
Defines functions deleteEdges set_weight adjacencyMatrix makeFullGraph graphFromWeightMatrix as.RVM2 fit.ACopula pcSelect getEdgeInfo buildNextGraph fit.TreeCopulas fit.FirstTreeCopulas fasttau dfs findMaxTree initializeFirstGraph set_treecrit RVineStructureSelect

Documented in RVineStructureSelect

#' Sequential Specification of R- and C-Vine Copula Models
#' This function fits either an R- or a C-vine copula model to a d-dimensional
#' copula data set. Tree structures are determined and appropriate pair-copula
#' families are selected using [BiCopSelect()] and estimated
#' sequentially (forward selection of trees).
#' @param data An N x d data matrix (with uniform margins).
#' @param familyset An integer vector of pair-copula families to select from.
#' The vector has to include at least one
#' pair-copula family that allows for positive and one that allows for negative
#' dependence. Not listed copula families might be included to better handle
#' limit cases.  If `familyset = NA` (default), selection among all
#' possible families is performed.  Coding of pair-copula families is the same
#' as in [BiCop()].
#' @param type Type of the vine model to be specified:\cr
#' `0` or `"RVine"` = R-vine (default) \cr
#' `1` or `"CVine"` = C-vine \cr
#' C- and D-vine copula models with pre-specified order can be specified using
#' `CDVineCopSelect` of the package CDVine. Similarly, R-vine copula
#' models with pre-specified tree structure can be specified using
#' [RVineCopSelect()].
#' @param selectioncrit Character indicating the criterion for pair-copula
#' selection. Possible choices:`selectioncrit = "AIC"` (default),
#' `"BIC"`, or `"logLik"` (see [BiCopSelect()]).
#' @param indeptest logical; whether a hypothesis test for the independence of
#' `u1` and `u2` is performed before bivariate copula selection
#' (default: `indeptest = FALSE`; see [BiCopIndTest()]).  The
#' independence copula is chosen for a (conditional) pair if the null
#' hypothesis of independence cannot be rejected.
#' @param level numeric; significance level of the independence test
#' (default: `level = 0.05`).
#' @param trunclevel integer; level of truncation.
#' @param progress logical; whether the tree-wise specification progress is
#' printed (default: `progress = FALSE`).
#' @param weights numeric; weights for each observation (optional).
#' @param treecrit edge weight for Dissman's structure selection algorithm, see
#' *Details*.
#' @param rotations If `TRUE`, all rotations of the families in
#' `familyset` are included.
#' @param se Logical; whether standard errors are estimated (default: `se
#' = FALSE`).
#' @param presel Logical; whether to exclude families before fitting based on
#' symmetry properties of the data. Makes the selection about 30\% faster
#' (on average), but may yield slightly worse results in few special cases.
#' @param method indicates the estimation method: either maximum
#' likelihood estimation (`method = "mle"`; default) or inversion of
#' Kendall's tau (`method = "itau"`). For `method = "itau"` only
#' one parameter families and the Student t copula can be used (`family =
#' 1,2,3,4,5,6,13,14,16,23,24,26,33,34` or `36`). For the t-copula,
#' `par2` is found by a crude profile likelihood optimization over the
#' interval (2, 10].
#' @param cores integer; if `cores > 1`, estimation will be parallelized
#' within each tree (using [foreach::foreach()]). Note that
#' parallelization causes substantial overhead and may be slower than
#' single-threaded computation when dimension, sample size, or family set are
#' small or `method = "itau"`.
#' @return An [RVineMatrix()] object with the selected structure
#' (`RVM$Matrix`) and families (`RVM$family`) as well as sequentially
#' estimated parameters stored in `RVM$par` and `RVM$par2`. The object
#' is augmented by the following information about the fit:
#' \item{se, se2}{standard errors for the parameter estimates; note that these
#' are only approximate since they do not
#' account for the sequential nature of the estimation,}
#' \item{nobs}{number of observations,}
#' \item{logLik, pair.logLik}{log likelihood (overall and pairwise)}
#' \item{AIC, pair.AIC}{Aikaike's Informaton Criterion (overall and pairwise),}
#' \item{BIC, pair.BIC}{Bayesian's Informaton Criterion (overall and pairwise),}
#' \item{emptau}{matrix of empirical values of Kendall's tau,}
#' \item{p.value.indeptest}{matrix of p-values of the independence test.}
#' @note For a comprehensive summary of the vine copula model, use
#' `summary(object)`; to see all its contents, use `str(object)`.
#' @details
#' R-vine trees are selected using maximum spanning trees w.r.t. some edge
#' weights. The most commonly used edge weight is the absolute value of the
#' empirical Kendall's tau, say \eqn{\hat{\tau}_{ij}}. Then, the following
#' optimization problem is solved for each tree:
#' \deqn{\max \sum_{\mathrm{edges }\; e_{ij} \in \; \mathrm{ in \; spanning \; tree}} |\hat{\tau}_{ij}|, }{
#' \max \sum_{edges e_{ij} in spanning tree} |\hat{\tau}_{ij}|, }
#' where a spanning tree is a tree on all nodes. The
#' setting of the first tree selection step is always a complete graph. For
#' subsequent trees, the setting depends on the R-vine construction principles,
#' in particular on the proximity condition.
#' Some commonly used edge weights are implemented:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' `"tau"` \tab absolute value of empirical Kendall's tau. \cr
#' `"rho"` \tab absolute value of empirical Spearman's rho. \cr
#' `"AIC"` \tab Akaike information (multiplied by -1). \cr
#' `"BIC"` \tab Bayesian information criterion (multiplied by -1). \cr
#' `"cAIC"`\tab corrected Akaike information criterion (multiplied by -1). \cr
#' }
#' If the data contain NAs, the edge weights in `"tau"` and `"rho"` are
#' multiplied by the square root of the proportion of complete observations. This
#' penalizes pairs where less observations are used. \cr
#' The criteria `"AIC"`, `"BIC"`, and `"cAIC"` require estimation and
#' model selection for all possible pairs. This is computationally expensive and
#' much slower than `"tau"` or `"rho"`.
#' The user can also specify a custom function to calculate the edge weights.
#' The function has to be of type `function(u1, u2, weights) ...` and must
#' return a numeric value. The weights argument must exist, but does not has to
#' be used. For example, `"tau"` (without using weights) can be implemented
#' as follows:\cr
#' `function(u1, u2, weights)` \cr
#'     `abs(cor(u1, u2, method = "kendall", use = "complete.obs"))`
#' The root nodes of C-vine trees are determined similarly by identifying the
#' node with strongest dependencies to all other nodes. That is we take the
#' node with maximum column sum in the empirical Kendall's tau matrix.
#' Note that a possible way to determine the order of the nodes in the D-vine
#' is to identify a shortest Hamiltonian path in terms of weights
#' \eqn{1-|\hat{\tau_{ij}|}}. This can be established for example using the package
#' TSP. Example code is shown below.
#' @author Jeffrey Dissmann, Eike Brechmann, Ulf Schepsmeier, Thomas Nagler
#' @seealso
#' [RVineMatrix()],
#' [BiCop()],
#' [RVineCopSelect()],
#' [plot.RVineMatrix()],
#' [contour.RVineMatrix()]
#' @references Brechmann, E. C., C. Czado, and K. Aas (2012). Truncated regular
#' vines in high dimensions with applications to financial data. Canadian
#' Journal of Statistics 40 (1), 68-85.
#' Dissmann, J. F., E. C. Brechmann, C. Czado, and D. Kurowicka (2013).
#' Selecting and estimating regular vine copulae and application to financial
#' returns. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 59 (1), 52-69.
#' @examples
#' # load data set
#' data(daxreturns)
#' # select the R-vine structure, families and parameters
#' # using only the first 4 variables and the first 250 observations
#' # we allow for the copula families: Gauss, t, Clayton, Gumbel, Frank and Joe
#' daxreturns <- daxreturns[1:250, 1:4]
#' RVM <- RVineStructureSelect(daxreturns, c(1:6), progress = TRUE)
#' ## see the object's content or a summary
#' str(RVM)
#' summary(RVM)
#' ## inspect the fitted model using plots
#' \dontrun{plot(RVM)  # tree structure}
#' contour(RVM)  # contour plots of all pair-copulas
#' \donttest{## estimate a C-vine copula model with only Clayton, Gumbel and Frank copulas
#' CVM <- RVineStructureSelect(daxreturns, c(3,4,5), "CVine")}
#' \donttest{## determine the order of the nodes in a D-vine using the package TSP
#' library(TSP)
#' d <- dim(daxreturns)[2]
#' M <- 1 - abs(TauMatrix(daxreturns))
#' hamilton <- insert_dummy(TSP(M), label = "cut")
#' sol <- solve_TSP(hamilton, method = "repetitive_nn")
#' order <- cut_tour(sol, "cut")
#' DVM <- D2RVine(order, family = rep(0,d*(d-1)/2), par = rep(0, d*(d-1)/2))
#' RVineCopSelect(daxreturns, c(1:6), DVM$Matrix)}
RVineStructureSelect <- function(data, familyset = NA, type = 0,
                                 selectioncrit = "AIC", indeptest = FALSE,
                                 level = 0.05, trunclevel = NA,
                                 progress = FALSE,  weights = NA,
                                 treecrit = "tau", rotations = TRUE,
                                 se = FALSE, presel = TRUE,
                                 method = "mle", cores = 1) {
    ## preprocessing of arguments
    args <- preproc(c(as.list(environment()), call = match.call()),
    list2env(args, environment())

    d <- ncol(data)
    n <- nrow(data)

    ## sanity checks
    if (d < 2)
        stop("Dimension has to be at least 2.")
    if (d == 2) {
                              familyset = familyset,
                              Matrix = matrix(c(2, 1, 0, 1), 2, 2),
                              selectioncrit = selectioncrit,
                              indeptest = indeptest,
                              level = level,
                              trunclevel = trunclevel,
                              weights = weights,
                              rotations = FALSE, # because prep_familyset
                              se = se,
                              presel = presel,
                              method = method,
                              cores = cores))
    if (!(selectioncrit %in% c("AIC", "BIC", "logLik")))
        stop("Selection criterion not implemented.")
    if (level < 0 & level > 1)
        stop("Significance level has to be between 0 and 1.")

    ## set defaults
    if (type == 0)
        type <- "RVine"
    if (type == 1)
        type <- "CVine"
    treecrit <- set_treecrit(treecrit, familyset)
    if (is.na(trunclevel))
        trunclevel <- d
    if (trunclevel == 0)
        familyset <- 0

    ## initialize object for results
    RVine <- list(Tree = NULL, Graph = NULL)
    warn <- NULL

    ## estimation in first tree ----------------------------
    # find optimal tree
    g <- initializeFirstGraph(data, treecrit, weights)
    MST <- findMaxTree(g, mode = type)

    ## register parallel backend
    if (cores != 1 | is.na(cores)) {
        if (is.na(cores))
            cores <- max(1, detectCores() - 1)
        if (cores > 1) {
            cl <- makePSOCKcluster(cores)
            on.exit(try(stopCluster(cl), silent = TRUE))

    # estimate pair-copulas
    VineTree <- fit.FirstTreeCopulas(MST,
                                     familyset = familyset,
                                     selectioncrit = selectioncrit,
                                     indeptest = indeptest,
                                     level = level,
                                     weights = weights,
                                     se = se,
                                     presel = presel,
                                     method = method,
                                     cores = cores)
    # store results
    if (!is.null(VineTree$warn))
        warn <- VineTree$warn
    RVine$Tree[[1]] <- VineTree
    RVine$Graph[[1]] <- g
    oldVineGraph <- VineTree

    ## estimation in higher trees --------------------------
    for (tree in 2:(d - 1)) {
        ## old pseudo-observations are uneccessary in RVine object
        RVine$Tree[[tree - 1]]$E$Copula.CondData.1 <- NULL
        RVine$Tree[[tree - 1]]$E$Copula.CondData.2 <- NULL

        # only estimate pair-copulas if not truncated
        if (trunclevel == tree - 1)
            familyset <- 0
        # find optimal tree
        g <- buildNextGraph(VineTree, weights, treecrit = treecrit, cores > 1,
                            truncated = trunclevel < tree)
        MST <- findMaxTree(g, mode = type, truncated = trunclevel < tree)
        # estimate pair-copulas
        VineTree <- fit.TreeCopulas(MST,
                                    weights = weights,
                                    se = se,
                                    presel = presel,
                                    method = method,
                                    cores = cores)
        # store results
        if (!is.null(VineTree$warn))
            warn <- VineTree$warn
        RVine$Tree[[tree]] <- VineTree
        RVine$Graph[[tree]] <- g
    if (any(is.na(data)))
        warning(" In ", args$call[1], ": ",
                "Some of the data are NA. ",
                "Only pairwise complete observations are used.",
                call. = FALSE)
    if (!is.null(warn))
        warning(" In ", args$call[1], ": ",
                call. = FALSE)

    ## free memory and return results as 'RVineMatrix' object
    .RVine <- RVine
    .data <- data
    .callexp <- match.call()
    rm(list = ls())
    as.RVM2(.RVine, .data, .callexp)

set_treecrit <- function(treecrit, famset) {
    ## check if function is appropriate or type is implemented
    if (is.function(treecrit)) {
        w <- try(treecrit(u1 = runif(10), u2 = runif(10), weights = rep(1, 10)),
                 silent = TRUE)
        if (inherits(w, "try-error"))
            stop("treecrit must be of the form 'function(u1, u2, weights)'")
        if (!is.numeric(w) || length(w) > 1)
            stop("treecrit does not return a numeric scalar")
    } else if (all(treecrit == "tau")) {
        treecrit <- function(u1, u2, weights) {
            complete.i <- which(!is.na(u1 + u2))
            if (length(complete.i) < 10) {
                tau <- 0
            } else {
                complete.freq <- mean(!is.na(u1 + u2))
                tau <- abs(fasttau(u1[complete.i], u2[complete.i], weights))
                tau * sqrt(complete.freq)
    } else if (all(treecrit == "rho")) {
        treecrit <- function(u1, u2, weights) {
            complete.i <- which(!is.na(u1 + u2))
            if (length(complete.i) < 10) {
                tau <- 0
            } else {
                complete.freq <- mean(!is.na(u1 + u2))
                rho <- abs(cor(u1, u2, method = "spearman", use = "complete.obs"))
                rho * sqrt(complete.freq)
    } else if (all(treecrit == "AIC")) {
        treecrit <- function(u1, u2, weights) {
            complete.i <- which(!is.na(u1 + u2))
            if (length(complete.i) < 2) {
                AIC <- 0
            } else {
                AIC <- -suppressWarnings(BiCopSelect(u1[complete.i], u2[complete.i],
                                                     familyset = famset,
                                                     weights = weights)$AIC)

    } else if (all(treecrit == "BIC")) {
        treecrit <- function(u1, u2, weights) {
            complete.i <- which(!is.na(u1 + u2))
            if (length(complete.i) < 2) {
                BIC <- 0
            } else {
                BIC <- -suppressWarnings(BiCopSelect(u1[complete.i], u2[complete.i],
                                                     familyset = famset,
                                                     weights = weights)$BIC)

    } else if (all(treecrit == "cAIC")) {
        treecrit <- function(u1, u2, weights) {
            complete.i <- which(!is.na(u1 + u2))
            if (length(complete.i) < 2) {
                cAIC <- 0
            } else {
                fit <- suppressWarnings(BiCopSelect(u1[complete.i], u2[complete.i],
                                                    familyset = famset,
                                                    weights = weights))
                n <- fit$nobs
                p <- fit$npars
                cAIC <- - (fit$AIC + 2 * p * (p + 1) / (n - p - 1))

    } else {
        txt1 <- 'treecrit must be one of "tau", "rho", "AIC", "BIC", "cAIC"'
        txt2 <- 'or a function like function(u1, u2, weights) ... returning a numeric value.'
        stop(paste(txt1, txt2))

    ## return treecrit function

initializeFirstGraph <- function(data, treecrit, weights) {
    ## calculate edge weight for each possible pair
    all.pairs <- combn(1:ncol(data), 2)
    edge.ws <- apply(all.pairs, 2,
                         treecrit(data[, ind[1]], data[, ind[2]], weights))
    # number of pairwise complete observations / all observations
    rel.nobs <- apply(all.pairs, 2,
                          mean(!is.na(data[, ind[1]] + data[, ind[2]])))
    edge.ws <- edge.ws

    ## store in symmetric matrix with appropriate names
    W <- diag(ncol(data))
    W[lower.tri(W)] <- edge.ws
    W <- t(W)
    colnames(W) <- rownames(W) <- colnames(data)

    ## return full graph with edge weights

findMaxTree <- function(g, mode = "RVine", truncated = FALSE) {

    if (truncated == FALSE) {
        ## construct adjency matrix
        A <- adjacencyMatrix(g)
        d <- ncol(A)

        if (mode == "RVine") {
            ## initialize
            tree <- NULL
            edges <- matrix(NA, d - 1, 2)
            w <- numeric(d - 1)
            i <- 1

            ## construct minimum spanning tree
            for (k in 1:(d - 1)) {
                # add selected edge to tree
                tree <- c(tree, i)

                # find edge with minimal weight
                m <- apply(as.matrix(A[, tree]), 2, min)
                a <- apply(as.matrix(A[, tree]), 2,
                           function(x) order(rank(x)))[1, ]
                b <- order(rank(m))[1]
                j <- tree[b]
                i <- a[b]

                # store edge and weight
                edges[k, ] <- c(j, i)
                w[k] <- A[i, j]

                ## adjust adjecency matrix to prevent loops
                for (t in tree)
                    A[i, t] <- A[t, i] <- Inf

            ## reorder edges for backwads compatibility with igraph output
            edges <- t(apply(edges, 1, function(x) sort(x)))
            edges <- edges[order(edges[, 2], edges[, 1]), ]

            ## delete unused edges from graph
            E <- g$E$nums
            in.tree <- apply(matrix(edges, ncol = 2), 1,
                             function(x) which((x[1] == E[, 1]) & (x[2] == E[, 2])))
            MST <- g
            g$E$todel <- rep(TRUE, nrow(E))
            if (any(g$E$todel)) {
                g$E$todel[in.tree] <- FALSE
                MST <- deleteEdges(g)
        } else if (mode  == "CVine") {
            ## set root as vertex with minimal sum of weights
            A <- adjacencyMatrix(g)
            diag(A) <- 0
            sumtaus <- rowSums(A)
            root <- which.min(sumtaus)

            ## delete unused edges
            g$E$todel <- !((g$E$nums[, 2] == root) | (g$E$nums[, 1] == root))
            MST <- g
            if (any(g$E$todel ))
                MST <- deleteEdges(g)
        } else {
            stop("vine not implemented")
    } else {
        MST <- g

        # get edge list
        edgesList <- g$E$nums
        uid <- sort(unique(as.vector(g$E$nums)))
        luid <- length(uid)

        if (luid > 2) {
            # transform to adjacency list
            adjacencyList <- lapply(uid, function(u)
                c(edgesList[edgesList[,1] == u,2],
                  edgesList[edgesList[,2] == u,1]))

            # find a tree by traversing the graph
            dfsorder <- dfs(adjacencyList, 1)
            newEdgesList <- t(apply(dfsorder$E, 1, sort))

            ## delete unused edges
            MST$E$todel <- !duplicated(rbind(newEdgesList,

        if (any(MST$E$todel))
            MST <- deleteEdges(MST)


    ## return result

# depth first search to build a tree without finding the MST
dfs <- function(adjacencyList, v, e = NULL, dfsorder = list()) {
    dfsorder$V <- c(dfsorder$V, v)
    dfsorder$E <- rbind(dfsorder$E, e)
    for (u in adjacencyList[[v]]) {
        if (!is.element(u, dfsorder$V)) {
            dfsorder <- dfs(adjacencyList, u, c(u,v), dfsorder)

# not required any longer? Use TauMatrix instead
fasttau <- function(x, y, weights = NA) {
    if (any(is.na(weights))) {
        m <- length(x)
        n <- length(y)
        if (m == 0 || n == 0)
            stop("both 'x' and 'y' must be non-empty")
        if (m != n)
            stop("'x' and 'y' must have the same length.")
        out <- .C("ktau",
                  x = as.double(x),
                  y = as.double(y),
                  N = as.integer(n),
                  tau = as.double(0),
                  S = as.double(0),
                  D = as.double(0),
                  T = as.integer(0),
                  U = as.integer(0),
                  V = as.integer(0),
                  PACKAGE = "VineCopula")
        ktau <- out$tau
    } else {
        ktau <- TauMatrix(matrix(c(x, y), length(x), 2), weights)[2, 1]

## fit pair-copulas for the first vine tree
fit.FirstTreeCopulas <- function(MST, data.univ, familyset, selectioncrit,
                                 indeptest, level,
                                 weights = NA, se = FALSE,
                                 presel = TRUE, method = "mle", cores = 1) {

    ## initialize estimation results with empty list
    d <- nrow(MST$E$nums)
    pc.data <- lapply(1:d, function(i) NULL)

    ## prepare for estimation and store names
    for (i in 1:d) {
        ## get edge and corresponding data
        a <- MST$E$nums[i, ]
        pc.data[[i]]$zr1 <- data.univ[, a[1]]
        pc.data[[i]]$zr2 <- data.univ[, a[2]]
        #         MST$E$Copula.Data.1[i] <- list(data.univ[, a[1]])
        #         MST$E$Copula.Data.2[i] <- list(data.univ[, a[2]])

        ## set names for this edge
        if (is.null(MST$V$names[a[1]])) {
            MST$E$Copula.CondName.1[i] <- a[1]
        } else {
            MST$E$Copula.CondName.1[i] <- MST$V$names[a[1]]
        if (is.null(MST$V$names[a[2]])) {
            MST$E$Copula.CondName.2[i] <- a[2]
        } else {
            MST$E$Copula.CondName.2[i] <- MST$V$names[a[2]]
        if (is.null(MST$V$names[a[1]]) || is.null(MST$V$names[a[2]])) {
            MST$E$Copula.Name[i] <- paste(a[1], a[2], sep = " , ")
        } else {
            MST$E$Copula.Name[i] <- paste(MST$V$names[a[1]],
                                          sep = " , ")


    ## estimate parameters and select family
    if (cores > 1)
        lapply <- function(...) parallel::parLapply(getDefaultCluster(), ...)
    pc.fits <- lapply(pc.data,
                      familyset = familyset,
                      selectioncrit = selectioncrit,
                      indeptest = indeptest,
                      level = level,
                      weights = weights,
                      se = se,
                      presel = presel,
                      method = method)

    ## store estimated model and pseudo-obversations for next tree
    for (i in 1:d) {
        MST$E$Copula.param[[i]] <- c(pc.fits[[i]]$par,
        MST$E$Copula.type[i] <- pc.fits[[i]]$family
        MST$E$fits[[i]] <- pc.fits[[i]]

        MST$E$Copula.CondData.1[i] <- list(pc.fits[[i]]$CondOn.1)
        MST$E$Copula.CondData.2[i] <- list(pc.fits[[i]]$CondOn.2)

        if (!is.null(pc.fits[[i]]$warn))
            MST$warn <- pc.fits[[i]]$warn

    ## return results

## fit pair-copulas for vine trees 2,...
fit.TreeCopulas <- function(MST, oldVineGraph, familyset, selectioncrit,
                            indeptest, level,
                            progress, weights = NA, se = FALSE, presel = TRUE,
                            method = "mle", cores = 1) {

    ## initialize estimation results with empty list
    d <- nrow(MST$E$nums)
    pc.data <- lapply(1:d, function(i) NULL)

    ## prepare for estimation
    for (i in 1:d) {
        ## get edge and corresponding data
        con <- MST$E$nums[i, ]
        temp <- oldVineGraph$E$nums[con, ]

        ## fetch corresponding data and names
        if ((temp[1, 1] == temp[2, 1]) || (temp[1, 2] == temp[2, 1])) {
            same <- temp[2, 1]
        } else {
            if ((temp[1, 1] == temp[2, 2]) || (temp[1, 2] == temp[2, 2])) {
                same <- temp[2, 2]

        if (temp[1, 1] == same) {
            zr1 <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondData.2[con[1]]
            n1  <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondName.2[con[1]]
        } else {
            zr1 <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondData.1[con[1]]
            n1  <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondName.1[con[1]]
        if (temp[2, 1] == same) {
            zr2 <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondData.2[con[2]]
            n2  <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondName.2[con[2]]
        } else {
            zr2 <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondData.1[con[2]]
            n2  <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondName.1[con[2]]

        if (is.list(zr1)) {
            zr1a <- as.vector(zr1[[1]])
            zr2a <- as.vector(zr2[[1]])
            n1a <- as.vector(n1[[1]])
            n2a <- as.vector(n2[[1]])
        } else {
            zr1a <- zr1
            zr2a <- zr2
            n1a <- n1
            n2a <- n2

        if (progress == TRUE)
            message(n1a, " + ", n2a, " --> ", MST$E$names[i])

        pc.data[[i]]$zr1 <- zr1a
        pc.data[[i]]$zr2 <- zr2a

        #         MST$E$Copula.Data.1[i] <- list(zr1a)
        #         MST$E$Copula.Data.2[i] <- list(zr2a)

        MST$E$Copula.CondName.1[i] <- n1a
        MST$E$Copula.CondName.2[i] <- n2a

    ## estimate parameters and select family
    if (cores > 1)
        lapply <- function(...) parallel::parLapply(getDefaultCluster(), ...)
    pc.fits <- lapply(pc.data,
                      familyset = familyset,
                      selectioncrit = selectioncrit,
                      indeptest = indeptest,
                      level = level,
                      weights = weights,
                      se = se,
                      presel = presel,
                      method = method)

    ## store estimated model and pseudo-obversations for next tree
    for (i in 1:d) {
        MST$E$Copula.param[[i]] <- c(pc.fits[[i]]$par,
        MST$E$Copula.type[i] <- pc.fits[[i]]$family
        MST$E$fits[[i]] <- pc.fits[[i]]
        MST$E$Copula.CondData.1[i] <- list(pc.fits[[i]]$CondOn.1)
        MST$E$Copula.CondData.2[i] <- list(pc.fits[[i]]$CondOn.2)
        if (!is.null(pc.fits[[i]]$warn))
            MST$warn <- pc.fits[[i]]$warn

    ## return results

## initialize graph for next vine tree (possible edges)
buildNextGraph <- function(oldVineGraph, treecrit, weights = NA, parallel,
                           truncated = FALSE) {

    d <- nrow(oldVineGraph$E$nums)

    ## initialize with full graph
    g <- makeFullGraph(d)
    g$V$names <- oldVineGraph$E$names
    g$V$conditionedSet <- oldVineGraph$E$conditionedSet
    g$V$conditioningSet <- oldVineGraph$E$conditioningSet

    ## get info for all edges
    if (parallel)
        lapply <- function(...) parallel::parLapply(getDefaultCluster(), ...)
    out <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(g$E$nums)),
                  g = g,
                  oldVineGraph = oldVineGraph,
                  treecrit = treecrit,
                  weights = weights,
                  truncated = truncated)

    ## annotate graph (same order as in old version of this function)
    g$E$weights         <- sapply(out, function(x) x$w)
    g$E$names           <- sapply(out, function(x) x$name)
    g$E$conditionedSet  <- lapply(out, function(x) x$nedSet)
    g$E$conditioningSet <- lapply(out, function(x) x$ningSet)
    g$E$todel           <- sapply(out, function(x) x$todel)

    ## delete edges that are prohibited by the proximity condition

## function for obtaining edge information
getEdgeInfo <- function(i, g, oldVineGraph, treecrit, weights,
                        truncated = FALSE) {

    ## get edge
    con <- g$E$nums[i, ]
    temp <- oldVineGraph$E$nums[con, ]

    ## check for proximity condition
    ok <- FALSE
    if ((temp[1, 1] == temp[2, 1]) || (temp[1, 2] == temp[2, 1])) {
        ok <- TRUE
        same <- temp[2, 1]
    } else {
        if ((temp[1, 1] == temp[2, 2]) || (temp[1, 2] == temp[2, 2])) {
            ok <- TRUE
            same <- temp[2, 2]

    ## dummy output
    w <- nedSet <- ningSet <- name <- NA
    todel <- TRUE

    # info if proximity condition is fulfilled ...
    if (ok) {
        ## infer conditioned set and conditioning set
        l1 <- c(g$V$conditionedSet[[con[1]]],
        l2 <- c(g$V$conditionedSet[[con[2]]],
        nedSet <- c(setdiff(l1, l2), setdiff(l2, l1))
        ningSet <- intersect(l1, l2)

        ## mark as ok
        todel <- FALSE

        if (truncated == FALSE) {
            ## get data
            if (temp[1, 1] == same) {
                zr1 <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondData.2[con[1]]
            } else {
                zr1 <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondData.1[con[1]]
            if (temp[2, 1] == same) {
                zr2 <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondData.2[con[2]]
            } else {
                zr2 <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondData.1[con[2]]
            if (is.list(zr1)) {
                zr1a <- as.vector(zr1[[1]])
                zr2a <- as.vector(zr2[[1]])
            } else {
                zr1a <- zr1
                zr2a <- zr2

            ## calculate Kendall's tau
            keine_nas <- !(is.na(zr1a) | is.na(zr2a))
            w <- treecrit(zr1a[keine_nas], zr2a[keine_nas], weights)

            ## get names
            name.node1 <- strsplit(g$V$names[con[1]], split = " *[,;] *")[[1]]
            name.node2 <- strsplit(g$V$names[con[2]], split = " *[,;] *")[[1]]

            ## set edge name
            nmdiff <- c(setdiff(name.node1, name.node2),
                        setdiff(name.node2, name.node1))
            nmsect <- intersect(name.node1, name.node2)
            name <- paste(paste(nmdiff, collapse = ","),
                          paste(nmsect, collapse = ","),
                          sep = " ; ")
        } else {
            w <- 1

    ## return edge information
    list(w = w,
         nedSet = nedSet,
         ningSet = ningSet,
         name = name,
         todel = todel)

pcSelect <- function(parameterForACopula, ...) {

## bivariate copula selection
fit.ACopula <- function(u1, u2, familyset = NA, selectioncrit = "AIC",
                        indeptest = FALSE, level = 0.05, weights = NA,
                        se = FALSE, presel = TRUE, method = "mle") {

    ## select family and estimate parameter(s) for the pair copula
    complete.i <- which(!is.na(u1 + u2))

    if (length(complete.i) < 10 || (length(familyset) == 1 && familyset == 0)) {
        out <- BiCop(0)
        ## add more information about the fit
        out$se  <- NA
        out$se2 <- NA
        out$nobs   <- 0
        out$logLik <- 0
        out$AIC    <- 0
        out$BIC    <- 0
        out$emptau <- NA
        out$p.value.indeptest <- NA

        if (length(complete.i) < 10) {
            out$warn <- paste("Insufficient data for at least one pair.",
                              "Independence has been selected automatically.")
    } else {
        out <- suppressWarnings(BiCopSelect(u1[complete.i], u2[complete.i],
                                            familyset = familyset,
                                            selectioncrit = selectioncrit,
                                            indeptest = indeptest,
                                            level = level,
                                            weights = weights,
                                            rotations = FALSE, # see prep_familyset
                                            se = se,
                                            presel = presel,
                                            method = method))
        out$warn <- NULL

    ## change rotation if family is not symmetric wrt the main diagonal
    if (out$family %in% c(23, 24, 26:30, 124, 224)) {
        out$family <- out$family + 10
    } else if (out$family %in% c(33, 34, 36:40, 134, 234)) {
        out$family <- out$family - 10

    ## tawn copulas also have to change type
    if (out$family%/%100 == 1) {
        out$family <- out$family + 100
    } else if (out$family%/%200 == 1) {
        out$family <- out$family - 100

    ## store pseudo-observations for estimation in next tree
    if (length(familyset) == 1 && familyset == 0) {
        out$CondOn.1 <- u1
        out$CondOn.2 <- u2
    } else {
        out$CondOn.1 <- suppressWarnings(BiCopHfunc1(u2, u1, out, check.pars = FALSE))
        out$CondOn.2 <- suppressWarnings(BiCopHfunc2(u2, u1, out, check.pars = FALSE))

    ## return results

## build R-Vine matrix object based on nested set of trees
as.RVM2 <- function(RVine, data, callexp) {

    ## initialize objects
    n <- length(RVine$Tree) + 1
    con <- list()
    nam <- RVine$Tree[[1]]$V$names
    nedSets <- list()
    crspParams <- list()
    crspTypes <- list()
    crspfits <- list()

    ## get selected pairs, families and estimated parameters
    for (k in 1:(n - 2)) {
        nedSets[[k]]    <- RVine$Tree[[k]]$E$conditionedSet
        crspParams[[k]] <- as.list(RVine$Tree[[k]]$E$Copula.param)
        crspTypes[[k]]  <- as.list(RVine$Tree[[k]]$E$Copula.type)
        crspfits[[k]]   <- as.list(RVine$Tree[[k]]$E$fits)

    crspParams[[n - 1]] <- as.list(RVine$Tree[[n - 1]]$E$Copula.param)
    crspTypes[[n - 1]]  <- as.list(RVine$Tree[[n - 1]]$E$Copula.type)
    crspfits[[n - 1]]   <- as.list(RVine$Tree[[n - 1]]$E$fits)
    if (is.list(RVine$Tree[[1]]$E$conditionedSet)) {
        nedSets[[n - 1]] <- list(RVine$Tree[[n - 1]]$E$conditionedSet[[1]])
    } else {
        nedSets[[n - 1]] <- list(RVine$Tree[[n - 1]]$E$conditionedSet)

    ## initialize matrices for RVineMatrix object
    Param <- array(dim = c(n, n))
    Params2 <- array(0, dim = c(n, n))
    Type <- array(dim = c(n, n))
    M <- matrix(NA, n, n)
    Ses     <- matrix(0, n, n)
    tmps    <- matrix(0, n, n)
    Se2s    <- matrix(0, n, n)
    emptaus <- matrix(0, n, n)
    pvals   <- matrix(0, n, n)
    logLiks <- matrix(0, n, n)

    ## store structure, families and parameters in matrices
    for (k in 1:(n - 1)) {
        w <- nedSets[[n - k]][[1]][1]

        M[k, k] <- w
        M[(k + 1), k] <- nedSets[[n - k]][[1]][2]

        Param[(k + 1), k]   <- crspParams[[n - k]][[1]][1]
        Params2[(k + 1), k] <- crspParams[[n - k]][[1]][2]
        Type[(k + 1), k]    <- crspTypes[[n - k]][[1]]
        tmpse               <- crspfits[[n - k]][[1]]$se
        Ses[(k + 1), k]     <- ifelse(is.null(tmpse), NA, tmpse)
        tmpse2              <- crspfits[[n - k]][[1]]$se2
        Se2s[(k + 1), k]    <- ifelse(is.null(tmpse2), NA, tmpse2)
        emptaus[(k + 1), k] <- crspfits[[n - k]][[1]]$emptau
        pvals[(k + 1), k]   <- crspfits[[n - k]][[1]]$p.value.indeptest
        logLiks[(k + 1), k] <- crspfits[[n - k]][[1]]$logLik

        if (k == (n - 1)) {
            M[(k + 1), (k + 1)] <- nedSets[[n - k]][[1]][2]
        } else {
            for (i in (k + 2):n) {
                for (j in 1:length(nedSets[[n - i + 1]])) {
                    cs <- nedSets[[n - i + 1]][[j]]
                    cty <- crspTypes[[n - i + 1]][[j]]
                    if (cs[1] == w) {
                        M[i, k] <- cs[2]
                        Type[i, k] <- cty
                    } else if (cs[2] == w) {
                        # correct family for rotations
                        if (cty %in% c(23, 24, 26:30, 124, 224)) {
                            cty <- cty + 10
                        } else if (cty %in% c(33, 34, 36:40, 134, 234)) {
                            cty <- cty - 10
                        # change type for Tawn
                        if (cty%/%100 == 1) {
                            cty <- cty + 100
                        } else if (cty%/%200 == 1) {
                            cty <- cty - 100
                        M[i, k] <- cs[1]
                        Type[i, k] <- cty
                Param[i, k]   <- crspParams[[n - i + 1]][[j]][1]
                Params2[i, k] <- crspParams[[n - i + 1]][[j]][2]
                tmpse         <- crspfits[[n - i + 1]][[j]]$se
                Ses[i, k]     <- ifelse(is.null(tmpse), NA, tmpse)
                tmpse2        <- crspfits[[n - i + 1]][[j]]$se2
                Se2s[i, k]    <- ifelse(is.null(tmpse2), NA, tmpse2)
                emptaus[i, k] <- crspfits[[n - i + 1]][[j]]$emptau
                pvals[i, k]   <- crspfits[[n - i + 1]][[j]]$p.value.indeptest
                logLiks[i, k] <- crspfits[[n - i + 1]][[j]]$logLik
                nedSets[[n - i + 1]][[j]]    <- NULL
                crspParams[[n - i + 1]][[j]] <- NULL
                crspTypes[[n - i + 1]][[j]]  <- NULL
                crspfits[[n - i + 1]][[j]] <- NULL

    ## clean NAs
    M[is.na(M)] <- 0
    Type[is.na(Type)] <- 0

    ## create RVineMatrix object
    RVM <- RVineMatrix(M, family = Type, par = Param, par2 = Params2, names = nam)
    RVM$call <- callexp

    ## add information about pair-copulas
    if (!all(is.na(Ses[lower.tri(Ses)]))) {
        RVM$se <- Ses
        RVM$se2 <- Se2s
    RVM$nobs <- crspfits[[1]][[1]]$nobs
    like <- suppressWarnings(RVineLogLik(data, RVM, calculate.V = FALSE))
    RVM$logLik <- like$loglik
    RVM$pair.logLik <- logLiks
    npar <- sum(RVM$family %in% allfams[onepar], na.rm = TRUE) +
        2 * sum(RVM$family %in% allfams[twopar], na.rm = TRUE)
    npar_pair <- matrix((RVM$family %in% allfams[onepar]) +
                            2 * (RVM$family %in% allfams[twopar]), nrow = n, ncol = n)
    N <- nrow(data)
    RVM$AIC <- -2 * like$loglik + 2 * npar
    RVM$pair.AIC <- -2 * logLiks + 2 * npar_pair
    RVM$BIC <- -2 * like$loglik + log(N) * npar
    RVM$pair.BIC <- -2 * logLiks + log(N) * npar_pair
    RVM$emptau <- emptaus

    ## return final object

## functions for handling the tree structure -------------------------
graphFromWeightMatrix <- function(W) {
    d <- ncol(W)
    # get variable names
    nms <- colnames(W)
    if (is.null(nms))
        nms <- paste0("V", 1:d)
    # construct edge set
    E <- cbind(do.call(c, sapply(1:(d-1), function(i) seq.int(i))),
               do.call(c, sapply(1:(d-1), function(i) rep(i+1, i))))
    # add edge names
    E.names <- apply(E, 1, function(x) paste(nms[x[1]],  nms[x[2]], sep = ","))
    # set weights
    w <- W[upper.tri(W)]

    ## return results
    list(V = list(names = nms,
                  conditionedSet = NULL,
                  conditioningSet = NULL),
         E = list(nums = E,
                  names = E.names,
                  weights = w,
                  conditionedSet = lapply(1:nrow(E), function(i) E[i, ]),
                  conditioningSet = NULL))

makeFullGraph <- function(d) {
    ## create matrix of all combinations
    E <- cbind(do.call(c, lapply(1:(d-1), function(i) rep(i, d-i))),
               do.call(c, lapply(1:(d-1), function(i) (i+1):d)))
    E <- matrix(E, ncol = 2)

    ## output dummy list with edges set
    list(V = list(names = NULL,
                  conditionedSet = NULL,
                  conditioningSet = NULL),
         E = list(nums = E,
                  names = NULL,
                  weights = NULL,
                  conditionedSet = E,
                  conditioningSet = NULL))

adjacencyMatrix <- function(g) {
    ## create matrix of all combinations
    d <- length(g$V$names)
    v.all <- cbind(do.call(c, lapply(1:(d-1), function(i) seq.int(i))),
                   do.call(c, lapply(1:(d-1), function(i) rep(i+1, i))))

    ## fnd weight
    vals <- apply(v.all, 1, set_weight, E = g$E)

    ## create symmetric matrix of weights
    M <- matrix(0, d, d)
    M[upper.tri(M)] <- vals
    M <- M + t(M)
    diag(M) <- Inf

    ## return final matrix

set_weight <- function(x, E) {
    ## convert weights so that minimum spanning tree algorithm can be applied
    is.edge <- (x[1] == E$nums[, 1]) & (x[2] == E$nums[, 2])
    if (!any(is.edge)) Inf else -E$weights[which(is.edge)]

deleteEdges <- function(g) {
    ## reduce edge list
    keep <- which(!g$E$todel)
    E <- list(nums            = matrix(g$E$nums[keep, ], ncol = 2),
              names           = g$E$names[keep],
              weights         = g$E$weights[keep],
              conditionedSet  = g$E$conditionedSet[keep],
              conditioningSet = g$E$conditioningSet[keep])

    ## return reduced graph
    list(V = g$V, E = E)

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