
Defines functions RunTFIDF.Seurat RunTFIDF.StdAssay RunTFIDF.Assay RunTFIDF.default RegionStats.Seurat RegionStats.ChromatinAssay RegionStats.default NucleosomeSignal FRiP FindTopFeatures.Seurat FindTopFeatures.StdAssay FindTopFeatures.Assay FindTopFeatures.default DownsampleFeatures CreateMotifMatrix BinarizeCounts.Seurat BinarizeCounts.Assay BinarizeCounts.default

Documented in BinarizeCounts.Assay BinarizeCounts.default BinarizeCounts.Seurat CreateMotifMatrix DownsampleFeatures FindTopFeatures.Assay FindTopFeatures.default FindTopFeatures.Seurat FindTopFeatures.StdAssay FRiP NucleosomeSignal RegionStats.ChromatinAssay RegionStats.default RegionStats.Seurat RunTFIDF.Assay RunTFIDF.default RunTFIDF.Seurat RunTFIDF.StdAssay

#' @include generics.R
#' @importFrom utils globalVariables

#' @param verbose Display messages
#' @rdname BinarizeCounts
#' @importFrom methods is slot "slot<-"
#' @export
#' @concept preprocessing
#' @examples
#' x <- matrix(data = sample(0:3, size = 25, replace = TRUE), ncol = 5)
#' BinarizeCounts(x)
BinarizeCounts.default <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  if (inherits(x = object, what = "CsparseMatrix")) {
    slot(object = object, name = "x") <- rep.int(
      x = 1,
      times = length(
        x = slot(object = object, name = "x")
  } else {
    object[object > 1] <- 1

#' @rdname BinarizeCounts
#' @method BinarizeCounts Assay
#' @importFrom SeuratObject GetAssayData SetAssayData
#' @export
#' @concept preprocessing
#' @examples
#' BinarizeCounts(atac_small[['peaks']])
BinarizeCounts.Assay <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  data.matrix <- GetAssayData(object = object, layer = "counts")
  object <- SetAssayData(
    object = object,
    layer = "counts",
    new.data = BinarizeCounts(
      object = data.matrix, assay = assay, verbose = verbose

#' @param assay Name of assay to use. Can be a list of assays,
#' and binarization will be applied to each.
#' @rdname BinarizeCounts
#' @method BinarizeCounts Seurat
#' @importFrom SeuratObject DefaultAssay
#' @export
#' @concept preprocessing
#' @examples
#' BinarizeCounts(atac_small)
BinarizeCounts.Seurat <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  assay <- SetIfNull(x = assay, y = DefaultAssay(object = object))
  for (i in seq_along(along.with = assay)) {
    assay.data <- object[[assay[[i]]]]
    assay.data <- BinarizeCounts(
      object = assay.data,
      assay = assay[[i]],
      verbose = verbose
    object[[assay[[i]]]] <- assay.data

#' Create motif matrix
#' Create a motif x feature matrix from a set of genomic ranges,
#' the genome, and a set of position weight matrices.
#' Requires that motifmatchr is installed
#' \url{https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/motifmatchr/}.
#' @param features A GRanges object containing a set of genomic features
#' @param pwm A \code{\link[TFBSTools]{PFMatrixList}} or
#' \code{\link[TFBSTools]{PWMatrixList}}
#' object containing position weight/frequency matrices to use
#' @param genome Any object compatible with the \code{genome} argument
#' in \code{\link[motifmatchr]{matchMotifs}}
#' @param score Record the motif match score, rather than presence/absence
#' (default FALSE)
#' @param use.counts Record motif counts per region. If FALSE (default),
#' record presence/absence of motif. Only applicable if \code{score=FALSE}.
#' @param sep A length-2 character vector containing the separators to be used
#' when constructing matrix rownames from the GRanges
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to
#' \code{\link[motifmatchr]{matchMotifs}}
#' @return Returns a sparse matrix
#' @export
#' @concept motifs
#' @concept preprocessing
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(JASPAR2018)
#' library(TFBSTools)
#' library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
#' pwm <- getMatrixSet(
#'   x = JASPAR2018,
#'   opts = list(species = 9606, all_versions = FALSE)
#' )
#' motif.matrix <- CreateMotifMatrix(
#'   features = granges(atac_small),
#'   pwm = pwm,
#'   genome = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
#' )
#' }
CreateMotifMatrix <- function(
  score = FALSE,
  use.counts = FALSE,
  sep = c("-", "-"),
) {
  if (!requireNamespace("motifmatchr", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Please install motifmatchr.

  # genome can be string
  if (is.character(x = genome)) {
      if (!requireNamespace("BSgenome", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("Please install BSgenome.
      genome <- BSgenome::getBSgenome(genome = genome)

  # check that all seqnames in features are in genome
  # remove missing, replace later with zeros and show warning
  miss_sn <- !(as.character(seqnames(x = features)) %in% seqlevels(x = genome))
  if (sum(miss_sn) > 0) {
    warning("Not all seqlevels present in supplied genome",
            immediate. = TRUE)
    # remove from features and remember original order
    feature_order <- features
    features <- features[!miss_sn]
  motif_ix <- motifmatchr::matchMotifs(
    pwms = pwm,
    subject = features,
    genome = genome,
    out = "scores",
  if (score) {
    motif.matrix <- motifmatchr::motifScores(object = motif_ix)
  } else {
    if (use.counts) {
      motif.matrix <- motifmatchr::motifCounts(object = motif_ix)
    } else {
      motif.matrix <- motifmatchr::motifMatches(object = motif_ix)
      motif.matrix <- as(Class = "CsparseMatrix", object = motif.matrix)
  rownames(motif.matrix) <- GRangesToString(grange = features, sep = sep)
  if (is.null(x = names(x = pwm))) {
    warning("No 'names' attribute found in PFMatrixList. ",
            "Extracting names from individual entries.")
    colnames(x = motif.matrix) <- vapply(
      X = pwm, FUN = slot, FUN.VALUE = "character", "name"
  # add missing features
  if (sum(miss_sn) > 0) {
    replacement_matrix <- sparseMatrix(
      i = sum(miss_sn),
      j = ncol(x = motif.matrix)
    rownames(x = replacement_matrix) <- GRangesToString(
      grange = feature_order[miss_sn], sep = sep
    colnames(x = replacement_matrix) <- colnames(x = motif.matrix)
    motif.matrix <- rbind(motif.matrix, replacement_matrix)
    motif.matrix <- motif.matrix[GRangesToString(
      grange = feature_order, sep = sep
      ), ]

#' Downsample Features
#' Randomly downsample features and assign to VariableFeatures for the object.
#' This will select n features at random.
#' @param object A Seurat object
#' @param assay Name of assay to use. Default is the active assay.
#' @param n Number of features to retain (default 20000).
#' @param verbose Display messages
#' @importFrom SeuratObject DefaultAssay GetAssayData "VariableFeatures<-"
#' @return Returns a \code{\link[SeuratObject]{Seurat}} object with
#' \code{\link[SeuratObject]{VariableFeatures}} set to the randomly sampled features.
#' @export
#' @concept preprocessing
#' @examples
#' DownsampleFeatures(atac_small, n = 10)
DownsampleFeatures <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  n = 20000,
  verbose = TRUE
) {
  assay <- SetIfNull(x = assay, y = DefaultAssay(object = object))
  if (n > nrow(object[[assay]])) {
    stop("Requested more features than present in the assay")
  if (verbose) {
    message("Randomly downsampling features")
  VariableFeatures(object = object) <- sample(
    x = rownames(x = object[[assay]]), size = n, replace = FALSE

#' @param assay Name of assay to use
#' @param min.cutoff Cutoff for feature to be included in the VariableFeatures
#' for the object. This can be a percentile specified as 'q' followed by the
#' minimum percentile, for example 'q5' to set the top 95\% most common features
#' as the VariableFeatures for the object. Alternatively, this can be an integer
#' specifying the minimum number of counts for the feature
#' to be included in the set of VariableFeatures. For example, setting to 10
#' will include features with >10 total counts in the set of VariableFeatures. If NULL,
#' include all features in VariableFeatures. If NA, VariableFeatures will not be
#' altered, and only the feature metadata will be updated with the total counts
#' and percentile rank for each feature.
#' @param verbose Display messages
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
#' @importFrom stats ecdf
#' @rdname FindTopFeatures
#' @export
#' @concept preprocessing
#' @examples
#' FindTopFeatures(object = atac_small[['peaks']]['data'])
FindTopFeatures.default <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  min.cutoff = "q5",
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  featurecounts <- rowSums(x = object)
  e.dist <- ecdf(x = featurecounts)
  hvf.info <- data.frame(
    row.names = names(x = featurecounts),
    count = featurecounts,
    percentile = e.dist(featurecounts)
  hvf.info <- hvf.info[order(hvf.info$count, decreasing = TRUE), ]

#' @rdname FindTopFeatures
#' @importFrom SeuratObject GetAssayData VariableFeatures
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @export
#' @method FindTopFeatures Assay
#' @concept preprocessing
#' @examples
#' FindTopFeatures(object = atac_small[['peaks']])
FindTopFeatures.Assay <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  min.cutoff = "q5",
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  data.use <- GetAssayData(object = object, layer = "counts")
  if (IsMatrixEmpty(x = data.use)) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Count slot empty")
  hvf.info <- FindTopFeatures(
    object = data.use,
    assay = assay,
    min.cutoff = min.cutoff,
    verbose = verbose,
  object[[names(x = hvf.info)]] <- hvf.info
  if (is.null(x = min.cutoff)) {
    VariableFeatures(object = object) <- rownames(x = hvf.info)
  } else if (is.numeric(x = min.cutoff)) {
    VariableFeatures(object = object) <- rownames(
      x = hvf.info[hvf.info$count > min.cutoff, ]
  } else if (is.na(x = min.cutoff)) {
    # don't change the variable features
  } else {
    percentile.use <- as.numeric(
      x = sub(pattern = "q", replacement = "", x = as.character(x = min.cutoff))
    ) / 100
    VariableFeatures(object = object) <- rownames(
      x = hvf.info[hvf.info$percentile > percentile.use, ]

#' @rdname FindTopFeatures
#' @importFrom SeuratObject GetAssayData VariableFeatures
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @export
#' @method FindTopFeatures StdAssay
#' @concept preprocessing
#' @examples
#' FindTopFeatures(object = atac_small[['peaks']])
FindTopFeatures.StdAssay <- function(
    assay = NULL,
    min.cutoff = "q5",
    verbose = TRUE,
) {
    object = object,
    assay = assay,
    min.cutoff = min.cutoff,
    verbose = verbose,

#' @rdname FindTopFeatures
#' @importFrom SeuratObject DefaultAssay
#' @export
#' @concept preprocessing
#' @method FindTopFeatures Seurat
#' @examples
#' FindTopFeatures(atac_small)
FindTopFeatures.Seurat <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  min.cutoff = "q5",
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  assay <- SetIfNull(x = assay, y = DefaultAssay(object))
  assay.data <- object[[assay]]
  assay.data <- FindTopFeatures(
    object = assay.data,
    assay = assay,
    min.cutoff = min.cutoff,
    verbose = verbose,
  object[[assay]] <- assay.data

#' Calculate fraction of reads in peaks per cell
#' @param object A Seurat object
#' @param assay Name of the assay containing a peak x cell matrix
#' @param total.fragments Name of a metadata column containing the total number
#' of sequenced fragments for each cell. This can be computed using the
#' \code{\link{CountFragments}} function.
#' @param col.name Name of column in metadata to store the FRiP information.
#' @param verbose Display messages
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
#' @importFrom SeuratObject GetAssayData AddMetaData
#' @export
#' @concept qc
#' @return Returns a \code{\link[SeuratObject]{Seurat}} object
#' @examples
#' FRiP(object = atac_small, assay = 'peaks', total.fragments = "fragments")
FRiP <- function(
  col.name = "FRiP",
  verbose = TRUE
) {
  if (verbose) {
    message("Calculating fraction of reads in peaks per cell")
  peak.data <- GetAssayData(object = object, assay = assay, layer = "counts")
  total_fragments_cell <- object[[]][[total.fragments]]
  peak.counts <- colSums(x = peak.data)
  frip <- peak.counts / total_fragments_cell
  object <- AddMetaData(object = object, metadata = frip, col.name = col.name)

globalVariables(names = "cell", package = "Signac")
#' NucleosomeSignal
#' Calculate the strength of the nucleosome signal per cell.
#' Computes the ratio of fragments between 147 bp and 294 bp (mononucleosome) to
#' fragments < 147 bp (nucleosome-free)
#' @param object A Seurat object
#' @param assay Name of assay to use. Only required if a fragment path is not
#' provided. If NULL, use the active assay.
#' @param n Number of lines to read from the fragment file. If NULL, read all
#' lines. Default scales with the number of cells in the object.
#' @param verbose Display messages
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other functions
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by summarize
#' @importFrom stats ecdf
#' @return Returns a \code{\link[SeuratObject]{Seurat}} object with
#' added metadata for the ratio of mononucleosomal to nucleosome-free fragments
#' per cell, and the percentile rank of each ratio.
#' @export
#' @concept qc
#' @importFrom fastmatch fmatch
#' @importFrom SeuratObject AddMetaData
#' @importFrom stats ecdf
#' @examples
#' fpath <- system.file("extdata", "fragments.tsv.gz", package="Signac")
#' Fragments(atac_small) <- CreateFragmentObject(
#'   path = fpath,
#'   cells = colnames(atac_small),
#'   tolerance = 0.5
#' )
#' NucleosomeSignal(object = atac_small)
NucleosomeSignal <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  n = ncol(object) * 5e3,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  assay <- SetIfNull(x = assay, y = DefaultAssay(object = object))
  if (!inherits(x = object[[assay]], what = "ChromatinAssay")) {
    stop("The requested assay is not a ChromatinAssay")
  # first check that fragments are present
  frags <- Fragments(object = object[[assay]])
  if (length(x = frags) == 0) {
    stop("No fragment files present in assay")
  verbose <- as.logical(x = verbose)
  af <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(along.with = frags)) {
    counts <- ExtractFragments(
      fragments = frags[[i]],
      n = n,
      verbose = verbose
    cells.keep <- fmatch(
      x = counts$CB, table = colnames(x = object), nomatch = 0L
    rownames(x = counts) <- counts$CB
    counts <- counts[
      cells.keep > 0, c("mononucleosomal", "nucleosome_free")
    af[[i]] <- counts
  af <- do.call(what = rbind, args = af)
  af$nucleosome_signal <- af$mononucleosomal / af$nucleosome_free
  e.dist <- ecdf(x = af$nucleosome_signal)
  af$nucleosome_percentile <- round(
    x = e.dist(af$nucleosome_signal),
    digits = 2
  af <- af[, c("nucleosome_signal", "nucleosome_percentile")]
  object <- AddMetaData(object = object, metadata = af)

#' @param genome A \code{BSgenome} object or any other object supported by
#' \code{getSeq}. Do \code{showMethods("getSeq")} to get the list of all
#' supported object types.
#' @param verbose Display messages
#' @importMethodsFrom GenomicRanges width
#' @rdname RegionStats
#' @export
#' @concept motifs
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
#' RegionStats(
#'   object = rownames(atac_small),
#'   genome = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
#' )
#' }
RegionStats.default <- function(
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  if (!requireNamespace('BSgenome', quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Please install BSgenome: BiocManager::install('BSgenome')")
  if (!requireNamespace('Biostrings', quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Please install Biostrings: BiocManager::install('Biostrings')")
  sequence.length <- width(x = object)
  common.seq <- intersect(x = seqlevels(x = object), y = seqlevels(x = genome))
  if (length(x = common.seq) < length(x = seqlevels(x = object))) {
    warning("Not all seqlevels present in supplied genome", immediate. = TRUE)
  seq.keep <- as.character(x = seqnames(x = object)) %in% common.seq
  enum <- seq_along(along.with = seq.keep)
  object <- object[seq.keep]
  object <- keepSeqlevels(x = object, value = common.seq, pruning.mode = "coarse")
  sequences <- Biostrings::getSeq(x = genome, object)
  gc <- Biostrings::letterFrequency(
    x = sequences, letters = 'CG'
  ) / sequence.length[seq.keep] * 100
  colnames(gc) <- 'GC.percent'
  dinuc <- Biostrings::dinucleotideFrequency(sequences)
  sequence.stats <- cbind(dinuc, gc)
  # fill missing seqnames with NA
  nadf <- as.data.frame(
    x = matrix(nrow = sum(!seq.keep), ncol = ncol(x = sequence.stats))
  colnames(x = nadf) <- colnames(x = sequence.stats)
  rownames(x = nadf) <- enum[!seq.keep]
  rownames(x = sequence.stats) <- enum[seq.keep]
  sequence.stats <- rbind(sequence.stats, nadf)
  sequence.stats <- sequence.stats[enum, ]
  sequence.stats <- cbind(sequence.stats, sequence.length)

#' @rdname RegionStats
#' @method RegionStats ChromatinAssay
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @importFrom SeuratObject GetAssayData
#' @export
#' @concept motifs
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
#' RegionStats(
#'   object = atac_small[['peaks']],
#'   genome = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
#' )
#' }
RegionStats.ChromatinAssay <- function(
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  regions <- granges(x = object)
  feature.metadata <- RegionStats(
    object = regions,
    genome = genome,
    verbose = verbose,
  rownames(x = feature.metadata) <- rownames(x = object)
  meta.data <- GetAssayData(object = object, layer = "meta.features")
  feature.metadata <- feature.metadata[rownames(x = meta.data), ]
  meta.data <- cbind(meta.data, feature.metadata)
  slot(object = object, name = "meta.features") <- meta.data

#' @param assay Name of assay to use
#' @rdname RegionStats
#' @method RegionStats Seurat
#' @export
#' @concept motifs
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
#' RegionStats(
#'   object = atac_small,
#'   assay = 'bins',
#'   genome = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
#' )
#' }
RegionStats.Seurat <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  assay <- SetIfNull(x = assay, y = DefaultAssay(object = object))
  assay.data <- object[[assay]]
  assay.data <- RegionStats(
    object = assay.data,
    genome = genome,
    verbose = verbose,
  object[[assay]] <- assay.data

#' @param method Which TF-IDF implementation to use. Choice of:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{1}: The TF-IDF implementation used by Stuart & Butler et al. 2019
#'  (\doi{10.1101/460147}). This computes
#'  \eqn{\log(TF \times IDF)}.
#'  \item{2}: The TF-IDF implementation used by Cusanovich & Hill
#'  et al. 2018 (\doi{10.1016/j.cell.2018.06.052}). This
#'  computes \eqn{TF \times (\log(IDF))}.
#'  \item{3}: The log-TF method used by Andrew Hill.
#'  This computes \eqn{\log(TF) \times \log(IDF)}.
#'  \item{4}: The 10x Genomics method (no TF normalization). This computes
#'  \eqn{IDF}.
#' }
#' @param scale.factor Which scale factor to use. Default is 10000.
#' @param idf A precomputed IDF vector to use. If NULL, compute based on the
#' input data matrix.
#' @param verbose Print progress
#' @rdname RunTFIDF
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums rowSums Diagonal tcrossprod
#' @importFrom methods is "slot<-" slot
#' @export
#' @concept preprocessing
#' @examples
#' mat <- matrix(data = rbinom(n = 25, size = 5, prob = 0.2), nrow = 5)
#' RunTFIDF(object = mat)
RunTFIDF.default <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  method = 1,
  scale.factor = 1e4,
  idf = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  if (inherits(x = object, what = "data.frame")) {
    object <- as.matrix(x = object)
  if (!inherits(x = object, what = "CsparseMatrix")) {
    object <- as(object = object, Class = "CsparseMatrix")
  if (verbose) {
    message("Performing TF-IDF normalization")
  npeaks <- colSums(x = object)
  if (any(npeaks == 0)) {
    warning("Some cells contain 0 total counts")
  if (method == 4) {
    tf <- object
  } else {
    tf <- tcrossprod(x = object, y = Diagonal(x = 1 / npeaks))
  if (!is.null(x = idf)) {
    precomputed_idf <- TRUE
    if (!inherits(x = idf, what = "numeric")) {
      stop("idf parameter must be a numeric vector")
    if (length(x = idf) != nrow(x = object)) {
      stop("Length of supplied IDF vector does not match",
           " number of rows in input matrix")
    if (any(idf == 0)) {
      stop("Supplied IDF values cannot be zero")
    if (verbose) {
      message("Using precomputed IDF vector")
  } else {
    precomputed_idf <- FALSE
    rsums <- rowSums(x = object)
    if (any(rsums == 0)) {
      warning("Some features contain 0 total counts")
    idf <- ncol(x = object) / rsums

  if (method == 2) {
    if (!precomputed_idf) {
      idf <- log(1 + idf)
  } else if (method == 3) {
    slot(object = tf, name = "x") <- log1p(
      x = slot(object = tf, name = "x") * scale.factor
    if (!precomputed_idf) {
      idf <- log(1 + idf)
  norm.data <- Diagonal(n = length(x = idf), x = idf) %*% tf
  if (method == 1) {
    slot(object = norm.data, name = "x") <- log1p(
      x = slot(object = norm.data, name = "x") * scale.factor
  colnames(x = norm.data) <- colnames(x = object)
  rownames(x = norm.data) <- rownames(x = object)
  # set NA values to 0
  vals <- slot(object = norm.data, name = "x")
  vals[is.na(x = vals)] <- 0
  slot(object = norm.data, name = "x") <- vals

#' @rdname RunTFIDF
#' @method RunTFIDF Assay
#' @export
#' @concept preprocessing
#' @examples
#' RunTFIDF(atac_small[['peaks']])
RunTFIDF.Assay <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  method = 1,
  scale.factor = 1e4,
  idf = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  new.data <- RunTFIDF(
    object = GetAssayData(object = object, layer = "counts"),
    method = method,
    assay = assay,
    scale.factor = scale.factor,
    idf = idf,
    verbose = verbose,
  new.data <- as(object = new.data, Class = "CsparseMatrix")
  object <- SetAssayData(
    object = object,
    layer = "data",
    new.data = new.data

#' @rdname RunTFIDF
#' @method RunTFIDF StdAssay
#' @export
#' @concept preprocessing
#' @examples
#' RunTFIDF(atac_small[['peaks']])
RunTFIDF.StdAssay <- function(
    assay = NULL,
    method = 1,
    scale.factor = 1e4,
    idf = NULL,
    verbose = TRUE,
) {
    object = object,
    assay = assay,
    method = method,
    scale.factor = scale.factor,
    idf = idf,
    verbose = verbose,

#' @param assay Name of assay to use
#' @rdname RunTFIDF
#' @method RunTFIDF Seurat
#' @export
#' @concept preprocessing
#' @examples
#' RunTFIDF(object = atac_small)
RunTFIDF.Seurat <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  method = 1,
  scale.factor = 1e4,
  idf = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  assay <- SetIfNull(x = assay, y = DefaultAssay(object))
  assay.data <- object[[assay]]
  assay.data <- RunTFIDF(
    object = assay.data,
    assay = assay,
    method = method,
    scale.factor = scale.factor,
    idf = idf,
    verbose = verbose,
  object[[assay]] <- assay.data

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