
Defines functions preserveAttributes.alldiffs makeSED redoErrorIntervals.alldiffs pickLSDstatistics.alldiffs exploreLSDs.alldiffs recalcLSD.alldiffs sort.alldiffs sort.predictions.frame subset.alldiffs facRename.alldiffs facRecast.alldiffs facCombine.alldiffs makePredictionLabels checkClassifyVars.predictions.frame addMissingAttr.alldiffs getAllAttr.alldiffs renameDiffsAttr renameAttr

Documented in exploreLSDs.alldiffs facCombine.alldiffs facRecast.alldiffs facRename.alldiffs pickLSDstatistics.alldiffs recalcLSD.alldiffs redoErrorIntervals.alldiffs sort.alldiffs sort.predictions.frame subset.alldiffs

#alldiffs functions
#The prime alldiffs functions are allDifferences.data.frame, redoErrorIntervals, renewClassify and addBackTransforms;
#They are basic to building an alldiffs object; most other functions are utility functions.
#     redoErrorIntervals Passes LSD arguments to recalcLSD; calculates intervals; sets LSD attributes for predictions; 
#             |          calls addBacktransforms that sets backtransforms attributes
#             |          (should not be called without transform arguments; calls)
#             |
#         recalcLSD      Passes LSD parameters to allDifferences; sets object attributes
#             |
#             |
#      allDifferences    Calculates LSDs using LSDstats and sliceLSDs; sets object LSD attributes; 
#                        sets predictions attribute, but not predictions LSD attr; 
#                        calls addBacktransforms that sets backtransforms attributes

"is.LSD.frame" <- function(object)
  inherits(object, "LSD.frame") && inherits(object, "data.frame")

"validLSDFrame" <- function(object)
  isLSDframe <- TRUE 
  #Check that is a data.frame
  if (!is.data.frame(object))
    isLSDframe[1] <- FALSE
    isLSDframe <- c(isLSDframe, 
                     "\n  LSD.frame is not a data.frame")
  #Check have appropriate columns
  if (!all(c("minLSD", "meanLSD", "maxLSD", "assignedLSD", "accuracyLSD") %in% colnames(object)))
    isLSDframe[1] <- FALSE
    isLSDframe <- c(isLSDframe, 
                     "\n  LSD.frame does not include the expected column names",
                     paste("\n  (must be minLSD, meanLSD, maxLSD, assignedLSD and accuracyLSD"))
  if (length(isLSDframe) > 1)
    isLSDframe[1] <- "Error in validLSDFrame : "

"is.predictions.frame" <- function(object)
  inherits(object, "predictions.frame") && inherits(object, "data.frame")

"validPredictionsFrame" <- function(object)
  ispredframe <- TRUE 
  #Check that is a data.frame
  if (!is.data.frame(object))
    ispredframe[1] <- FALSE
    ispredframe <- c(ispredframe, 
                     "\n  Predictions.frame is not a data.frame")
  #Check have appropriate columns
  if (!any(c("predicted.value", "backtransformed.predictions") %in% colnames(object)) || 
      !all(c("standard.error", "est.status") %in% colnames(object)))
    ispredframe[1] <- FALSE
    ispredframe <- c(ispredframe, 
                     "\n  Predictions.frame does not include the expected column names",
                     paste("\n  (must be predicted.value or backtransformed.predictions, standard.error and est.status\n",
                           "- not std.error and status)"))
  if (length(ispredframe) > 1)
    ispredframe[1] <- "Error in validPredictionsFrame : "

"as.predictions.frame" <- function(data, classify = NULL, predictions = NULL, se = NULL, 
                                   est.status = NULL, interval.type = NULL, 
                                   interval.names = NULL)
  #Check interval.type argument
  int.type <-NULL
  if (!is.null(interval.type))
    options <- c("CI", "SE", "halfLSD")
    int.type <- options[check.arg.values(interval.type, options)]
  ## Modify data to be compatible with a predictions.frame
  # Convert any characters to factors
  if (!is.null(classify))
    vars <- fac.getinTerm(classify, rmfunction=TRUE)
    data[vars] <- cbind(lapply(vars, 
                               function(x, dat)
                                 var <- dat[[x]]
                                 if (is.character(var))
                                   var <- factor(var, levels = unique(var))
                               }, dat = data))
  #If necessary, set the name of the column containing the predictions
  if (!is.null(predictions))
    if (!any(c("predicted.value", "backtransformed.predictions") %in% names(data)))
      names(data)[match(predictions, names(data))] <- c("predicted.value")
  #Check name of se column
  if (!is.null(se))
    if (!("standard.error" %in% names(data)))
      names(data)[match(se, names(data))] <- c("standard.error")
  #Check for est.status column
  if (!is.null(est.status))
    if (!("est.status" %in% names(data)))
      names(data)[match(est.status, names(data))] <- c("est.status")
  #Deal with columns containing limits for error intervals
  if (!is.null(int.type))
    if (length(interval.names) != 2)
      stop("The number of interval names does not equal 2")
    if (int.type == "SE")
      if (!all( c("lower.StandardError.limit", 
                  "upper.StandardError.limit") %in% names(data)))
        int.names <- c("lower.StandardError.limit", "upper.StandardError.limit")
    } else if (int.type == "CI")
      if (!all( c("lower.Confidence.limit", "upper.Confidence.limit") %in% names(data)))
        int.names <- c("lower.Confidence.limit", "upper.Confidence.limit")
    } else if (int.type == "halfLSD")
      if (!all( c("lower.halfLeastSignificant.limit", 
                  "upper.halfLeastSignificant.limit") %in% names(data)))
        int.names <- c("lower.halfLeastSignificant.limit", "upper.halfLeastSignificant.limit")
    names(data)[match(interval.names, names(data))] <- int.names
  if (!("est.status" %in% names(data)))
    data$est.status <- "Estimable"
    if ("predicted.value" %in% names(data))
      data$est.status[is.na(data$predicted.value)] <- "Aliased"
    else if ("backtransformed.predictions" %in% names(data))
      data$est.status[is.na(data$backtransformed.predictions)] <- "Aliased"
  class(data) <- c("predictions.frame", "asreml.predict", "data.frame")

  #Check that have valid predictions.frame
  validpframe <- validPredictionsFrame(data)  
  if (is.character(validpframe))


"print.LSDdata" <- function(x,  which.print = c("statistics", "false.pos", "false.neg"), ...)
  options <- c("frequencies", "distinct.vals", "statistics", "accuracy", "false.pos", "false.neg", 
               "per.pred.accuracy", "LSDmatrix", "summary", "all")
  opt <- options[unlist(lapply(which.print, check.arg.values, options=options))]
  if (all(c("summary", "all") %in% opt))
    stop("Can only specify one of summary and all for which argument")
  #make change to control printing
  class(x) <- c("LSDdata", "data.frame")
  if (any(c("frequencies", "all") %in% opt))
    cat("\n\n####  Frequency distribution of LSDs \n\n")
    fr <- as.data.frame(x$frequencies)
    fr <- cbind(rownames(fr),fr)
    rownames(fr) <- NULL
    names(fr) <- c("midpoint", "frequency")
    print(fr, ...)
  if (any(c("distinct.vals", "summary", "all") %in% opt))
    cat("\n\n####  Distinct LSD values \n\n")
    print(x$distinct.vals, ...)
  if (any(c("statistics", "summary", "all") %in% opt))
    cat("\n\n####  Statistics calculated from LSD values \n\n")
    print(x$statistics, ...)
  if (any(c("accuracy", "all") %in% opt))
    cat(paste0("\n\n####  Accuracy (", attr(x, which = "LSDaccuracy"), 
               ") of statistics calculated from LSD values \n\n"))
    print(x$accuracy, ...)
  if (any(c("false.pos", "summary", "all") %in% opt))
    cat(paste0("\n\n####  False positives resulting from the use of various LSD statistics\n\n"))
    print(x$false.pos, ...)
  if (any(c("false.neg", "summary", "all") %in% opt))
    cat(paste0("\n\n####  False negatives resulting from the use of various LSD statistics\n\n"))
    print(x$false.neg, ...)
  if (any(c("per.pred.accuracy", "all") %in% opt))
    cat(paste0("\n\n####  Accuracy (", attr(x, which = "LSDaccuracy"), 
               ") for each prediction if LSD statistics are used \n\n"))
    print(x$per.pred.accuracy, ...)
  if (any(c("LSDmatrix", "all") %in% opt))
    cat("\n\n####  Matrix of all LSD values \n\n")
    print(x$LSD, ...)

#Form an alldiffs object from supplied component objects
#A function that constructs an alldiffs object without the validity check
"makeAlldiffs" <- function(predictions, vcov = NULL, 
                           differences = NULL, p.differences = NULL, 
                           sed = NULL, LSD = NULL, backtransforms = NULL, 
                           response = NULL, response.title = NULL, 
                           term = NULL, classify = NULL, 
                           tdf = NULL, alpha = 0.05,
                           sortFactor = NULL, sortOrder = NULL)
  #Check arguments
  if (!is.null(sed))
    sed <- as.matrix(sed)
  if (!is.null(vcov))
    vcov <- as.matrix(vcov)
  npred <- nrow(predictions)
  if ((!is.null(differences) && !(inherits(differences, "matrix"))) ||
      (!is.null(p.differences) && !(inherits(p.differences, "matrix"))) || 
      (!is.null(sed) && !(inherits(sed, "matrix"))) || 
      (!is.null(vcov) && !(inherits(vcov, "matrix"))))
    warning("At least one of differences, p.differences, sed and vcov is not of type matrix")
  #Check dimensions
  if (!all(unlist(lapply(list(differences, p.differences, sed, vcov), 
                         function(comp, npred) 
                           dimsOK <- TRUE
                           if (!is.null(comp))
                             if (any(dim(comp) != npred))
                               dimsOK <- FALSE
                         }, npred = npred))))
    stop("At least one of differences, p.differences, sed or vcov is not conformable with predictions")
  #Check backtransforms
  if (!is.null(backtransforms))
    if (!("backtransformed.predictions" %in% colnames(backtransforms))) 
      warning("Backtransforms argument does not include a column named backtransformed.predictions")
    if (npred != nrow(backtransforms))
      stop("Backtransforms do not contain the same number of rows as the predictions")
  #ensure diag of sed is NA
  if (!is.null(sed))
    diag(sed) <- NA

  p <- list(predictions = predictions, vcov = vcov, 
            differences = differences, p.differences = p.differences, sed = sed, 
            LSD = LSD, backtransforms = backtransforms)
  attr(p, which = "response") <- response
  attr(p, which = "response.title") <- response.title
  attr(p, which = "term") <- term
  attr(p, which = "classify") <- classify
  attr(p, which = "tdf") <- tdf
  attr(p, which = "alpha") <- alpha
  attr(p, which = "sortFactor") <- sortFactor
  attr(p, which = "sortOrder") <- sortOrder
  class(p) <- "alldiffs"

"as.alldiffs" <- function(predictions, vcov = NULL, 
                          differences = NULL, p.differences = NULL, 
                          sed = NULL, LSD = NULL, backtransforms = NULL, 
                          response = NULL, response.title = NULL, 
                          term = NULL, classify = NULL, 
                          tdf = NULL, alpha = 0.05, sortFactor = NULL, sortOrder = NULL)
  #Change asreml4 names to asreml3 names
  predictions <- as.predictions.frame(predictions, classify = classify, 
                                      se = "std.error", est.status = "status")

  p <- makeAlldiffs(predictions = predictions, vcov = vcov, 
                    differences = differences, p.differences = p.differences, 
                    sed = sed, LSD = LSD, backtransforms = backtransforms, 
                    response = response, response.title = response.title, 
                    term = term, classify = classify, 
                    tdf = tdf, alpha = alpha, sortFactor = sortFactor, sortOrder = sortOrder)

"is.alldiffs" <- function(object)
  inherits(object, "alldiffs")

#Function to rename meanLSD.type attribute to LSDtype, if it is present
renameAttr <- function(object, change.attribs)
  oldattribs <- names(change.attribs)
  for (oldattr in oldattribs)
    if (!is.null(attr(object, which = oldattr)))
      attr(object, which = change.attribs[[oldattr]]) <- attr(object, which = oldattr)
      attr(object, which = oldattr) <- NULL
renameDiffsAttr <- function(object)
  if (is.null(attr(object, which = "LSDtype")) && !is.null(attr(object, which = "meanLSD")))
    attr(object, which = "meanLSD") <- NULL
  object <- renameAttr(object, 
                       change.attribs = list(meanLSD.type = "LSDtype", meanLSD = "LSDvalues"))
  predictions <- object$predictions
  if (is.null(attr(predictions, which = "LSDtype")) && !is.null(attr(predictions, which = "meanLSD")))
    attr(predictions, which = "meanLSD") <- NULL
  predictions <- renameAttr(predictions, 
                            change.attribs = list(meanLSD.type = "LSDtype", meanLSD = "LSDvalues"))
  object$predictions <- predictions
  if (!is.null(attr(object, which = "meanLSD")))
    attr(object, which = "meanLSD") <- NULL
  if (!is.null(object$backtransforms))
    backtransforms <- object$backtransforms
    backtransforms <- renameAttr(backtransforms, 
                                 change.attribs = list(meanLSD.type = "LSDtype"))
    object$backtransforms <- backtransforms

#Function collect attributes from alldiffs object and its predictions and backtransforms components
getAllAttr.alldiffs <- function(alldiffs.obj)
  kattr <- list(object = attributes(alldiffs.obj), preds = attributes(alldiffs.obj$predictions), 
                back = attributes(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms))

#Function compare attributes from alldiffs object and its predictions and backtransforms components with
# a previously saved set of attributes and add in those that are missing
addMissingAttr.alldiffs <- function(alldiffs.obj, kattr)
  newattr <- getAllAttr.alldiffs(alldiffs.obj)
  #Find missing attributes in new alldiffs.obj and add them back in 
  newattr <- mapply(function(newatt, katt)
    katt <- katt[names(katt)[!(names(katt) %in% names(newatt))]]
    if (length(katt) > 0)
      newatt <- c(newatt,katt)
  }, newatt = newattr, katt = kattr, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  attributes(alldiffs.obj) <- newattr$object
  attributes(alldiffs.obj$predictions) <- newattr$preds
  if (!is.null(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms))
    attributes(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms) <- newattr$back

#Function to check that the classify variables are the initial variables in a predictions.frame 
"getClassifyVars" <- function(classify)
  asr4.2 <- isASReml4_2Loaded(4.2, notloaded.fault = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(asr4.2) && asr4.2)
    class.nam <- fac.getinTerm(classify) #removes parentheses from "(Intercept)"
    class.nam <- unlist(strsplit(classify, "\\:"))

checkClassifyVars.predictions.frame <- function(predictions, classify.names)
  if (!all(classify.names %in% names(predictions)))
    stop("The predictions data.frame does not have a column for each of the following variables", 
               "in the classify \n", paste0(setdiff(classify.names, predictions), collapse = ", "))

"validAlldiffs" <- function(object)
  isalldiff <- TRUE 
  #Check have only legal attributes
  if (!all(names(attributes(object)) %in% c("names", "class", "response", "response.title",
                                            "classify", "term", "tdf", "alpha", 
                                            "sortFactor", "sortOrder", 
                                            "meanLSD", "meanLSD.type", 
                                            "LSDtype", "LSDby", "LSDstatistic", "LSDaccuracy")))
    isalldiff[1] <- FALSE
    isalldiff <- c(isalldiff, 
                   paste("\n  An unexpected attribute is present in "), 
  #Check class
  if (!is.alldiffs(object))
    isalldiff[1] <- FALSE 
    isalldiff <- c(isalldiff, paste("\n ", deparse(substitute(object)),
                                    "is not of class alldiffs",
                                    "(use class<- to assign to alldiffs class)"))
  #Check have all components
  if (!all(c("predictions", "vcov", "differences", "p.differences", "sed", "LSD",
             "backtransforms") %in% names(object)))
    warning("Not all of predictions, vcov, differences, p.differences, sed, LSD and
             backtransforms are present in ", deparse(substitute(object)))
  #Check predictions frame
  valpred <- validPredictionsFrame(object$predictions)
  if (is.character(valpred))
    isalldiff[1] <- FALSE
    isalldiff <- c(isalldiff, 
                   paste("\n  Predictions frame is the predictions component of", 
  #Check that classify variables are the first variables in classify order 
  #in the predictions.frame
  classify <- attr(object, which = "classify")
  if (is.null(classify))
    isalldiff[1] <- FALSE
    isalldiff <- c(isalldiff, 
                   paste("\n ",deparse(substitute(object)),
                         "does not have a classify attribute",
                         "\n  (if appropriate, specify classify argument when creating",
  } else
    class.names <- getClassifyVars(classify)
    if (!all(class.names == names(object$predictions)[1:length(class.names)]))
      isalldiff[1] <- FALSE
      isalldiff <- c(isalldiff, 
                     paste("\n  Initial columns of predictions component in", 
                           deparse(substitute(object)), "are not the classify",
                           "variables in the same order as in the classify"))
  #Check components that should be matrices
  npred <- nrow(object$predictions)
    if ((!is.null(object$differences) && !(inherits(object$differences, "matrix"))) ||
      (!is.null(object$p.differences) && !(inherits(object$p.differences, "matrix"))) || 
      (!is.null(object$sed) && !(inherits(object$sed, "matrix"))) || 
      (!is.null(object$vcov) && !(inherits(object$vcov, "matrix"))))
    isalldiff[1] <- FALSE 
    isalldiff <- c(isalldiff, 
                   paste("\n  At least one of differences, p.differences, sed and vcov in", 
                         deparse(substitute(object)), "is not of type matrix"))
  #Check dimensions
  if (!all(unlist(lapply(c("differences", "p.differences", "sed", "vcov"), 
                         function(comp, object, npred) 
                           dimsOK <- TRUE
                           if (is.null(object[[comp]]))
                             if (any(dim(comp) != npred))
                               dimsOK <- FALSE
                         }, object = object, npred = npred))))
    isalldiff[1] <- FALSE 
    isalldiff <- c(isalldiff, 
                   paste("\n  At least one of differences, p.differences, sed and vcov in", 
                         "is not conformable with predictions"))
  #Check backtransforms, if present
  if (!is.null(object$backtransforms))
    if (!("backtransformed.predictions" %in% colnames(object$backtransforms))) 
      isalldiff[1] <- FALSE
      isalldiff <- c(isalldiff, paste("\n  Backtransforms argument does not include a column",
                                      "named backtransformed.predictions"))
    if (npred != nrow(object$backtransforms))
      isalldiff[1] <- FALSE
      isalldiff <- c(isalldiff, paste("\n  Backtransforms do not contain the same number of rows",
                                      "as the predictions"))
  #ensure diag of sed is NA
  if (!is.null(object$sed))
    if (!all(is.na(diag(object$sed))))
      isalldiff[1] <- FALSE 
      isalldiff <- c(isalldiff, 
                     paste("\n  Not all diagonal elements of the sed component of", 
                           deparse(substitute(object)), "are NA"))
  if (length(isalldiff) > 1)
    isalldiff[1] <- paste("Error(s) in validAlldiffs(", deparse(substitute(object)), ") : ")


"print.predictions.frame" <- function(x, title = NULL,  
                                      which.predictions = c("title", "heading", "table"), 
                                      colourise = FALSE, ...)
  asr4 <- isASRemlVersionLoaded(4, notloaded.fault = FALSE)
  options <- c("title", "heading", "table", "all")
  opt <- options[unlist(lapply(which.predictions, check.arg.values, options=options))]
  if (any(c("title", "all") %in% opt))
    if (!is.null(title))
      cat("\n\n#### Predictions\n\n")
  if (!any(c("table", "all") %in% opt))
    if ("heading" %in% opt)
      hd <- attr(x, which = "heading")
      for (i in 1:length(hd))
  } else #print out the table, possibly with the heading
    if (any(c("heading", "all") %in% opt) && !is.null(asr4) && asr4)
      asr.col <- asreml::asreml.options()$colourise
      # if (xor(colourise,asr.col))
      #   asreml::asreml.options(colourise = colourise)
      if (length(asr.col) == 0)
        if (colourise) 
          asreml::asreml.options(colourise = colourise)
      } else 
        if (xor(colourise,asr.col))
          asreml::asreml.options(colourise = colourise)
      class(x) <- c("asreml.predict", "data.frame")
      print(x, ...)
      asreml::asreml.options(colourise = asr.col)
    } else
      if (!any(c("heading", "all") %in% opt))
        class(x) <- class(x)[-match("asreml.predict", class(x))]
      } else
        hd <- attr(x, which = "heading")
        for (i in 1:length(hd))
      if (any(c("table", "all") %in% opt))
        print.data.frame(x, ...)

"print.alldiffs" <- function(x, which = "all", colourise = FALSE, ...)
  asr4 <- isASRemlVersionLoaded(4, notloaded.fault = FALSE)

  #Check that a valid object of class alldiffs
  validalldifs <- validAlldiffs(x)  
  if (is.character(validalldifs))
  options <- c("predictions", "backtransforms", "vcov", 
               "differences", "p.differences", "sed", "LSD", "all")
  opt <- options[unlist(lapply(which, check.arg.values, options=options))]
  title <- attr(x, which = "response.title")
  if (is.null(title))
    title <- as.character(attr(x, which = "response"))
  term <- attr(x, which = "term")
  if (!is.null(term))
    title <- paste(title, " from ", term, sep="")
  #Print predictions and/or LSDs
  if ("all" %in% opt || "predictions" %in% opt || "LSD" %in% opt)
    if ("all" %in% opt || "predictions" %in% opt)
      if (!is.null(title))
        tt <- paste("\n\n#### Predictions for ", title, "\n\n",sep="")
      } else
        tt <- "\n\n#### Predictions\n\n"
      print.predictions.frame(x$predictions, title = tt, colourise = colourise, ...)
    if (!is.null(x$LSD))
      sed.range <- abs(x$LSD$minLSD - x$LSD$maxLSD) / x$LSD$meanLSD
      sed.range[is.nan(sed.range)] <- 0
      if (length(x$LSD$meanLSD > 1))
        cat("\n\nLSD values \n\n")
        cat("minimum LSD = ",x$LSD$minLSD,"\n")
        cat("\nmean LSD = ",x$LSD$meanLSD,"\n")
        cat("\nmaximum LSD = ",x$LSD$maxLSD,"\n")
        cat("\n(sed range / mean sed = ",signif(sed.range, digits=3),")\n\n")
      } else
        cat("\n\nLSD values \n\n")
        cat("minimum LSD = ",x$LSD$minLSD,  "  mean LSD = ",x$LSD$meanLSD,
            "  maximum LSD = ",x$LSD$maxLSD,
            "\n(sed range / mean sed = ",signif(sed.range, digits=3),")\n\n")
    } else
      if (opt %in% c("all", "LSD"))
        cat("\n\nLSD values \n\n")
  if ("all" %in% opt || "vcov" %in% opt)
    cat("\n\nVariance matrix of the predicted values \n\n")
    if (!is.null(x$vcov))
      print(zapsmall(x$vcov, 4))
  if ("all" %in% opt || "differences" %in% opt)
    cat("\n\nAll pairwise differences between predicted values \n\n")
    print(x$differences, digits=4)
  if ("all" %in% opt || "p.differences" %in% opt)
    cat("\n\np values for all pairwise differences between predicted values \n\n")
    print(formatC(x$p.differences, digits=3, format="f"), quote=FALSE)
  if ("all" %in% opt || "sed" %in% opt)
    cat("\n\nStandard errors of differences between predicted values \n\n")
    print(zapsmall(x$sed, 4))
  if (("all" %in% opt & !is.null(x$backtransforms)) || "backtransforms" %in% opt)
    if (!is.null(title))
      cat("\n\n#### Backtransforms of predictions for ", title, "\n\n")

makePredictionLabels <- function(predictions, classify, response = NULL, 
                                 x.num = NULL, x.fac = NULL, 
                                 level.length = NA)
  asr4.2 <- isASReml4_2Loaded(4.2, notloaded.fault = FALSE)
  #determine factors for row and column names
  #Make sure no functions in classify
  if (classify == "(Intercept)")
    if (asr4.2)
      factors <- "Intercept"
      factors <- classify
  } else
    factors <- fac.getinTerm(classify, rmfunction = TRUE)
    classify <- fac.formTerm(factors)
  nfac <- length(factors)
  #Check all factors in classify are in predictions
  if (length(setdiff(factors, names(predictions))) != 0)
    if (!is.null(response))
      stop("For ",response,
           ", the following  factors in the classify argument do not have columns in alldiffs.obj$predictions:\n",
           paste0(setdiff(factors, names(predictions)), collapse = ", "))
      stop("The following  factors in the classify argument do not have columns in alldiffs.obj$predictions:\n",
           paste0(setdiff(factors, names(predictions)), collapse = ", "))
  #Make sure only one of the numeric and factor that are parallel
  if ((!is.null(x.num) && x.num %in% factors) && (!is.null(x.fac) && x.fac %in% factors))
    k <- match(x.num, names(predictions))
    predictions <- predictions[, -k]
    nfac <- nfac - 1
  #Generate row and column names as the combinations of the levels of factors
  if (nfac > 1)
    pred.faclist <- vector("list", length=nfac)
    nclassify <- ncol(predictions) - 3
    pred.names <- names(predictions)
    kk <- 0
    for (k in 1:nclassify)
      if (pred.names[k] %in% factors)
        kk <- kk + 1
        pred.faclist[[kk]] <- predictions[[k]]
        if (is.numeric(pred.faclist[[kk]]) || is.character(pred.faclist[[kk]]))
          pred.faclist[[kk]] <- factor(pred.faclist[[kk]])
        names(pred.faclist)[kk] <- pred.names[k]
    pred.faclist <- lapply(pred.faclist, 
                             if (is.character(levels(ff)) && !is.na(level.length))
                               ff <- factor(ff, labels=substr(levels(ff), start=1, 
    pred.lev <- as.character(fac.combine(pred.faclist, combine.levels=TRUE))
    k <- match(factors[[1]], names(predictions))
    pred.fac <- predictions[[k]]
    if (is.numeric(pred.fac))
      pred.fac <- factor(pred.fac)
    pred.lev <- levels(pred.fac)
    if (is.character(pred.lev) && !is.na(level.length))
      pred.lev <- substr(pred.lev, start=1, stop=level.length)
  return(list(predictions = predictions, pred.lev = pred.lev))

facCombine.alldiffs <- function(object, factors, order="standard", combine.levels=TRUE, 
                                sep="_", level.length = NA,  ...)
  #Deal with unsupported parameters
  tempcall <- list(...)  
  if (length(tempcall)) 
    if (any(c("LSDtype", "LSDby", "LSDstatistic", "LSDaccuracy", 
              "avsed.tolerance", "accuracy.threshold", "alpha") %in% names(tempcall)))
      stop("To change any of LSDtype, LSDby, LSDstatistic, LSDaccuracy, ",
           "avsed.tolerance, accuracy.threshold and alpha use redoErrorIntervals.alldiffs")
  #Check that a valid object of class alldiffs
  validalldifs <- validAlldiffs(object)  
  if (is.character(validalldifs))
  object <- renameDiffsAttr(object)
  if (any(!(factors %in% names(object$predictions))))
    stop("Some factors are not in the predictions component of object")
  if (length(factors) <= 1)
    stop("Need at least two factors to combine")

  LSDtype <- attr(object, which = "LSDtype")
  LSDby <- attr(object, which = "LSDby")
  LSDstatistic <- attr(object, which = "LSDstatistic")
  LSDaccuracy <- attr(object, which = "LSDaccuracy")
  avsed.tolerance <- attr(object$predictions, which = "avsed.tolerance")
  if (is.null(avsed.tolerance))
    avsed.tolerance = 0.25
  accuracy.threshold <- attr(object$predictions, which = "accuracy.threshold")
  if (is.null(accuracy.threshold))
    accuracy.threshold <- NA
  alpha <- attr(object, which = "alpha")
  if (!is.null(attr(object, which = "LSDby")))
    if (any(factors %in% LSDby))
      if (all(factors %in% LSDby) && length(factors) == length(LSDby))
        LSDby <- paste(factors, collapse = sep)
        attr(object, which = "LSDby") <- LSDby
        if (!is.null(attr(object$predictions, which = "LSDby")))
          attr(object$predictions, which = "LSDby") <- LSDby
        if (!is.null(attr(object$backtransforms, which = "LSDby")))
          attr(object$backtransforms, which = "LSDby") <- LSDby
      } else
        LSDby <- setdiff(LSDby, factors) 
        if (length(LSDby) == 0)
          LSDtype <- "overall"
          LSDby <- NULL
          warning("Factor(s) in the set of factors to be combined have been removed from the LSDby, reducing LSDby to NULL")
        } else
          warning("Factor(s) in the set of factors to be combined have been removed from the LSDby, reducing LSDby to ",
                  paste(LSDby, collapse = ","))
        if (any(grepl("StandardError.limit", names(object$predictions), fixed = TRUE)))
          error.intervals <- "StandardError"
        if (any(grepl("Confidence.limit", names(object$predictions), fixed = TRUE)))
          error.intervals <- "Confidence"
        if (any(grepl("halfLeastSignificant.limit", names(object$predictions), fixed = TRUE)))
          error.intervals <- "halfLeastSignificant"
        if (!is.null(LSDtype) && LSDtype != "supplied")
          object <- redoErrorIntervals(object, error.intervals = error.intervals,
                                       avsed.tolerance = avsed.tolerance, accuracy.threshold = accuracy.threshold, 
                                       LSDtype = LSDtype, LSDby = LSDby, 
                                       LSDstatistic = LSDstatistic, LSDaccuracy = LSDaccuracy, 
                                       alpha = alpha, ...)
  #Combine the factors
  pred.attr <- attributes(object$predictions)
  comb.fac <- fac.combine(object$predictions[factors], 
                          order = order, combine.levels = combine.levels, sep = sep)
  newfac <- paste(factors, collapse = sep)
  fstfac <- match(factors[1], names(object$predictions))
  object$predictions[fstfac] <- comb.fac
  names(object$predictions)[fstfac] <- newfac
  predictions <- object$predictions[-c(match(factors[-1], names(object$predictions)))]
  pred.attr$names <- attr(predictions, which = "names")
  attributes(predictions) <- pred.attr
  object$predictions <- predictions
  if (!is.null(object$backtransforms))
    back.attr <- attributes(object$backtransforms)
    fstfac <- match(factors[1], names(object$backtransforms))
    object$backtransforms[fstfac] <- comb.fac
    names(object$backtransforms)[fstfac] <- newfac
    backtransforms <- object$backtransforms[-c(match(factors[-1], 
    back.attr$names <- attr(backtransforms, which = "names")
    attributes(backtransforms) <- back.attr
    object$backtransforms <- backtransforms
  classify <- attr(object, which = "classify")
  if (is.null(classify))
    stop("The alldiffs object does not have the classify attribute set")
  class.facs <- fac.getinTerm(classify, rmfunction = TRUE)
  class.facs[fstfac] <- newfac
  class.facs <- class.facs[-c(match(factors[-1], class.facs))]
  classify <- fac.formTerm(class.facs)
  attr(object, which = "classify") <- classify
  response <- attr(object, which = "response")
  pred.labs <- makePredictionLabels(object$predictions, classify, response)
  pred.lev <- pred.labs$pred.lev

  if (!is.null(object$vcov))
    colnames(object$vcov) <- rownames(object$vcov) <- pred.lev
  if (!is.null(object$differences))
    colnames(object$differences) <- rownames(object$differences) <- pred.lev
  if (!is.null(object$p.differences))
    colnames(object$p.differences) <- rownames(object$p.differences) <- pred.lev
  if (!is.null(object$sed))
    colnames(object$sed) <- rownames(object$sed) <- pred.lev
  if (any(grepl("StandardError.limit", names(object$predictions), fixed = TRUE)))
    error.intervals <- "StandardError"
  if (any(grepl("Confidence.limit", names(object$predictions), fixed = TRUE)))
    error.intervals <- "Confidence"
  if (any(grepl("halfLeastSignificant.limit", names(object$predictions), fixed = TRUE)))
    error.intervals <- "halfLeastSignificant"
  if (!is.null(LSDtype) && LSDtype != "supplied")
    object <- redoErrorIntervals(object, error.intervals = error.intervals,
                                 avsed.tolerance = avsed.tolerance, accuracy.threshold = accuracy.threshold, 
                                 LSDtype = LSDtype, LSDby = LSDby, 
                                 LSDstatistic = LSDstatistic, LSDaccuracy = LSDaccuracy,
                                 alpha = alpha, ...)

facRecast.alldiffs <- function(object, factor, levels.order = NULL, newlabels = NULL, ...)
  #Check that a valid object of class alldiffs
  validalldifs <- validAlldiffs(object)  
  if (is.character(validalldifs))
  object <- renameDiffsAttr(object)

  fac <- factor
  if (any(!(fac %in% names(object$predictions))))
    stop("Some factors are not in the predictions component of object")
  if (length(fac) != 1)
    stop("Only one factor at a time")
  oldlevs <- levels(object$predictions[[fac]])
  if (!is.null(levels.order))
    if (!all(oldlevs %in% levels.order) | length(unique(levels.order)) < length(levels.order))
      stop("The set of levels.order must be unique and contain all the levels in the factor being recast")
  if (!is.null(newlabels))
    if (length(newlabels) != length(oldlevs) | length(unique(newlabels)) < length(newlabels))
      stop("The newlabels must be a set of unique values equal in length to the number of levels in the factor being recast")
  #Prepare for recasting
  classify <- attr(object, which = "classify")
  if (is.null(classify))
    stop("The alldiffs object does not have the classify attribute set")
  response <- attr(object, which = "response")
  #Recast levels order
  if (!is.null(levels.order))
    object$predictions[fac] <- factor(object$predictions[[fac]], levels = levels.order, ...)
    object$predictions <- object$predictions[do.call(order, object$predictions),]
    #revise the alldiffs component
    if (!is.null(object$backtransforms))
      object$backtransforms[fac] <- factor(object$backtransforms[[fac]], levels = levels.order, ...)
      object$backtransforms <- object$backtransforms[do.call(order, object$backtransforms),]
    pred.labs <- makePredictionLabels(object$predictions, classify, response)
    pred.lev <- pred.labs$pred.lev

    #revise the alldiffs component
    if (!is.null(object$vcov))
      object$vcov <- object$vcov[pred.lev, pred.lev]

    if (!is.null(object$differences))
      object$differences <- object$differences[pred.lev, pred.lev]

    if (!is.null(object$p.differences))
      object$p.differences <- object$p.differences[pred.lev, pred.lev]

    if (!is.null(object$sed))
      object$sed <- object$sed[pred.lev, pred.lev]
  #Recast the labels
  if (!is.null(newlabels))
    object$predictions[fac] <- factor(object$predictions[[fac]], labels = newlabels, ...)
    #revise the alldiffs component
    if (!is.null(object$backtransforms))
      object$backtransforms[fac] <- object$predictions[fac]

    pred.labs <- makePredictionLabels(object$predictions, classify, response)
    pred.lev <- pred.labs$pred.lev

    #revise the alldiffs component
    if (!is.null(object$vcov))
      rownames(object$vcov) <- colnames(object$vcov) <- pred.lev

    if (!is.null(object$differences))
      rownames(object$differences) <- colnames(object$differences) <- pred.lev

    if (!is.null(object$p.differences))
      rownames(object$p.differences) <- colnames(object$p.differences) <- pred.lev
    if (!is.null(object$sed))
      rownames(object$sed) <- colnames(object$sed) <- pred.lev
  #Modify the classify
  object <- renewClassify(object, newclassify = attr(object, which = "classify"))

  #deal with LSD component and LSDvalues
  if (!is.null(object$LSD))
    LSDtype <- attr(object, which = "LSDtype")
    if (is.null(LSDtype)) LSDtype <- "overall"
    LSDstatistic <- attr(object, which = "LSDstatistic")
    if (is.null(LSDstatistic)) LSDstatistic <- "mean"
    alpha <- attr(object, which = "alpha")
    if (is.null(alpha)) alpha <- 0.05
    if (!is.null(LSDtype) && LSDtype != "supplied")
      object <- recalcLSD(object, 
                          LSDtype = LSDtype, 
                          LSDby = attr(object, which = "LSDby"),
                          LSDstatistic = LSDstatistic,
                          alpha = alpha)
    if (!is.null(attr(object$predictions, which = "LSDvalues")))
      LSDstat <- attr(object$predictions, which = "LSDstatistic")
      LSDname <- LSDstat2name(LSDstat)
      attr(object$predictions, which = "LSDvalues") <- object$LSD[[LSDname]]
      names(attr(object$predictions, which = "LSDvalues")) <- rownames(object$LSD)

facRename.alldiffs <- function(object, factor.names, newnames,  ...)
  #Check that a valid object of class alldiffs
  validalldifs <- validAlldiffs(object)  
  object <- renameDiffsAttr(object)
  if (is.character(validalldifs))
  if (any(!(factor.names %in% names(object$predictions))))
    stop("Some factors are not in the predictions component of object")
  if (length(factor.names) != length(newnames))
    stop("The number of factor.names and newnames must be the same")
  pred.attr <- attributes(object$predictions)
  predictions <- object$predictions
  names(predictions)[match(factor.names, names(predictions))] <- newnames
  pred.attr$names <- attr(predictions, which = "names")

  if (!is.null(object$LSD) & !is.null(attr(object, which = "LSDby")))
    LSDby <- attr(object, which = "LSDby")
    if (any(factor.names %in% LSDby))
      which.facs <- LSDby %in% factor.names
      LSDby[match(factor.names[which.facs], LSDby)] <- newnames[which.facs]
      attr(object, which = "LSDby") <- LSDby
      pred.attr$LSDby <- LSDby
  } else
    LSDby <- NULL
  attributes(predictions) <- pred.attr
  object$predictions <- predictions
  if (!is.null(object$backtransforms))
    back.attr <- attributes(object$backtransforms)
    backtransforms <- object$backtransforms
    names(backtransforms)[match(factor.names, names(backtransforms))] <- newnames
    back.attr$names <- attr(backtransforms, which = "names")
    back.attr$LSDby <- LSDby
    attributes(backtransforms) <- back.attr
    object$backtransforms <- backtransforms
  classify <- attr(object, which = "classify")
  if (is.null(classify))
    stop("The alldiffs object does not have the classify attribute set")
  class.facs <- fac.getinTerm(classify, rmfunction = TRUE)
  class.facs[match(factor.names, class.facs)] <- newnames
  classify <- fac.formTerm(class.facs)
  attr(object, which = "classify") <- classify
  response <- attr(object, which = "response")

subset.alldiffs <- function(x, subset = rep(TRUE, nrow(x$predictions)), 
                            rmClassifyVars = NULL, ...)
  #Check that a valid object of class alldiffs
  validalldifs <- validAlldiffs(x)  
  if (is.character(validalldifs))
  x <- renameDiffsAttr(x)

  #Save attributes
  x.attr <- attributes(x)
  old.attrs <- getAllAttr.alldiffs(x)

  #Deal with unsupported parameters
  tempcall <- list(...)
  if (length(tempcall)) 
    if ("select" %in% names(tempcall))
      stop("select is not supported in subset.alldiffs")
    if ("drop" %in% names(tempcall))
      stop("drop is not supported in subset.alldiffs")
  if (missing(subset) & is.null(rmClassifyVars)) 
    warning("neither subset or rmClassifyVars have been set")
  if (!missing(subset)) 
    expr <- substitute(subset)
    cond <- eval(expr, x$predictions, parent.frame())
    if (!is.logical(cond)) 
      stop("'subset' must be logical")
    x$predictions <- x$predictions[cond & !is.na(cond),]
    x$predictions <- as.data.frame(lapply(x$predictions, 
                                            if (inherits(x, "factor"))
                                              x <- factor(x)
                                          }), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    if (!is.null(x$vcov))
      x$vcov <- x$vcov[cond, cond]
    if (!is.null(x$backtransforms))
      x$backtransforms <- x$backtransforms[cond & !is.na(cond),]
    if (!is.null(x$differences))
      x$differences <- x$differences[cond,cond]
    if (!is.null(x$p.differences))
      x$p.differences <- x$p.differences[cond,cond]
    if (!is.null(x$sed))
      x$sed <- x$sed[cond,cond]
      LSDtype <- attr(x, which = "LSDtype")
      if (is.null(LSDtype)) LSDtype <- "overall"
      LSDstatistic <- attr(x, which = "LSDstatistic")
      if (is.null(LSDstatistic)) LSDstatistic <- "mean"
      alpha <- attr(x, which = "alpha")
      if (is.null(alpha)) alpha <- 0.05
      if (!is.null(LSDtype) && LSDtype != "supplied")
        x <- recalcLSD(x, 
                       LSDtype = LSDtype, 
                       LSDby = attr(x, which = "LSDby"),
                       LSDstatistic = LSDstatistic,
                       alpha = alpha)
  if (!is.null(rmClassifyVars))
    classify <- x.attr[["classify"]]
    if (is.null(classify))
      stop("The alldiffs object does not have the classify attrtibute set")
    class.vars <- fac.getinTerm(classify, rmfunction = TRUE)
    if (!(all(rmClassifyVars %in% class.vars)))
      stop("Not all the rmClassifyVars are in the classify for the alldiffs.object")
    newclass <- setdiff(class.vars, rmClassifyVars)
    if (any(table(x$predictions[newclass]) > 1))
      stop("The classify variables remaining after rmClassifyVars excluded do not uniquely index the predictions")
    classify <- fac.formTerm(newclass)
    x$predictions <- x$predictions[, -c(match(rmClassifyVars, names(x$predictions)))]
    if (!is.null(x$backtransforms))
      x$backtransforms <- x$backtransforms[, -c(match(rmClassifyVars, 
    x.attr["classify"] <- classify
    response <- x.attr[["response"]]
    if (is.null(response))
      stop("The alldiffs object does not have the response attribute set")
    pred.labs <- makePredictionLabels(x$predictions, classify, response)
    pred.lev <- pred.labs$pred.lev
    attributes(x) <- x.attr
    if (!is.null(x$vcov))
      colnames(x$vcov) <- rownames(x$vcov) <- pred.lev
    if (!is.null(x$differences))
      colnames(x$differences) <- rownames(x$differences) <- pred.lev
    if (!is.null(x$p.differences))
      colnames(x$p.differences) <- rownames(x$p.differences) <- pred.lev
    if (!is.null(x$sed))
      colnames(x$sed) <- rownames(x$sed) <- pred.lev
  x <- addMissingAttr.alldiffs(x, old.attrs)

#Function to sort the components of an alldiffs object according to the predicted values 
#indexed by a factor/numeric.
#If there are more than a single factor/numeric indexing the predictions, one can
#(1) sort within each of the variables other than the sortFactor, or
#(2) sort in parallel in which case either the first value in the predictions 
#component or single nominated values, for all but the sortFactor, can be used 
#to identify a subset to be used to determine the order for which all other subsets 
#are sorted.
sort.predictions.frame <- function(x, decreasing = FALSE, classify, sortFactor = NULL, 
                                   sortParallelToCombo = NULL, sortNestingFactor = NULL, 
                                   sortOrder = NULL, ...)
  #Deal with deprecated sortWithinVals argument
  tempcall <- list(...)
  if (length(tempcall)) 
    if ("sortWithinVals" %in% names(tempcall))
      stop("sortWithinVals has been deprecated in sort.predictions.frame - use sortParallelToCombo")
  #Change asreml4 names to asreml3 names, if necessary
  if (inherits(x, what = "asreml.predict") && !inherits(x, what = "predictions.frame"))
      x <- as.predictions.frame(x, classify = classify, 
                                se = "std.error", est.status = "status")
  #Check that a valid predictions 
  validPredictionsFrame <- validPredictionsFrame(x)  
  if (is.character(validPredictionsFrame))
  class.names <-  getClassifyVars(classify)
  if (!all(class.names %in% names(x)))
    stop("The predictions data.frame does not have a column for the following variables ", 
         "in the classify stored with alldiffs\n",  
         paste0(setdiff(class.names, names(x)), collapse = ", "))
  nclassify <- length(class.names)
  if (nclassify < 1)
    stop("Cannot find the classify variables")
  if (!is.null(sortFactor))
    if (length(sortFactor) != 1)
      stop("Can only supply one sortFactor name")
    if (!is.factor(x[[sortFactor]]))
      stop("sortFactor must be a factor")
  if (!is.null(sortNestingFactor))
    if (length(sortNestingFactor) != 1)
      stop("Can only supply one sortNestingFactor name")
    if (!is.factor(x[[sortNestingFactor]]))
      stop("sortNestingFactor must be a factor")
  #Save the current attributs
  x.attr <- attributes(x)
  #Get the order in which to sort the predictions
  if (nclassify == 1 || all(class.names %in% c(sortFactor, sortNestingFactor)))
    if (is.null(sortFactor))
      sortFactor <- class.names[1]
      if (!is.null(sortFactor))
        if (!is.factor(sortFactor))
          stop("Single variable in classify is not a factor")
    if (is.null(sortOrder))#sorting order for the sortFactor
      if (is.null(sortNestingFactor))
        val.ord <- data.frame(X1 = x[[sortFactor]], 
                              Ord = order(x$predicted.value, 
        names(val.ord)[1] <- sortFactor
      } else #nested sorting order for the sortFactor
        if (sortFactor == sortNestingFactor)
          stop("sortFactor and sortNestingFactor must be different factors")
        tmp <- x
        repln <- table(tmp[[sortNestingFactor]])
        tmp <- split(tmp, tmp[[sortNestingFactor]])
        val.ord <- unlist(lapply(tmp, 
                                 function(pred) ord <-order(pred$predicted.value, 
                                                            decreasing = decreasing)))
        val.ord <- val.ord + rep(cumsum(c(0, repln[1:(length(repln)-1)])), repln)
        val.ord <- data.frame(X1 = x[[sortFactor]],
                              Ord = val.ord)
        names(val.ord)[1] <- sortFactor
    } else #have sortOrder
      old.levs <- levels(x[[sortFactor]])
      if (length(sortOrder) != length(old.levs))
        stop("The number of values in sortOrder must equal the number of levels of sortFactor")
      val.ord <- data.frame(X1 = x[[sortFactor]],
                            Ord = match(as.character(sortOrder), old.levs))
      names(val.ord)[1] <- sortFactor
      if (any(is.na(val.ord$Ord)))
        stop("Not all the values in sortOrder are levels in SortFactor")
    tmp <- val.ord
  } else #classify > 1
    if (is.null(sortFactor))
      stop("The classify for the predictions has multiple variables - need to set sortFactor")
    other.vars <- setdiff(class.names, c(sortFactor, sortNestingFactor))
    #Work out order for sortFactor
    if (is.null(sortOrder))
      if (is.null(sortParallelToCombo))
        sortParallelToCombo <- as.list(x[1, other.vars])
        sortParallelToCombo <- lapply(sortParallelToCombo, 
                                      {if (is.factor(var)) {var <- as.character(var)}; return(var)})
        names(sortParallelToCombo) <- other.vars
      } else
        if (length(sortParallelToCombo) != length(other.vars))
          stop("Need a value for each classify variable except sortFactor (and sortNestingFactor)")
          if (!all(other.vars %in% names(sortParallelToCombo)))
            stop("The names in sortParallelToCombo do not match the names in the classify")
          if (!all(unlist(lapply(sortParallelToCombo, function(el){length(el)==1}))))
            stop("Each component of sortParallelToCombo can have only a single value")
      subs <- TRUE
      for (name in names(sortParallelToCombo))
        subs <- subs & x[name] == sortParallelToCombo[[name]]
      if (is.null(sortNestingFactor))
        val.ord <- data.frame(X1 = x[subs, sortFactor], 
                              Ord = order(x[subs, "predicted.value"], 
        if (nrow(val.ord) < length(levels(val.ord$X1)))
          fac.levs <- levels(val.ord$X1)
          val.ord <- rbind(val.ord,
                           data.frame(X1 = fac.levs[!(fac.levs %in% val.ord$X1)],
                                      Ord = (nrow(val.ord)+1):length(fac.levs)))
        names(val.ord)[1] <- sortFactor
      } else #do a nested sort of the sortFactor
        if (sortFactor == sortNestingFactor)
          stop("sortFactor and sortNestingFactor must be different factors")
        tmp <- x[subs, ]
        repln <- table(tmp[[sortNestingFactor]])
        tmp <- split(tmp, tmp[[sortNestingFactor]])
        val.ord <- unlist(lapply(tmp, 
                                   function(pred) ord <-order(pred$predicted.value, 
                                                              decreasing = decreasing)))
        val.ord <- val.ord + rep(cumsum(c(0, repln[1:(length(repln)-1)])), repln)
        val.ord <- data.frame(X1 = x[subs, sortFactor],
                                Ord = val.ord)
        names(val.ord)[1] <- sortFactor
    } else #have sortOrder
      old.levs <- levels(x[[sortFactor]])
      if (length(sortOrder) != length(old.levs))
        stop("The number of values in sortOrder must equal the number of levels of sortFactor")
      val.ord <- data.frame(X1 = factor(old.levs, levels = old.levs),
                            Ord = match(as.character(sortOrder), old.levs))
      names(val.ord)[1] <- sortFactor
      if (any(is.na(val.ord$Ord)))
        stop("Not all the values in sortOrder are levels in SortFactor")
  #Get the order for the full set of predictions
  # - this works for unequal replication of sortFactor
  newlevs <-  as.character(val.ord[val.ord$Ord, sortFactor])
  if (!all(levels(x[[sortFactor]] %in% newlevs)))
    stop("Not all levels of ",sortFactor, "occur in the sorted set of predicted values")
  x[sortFactor] <- dae::fac.recast(x[[sortFactor]], levels.order = newlevs)
  #Make sure that the predictions and other components are in standard order for the classify
  x <- x[do.call(order, x),]

  #Set attributes
  attributes(x) <- x.attr
  attr(x, which = "sortFactor") <- sortFactor
  attr(x, which = "sortOrder") <- newlevs

sort.alldiffs <- function(x, decreasing = FALSE, classify = NULL, sortFactor = NULL, 
                          sortParallelToCombo = NULL, sortNestingFactor = NULL, 
                          sortOrder = NULL, ...)
  #Deal with deprecated sortWithinVals argument
  tempcall <- list(...)
  if (length(tempcall)) 
    if ("sortWithinVals" %in% names(tempcall))
      stop("sortWithinVals has been deprecated in sort.alldiffs - use sortParallelToCombo")
  x <- renameDiffsAttr(x)
  #Check that a valid object of class alldiffs
  validalldifs <- validAlldiffs(x)  
  if (is.character(validalldifs))
  if (is.null(classify))
    classify <- attr(x, which = "classify")
    cl <- attr(x, which = "classify")
    if (!is.null(cl))
      if (classify != cl)
        warning(paste("Supplied classify is not the same as the classify attribute of",
                      "the alldiffs object"))
  #Sort the predictions frame
  pred <- sort.predictions.frame(x = x$predictions, decreasing = decreasing, 
                                 classify = classify, sortFactor = sortFactor, 
                                 sortParallelToCombo = sortParallelToCombo, 
                                 sortNestingFactor = sortNestingFactor, 
                                 sortOrder = sortOrder, ...)
  x$predictions <- pred

  #Get the order for the full set of predictions
  # - this works for unequal replication of sortFactor
  sortOrder <-  attr(pred, which = "sortOrder")
  x <- facRecast(x, factor = sortFactor, levels.order = sortOrder)
  #Set attributes
  attr(x, which = "classify") <- classify
  attr(x, which = "sortFactor") <- sortFactor
  attr(x, which = "sortOrder") <- sortOrder

#recalcLSD uses allDIfferences to recalculate the LSD component so cannot use ... to pass parameters 
#  that are in the allDifferences call
recalcLSD.alldiffs <- function(alldiffs.obj, 
                               LSDtype = "overall", LSDsupplied = NULL, 
                               LSDby = NULL, LSDstatistic = "mean", 
                               LSDaccuracy = "maxAbsDeviation", 
                               alpha = 0.05, ...)
  #Check for deprecated argument meanLSD.type and warn
  tempcall <- list(...)
  if (length(tempcall)) 
    if ("meanLSD.type" %in% names(tempcall))
      stop("meanLSD.type has been deprecated - use LSDtype")
  if (any(c("transform.power", "offset", "scale", "transform.function")  %in% names(tempcall)))
    stop(cat("Including transform.power, offset, scale or transform.function in the call is invalid \n",
             "- they are obtained from the backtransform component\n"))
  AvLSD.options <- c("overall", "factor.combinations", "per.prediction", "supplied")
  avLSD <- AvLSD.options[check.arg.values(LSDtype, AvLSD.options)]
  if (length(avLSD) != 1)
    avLSD <- NULL
  LSDstat <- getLSDstatOpt(LSDstatistic = LSDstatistic, avLSD = avLSD, LSDby = LSDby)
  LSDacc.options <- c("maxAbsDeviation", "maxDeviation", "q90Deviation", "RootMeanSqDeviation")
  LSDacc <- LSDacc.options[check.arg.values(LSDaccuracy, LSDacc.options)]
  if (length(LSDacc) == 0)
    LSDacc <- "maxAbsDeviation"
  #determine transform arguments
  if (is.null(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms))
    transform.power <- 1; offset <- 0; scale <- 1; transform.function <- "identity"
  } else
    transform.power = attr(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms, which = "transform.power")
    offset = attr(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms, which = "offset")
    scale = attr(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms, which = "scale")
    transform.function = attr(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms, which = "transform.function")
    if (is.null(transform.function))
      transform.function <- identity

  #Check that a valid object of class alldiffs
  validalldifs <- validAlldiffs(alldiffs.obj)  
  if (is.character(validalldifs))
  alldiffs.obj <- renameDiffsAttr(alldiffs.obj)
  kattr <- getAllAttr.alldiffs(alldiffs.obj)
  alldiffs.obj <- allDifferences(alldiffs.obj$predictions, 
                                 classify = attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "classify"), 
                                 vcov = alldiffs.obj$vcov, 
                                 differences = alldiffs.obj$differences, 
                                 p.differences = alldiffs.obj$p.differences,
                                 sed = alldiffs.obj$sed, 
                                 backtransforms = alldiffs.obj$backtransforms,
                                 transform.power = transform.power, 
                                 offset = offset, 
                                 scale = scale, 
                                 transform.function = transform.function, 
                                 tdf = attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "tdf"), alpha = alpha,
                                 LSDtype = avLSD, LSDsupplied = LSDsupplied, 
                                 LSDby = LSDby, LSDstatistic = LSDstat, 
                                 LSDaccuracy = LSDacc, ...)
  alldiffs.obj <- addMissingAttr.alldiffs(alldiffs.obj, kattr)

#Function to explore the LSD values
exploreLSDs.alldiffs <- function(alldiffs.obj,  LSDtype = "overall", LSDby = NULL, 
                                 LSDaccuracy = "maxAbsDeviation", alpha = 0.05, digits = 3, 
                                 retain.zeroLSDs = FALSE, zero.tolerance = .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5,
                                 plotHistogram = FALSE, ...)
  #Check that a valid object of class alldiffs
  validalldifs <- validAlldiffs(alldiffs.obj)  
  if (is.character(validalldifs))
  alldiffs.obj <- renameDiffsAttr(alldiffs.obj)
  AvLSD.options <- c("overall", "factor.combinations")
  avLSD <- AvLSD.options[check.arg.values(LSDtype, AvLSD.options)]
  if (length(avLSD) != 1)
    avLSD <- NULL
  LSDacc.options <- c("maxAbsDeviation", "maxDeviation", "q90Deviation", "RootMeanSqDeviation")
  LSDacc <- LSDacc.options[check.arg.values(LSDaccuracy, LSDacc.options)]
  if (length(LSDacc) == 0)
    LSDacc <- "maxAbsDeviation"
  LSDstat.hdr <- c("min", "quant10", "quant25", "mean", "median", "quant75", "quant90", "max")

  #Deal with case when have vcov, but not sed
  if (is.null(alldiffs.obj$sed))
    if (!is.null(alldiffs.obj$vcov))
      alldiffs.obj$sed <- alldiffs.obj$vcov
      n <- nrow(alldiffs.obj$sed)
      dvcov <- diag(alldiffs.obj$sed)
      alldiffs.obj$sed <- matrix(rep(dvcov, each = n), nrow = n) + 
        matrix(rep(dvcov, times = n), nrow = n) - 2 * alldiffs.obj$sed
      alldiffs.obj$sed <- sqrt(alldiffs.obj$sed)
      diag(alldiffs.obj$sed) <- NA_real_
    } else
      stop("Neither the vcov or sed components are present in the alldiffs.obj")
  if (!all(LSDby %in% names(alldiffs.obj$predictions)))
    stop("At least one element of LSDby is not in the predictions component of the alldiffs object\n")
  # classify <- attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "classify")
  # if (!all(unlist(lapply(LSDby, grepl, x = classify, fixed = TRUE))))
  #   stop("One of the elements of LSDby is not in the classify")
  denom.df <- attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "tdf")
  if (is.null(denom.df))
    stop(paste("The degrees of freedom of the t-distribtion are not available in alldiffs.obj\n",
               "- LSDs cannot be calculated"))
  t.value = qt(1-alpha/2, denom.df) 
  LSDs <- t.value * alldiffs.obj$sed
  #Prepare for frequencies
  LSD.dat <- as.data.frame(getUpperTri(LSDs))
  names(LSD.dat) <- "LSD"
  freq <- hist(LSD.dat$LSD, plot = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)
  breaks <- freq$breaks
  if (avLSD == "overall")
    #Get distinct  values
    distinct <- sort(unique(signif(na.omit(getUpperTri(LSDs)), digits = digits)))

    #Remove NAs and zero values
    rm.list <- rm.nazero(LSD.dat$LSD, getUpperTri(alldiffs.obj$differences), 
                         retain.zeroLSDs = retain.zeroLSDs, 
                         zero.tolerance = zero.tolerance)
    kLSDs.vec <- rm.list$ksed
    kdifs.vec <- rm.list$kdif
    #Get statistics
    allstats <- LSDallstats(kLSDs.vec, kdifs.vec, t.value = 1, LSDaccuracy = LSDacc, 
                            retain.zeroLSDs = retain.zeroLSDs, zero.tolerance = zero.tolerance)
    #Get per.pred.accuracy
    predacc <- do.call(cbind, lapply(LSDstat.hdr, 
                                     function(LSDstatistic, LSDs, allstats, LSDaccuracy, t.value, 
                                              retain.zeroLSDs, zero.tolerance)
                                       acc <- LSDpred.acc(LSDs, 
                                                          assignedLSD = allstats$statistics[[LSDstatistic]], 
                                                          LSDaccuracy = LSDaccuracy, t.value = t.value, 
                                                          retain.zeroLSDs = retain.zeroLSDs, 
                                                          zero.tolerance = zero.tolerance)
                                       acc <- as.data.frame(acc)
                                       names(acc) <- LSDstatistic
                                     LSDs = LSDs, allstats = allstats, LSDaccuracy = LSDacc, t.value = 1, 
                                     retain.zeroLSDs = retain.zeroLSDs, zero.tolerance = zero.tolerance))
    rownames(predacc) <- rownames(LSDs)
    counts <- freq$counts
    names(counts) <- as.character(freq$mids)
    LSD.list <- list(frequencies = counts, distinct.vals = distinct, 
                     statistics = allstats$statistics, accuracy = allstats$accuracy, 
                     false.pos = allstats$false.pos, false.neg = allstats$false.neg, 
                     per.pred.accuracy = predacc, LSD = LSDs)
    if (plotHistogram)
      print(ggplot(LSD.dat, aes(x = .data[["LSD"]])) + geom_histogram(breaks = breaks) + theme_bw())
  } else #factor.combinations
    LSD.list <- sliceAll(alldiffs.obj, by = LSDby, t.value = t.value, LSDaccuracy = LSDacc, 
                         breaks = breaks, digits = digits, plotHistogram = plotHistogram, 
                         retain.zeroLSDs = retain.zeroLSDs, zero.tolerance = zero.tolerance)
    LSD.list <- c(LSD.list, list(LSD = LSDs))
  #Set attributes on the lsd.list
  class(LSD.list) <- c("LSDdata", "list")
  attr(LSD.list, which = "LSDtype") <- avLSD
  attr(LSD.list, which = "LSDby") <- LSDby
  attr(LSD.list, which = "LSDaccuracy") <- LSDacc
  attr(LSD.list, which = "alpha") <- alpha
  attr(LSD.list, which = "retain.zeroLSDs") <- retain.zeroLSDs

pickLSDstatistics.alldiffs <- function(alldiffs.obj, 
                                       LSDtype = "overall", LSDby = NULL, 
                                       alpha = 0.05, digits = 3, 
                                       retain.zeroLSDs = FALSE, 
                                       zero.tolerance = .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5, 
  lsd.errors <- exploreLSDs(alldiffs.obj, LSDtype = LSDtype, LSDby = LSDby, 
                       retain.zeroLSDs = retain.zeroLSDs, 
                       zero.tolerance = zero.tolerance, 
  lsd.errors <- c(lsd.errors["false.pos"], lsd.errors["false.neg"])
  lsd.errors$false.pos <- lsd.errors$false.pos[,-1]
  lsd.errors$false.neg <- lsd.errors$false.neg[,-1]
  nfalserows <- nrow(lsd.errors$false.neg) 
  lsdstats <- sapply(1:nfalserows,
                    function(krow, lsd)
                      #Determine whether there are no pos or neg errors 
                      no.errors <- lsd$false.pos[krow,] == 0 & lsd$false.neg[krow,] == 0
                      if (any(no.errors)) #no error
                        klsd <- colnames(no.errors)[min(which(no.errors))]
                      else # get the LSD with the min false.pos and, amongst these, the min false.neg
                        no.pos <- which(lsd$false.pos[krow, ]  == min(lsd$false.pos[krow, ]))
                        min.neg <- lsd$false.neg[krow, ][no.pos]
                        klsd <- names(min.neg)[min(which(min.neg == min(min.neg)))]
                      klsd <- gsub("quant", "q", klsd)
                    }, lsd = lsd.errors)

#redoErrorIntervals calls recalcLSD to compute LSD component, which in turn calls allDifferences, but ... does not pass parameters to recalcLSD; 
#redoErrorIntervals is responsible for setting LSD attributes for alldiffs.obj and predictions.frame;
#at the end redoErrorIntervals also calls addBackTransforms, but ... does not pass parameters to addBackTransforms
redoErrorIntervals.alldiffs <- function(alldiffs.obj, error.intervals = "Confidence", alpha = 0.05, 
                                        avsed.tolerance = 0.25, accuracy.threshold = NA, 
                                        LSDtype = NULL, LSDsupplied = NULL, 
                                        LSDby = NULL, LSDstatistic = "mean", 
                                        LSDaccuracy = "maxAbsDeviation", 
                                        retain.zeroLSDs = FALSE, 
                                        zero.tolerance = .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5, ...)
  tempcall <- list(...)
  if ("meanLSD.type" %in% names(tempcall))
    stop("meanLSD.type has been deprecated - use LSDtype")
  if (any(c("transform.power", "offset", "scale", "transform.function")  %in% names(tempcall)))
    stop(cat("Including transform.power, offset, scale or transform.function in the call is invalid \n",
             "- they are obtained from the backtransform component\n"))
  if (any(c("LSDtype", "LSDby", "LSDstatistic", "LSDaccuracy", 
            "avsed.tolerance", "accuracy.threshold", "alpha") %in% names(tempcall)))
    stop("Do not try to change LSDtype, LSDby, LSDstatistic, LSDaccuracy, ",
         "avsed.tolerance, accuracy.threshold or alpha using ...")
  #determine transform arguments
  if (is.null(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms))
    transform.power <- 1; offset <- 0; scale <- 1; transform.function <- "identity"
  } else
    transform.power <- attr(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms, which = "transform.power")
    offset <- attr(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms, which = "offset")
    scale <- attr(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms, which = "scale")
    transform.function <- attr(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms, which = "transform.function")
    if (is.null(transform.function))
      transform.function <- "identity"
  #Check that a valid object of class alldiffs
  validalldifs <- validAlldiffs(alldiffs.obj)  
  if (is.character(validalldifs))
  alldiffs.obj <- renameDiffsAttr(alldiffs.obj)
  AvLSD.options <- c("overall", "factor.combinations", "per.prediction", "supplied")
  avLSD <- AvLSD.options[check.arg.values(LSDtype, AvLSD.options)]
  if (length(avLSD) != 1)
    avLSD <- NULL
  LSDstat <- getLSDstatOpt(LSDstatistic = LSDstatistic, avLSD = avLSD, LSDby = LSDby)
  LSDname <- paste0(gsub("imum", "", LSDstat, fixed = TRUE), "LSD")
  if (!is.null(LSDby) &&  !is.character(LSDby))
    stop("LSDby must be a character")

  LSDacc.options <- c("maxAbsDeviation", "maxDeviation", "q90Deviation", "RootMeanSqDeviation")
  LSDacc <- LSDacc.options[check.arg.values(LSDaccuracy, LSDacc.options)]
  if (length(LSDacc) == 0)
    LSDacc <- "maxAbsDeviation"
  if (!is.na(avsed.tolerance) & (avsed.tolerance <0 | avsed.tolerance > 1))
    stop("avsed.tolerance should be between 0 and 1")
  int.options <- c("none", "Confidence", "StandardError", "halfLeastSignificant")
  int.opt <- int.options[check.arg.values(error.intervals, int.options)]
  denom.df <- attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "tdf")
  preds.hd <- attr(alldiffs.obj$predictions, which = "heading")
  #Remove any intervals
  if (any(grepl("lower", names(alldiffs.obj$predictions), fixed = TRUE)
          | grepl("upper", names(alldiffs.obj$predictions), fixed = TRUE)))
    cols <- pmatch(c("lower.", "upper."), names(alldiffs.obj$predictions))
    cols <- cols[!is.na(cols)]
    alldiffs.obj$predictions <- alldiffs.obj$predictions[, -cols]
  if (int.opt == "halfLeastSignificant" && is.null(alldiffs.obj$sed))
    if (is.null(alldiffs.obj$vcov))
      stop("cannot compute LSDs because there is no sed or vcov component")
    else #compute sed component
      alldiffs.obj <- makeSED(alldiffs.obj)
  #Deal with LSD component
  #Make sure that the correct type of LSDs are available
  if (is.null(avLSD))
    avLSD <- attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "LSDtype")
    if (is.null(avLSD))
      avLSD <- "overall"
    if (avLSD == "factor.combinations" && is.null(LSDby))
      LSDby <- attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "LSDby")
      if (is.null(LSDby))
        stop("LSDtype is factor.combinations, but LSDby is not set")
  if (!(avLSD %in% c("factor.combinations", "supplied")))
    LSDby <- NULL
  #Determine if no LSD component or the avLSD and LSDby do not match the attributes of alldiffs.obj
  avLSD.diff <- attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "LSDtype")
  LSDby.diff <- attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "LSDby")
  avLSD.same <- TRUE
  LSDby.same <- TRUE
  if (!(is.null(avLSD.diff) && is.null(avLSD)))
    if (!is.null(avLSD.diff) && !is.null(avLSD))
      avLSD.same <- avLSD.diff == avLSD
      if (avLSD.same & avLSD == "factor.combinations")
        if (is.null(LSDby.diff) && is.null(LSDby))
          stop("LSDby not set for LSDtype set to factor.combinations")
          if (!is.null(LSDby.diff) && !is.null(LSDby))
            LSDby.same <- all(LSDby.diff == LSDby)
          } else
            LSDby.same <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(alldiffs.obj$sed))
    #If no LSD component or not match, call recalcLSDs
    if (!is.null(alldiffs.obj$LSD) || !avLSD.same || !LSDby.same)
      alldiffs.obj <- recalcLSD(alldiffs.obj, 
                                LSDtype = avLSD, LSDsupplied = LSDsupplied, 
                                LSDby = LSDby, LSDstatistic = LSDstat, LSDaccuracy = LSDacc,
                                alpha = alpha, ...)
    else #check for assigned LSD
      alldiffs.obj <- checkLSD(alldiffs.obj)
    #Calculate overall sed ranges
    t.value = qt(1-alpha/2, denom.df)
    ksed <- getUpperTri(alldiffs.obj$sed)
    kdif <- getUpperTri(alldiffs.obj$differences)
    #remove NA and zero values
    rm.list <- rm.nazero(ksed, kdif, retain.zeroLSDs = retain.zeroLSDs, 
                         zero.tolerance = zero.tolerance)
    ksed <- rm.list$ksed
    kdif <- rm.list$kdif
    overall.LSDs <- LSDstats(ksed, kdif, t.value = t.value)
    rownames(overall.LSDs) <- "overall"
    overall.sed.range <- unlist(abs(overall.LSDs["maxLSD"] - overall.LSDs["minLSD"]) / 
    if (is.nan(overall.sed.range))
      overall.sed.range <- 0
    #Calculate sed ranges from the LSD component
    nLSD <- length(alldiffs.obj$LSD$meanLSD)
    sed.range <- abs(alldiffs.obj$LSD$minLSD - alldiffs.obj$LSD$maxLSD) /  alldiffs.obj$LSD$meanLSD
    sed.range[is.nan(sed.range)] <- 0
  #Add lower and upper uncertainty limits
  if (int.opt != "none")
    revert <- FALSE
    if (is.na(denom.df) && c("Confidence", "halfLeastSignificant") %in% int.opt)
      warning(paste("The degrees of freedom of the t-distribtion are not available in alldiffs.obj\n",
                    "- reverting to Standard Error"))
      int.opt <- "StandardError"
    #Standard errors
    if (int.opt == "StandardError")
      alldiffs.obj$predictions <- within(alldiffs.obj$predictions, 
                                         { lower.StandardError.limit <- 
                                           alldiffs.obj$predictions[["predicted.value"]] - 
                                         upper.StandardError.limit <- 
                                           alldiffs.obj$predictions[["predicted.value"]] + 

    if (int.opt == "halfLeastSignificant" && (nrow(alldiffs.obj$predictions) != 1))
       #process for each LSDtype option
        LSDvalues <- NULL
        if (avLSD == "overall" || (avLSD == "supplied" && all(rownames(alldiffs.obj$LSD) == "overall")))
          if (nLSD != 1)
            stop("There is not just one LSD for LSDtype overall")
          rownames(alldiffs.obj$LSD) <- "overall"
          if (!is.na(avsed.tolerance) & overall.sed.range > avsed.tolerance)
            warning("The avsed.tolerance is exceeded - reverting to confidence intervals")
            revert <- TRUE
          } else #plot factor.combination LSD
            alldiffs.obj$predictions <- within(alldiffs.obj$predictions,
                                                 if (alldiffs.obj$LSD$assignedLSD < zero.tolerance)
                                                   lower.halfLeastSignificant.limit <- NA
                                                   upper.halfLeastSignificant.limit <- NA
                                                 } else
                                                   lower.halfLeastSignificant.limit <-
                                                     alldiffs.obj$predictions[["predicted.value"]] -
                                                     0.5 * alldiffs.obj$LSD$assignedLSD #[[LSDname]]
                                                   upper.halfLeastSignificant.limit <-
                                                     alldiffs.obj$predictions[["predicted.value"]] +
                                                     0.5 * alldiffs.obj$LSD$assignedLSD #[[LSDname]]
            if (!is.na(accuracy.threshold))
              #calculate the accuracy of individual observations
              alldiffs.obj$predictions$LSDwarning <- LSDpred.acc(alldiffs.obj$sed, 
                                                                 assignedLSD = alldiffs.obj$LSD$assignedLSD, 
                                                                 LSDaccuracy = LSDacc, t.value = t.value,
                                                                 retain.zeroLSDs = retain.zeroLSDs, 
                                                                 zero.tolerance = zero.tolerance) > accuracy.threshold
            LSDvalues <- alldiffs.obj$LSD$assignedLSD #overallLSDstat
        } else
          if (avLSD == "factor.combinations" || (avLSD == "supplied" && !all(rownames(alldiffs.obj$LSD) == "overall")))
            #Form levels combination for  LSDs
            levs <- levels(fac.LSDcombs.alldiffs(alldiffs.obj, LSDby))

            #Check have got the correct LSDs in the LSD component
            if (is.null(rownames(alldiffs.obj$LSD)) | nLSD != length(levs) | 
                any(levs != rownames(alldiffs.obj$LSD)))
              stop(paste("For LSDtype factor.combinations, the LSD component of the alldiffs.obj", 
                         "must be a named vector of the LSDs for each combination of the factors in LSDby", 
                         sep = " "))
            if (!is.na(avsed.tolerance) & any(na.omit(sed.range) > avsed.tolerance))
              warning("The avsed.tolerance is exceeded for the factor combinations - reverting to confidence intervals")
              revert <- TRUE
            } else # factor.combination LSD
              LSD.dat <- addByFactorsToLSD.alldiffs(alldiffs.obj, LSDby = LSDby)$LSD
              LSD.dat <- LSD.dat[c(LSDby, "assignedLSD")]
              #save currrent order of predictions and use to restore after the merge
              preds <- alldiffs.obj$predictions
              preds.knam <- names(preds)
              preds.attr <- attributes(alldiffs.obj$predictions)
              preds$rows <- 1:nrow(preds)
              preds.nam <- names(preds)
              preds <- dplyr::left_join(preds, LSD.dat)
              preds <- preds[c(preds.nam, setdiff(names(preds), preds.nam))]
              if (any(diff(preds$rows != 1)))
                preds[preds$rows, ] <- preds
              preds <- preds[, -match("rows", names(preds))]
              preds <- within(preds,                                                  
                                lower.halfLeastSignificant.limit <- 
                                  preds[["predicted.value"]] - 0.5 * preds$assignedLSD
                                upper.halfLeastSignificant.limit <- 
                                  preds[["predicted.value"]] + 0.5 * preds$assignedLSD
                                if (any(preds$assignedLSD < zero.tolerance))
                                  lower.halfLeastSignificant.limit[preds$assignedLSD < zero.tolerance] <- NA
                                  upper.halfLeastSignificant.limit[preds$assignedLSD < zero.tolerance] <- NA
              if (!is.na(accuracy.threshold))
                preds <- within(preds, 
                                  LSDwarning <- sliceAccs(alldiffs.obj, by = LSDby, 
                                                          LSDstatistic = LSDstat, LSDaccuracy = LSDacc, 
                                                          alpha = alpha)
                                  LSDwarning <- LSDwarning > accuracy.threshold
              LSDvalues <-  alldiffs.obj$LSD$assignedLSD
              names(LSDvalues) <- rownames(alldiffs.obj$LSD)
              alldiffs.obj$predictions <- preds[, -match("assignedLSD", names(preds))]
              attr(alldiffs.obj$predictions, which = "heading") <- preds.attr$heading
              class(alldiffs.obj$predictions) <- preds.attr$class
          } else
            if (avLSD == "per.prediction")
              if (nLSD != nrow(alldiffs.obj$predictions))
                stop("The numbers of LSDs and predicted values are not equal for LSDtype per.prediction")
              if (!is.na(avsed.tolerance) & any(na.omit(sed.range) > avsed.tolerance))
                warning("The avsed.tolerance is exceeded for one or more predictions - reverting to confidence intervals")
                revert <- TRUE
              } else #plot per predictions LSD
                alldiffs.obj$predictions <- within(alldiffs.obj$predictions, 
                                                     lower.halfLeastSignificant.limit <- 
                                                       alldiffs.obj$predictions[["predicted.value"]] - 
                                                       0.5 * alldiffs.obj$LSD$assignedLSD
                                                     upper.halfLeastSignificant.limit <- 
                                                       alldiffs.obj$predictions[["predicted.value"]] + 
                                                       0.5 * alldiffs.obj$LSD$assignedLSD
                if (!is.na(accuracy.threshold))
                  alldiffs.obj$predictions$LSDwarning <- alldiffs.obj$LSD$accuracyLSD > accuracy.threshold
                LSDvalues <- alldiffs.obj$LSD$assignedLSD
        if (!revert)
          #Add LSD attributes, except LSDvalues, to predictions frame
          preds <- alldiffs.obj$predictions
          attributes(preds) <- attributes(alldiffs.obj$predictions)
          attr(preds, which = "LSDtype") <- avLSD
          attr(preds, which = "LSDby") <- LSDby
          attr(preds, which = "LSDstatistic") <- LSDstat
          attr(preds, which = "LSDaccuracy") <- LSDacc
          attr(preds, which = "avsed.tolerance") <- avsed.tolerance
          attr(preds, which = "accuracy.threshold") <- accuracy.threshold
          attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "alpha") <- alpha
          attr(preds, which = "LSDvalues") <- LSDvalues
          alldiffs.obj$predictions <- preds
          attributes(alldiffs.obj$predictions) <- attributes(preds)
    if (int.opt == "Confidence" || revert)
      alldiffs.obj$predictions <- within(alldiffs.obj$predictions, 
                                         { lower.Confidence.limit <- alldiffs.obj$predictions[["predicted.value"]] - 
                                           qt(1-alpha/2, denom.df) * alldiffs.obj$predictions[["standard.error"]]
                                         upper.Confidence.limit <- alldiffs.obj$predictions[["predicted.value"]] + 
                                           qt(1-alpha/2, denom.df) * alldiffs.obj$predictions[["standard.error"]]
    ks <- NA
    if ("est.status" %in% names(alldiffs.obj$predictions))
      ks <- match("est.status", names(alldiffs.obj$predictions))
      if ("status" %in% names(alldiffs.obj$predictions))
        ks <- match("status", names(alldiffs.obj$predictions))
    klen <- length(names(alldiffs.obj$predictions))
    if (!is.na(ks) && ks != klen)
      pr.attr <- attributes(alldiffs.obj$predictions)
      alldiffs.obj$predictions <- alldiffs.obj$predictions[, c(1:(ks-1), (ks+1):klen, ks)]
      pr.attr$names <- attr(alldiffs.obj$predictions, which = "names")
      attributes(alldiffs.obj$predictions) <- pr.attr
  #Add LSD attributes to the alldiffs object
  attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "LSDtype") <- avLSD
  attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "LSDby") <- LSDby
  attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "LSDstatistic") <- LSDstat
  attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "LSDaccuracy") <- LSDacc
  attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "alpha") <- alpha
  attr(alldiffs.obj$predictions, which = "heading")  <- preds.hd
  #Add backtransforms if there has been a transformation
  alldiffs.obj <- addBacktransforms.alldiffs(alldiffs.obj = alldiffs.obj, 
                                             transform.power = transform.power, 
                                             offset = offset, scale = scale, 
                                             transform.function = transform.function)

makeSED <- function(alldiffs.obj)
  alldiffs.obj$sed <- alldiffs.obj$vcov
  n <- nrow(alldiffs.obj$sed)
  dvcov <- diag(alldiffs.obj$sed)
  alldiffs.obj$sed <- matrix(rep(dvcov, each = n), nrow = n) + 
    matrix(rep(dvcov, times = n), nrow = n) - 2 * alldiffs.obj$sed
  alldiffs.obj$sed <- sqrt(alldiffs.obj$sed)
  diag(alldiffs.obj$sed) <- NA_real_

#allDifferences does not change Error.Intervals, 
#but adds backtransforms depending on transform info
#allDifferences is responsible calculating the LSD component; it used sliceLSDs and LSDstats
#allDifferences calls addBackTransforms to modify backtransforms object
"allDifferences.data.frame" <- function(predictions, classify, vcov = NULL, 
                                        differences = NULL, p.differences = NULL, 
                                        sed = NULL, LSD = NULL,
                                        LSDtype = "overall", LSDsupplied = NULL, 
                                        LSDby = NULL, LSDstatistic = "mean", 
                                        LSDaccuracy = "maxAbsDeviation", 
                                        retain.zeroLSDs = FALSE,
                                        zero.tolerance = .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5, 
                                        backtransforms = NULL, 
                                        response = NULL, response.title = NULL, 
                                        term = NULL, tdf = NULL, 
                                        x.num = NULL, x.fac = NULL, level.length = NA, 
                                        pairwise = TRUE, alpha = 0.05,
                                        transform.power = 1, offset = 0, scale = 1, 
                                        transform.function = "identity", 
                                        inestimable.rm = TRUE, 
                                        sortFactor = NULL, sortParallelToCombo = NULL, 
                                        sortNestingFactor = NULL, sortOrder = NULL, 
                                        decreasing = FALSE, ...)
#a function to do the calculations to form an alldiffs object
#takes a table of asreml predictions and forms associated statistics
#  for all pairwise differences
  asr4.2 <- isASReml4_2Loaded(4.2, notloaded.fault = FALSE)
  AvLSD.options <- c("overall", "factor.combinations", "per.prediction", "supplied")
  avLSD <- AvLSD.options[check.arg.values(LSDtype, AvLSD.options)]
  if (!is.null(LSDby) &&  !is.character(LSDby))
    stop("LSDby must be a character")
  if (!is.null(LSDsupplied) && avLSD != "supplied")
    warning("LSDsupplied is not NULL and LSDtype in not set to supplied - LSDsupplied will be ignored.")

  LSDstat <- getLSDstatOpt(LSDstatistic = LSDstatistic, avLSD = avLSD, LSDby = LSDby)
  LSDname <- paste0(gsub("imum", "", LSDstat, fixed = TRUE), "LSD")
  LSDacc.options <- c("maxAbsDeviation", "maxDeviation", "q90Deviation", "RootMeanSqDeviation")
  LSDacc <- LSDacc.options[check.arg.values(LSDaccuracy, LSDacc.options)]
  if (length(LSDacc) == 0)
    LSDacc <- "maxAbsDeviation"
  tempcall <- list(...)
  if ("levels.length" %in% names(tempcall))
    stop("levels.length has been deprecated - use level.length")
  if ("meanLSD.type" %in% names(tempcall))
    stop("meanLSD.type has been deprecated - use LSDtype")
  #determine transform arguments from backtransforms, if set
  if (!is.null(backtransforms))
    transform.power = attr(backtransforms, which = "transform.power")
    offset = attr(backtransforms, which = "offset")
    scale = attr(backtransforms, which = "scale")
    transform.function = attr(backtransforms, which = "transform.function")
    if (is.null(transform.function))
      transform.function <- "identity"
  #Change asreml4 names to asreml3 names
  preds.attr <- attributes(predictions)
  predictions <- as.predictions.frame(predictions, classify = classify, 
                                      se = "std.error", est.status = "status")
  preds.attr$names <- attr(predictions, which = "names")
  attributes(predictions) <- preds.attr
  predictions <- renameAttr(predictions, 
                            change.attribs = list(meanLSD.type = "LSDtype", meanLSD = "LSDvalues"))

  alldiffs.obj <- makeAlldiffs(predictions = predictions, 
                               vcov = vcov,
                               differences = differences, 
                               p.differences = p.differences, 
                               sed = sed, LSD = LSD, 
                               backtransforms = backtransforms, 
                               response = response, 
                               response.title = response.title, 
                               term = term, classify = classify, 
                               tdf = tdf, alpha = alpha)
  #Check alldiffs.obj
  if (pairwise && is.null(alldiffs.obj$sed) && is.null(alldiffs.obj$vcov))
    stop(paste("No sed or vcov supplied in alldiffs.obj \n",
               "- can obtain using sed=TRUE or vcov=TRUE in predict.asreml"))
  alldiffs.obj <- renameDiffsAttr(alldiffs.obj)
  predictions <- alldiffs.obj$predictions
  rownames(predictions) <- NULL
  preds.attr <- attributes(predictions)

  #Retain only estimable predictions
  which.estim <- (predictions$est.status == "Estimable")
  if (inestimable.rm & sum(which.estim) != nrow(predictions))
    predictions <- predictions[which.estim, ]
    if (nrow(predictions) == 0)
      warning("There are no estimable predictions")
    #Make sure all factors have only observed levels
    predictions[1:ncol(predictions)] <- 
             function(k, data)
             { if (is.factor(data[[k]]))
               data[[k]] <- factor(data[[k]])
             }, predictions)
    rownames(predictions) <- NULL
    alldiffs.obj$predictions <- predictions
    attr(alldiffs.obj$predictions, which = "heading") <- preds.attr$heading
    class(alldiffs.obj$predictions) <- preds.attr$class
    if (!is.null(alldiffs.obj$vcov))
      if (inestimable.rm)
        alldiffs.obj$vcov <- alldiffs.obj$vcov[which.estim, which.estim]
    if (!is.null(alldiffs.obj$sed))
      if (inestimable.rm)
        alldiffs.obj$sed <- alldiffs.obj$sed[which.estim, which.estim]
      diag(alldiffs.obj$sed) <- NA
    #Reset the other components to NULL
    alldiffs.obj <- makeAlldiffs(predictions = alldiffs.obj$predictions, 
                                 vcov = alldiffs.obj$vcov, 
                                 differences = NULL, 
                                 p.differences = NULL, 
                                 sed = alldiffs.obj$sed, LSD = NULL, 
                                 backtransforms = alldiffs.obj$backtransforms, 
                                 response = response, 
                                 response.title = response.title, 
                                 term = term, classify = classify, 
                                 tdf = tdf, alpha = alpha)
  response <- as.character(attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "response"))
  #Deal with case when have vcov, but not sed
  if (pairwise && !is.null(alldiffs.obj$vcov) && is.null(alldiffs.obj$sed))
    alldiffs.obj <- makeSED(alldiffs.obj)

  #Check that differences are consistent with predictions
  pred.diff <- outer(predictions$predicted.value, predictions$predicted.value, "-")
  if (any(na.omit(abs(pred.diff-alldiffs.obj$differences)) > .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5))
    stop("The differnces in the differences component of the alldiffs object ",
         "are inconsistent with the predictions in the predictions component")
  #Ensure that the columns of predictions are in the same order as the classify 
  class.names <- getClassifyVars(classify)
  if (!all(class.names == names(alldiffs.obj$predictions)[1:length(class.names)]))
    rest <- names(alldiffs.obj$predictions)[(length(class.names)+1):ncol(alldiffs.obj$predictions)]
    preds.attr <- attributes(alldiffs.obj$predictions)
    alldiffs.obj$predictions <- cbind(alldiffs.obj$predictions[class.names],
    rownames(alldiffs.obj$predictions) <- NULL
    attr(alldiffs.obj$predictions, which = "heading") <- preds.attr$heading
    class(alldiffs.obj$predictions) <- preds.attr$class
  #Make sure that the predictions and other components are in standard order for the classify
  ord <- do.call(order, alldiffs.obj$predictions)
  alldiffs.obj$predictions <- alldiffs.obj$predictions[ord,]
  predictions <- alldiffs.obj$predictions
  pred.labs <- makePredictionLabels(alldiffs.obj$predictions, classify, response,
                                    x.num = x.num, x.fac = x.fac, 
                                    level.length = level.length)
  pred.lev <- pred.labs$pred.lev
  if (!is.null(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms))
    alldiffs.obj$backtransforms <- alldiffs.obj$backtransforms[ord,]
  if (!is.null(alldiffs.obj$differences))
    alldiffs.obj$differences <- alldiffs.obj$differences[ord,ord]
    colnames(alldiffs.obj$differences) <- rownames(alldiffs.obj$differences) <- pred.lev
  if (!is.null(alldiffs.obj$p.differences))
    alldiffs.obj$p.differences <- alldiffs.obj$p.differences[ord,ord]
    colnames(alldiffs.obj$p.differences) <- rownames(alldiffs.obj$p.differences) <- pred.lev
  if (!is.null(alldiffs.obj$vcov))
    alldiffs.obj$vcov <- alldiffs.obj$vcov[ord,ord]
    colnames(alldiffs.obj$vcov) <- rownames(alldiffs.obj$vcov) <- pred.lev
  if (!is.null(alldiffs.obj$sed) && length(pred.lev) > 1)
    alldiffs.obj$sed <- alldiffs.obj$sed[ord,ord]
    colnames(alldiffs.obj$sed) <- rownames(alldiffs.obj$sed) <- pred.lev
  #Sort if sortFactor set
  # if (!is.null(sortFactor))
  #   alldiffs.obj <- sort(alldiffs.obj, decreasing = decreasing, sortFactor = sortFactor,
  #                        sortParallelToCombo = sortParallelToCombo,
  #                        sortNestingFactor = sortNestingFactor, sortOrder = sortOrder)
  #Retain variance matrix, if vcov is not NULL
  if (!is.null(alldiffs.obj$vcov))
    if (ncol(alldiffs.obj$vcov) != length(pred.lev) | nrow(alldiffs.obj$vcov) != length(pred.lev))
      stop(paste("Dimensions of variance matrix not equal to \n",
                 "the number of observed levels combinations of the factors"))
    dimnames(alldiffs.obj$vcov) <- list(pred.lev, pred.lev)
  #Form all pairwise differences, if not present and store
  if (is.null(alldiffs.obj$differences) & pairwise)
    pred.diff <- outer(predictions$predicted.value, predictions$predicted.value, "-")
    if (nrow(alldiffs.obj$sed) != nrow(pred.diff) | 
        ncol(alldiffs.obj$sed) != ncol(pred.diff))
      stop("The matrix of pairwise differences and sed are not conformable")
    if (ncol(alldiffs.obj$sed) != length(pred.lev) | nrow(alldiffs.obj$sed) != length(pred.lev))
      stop(paste("Dimensions of differences and sed not equal to \n",
                 "the number of observed levels combinations of the factors"))
    dimnames(pred.diff) <- list(pred.lev, pred.lev)
    dimnames(alldiffs.obj$sed) <- list(pred.lev, pred.lev)
  } else
    if (!pairwise)
      alldiffs.obj["differences"] <- list(NULL)
      alldiffs.obj["p.differences"] <- list(NULL)
  #Check if tdf available
  denom.df <- attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "tdf")
  if (is.null(denom.df) && avLSD != "supplied")
    warning(paste("The degrees of freedom of the t-distribtion are not available in alldiffs.obj\n",
                  "- p-values and LSDs not calculated"))
    #calculate p-values, if not present
    if (is.null(alldiffs.obj$p.differences) & pairwise)
      p.diff <- abs(pred.diff)/alldiffs.obj$sed
      p.diff <- 2*pt(p.diff, df = denom.df, lower.tail = FALSE)
      alldiffs.obj$differences <- pred.diff
      alldiffs.obj$p.differences <- p.diff
    #Set LSD component
      if (pairwise && (nrow(alldiffs.obj$predictions) != 1))
        #calculate LSDs, if not present - it seems that they are never present as set to NULL in makeAlldiffs call
        if (is.null(alldiffs.obj$LSD))
          minLSD <- maxLSD <- meanLSD <- NULL
          t.value = qt(1-alpha/2, denom.df)
          if (avLSD == "overall" || (avLSD == "supplied" && is.null(LSDby)))
            ksed <- getUpperTri(alldiffs.obj$sed)
            kdif <- getUpperTri(alldiffs.obj$differences)
            #remove NA and zero values
            rm.list <- rm.nazero(ksed, kdif, retain.zeroLSDs = retain.zeroLSDs, 
                                 zero.tolerance = zero.tolerance)
            ksed <- rm.list$ksed
            kdif <- rm.list$kdif
            LSDs<- LSDstats(ksed, kdif, t.value, LSDstatistic = LSDstat, LSDaccuracy = LSDacc)
            rownames(LSDs) <- "overall"
          if (avLSD == "factor.combinations" || (avLSD == "supplied" && !is.null(LSDby))) #factor.combinations
            if (is.null(LSDby))
              stop("Need to specify factors using LSDby for LSDtype = factor.combinations")
            LSDs <- sliceLSDs(alldiffs.obj, by = LSDby, LSDstatistic = LSDstat, LSDaccuracy = LSDacc, 
                              t.value = t.value, alpha = alpha,
                              retain.zeroLSDs = retain.zeroLSDs, zero.tolerance = zero.tolerance)
          if (avLSD == "per.prediction")  #per.prediction
            #set up LSD data.frame
            LSDs <- LSDpred.stats(alldiffs.obj$sed, alldiffs.obj$differences, t.value = t.value, 
                                  LSDstatistic = LSDstat, 
                                  LSDaccuracy = LSDacc, retain.zeroLSDs = retain.zeroLSDs, 
                                  zero.tolerance = zero.tolerance)
          alldiffs.obj$LSD <- LSDs
          if (avLSD == "supplied")
            alldiffs.obj <- addLSDsupplied(alldiffs.obj, LSDsupplied = LSDsupplied, LSDby = LSDby, 
                                           denom.df = denom.df, alpha = alpha)
            #Calculate the accuracy of the supplied LSDs
            if (is.null(LSDby))
              ksed <- getUpperTri(alldiffs.obj$sed)
              kdif <- getUpperTri(alldiffs.obj$differences)
              #remove NA and zero values
              rm.list <- rm.nazero(ksed, kdif, retain.zeroLSDs = retain.zeroLSDs, 
                                   zero.tolerance = zero.tolerance)
              ksed <- rm.list$ksed
              kdif <- rm.list$kdif
              alldiffs.obj$LSD$accuracyLSD <- LSDaccmeas(ksed = ksed, 
                                                         assignedLSD = alldiffs.obj$LSD$assignedLSD, 
                                                         t.value = t.value, LSDaccuracy = LSDacc)
              #Recalculate the false significances
              falsesig <- falseSignif(ksed = ksed, kdif = kdif, assignedLSD = alldiffs.obj$LSD$assignedLSD, 
                                      t.value = t.value)
              alldiffs.obj$LSD$falsePos <- falsesig["false.pos"]
              alldiffs.obj$LSD$falseNeg <- falsesig["false.neg"]
              slLSD <- sliceLSDs(alldiffs.obj, by = LSDby, t.value = t.value, 
                                                        LSDstatistic = LSDstat, LSDaccuracy = LSDacc, 
                                                        alpha = alpha, which.stats = "evalLSD", 
                                                        retain.zeroLSDs = retain.zeroLSDs, 
                                                        zero.tolerance = zero.tolerance)
              alldiffs.obj$LSD[c("accuracyLSD", "falsePos", "falseNeg")] <- 
                slLSD[c("accuracyLSD", "false.pos", "false.neg")]

          attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "LSDtype") <- avLSD
          attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "LSDby") <- LSDby
          attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "LSDstatistic") <- LSDstat
          attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "LSDaccuracy")
  #Add backtransforms if there has been a transformation
  alldiffs.obj <- addBacktransforms.alldiffs(alldiffs.obj, 
                                             transform.power = transform.power, 
                                             offset = offset, scale = scale, 
                                             transform.function = transform.function)
  #Sort if sortFactor set
  if (!is.null(sortFactor))
    alldiffs.obj <- sort(alldiffs.obj, decreasing = decreasing, sortFactor = sortFactor,
                         sortParallelToCombo = sortParallelToCombo,
                         sortNestingFactor = sortNestingFactor, sortOrder = sortOrder)

  #Check that have a valid alldiffs object
  validalldifs <- validAlldiffs(alldiffs.obj)  
  if (is.character(validalldifs))

#addBackTransforms adds or recalculates the backtransforms component of an alldiffs.object
#It is invalid to use ... to pass transform.power, offset and scale to it
"addBacktransforms.alldiffs" <- function(alldiffs.obj, 
                                         transform.power = 1, offset = 0, scale = 1, 
                                         transform.function = "identity", ...)
  #Check that a valid object of class alldiffs
  validalldifs <- validAlldiffs(alldiffs.obj)  
  if (is.character(validalldifs))
  alldiffs.obj <- renameDiffsAttr(alldiffs.obj)
  #check the transform.function
  link.opts <- c("identity", "log", "inverse", "sqrt", "logit", "probit", "cloglog")
  transfunc <- link.opts[check.arg.values(transform.function, link.opts)]
  trans <- transform.power != 1 | offset != 0 | scale != 1
  if (transfunc != "identity" && trans)
    stop("Cannot have both transform.function and one or more of transform.power, ",
         "offset and scale not equal to their defaults")
  #'### Save approx.se of backtransformed predictions, if these are available or have been saved
  approx.se <- NULL
  if ("approx.se" %in% names(alldiffs.obj$predictions))
    approx.se <- alldiffs.obj$predictions$approx.se
    backtransfunc <- attr(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms, which = "transform.function")
    if (is.null(backtransfunc)) backtransfunc <- "identity"
    if (!is.null(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms) && transfunc == backtransfunc)
      approx.se <- alldiffs.obj$backtransforms$standard.error
  #Add backtransforms if there has been a transformation 
  if (nrow(alldiffs.obj$predictions) > 0 && (trans || transfunc != "identity"))
    denom.df <- attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "tdf")
    if (is.null(denom.df))
      warning(paste("The degrees of freedom of the t-distribtion are not available in alldiffs.obj\n",
                    "- p-values and LSDs not calculated"))
    backtransforms <- alldiffs.obj$predictions
    attr(backtransforms, which = "LSDvalues") <- NULL
    kp <- match("predicted.value", names(backtransforms))
    kpl <- pmatch("lower.", names(backtransforms))
    kpu <- pmatch("upper.", names(backtransforms))
    ## As of 3/4/2019 I am allowing backtransformed halfLSD intervals
    #Check if LSD used for predictions and so need to compute CIs
    names(backtransforms)[match("predicted.value", names(backtransforms))] <- 
    kpl <- pmatch("lower.", names(backtransforms))
    kpu <- pmatch("upper.", names(backtransforms))
    err.int <- TRUE
    if (is.na(kpl) || is.na(kpu))
      err.int <- FALSE
    #Backtransform predictions and intervals for power transformation or transformation function
    if (transform.power == 0 || transfunc == "log")
      backtransforms$backtransformed.predictions <- 
      if (err.int)
        backtransforms[[kpl]] <- exp(backtransforms[[kpl]])
        backtransforms[[kpu]] <- exp(backtransforms[[kpu]])
    } else
      if (transform.power != 1 || transfunc %in% c("inverse", "sqrt"))
        tpower <- transform.power
        if (transfunc == "inverse")
          tpower <- -1
          if (transfunc == "sqrt")
            tpower <- 0.5
        backtransforms$backtransformed.predictions <- 
        if (err.int)
          backtransforms[[kpl]] <- backtransforms[[kpl]]^(1/transform.power)
          backtransforms[[kpu]] <- backtransforms[[kpu]]^(1/transform.power)
      } else
        if (transfunc == "logit")
          backtransforms <- within(backtransforms, 
                                     backtransformed.predictions <-exp(backtransformed.predictions)
                                     backtransformed.predictions <- backtransformed.predictions / 
          if (err.int)
            backtransforms[[kpl]] <- exp(backtransforms[[kpl]])
            backtransforms[[kpl]] <- backtransforms[[kpl]]/(1 + backtransforms[[kpl]])
            backtransforms[[kpu]] <- exp(backtransforms[[kpu]])/(1 - backtransforms[[kpu]])
            backtransforms[[kpu]] <- backtransforms[[kpu]]/(1 + backtransforms[[kpu]])
        } else
          if (transfunc == "cloglog")
            backtransforms <- within(backtransforms, 
                                       backtransformed.predictions <-
                                         1 - exp(-exp(backtransformed.predictions))
            if (err.int)
              backtransforms[[kpl]] <- 1 - exp(-exp(backtransforms[[kpl]]))
              backtransforms[[kpu]] <- 1 - exp(-exp(backtransforms[[kpu]]))
          } else
            if (transfunc == "probit")
              backtransforms <- within(backtransforms, 
                                         backtransformed.predictions <-
              if (err.int)
                backtransforms[[kpl]] <- pnorm(backtransforms[[kpl]])
                backtransforms[[kpu]] <- pnorm(backtransforms[[kpu]])
    #Backtransform for offset and scale
    if (offset !=0 || scale != 1)
      backtransforms$backtransformed.predictions <- 
        (backtransforms$backtransformed.predictions - offset)/scale
      if (err.int)
        backtransforms[[kpl]] <- (backtransforms[[kpl]] - offset)/scale
        backtransforms[[kpu]] <- (backtransforms[[kpu]] - offset)/scale
    #Set standard.error to missing if a power transformation or transform.function other than identity has been used
    if (transfunc != "identity")
      #deal with backtransformed columns inserted by asreml
      if ("transformed.value" %in% names(alldiffs.obj$predictions))  
        if (!(all((backtransforms$backtransformed.predictions - backtransforms$transformed.value) 
                  < .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5)))
          warning("The column transformed value inserted by asreml is not the same as the column ",
                  "backtransformed prediction obtained using the inverse transform.function")
          ks <- match("standard.error", names(backtransforms))
          backtransforms[[ks]] <- NA
        } else #have duplicate columns and approx.se
          #remove columns from predictions and back transforms
          #         if ("approx.se" %in% names(backtransforms))
          if (!is.null(approx.se))
            backtransforms$standard.error <- backtransforms$approx.se
          komit <-na.omit(-match(c("transformed.value", "approx.se"), 
          if (length(komit) > 0)
            backtransforms <- backtransforms[, komit]
          komit <-na.omit(-match(c("transformed.value", "approx.se"), 
          if (length(komit) > 0)
            alldiffs.obj$predictions <- alldiffs.obj$predictions[, komit]
      } else
        if ("standard.error" %in% names(backtransforms))
          if (!is.null(approx.se))
            backtransforms$standard.error <- approx.se
            backtransforms$standard.error <- NA
    } else
      if (trans) #there has been a transformation
        if (transform.power != 1)
          ks <- match("standard.error", names(backtransforms))
          backtransforms[[ks]] <- NA
        if (scale != 1)
          ks <- match("standard.error", names(backtransforms))
          backtransforms[[ks]] <- backtransforms[[ks]] / scale
    #Set attributes of backtransform component
    attr(backtransforms, which = "LSDtype") <- attr(alldiffs.obj$predictions, which = "LSDtype")
    attr(backtransforms, which = "LSDby") <- attr(alldiffs.obj$predictions, which = "LSDby")
    attr(backtransforms, which = "LSDstatistic") <- attr(alldiffs.obj$predictions, which = "LSDstatistic")
    attr(backtransforms, which = "LSDaccuracy") <- attr(alldiffs.obj$predictions, which = "LSDaccuracy")
    attr(backtransforms, which = "avsed.tolerance") <- attr(alldiffs.obj$predictions, which = "avsed.tolerance")
    attr(backtransforms, which = "accuracy.threshold") <- attr(alldiffs.obj$predictions, which = "accuracy.threshold")
    attr(backtransforms, which = "alpha") <- attr(alldiffs.obj$predictions, which = "alpha")
    attr(backtransforms, which = "transform.power") <- transform.power
    attr(backtransforms, which = "offset") <- offset
    attr(backtransforms, which = "scale") <- scale
    attr(backtransforms, which = "transform.function") <- transfunc
    alldiffs.obj$backtransforms <- backtransforms

"renewClassify.alldiffs" <- function(alldiffs.obj, newclassify, 
                                     sortFactor = NULL, sortParallelToCombo = NULL, 
                                     sortNestingFactor = NULL, sortOrder = NULL, 
                                     decreasing = FALSE, ...)
  tempcall <- list(...)
  if (any(c("transform.power", "offset", "scale", "transform.function")  %in% names(tempcall)))
    stop(cat("Including transform.power, offset, scale or transform.function in the call is invalid \n",
             "- they are obtained from the backtransform component\n"))
  #Check for meanLSD.type and, if found, rename to LSDtype
  alldiffs.obj <- renameDiffsAttr(alldiffs.obj)
  #determine transform arguments
  if (is.null(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms))
    transform.power <- 1; offset <- 0; scale <- 1; transform.function <- "identity"
  } else
    transform.power <- attr(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms, which = "transform.power")
    offset <- attr(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms, which = "offset")
    scale <- attr(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms, which = "scale")
    transform.function <- attr(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms, which = "transform.function")
    if (is.null(transform.function))
      transform.function <- "identity"
  kattr <- getAllAttr.alldiffs(alldiffs.obj)
  alldiffs.obj <- allDifferences(alldiffs.obj$predictions, classify = newclassify, 
                                 vcov = alldiffs.obj$vcov,
                                 differences = alldiffs.obj$differences, 
                                 p.differences = alldiffs.obj$p.differences, 
                                 sed = alldiffs.obj$sed,
                                 LSD = alldiffs.obj$LSD, 
                                 backtransforms = alldiffs.obj$backtransforms,
                                 transform.power = transform.power, 
                                 offset = offset, 
                                 scale = scale,
                                 transform.function = transform.function, 
                                 response = attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "response"), 
                                 response.title = attr(alldiffs.obj, 
                                                       which = "response.title"),
                                 term = attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "term"), 
                                 tdf = attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "tdf"),
                                 alpha = attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "alpha"),
                                 sortFactor = sortFactor, sortOrder = sortOrder, 
                                 sortParallelToCombo = sortParallelToCombo,
                                 sortNestingFactor = sortNestingFactor, 
                                 decreasing = decreasing, ...)
  alldiffs.obj <- addMissingAttr.alldiffs(alldiffs.obj, kattr)
  #Check that the newclassify uniquely indexes the predictions
  newclass.vars <- fac.getinTerm(attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "classify"), rmfunction = TRUE)
  if (any(table(alldiffs.obj$predictions[newclass.vars]) > 1))
    stop("The newclassify variables do not uniquely index the predictions")

#calls allDiferences.data.frame, but cannot use ... to pass arguments to allDifferences
"linTransform.alldiffs" <- function(alldiffs.obj, classify = NULL, term = NULL, 
                                    linear.transformation = NULL, Vmatrix = FALSE, 
                                    error.intervals = "Confidence", 
                                    avsed.tolerance = 0.25, accuracy.threshold = NA, 
                                    LSDtype = "overall", LSDsupplied = NULL, 
                                    LSDby = NULL, LSDstatistic = "mean", 
                                    LSDaccuracy = "maxAbsDeviation",
                                    zero.tolerance = .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5, 
                                    response = NULL, response.title = NULL, 
                                    x.num = NULL, x.fac = NULL, 
                                    tables = "all", level.length = NA, 
                                    pairwise = TRUE, alpha = 0.05, 
                                    inestimable.rm = TRUE, 
  #Check for deprecated argument meanLSD.type and warn
  tempcall <- list(...)
  if (length(tempcall)) 
    if ("meanLSD.type" %in% names(tempcall))
      stop("meanLSD.type has been deprecated - use LSDtype")

  #Check that a valid object of class alldiffs
  validalldifs <- validAlldiffs(alldiffs.obj)  
  if (is.character(validalldifs))
  alldiffs.obj <- renameDiffsAttr(alldiffs.obj)
  AvLSD.options <- c("overall", "factor.combinations", "per.prediction", "supplied")
  avLSD <- AvLSD.options[check.arg.values(LSDtype, AvLSD.options)]
  if (length(avLSD) != 1)
    avLSD <- NULL
  LSDstat <- getLSDstatOpt(LSDstatistic = LSDstatistic, avLSD = avLSD, LSDby = LSDby)
  LSDacc.options <- c("maxAbsDeviation", "maxDeviation", "q90Deviation", "RootMeanSqDeviation")
  LSDacc <- LSDacc.options[check.arg.values(LSDaccuracy, LSDacc.options)]
  if (length(LSDacc) == 0)
    LSDacc <- "maxAbsDeviation"

  #Check if want a linear transformation
  if (is.null(linear.transformation))
    warning("A linear transformation has not been specified")
    #Get error.intervals
    int.options <- c("none", "Confidence", "StandardError", "halfLeastSignificant")
    int.opt <- int.options[check.arg.values(error.intervals, int.options)]
    #Check have vcov
    if (int.opt != "none" && is.null(alldiffs.obj$vcov))
      stop("Need to have stored the variance matrix of the predictions in alldiffs.obj")
    #Get table option and  check if must form pairwise differences
    tab.options <- c("none", "predictions", "vcov", "backtransforms", 
                     "differences", "p.differences", "sed", "LSD", "all")
    table.opt <- tab.options[unlist(lapply(tables, check.arg.values, options=tab.options))]
    if ("all" %in% table.opt || "differences" %in% table.opt)
      pairwise <- TRUE
    if (inherits(linear.transformation, what = "matrix"))
      lintrans.type <- "matrix"
      if (inherits(linear.transformation, what = "formula"))
        lintrans.type <- "submodel"
        stop("linear.transformation should be either a matrix or a model")
    #get attributes from alldiffs object
    if (is.null(response))
      response <- attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "response")
    if (is.null(response.title))
      response.title <- attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "response.title")
      response.title <- paste(response.title, "transform(s)", sep = " ")
    if (is.null(classify))
      classify <- attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "classify")
    if (is.null(classify))
      stop("The classify has been neither set nor is an attribute of the alldiffs.obj")
    denom.df <- attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "tdf")
    if (is.null(denom.df))
      warning(paste("The degrees of freedom of the t-distribtion are not available in alldiffs.obj\n",
                    "- p-values and LSDs not calculated"))
    #get and set term
    if (is.null(term))
      term <- attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "term")
      if (is.null(term))
        term <- attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "classify")
        attr(alldiffs.obj, which = "term") <- term
    #get attributes from predictions
    preds.attr <- attributes(alldiffs.obj$predictions)
    #get transform attributes from backtransforms
    transform.power <- 1; offset <- 0; scale <- 1; transform.function <- "identity"
    if (!is.null(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms))
      transform.power = attr(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms, which = "transform.power")
      offset = attr(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms, which = "offset")
      scale = attr(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms, which = "scale")
      transform.function = attr(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms, which = "transform.function")
      if (is.null(transform.function))
        transform.function <- identity
    #Project predictions on submodel, if required
    if (lintrans.type == "submodel")
      colnam <- names(alldiffs.obj$predictions)
      #Check that factors in LSDby are in the formula
      term.obj <- as.terms.object(linear.transformation, alldiffs.obj)
      lintrans.fac <- rownames(attr(term.obj, which = "factor"))
      if (!is.null(lintrans.fac) && !all(lintrans.fac %in% colnam))
        stop("Some factors in the linear.transformation are not in the predictions component of the alldiffs object\n")
      if (!is.null(lintrans.fac) && !all(LSDby %in% lintrans.fac))
        warning("Some factors in the LSDby are not in the linear.transformation submodel")
      #Form projector on predictions for submodel
      suppressWarnings(Q <- dae::pstructure(linear.transformation, grandMean = TRUE, 
                                            orthogonalize = "eigen", 
                                            data = alldiffs.obj$predictions)$Q)
      Q.submod <- Q[[1]]
      if (length(Q) > 1)
        for (k in 2:length(Q))
          Q.submod <- Q.submod + Q[[k]]
      Q.submod <- dae::projector(Q.submod)
      #Check classify variables
      vars <- fac.getinTerm(classify, rmfunction = TRUE)
      if (!all(vars %in% colnam))
        stop("Not all of the variables in the classify are in the predictions component of the alldiffs object\n")
      #Process the classify to ensure there is a separate term for covariates
      tmp <- alldiffs.obj$predictions
      facs <- covs <- list()
      for (var in vars)
        if (is.numeric(tmp[[var]]))
          covs <- c(covs, list(var))
          facs <- c(facs, list(var))
      if (length(facs) > 0)
        tmp$fac.comb <- fac.combine(as.list(tmp[unlist(facs)]))
        full.mod <- "fac.comb"
        if (length(covs) > 0)
          covs <- paste(unlist(covs), collapse = " + ")
          full.mod <- paste0(full.mod,"/(",covs,")")
      } else #no facs
        if (length(covs) == 0)
          stop("Did not find any factors or covariates in the classify")
        full.mod <- paste(unlist(covs), collapse = " + ")
      full.mod <- as.formula(paste0("~ ", full.mod))

      #Check that submodel is a subspace of the classify space
      Q <- dae::pstructure(full.mod, grandMean = TRUE, data = tmp)$Q
      Q.class <- Q[[1]]
      if (length(Q) > 1)
        for (k in 2:length(Q))
          Q.class <- Q.class + Q[[k]]
      Q.class <- dae::projector(Q.class)

      if (any(abs(Q.submod %*% Q.class - Q.submod) > 1e-08))
        stop("Model space for ", linear.transformation, ", with ", degfree(Q.submod), 
             " DF, is not a subspace of the space for the classify ", classify, 
             ", with ", degfree(Q.class), " DF.")
      #Form predictions projected onto submodel
      lintrans <- alldiffs.obj$predictions
      lintrans$predicted.value <- as.vector(Q.submod %*% lintrans$predicted.value)
      zeroes <- abs(lintrans$predicted.value) < zero.tolerance
      if (any(zeroes))
        lintrans$predicted.value[zeroes] <- 0
      # Calculate standard errors and the variance matrix for differences between predictions
      if (!is.null(alldiffs.obj$vcov))
        lintrans.vcov <- Q.submod %*% alldiffs.obj$vcov %*% Q.submod
        lintrans.vcov <- setToZero(lintrans.vcov, zero.tolerance = zero.tolerance)
        lintrans$standard.error <- as.vector(sqrt(diag(lintrans.vcov)))
        n <- nrow(lintrans.vcov)
        lintrans.sed <- matrix(rep(diag(lintrans.vcov), each = n), nrow = n) + 
          matrix(rep(diag(lintrans.vcov), times = n), nrow = n) - 
          2 * lintrans.vcov
        lintrans.sed <- setToZero(lintrans.sed, zero.tolerance = zero.tolerance)
        lintrans.sed <- sqrt(lintrans.sed)  
      } else
        lintrans$standard.error <- NA
        lintrans.sed <- NULL  
      #Form alldiffs object for linear transformation
      if (!Vmatrix)
        lintrans.vcov <- NULL
      preds.attr$heading <- c(paste("The original predictions, obtained as described below, have",
                                    "\nbeen linearly transformed to form estimated marginal means.", 
                                    sep = ""),
      attr(lintrans, which = "heading") <- preds.attr$heading
      class(lintrans) <- preds.attr$class
      diffs <- allDifferences(predictions = lintrans, vcov = lintrans.vcov, 
                              sed = lintrans.sed, 
                              LSDtype = LSDtype, LSDsupplied = LSDsupplied, 
                              LSDby = LSDby, LSDstatistic = LSDstat, 
                              LSDaccuracy = LSDacc, 
                              response = response, response.title =  response.title, 
                              term = term, classify = classify, 
                              tdf = denom.df, 
                              transform.power = transform.power, 
                              offset = offset, scale = scale, 
                              transform.function = "identity", 
                              x.num = x.num, x.fac = x.fac,
                              level.length = level.length, 
                              pairwise = pairwise, 
                              inestimable.rm = inestimable.rm, 
                              alpha = alpha)
    } else  #Form estimated linear combinations from predictions using a matrix
      #check that the number of predictions conform
      if ((ncol(linear.transformation) != nrow(alldiffs.obj$predictions)))
        stop("The number of columns in linear.transformation is not equal to ", 
             "the number of estimable predictions")
      if (!is.null(rownames(linear.transformation)))
        lintrans <- data.frame(X = rownames(linear.transformation))
        lintrans <- data.frame(X = 1:nrow(linear.transformation))
      names(lintrans) <- "Combination"
      lintrans$Combination <- factor(lintrans$Combination, levels = lintrans$Combination)
      lintrans$predicted.value <- as.vector(linear.transformation %*% 
      lintrans$predicted.value <- setToZero(lintrans$predicted.value, 
                                            zero.tolerance = zero.tolerance)
      lintrans$est.status <- "Estimable"
      lintrans$est.status[is.na(lintrans$predicted.value)] <- "Aliased"
      # Calculate standard errors and the variance matrix for differences between predictions
      if (!is.null(alldiffs.obj$vcov))
        lintrans.vcov <- linear.transformation %*% alldiffs.obj$vcov %*% t(linear.transformation)
        lintrans.vcov <- setToZero(lintrans.vcov, zero.tolerance = zero.tolerance)
        lintrans$standard.error <- as.vector(sqrt(diag(lintrans.vcov)))
        n <- nrow(lintrans.vcov)
        lintrans.sed <- matrix(rep(diag(lintrans.vcov), each = n), nrow = n) + 
          matrix(rep(diag(lintrans.vcov), times = n), nrow = n) - 2 * lintrans.vcov
        lintrans.sed <- setToZero(lintrans.sed, zero.tolerance = zero.tolerance)
        lintrans.sed <- sqrt(lintrans.sed)  
      } else
        lintrans$standard.error <- NA
        lintrans.sed <- NULL  
      #Form alldiffs object for linear transformation
      if (!Vmatrix)
        lintrans.vcov <- NULL
      preds.attr$heading <- c(paste("The original predictions, obtained as described below, have",
                                    "\nbeen linearly transformed.", sep = ""),
      attr(lintrans, which = "heading") <- preds.attr$heading
      class(lintrans) <- preds.attr$class
      diffs <- allDifferences(predictions = lintrans, vcov = lintrans.vcov, 
                              sed = lintrans.sed, 
                              response = response, response.title =  response.title, 
                              term = classify, classify = "Combination", 
                              tdf = denom.df, 
                              transform.power = transform.power, 
                              offset = offset, scale = scale, 
                              transform.function = transform.function, 
                              x.num = x.num, x.fac = x.fac,
                              level.length = level.length, 
                              pairwise = pairwise, 
                              inestimable.rm = inestimable.rm, 
                              alpha = alpha)
    #Add lower and upper uncertainty limits
    diffs <- redoErrorIntervals.alldiffs(diffs, error.intervals = error.intervals, alpha = alpha, 
                                         avsed.tolerance = avsed.tolerance, 
                                         accuracy.threshold = accuracy.threshold,
                                         LSDtype = LSDtype, LSDsupplied = LSDsupplied, 
                                         LSDby = LSDby, LSDstatistic = LSDstat,
                                         LSDaccuracy = LSDacc, zero.tolerance = zero.tolerance, ...)
    #Outut tables according to table.opt
    if (!("none" %in% table.opt))
      print(diffs, which = table.opt)

preserveAttributes.alldiffs <- function(alldiffs.obj)
  if (!is.null(alldiffs.obj$predictions))
    alldiffs.obj$predictions <- sticky::sticky(alldiffs.obj$predictions)
    cl.vals <- class(alldiffs.obj$predictions)
    class(alldiffs.obj$predictions) <- cl.vals[c(2:length(cl.vals),1)]
  if (!is.null(alldiffs.obj$LSD))
    alldiffs.obj$LSD <- sticky::sticky(alldiffs.obj$LSD)
    cl.vals <- class(alldiffs.obj$LSD)
    class(alldiffs.obj$LSD) <- cl.vals[c(2:length(cl.vals),1)]
  if (!is.null(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms))
    alldiffs.obj$backtransforms <- sticky::sticky(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms)
    cl.vals <- alldiffs.obj$backtransforms
    class(alldiffs.obj$backtransforms) <- cl.vals[c(2:length(cl.vals),1)]

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