# These functions are
# Copyright (C) 1998-2024 T.W. Yee, University of Auckland.
# All rights reserved.
is.Identity <- function(A) {
is.matrix(A) && nrow(A) == ncol(A) &&
all(diag(nrow(A)) == c(A))
is.non0 <- function(x) x != 0
rm0cols <- function(A) {
if (!is.matrix(A))
A <- as.matrix(A)
which0 <- which(colSums(abs(A)) == 0)
if (length(which0) == ncol(A))
stop("argument 'A' is a matrix of all 0s")
if (length(which0))
A[, -which0, drop = FALSE] else A
unmaskA <- function(A, aval = 0) {
A[] <- aval
replaceCMs <-
function(Hlist, cm, index) {
for (i in index)
Hlist[[i]] <- cm
} # replaceCMs
valt0.control <-
Criterion = c("ResSS", "coefficients"),
Maxit = 20, # Was 7 prior to 20231117
Suppress.warning = TRUE,
Tolerance = 1e-8, ...) {
if (mode(Criterion) != "character" &&
mode(Criterion) != "name")
Criterion <- as.character(substitute(Criterion))
Criterion <- match.arg(Criterion,
c("ResSS", "coefficients"))[1]
Criterion = Criterion,
Maxit = Maxit,
Suppress.warning = Suppress.warning,
Tolerance = Tolerance)
} # valt0.control
valt0 <-
function(x, zmat, U, Rank = 1,
Hlist = NULL,
Ainit = NULL, # 20240329
Cinit = NULL, sd.Cinit = 0.02,
Criterion = c("ResSS", "coefficients"),
Crow1positive = NULL, # 20240328
Maxit = 20,
str0 = NULL,
Suppress.warning = FALSE,
Tolerance = 1e-8, # 1e-7,
is.rrvglm = TRUE, # Input (papertrail)
is.drrvglm = FALSE, # Input (ditto)
H.A.alt = list(), # NULL,
H.A.thy = list(), # NULL,
H.C = list(), # NULL,
Corner = TRUE, # 20231223
scaleA = FALSE, # Inputted too
skip1vlm = FALSE, # 20240329
Index.corner = head(setdiff(seq(
length(str0) + Rank), str0), Rank), = TRUE,
Amask = NULL,
trace = FALSE,
xij = NULL) {
if (mode(Criterion) != "character" &&
mode(Criterion) != "name")
Criterion <- as.character(substitute(Criterion))
Criterion <- match.arg(Criterion,
c("ResSS", "coefficients"))[1]
if (!is.matrix(zmat)) zmat <- as.matrix(zmat)
n <- nrow(zmat)
M <- ncol(zmat)
if (is.null(Amask) && Corner) {
Amask <- matrix(NA_real_, M, Rank)
Amask[Index.corner, ] <- diag(Rank)
if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
if (Corner) { # 20231223
ind.estA <- setdiff(1:M, # Rows x \tilde{\bA}
c(str0, Index.corner)) # Sorted
if (!length(ind.estA))
stop("no elements of A to estimate!")
} # Corner && is.rrvglm
colx2.index <- setdiff(1:ncol(x), colx1.index)
p1 <- length(colx1.index)
p2 <- length(colx2.index)
pp <- p1 + p2
if (!p2)
stop("'p2', the number of variables for the ",
"reduced-rank regression, must be > 0")
if (length(H.A.alt)) {
if (nrow(H.A.alt[[1]]) != M)
stop("nrow(H.A.alt[[i]]) is not ", M)
} else { # Use ind.estA.use rows
H.A.thy <- H.A.alt <- vector("list", Rank)
tmp6.alt <- diag(M)[, ind.estA, drop = FALSE]
tmp6.thy <- diag(M) # All rows
if (length(str0)) {
tmp6.alt[str0, ] <- 0
tmp6.thy[str0, ] <- 0
tmp6.alt <- rm0cols(tmp6.alt)
tmp6.thy <- rm0cols(tmp6.thy)
} # length(str0)
for (r in 1:Rank) { # choice3a (1:Rank)
H.A.alt[[r]] <- tmp6.alt
H.A.thy[[r]] <- tmp6.thy
} # else
if (length(H.C)) { # Error checking
if (length(H.C) != p2)
stop("'H.C' should have ", p2, "CMs")
} else { # C is a unconstrained general matrix
H.C <- vector("list", p2)
for (i in 1:p2)
H.C[[i]] <- diag(Rank)
names(H.C) <-
colnames(x[, colx2.index, drop = FALSE])
dU <- dim(U)
if (dU[2] != n) stop("'U' input unconformable")
ncol.H.A.alt <- sapply(H.A.alt, ncol)
ncol.H.A.thy <- sapply(H.A.thy, ncol)
Clist2.thy <- # Based on H.A.thy; trimmed
clist2.alt <- vector("list", Rank + p1)
for (r in 1:Rank) { # choice3a
clist2.alt[[r]] <- H.A.alt[[r]] # Changes not
Clist2.thy[[r]] <- H.A.thy[[r]] # Changes not
} # r
if (!length(Hlist)) # Default == trivial cts
Hlist <- replaceCMs(vector("list", pp),
diag(M), 1:pp)
if (p1) { # CMs for \bix_1
for (k in 1:p1) {
Clist2.thy[[Rank+k]] <-
clist2.alt[[Rank+k]] <- Hlist[[colx1.index[k]]]
} # k
} # p1
names(Clist2.thy) <- c( # Both clists complete
param.names("I(latvar.mat)", Rank, TRUE),
Cinit <- if (is.null(Cinit)) { # Random!
matrix(rnorm(p2 * Rank, 0, sd.Cinit), p2, Rank)
} else { # Check quality
if (length(Cinit) != p2 * Rank)
warning("trying to fix up a bad 'Cinit'")
matrix(c(Cinit), p2, Rank)
if (skip1vlm) { # Check quality
if (length(Ainit) != M * Rank)
warning("trying to fix up a bad 'Ainit'")
Ainit <- matrix(c(Ainit), M, Rank)
} # skip1vlm
fit2 <- list(ResSS = 0) # fit1 & fit2 used.
C <- Cinit # Tis input for the main iter loop
old.crit <- switch(Criterion, coefficients = C,
ResSS = fit2$ResSS)
for (iter in 1:Maxit) { <- iter
latvar.mat <-
x[, colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% C
colnames(latvar.mat) <- # upw compatability
param.names("latvar", Rank, TRUE)
new.latvar.model.matrix <-
cbind(latvar.mat, # choice3a (1:Rank)
if (p1) x[, colx1.index] else NULL)
if (!skip1vlm) # Avoid one vlm() fit.
fit2 <- vlm.wfit(new.latvar.model.matrix,
zmat, # Was zmat
Hlist = Clist2.thy, # Was clist2
U = U, matrix.out = TRUE,
is.vlmX = FALSE, =,
ResSS = TRUE, qr = TRUE,
xij = xij)
A <- if (skip1vlm) { # Only for iter == 1.
skip1vlm <- FALSE # Used only once.
} else
t(fit2$mat.coef[1:Rank,, drop = FALSE])
if (Corner) { # 20231228
tmp87 <- A[Index.corner, , drop = FALSE]
if (is.drrvglm && Rank > 1) {
tmp87 <- diag(diag(tmp87))
} # is.drrvglm && Rank > 1
Mmat <- solve(tmp87) # Normalizing matrix
C <- C %*% t(tmp87)
A <- A %*% Mmat
latvar.mat <- # 20240327; update this too
x[, colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% C
A[Index.corner, ] <- diag(Rank)
} # Corner
if (scaleA) { # 20231226
A <- scale(A, center = FALSE)
clist1 <- Hlist # clist1 (is for C and B1).
if (is.drrvglm) { # Need processing 1 by 1
for (k in 1:p2)
clist1 <- replaceCMs(clist1,
A %*% H.C[[k]], colx2.index[k])
} else { # One fell swoop
clist1 <- replaceCMs(clist1, A, colx2.index)
fit1 <- vlm.wfit(x, zmat, # x differs
Hlist = clist1, # Differs
U = U, matrix.out = TRUE,
is.vlmX = FALSE,
ResSS = TRUE, qr = TRUE,
xij = xij)
if (is.drrvglm) {
C <- matrix(NA_real_, p2, Rank)
for (k in 1:p2) {
approx.coefs.k <-
fit1$mat.coef[colx2.index[k], ,
drop = FALSE] %*%
clist1[[(colx2.index[k])]] %*%
solve(t(clist1[[(colx2.index[k])]]) %*%
C[k, ] <- rbind(c(approx.coefs.k)) %*%
t(H.C[[k]]) # 'Accurate'
} # k
} else { # Orig. for "rrvglm". Should b equiv.
C <- fit1$mat.coef[colx2.index,, drop = F] %*%
A %*% solve(t(A) %*% A)
if (is.rrvglm) { # 20240323
tmp8 <- crow1C(C, Crow1positive, amat = A)
C <- tmp8$cmat
A <- tmp8$amat
} # is.rrvglm
ratio <-
coefficients = max(abs(C - old.crit) / (
Tolerance + abs(C))),
ResSS = max(abs(fit1$ResSS - old.crit) / (
Tolerance + fit1$ResSS)))
if (trace) {
cat(" Alternating iteration", iter,
", Convergence criterion = ",
format(ratio), "\n")
if (!is.null(fit1$ResSS))
cat(" ResSS = ", format(fit1$ResSS,
digits = round(3 - log10(Tolerance))),
} # trace
if (ratio < Tolerance) break else
if (iter == Maxit && !Suppress.warning)
warning("valt0() did not converge")
xold <- C # Dont take care of drift
old.crit <- switch(Criterion,
coefficients = C,
ResSS = fit1$ResSS)
} # End of iter loop =====================
if (is.drrvglm) {
z.use <- zmat -
latvar.mat %*% t(unmaskA(Amask))
} else { # is.rrvglm
z.use <- zmat
z.use[, Index.corner] <-
z.use[, Index.corner] - latvar.mat
Fit2 <-
z.use, # Not zmat
Hlist = clist2.alt, # trimmed
U = U, matrix.out = TRUE,
is.vlmX = FALSE, =,
ResSS = TRUE, qr = TRUE,
xij = xij)
if (abs(fit2$ResSS - Fit2$ResSS) > 1e-4)
warning("Two equivalent fits differ!")
UU <- ncol(Fit2$qr$qr)
RAvcov <- Fit2$qr$qr[1:UU, 1:UU, drop = FALSE]
RAvcov[lower.tri(RAvcov)] <- 0
UU <- ncol(fit1$qr$qr) # Assumed tall
RCvcov <- fit1$qr$qr[1:UU, 1:UU, drop = FALSE]
RCvcov[lower.tri(RCvcov)] <- 0
list(A.est = A, # Start of the trail...
C.est = C, # Ditto...
Avec = Fit2$coef[seq(sum(ncol.H.A.alt))],
Amask = Amask,
B1Cvec = fit1$coef,
new.coeffs = fit1$coef, # Redundant?
fitted = fit1$fitted,
valt0.ResSS = fit1$ResSS, # Latest
is.drrvglm = is.drrvglm, # From
is.rrvglm = is.rrvglm, # rrvglm.control().
clist1 = clist1, # CMs for \bix_2 vars.
RAvcov = RAvcov, # 4 summary.drrvglm()
RCvcov = RCvcov, # 4 summary.drrvglm()
H.A.alt = H.A.alt,
H.A.thy = H.A.thy,
H.C = H.C)
} # valt0
lm2qrrvlm.model.matrix <-
function(x, Hlist, C, control, assign = TRUE,
no.thrills = FALSE) {
Rank <- control$Rank
colx1.index <- control$colx1.index
Quadratic <- control$Quadratic
Dzero <- control$Dzero
Corner <- control$Corner
I.tolerances <- control$I.tolerances
M <- nrow(Hlist[[1]])
p1 <- length(colx1.index)
combine2 <- c(control$str0,
if (Corner) control$Index.corner)
Qoffset <- if (Quadratic)
ifelse(I.tolerances, 0, sum(1:Rank)) else 0
NoA <- length(combine2) == M # No unknown params in A
clist2.alt <- if (NoA) {
Aoffset <- 0
vector("list", Aoffset+Qoffset+p1)
} else {
Aoffset <- Rank
replaceCMs(vector("list", Aoffset+Qoffset+p1),
if (length(combine2))
diag(M)[, -combine2, drop = FALSE] else
1:Rank) # If Corner it doesnt contain diag(Rank)
if (Quadratic && !I.tolerances)
clist2.alt <- replaceCMs(clist2.alt,
if (control$eq.tolerances)
matrix(1, M, 1) - eijfun(Dzero, M) else {
if (length(Dzero))
diag(M)[,-Dzero, drop = FALSE] else
Aoffset + (1:Qoffset))
if (p1)
for (kk in 1:p1)
clist2.alt[[Aoffset+Qoffset+kk]] <-
if (!no.thrills) {
i63 <- iam(NA, NA, M = Rank, both = TRUE)
names(clist2.alt) <- c(
if (NoA) NULL else paste0("(latvar", 1:Rank, ")"),
if (Quadratic && Rank == 1 && !I.tolerances)
"(latvar^2)" else
if (Quadratic && Rank>1 && !I.tolerances)
paste0("(latvar", i63$row,
ifelse(i63$row == i63$col, "^2",
paste0("*latvar", i63$col)), ")") else
if (p1) names(colx1.index) else NULL)
latvar.mat <- x[, control$colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% C
tmp900 <- qrrvglm.xprod(latvar.mat, Aoffset,
Quadratic, I.tolerances)
new.latvar.model.matrix <- cbind(tmp900$matrix,
if (p1) x[,colx1.index] else NULL)
if (!no.thrills)
dimnames(new.latvar.model.matrix) <-
if (assign) {
asx <- attr(x, "assign")
asx <- vector("list", ncol(new.latvar.model.matrix))
names(asx) <- names(clist2.alt)
for (ii in seq_along(names(asx))) {
asx[[ii]] <- ii
attr(new.latvar.model.matrix, "assign") <- asx
if (no.thrills)
list(new.latvar.model.matrix = new.latvar.model.matrix,
constraints = clist2.alt,
offset = tmp900$offset) else
list(new.latvar.model.matrix = new.latvar.model.matrix,
constraints = clist2.alt,
NoA = NoA,
Aoffset = Aoffset,
latvar.mat = latvar.mat,
offset = tmp900$offset)
} # lm2qrrvlm.model.matrix
valt.2iter <-
function(x, z, U, Hlist, A, control) {
colx2.index <- control$colx2.index
clist1 <- replaceCMs(Hlist, A, colx2.index)
fit <- vlm.wfit(x, z, Hlist = clist1, U = U,
matrix.out = TRUE,
is.vlmX = FALSE, ResSS = TRUE,
qr = FALSE, xij = control$xij)
C <- fit$mat.coef[colx2.index,, drop=FALSE] %*%
A %*% solve(t(A) %*% A)
list(A = A, C = C,
fitted = fit$fitted, new.coeffs = fit$coef,
Hlist = clist1, ResSS = fit$ResSS)
} # valt.2iter
valt.1iter <-
function(x, z, U, Hlist, C, control,
lp.names = NULL, nice31 = FALSE,
MSratio = 1) {
Rank <- control$Rank
Quadratic <- control$Quadratic
Index.corner <- control$Index.corner
p1 <- length(control$colx1.index)
M <- ncol(zedd <- as.matrix(z))
NOS <- M / MSratio
Corner <- control$Corner
I.tolerances <- control$I.tolerances
Qoffset <- if (Quadratic)
ifelse(I.tolerances, 0, sum(1:Rank)) else 0
tmp833 <- lm2qrrvlm.model.matrix(x = x,
Hlist = Hlist, C = C,
control = control)
new.latvar.model.matrix <-
clist2.alt <-
tmp833$constraints # Doesnt contain \bI_{Rank}
latvar.mat <- tmp833$latvar.mat
if (Corner)
zedd[, Index.corner] <-
zedd[, Index.corner] - latvar.mat
if (nice31 && MSratio == 1) {
fit <- list(mat.coef = NULL,
fitted.values = NULL, ResSS = 0)
clist2.alt <- NULL # for vlm.wfit
i5 <- rep_len(0, MSratio)
for (ii in 1:NOS) {
i5 <- i5 + 1:MSratio
tmp100 <-
zedd[, i5, drop = FALSE],
Hlist = clist2.alt,
U = U[i5,, drop = FALSE],
matrix.out = TRUE,
is.vlmX = FALSE, ResSS = TRUE,
qr = FALSE,
Eta.range = control$Eta.range,
xij = control$xij,
lp.names = lp.names[i5])
fit$ResSS <- fit$ResSS + tmp100$ResSS
fit$mat.coef <- cbind(fit$mat.coef,
fit$fitted.values <-
} else {
fit <- vlm.wfit(new.latvar.model.matrix,
zedd, Hlist = clist2.alt,
U = U, matrix.out = TRUE,
is.vlmX = FALSE, ResSS = TRUE, qr = FALSE,
Eta.range = control$Eta.range,
xij = control$xij, lp.names = lp.names)
A <- if (tmp833$NoA) matrix(0, M, Rank) else
t(fit$mat.coef[1:Rank,, drop = FALSE])
if (Corner)
A[Index.corner,] <- diag(Rank)
B1 <- if (p1)
drop = FALSE] else NULL
fv <- as.matrix(fit$fitted.values)
if (Corner)
fv[,Index.corner] <-
fv[,Index.corner] + latvar.mat
Dmat <- if (Quadratic) {
if (I.tolerances) {
tmp800 <- matrix(0, M, Rank*(Rank+1)/2)
tmp800[if (MSratio == 2) c(TRUE, FALSE) else
TRUE, 1:Rank] <- -0.5
} else
(tmp833$Aoffset+Qoffset),, drop = FALSE])
} else
list(Amat = A, B1 = B1, Cmat = C, Dmat = Dmat,
fitted = if (M == 1) c(fv) else fv,
new.coeffs = fit$coef,
constraints = clist2.alt,
ResSS = fit$ResSS,
offset = if (length(tmp833$offset))
tmp833$offset else NULL)
} # valt.1iter
rrr.init.expression <- expression({
if (length(control$Quadratic) &&
copy.X.vlm <- TRUE
if ( %in% c("cqo", "cao")) {
modelno <- switch(family@vfamily[1],
"poissonff" = 2,
"quasipoissonff" = 2, "quasipoisson" = 2,
"binomialff" = 1, "quasibinomialff" = 1,
"quasibinomial" = 1, "negbinomial" = 3,
"gamma2" = 5, "gaussianff" = 8,
0) # stop("cant fit this model using fast algorithm")
if (modelno == 1)
modelno = get("modelno", envir = VGAMenv)
rrcontrol$modelno = control$modelno = modelno
if (modelno == 3 || modelno == 5) {
M <- 2 * ifelse(is.matrix(y), ncol(y), 1)
control$str0 <-
rrcontrol$str0 <- 2 * (1:(M/2)) # Handles A
control$Dzero <-
rrcontrol$Dzero <- 2 * (1:(M/2)) # Handles D
} else {
modelno <- 0 # Any value ok: the var unused.
}) # rrr.init.expression
rrr.alternating.expression <- expression({
Alt <-
valt0(x, z, U, Rank = Rank,
Hlist = Hlist,
Ainit = rrcontrol$Ainit, # 20240329
Cinit = rrcontrol$Cinit,
sd.Cinit = rrcontrol$sd.Cinit,
Criterion = rrcontrol$Criterion,
colx1.index = rrcontrol$colx1.index,
Maxit = rrcontrol$Maxit,
str0 = rrcontrol$str0,
Suppress.warning = rrcontrol$Suppress.warning,
Tolerance = rrcontrol$Tolerance,
is.rrvglm = rrcontrol$is.rrvglm,
is.drrvglm = rrcontrol$is.drrvglm,
H.A.alt = rrcontrol$H.A.alt, # 20231111
H.A.thy = rrcontrol$H.A.thy, # 20231230
H.C = rrcontrol$H.C,
Corner = rrcontrol$Corner, # 20231223
scaleA = rrcontrol$scaleA, # 20231226
skip1vlm = rrcontrol$skip1vlm, # 20240329
Index.corner = rrcontrol$Index.corner,
Crow1positive = rrcontrol$Crow1positive, = rrcontrol$,
Amask = rrcontrol$Amask,
trace = trace,
xij = control$xij) # Subject2drift in A&C
rrcontrol$H.A.alt <- Alt$H.A.alt
rrcontrol$H.A.thy <- Alt$H.A.thy
rrcontrol$H.C <- Alt$H.C
ans2 <- rrr.normalize(rrcontrol = rrcontrol,
A = Alt$A.est, C = Alt$C.est, x = x)
Amat.cp <- # if (is.drrvglm) Alt$A else
ans2$Amat # Fed into Hlist below
tmp.fitted <- Alt$fitted # Also fed;
rrcontrol$Ainit <- ans2$Amat # for next
rrcontrol$Cinit <- ans2$Cmat # valt0() call.
rrcontrol$skip1vlm <- FALSE # Used only once.
Alt$A.est <- ans2$Amat # Overwrite
Alt$C.est <- ans2$Cmat # Overwrite
eval(rrr.end.expression) # Put Amat.cp into...
}) # rrr.alternating.expression
adjust.Dmat.expression <-
function(Mmat, Rank, Dmat, M) {
if (length(Dmat)) {
ind0 <- iam(NA, NA, both = TRUE, M = Rank)
for (kay in 1:M) { # Manual recycling:
elts <- Dmat[kay, , drop = FALSE]
if (length(elts) < Rank)
elts <- matrix(elts, 1, Rank)
Dk <- m2a(elts, M = Rank)[, , 1]
Dk <- matrix(Dk, Rank, Rank)
Dk <- t(Mmat) %*% Dk %*% Mmat # Not diag
Dmat[kay, ] <-
} # length(Dmat)
} # adjust.Dmat.expression
rrr.normalize <-
function(rrcontrol, A, C, x, Dmat = NULL) {
is.drrvglm <- rrcontrol$is.drrvglm
colx2.index <- rrcontrol$colx2.index
Rank <- rrcontrol$Rank
Index.corner <- rrcontrol$Index.corner
M <- nrow(A)
C.old <- C
if (rrcontrol$Corner) {
tmp87 <- A[Index.corner, , drop = FALSE]
Mmat <- solve(tmp87) # Normalizing matrix
C <- C %*% t(tmp87)
A <- A %*% Mmat
A[Index.corner, ] <- diag(Rank) # Make sure
Dmat <-
adjust.Dmat.expression(Mmat = Mmat,
Rank = Rank,
Dmat = Dmat, M = M)
} # rrcontrol$Corner
if (rrcontrol$Svd.arg) {
temp <- svd(C %*% t(A))
if (!is.matrix(temp$v))
temp$v <- as.matrix(temp$v)
C <- temp$u[, 1:Rank, drop = FALSE] %*%
nrow = Rank)
A <- diag(temp$d[1:Rank]^(rrcontrol$Alpha),
nrow = Rank) %*%
t(temp$v[, 1:Rank, drop = FALSE])
A <- t(A)
Mmat <- t(C.old) %*% C.old %*%
solve(t(C) %*% C.old)
Dmat <-
adjust.Dmat.expression(Mmat = Mmat,
Rank = Rank,
Dmat = Dmat, M = M)
} # Svd.arg
if (rrcontrol$Uncorrelated.latvar) {
latvar.mat <- x[, colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% C
var.latvar.mat <- var(latvar.mat)
UU <- chol(var.latvar.mat)
Ut <- solve(UU)
Mmat <- t(UU)
C <- C %*% Ut
A <- A %*% t(UU)
Dmat <-
adjust.Dmat.expression(Mmat = Mmat,
Rank = Rank,
Dmat = Dmat, M = M)
} # Uncorrelated.latvar
if (rrcontrol$Quadratic) {
Mmat <- diag(Rank)
for (LV in 1:Rank)
if (( rrcontrol$Crow1positive[LV] &&
C[1,LV] < 0) ||
(!rrcontrol$Crow1positive[LV] &&
C[1,LV] > 0)) {
C[,LV] <- -C[,LV]
A[,LV] <- -A[,LV]
Mmat[LV,LV] <- -1
Dmat <-
adjust.Dmat.expression(Mmat = Mmat,
Rank = Rank,
Dmat = Dmat, M = M)
} # rrcontrol$Quadratic
list(Amat = A, Cmat = C, Dmat = Dmat, # Orig.
A.est = A, C.est = C)
} # rrr.normalize
rrr.end.expression <- expression({
if (exists(".VGAM.etamat", envir = VGAMenv))
rm(".VGAM.etamat", envir = VGAMenv)
if (control$Quadratic) {
if (!length(extra))
extra <- list()
extra$Cmat <- Cmat # Saves the latest itern
extra$Dmat <- Dmat # Not the latest itern
extra$B1 <- # Not (ditto) (bad)
} else {
if (control$is.drrvglm) {
Hlist <- Alt$clist1 # Correct??zz
} else {
Hlist <- replaceCMs(, Amat.cp,
} <- if (control$Quadratic) {
tmp300 <-
lm2qrrvlm.model.matrix(x = x,
Hlist =,
C = Cmat,
control = control)
latvar.mat <- tmp300$latvar.mat # Needed at
H.list, = control$,
xij = control$xij)
} else {
lm2vlm.model.matrix(x, Hlist, = control$,
xij = control$xij)
fv <- tmp.fitted # Contains \bI \bnu
eta <- fv + offset
if (FALSE && control$Rank == 1) {
ooo <- order(latvar.mat[, 1])
mu <- family@linkinv(eta, extra)
if (anyNA(mu))
warning("there are NAs in mu") <- eval(family@deriv)
wz <- eval(family@weight)
if (control$checkwz)
wz <- checkwz(wz, M = M, trace = trace,
wzepsilon = control$wzepsilon)
U <- vchol(wz, M = M, n = n, silent=!trace)
tvfor <- vforsub(U, as.matrix(,
M = M, n = n)
z <- eta + vbacksub(U, tvfor, M = M, n = n) -
offset # Contains \bI \bnu
}) # rrr.end.expression
rrr.derivative.expression <- expression({
which.optimizer <- if (control$Quadratic &&
control$FastAlgorithm) {
} else {
if (iter <= rrcontrol$Switch.optimizer)
"Nelder-Mead" else "BFGS"
if (trace && control$OptimizeWrtC) {
cat("Using", which.optimizer, "\n")
constraints <- replaceCMs(constraints, diag(M),
nice31 <- (!control$eq.tol || control$I.tolerances) &&
all(trivial.constraints(constraints) == 1)
theta0 <- c(Cmat)
assign("", 0, envir = VGAMenv)
if (control$OptimizeWrtC) {
if (control$Quadratic && control$FastAlgorithm) {
if (iter == 2) {
if (exists(".VGAM.etamat", envir = VGAMenv))
rm(".VGAM.etamat", envir = VGAMenv)
if (iter > 2 && !qnewton$convergence) {
if (zthere <- exists(".VGAM.z", envir = VGAMenv)) {
..VGAM.z <- get(".VGAM.z", envir = VGAMenv)
..VGAM.U <- get(".VGAM.U", envir = VGAMenv)
..VGAM.beta <- get(".VGAM.beta", envir = VGAMenv)
if (zthere) {
z <- matrix(..VGAM.z, n, M) # minus any offset
U <- matrix(..VGAM.U, M, n)
if (iter == 2 || qnewton$convergence) {
NOS <- ifelse(modelno == 3 || modelno == 5, M/2, M)
canfitok <-
(exists("CQO.FastAlgorithm", envir=VGAMenv) &&
get("CQO.FastAlgorithm", envir = VGAMenv))
if (!canfitok)
stop("cannot fit this model using fast algorithm")
p2star <- if (nice31)
Rank+0.5*Rank*(Rank+1)) else
(NOS*Rank +
Rank*(Rank+1)/2 *
ifelse(control$eq.tol, 1,NOS))
p1star <- if (nice31) p1 *
ifelse(modelno == 3 ||
modelno == 5, 2, 1) else
(ncol( - p2star)
X.vlm.1save <- if (p1star > 0)[,-(1:p2star)] else NULL
qnewton <-
optim(par = Cmat, fn = callcqof,
gr <- if (control$GradientFunction)
calldcqo else NULL,
method = which.optimizer,
control = list(fnscale = 1,
trace = as.integer(control$trace),
parscale = rep_len(control$Parscale,
maxit = 250),
etamat = eta, xmat = x, ymat = y, wvec = w,
X.vlm.1save = if (nice31) NULL else
modelno = modelno, Control = control,
n = n, M = M, p1star = p1star,
p2star = p2star, nice31 = nice31)
if (zthere <- exists(".VGAM.z", envir = VGAMenv)) {
..VGAM.z <- get(".VGAM.z", envir = VGAMenv)
..VGAM.U <- get(".VGAM.U", envir = VGAMenv)
..VGAM.beta <- get(".VGAM.beta", envir = VGAMenv)
if (zthere) {
z <- matrix(..VGAM.z, n, M) # minus any offset
U <- matrix(..VGAM.U, M, n)
} else {
if (exists(".VGAM.offset", envir = VGAMenv))
rm(".VGAM.offset", envir = VGAMenv)
} else {
use.reltol <- if (length(rrcontrol$Reltol) >= iter)
rrcontrol$Reltol[iter] else rev(rrcontrol$Reltol)[1]
qnewton <-
optim(par = theta0,
fn = rrr.derivC.ResSS,
method = which.optimizer,
control = list(fnscale = rrcontrol$Fnscale,
maxit = rrcontrol$Maxit,
abstol = rrcontrol$Abstol,
reltol = use.reltol),
U = U, z = if (control$I.tolerances) z + offset else z,
M = M, xmat = x, # varbix2 = varbix2,
Hlist = Hlist, rrcontrol = rrcontrol)
Cmat <- matrix(qnewton$par, p2, Rank, byrow = FALSE)
if (Rank > 1 && rrcontrol$I.tolerances) {
numat <- x[, rrcontrol$colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% Cmat
evnu <- eigen(var(numat), symmetric = TRUE)
Cmat <- Cmat %*% evnu$vector
numat <- x[, rrcontrol$colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% Cmat
offset <- if (Rank > 1)
-0.5*rowSums(numat^2) else -0.5*numat^2
alt <- valt.1iter(x = x, z = z, U = U,
Hlist = Hlist,
C = Cmat, nice31 = nice31,
control = rrcontrol,
lp.names = predictors.names)
if (length(alt$offset))
offset <- alt$offset <- alt$B1 # Put later into extra
tmp.fitted <- alt$fitted # contains \bI_{Rank} \bnu if Corner
if (modelno != 33 && control$OptimizeWrtC)
alt <- rrr.normalize(rrc = rrcontrol,
A = alt$Amat, x = x,
C = alt$Cmat,
Dmat = alt$Dmat)
if (trace && control$OptimizeWrtC) {
cat(which.optimizer, "using optim():\n")
cat("Objective = ", qnewton$value, "\n")
cat("Parameters (= c(C)) = ",
if (length(qnewton$par) < 5)
"" else "\n")
cat(alt$Cmat, fill = TRUE)
cat("Number of function evaluations = ",
qnewton$count[1], "\n")
if (length(qnewton$message))
cat("Message = ", qnewton$message)
Amat <- alt$Amat # Needed in rrr.end.expression
Cmat <- alt$Cmat # Needed in rrr.end.expression if Quadratic
Dmat <- alt$Dmat # Put later into extra
eval(rrr.end.expression) # Put Amat into Hlist, and create new z
}) # rrr.derivative.expression
rrr.derivC.ResSS <-
function(theta, U, z, M, xmat, Hlist, rrcontrol,
omit.these = NULL) {
if (rrcontrol$trace) {
alreadyThere <- exists("", envir = VGAMenv)
if (alreadyThere) { <- get("", envir = VGAMenv) <- + 1
assign("",, envir = VGAMenv)
if ( > max(50, options()$width - 5)) {
if (rrcontrol$trace) {
assign("", 0, envir = VGAMenv)
Cmat <- matrix(theta, length(rrcontrol$colx2.index), rrcontrol$Rank)
tmp700 <-
lm2qrrvlm.model.matrix(x = xmat, Hlist = Hlist,
no.thrills = !rrcontrol$Corner,
C = Cmat, control = rrcontrol, assign = FALSE)
Hlist <- tmp700$constraints # Doesnt contain \bI_{Rank}\bnu
if (rrcontrol$Corner) {
z <- as.matrix(z) # should actually call this zedd
z[, rrcontrol$Index.corner] <-
z[, rrcontrol$Index.corner] - tmp700$latvar.mat
if (length(tmp700$offset)) z <- z - tmp700$offset
vlm.wfit(xmat = tmp700$new.latvar.model.matrix, zmat = z,
Hlist = Hlist, ncolx = ncol(xmat), U = U, only.ResSS = TRUE,
matrix.out = FALSE, is.vlmX = FALSE, ResSS = TRUE,
qr = FALSE, Eta.range = rrcontrol$Eta.range,
xij = rrcontrol$xij)$ResSS
} # rrr.derivC.ResSS
rrvglm.optim.control <-
function(Fnscale = 1,
Maxit = 100,
Switch.optimizer = 3,
Abstol = -Inf,
Reltol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
...) {
list(Fnscale = Fnscale,
Maxit = Maxit,
Switch.optimizer = Switch.optimizer,
Abstol = Abstol,
Reltol = Reltol)
} # rrvglm.optim.control
nlminbcontrol <-
function(Abs.tol = 10^(-6),
Eval.max = 91,
Iter.max = 91,
Rel.err = 10^(-6),
Rel.tol = 10^(-6),
Step.min = 10^(-6),
X.tol = 10^(-6),
...) {
list(Abs.tol = Abs.tol,
Eval.max = Eval.max,
Iter.max = Iter.max,
Rel.err = Rel.err,
Rel.tol = Rel.tol,
Step.min = Step.min,
X.tol = X.tol)
} # nlminbcontrol
Coef.qrrvglm <-
varI.latvar = FALSE,
refResponse = NULL, ...) {
if (length(varI.latvar) != 1 || !is.logical(varI.latvar))
stop("argument 'varI.latvar' must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (length(refResponse) > 1)
stop("argument 'refResponse' must be of length 0 or 1")
if (length(refResponse) &&
if (!is.Numeric(refResponse, length.arg = 1,
integer.valued = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'refResponse'")
if (!is.logical(ConstrainedQO <- object@control$ConstrainedQO))
stop("cannot determine whether the model is constrained or not")
ocontrol <- object@control
coef.object <- object@coefficients # Unscaled
Rank <- ocontrol$Rank
M <- object@misc$M
NOS <- if (length(object@y)) NCOL(object@y) else M
MSratio <- M / NOS # First value is g(mean) = quadratic form in latvar
Quadratic <- if (ConstrainedQO) ocontrol$Quadratic else TRUE
if (!Quadratic) stop("object is not a quadratic ordination object")
p1 <- length(ocontrol$colx1.index)
p2 <- length(ocontrol$colx2.index)
Index.corner <- ocontrol$Index.corner
str0 <- ocontrol$str0
eq.tolerances <- ocontrol$eq.tolerances
Dzero <- ocontrol$Dzero
Corner <- if (ConstrainedQO) ocontrol$Corner else FALSE
estI.tol <- if (ConstrainedQO) object@control$I.tolerances else FALSE
modelno <- object@control$modelno # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 0
combine2 <- c(str0, if (Corner) Index.corner else NULL)
NoA <- length(combine2) == M # A is fully known.
Qoffset <- if (Quadratic) ifelse(estI.tol, 0, sum(1:Rank)) else 0
ynames <- object@misc$ynames
if (!length(ynames)) ynames <- object@misc$predictors.names
if (!length(ynames)) ynames <- object@misc$ynames
if (!length(ynames)) ynames <- param.names("Y", NOS)
lp.names <- object@misc$predictors.names
if (!length(lp.names)) lp.names <- NULL
dzero.vector <- rep_len(FALSE, M)
if (length(Dzero))
dzero.vector[Dzero] <- TRUE
names(dzero.vector) <- ynames
latvar.names <- param.names("latvar", Rank, skip1 = TRUE)
td.expression <-
function(Dmat, Amat, M, Dzero, Rank,
bellshaped) {
Tolerance <- Darray <- m2a(Dmat, M = Rank)
for (ii in 1:M)
if (length(Dzero) && any(Dzero == ii)) {
Tolerance[, , ii] <- NA_real_ # Darray[,,ii] == O
bellshaped[ii] <- FALSE
} else {
Tolerance[, , ii] <- -0.5 * solve(Darray[, , ii])
bellshaped[ii] <-
all(eigen(Tolerance[, , ii], symmetric = TRUE)$values > 0)
optimum <- matrix(NA_real_, Rank, M)
for (ii in 1:M)
if (bellshaped[ii])
optimum[, ii] <- Tolerance[, , ii] %*% cbind(Amat[ii, ])
list(optimum = optimum,
Tolerance = Tolerance,
Darray = Darray,
bellshaped = bellshaped)
} # td.expression
Amat <- object@extra$Amat # M x Rank
Cmat <- object@extra$Cmat # p2 x Rank
Dmat <- object@extra$Dmat #
B1 <- object@extra$B1 #
bellshaped <- rep_len(FALSE, M)
if (is.character(refResponse)) {
refResponse <- (1:NOS)[refResponse == ynames]
if (length(refResponse) != 1)
stop("could not match argument 'refResponse' with any response")
ptr1 <- 1
candidates <- if (length(refResponse)) refResponse else {
if (length(ocontrol$Dzero)) (1:M)[-ocontrol$Dzero] else (1:M)}
repeat {
if (ptr1 > 0) {
this.spp <- candidates[ptr1]
elts <- Dmat[this.spp,, drop = FALSE]
if (length(elts) < Rank)
elts <- matrix(elts, 1, Rank)
Dk <- m2a(elts, M = Rank)[, , 1] # Hopefully negative-def
temp400 <- eigen(Dk, symmetric = TRUE)
ptr1 <- ptr1 + 1
if (all(temp400$value < 0))
if (ptr1 > length(candidates))
} # repeat
if (all(temp400$value < 0)) {
temp1tol <- -0.5 * solve(Dk)
dim(temp1tol) <- c(Rank,Rank)
Mmat <- t(chol(temp1tol))
if (ConstrainedQO) {
temp900 <- solve(t(Mmat))
Cmat <- Cmat %*% temp900
Amat <- Amat %*% Mmat
if (length(Cmat)) {
temp800 <- crow1C(Cmat,
amat = Amat)
Cmat <- temp800$cmat
Amat <- temp800$amat
Dmat <- adjust.Dmat.expression(Mmat = Mmat, Rank = Rank,
Dmat = Dmat, M = M)
retlist <- td.expression(Dmat = Dmat, Amat = Amat, M = M,
Dzero = Dzero, Rank = Rank,
bellshaped = bellshaped)
optimum <- retlist$optimum
Tolerance <- retlist$Tolerance
Darray <- retlist$Darray
bellshaped <- retlist$bellshaped
} else {
if (length(refResponse) == 1)
stop("tolerance matx specified by 'refResponse'",
" is not positive-definite") else
warning("could not find any positive-definite",
" tolerance matrix")
if (ConstrainedQO)
if (Rank > 1) {
if (!length(xmat <- object@x))
stop("cannot obtain the model matrix")
numat <- xmat[,ocontrol$colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% Cmat
evnu <- eigen(var(numat), symmetric = TRUE)
Mmat <- solve(t(evnu$vector))
Cmat <- Cmat %*% evnu$vector # == Cmat %*% solve(t(Mmat))
Amat <- Amat %*% Mmat
temp800 <- crow1C(Cmat,
amat = Amat)
Cmat <- temp800$cmat
Amat <- temp800$amat
Dmat <- adjust.Dmat.expression(Mmat = Mmat, Rank = Rank,
Dmat = Dmat, M = M)
retlist <- td.expression(Dmat = Dmat, Amat = Amat, M = M,
Dzero = Dzero, Rank = Rank,
bellshaped = bellshaped)
optimum <- retlist$optimum
Tolerance <- retlist$Tolerance
Darray <- retlist$Darray
bellshaped <- retlist$bellshaped
} # Rank > 1
if (ConstrainedQO)
if (varI.latvar) {
if (!length(xmat <- object@x))
stop("cannot obtain the model matrix")
numat <- xmat[,ocontrol$colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% Cmat
sdnumat <- apply(cbind(numat), 2, sd)
Mmat <- if (Rank > 1) diag(sdnumat) else matrix(sdnumat, 1, 1)
Cmat <- Cmat %*% solve(t(Mmat))
Amat <- Amat %*% Mmat
temp800 <- crow1C(Cmat,
amat = Amat)
Cmat <- temp800$cmat
Amat <- temp800$amat
Cmat # Not needed
Dmat <- adjust.Dmat.expression(Mmat = Mmat, Rank = Rank,
Dmat = Dmat, M = M)
retlist <- td.expression(Dmat = Dmat, Amat = Amat, M = M,
Dzero = Dzero, Rank = Rank,
bellshaped = bellshaped)
optimum <- retlist$optimum
Tolerance <- retlist$Tolerance
Darray <- retlist$Darray
bellshaped <- retlist$bellshaped
} # (varI.latvar)
cx1i <- ocontrol$colx1.index
maximum <- if (length(cx1i) == 1 && names(cx1i) == "(Intercept)") {
eta.temp <- B1
for (ii in 1:M)
eta.temp[ii] <- eta.temp[ii] +
Amat[ii, , drop = FALSE] %*% optimum[, ii, drop = FALSE] +
t(optimum[, ii, drop = FALSE]) %*%
Darray[,, ii, drop = TRUE] %*% optimum[, ii, drop = FALSE]
mymax <- object@family@linkinv(rbind(eta.temp),
extra = object@extra)
c(mymax) # Convert from matrix to vector
} else {
5 * rep_len(NA_real_, M) # Make "numeric"
names(maximum) <- ynames
latvar.mat <- if (ConstrainedQO) {
object@x[, ocontrol$colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% Cmat
} else {
dimnames(Amat) <- list(lp.names, latvar.names)
if (ConstrainedQO)
dimnames(Cmat) <- list(names(ocontrol$colx2.index), latvar.names)
if (!length(xmat <- object@x)) stop("cannot obtain the model matrix")
dimnames(latvar.mat) <- list(dimnames(xmat)[[1]], latvar.names)
ans <-
new(Class <- if (ConstrainedQO) "Coef.qrrvglm" else "Coef.uqo",
A = Amat, B1 = B1, Constrained = ConstrainedQO, D = Darray,
NOS = NOS, Rank = Rank,
latvar = latvar.mat,
latvar.order = latvar.mat,
Optimum = optimum,
Optimum.order = optimum,
bellshaped = bellshaped,
Dzero = dzero.vector,
Maximum = maximum,
Tolerance = Tolerance)
if (ConstrainedQO) {ans@C <- Cmat} else {Cmat <- NULL}
for (rrr in 1:Rank)
ans@Optimum.order[rrr, ] <- order(ans@Optimum[rrr, ])
for (rrr in 1:Rank)
ans@latvar.order[, rrr] <- order(ans@latvar[, rrr])
if (length(object@misc$estimated.dispersion) &&
object@misc$estimated.dispersion) {
p <- length(object@coefficients)
n <- object@misc$n
M <- object@misc$M
NOS <- if (length(object@y)) ncol(object@y) else M
pstar <- if (ConstrainedQO) (p + length(Cmat)) else
p + n*Rank # Adjustment; not sure about UQO
adjusted.dispersion <- object@misc$dispersion * (n*M - p) /
(n*M - pstar)
ans@dispersion <- adjusted.dispersion
if (MSratio > 1) {
keepIndex <- seq(from = 1, to = M, by = MSratio)
ans@Dzero <- ans@Dzero[keepIndex]
ans@Optimum <- ans@Optimum[,keepIndex, drop = FALSE]
ans@Tolerance <- ans@Tolerance[,,keepIndex, drop = FALSE]
ans@bellshaped <- ans@bellshaped[keepIndex]
names(ans@Dzero) <- ynames
} else {
dimnames(ans@D) <- list(latvar.names, latvar.names,
names(ans@bellshaped) <- ynames
dimnames(ans@Optimum) <- list(latvar.names, ynames)
dimnames(ans@Tolerance) <- list(latvar.names,
latvar.names, ynames)
} # Coef.qrrvglm
setClass(Class = "Coef.rrvglm", representation(
"A" = "matrix",
"B1" = "matrix", # unassigned?
"C" = "matrix",
"Rank" = "numeric",
"colx1.index" = "numeric",
"colx2.index" = "numeric",
"Atilde" = "matrix"))
setClass(Class = "Coef.drrvglm", representation(
"H.A.alt" = "list",
"H.A.thy" = "list",
"H.C" = "list"),
contains = "Coef.rrvglm")
setClass(Class = "Coef.uqo", representation(
"A" = "matrix",
"B1" = "matrix",
"Constrained" = "logical",
"D" = "array",
"NOS" = "numeric",
"Rank" = "numeric",
"latvar" = "matrix",
"latvar.order" = "matrix",
"Maximum" = "numeric",
"Optimum" = "matrix",
"Optimum.order" = "matrix",
"bellshaped" = "logical",
"dispersion" = "numeric",
"Dzero" = "logical",
"Tolerance" = "array"))
setClass(Class = "Coef.qrrvglm", representation(
"C" = "matrix"),
contains = "Coef.uqo")
show.Coef.qrrvglm <-
function(x, ...) {
object <- x
Rank <- object@Rank
M <- nrow(object@A)
NOS <- object@NOS
mymat <- matrix(NA_real_, NOS, Rank)
if (Rank == 1) { # || object@Diagonal
for (ii in 1:NOS) {
fred <- if (Rank > 1)
diag(object@Tolerance[, , ii, drop = FALSE]) else
object@Tolerance[, , ii]
if (all(fred > 0))
mymat[ii,] <- sqrt(fred)
dimnames(mymat) <-
if (Rank == 1) "latvar" else
paste0("Tolerance", dimnames(mymat)[[2]]))
} else {
for (ii in 1:NOS) {
fred <- eigen(object@Tolerance[, , ii], symmetric = TRUE)
if (all(fred$value > 0))
mymat[ii, ] <- sqrt(fred$value)
dimnames(mymat) <-
param.names("tol", Rank))
dimnames(object@A) <- list(dimnames(object@A)[[1]],
if (Rank > 1)
paste0("A", dimnames(object@A)[[2]]) else "A")
Maximum <- if (length(object@Maximum))
cbind(Maximum = object@Maximum) else NULL
if (length(Maximum) && length(mymat) && Rank == 1)
Maximum[,] <- NA
optmat <- cbind(t(object@Optimum))
dimnames(optmat) <- list(dimnames(optmat)[[1]],
if (Rank > 1)
paste("Optimum", dimnames(optmat)[[2]], sep = ".") else
if (length(optmat) && length(mymat) && Rank == 1)
optmat[, ] <- NA
if ( object@Constrained ) {
cat("\nC matrix (constrained/canonical coefficients)\n")
print(object@C, ...)
cat("\nB1 and A matrices\n")
A = object@A), ...)
cat("\nOptimums and maximums\n")
print(cbind(Optimum = optmat,
Maximum), ...)
if (Rank > 1) { # !object@Diagonal && Rank > 1
} else {
print(mymat, ...)
cat("\nStandard deviation of the latent variables (site scores)\n")
print(apply(cbind(object@latvar), 2, sd))
} # show.Coef.qrrvglm
setMethod("show", "Coef.qrrvglm", function(object)
setMethod("summary", "qrrvglm",
function(object, ...)
summary.qrrvglm(object, ...))
predictqrrvglm <-
newdata = NULL,
type = c("link", "response", "latvar", "terms"), = FALSE,
deriv = 0,
dispersion = NULL,
extra = object@extra,
varI.latvar = FALSE, refResponse = NULL, ...) {
if (
stop("cannot handle == TRUE yet")
if (deriv != 0)
stop("derivative is not equal to 0")
if (mode(type) != "character" && mode(type) != "name")
type <- as.character(substitute(type))
type <- match.arg(type, c("link", "response", "latvar", "terms"))[1]
if (type == "latvar")
stop("cannot handle type='latvar' yet")
if (type == "terms")
stop("cannot handle type='terms' yet")
M <- object@misc$M
Rank <- object@control$Rank
na.act <- object@na.action
object@na.action <- list()
if (!length(newdata) &&
type == "response" &&
length(object@fitted.values)) {
if (length(na.act)) {
return(napredict(na.act[[1]], object@fitted.values))
} else {
if (!length(newdata)) {
X <- model.matrixvlm(object, type = "lm", ...)
offset <- object@offset
tt <- object@terms$terms # terms(object)
if (!length(object@x))
attr(X, "assign") <- attrassignlm(X, tt)
} else {
if ( && length(object@smart.prediction)) {"read", smart.prediction = object@smart.prediction)
tt <- object@terms$terms
X <- model.matrix(delete.response(tt), newdata,
contrasts = if (length(object@contrasts))
object@contrasts else NULL,
xlev = object@xlevels)
if (nrow(X) != nrow(newdata)) { <- attr(X, "assign")
X <- X[rep_len(1, nrow(newdata)),, drop = FALSE]
dimnames(X) <- list(dimnames(newdata)[[1]], "(Intercept)")
attr(X, "assign") <- # Restored
offset <- if (!is.null(off.num<-attr(tt,"offset"))) {
eval(attr(tt,"variables")[[off.num+1]], newdata)
} else if (!is.null(object@offset))
eval(object@call$offset, newdata)
if (any(c(offset) != 0))
stop("currently cannot handle nonzero offsets")
if ( && length(object@smart.prediction)) {
attr(X, "assign") <- attrassigndefault(X, tt)
ocontrol <- object@control
Rank <- ocontrol$Rank
NOS <- ncol(object@y)
sppnames <- dimnames(object@y)[[2]]
modelno <- ocontrol$modelno # 1, 2, 3, 5 or 0
M <- if (any(slotNames(object) == "predictors") &&
ncol(object@predictors) else
MSratio <- M / NOS # 1st value is g(mean)=quadratic form in latvar
if (MSratio != 1) stop("can only handle MSratio == 1 for now")
if (length(newdata)) {
Coefs <- Coef(object,
varI.latvar = varI.latvar,
refResponse = refResponse)
X1mat <- X[, ocontrol$colx1.index, drop = FALSE]
X2mat <- X[, ocontrol$colx2.index, drop = FALSE]
latvarmat <- as.matrix(X2mat %*% Coefs@C) # n x Rank
etamat <- as.matrix(X1mat %*% Coefs@B1 + latvarmat %*% t(Coefs@A))
which.species <- 1:NOS # Do it all for all species
for (sppno in seq_along(which.species)) {
thisSpecies <- which.species[sppno]
Dmat <- matrix(Coefs@D[,,thisSpecies], Rank, Rank)
etamat[, thisSpecies] <- etamat[, thisSpecies] +
mux34(latvarmat, Dmat, symmetric = TRUE)
} else {
etamat <- object@predictors
pred <-
response = {
fv <- if (length(newdata))
object@family@linkinv(etamat, extra) else
if (M > 1 && is.matrix(fv)) {
dimnames(fv) <- list(dimnames(fv)[[1]],
link = etamat,
latvar = stop("failure here"),
terms = stop("failure here"))
if (!length(newdata) && length(na.act)) {
if ( {
pred$fitted.values <- napredict(na.act[[1]], pred$fitted.values)
pred$ <- napredict(na.act[[1]], pred$
} else {
pred <- napredict(na.act[[1]], pred)
} # predictqrrvglm
setMethod("predict", "qrrvglm",
function(object, ...)
predictqrrvglm(object, ...))
coefqrrvglm <-
function(object, matrix.out = FALSE,
label = TRUE) {
if (matrix.out)
stop("currently cannot handle matrix.out = TRUE")
cobj <- coefvlm(object, matrix.out = matrix.out, label = label)
M <- npred(object)
M1 <- npred(object, type = "one.response")
NOS <- M / M1
Rank <- Rank(object)
colx1.index <- object@control$colx1.index
colx2.index <- object@control$colx2.index
etol <- object@control$eq.tolerances
Itol <- object@control$I.tolerances
names.A <- param.names("A", M * Rank, skip1 = FALSE)
if (Itol)
names.D <- NULL # Because it was estimated by offsets
if (etol && !Itol)
names.D <- param.names("D", Rank * (Rank + 1) / 2, skip1 = FALSE)
if (!etol)
names.D <- param.names("D",
NOS * Rank * (Rank + 1) / 2, skip1 = FALSE)
names.B1 <- param.names("x1.", NOS * length(colx1.index), skip1 = FALSE)
if (length(temp <- c(names.A, names.D, names.B1)) == length(cobj))
names(cobj) <- temp
} # coefqrrvglm
qrrvglm.xprod <-
function(numat, Aoffset, Quadratic,
I.tolerances) {
Rank <- ncol(numat)
moff <- NULL
ans <- if (Quadratic) {
index <- iam(NA, NA, M = Rank, diag = TRUE, both = TRUE)
temp1 <- cbind(numat[, index$row] * numat[, index$col])
if (I.tolerances) {
moff <- 0
for (ii in 1:Rank)
moff <- moff - 0.5 * temp1[, ii]
if (I.tolerances) NULL else temp1)
} else {
list(matrix = if (Aoffset > 0) ans else
ans[, -(1:Rank), drop = FALSE],
offset = moff)
} # qrrvglm.xprod
residualsqrrvglm <-
type = c("deviance", "pearson",
"working", "response", "ldot"),
matrix.arg = TRUE) {
stop("this function has not been written yet")
setMethod("residuals", "qrrvglm",
function(object, ...)
residualsqrrvglm(object, ...))
show.rrvglm <- function(x, ...) {
if (!is.null(cl <- x@call)) {
vecOfBetas <- x@coefficients
if (any(nas <- {
if (is.null(names(vecOfBetas)))
names(vecOfBetas) <- param.names("b",
cat("\nCoefficients: (", sum(nas), "undefin",
"ed coz of singularities)\n", sep = "")
} else
print.default(vecOfBetas, ...) # was print()
if (FALSE) {
Rank <- x@Rank
if (!length(Rank))
Rank <- sum(!nas)
if (FALSE) {
nobs <- if (length( else length(x@residuals)
rdf <- x@df.residual
if (!length(rdf))
rdf <- nobs - Rank
if (length(deviance(x)))
cat("Residual deviance:",
format(deviance(x)), "\n")
if (length(vll <- logLik.vlm(x)))
cat("Log-likelihood:", format(vll), "\n")
if (length(x@criterion)) {
ncrit <- names(x@criterion)
for (iii in ncrit)
if (iii != "loglikelihood" &&
iii != "deviance")
cat(paste0(iii, ":"),
format(x@criterion[[iii]]), "\n")
} # show.rrvglm
setMethod("show", "rrvglm",
function(object) show.rrvglm(object))
summary.rrvglm <-
function(object, correlation = FALSE,
dispersion = NULL, digits = NULL,
numerical = TRUE,
h.step = 0.005,
omit123 = FALSE, omit13 = FALSE,
fixA = TRUE,
presid = FALSE, # TRUE
signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
nopredictors = FALSE,
upgrade = FALSE, # to "drrvglm"
...) {
if (upgrade && is(object, "rrvglm")) { # Expt
correlation = correlation,
dispersion = dispersion,
digits = digits,
numerical = numerical,
h.step = h.step,
omit123 = omit123,
omit13 = omit13,
fixA = fixA,
presid = presid,
signif.stars = signif.stars,
nopredictors = nopredictors,
} # Expt
if (!is.Numeric(h.step, length.arg = 1) ||
abs(h.step) > 1)
stop("bad input for 'h.step'")
if (!object@control$Corner)
stop("this function works w. Corner=T only")
if (is.null(dispersion))
dispersion <- object@misc$dispersion
newobject <- as(object, "vglm")
stuff <- summaryvglm(newobject,
correlation = correlation,
dispersion = dispersion,
presid = presid)
answer <-
new(Class = "summary.rrvglm",
call = stuff@call,
coef3 = stuff@coef3,
cov.unscaled = stuff@cov.unscaled,
correlation = stuff@correlation,
df = stuff@df,
sigma = stuff@sigma)
if (is.numeric(stuff@dispersion))
slot(answer, "dispersion") <- stuff@dispersion
if (presid && length(stuff@pearson.resid))
slot(answer, "pearson.resid")=stuff@pearson.resid
tmp5 <-
get.rrvglm.se1(object, omit13 = omit13,
numerical = numerical, h.step = h.step,
omit123 = omit123, fixA = fixA, ...)
if (any(diag(tmp5$cov.unscaled) <= 0) ||
symmetric = TRUE)$value <= 0)) {
warning("cov.unscaled is not pos-definite")
answer@cov.unscaled <- tmp5$cov.unscaled
od <- if (is.numeric(object@misc$disper))
object@misc$disper else
if (is.numeric(dispersion)) {
if (is.numeric(od) && dispersion != od)
warning("dispersion != object@misc$dispersion; ",
"using the former")
} else {
dispersion <- if (is.numeric(od)) od else 1
use.Rank <- object@control$Rank
tmp8 <- object@misc$M - use.Rank -
answer@df[1] <- answer@df[1] + tmp8 * use.Rank
answer@df[2] <- answer@df[2] - tmp8 * use.Rank
if (dispersion == 0) { # Estimate
dispersion <- tmp5$ResSS / answer@df[2]
answer@coef3 <-
dispersion = dispersion,
coefficients = tmp5$coefficients)
answer@dispersion <- dispersion
answer@sigma <- sqrt(dispersion)
answer@misc$signif.stars <- signif.stars #20160629
answer@misc$nopredictors <- nopredictors #20150925
} # summary.rrvglm
get.rrvglm.se1 <-
function(fit, omit13 = FALSE, omit123 = FALSE,
numerical = TRUE,
fixA = TRUE, # was FALSE, 20240326
h.step = 0.0001,
trace.arg = FALSE, ...) {
if (length(fit@control$Nested) &&
stop("cannot handle nested models yet")
str0 <- fit@control$str0
if (!length(fit@x))
fit@x <- model.matrixvlm(fit, type = "lm")
colx1.index <- fit@control$colx1.index # NULL?
colx2.index <- fit@control$colx2.index
Hlist <- fit@constraints
ncolHlist <- unlist(lapply(Hlist, ncol))
p1 <- length(colx1.index) # May be 0
p2 <- length(colx2.index)
Rank <- fit@control$Rank
Amat <- fit@constraints[[colx2.index[1]]]
B1mat <- if (p1)
coefvlm(fit, matrix.out = TRUE)[
colx1.index, , drop = FALSE] else
C.try <- coefvlm(fit, matrix.out = TRUE)[
colx2.index, , drop = FALSE]
Cmat = C.try %*% Amat %*% solve(t(Amat) %*% Amat)
x1mat <- if (p1)
fit@x[, colx1.index, drop = FALSE] else NULL
x2mat <- fit@x[, colx2.index, drop = FALSE]
if (!length(wz <- weights(fit, type = "work")))
stop("cannot get fit@weights")
M <- fit@misc$M
n <- fit@misc$n
Index.corner <- fit@control$Index.corner
zmat <- fit@predictors + fit@residuals # Offsets in here
if (fit@control$checkwz)
wz <- checkwz(wz, M = M, trace = trace,
wzepsilon = fit@control$wzepsilon)
U <- vchol(wz, M = M, n = n, silent = TRUE)
delct.da <- if (numerical) {
num.deriv.rrr(fit, M = M, r = Rank,
x1mat = x1mat, x2mat = x2mat,
p2 = p2, h.step = h.step,
Index.corner, Aimat = Amat,
B1mat = B1mat, Cimat = Cmat,
colx2.index = colx2.index,
xij = fit@control$xij,
str0 = str0)
} else {
warning("calling may fail")
thetA <- c(Amat[-c(Index.corner, str0), ]) = thetA, wz = wz,
U = U, zmat, M = M,
r = Rank, x1mat = x1mat,
x2mat = x2mat, p2 = p2,
Index.corner, Aimat = Amat,
B1mat = B1mat, Cimat = Cmat,
xij = fit@control$xij,
str0 = str0)
newobject <- as(fit, "vglm")
sfit2233 <- summaryvglm(newobject)
dn8 <- dimnames(sfit2233@cov.unscaled)[[1]]
cov2233 <- solve(sfit2233@cov.unscaled)
dimnames(cov2233) <- list(dn8, dn8)
log.vec33 <- NULL
nassign <- names(fit@constraints)
choose.from <- varassign(fit@constraints,
for (ii in nassign)
if (any(ii == names(colx2.index))) {
log.vec33 <- c(log.vec33, choose.from[[ii]])
cov33 <- cov2233[ log.vec33, log.vec33,
drop = FALSE] # r*p2 x r*p2
cov23 <- cov2233[-log.vec33, log.vec33,
drop = FALSE]
cov22 <- cov2233[-log.vec33,-log.vec33,
drop = FALSE]
latvar.mat <- x2mat %*% Cmat
Offs <- matrix(0, n, M) # "0" handles str0's
Offs[, Index.corner] <- latvar.mat
if (M == (Rank + length(str0)))
stop("cannot handle full-rank models yet")
CM <- matrix(0, M, M - Rank - length(str0))
CM[-c(Index.corner, str0), ] <- # Corner
diag(M - Rank - length(str0)) # constraints
Hlist <- vector("list", length(colx1.index) + 1)
names(Hlist) <- c(names(colx1.index),
for (ii in names(colx1.index))
Hlist[[ii]] <- fit@constraints[[ii]]
Hlist[["I(latvar.mat)"]] <- CM
if (p1) {
ooo <- fit@assign
bb <- NULL
for (ii in seq_along(ooo)) {
if (any(ooo[[ii]][1] == colx1.index))
bb <- c(bb, names(ooo)[ii])
has.intercept <- any(bb == "(Intercept)")
bb[bb == "(Intercept)"] <- "1"
if (p1 > 1)
bb <- paste(bb, collapse = "+")
bb <- if (has.intercept) {
paste("zmat - Offs ~ ", bb,
" + I(latvar.mat)", collapse = " ")
} else {
paste("zmat - Offs ~ -1 + ", bb,
" + I(latvar.mat)", collapse = " ")
bb <- as.formula(bb)
} else { # p1 == 0
bb <- as.formula(
"zmat - Offs ~ -1 + I(latvar.mat)")
if (fit@misc$dataname == "list") {
dspec <- FALSE
} else {
mytext1 <- paste0("exists(x = fit@misc$da",
"taname, envir = VGAMenv)")
myexp1 <- parse(text = mytext1)
is.there <- eval(myexp1)
bbdata <- if (is.there)
get(fit@misc$dataname, envir = VGAMenv) else
dspec <- TRUE
fit1122 <- if (dspec)
constraints = Hlist, criterion = "d",
weights = wz, data = bbdata,
save.weights = TRUE, smart = FALSE,
trace = trace.arg,
x.arg = TRUE) else
constraints = Hlist, criterion = "d",
weights = wz,
save.weights = TRUE, smart = FALSE,
trace = trace.arg,
x.arg = TRUE)
sfit1122 <- summaryvlm(fit1122)
dn8 <- dimnames(sfit1122@cov.unscaled)[[1]]
cov1122 <- solve(sfit1122@cov.unscaled)
dimnames(cov1122) <- list(dn8, dn8)
lcs <- length(coefvlm(sfit1122))
log.vec11 <- (lcs - (M - Rank - length(str0)) *
Rank + 1):lcs
cov11 <- cov1122[ log.vec11, log.vec11,
drop = FALSE]
cov12 <- cov1122[ log.vec11, -log.vec11,
drop = FALSE]
cov22 <- cov1122[-log.vec11, -log.vec11,
drop = FALSE]
permcov1122 <- rbind(cbind(cov11, cov12),
cbind(t(cov12), cov22))
cov13 <- delct.da %*% cov33
if (omit13)
cov13 <- cov13 * 0 # zero it
if (omit123) {
cov13 <- cov13 * 0 # zero it
if (fixA) {
cov12 <- cov12 * 0 # zero it
} else {
cov23 <- cov23 * 0 # zero it
cov13 <- -cov13 # Richards (1961)
cov.unscaled <- if (fixA) {
rbind(cbind(cov11, cov12, cov13),
cbind(rbind(t(cov12), t(cov13)),
} else {
rbind(cbind(permcov1122, rbind(cov13, cov23)),
cbind(t(cov13), t(cov23), cov33))
ans <- solve(cov.unscaled)
acoefs <- c(fit1122@coefficients[log.vec11],
dimnames(ans) <- list(names(acoefs),
list(cov.unscaled = ans,
coefficients = acoefs,
ResSS = sfit1122@ResSS)
} # get.rrvglm.se1
get.rrvglm.se2 <-
function(cov.unscaled, dispersion = 1,
coefficients) {
dn8 <- dimnames(cov.unscaled)[[1]]
ans <- matrix(coefficients,
length(coefficients), 4)
ans[, 2] <- sqrt(dispersion) *
ans[, 3] <- ans[, 1] / ans[, 2]
ans[, 4] <- pnorm(-abs(ans[, 3]))
dimnames(ans) <-
list(dn8, c("Estimate", "Std. Error",
"z value", "Pr(>|z|)"))
} # get.rrvglm.se2
num.deriv.rrr <-
function(fit, M, r, x1mat, x2mat,
p2, Index.corner, Aimat, B1mat, Cimat,
h.step = 0.0001, colx2.index,
xij = NULL, str0 = NULL) {
nn <- nrow(x2mat)
if (nrow(Cimat) != p2 || ncol(Cimat) != r)
stop("'Cimat' wrong shape")
dct.da <- matrix(NA_real_,
(M - r - length(str0)) * r, r * p2)
if ((length(Index.corner) + length(str0)) == M)
stop("cannot handle full rank models yet")
cbindex <- (1:M)[-c(Index.corner, str0)]
ptr <- 1
for (sss in 1:r)
for (tt in cbindex) {
small.Hlist <- vector("list", p2)
pAmat <- Aimat
pAmat[tt, sss] <- pAmat[tt, sss] + h.step
for (ii in 1:p2) # Only for x2mat
small.Hlist[[ii]] <- pAmat
offset <- if (length(fit@offset))
fit@offset else 0
if (all(offset == 0))
offset <- 0
neweta <- x2mat %*% Cimat %*% t(pAmat)
if (is.numeric(x1mat))
neweta <- neweta + x1mat %*% B1mat
fit@predictors <- neweta
newmu <- fit@family@linkinv(neweta,
fit@fitted.values <- as.matrix(newmu)
fred <- weights(fit, type = "w",
deriv = TRUE, ignore.slot = TRUE)
if (!length(fred))
stop("cant get object@weights & @deriv")
wz <- fred$weights <- fred$deriv
U <- vchol(wz, M = M, n = nn, silent = TRUE)
tvfor <- vforsub(U, as.matrix(,
M = M, n = nn)
newzmat <- neweta - offset +
vbacksub(U, tvfor, M = M, n = nn)
if (is.numeric(x1mat))
newzmat <- newzmat - x1mat %*% B1mat
newfit <- vlm.wfit(xmat = x2mat,
zmat = newzmat, qr = FALSE,
Hlist = small.Hlist, U = U,
matrix.out = FALSE, is.vlmX = FALSE,
ResSS = TRUE, x.ret = FALSE,
offset = NULL, xij = xij)
dct.da[ptr, ] <-
(newfit$coef - t(Cimat)) / h.step
ptr <- ptr + 1
} # tt
} # num.deriv.rrr <-
function(theta, wz, U, zmat, M, r, x1mat, x2mat,
p2, Index.corner, Aimat, B1mat, Cimat,
xij = NULL,
str0 = NULL) {
if (length(str0))
stop("cant handle 'str0' in")
nn <- nrow(x2mat)
if (nrow(Cimat) != p2 || ncol(Cimat) != r)
stop("Cimat wrong shape")
fred <- kronecker(matrix(1, 1,r), x2mat)
fred <- kronecker(fred, matrix(1,M, 1))
barney <- kronecker(Aimat, matrix(1, 1,p2))
barney <- kronecker(matrix(1, nn, 1), barney)
temp <- array(t(barney*fred), c(p2*r, M, nn))
temp <- aperm(temp, c(2, 1, 3)) # M by p2*r by nn
temp <- mux5(wz, temp, M = M, matrix.arg= TRUE)
temp <- m2a(temp, M = p2 * r) # Note M != M here!
G <- solve(rowSums(temp, dims = 2)) # p2*r by p2*r
dc.da <- array(NA_real_, c(p2, r, M, r))
if (length(Index.corner) == M)
stop("cannot handle full rank models yet")
cbindex <- (1:M)[-Index.corner] # complement of Index.corner
resid2 <- if (length(x1mat))
mux22(t(wz), zmat - x1mat %*% B1mat, M = M,
upper = FALSE, as.matrix = TRUE) else
mux22(t(wz), zmat , M = M,
upper = FALSE, as.matrix = TRUE)
for (sss in 1:r)
for (ttt in cbindex) {
fred <- t(x2mat) *
matrix(resid2[, ttt], p2, nn, byrow = TRUE) # p2 * nn
temp2 <- kronecker(I.col(sss, r), rowSums(fred))
for (kkk in 1:r) {
Wiak <- mux22(t(wz), matrix(Aimat[,kkk],
nn, M, byrow = TRUE),
M = M, upper = FALSE,
as.matrix = TRUE) # nn * M
wxx <- Wiak[,ttt] * x2mat
blocki <- t(x2mat) %*% wxx
temp4a <- blocki %*% Cimat[,kkk]
if (kkk == 1) {
temp4b <- blocki %*% Cimat[,sss]
temp2 <- temp2 - kronecker(I.col(sss, r), temp4a) -
kronecker(I.col(kkk, r), temp4b)
dc.da[,,ttt,sss] <- G %*% temp2
ans1 <- dc.da[,,cbindex,, drop = FALSE] # p2 x r x (M-r) x r
ans1 <- aperm(ans1, c(2, 1, 3, 4)) # r x p2 x (M-r) x r
ans1 <- matrix(c(ans1), r*p2, (M-r)*r)
ans1 <- t(ans1)
} # <-
function(theta, wz, U, z, M, r, xmat, pp,
intercept = TRUE, xij = NULL) {
nn <- nrow(xmat)
Aimat <- matrix(NA_real_, M, r)
Aimat[Index.corner,] <- diag(r)
Aimat[-Index.corner,] <- theta # [-(1:M)]
if (intercept) {
Hlist <- vector("list", pp+1)
Hlist[[1]] <- diag(M)
for (ii in 2:(pp+1))
Hlist[[ii]] <- Aimat
} else {
Hlist <- vector("list", pp)
for (ii in 1:pp)
Hlist[[ii]] <- Aimat
coeffs <- vlm.wfit(xmat = xmat, z, Hlist,
U = U, matrix.out = TRUE,
xij = xij)$mat.coef
c3 <- coeffs <- t(coeffs) # transpose to make M x (pp+1)
int.vec <- if (intercept) c3[, 1] else 0 # \boldeta_0
Cimat <- if (intercept) t(c3[Index.corner,-1, drop = FALSE]) else
t(c3[Index.corner,, drop = FALSE])
if (nrow(Cimat)!=pp || ncol(Cimat)!=r)
stop("Cimat wrong shape")
fred <- kronecker(matrix(1, 1,r),
if (intercept) xmat[,-1, drop = FALSE] else xmat)
fred <- kronecker(fred, matrix(1,M, 1))
barney <- kronecker(Aimat, matrix(1, 1,pp))
barney <- kronecker(matrix(1, nn, 1), barney)
temp <- array(t(barney*fred), c(r*pp,M,nn))
temp <- aperm(temp, c(2, 1, 3))
temp <- mux5(wz, temp, M = M, matrix.arg = TRUE)
temp <- m2a(temp, M = r * pp) # Note M != M here!
G <- solve(rowSums(temp, dims = 2))
dc.da <- array(NA_real_, c(pp, r, M, r))
cbindex <- (1:M)[-Index.corner]
resid2 <- mux22(t(wz),
z - matrix(int.vec, nn, M, byrow = TRUE), M = M,
upper = FALSE, as.matrix = TRUE) # mat = TRUE,
for (s in 1:r)
for (tt in cbindex) {
fred <- (if (intercept)
t(xmat[, -1, drop = FALSE]) else
t(xmat)) * matrix(resid2[, tt],
pp, nn, byrow = TRUE)
temp2 <- kronecker(I.col(s, r), rowSums(fred))
temp4 <- rep_len(0, pp)
for (k in 1:r) {
Wiak <- mux22(t(wz),
matrix(Aimat[, k], nn, M, byrow = TRUE),
M = M, upper = FALSE, as.matrix = TRUE)
wxx <- Wiak[,tt] * (if (intercept)
xmat[, -1, drop = FALSE] else xmat)
blocki <- (if (intercept)
t(xmat[, -1, drop = FALSE]) else
t(xmat)) %*% wxx
temp4 <- temp4 + blocki %*% Cimat[, k]
dc.da[,,tt,s] <- G %*% (temp2 - 2 * kronecker(I.col(s, r), temp4))
Asr1 <- dc.da[,,cbindex,, drop = FALSE] # pp x r x (M-r) x r
Asr1 <- aperm(Asr1, c(2, 1, 3, 4)) # r x pp x (M-r) x r
Asr1 <- matrix(c(Asr1), (M-r)*r, r*pp, byrow = TRUE)
detastar.da <- array(0,c(M,r,r,nn))
for (s in 1:r)
for (j in 1:r) {
t1 <- t(dc.da[,j,,s])
t1 <- matrix(t1, M, pp)
detastar.da[,j,s,] <- t1 %*% (if (intercept)
t(xmat[,-1, drop = FALSE]) else t(xmat))
etastar <- (if (intercept) xmat[,-1, drop = FALSE] else xmat) %*% Cimat
eta <- matrix(int.vec, nn, M, byrow = TRUE) + etastar %*% t(Aimat)
sumWinv <- solve((m2a(t(colSums(wz)), M = M))[, , 1])
deta0.da <- array(0,c(M,M,r))
AtWi <- kronecker(matrix(1, nn, 1), Aimat)
AtWi <- mux111(t(wz), AtWi, M = M, upper= FALSE) # matrix.arg= TRUE,
AtWi <- array(t(AtWi), c(r, M, nn))
for (ss in 1:r) {
temp90 <- (m2a(t(colSums(etastar[, ss]*wz)), M = M))[, , 1] # MxM
temp92 <- array(detastar.da[,,ss,], c(M, r, nn))
temp93 <- mux7(temp92, AtWi)
temp91 <- rowSums(temp93, dims = 2) # M x M
deta0.da[,,ss] <- -(temp90 + temp91) %*% sumWinv
Asr2 <- deta0.da[-(1:r), , , drop = FALSE] # (M-r) x M x r
Asr2 <- aperm(Asr2, c(1, 3, 2)) # (M-r) x r x M
Asr2 <- matrix(c(Asr2), (M-r)*r, M)
list(dc.da = Asr1, dint.da = Asr2)
} #
rrr.deriv.ResSS <-
function(theta, wz, U, z, M, r, xmat,
pp, Index.corner, intercept = TRUE,
xij = NULL) {
Amat <- matrix(NA_real_, M, r)
Amat[Index.corner,] <- diag(r)
Amat[-Index.corner,] <- theta # [-(1:M)]
if (intercept) {
Hlist <- vector("list", pp+1)
Hlist[[1]] <- diag(M)
for (ii in 2:(pp+1))
Hlist[[ii]] <- Amat
} else {
Hlist <- vector("list", pp)
for (ii in 1:pp)
Hlist[[ii]] <- Amat
vlm.wfit(xmat = xmat, z, Hlist, U = U,
matrix.out = FALSE,
ResSS = TRUE, xij = xij)$ResSS
} # rrr.deriv.ResSS <-
function(theta, wz, U, z, M, r, xmat,
pp, Index.corner,
intercept = TRUE) {
nn <- nrow(xmat)
Aimat <- matrix(NA_real_, M, r)
Aimat[Index.corner,] <- diag(r)
Aimat[-Index.corner,] <- theta # [-(1:M)]
if (intercept) {
Hlist <- vector("list", pp+1)
Hlist[[1]] <- diag(M)
for (i in 2:(pp+1))
Hlist[[i]] <- Aimat
} else {
Hlist <- vector("list", pp)
for (i in 1:(pp))
Hlist[[i]] <- Aimat
coeffs <- vlm.wfit(xmat, z, Hlist, U = U,
matrix.out= TRUE,
xij = NULL)$mat.coef
c3 <- coeffs <- t(coeffs) # transpose to make M x (pp+1)
int.vec <- if (intercept) c3[, 1] else 0 # \boldeta_0
Cimat <- if (intercept) t(c3[Index.corner, -1, drop = FALSE]) else
t(c3[Index.corner,, drop = FALSE])
if (nrow(Cimat) != pp || ncol(Cimat) != r)
stop("Cimat wrong shape")
fred <- kronecker(matrix(1, 1,r),
if (intercept) xmat[, -1, drop = FALSE] else xmat)
fred <- kronecker(fred, matrix(1, M, 1))
barney <- kronecker(Aimat, matrix(1, 1, pp))
barney <- kronecker(matrix(1, nn, 1), barney)
temp <- array(t(barney*fred), c(r*pp, M, nn))
temp <- aperm(temp, c(2, 1, 3))
temp <- mux5(wz, temp, M = M, matrix.arg = TRUE)
temp <- m2a(temp, M = r * pp) # Note M != M here!
G <- solve(rowSums(temp, dims = 2))
dc.da <- array(NA_real_, c(pp, r, r, M))
cbindex <- (1:M)[-Index.corner]
resid2 <- mux22(t(wz), z - matrix(int.vec, nn, M, byrow = TRUE),
M = M,
upper = FALSE, as.matrix = TRUE)
for (s in 1:r)
for (tt in cbindex) {
fred <- (if (intercept) t(xmat[, -1, drop = FALSE]) else
t(xmat)) * matrix(resid2[, tt], pp, nn, byrow = TRUE)
temp2 <- kronecker(I.col(s, r), rowSums(fred))
temp4 <- rep_len(0, pp)
for (k in 1:r) {
Wiak <- mux22(t(wz),
matrix(Aimat[, k], nn, M, byrow = TRUE),
M = M, upper = FALSE, as.matrix = TRUE)
wxx <- Wiak[,tt] * (if (intercept)
xmat[, -1, drop = FALSE] else xmat)
blocki <- (if (intercept) t(xmat[, -1, drop = FALSE]) else
t(xmat)) %*% wxx
temp4 <- temp4 + blocki %*% Cimat[, k]
dc.da[,,s,tt] <- G %*% (temp2 - 2 * kronecker(I.col(s, r), temp4))
detastar.da <- array(0,c(M,r,r,nn))
for (s in 1:r)
for (j in 1:r) {
t1 <- t(dc.da[,j,s,])
t1 <- matrix(t1, M, pp)
detastar.da[,j,s,] <- t1 %*% (if (intercept)
t(xmat[, -1, drop = FALSE]) else t(xmat))
etastar <- (if (intercept) xmat[, -1, drop = FALSE] else
xmat) %*% Cimat
eta <- matrix(int.vec, nn, M, byrow = TRUE) + etastar %*% t(Aimat)
sumWinv <- solve((m2a(t(colSums(wz)), M = M))[, , 1])
deta0.da <- array(0, c(M, M, r))
AtWi <- kronecker(matrix(1, nn, 1), Aimat)
AtWi <- mux111(t(wz), AtWi, M = M, upper = FALSE) # matrix.arg= TRUE,
AtWi <- array(t(AtWi), c(r, M, nn))
for (ss in 1:r) {
temp90 <- (m2a(t(colSums(etastar[, ss] * wz)), M = M))[, , 1]
temp92 <- array(detastar.da[, , ss, ], c(M, r, nn))
temp93 <- mux7(temp92,AtWi)
temp91 <- apply(temp93, 1:2,sum) # M x M
temp91 <- rowSums(temp93, dims = 2) # M x M
deta0.da[,,ss] <- -(temp90 + temp91) %*% sumWinv
ans <- matrix(0,M,r)
fred <- mux22(t(wz), z - eta, M = M,
upper = FALSE, as.matrix = TRUE)
fred.array <- array(t(fred %*% Aimat),c(r, 1, nn))
for (s in 1:r) {
a1 <- colSums(fred %*% t(deta0.da[,, s]))
a2 <- colSums(fred * etastar[, s])
temp92 <- array(detastar.da[, , s, ],c(M, r, nn))
temp93 <- mux7(temp92, fred.array)
a3 <- rowSums(temp93, dims = 2)
ans[,s] <- a1 + a2 + a3
ans <- -2 * c(ans[cbindex, ])
} #
vellipse <-
function(R, ratio = 1, orientation = 0,
center = c(0, 0), N = 300) {
if (length(center) != 2)
stop("argument 'center' must be of length 2")
theta <- 2*pi*(0:N)/N
x1 <- R*cos(theta)
y1 <- ratio*R*sin(theta)
x <- center[1] + cos(orientation)*x1 - sin(orientation)*y1
y <- center[2] + sin(orientation)*x1 + cos(orientation)*y1
cbind(x, y)
} # vellipse
biplot.qrrvglm <-
function(x, ...) {
stop("biplot.qrrvglm has been replaced by ",
"the function lvplot.qrrvglm")
lvplot.qrrvglm <-
function(object, varI.latvar = FALSE, refResponse = NULL,
add = FALSE, show.plot = TRUE, rug = TRUE, y = FALSE,
type = c("fitted.values", "predictors"),
xlab = paste0("Latent Variable", if (Rank == 1) "" else " 1"),
ylab = if (Rank == 1) switch(type, predictors = "Predictors",
fitted.values = "Fitted values") else "Latent Variable 2",
pcex = par()$cex, pcol = par()$col, pch = par()$pch,
llty = par()$lty, lcol = par()$col, llwd = par()$lwd,
label.arg = FALSE, adj.arg = -0.1,
ellipse = 0.95, Absolute = FALSE,
elty = par()$lty, ecol = par()$col, elwd = par()$lwd,
egrid = 200,
chull.arg = FALSE, clty = 2, ccol = par()$col, clwd = par()$lwd,
cpch = " ",
OriginC = c("origin", "mean"),
Clty = par()$lty, Ccol = par()$col, Clwd = par()$lwd,
Ccex = par()$cex, Cadj.arg = -0.1, stretchC = 1,
sites = FALSE, spch = NULL, scol = par()$col, scex = par()$cex,
sfont = par()$font,
check.ok = TRUE,
jitter.y = FALSE,
...) {
if (mode(type) != "character" && mode(type) != "name")
type <- as.character(substitute(type))
type <- match.arg(type, c("fitted.values", "predictors"))[1]
if (is.numeric(OriginC))
OriginC <- rep_len(OriginC, 2) else {
if (mode(OriginC) != "character" && mode(OriginC) != "name")
OriginC <- as.character(substitute(OriginC))
OriginC <- match.arg(OriginC, c("origin","mean"))[1]
if (length(ellipse) > 1)
stop("ellipse must be of length 1 or 0")
if (is.logical(ellipse)) {ellipse <- if (ellipse) 0.95 else NULL}
Rank <- object@control$Rank
if (Rank > 2)
stop("can only handle rank 1 or 2 models")
M <- object@misc$M
NOS <- ncol(object@y)
MSratio <- M / NOS # 1st value is g(mean) = quadratic form in latvar
n <- object@misc$n
colx2.index <- object@control$colx2.index
cx1i <- object@control$colx1.index # May be NULL
if (check.ok)
if (!(length(cx1i) == 1 && names(cx1i) == "(Intercept)"))
stop("latent variable plots allowable only for ",
"noRRR = ~ 1 models")
Coef.list <- Coef(object, varI.latvar = varI.latvar,
refResponse = refResponse)
if ( C) Cmat <- Coef.list@C
nustar <- Coef.list@latvar # n x Rank
if (!show.plot) return(nustar)
r.curves <- slot(object, type) # n times M (\boldeta or \boldmu)
if (!add) {
if (Rank == 1) {
if ( y && type == "fitted.values")
(if (jitter.y) jitter(object@y) else object@y) else r.curves,
type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
} else { # Rank == 2
matplot(c(Coef.list@Optimum[1, ], nustar[, 1]),
c(Coef.list@Optimum[2, ], nustar[, 2]),
type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
pch <- rep_len(pch, ncol(r.curves))
pcol <- rep_len(pcol, ncol(r.curves))
pcex <- rep_len(pcex, ncol(r.curves))
llty <- rep_len(llty, ncol(r.curves))
lcol <- rep_len(lcol, ncol(r.curves))
llwd <- rep_len(llwd, ncol(r.curves))
elty <- rep_len(elty, ncol(r.curves))
ecol <- rep_len(ecol, ncol(r.curves))
elwd <- rep_len(elwd, ncol(r.curves))
adj.arg <- rep_len(adj.arg, ncol(r.curves))
if ( C ) {
Clwd <- rep_len(Clwd, nrow(Cmat))
Clty <- rep_len(Clty, nrow(Cmat))
Ccol <- rep_len(Ccol, nrow(Cmat))
Ccex <- rep_len(Ccex, nrow(Cmat))
Cadj.arg <- rep_len(Cadj.arg, nrow(Cmat))
if (Rank == 1) {
for (i in 1:ncol(r.curves)) {
xx <- nustar
yy <- r.curves[,i]
o <- sort.list(xx)
xx <- xx[o]
yy <- yy[o]
lines(xx, yy, col = lcol[i], lwd = llwd[i], lty = llty[i])
if ( y && type == "fitted.values") {
ypts <- if (jitter.y) jitter(object@y) else object@y
if (NCOL(ypts) == ncol(r.curves))
points(xx, ypts[o, i], col = pcol[i],
cex = pcex[i], pch = pch[i])
if (rug)
} else {
for (i in 1:ncol(r.curves))
points(Coef.list@Optimum[1, i], Coef.list@Optimum[2, i],
col = pcol[i], cex = pcex[i], pch = pch[i])
if (label.arg) {
for (i in 1:ncol(r.curves))
text(Coef.list@Optimum[1, i], Coef.list@Optimum[2, i],
labels = (dimnames(Coef.list@Optimum)[[2]])[i],
adj = adj.arg[i], col = pcol[i], cex = pcex[i])
if (chull.arg) {
hull <- chull(nustar[, 1], nustar[, 2])
hull <- c(hull, hull[1])
lines(nustar[hull, 1], nustar[hull, 2],
type = "b", pch = cpch,
lty = clty, col = ccol, lwd = clwd)
if (length(ellipse)) {
ellipse.temp <- if (ellipse > 0) ellipse else 0.95
if (ellipse < 0 &&
(!object@control$eq.tolerances || varI.latvar))
stop("an equal-tolerances assumption and ",
"'varI.latvar = FALSE' ",
"is needed for 'ellipse' < 0")
if ( check.ok ) {
colx1.index <- object@control$colx1.index
if (!(length(colx1.index) == 1 &&
names(colx1.index) == "(Intercept)"))
stop("can only plot ellipses for intercept models only")
for (i in 1:ncol(r.curves)) {
cutpoint <- object@family@linkfun( if (Absolute) ellipse.temp
else Coef.list@Maximum[i] * ellipse.temp,
extra = object@extra)
if (MSratio > 1)
cutpoint <- cutpoint[1, 1]
cutpoint <- object@family@linkfun(Coef.list@Maximum[i],
extra = object@extra) - cutpoint
if (is.finite(cutpoint) && cutpoint > 0) {
Mmat <- diag(rep_len(ifelse(object@control$Crow1positive,
1, -1),
etoli <-
eigen(t(Mmat) %*% Coef.list@Tolerance[,,i] %*%
Mmat, symmetric = TRUE)
A <- ifelse(etoli$val[1]>0,
sqrt(2 * cutpoint * etoli$val[1]), Inf)
B <- ifelse(etoli$val[2]>0,
sqrt(2 * cutpoint * etoli$val[2]), Inf)
if (ellipse < 0)
A <- B <- -ellipse / 2
theta.angle <- asin(etoli$vector[2, 1]) *
ifelse(object@control$Crow1positive[2], 1, -1)
if (object@control$Crow1positive[1])
theta.angle <- pi - theta.angle
if (all(is.finite(c(A,B))))
lines(vellipse(R = 2*A, ratio = B/A,
orientation = theta.angle,
center = Coef.list@Optimum[, i],
N = egrid),
lwd = elwd[i], col =ecol[i], lty = elty[i])
if ( C ) {
if (is.character(OriginC) && OriginC == "mean")
OriginC <- c(mean(nustar[, 1]), mean(nustar[, 2]))
if (is.character(OriginC) && OriginC == "origin")
OriginC <- c(0,0)
for (i in 1:nrow(Cmat))
arrows(x0 = OriginC[1], y0 = OriginC[2],
x1 = OriginC[1] + stretchC * Cmat[i, 1],
y1 = OriginC[2] + stretchC * Cmat[i, 2],
lty = Clty[i], col = Ccol[i], lwd = Clwd[i])
if (label.arg) {
temp200 <- dimnames(Cmat)[[1]]
for (i in 1:nrow(Cmat))
text(OriginC[1] + stretchC * Cmat[i, 1],
OriginC[2] + stretchC * Cmat[i, 2], col = Ccol[i],
labels = temp200[i], adj = Cadj.arg[i],
cex = Ccex[i])
if (sites) {
text(nustar[, 1], nustar[, 2], adj = 0.5,
labels = if (is.null(spch)) dimnames(nustar)[[1]] else
rep_len(spch, nrow(nustar)), col = scol,
cex = scex, font = sfont)
} # lvplot.qrrvglm
lvplot.rrvglm <-
scores = FALSE, show.plot = TRUE,
groups = rep(1, n),
gapC = sqrt(sum(par()$cxy^2)),
scaleA = 1,
xlab = "Latent Variable 1",
ylab = "Latent Variable 2",
Alabels= if (length(object@misc$predictors.names))
object@misc$predictors.names else
param.names("LP", M),
Aadj = par()$adj,
Acex = par()$cex,
Acol = par()$col,
Apch = NULL,
Clabels = rownames(Cmat),
Cadj = par()$adj,
Ccex = par()$cex,
Ccol = par()$col,
Clty = par()$lty,
Clwd = par()$lwd,
chull.arg = FALSE,
ccex = par()$cex,
ccol = par()$col,
clty = par()$lty,
clwd = par()$lwd,
spch = NULL,
scex = par()$cex,
scol = par()$col,
slabels = rownames(x2mat), ...) {
if (object@control$Rank != 2 && show.plot)
stop("can only handle rank-2 models")
M <- object@misc$M
n <- object@misc$n
colx2.index <- object@control$colx2.index
Coef.list <- Coef(object)
Amat <- Coef.list@A
Cmat <- Coef.list@C
Amat <- Amat * scaleA
dimnames(Amat) <- list(object@misc$predictors.names, NULL)
Cmat <- Cmat / scaleA
if (!length(object@x)) {
object@x <- model.matrixvlm(object, type = "lm")
x2mat <- object@x[, colx2.index, drop = FALSE]
nuhat <- x2mat %*% Cmat
if (!show.plot) return(as.matrix(nuhat))
index.nosz <- 1:M
allmat <- rbind(if (A) Amat else NULL,
if (C) Cmat else NULL,
if (scores) nuhat else NULL)
plot(allmat[, 1], allmat[, 2], type = "n",
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
if (A) {
Aadj <- rep_len(Aadj, length(index.nosz))
Acex <- rep_len(Acex, length(index.nosz))
Acol <- rep_len(Acol, length(index.nosz))
if (length(Alabels) != M)
stop("'Alabels' must be of length ", M)
if (length(Apch)) {
Apch <- rep_len(Apch, length(index.nosz))
for (i in index.nosz)
points(Amat[i, 1], Amat[i, 2],
pch = Apch[i], cex = Acex[i],
col = Acol[i])
} else {
for (i in index.nosz)
text(Amat[i, 1], Amat[i, 2],
Alabels[i], cex = Acex[i],
col =Acol[i], adj=Aadj[i])
if (C) {
p2 <- nrow(Cmat)
gapC <- rep_len(gapC, p2)
Cadj <- rep_len(Cadj, p2)
Ccex <- rep_len(Ccex, p2)
Ccol <- rep_len(Ccol, p2)
Clwd <- rep_len(Clwd, p2)
Clty <- rep_len(Clty, p2)
if (length(Clabels) != p2)
stop("'length(Clabels)' must == ", p2)
for (ii in 1:p2) {
arrows(0, 0, Cmat[ii, 1], Cmat[ii, 2],
lwd = Clwd[ii], lty = Clty[ii], col = Ccol[ii])
const <- 1 + gapC[ii] / sqrt(Cmat[ii, 1]^2 + Cmat[ii, 2]^2)
text(const*Cmat[ii, 1], const*Cmat[ii, 2],
Clabels[ii], cex = Ccex[ii],
adj = Cadj[ii], col = Ccol[ii])
if (scores) {
ugrp <- unique(groups)
nlev <- length(ugrp) # number of groups
clty <- rep_len(clty, nlev)
clwd <- rep_len(clwd, nlev)
ccol <- rep_len(ccol, nlev)
if (length(spch)) spch <- rep_len(spch, n)
scol <- rep_len(scol, n)
scex <- rep_len(scex, n)
for (ii in ugrp) {
gp <- groups == ii
if (nlev > 1 && (length(unique(spch[gp])) != 1 ||
length(unique(scol[gp])) != 1 ||
length(unique(scex[gp])) != 1))
warning("spch/scol/scex is different for ",
"individuals from the same group")
temp <- nuhat[gp,, drop = FALSE]
if (length(spch)) {
points(temp[, 1], temp[, 2], cex = scex[gp], pch = spch[gp],
col = scol[gp])
} else {
text(temp[, 1], temp[, 2], label = slabels, cex = scex[gp],
col = scol[gp])
if (chull.arg) {
hull <- chull(temp[, 1], temp[, 2])
hull <- c(hull, hull[1])
lines(temp[hull, 1], temp[hull, 2],
type = "b", lty = clty[ii],
col = ccol[ii], lwd = clwd[ii],
pch = " ")
} # lvplot.rrvglm
Coef.rrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
M <- object@misc$M
n <- object@misc$n
colx1.index <- object@control$colx1.index
colx2.index <- object@control$colx2.index
p1 <- length(colx1.index) # May be 0
Amat <- object@A.est
B1mat <- if (p1)
coefvlm(object, matrix.out = TRUE)[
colx1.index,, drop = FALSE] else
Cmat <- object@C.est
Rank <- object@control$Rank
latvar.names <- param.names("latvar", Rank,
skip1 = TRUE)
tmp2 <- object@misc$predictors.names
if (nrow(Amat) == length(tmp2) &&
ncol(Amat) == length(latvar.names))
dimnames(Amat) <- list(tmp2, latvar.names)
tmp2 <- object@misc$colnames.x[colx2.index]
if (nrow(Cmat) == length(tmp2) &&
ncol(Cmat) == length(latvar.names))
dimnames(Cmat) <- list(tmp2, latvar.names)
ans <- new(Class = "Coef.rrvglm",
A = Amat,
C = Cmat,
Rank = Rank,
colx2.index = colx2.index)
if (!is.null(colx1.index)) {
ans@colx1.index <- colx1.index
ans@B1 <- B1mat
} # Coef.rrvglm
setMethod("Coef", "rrvglm",
function(object, ...)
Coef.rrvglm(object, ...))
Coef.drrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
ans <- Coef(as(object, "rrvglm"))
ans <- as(ans, "Coef.drrvglm")
ans@H.A.alt <- object@H.A.alt
ans@H.A.thy <- object@H.A.thy
ans@H.C <- object@H.C
} # Coef.drrvglm
setMethod("Coef", "drrvglm",
function(object, ...)
Coef.drrvglm(object, ...))
show.Coef.rrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
cat("A matrix:\n")
print(object@A, ...)
cat("\nC matrix:\n")
print(object@C, ...)
p1 <- length(object@colx1.index)
if (p1) {
cat("\nB1 matrix:\n")
print(object@B1, ...)
} # show.Coef.rrvglm
show.Coef.drrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
show(as(object, "Coef.rrvglm"))
cat("\nConstraints for A:\n")
ans.mat <- matrix(unlist(object@H.A.thy),
nrow = nrow(object@H.A.thy[[1]]))
if (identical(nrow(ans.mat), nrow(object@A)))
rownames(ans.mat) <- rownames(object@A)
if (identical(dim(ans.mat), dim(object@A)))
dimnames(ans.mat) <- dimnames(object@A)
print(ans.mat, ...)
cat("\nConstraints for t(C):\n")
ans.mat <- matrix(unlist(object@H.C),
nrow = nrow(object@H.C[[1]]))
Rank <- R <- nrow(object@H.C[[1]])
if (R == 1) # Convert from vector to matrix.
dim(ans.mat) <- c(1, length(ans.mat))
rownames(ans.mat) <- param.names("latvar", R)
if (identical(ncol(ans.mat), nrow(object@C)))
colnames(ans.mat) <- rownames(object@C)
if (identical(dim(ans.mat), dim(object@C)))
colnames(ans.mat) <- rownames(object@C)
print(ans.mat, ...)
} # show.Coef.drrvglm
if (!isGeneric("biplot"))
setGeneric("biplot", function(x, ...)
setMethod("Coef", "qrrvglm", function(object, ...)
Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("biplot", "qrrvglm",
function(x, ...) {
biplot.qrrvglm(x, ...)})
setMethod("lvplot", "qrrvglm",
function(object, ...) {
invisible(lvplot.qrrvglm(object, ...))})
setMethod("lvplot", "rrvglm",
function(object, ...) {
invisible(lvplot.rrvglm(object, ...))})
biplot.rrvglm <- function(x, ...)
lvplot(object = x, ...)
setMethod("biplot", "rrvglm", function(x, ...)
invisible(biplot.rrvglm(x, ...)))
summary.qrrvglm <-
varI.latvar = FALSE, refResponse = NULL, ...) {
answer <- object
answer@post$Coef <- Coef(object,
varI.latvar = varI.latvar,
refResponse = refResponse,
...) # Store it here; non-elegant
if (length((answer@post$Coef)@dispersion) &&
length(object@misc$estimated.dispersion) &&
answer@dispersion <-
answer@misc$dispersion <- (answer@post$Coef)@dispersion
as(answer, "summary.qrrvglm")
} # summary.qrrvglm
show.summary.qrrvglm <- function(x, ...) {
print(x@post$Coef, ...) # non-elegant!
if (length(x@dispersion) > 1) {
cat("\nDispersion parameters:\n")
if (length(x@misc$ynames)) {
names(x@dispersion) <- x@misc$ynames
print(x@dispersion, ...)
} else {
cat(x@dispersion, fill = TRUE)
} else if (length(x@dispersion) == 1) {
cat("\nDispersion parameter: ",
x@dispersion, "\n")
} # show.summary.qrrvglm
setClass("summary.qrrvglm", contains = "qrrvglm")
setMethod("summary", "qrrvglm",
function(object, ...)
summary.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("show", "summary.qrrvglm",
setMethod("show", "Coef.rrvglm", function(object)
setMethod("show", "Coef.drrvglm", function(object)
grc <-
function(y, Rank = 1, Index.corner = 2:(1+Rank),
str0 = 1,
summary.arg = FALSE, h.step = 0.0001,
...) {
myrrcontrol <-
rrvglm.control(Rank = Rank,
Index.corner = Index.corner,
str0 = str0, ...) <- y
if (is(y, "rrvglm")) {
y <-
} else {
y <- as.matrix(y)
y <- as(y, "matrix")
if (length(dim(y)) != 2 || nrow(y) < 3 ||
ncol(y) < 3)
stop("y must be a matrix with >= 3 rows & ",
"columns, or a rrvglm() object")
ei <- function(i, n) diag(n)[, i, drop = FALSE]
.grc.df <- data.frame(Row.2 = I.col(2, nrow(y)))
yn1 <- if (length(dimnames(y)[[1]]))
dimnames(y)[[1]] else
param.names("X2.", nrow(y)) <- options()$warn
options(warn = -3)
if (any(!, 1, 1)))))
yn1 <- param.names("X2.", nrow(y))
options(warn =
Row. <- factor(1:nrow(y))
modmat.row <- model.matrix( ~ Row.)
Col. <- factor(1:ncol(y))
modmat.col <- model.matrix( ~ Col.)
cms <- list("(Intercept)" = matrix(1, ncol(y), 1))
for (ii in 2:nrow(y)) {
cms[[paste0("Row.", ii)]] <-
matrix(1, ncol(y), 1)
.grc.df[[paste0("Row.", ii)]] <-
} # ii
for (ii in 2:ncol(y)) {
cms[[paste0("Col.", ii)]] <-
modmat.col[,ii, drop = FALSE]
.grc.df[[paste0("Col.",ii)]] <-
rep_len(1, nrow(y))
for (ii in 2:nrow(y)) {
cms[[yn1[ii]]] <- diag(ncol(y))
.grc.df[[yn1[ii]]] <- I.col(ii, nrow(y))
dimnames(.grc.df) <-
list(if (length(dimnames(y)[[1]]))
dimnames(y)[[1]] else
str1 <- "~ Row.2"
if (nrow(y) > 2)
for (ii in 3:nrow(y))
str1 <- paste(str1, paste0("Row.", ii), sep = " + ")
for (ii in 2:ncol(y))
str1 <- paste(str1, paste0("Col.", ii), sep = " + ")
str2 <- paste("y ", str1)
for (ii in 2:nrow(y))
str2 <- paste(str2, yn1[ii], sep = " + ")
myrrcontrol$noRRR <- as.formula(str1) # Overwrite this
assign(".grc.df", .grc.df, envir = VGAMenv) <- options()$warn
options(warn = -3)
answer <- if (is(, "rrvglm")) else
rrvglm(as.formula(str2), poissonff,
constraints = cms, control = myrrcontrol,
data = .grc.df)
options(warn =
if (summary.arg) {
answer <- as(answer, "rrvglm")
answer <- summary.rrvglm(answer, h.step = h.step)
} else {
answer <- as(answer, "grc")
if (exists(".grc.df", envir = VGAMenv))
rm(".grc.df", envir = VGAMenv)
} # grc
summary.grc <- function(object, ...) {
grc(object, summary.arg= TRUE, ...)
trplot.qrrvglm <-
which.species = NULL,
add = FALSE, show.plot = TRUE,
label.sites = FALSE,
sitenames = rownames(object@y),
axes.equal = TRUE,
cex = par()$cex,
col = 1:(nos*(nos-1)/2),
log = "",
lty = rep_len(par()$lty, nos*(nos-1)/2),
lwd = rep_len(par()$lwd, nos*(nos-1)/2),
tcol = rep_len(par()$col, nos*(nos-1)/2),
xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
main = "", # "Trajectory plot",
type = "b",
check.ok = TRUE, ...) {
coef.obj <- Coef(object) # use defaults for those two arguments
if (coef.obj@Rank != 1)
stop("object must be a rank-1 model")
fv <- fitted(object)
modelno <- object@control$modelno # 1, 2, 3, or 0
NOS <- ncol(fv) # Number of species
M <- object@misc$M #
nn <- nrow(fv) # Number of sites
if (length(sitenames))
sitenames <- rep_len(sitenames, nn)
sppNames <- dimnames(object@y)[[2]]
if (!length(which.species)) {
which.species <- sppNames[1:NOS]
which.species.numer <- 1:NOS
} else
if (is.numeric(which.species)) {
which.species.numer <- which.species
which.species <- sppNames[which.species.numer] # Convert to char
} else {
which.species.numer <- match(which.species, sppNames)
nos <- length(which.species) # nos = number of species to be plotted
if (length(which.species.numer) <= 1)
stop("must have at least 2 species to be plotted")
cx1i <- object@control$colx1.index
if (check.ok)
if (!(length(cx1i) == 1 && names(cx1i) == "(Intercept)"))
stop("trajectory plots allowable only for noRRR = ~ 1 models")
first.spp <- iam(1, 1,M = M,both = TRUE,diag = FALSE)$row.index
second.spp <- iam(1, 1,M = M,both = TRUE,diag = FALSE)$col.index
myxlab <- if (length(which.species.numer) == 2) {
paste("Fitted value for",
if (is.character(which.species.numer))
which.species.numer[1] else
} else "Fitted value for 'first' species"
myxlab <- if (length(xlab)) xlab else myxlab
myylab <- if (length(which.species.numer) == 2) {
paste("Fitted value for",
if (is.character(which.species.numer))
which.species.numer[2] else
} else "Fitted value for 'second' species"
myylab <- if (length(ylab)) ylab else myylab
if (!add) {
xxx <- if (axes.equal) fv[,which.species.numer] else
yyy <- if (axes.equal) fv[,which.species.numer] else
matplot(xxx, yyy, type = "n", log = log, xlab = myxlab,
ylab = myylab, main = main, ...)
lwd <- rep_len(lwd, nos*(nos-1)/2)
col <- rep_len(col, nos*(nos-1)/2)
lty <- rep_len(lty, nos*(nos-1)/2)
tcol <- rep_len(tcol, nos*(nos-1)/2)
oo <- order(coef.obj@latvar) # Sort by the latent variable
ii <- 0
col <- rep_len(col, nos*(nos-1)/2)
species.names <- NULL
if (show.plot)
for (i1 in seq(which.species.numer)) {
for (i2 in seq(which.species.numer))
if (i1 < i2) {
ii <- ii + 1
species.names <- rbind(species.names,
cbind(sppNames[i1], sppNames[i2]))
matplot(fv[oo, which.species.numer[i1]],
fv[oo, which.species.numer[i2]],
type = type, add = TRUE,
lty = lty[ii], lwd = lwd[ii], col = col[ii],
pch = if (label.sites) " " else "*" )
if (label.sites && length(sitenames))
text(fv[oo, which.species.numer[i1]],
fv[oo, which.species.numer[i2]],
labels = sitenames[oo], cex = cex, col = tcol[ii])
invisible(list(species.names = species.names,
sitenames = sitenames[oo]))
} # trplot.qrrvglm
if (!isGeneric("trplot"))
function(object, ...)
setMethod("trplot", "qrrvglm",
function(object, ...)
trplot.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("trplot", "rrvgam",
function(object, ...)
trplot.qrrvglm(object, ...))
vcovrrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
summary.rrvglm(object, ...)@cov.unscaled
} # vcovrrvglm
vcovdrrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
ans <- summary(object, ...)@cov.unscaled
} # vcovdrrvglm
vcovqrrvglm <-
...) {
object@control$trace <- FALSE # Suppress
fit1 <- fnumat2R(object, refit.model = TRUE)
RR <- fit1$R
covun <- chol2inv(RR)
dimnames(covun) <- list(names(coef(fit1)),
stop("this function is not yet completed")
I.tolerances = object@control$eq.tolerances
if (mode(MaxScale) != "character" && mode(MaxScale) != "name")
MaxScale <- as.character(substitute(MaxScale))
MaxScale <- match.arg(MaxScale, c("predictors", "response"))[1]
if (MaxScale != "predictors")
stop("can currently only handle MaxScale='predictors'")
sobj <- summary(object)
cobj <- Coef(object, I.tolerances = I.tolerances, ...)
M <- nrow(cobj@A)
dispersion <- rep_len(dispersion, M)
if (cobj@Rank != 1)
stop("object must be a rank 1 model")
dvecMax <- cbind(1, -0.5 * cobj@A / c(cobj@D),
(cobj@A / c(2*cobj@D))^2)
dvecTol <- cbind(0, 0, 1 / c(-2 * cobj@D)^1.5)
dvecOpt <- cbind(0, -0.5 / c(cobj@D), 0.5 * cobj@A / c(cobj@D^2))
if ((length(object@control$colx1.index) != 1) ||
(names(object@control$colx1.index) != "(Intercept)"))
stop("Can only handle noRRR=~1 models")
okvals <- c(3*M, 2*M+1)
if (all(length(coef(object)) != okvals))
stop("Can only handle intercepts-only model with ",
"eq.tolerances = FALSE")
answer <- NULL
Cov.unscaled <- array(NA_real_, c(3, 3, M), dimnames = list(
c("(Intercept)", "latvar", "latvar^2"),
c("(Intercept)", "latvar", "latvar^2"), dimnames(cobj@D)[[3]]))
for (spp in 1:M) {
index <- c(M + ifelse(object@control$eq.tolerances, 1, M) + spp,
M + ifelse(object@control$eq.tolerances, 1, spp))
vcov <- Cov.unscaled[,,spp] <-
sobj@cov.unscaled[index, index] # Order is A, D, B1
se2Max <- dvecMax[spp,, drop = FALSE] %*% vcov %*%
se2Tol <- dvecTol[spp,, drop = FALSE] %*% vcov %*%
se2Opt <- dvecOpt[spp,, drop = FALSE] %*% vcov %*%
answer <- rbind(answer, dispersion[spp]^0.5 *
c(se2Opt = se2Opt, se2Tol = se2Tol,
se2Max = se2Max))
link.function <- if (MaxScale == "predictors")
remove.arg(object@misc$predictors.names[1]) else ""
dimnames(answer) <-
c("Optimum", "Tolerance",
if (nchar(link.function))
paste0(link.function, "(Maximum)") else
NAthere <- %*% rep_len(1, 3))
answer[NAthere,] <- NA # NA in tolerance means NA everywhere else
new(Class = "vcov.qrrvglm",
Cov.unscaled = Cov.unscaled,
dispersion = dispersion,
se = sqrt(answer))
} # vcovqrrvglm
setMethod("vcov", "rrvglm", function(object, ...)
vcovrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("vcov", "drrvglm", function(object, ...)
vcovdrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("vcov", "qrrvglm", function(object, ...)
vcovqrrvglm(object, ...))
setClass(Class = "vcov.qrrvglm", representation(
Cov.unscaled = "array", # permuted cov.unscaled
dispersion = "numeric",
se = "matrix"))
model.matrixqrrvglm <-
type = c("latvar", "lm", "vlm"), ...) {
if (mode(type) != "character" && mode(type) != "name")
type <- as.character(substitute(type))
type <- match.arg(type, c("latvar", "lm", "vlm"))[1]
latvar = Coef(object, ...)@latvar,
lm = object@x, # 20180516 was "vlm"
vlm = fnumat2R(object) # 20180516 change
} # model.matrixqrrvglm
setMethod("model.matrix", "qrrvglm",
function(object, ...)
model.matrixqrrvglm(object, ...))
perspqrrvglm <-
function(x, varI.latvar = FALSE, refResponse = NULL,
show.plot = TRUE,
xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
zlim = NULL, # zlim ignored if Rank == 1
gridlength = if (Rank == 1) 301 else c(51, 51),
which.species = NULL,
xlab = if (Rank == 1)
"Latent Variable" else "Latent Variable 1",
ylab = if (Rank == 1)
"Expected Value" else "Latent Variable 2",
zlab = "Expected value",
labelSpecies = FALSE, # For Rank == 1 only
stretch = 1.05, # quick and dirty, Rank == 1 only
main = "",
ticktype = "detailed",
col = if (Rank == 1) par()$col else "white",
llty = par()$lty, llwd = par()$lwd,
add1 = FALSE,
...) {
oylim <- ylim
object <- x # Do not like x as the primary argument
coef.obj <- Coef(object, varI.latvar = varI.latvar,
refResponse = refResponse)
if ((Rank <- coef.obj@Rank) > 2)
stop("object must be a rank-1 or rank-2 model")
fv <- fitted(object)
NOS <- ncol(fv) # Number of species
M <- object@misc$M
xlim <- rep_len(if (length(xlim)) xlim else
range(coef.obj@latvar[, 1]),
if (!length(oylim)) {
ylim <- if (Rank == 1) c(0, max(fv) * stretch) else
rep_len(range(coef.obj@latvar[, 2]), 2)
gridlength <- rep_len(gridlength, Rank)
latvar1 <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length = gridlength[1])
if (Rank == 1) {
m <- cbind(latvar1)
} else {
latvar2 <- seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], length = gridlength[2])
m <- expand.grid(latvar1,latvar2)
if (dim(coef.obj@B1)[1] != 1 ||
dimnames(coef.obj@B1)[[1]] != "(Intercept)")
stop("noRRR = ~ 1 is needed")
LP <- coef.obj@A %*% t(cbind(m)) # M by n
LP <- LP + c(coef.obj@B1) # Assumes \bix_1 = 1 (intercept only)
mm <- as.matrix(m)
N <- ncol(LP)
for (jay in 1:M) {
for (ii in 1:N) {
LP[jay, ii] <- LP[jay, ii] +
mm[ii, , drop = FALSE] %*%
coef.obj@D[,,jay] %*%
t(mm[ii, , drop = FALSE])
LP <- t(LP) # n by M
fitvals <- object@family@linkinv(LP, extra = object@extra) # n by NOS
dimnames(fitvals) <- list(NULL, dimnames(fv)[[2]])
sppNames <- dimnames(object@y)[[2]]
if (!length(which.species)) {
which.species <- sppNames[1:NOS]
which.species.numer <- 1:NOS
} else
if (is.numeric(which.species)) {
which.species.numer <- which.species
which.species <- sppNames[which.species.numer] # Convert to char
} else {
which.species.numer <- match(which.species, sppNames)
if (Rank == 1) {
if (show.plot) {
if (!length(oylim))
ylim <- c(0, max(fitvals[,which.species.numer]) *
stretch) # A revision
col <- rep_len(col, length(which.species.numer))
llty <- rep_len(llty, length(which.species.numer))
llwd <- rep_len(llwd, length(which.species.numer))
if (!add1)
matplot(latvar1, fitvals, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
type = "n",
main = main, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...)
for (jloc in seq_along(which.species.numer)) {
ptr2 <- which.species.numer[jloc] # points to species column
lines(latvar1, fitvals[, ptr2],
col = col[jloc],
lty = llty[jloc],
lwd = llwd[jloc], ...)
if (labelSpecies) {
ptr1 <- (1:nrow(fitvals))[max(fitvals[, ptr2]) ==
fitvals[, ptr2]]
ptr1 <- ptr1[1]
fitvals[ptr1, ptr2] + (stretch-1) * diff(range(ylim)),
label = sppNames[jloc], col = col[jloc], ...)
} else {
max.fitted <- matrix(fitvals[, which.species[1]],
length(latvar1), length(latvar2))
if (length(which.species) > 1)
for (jlocal in which.species[-1]) {
max.fitted <- pmax(max.fitted,
matrix(fitvals[, jlocal],
length(latvar1), length(latvar2)))
if (!length(zlim))
zlim <- range(max.fitted, na.rm = TRUE)
perspdefault <- getS3method("persp", "default")
if (show.plot)
perspdefault(latvar1, latvar2, max.fitted,
zlim = zlim,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, zlab = zlab,
ticktype = ticktype, col = col, main = main, ...)
invisible(list(fitted = fitvals,
latvar1grid = latvar1,
latvar2grid = if (Rank == 2) latvar2 else NULL,
max.fitted = if (Rank == 2) max.fitted else NULL))
} # perspqrrvglm
if (!isGeneric("persp"))
setGeneric("persp", function(x, ...)
package = "VGAM")
setMethod("persp", "qrrvglm",
function(x, ...) perspqrrvglm(x = x, ...))
Rank.rrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
Rank.qrrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
Rank.rrvgam <- function(object, ...) {
concoef.qrrvglm <-
function(object, varI.latvar = FALSE,
refResponse = NULL, ...) {
Coef(object, varI.latvar = varI.latvar,
refResponse = refResponse, ...)@C
concoef.Coef.qrrvglm <-
function(object, ...) {
if (length(list(...)))
warning("Too late! Ignoring the extra arguments")
latvar.rrvglm <-
function(object, ...) {
ans <- lvplot(object, show.plot = FALSE)
if (ncol(ans) == 1)
dimnames(ans) <- list(dimnames(ans)[[1]], "lv")
latvar.qrrvglm <-
varI.latvar = FALSE,
refResponse = NULL, ...) {
varI.latvar = varI.latvar,
refResponse = refResponse, ...)@latvar
latvar.Coef.qrrvglm <-
function(object, ...) {
if (length(list(...)))
warning("Too late! Ignoring the extra arguments")
Max.qrrvglm <-
function(object, varI.latvar = FALSE,
refResponse = NULL, ...) {
Coef(object, varI.latvar = varI.latvar,
refResponse = refResponse, ...)@Maximum
Max.Coef.qrrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
if (length(list(...)))
warning("Too late! Ignoring the extra arguments")
if (any(slotNames(object) == "Maximum"))
object@Maximum else
Max(object, ...)
Opt.qrrvglm <-
function(object, varI.latvar = FALSE,
refResponse = NULL, ...) {
Coef(object, varI.latvar = varI.latvar,
refResponse = refResponse, ...)@Optimum
Opt.Coef.qrrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
if (length(list(...)))
warning("Too late! Ignoring the extra arguments")
Tol.qrrvglm <-
function(object, varI.latvar = FALSE,
refResponse = NULL, ...) {
Coef(object, varI.latvar = varI.latvar,
refResponse = refResponse, ...)@Tolerance
Tol.Coef.qrrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
if (length(list(...)))
warning("Too late! Ignoring the extra arguments")
if (any(slotNames(object) == "Tolerance"))
object@Tolerance else Tol(object, ...)
if (FALSE) {
if (!isGeneric("ccoef"))
setGeneric("ccoef", function(object, ...) {
setMethod("ccoef", "rrvglm",
function(object, ...)
concoef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("ccoef", "qrrvglm",
function(object, ...)
concoef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("ccoef", "Coef.rrvglm",
function(object, ...)
concoef.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("ccoef", "Coef.qrrvglm",
function(object, ...)
concoef.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
if (!isGeneric("concoef"))
setGeneric("concoef", function(object, ...)
setMethod("concoef", "rrvglm",
function(object, ...)
concoef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("concoef", "qrrvglm",
function(object, ...)
concoef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("concoef", "Coef.rrvglm",
function(object, ...)
concoef.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("concoef", "Coef.qrrvglm",
function(object, ...)
concoef.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("coef", "qrrvglm",
function(object, ...) Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("coefficients", "qrrvglm",
function(object, ...) Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
if (!isGeneric("lv"))
function(object, ...) {
setMethod("lv", "rrvglm",
function(object, ...) {
latvar.rrvglm(object, ...)
setMethod("lv", "qrrvglm",
function(object, ...) {
latvar.qrrvglm(object, ...)
setMethod("lv", "Coef.rrvglm",
function(object, ...) {
latvar.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...)
setMethod("lv", "Coef.qrrvglm",
function(object, ...) {
latvar.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...)
if (!isGeneric("latvar"))
function(object, ...) standardGeneric("latvar"))
setMethod("latvar", "rrvglm",
function(object, ...) latvar.rrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("latvar", "qrrvglm",
function(object, ...) latvar.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("latvar", "Coef.rrvglm",
function(object, ...) latvar.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("latvar", "Coef.qrrvglm",
function(object, ...) latvar.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
if (!isGeneric("Max"))
function(object, ...) standardGeneric("Max"))
setMethod("Max", "qrrvglm",
function(object, ...) Max.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("Max", "Coef.qrrvglm",
function(object, ...) Max.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("Max", "rrvgam",
function(object, ...) Coef(object, ...)@Maximum)
if (!isGeneric("Opt"))
function(object, ...) standardGeneric("Opt"))
setMethod("Opt", "qrrvglm",
function(object, ...) Opt.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("Opt", "Coef.qrrvglm",
function(object, ...) Opt.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("Opt", "rrvgam",
function(object, ...) Coef(object, ...)@Optimum)
if (!isGeneric("Tol"))
function(object, ...) standardGeneric("Tol"))
setMethod("Tol", "qrrvglm",
function(object, ...) Tol.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("Tol", "Coef.qrrvglm",
function(object, ...) Tol.Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
cgo <- function(...) {
stop("The function 'cgo' has been renamed 'cqo'. ",
"Ouch! Sorry!")
clo <- function(...) {
stop("Constrained linear ordination is fitted with ",
"the function 'rrvglm'")
is.bell.vlm <-
is.bell.rrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
M <- object@misc$M
ynames <- object@misc$ynames
ans <- rep_len(FALSE, M)
if (length(ynames)) names(ans) <- ynames
is.bell.uqo <-
is.bell.qrrvglm <- function(object, ...) {
is.finite(Max(object, ...))
is.bell.rrvgam <- function(object, ...) {
NA * Max(object, ...)
if (!isGeneric("is.bell"))
function(object, ...) standardGeneric("is.bell"))
function(object,...) is.bell.qrrvglm(object,...))
function(object, ...) is.bell.rrvglm(object, ...))
function(object, ...) is.bell.vlm(object, ...))
function(object, ...) is.bell.rrvgam(object, ...))
function(object,...) is.bell.qrrvglm(object,...))
if (!isGeneric("Rank"))
function(object, ...) standardGeneric("Rank"),
package = "VGAM")
setMethod("Rank", "rrvglm",
function(object, ...) Rank.rrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("Rank", "qrrvglm",
function(object, ...) Rank.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("Rank", "rrvgam",
function(object, ...) Rank.rrvgam(object, ...))
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