
Defines functions texcl_to_ssc

Documented in texcl_to_ssc

#' Textural conversions
#' These functions consist of several conversions between sand, silt and clay
#' to texture class and visa versa, textural modifiers to rock fragments, and
#' grain size composition to the family particle size class.
#' These functions are intended to estimate missing values or allocate particle
#' size fractions to classes. The \code{ssc_to_texcl()} function uses the same 
#' logic as the particle size estimator calculation in NASIS to classify sand 
#' and clay into texture class. The results are stored in \code{soiltexture} 
#' and used by \code{texcl_to_ssc()} as a lookup table to convert texture class 
#' to sand, silt and clay. The function \code{texcl_to_ssc()} replicates the
#' functionality described by Levi (2017). The \code{texmod_to_fragvol()} 
#' function similarly uses the logical from the 
#' Exhibit618-11_texture_modifier.xls spreadsheet to determine the textural 
#' modifier from the various combinations of rock and pararock fragments 
#' (e.g. GR and PGR).
#' When \code{sample = TRUE}, the results can be used to estimate within-class,
#' marginal distributions of sand, silt, and clay fractions. It is recommended
#' that at least 10 samples be drawn for reasonable estimates.
#' The function \code{texmod_to_fragvoltot} returns a data.frame with multiple  
#' fragvoltot columns differentiated by tailing abbreviations (e.g. _r) which 
#' refer to the following: 
#' 1. l = low
#' 2. r = representative
#' 3. h = high
#' 4. nopf = no pararock fragments (i.e. total fragments - pararock fragments)
#' The function \code{texture_to_texmod()} parses texture (e.g. GR-CL) to extract the texmod values from it in the scenario where it is missing from
#' texmod column. If multiple texmod values are present (for example in the 
#' case of stratified textures) and \code{duplicates = "combine"} they will be combined in the output (e.g. GR & CBV). Otherwise if \code{duplicates = "max"} 
#' the texmod with the highest rock fragment (e.g. CBV) will be returned.
#' Unlike the other functions, \code{texture_to_taxpartsize()} is intended to
#' be computed on weighted averages within the family particle size control
#' section. Also recall from the criteria that carbonate clay should be
#' subtracted from clay content and added to silt content. Similarly, if the
#' percent of very fine sand is known it should be subtracted from the sand,
#' and added to the silt content. Unlike the other functions,
#' \code{texture_to_taxpartsize()} is intended to be computed on weighted
#' averages within the family particle size control section. Also recall from
#' the criteria that carbonate clay should be subtracted from clay content and
#' added to silt content. Similarly, if the percent of very fine sand is known
#' it should be subtracted from the sand, and added to the silt content.

#' @param texcl vector of texture classes than conform to the USDA code
#' conventions (e.g. c|C, sil|SIL, sl|SL, cos|COS)
#' @param texmod vector of textural modifiers that conform to the USDA code
#' conventions (e.g. gr|GR, grv|GRV)
#' @param lieutex vector of in lieu of texture terms that conform to the USDA
#' code convenctions (e.g. gr|GR, pg|PG), only used when fragments or artifacts
#' are > 90 percent by volume (default: NULL))
#' @param texture vector of combinations of texcl, texmod, and lieutex (e.g. CL, GR-CL, CBV-S, GR)
#' @param clay vector of clay percentages
#' @param sand vector of sand percentages
#' @param fragvoltot vector of rock fragment percentages
#' @param as.is logical: should character vectors be converted to factors?
#' (default: TRUE)
#' @param droplevels logical: indicating whether to drop unused levels in
#' factors. This is useful when the results have a large number of unused
#' classes, which can waste space in tables and figures.

#' @param sample logical: should ssc be random sampled from the lookup table?
#' (default: FALSE)
#' @return - `texcl_to_ssc`: A `data.frame` containing columns `"sand"`,`"silt"`, `"clay"`
#' @seealso \code{\link{SoilTextureLevels}}
#' @author Stephen Roecker
#' @references Matthew R. Levi, Modified Centroid for Estimating Sand, Silt, and Clay from Soil Texture Class, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2017, 81(3):578-588, ISSN 1435-0661, \doi{10.2136/sssaj2016.09.0301}.
#' @rdname texture
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # example of ssc_to_texcl()
#' tex <- expand.grid(sand = 0:100, clay = 0:100)
#' tex <- subset(tex, (sand + clay) < 101)
#' tex$texcl <- ssc_to_texcl(sand = tex$sand, clay = tex$clay)
#' head(tex)
#' # example of texcl_to_ssc(texcl)
#' texcl <- c("cos", "s", "fs", "vfs", "lcos", "ls",
#'           "lfs", "lvfs", "cosl", "sl", "fsl", "vfsl", "l",
#'           "sil", "si", "scl", "cl", "sicl", "sc", "sic", "c"
#'           )
#' test <- texcl_to_ssc(texcl)
#' head(test <- cbind(texcl, test), 10)
#' # example of texcl_to_ssc(texcl, clay)
#' data(soiltexture)
#' st <- soiltexture$values
#' idx <- sample(1:length(st$texcl), 10)
#' st <- st[idx, ]
#' ssc <- texcl_to_ssc(texcl = st$texcl)
#' head(cbind(texcl = st$texcl, clay = ssc$clay))
#' # example of texmod_to_fragvoltol
#' frags <- c("gr", "grv", "grx", "pgr", "pgrv", "pgrx")
#' head(texmod_to_fragvoltot(frags))
#' # example of texture_to_taxpartsize()
#' tex <- data.frame(texcl = c("c", "cl", "l", "ls", "s"),
#'                   clay  = c(55, 33, 18, 6, 3),
#'                   sand  = c(20, 33, 42, 82, 93),
#'                   fragvoltot = c(35, 15, 34, 60, 91))
#' tex$fpsc <- texture_to_taxpartsize(texcl = tex$texcl,
#'                                    clay = tex$clay,
#'                                    sand = tex$sand,
#'                                    fragvoltot = tex$fragvoltot)
#' head(tex)
#' # example of texture_to_taxpartsize() with carbonate clay and very fine sand
#' carbclay <- rnorm(5, 2, 3)
#' vfs <- rnorm(5, 10, 3)
#' st$fpsc <- texture_to_taxpartsize(texcl = tex$texcl,
#'                                   clay = tex$clay - carbclay,
#'                                   sand = tex$sand - vfs,
#'                                   fragvoltot = tex$fragvoltot)
#' head(tex)
#' # example of sample = TRUE
#' texcl <- rep(c("cl", "sil", "sl"), 10)
#' ssc1 <- cbind(texcl, texcl_to_ssc(texcl = texcl, sample = FALSE))
#' ssc2 <- cbind(texcl, texcl_to_ssc(texcl = texcl, sample = TRUE))
#' ssc1$sample <- FALSE
#' ssc2$sample <- TRUE
#' ssc  <- rbind(ssc1, ssc2)
#' aggregate(clay ~ sample + texcl, data = ssc, summary)
#' }
texcl_to_ssc <- function(texcl = NULL, clay = NULL, sample = FALSE) {
  # fix for R CMD check
  #  texcl_to_ssc: no visible binding for global variable ‘soiltexture’
  soiltexture <- NULL

  # clay is not NULL
  clay_not_null <- all(!is.null(clay))
  clay_is_null  <- !clay_not_null

  # standardize the inputs
  df <- data.frame(texcl = tolower(as.character(texcl)),
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  if (clay_not_null) {
    df$clay <- as.integer(round(clay))
  df$rn <- row.names(df)

  load(system.file("data/soiltexture.rda", package="aqp")[1])
  # convert fine sand classes to their generic counterparts
  df <- within(df, {
    texcl = ifelse(texcl %in% c("cos",  "fs", "vfs"),   "s",  texcl)
    texcl = ifelse(texcl %in% c("lcos", "lfs", "lvfs"), "ls", texcl)
    texcl = ifelse(texcl %in% c("cosl", "fsl", "vfsl"), "sl", texcl)

  # check for texcl that don't match
  idx <- ! df$texcl %in% unique(soiltexture$averages$texcl)
  if (any(idx)) {
    warning("not all the user supplied texcl values match the lookup table")

  # check clay values within texcl
  if (clay_not_null) {
    clay_not_na <- !is.na(df$clay)

    idx <- paste(df$texcl[clay_not_na], df$clay[clay_not_na]) %in% paste(soiltexture$values$texcl, soiltexture$values$clay)

    if (any(!idx)) {
      warning("not all the user supplied clay values fall within the texcl, so they will be set to NA")
      df$clay[which(!idx)] <- NA
      clay_not_null <- all(!is.na(df$clay))
      clay_is_null  <- !clay_not_null

  # check clay ranges 0-100
  idx <- clay_not_null & any(clay < 0, na.rm = TRUE) & any(clay > 100, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (idx) {
    warning("some clay records < 0 or > 100%")

  # if clay is present
  if (clay_not_null & sample == FALSE) {

    st <- aggregate(sand ~ texcl + clay, data = soiltexture$values, function(x) as.integer(round(mean(x))))
    st$silt <- 100 - st$clay - st$sand

    # some clay present (compute clay weighted averages)
    idx <- is.na(df$clay)
     if (any(idx)) {
       df_na <- merge(df[idx, c("texcl", "rn")], soiltexture$averages, by = "texcl", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)[c("texcl", "clay", "rn")]
       df[idx, ] <- df_na

    df <- merge(df[c("texcl", "clay", "rn")], st, by = c("texcl", "clay"), all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
  } else {
    # clay missing (use average)
    df <- merge(df[c("texcl", "rn")], soiltexture$averages, by = "texcl", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)

  # randomly sample ssc from texcl lookup table
  if (sample == TRUE) {

    if (clay_is_null) df$clay <- NA

    split(df, df$texcl, drop = TRUE) ->.;
    lapply(., function(x) {

      st    <- soiltexture$values

      # clay present
      x$idx <- is.na(x$clay)
      x1 <- x[x$idx == FALSE, ]
      x2 <- x[x$idx == TRUE,  ]

      if (clay_not_null) {
        temp1 <- st[st$texcl == x1$texcl[1] &
                    st$clay %in% unique(x1$clay),
        temp1 <- temp1[sample(1:nrow(temp1), size = nrow(x1), replace = TRUE), ]
        temp1 <- cbind(x1[x1$idx == FALSE, c("rn", "texcl")], temp1[c("clay", "sand")])
      } else temp1 <- NULL

      # clay missing
      temp2 <- st[st$texcl == x2$texcl[1], ]
      temp2 <- temp2[sample(1:nrow(temp2), size = nrow(x2), replace = TRUE), ]
      temp2 <- cbind(x2[x2$idx == TRUE, c("rn", "texcl")], temp2[c("clay", "sand")])

      return(rbind(temp1, temp2))
    }) ->.;
    do.call("rbind", .) -> df
    df$silt <- 100 - df$clay - df$sand

  # standardize outputs
  vars <- c("sand", "silt", "clay")
  df <- df[(order(as.integer(df$rn))), vars]
  df$rn    <- NULL
  df$texcl <- NULL
  rownames(df) <- NULL

#' Convert sand, silt and clay to texture class
#' @param simplify Passed to `SoilTextureLevels()` to set the number of possible texture classes. If `TRUE`, the ordered factor has a maximum of 12 levels, if `FALSE` (default) the ordered factor has a maximum of 21 levels (including e.g. very fine/fine/coarse variants)
#' @rdname texture
#' @return  - `ssc_to_texcl`: A `character` vector containing texture class
#' @export
ssc_to_texcl <- function(sand = NULL, clay = NULL, simplify = FALSE, as.is = FALSE, droplevels = TRUE) {
  # fix for R CMD check:
  #  ssc_to_texcl: no visible binding for global variable ‘silt’
  silt <- NULL

  # check lengths
  idx <- length(clay) != length(sand)
  if (idx) {
    stop("length of inputs do not match")

  # standardize inputs
  df <- data.frame(sand = as.integer(round(sand)),
                   clay = as.integer(round(clay)),
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  df$silt <- 100 - df$clay - df$sand

  ## TODO: this needs some more work: sum will always be 100, but silt-by-difference may be illogical

  # # check sand, silt and clay sum to 100
  # idx <- (df$sand + df$silt + df$clay) > 100 | (df$sand + df$silt + df$clay) < 100
  # if (any(idx) & any(complete.cases(df[c("sand", "clay")]))) {
  #   warning("some records sand, silt, and clay do not sum to 100 %")
  #   }

  # logic from the particle size estimator calculation from NASIS
  df <- within(df, {
    texcl = NA
    texcl[silt >= 79.99 & clay <  11.99] = "si"
    texcl[silt >= 49.99 & clay <  26.99 & (silt < 79.99 | clay >= 11.99)] = "sil"
    texcl[clay >= 26.99 & clay <  39.99 & sand <= 20.01] = "sicl"
    texcl[clay >= 39.99 & silt >= 39.99] = "sic"
    texcl[clay >= 39.99 & sand <= 45.01 & silt <  39.99] = "c"
    texcl[clay >= 26.99 & clay <  39.99 & sand >  20.01 & sand <= 45.01] = "cl"
    texcl[clay >=  6.99 & clay <  26.99 & silt >= 27.99 & silt < 49.99 & sand <= 52.01] = "l"
    texcl[clay >= 19.99 & clay <  34.99 & silt <  27.99 & sand > 45.01] = "scl"
    texcl[clay >= 34.99 & sand >  45.01] = "sc"
    texcl[(silt + 1.5 * clay) < 15] = "s"
    texcl[(silt + 1.5 * clay) >= 15 & (silt + 2 * clay) < 29.99] = "ls"
    texcl[!is.na(sand) & !is.na(clay) & is.na(texcl)] = "sl"

  # encoding according to approximate AWC, from Red Book version 3.0
  if (!as.is) {
    df$texcl <- factor(df$texcl, levels = SoilTextureLevels(which = 'codes', simplify = simplify), ordered = TRUE)

    if (droplevels) {
      df$texcl <- droplevels(df$texcl)


#' Convert from fragment modifier to estimated total volume
#' @param texmod vector of textural modifiers that conform to the USDA code
#' conventions (e.g. gr|GR, grv|GRV)
#' @param lieutex vector of in lieu of texture terms that conform to the USDA
#' code conventions (e.g. gr|GR, pg|PG), only used when fragments or artifacts
#' are > 90 percent by volume (default: NULL))
#' @rdname texture
#' @return  - `texmod_to_fragvoltot`: A `data.frame` containing columns `"fragvoltot_l"`,
#' `"fragvoltot_r"`, `"fragvoltot_h"`, `"fragvoltot_l_nopf"`, `"fragvoltot_r_nopf"`, `"fragvoltot_h_nopf"`
#' @export
texmod_to_fragvoltot <- function(texmod = NULL, lieutex = NULL) {
  # standardize inputs ----
  vars_l <- list(texmod = texmod, lieutex = lieutex)
  # vars_l <- list(texmod = c("GR", "CBV", NA), lieutex = c(NA, NA, "BY"))
  df <- NULL
  df <- .format_inputs(vars_l, names(vars_l), NA_character_, "character")
  df$texmod  <- tolower(df$texmod)
  df$lieutex <- toupper(df$lieutex)
  df$rn <- 1:nrow(df)
  # load lookup table
  # fix for R CMD check
  #  texcl_to_ssc: no visible binding for global variable ‘soiltexture’
  soiltexture <- NULL
  load(system.file("data/soiltexture.rda", package="aqp")[1])

  # check inputs ----
  ## both present?
  idx <- any(complete.cases(df))
  if (idx) {
    warning("texmod and lieutex should not both be present, they are mutually exclusive, only the results for texmod will be returned")

  # texmod and lieutex don't match
  idx <- ! df$texmod %in% soiltexture$texmod$texmod
  if (any(idx & !is.na(df$texmod))) {
    message("not all the texmod supplied match the lookup table")

  idx <-  ! df$lieutex %in% c("GR", "CB", "ST", "BY", "CN", "FL", "PG", "PCB", "PST", "PBY", "PCN", "PFL", "BR", "HMM", "MPM", "SPM", "MUCK", "PEAT", "ART", "CGM", "FGM", "ICE", "MAT", "W")
  if (any(idx & !is.na(df$lieutex))) {
    message("not all the lieutex supplied match the lookup table")

  # merge
  df <- merge(df, soiltexture$texmod, by = "texmod", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
  df <- df[order(df$rn), ]
  df$rn <- NULL

  # lieutex
  if (any(!is.na(df$lieutex))) {

    idx1 <- !is.na(df$lieutex) & df$lieutex %in% c("GR", "CB",  "ST",  "BY",  "CN", "FL")
    idx2 <- !is.na(df$lieutex) & df$lieutex %in% c("PG", "PCB", "PST", "PBY", "PCN", "PFL")

    # df$lieutex <- toupper(lieutex)

    df <- within(df, {
      fragvoltot_l = ifelse(idx1, 90, fragvoltot_l)
      fragvoltot_r = ifelse(idx1, 95, fragvoltot_l)
      fragvoltot_h = ifelse(idx1, 100, fragvoltot_l)

      fragvoltot_l_nopf = ifelse(idx2, 0,  fragvoltot_l)
      fragvoltot_r_nopf = ifelse(idx2, 0,  fragvoltot_l)
      fragvoltot_h_nopf = ifelse(idx2, 0, fragvoltot_l)
    # df$lieutex <- lieutex
  df[c("texmod", "lieutex", "texmod_label")] <- NULL


#' Convert sand, silt and clay to the family particle size class
#' @param texcl vector of texture classes than conform to the USDA code
#' conventions (e.g. c|C, sil|SIL, sl|SL, cos|COS)
#' @param clay vector of clay percentages
#' @param sand vector of sand percentages
#' @param sandvf vector of very fine sand percentages
#' @param fragvoltot vector of total rock fragment percentages
#' @return - `texture_to_taxpartsize`: a character vector containing `"taxpartsize"` classes
#' @seealso [hz_to_taxpartsize()], [lookup_taxpartsize()]
#' @rdname texture
#' @export
texture_to_taxpartsize <- function(texcl = NULL, clay = NULL, sand = NULL, sandvf = NULL, fragvoltot = NULL) {

  # check lengths
  idx <- length(texcl) == length(clay) & length(clay) == length(sand) & length(sand) == length(fragvoltot)
  if (!idx) {
    stop("length of inputs do not match")

  # standarize inputs
  if (is.null(sandvf)) sandvf <- NA
  df <- data.frame(texcl      = tolower(texcl),
                   clay       = as.integer(round(clay)),
                   sand       = as.integer(round(sand)),
                   sandvf     = as.integer(round(sandvf)),
                   fragvoltot = as.integer(round(fragvoltot)),
                   fpsc       = as.character(NA),
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  df$silt <- 100 - df$sand - df$clay

  sandytextures <- c("cos", "s", "fs", "lcos", "ls", "lfs")

  # check texcl lookup
  idx <- any(! df$texcl[!is.na(df$texcl)] %in% SoilTextureLevels(which = 'codes'))
  if (idx) {
    warning("not all the texcl supplied match the lookup table")

  # check percentages
  idx <- df$silt > 100 | df$silt < 0 | df$clay > 100 | df$clay < 0 | df$sand > 100 | df$sand < 0 | df$fragvoltot > 100 | df$fragvoltot < 0
  if (any(idx, na.rm = TRUE)) {
    warning("some records are > 100% or < 0%, or the calcuated silt fraction is > 100% or < 0%")
  if (any(sandvf > sand & all(!is.na(sandvf)))) {
    warning("the sandvf values should not be greater than the sand values")

  # check ssc_to_texcl() vs texcl
  df$texcl_calc <- suppressMessages(ssc_to_texcl(sand = df$sand, clay = df$clay, as.is = TRUE))

  df <- within(df, {
    texcl_calc = ifelse(texcl_calc == "s"  & grepl("^cos$|^fs$|^vfs$",    texcl), texcl, texcl_calc)
    texcl_calc = ifelse(texcl_calc == "ls" & grepl("^lcos$|^lfs$|^lvfs$", texcl), texcl, texcl_calc)
    texcl_calc = ifelse(texcl_calc == "sl" & grepl("^cosl$|^fsl$|^vfsl$", texcl), texcl, texcl_calc)
    sandvf = ifelse(is.na(sandvf) & texcl %in% c("vfs", "lvfs"),    50, sandvf)
    sandvf = ifelse(is.na(sandvf) & texcl %in% c("vfsl"),           40, sandvf)
    sandvf = ifelse(is.na(sandvf) & texcl %in% c("fsl"),            15, sandvf)
    sandvf = ifelse(is.na(sandvf) & texcl %in% c("sl", "l", "scl"), 10, sandvf)
    sandvf = ifelse(is.na(sandvf) & texcl %in% c("fsl"),            7,  sandvf)
    sand = ifelse(!is.na(sandvf), sand - sandvf,  sand)
    silt = ifelse(!is.na(sandvf), silt + sandvf,  silt)

  idx <- any(df$texcl != df$texcl_calc, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (idx) {
    warning("some of the texcl records don't match the calculated texcl via ssc_to_texcl()")

  # calculate family particle size control section

  idx <- df$fragvoltot >= 35
  if (any(idx)) {
    df[idx,] <- within(df[idx,], {
      fpsc[clay >= 35]               = "clayey-skeletal"
      fpsc[clay <  35]               = "loamy-skeletal"
      fpsc[texcl %in% sandytextures] = "sandy-skeletal"

  idx <- df$fragvoltot < 35 & df$texcl %in% sandytextures
  if (any(idx)) {
    df[idx, ]$fpsc <- "sandy"

  idx <- df$fragvoltot < 35 & ! df$texcl %in% sandytextures
  if (any(idx)) {
    df[idx, ] <- within(df[idx,], {
      fpsc[clay < 18 & sand >= 15] = "coarse-loamy"
      fpsc[clay < 18 & sand <  15] = "coarse-silty"
      fpsc[clay >= 18 & clay < 35] = "fine-loamy"
      fpsc[clay >= 18 & clay < 35 & sand < 15] = "fine-silty"
      fpsc[clay >= 35 & clay < 60] = "fine"
      fpsc[clay > 60] = "very-fine"

  df$fpsc <- ifelse(df$fragvoltot > 90, "fragmental", df$fpsc)


#' Parse texmod from texture
#' @param texmod vector of textural modifiers that conform to the USDA code
#' conventions (e.g. gr|GR, grv|GRV)
#' @param texture vector of combinations of texcl, texmod, and lieutex (e.g. CL, GR-CL, CBV-S, GR)
#' @param duplicates character: specifying how multiple values should be handled, options are `"combined"` (e.g. 'GR & GRV) or `"max"`(e.g. 'GRV') 
#' @return - `texture_to_texmod`: a character vector containing `"texmod"` classes
#' @rdname texture
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # example of texture_to_texmod()
#' tex <- c("SL", "GR-SL", "CBV-L", "SR- GR-FS GRX-COS")
#' texture_to_texmod(tex)
#' texture_to_texmod(tex, duplicates = "max")
#' }
texture_to_texmod <- function(texture, duplicates = "combine") {
  # test
  is_char <- is.character(texture)
  is_fact <- is.factor(texture)
  if (!is_char & !is_fact) stop("texture must be a character or a factor")
  if (is_fact) texture <- as.character(texture)
  # load lookup tables
  soiltexture <- NULL
  load(system.file("data/soiltexture.rda", package = "aqp")[1])
  texmod_df <- soiltexture$texmod
  texmod    <- texmod_df$texmod[grepl("gravel|cobbl|ston|boulder|channer|flag", texmod_df$texmod_label)]
  # lieutex <- metadata[metadata$ColumnPhysicalName == "lieutex", ]$ChoiceName
  tex   <- tolower(texture)
  tex_l <- strsplit(tex, "-| |_|\\/|&|,|;|\\.|\\*|\\+")
  # find which records have a texmod
  idx_mod  <- which(sapply(tex_l, function(x) any(x[-length(x)] %in% texmod)))
  # idx_lieu <- which(sapply(tex_l, function(x) any(x %in% lieutex)))
  # create a logical matrix of texmod presence/absence
  if (length(idx_mod > 0)) {
    tex_m  <- lapply(tex_l[idx_mod], function(x)
      texmod %in% x)
    tex_df <- as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", tex_m))
    names(tex_df) <- texmod
    # slightly slower simpler(/better?) alternative
    # not better, this mistakenly matches words entered into this field
    # I would rather have false negatives than false positives
    # tex_m  <- sapply(texmod, function(x) grepl(x, tex))
    # duplicates ----
    ## combine texmod (if multiple exist)
    if (duplicates == "combine") {
      texmod_parse <- apply(tex_df, 1, function(x) {
        paste0(names(x)[which(x)], collapse = " & ")
    ## find texmod with the highest rock fragment content (if multiple exist)
    if (duplicates == "max") {
      tex_m <- sapply(texmod, function(x) {
        vals <- suppressMessages(texmod_to_fragvoltot(x))
        rf   <- ifelse(tex_df[x] == TRUE, vals$fragvoltot_r, 0)
      idx_col <- max.col(tex_m)
      texmod_parse <- names(tex_df)[idx_col]
  # results ----
  n  <- length(texture)
  df <- data.frame(texmod = rep(NA_character_, n)) #, lieutex = rep(NA, n))
  if (length(idx_mod) > 0) df[idx_mod, "texmod"] <- texmod_parse

# add feature to uncode
# texture_to_texcl <- function(texclLabel, droplevels = FALSE 
#                              # , stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#                              ) {
#   # standardize inputs
#   texclLabel <- tolower(texclLabel)
#   # load lookup table
#   load(system.file("data/soiltexture.rda", package = "aqp")[1])
#   sub <- soiltexture$averages
#   # check
#   idx <- ! texclLabel %in% sub$texcl_label
#   if (any(idx)) {
#     warning("not all the user supplied texture values match the lookup table")
#   }
#   # convert
#   texcl <- factor(texclLabel, levels = tolower(sub$texcl_label), label = sub$texcl, ordered = TRUE)
#   if (droplevels == TRUE) {
#     texcl <- droplevels(texcl)
#   }
#   # if (stringsAsFactors == TRUE) {
#   #   texcl <- as.character(texcl)
#   # }
#   return(texcl)
# }

#' Convert frags to texmod
#' @param object data.frame: containing the following column names: gravel, cobbles,
#'  stones, boulders, channers, flagstones, paragravel, paracobbles, parastones,
#'   paraboulders, parachanners, paraflagstones
#' @param gravel numeric: gravel volume % 
#' @param cobbles numeric: cobble volume % 
#' @param stones numeric: stone volume % 
#' @param boulders numeric: boulder volume % 
#' @param channers numeric: channer volume % 
#' @param flagstones numeric: flagstone volume % 
#' @param paragravel numeric: para gravel volume % 
#' @param paracobbles numeric: para cobble volume % 
#' @param parastones numeric: para stone volume % 
#' @param paraboulders numeric: para boulder volume % 
#' @param parachanners numeric: para channer volume % 
#' @param paraflagstones numeric: para flagstone volume % 
#' @return - `texmod_to_fragvol`: a data.frame containing `"texmod"` and `"lieutex"` classes
#' @rdname texture
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # example of fragvol_to_texmod()
#' df <- expand.grid(
#'   gravel  = seq(0, 100, 5), 
#'   cobbles = seq(0, 100, 5), 
#'   stones  = seq(0, 100, 5), 
#'   boulders = seq(0, 100, 5)
#'   )
#' df <- df[rowSums(df) < 100, ]
#' # data.frame input
#' test <- fragvol_to_texmod(df)
#' table(test$texmod)
#' table(test$lieutex)
#' # vector inputs
#' fragvol_to_texmod(gravel = 10, cobbles = 10)
#' }
fragvol_to_texmod <- function(
  object   = NULL,
  gravel   = NULL, 
  cobbles  = NULL,
  stones   = NULL, 
  boulders = NULL, 
  channers = NULL, 
  flagstones = NULL, 
  paragravel     = NULL, 
  paracobbles    = NULL, 
  parastones     = NULL,
  paraboulders   = NULL, 
  parachanners   = NULL, 
  paraflagstones = NULL,
  as.is      = TRUE,
  droplevels = TRUE
  ) {
  # standardize inputs ----
  var_cols <- c("gravel", "cobbles", "stones", "boulders", "channers", "flagstones", "paragravel", "paracobbles", "parastones", "paraboulders", "parachanners", "paraflagstones")
  var_mods <- c("gr", "cb", "st", "by", "cn", "fl", "pgr", "pcb", "pst", "pby", "pcn", "pfl")
  # object = NULL; gravel =  10; cobbles =  10; stones =  NULL; boulders =  NULL; channers =  NULL; flagstones =  NULL; paragravel =  NULL; paracobbles =  NULL; parastones =  NULL; paraboulders =  NULL; parachanners =  NULL; paraflagstones =  NULL
  # object <- expand.grid(gravel = seq(0, 105, 5), cobbles = seq(0, 100, 5), stones = seq(0, 100, 5), boulders = seq(0, 100, 5))
  # object <- object[rowSums(object) <= 105, ]
  # object <- rbind(object, rep(NA, ncol(object)))
  vars_l <- list(gravel, cobbles, stones, boulders, channers, flagstones, paragravel, paracobbles, parastones, paraboulders, parachanners, paraflagstones)
  names(vars_l) <- var_cols

  # check inputs----
  vars_null <- sapply(vars_l, is.null)
  df_null   <- is.null(object)
  vars_len  <- sapply(vars_l, length)
  ## overlapping inputs
  if (!df_null & any(!vars_null)) {
    warning("if object and any other rock fragment arguments are both not null, only object will be used")
  # ## object matching column
  # if (!df_null & all(!var_cols %in% names(object))) {
  #   stop(paste("object is missing columns matching any of the following columns", 
  #              paste0(var_cols, collapse = ", "))
  #   )
  # }
  # ## vars_l length of inputs
  # if (all(vars_len == max(vars_len)) & df_null) {stop("length of inputs do not match")}
  # standardize inputs again ----
  ## subset and select correct inputs
  df <- NULL
  if (any(!vars_null) & is.null(object)) {
    # df <- as.data.frame(vars_l[!vars_null])
    df <- .format_inputs(vars_l, var_cols, 0, "numeric")
  } else df <- .format_inputs(as.list(object), var_cols, 0, "numeric")
  # idx <- var_cols %in% names(df)
  # var_cols_sub <- var_cols[idx]
  # # var_mods_sub <- var_mods[idx]
  # df <- df[var_cols_sub]
  # ## append missing columns
  # df_mis <- as.data.frame(matrix(data = 0, nrow = nrow(df), ncol = sum(!idx)))
  # names(df_mis) <- var_cols[!idx]
  # df <- cbind(df_mis, df)[var_cols]
  names(df) <- var_mods
  # df[is.na(df)] <- 0
  # # check inputs again ----
  # ## correct datatype
  # if (!all(sapply(df, function(x)  inherits(x, "integer") | inherits(x, "numeric")))) {
  #   stop("all fragments must be numeric or integer")
  # }

  ## calculate sums ----
  gr  <- NULL;   cb <- NULL;  st <- NULL;  by <- NULL;  cn <- NULL;  fl <- NULL
  pgr  <- NULL; pcb <- NULL; pst <- NULL; pby <- NULL; pcn <- NULL; pfl <- NULL
  gr_cn <- NULL; cb_fl <- NULL; pgr_pcn <- NULL; pcb_pfl <- NULL;
  sum_nopf <- NULL; sum_pf <- NULL;
  fgr  <- NULL; fcb <- NULL; fst <- NULL; fby <- NULL; fcn <- NULL; ffl <- NULL
                                fgr_fcn <- NULL; fcb_ffl <- NULL;
  sum_f <- NULL
  df$sum_nopf <- rowSums(df[, 1:6],  na.rm = TRUE)
  df$sum_pf   <- rowSums(df[, 7:12], na.rm = TRUE)
  df$sum_f    <- rowSums(df[, 1:12], na.rm = TRUE)
  df$gr_cn    <- rowSums(df[c("gr",  "cn")], na.rm = TRUE)
  df$cb_fl    <- rowSums(df[c("cb",  "fl")], na.rm = TRUE)
  df$pgr_pcn  <- rowSums(df[c("pgr", "pcn")], na.rm = TRUE)
  df$pcb_pfl  <- rowSums(df[c("pcb", "pfl")], na.rm = TRUE)
  df$fgr_fcn  <- rowSums(df[c("gr",  "cn", "pgr", "pcn")], na.rm = TRUE)
  df$fcb_ffl  <- rowSums(df[c("cb",  "fl", "pcb", "pfl")], na.rm = TRUE)
  df$fgr <- rowSums(df[c("gr", "pgr")], na.rm = TRUE)
  df$fcb <- rowSums(df[c("cb", "pcb")], na.rm = TRUE)
  df$fst <- rowSums(df[c("st", "pst")], na.rm = TRUE)
  df$fby <- rowSums(df[c("by", "pby")], na.rm = TRUE)
  df$fcn <- rowSums(df[c("cn", "pcn")], na.rm = TRUE)
  df$ffl <- rowSums(df[c("fl", "pfl")], na.rm = TRUE)
  # # load lookup table
  # soiltexture <- NULL
  # load(system.file("data/soiltexture.rda", package="aqp")[1])
  # texmod <- soiltexture$texmod
  ## filter rows with no rock fragments 
  idx_sum <- df$sum_nopf < 15 & df$sum_pf < 15 & df$sum_f < 15
  df_sub  <- df[!idx_sum, ]
  # check inputs again ----
  if (any(df$sum_nopf > 100)) {
    warning("some rows total rock fragments > 100")
  if (any(df$sum_pf > 100)) {
    warning("some rows total pararock fragments > 100")
  # calculate texmod & lieutex---- 
  df_sub <- within(df_sub, {
    # nopf
    texmod  = NA_character_
    lieutex = NA_character_
    x_gr_by = gr_cn >= ((1.5 * cb_fl) + (2 * st) + (2.5 * by))
    x_cb_by = cb_fl >= ((1.5 * st)    + (2 * by))
    # 15-34%
    x1534 = sum_nopf >= 15 & sum_nopf <  35
    texmod  = ifelse(x1534 & x_gr_by           & gr >= cn & gr > 0                , "gr", texmod)
    texmod  = ifelse(x1534 & x_gr_by           & gr <  cn & cn > 0 & is.na(texmod), "cn", texmod)
    texmod  = ifelse(x1534 & x_cb_by           & cb >= fl & cb > 0 & is.na(texmod), "cb", texmod)
    texmod  = ifelse(x1534 & x_cb_by           & cb <  fl & fl > 0 & is.na(texmod), "fl", texmod)
    texmod  = ifelse(x1534 & st    >= 1.5 * by            & st > 0 & is.na(texmod), "st", texmod)
    texmod  = ifelse(x1534 & st    <  1.5 * by            & by > 0 & is.na(texmod), "by", texmod)
    # 35-59%
    x3559 = sum_nopf >= 35 & sum_nopf <  60
    texmod  = ifelse(x3559 & x_gr_by           & gr >= cn & gr > 0,                 "grv", texmod)
    texmod  = ifelse(x3559 & x_gr_by           & gr <  cn & cn > 0 & is.na(texmod), "cnv", texmod)
    texmod  = ifelse(x3559 & x_cb_by           & cb >= fl & cb > 0 & is.na(texmod), "cbv", texmod)
    texmod  = ifelse(x3559 & x_cb_by           & cb <  fl & fl > 0 & is.na(texmod), "flv", texmod)
    texmod  = ifelse(x3559 & st    >= 1.5 * by            & st > 0 & is.na(texmod), "stv", texmod)
    texmod  = ifelse(x3559 & st    <  1.5 * by            & by > 0 & is.na(texmod), "byv", texmod)
    # 60-89%
    x6089 = sum_nopf >= 60 & sum_nopf <  90
    texmod  = ifelse(x6089 & x_gr_by           & gr >= cn & gr > 0                , "grx", texmod)
    texmod  = ifelse(x6089 & x_gr_by           & gr <  cn & cn > 0 & is.na(texmod), "cnx", texmod)
    texmod  = ifelse(x6089 & x_cb_by           & cb >= fl & cb > 0 & is.na(texmod), "cbx", texmod)
    texmod  = ifelse(x6089 & x_cb_by           & cb <  fl & fl > 0 & is.na(texmod), "flx", texmod)
    texmod  = ifelse(x6089 & st    >= 1.5 * by            & st > 0 & is.na(texmod), "stx", texmod)
    texmod  = ifelse(x6089 & st    <  1.5 * by            & by > 0 & is.na(texmod), "byx", texmod)
    # 90-100%
    x90 = sum_nopf >= 90
    lieutex = ifelse(x90 & x_gr_by           & gr >= cn & gr > 0,                 "gr", lieutex)
    lieutex = ifelse(x90 & x_gr_by           & gr <  cn & cn > 0 & is.na(texmod), "cn", lieutex)
    lieutex = ifelse(x90 & x_cb_by           & cb >= fl & cb > 0 & is.na(texmod), "cb", lieutex)
    lieutex = ifelse(x90 & x_cb_by           & cb <  fl & fl > 0 & is.na(texmod), "fl", lieutex)
    lieutex = ifelse(x90 & st    >= 1.5 * by            & st > 0 & is.na(texmod), "st", lieutex)
    lieutex = ifelse(x90 & st    <  1.5 * by            & by > 0 & is.na(texmod), "by", lieutex)
    # pf
    texmod_pf  = NA_character_
    lieutex_pf = NA_character_
    x_pgr_pby  = pgr_pcn >= ((1.5 * pcb_pfl) + (2 * pst) + (2.5 * pby))
    x_pcb_pby  = pcb_pfl >= ((1.5 * pst)     + (2 * pby))
    # 15-34%
    x1534 = sum_pf >= 15 & sum_pf <  35 & sum_nopf <= 0
    texmod_pf  = ifelse(x1534 & x_pgr_pby        & pgr >= pcn & pgr > 0,                    "pgr", texmod_pf)
    texmod_pf  = ifelse(x1534 & x_pgr_pby        & pgr <  pcn & pcn > 0 & is.na(texmod_pf), "pcn", texmod_pf)
    texmod_pf  = ifelse(x1534 & x_pcb_pby        & pcb >= pfl & pcb > 0 & is.na(texmod_pf), "pcb", texmod_pf)
    texmod_pf  = ifelse(x1534 & x_pcb_pby        & pcb <  pfl & pfl > 0 & is.na(texmod_pf), "pfl", texmod_pf)
    texmod_pf  = ifelse(x1534 & pst >= 1.5 * pby              & pst > 0 & is.na(texmod_pf), "pst", texmod_pf)
    texmod_pf  = ifelse(x1534 & pst <  1.5 * pby              & pby > 0 & is.na(texmod_pf), "pby", texmod_pf)
    # 35-59%
    x3559 = sum_pf >= 35 & sum_pf <  60 & sum_nopf <= 0
    texmod_pf  = ifelse(x3559 & x_pgr_pby        & pgr >= pcn & pgr > 0,                    "pgrv", texmod_pf)
    texmod_pf  = ifelse(x3559 & x_pgr_pby        & pgr <  pcn & pcn > 0 & is.na(texmod_pf), "pcnv", texmod_pf)
    texmod_pf  = ifelse(x3559 & x_pcb_pby        & pcb >= pfl & pcb > 0 & is.na(texmod_pf), "pcbv", texmod_pf)
    texmod_pf  = ifelse(x3559 & x_pcb_pby        & pcb <  pfl & pfl > 0 & is.na(texmod_pf), "pflv", texmod_pf)
    texmod_pf  = ifelse(x3559 & pst >= 1.5 * pby              & pst > 0 & is.na(texmod_pf), "pstv", texmod_pf)
    texmod_pf  = ifelse(x3559 & pst <  1.5 * pby              & pby > 0 & is.na(texmod_pf), "pbyv", texmod_pf)
    # 60-89%
    x6089 = sum_pf >= 60 & sum_pf <  90 & sum_nopf <= 0
    texmod_pf  = ifelse(x6089 & x_pgr_pby        & pgr >= pcn & pgr > 0,                    "pgrx", texmod_pf)
    texmod_pf  = ifelse(x6089 & x_pgr_pby        & pgr <  pcn & pcn > 0 & is.na(texmod_pf), "pcnx", texmod_pf)
    texmod_pf  = ifelse(x6089 & x_pcb_pby        & pcb >= pfl & pcb > 0 & is.na(texmod_pf), "pcbx", texmod_pf)
    texmod_pf  = ifelse(x6089 & x_pcb_pby        & pcb <  pfl & pfl > 0 & is.na(texmod_pf), "pflx", texmod_pf)
    texmod_pf  = ifelse(x6089 & pst >= 1.5 * pby              & pst > 0 & is.na(texmod_pf), "pstx", texmod_pf)
    texmod_pf  = ifelse(x6089 & pst <  1.5 * pby              & pby > 0 & is.na(texmod_pf), "pbyx", texmod_pf)
    # 90-100%
    x90 = sum_pf >= 90                  & sum_nopf <= 0
    lieutex_pf = ifelse(x90 & x_pgr_pby           & pgr >= pcn & pgr > 0,                    "pgr", lieutex_pf)
    lieutex_pf = ifelse(x90 & x_pgr_pby           & pgr <  pcn & pcn > 0 & is.na(texmod_pf), "pcn", lieutex_pf)
    lieutex_pf = ifelse(x90 & x_pcb_pby           & pcb >= pfl & pcb > 0 & is.na(texmod_pf), "pcb", lieutex_pf)
    lieutex_pf = ifelse(x90 & x_pcb_pby           & pcb <  pfl & pfl > 0 & is.na(texmod_pf), "pfl", lieutex_pf)
    lieutex_pf = ifelse(x90 & pst    >= 1.5 * pby              & pst > 0 & is.na(texmod_pf), "pst", lieutex_pf)
    lieutex_pf = ifelse(x90 & pst    <  1.5 * pby              & pby > 0 & is.na(texmod_pf), "pby", lieutex_pf)
    # f
    texmod_f = NA_character_
    lieutex_f = NA_character_
    x_fgr_fby = fgr_fcn >= ((1.5 * fcb_ffl) + (2 * fst) + (2.5 * fby))
    x_fcb_fby = fcb_ffl >= ((1.5 * fst)     + (2 * fby))
    x1534 = sum_f >= 15 & sum_f <  35 & sum_nopf < 15
    texmod_f  = ifelse(x1534 & x_fgr_fby        & fgr >= fcn & fgr > 0,                   "pgr", texmod_f)
    texmod_f  = ifelse(x1534 & x_fgr_fby        & fgr <  fcn & fcn > 0 & is.na(texmod_f), "pcn", texmod_f)
    texmod_f  = ifelse(x1534 & x_fcb_fby        & fcb >= ffl & fcb > 0 & is.na(texmod_f), "pcb", texmod_f)
    texmod_f  = ifelse(x1534 & x_fcb_fby        & fcb <  ffl & ffl > 0 & is.na(texmod_f), "pfl", texmod_f)
    texmod_f  = ifelse(x1534 & fst >= 1.5 * fby              & fst > 0 & is.na(texmod_f), "pst", texmod_f)
    texmod_f  = ifelse(x1534 & fst <  1.5 * fby              & fby > 0 & is.na(texmod_f), "pby", texmod_f)
    # 35-59%
    x3559 = sum_f >= 35 & sum_f <  60 & sum_nopf < 15
    texmod_f  = ifelse(x3559 & x_fgr_fby        & fgr >= fcn & fgr > 0,                   "pgrv", texmod_f)
    texmod_f  = ifelse(x3559 & x_fgr_fby        & fgr <  fcn & fcn > 0 & is.na(texmod_f), "pcnv", texmod_f)
    texmod_f  = ifelse(x3559 & x_fcb_fby        & fcb >= ffl & fcb > 0 & is.na(texmod_f), "pcbv", texmod_f)
    texmod_f  = ifelse(x3559 & x_fcb_fby        & fcb <  ffl & ffl > 0 & is.na(texmod_f), "pflv", texmod_f)
    texmod_f  = ifelse(x3559 & fst >= 1.5 * fby              & fst > 0 & is.na(texmod_f), "pstv", texmod_f)
    texmod_f  = ifelse(x3559 & fst <  1.5 * fby              & fby > 0 & is.na(texmod_f), "pbyv", texmod_f)
    # 60-89%
    x6089 = sum_f >= 60 & sum_f <  90 & sum_nopf < 15
    texmod_f  = ifelse(x6089 & x_fgr_fby        & fgr >= fcn & fgr > 0,                   "pgrx", texmod_f)
    texmod_f  = ifelse(x6089 & x_fgr_fby        & fgr <  fcn & fcn > 0 & is.na(texmod_f), "pcnx", texmod_f)
    texmod_f  = ifelse(x6089 & x_fcb_fby        & fcb >= ffl & fcb > 0 & is.na(texmod_f), "pcbx", texmod_f)
    texmod_f  = ifelse(x6089 & x_fcb_fby        & fcb <  ffl & ffl > 0 & is.na(texmod_f), "pflx", texmod_f)
    texmod_f  = ifelse(x6089 & fst >= 1.5 * fby              & fst > 0 & is.na(texmod_f), "pstx", texmod_f)
    texmod_f  = ifelse(x6089 & fst <  1.5 * fby              & fby > 0 & is.na(texmod_f), "pbyx", texmod_f)
    # 90-100%
    x90 = sum_f >= 90                 & sum_nopf < 15
    lieutex_f = ifelse(x90 & x_fgr_fby           & fgr >= fcn & fgr > 0,                   "pgr", lieutex_f)
    lieutex_f = ifelse(x90 & x_fgr_fby           & fgr <  fcn & fcn > 0 & is.na(texmod_f), "pcn", lieutex_f)
    lieutex_f = ifelse(x90 & x_fcb_fby           & fcb >= ffl & fcb > 0 & is.na(texmod_f), "pcb", lieutex_f)
    lieutex_f = ifelse(x90 & x_fcb_fby           & fcb <  ffl & ffl > 0 & is.na(texmod_f), "pfl", lieutex_f)
    lieutex_f = ifelse(x90 & fst    >= 1.5 * fby              & fst > 0 & is.na(texmod_f), "pst", lieutex_f)
    lieutex_f = ifelse(x90 & fst    <  1.5 * fby              & fby > 0 & is.na(texmod_f), "pby", lieutex_f)
    # combine texmods and lieutex ----
    texmod  = ifelse(is.na(texmod),  texmod_f,   texmod)
    texmod  = ifelse(is.na(texmod),  texmod_pf,  texmod)
    lieutex = ifelse(is.na(lieutex), lieutex_f,  lieutex)
    lieutex = ifelse(is.na(lieutex), lieutex_pf, lieutex)
  # idx <- 1:ncol(df_sub)
  # df_mod <- df_sub
  # df_mod[idx] <- lapply(idx, function(i) {
  #   texmod <- rep(NA_character_, nrow(df_sub))
  #   texmod[df_sub[, i] >= 15 & df_sub[, i] < 35] <- var_mods_sub[i]
  #   texmod[df_sub[, i] >= 35 & df_sub[, i] < 60] <- paste0(var_mods_sub[i], "v")
  #   texmod[df_sub[, i] >= 60 & df_sub[, i] < 90] <- paste0(var_mods_sub[i], "x")
  #   return(texmod)
  # })
  # df_lieu <- df_sub
  # df_lieu[idx] <- lapply(idx, function(i) {
  #   lieutex <- rep(NA_character_, nrow(df_sub))
  #   lieutex[df_sub[i] >= 90] <- var_mods_sub[i]
  #   return(lieutex)
  # })
  # standardize output----
  if (nrow(df_sub) > 0) {
    df$texmod[!idx_sum]  <- df_sub$texmod
    df$lieutex[!idx_sum] <- df_sub$lieutex
  } else df[c("texmod", "lieutex")] <- NA_character_
  df <- df[c("texmod", "lieutex")]
  if (as.is == FALSE) {
    lv <- paste0(
      c(rep(var_mods[(7:12)], times = 3,  length.out = 18),
        rep(var_mods[(1:6)],  times = 3,  length.out = 18)
      rep(c("", "v", "x"),    each  = 6,  length.out = 36)
    tn <- names(sort(table(df$texmod), decreasing = TRUE))
    lv <- c(lv, tn[! tn %in% lv])
    df$texmod  <- factor(df$texmod,  levels = lv)
    df$lieutex <- factor(df$lieutex, levels = var_mods[1:6])
  if (as.is == FALSE & droplevels == TRUE) {
    df <- droplevels.data.frame(df)

# format function inputs ----
# format vector argument inputs into a data.frame 
.format_inputs <- function(vars_l = NULL, var_cols, mis_value = NA, datatype = NULL) {
  # check inputs----
  vars_null <- sapply(vars_l, is.null)
  vars_len  <- sapply(vars_l[!vars_null], length)
  nm        <- var_cols
  n         <- length(var_cols)
  df <- NULL
  ## all inputs are NULL
  if (all(vars_null)) {
    stop("all inputs are NULL")
  ## length of inputs
  if (!all(vars_len == max(vars_len))) {
    stop("length of inputs do not match")
  # standardize inputs
  # create data.frame
  df <- as.data.frame(vars_l[!vars_null])
  # append missing columns
  idx <- nm %in% names(df)
  df_mis <- as.data.frame(matrix(data = mis_value, nrow = nrow(df), ncol = sum(!idx)))
  names(df_mis) <- nm[!idx]
  df <- cbind(df_mis, df)[nm]
  ## correct datatype
  df[1:n] <- lapply(df, function(x) if (is.factor(x))  as.character(x) else x)
  df[1:n] <- lapply(df, function(x) if (is.integer(x)) as.numeric(x)   else x)
  dt <- unlist(lapply(df, class))
  ## check datatype
  idx <- dt == datatype | dt == "logical"
  if (!all(idx)) {
    stop(paste("unexpected input data types, must be", datatype))

#' @title Ranking Systems for USDA Taxonomic Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils
#' @description Generate a lookup table of USDA Particle-Size and Substitute Classes  names, ranked according to approximate particle size
#' @references \href{https://nrcspad.sc.egov.usda.gov/DistributionCenter/product.aspx?ProductID=991}{Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils, version 3.0}
#' @return A data.frame with a rank column, taxonomic family particle size class, and a flag for contrasting.
#' @author Stephen Roecker
#' @seealso [hz_to_taxpartsize()], [texture_to_taxpartsize()], [SoilTextureLevels()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # class codes
#' lu <- lookup_taxpartsize()
#' idx <- lu$contrasting == FALSE
#' lu$taxpartsize[idx]
#' lu$rank[as.integer(lu$taxpartsize)[idx]]

lookup_taxpartsize <- function() {
  fe <- c("diatomaceous", "very-fine", "clayey", "fine", "hydrous", "fine-silty", 
          "fine-gypseous", "fine-loamy", "medial", "loamy", "coarse-loamy", 
          "coarse-silty", "coarse-gypseous", "ashy", "sandy", "hydrous-pumiceous", 
          "medial-pumiceous", "ashy-pumiceous", "clayey-skeletal", "hydrous-skeletal", 
          "medial-skeletal", "loamy-skeletal", "gypseous-skeletal", "ashy-skeletal", 
          "sandy-skeletal", "pumiceous", "cindery", "fragmental")
  rank <- c(84, 74, 60.02, 46.04, 44.04, 26, 25.8, 25.6, 24, 17.24, 8.88, 
            8.5, 7.5, 6.5, 4.67, -55.96, -76, -93.5, -43.33, -55.96, -76, 
            -83.23, -83.35, -93.5, -95.33, -95.83, -96.33, -98.94)
  names(rank) <- fe
  # cf <- c("fragmental", "sandy-skeletal", "loamy-skeletal", "clay-skeletal")
  test <- strsplit(.pscs_sc, " over | or ")
  names(test) <- .pscs_sc
  idx <- lapply(test, function(x) {
    idx <- sapply(x, function(y) rank[which(fe == y)]) |> unlist()
    # select the 3rd value when "or" results in 3 values
    if (length(idx) > 2) idx <- c(idx[1], idx[3])
    dif <- diff(idx)
    idx <- idx[1] + sqrt(abs(dif)) * sign(dif)
    # l <- dplyr::lag(idx)
    # l <- idx[c(NA, 1:(length(idx) - 1))]
    # idx <- ifelse(idx < l & !is.na(l), idx * -1, idx * 1)
    # n   <- length(idx)
    # idx <- sum(idx * c(1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001)[1:n])
  idx <- round(unlist(idx), 1)
  # fe <- data.frame(rn = 1:length(fe), fe = fe)
  fe_df <- data.frame(rank = unname(rank), taxpartsize = fe)
  sc_df <- data.frame(rank = unname(idx),  taxpartsize = .pscs_sc)
  lu <- rbind(fe_df, sc_df)
  lu <- lu[order(-lu$rank), ]
  # lu$rn <- 1:nrow(lu)
  lu$contrasting <- grepl(" over ", lu$taxpartsize)
  lu$taxpartsize <- factor(lu$taxpartsize, levels = lu$taxpartsize, ordered = TRUE)
  row.names(lu) <- NULL

.pscs_sc <- c("Ashy over clayey", "Ashy over clayey-skeletal", "Ashy over loamy", "Ashy over loamy-skeletal", "Ashy over medial", "Ashy over medial-skeletal", "Ashy over pumiceous or cindery", "Ashy over sandy or sandy-skeletal", "Ashy-skeletal over clayey", "Ashy-skeletal over fragmental or cindery", "Ashy-skeletal over loamy-skeletal", "Ashy-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal", "Cindery over loamy", "Cindery over medial", "Cindery over medial-skeletal", "Clayey over coarse-gypseous", "Clayey over fine-gypseous", "Clayey over fragmental", "Clayey over gypseous-skeletal", "Clayey over loamy", "Clayey over loamy-skeletal", "Clayey over sandy or sandy-skeletal", "Clayey-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal", "Coarse-loamy over clayey", "Coarse-loamy over fragmental", "Coarse-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal", "Coarse-silty over clayey", "Coarse-silty over sandy or sandy-skeletal", "Fine-loamy over clayey", "Fine-loamy over fragmental", "Fine-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal", "Fine-silty over clayey", "Fine-silty over fragmental", "Fine-silty over sandy or sandy-skeletal", "Hydrous over clayey", "Hydrous over clayey-skeletal", "Hydrous over fragmental", "Hydrous over loamy", "Hydrous over loamy-skeletal", "Hydrous over sandy or sandy-skeletal", "Loamy over ashy or ashy-pumiceous", "Loamy over coarse-gypseous", "Loamy over fine-gypseous", "Loamy over pumiceous or cindery", "Loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal", "Loamy-skeletal over cindery", "Loamy-skeletal over clayey", "Loamy-skeletal over fragmental", "Loamy-skeletal over gypseous-skeletal", "Loamy-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal", "Medial over ashy", "Medial over ashy-pumiceous or ashy-skeletal", "Medial over clayey", "Medial over clayey-skeletal", "Medial over fragmental", "Medial over hydrous", "Medial over loamy", "Medial over loamy-skeletal", "Medial over pumiceous or cindery", "Medial over sandy or sandy-skeletal", "Medial-skeletal over fragmental or cindery", "Medial-skeletal over loamy-skeletal", "Medial-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal", "Pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over loamy", "Pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over loamy-skeletal", "Pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over medial", "Pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over medial-skeletal", "Pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over sandy or sandy-skeletal", "Sandy over clayey", "Sandy over loamy", "Sandy-skeletal over loamy") |> 

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