
Defines functions fsct mvct csct subset.configTable `[[<-.configTable` `$<-.configTable` `[<-.configTable` as.data.frame.configTable `[.configTable` print.configTable type_from_data checkFactorNames configTable

Documented in configTable csct fsct mvct print.configTable

# New version of configTable
# ==========================
# Modifications:
#   - types "cs", "mv", und "fs"
#   - Behaviour if x already is a configTable
configTable <- function(x, type = c("auto", "cs", "mv", "fs"), frequency = NULL,
                        case.cutoff = 0, rm.dup.factors = FALSE, rm.const.factors = FALSE,
                        .cases = NULL, verbose = TRUE){
  nm.x <- deparse(substitute(x))
  stopifnot(is.data.frame(x) || is.matrix(x), length(case.cutoff) == 1)
  if (is.matrix(x)) {
    if (is.null(colnames(x)))
      colnames(x) <- make.unique(rep(LETTERS, length.out = ncol(x)))
    x <- as.data.frame(x)
  } else if (inherits(x, "configTable")){
    if (!is.null(frequency))
      stop(nm.x, " already is a configTable - argument frequency is not admissable in this case!")
    frequency <- attr(x, "n", exact = TRUE)
    .cases <- attr(x, "cases")
    type <- attr(x, "type")
    x <- as.data.frame(x, warn = FALSE)
  type <- tolower(type)
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (type == "auto") type <- type_from_data(x)
  if (is.null(.cases)){
    .cases <- as.character(rownames(x))
    if (anyNA(iconv(.cases, "", "ASCII"))){
      warning("The row names contain special (non-ASCII) characters and are therefore not used.")
      .cases <- as.character(seq_len(nrow(x)))
  } else {
    if (length(.cases) != nrow(x)) stop("length(.cases) must be the same as nrow(x)")
    if (is.atomic(.cases)) .cases <- as.character(.cases)
  # check if data entries are correct
  datatype <- switch(type, cs = "integer",
                           mv = "integer",
                           fs = "numeric",
                           mv2cs = "integer")
  xvalues <- unlist(x, use.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE)
  if (type == "cs" & !all(xvalues %in% 0:1))
    stop("Only values 0 and 1 are allowed in x with type=\"cs\".")
  if (type == "mv" & !all(xvalues %% 1 == 0 & xvalues >= 0))
    stop("Only integer values >=0 are allowed in x with type=\"mv\".")
  if (type == "fs" & !all(xvalues >= 0 & xvalues <= 1))
    stop("Only values >=0 and <=1 are allowed in x with type=\"fs\".")
  for (i in seq_along(x)) mode(x[[i]]) <- datatype
  cx <- do.call(paste, c(x, list(sep = "\r")))
  cx <- factor(cx, levels = unique(cx))
  ct <- x[!duplicated(cx), , drop = FALSE]
  rownames(ct) <- NULL
  if (is.null(frequency)){
    f <- tabulate(cx)
  } else {
    # frequencies
    if (length(frequency) != nrow(x) || any(frequency < 0) || any(is.na(frequency)))
      stop("Inadmissible frequency argument")
    f <- as.integer(as.vector(rowsum(frequency, cx)))
  # If there are duplicated rows: group case names accordingly
  if (anyDuplicated(cx)){
    .cases <- lapply(unname(split.default(.cases, as.integer(cx))), unlist, 
                     recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
  ll <- lengths(.cases)
  if (any(ll == 0)) .cases[ll == 0] <- list(character(0))
  if (length(ll) > 0 && !isTRUE(all.equal(f, ll, check.attributes = FALSE))){
    .cases <- mapply(rep_len, .cases, f, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    .cases <- unname(
      split.default(make.unique(unlist(.cases, use.names = FALSE)),
                    rep(seq_along(.cases), f)))
  # case.cutoff
  del.cases <- f < case.cutoff
  if (any(del.cases) && verbose){
    message(sum(f[del.cases]), " of ", sum(f),
        " cases are removed due to case.cutoff = ", case.cutoff,
    ct <- ct[!del.cases, , drop = FALSE]
    f <- f[!del.cases]
    .cases <- .cases[!del.cases]
  # remove rows with frequency 0
  if (any(rm.rows <- (f == 0L))) {
    ct <- ct[!rm.rows, , drop = FALSE]
    f <- f[!rm.rows]
    rownames(ct) <- NULL
  # constant columns
  constcols <- vapply(ct, isConstant, logical(1))
  if (any(constcols)){
    nms.constcols <- names(ct)[constcols]
    if (rm.const.factors){
      ct <- ct[, !constcols, drop = FALSE]
      if (verbose) message("The following factors are constant and therefore eliminated: ",
                           C_concat(nms.constcols, sep = ", "))
    } else if (verbose){
    message("The following factors are constant: ",
            C_concat(nms.constcols, sep = ", "))
  # eliminate duplicated columns
  dupcols <- duplicated(t(ct))
  if (any(dupcols)){
    nms.dupcols <- names(ct)[dupcols]
    if (rm.dup.factors){
      ct <- ct[, !dupcols, drop = FALSE]
      if (verbose)
        message("The following factors are duplicates of factors in preceding columns of the data table: ",
                C_concat(nms.dupcols, sep = ", "),
                "\nThey are eliminated (because rm.dup.factors = TRUE).")
    } else if (verbose){
    message("The following factors are duplicates of factors in preceding columns of the data table: ",
            C_concat(nms.dupcols, sep = ", "))
  # Warn if names are not syntactically valid
  nms <- names(ct) <- make.unique(toupper(names(ct)))
  # output
  class(ct) <- c("configTable", "data.frame", "truthTab")
  attr(ct, "n") <- as.vector(f)
  if (any(lc <- lengths(.cases)>1L)){
    .cases[lc] <- lapply(.cases[lc], function(x) sort(unlist(x, use.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE)))
  attr(ct, "cases") <- .cases
  attr(ct, "type") <- type

checkFactorNames <- function(nms, warn = TRUE){
  nms <- gsub("[\\._]+", "", as.character(nms))
  ok <- nms == make.names(nms, unique = TRUE) & !grepl("[[:punct:][:space:]]", nms)
  if (any(!ok) && warn){
    warning("configTable has invalid names (", paste0(nms[!ok], collapse = ", "), 
            "). condition(), cna() and other functions may not work.",
            call. = FALSE)

# Determine data type from input data (for case type = "auto")
type_from_data <- function(d){
  vals <- unique(unlist(d, use.names = FALSE))
  if (all(vals %in% 0:1)) return("cs")
  if (all(vals>=0) && all(vals<=1)) return("fs")
  if (all(vals>=0) && all(vals%%1==0)) return("mv")
  stop("Could not determine data type for data ", deparse(substitute(d)))

# print-method for configTable
# ============================
# New: Type is displayed
# cases now shown as rownames
#   Default show.cases: TRUE, if all rownames shorter than 20 characters
#   ...  digits, quote, right passed to print.data.frame
print.configTable <- function(x, show.cases = NULL, ...){ 
  # check attribute 'n'
  attr.n <- attr(x, "n", exact = TRUE)
  n.ok <- is.numeric(attr.n) && length(attr.n) == nrow(x)
  if (is.null(attr.n)){
    warning("Attribute \"n\" is missing")
  } else if (!n.ok){
    warning("Number of case frequencies does not match nrow(x) - all case frequencies are set to 1.")
  if (!n.ok) attr(x, "n") <- rep(1L, nrow(x))
  # check attribute 'cases'
  attr.cases <- attr(x, "cases", exact = TRUE)
  cases.ok <- length(attr.cases) == nrow(x)
  if (is.null(attr.cases)){
    warning("Attribute \"cases\" is missing")
  } else if (!cases.ok){
    warning("Number of case labels does not match nrow(x) - case labels are ignored.")
    attr(x, "cases") <- NULL
  } else if (any(lengths(attr(x, "cases")) > 100)){
    cases.ok <- FALSE
  # create data frame for printing
  df.args <- list(as.data.frame(x, warn = FALSE), 
                  n.obs = attr(x, "n", exact = TRUE), check.names = FALSE)
  ncols <- length(df.args[[1]])
  prntx <- do.call(data.frame, df.args)
  if (cases.ok){
    rownames(prntx) <- C_mconcat(lapply(attr(x, "cases"), sort), sep = ",")
  cat(paste0("configTable of type \"", attr(x, "type"), "\"\n"))
  if (is.null(show.cases) && nrow(x) > 0){
    show.cases <- max(nchar(rownames(prntx))) <= 20
    labels.suppressed <- !show.cases
  printDfwithBars(prntx, row.names = show.cases, ..., bar.after = ncols)
  cat("Total no.of.cases:", sum(attr(x, "n", exact = TRUE)), "\n")
  if (exists("labels.suppressed", inherits = FALSE) && labels.suppressed)
    message("Printing of case labels is suppressed because some labels are longer than 20 characters.\n",
            "Use print with show.cases=TRUE to display them.")

# "["-method for configTable:
# ===========================
#  Note that default of argument 'drop' differs from that in "[.data.frame"
`[.configTable` <- function(x, i, j, drop = FALSE, rm.dup.factors = FALSE, rm.const.factors = FALSE){
  cl <- sys.call()
  cl$rm.dup.factors <- cl$rm.const.factors <- NULL
  len <- length(cl)
  nms <- names(cl)
  if ("drop" %in% nms && !isFALSE(drop)){
    warning("'drop=TRUE' is ignored")
    cl$drop <- NULL
    len <- len - 1L
  noRowPos <- len == 3
  cl1 <- quote(`[.data.frame`(x, , , drop = FALSE))
  cl1[[2]] <- call("as.data.frame", cl[[2]], warn = FALSE)
  cl1[[3]] <- if (noRowPos || identical(cl[[3]], quote(expr = ))) TRUE else cl[[3]]
  cl1[[3]] <- i <- eval.parent(cl1[[3]])
  cl1[[4]] <- if (noRowPos) cl[[3]] else cl[[4]]
  xx <- eval.parent(cl1)
              type = attr(x, "type"),
              frequency = attr(x, "n", exact = TRUE)[i],
              .cases = attr(x, "cases")[i],
              rm.dup.factors = rm.dup.factors, rm.const.factors = rm.const.factors, verbose = FALSE)

# More methods for class "configTable"
# ====================================
as.data.frame.configTable <- function(x, ..., warn = TRUE){
  class(x) <- "data.frame"
  if (warn && any(attr(x, "n") != 1))
    message("Application of as.data.frame() to a configTable removed the case frequencies.")
  attributes(x)[c("type", "cases", "n")] <- NULL
`[<-.configTable` <- function(x, i, j, value){
  out <- as.data.frame(NextMethod("[<-", x), warn = FALSE)
  row.sel <- nargs() == 5 && !missing(i)
  rows <- if (row.sel) i else if (nrow(x)) TRUE else logical(0)
  out <- configTable(out,
           type = attr(x, "type"),
           frequency = attr(x, "n", exact = TRUE),
           .cases = attr(x, "cases")[rows],
           rm.dup.factors = FALSE, rm.const.factors = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)

`$<-.configTable` <- function(x, name, value){
  out <- as.data.frame(NextMethod("$<-", x), warn = FALSE)
  out <- configTable(out,
           type = attr(x, "type"),
           frequency = attr(x, "n", exact = TRUE),
           .cases = attr(x, "cases"),
           rm.dup.factors = FALSE, rm.const.factors = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)

`[[<-.configTable` <- function(x, i, j, value){
  out <- as.data.frame(NextMethod("[[<-", x), warn = FALSE)
  out <- configTable(out,
           type = attr(x, "type"),
           frequency = attr(x, "n", exact = TRUE),
           .cases = attr(x, "cases"),
           rm.dup.factors = FALSE, rm.const.factors = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)

subset.configTable <- function(x, subset, ...){
  r <- if (missing(subset))
    rep_len(TRUE, nrow(x))
  else {
    e <- substitute(subset)
    r <- eval(e, x, parent.frame())
    if (!is.logical(r))
      stop("'subset' must be logical")
    r & !is.na(r)
  x[r, , ...]

head.configTable <- function (x, n = 6L, ...) 
  stopifnot(length(n) == 1L)
  n <- if (n < 0L) 
    max(nrow(x) + n, 0L)
  else min(n, nrow(x))
  x[seq_len(n), , ...]

tail.configTable <- function (x, n = 6L, ...) 
  stopifnot(length(n) == 1L)
  nrx <- nrow(x)
  n <- if (n < 0L) 
    max(nrx + n, 0L)
  else min(n, nrx)
  x[seq.int(to = nrx, length.out = n), , ...]

# combine:
# ========
# Neu ist der Parameter sep
# combine <- function (x, rows = rownames(x), sep = ""){
#   rows <- do.call(paste, c(x, sep = sep))
#   factor(rows, levels = unique(rows))
# }


# versions of configTable with fixed type
csct <- function(...){
  cl <- match.call(configTable, sys.call())
  cl[[1]] <- quote(configTable)
  cl$type <- "cs"
mvct <- function(...){
  cl <- match.call(configTable, sys.call())
  cl[[1]] <- quote(configTable)
  cl$type <- "mv"
fsct <- function(...){
  cl <- match.call(configTable, sys.call())
  cl[[1]] <- quote(configTable)
  cl$type <- "fs"

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