# These functions are
# Copyright (C) 1998-2024 T.W. Yee, University of Auckland.
# All rights reserved.
callcqoc <-
function(cmatrix, etamat, xmat, ymat, wvec,
X.vlm.1save, modelno, Control,
n, M, p1star, p2star, nice31, allofit = FALSE) {
ocmatrix <- cmatrix
control <- Control
Rank <- control$Rank
p1 <- length(control$colx1.index)
p2 <- length(control$colx2.index)
dim(cmatrix) <- c(p2, Rank) # for crow1C
pstar <- p1star + p2star
maxMr <- max(M, Rank)
nstar <- if (nice31) ifelse(modelno %in% c(3, 5), n*2, n) else n*M
NOS <- ifelse(modelno %in% c(3, 5), M/2, M)
lenbeta <- pstar * ifelse(nice31, NOS, 1)
if (I.tol <- control$I.tolerances) {
if (Rank > 1) {
numat <- xmat[, control$colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% cmatrix
evnu <- eigen(var(numat), symmetric = TRUE)
cmatrix <- cmatrix %*% evnu$vector
cmatrix <- crow1C(cmatrix, control$Crow1positive)
numat <- xmat[, control$colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% cmatrix
sdnumat <- apply(numat, 2, sd)
for (lookat in 1:Rank)
if (sdnumat[lookat] >
control$MUXfactor[lookat] * control$isd.latvar[lookat]) {
muxer <- control$isd.latvar[lookat] *
control$MUXfactor[lookat] / sdnumat[lookat]
numat[, lookat] <- numat[, lookat] * muxer
cmatrix[,lookat] <- cmatrix[,lookat] * muxer
if (control$trace) {
cat(paste("Taking evasive action for latent variable ",
lookat, ".\n", sep = ""))
rmfromVGAMenv(c("etamat", "z", "U", "beta", "deviance",
"cmatrix", "ocmatrix"), prefix = ".VGAM.CQO.")
} else {
numat <- xmat[, control$colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% cmatrix
evnu <- eigen(var(numat), symmetric = TRUE)
temp7 <- if (Rank > 1) evnu$vector %*% diag(evnu$value^(-0.5)) else
evnu$vector %*% evnu$value^(-0.5)
cmatrix <- cmatrix %*% temp7
cmatrix <- crow1C(cmatrix, control$Crow1positive)
numat <- xmat[, control$colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% cmatrix
inited <- ifelse(exists(".VGAM.CQO.etamat", envir = VGAMenv), 1, 0)
usethiseta <- if (inited == 1)
getfromVGAMenv("etamat", prefix = ".VGAM.CQO.") else t(etamat)
usethisbeta <- if (inited == 2)
getfromVGAMenv("beta", prefix = ".VGAM.CQO.") else double(lenbeta)
othint <- c(Rank = Rank, control$eq.tol, pstar = pstar,
dimw = 1, inited = inited, modelno = modelno,
maxitl = control$maxitl, actnits = 0, twice = 0,
p1star = p1star, p2star = p2star, nice31 = nice31,
lenbeta = lenbeta, I.tol = I.tol, control$trace,
p1 = p1, p2 = p2, control$imethod)
bnumat <- if (nice31) matrix(0, nstar, pstar) else
cbind(matrix(0, nstar, p2star), X.vlm.1save)
ans1 <- if (nice31) .C("cqo_1",
numat = as.double(numat), as.double(ymat),
as.double(if (p1) xmat[, control$colx1.index] else 999),
as.double(wvec), etamat = as.double(usethiseta),
moff = double(if (I.tol) n else 1),
fv = double(NOS*n), z = double(n*M), wz = double(n*M),
U = double(M*n), bnumat = as.double(bnumat),
qr = double(nstar*pstar), qraux = double(pstar),
qpivot = integer(pstar),
as.integer(n), as.integer(M), NOS = as.integer(NOS),
as.integer(nstar), dim1U = as.integer(M),
errcode = integer(1 + NOS), othint = as.integer(othint),
deviance = double(1+NOS), beta = as.double(usethisbeta),
othdbl = as.double(c(small = control$SmallNo,
epsilon = control$epsilon, .Machine$double.eps,
iKvector = rep_len(control$iKvector, NOS),
iShape = rep_len(control$iShape, NOS)))) else
numat = as.double(numat), as.double(ymat),
as.double(if (p1) xmat[, control$colx1.index] else 999),
as.double(wvec), etamat = as.double(usethiseta),
moff = double(if (I.tol) n else 1),
fv = double(NOS*n), z = double(n*M), wz = double(n*M),
U = double(M*n), bnumat = as.double(bnumat),
qr = double(nstar*pstar), qraux = double(pstar),
qpivot = integer(pstar),
as.integer(n), as.integer(M), NOS = as.integer(NOS),
as.integer(nstar), dim1U = as.integer(M),
errcode = integer(1 + NOS), othint = as.integer(othint),
deviance = double(1+NOS), beta = as.double(usethisbeta),
othdbl = as.double(c(small = control$SmallNo,
epsilon = control$epsilon, .Machine$double.eps,
iKvector = rep_len(control$iKvector, NOS),
iShape = rep_len(control$iShape, NOS))))
if (ans1$errcode[1] == 0) {
assign2VGAMenv(c("etamat", "z", "U", "beta", "deviance"),
ans1, prefix = ".VGAM.CQO.")
assign(".VGAM.CQO.cmatrix", cmatrix, envir = VGAMenv)
assign(".VGAM.CQO.ocmatrix", ocmatrix, envir = VGAMenv)
} else {
warning("error code in callcqoc = ", ans1$errcode[1])
if (nice31) {
rmfromVGAMenv(c("etamat", "z", "U", "beta", "deviance",
"cmatrix", "ocmatrix"), prefix = ".VGAM.CQO.")
if (control$trace)
if (allofit) list(deviance = ans1$deviance[1],
alldeviance = ans1$deviance[-1],
coefficients = ans1$beta) else ans1$deviance[1]
} # callcqoc
calldcqo <-
function(cmatrix, etamat, xmat, ymat, wvec,
X.vlm.1save, modelno, Control,
n, M, p1star, p2star, nice31, allofit = FALSE) {
control <- Control
Rank <- control$Rank
p1 <- length(control$colx1.index)
p2 <- length(control$colx2.index)
dim(cmatrix) <- c(p2, Rank) # for crow1C
xmat2 <- xmat[, control$colx2.index, drop = FALSE] #ccc
numat <- double(n*Rank) #ccc
pstar <- p1star + p2star
maxMr <- max(M, Rank)
nstar <- if (nice31)
ifelse(modelno == 3 || modelno == 5, n*2, n) else n*M
NOS <- ifelse(modelno == 3 || modelno == 5, M/2, M)
lenbeta <- pstar * ifelse(nice31, NOS, 1)
if (I.tol <- control$I.tolerances) {
if (Rank > 1) {
numat <- xmat[, control$colx2.index, drop=FALSE] %*% cmatrix
evnu <- eigen(var(numat), symmetric = TRUE)
cmatrix <- cmatrix %*% evnu$vector
cmatrix <- crow1C(cmatrix, control$Crow1positive)
numat <- xmat[,control$colx2.index,drop=FALSE] %*% cmatrix
sdnumat <- apply(numat, 2, sd)
for (lookat in 1:Rank)
if (sdnumat[lookat] > control$MUXfactor[lookat] *
control$isd.latvar[lookat]) {
muxer <- control$isd.latvar[lookat] *
control$MUXfactor[lookat] / sdnumat[lookat]
cmatrix[, lookat] <- cmatrix[, lookat] * muxer
if (control$trace) {
cat(paste("Taking evasive action for latent variable ",
lookat, ".\n", sep = ""))
rmfromVGAMenv(c("etamat", "z", "U", "beta", "deviance",
"cmatrix", "ocmatrix"), prefix = ".VGAM.CQO.")
} else {
numat <- xmat[,control$colx2.index,drop=FALSE] %*% cmatrix
evnu <- eigen(var(numat), symmetric = TRUE)
temp7 <- if (Rank > 1)
evnu$vector %*% diag(evnu$value^(-0.5)) else
evnu$vector %*% evnu$value^(-0.5)
cmatrix <- cmatrix %*% temp7
cmatrix <- crow1C(cmatrix, control$Crow1positive)
numat <- xmat[, control$colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% cmatrix
inited <- ifelse(exists(".VGAM.CQO.etamat",
envir = VGAMenv), 1, 0)
usethiseta <- if (inited == 1)
getfromVGAMenv("etamat", prefix = ".VGAM.CQO.") else t(etamat)
usethisbeta <- if (inited == 2)
getfromVGAMenv("beta", prefix = ".VGAM.CQO.") else double(lenbeta)
othint <- c(Rank, control$eq.tol, pstar, dimw = 1, inited = inited,
modelno, maxitl = control$maxitl, actnits = 0, twice = 0,
p1star = p1star, p2star = p2star,
nice31 = nice31, lenbeta,
I.tol = I.tol, control$trace,
p1, p2, control$imethod) # other ints
bnumat <- if (nice31) matrix(0, nstar, pstar) else
cbind(matrix(0, nstar, p2star), X.vlm.1save)
ans1 <-
numat = as.double(numat), as.double(ymat),
as.double(if (p1) xmat[,control$colx1.index] else 999),
as.double(wvec), etamat = as.double(usethiseta),
moff = double(if (I.tol) n else 1),
fv = double(NOS*n), z = double(n*M), wz = double(n*M),
U = double(M*n), bnumat = as.double(bnumat),
qr = double(nstar * pstar), qraux = double(pstar),
qpivot = integer(pstar),
as.integer(n), as.integer(M), NOS = as.integer(NOS),
as.integer(nstar), dim1U = as.integer(M),
errcode = integer(1 + NOS), othint = as.integer(othint),
deviance = double(1 + NOS), beta = as.double(usethisbeta),
othdbl = as.double(c(small = control$SmallNo,
epsilon = control$epsilon, .Machine$double.eps,
iKvector = rep_len(control$iKvector, NOS),
iShape = rep_len(control$iShape, NOS))),
xmat2 = as.double(xmat2),
cmat = as.double(cmatrix),
p2 = as.integer(p2), deriv = double(p2*Rank),
hstep = as.double(control$Hstep))
if (ans1$errcode[1] != 0) {
warning("error code in calldcqo = ", ans1$errcode[1])
} # calldcqo
checkCMCO <- function(Hlist, control, modelno) {
p1 <- length(colx1.index <- control$colx1.index)
p2 <- length(colx2.index <- control$colx2.index)
if (p1 + p2 != length(Hlist))
stop("'Hlist' is the wrong length")
if (p1 == 0 || p2 == 0)
stop("Some variables are needed in noRRR and non-noRRR arguments")
if (all(names(colx1.index) != "(Intercept)"))
stop("an intercept term must be in the argument 'noRRR' formula")
Hlist1 <- vector("list", p1)
Hlist2 <- vector("list", p2)
for (kk in 1:p1)
Hlist1[[kk]] <- Hlist[[(colx1.index[kk])]]
for (kk in 1:p2)
Hlist2[[kk]] <- Hlist[[(colx2.index[kk])]]
if (modelno == 3 || modelno == 5) {
if (p1 > 1)
for (kk in 2:p1)
Hlist1[[kk]] <- (Hlist1[[kk]])[c(TRUE,FALSE),,drop = FALSE]
for (kk in 1:p2)
Hlist2[[kk]] <- (Hlist2[[kk]])[c(TRUE,FALSE),,drop = FALSE]
if (!all(trivial.constraints(Hlist2) == 1))
stop("the constraint matrices for the non-noRRR terms ",
"are not trivial")
if (!trivial.constraints(Hlist1[[1]]))
stop("the constraint matrices for intercept term is ",
"not trivial")
if (p1 > 1)
for (kk in 2:p1)
if (!trivial.constraints(list(Hlist1[[kk]])))
stop("the constraint matrices for some 'noRRR' ",
"terms is not trivial")
nice31 <- if (control$Quadratic)
(!control$eq.tol || control$I.tolerances) else TRUE
} # checkCMCO <- function(x, y, w = rep_len(1, length(x[, 1])),
etastart = NULL, mustart = NULL, coefstart = NULL,
offset = 0, family,
control = qrrvglm.control(...),
constraints = NULL,
extra = NULL,
Terms = Terms, = "cqo", ...) {
modelno <- quasi.newton <- NOS <- z <- fv <- NULL
if (!all(offset == 0))
stop(" cannot handle offsets")
eff.n <- nrow(x) # + sum(abs(w[1:nrow(x)]))
specialCM <- NULL
post <- list()
nonparametric <- FALSE
epsilon <- control$epsilon
maxitl <- control$maxitl
save.weights <- control$save.weights
trace <- control$trace
orig.stepsize <- control$stepsize
ny <- names(y)
n <- dim(x)[1]
intercept.only <- ncol(x) == 1 && dimnames(x)[[2]] == "(Intercept)"
y.names <- predictors.names <- NULL # May be overwritten in @initialize <- n
Rank <- control$Rank
rrcontrol <- control #
if (length(family@initialize))
eval(family@initialize) # Initialize mu and M (and optionally w)
n <-
if (length(etastart)) {
eta <- etastart
mu <- if (length(mustart)) mustart else
if (length(body(slot(family, "linkinv"))))
slot(family, "linkinv")(eta, extra) else
warning("argument 'etastart' assigned a value ",
"but there is no 'linkinv' slot to use it")
if (length(mustart)) {
mu <- mustart
if (length(body(slot(family, "linkfun")))) {
eta <- slot(family, "linkfun")(mu, extra)
} else {
warning("argument 'mustart' assigned a value ",
"but there is no 'link' slot to use it")
M <- if (is.matrix(eta)) ncol(eta) else 1
if (is.character(rrcontrol$Dzero)) {
index <- match(rrcontrol$Dzero, dimnames(as.matrix(y))[[2]])
if (anyNA(index))
stop("Dzero argument didn't fully match y-names")
if (length(index) == M)
stop("all linear predictors are linear in the",
" latent variable(s); so set 'Quadratic=FALSE'")
rrcontrol$Dzero <- control$Dzero <- index
if (length(family@constraints))
special.matrix <- matrix(-34956.125, M, M) # An unlikely used matrix
just.testing <- cm.VGAM(special.matrix, x, rrcontrol$noRRR,
findex <- trivial.constraints(just.testing, special.matrix)
tc1 <- trivial.constraints(constraints)
if (!control$Quadratic && sum(!tc1) != 0) {
for (ii in names(tc1))
if (!tc1[ii] && !any(ii == names(findex)[findex == 1]))
warning("'", ii, "' is a non-trivial constraint that will ",
"be overwritten by reduced-rank regression")
if (all(findex == 1))
stop("use vglm(), not rrvglm()!")
colx1.index <- names.colx1.index <- NULL
dx2 <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
if (sum(findex)) {
asx <- attr(x, "assign")
for (ii in names(findex))
if (findex[ii]) {
names.colx1.index <- c(names.colx1.index, dx2[asx[[ii]]])
colx1.index <- c(colx1.index, asx[[ii]])
names(colx1.index) <- names.colx1.index
rrcontrol$colx1.index <-
control$colx1.index <- colx1.index
colx2.index <- 1:ncol(x)
names(colx2.index) <- dx2
colx2.index <- colx2.index[-colx1.index]
p1 <- length(colx1.index); p2 <- length(colx2.index)
rrcontrol$colx2.index <- control$colx2.index <- colx2.index
Amat <- if (length(rrcontrol$Ainit))
rrcontrol$Ainit else
matrix(rnorm(M * Rank, sd = rrcontrol$sd.Cinit), M, Rank)
Cmat <- if (length(rrcontrol$Cinit)) {
matrix(rrcontrol$Cinit, p2, Rank)
} else {
if (!rrcontrol$Use.Init.Poisson.QO) {
matrix(rnorm(p2 * Rank, sd = rrcontrol$sd.Cinit),
p2, Rank)
} else {
.Init.Poisson.QO(ymat = as.matrix(y),
X1 = x[, colx1.index, drop = FALSE],
X2 = x[, colx2.index, drop = FALSE],
Rank = rrcontrol$Rank, trace = rrcontrol$trace,
max.ncol.etamat = rrcontrol$Etamat.colmax,
Crow1positive = rrcontrol$Crow1positive,
isd.latvar = rrcontrol$isd.latvar,
constwt = family@vfamily[1] %in%
c("negbinomial", "gamma2", "gaussianff"),
takelog = any(family@vfamily[1] != c("gaussianff")))
if (rrcontrol$I.tolerances) {
latvarmat <- x[, rrcontrol$colx2.index, drop = FALSE] %*% Cmat
latvarmatmeans <- t(latvarmat) %*% matrix(1/n, n, 1)
if (!all(abs(latvarmatmeans) < 4))
warning("I.tolerances = TRUE but the variables making up the ",
"latent variable(s) do not appear to be centered.")
if (modelno %in% c(3, 5))
Amat[c(FALSE, TRUE), ] <- 0 # Intercept only for log(k)
if (length(control$str0))
Amat[control$str0, ] <- 0
rrcontrol$Ainit <- control$Ainit <- Amat # Good for valt0()
rrcontrol$Cinit <- control$Cinit <- Cmat # Good for valt0()
Hlist <- process.constraints(constraints, x, M, specialCM = specialCM)
nice31 <- checkCMCO(Hlist, control = control, modelno = modelno)
ncolHlist <- unlist(lapply(Hlist, ncol)) <- if (nice31) {
} else {
tmp500 <- lm2qrrvlm.model.matrix(x = x, Hlist = Hlist,
C = Cmat, control = control)
xsmall.qrr <- tmp500$new.latvar.model.matrix
H.list <- tmp500$constraints
latvar.mat <- tmp500$latvar.mat
if (length(tmp500$offset)) {
offset <- tmp500$offset
lm2vlm.model.matrix(xsmall.qrr, H.list, xij = control$xij)
if (length(coefstart) && length( {
eta <- if (ncol( > 1) %*% coefstart + offset else * coefstart + offset
eta <- if (M > 1) matrix(eta, ncol = M, byrow = TRUE) else c(eta)
mu <- family@linkinv(eta, extra)
rmfromVGAMenv(c("etamat", "z", "U", "beta", "deviance",
"cmatrix", "ocmatrix"), prefix = ".VGAM.CQO.")
for (iter in 1:control$optim.maxit) {
if (!quasi.newton$convergence) break
if (maxitl > 1 && iter >= maxitl && quasi.newton$convergence)
warning("convergence not obtained in", maxitl, "iterations.")
if (length(family@fini1))
asgn <- attr(x, "assign")
coefs <- getfromVGAMenv("beta", prefix = ".VGAM.CQO.")
if (control$I.tolerances) {
if (NOS == M) {
coefs <- c(t(matrix(coefs, ncol = M))) # Get into right order
} else {
coefs <- coefs
dn <- labels(x)
yn <- dn[[1]]
xn <- dn[[2]]
residuals <- z - fv
if (M == 1) {
residuals <- as.vector(residuals)
names(residuals) <- yn
} else {
dimnames(residuals) <- list(yn, predictors.names)
if (is.matrix(mu)) {
if (length(dimnames(y)[[2]])) {
y.names <- dimnames(y)[[2]]
if (length(dimnames(mu)[[2]])) {
y.names <- dimnames(mu)[[2]]
dimnames(mu) <- list(yn, y.names)
} else {
names(mu) <- names(fv)
y.names <- NULL
df.residual <- 55 - 8 - Rank*p2
fit <- list(assign = asgn,
coefficients = coefs,
constraints = Hlist,
df.residual = df.residual, = n*M,
fitted.values = mu,
offset = offset,
residuals = residuals,
terms = Terms) # terms: This used to be done in vglm()
if (M == 1) {
wz <- as.vector(wz) # Convert wz into a vector
fit$weights <- if (save.weights) wz else NULL
misc <- list(
colnames.x = xn,
criterion = "deviance", =,
predictors.names = predictors.names,
M = M,
n = n,
nonparametric = nonparametric,
orig.assign = attr(x, "assign"),
p = ncol(x),
ynames = dimnames(y)[[2]])
if (w[1] != 1 || any(w != w[1]))
fit$prior.weights <- w
if (length(family@last))
edeviance <- getfromVGAMenv("deviance", prefix = ".VGAM.CQO.")
crit.list <- list( deviance = edeviance[ 1],
alldeviance = edeviance[-1])
if (is.character(y.names) &&
length(y.names) == length(crit.list$alldeviance))
names(crit.list$alldeviance) <- y.names
structure(c(fit, list(predictors = matrix(eta, n, M),
contrasts = attr(x, "contrasts"),
control = control,
crit.list = crit.list,
extra = extra,
family = family,
iter = iter,
misc = misc,
post = post,
ResSS = 000,
x = x,
y = y)),
vclass = family@vfamily)
} #
.Init.Poisson.QO <-
function(ymat, X1, X2, Rank = 1, epsilon = 1/32,
max.ncol.etamat = 10,
trace = FALSE,
Crow1positive = rep_len(TRUE, Rank),
isd.latvar = rep_len(1, Rank),
constwt = FALSE, takelog = TRUE) {
print.CQO.expression <- expression({
if (trace && length(X2)) {
cat("\nUsing initial values\n")
dimnames(ans) <-
param.names("latvar", Rank, skip1 = TRUE))
print(if (p2 > 5) ans else t(ans), dig = 3)
sd.scale.X2.expression <- expression({
if (length(isd.latvar)) {
actualSD <- c( sqrt(diag(var(X2 %*% ans))) )
for (ii in 1:Rank)
ans[,ii] <- ans[,ii] * isd.latvar[ii] / actualSD[ii]
Crow1positive <-
if (length(Crow1positive))
rep_len(Crow1positive, Rank) else
rep_len(TRUE, Rank)
if (epsilon <= 0)
stop("epsilon > 0 is required")
ymat <- cbind(ymat) + epsilon # ymat == 0 cause problems
NOS <- ncol(ymat)
p2 <- ncol(X2)
if (NOS < 2*Rank) {
ans <- crow1C(matrix(rnorm(p2 * Rank, sd = 0.02), p2, Rank),
if (NOS == 1) {
} else { <- ans; # contains scaled guesses
calS <- 1:NOS # Set of all species available for the approximation
effrank <- min(Rank, floor(NOS/2)) # Effective rank
ncol.etamat <- min(if (length(X2)) floor(NOS/2) else effrank,
etamat <-
wts <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(ymat), ncol = ncol.etamat) # has >=1 coln
rr <- 1
for (ii in 1:floor(NOS/2)) {
if (length(calS) < 2) break
index <- sample(calS, size = 2) # Randomness here
etamat[, rr] <- etamat[, rr] + (if (takelog)
log(ymat[, index[1]] / ymat[, index[2]]) else
ymat[, index[1]] - ymat[, index[2]])
wts[, rr] <- wts[, rr] +
(if (constwt) 1 else ymat[, index[1]] + ymat[, index[2]])
calS <- setdiff(calS, index)
rr <- (rr %% ncol.etamat) + 1
if (trace)
cat("\nObtaining initial values\n")
if (length(X2)) {
alt <-
valt0(x = cbind(X1, X2), zmat = etamat,
U = sqrt(t(wts)), Rank = effrank,
Hlist = NULL, Cinit = NULL, trace = FALSE,
colx1.index = 1:ncol(X1), Criterion = "ResSS")
temp.control <- list(Rank = effrank,
colx1.index = 1:ncol(X1),
Alpha = 0.5,
colx2.index = (ncol(X1)+1):(ncol(X1) + ncol(X2)),
Corner = FALSE, Svd.arg = TRUE,
Uncorrelated.latvar = TRUE, Quadratic = FALSE)
Asr2 <- if (Rank > 1)
rrr.normalize(rrcontrol = temp.control,
A = alt$A.est, C = alt$C.est,
x = cbind(X1, X2)) else
ans <- crow1C(Asr2$C.est, # == Asr2$Cmat,
rep_len(Crow1positive, effrank)) <- Rank
Rank <- effrank
Rank <-
if (effrank < Rank) {
ans <- cbind(ans,[,-(1:effrank)]) # ans is better
} else {
xij <- NULL # temporary measure
U <- t(sqrt(wts))
tmp <- vlm.wfit(xmat = X1, zmat = etamat, Hlist = NULL, U = U,
matrix.out = TRUE,
is.vlmX = FALSE, ResSS = TRUE, qr = FALSE,
xij = xij)
ans <- crow1C(as.matrix(tmp$resid),
rep_len(Crow1positive, effrank))
if (effrank < Rank) {
ans <- cbind(ans,[,-(1:effrank)]) # ans is better
if (Rank > 1) {
evnu <- eigen(var(ans), symmetric = TRUE)
ans <- ans %*% evnu$vector
if (length(isd.latvar)) {
actualSD <- apply(cbind(ans), 2, sd)
for (ii in 1:Rank)
ans[,ii] <- ans[,ii] * isd.latvar[ii] / actualSD[ii]
ans <- crow1C(ans, rep_len(Crow1positive, Rank))
dimnames(ans) <- list(dimnames(X1)[[1]],
param.names("latvar", Rank, skip1 = TRUE))
if (trace) {
print(if (nrow(ans) > 10) t(ans) else ans, dig = 3)
} # .Init.Poisson.QO
cqo.init.derivative.expression <- expression({
which.optimizer <-
if (control$Quadratic && control$FastAlgorithm) {
} else {
ifelse(iter <= rrcontrol$Switch.optimizer, "Nelder-Mead", "BFGS")
if (trace && control$OptimizeWrtC) {
cat("\nUsing", which.optimizer, "algorithm\n")
if (FALSE) {
constraints <- replaceCMs(constraints, diag(M),
nice31 <- (!control$eq.tol || control$I.tolerances) &&
all(trivial.constraints(constraints) == 1)
NOS <- ifelse(modelno == 3 || modelno == 5, M/2, M)
canfitok <- (exists("CQO.FastAlgorithm", envir = VGAMenv) &&
get("CQO.FastAlgorithm", envir = VGAMenv))
if (!canfitok)
stop("cannot fit this model using fast algorithm")
p2star <- if (nice31)
ifelse(control$I.toleran, Rank, Rank + Rank*(Rank+1)/2) else
(NOS*Rank + Rank*(Rank+1)/2 * ifelse(control$eq.tol, 1, NOS))
p1star <- if (nice31) ifelse(modelno %in% c(3, 5), 1+p1, p1) else
(ncol( - p2star)
X.vlm.1save <- if (p1star > 0)[, -(1:p2star)] else NULL
}) # cqo.init.derivative.expression
cqo.derivative.expression <- expression({
if (iter == 1 || quasi.newton$convergence) {
quasi.newton <- optim(par = Cmat, fn = callcqoc,
gr = if (control$GradientFunction) calldcqo else NULL,
method = which.optimizer,
control = list(fnscale = 1, trace = as.integer(control$trace),
parscale = rep_len(control$Parscale, length(Cmat)),
maxit = control$Maxit.optim),
etamat = eta, xmat = x, ymat = y, wvec = w,
X.vlm.1save = X.vlm.1save,
modelno = modelno, Control = control,
n = n, M = M, p1star = p1star,
p2star = p2star, nice31 = nice31)
z <- matrix(getfromVGAMenv("z", prefix = ".VGAM.CQO."), n, M)
U <- matrix(getfromVGAMenv("U", prefix = ".VGAM.CQO."), M, n)
ocmatrix <- getfromVGAMenv("ocmatrix", prefix = ".VGAM.CQO.")
maxdiff <- max(abs(c(ocmatrix) - c(quasi.newton$par)) / (1 +
if (maxdiff < 1.0e-4) {
Cmat <- getfromVGAMenv("cmatrix", prefix = ".VGAM.CQO.")
} else {
warning("solution does not correspond to .VGAM.CQO.cmatrix")
alt <- valt.1iter(x = x, z = z, U = U, Hlist = Hlist,
C = Cmat, nice31 = nice31,
control = rrcontrol, lp.names = predictors.names,
MSratio = M / NOS)
if (length(alt$offset))
offset <- alt$offset <- alt$B1 # Put later into extra
tmp.fitted <- alt$fitted # contains \bI_{Rank} \bnu if Corner
if (trace && control$OptimizeWrtC) {
cat(which.optimizer, "using optim():", "\n")
cat("Objective =", quasi.newton$value, "\n")
cat("Parameters (= c(C)) = ",
if (length(quasi.newton$par) < 5) "" else "\n")
cat(alt$Cmat, fill = TRUE)
cat("Number of function evaluations =", quasi.newton$count[1], "\n")
if (length(quasi.newton$message))
cat("Message =", quasi.newton$message, "\n")
Amat <- alt$Amat #
Cmat <- alt$Cmat #
Dmat <- alt$Dmat #
eval(cqo.end.expression) #
}) # cqo.derivative.expression
cqo.end.expression <- expression({
rmfromVGAMenv(c("etamat"), prefix = ".VGAM.CQO.")
if (control$Quadratic) {
if (!length(extra))
extra <- list()
extra$Amat <- Amat # Not the latest iteration ??
extra$Cmat <- Cmat # Saves the latest iteration
extra$Dmat <- Dmat # Not the latest iteration
extra$B1 <- # Not the latest iteration (not good)
} else {
Hlist <- replaceCMs(, Amat, colx2.index)
fv <- tmp.fitted # Contains \bI \bnu
eta <- fv + offset
mu <- family@linkinv(eta, extra)
if (anyNA(mu))
warning("there are NAs in mu") <- eval(family@deriv)
wz <- eval(family@weight)
if (control$checkwz)
wz <- checkwz(wz, M = M, trace = trace, wzeps = control$wzepsilon)
U <- vchol(wz, M = M, n = n, silent = !trace)
tvfor <- vforsub(U, as.matrix(, M = M, n = n)
z <- eta + vbacksub(U, tvfor, M=M, n=n) - offset # Contains \bI\bnu
}) # cqo.end.expression
crow1C <-
crow1positive = rep(TRUE, ncol(cmat)),
amat = NULL) {
if (is.null(crow1positive)) { # No change
ans <- if (length(amat))
list(cmat = cmat, amat = amat) else cmat
if (!is.logical(crow1positive) ||
length(crow1positive) != ncol(cmat))
stop("bad input in crow1C")
for (LV in 1:ncol(cmat))
if (( crow1positive[LV] && cmat[1, LV] < 0) ||
(!crow1positive[LV] && cmat[1, LV] > 0)) {
cmat[, LV] <- -cmat[, LV]
if (length(amat))
amat[, LV] <- -amat[, LV]
if (length(amat))
list(cmat = cmat, amat = amat) else cmat
} # crow1C
printqrrvglm <- function(x, ...) {
if (!is.null(cl <- x@call)) {
if (FALSE) {
if (FALSE) {
nobs <- if (length( else length(x@residuals)
rdf <- x@df.residual
if (!length(rdf))
rdf <- nobs - Rank
if (length(deviance(x)))
cat("Residual deviance:", format(deviance(x)), "\n")
if (FALSE && length(x@criterion)) {
ncrit <- names(x@criterion)
for (ii in ncrit)
if (ii != "loglikelihood" && ii != "deviance")
cat(paste(ii, ":", sep = ""), format(x@criterion[[ii]]), "\n")
} # printqrrvglm
setMethod("Coef", "qrrvglm", function(object, ...)
Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("coef", "qrrvglm", function(object, ...)
Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("coefficients", "qrrvglm", function(object, ...)
Coef.qrrvglm(object, ...))
if (!isGeneric("deviance"))
setGeneric("deviance", function(object, ...)
setMethod("deviance", "qrrvglm", function(object,...)
setMethod("fitted", "qrrvglm", function(object, ...)
setMethod("fitted.values", "qrrvglm", function(object, ...)
setMethod("show", "qrrvglm", function(object) printqrrvglm(object))
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