
Defines functions trim.constraints muxtXAX attr.assign.x.vglm which.xij which.etas retain.col bisection.basic familyname.vglmff familyname.vlm param.names wz.merge arwz2wz w.y.check w.wz.merge interleave.cmat interleave.VGAM is.empty.list lerch getfromVGAMenv assign2VGAMenv existsinVGAMenv rmfromVGAMenv VGAM.matrix.norm mbesselI0 qnupdate weightsvlm weightsvglm procVec pweights wweights vindex a2m m2a dimm miam iam add.constraints trivial.constraints process.constraints cm.zero.VGAM cm.nointercept.VGAM cm.VGAM getind grid.search4 grid.search3 grid.search2 grid.search subsetc Select getarg

Documented in a2m add.constraints arwz2wz attr.assign.x.vglm bisection.basic cm.nointercept.VGAM cm.VGAM cm.zero.VGAM dimm dimm familyname.vglmff familyname.vglmff familyname.vlm familyname.vlm getarg getind grid.search grid.search2 grid.search3 grid.search4 iam interleave.cmat interleave.VGAM interleave.VGAM is.empty.list lerch m2a mbesselI0 param.names param.names process.constraints procVec pweights retain.col Select subsetc trim.constraints trivial.constraints vindex weightsvglm which.etas which.xij wweights w.wz.merge w.y.check wz.merge

# These functions are
# Copyright (C) 1998-2024 T.W. Yee, University of Auckland.
# All rights reserved.

getarg <- function(a) {

  b <- unlist(strsplit(a, "(", fixed = TRUE))

  if (length(b) == 2) {  # Usual case
    d <- unlist(strsplit(b[2], ")", fixed = TRUE))
  } else if (length(b) == 1) {  # identitylink
  } else if (length(b) == 3) {  # nbcanlink
    d <- unlist(strsplit(b[2], ",", fixed = TRUE))
  } else {
}  # getarg

subsetcol <-
Select <-
           data = list(),
           prefix = "y",

           lhs  = NULL,
           rhs  = NULL,  # Can be "0" to suppress an intercept, else "".
           rhs2 = NULL,  # Can be "0" to suppress an intercept, else "".
           rhs3 = NULL,  # Can be "0" to suppress an intercept, else "".

           as.character = FALSE,
           as.formula.arg = FALSE,
           tilde = TRUE,
           exclude = NULL,
           sort.arg = TRUE) {

  if (is.character(exclude))
    if (any(nchar(prefix) == 0))
      stop("bad input for argument 'exclude'")
  if (!is.logical(sort.arg) ||
      length(sort.arg) != 1)
    stop("bad input for argument 'sort.arg'")

  col.names <- colnames(data)
  if (is.logical(prefix)) {
    index <- if (prefix) seq_along(col.names) else
             stop("cannot have 'prefix = FALSE'")
  } else {
    index <- NULL
    for (ii in seq_along(prefix)) {
      small.col.names <- substr(col.names, 1, nchar(prefix[ii]))

      index <- c(index, grep(prefix[ii], small.col.names))

  temp.col.names <- col.names[index]

  if (length(exclude)) {
    exclude.index <- NULL
    for (ii in seq_along(exclude)) {
      exclude.index <- c(exclude.index,
                  (seq_along(col.names))[exclude[ii] == col.names])
    exclude.index <- unique(sort(exclude.index))
    index <- setdiff(index, exclude.index)
    temp.col.names <- col.names[index]

  if (sort.arg) {
    ooo <- order(temp.col.names)
    index <- index[ooo]
    temp.col.names <- temp.col.names[ooo]

 ltcn.positive <- (length(temp.col.names) > 0)

  if (as.formula.arg) {
    form.string <- paste0(ifelse(length(lhs), lhs, ""),
                          ifelse(tilde, " ~ ", ""),
                          if (ltcn.positive)
                            paste(temp.col.names, collapse = " + ") else
                      ifelse(ltcn.positive && length(rhs ), " + ", ""),
                          ifelse(length(rhs ), rhs, ""),
                          ifelse(length(rhs2), paste(" +", rhs2), ""),
                          ifelse(length(rhs3), paste(" +", rhs3), ""))

    if (as.character) {
    } else {
  } else {
    if (as.character) {
             paste(temp.col.names, collapse = ", "),
    } else {
      ans <- if (is.matrix(data)) data[, index] else
             if (is.list(data)) data[index] else
             stop("argument 'data' is neither a list or a matrix")
      if (length(ans)) {
      } else {
}  # subsetcol, Select

if (FALSE)
subsetc <-
  function(x, select,
           prefix = NULL,
           subset = TRUE, drop = FALSE,
           exclude = NULL,
           sort.arg = !is.null(prefix),
           as.character = FALSE) {

  if (!is.null(prefix)) {
    if (!missing(select))
      warning("overwriting argument 'select' by something ",
              "using 'prefix'")
    select <- grepl(paste0("^", prefix), colnames(x))

  if (missing(select)) {
    vars <- TRUE
  } else {
    nl <- as.list(seq_along(x))  # as.list(1L:ncol(x))
    names(nl) <- names(x)  # colnames(x)
    vars <- eval(substitute(select), nl, parent.frame())

  ans <- x[subset & !is.na(subset), vars, drop = drop]
  if (sort.arg) {
    cna <- colnames(ans)
    ooo <- order(cna)
    ans <- ans[, ooo, drop = drop]

  if (!is.null(exclude)) {
    cna <- colnames(ans)
    ooo <- match(exclude, cna)
    ans <- ans[, -ooo, drop = drop]

  if (as.character) {
    cna <- colnames(ans)
    paste0("cbind(", paste0(cna, collapse = ", "), ")")
  } else {

 grid.search <- function(vov, objfun, y, x, w, extraargs = NULL,
                         maximize = TRUE, abs.arg = FALSE,
                         ret.objfun = FALSE, ...) {
  if (!is.vector(vov))
    stop("argument 'vov' must be a vector")
  objvals <- vov
  for (ii in seq_along(vov))
    objvals[ii] <- objfun(vov[ii], y = y, x = x, w = w,
                          extraargs = extraargs, ...)
  try.this <- if (abs.arg) {
               if (maximize) vov[abs(objvals) == max(abs(objvals))] else
               vov[abs(objvals) == min(abs(objvals))]
             } else {
               if (maximize) vov[objvals == max(objvals)] else
               vov[objvals == min(objvals)]
  if (!length(try.this))
    stop("something has gone wrong!")
  ans <- if (length(try.this) == 1)
    try.this else sample(try.this, size = 1)

  myvec <- objvals[ans == vov]  # Could be a vector
  if (ret.objfun) c(Value = ans, ObjFun = myvec[1]) else ans
}  # grid.search

 grid.search2 <-
    function(vov1, vov2, objfun, y, x, w, extraargs = NULL,
             maximize = TRUE,  # abs.arg = FALSE,
             ret.objfun = FALSE, ...) {
  if (!is.vector(vov1))
    stop("argument 'vov1' must be a vector")
  if (!is.vector(vov2))
    stop("argument 'vov2' must be a vector")

  allmat1 <- expand.grid(vov1 = as.vector(vov1),
                         vov2 = as.vector(vov2))
  objvals <- numeric(nrow(allmat1))
  for (ii in seq_along(objvals))
    objvals[ii] <- objfun(allmat1[ii, "vov1"],
                          allmat1[ii, "vov2"],
                          y = y, x = x, w = w,
                          extraargs = extraargs, ...)

  ind5 <- if (maximize) which.max(objvals) else which.min(objvals)

  c(Value1 = allmat1[ind5, "vov1"],
    Value2 = allmat1[ind5, "vov2"],
    ObjFun = if (ret.objfun) objvals[ind5] else NULL)
}  # grid.search2

 grid.search3 <-
    function(vov1, vov2, vov3, objfun, y, x, w, extraargs = NULL,
             maximize = TRUE,  # abs.arg = FALSE,
             ret.objfun = FALSE, ...) {
  if (!is.vector(vov1))
    stop("argument 'vov1' must be a vector")
  if (!is.vector(vov2))
    stop("argument 'vov2' must be a vector")
  if (!is.vector(vov3))
    stop("argument 'vov3' must be a vector")

  allmat1 <- expand.grid(vov1 = as.vector(vov1),
                         vov2 = as.vector(vov2),
                         vov3 = as.vector(vov3))
  objvals <- numeric(nrow(allmat1))
  for (ii in seq_along(objvals))
    objvals[ii] <- objfun(allmat1[ii, "vov1"],
                          allmat1[ii, "vov2"],
                          allmat1[ii, "vov3"],
                          y = y, x = x, w = w,
                          extraargs = extraargs, ...)

  ind5 <- if (maximize) which.max(objvals) else which.min(objvals)

  c(Value1 = allmat1[ind5, "vov1"],
    Value2 = allmat1[ind5, "vov2"],
    Value3 = allmat1[ind5, "vov3"],
    ObjFun = if (ret.objfun) objvals[ind5] else NULL)
}  # grid.search3

 grid.search4 <-
    function(vov1, vov2, vov3, vov4,
             objfun, y, x, w, extraargs = NULL,
             maximize = TRUE,  # abs.arg = FALSE,
             ret.objfun = FALSE, ...) {
  if (!is.vector(vov1))
    stop("argument 'vov1' must be a vector")
  if (!is.vector(vov2))
    stop("argument 'vov2' must be a vector")
  if (!is.vector(vov3))
    stop("argument 'vov3' must be a vector")
  if (!is.vector(vov4))
    stop("argument 'vov4' must be a vector")

  allmat1 <- expand.grid(vov1 = as.vector(vov1),
                         vov2 = as.vector(vov2),
                         vov3 = as.vector(vov3),
                         vov4 = as.vector(vov4))
  objvals <- numeric(nrow(allmat1))
  for (ii in seq_along(objvals))
    objvals[ii] <- objfun(allmat1[ii, "vov1"],
                          allmat1[ii, "vov2"],
                          allmat1[ii, "vov3"],
                          allmat1[ii, "vov4"],
                          y = y, x = x, w = w,
                          extraargs = extraargs, ...)

  ind5 <- if (maximize) which.max(objvals) else which.min(objvals)

  c(Value1 = allmat1[ind5, "vov1"],
    Value2 = allmat1[ind5, "vov2"],
    Value3 = allmat1[ind5, "vov3"],
    Value4 = allmat1[ind5, "vov4"],
    ObjFun = if (ret.objfun) objvals[ind5] else NULL)
}  # grid.search4

 getind <- function(constraints, M, ncolx) {

  if (!length(constraints)) {

    constraints <- vector("list", ncolx)
    for (ii in 1:ncolx)
      constraints[[ii]] <- diag(M)

  ans <- vector("list", M+1)
  names(ans) <- c(param.names("eta", M), "ncolX.vlm")

  temp2 <- matrix(unlist(constraints), nrow = M)
  for (kk in 1:M) {
    ansx <- NULL
    for (ii in seq_along(constraints)) {
      temp <- constraints[[ii]]
      isfox <- any(temp[kk, ] != 0)
      if (isfox) {
        ansx <- c(ansx, ii)
    ans[[kk]] <- list(xindex = ansx,
                  X.vlmindex = (1:ncol(temp2))[temp2[kk,] != 0])
  ans[[M+1]] <- ncol(temp2)

}  # genind

 cm.VGAM <-
  function(cm, x, bool, constraints,
           apply.int = FALSE,
           cm.default = diag(nrow(cm)),  # 20121226
           cm.intercept.default = diag(nrow(cm))  # 20121226
          ) {

  if (is.null(bool))

  if (!is.matrix(cm))
    stop("argument 'cm' is not a matrix")
  M <- nrow(cm)
  asgn <- attr(x, "assign")
  if (is.null(asgn))
    stop("the 'assign' attribute is missing from 'x'; this ",
         "may be due to some missing values")  # 20100306
  nasgn <- names(asgn)
  ninasgn <- nasgn[nasgn != "(Intercept)"]

  if (!length(constraints)) {
    constraints <- vector("list", length(nasgn))
    for (ii in seq_along(nasgn)) {
      constraints[[ii]] <- cm.default  # diag(M)
    names(constraints) <- nasgn

    if (any(nasgn == "(Intercept)"))
      constraints[["(Intercept)"]] <- cm.intercept.default

  if (!is.list(constraints))
    stop("argument 'constraints' must be a list")

  if (length(constraints) != length(nasgn) ||
      any(sort(names(constraints)) != sort(nasgn))) {
    print(names(constraints) )
    cat("\nnames(attr(x, 'assign'))\n")
    print( nasgn )
    stop("The above do not match; 'constraints' is half-pie")

  if (is.logical(bool)) {
    if (bool) {
      if (any(nasgn == "(Intercept)") && apply.int)
        constraints[["(Intercept)"]] <- cm

      if (length(ninasgn))
        for (ii in ninasgn)
          constraints[[ii]] <- cm
    } else {
  } else {
    tbool <- terms(bool)
    if (attr(tbool, "response")) {
      ii <- attr(tbool, "factors")
      default <- dimnames(ii)[[1]]
      default <- default[1]
      default <- if (is.null(default[1])) {
        t.or.f <- attr(tbool, "variables")

        t.or.f <- as.character( t.or.f )
        if (t.or.f[1] == "list" && length(t.or.f) == 2 &&
           (t.or.f[2] == "TRUE" || t.or.f[2] == "FALSE")) {
          t.or.f <- as.character( t.or.f[2] )
          parse(text = t.or.f)[[1]]
        } else {
          stop("something gone awry")
      } else {
        parse(text = default[1])[[1]]  # Original
      default <- as.logical(eval(default))
    } else {
      default <- TRUE
    tl <- attr(tbool, "term.labels")
    if (attr(tbool, "intercept"))
      tl <- c("(Intercept)", tl)

    for (ii in nasgn) {
      if ( default &&  any(tl == ii))
        constraints[[ii]] <- cm
      if (!default && !any(tl == ii))
        constraints[[ii]] <- cm

}  # cm.VGAM

cm.nointercept.VGAM <- function(constraints, x, nointercept, M) {

  asgn <- attr(x, "assign")
  nasgn <- names(asgn)
  if (is.null(constraints)) {
    constraints <- vector("list", length(nasgn))  # list()
    names(constraints) <- nasgn
  if (!is.list(constraints))
    stop("'constraints' must be a list")

  for (ii in seq_along(asgn))
    constraints[[nasgn[ii]]] <- if (is.null(constraints[[nasgn[ii]]]))
      diag(M) else eval(constraints[[nasgn[ii]]])

  if (is.null(nointercept))
  if (!is.numeric(nointercept))
    stop("'nointercept' must be numeric")

  nointercept <- unique(sort(nointercept))
  if (length(nointercept) == 0 || length(nointercept) >= M)
    stop("too few or too many values")

  if (any(nointercept < 1 | nointercept > M))
    stop("'nointercept' out of range")
  if (nasgn[1] != "(Intercept)" || M == 1)
    stop("Need an (Intercept) constraint matrix with M>1")
  if (!identical(constraints[["(Intercept)"]], diag(M)))
    warning("Constraint matrix of (Intercept) not diagonal")

  temp <- constraints[["(Intercept)"]]
  temp <- temp[, -nointercept, drop = FALSE]
  constraints[["(Intercept)"]] <- temp
}  # cm.nointercept.VGAM

 cm.zero.VGAM <- function(constraints, x, zero = NULL, M = 1,
                          predictors.names, M1 = 1) {

  if (is.character(predictors.names)) {
    for (ii in 1:length(predictors.names))
      predictors.names[ii] <- getarg(predictors.names[ii])

  dotzero <- zero  # Transition

  if (length(dotzero) == 1 && (dotzero == "" || is.na(dotzero)))
    dotzero <- NULL

  if (is.character(dotzero)) {

    which.numeric.all <- NULL
    for (ii in seq_along(dotzero)) {
      which.ones <-
          grep(dotzero[ii], predictors.names, fixed = TRUE)
      if (length(which.ones)) {
        which.numeric.all <- c(which.numeric.all, which.ones)
      } else {
        warning("some values of argument 'zero' are unmatched. ",
                "Ignoring them")
    }  # for ii
    which.numeric <- unique(sort(which.numeric.all))

    if (!length(which.numeric)) {
      warning("No values of argument 'zero' were matched.")
      which.numeric <- NULL
    } else if (length(which.numeric.all) > length(which.numeric)) {
      warning("There were redundant values of argument 'zero'.")

    dotzero <- which.numeric
  }  # if is.character(dotzero)

  posdotzero <-  dotzero[dotzero > 0]
  negdotzero <-  dotzero[dotzero < 0]

  zneg.index <- if (length(negdotzero)) {

    if (!is.Numeric(-negdotzero, positive = TRUE,
                    integer.valued = TRUE) ||
        max(-negdotzero) > M1)
        stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")

    bigUniqInt <- 1080
    zneg.index <- rep(0:bigUniqInt, rep(length(negdotzero),
                      1 + bigUniqInt)) * M1 + abs(negdotzero)
    sort(intersect(zneg.index, 1:M))
  } else {

  zpos.index <- if (length(posdotzero)) posdotzero else NULL
  z.Index <- if (!length(dotzero)) NULL else
               unique(sort(c(zneg.index, zpos.index)))

  zero <- z.Index  # Transition

  asgn <- attr(x, "assign")
  nasgn <- names(asgn)
  if (is.null(constraints)) {
    constraints <- vector("list", length(nasgn))  # list()
    names(constraints) <- nasgn
  if (!is.list(constraints))
    stop("'constraints' must be a list")

  for (ii in seq_along(asgn))
    constraints[[nasgn[ii]]] <- if (is.null(constraints[[nasgn[ii]]]))
      diag(M) else eval(constraints[[nasgn[ii]]])

  if (is.null(zero))

  if (any(zero < 1 | zero > M))
    stop("argument 'zero' out of range; should have values between ",
         "1 and ", M, " inclusive")
  if (nasgn[1] != "(Intercept)")
    stop("cannot fit an intercept to a no-intercept model")

  if (2 <= length(constraints))
    for (ii in 2:length(constraints)) {
      Hmatk <- constraints[[nasgn[ii]]]
      Hmatk[zero, ] <- 0
      index <- NULL
      for (kk in 1:ncol(Hmatk))
        if (all(Hmatk[, kk] == 0))
          index <- c(index, kk)
      if (length(index) == ncol(Hmatk))
        stop("constraint matrix has no columns!")
      if (!is.null(index))
        Hmatk <- Hmatk[, -index, drop = FALSE]
      constraints[[nasgn[ii]]] <- Hmatk
    }  # for ii

}  # cm.zero.VGAM

 process.constraints <-
  function(constraints, x, M,
           by.col = TRUE, specialCM = NULL,
           Check.cm.rank = TRUE) {

    asgn <- attr(x, "assign")
    nasgn <- names(asgn)

  if (is.null(constraints)) {
    constraints <- vector("list", length(nasgn))
    for (ii in seq_along(nasgn))
      constraints[[ii]] <- diag(M)
    names(constraints) <- nasgn

  if (is.matrix(constraints))
    constraints <- list(constraints)

  if (!is.list(constraints))
    stop("'constraints' must be a list")

  lenconstraints <- length(constraints)
  if (lenconstraints > 0)
    for (ii in 1:lenconstraints) {
      list.elt <- constraints[[ii]]

      if (is.function(list.elt)) {
        list.elt <- list.elt()

      constraints[[ii]] <- eval(list.elt)
      if (!is.null  (constraints[[ii]]) &&
        stop("'constraints[[", ii, "]]' is not a matrix")
    }  # for ii

  if (is.null(names(constraints)))
    names(constraints) <- rep_len(nasgn, lenconstraints)

  tmp3 <- vector("list", length(nasgn))
  names(tmp3) <- nasgn
  for (ii in seq_along(nasgn))
    tmp3[[nasgn[ii]]] <-
      if (is.null(constraints[[nasgn[ii]]])) diag(M) else

  for (ii in seq_along(asgn)) {
    if (!is.matrix(tmp3[[ii]])) {
      stop("component ", ii, "is not a constraint matrix")
    if (ncol(tmp3[[ii]]) > M)
      stop("constraint matrix has too many columns")

  if (!by.col)

  constraints <- tmp3
  Hlist <- vector("list", ncol(x))
  for (ii in seq_along(asgn)) {
    cols <- asgn[[ii]]
    ictr <- 0
    for (jay in cols) {
      ictr <- ictr + 1
      cm <- if (is.list(specialCM) &&
                any(nasgn[ii] == names(specialCM))) {
              slist <- specialCM[[(nasgn[ii])]]
            } else {
      Hlist[[jay]] <- cm
  names(Hlist) <- colnames(x)  # dimnames(x)[[2]]

  if (Check.cm.rank) {
    all.svd.d <- function(x) svd(x)$d
    mylist <- lapply(Hlist, all.svd.d)

    if (max(unlist(lapply(mylist, length))) > M)
      stop("some constraint matrices have more than ", M,

    MyVector <- unlist(mylist)
    if (min(MyVector) < 1.0e-10)
      stop("some constraint matrices are not of ",
           "full column-rank: ",
           paste(names(MyVector)[MyVector < 1.0e-10], collapse = ", "))

}  # process.constraints

 trivial.constraints <- function(Hlist, target = diag(M)) {

  if (is.null(Hlist))

  if (is.matrix(Hlist))
    Hlist <- list(Hlist)
  M <- dim(Hlist[[1]])[1]

  if (!is.matrix(target))
    stop("target is not a matrix")
  dimtar <- dim(target)

  trivc <- rep_len(1, length(Hlist))
  names(trivc) <- names(Hlist)
  for (ii in seq_along(Hlist)) {
    d <- dim(Hlist[[ii]])
    if (d[1] != dimtar[1]) trivc[ii] <- 0
    if (d[2] != dimtar[2]) trivc[ii] <- 0
    if (d[1] != M)         trivc[ii] <- 0
    if (length(Hlist[[ii]]) != length(target))
      trivc[ii] <- 0
    if (trivc[ii] == 0) next
    if (!all(c(Hlist[[ii]]) == c(target)))
      trivc[ii] <- 0
    if (trivc[ii] == 0) next
}  # trivial.constraints

 add.constraints <- function(constraints, new.constraints,
                             overwrite = FALSE, check = FALSE) {

  empty.list <- function(l)
    (is.null(l) || (is.list(l) && length(l) == 0))

  if (empty.list(constraints))
    if (is.list(new.constraints))
      return(new.constraints) else
      return(list())  # Both NULL probably

  constraints <- as.list(constraints)
  new.constraints <- as.list(new.constraints)
  nc <- names(constraints)         # May be NULL
  nn <- names(new.constraints)     # May be NULL

  if (is.null(nc) || is.null(nn))
    stop("lists must have names")
  if (any(nc == "") || any(nn == ""))
    stop("lists must have names")

  if (!empty.list(constraints) && !empty.list(new.constraints)) {
    for (ii in nn) {
      if (any(ii == nc)) {
        if (check &&
        (!(all(dim(constraints[[ii]]) == dim(new.constraints[[ii]])) &&
           all(    constraints[[ii]]  ==     new.constraints[[ii]]))))
          stop("apparent contradiction in the specification ",
               "of the constraints")
        if (overwrite)
          constraints[[ii]] <- new.constraints[[ii]]
      } else
        constraints[[ii]] <- new.constraints[[ii]]
  } else {
    if (!empty.list(constraints))
      return(as.list(constraints)) else

}  # add.constraints

 iam <- function(j, k, M,  # hbw = M,
                 both = FALSE, diag = TRUE) {

  jay <- j
  kay <- k

  if (M == 1)
    if (!diag) stop("cannot handle M == 1 and diag = FALSE")

  if (M == 1) {
    if (both) return(list(row.index = 1, col.index = 1)) else return(1)
  upper <- if (diag) M else M - 1
  i2 <- as.list(upper:1)
  i2 <- lapply(i2, seq)
  i2 <- unlist(i2)

  i1 <- matrix(1:M, M, M)
  i1 <- if (diag) c(i1[row(i1) >= col(i1)]) else
                  c(i1[row(i1) >  col(i1)])

  if (both) {
    list(row.index = i2, col.index = i1)
  } else {
    if (any(jay > M) || any(kay > M) || any(jay < 1) || any(kay < 1))
      stop("range error in argument 'j' or 'k'")

    if (length(jay) < length(kay)) jay <- rep_len(jay, length(kay))
    if (length(kay) < length(jay)) kay <- rep_len(kay, length(jay))

    if (all(c(length(jay), length(kay)) == 1)) {
      both <- (i1 == jay & i2 == kay) | (i1 == kay & i2 == jay)
    } else {
    vector.big <- 10000 * pmin(i1, i2) + pmax(i1, i2)
    vector.sml <- 10000 * pmin(jay, kay) + pmax(jay, kay)
      match.sml <- match(vector.sml, vector.big)
}  # iam

if (FALSE)
 miam <- function(j, k, M1,  # M1 used to be called M
                  NOS = 1,  # This argument is new
                  both = FALSE, diag = TRUE) {

  if (NOS == 1)
    return(iam(j = j, k = k, M = M1, both = both, diag = diag))

  M <- M1 * NOS

  jay <- j
  kay <- k

  if (M == 1)
    if (!diag) stop("cannot handle this")

  if (M == 1)
    if (both) return(list(row.index = 1, col.index = 1)) else

  upper <- if (diag) M else M - 1
  i2 <- as.list(upper:1)
  i2 <- lapply(i2, seq)
  i2 <- unlist(i2)

  i1 <- matrix(1:M, M, M)
  i1 <- if (diag) c(i1[row(i1) >= col(i1)]) else
                  c(i1[row(i1) >  col(i1)])

  if (both) {
    list(row.index = i2, col.index = i1)
  } else {
    if (jay > M || kay > M || jay < 1 || kay < 1)
      stop("range error in j or k")
    both <- (i1 == jay & i2 == kay) |
            (i1 == kay & i2 == jay)
}  # miam

 dimm <- function(M, hbw = M) {

  if (!is.numeric(hbw))
    hbw <- M

  if (hbw > M || hbw < 1)
    stop("range error in argument 'hbw'")
  hbw * (2 * M - hbw +1) / 2
}  # dimm

 m2a <- function(m, M, upper = FALSE, allow.vector = FALSE) {

  if (!is.numeric(m))
      stop("argument 'm' is not numeric")

  if (!is.matrix(m))
    m <- cbind(m)
  n <- nrow(m)
  dimm <- ncol(m)
  index <- iam(NA, NA, M = M, both = TRUE, diag = TRUE)
  if (dimm > length(index$row.index))
    stop("bad value for 'M'; it is too small")
  if (dimm < M) {
    stop("bad value for 'M'; it is too big")

  fred <- .C("m2accc", as.double(t(m)), ans=double(M*M*n),
      as.integer(n),  as.integer(M),
      as.integer(as.numeric(upper)), NAOK = TRUE)
  dim(fred$ans) <- c(M, M, n)
  alpn <- NULL
  dimnames(fred$ans) <- list(alpn, alpn, dimnames(m)[[1]])
}  # m2a

 a2m <- function(a, trim = FALSE) {

  if (is.matrix(a) && ncol(a) == nrow(a))
    a <- array(a, c(nrow(a), ncol(a), 1))
  if (!is.array(a))
    dim(a) <- c(1, 1, length(a))

  M <- dim(a)[1]
  if (M != dim(a)[2])
    stop("argument 'a' does not contain square matrices")
  n <- dim(a)[3]
  dimm.value <- dimm(M)
  index <- iam(NA, NA, M, both = TRUE, diag = TRUE)

  mat <- matrix(0, n, dimm.value)
  for (jay in seq(dimm.value))
    mat[, jay] <- a[index$row[jay], index$col[jay], ]

  if (trim)
    for (jay in dimm.value:1) {
      if (all(mat[, jay] == 0)) mat <- mat[, -jay] else break

}  # a2m

 vindex <- function(M, row.arg = FALSE, col.arg = FALSE,
                    length.arg = M * (M + 1) / 2) {

  if ((row.arg + col.arg) != 1)
    stop("only one of row and col must be TRUE")
  if (M == 1) {
    ans <- 1
  } else {
    if (row.arg) {
      i1 <- matrix(1:M, M, M)
      ans <- c(i1[row(i1) + col(i1) <= (M + 1)])
    } else {
      i1 <- matrix(1:M, M, M)
      ans <- c(i1[row(i1) >= col(i1)])
  if (length.arg > length(ans))
    stop("argument 'length.arg' too big")
  rep_len(ans, length.arg)
}  # vindex

 wweights <-
  function(object, matrix.arg = TRUE, deriv.arg = FALSE,
           ignore.slot = FALSE, checkwz = TRUE) {

  if (length(wz <- object@weights) && !ignore.slot && !deriv.arg) {

  M <- object@misc$M  # Done below
  n <- object@misc$n  # Done below

  if (any(slotNames(object) == "extra")) {
    extra <- object@extra
    if (length(extra) == 1 && !length(names(extra))) {
      extra <- extra[[1]]
  mu <- object@fitted.values
  if (any(slotNames(object) == "predictors"))
    eta <- object@predictors
  mt <- terms(object)  # object@terms$terms; 20030811
  Hlist <- object@constraints
  new.coeffs <- object@coefficients
  if (any(slotNames(object) == "iter"))
    iter <- object@iter

  w <- rep_len(1, n)
  if (any(slotNames(object) == "prior.weights"))
    w <- object@prior.weights
  if (!length(w))
    w <- rep_len(1, n)

  x <- object@x
  if (!length(x))
    x <- model.matrixvlm(object, type = "lm")

  y <- object@y
  if (!length(y))
    y <- depvar(object)

    offset <- object@offset  # Could be cbind(0)
    if (all(dim(offset) == 1)) offset <- c(offset)  # 0 (not a matrix)

  X.vlm.save <- model.matrixvlm(object, type = "vlm")

  if (length(object@misc$form2)) {
    Xm2 <- object@Xm2
    if (!length(Xm2))
      Xm2 <- model.matrix(object, type = "lm2")
    Ym2 <- object@Ym2

  if (any(slotNames(object) == "family")) {
    infos.list <- object@family@infos()
    if (length(infos.list))
      for (ii in names(infos.list)) {
        assign(ii, infos.list[[ii]])

  if (any(slotNames(object) == "control"))
    for (ii in names(object@control)) {
      assign(ii, object@control[[ii]])

  if (length(object@misc))
    for (ii in names(object@misc)) {
      assign(ii, object@misc[[ii]])

  if (any(slotNames(object) == "family")) {
    expr <- object@family@deriv
    deriv.mu <- eval(expr)
    if (!length(wz)) {
      expr <- object@family@weight
      wz <- eval(expr)

      if (M > 1)
        dimnames(wz) <- list(dimnames(wz)[[1]], NULL)  # Remove colnames
      wz <- if (matrix.arg) as.matrix(wz) else c(wz)
    if (deriv.arg) list(deriv = deriv.mu, weights = wz) else wz
  } else {
}  # wweights

 pweights <- function(object, ...) {
  ans <- object@prior.weights
  if (length(ans)) {
  } else {
    temp <- object@y
    ans <- rep_len(1, nrow(temp))  # Assumed all equal and unity.
    names(ans) <- dimnames(temp)[[1]]
}  # pweights

procVec <- function(vec, yn, Default) {

  if (anyNA(vec))
    stop("vec cannot contain any NAs")
  L <- length(vec)
  nvec <- names(vec)  # vec[""] undefined
  named <- length(nvec)  # FALSE for c(1,3)
  if (named) {
    index <- (1:L)[nvec == ""]
    default <- if (length(index)) vec[index] else Default
  } else {
    default <- vec

  answer <- rep_len(default, length(yn))
  names(answer) <- yn
  if (named) {
    nvec2 <- nvec[nvec != ""]
    if (length(nvec2)) {
      if (any(!is.element(nvec2, yn)))
          stop("some names given which are superfluous")
      answer <- rep_len(NA_real_, length(yn))
      names(answer) <- yn
      answer[nvec2] <- vec[nvec2]
      answer[is.na(answer)] <-
        rep_len(default, sum(is.na(answer)))

}  # procVec

if (FALSE) {


 weightsvglm <-
  function(object, type = c("prior", "working"),
           matrix.arg = TRUE, ignore.slot = FALSE,
           deriv.arg = FALSE, ...) {
  weightsvlm(object, type = type, matrix.arg = matrix.arg,
              ignore.slot = ignore.slot,
              deriv.arg = deriv.arg, ...)

 weightsvlm <-
  function(object, type = c("prior", "working"),
           matrix.arg = TRUE, ignore.slot = FALSE,
           deriv.arg = FALSE, ...) {
  if (mode(type) != "character" && mode(type) != "name")
    type <- as.character(substitute(type))
  type <- match.arg(type, c("prior", "working"))[1]

  if (type == "working") {
    wweights(object = object,
             matrix.arg = matrix.arg, deriv.arg = deriv.arg,
             ignore.slot = ignore.slot, ...)
  } else {
    if (deriv.arg)
      stop("cannot set 'deriv = TRUE' when 'type=\"prior\"'")
    ans <- pweights(object)
    if (matrix.arg) as.matrix(ans) else c(ans)
}  # weightsvlm

if (!isGeneric("weights"))
    setGeneric("weights", function(object, ...)

setMethod("weights", "vlm",
         function(object, ...)
         weightsvlm(object, ...))

setMethod("weights", "vglm",
         function(object, ...)
         weightsvglm(object, ...))

qnupdate <- function(w, wzold, dderiv, deta, M, keeppd = TRUE,
                     trace = FALSE, reset = FALSE,
                     effpos=.Machine$double.eps^0.75) {

  if (M == 1) {
    dderiv <- cbind(dderiv)
    deta <- cbind(deta)
  Bs <- mux22(t(wzold), deta, M = M,
              upper = FALSE, as.matrix = TRUE)  # n x M
  sBs <- c( (deta * Bs) %*% rep_len(1, M) )  # should have positive vals
  sy <- c( (dderiv * deta) %*% rep_len(1, M) )
  wznew <- wzold
  index <- iam(NA, NA, M = M, both = TRUE)
  index$row.index <- rep_len(index$row.index, ncol(wzold))
  index$col.index <- rep_len(index$col.index, ncol(wzold))
  updateThese <- if (keeppd) (sy > effpos) else rep_len(TRUE, length(sy))
  if (!keeppd || any(updateThese)) {
    wznew[updateThese,] <- wznew[updateThese,] -
        Bs[updateThese,index$row] *
        Bs[updateThese,index$col] / sBs[updateThese] +
        dderiv[updateThese,index$row] *
        dderiv[updateThese,index$col] / sy[updateThese]
    notupdated <- sum(!updateThese)
    if (notupdated && trace)
          "weight matrices not updated out of", length(sy), "\n")
  } else {
    warning("no BFGS quasi-Newton update made at all")
    cat("no BFGS quasi-Newton update made at all\n")
}  # qnupdate

mbesselI0 <-
  function(x, deriv.arg = 0) {
  if (!is.Numeric(deriv.arg, length.arg = 1,
                  integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE) &&
      deriv.arg != 0)
    stop("argument 'deriv.arg' must be a single non-negative integer")
  if (!(deriv.arg == 0 || deriv.arg == 1 || deriv.arg == 2))
    stop("argument 'deriv' must be 0, 1, or 2")
  if (!is.Numeric(x))
    stop("bad input for argument 'x'")
  nn <- length(x)

  if (FALSE) {

    ans <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nn, ncol = deriv.arg+1)
    ans[, 1] <- besselI(x, nu = 0)
    if (deriv.arg>=1) ans[, 2] <- besselI(x, nu = 1)
    if (deriv.arg>=2) ans[, 3] <- ans[,1] - ans[,2] / x
}  # mbesselI0

VGAM.matrix.norm <- function(A, power = 2, suppressWarning = FALSE) {
  if ((nrow(A) != ncol(A)) && !suppressWarning)
    warning("norms should be calculated for square matrices; ",
            "'A' is not square")
  if (power == "F") {
  } else if (power == 1) {
  } else if (power == 2) {
    sqrt(max(eigen(t(A) %*% A, symmetric = TRUE)$value))
  } else if (!is.finite(power)) {
  } else {
    stop("argument 'power' not recognized")
}  # VGAM.matrix.norm

rmfromVGAMenv <- function(varnames, prefix = "") {
  evarnames <- paste(prefix, varnames, sep = "")
  for (ii in evarnames) {
    mytext1 <- "exists(x = ii, envir = VGAMenv)"
    myexp1 <- parse(text = mytext1)
    is.there <- eval(myexp1)
    if (is.there) {
      rm(list = ii, envir = VGAMenv)
}  # rmfromVGAMenv

existsinVGAMenv <- function(varnames, prefix = "") {
  evarnames <- paste(prefix, varnames, sep = "")
  ans <- NULL
  for (ii in evarnames) {
    mytext1 <- "exists(x = ii, envir = VGAMenv)"
    myexp1 <- parse(text = mytext1)
    is.there <- eval(myexp1)
    ans <- c(ans, is.there)
}  # existsinVGAMenv

assign2VGAMenv <- function(varnames, mylist, prefix = "") {
  evarnames <- paste(prefix, varnames, sep = "")
  for (ii in seq_along(varnames)) {
    assign(evarnames[ii], mylist[[(varnames[ii])]],
           envir = VGAMenv)
}  # assign2VGAMenv

getfromVGAMenv <- function(varname, prefix = "") {
  varname <- paste(prefix, varname, sep = "")
  if (length(varname) > 1)
    stop("'varname' must be of length 1")
  get(varname, envir = VGAMenv)

lerch <- function(x, s, v, tolerance = 1.0e-10, iter = 100) {
  if (!is.Numeric(x) || !is.Numeric(s) || !is.Numeric(v))
    stop("bad input in 'x', 's', and/or 'v'")
  if (is.complex(c(x,s,v)))
    stop("complex arguments not allowed in 'x', 's' and 'v'")
  if (!is.Numeric(tolerance, length.arg = 1, positive = TRUE) ||
      tolerance > 0.01)
    stop("bad input for argument 'tolerance'")
  if (!is.Numeric(iter, length.arg = 1,
                  integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
    stop("bad input for argument 'iter'")

  L <- max(length(x), length(s), length(v))
  x <- rep_len(x, L)
  s <- rep_len(s, L)
  v <- rep_len(v, L)
  xok <- abs(x) < 1 & !(v <= 0 & v == round(v))
  x[!xok] <- 0  # Fix this later

  ans <- .C("lerchphi123",
           err = integer(L), as.integer(L),
           as.double(x), as.double(s), as.double(v),
           acc=as.double(tolerance), result=double(L),

  ifelse(ans$err == 0 & xok , ans$result, NA)
}  # lerch

negzero.expression.VGAM <- expression({

  if (length(dotzero) == 1 && (dotzero == "" || is.na(dotzero)))
    dotzero <- NULL

  if (is.character(dotzero)) {

  which.numeric.all <- NULL
  for (ii in seq_along(dotzero)) {
    which.ones <-
      grep(dotzero[ii], predictors.names, fixed = TRUE)
    if (length(which.ones)) {
      which.numeric.all <- c(which.numeric.all, which.ones)
    } else {
      warning("some values of argument 'zero' are unmatched. ",
              "Ignoring them")
  which.numeric <- unique(sort(which.numeric.all))

  if (!length(which.numeric)) {
    warning("No values of argument 'zero' were matched.")
    which.numeric <- NULL
  } else if (length(which.numeric.all) > length(which.numeric)) {
    warning("There were redundant values of argument 'zero'.")

    dotzero <- which.numeric

  posdotzero <-  dotzero[dotzero > 0]
  negdotzero <-  dotzero[dotzero < 0]

  zneg.index <- if (length(negdotzero)) {

    if (!is.Numeric(-negdotzero, positive = TRUE,
                    integer.valued = TRUE) ||
        max(-negdotzero) > M1)
        stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")

    bigUniqInt <- 1080
    zneg.index <- rep(0:bigUniqInt, rep(length(negdotzero),
                      1 + bigUniqInt)) * M1 + abs(negdotzero)
    sort(intersect(zneg.index, 1:M))
  } else {

  zpos.index <- if (length(posdotzero)) posdotzero else NULL
  z.Index <- if (!length(dotzero))
               NULL else
               unique(sort(c(zneg.index, zpos.index)))

  constraints <- cm.zero.VGAM(constraints, x = x, z.Index, M = M,
                              predictors.names = predictors.names,
                              M1 = M1)
})  # negzero.expression.VGAM

is.empty.list <- function(mylist) {
  is.list(mylist) &&
  length(unlist(mylist)) == 0

  interleave.VGAM  <- function(.M, M1, inverse = FALSE) {
  if (inverse) {
    NRs <- (.M)/M1
    if (round(NRs) != NRs)
      stop("Incompatible number of parameters")
    c(matrix(1:(.M), nrow = NRs, byrow = TRUE))
  } else {
    c(matrix(1:(.M), nrow = M1, byrow = TRUE))
}  # interleave.VGAM

interleave.cmat <- function(cmat1, cmat2) {
  ncol1 <- ncol(cmat1)
  ncol2 <- ncol(cmat2)
  if (ncol1 == 1) {
    return(cbind(cmat1, cmat2))
  } else {  # ncol1 > 1
    if (ncol2 == 1) {
      return(cbind(cmat1[, 1], cmat2, cmat1[, -1]))
    } else
    if (ncol1 != ncol2) {
      warning("this function is confused. ",
              "Returning cbind(cmat1, cmat2)")
      return(cbind(cmat1[, 1], cmat2, cmat1[, -1]))
    } else {  # ncol1 == ncol2 and both are > 1.
      kronecker(cmat1, cbind(1, 0)) +
      kronecker(cmat2, cbind(0, 1))
}  # interleave.cmat

w.wz.merge <- function(w, wz, n, M, ndepy,
                       intercept.only = FALSE) {

  wz <- as.matrix(wz)

  if (ndepy == 1)
    return( c(w) * wz)

  if (intercept.only)
    warning("yettodo: support intercept.only == TRUE")

  if (NCOL(w) > ndepy)
    stop("number of columns of 'w' exceeds number of responses")

  w  <- matrix(w, n, ndepy)
  w.rep <- matrix(0, n, ncol(wz))
  M1 <- M / ndepy
  all.indices <- iam(NA, NA, M = M, both = TRUE)

  if (FALSE)
  for (ii in 1:ncol(wz)) {

    if ((ind1 <- ceiling(all.indices$row[ii] / M1)) ==
                 ceiling(all.indices$col[ii] / M1)) {
      w.rep[, ii] <- w[, ind1]

  }  # ii

  res.Ind1 <- ceiling(all.indices$row.index / M1)
  Ind1 <- res.Ind1 == ceiling(all.indices$col.index / M1)

  LLLL <- min(ncol(wz), length(Ind1))
  Ind1 <- Ind1[1:LLLL]
  res.Ind1 <- res.Ind1[1:LLLL]

  for (ii in 1:ndepy) {
    sub.ind1 <- (1:LLLL)[Ind1 & (res.Ind1 == ii)]
    w.rep[, sub.ind1] <- w[, ii]
  }  # ii

  w.rep * wz
}  # w.wz.merge

w.y.check <- function(w, y,
                      ncol.w.max = 1, ncol.y.max = 1,
                      ncol.w.min = 1, ncol.y.min = 1,
                      out.wy = FALSE,
                      colsyperw = 1,
                      maximize = FALSE,
                      Is.integer.y = FALSE,
                      Is.positive.y = FALSE,
                      Is.nonnegative.y = FALSE,
                      prefix.w = "PriorWeight",
                      prefix.y = "Response") {

  if (!is.matrix(w))
    w <- as.matrix(w)
  if (!is.matrix(y))
    y <- as.matrix(y)
  n.lm <- nrow(y)
  rn.w <- rownames(w)
  rn.y <- rownames(y)
  cn.w <- colnames(w)
  cn.y <- colnames(y)

  if (Is.integer.y && any(y != round(y)))
    stop("response variable 'y' must be integer-valued")
  if (Is.positive.y && any(y <= 0))
    stop("response variable 'y' must be positive-valued")
  if (Is.nonnegative.y && any(y < 0))
    stop("response variable 'y' must be 0 or positive-valued")

  if (nrow(w) != n.lm)
    stop("nrow(w) should be equal to nrow(y)")

  if (ncol(w) > ncol.w.max)
    stop("prior-weight variable 'w' has too many columns")
  if (ncol(y) > ncol.y.max)
    stop("response variable 'y' has too many columns; ",
         "only ", ncol.y.max, " allowed")

  if (ncol(w) < ncol.w.min)
    stop("prior-weight variable 'w' has too few columns")
  if (ncol(y) < ncol.y.min)
    stop("response variable 'y' has too few columns; ",
         "at least ", ncol.y.max, " needed")

  if (min(w) <= 0)
    stop("prior-weight variable 'w' must contain positive ",
         "values only")

  if (is.numeric(colsyperw) && ncol(y) %% colsyperw != 0)
    stop("number of columns of the response variable 'y' is not ",
         "a multiple of ", colsyperw)

  if (maximize) {
    Ncol.max.w <- max(ncol(w), ncol(y) / colsyperw)
    Ncol.max.y <- max(ncol(y), ncol(w) * colsyperw)
  } else {
    Ncol.max.w <- ncol(w)
    Ncol.max.y <- ncol(y)

  if (out.wy && ncol(w) < Ncol.max.w) {
    nblanks <- sum(cn.w == "")
    if (nblanks > 0)
      cn.w[cn.w == ""] <- param.names(prefix.w, nblanks)
    if (length(cn.w) < Ncol.max.w)
      cn.w <- c(cn.w, paste(prefix.w, (length(cn.w)+1):Ncol.max.w,
                            sep = ""))
    w <- matrix(w, n.lm, Ncol.max.w, dimnames = list(rn.w, cn.w))
  if (out.wy && ncol(y) < Ncol.max.y) {
    nblanks <- sum(cn.y == "")
    if (nblanks > 0)
      cn.y[cn.y == ""] <- param.names(prefix.y, nblanks)
    if (length(cn.y) < Ncol.max.y)
      cn.y <- c(cn.y, paste(prefix.y, (length(cn.y)+1):Ncol.max.y,
                            sep = ""))
    y <- matrix(y, n.lm, Ncol.max.y, dimnames = list(rn.y, cn.y))

  list(w = if (out.wy) w else NULL,
       y = if (out.wy) y else NULL)
}  # w.y.check

arwz2wz <-
    function(arwz, M = 1, M1 = 1, rm.trailing.cols = TRUE,
             full.arg = FALSE) {

  if (length(dim.arwz <- dim(arwz)) != 3)
    stop("dimension of 'arwz' should be of length 3")
  n       <- dim.arwz[1]
  ndepy   <- dim.arwz[2]
  dim.val <- dim.arwz[3]

  if (ndepy == 1) {
    dim(arwz) <- c(n, dim.val)

  wz <- matrix(0.0, n,
               if (full.arg) M*(M+1)/2 else sum(M:(M-M1+1)))
  ind1 <- iam(NA, NA, M = M1, both = TRUE, diag = TRUE)
  len.ind1 <- dim.val # length(ind1$col.index)

  for (ii in 1:ndepy) {
    for (jlocal in 1:len.ind1) {
      wz[, iam(M1 * (ii - 1) + ind1$row[jlocal],
               M1 * (ii - 1) + ind1$col[jlocal],
               M = M)] <- arwz[, ii, jlocal]

  if (rm.trailing.cols && !full.arg) {
    colind <- ncol(wz)
    while (all(wz[, colind] == 0))
      colind <- colind - 1
    if (colind < ncol(wz))
      wz <- wz[, 1:colind, drop = FALSE]

}  # arwz2wz

 wz.merge <-
    function(wz1, wz2, M1, M2, rm.trailing.cols = TRUE) {

  if (!is.matrix(wz1))
    wz1 <- cbind(wz1)
  if (!is.matrix(wz2))
    wz2 <- cbind(wz2)
  M <- M1 + M2
  wz <- matrix(0.0, nrow(wz1), M*(M+1)/2)

  for (ilocal in 1:M1)
    for (jlocal in ilocal:M1)
      if (iam(ilocal, jlocal, M = M1) <= ncol(wz1)) {
         wz[, iam(ilocal, jlocal, M = M)] <-
        wz1[, iam(ilocal, jlocal, M = M1)]

  for (ilocal in 1:M2)
    for (jlocal in ilocal:M2)
      if (iam(ilocal, jlocal, M = M2) <= ncol(wz2)) {
         wz[, iam(M1+ilocal, M1+jlocal, M = M)] <-
        wz2[, iam(   ilocal,    jlocal, M = M2)]

  if (rm.trailing.cols) {
    colind <- ncol(wz)
    while (all(wz[, colind] == 0))
      colind <- colind - 1
    if (colind < ncol(wz))
      wz <- wz[, 1:colind, drop = FALSE]

}  # wz.merge

param.names <-
    function(string, S = 1, skip1 = FALSE, sep = "") {
  if (skip1) {
    if (S == 1) string else paste(string, 1:S, sep = sep)
  } else {
    paste(string, 1:S, sep = sep)
}  # param.names

vweighted.mean.default <-
    function (x, w, ..., na.rm = FALSE) {
  tmp5 <- w.y.check(w = w, y = x, ncol.w.max = Inf,
                    ncol.y.max = Inf,
                    out.wy = TRUE,
                    colsyperw = 1,
                    maximize = TRUE,
                    Is.integer.y = FALSE,
                    Is.positive.y = FALSE,
                    Is.nonnegative.y = FALSE,
                    prefix.w = "PriorWeight",
                    prefix.y = "Response")

  x <- tmp5$y
  w <- tmp5$w

  ans <- numeric(ncol(w))
  for (ii in 1:ncol(w))
      ans[ii] <- weighted.mean(x[, ii], w = w[, ii], ...,
                               na.rm = na.rm)
}  # vweighted.mean.default

familyname.vlm <- function(object, all = FALSE, ...) {
  ans <- object@family@vfamily
  if (all) ans else ans[1]

familyname.vglmff <- function(object, all = FALSE, ...) {
  ans <- object@vfamily
  if (all) ans else ans[1]

if (!isGeneric("familyname"))
  function(object, ...) standardGeneric("familyname"))

setMethod("familyname", "vglmff",
         function(object, ...)
         familyname.vglmff(object, ...))

setMethod("familyname", "vlm",
         function(object, ...)
         familyname.vlm(object, ...))

bisection.basic <-
  function(f, a, b, tol = 1e-9, nmax = NULL, ...) {


  if (any(is.infinite(b))) {
    warning("replacing 'b' values of Inf by a large value")
    b[is.infinite(b)] <- .Machine$double.xmax / 4


  if (is.null(nmax)) {
    nmax <- round(log2(max(b - a)) - log2(min(tol))) + 4
    if (!is.finite(nmax))
      nmax <- log2(.Machine$double.xmax) - 5
  signtest <- (sign(f(a, ...)) * sign(f(b, ...)) <= 0)

  allsign <- all(signtest, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (!allsign || any(is.na(signtest))){
    warning("roots do not exist between 'a' and 'b'. ",
            "Some answers may be misleading.")

  N <- 1
  while (N <= nmax) {
    mid <- (a + b) / 2
    save.f <- f(mid, ...)
    if (all(save.f == 0 | (b - a)/2 < tol)) {
    N <- N + 1
    vecTF <- sign(save.f) == sign(f(a, ...))
    a[ vecTF] <- mid[ vecTF]
    b[!vecTF] <- mid[!vecTF]

  warning("did not coverge. Returning final root")
}  # bisection.basic

retain.col <- function(mat, coln
                      ) {
  if (is.matrix(mat))  # && exclude
    mat[, -coln] <- 0
}  # retain.col

which.etas <-
  function(object, kay = 1) {

  cmat <- constraints(object, matrix = TRUE)
  if (ncol(cmat) < kay)
    stop("value of argument 'kay' is too large")
  which(cmat[, kay] != 0)
}  # which.etas

which.xij <-
  function(object, ...) {

  cmat <- constraints(object, matrix = TRUE)
  ans <- rep(FALSE, NCOL(cmat))
  names(ans) <- colnames(cmat)
  xij <- object@control$xij
  if (!is.null(xij)) {
    for (ii in 1:length(xij)) {
      responsevar <- all.vars(xij[[ii]])[1]
      ans[responsevar] <- TRUE  # Assumes NCOL(cmat) == 1
}  # which.xij

attr.assign.x.vglm <- function(object) {
  x.lm.vglm <- NULL
  x.lm.vglm <- try(model.matrix(formula(object),
                                data = get(object@misc$dataname)), TRUE)
  if (!length(x.lm.vglm))
    x.lm.vglm <- try(model.matrix(formula(object)), TRUE)
  if (!length(x.lm.vglm))
    stop("cannot create the 'lm'-type model matrix from formula(object)")

  attr.x.lm.vglm <- attr(x.lm.vglm, "assign")

  clist <- constraints(object, type = "term")  # type = "lm" is default
  ncols.cm <- unlist(lapply(clist, function(cm) ncol(cm)))

  icounter <- 1
  attr.x.vglm <- NULL
  for (ii in min(attr.x.lm.vglm):max(attr.x.lm.vglm)) {
    attr.x.vglm <- c(attr.x.vglm,
                     rep(ii, sum(attr.x.lm.vglm == ii) *
    icounter <- icounter + 1

}  # attr.assign.x.vglm

muxtXAX <- function(A, X, M) {

  if ((n <- nrow(X)) != nrow(A))
    stop("arguments 'X' and 'A' are not conformable")

  ans1 <- array(0, c(n, M, M))
  for (eye in 1:M)
    for (jay in 1:M)
      for (kay in 1:M)
        ans1[, eye, jay] <- ans1[, eye, jay] +
          A[, iam(eye, kay, M)] * X[, iam(kay, jay, M)]

  ans2 <- matrix(0, n, dimm(M))
  for (eye in 1:M)
    for (jay in eye:M)
      for (kay in 1:M)
        ans2[, iam(eye, jay, M)] <- ans2[, iam(eye, jay, M)] +
        X[, iam(kay, eye, M)] * ans1[, kay, jay]
}  # muxtXAX

 trim.constraints <-
   function(object, sig.level = 0.05,
            max.num = Inf,
            intercepts = TRUE,   # intercepts constraint matrices
            ...) {

  if (!is(object, "vlm"))
    stop("argument 'object' should inherit from the 'vglm' class")

  if (!is.finite(sig.level) || !is.numeric(sig.level) ||
      min(sig.level) < 0 || max(sig.level) > 1)
    stop("bad input for argument 'sig.level'")

  csfit <- coef(summary(object, HDEtest = FALSE))
  X.small <- model.matrix(object, type = "lm")
  X.assign <- attr(X.small, "assign")
  cmlist0 <-
  cmlist2 <-
  cmlist1 <- constraints(object, type = "term")
  ncolHlist <- sapply(cmlist1, ncol)
  colsperterm <- sapply(X.assign, length)
  endpts <- cumsum(colsperterm * ncolHlist)
  sig.level <- rep_len(sig.level, max(endpts))

  pvs.vec <- csfit[, "Pr(>|z|)"]
  if (any(!is.finite(pvs.vec)))
    stop("cannot handle any NAs, etc. as p-values")
  if (is.finite(max.num)) {
    if (!is.Numeric(max.num, positive = TRUE, integer.valued = TRUE))
      stop("bad input for argument 'max.num'")
    spvs.vec <- sort(pvs.vec, decreasing = TRUE)
    one.more <- as.numeric(max.num < length(spvs.vec))
    use.sig.level <- mean(spvs.vec[max.num + (0:one.more)])
    sig.level[sig.level < use.sig.level] <- use.sig.level

  for (kay in rev(seq(length(cmlist1)))) {
    cm.kay0 <- cm.kay <- cmlist1[[kay]]
    for (cay in rev(seq(ncol(cm.kay0)))) {
      cptr <- (if (kay == 1) 0 else endpts[kay - 1]) +
              (ncolHlist[kay]) * seq(colsperterm[kay]) +
              cay - ncol(cm.kay0)
      if (all(pvs.vec[cptr] > sig.level[cptr]))
        cm.kay <- cm.kay[, -cay, drop = FALSE]
    }  # cay
    cmlist2[[kay]] <- if (length(cm.kay)) cm.kay else NULL

  if (!intercepts && length(cmlist0[["(Intercept)"]])) {
    cmlist2[["(Intercept)"]] <- cmlist0[["(Intercept)"]]

}  # trim.constraints

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