# These functions are
# Copyright (C) 1998-2024 T.W. Yee, University of Auckland.
# All rights reserved.
attrassigndefault <- function(mmat, tt) {
if (!inherits(tt, "terms"))
stop("need terms object")
aa <- attr(mmat, "assign")
if (is.null(aa))
stop("argument is not really a model matrix")
ll <- attr(tt, "term.labels")
if (attr(tt, "intercept") > 0)
ll <- c("(Intercept)", ll)
aaa <- factor(aa, labels = ll)
split(order(aa), aaa)
attrassignlm <- function(object, ...)
attrassigndefault(model.matrix(object), object@terms)
vlabel <-
function(xn, ncolHlist, M, separator = ":", colon = FALSE) {
if (length(xn) != length(ncolHlist))
stop("length of first two arguments not equal")
n1 <- rep(xn, ncolHlist)
if (M == 1)
n2 <- as.list(ncolHlist)
n2 <- lapply(n2, seq)
n2 <- unlist(n2)
n2 <- as.character(n2)
n2 <- paste(separator, n2, sep = "")
n3 <- rep(ncolHlist, ncolHlist)
if (!colon)
n2[n3 == 1] <- ""
n1n2 <- paste(n1, n2, sep = "")
} # vlabel
vlm2lm.model.matrix <-
function(x.vlm, Hlist = NULL,
which.linpred = 1,
M = NULL) {
if (is.numeric(M)) {
if (M != nrow(Hlist[[1]]))
stop("argument 'M' does not match argument 'Hlist'")
} else {
M <- nrow(Hlist[[1]])
Hmatrices <- matrix(c(unlist(Hlist)), nrow = M)
if (ncol(Hmatrices) != ncol(x.vlm))
stop("ncol(Hmatrices) != ncol(x.vlm)")
n.lm <- nrow(x.vlm) / M
if (round(n.lm) != n.lm)
stop("'n.lm' does not seem to be an integer")
linpred.index <- which.linpred
if (FALSE) {
vecTF <- Hmatrices[linpred.index, ] != 0
X.lm.jay <- x.vlm[(0:(n.lm - 1)) * M + linpred.index,
vecTF, drop = FALSE]
} # (FALSE)
vecTF2 <- colSums(Hmatrices[linpred.index, ,
drop = FALSE]) != 0
vecTF1 <- rep_len(FALSE, M)
vecTF1[linpred.index] <- TRUE
X.lm.jay <- x.vlm[vecTF1, vecTF2, drop = FALSE] # Recycling
} # vlm2lm.model.matrix
lm2vlm.model.matrix <-
function(x, Hlist = NULL,
assign.attributes = TRUE,
M = NULL, xij = NULL, = TRUE, # Ignored for "lm".
Xm2 = NULL) {
if (length(Hlist) != ncol(x))
stop("length(Hlist) != ncol(x)")
if (length(xij)) {
if (inherits(xij, "formula"))
xij <- list(xij)
if (!is.list(xij))
stop("'xij' is not a list of formulae")
if (!is.numeric(M))
M <- nrow(Hlist[[1]])
nrow.X.lm <- nrow(x)
if (all(trivial.constraints(Hlist) == 1)) {
X.vlm <- if (M > 1) kronecker(x, diag(M)) else x
ncolHlist <- rep(M, ncol(x))
} else {
allB <- matrix(unlist(Hlist), nrow = M)
ncolHlist <- unlist(lapply(Hlist, ncol))
Rsum <- sum(ncolHlist)
X1 <- rep(c(t(x)), rep(ncolHlist, nrow.X.lm))
dim(X1) <- c(Rsum, nrow.X.lm)
X.vlm <- kronecker(t(X1), matrix(1, M, 1)) *
kronecker(matrix(1, nrow.X.lm, 1),
if ( {
dn <- labels(x)
yn <- dn[[1]]
xn <- dn[[2]]
dimnames(X.vlm) <- list(vlabel(yn, rep(M, nrow.X.lm), M),
vlabel(xn, ncolHlist, M))
} #
if (assign.attributes) {
attr(X.vlm, "contrasts") <- attr(x, "contrasts")
attr(X.vlm, "factors") <- attr(x, "factors")
attr(X.vlm, "formula") <- attr(x, "formula")
attr(X.vlm, "class") <- attr(x, "class")
attr(X.vlm, "order") <- attr(x, "order")
attr(X.vlm, "term.labels") <- attr(x, "term.labels")
orig.assign.lm <- attr(x, "orig.assign.lm") # NULL if x = F
nasgn <- oasgn <- attr(x, "assign")
lowind <- 0
for (ii in seq_along(oasgn)) {
mylen <- length(oasgn[[ii]]) * ncolHlist[oasgn[[ii]][1]]
nasgn[[ii]] <- (lowind+1):(lowind+mylen)
lowind <- lowind + mylen
} # End of ii
if (lowind != ncol(X.vlm))
stop("something gone wrong")
attr(X.vlm, "assign") <- nasgn
fred <- unlist(lapply(nasgn,
length))/unlist(lapply(oasgn, length))
vasgn <- vector("list", sum(fred))
kk <- 0
for (ii in seq_along(oasgn)) {
temp <- matrix(nasgn[[ii]],
ncol = length(oasgn[[ii]]))
for (jloc in 1:nrow(temp)) {
kk <- kk + 1
vasgn[[kk]] <- temp[jloc, ]
names(vasgn) <- vlabel(names(oasgn), fred, M)
attr(X.vlm, "vassign") <- vasgn
attr(X.vlm, "constraints") <- Hlist
attr(X.vlm, "orig.assign.lm") <- orig.assign.lm
} # End of if (assign.attributes)
if (!length(xij))
at.x <- attr(x, "assign")
at.vlmx <- attr(X.vlm, "assign")
at.Xm2 <- attr(Xm2, "assign")
for (ii in seq_along(xij)) {
form.xij <- xij[[ii]]
if (length(form.xij) != 3)
stop("xij[[", ii, "]] is not a formula with a response")
tform.xij <- terms(form.xij)
aterm.form <- attr(tform.xij, "term.labels")
if (length(aterm.form) != M)
stop("xij[[", ii, "]] does not contain ", M, " terms")
name.term.y <- as.character(form.xij)[2]
cols.X.vlm <- at.vlmx[[name.term.y]] # May be > 1 in length. <- aterm.form[1] # Choose the first one
One.such.term <- at.Xm2[[]]
for (bbb in seq_along(One.such.term)) {
use.cols.Xm2 <- NULL
for (sss in 1:M) { <- aterm.form[sss]
one.such.term <- at.Xm2[[]]
use.cols.Xm2 <- c(use.cols.Xm2, one.such.term[bbb])
} # End of sss
allXk <- Xm2[, use.cols.Xm2, drop = FALSE] <- (at.x[[name.term.y]])[1]
cmat <- Hlist[[]]
Rsum.k <- ncol(cmat)
tmp44 <- kronecker(matrix(1, nrow.X.lm, 1), t(cmat)) *
kronecker(allXk, matrix(1, ncol(cmat), 1)) # n*Rsum.k x M
tmp44 <- array(t(tmp44), c(M, Rsum.k, nrow.X.lm))
tmp44 <- aperm(tmp44, c(1, 3, 2)) # c(M, n, Rsum.k)
rep.index <- cols.X.vlm[((bbb-1)*Rsum.k+1):(bbb*Rsum.k)]
X.vlm[, rep.index] <- c(tmp44)
} # End of bbb
} # End of for (ii in seq_along(xij))
if (assign.attributes) {
attr(X.vlm, "vassign") <- vasgn
attr(X.vlm, "assign") <- nasgn
attr(X.vlm, "xij") <- xij
} # lm2vlm.model.matrix
model.matrix.vlm <- function(object, ...)
model.matrixvlm(object, ...)
model.matrixvlm <-
type = c("vlm", "lm", "lm2", "bothlmlm2"),
linpred.index = NULL, = TRUE,
...) {
if (mode(type) != "character" && mode(type) != "name")
type <- as.character(substitute(type))
type <- match.arg(type, c("vlm", "lm", "lm2",
linpred.index <- unique(sort(linpred.index))
LLLL <- length(linpred.index)
if (LLLL == 1 && type != "lm")
stop("Must set 'type = \"lm\"' when 'linpred.index' is ",
"assigned a single value")
if (LLLL > 1 && type != "vlm")
stop("Must set 'type = \"vlm\"' when 'linpred.index' is ",
"assigned more than a single value")
if (length(linpred.index) &&
stop("Currently cannot handle 'xij' models when ",
"'linpred.index' is assigned a value")
x <- slot(object, "x")
Xm2 <- if (any(slotNames(object) == "Xm2"))
slot(object, "Xm2") else numeric(0)
form2 <- if (any(slotNames(object) == "misc"))
object@misc$form2 else NULL
if (type == "lm2" && !length(form2))
if (!length(x)) {
data <- model.frame(object, xlev = object@xlevels, ...)
kill.con <- if (length(object@contrasts))
object@contrasts else NULL
x <- vmodel.matrix.default(object, data = data,
contrasts.arg = kill.con)
tt <- terms(object)
attr(x, "assign") <- attrassigndefault(x, tt)
if ((type == "lm2" || type == "bothlmlm2") &&
!length(Xm2)) {
object.copy2 <- object
data <- model.frame(object.copy2,
xlev = object.copy2@xlevels, ...)
kill.con <- if (length(object.copy2@contrasts))
object.copy2@contrasts else NULL
Xm2 <- vmodel.matrix.default(object.copy2, data = data,
contrasts.arg = kill.con)
if (length(form2)) {
attr(Xm2, "assign") <- attrassigndefault(Xm2,
if (type == "lm" && !length(linpred.index)) {
} else if (type == "lm2") {
} else if (type == "bothlmlm2") {
return(list(X = x, Xm2 = Xm2))
M <- object@misc$M # Number of linear/additive predictors
Hlist <- object@constraints # == constraints(object,type="lm")
X.vlm <-
lm2vlm.model.matrix(x = x, Hlist = Hlist,
Xm2 = Xm2, =,
xij = object@control$xij)
if (type == "vlm" && !length(linpred.index))
if (!is.Numeric(linpred.index, # length.arg = 1, 20190625
integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'linpred.index'")
if (!length(intersect(linpred.index, 1:M)))
stop("argument 'linpred.index' should have ",
"values from the set 1:", M)
Hlist <- Hlist
n.lm <- nobs(object, type = "lm") # nrow(the LM matrix)
Hmatrices <- abs(constraints(object,
matrix = TRUE)) # by column
jay <- linpred.index
vecTF2 <- colSums(Hmatrices[jay, , drop = FALSE]) != 0
index2 <- which(vecTF2)
vecTF1 <- rep_len(FALSE, M)
vecTF1[jay] <- TRUE
X.lm.jay <- X.vlm[vecTF1, vecTF2, drop = FALSE] # Recycling
aasgn.copy <- aasgn <- attr(X.vlm, 'assign')
vasgn.copy <- vasgn <- attr(X.vlm, 'vassign')
for (iloc in length(vasgn.copy):1) {
if (!any(is.element(index2, vasgn[[iloc]])))
vasgn[[iloc]] <- NULL
kasgn <- vasgn
i.start <- 1
for (jay in seq_len(length(vasgn))) {
tmp4 <- kasgn[[jay]]
kasgn[[jay]] <- i.start:(i.start + length(tmp4) - 1)
i.start <- i.start + length(tmp4)
attr(X.lm.jay, "vassign") <- kasgn
attr(X.lm.jay, "rm.vassign") <- vasgn # Some elts removed
nasgn <- names(aasgn)
all.union <- NULL
for (iloc in 1:length(aasgn.copy)) {
if (length(intersect(aasgn[[iloc]], index2)))
all.union <- c(all.union, nasgn[iloc])
all.union <- unique(all.union)
ans4 <- aasgn[all.union]
for (iloc in 1:length(ans4)) {
tmp4 <- ans4[[iloc]]
ans4[[iloc]] <- intersect(tmp4, index2)
ptr.start <- 1
for (iloc in 1:length(ans4)) {
tmp4 <- ans4[[iloc]]
ans4[[iloc]] <- ptr.start:(ptr.start + length(tmp4) - 1)
ptr.start <- ptr.start + length(tmp4)
attr(X.lm.jay, "assign") <- ans4
attr(X.lm.jay, "rm.assign") <- aasgn[all.union]
} # model.matrixvlm
setMethod("model.matrix", "vlm", function(object, ...)
model.matrixvlm(object, ...))
model.matrixvgam <-
type = c("lm", "vlm", "lm", "lm2", "bothlmlm2"),
linpred.index = NULL,
...) {
model.matrixvlm(object = object,
type = type[1],
linpred.index = linpred.index, ...)
setMethod("model.matrix", "vgam", function(object, ...)
model.matrixvgam(object, ...))
model.framevlm <- function(object,
setupsmart = TRUE,
wrapupsmart = TRUE, ...) {
dots <- list(...)
nargs <- dots[match(c("data", "na.action", "subset"), names(dots), 0)]
if (length(nargs) || !length(object@model)) {
fcall <- object@call
fcall$method <- "model.frame"
fcall[[1]] <-"vlm")
fcall$smart <- FALSE
if (setupsmart && length(object@smart.prediction)) {"read", smart.prediction=object@smart.prediction)
fcall[names(nargs)] <- nargs
env <- environment(object@terms$terms) # @terms or @terms$terms ??
if (is.null(env))
env <- parent.frame()
ans <- eval(fcall, env, parent.frame())
if (wrapupsmart && length(object@smart.prediction)) {
} else object@model
} # model.framevlm
if (!isGeneric("model.frame"))
setGeneric("model.frame", function(formula, ...)
setMethod("model.frame", "vlm", function(formula, ...)
model.framevlm(object = formula, ...))
vmodel.matrix.default <-
function(object, data = environment(object),
contrasts.arg = NULL, xlev = NULL, ...) {
t <- if (missing(data)) terms(object) else
terms(object, data = data)
if (is.null(attr(data, "terms")))
data <- model.frame(object, data, xlev = xlev) else {
reorder <- match(sapply(attr(t, "variables"), deparse,
width.cutoff = 500)[-1], names(data))
if (anyNA(reorder))
stop("model frame and formula mismatch in model.matrix()")
if (!identical(reorder, seq_len(ncol(data))))
data <- data[, reorder, drop = FALSE]
int <- attr(t, "response")
if (length(data)) {
contr.funs <- as.character(getOption("contrasts"))
namD <- names(data)
for (i in namD) if (is.character(data[[i]])) {
data[[i]] <- factor(data[[i]])
warning(gettextf("variable '%s' converted to a factor", i),
domain = NA)
isF <- sapply(data, function(x) is.factor(x) || is.logical(x))
isF[int] <- FALSE
isOF <- sapply(data, is.ordered)
for (nn in namD[isF])
if (is.null(attr(data[[nn]], "contrasts")))
contrasts(data[[nn]]) <- contr.funs[1 + isOF[nn]]
if (!is.null(contrasts.arg) && is.list(contrasts.arg)) {
if (is.null(namC <- names(contrasts.arg)))
stop("invalid 'contrasts.arg' argument")
for (nn in namC) {
if ( <- match(nn, namD)))
"variable '%s' is absent, its contrast will be ignored",
nn), domain = NA) else {
ca <- contrasts.arg[[nn]]
if (is.matrix(ca))
contrasts(data[[ni]], ncol(ca)) <- ca else
contrasts(data[[ni]]) <- contrasts.arg[[nn]]
} else {
isF <- FALSE
data <- list(x = rep(0, nrow(data)))
ans <- (model.matrix(t, data))
cons <- if (any(isF))
lapply(data[isF], function(x) attr(x, "contrasts")) else NULL
attr(ans, "contrasts") <- cons
} # vmodel.matrix.default
depvar.vlm <-
type = c("lm", "lm2"),
drop = FALSE,
...) {
type <- match.arg(type, c("lm", "lm2"))[1]
ans <- if (type == "lm") {
} else {
ans[, , drop = drop]
if (!isGeneric("depvar"))
function(object, ...)
package = "VGAM")
setMethod("depvar", "vlm", function(object, ...)
depvar.vlm(object, ...))
setMethod("depvar", "rrvglm", function(object, ...)
depvar.vlm(object, ...))
setMethod("depvar", "qrrvglm", function(object, ...)
depvar.vlm(object, ...))
setMethod("depvar", "rrvgam", function(object, ...)
depvar.vlm(object, ...))
setMethod("depvar", "rcim", function(object, ...)
depvar.vlm(object, ...))
npred.vlm <- function(object,
type = c("total", "one.response"),
...) {
if (!missing(type))
type <- as.character(substitute(type))
type.arg <- match.arg(type, c("total", "one.response"))[1]
MM <-
if (length(object@misc$M))
object@misc$M else
if (NCOL(predict(object)) > 0)
NCOL(predict(object)) else
stop("cannot seem to obtain 'M'")
if (type.arg == "one.response") {
M1.infos <- NULL <- object@family@infos
Ans.infos <-
if (is.list(Ans.infos) && length(Ans.infos$M1))
M1.infos <- Ans.infos$M1
Q1 <- Ans.infos$Q1
if (is.numeric(Q1)) {
S <- ncol(depvar(object)) / Q1 # No. of (multiple) responses
if (is.numeric(M1.infos) && M1.infos * S != MM)
warning("contradiction in values after computing it two ways")
M1 <- if (is.numeric(M1.infos)) M1.infos else
if (is.numeric(MM )) MM else
stop("failed to compute 'M'")
} else { # One response is assumed, by default
} # npred.vlm
if (!isGeneric("npred"))
setGeneric("npred", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("npred"),
package = "VGAM")
setMethod("npred", "vlm", function(object, ...)
npred.vlm(object, ...))
setMethod("npred", "rrvglm", function(object, ...)
npred.vlm(object, ...))
setMethod("npred", "qrrvglm", function(object, ...)
npred.vlm(object, ...))
setMethod("npred", "rrvgam", function(object, ...)
npred.vlm(object, ...))
setMethod("npred", "rcim", function(object, ...)
npred.vlm(object, ...))
hatvaluesvlm <-
type = c("diagonal", "matrix", "centralBlocks"), ...) {
if (!missing(type))
type <- as.character(substitute(type))
type.arg <- match.arg(type,
c("diagonal", "matrix", "centralBlocks"))[1]
qrSlot <- model@qr
if (!is.list(qrSlot) && !inherits(qrSlot, "qr"))
stop("slot 'qr' should be a list")
M <- npred(model)
nn <- nobs(model, type = "lm")
if (is.empty.list(qrSlot)) {
wzedd <- weights(model, type = "working")
UU <- vchol(wzedd, M = M, n = nn, silent = TRUE)
X.vlm <- model.matrix(model, type = "vlm")
UU.X.vlm <- mux111(cc = UU, xmat = X.vlm, M = M)
qrSlot <- qr(UU.X.vlm)
} else {
X.vlm <- NULL
class(qrSlot) <- "qr" # S3 class
Q.S3 <- qr.Q(qrSlot)
if (type.arg == "diagonal") {
Diag.Hat <- rowSums(Q.S3^2)
Diag.Elts <- matrix(Diag.Hat, nn, M, byrow = TRUE)
if (length(model@misc$predictors.names) == M)
colnames(Diag.Elts) <- model@misc$predictors.names
if (length(rownames(model.matrix(model, type = "lm"))))
rownames(Diag.Elts) <- rownames(model.matrix(model,
type = "lm"))
attr(Diag.Elts, "predictors.names") <- model@misc$predictors.names
attr(Diag.Elts, "ncol.X.vlm") <- model@misc$ncol.X.vlm
} else if (type.arg == "matrix") {
all.mat <- Q.S3 %*% t(Q.S3)
if (!length(X.vlm))
X.vlm <- model.matrix(model, type = "vlm")
dimnames(all.mat) <- list(rownames(X.vlm), rownames(X.vlm))
attr(all.mat, "M") <- M
attr(all.mat, "predictors.names") <- model@misc$predictors.names
attr(all.mat, "ncol.X.vlm") <- model@misc$ncol.X.vlm
} else {
ind1 <- iam(NA, NA, M = M, both = TRUE, diag = TRUE)
MMp1d2 <- M * (M + 1) / 2
all.rows.index <- rep((0:(nn-1))*M, rep(MMp1d2, nn))+ind1$row.index
all.cols.index <- rep((0:(nn-1))*M, rep(MMp1d2, nn))+ind1$col.index <- rowSums(Q.S3[all.rows.index, ] *
Q.S3[all.cols.index, ]) <- matrix(, nn, MMp1d2, byrow = TRUE)
} # hatvaluesvlm
setMethod("hatvalues", "vlm", function(model, ...)
hatvaluesvlm(model, ...))
setMethod("hatvalues", "vglm", function(model, ...)
hatvaluesvlm(model, ...))
setMethod("hatvalues", "rrvglm", function(model, ...)
hatvaluesvlm(model, ...))
setMethod("hatvalues", "qrrvglm", function(model, ...)
hatvaluesvlm(model, ...))
setMethod("hatvalues", "rrvgam", function(model, ...)
hatvaluesvlm(model, ...))
setMethod("hatvalues", "rcim", function(model, ...)
hatvaluesvlm(model, ...))
hatplot.vlm <-
function(model, multiplier = c(2, 3),
lty = "dashed",
xlab = "Observation",
ylab = "Hat values",
ylim = NULL, ...) {
if (is(model, "vlm")) {
hatval <- hatvalues(model, diag = TRUE)
} else {
hatval <- model
if (!is.matrix(hatval))
stop("argument 'model' seems not a vglm() object or a matrix")
ncol.X.vlm <- attr(hatval, "ncol.X.vlm")
M <- attr(hatval, "M")
predictors.names <- attr(hatval, "predictors.names")
if (!length(predictors.names)) {
predictors.names <- param.names("Linear/additive predictor ", M)
if (length(M)) {
N <- nrow(hatval) / M
hatval <- matrix(hatval, N, M, byrow = TRUE)
} else {
M <- ncol(hatval)
N <- nrow(hatval)
if (is.null(ylim))
ylim <- c(0, max(hatval))
for (jay in 1:M) {
plot(hatval[, jay], type = "n", main = predictors.names[jay],
ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
points(1:N, hatval[, jay], ...)
abline(h = multiplier * ncol.X.vlm / (N * M), lty = lty, ...)
} # hatplot.vlm
if (!isGeneric("hatplot"))
setGeneric("hatplot", function(model, ...)
standardGeneric("hatplot"), package = "VGAM")
setMethod("hatplot", "matrix", function(model, ...)
hatplot.vlm(model, ...))
setMethod("hatplot", "vlm", function(model, ...)
hatplot.vlm(model, ...))
setMethod("hatplot", "vglm", function(model, ...)
hatplot.vlm(model, ...))
setMethod("hatplot", "rrvglm", function(model, ...)
hatplot.vlm(model, ...))
setMethod("hatplot", "qrrvglm", function(model, ...)
hatplot.vlm(model, ...))
setMethod("hatplot", "rrvgam", function(model, ...)
hatplot.vlm(model, ...))
setMethod("hatplot", "rcim", function(model, ...)
hatplot.vlm(model, ...))
dfbetavlm <-
function(model, = 1, = FALSE,
smallno = 1.0e-8,
...) {
if (!is(model, "vlm"))
stop("argument 'model' does not seem to be a vglm() object")
n.lm <- nobs(model, type = "lm")
X.lm <- model.matrix(model, type = "lm")
X.vlm <- model.matrix(model, type = "vlm")
p.vlm <- ncol(X.vlm) # nvar(model, type = "vlm")
M <- npred(model)
etastart <- predict(model)
offset <- matrix(model@offset, n.lm, M)
new.control <- model@control
pweights <- weights(model, type = "prior")
orig.w <- if (is.numeric(model@extra$orig.w))
model@extra$orig.w else 1
y.integer <- if (is.logical(model@extra$y.integer))
model@extra$y.integer else FALSE
coef.model <- coef(model)
new.control$trace <-
new.control$maxit <-
dfbeta <- matrix(0, n.lm, p.vlm)
Terms.zz <- NULL
for (ii in 1:n.lm) {
if ( {
cat("\n", "Observation ", ii, "\n")
w.orig <- if (length(orig.w) != n.lm)
rep_len(orig.w, n.lm) else
w.orig[ii] <- w.orig[ii] * smallno # Relative
fit <- = X.lm,
X.vlm.arg = X.vlm, # Should be more efficient
y = if (y.integer)
round(depvar(model) * c(pweights) / c(orig.w)) else
(depvar(model) * c(pweights) / c(orig.w)),
w = w.orig, # Set to zero so that it is 'deleted'.
Xm2 = NULL, Ym2 = NULL,
etastart = etastart, # coefstart = NULL,
offset = offset,
family = model@family,
control = new.control,
criterion = new.control$criterion, # "coefficients",
qr.arg = FALSE,
constraints = constraints(model, type = "term"),
extra = model@extra,
Terms = Terms.zz, = "vglm")
dfbeta[ii, ] <- coef.model - fit$coeff
dimnames(dfbeta) <- list(rownames(X.lm), names(coef.model))
} # dfbetavlm
setMethod("dfbeta", "matrix", function(model, ...)
dfbetavlm(model, ...))
setMethod("dfbeta", "vlm", function(model, ...)
dfbetavlm(model, ...))
setMethod("dfbeta", "vglm", function(model, ...)
dfbetavlm(model, ...))
setMethod("dfbeta", "rrvglm", function(model, ...)
dfbetavlm(model, ...))
setMethod("dfbeta", "qrrvglm", function(model, ...)
dfbetavlm(model, ...))
setMethod("dfbeta", "rrvgam", function(model, ...)
dfbetavlm(model, ...))
setMethod("dfbeta", "rcim", function(model, ...)
dfbetavlm(model, ...))
hatvaluesbasic <- function(X.vlm,
M = 1) {
if (M > 1)
stop("currently argument 'M' must be 1")
nn <- nrow(X.vlm)
ncol.X.vlm <- ncol(X.vlm)
XtW <- t(c(diagWm) * X.vlm)
UU <- sqrt(diagWm) # Only for M == 1
UU.X.vlm <- c(UU) * X.vlm # c(UU) okay for M==1
qrSlot <- qr(UU.X.vlm)
Rmat <- qr.R(qrSlot)
rinv <- diag(ncol.X.vlm)
rinv <- backsolve(Rmat, rinv)
Diag.Hat <- if (FALSE) {
covun <- rinv %*% t(rinv)
rhs.mat <- covun %*% XtW
colSums(t(X.vlm) * rhs.mat)
} else {
mymat <- X.vlm %*% rinv
rowSums(diagWm * mymat^2)
} # hatvaluesbasic
model.matrixpvgam <-
type = c("vlm", "lm", "lm2", "bothlmlm2",
"augmentedvlm", "penalty"), # This line is new
linpred.index = NULL,
...) {
type <- match.arg(type, c("vlm", "lm", "lm2", "bothlmlm2",
"augmentedvlm", "penalty"))[1]
if (type == "augmentedvlm" ||
type == "penalty") {
rbind(if (type == "penalty") NULL else
model.matrixvlm(object, type = "vlm",
linpred.index = linpred.index, ...),
get.X.VLM.aug(constraints = constraints(object,
type = "term"),
sm.osps.list = object@ospsslot$sm.osps.list))
} else {
model.matrixvlm(object, type = type,
linpred.index = linpred.index, ...)
} # model.matrixpvgam
setMethod("model.matrix", "pvgam", function(object, ...)
model.matrixpvgam(object, ...))
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