
Defines functions vlm.wfit

Documented in vlm.wfit

# These functions are
# Copyright (C) 1998-2024 T.W. Yee, University of Auckland.
# All rights reserved.

vlm.wfit <-
  function(xmat, zmat, Hlist, wz = NULL, U = NULL,
           matrix.out = FALSE, is.vlmX = FALSE,
           ResSS = TRUE, qr = FALSE,
           x.ret = FALSE,
           offset = NULL,
           omit.these = NULL, only.ResSS = FALSE,
           ncolx = if (matrix.out && is.vlmX) {
                     stop("need argument 'ncolx'")
                   } else {
           xij = NULL,
           lp.names = NULL, Eta.range = NULL,
           Xm2 = NULL,

           Xvlm.aug = NULL,
           sm.osps.list = NULL,
           constraints = NULL,
           first.sm.osps = FALSE,
           control = list(),  # == vgam.control()
           trace = FALSE,
           label.it = TRUE,  # 20240316

           ...) {
  mgcvvgam <- length(sm.osps.list)

  fixspar <- unlist(sm.osps.list$fixspar)
  missing.Hlist <- missing(Hlist)
  zmat <- as.matrix(zmat)
  n <- nrow(zmat)
  M <- ncol(zmat)
  if (!only.ResSS) {
    contrast.save <- attr(xmat, "contrasts")
    znames <- dimnames(zmat)[[2]]

  if (length(offset)) {
    zmat <- zmat - offset
  if (missing(U) || !length(U)) {
    U <- vchol(wz, M = M, n = n, silent = FALSE)
  dU <- dim(U)
  if (dU[2] != n) {
    stop("input unconformable")

  X.vlm.save <- if (is.vlmX) {
  } else {
    if (missing.Hlist || !length(Hlist)) {
      Hlist <- replaceCMs(vector("list", ncol(xmat)),
                                   diag(M), 1:ncol(xmat))  # NULL
    lm2vlm.model.matrix(x = xmat, Hlist = Hlist,
                        M = M,
                        assign.attributes = FALSE,
                        xij = xij,
                        label.it = label.it,
                        Xm2 = Xm2)
  X.vlm <- mux111(U, X.vlm.save, M = M)
  z.vlm <- mux22(U, zmat, M = M, upper = TRUE, as.matrix = FALSE)

  if (length(omit.these)) {
    X.vlm <- X.vlm[!omit.these, , drop = FALSE]
    z.vlm <- z.vlm[!omit.these]

  if (mgcvvgam) {
 # The matrix components of m.objects have colns reordered, for magic().
    m.objects <- psv2magic(x.VLM = X.vlm,
                           constraints = constraints,
                           spar.vlm = attr(Xvlm.aug, "spar.vlm"),
                           sm.osps.list = sm.osps.list)
    fixspar <- rep_len(fixspar, length(m.objects$sp))
    if (FALSE && trace) {
      cat("m.objects$sp \n")
      print( m.objects$sp )
      cat("m.objects$OFF \n")
      print( m.objects$OFF )

    if (first.sm.osps) {


    magicfit <-
      mgcv::magic(y   = z.vlm,
                  X = m.objects$x.VLM.new,  # Cols reordered if necessary
                  sp  = m.objects$sp,
                  S   = m.objects$S.arg,
                  off = m.objects$OFF,
                  gamma = control$gamma.arg,
                  gcv = FALSE)
    SP <- ifelse(fixspar, m.objects$sp, magicfit$sp)
    if (FALSE && trace) {
      cat("SP \n")
      print( SP )
  magicfit$sp <- SP  # Make sure; 20160809

    length.spar.vlm <-
      sapply(attr(Xvlm.aug, "spar.vlm"), length)  # spar.new
    sp.opt <- vector("list", length(length.spar.vlm))  # list()
    iioffset <- 0
    for (ii in seq_along(length.spar.vlm)) {
      sp.opt[[ii]] <- SP[iioffset + 1:length.spar.vlm[ii]]
      iioffset <- iioffset + length.spar.vlm[ii]
    names(sp.opt) <- names(sm.osps.list$which.X.sm.osps)
    if (FALSE && trace) {
      cat("sp.opt \n")
      print( sp.opt )

    sm.osps.list$sparlist <- sp.opt
    Xvlm.aug <- get.X.VLM.aug(constraints  = constraints,
                              sm.osps.list = sm.osps.list)

    first.sm.osps <- FALSE

    X.vlm <- rbind(X.vlm, Xvlm.aug)
    z.vlm <- c(z.vlm, rep(0, nrow(Xvlm.aug)))

  ans <- lm.fit(X.vlm, y = z.vlm, ...)

  if (mgcvvgam) {
    ans$residuals     <- head(ans$residuals,     n*M)
    ans$effects       <- head(ans$effects,       n*M)
    ans$fitted.values <- head(ans$fitted.values, n*M)
    ans$qr$qr         <- head(ans$qr$qr,         n*M)

  if (ResSS) {
    ans$ResSS <- sum(ans$resid^2)
    if (only.ResSS)
      return(list(ResSS = ans$ResSS))

  if (length(omit.these) && any(omit.these)) {
    stop("code beyond here cannot handle omitted observations")

  fv <- ans$fitted.values
  dim(fv) <- c(M, n)
  fv <- vbacksub(U, fv, M = M, n = n)  # Have to premultiply fv by U

  if (length(Eta.range)) {
    if (length(Eta.range) != 2) {
      stop("length(Eta.range) must equal 2")
    fv <- ifelse(fv < Eta.range[1], Eta.range[1], fv)
    fv <- ifelse(fv > Eta.range[2], Eta.range[2], fv)

  ans$fitted.values <- if (M == 1) c(fv) else fv
  if (M > 1) {
    dimnames(ans$fitted.values) <- list(dimnames(zmat)[[1]], znames)
  ans$residuals <- if (M == 1) c(zmat-fv) else zmat-fv
  if (M > 1) {
    dimnames(ans$residuals) <- list(dimnames(ans$residuals)[[1]], znames)
  ans$misc <- list(M = M, n = n)
  ans$call <- match.call()

  ans$constraints <- Hlist
  ans$contrasts <- contrast.save

  if (mgcvvgam) {
    ans$first.sm.osps <- first.sm.osps  # Updated.
    ans$sm.osps.list  <- sm.osps.list   # Updated wrt "sparlist" component
    ans$Xvlm.aug      <- Xvlm.aug       # Updated matrix.
    ans$magicfit      <- magicfit       # Updated.

  if (x.ret) {
    ans$X.vlm <- X.vlm.save

  if (!is.null(offset)) {
    ans$fitted.values <- ans$fitted.values + offset

  if (!matrix.out) {

  dx2 <- if (is.vlmX) NULL else dimnames(xmat)[[2]]
  B <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = M, ncol = ncolx,
              dimnames = list(lp.names, dx2))
  if (is.null(Hlist)) {
    Hlist <- replaceCMs(vector("list", ncolx), diag(M), 1:ncolx)
  ncolHlist <- unlist(lapply(Hlist, ncol))
  temp <- c(0, cumsum(ncolHlist))
  for (ii in 1:ncolx) {
    index <- (temp[ii]+1):(temp[ii+1])
    cm <- Hlist[[ii]]
    B[, ii] <- cm %*% ans$coef[index]
  ans$mat.coefficients <- t(B)
}  # vlm.wfit

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VGAM documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 9:09 a.m.