
Defines functions zero_len_summary signifString.default signifString.data.frame signifString roundString check.conversion

Documented in check.conversion roundString signifString signifString.data.frame signifString.default

#' Check that the conversion to a data type does not change the number
#' of NA values
#' @param x the value to convert
#' @param FUN the function to use for conversion
#' @param \dots arguments passed to `FUN`
#' @return `FUN(x, ...)` or an error if the set of NAs change.
#' @export
check.conversion <- function(x, FUN, ...) {
  ret <- FUN(x, ...)
  new.na <- sum(is.na(x) != is.na(ret))
  if (new.na != 0)
    # FIXME: It would be nice to have it give the function name as
    # part of the error
    stop(sprintf("%g new NA value(s) created during conversion",

#' Round a value to a defined number of digits printing out trailing zeros, if
#' applicable.
#' @param x The number to round
#' @param digits integer indicating the number of decimal places
#' @param sci_range See help for [signifString()] (and you likely want
#'   to round with `signifString` if you want to use this argument)
#' @param sci_sep The separator to use for scientific notation strings
#'   (typically this will be either "e" or "x10^" for computer- or
#'   human-readable output).
#' @param si_range Deprecated, please use `sci_range`
#' @return A string with the value
#' @details Values that are not standard numbers like `Inf`, `NA`, and
#'   `NaN` are returned as `"Inf"`, `"NA"`, and `NaN`.
#' @seealso [round()], [signifString()]
#' @export
roundString <- function(x, digits=0, sci_range=Inf, sci_sep="e", si_range) {
  if (!missing(si_range)) {
    .Deprecated(new="roundString with the sci_range argument",
                msg="The si_range argument is deprecated, please use sci_range")
    sci_range <- si_range
  if (length(digits) == 1) {
    mask_na <- is.na(x)
    mask_aschar <- is.nan(x) | is.infinite(x)
    mask_manip <- !(mask_na | mask_aschar)
    ret <- rep(NA, length(x))
    # Put in the special values
    if (any(mask_na)) {
      ret[mask_na] <- "NA"
    if (any(mask_aschar)) {
      ret[mask_aschar] <- as.character(x[mask_aschar])
    if (any(mask_manip)) {
      xtmp <- round(x[mask_manip], digits)
      mask_sci <-
        xtmp != 0 &
        abs(log10(abs(xtmp))) >= sci_range
      mask_no_sci <- !mask_sci
      if (any(mask_sci)) {
        logval <- floor(log10(abs(xtmp[mask_sci])))
        ret[mask_manip][mask_sci] <-
            formatC(xtmp[mask_sci]/10^logval, format="f", digits=digits + logval),
            formatC(logval, format="d"))
      if (any(mask_no_sci)) {
        if (digits < 0) {
          ret[mask_manip][mask_no_sci] <-
            formatC(xtmp[mask_no_sci], format='f', digits=0)
        } else {
          ret[mask_manip][mask_no_sci] <-
            formatC(xtmp[mask_no_sci], format='f', digits=digits)
  } else if (length(x) == length(digits)) {
    mapply(roundString, x, digits=digits, sci_range=sci_range, sci_sep=sci_sep)
  } else {
    stop("digits must either be a scalar or the same length as x")

#' Round a value to a defined number of significant digits printing out trailing
#' zeros, if applicable.
#' @param x The number to round
#' @param digits integer indicating the number of significant digits
#' @param sci_range integer (or `Inf`) indicating when to switch to
#'   scientific notation instead of floating point. Zero indicates always use
#'   scientific; `Inf` indicates to never use scientific notation;
#'   otherwise, scientific notation is used when `abs(log10(x)) > si_range`.
#' @param sci_sep The separator to use for scientific notation strings
#'   (typically this will be either "e" or "x10^" for computer- or
#'   human-readable output).
#' @param si_range Deprecated, please use `sci_range`
#' @param ... Arguments passed to methods.
#' @return A string with the value
#' @details Values that are not standard numbers like `Inf`, `NA`, and
#'   `NaN` are returned as `"Inf"`, `"NA"`, and `NaN`.
#' @seealso [signif()], [roundString()]
#' @export
signifString <- function(x, ...)

#' @rdname signifString
#' @export
signifString.data.frame <- function(x, ...) {
  ret <- lapply(x,
                function(y) {
                  if (is.numeric(y) & !is.factor(y)) {
                    signifString(x=y, ...)
                  } else {
  ret <- as.data.frame(ret,
  rownames(ret) <- rownames(x)
  colnames(ret) <- colnames(x)

#' @rdname signifString
#' @export
signifString.default <- function(x, digits=6, sci_range=6, sci_sep="e", si_range, ...) {
  if (length(list(...))) {
    stop("Additional, unsupported arguments were passed")
  if (!missing(si_range)) {
    .Deprecated(new="roundString with the sci_range argument",
                msg="The si_range argument is deprecated, please use sci_range")
    sci_range <- si_range
  mask_na <- is.na(x)
  mask_aschar <- is.nan(x) | is.infinite(x)
  mask_manip <- !(mask_na | mask_aschar)
  ret <- rep(NA, length(x))
  # Put in the special values
  if (any(mask_na)) {
    ret[mask_na] <- "NA"
  if (any(mask_aschar)) {
    ret[mask_aschar] <- as.character(x[mask_aschar])
  if (any(mask_manip)) {
    xtmp <- x[mask_manip]
    toplog <- bottomlog <- rep(NA, length(xtmp))
    # When 0 give the digits as the output
    bottomlog[xtmp %in% 0] <- digits
    # Otherwise set it to digits orders of magnitude lower than the
    # current value
    toplog <- log10(abs(xtmp))
    # When the order of magnitude is an exact log 10, move up one so
    # that the math works for determing the lower log.
    mask.exact.log <- (toplog %% 1) %in% 0
    toplog[mask.exact.log] <- toplog[mask.exact.log] + 1
    toplog <- ceiling(toplog)
    bottomlog[is.na(bottomlog)] <- digits-toplog[is.na(bottomlog)]
    # Find times when rounding increases the toplog and shift up the
    # bottomlog to a corresponding degree. e.g. x=0.9999 and digits=2
    # should be 1.0 not 1.00.
    newtoplog <- log10(abs(round(xtmp, digits=bottomlog)))
    mask.exact.log <- (newtoplog %% 1) %in% 0
    newtoplog[mask.exact.log] <- newtoplog[mask.exact.log] + 1
    newtoplog <- ceiling(newtoplog)
    mask.move.up <- toplog < newtoplog
    bottomlog[mask.move.up] <- bottomlog[mask.move.up] - 1
    # Do the rounding
    ret[mask_manip] <- roundString(xtmp, digits=bottomlog,
                                   sci_range=sci_range, sci_sep=sci_sep)

#' Find the summary statistic value with a different value if the input is
#' zero-length.
#' @details If `na.rm` is `TRUE`, then `NA` values will be removed prior to the
#'   check if `length(c(...)) == 0`.
#' @param ... objects to find the summary_statistic for (combined with `c()`
#'   prior to calculation)
#' @param na.rm a logical indicating whether missing values should be removed
#'   (see Details).
#' @param zero_length The value to return if `length(x) == 0`
#' @param FUN the summary statistic function (such as `max` or `min`)
#' @return Either `zero_length` or `FUN(...)`
#' @noRd
zero_len_summary <- function(FUN) {
  function(..., na.rm=FALSE, zero_length=NA) { #nocov
    x <- c(...)
    if (na.rm) {
      x <- stats::na.omit(x)
    if (length(x) == 0) {
    } else {
  } #nocov

#' @describeIn zero_len_summary Find the maximum value with a different value if
#'   the input is zero-length
#' @noRd
max_zero_len <- zero_len_summary(FUN=max)
#' @describeIn zero_len_summary Find the minimum value with a different value if
#'   the input is zero-length
#' @noRd
min_zero_len <- zero_len_summary(FUN=min)

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