
Defines functions is.bell.rrvgam is.bell.qrrvglm is.bell.rrvglm clo cgo Tol.Coef.qrrvglm Tol.qrrvglm Opt.Coef.qrrvglm Opt.qrrvglm Max.Coef.qrrvglm Max.qrrvglm latvar.Coef.qrrvglm latvar.qrrvglm latvar.rrvglm concoef.Coef.qrrvglm concoef.qrrvglm Rank.rrvgam Rank.qrrvglm Rank.rrvglm perspqrrvglm model.matrixqrrvglm vcovqrrvglm vcovdrrvglm vcovrrvglm trplot.qrrvglm summary.grc grc show.summary.qrrvglm summary.qrrvglm biplot.rrvglm show.Coef.drrvglm show.Coef.rrvglm Coef.drrvglm Coef.rrvglm lvplot.rrvglm lvplot.qrrvglm biplot.qrrvglm vellipse rrr.deriv.gradient.fast rrr.deriv.ResSS dcda.fast dctda.fast.only num.deriv.rrr get.rrvglm.se2 get.rrvglm.se1 summary.rrvglm show.rrvglm residualsqrrvglm qrrvglm.xprod coefqrrvglm predictqrrvglm show.Coef.qrrvglm Coef.qrrvglm nlminbcontrol rrvglm.optim.control rrr.derivC.ResSS rrr.normalize adjust.Dmat.expression valt.1iter valt.2iter lm2qrrvlm.model.matrix valt0 valt0.control replaceCMs unmaskA rm0cols is.non0 is.Identity

Documented in adjust.Dmat.expression biplot.qrrvglm biplot.rrvglm cgo clo Coef.drrvglm coefqrrvglm Coef.qrrvglm Coef.rrvglm concoef.Coef.qrrvglm concoef.qrrvglm dcda.fast dctda.fast.only get.rrvglm.se1 get.rrvglm.se2 grc is.bell.qrrvglm is.bell.rrvgam is.bell.rrvglm is.Identity latvar.Coef.qrrvglm latvar.qrrvglm latvar.rrvglm lm2qrrvlm.model.matrix lvplot.qrrvglm lvplot.rrvglm Max.Coef.qrrvglm Max.qrrvglm model.matrixqrrvglm nlminbcontrol num.deriv.rrr Opt.Coef.qrrvglm Opt.qrrvglm perspqrrvglm predictqrrvglm predictqrrvglm qrrvglm.xprod Rank.qrrvglm Rank.qrrvglm Rank.rrvgam Rank.rrvgam Rank.rrvglm Rank.rrvglm residualsqrrvglm rm0cols rrr.deriv.gradient.fast rrr.normalize rrvglm.optim.control show.Coef.qrrvglm show.Coef.rrvglm show.rrvglm show.summary.qrrvglm summary.grc summary.qrrvglm summary.rrvglm summary.rrvglm Tol.Coef.qrrvglm Tol.qrrvglm trplot.qrrvglm unmaskA valt0 valt0.control valt.1iter valt.2iter vcovdrrvglm vcovqrrvglm vcovqrrvglm vcovrrvglm vcovrrvglm vellipse

# These functions are
# Copyright (C) 1998-2024 T.W. Yee, University of Auckland.
# All rights reserved.

is.Identity <- function(A) {
    is.matrix(A) && nrow(A) == ncol(A) &&
    all(diag(nrow(A)) == c(A))

is.non0 <- function(x)  x != 0

rm0cols <- function(A) {
  if (!is.matrix(A))
    A <- as.matrix(A)
  which0 <- which(colSums(abs(A)) == 0)
  if (length(which0) == ncol(A))
    stop("argument 'A' is a matrix of all 0s")
  if (length(which0))
    A[, -which0, drop = FALSE] else A

unmaskA <- function(A, aval = 0) {
    A[is.na(A)] <- aval

 replaceCMs <-
  function(Hlist, cm, index) {

  for (i in index)
    Hlist[[i]] <- cm
}  # replaceCMs

valt0.control <-
           Criterion = c("ResSS", "coefficients"),
           Maxit = 20,  # Was 7 prior to 20231117
           Suppress.warning = TRUE,
           Tolerance = 1e-8, ...) {

  if (mode(Criterion) != "character" &&
      mode(Criterion) != "name")
  Criterion <- as.character(substitute(Criterion))
  Criterion <- match.arg(Criterion,
                 c("ResSS", "coefficients"))[1]

       Criterion = Criterion,
       Maxit = Maxit,
       Suppress.warning = Suppress.warning,
       Tolerance = Tolerance)
}  # valt0.control

 valt0 <-
  function(x, zmat, U, Rank = 1,
           Hlist = NULL,
           Ainit = NULL,  # 20240329
           Cinit = NULL, sd.Cinit = 0.02,
           Criterion = c("ResSS", "coefficients"),
           Crow1positive = NULL,  # 20240328
           Maxit = 20,
           str0 = NULL,
           Suppress.warning = FALSE,
           Tolerance = 1e-8,   # 1e-7,
           is.rrvglm = TRUE,  # Input (papertrail)
           is.drrvglm = FALSE,  # Input (ditto)
           H.A.alt = list(),  # NULL,
           H.A.thy = list(),  # NULL,
           H.C = list(),  # NULL,
           Corner = TRUE,  # 20231223
           scaleA = FALSE,  # Inputted too
           skip1vlm = FALSE,  # 20240329
           Index.corner = head(setdiff(seq(
           length(str0) + Rank), str0), Rank),
           label.it = TRUE,
           Amask    = NULL,
           trace = FALSE,
           xij = NULL) {

  F <- FALSE; T <- TRUE
  if (mode(Criterion) != "character" &&
      mode(Criterion) != "name")
  Criterion <- as.character(substitute(Criterion))
  Criterion <- match.arg(Criterion,
                 c("ResSS", "coefficients"))[1]

  if (!is.matrix(zmat)) zmat <- as.matrix(zmat)
  n <- nrow(zmat)
  M <- ncol(zmat)
  if (is.null(Amask) && Corner) {
    Amask <- matrix(NA_real_, M, Rank)
    Amask[Index.corner, ] <- diag(Rank)
  if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
  if (Corner) {  # 20231223
    ind.estA <- setdiff(1:M,  # Rows x \tilde{\bA}
              c(str0, Index.corner))  # Sorted
    if (!length(ind.estA))
      stop("no elements of A to estimate!")
  }  # Corner && is.rrvglm

  colx2.index <- setdiff(1:ncol(x), colx1.index)
  p1 <- length(colx1.index)
  p2 <- length(colx2.index)
  pp <- p1 + p2
  if (!p2)
    stop("'p2', the number of variables for the ",
         "reduced-rank regression, must be > 0")

  if (length(H.A.alt)) {
    if (nrow(H.A.alt[[1]]) != M)
      stop("nrow(H.A.alt[[i]]) is not ", M)
  } else {  # Use ind.estA.use rows
    H.A.thy <- H.A.alt <- vector("list", Rank)
    tmp6.alt <- diag(M)[, ind.estA, drop = FALSE]
    tmp6.thy <- diag(M)  # All rows
    if (length(str0)) {
      tmp6.alt[str0, ] <- 0
      tmp6.thy[str0, ] <- 0
      tmp6.alt <- rm0cols(tmp6.alt)
      tmp6.thy <- rm0cols(tmp6.thy)
    }  # length(str0)
    for (r in 1:Rank) {   # choice3a (1:Rank)
      H.A.alt[[r]] <- tmp6.alt
      H.A.thy[[r]] <- tmp6.thy
  }  # else

  if (length(H.C)) {  # Error checking
    if (length(H.C) != p2)
      stop("'H.C' should have ", p2, "CMs")
  } else {  # C is a unconstrained general matrix
    H.C <- vector("list", p2)
    for (i in 1:p2)
      H.C[[i]] <- diag(Rank)
    names(H.C) <-
      colnames(x[, colx2.index, drop = FALSE])

  dU <- dim(U)
  if (dU[2] != n) stop("'U' input unconformable")

  ncol.H.A.alt <- sapply(H.A.alt, ncol)
  ncol.H.A.thy <- sapply(H.A.thy, ncol)
  Clist2.thy <-  # Based on H.A.thy; trimmed
  clist2.alt <- vector("list", Rank + p1)
  for (r in 1:Rank) {  # choice3a
    clist2.alt[[r]] <- H.A.alt[[r]]  # Changes not
    Clist2.thy[[r]] <- H.A.thy[[r]]  # Changes not
  }  # r
  if (!length(Hlist))  # Default == trivial cts
    Hlist <- replaceCMs(vector("list", pp),
                        diag(M), 1:pp)
  if (p1) {  # CMs for \bix_1
    for (k in 1:p1) {
    Clist2.thy[[Rank+k]] <-
    clist2.alt[[Rank+k]] <- Hlist[[colx1.index[k]]]
    }  # k
  }  # p1
  names(Clist2.thy) <- c(  # Both clists complete
    param.names("I(latvar.mat)", Rank, TRUE),

  Cinit <- if (is.null(Cinit)) {  # Random!
    matrix(rnorm(p2 * Rank, 0, sd.Cinit), p2, Rank)
  } else {  # Check quality
    if (length(Cinit) != p2 * Rank)
      warning("trying to fix up a bad 'Cinit'")
    matrix(c(Cinit), p2, Rank)
  if (skip1vlm) {  # Check quality
    if (length(Ainit) != M * Rank)
      warning("trying to fix up a bad 'Ainit'")
    Ainit <- matrix(c(Ainit), M, Rank)
  }  # skip1vlm
  fit2 <- list(ResSS = 0)  # fit1 & fit2 used.

  C <- Cinit  # Tis input for the main iter loop
  old.crit <- switch(Criterion, coefficients = C,
                     ResSS = fit2$ResSS)

  for (iter in 1:Maxit) {
    iter.save <- iter

    latvar.mat <-
      x[, colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% C
    colnames(latvar.mat) <-  # upw compatability
      param.names("latvar", Rank, TRUE)

    new.latvar.model.matrix <-
      cbind(latvar.mat,  # choice3a (1:Rank)
            if (p1) x[, colx1.index] else NULL)
    if (!skip1vlm)  # Avoid one vlm() fit.
    fit2 <- vlm.wfit(new.latvar.model.matrix,
               zmat,  # Was zmat
               Hlist = Clist2.thy,  # Was clist2
               U = U, matrix.out = TRUE,
               is.vlmX = FALSE,
               label.it = label.it,
               ResSS = TRUE, qr = TRUE,
               xij = xij)

    A <- if (skip1vlm) {  # Only for iter == 1.
      skip1vlm <- FALSE  # Used only once.
    } else
      t(fit2$mat.coef[1:Rank,, drop = FALSE])

    if (Corner) {  # 20231228

      tmp87 <- A[Index.corner, , drop = FALSE]
      if (is.drrvglm && Rank > 1) {
        tmp87 <- diag(diag(tmp87))
      }  # is.drrvglm && Rank > 1
      Mmat <- solve(tmp87)  # Normalizing matrix
      C <- C %*% t(tmp87)
      A <- A %*% Mmat
      latvar.mat <-  # 20240327; update this too
        x[, colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% C
        A[Index.corner, ] <- diag(Rank)
    }  # Corner

    if (scaleA) {  # 20231226
      A <- scale(A, center = FALSE)

    clist1 <- Hlist  # clist1 (is for C and B1).
    if (is.drrvglm) {  # Need processing 1 by 1
      for (k in 1:p2)
        clist1 <- replaceCMs(clist1,
                  A %*% H.C[[k]], colx2.index[k])
    } else {  # One fell swoop
      clist1 <- replaceCMs(clist1, A, colx2.index)
    fit1 <- vlm.wfit(x, zmat,   # x differs
                     Hlist = clist1,  # Differs
                     U = U, matrix.out = TRUE,
                     is.vlmX = FALSE,
                     ResSS = TRUE, qr = TRUE,
                     xij = xij)
  if (is.drrvglm) {
    C <- matrix(NA_real_, p2, Rank)
    for (k in 1:p2) {
      approx.coefs.k <-
        fit1$mat.coef[colx2.index[k], ,
                      drop = FALSE] %*%
                clist1[[(colx2.index[k])]]  %*%
        solve(t(clist1[[(colx2.index[k])]]) %*%
      C[k, ] <- rbind(c(approx.coefs.k)) %*%
                t(H.C[[k]])  # 'Accurate'
    }  # k
  } else {  # Orig. for "rrvglm". Should b equiv.
    C <- fit1$mat.coef[colx2.index,, drop = F] %*%
      A %*% solve(t(A) %*% A)

  if (is.rrvglm) {  # 20240323
    tmp8 <- crow1C(C, Crow1positive, amat = A)
    C <- tmp8$cmat
    A <- tmp8$amat
  }  # is.rrvglm

    ratio <-
      coefficients = max(abs(C - old.crit) / (
                     Tolerance + abs(C))),
      ResSS = max(abs(fit1$ResSS - old.crit) / (
                      Tolerance + fit1$ResSS)))

    if (trace) {
      cat("   Alternating iteration", iter,
          ",   Convergence criterion  = ",
          format(ratio), "\n")
      if (!is.null(fit1$ResSS))
        cat("    ResSS  = ", format(fit1$ResSS,
            digits = round(3 - log10(Tolerance))),
    }  # trace

    if (ratio < Tolerance) break else
    if (iter == Maxit && !Suppress.warning)
      warning("valt0() did not converge")

    xold <- C  # Dont take care of drift
    old.crit <- switch(Criterion,
                       coefficients = C,
                       ResSS = fit1$ResSS)
  }  # End of iter loop =====================

  if (is.drrvglm) {
    z.use <- zmat -
             latvar.mat %*% t(unmaskA(Amask))
  } else {  # is.rrvglm
    z.use <- zmat
    z.use[, Index.corner] <-
    z.use[, Index.corner] - latvar.mat
  Fit2 <-
             z.use,  # Not zmat
             Hlist = clist2.alt,  # trimmed
             U = U, matrix.out = TRUE,
             is.vlmX = FALSE,
             label.it = label.it,
             ResSS = TRUE, qr = TRUE,
             xij = xij)
  if (abs(fit2$ResSS - Fit2$ResSS) > 1e-4)
    warning("Two equivalent fits differ!")

    UU <- ncol(Fit2$qr$qr)
    RAvcov <- Fit2$qr$qr[1:UU, 1:UU, drop = FALSE]
    RAvcov[lower.tri(RAvcov)] <- 0
    UU <- ncol(fit1$qr$qr)  # Assumed tall
    RCvcov <- fit1$qr$qr[1:UU, 1:UU, drop = FALSE]
    RCvcov[lower.tri(RCvcov)] <- 0

  list(A.est = A,  # Start of the trail...
       C.est = C,  # Ditto...
       Avec  = Fit2$coef[seq(sum(ncol.H.A.alt))],
       Amask = Amask,
       B1Cvec     = fit1$coef,
       new.coeffs = fit1$coef,  # Redundant?
       fitted = fit1$fitted,
       valt0.ResSS = fit1$ResSS,  # Latest
       is.drrvglm = is.drrvglm,  # From
       is.rrvglm = is.rrvglm,  # rrvglm.control().
       clist1 = clist1,  # CMs for \bix_2 vars.
       RAvcov = RAvcov,  # 4 summary.drrvglm()
       RCvcov = RCvcov,  # 4 summary.drrvglm()
       H.A.alt = H.A.alt,
       H.A.thy = H.A.thy,
       H.C = H.C)
}  # valt0

 lm2qrrvlm.model.matrix <-
  function(x, Hlist, C, control, assign = TRUE,
           no.thrills = FALSE) {

    Rank <- control$Rank
    colx1.index <- control$colx1.index
    Quadratic <- control$Quadratic
    Dzero <- control$Dzero
    Corner <- control$Corner
    I.tolerances <- control$I.tolerances

    M <- nrow(Hlist[[1]])
    p1 <- length(colx1.index)
    combine2 <- c(control$str0,
                  if (Corner) control$Index.corner)

    Qoffset <- if (Quadratic)
      ifelse(I.tolerances, 0, sum(1:Rank)) else 0
    NoA <- length(combine2) == M    # No unknown params in A
    clist2.alt <- if (NoA) {
        Aoffset <- 0
        vector("list", Aoffset+Qoffset+p1)
    } else {
      Aoffset <- Rank
     replaceCMs(vector("list", Aoffset+Qoffset+p1),
        if (length(combine2))
          diag(M)[, -combine2, drop = FALSE] else
1:Rank)  # If Corner it doesnt contain diag(Rank)
    if (Quadratic && !I.tolerances)
      clist2.alt <- replaceCMs(clist2.alt,
          if (control$eq.tolerances)
        matrix(1, M, 1) - eijfun(Dzero, M) else {
          if (length(Dzero))
            diag(M)[,-Dzero, drop = FALSE] else
          Aoffset + (1:Qoffset))
    if (p1)
      for (kk in 1:p1)
        clist2.alt[[Aoffset+Qoffset+kk]] <-
    if (!no.thrills) {
      i63 <- iam(NA, NA, M = Rank, both = TRUE)
      names(clist2.alt) <- c(
if (NoA) NULL else paste0("(latvar", 1:Rank, ")"),
    if (Quadratic && Rank == 1 && !I.tolerances)
             "(latvar^2)" else
         if (Quadratic && Rank>1 && !I.tolerances)
             paste0("(latvar", i63$row,
              ifelse(i63$row == i63$col, "^2",
           paste0("*latvar", i63$col)), ")") else
         if (p1) names(colx1.index) else NULL)

    latvar.mat <- x[, control$colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% C

    tmp900 <- qrrvglm.xprod(latvar.mat, Aoffset,
                       Quadratic, I.tolerances)
    new.latvar.model.matrix <- cbind(tmp900$matrix,
               if (p1) x[,colx1.index] else NULL)
    if (!no.thrills)
        dimnames(new.latvar.model.matrix) <-

    if (assign) {
      asx <- attr(x, "assign")
      asx <- vector("list", ncol(new.latvar.model.matrix))
      names(asx) <- names(clist2.alt)
      for (ii in seq_along(names(asx))) {
        asx[[ii]] <- ii
      attr(new.latvar.model.matrix, "assign") <- asx

    if (no.thrills)
      list(new.latvar.model.matrix = new.latvar.model.matrix,
           constraints = clist2.alt,
           offset = tmp900$offset) else
      list(new.latvar.model.matrix = new.latvar.model.matrix,
           constraints = clist2.alt,
           NoA = NoA,
           Aoffset = Aoffset,
           latvar.mat = latvar.mat,
           offset = tmp900$offset)
}  # lm2qrrvlm.model.matrix

valt.2iter <-
  function(x, z, U, Hlist, A, control) {

  colx2.index <- control$colx2.index
  clist1 <- replaceCMs(Hlist, A, colx2.index)
  fit <- vlm.wfit(x, z, Hlist = clist1, U = U,
                  matrix.out = TRUE,
                  is.vlmX = FALSE, ResSS = TRUE,
                  qr = FALSE, xij = control$xij)
  C <- fit$mat.coef[colx2.index,, drop=FALSE] %*%
       A %*% solve(t(A) %*% A)

  list(A = A, C = C,
       fitted = fit$fitted, new.coeffs = fit$coef,
       Hlist = clist1, ResSS = fit$ResSS)
}  # valt.2iter

valt.1iter <-
  function(x, z, U, Hlist, C, control,
           lp.names = NULL, nice31 = FALSE,
           MSratio = 1) {

    Rank <- control$Rank
    Quadratic <- control$Quadratic
    Index.corner <- control$Index.corner
    p1 <- length(control$colx1.index)
    M <- ncol(zedd <- as.matrix(z))
    NOS <- M / MSratio
    Corner <- control$Corner
    I.tolerances <- control$I.tolerances

    Qoffset <- if (Quadratic)
      ifelse(I.tolerances, 0, sum(1:Rank)) else 0
    tmp833 <- lm2qrrvlm.model.matrix(x = x,
                Hlist = Hlist, C = C,
                control = control)
    new.latvar.model.matrix <-
    clist2.alt <-
    tmp833$constraints # Doesnt contain \bI_{Rank}
    latvar.mat <- tmp833$latvar.mat
    if (Corner)
      zedd[, Index.corner] <-
      zedd[, Index.corner] - latvar.mat

    if (nice31 && MSratio == 1) {
    fit <- list(mat.coef = NULL,
                fitted.values = NULL, ResSS = 0)

      clist2.alt <- NULL  # for vlm.wfit

      i5 <- rep_len(0, MSratio)
      for (ii in 1:NOS) {
        i5 <- i5 + 1:MSratio

        tmp100 <-
                   zedd[, i5, drop = FALSE],
                   Hlist = clist2.alt,
                   U = U[i5,, drop = FALSE],
                   matrix.out = TRUE,
                   is.vlmX = FALSE, ResSS = TRUE,
                   qr = FALSE,
                   Eta.range = control$Eta.range,
                   xij = control$xij,
                   lp.names = lp.names[i5])
        fit$ResSS <- fit$ResSS + tmp100$ResSS
        fit$mat.coef <- cbind(fit$mat.coef,
        fit$fitted.values <-
    } else {
      fit <- vlm.wfit(new.latvar.model.matrix,
                      zedd, Hlist = clist2.alt,
                      U = U, matrix.out = TRUE,
       is.vlmX = FALSE, ResSS = TRUE, qr = FALSE,
       Eta.range = control$Eta.range,
       xij = control$xij, lp.names = lp.names)
    A <- if (tmp833$NoA) matrix(0, M, Rank) else
        t(fit$mat.coef[1:Rank,, drop = FALSE])
    if (Corner)
        A[Index.corner,] <- diag(Rank)

    B1 <- if (p1)
                 drop = FALSE] else NULL
    fv <- as.matrix(fit$fitted.values)
    if (Corner)
      fv[,Index.corner] <-
      fv[,Index.corner] + latvar.mat
    Dmat <- if (Quadratic) {
     if (I.tolerances) {
      tmp800 <- matrix(0, M, Rank*(Rank+1)/2)
      tmp800[if (MSratio == 2) c(TRUE, FALSE) else
                TRUE, 1:Rank] <- -0.5
            } else
        (tmp833$Aoffset+Qoffset),, drop = FALSE])
    } else

  list(Amat = A, B1 = B1, Cmat = C, Dmat = Dmat,
       fitted = if (M == 1) c(fv) else fv,
       new.coeffs = fit$coef,
       constraints = clist2.alt,
       ResSS = fit$ResSS,
       offset = if (length(tmp833$offset))
                  tmp833$offset else NULL)
}  # valt.1iter

rrr.init.expression <- expression({
    if (length(control$Quadratic) &&
      copy.X.vlm <- TRUE

  if (function.name %in% c("cqo", "cao")) {

    modelno <- switch(family@vfamily[1],
        "poissonff" = 2,
        "quasipoissonff" = 2, "quasipoisson" = 2,
        "binomialff" = 1, "quasibinomialff" = 1,
        "quasibinomial" = 1, "negbinomial" = 3,
        "gamma2" = 5, "gaussianff" = 8,
        0)  # stop("cant fit this model using fast algorithm")
    if (modelno == 1)
      modelno = get("modelno", envir = VGAMenv)
    rrcontrol$modelno = control$modelno = modelno
    if (modelno == 3 || modelno == 5) {

      M <- 2 * ifelse(is.matrix(y), ncol(y), 1)
      control$str0 <-
    rrcontrol$str0 <-  2 * (1:(M/2))  # Handles A
      control$Dzero <-
    rrcontrol$Dzero <- 2 * (1:(M/2))  # Handles D

  } else {
    modelno <- 0  # Any value ok: the var unused.

})  # rrr.init.expression

rrr.alternating.expression <- expression({

  Alt <-
  valt0(x, z, U, Rank = Rank,
        Hlist = Hlist,
        Ainit = rrcontrol$Ainit,  # 20240329
        Cinit = rrcontrol$Cinit,
        sd.Cinit = rrcontrol$sd.Cinit,
        Criterion = rrcontrol$Criterion,
        colx1.index = rrcontrol$colx1.index,
        Maxit = rrcontrol$Maxit,
        str0 = rrcontrol$str0,
  Suppress.warning = rrcontrol$Suppress.warning,
        Tolerance = rrcontrol$Tolerance,
        is.rrvglm  = rrcontrol$is.rrvglm,
        is.drrvglm = rrcontrol$is.drrvglm,
        H.A.alt = rrcontrol$H.A.alt,  # 20231111
        H.A.thy = rrcontrol$H.A.thy,  # 20231230
        H.C = rrcontrol$H.C,
        Corner = rrcontrol$Corner,  # 20231223
        scaleA = rrcontrol$scaleA,  # 20231226
        skip1vlm = rrcontrol$skip1vlm,  # 20240329
        Index.corner = rrcontrol$Index.corner,
        Crow1positive = rrcontrol$Crow1positive,
        label.it = rrcontrol$label.it,
        Amask    = rrcontrol$Amask,
        trace = trace,
        xij = control$xij)  # Subject2drift in A&C

    rrcontrol$H.A.alt <- Alt$H.A.alt
    rrcontrol$H.A.thy <- Alt$H.A.thy
    rrcontrol$H.C <- Alt$H.C

  ans2 <- rrr.normalize(rrcontrol = rrcontrol,
            A = Alt$A.est, C = Alt$C.est, x = x)

  Amat.cp <-   # if (is.drrvglm) Alt$A else
          ans2$Amat  # Fed into Hlist below
  tmp.fitted <- Alt$fitted  # Also fed;

  rrcontrol$Ainit <- ans2$Amat  # for next
  rrcontrol$Cinit <- ans2$Cmat  # valt0() call.
  rrcontrol$skip1vlm <- FALSE   # Used only once.

  Alt$A.est <- ans2$Amat  # Overwrite
  Alt$C.est <- ans2$Cmat  # Overwrite

  eval(rrr.end.expression)  # Put Amat.cp into...
})  # rrr.alternating.expression

adjust.Dmat.expression <-
  function(Mmat, Rank, Dmat, M) {

  if (length(Dmat)) {
    ind0 <- iam(NA, NA, both = TRUE, M = Rank)
    for (kay in 1:M) {  # Manual recycling:
      elts <- Dmat[kay, , drop = FALSE]
      if (length(elts) < Rank)
        elts <- matrix(elts, 1, Rank)
      Dk <- m2a(elts, M = Rank)[, , 1]
      Dk <- matrix(Dk, Rank, Rank)
      Dk <- t(Mmat) %*% Dk  %*% Mmat  # Not diag
      Dmat[kay, ] <-
  }  # length(Dmat)
}  # adjust.Dmat.expression

 rrr.normalize <-
  function(rrcontrol, A, C, x, Dmat = NULL) {

  is.drrvglm <- rrcontrol$is.drrvglm
  colx2.index <- rrcontrol$colx2.index
  Rank <- rrcontrol$Rank
  Index.corner <- rrcontrol$Index.corner
  M <- nrow(A)
  C.old <- C

  if (rrcontrol$Corner) {
    tmp87 <- A[Index.corner, , drop = FALSE]
    Mmat <- solve(tmp87)  # Normalizing matrix
    C <- C %*% t(tmp87)
    A <- A %*% Mmat
    A[Index.corner, ] <- diag(Rank)  # Make sure

    Dmat <-
      adjust.Dmat.expression(Mmat = Mmat,
                             Rank = Rank,
                             Dmat = Dmat, M = M)
  }  # rrcontrol$Corner

  if (rrcontrol$Svd.arg) {
    temp <- svd(C %*% t(A))
    if (!is.matrix(temp$v))
      temp$v <- as.matrix(temp$v)
    C <- temp$u[, 1:Rank, drop = FALSE] %*%
             nrow = Rank)
    A <- diag(temp$d[1:Rank]^(rrcontrol$Alpha),
              nrow = Rank) %*%
         t(temp$v[, 1:Rank, drop = FALSE])
    A <- t(A)
    Mmat <- t(C.old)  %*% C.old %*%
            solve(t(C) %*% C.old)

    Dmat <-
      adjust.Dmat.expression(Mmat = Mmat,
                             Rank = Rank,
                             Dmat = Dmat, M = M)
  }  # Svd.arg

  if (rrcontrol$Uncorrelated.latvar) {
latvar.mat <- x[, colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% C
    var.latvar.mat <- var(latvar.mat)
    UU <- chol(var.latvar.mat)
    Ut <- solve(UU)
    Mmat <- t(UU)
    C <- C %*% Ut
    A <- A %*% t(UU)

    Dmat <-
      adjust.Dmat.expression(Mmat = Mmat,
                             Rank = Rank,
                             Dmat = Dmat, M = M)
  }  # Uncorrelated.latvar

  if (rrcontrol$Quadratic) {
    Mmat <- diag(Rank)
    for (LV in 1:Rank)
      if (( rrcontrol$Crow1positive[LV] &&
           C[1,LV] < 0) ||
          (!rrcontrol$Crow1positive[LV] &&
           C[1,LV] > 0)) {
           C[,LV] <- -C[,LV]
           A[,LV] <- -A[,LV]
           Mmat[LV,LV] <- -1
    Dmat <-
      adjust.Dmat.expression(Mmat = Mmat,
                             Rank = Rank,
                             Dmat = Dmat, M = M)
  }  # rrcontrol$Quadratic

  list(Amat = A, Cmat = C, Dmat = Dmat,  # Orig.
       A.est = A, C.est = C)
}  # rrr.normalize

rrr.end.expression <- expression({

  if (exists(".VGAM.etamat", envir = VGAMenv))
    rm(".VGAM.etamat", envir = VGAMenv)

  if (control$Quadratic) {
    if (!length(extra))
      extra <- list()
    extra$Cmat <- Cmat  # Saves the latest itern
    extra$Dmat <- Dmat  # Not the latest itern
    extra$B1   <- B1.save  # Not (ditto) (bad)
  } else {
    if (control$is.drrvglm) {
      Hlist <- Alt$clist1  # Correct??zz
    } else {
      Hlist <- replaceCMs(Hlist.save, Amat.cp,

  X.vlm.save <- if (control$Quadratic) {
    tmp300 <-
      lm2qrrvlm.model.matrix(x = x,
                             Hlist = Hlist.save,
                             C = Cmat,
                             control = control)
    latvar.mat <- tmp300$latvar.mat  # Needed at

                    label.it = control$label.it,
                    xij = control$xij)
    } else {
      lm2vlm.model.matrix(x, Hlist,
                          label.it = control$label.it,
                          xij = control$xij)

    fv <- tmp.fitted  # Contains \bI \bnu
    eta <- fv + offset
    if (FALSE && control$Rank == 1) {
      ooo <- order(latvar.mat[, 1])
    mu <- family@linkinv(eta, extra)

    if (anyNA(mu))
      warning("there are NAs in mu")

    deriv.mu <- eval(family@deriv)
    wz <- eval(family@weight)
    if (control$checkwz)
      wz <- checkwz(wz, M = M, trace = trace,
                    wzepsilon = control$wzepsilon)
    U <- vchol(wz, M = M, n = n, silent=!trace)
    tvfor <- vforsub(U, as.matrix(deriv.mu),
                     M = M, n = n)
    z <- eta + vbacksub(U, tvfor, M = M, n = n) -
         offset  # Contains \bI \bnu

})  # rrr.end.expression

rrr.derivative.expression <- expression({

  which.optimizer <- if (control$Quadratic &&
                         control$FastAlgorithm) {
    } else {
      if (iter <= rrcontrol$Switch.optimizer)
          "Nelder-Mead" else "BFGS"
    if (trace && control$OptimizeWrtC) {
      cat("Using", which.optimizer, "\n")

    constraints <- replaceCMs(constraints, diag(M),
    nice31 <- (!control$eq.tol || control$I.tolerances) &&
              all(trivial.constraints(constraints) == 1)

    theta0 <- c(Cmat)
    assign(".VGAM.dot.counter", 0, envir = VGAMenv)
    if (control$OptimizeWrtC) {
      if (control$Quadratic && control$FastAlgorithm) {
        if (iter == 2) {
          if (exists(".VGAM.etamat", envir = VGAMenv))
            rm(".VGAM.etamat", envir = VGAMenv)
        if (iter > 2 && !qnewton$convergence) {
          if (zthere <- exists(".VGAM.z", envir = VGAMenv)) {
       ..VGAM.z <- get(".VGAM.z", envir = VGAMenv)
       ..VGAM.U <- get(".VGAM.U", envir = VGAMenv)
 ..VGAM.beta <- get(".VGAM.beta", envir = VGAMenv)
                if (zthere) {
                    z <- matrix(..VGAM.z, n, M)  # minus any offset
                    U <- matrix(..VGAM.U, M, n)


          if (iter == 2 || qnewton$convergence) {
              NOS <- ifelse(modelno == 3 || modelno == 5, M/2, M)

              canfitok <-
                (exists("CQO.FastAlgorithm", envir=VGAMenv) &&
                get("CQO.FastAlgorithm", envir = VGAMenv))
              if (!canfitok)
                stop("cannot fit this model using fast algorithm")
              p2star <- if (nice31)
                               Rank+0.5*Rank*(Rank+1)) else
                        (NOS*Rank +
                         Rank*(Rank+1)/2 *
                         ifelse(control$eq.tol, 1,NOS))
              p1star <- if (nice31) p1 *
                        ifelse(modelno == 3 ||
                        modelno == 5, 2, 1) else
                        (ncol(X.vlm.save) - p2star)
              X.vlm.1save <- if (p1star > 0)
                             X.vlm.save[,-(1:p2star)] else NULL
              qnewton <-
                optim(par = Cmat, fn = callcqof,
                      gr <- if (control$GradientFunction)
                                calldcqo else NULL,
                      method = which.optimizer,
                      control = list(fnscale = 1,
            trace = as.integer(control$trace),
            parscale = rep_len(control$Parscale,
          maxit = 250),
       etamat = eta, xmat = x, ymat = y, wvec = w,
       X.vlm.1save = if (nice31) NULL else
       modelno = modelno, Control = control,
       n = n, M = M, p1star = p1star,
       p2star = p2star, nice31 = nice31)

                if (zthere <- exists(".VGAM.z", envir = VGAMenv)) {
 ..VGAM.z <- get(".VGAM.z", envir = VGAMenv)
 ..VGAM.U <- get(".VGAM.U", envir = VGAMenv)
 ..VGAM.beta <- get(".VGAM.beta", envir = VGAMenv)
                if (zthere) {
 z <- matrix(..VGAM.z, n, M)  # minus any offset
 U <- matrix(..VGAM.U, M, n)
          } else {
            if (exists(".VGAM.offset", envir = VGAMenv))
              rm(".VGAM.offset", envir = VGAMenv)
        } else {
          use.reltol <- if (length(rrcontrol$Reltol) >= iter)
              rrcontrol$Reltol[iter] else rev(rrcontrol$Reltol)[1]
          qnewton <-
            optim(par = theta0,
                  fn = rrr.derivC.ResSS,
                  method = which.optimizer,
                  control = list(fnscale = rrcontrol$Fnscale,
                                 maxit = rrcontrol$Maxit,
                                 abstol = rrcontrol$Abstol,
                                 reltol = use.reltol),
       U = U, z = if (control$I.tolerances) z + offset else z,
                  M = M, xmat = x,  # varbix2 = varbix2,
                  Hlist = Hlist, rrcontrol = rrcontrol)

      Cmat <- matrix(qnewton$par, p2, Rank, byrow = FALSE)

      if (Rank > 1 && rrcontrol$I.tolerances) {
        numat <- x[, rrcontrol$colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% Cmat
        evnu <- eigen(var(numat), symmetric = TRUE)
        Cmat <- Cmat %*% evnu$vector
        numat <- x[, rrcontrol$colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% Cmat
        offset <- if (Rank > 1)
                  -0.5*rowSums(numat^2) else -0.5*numat^2

    alt <- valt.1iter(x = x, z = z, U = U,
                      Hlist = Hlist,
                      C = Cmat, nice31 = nice31,
                      control = rrcontrol,
                      lp.names = predictors.names)

    if (length(alt$offset))
        offset <- alt$offset

    B1.save <- alt$B1 # Put later into extra
    tmp.fitted <- alt$fitted  # contains \bI_{Rank} \bnu if Corner

    if (modelno != 33 && control$OptimizeWrtC)
        alt <- rrr.normalize(rrc = rrcontrol,
                             A = alt$Amat, x = x,
                             C = alt$Cmat,
                             Dmat = alt$Dmat)

    if (trace && control$OptimizeWrtC) {
      cat(which.optimizer, "using optim():\n")
      cat("Objective  = ", qnewton$value, "\n")
      cat("Parameters (= c(C)) = ",
          if (length(qnewton$par) < 5)
          "" else "\n")
      cat(alt$Cmat, fill = TRUE)
      cat("Number of function evaluations  = ",
          qnewton$count[1], "\n")
      if (length(qnewton$message))
        cat("Message  = ", qnewton$message)

    Amat <- alt$Amat  # Needed in rrr.end.expression
    Cmat <- alt$Cmat  # Needed in rrr.end.expression if Quadratic
    Dmat <- alt$Dmat  # Put later into extra

    eval(rrr.end.expression)  # Put Amat into Hlist, and create new z
})  # rrr.derivative.expression

rrr.derivC.ResSS <-
  function(theta, U, z, M, xmat, Hlist, rrcontrol,
           omit.these = NULL) {

  if (rrcontrol$trace) {
  alreadyThere <- exists(".VGAM.dot.counter", envir = VGAMenv)
  if (alreadyThere) {
    VGAM.dot.counter <- get(".VGAM.dot.counter", envir = VGAMenv)
    VGAM.dot.counter <- VGAM.dot.counter + 1
    assign(".VGAM.dot.counter", VGAM.dot.counter, envir = VGAMenv)
    if (VGAM.dot.counter > max(50, options()$width - 5)) {
      if (rrcontrol$trace) {
      assign(".VGAM.dot.counter", 0, envir = VGAMenv)

  Cmat <- matrix(theta, length(rrcontrol$colx2.index), rrcontrol$Rank)

    tmp700 <-
      lm2qrrvlm.model.matrix(x = xmat, Hlist = Hlist,
          no.thrills = !rrcontrol$Corner,
          C = Cmat, control = rrcontrol, assign = FALSE)
    Hlist <- tmp700$constraints  # Doesnt contain \bI_{Rank}\bnu

    if (rrcontrol$Corner) {
      z <- as.matrix(z)  # should actually call this zedd
      z[, rrcontrol$Index.corner] <-
      z[, rrcontrol$Index.corner] - tmp700$latvar.mat

    if (length(tmp700$offset)) z <- z - tmp700$offset

    vlm.wfit(xmat = tmp700$new.latvar.model.matrix, zmat = z,
             Hlist = Hlist, ncolx = ncol(xmat), U = U, only.ResSS = TRUE,
             matrix.out = FALSE, is.vlmX = FALSE, ResSS = TRUE,
             qr = FALSE, Eta.range = rrcontrol$Eta.range,
             xij = rrcontrol$xij)$ResSS
}  # rrr.derivC.ResSS

 rrvglm.optim.control <-
  function(Fnscale = 1,
           Maxit = 100,
           Switch.optimizer = 3,
           Abstol = -Inf,
           Reltol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
           ...) {

    list(Fnscale = Fnscale,
         Maxit = Maxit,
         Switch.optimizer = Switch.optimizer,
         Abstol = Abstol,
         Reltol = Reltol)
}  # rrvglm.optim.control

nlminbcontrol <-
  function(Abs.tol = 10^(-6),
           Eval.max = 91,
           Iter.max = 91,
           Rel.err = 10^(-6),
           Rel.tol = 10^(-6),
           Step.min = 10^(-6),
           X.tol = 10^(-6),
           ...) {

  list(Abs.tol = Abs.tol,
       Eval.max = Eval.max,
       Iter.max = Iter.max,
       Rel.err = Rel.err,
       Rel.tol = Rel.tol,
       Step.min = Step.min,
       X.tol = X.tol)
}  # nlminbcontrol

Coef.qrrvglm <-
           varI.latvar = FALSE,
           refResponse = NULL, ...) {

  if (length(varI.latvar) != 1 || !is.logical(varI.latvar))
    stop("argument 'varI.latvar' must be TRUE or FALSE")
  if (length(refResponse) > 1)
    stop("argument 'refResponse' must be of length 0 or 1")
  if (length(refResponse) &&
      if (!is.Numeric(refResponse, length.arg = 1,
                      integer.valued = TRUE))
        stop("bad input for argument 'refResponse'")
  if (!is.logical(ConstrainedQO <- object@control$ConstrainedQO))
    stop("cannot determine whether the model is constrained or not")

  ocontrol <- object@control
  coef.object <- object@coefficients  # Unscaled
  Rank <- ocontrol$Rank
  M <- object@misc$M
  NOS <- if (length(object@y)) NCOL(object@y) else M
  MSratio <- M / NOS  # First value is g(mean) = quadratic form in latvar
  Quadratic <- if (ConstrainedQO) ocontrol$Quadratic else TRUE
  if (!Quadratic) stop("object is not a quadratic ordination object")
  p1 <- length(ocontrol$colx1.index)
  p2 <- length(ocontrol$colx2.index)
  Index.corner <- ocontrol$Index.corner
  str0 <- ocontrol$str0
  eq.tolerances <- ocontrol$eq.tolerances
  Dzero <- ocontrol$Dzero
  Corner <- if (ConstrainedQO) ocontrol$Corner else FALSE

  estI.tol <- if (ConstrainedQO) object@control$I.tolerances else FALSE
  modelno <- object@control$modelno  # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 0
  combine2 <- c(str0, if (Corner) Index.corner else NULL)
  NoA <- length(combine2) == M  # A is fully known.

  Qoffset <- if (Quadratic) ifelse(estI.tol, 0, sum(1:Rank)) else 0

  ynames <- object@misc$ynames
  if (!length(ynames)) ynames <- object@misc$predictors.names
  if (!length(ynames)) ynames <- object@misc$ynames
  if (!length(ynames)) ynames <- param.names("Y", NOS)
  lp.names <- object@misc$predictors.names
  if (!length(lp.names)) lp.names <- NULL

  dzero.vector <- rep_len(FALSE, M)
  if (length(Dzero))
    dzero.vector[Dzero] <- TRUE
  names(dzero.vector) <- ynames
  latvar.names <- param.names("latvar", Rank, skip1 = TRUE)

 td.expression <-
     function(Dmat, Amat, M, Dzero, Rank,
              bellshaped) {

    Tolerance <- Darray <- m2a(Dmat, M = Rank)
    for (ii in 1:M)
      if (length(Dzero) && any(Dzero == ii)) {
        Tolerance[, , ii] <- NA_real_  # Darray[,,ii] == O
        bellshaped[ii] <- FALSE
      } else {
        Tolerance[, , ii] <- -0.5 * solve(Darray[, , ii])
        bellshaped[ii] <-
          all(eigen(Tolerance[, , ii], symmetric = TRUE)$values > 0)
    optimum <- matrix(NA_real_, Rank, M)
    for (ii in 1:M)
      if (bellshaped[ii])
        optimum[, ii] <- Tolerance[, , ii] %*% cbind(Amat[ii, ])

    list(optimum    = optimum,
         Tolerance  = Tolerance,
         Darray     = Darray,
         bellshaped = bellshaped)
  }  # td.expression

  Amat <- object@extra$Amat  # M  x Rank
  Cmat <- object@extra$Cmat  # p2 x Rank
  Dmat <- object@extra$Dmat  #
  B1   <- object@extra$B1    #
  bellshaped <- rep_len(FALSE, M)

  if (is.character(refResponse)) {
    refResponse <- (1:NOS)[refResponse == ynames]
    if (length(refResponse) != 1)
      stop("could not match argument 'refResponse' with any response")
  ptr1 <- 1
  candidates <- if (length(refResponse)) refResponse else {
      if (length(ocontrol$Dzero)) (1:M)[-ocontrol$Dzero] else (1:M)}
  repeat {
    if (ptr1 > 0) {
      this.spp <- candidates[ptr1]
    elts <- Dmat[this.spp,, drop = FALSE]
    if (length(elts) < Rank)
      elts <- matrix(elts, 1, Rank)
    Dk <- m2a(elts, M = Rank)[, , 1]  # Hopefully negative-def
    temp400 <- eigen(Dk, symmetric = TRUE)
    ptr1 <- ptr1 + 1
    if (all(temp400$value < 0))
    if (ptr1 > length(candidates))
  }  # repeat
  if (all(temp400$value < 0)) {
    temp1tol <- -0.5 * solve(Dk)
    dim(temp1tol) <- c(Rank,Rank)
    Mmat <- t(chol(temp1tol))
    if (ConstrainedQO) {
      temp900 <- solve(t(Mmat))
      Cmat <- Cmat %*% temp900
      Amat <- Amat %*% Mmat
    if (length(Cmat)) {
      temp800 <- crow1C(Cmat,
                        amat = Amat)
      Cmat <- temp800$cmat
      Amat <- temp800$amat

    Dmat <- adjust.Dmat.expression(Mmat = Mmat, Rank = Rank,
                                   Dmat = Dmat, M = M)

    retlist <- td.expression(Dmat = Dmat, Amat = Amat, M = M,
                             Dzero = Dzero, Rank = Rank,
                             bellshaped = bellshaped)
    optimum    <- retlist$optimum
    Tolerance  <- retlist$Tolerance
    Darray     <- retlist$Darray
    bellshaped <- retlist$bellshaped

    } else {
      if (length(refResponse) == 1)
        stop("tolerance matx specified by 'refResponse'",
             " is not positive-definite") else
        warning("could not find any positive-definite",
                " tolerance matrix")

  if (ConstrainedQO)
    if (Rank > 1) {
      if (!length(xmat <- object@x))
        stop("cannot obtain the model matrix")
      numat <- xmat[,ocontrol$colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% Cmat
      evnu <- eigen(var(numat), symmetric = TRUE)
      Mmat <- solve(t(evnu$vector))
      Cmat <- Cmat %*% evnu$vector  # == Cmat %*% solve(t(Mmat))
      Amat <- Amat %*% Mmat
      temp800 <- crow1C(Cmat,
                        amat = Amat)
      Cmat <- temp800$cmat
      Amat <- temp800$amat

      Dmat <- adjust.Dmat.expression(Mmat = Mmat, Rank = Rank,
                                     Dmat = Dmat, M = M)

      retlist <- td.expression(Dmat = Dmat, Amat = Amat, M = M,
                               Dzero = Dzero, Rank = Rank,
                               bellshaped = bellshaped)
      optimum    <- retlist$optimum
      Tolerance  <- retlist$Tolerance
      Darray     <- retlist$Darray
      bellshaped <- retlist$bellshaped
  }  # Rank > 1

  if (ConstrainedQO)
    if (varI.latvar) {
      if (!length(xmat <- object@x))
        stop("cannot obtain the model matrix")
      numat <- xmat[,ocontrol$colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% Cmat
      sdnumat <- apply(cbind(numat), 2, sd)
      Mmat <- if (Rank > 1) diag(sdnumat) else matrix(sdnumat, 1, 1)
      Cmat <- Cmat %*% solve(t(Mmat))
      Amat <- Amat %*% Mmat
      temp800 <- crow1C(Cmat,
                        amat = Amat)
      Cmat <- temp800$cmat
      Amat <- temp800$amat
               Cmat # Not needed

      Dmat <- adjust.Dmat.expression(Mmat = Mmat, Rank = Rank,
                                     Dmat = Dmat, M = M)

      retlist <- td.expression(Dmat = Dmat, Amat = Amat, M = M,
                               Dzero = Dzero, Rank = Rank,
                               bellshaped = bellshaped)
      optimum    <- retlist$optimum
      Tolerance  <- retlist$Tolerance
      Darray     <- retlist$Darray
      bellshaped <- retlist$bellshaped
    }  # (varI.latvar)

  cx1i <- ocontrol$colx1.index
  maximum <- if (length(cx1i) == 1 && names(cx1i) == "(Intercept)") {
      eta.temp <- B1
      for (ii in 1:M)
        eta.temp[ii] <- eta.temp[ii] +
            Amat[ii, , drop = FALSE] %*% optimum[, ii, drop = FALSE] +
            t(optimum[, ii, drop = FALSE]) %*%
            Darray[,, ii, drop = TRUE] %*% optimum[, ii, drop = FALSE]
            mymax <- object@family@linkinv(rbind(eta.temp),
                                           extra = object@extra)
      c(mymax)  # Convert from matrix to vector
    } else {
      5 * rep_len(NA_real_, M)  # Make "numeric"
  names(maximum) <- ynames

  latvar.mat <- if (ConstrainedQO) {
    object@x[, ocontrol$colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% Cmat
  } else {

  dimnames(Amat) <- list(lp.names, latvar.names)
  if (ConstrainedQO)
    dimnames(Cmat) <- list(names(ocontrol$colx2.index), latvar.names)
  if (!length(xmat <- object@x)) stop("cannot obtain the model matrix")
  dimnames(latvar.mat) <- list(dimnames(xmat)[[1]], latvar.names)

  ans <-
  new(Class <- if (ConstrainedQO) "Coef.qrrvglm" else "Coef.uqo",
       A = Amat, B1 = B1, Constrained = ConstrainedQO, D = Darray,
       NOS = NOS, Rank = Rank,
       latvar = latvar.mat,
       latvar.order = latvar.mat,
       Optimum = optimum,
       Optimum.order = optimum,
       bellshaped = bellshaped,
       Dzero = dzero.vector,
       Maximum = maximum,
       Tolerance = Tolerance)
  if (ConstrainedQO) {ans@C <- Cmat} else {Cmat <- NULL}

  for (rrr in 1:Rank)
    ans@Optimum.order[rrr, ] <- order(ans@Optimum[rrr, ])
  for (rrr in 1:Rank)
    ans@latvar.order[, rrr] <- order(ans@latvar[, rrr])

  if (length(object@misc$estimated.dispersion) &&
      object@misc$estimated.dispersion) {
    p <- length(object@coefficients)
    n <- object@misc$n
    M <- object@misc$M
    NOS <- if (length(object@y)) ncol(object@y) else M
    pstar <- if (ConstrainedQO) (p + length(Cmat)) else
             p + n*Rank # Adjustment; not sure about UQO
    adjusted.dispersion <- object@misc$dispersion * (n*M - p) /
            (n*M - pstar)
    ans@dispersion <- adjusted.dispersion

  if (MSratio > 1) {
    keepIndex <- seq(from = 1, to = M, by = MSratio)
    ans@Dzero <- ans@Dzero[keepIndex]
    ans@Optimum <- ans@Optimum[,keepIndex, drop = FALSE]
    ans@Tolerance <- ans@Tolerance[,,keepIndex, drop = FALSE]
    ans@bellshaped <- ans@bellshaped[keepIndex]
    names(ans@Dzero) <- ynames
  } else {
    dimnames(ans@D) <- list(latvar.names, latvar.names,
  names(ans@bellshaped) <- ynames
  dimnames(ans@Optimum) <- list(latvar.names, ynames)
  dimnames(ans@Tolerance) <- list(latvar.names,
                                  latvar.names, ynames)
}  # Coef.qrrvglm

setClass(Class = "Coef.rrvglm", representation(
      "A"             = "matrix",
      "B1"            = "matrix",  # unassigned?
      "C"             = "matrix",
      "Rank"          = "numeric",
      "colx1.index"   = "numeric",
      "colx2.index"   = "numeric",
      "Atilde"        = "matrix"))

setClass(Class = "Coef.drrvglm", representation(
      "H.A.alt"       = "list",
      "H.A.thy"       = "list",
      "H.C"           = "list"),
    contains = "Coef.rrvglm")

setClass(Class = "Coef.uqo", representation(
      "A"             = "matrix",
      "B1"            = "matrix",
      "Constrained"   = "logical",
      "D"             = "array",
      "NOS"           = "numeric",
      "Rank"          = "numeric",
      "latvar"        = "matrix",
      "latvar.order"  = "matrix",
      "Maximum"       = "numeric",
      "Optimum"       = "matrix",
      "Optimum.order" = "matrix",
      "bellshaped"    = "logical",
      "dispersion"    = "numeric",
      "Dzero"         = "logical",
      "Tolerance"     = "array"))

setClass(Class = "Coef.qrrvglm", representation(
      "C"            = "matrix"),
    contains = "Coef.uqo")

show.Coef.qrrvglm <-
  function(x, ...) {

  object <- x
  Rank <- object@Rank
  M <- nrow(object@A)
  NOS <- object@NOS
  mymat <- matrix(NA_real_, NOS, Rank)
  if (Rank == 1) {  # || object@Diagonal
    for (ii in 1:NOS) {
      fred <- if (Rank > 1)
diag(object@Tolerance[, , ii, drop = FALSE]) else
                object@Tolerance[, , ii]
      if (all(fred > 0))
        mymat[ii,] <- sqrt(fred)
    dimnames(mymat) <-
             if (Rank == 1) "latvar" else
       paste0("Tolerance", dimnames(mymat)[[2]]))
    } else {
      for (ii in 1:NOS) {
        fred <- eigen(object@Tolerance[, , ii], symmetric = TRUE)
          if (all(fred$value > 0))
              mymat[ii, ] <- sqrt(fred$value)
      dimnames(mymat) <-
                    param.names("tol", Rank))

    dimnames(object@A) <- list(dimnames(object@A)[[1]],
if (Rank > 1)
paste0("A", dimnames(object@A)[[2]]) else "A")

    Maximum <- if (length(object@Maximum))
               cbind(Maximum = object@Maximum) else NULL
    if (length(Maximum) && length(mymat) && Rank == 1)
      Maximum[is.na(mymat),] <- NA

   optmat <- cbind(t(object@Optimum))
    dimnames(optmat) <- list(dimnames(optmat)[[1]],
        if (Rank > 1)
          paste("Optimum", dimnames(optmat)[[2]], sep = ".") else
    if (length(optmat) && length(mymat) && Rank == 1)
        optmat[is.na(mymat), ] <- NA

    if ( object@Constrained ) {
      cat("\nC matrix (constrained/canonical coefficients)\n")
      print(object@C, ...)
    cat("\nB1 and A matrices\n")
                A = object@A), ...)
    cat("\nOptimums and maximums\n")
    print(cbind(Optimum = optmat,
                Maximum), ...)
    if (Rank > 1) {  # !object@Diagonal && Rank > 1
    } else {
    print(mymat, ...)

    cat("\nStandard deviation of the latent variables (site scores)\n")
    print(apply(cbind(object@latvar), 2, sd))
}  # show.Coef.qrrvglm

setMethod("show", "Coef.qrrvglm", function(object)

setMethod("summary", "qrrvglm",
          function(object, ...)
    summary.qrrvglm(object, ...))

predictqrrvglm <-
           newdata = NULL,
           type = c("link", "response", "latvar", "terms"),
           se.fit = FALSE,
           deriv = 0,
           dispersion = NULL,
           extra = object@extra,
           varI.latvar = FALSE, refResponse = NULL, ...) {
  if (se.fit)
    stop("cannot handle se.fit == TRUE yet")
  if (deriv != 0)
    stop("derivative is not equal to 0")

  if (mode(type) != "character" && mode(type) != "name")
    type <- as.character(substitute(type))
  type <- match.arg(type, c("link", "response", "latvar", "terms"))[1]
  if (type == "latvar")
    stop("cannot handle type='latvar' yet")
  if (type == "terms")
    stop("cannot handle type='terms' yet")

  M <- object@misc$M
  Rank  <- object@control$Rank

  na.act <- object@na.action
  object@na.action <- list()

  if (!length(newdata) &&
      type == "response" &&
      length(object@fitted.values)) {
    if (length(na.act)) {
      return(napredict(na.act[[1]], object@fitted.values))
    } else {

  if (!length(newdata)) {
    X <- model.matrixvlm(object, type = "lm", ...)
    offset <- object@offset
    tt <- object@terms$terms   # terms(object)
    if (!length(object@x))
      attr(X, "assign") <- attrassignlm(X, tt)
  } else {
    if (is.smart(object) && length(object@smart.prediction)) {
      setup.smart("read", smart.prediction = object@smart.prediction)

    tt <- object@terms$terms
    X <- model.matrix(delete.response(tt), newdata,
                      contrasts = if (length(object@contrasts))
                                  object@contrasts else NULL,
                      xlev = object@xlevels)

    if (nrow(X) != nrow(newdata)) {
      as.save <- attr(X, "assign")
      X <- X[rep_len(1, nrow(newdata)),, drop = FALSE]
      dimnames(X) <- list(dimnames(newdata)[[1]], "(Intercept)")
      attr(X, "assign") <- as.save  # Restored

    offset <- if (!is.null(off.num<-attr(tt,"offset"))) {
      eval(attr(tt,"variables")[[off.num+1]], newdata)
    } else if (!is.null(object@offset))
      eval(object@call$offset, newdata)

      if (any(c(offset) != 0))
        stop("currently cannot handle nonzero offsets")

      if (is.smart(object) && length(object@smart.prediction)) {

    attr(X, "assign") <- attrassigndefault(X, tt)

  ocontrol <- object@control

    Rank <- ocontrol$Rank
    NOS <- ncol(object@y)
    sppnames <- dimnames(object@y)[[2]]
    modelno <- ocontrol$modelno  # 1, 2, 3, 5 or 0
    M <- if (any(slotNames(object) == "predictors") &&
           ncol(object@predictors) else
    MSratio <- M / NOS  # 1st value is g(mean)=quadratic form in latvar
    if (MSratio != 1) stop("can only handle MSratio == 1 for now")

    if (length(newdata)) {
      Coefs <- Coef(object,
                    varI.latvar = varI.latvar,
                    refResponse = refResponse)
      X1mat <- X[, ocontrol$colx1.index, drop = FALSE]
      X2mat <- X[, ocontrol$colx2.index, drop = FALSE]
      latvarmat <- as.matrix(X2mat %*% Coefs@C)  # n x Rank

      etamat <- as.matrix(X1mat %*% Coefs@B1 + latvarmat %*% t(Coefs@A))
      which.species <- 1:NOS  # Do it all for all species
      for (sppno in seq_along(which.species)) {
        thisSpecies <- which.species[sppno]
        Dmat <- matrix(Coefs@D[,,thisSpecies], Rank, Rank)
        etamat[, thisSpecies] <- etamat[, thisSpecies] +
                                 mux34(latvarmat, Dmat, symmetric = TRUE)
    } else {
      etamat <-  object@predictors

  pred <-
           response = {
           fv <- if (length(newdata))
                  object@family@linkinv(etamat, extra) else
            if (M > 1 && is.matrix(fv)) {
      dimnames(fv) <- list(dimnames(fv)[[1]],
           link = etamat,
           latvar = stop("failure here"),
           terms  = stop("failure here"))

  if (!length(newdata) && length(na.act)) {
    if (se.fit) {
      pred$fitted.values <- napredict(na.act[[1]], pred$fitted.values)
      pred$se.fit <- napredict(na.act[[1]], pred$se.fit)
    } else {
        pred <- napredict(na.act[[1]], pred)
}  # predictqrrvglm

setMethod("predict", "qrrvglm",
          function(object, ...)
  predictqrrvglm(object, ...))

coefqrrvglm <-
  function(object, matrix.out = FALSE,
           label = TRUE) {
  if (matrix.out)
    stop("currently cannot handle matrix.out = TRUE")

  cobj <- coefvlm(object, matrix.out = matrix.out, label = label)

  M <- npred(object)
  M1 <- npred(object, type = "one.response")
  NOS <- M / M1
  Rank <- Rank(object)
  colx1.index <- object@control$colx1.index
  colx2.index <- object@control$colx2.index
  etol <- object@control$eq.tolerances
  Itol <- object@control$I.tolerances
  names.A <- param.names("A", M * Rank, skip1 = FALSE)
  if (Itol)
    names.D <- NULL  # Because it was estimated by offsets
  if (etol && !Itol)
    names.D <- param.names("D", Rank * (Rank + 1) / 2, skip1 = FALSE)
  if (!etol)
    names.D <- param.names("D",
               NOS * Rank * (Rank + 1) / 2, skip1 = FALSE)
  names.B1 <- param.names("x1.", NOS * length(colx1.index), skip1 = FALSE)
  if (length(temp <- c(names.A, names.D, names.B1)) == length(cobj))   
    names(cobj) <- temp
}  # coefqrrvglm

qrrvglm.xprod <-
    function(numat, Aoffset, Quadratic,
             I.tolerances) {
  Rank <- ncol(numat)
  moff <- NULL
  ans <- if (Quadratic) {
    index <- iam(NA, NA, M = Rank, diag = TRUE, both = TRUE)
    temp1 <- cbind(numat[, index$row] * numat[, index$col])
    if (I.tolerances) {
       moff <- 0
       for (ii in 1:Rank)
          moff <- moff - 0.5 * temp1[, ii]
             if (I.tolerances) NULL else temp1)
  } else {
  list(matrix = if (Aoffset > 0) ans else
                ans[, -(1:Rank), drop = FALSE],
       offset = moff)
}  # qrrvglm.xprod

residualsqrrvglm  <-
           type = c("deviance", "pearson",
                    "working", "response", "ldot"),
           matrix.arg = TRUE) {
  stop("this function has not been written yet")

setMethod("residuals",  "qrrvglm",
  function(object, ...)
    residualsqrrvglm(object, ...))

show.rrvglm <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!is.null(cl <- x@call)) {
  vecOfBetas <- x@coefficients
  if (any(nas <- is.na(vecOfBetas))) {
    if (is.null(names(vecOfBetas)))
      names(vecOfBetas) <- param.names("b",
    cat("\nCoefficients: (", sum(nas), "undefin",
        "ed coz of singularities)\n", sep = "")
  } else
  print.default(vecOfBetas, ...)  # was print()

  if (FALSE) {
    Rank <- x@Rank
    if (!length(Rank))
      Rank <- sum(!nas)

  if (FALSE) {
    nobs <- if (length(x@df.total))
      x@df.total else length(x@residuals)
    rdf <- x@df.residual
    if (!length(rdf))
      rdf <- nobs - Rank

  if (length(deviance(x)))
      cat("Residual deviance:",
          format(deviance(x)), "\n")
  if (length(vll <- logLik.vlm(x)))
    cat("Log-likelihood:", format(vll), "\n")

  if (length(x@criterion)) {
    ncrit <- names(x@criterion)
    for (iii in ncrit)
      if (iii != "loglikelihood" &&
          iii != "deviance")
        cat(paste0(iii, ":"),
            format(x@criterion[[iii]]), "\n")

}  # show.rrvglm

setMethod("show", "rrvglm",
          function(object) show.rrvglm(object))

 summary.rrvglm <-
  function(object, correlation = FALSE,
           dispersion = NULL, digits = NULL,
           numerical = TRUE,
           h.step = 0.005,
           omit123 = FALSE, omit13 = FALSE,
           fixA = TRUE,
           presid = FALSE,  # TRUE
    signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
    nopredictors = FALSE,
    upgrade = FALSE,  # to "drrvglm"
    ...) {

  if (upgrade && is(object, "rrvglm")) {  # Expt
           correlation = correlation,
           dispersion = dispersion,
           digits = digits,
           numerical = numerical,
           h.step = h.step,
           omit123 = omit123,
           omit13 = omit13,
           fixA = fixA,
           presid = presid,
           signif.stars = signif.stars,
           nopredictors = nopredictors,
  }  # Expt

  if (!is.Numeric(h.step, length.arg = 1) ||
      abs(h.step) > 1)
    stop("bad input for 'h.step'")

  if (!object@control$Corner)
    stop("this function works w. Corner=T only")

  if (is.null(dispersion))
    dispersion <- object@misc$dispersion

  newobject <- as(object, "vglm")
  stuff <- summaryvglm(newobject,
                       correlation = correlation,
                       dispersion = dispersion,
                       presid = presid)

  answer <-
    new(Class = "summary.rrvglm",
        call = stuff@call,
        coef3 = stuff@coef3,
        cov.unscaled = stuff@cov.unscaled,
        correlation = stuff@correlation,
        df = stuff@df,
        sigma = stuff@sigma)

  if (is.numeric(stuff@dispersion))
    slot(answer, "dispersion") <- stuff@dispersion

  if (presid && length(stuff@pearson.resid))
slot(answer, "pearson.resid")=stuff@pearson.resid

  tmp5 <-
    get.rrvglm.se1(object, omit13 = omit13,
      numerical = numerical, h.step = h.step,
      omit123 = omit123, fixA = fixA, ...)
  if (any(diag(tmp5$cov.unscaled) <= 0) ||
                symmetric = TRUE)$value <= 0)) {
    warning("cov.unscaled is not pos-definite")

  answer@cov.unscaled <- tmp5$cov.unscaled

  od <- if (is.numeric(object@misc$disper))
        object@misc$disper else
  if (is.numeric(dispersion)) {
    if (is.numeric(od) && dispersion != od)
warning("dispersion != object@misc$dispersion; ",
        "using the former")
  } else {
    dispersion <- if (is.numeric(od)) od else 1

  use.Rank <- object@control$Rank
  tmp8 <- object@misc$M - use.Rank -
  answer@df[1] <- answer@df[1] + tmp8 * use.Rank
  answer@df[2] <- answer@df[2] - tmp8 * use.Rank
  if (dispersion == 0) {  # Estimate
    dispersion <- tmp5$ResSS / answer@df[2]

  answer@coef3 <-
              dispersion = dispersion,
              coefficients = tmp5$coefficients)

  answer@dispersion <- dispersion
  answer@sigma <- sqrt(dispersion)

answer@misc$signif.stars <- signif.stars #20160629
answer@misc$nopredictors <- nopredictors #20150925

}  # summary.rrvglm

 get.rrvglm.se1 <-
  function(fit, omit13 = FALSE, omit123 = FALSE,
           numerical = TRUE,
           fixA = TRUE,   # was FALSE, 20240326
           h.step = 0.0001,
           trace.arg = FALSE, ...) {

  if (length(fit@control$Nested) &&
    stop("cannot handle nested models yet")

  str0 <- fit@control$str0

  if (!length(fit@x))
    fit@x <- model.matrixvlm(fit, type = "lm")

  colx1.index <- fit@control$colx1.index  # NULL?
  colx2.index <- fit@control$colx2.index
  Hlist <- fit@constraints
  ncolHlist <- unlist(lapply(Hlist, ncol))

  p1 <- length(colx1.index)  # May be 0
  p2 <- length(colx2.index)
  Rank <- fit@control$Rank
  Amat <- fit@constraints[[colx2.index[1]]]
  B1mat <- if (p1)
    coefvlm(fit, matrix.out = TRUE)[
            colx1.index, , drop = FALSE] else
  C.try <- coefvlm(fit, matrix.out = TRUE)[
           colx2.index, , drop = FALSE]
  Cmat = C.try %*% Amat %*% solve(t(Amat) %*% Amat)

  x1mat <- if (p1)
    fit@x[, colx1.index, drop = FALSE] else NULL
  x2mat <- fit@x[, colx2.index, drop = FALSE]

  if (!length(wz <- weights(fit, type = "work")))
    stop("cannot get fit@weights")

  M <- fit@misc$M
  n <- fit@misc$n
  Index.corner <- fit@control$Index.corner
  zmat <- fit@predictors + fit@residuals  # Offsets in here
  if (fit@control$checkwz)
    wz <- checkwz(wz, M = M, trace = trace,
             wzepsilon = fit@control$wzepsilon)
   U <- vchol(wz, M = M, n = n, silent = TRUE)

  delct.da <- if (numerical) {
    num.deriv.rrr(fit, M = M, r = Rank,
                  x1mat = x1mat, x2mat = x2mat,
                  p2 = p2, h.step = h.step,
                  Index.corner, Aimat = Amat,
                  B1mat = B1mat, Cimat = Cmat,
                  colx2.index = colx2.index,
                  xij = fit@control$xij,
                  str0 = str0)
  } else {
    warning("calling dctda.fast.only() may fail")
    thetA <- c(Amat[-c(Index.corner, str0), ])
    dctda.fast.only(theta = thetA, wz = wz,
                    U = U, zmat, M = M, 
                    r = Rank, x1mat = x1mat,
                    x2mat = x2mat, p2 = p2,
                    Index.corner, Aimat = Amat,
                    B1mat = B1mat, Cimat = Cmat,
                    xij = fit@control$xij,
                    str0 = str0)

  newobject <- as(fit, "vglm")
  sfit2233 <- summaryvglm(newobject)
  dn8 <- dimnames(sfit2233@cov.unscaled)[[1]]
  cov2233 <- solve(sfit2233@cov.unscaled)
  dimnames(cov2233) <- list(dn8, dn8)

  log.vec33 <- NULL
  nassign <- names(fit@constraints)
  choose.from <- varassign(fit@constraints,
  for (ii in nassign)
    if (any(ii == names(colx2.index))) {
      log.vec33 <- c(log.vec33, choose.from[[ii]])
  cov33 <- cov2233[ log.vec33, log.vec33,
                   drop = FALSE]  # r*p2 x r*p2
  cov23 <- cov2233[-log.vec33, log.vec33,
                   drop = FALSE]
  cov22 <- cov2233[-log.vec33,-log.vec33,
                   drop = FALSE]

  latvar.mat <- x2mat %*% Cmat
  Offs <- matrix(0, n, M)  # "0" handles str0's
  Offs[, Index.corner] <- latvar.mat
  if (M == (Rank + length(str0)))
    stop("cannot handle full-rank models yet")
  CM <- matrix(0, M, M - Rank - length(str0))
  CM[-c(Index.corner, str0), ] <-  # Corner
      diag(M - Rank - length(str0))  # constraints
  Hlist <- vector("list", length(colx1.index) + 1)
  names(Hlist) <- c(names(colx1.index),
  for (ii in names(colx1.index))
    Hlist[[ii]] <- fit@constraints[[ii]]
  Hlist[["I(latvar.mat)"]] <- CM

  if (p1) {
    ooo <- fit@assign
    bb <- NULL
    for (ii in seq_along(ooo)) {
      if (any(ooo[[ii]][1] == colx1.index))
        bb <- c(bb, names(ooo)[ii])

    has.intercept <- any(bb == "(Intercept)")
    bb[bb == "(Intercept)"] <- "1"
    if (p1 > 1)
      bb <- paste(bb, collapse = "+")
    bb <- if (has.intercept) {
      paste("zmat - Offs ~ ", bb,
            " + I(latvar.mat)", collapse = " ")
    } else {
      paste("zmat - Offs ~ -1 + ", bb,
            " + I(latvar.mat)", collapse = " ")
    bb <- as.formula(bb)
  } else {  # p1 == 0
    bb <- as.formula(
          "zmat - Offs ~ -1 + I(latvar.mat)")

  if (fit@misc$dataname == "list") {
    dspec <- FALSE
  } else {
    mytext1 <- paste0("exists(x = fit@misc$da",
                      "taname, envir = VGAMenv)")
    myexp1 <- parse(text = mytext1)
    is.there <- eval(myexp1)
    bbdata <- if (is.there)
    get(fit@misc$dataname, envir = VGAMenv) else
    dspec <- TRUE

  fit1122 <- if (dspec)
        constraints = Hlist, criterion = "d",
        weights = wz, data = bbdata,
        save.weights = TRUE, smart = FALSE,
        trace = trace.arg,
        x.arg = TRUE) else
        constraints = Hlist, criterion = "d",
        weights = wz,
        save.weights = TRUE, smart = FALSE,
        trace = trace.arg,
        x.arg = TRUE)

  sfit1122 <- summaryvlm(fit1122)
  dn8 <- dimnames(sfit1122@cov.unscaled)[[1]]
  cov1122 <- solve(sfit1122@cov.unscaled)
  dimnames(cov1122) <- list(dn8, dn8)

  lcs <- length(coefvlm(sfit1122))
  log.vec11 <- (lcs - (M - Rank - length(str0)) *
               Rank + 1):lcs
  cov11 <- cov1122[ log.vec11,  log.vec11,
                   drop = FALSE]
  cov12 <- cov1122[ log.vec11, -log.vec11,
                   drop = FALSE]
  cov22 <- cov1122[-log.vec11, -log.vec11,
                   drop = FALSE]
  permcov1122 <- rbind(cbind(cov11, cov12),
                       cbind(t(cov12), cov22))

  cov13 <- delct.da %*% cov33

  if (omit13)
    cov13 <- cov13 * 0   # zero it

  if (omit123) {
    cov13 <- cov13 * 0   # zero it
    if (fixA) {
      cov12 <- cov12 * 0   # zero it
    } else {
    cov23 <- cov23 * 0   # zero it

 cov13 <- -cov13  # Richards (1961)

  cov.unscaled <- if (fixA) {
    rbind(cbind(cov11, cov12, cov13),
          cbind(rbind(t(cov12), t(cov13)),
  } else {
    rbind(cbind(permcov1122, rbind(cov13, cov23)),
          cbind(t(cov13), t(cov23), cov33))

  ans <- solve(cov.unscaled)

  acoefs <- c(fit1122@coefficients[log.vec11],
  dimnames(ans) <- list(names(acoefs),
  list(cov.unscaled = ans,
       coefficients = acoefs,
       ResSS        = sfit1122@ResSS)
}  # get.rrvglm.se1

get.rrvglm.se2 <-
    function(cov.unscaled, dispersion = 1,
             coefficients) {

  dn8 <-  dimnames(cov.unscaled)[[1]]
  ans <- matrix(coefficients,
                length(coefficients), 4)
  ans[, 2] <- sqrt(dispersion) *
  ans[, 3] <- ans[, 1] / ans[, 2]
  ans[, 4] <- pnorm(-abs(ans[, 3]))
  dimnames(ans) <-
    list(dn8, c("Estimate", "Std. Error",
                "z value", "Pr(>|z|)"))
}  # get.rrvglm.se2

 num.deriv.rrr <-
  function(fit, M, r, x1mat, x2mat,
           p2, Index.corner, Aimat, B1mat, Cimat,
           h.step = 0.0001, colx2.index,
           xij = NULL, str0 = NULL) {

  nn <- nrow(x2mat)
  if (nrow(Cimat) != p2 || ncol(Cimat) != r)
    stop("'Cimat' wrong shape")

  dct.da <- matrix(NA_real_,
            (M - r - length(str0)) * r, r * p2)

  if ((length(Index.corner) + length(str0)) == M)
    stop("cannot handle full rank models yet")
  cbindex <- (1:M)[-c(Index.corner, str0)]

  ptr <- 1
  for (sss in 1:r)
    for (tt in cbindex) {
      small.Hlist <- vector("list", p2)
      pAmat <- Aimat
      pAmat[tt, sss] <- pAmat[tt, sss] + h.step
      for (ii in 1:p2)  # Only for x2mat
        small.Hlist[[ii]] <- pAmat

      offset <- if (length(fit@offset))
                  fit@offset else 0
      if (all(offset == 0))
        offset <- 0
      neweta <- x2mat %*% Cimat %*% t(pAmat)
      if (is.numeric(x1mat))
        neweta <- neweta + x1mat %*% B1mat
      fit@predictors <- neweta

      newmu <- fit@family@linkinv(neweta,
      fit@fitted.values <- as.matrix(newmu)

      fred <- weights(fit, type = "w",
                deriv = TRUE, ignore.slot = TRUE)
      if (!length(fred))
        stop("cant get object@weights & @deriv")
      wz <- fred$weights
      deriv.mu <- fred$deriv

      U <- vchol(wz, M = M, n = nn, silent = TRUE)
      tvfor <- vforsub(U, as.matrix(deriv.mu),
                       M = M, n = nn)
      newzmat <- neweta - offset +
                 vbacksub(U, tvfor, M = M, n = nn)
      if (is.numeric(x1mat))
        newzmat <- newzmat - x1mat %*% B1mat
      newfit <- vlm.wfit(xmat = x2mat,
           zmat = newzmat, qr = FALSE,
           Hlist = small.Hlist, U = U, 
           matrix.out = FALSE, is.vlmX = FALSE,
           ResSS = TRUE, x.ret = FALSE,
           offset = NULL, xij = xij)
      dct.da[ptr, ] <-
        (newfit$coef - t(Cimat)) / h.step
      ptr <- ptr + 1
    }  # tt

}  # num.deriv.rrr

dctda.fast.only <-
  function(theta, wz, U, zmat, M, r, x1mat, x2mat,
           p2, Index.corner, Aimat, B1mat, Cimat,
           xij = NULL,
           str0 = NULL) {

  if (length(str0))
    stop("cant handle 'str0' in dctda.fast.only()")

  nn <- nrow(x2mat)
  if (nrow(Cimat) != p2 || ncol(Cimat) != r)
    stop("Cimat wrong shape")

  fred <- kronecker(matrix(1, 1,r), x2mat)
  fred <- kronecker(fred, matrix(1,M, 1))
  barney <- kronecker(Aimat, matrix(1, 1,p2))
  barney <- kronecker(matrix(1, nn, 1), barney)

  temp <- array(t(barney*fred), c(p2*r, M, nn))
  temp <- aperm(temp, c(2, 1, 3))  # M by p2*r by nn
  temp <- mux5(wz, temp, M = M, matrix.arg= TRUE)
  temp <- m2a(temp, M = p2 * r)  # Note M != M here!
  G <- solve(rowSums(temp, dims = 2))  # p2*r by p2*r

  dc.da <- array(NA_real_, c(p2, r, M, r))
  if (length(Index.corner) == M)
      stop("cannot handle full rank models yet")
  cbindex <- (1:M)[-Index.corner]  # complement of Index.corner
  resid2 <- if (length(x1mat))
    mux22(t(wz), zmat - x1mat %*% B1mat, M = M,
          upper = FALSE, as.matrix = TRUE) else
    mux22(t(wz), zmat                  , M = M,
          upper = FALSE, as.matrix = TRUE)

  for (sss in 1:r)
    for (ttt in cbindex) {
      fred <- t(x2mat) *
              matrix(resid2[, ttt], p2, nn, byrow = TRUE)  # p2 * nn
      temp2 <- kronecker(I.col(sss, r), rowSums(fred))
      for (kkk in 1:r) {
        Wiak <- mux22(t(wz), matrix(Aimat[,kkk],
                      nn, M, byrow = TRUE),
                      M = M, upper = FALSE,
                      as.matrix = TRUE)  # nn * M
        wxx <- Wiak[,ttt] * x2mat
        blocki <- t(x2mat) %*% wxx
        temp4a <- blocki %*% Cimat[,kkk]
        if (kkk == 1) {
            temp4b <- blocki %*% Cimat[,sss]
        temp2 <- temp2 - kronecker(I.col(sss, r), temp4a) -
                         kronecker(I.col(kkk, r), temp4b)
      dc.da[,,ttt,sss] <- G %*% temp2
  ans1 <- dc.da[,,cbindex,, drop = FALSE]  # p2 x r x (M-r) x r
  ans1 <- aperm(ans1, c(2, 1, 3, 4))  # r x p2 x (M-r) x r

  ans1 <- matrix(c(ans1), r*p2, (M-r)*r)
  ans1 <- t(ans1)
}  # dcda.fast.only

dcda.fast <-
  function(theta, wz, U, z, M, r, xmat, pp,
           intercept = TRUE, xij = NULL) {

  nn <- nrow(xmat)

  Aimat <- matrix(NA_real_, M, r)
  Aimat[Index.corner,] <- diag(r)
  Aimat[-Index.corner,] <- theta    # [-(1:M)]

  if (intercept) {
    Hlist <- vector("list", pp+1)
    Hlist[[1]] <- diag(M)
    for (ii in 2:(pp+1))
      Hlist[[ii]] <- Aimat
  } else {
    Hlist <- vector("list", pp)
    for (ii in 1:pp)
      Hlist[[ii]] <- Aimat

  coeffs <- vlm.wfit(xmat = xmat, z, Hlist,
                     U = U, matrix.out = TRUE,
                     xij = xij)$mat.coef
  c3 <- coeffs <- t(coeffs)  # transpose to make M x (pp+1)

  int.vec <- if (intercept) c3[, 1] else 0  # \boldeta_0
  Cimat <- if (intercept) t(c3[Index.corner,-1, drop = FALSE]) else
           t(c3[Index.corner,, drop = FALSE])
  if (nrow(Cimat)!=pp || ncol(Cimat)!=r)
    stop("Cimat wrong shape")

  fred <- kronecker(matrix(1, 1,r),
                    if (intercept) xmat[,-1, drop = FALSE] else xmat)
  fred <- kronecker(fred, matrix(1,M, 1))
  barney <- kronecker(Aimat, matrix(1, 1,pp))
  barney <- kronecker(matrix(1, nn, 1), barney)

  temp <- array(t(barney*fred), c(r*pp,M,nn))
  temp <- aperm(temp, c(2, 1, 3))
  temp <- mux5(wz, temp, M = M, matrix.arg = TRUE)
  temp <- m2a(temp, M = r * pp)     # Note M != M here!
  G <- solve(rowSums(temp, dims = 2))

  dc.da <- array(NA_real_, c(pp, r, M, r))
  cbindex <- (1:M)[-Index.corner]
  resid2 <- mux22(t(wz),
  z - matrix(int.vec, nn, M, byrow = TRUE), M = M,
   upper = FALSE, as.matrix = TRUE)  # mat = TRUE,

  for (s in 1:r)
    for (tt in cbindex) {
      fred <- (if (intercept)
               t(xmat[, -1, drop = FALSE]) else
               t(xmat)) * matrix(resid2[, tt],
                          pp, nn, byrow = TRUE)
   temp2 <- kronecker(I.col(s, r), rowSums(fred))

      temp4 <- rep_len(0, pp)
      for (k in 1:r) {
        Wiak <- mux22(t(wz),
          matrix(Aimat[, k], nn, M, byrow = TRUE),
          M = M, upper = FALSE, as.matrix = TRUE)
        wxx <- Wiak[,tt] * (if (intercept)
           xmat[, -1, drop = FALSE] else xmat)
        blocki <- (if (intercept)
                  t(xmat[, -1, drop = FALSE]) else
                  t(xmat)) %*% wxx
        temp4 <- temp4 + blocki %*% Cimat[, k]
      dc.da[,,tt,s] <- G %*% (temp2 - 2 * kronecker(I.col(s, r), temp4))
  Asr1 <- dc.da[,,cbindex,, drop = FALSE]  # pp x r x (M-r) x r
  Asr1 <- aperm(Asr1, c(2, 1, 3, 4))   # r x pp x (M-r) x r

  Asr1 <- matrix(c(Asr1), (M-r)*r, r*pp, byrow = TRUE)

  detastar.da <- array(0,c(M,r,r,nn))
  for (s in 1:r)
    for (j in 1:r) {
      t1 <- t(dc.da[,j,,s])
      t1 <- matrix(t1, M, pp)
      detastar.da[,j,s,] <- t1 %*% (if (intercept)
                            t(xmat[,-1, drop = FALSE]) else t(xmat))

  etastar <- (if (intercept) xmat[,-1, drop = FALSE] else xmat) %*% Cimat
  eta <- matrix(int.vec, nn, M, byrow = TRUE) + etastar %*% t(Aimat)

  sumWinv <- solve((m2a(t(colSums(wz)), M = M))[, , 1])

  deta0.da <- array(0,c(M,M,r))
  AtWi <- kronecker(matrix(1, nn, 1), Aimat)
  AtWi <- mux111(t(wz), AtWi, M = M, upper= FALSE)  # matrix.arg= TRUE,
  AtWi <- array(t(AtWi), c(r, M, nn))
  for (ss in 1:r) {
    temp90 <- (m2a(t(colSums(etastar[, ss]*wz)), M = M))[, , 1]  # MxM
    temp92 <- array(detastar.da[,,ss,], c(M, r, nn))
    temp93 <- mux7(temp92, AtWi)
    temp91 <- rowSums(temp93, dims = 2)  # M x M
    deta0.da[,,ss] <- -(temp90 + temp91) %*% sumWinv
  Asr2 <- deta0.da[-(1:r), , , drop = FALSE]  # (M-r) x M x r
  Asr2 <- aperm(Asr2, c(1, 3, 2))  # (M-r) x r x M
  Asr2 <- matrix(c(Asr2), (M-r)*r, M)

  list(dc.da = Asr1, dint.da = Asr2)
}  # dcda.fast

rrr.deriv.ResSS <-
  function(theta, wz, U, z, M, r, xmat,
           pp, Index.corner, intercept = TRUE,
           xij = NULL) {

  Amat <- matrix(NA_real_, M, r)
  Amat[Index.corner,] <- diag(r)
  Amat[-Index.corner,] <- theta    # [-(1:M)]

  if (intercept) {
    Hlist <- vector("list", pp+1)
    Hlist[[1]] <- diag(M)
    for (ii in 2:(pp+1))
      Hlist[[ii]] <- Amat
  } else {
    Hlist <- vector("list", pp)
    for (ii in 1:pp)
      Hlist[[ii]] <- Amat

  vlm.wfit(xmat = xmat, z, Hlist, U = U,
           matrix.out = FALSE,
           ResSS = TRUE, xij = xij)$ResSS
}  # rrr.deriv.ResSS

rrr.deriv.gradient.fast <-
  function(theta, wz, U, z, M, r, xmat,
           pp, Index.corner,
           intercept = TRUE) {

  nn <- nrow(xmat)

  Aimat <- matrix(NA_real_, M, r)
  Aimat[Index.corner,] <- diag(r)
  Aimat[-Index.corner,] <- theta    # [-(1:M)]

  if (intercept) {
    Hlist <- vector("list", pp+1)
    Hlist[[1]] <- diag(M)
    for (i in 2:(pp+1))
      Hlist[[i]] <- Aimat
  } else {
    Hlist <- vector("list", pp)
    for (i in 1:(pp))
      Hlist[[i]] <- Aimat

  coeffs <- vlm.wfit(xmat, z, Hlist, U = U,
                     matrix.out= TRUE,
                     xij = NULL)$mat.coef
  c3 <- coeffs <- t(coeffs)  # transpose to make M x (pp+1)

  int.vec <- if (intercept) c3[, 1] else 0  # \boldeta_0
  Cimat <- if (intercept) t(c3[Index.corner, -1, drop = FALSE]) else
           t(c3[Index.corner,, drop = FALSE])
  if (nrow(Cimat) != pp || ncol(Cimat) != r)
      stop("Cimat wrong shape")

  fred <- kronecker(matrix(1, 1,r),
                    if (intercept) xmat[, -1, drop = FALSE] else xmat)
  fred <- kronecker(fred, matrix(1, M, 1))
  barney <- kronecker(Aimat, matrix(1, 1, pp))
  barney <- kronecker(matrix(1, nn, 1), barney)

  temp <- array(t(barney*fred), c(r*pp, M, nn))
  temp <- aperm(temp, c(2, 1, 3))
  temp <- mux5(wz, temp, M = M, matrix.arg = TRUE)
  temp <- m2a(temp, M = r * pp)  # Note M != M here!
  G <- solve(rowSums(temp, dims = 2))

  dc.da <- array(NA_real_, c(pp, r, r, M))
  cbindex <- (1:M)[-Index.corner]
  resid2 <- mux22(t(wz), z - matrix(int.vec, nn, M, byrow = TRUE),
                  M = M,
                  upper = FALSE, as.matrix = TRUE)

  for (s in 1:r)
    for (tt in cbindex) {
      fred <- (if (intercept) t(xmat[, -1, drop = FALSE]) else
               t(xmat)) * matrix(resid2[, tt], pp, nn, byrow = TRUE)
      temp2 <- kronecker(I.col(s, r), rowSums(fred))

      temp4 <- rep_len(0, pp)
      for (k in 1:r) {
        Wiak <- mux22(t(wz),
                     matrix(Aimat[, k], nn, M, byrow = TRUE),
                     M = M, upper = FALSE, as.matrix = TRUE)
        wxx <- Wiak[,tt] * (if (intercept)
                            xmat[, -1, drop = FALSE] else xmat)
        blocki <- (if (intercept) t(xmat[, -1, drop = FALSE]) else
                  t(xmat)) %*% wxx
        temp4 <- temp4 + blocki %*% Cimat[, k]
      dc.da[,,s,tt] <- G %*% (temp2 - 2 * kronecker(I.col(s, r), temp4))

  detastar.da <- array(0,c(M,r,r,nn))
  for (s in 1:r)
    for (j in 1:r) {
      t1 <- t(dc.da[,j,s,])
      t1 <- matrix(t1, M, pp)
      detastar.da[,j,s,] <- t1 %*% (if (intercept)
                            t(xmat[, -1, drop = FALSE]) else t(xmat))

  etastar <- (if (intercept) xmat[, -1, drop = FALSE] else
              xmat) %*% Cimat
  eta <- matrix(int.vec, nn, M, byrow = TRUE) + etastar %*% t(Aimat)

  sumWinv <- solve((m2a(t(colSums(wz)), M = M))[, , 1])

  deta0.da <- array(0, c(M, M, r))

  AtWi <- kronecker(matrix(1, nn, 1), Aimat)
  AtWi <- mux111(t(wz), AtWi, M = M, upper = FALSE)  # matrix.arg= TRUE,
  AtWi <- array(t(AtWi), c(r, M, nn))

  for (ss in 1:r) {
    temp90 <- (m2a(t(colSums(etastar[, ss] * wz)), M = M))[, , 1]
    temp92 <- array(detastar.da[, , ss, ], c(M, r, nn))
    temp93 <- mux7(temp92,AtWi)
    temp91 <- apply(temp93, 1:2,sum)  # M x M
    temp91 <- rowSums(temp93, dims = 2)  # M x M
    deta0.da[,,ss] <- -(temp90 + temp91) %*% sumWinv

  ans <- matrix(0,M,r)
  fred <- mux22(t(wz), z - eta, M = M,
                upper = FALSE, as.matrix = TRUE)
  fred.array <- array(t(fred %*% Aimat),c(r, 1, nn))
  for (s in 1:r) {
    a1 <- colSums(fred %*% t(deta0.da[,, s]))
    a2 <- colSums(fred * etastar[, s])
    temp92 <- array(detastar.da[, , s, ],c(M, r, nn))
    temp93 <- mux7(temp92, fred.array)
    a3 <- rowSums(temp93, dims = 2)
    ans[,s] <- a1 + a2 + a3

  ans <- -2 * c(ans[cbindex, ])

}  # rrr.deriv.gradient.fast

vellipse <-
  function(R, ratio = 1, orientation = 0,
           center = c(0, 0), N = 300) {
  if (length(center) != 2)
    stop("argument 'center' must be of length 2")
  theta <-       2*pi*(0:N)/N
  x1 <-       R*cos(theta)
  y1 <- ratio*R*sin(theta)
  x <- center[1] + cos(orientation)*x1 - sin(orientation)*y1
  y <- center[2] + sin(orientation)*x1 + cos(orientation)*y1
  cbind(x, y)
}  # vellipse

biplot.qrrvglm <-
  function(x, ...) {
    stop("biplot.qrrvglm has been replaced by ",
         "the function lvplot.qrrvglm")

 lvplot.qrrvglm <-
  function(object, varI.latvar = FALSE, refResponse = NULL,
    add = FALSE, show.plot = TRUE, rug = TRUE, y = FALSE,
    type = c("fitted.values", "predictors"),
    xlab = paste0("Latent Variable", if (Rank == 1) "" else " 1"),
    ylab = if (Rank == 1) switch(type, predictors = "Predictors",
       fitted.values = "Fitted values") else "Latent Variable 2",
    pcex = par()$cex, pcol = par()$col, pch = par()$pch,
    llty = par()$lty, lcol = par()$col, llwd = par()$lwd,
    label.arg = FALSE, adj.arg = -0.1,
    ellipse = 0.95, Absolute = FALSE,
       elty = par()$lty, ecol = par()$col, elwd = par()$lwd,
       egrid = 200,
    chull.arg = FALSE, clty = 2, ccol = par()$col, clwd = par()$lwd,
       cpch = "   ",
    C = FALSE,
       OriginC = c("origin", "mean"),
       Clty = par()$lty, Ccol = par()$col, Clwd = par()$lwd,
       Ccex = par()$cex, Cadj.arg = -0.1, stretchC = 1,
    sites = FALSE, spch = NULL, scol = par()$col, scex = par()$cex,
    sfont = par()$font,
    check.ok = TRUE,
    jitter.y = FALSE,
    ...) {
    if (mode(type) != "character" && mode(type) != "name")
      type <- as.character(substitute(type))
    type <- match.arg(type, c("fitted.values", "predictors"))[1]

    if (is.numeric(OriginC))
      OriginC <- rep_len(OriginC, 2) else {
      if (mode(OriginC) != "character" && mode(OriginC) != "name")
        OriginC <- as.character(substitute(OriginC))
      OriginC <- match.arg(OriginC, c("origin","mean"))[1]

    if (length(ellipse) > 1)
      stop("ellipse must be of length 1 or 0")
    if (is.logical(ellipse)) {ellipse <- if (ellipse) 0.95 else NULL}

    Rank <- object@control$Rank
    if (Rank > 2)
      stop("can only handle rank 1 or 2 models")
    M <- object@misc$M
    NOS <- ncol(object@y)
    MSratio <- M / NOS  # 1st value is g(mean) = quadratic form in latvar
    n <- object@misc$n
    colx2.index <- object@control$colx2.index
    cx1i <- object@control$colx1.index  # May be NULL
    if (check.ok)
      if (!(length(cx1i) == 1 && names(cx1i) == "(Intercept)"))
        stop("latent variable plots allowable only for ",
             "noRRR = ~ 1 models")

    Coef.list <- Coef(object, varI.latvar = varI.latvar,
                      refResponse = refResponse)
    if ( C) Cmat <- Coef.list@C
    nustar <- Coef.list@latvar  # n x Rank

    if (!show.plot) return(nustar)

    r.curves <- slot(object, type)   # n times M (\boldeta or \boldmu)
    if (!add) {
      if (Rank == 1) {
                if ( y && type == "fitted.values")
                (if (jitter.y) jitter(object@y) else object@y) else r.curves,
                type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
      } else {  # Rank == 2
        matplot(c(Coef.list@Optimum[1, ], nustar[, 1]),
                c(Coef.list@Optimum[2, ], nustar[, 2]),
                type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)

    pch  <- rep_len(pch,  ncol(r.curves))
    pcol <- rep_len(pcol, ncol(r.curves))
    pcex <- rep_len(pcex, ncol(r.curves))
    llty <- rep_len(llty, ncol(r.curves))
    lcol <- rep_len(lcol, ncol(r.curves))
    llwd <- rep_len(llwd, ncol(r.curves))
    elty <- rep_len(elty, ncol(r.curves))
    ecol <- rep_len(ecol, ncol(r.curves))
    elwd <- rep_len(elwd, ncol(r.curves))
    adj.arg <- rep_len(adj.arg, ncol(r.curves))
    if ( C ) {
      Clwd <- rep_len(Clwd, nrow(Cmat))
      Clty <- rep_len(Clty, nrow(Cmat))
      Ccol <- rep_len(Ccol, nrow(Cmat))
      Ccex <- rep_len(Ccex, nrow(Cmat))
      Cadj.arg <- rep_len(Cadj.arg, nrow(Cmat))

    if (Rank == 1) {
      for (i in 1:ncol(r.curves)) {
        xx <- nustar
        yy <- r.curves[,i]
        o <- sort.list(xx)
        xx <- xx[o]
        yy <- yy[o]
        lines(xx, yy, col = lcol[i], lwd = llwd[i], lty = llty[i])
        if ( y && type == "fitted.values") {
          ypts <- if (jitter.y) jitter(object@y) else object@y
          if (NCOL(ypts) == ncol(r.curves))
            points(xx, ypts[o, i], col = pcol[i],
                   cex = pcex[i], pch = pch[i])
      if (rug)
    } else {
     for (i in 1:ncol(r.curves))
      points(Coef.list@Optimum[1, i], Coef.list@Optimum[2, i],
             col = pcol[i], cex = pcex[i], pch = pch[i])
     if (label.arg) {
      for (i in 1:ncol(r.curves))
          text(Coef.list@Optimum[1, i], Coef.list@Optimum[2, i],
               labels = (dimnames(Coef.list@Optimum)[[2]])[i],
               adj = adj.arg[i], col = pcol[i], cex = pcex[i])
    if (chull.arg) {
      hull <- chull(nustar[, 1], nustar[, 2])
      hull <- c(hull, hull[1])
      lines(nustar[hull, 1], nustar[hull, 2],
            type = "b", pch = cpch,
            lty = clty, col = ccol, lwd = clwd)
    if (length(ellipse)) {
      ellipse.temp <- if (ellipse > 0) ellipse else 0.95
      if (ellipse < 0 &&
          (!object@control$eq.tolerances || varI.latvar))
          stop("an equal-tolerances assumption and ",
               "'varI.latvar = FALSE' ",
               "is needed for 'ellipse' < 0")
      if ( check.ok ) {
        colx1.index <- object@control$colx1.index
        if (!(length(colx1.index) == 1 &&
              names(colx1.index) == "(Intercept)"))
          stop("can only plot ellipses for intercept models only")
      for (i in 1:ncol(r.curves)) {
        cutpoint <- object@family@linkfun( if (Absolute) ellipse.temp
                        else Coef.list@Maximum[i] * ellipse.temp,
                        extra = object@extra)
        if (MSratio > 1)
          cutpoint <- cutpoint[1, 1]

          cutpoint <- object@family@linkfun(Coef.list@Maximum[i],
                      extra = object@extra) - cutpoint
          if (is.finite(cutpoint) && cutpoint > 0) {
            Mmat <- diag(rep_len(ifelse(object@control$Crow1positive,
                                        1, -1),
            etoli <-
                eigen(t(Mmat) %*% Coef.list@Tolerance[,,i] %*%
                      Mmat, symmetric = TRUE)
            A <- ifelse(etoli$val[1]>0,
                        sqrt(2 * cutpoint * etoli$val[1]), Inf)
            B <- ifelse(etoli$val[2]>0,
                        sqrt(2 * cutpoint * etoli$val[2]), Inf)
            if (ellipse < 0)
              A <- B <- -ellipse / 2

            theta.angle <- asin(etoli$vector[2, 1]) *
              ifelse(object@control$Crow1positive[2], 1, -1)
            if (object@control$Crow1positive[1])
              theta.angle <- pi - theta.angle
            if (all(is.finite(c(A,B))))
              lines(vellipse(R = 2*A, ratio = B/A,
                             orientation = theta.angle,
                             center = Coef.list@Optimum[, i],
                             N = egrid),
                    lwd = elwd[i], col =ecol[i], lty = elty[i])

    if ( C ) {
      if (is.character(OriginC) && OriginC == "mean")
        OriginC <- c(mean(nustar[, 1]), mean(nustar[, 2]))
      if (is.character(OriginC) && OriginC == "origin")
        OriginC <- c(0,0)
      for (i in 1:nrow(Cmat))
        arrows(x0 = OriginC[1], y0 = OriginC[2],
               x1 = OriginC[1] + stretchC * Cmat[i, 1],
               y1 = OriginC[2] + stretchC * Cmat[i, 2],
               lty = Clty[i], col = Ccol[i], lwd = Clwd[i])
      if (label.arg) {
        temp200 <- dimnames(Cmat)[[1]]
        for (i in 1:nrow(Cmat))
          text(OriginC[1] + stretchC * Cmat[i, 1],
               OriginC[2] + stretchC * Cmat[i, 2], col = Ccol[i],
               labels = temp200[i], adj = Cadj.arg[i],
               cex = Ccex[i])
    if (sites) {
      text(nustar[, 1], nustar[, 2], adj = 0.5,
           labels = if (is.null(spch)) dimnames(nustar)[[1]] else
           rep_len(spch, nrow(nustar)), col = scol,
           cex = scex, font = sfont)
}  # lvplot.qrrvglm

lvplot.rrvglm <-
           A = TRUE,
           C = TRUE,
           scores = FALSE, show.plot = TRUE,
           groups = rep(1, n),
           gapC = sqrt(sum(par()$cxy^2)),
           scaleA = 1,
           xlab = "Latent Variable 1",
           ylab = "Latent Variable 2",
Alabels= if (length(object@misc$predictors.names))
   object@misc$predictors.names else
   param.names("LP", M),
           Aadj = par()$adj,
           Acex = par()$cex,
           Acol = par()$col,
           Apch = NULL,
           Clabels = rownames(Cmat),
           Cadj = par()$adj,
           Ccex = par()$cex,
           Ccol = par()$col,
           Clty = par()$lty,
           Clwd = par()$lwd,
           chull.arg = FALSE,
           ccex = par()$cex,
           ccol = par()$col,
           clty = par()$lty,
           clwd = par()$lwd,
           spch = NULL,
           scex = par()$cex,
           scol = par()$col,
           slabels = rownames(x2mat), ...) {

    if (object@control$Rank != 2 && show.plot)
        stop("can only handle rank-2 models")
    M <- object@misc$M
    n <- object@misc$n
    colx2.index <- object@control$colx2.index
    Coef.list <- Coef(object)
    Amat <- Coef.list@A
    Cmat <- Coef.list@C

    Amat <- Amat * scaleA
    dimnames(Amat) <- list(object@misc$predictors.names, NULL)
    Cmat <- Cmat / scaleA

    if (!length(object@x)) {
 object@x <- model.matrixvlm(object, type = "lm")
    x2mat <- object@x[, colx2.index, drop = FALSE]
    nuhat <- x2mat %*% Cmat
    if (!show.plot) return(as.matrix(nuhat))

    index.nosz <- 1:M
    allmat <- rbind(if (A) Amat else NULL,
                   if (C) Cmat else NULL,
                   if (scores) nuhat else NULL)

    plot(allmat[, 1], allmat[, 2], type = "n",
         xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)

    if (A) {
        Aadj <- rep_len(Aadj, length(index.nosz))
        Acex <- rep_len(Acex, length(index.nosz))
        Acol <- rep_len(Acol, length(index.nosz))
        if (length(Alabels) != M)
          stop("'Alabels' must be of length ", M)
        if (length(Apch)) {
          Apch <- rep_len(Apch, length(index.nosz))
          for (i in index.nosz)
            points(Amat[i, 1], Amat[i, 2],
                   pch = Apch[i], cex = Acex[i],
                   col = Acol[i])
        } else {
          for (i in index.nosz)
            text(Amat[i, 1], Amat[i, 2],
                 Alabels[i], cex = Acex[i],
                 col =Acol[i], adj=Aadj[i])

    if (C) {
      p2 <- nrow(Cmat)
      gapC <- rep_len(gapC, p2)
      Cadj <- rep_len(Cadj, p2)
      Ccex <- rep_len(Ccex, p2)
      Ccol <- rep_len(Ccol, p2)
      Clwd <- rep_len(Clwd, p2)
      Clty <- rep_len(Clty, p2)
      if (length(Clabels) != p2)
        stop("'length(Clabels)' must == ", p2)
      for (ii in 1:p2) {
        arrows(0, 0, Cmat[ii, 1], Cmat[ii, 2],
               lwd = Clwd[ii], lty = Clty[ii], col = Ccol[ii])
        const <- 1 + gapC[ii] / sqrt(Cmat[ii, 1]^2 + Cmat[ii, 2]^2)
        text(const*Cmat[ii, 1], const*Cmat[ii, 2],
             Clabels[ii], cex = Ccex[ii],
             adj = Cadj[ii], col = Ccol[ii])

    if (scores) {
      ugrp <- unique(groups)
      nlev <- length(ugrp)  # number of groups
      clty <- rep_len(clty, nlev)
      clwd <- rep_len(clwd, nlev)
      ccol <- rep_len(ccol, nlev)
      if (length(spch)) spch <- rep_len(spch, n)
      scol <- rep_len(scol, n)
      scex <- rep_len(scex, n)
      for (ii in ugrp) {
        gp <- groups == ii
        if (nlev > 1 && (length(unique(spch[gp])) != 1 ||
            length(unique(scol[gp])) != 1 ||
            length(unique(scex[gp])) != 1))
          warning("spch/scol/scex is different for ",
                  "individuals from the same group")

        temp <- nuhat[gp,, drop = FALSE]
        if (length(spch)) {
          points(temp[, 1], temp[, 2], cex = scex[gp], pch = spch[gp],
                 col = scol[gp])
        } else {
            text(temp[, 1], temp[, 2], label = slabels, cex = scex[gp],
                 col = scol[gp])
        if (chull.arg) {
          hull <- chull(temp[, 1], temp[, 2])
          hull <- c(hull, hull[1])
          lines(temp[hull, 1], temp[hull, 2],
                type = "b", lty = clty[ii],
                col = ccol[ii], lwd = clwd[ii],
                pch = "  ")

}  # lvplot.rrvglm

 Coef.rrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
    M <- object@misc$M
    n <- object@misc$n
    colx1.index <- object@control$colx1.index
    colx2.index <- object@control$colx2.index
    p1 <- length(colx1.index)  # May be 0
    Amat <- object@A.est

    B1mat <- if (p1)
      coefvlm(object, matrix.out = TRUE)[
              colx1.index,, drop = FALSE] else

  Cmat <- object@C.est

    Rank <- object@control$Rank
    latvar.names <- param.names("latvar", Rank,
                                skip1 = TRUE)

    tmp2 <- object@misc$predictors.names
    if (nrow(Amat) == length(tmp2) &&
        ncol(Amat) == length(latvar.names))
    dimnames(Amat) <- list(tmp2, latvar.names)

    tmp2 <- object@misc$colnames.x[colx2.index]
    if (nrow(Cmat) == length(tmp2) &&
        ncol(Cmat) == length(latvar.names))
    dimnames(Cmat) <- list(tmp2, latvar.names)

    ans <- new(Class = "Coef.rrvglm",
      A            = Amat,
      C            = Cmat,
      Rank         = Rank,
      colx2.index  = colx2.index)

  if (!is.null(colx1.index)) {
    ans@colx1.index  <- colx1.index
    ans@B1 <- B1mat

}  # Coef.rrvglm

setMethod("Coef", "rrvglm",
          function(object, ...)
              Coef.rrvglm(object, ...))

 Coef.drrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
  ans <- Coef(as(object, "rrvglm"))
  ans <- as(ans, "Coef.drrvglm")
  ans@H.A.alt <- object@H.A.alt
  ans@H.A.thy <- object@H.A.thy
  ans@H.C <- object@H.C
}  # Coef.drrvglm

setMethod("Coef", "drrvglm",
          function(object, ...)
              Coef.drrvglm(object, ...))

show.Coef.rrvglm <- function(object, ...) {

  cat("A matrix:\n")
  print(object@A, ...)

  cat("\nC matrix:\n")
  print(object@C, ...)

  p1 <- length(object@colx1.index)
  if (p1) {
    cat("\nB1 matrix:\n")
    print(object@B1, ...)

}  # show.Coef.rrvglm

show.Coef.drrvglm <- function(object, ...) {

  show(as(object, "Coef.rrvglm"))

  cat("\nConstraints for A:\n")
  ans.mat <- matrix(unlist(object@H.A.thy),
             nrow = nrow(object@H.A.thy[[1]]))
  if (identical(nrow(ans.mat), nrow(object@A)))
    rownames(ans.mat) <- rownames(object@A)
  if (identical(dim(ans.mat), dim(object@A)))
    dimnames(ans.mat) <- dimnames(object@A)
  print(ans.mat, ...)

  cat("\nConstraints for t(C):\n")
  ans.mat <- matrix(unlist(object@H.C),
                    nrow = nrow(object@H.C[[1]]))
  Rank <- R <- nrow(object@H.C[[1]])
  if (R == 1)  # Convert from vector to matrix.
    dim(ans.mat) <- c(1, length(ans.mat))
  rownames(ans.mat) <- param.names("latvar", R)
  if (identical(ncol(ans.mat), nrow(object@C)))
    colnames(ans.mat) <- rownames(object@C)
  if (identical(dim(ans.mat), dim(object@C)))
    colnames(ans.mat) <- rownames(object@C)
  print(ans.mat, ...)

}  # show.Coef.drrvglm

 if (!isGeneric("biplot"))
     setGeneric("biplot", function(x, ...)

setMethod("Coef", "qrrvglm", function(object, ...)
          Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))

setMethod("biplot", "qrrvglm",
           function(x, ...) {
           biplot.qrrvglm(x, ...)})

setMethod("lvplot", "qrrvglm",
           function(object, ...) {
           invisible(lvplot.qrrvglm(object, ...))})

setMethod("lvplot", "rrvglm",
           function(object, ...) {
           invisible(lvplot.rrvglm(object, ...))})

biplot.rrvglm <- function(x, ...)
    lvplot(object = x, ...)

setMethod("biplot",  "rrvglm", function(x, ...)
           invisible(biplot.rrvglm(x, ...)))

summary.qrrvglm <-
           varI.latvar = FALSE, refResponse = NULL, ...) {
    answer <- object
    answer@post$Coef <- Coef(object,
                             varI.latvar = varI.latvar,
                             refResponse = refResponse,
                             ...)  # Store it here; non-elegant

  if (length((answer@post$Coef)@dispersion) &&
     length(object@misc$estimated.dispersion) &&
      answer@dispersion <-
      answer@misc$dispersion <- (answer@post$Coef)@dispersion

  as(answer, "summary.qrrvglm")
}  # summary.qrrvglm

show.summary.qrrvglm <- function(x, ...) {


  print(x@post$Coef, ...)  # non-elegant!

  if (length(x@dispersion) > 1) {
    cat("\nDispersion parameters:\n")
    if (length(x@misc$ynames)) {
      names(x@dispersion) <- x@misc$ynames
      print(x@dispersion, ...)
    } else {
      cat(x@dispersion, fill = TRUE)
  } else if (length(x@dispersion) == 1) {
      cat("\nDispersion parameter:  ",
          x@dispersion, "\n")

}  # show.summary.qrrvglm

 setClass("summary.qrrvglm", contains = "qrrvglm")

setMethod("summary", "qrrvglm",
          function(object, ...)
          summary.qrrvglm(object, ...))

 setMethod("show", "summary.qrrvglm",

setMethod("show", "Coef.rrvglm", function(object)

setMethod("show", "Coef.drrvglm", function(object)

 grc <-
  function(y, Rank = 1, Index.corner = 2:(1+Rank),
           str0 = 1,
           summary.arg = FALSE, h.step = 0.0001,
           ...) {

  myrrcontrol <-
    rrvglm.control(Rank = Rank,
                   Index.corner = Index.corner,
                   str0 = str0, ...)
  object.save <- y
  if (is(y, "rrvglm")) {
    y <- object.save@y
  } else {
    y <- as.matrix(y)
    y <- as(y, "matrix")
  if (length(dim(y)) != 2 || nrow(y) < 3 ||
      ncol(y) < 3)
   stop("y must be a matrix with >= 3 rows & ",
        "columns, or a rrvglm() object")

  ei <- function(i, n) diag(n)[, i, drop = FALSE]
  .grc.df <- data.frame(Row.2 = I.col(2, nrow(y)))

  yn1 <- if (length(dimnames(y)[[1]]))
         dimnames(y)[[1]] else
         param.names("X2.", nrow(y))
  warn.save <- options()$warn
  options(warn = -3)
  if (any(!is.na(as.numeric(substring(yn1, 1, 1)))))
      yn1 <- param.names("X2.", nrow(y))
  options(warn = warn.save)

  Row. <- factor(1:nrow(y))
  modmat.row <- model.matrix( ~ Row.)
  Col. <- factor(1:ncol(y))
  modmat.col <- model.matrix( ~ Col.)

  cms <- list("(Intercept)" = matrix(1, ncol(y), 1))
  for (ii in 2:nrow(y)) {
    cms[[paste0("Row.", ii)]] <-
      matrix(1, ncol(y), 1)
    .grc.df[[paste0("Row.", ii)]] <-
  }  # ii
  for (ii in 2:ncol(y)) {
    cms[[paste0("Col.", ii)]] <-
      modmat.col[,ii, drop = FALSE]
    .grc.df[[paste0("Col.",ii)]] <-
      rep_len(1, nrow(y))
  for (ii in 2:nrow(y)) {
        cms[[yn1[ii]]] <- diag(ncol(y))
    .grc.df[[yn1[ii]]] <- I.col(ii, nrow(y))

  dimnames(.grc.df) <-
    list(if (length(dimnames(y)[[1]]))
         dimnames(y)[[1]] else

  str1 <- "~ Row.2"
  if (nrow(y) > 2)
    for (ii in 3:nrow(y))
      str1 <- paste(str1, paste0("Row.", ii), sep = " + ")
  for (ii in 2:ncol(y))
    str1 <- paste(str1, paste0("Col.", ii), sep = " + ")
  str2 <- paste("y ", str1)
  for (ii in 2:nrow(y))
    str2 <- paste(str2, yn1[ii], sep = " + ")
  myrrcontrol$noRRR <- as.formula(str1)  # Overwrite this

  assign(".grc.df", .grc.df, envir = VGAMenv)

  warn.save <- options()$warn
  options(warn = -3)
  answer <- if (is(object.save, "rrvglm"))
    object.save else
    rrvglm(as.formula(str2), poissonff,
           constraints = cms, control = myrrcontrol,
           data = .grc.df)
  options(warn = warn.save)

  if (summary.arg) {
    answer <- as(answer, "rrvglm")

    answer <- summary.rrvglm(answer, h.step = h.step)
  } else {
    answer <- as(answer, "grc")

  if (exists(".grc.df", envir = VGAMenv))
    rm(".grc.df", envir = VGAMenv)

}  # grc

summary.grc <- function(object, ...) {
    grc(object, summary.arg= TRUE, ...)

trplot.qrrvglm <-
           which.species = NULL,
           add = FALSE, show.plot = TRUE,
           label.sites = FALSE,
           sitenames = rownames(object@y),
           axes.equal = TRUE,
           cex = par()$cex,
           col = 1:(nos*(nos-1)/2),
           log = "",
           lty  = rep_len(par()$lty, nos*(nos-1)/2),
           lwd  = rep_len(par()$lwd, nos*(nos-1)/2),
           tcol = rep_len(par()$col, nos*(nos-1)/2),
           xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
           main = "",   # "Trajectory plot",
           type = "b",
           check.ok = TRUE, ...) {
  coef.obj <- Coef(object)  # use defaults for those two arguments
  if (coef.obj@Rank != 1)
    stop("object must be a rank-1 model")
  fv <- fitted(object)
  modelno <- object@control$modelno  # 1, 2, 3, or 0
  NOS <- ncol(fv)   # Number of species
  M <- object@misc$M  #
  nn <- nrow(fv)  # Number of sites
  if (length(sitenames))
    sitenames <- rep_len(sitenames, nn)
  sppNames <- dimnames(object@y)[[2]]
  if (!length(which.species)) {
    which.species <- sppNames[1:NOS]
    which.species.numer <- 1:NOS
  } else
  if (is.numeric(which.species)) {
    which.species.numer <- which.species
    which.species <- sppNames[which.species.numer]  # Convert to char
  } else {
     which.species.numer <- match(which.species, sppNames)
    nos <- length(which.species)  # nos = number of species to be plotted

  if (length(which.species.numer) <= 1)
    stop("must have at least 2 species to be plotted")
  cx1i <- object@control$colx1.index
  if (check.ok)
  if (!(length(cx1i) == 1 && names(cx1i) == "(Intercept)"))
    stop("trajectory plots allowable only for noRRR = ~ 1 models")

  first.spp  <- iam(1, 1,M = M,both = TRUE,diag = FALSE)$row.index
  second.spp <- iam(1, 1,M = M,both = TRUE,diag = FALSE)$col.index
  myxlab <- if (length(which.species.numer) == 2) {
              paste("Fitted value for",
              if (is.character(which.species.numer))
                  which.species.numer[1] else
               } else "Fitted value for 'first' species"
  myxlab <- if (length(xlab)) xlab else myxlab
  myylab <- if (length(which.species.numer) == 2) {
              paste("Fitted value for",
              if (is.character(which.species.numer))
                  which.species.numer[2] else
               } else "Fitted value for 'second' species"
  myylab <- if (length(ylab)) ylab else myylab
  if (!add) {
    xxx <- if (axes.equal) fv[,which.species.numer] else
    yyy <- if (axes.equal) fv[,which.species.numer] else
    matplot(xxx, yyy, type = "n", log = log, xlab = myxlab,
            ylab = myylab, main = main, ...)

  lwd  <- rep_len(lwd,  nos*(nos-1)/2)
  col  <- rep_len(col,  nos*(nos-1)/2)
  lty  <- rep_len(lty,  nos*(nos-1)/2)
  tcol <- rep_len(tcol, nos*(nos-1)/2)

  oo <- order(coef.obj@latvar)  # Sort by the latent variable
  ii <- 0
  col <- rep_len(col, nos*(nos-1)/2)
  species.names <- NULL
  if (show.plot)
    for (i1 in seq(which.species.numer)) {
      for (i2 in seq(which.species.numer))
        if (i1 < i2) {
          ii <- ii + 1
          species.names <- rbind(species.names,
                                 cbind(sppNames[i1], sppNames[i2]))
          matplot(fv[oo, which.species.numer[i1]],
                  fv[oo, which.species.numer[i2]],
                  type = type, add = TRUE,
                  lty = lty[ii], lwd = lwd[ii], col = col[ii],
                  pch = if (label.sites) "   " else "*" )
          if (label.sites && length(sitenames))
              text(fv[oo, which.species.numer[i1]],
                   fv[oo, which.species.numer[i2]],
                   labels = sitenames[oo], cex = cex, col = tcol[ii])
  invisible(list(species.names = species.names,
                 sitenames     = sitenames[oo]))
}  # trplot.qrrvglm

 if (!isGeneric("trplot"))
                function(object, ...)
setMethod("trplot", "qrrvglm",
          function(object, ...)
              trplot.qrrvglm(object, ...))

setMethod("trplot", "rrvgam",
          function(object, ...)
              trplot.qrrvglm(object, ...))

vcovrrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
  summary.rrvglm(object, ...)@cov.unscaled
}  # vcovrrvglm

vcovdrrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
  ans <- summary(object, ...)@cov.unscaled
}  # vcovdrrvglm

vcovqrrvglm <-
           ...) {

  object@control$trace <- FALSE  # Suppress
  fit1 <- fnumat2R(object, refit.model = TRUE)
  RR <- fit1$R
  covun <- chol2inv(RR)
  dimnames(covun) <- list(names(coef(fit1)),

  stop("this function is not yet completed")

I.tolerances = object@control$eq.tolerances


  if (mode(MaxScale) != "character" && mode(MaxScale) != "name")
    MaxScale <- as.character(substitute(MaxScale))
  MaxScale <- match.arg(MaxScale, c("predictors", "response"))[1]
  if (MaxScale != "predictors")
    stop("can currently only handle MaxScale='predictors'")

  sobj <- summary(object)
  cobj <- Coef(object, I.tolerances = I.tolerances, ...)
  M <- nrow(cobj@A)
  dispersion <- rep_len(dispersion, M)
  if (cobj@Rank != 1)
    stop("object must be a rank 1 model")

  dvecMax <- cbind(1, -0.5 * cobj@A / c(cobj@D),
                   (cobj@A / c(2*cobj@D))^2)
  dvecTol <- cbind(0, 0, 1 / c(-2 * cobj@D)^1.5)
  dvecOpt <- cbind(0, -0.5 / c(cobj@D), 0.5 * cobj@A / c(cobj@D^2))

  if ((length(object@control$colx1.index) != 1) ||
     (names(object@control$colx1.index) != "(Intercept)"))
    stop("Can only handle noRRR=~1 models")

  okvals <- c(3*M, 2*M+1)
  if (all(length(coef(object)) != okvals))
    stop("Can only handle intercepts-only model with ",
         "eq.tolerances = FALSE")

  answer <- NULL
  Cov.unscaled <- array(NA_real_, c(3, 3, M), dimnames = list(
      c("(Intercept)", "latvar", "latvar^2"),
      c("(Intercept)", "latvar", "latvar^2"), dimnames(cobj@D)[[3]]))
  for (spp in 1:M) {
    index <- c(M + ifelse(object@control$eq.tolerances, 1, M) + spp,
               M + ifelse(object@control$eq.tolerances, 1, spp))
    vcov <- Cov.unscaled[,,spp] <-
        sobj@cov.unscaled[index, index]  # Order is A, D, B1
    se2Max <- dvecMax[spp,, drop = FALSE] %*% vcov %*%
    se2Tol <- dvecTol[spp,, drop = FALSE] %*% vcov %*%
    se2Opt <- dvecOpt[spp,, drop = FALSE] %*% vcov %*%
    answer <- rbind(answer, dispersion[spp]^0.5 *
                            c(se2Opt = se2Opt, se2Tol = se2Tol,
                              se2Max = se2Max))

  link.function <- if (MaxScale == "predictors")
      remove.arg(object@misc$predictors.names[1]) else ""
  dimnames(answer) <-
         c("Optimum", "Tolerance",
           if (nchar(link.function))
      paste0(link.function, "(Maximum)") else
  NAthere <- is.na(answer %*% rep_len(1, 3))
  answer[NAthere,] <- NA  # NA in tolerance means NA everywhere else
  new(Class = "vcov.qrrvglm",
      Cov.unscaled = Cov.unscaled,
      dispersion = dispersion,
      se = sqrt(answer))
}  # vcovqrrvglm

setMethod("vcov", "rrvglm", function(object, ...)
    vcovrrvglm(object, ...))

setMethod("vcov", "drrvglm", function(object, ...)
    vcovdrrvglm(object, ...))

setMethod("vcov", "qrrvglm", function(object, ...)
    vcovqrrvglm(object, ...))

setClass(Class = "vcov.qrrvglm", representation(
         Cov.unscaled = "array",  # permuted cov.unscaled
         dispersion = "numeric",
         se = "matrix"))

model.matrixqrrvglm <-
           type = c("latvar", "lm", "vlm"), ...) {

  if (mode(type) != "character" && mode(type) != "name")
    type <- as.character(substitute(type))
  type <- match.arg(type, c("latvar", "lm", "vlm"))[1]

         latvar = Coef(object, ...)@latvar,
         lm     = object@x,  # 20180516 was "vlm"
         vlm    = fnumat2R(object)  # 20180516 change
}  # model.matrixqrrvglm

setMethod("model.matrix",  "qrrvglm",
          function(object, ...)
           model.matrixqrrvglm(object, ...))

perspqrrvglm <-
  function(x, varI.latvar = FALSE, refResponse = NULL,
      show.plot = TRUE,
      xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
      zlim = NULL,  # zlim ignored if Rank == 1
      gridlength = if (Rank == 1) 301 else c(51, 51),
      which.species = NULL,
      xlab = if (Rank == 1)
      "Latent Variable" else "Latent Variable 1",
      ylab = if (Rank == 1)
      "Expected Value" else "Latent Variable 2",
      zlab = "Expected value",
      labelSpecies = FALSE,  # For Rank == 1 only
      stretch = 1.05,  # quick and dirty, Rank == 1 only
      main = "",
      ticktype = "detailed",
      col = if (Rank == 1) par()$col else "white",
      llty = par()$lty, llwd = par()$lwd,
      add1 = FALSE,
      ...) {
  oylim <- ylim
  object <- x  # Do not like x as the primary argument
  coef.obj <- Coef(object, varI.latvar = varI.latvar,
                   refResponse = refResponse)
  if ((Rank <- coef.obj@Rank) > 2)
    stop("object must be a rank-1 or rank-2 model")
  fv <- fitted(object)
  NOS <- ncol(fv)  # Number of species
  M <- object@misc$M

  xlim <- rep_len(if (length(xlim)) xlim else
                  range(coef.obj@latvar[, 1]),
  if (!length(oylim)) {
    ylim <- if (Rank == 1) c(0, max(fv) * stretch) else
            rep_len(range(coef.obj@latvar[, 2]), 2)
  gridlength <- rep_len(gridlength, Rank)
  latvar1 <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length = gridlength[1])
  if (Rank == 1) {
    m <- cbind(latvar1)
  } else {
    latvar2 <- seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], length = gridlength[2])
    m <- expand.grid(latvar1,latvar2)

  if (dim(coef.obj@B1)[1] != 1 ||
      dimnames(coef.obj@B1)[[1]] != "(Intercept)")
    stop("noRRR = ~ 1 is needed")
  LP <- coef.obj@A %*% t(cbind(m))  # M by n
  LP <- LP + c(coef.obj@B1)  # Assumes \bix_1 = 1 (intercept only)

  mm <- as.matrix(m)
  N <- ncol(LP)
  for (jay in 1:M) {
    for (ii in 1:N) {
      LP[jay, ii] <- LP[jay, ii] +
                     mm[ii, , drop = FALSE] %*%
                     coef.obj@D[,,jay] %*%
                     t(mm[ii, , drop = FALSE])
  LP <- t(LP)  # n by M

    fitvals <- object@family@linkinv(LP, extra = object@extra)  # n by NOS
    dimnames(fitvals) <- list(NULL, dimnames(fv)[[2]])
    sppNames <- dimnames(object@y)[[2]]
    if (!length(which.species)) {
      which.species <- sppNames[1:NOS]
      which.species.numer <- 1:NOS
    } else
    if (is.numeric(which.species)) {
      which.species.numer <- which.species
      which.species <- sppNames[which.species.numer]  # Convert to char
    } else {
      which.species.numer <- match(which.species, sppNames)
    if (Rank == 1) {
      if (show.plot) {
        if (!length(oylim))
          ylim <- c(0, max(fitvals[,which.species.numer]) *
                       stretch)  # A revision
        col  <- rep_len(col,  length(which.species.numer))
        llty <- rep_len(llty, length(which.species.numer))
        llwd <- rep_len(llwd, length(which.species.numer))
        if (!add1)
          matplot(latvar1, fitvals, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
                  type = "n",
                  main = main, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...)
        for (jloc in seq_along(which.species.numer)) {
          ptr2 <- which.species.numer[jloc]  # points to species column
          lines(latvar1, fitvals[, ptr2],
                col = col[jloc],
                lty = llty[jloc],
                lwd = llwd[jloc], ...)
          if (labelSpecies) {
            ptr1 <- (1:nrow(fitvals))[max(fitvals[, ptr2]) ==
                                              fitvals[, ptr2]]
            ptr1 <- ptr1[1]
                 fitvals[ptr1, ptr2] + (stretch-1) * diff(range(ylim)),
                 label = sppNames[jloc], col = col[jloc], ...)
    } else {
      max.fitted <- matrix(fitvals[, which.species[1]],
                           length(latvar1), length(latvar2))
      if (length(which.species) > 1)
      for (jlocal in which.species[-1]) {
        max.fitted <- pmax(max.fitted,
                           matrix(fitvals[, jlocal],
                                  length(latvar1), length(latvar2)))
      if (!length(zlim))
        zlim <- range(max.fitted, na.rm = TRUE)

    perspdefault <- getS3method("persp", "default")
      if (show.plot)
        perspdefault(latvar1, latvar2, max.fitted,
                     zlim = zlim,
                     xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, zlab = zlab,
                     ticktype = ticktype, col = col, main = main, ...)

    invisible(list(fitted       = fitvals,
                   latvar1grid  = latvar1,
                   latvar2grid  = if (Rank == 2) latvar2 else NULL,
                   max.fitted   = if (Rank == 2) max.fitted else NULL))
}  # perspqrrvglm

 if (!isGeneric("persp"))
   setGeneric("persp", function(x, ...)
              package = "VGAM")

setMethod("persp", "qrrvglm",
  function(x, ...) perspqrrvglm(x = x, ...))

Rank.rrvglm <- function(object, ...) {

Rank.qrrvglm <- function(object, ...) {

Rank.rrvgam <- function(object, ...) {

concoef.qrrvglm <-
  function(object, varI.latvar = FALSE,
           refResponse = NULL, ...) {
  Coef(object, varI.latvar = varI.latvar,
       refResponse = refResponse, ...)@C

concoef.Coef.qrrvglm <-
  function(object, ...) {
  if (length(list(...)))
    warning("Too late! Ignoring the extra arguments")

latvar.rrvglm <-
  function(object, ...) {
  ans <- lvplot(object, show.plot = FALSE)
  if (ncol(ans) == 1)
    dimnames(ans) <- list(dimnames(ans)[[1]], "lv")

latvar.qrrvglm <-
           varI.latvar = FALSE,
           refResponse = NULL, ...) {
       varI.latvar = varI.latvar,
       refResponse = refResponse, ...)@latvar

latvar.Coef.qrrvglm <-
  function(object, ...) {
  if (length(list(...)))
    warning("Too late! Ignoring the extra arguments")

Max.qrrvglm <-
  function(object, varI.latvar = FALSE,
           refResponse = NULL, ...) {
  Coef(object, varI.latvar = varI.latvar,
       refResponse = refResponse, ...)@Maximum

Max.Coef.qrrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
  if (length(list(...)))
    warning("Too late! Ignoring the extra arguments")
  if (any(slotNames(object) == "Maximum"))
    object@Maximum else
    Max(object, ...)

Opt.qrrvglm <-
  function(object, varI.latvar = FALSE,
           refResponse = NULL, ...) {
      Coef(object, varI.latvar = varI.latvar,
           refResponse = refResponse, ...)@Optimum

Opt.Coef.qrrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
  if (length(list(...)))
    warning("Too late! Ignoring the extra arguments")

Tol.qrrvglm <-
  function(object, varI.latvar = FALSE,
           refResponse = NULL, ...) {
      Coef(object, varI.latvar = varI.latvar,
     refResponse = refResponse, ...)@Tolerance

Tol.Coef.qrrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
  if (length(list(...)))
    warning("Too late! Ignoring the extra arguments")
  if (any(slotNames(object) == "Tolerance"))
   object@Tolerance else Tol(object, ...)

 if (FALSE) {
 if (!isGeneric("ccoef"))
    setGeneric("ccoef", function(object, ...) {


setMethod("ccoef",  "rrvglm",
          function(object, ...)
              concoef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("ccoef", "qrrvglm",
          function(object, ...)
              concoef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("ccoef",  "Coef.rrvglm",
          function(object, ...)
              concoef.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("ccoef", "Coef.qrrvglm",
          function(object, ...)
              concoef.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))

 if (!isGeneric("concoef"))
    setGeneric("concoef", function(object, ...)

setMethod("concoef",  "rrvglm",
          function(object, ...)
              concoef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("concoef", "qrrvglm",
          function(object, ...)
              concoef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("concoef",  "Coef.rrvglm",
          function(object, ...)
              concoef.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("concoef", "Coef.qrrvglm",
          function(object, ...)
              concoef.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))

setMethod("coef", "qrrvglm",
  function(object, ...) Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("coefficients", "qrrvglm",
  function(object, ...) Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))

 if (!isGeneric("lv"))
  function(object, ...) {


setMethod("lv",  "rrvglm",
  function(object, ...) {
    latvar.rrvglm(object, ...)
setMethod("lv", "qrrvglm",
  function(object, ...) {

    latvar.qrrvglm(object, ...)
setMethod("lv",  "Coef.rrvglm",
  function(object, ...) {

    latvar.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...)
setMethod("lv", "Coef.qrrvglm",
  function(object, ...) {

    latvar.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...)

 if (!isGeneric("latvar"))
  function(object, ...) standardGeneric("latvar"))
setMethod("latvar",  "rrvglm",
  function(object, ...) latvar.rrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("latvar", "qrrvglm",
  function(object, ...) latvar.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("latvar",  "Coef.rrvglm",
  function(object, ...) latvar.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("latvar", "Coef.qrrvglm",
  function(object, ...) latvar.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))

 if (!isGeneric("Max"))
  function(object, ...) standardGeneric("Max"))
setMethod("Max", "qrrvglm",
  function(object, ...) Max.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("Max", "Coef.qrrvglm",
  function(object, ...) Max.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))

setMethod("Max", "rrvgam",
  function(object, ...) Coef(object, ...)@Maximum)

 if (!isGeneric("Opt"))
  function(object, ...) standardGeneric("Opt"))
setMethod("Opt", "qrrvglm",
  function(object, ...) Opt.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("Opt", "Coef.qrrvglm",
  function(object, ...) Opt.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))

setMethod("Opt", "rrvgam",
  function(object, ...) Coef(object, ...)@Optimum)

 if (!isGeneric("Tol"))
  function(object, ...) standardGeneric("Tol"))
setMethod("Tol", "qrrvglm",
  function(object, ...) Tol.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("Tol", "Coef.qrrvglm",
  function(object, ...) Tol.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))

cgo <- function(...) {
  stop("The function 'cgo' has been renamed 'cqo'. ",
       "Ouch! Sorry!")

clo <- function(...) {
  stop("Constrained linear ordination is fitted with ",
       "the function 'rrvglm'")

is.bell.vlm <-
is.bell.rrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
  M <- object@misc$M
  ynames <- object@misc$ynames
  ans <- rep_len(FALSE, M)
  if (length(ynames)) names(ans) <- ynames

is.bell.uqo <-
is.bell.qrrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
  is.finite(Max(object, ...))

is.bell.rrvgam <- function(object, ...) {
  NA * Max(object, ...)

 if (!isGeneric("is.bell"))
  function(object, ...) standardGeneric("is.bell"))
  function(object,...) is.bell.qrrvglm(object,...))
  function(object, ...) is.bell.rrvglm(object, ...))
  function(object, ...) is.bell.vlm(object, ...))
  function(object, ...) is.bell.rrvgam(object, ...))
  function(object,...) is.bell.qrrvglm(object,...))

 if (!isGeneric("Rank"))
  function(object, ...) standardGeneric("Rank"),
               package = "VGAM")

setMethod("Rank",  "rrvglm",
  function(object, ...) Rank.rrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("Rank", "qrrvglm",
  function(object, ...) Rank.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("Rank", "rrvgam",
  function(object, ...) Rank.rrvgam(object, ...))

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VGAM documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:56 a.m.