BasicBayesian | Create objects of type '"BasicBayesian"'. |
bbricks-package | bbricks: Bayesian Methods and Graphical Model Structures for... |
cancerData | Cancer mortality of 20 cities |
CatDirichlet | Create objects of type "CatDirichlet". |
CatDP | Create objects of type "CatDP". |
CatHDP | Create objects of type "CatHDP". |
CatHDP2 | Create objects of type "CatHDP2". |
dAllIndicators | Get the probabilities of all possible values of the hidden... |
dAllIndicators.HDP | Get the probabilities of all possible values of the hidden... |
dCategorical | Probability mass function for Categorical distribution |
dDir | Density function for Dirichelt distribution |
dGaussian | Density function of Gaussian distribution |
dInvGamma | Density function of Inverse-Gamma distribution |
dInvWishart | Density function of Inverse-Wishart distribution |
dNIW | Density function for Normal-Inverse-Wishart (NIW)... |
DP | Create objects of type "DP". |
dPosterior | Get the density from the posterior distribution. |
dPosterior.CatDirichlet | Density function of the posterior distribution of a... |
dPosterior.GaussianGaussian | Density function of the posterior distribution of a... |
dPosterior.GaussianInvWishart | Density function of the posterior distribution of a... |
dPosterior.GaussianNIG | Density function of the posterior distribution of a... |
dPosterior.GaussianNIW | Density function of the posterior distribution of a... |
dPosterior.LinearGaussianGaussian | Posterior density function of a "LinearGaussianGaussian"... |
dPosteriorPredictive | Get the density value of the posterior predictive... |
dPosteriorPredictive.CatDirichlet | Posterior predictive density function of a "CatDirichlet"... |
dPosteriorPredictive.CatDP | Posterior predictive density function of a "CatDP" object |
dPosteriorPredictive.CatHDP | Posterior predictive density function of a "CatHDP" object |
dPosteriorPredictive.CatHDP2 | Posterior predictive density function of a "CatHDP" object |
dPosteriorPredictive.DP | Posterior predictive density function of a Dirichlet Process... |
dPosteriorPredictive.GaussianGaussian | Posterior predictive density function of a "GaussianGaussian"... |
dPosteriorPredictive.GaussianInvWishart | Posterior predictive density function of a... |
dPosteriorPredictive.GaussianNIG | Posterior predictive density function of a "GaussianNIG"... |
dPosteriorPredictive.GaussianNIW | Posterior predictive density function of a "GaussianNIW"... |
dPosteriorPredictive.HDP | Posterior predictive density function of a "HDP" object |
dPosteriorPredictive.HDP2 | Posterior predictive density function of a "HDP2" object |
dPosteriorPredictive.LinearGaussianGaussian | Posterior predictive density function of a... |
dT | Density function for (multivariate) t distribution |
dWishart | Density function of Wishart distribution |
farmadsData | farm ads data |
GaussianGaussian | Create objects of type "GaussianGaussian". |
GaussianInvWishart | Create objects of type "GaussianInvWishart". |
GaussianNIG | Create objects of type "GaussianNIG". |
GaussianNIW | Create objects of type "GaussianNIW". |
grapes-plus-grapes | a plus b with NA values |
HDP | Create objects of type "HDP". |
HDP2 | Create objects of type "HDP2". |
hlrData | Samples from a hierarchical linear model |
hmmData | Samples from a hidden Markov model |
inferenceJointGaussian | Inference in joint Gaussian distribution |
LinearGaussianGaussian | Create objects of type "LinearGaussianGaussian". |
logsumexp | log sum exp |
lrData | Samples from a simple linear model |
MAP | Get the Maximum A Posteriori(MAP) estimate of a... |
MAP.CatDirichlet | MAP estimate of a "CatDirichlet" object |
MAP.CatDP | Maximum A Posteriori(MAP) estimate of a "CatDP" object |
MAP.GaussianGaussian | Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimate of a "GaussianGaussian"... |
MAP.GaussianInvWishart | Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimate of a "GaussianInvWishart"... |
MAP.GaussianNIG | Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimate of a "GaussianNIG" object |
MAP.GaussianNIW | Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimate of a "GaussianNIW" object |
MAP.LinearGaussianGaussian | Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimate of a... |
marginalLikelihood | Get the marginal likelihood of a "BayesianBrick" object |
marginalLikelihood_bySufficientStatistics | Get the marginal likelihood of a "BayesianBrick" object |
marginalLikelihood_bySufficientStatistics.CatDirichlet | Marginal likelihood of a "CatDirichlet" object, using... |
marginalLikelihood_bySufficientStatistics.CatDP | Marginal likelihood of a "CatDP" object, using sufficient... |
marginalLikelihood_bySufficientStatistics.GaussianGaussian | Marginal likelihood of a "GaussianGaussian" object, using... |
marginalLikelihood_bySufficientStatistics.GaussianInvWishart | Marginal likelihood of a "GaussianInvWishart" object, using... |
marginalLikelihood_bySufficientStatistics.GaussianNIG | Marginal likelihood of a "GaussianNIG" object, using... |
marginalLikelihood_bySufficientStatistics.GaussianNIW | Marginal likelihood of a "GaussianNIW" object, using... |
marginalLikelihood_bySufficientStatistics.LinearGaussianGaussian | Marginal likelihood of a "LinearGaussianGaussian" object,... |
marginalLikelihood.CatDirichlet | Marginal likelihood of a "CatDirichlet" object |
marginalLikelihood.CatDP | Marginal likelihood of a "CatDP" object |
marginalLikelihood.DP | Marginal likelihood for Dirichlet Process(DP) |
marginalLikelihood.GaussianGaussian | Marginal likelihood of a "GaussianGaussian" object |
marginalLikelihood.GaussianInvWishart | Marginal likelihood of a "GaussianInvWishart" object |
marginalLikelihood.GaussianNIG | Marginal likelihood of a "GaussianNIG" object |
marginalLikelihood.GaussianNIW | Marginal likelihood of a "GaussianNIW" object |
marginalLikelihood.HDP | Marginal likelihood for HDP |
marginalLikelihood.HDP2 | Marginal likelihood for HDP2 |
marginalLikelihood.LinearGaussianGaussian | Marginal likelihood of a "LinearGaussianGaussian" object |
MetropolisHastings | Metropolis-Hastings sampler |
mmData | Samples from a mixture model |
mmhData | Samples from a hierarchical mixture model |
mmhhData | Samples from a hierarchical mixture model with two layers of... |
MPE | Get the Mean Posterior Estimate(MPE) of a "BayesianBrick"... |
MPE.CatDirichlet | MPE of a "CatDirichlet" object |
MPE.CatDP | Mean Posterior Estimate(MPE) of a "CatDP" object |
MPE.GaussianGaussian | Mean Posterior Estimate (MPE) of a "GaussianGaussian" object |
MPE.GaussianInvWishart | Mean Posterior Estimate (MPE) of a "GaussianInvWishart"... |
MPE.GaussianNIG | Mean Posterior Estimate (MPE) of a "GaussianNIG" object |
MPE.GaussianNIW | Mean Posterior Estimate (MPE) of a "GaussianNIW" object |
MPE.LinearGaussianGaussian | Mean Posterior Estimate (MPE) of a "LinearGaussianGaussian"... |
pdsDeterminant | determinant of a positive definite symmetric matrix |
pdsInverse | Inverse of a positive definite symmetric matrix |
posterior | update the prior distribution with sufficient statistics |
posterior_bySufficientStatistics | update the prior distribution with sufficient statistics |
posterior_bySufficientStatistics.CatDirichlet | Update a "CatDirichlet" object with sample sufficient... |
posterior_bySufficientStatistics.CatDP | Update a "CatDP" object with sample sufficient statistics |
posterior.CatDirichlet | Update a "CatDirichlet" object with sample sufficient... |
posterior.CatDP | Update a "CatDP" object with sample sufficient statistics |
posterior.CatHDP | Update a "CatHDP" object with sample sufficient statistics |
posterior.CatHDP2 | Update a "CatHDP2" object with sample sufficient statistics |
posteriorDiscard | update the prior distribution with sufficient statistics |
posteriorDiscard_bySufficientStatistics | update the prior distribution with sufficient statistics |
posteriorDiscard_bySufficientStatistics.CatDirichlet | Update the prior Dirichlet distribution with sample... |
posteriorDiscard_bySufficientStatistics.CatDP | Update a "CatDP" object with sample sufficient statistics |
posteriorDiscard.CatDirichlet | Update a "CatDirichlet" object with sample sufficient... |
posteriorDiscard.CatDP | Update a "CatDP" object with sample sufficient statistics |
posteriorDiscard.CatHDP | Update a "CatHDP" object with sample sufficient statistics |
posteriorDiscard.CatHDP2 | Update a "CatHDP2" object with sample sufficient statistics |
posteriorDiscard.DP | Update a "DP" object with sample sufficient statistics |
posteriorDiscard.GaussianGaussian | Update a "GaussianGaussian" object with sample sufficient... |
posteriorDiscard.GaussianInvWishart | Update a "GaussianInvWishart" object with sample sufficient... |
posteriorDiscard.GaussianNIG | Update a "GaussianNIG" object with sample sufficient... |
posteriorDiscard.GaussianNIW | Update a "GaussianNIW" object with sample sufficient... |
posteriorDiscard.HDP | Update a "HDP" object with sample sufficient statistics |
posteriorDiscard.HDP2 | Update a "HDP2" object with sample sufficient statistics |
posteriorDiscard.LinearGaussianGaussian | Update a "LinearGaussianGaussian" object with sample... |
posterior.DP | Update a "DP" object with sample sufficient statistics |
posterior.GaussianGaussian | Update a "GaussianGaussian" object with sample sufficient... |
posterior.GaussianInvWishart | Update a "GaussianInvWishart" object with sample sufficient... |
posterior.GaussianNIG | Update a "GaussianNIG" object with sample sufficient... |
posterior.GaussianNIW | Update a "GaussianNIW" object with sample sufficient... |
posterior.HDP | Update a "HDP" object with sample sufficient statistics |
posterior.HDP2 | Update a "HDP2" object with sample sufficient statistics |
posterior.LinearGaussianGaussian | Update a "LinearGaussianGaussian" object with sample... |
print.BasicBayesian | Print the content of an BasicBayesian object |
print.CatHDP | Print the content of an CatHDP object |
print.CatHDP2 | Print the content of an CatHDP2 object |
print.DP | print the content of a "DP" object |
print.HDP | print the content of a "HDP" object |
print.HDP2 | print the content of a "HDP2" object |
rCategorical | Random generation for Categorical distribution |
rDir | Random generation for Dirichelt distribution |
release_questions | additional release questions |
rGaussian | Random generation for Gaussian distribution |
rInvGamma | Random number generation of Inverse-Gamma distribution |
rInvWishart | Random generation for Inverse-Wishart distribution |
rNIW | Random number generation for Normal-Inverse-Wishart (NIW)... |
rPosterior | Generate random samples from the posterior distribution |
rPosterior.CatDirichlet | Generate ramdom samples from the posterior distribution of a... |
rPosterior.GaussianGaussian | Generate ramdom samples from the posterior distribution of a... |
rPosterior.GaussianInvWishart | Generate one ramdom sample from the posterior distribution of... |
rPosterior.GaussianNIG | Generate ramdom samples from the posterior distribution of a... |
rPosterior.GaussianNIW | Generate ramdom samples from the posterior distribution of a... |
rPosterior.LinearGaussianGaussian | Posterior random generation of a "LinearGaussianGaussian"... |
rPosteriorPredictive | Generate random samples from the posterior predictive... |
rPosteriorPredictive.CatDirichlet | Generate random samples from the posterior predictive... |
rPosteriorPredictive.CatDP | Generate random samples from the posterior predictive... |
rPosteriorPredictive.CatHDP | Generate random samples from the posterior predictive... |
rPosteriorPredictive.CatHDP2 | Generate random samples from the posterior predictive... |
rPosteriorPredictive.DP | Generate random samples from the posterior predictive... |
rPosteriorPredictive.GaussianGaussian | Generate random samples from the posterior predictive... |
rPosteriorPredictive.GaussianInvWishart | Generate random samples from the posterior predictive... |
rPosteriorPredictive.GaussianNIG | Generate random samples from the posterior predictive... |
rPosteriorPredictive.GaussianNIW | Generate random samples from the posterior predictive... |
rPosteriorPredictive.HDP | Generate random samples from the posterior predictive... |
rPosteriorPredictive.HDP2 | Generate random samples from the posterior predictive... |
rPosteriorPredictive.LinearGaussianGaussian | Generate random samples from the posterior predictive... |
rT | Random Generation for (multivariate) t distribution |
rWishart | Random generation for Wishart distribution |
sufficientStatistics | Get sample sufficient statistics |
sufficientStatistics.CatDirichlet | Sufficient statistics of a "CatDirichlet" object |
sufficientStatistics.CatDP | Sufficient statistics of a "CatDP" object |
sufficientStatistics.DP | Sufficient statistics of a "DP" object |
sufficientStatistics.GaussianGaussian | Sufficient statistics of a "GaussianGaussian" object |
sufficientStatistics.GaussianInvWishart | Sufficient statistics of a "GaussianInvWishart" object |
sufficientStatistics.GaussianNIG | Sufficient statistics of a "GaussianNIG" object |
sufficientStatistics.GaussianNIW | Sufficient statistics of a "GaussianNIW" object |
sufficientStatistics.HDP | Sufficient statistics of a "HDP" object |
sufficientStatistics.HDP2 | Sufficient statistics of a "HDP2" object |
sufficientStatistics.LinearGaussianGaussian | Sufficient statistics of a "LinearGaussianGaussian" object |
sufficientStatistics_Weighted | Get weighted sample sufficient statistics |
sufficientStatistics_Weighted.CatDirichlet | Weighted sufficient statistics of a "CatDirichlet" object |
sufficientStatistics_Weighted.CatDP | Weighted sufficient statistics of a "CatDP" object |
sufficientStatistics_Weighted.DP | Weighted sufficient statistics of a "DP" object |
sufficientStatistics_Weighted.GaussianGaussian | Weighted sufficient statistics of a "GaussianGaussian" object |
sufficientStatistics_Weighted.GaussianInvWishart | Weighted sufficient statistics of a "GaussianInvWishart"... |
sufficientStatistics_Weighted.GaussianNIG | Weighted sufficient statistics of a "GaussianNIG" object |
sufficientStatistics_Weighted.GaussianNIW | Weighted sufficient statistics for a "GaussianNIW" object |
sufficientStatistics_Weighted.HDP | Weighted sufficient statistics of a "HDP" object |
sufficientStatistics_Weighted.HDP2 | Weighted sufficient statistics of a "HDP2" object |
sufficientStatistics_Weighted.LinearGaussianGaussian | Weighted sufficient statistics of a "LinearGaussianGaussian"... |
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