sum(xdefined)
      if(ndef < n) {
        if(length(se) == ndef) {
          y <- rep(NA_real_, n); y[xdefined] <- se; se <- y
        if(length(df) == ndef) {
          y <- rep(NA_real_, n); y[xdefined] <- df; df <- y
    if(n && n != length(se)) stop("length(x) is not equal to length(se)")
    ret <- matrix(NA_real_, ncol = 3L, nrow = length(x),
                  dimnames = list(coefNames, c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "df")))
    if(n) ret[, ] <- cbind(x, se, rep(if(is.null(df)) NA_real_ else df,
                                      length.out = n), deparse.level = 0L)
    class(ret) <- c("coefTable", "matrix")

coefTable.default <-
  function(model, ...) {
    dfs <- tryCatch(df.residual(model), error = function(e) NA_real_)
    cf <- summary(model, ...)$coefficients
    .makeCoefTable(cf[, 1L], cf[, 2L], dfs, coefNames = rownames(cf))

coefTable.lm <-
  function(model, ...)
    .makeCoefTable(coef(model), sqrt(diag(vcov(model, ...))), model$df.residual)

coefTable.survreg <-
  function(model, ...) {
      sqrt(diag(vcov(model, ...))),

coefTable.coxph <-
  function(model, ...) {
    .makeCoefTable(coef(model), if(all(is.na(model$var)))
      rep(NA_real_, length(coef(model))) else sqrt(diag(model$var)),

coefTable.multinom <-
  function (model, ...) {
    .makeCoefTable(coeffs(model), sqrt(diag(vcov(model, ...))))

coefTable.zeroinfl <-
  function(model, ...)
    .makeCoefTable(coef(model), sqrt(diag(vcov(model, ...))))

coefTable.hurdle <-
  function(model, ...) {
    cts <- summary(model)$coefficients
    ct <- do.call("rbind", unname(cts))
    cfnames <- paste0(rep(names(cts), vapply(cts, nrow, 1L)), "_", rownames(ct))
    .makeCoefTable(ct[, 1L], ct[, 2L], coefNames = cfnames)
    #.makeCoefTable(coef(model), sqrt(diag(vcov(model, ...))))

StdCoef <- function(x, partial.sd = FALSE, ...) {
  coefmat <- coefTable(x, ...)
  mm <- model.matrix(x)
  if(partial.sd) {
    bx <- .partialsd(coefmat[, 1L], apply(mm, 2L, sd),
                     VIF(x), nobs(x), sum(attr(mm, "assign") != 0))
  } else {
    response.sd <- sd(model.response(model.frame(x)))
    bx <- apply(mm, 2L, sd) / response.sd
  coefmat[, 1L:2L] <- coefmat[, 1L:2L] * bx
  colnames(coefmat)[1L:2L] <- c("Estimate*", "Std. Error*")
  return (coefmat)

PseudoR2 <- function(x, which = NULL) {
  # this function will not work with weights, neither with cbind lhs!!
  # http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/183699/how-to-calculate-pseudo-r2-when-using-logistic-regression-on-aggregated-data-fil
  # test: https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/other/mult-pkg/faq/general/faq-what-are-pseudo-r-squareds/
  # library(haven)
  # hsb2 <- as.data.frame(read_dta("https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/stat/stata/notes/hsb2.dta"))
  # hsb2$honcomp <- hsb2$write >= 60
  # r.logit <- glm(honcomp ~ female + read + science, hsb2, family="binomial")
  # PseudoR2(r.logit, "a")
  # http://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2150&context=jmasm
  # Walker, Smith (2016) JMASM36: Nine Pseudo R^2 Indices for Binary Logistic Regression Models (SPSS)
  # fuer logit Korrektur https://langer.soziologie.uni-halle.de/pdf/papers/rc33langer.pdf
  # check with pscl::pR2(x); rcompanion::nagelkerke(x)
  #       or with  library(blorr)
  #                c(blr_rsq_mcfadden(r.glm), 
  #                  blr_rsq_cox_snell(r.glm), 
  #                  blr_rsq_nagelkerke(r.glm))
  if(inherits(x, what="multinom")) modeltype <- "multinom"
  else if(inherits(x, what="glm")) modeltype <- "glm"
  else if(inherits(x, what="polr")) modeltype <- "polr"
  else if(inherits(x, what="vglm")) modeltype <- "vglm"
  else return(NA)
  if(inherits(x, what="vglm") && !requireNamespace("VGAM", quietly=TRUE)) {
    stop("Could not find package 'VGAM' - please install first") }
  if (!(inherits(x, what="vglm")) && !is.null(x$call$summ) && !identical(x$call$summ, 0))
    stop("can NOT get Loglik when 'summ' argument is not zero")
  L.full <- logLik(x)
  D.full <- -2 * L.full          # deviance(x)
  AIC_score <- AIC(x)
  BIC_score <- BIC(x)
  #Compute predicted values (do this before converting VGLM object to S3 list)
  if(modeltype == "vglm" | modeltype == "glm"){
    # remark Daniel Wollschlaeger, vglm would not dispatch correctly 30.11.2019
    y.hat <- if(modeltype == "vglm") {
      VGAM::predictvglm(x, type="link")
    } else {
      predict(x, type="link")
    y.hat.resp <- predict(x, type="response")
  # For compatibility with other method types, convert vglm S4 object into normal S3 object
  # EG, it's easier if we can consistently use x$model to access the "model" data frame
  # Note that this needs to be done after running logLik above
  if(modeltype == "vglm"){
    n_vglm <- nobs(x)          #save for later
    S4_xnames <- slotNames(x)
    x <- lapply(S4_xnames, slot, object = x)
    names(x) <- S4_xnames
    if(!is.null(x$call$form2)) stop("Cannot compute PseudoR2 values for VGLM models with form2 parameter")
  orig.formula <- deparse(unlist(list(x$formula, formula(x), x$call$formula))[[1]])
  # ---- Get all parameters that we don't explicitly know what to do with ----
  if(modeltype == "multinom"){other_params <- x$call[!(names(x$call) %in% c("formula", "data", "weights", "subset", "censored", "", #Parameters whose values are stored in model object 
                                                                            "na.action", "subset", #parameters that we can ignore if model = TRUE
                                                                            "model", "contrasts"))] ##parameters that don't affect model results and can be dropped from null model call
  }else if(modeltype == "glm"){ other_params <- x$call[!(names(x$call) %in% c("formula", "family", "data", "weights", "subset", "offset", "method", "control", "", #Parameters whose values are stored in model object 
                                                                              "na.action", "subset", #parameters that we can ignore if model = TRUE
                                                                              "model", "x", "y", "contrasts"))] #parameters that don't affect model results and can be dropped from null model call
  }else if(modeltype == "polr"){ other_params <- x$call[!(names(x$call) %in% c("formula", "data", "weights", "subset", "method",  "", #Parameters whose values are stored in model object 
                                                                               "na.action", "subset", #parameters that we can ignore if model = TRUE
                                                                               "model", "contrasts"))] #parameters that don't affect model results and can be dropped from null model call
  }else if(modeltype == "vglm"){ other_params <- x$call[!(names(x$call) %in% c("formula", "weights", "family", "data", "control", "", #Parameters whose values are stored in model object 
                                                                               "na.action", "subset", #parameters that we can ignore if model = TRUE
                                                                               "model", "contrasts", "qr.arg", "trace"))] #parameters that don't affect model results and can be dropped from null model call
  if(nrow(x$model) == 0) stop("Can only calculate PseudoR2 for VGLM when model = TRUE, try refitting VGLM")
  orig_call <- x$call
  #Check whether the other parameters, when called, will evaluate in the current environment
  other_params_exist.yn <- mapply(function(x, x.name){ #for each other_param (and the associated name)
    tryCatch({ #return TRUE if the expression evaluates
    }, error = function(cond){
      message("Could not evaluate '", as.character(x), "' for fitting PseudoR2 null model with parameter ", as.character(x.name), " = ", as.character((x)))
      message("Will evaluate null model without parameter; results may not be valid if this parameter affects model fit")
  }, x = other_params, x.name = names(other_params))
  other_params <- other_params[other_params_exist.yn]
  #If model parameter was not specified, add subset and na.action parameters to the other params list (we don't need to rerun model.frame if we already have a valid model object)
  #These parameters *do* affect null model fit, and so we separately check for their existence when refitting model.frame (and generate an error, rather than warning, if they don't exist)
  if(!(exists("model", x))) other_params <- c(other_params, x$call[names(x$call) %in% c("subset", "na.action")])
  # ---- Construct appropriate data/model object for null model call ----
  calltype.char <- as.character(orig_call[1])
  #Get initial data
  if(exists("model", x)){
    data <- x$model #If x has a model frame component, use that - the safest bet
  }else if(exists("data", x) & !("environment" %in% class(x$data))){ #If x has a data object (but no model), take it
    data <- x$data
    #may need to check for subset and na.action parameters to be included in model.frame as well
  }else if(!is.null(x$call$data) & !("environment" %in% class(x$data))){ #If there is a data frame specified in the call
    # if("environment" %in% class(x$data)) warning("Could not find model element of ", modeltype, " object for evaluating PseudoR2 null model. Will fit null model with new evaluation of variables in environment ",  environmentName(x$data), ". Ensure variables have not changed since initial call, or try running ", calltype.char, " with 'model = TRUE'")
    #This is a very lazy use of tryCatch (as we are effectively evaluating x$call$data once here, then once below); will fix at some point
    isValidCallRef <- tryCatch(({
    }), error = function(cond){
    if(!isValidCallRef)  stop("Could not find model, data, or valid call element of ", modeltype, " object for evaluating PseudoR2 null model (could not find '", as.character(x$call$data), "'). Try running ", calltype.char, " with 'model = TRUE'")
    warning("Could not find model or data element of ", modeltype, " object for evaluating PseudoR2 null model. Will fit null model with new evaluation of '", as.character(x$call$data), "'. Ensure object has not changed since initial call, or try running ", calltype.char, " with 'model = TRUE'")
    data <- eval(x$call$data)
  } else if(!is.null(x$call$formula)){ #if the call only references objects an environment
    if("environment" %in% class(x$data)) eval_env <- x$data else eval_env <- parent.frame()
    isValidCallRef <- tryCatch(({ #return TRUE if the variable has a valid evaluation, false otherwise
      model.frame(x$call$formula, data = eval_env)
    }), error = function(cond){
    if(!isValidCallRef) stop("Could not find model, data, or valid call element of ", modeltype, " object for evaluating PseudoR2 null model (objects in formula could not be found). Try running ", calltype.char, " with 'model = TRUE'")
    warning("Could not find model or data element of ", modeltype, " object for evaluating PseudoR2 null mode. Will fit null model with new evaluation of objects in formula. Ensure object has not changed since initial call, or try running ", calltype.char, " with 'model = TRUE'")
    data <- model.frame(x$call$formula, data = eval_env)
  }else stop("Could not find model, data, or valid call element of ", modeltype, " object for evaluating PseudoR2 null model. Try running ", calltype.char, " with 'model = TRUE'")
  #If data wasn't taken from a "model" object, we will need to re-run model.frame to drop NAs and evaluate subsets
  if(!exists("model", x)){
    #again, we are being very lazy in the implementation of tryCatch here - but this can be fixed another time
    #evaluate "subset" calls to check if it's a valid value (including "NULL" as a valid value)
    validSubset.yn <- 
      }), error = function(cond){
    if(validSubset.yn == FALSE) stop("Could not evaluate '", as.character(x$call$subset), "' for fitting PseudoR2 null model with parameter subset = ", as.character(x$call$subset), ".  Try running ", calltype.char, " with 'model = TRUE'")
    if(!is.null(x$call$subset)) warning("Re-evaluating ", as.character(x$call$subset), " for fitting PseudoR2 null model with parameter subset = ", as.character(x$call$subset))
    #evaluate "na.action" to see if it has a valid non-null value, and add to call only if non-null
    validNaAction.yn <- 
      }), error = function(cond){
    if(!is.null(x$call$na.action) & validNaAction.yn == FALSE){
      stop("Could not evaluate '", as.character(x$call$na.action), "' for fitting PseudoR2 null model with parameter na.action = ", as.character(x$call$na.action), ".  Try running ", calltype.char, " with 'model = TRUE'")
    } else if(!is.null(x$call$na.action)) warning("Re-evaluating ",  as.character(x$call$na.action), " for fitting PseudoR2 null model with parameter na.action = ", as.character(x$call$na.action))
    #if we are using an object type that doesn't not contain a prior.weights output, check that the weights call is valid
    #for other model types, we extract weights from the model object instead
    if(modeltype == "polr"){
      validWeights.yn <- 
        }), error = function(cond){
      if(validWeights.yn == FALSE) stop("Could not evaluate '", as.character(x$call$weights), "' for fitting PseudoR2 null model with parameter weights = ", as.character(x$call$weights), ".  Try running ", calltype.char, " with 'model = TRUE'")
      if(!is.null(x$call$weights)) warning("Re-evaluating ", as.character(x$call$weights), " for fitting PseudoR2 null model with parameter weights = ", as.character(x$call$weights))
      weights.call <- x$call$weights
    } else weights.call <- NULL
    modelcall <- call('model.frame', formula = orig.formula, data = data, subset = x$call$subset, weights = weights.call)
    if("na.action" %in% names(x$call)) modelcall$na.action <- x$call$na.action #check whether a na.action parameter was explicitly called (default value for na.action is NOT null, so is.null(x$call$na.action) does not work)
    data <- eval(modelcall)
  if(!is.null(x$prior.weights) & length(x$prior.weights) > 0) weights <- x$prior.weights
  else if(modeltype == "multinom") weights <- x$weights #"weights' in multinom are equivalent to 'prior.weights' in glm
  else if(!is.null(data$`(weights)`) & length(data$`(weights)` > 0)) weights <- data$`(weights)`
  else weights <- NULL
  #vglm saves prior.weights as a matrix, but then requires a vector as input
  if(!is.null(weights) & modeltype == "vglm"){
    if(ncol(weights) == 1) weights <- as.vector(weights) 
  #Drop other columns from data, to avoid literal names (eg, "factor(y)" as DV not matching any DV columns)
  data <- data[,1,drop = FALSE]
  names(data) <- "y"
  null.formula <- as.formula("y ~ 1")
  #Costruct the call, then evaluate
  if(modeltype == "multinom") 
    nullcall <- call(calltype.char, formula = null.formula, data = data, weights = weights, 
                     censored = x$censored, trace = FALSE) #specify elements that come from a known part of the multinom object
  else if(modeltype == "glm") 
    nullcall <- call(calltype.char, formula = null.formula, data = data, weights = weights, 
                     family = x$family, method = x$method, control = x$control, 
                     offset = x$offset) #specify elements that come from a known part of the glm object
  else if(modeltype == "polr") 
    nullcall <- call(calltype.char, formula = null.formula, data = data, weights = weights, 
                     method = x$method) #specify elements that come from a known part of the polr object
  else if(modeltype == "vglm"){ 
    nullcall <- call(calltype.char, formula = null.formula, data = data, weights = weights, 
                     control = x$control, family = x$family, trace = FALSE)}
  if(length(other_params) > 0){
    nullcall[names(other_params)] <- other_params
  L.base <- logLik(eval(nullcall))
  D.base <- -2 * L.base # deviance(update(x, ~1))
  G2 <- -2 * (L.base - L.full)
  # n <- if(length(weights(x)))
  #   sum(weights(x))
  # else
  n <- attr(L.full, "nobs")   # alternative: n <- dim(x$residuals)[1]
  if(modeltype ==  "multinom")
    edf <- x$edf
  else if(modeltype ==  "vglm"){
    edf <- x$rank
    n <- n_vglm  # logLik does not return nobs for vglm
  } else
    edf <- x$rank
  # McFadden
  McFadden <- 1 - (L.full/L.base)
  # adjusted to penalize for the number of predictors (k) in the model
  McFaddenAdj <- 1 - ((L.full - edf)/L.base)
  # Nagelkerke / CraggUhler
  Nagelkerke <- (1 - exp((D.full - D.base)/n))/(1 - exp(-D.base/n))
  # CoxSnell / Maximum Likelihood R2
  CoxSnell <- 1 - exp(-G2/n)
  res <- c(McFadden=McFadden, McFaddenAdj=McFaddenAdj,
           CoxSnell=CoxSnell, Nagelkerke=Nagelkerke, AldrichNelson=NA,
           Efron=NA, McKelveyZavoina=NA, Tjur=NA,
           AIC=AIC_score, BIC=BIC_score, logLik=L.full, logLik0=L.base, G2=G2)
  if(modeltype == "glm" || modeltype == "vglm" ) {
    if(modeltype == "vglm"){
      fam <- x$family@vfamily
      link <- if(all(x$extra$link == "logit")){
      } else if(all(x$extra$link == "probit")){
      } else {
      y <- x$y
    } else {
      fam <- x$family$family
      link <- x$family$link
      y <- x$y
    s2 <- switch(link, probit = 1, logit = pi^2/3, NA)
    # corrected based on mail by Chiroc Han, 2019-08-01 ******
    # Aldrich/Nelson
    # from: 
    # res["AldrichNelson"] <- G2 / (G2 + n * s2)
    # to:
    res["AldrichNelson"] <- G2 / (G2 + n)
    # Veall/Zimmermann
    # res["VeallZimmermann"] <- res["AldrichNelson"] * (2*L.base - n * s2)/(2*L.base)
    res["VeallZimmermann"] <- res["AldrichNelson"] * (2*L.base - n)/(2*L.base)
    # McKelveyZavoina
    # y.hat <- predict(x, type="link")
    sse <- sum((y.hat - mean(y.hat))^2)
    res["McKelveyZavoina"] <- sse/(n * s2 + sse)
    # EfronR2
    res["Efron"] <- (1 - (sum((y - y.hat.resp)^2)) /
                       (sum((y - mean(y))^2)))
    # Tjur's D
    # compare with binomTools::Rsq.glm()
    if(identical(fam, "binomial"))
      res["Tjur"] <- unname(diff(tapply(y.hat.resp, y, mean, na.rm=TRUE)))
    which <- "McFadden"
    which <- match.arg(which, c("McFadden","AldrichNelson","VeallZimmermann","McFaddenAdj", "CoxSnell", "Nagelkerke",
                                "Efron", "McKelveyZavoina", "Tjur","AIC", "BIC", "logLik", "logLik0","G2","all"),
                       several.ok = TRUE)

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