## Copyright (C) 2012 Marius Hofert, Ivan Kojadinovic, Martin Maechler, and Jun Yan
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <>.
### Various goodness-of-fit test statistics and tests ##########################
### Two-sample test statistic of Remillard, Scaillet (2009) ####################
##' @title Test Statistic of Remillard, Scaillet (2009, "Testing for equality
##' between two copulas")
##' @param u1 (n1, d)-sample of copula observations (in [0,1]^d)
##' @param u2 (n2, d)-sample of copula observations (in [0,1]^d)
##' @param useR logical indicating whether R or C implementations are used
##' @return value of the test statistic
##' @author Marius Hofert
##' @note - See p. 3 in Remillard, Scaillet (2009)
##' - R version slow for larger n1, n2 or d
gofT2stat <- function(u1, u2, useR = FALSE)
## Checks, basic variables etc.
if(!is.matrix(u1)) u1 <- rbind(u1)
if(!is.matrix(u2)) u2 <- rbind(u2)
d1 <- ncol(u1)
d2 <- ncol(u2)
if(d1 != d2)
stop("'u1' and 'u2' must be of the same dimension (same number of columns)")
## Main
n1 <- nrow(u1)
n2 <- nrow(u2)
## Part 1: u1 with u1
res1 <- sum(vapply(seq_len(n1), function(i) {
sum(vapply(seq_len(n1), function(k) {
prod(1-pmax(u1[i,], u1[k,]))
}, numeric(1))
)}, numeric(1)))
## Part 2: u1 with u2
res2 <- sum(vapply(seq_len(n1), function(i) {
sum(vapply(seq_len(n2), function(k) {
prod(1-pmax(u1[i,], u2[k,]))
}, numeric(1))
)}, numeric(1)))
## Part 3: u2 with u2
res3 <- sum(vapply(seq_len(n2), function(i) {
sum(vapply(seq_len(n2), function(k) {
prod(1-pmax(u2[i,], u2[k,]))
}, numeric(1))
)}, numeric(1)))
## Return
(res1/n1^2 - 2*res2/(n1*n2) + res3/n2^2) / (1/n1 + 1/n2)
} else {
.Call(gofT2stat_c, u1, u2)
### Test statistics for gofCopula()-based tests ################################
##' @title Test Statistics for Tests of U[0,1]^d
##' @param u (n, d)-matrix of supposedly U[0,1]^d observations
##' @param method various test statistics. Available are:
##' "Sn" : the test statistic S_n (Cramer-von Mises) in Genest, Remillard, Beaudoin (2009)
##' "SnB" : the test statistic S_n^{(B)} in Genest, Remillard, Beaudoin (2009)
##' "SnC" : the test statistic S_n^{(C)} in Genest, Remillard, Beaudoin (2009)
##' "AnChisq": Anderson-Darling test statistic after map to a chi-square distribution
##' "AnGamma": Anderson-Darling test statistic after map to an Erlang/Gamma distribution
##' @param useR logical indicating whether R or C implementations are used
##' @param ... additional arguments for the different methods
##' @return n-vector of values of the chosen test statistic
##' @author Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler
gofTstat <- function(u, method = c("Sn", "SnB", "SnC", "AnChisq", "AnGamma"),
useR = FALSE, ...)
if(!is.matrix(u)) {
warning("coercing 'u' to a matrix.")
stopifnot(is.matrix(u <- as.matrix(u)))
d <- ncol(u)
n <- nrow(u)
method <- match.arg(method)
"Sn" =
{ ## S_n
if(!hasArg(copula)) stop("object 'copula' required for pCopula() call")
copula <- list(...)$copula
## compute \sum_{i=1}^n (\hat{C}_n(\bm{u}_i) - C_{\theta_n}(\bm{u}_i))^2
## typically \bm{u}_i ~> pobs \hat{\bm{U}}_i
C. <- pCopula(u, copula=copula) # C_{\theta_n}(\bm{u}_i), i=1,..,n
if(useR) {
C.n <- F.n(u, X=u, ...) # \hat{C}_n(\bm{u}_i), i=1,..,n
sum((C.n - C.)^2)
} else {
"SnB" =
{ ## S_n(B)
lu2 <- log1p(-u^2) # n x d matrix of log(1-u_{ij}^2)
## Note (modulo rowSums/colSums):
## Idea: sum1 = sum(prod(1-u^2)) = sum(exp(sum(lu2)))
## = exp(log( sum(exp(rowSums(lu2))) )) = exp(lsum(rowSums(lu2)))
slu2 <- rowSums(lu2) # vector of length n
sum1 <- exp(lsum(cbind(slu2, deparse.level=0L))) # lsum() needs a matrix; result: 1 value
## 2) The notation here is similar to Genest, Remillard,
## Beaudoin (2009) but we interchange k and j (since j always runs
## in 1:d). That being said...
lu <- t(log1p(-u)) # t(n x d matrix of log(1-u_{ij})) --> accessing columns
ln <- log(n)
## Idea:
## 1/n sum_i sum_k prod_j (1-max(u_{ij},u_{kj}))
## = 1/n sum_i sum_k exp( sum_j log(1-max{.,.}) )
## = 1/n sum_i sum_k exp( sum_j log(min{1-u_{ij},1-u_{kj}}) )
## = 1/n sum_i sum_k exp( sum_j min{ log(1-u_{ij}), log(1-u_{kj}) })
## = 1/n sum_i sum_k exp( sum(pmin{ lu[i,], lu[k,]}) )
## = 1/n sum_i exp( log(sum_k exp( sum(pmin{ lu[i,], lu[k,]}) )) )
## = 1/n sum_i exp( lsum( sum(pmin{ lu[i,], lu[k,]}) ) )
## = sum_i exp(-log(n) + lsum( sum(pmin{ lu[i,], lu[k,]}) ))
## = sum_i exp(-log(n) + lsum_{over k in 1:n}( sum(pmin{ lu[i,], lu[k,]}) ))
## => for each fixed i, (l)apply lsum()
sum2mands <- unlist(lapply(1:n, function(i){
lu.i <- lu[,i] ## now i is fixed
sum.k <- vapply(1:n, function(k)# sum over k (n-dim. vector)
sum(pmin(lu.i, lu[,k])), NA_real_)
ls.i <- lsum(cbind(sum.k, deparse.level=0L)) # lsum( sum(pmin(...)) ) for fixed i; 1 value
exp(-ln + ls.i)
n/3^d - sum1/2^(d-1) + sum(sum2mands)
"SnC" =
{ ## S_n(C)
Dn <- apply(u, 1, function(u.){ # Dn is a vector of length n
## u. is one row. We want to know the number of rows of u
## that are (all) componentwise <= u.
mean(apply(t(u) <= u., 2, all)) # TRUE <=> the whole row in u is <= u.
Cperp <- apply(u, 1, prod)
"AnChisq" = ad.test( pchisq(rowSums(qnorm(u)^2), df = d) )$statistic,
"AnGamma" = ad.test( pgamma(rowSums(-log(u)), shape = d) )$statistic,
stop("unsupported method ", method))
### The parametric bootstrap (for computing different goodness-of-fit tests) ###
## See gofCopula() for most arguments
gofPB <- function(copula, x, N, method = c("Sn", "SnB", "SnC"),
estim.method = c("mpl", "ml", "itau", "irho", "itau.mpl"),
trafo.method = if(method == "Sn") "none" else c("cCopula", "htrafo"),
trafoArgs = list(), test.method = c("family", "single"),
verbose = interactive(), useR = FALSE,
ties = NA, ties.method = c("max", "average", "first", "last", "random", "min"),
fit.ties.meth = eval(formals(rank)$ties.method), ...)
.Deprecated("gofCopula(*, simulation = \"pb\")")
.gofPB(copula, x, N, method=method, estim.method=estim.method,
trafo.method=trafo.method, trafoArgs=trafoArgs, verbose=verbose,
useR=useR, ties=ties, ties.method=ties.method,
fit.ties.meth=fit.ties.meth, ...)
## See gofCopula() for most arguments
.gofPB <- function(copula, x, N, method = c("Sn", "SnB", "SnC"),
estim.method = c("mpl", "ml", "itau", "irho", "itau.mpl"),
trafo.method = if(method == "Sn") "none" else c("cCopula", "htrafo"),
trafoArgs = list(), test.method = c("family", "single"),
verbose = interactive(), useR = FALSE,
ties = NA, ties.method = c("max", "average", "first", "last", "random", "min"),
fit.ties.meth = eval(formals(rank)$ties.method), ...)
## Checks -- NB: let the *generic* fitCopula() check 'copula'
stopifnot(N >= 1)
if(!is.matrix(x)) {
warning("coercing 'x' to a matrix.")
stopifnot(is.matrix(x <- as.matrix(x)))
stopifnot((d <- ncol(x)) > 1, (n <- nrow(x)) > 0, dim(copula) == d)
method <- match.arg(method)
estim.method <- match.arg(estim.method)
test.method <- match.arg(test.method)
if(method != "Sn")
trafo.method <- match.arg(trafo.method, c("cCopula", "htrafo"))
if(trafo.method == "htrafo") {
if(!is(copula, "outer_nacopula"))
stop("'trafo.method' = \"htrafo\" only implemented for copula objects of type 'outer_nacopula'")
stop("currently, only Archimedean copulas are supported")
## Input checks
if (method != "Sn" && trafo.method == "none")
stop(sprintf("'trafo.method' must be \"cCopula\" or \"htrafo\" with 'method'=\"%s\"", method))
if (method == "Sn" && trafo.method != "none")
stop(sprintf("'trafo.method' must be \"none\" with 'method'=\"%s\"", method))
## Ties: by default, if at least one column has at least one duplicated entry
if ( <- as.logical(ties))) {
ties <- any(apply(x, 2, anyDuplicated))
if (ties)
warning("argument 'ties' set to TRUE")
## Progress bar
if(verbose) {
pb <- txtProgressBar(max = N+1, style=if(isatty(stdout())) 3 else 1) # setup progress bar
on.exit(close(pb)) # on exit, close progress bar
## 1) Compute the pseudo-observations
uhat <- pobs(x, ties.method = ties.method) <- if (ties == FALSE || ties.method == fit.ties.meth) uhat
else pobs(x, ties.method = fit.ties.meth)
## 2) Fit the copula
## (if test.method = "family", otherwise take the provided copula; this
## is useful for testing random number generators) <- if(test.method == "family") {
fitter <- function(..., test.method)
fitCopula(copula,, method = estim.method,
estimate.variance = FALSE, ...)@copula
fitter(...) # avoids passing on 'test.method' to optim() [can be omitted if 'test.method' is a formal arg of gofCopula()]; see
} else copula
## 3) Compute the realized test statistic
doTrafo <- (method != "Sn" && trafo.method != "none") # (only) transform if method != "Sn" and trafo.method given
u <- if(doTrafo) {
if(length(names(trafoArgs)) != length(trafoArgs))
stop("'trafoArgs' must be a fully named list")
"cCopula"=, c(list(uhat, copula =, trafoArgs)),
"htrafo" =, c(list(uhat, copula =, trafoArgs)),
stop("wrong transformation method"))
} else uhat
T <- if(method == "Sn") gofTstat(u, method = method, copula =, useR = useR)
else gofTstat(u, method = method)
if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 1) # update progress bar
## 4) Simulate the test statistic under H_0
## If ties, get tie structure from x (FIXME?: what if 'x' has no ties, but 'ties = TRUE' ?? )
## IK: If 'x' has no ties, but 'ties = TRUE', extra computations for nothing
if (ties)
ir <- apply(x, 2, function(y) rank(sort(y)))
T0 <- vapply(1:N, function(k) {
## 4.1) Sample the fitted (if test.method = "family") copula
U <- rCopula(n,
if(ties) { ## Sample x may have ties -- Reproduce tie structure of x
for (i in 1:d) {
U <- U[order(U[,i]),]
U[,i] <- U[ir[,i], i]
Uhat <- pobs(U, ties.method = ties.method) <- if (ties == FALSE || ties.method == fit.ties.meth) Uhat
else pobs(U, ties.method = fit.ties.meth)
## 4.2) Fit the copula (if test.method = "family"; see Step 2)) <- if(test.method == "family") {
fitter <- function(..., test.method)
fitCopula(copula,, method = estim.method,
estimate.variance = FALSE, ...)@copula
fitter(...) # see Step 2)
} else copula
## 4.3) Compute the test statistic
u. <- if(doTrafo) { # (no checks needed; all done above)
"cCopula"=, c(list(Uhat, copula =, trafoArgs)),
"htrafo" =, c(list(Uhat, copula =, trafoArgs)))
} else Uhat
T0. <- if(method=="Sn") gofTstat(u., method = method, copula =, useR = useR)
else gofTstat(u., method=method)
if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, k+1) # update progress bar
T0. # return
}, NA_real_)
## 5) Return result object
tr.string <- if (trafo.method == "none") ""
else sprintf(", 'trafo.method'=\"%s\"", trafo.method)
structure(class = "htest",
list(method = paste0(.gofTstr("Parametric", copula, test.method),
sprintf(", with 'method'=\"%s\", 'estim.method'=\"%s\"%s:",
method, estim.method, tr.string)),
parameter = c(parameter = getTheta(,
statistic = c(statistic = T),
p.value = (sum(T0 >= T) + 0.5) / (N + 1), # typical correction => p-values in (0, 1) = deparse(substitute(x))))
## Auxiliary function for informative output
.gofTstr <- function(type, copula, test) {
"bootstrap-based goodness-of-fit test of",
if(test == "single") "a single", # single: *the* exception;
## strongly recommended default "family": not mentioned (if only for back-compatib.)
describeCop(copula, kind = "short"))
### The multiplier bootstrap (for computing different goodness-of-fit tests) ###
##' @title J-score \hat{J}_{\theta_n} for the multiplier bootstrap
##' @param copula An 'copula' (or 'parCopula' or ..)
##' @param u An (n, d)-matrix of (pseudo-)observations
##' @param method "mpl" or one of "itau", "irho"
##' @return A p by n matrix containing \hat{J}_{\theta_n}
##' @author Marius Hofert (based on ideas of Ivan Kojadinovic)
##' Note: References:
##' * For estim.method="mpl":
##' I. Kojadinovic and J. Yan (2011), A goodness-of-fit test for multivariate
##' multiparameter copulas based on multiplier central limit theorems, Statistics
##' and Computing 21:1, pages 17-30
##' * For estim.method="itau" or ="irho" (d=2):
##' I. Kojadinovic, J. Yan and M. Holmes (2011), Fast large-sample goodness-of-fit
##' tests for copulas, Statistica Sinica 21:2, pages 841-871
##' * for the function in general: van der Vaart "Asymptotic Statistics" (2000, p. 179 top)
Jscore <- function(copula, u, method)
## Checks
stopifnot(is(copula, "Copula"))# and let methods below check more
if(!is.matrix(u)) {
warning("coercing 'u' to a matrix.")
stopifnot(is.matrix(u <- as.matrix(u)))
stopifnot((n <- nrow(u)) > 0, (d <- ncol(u)) > 1, dim(copula) == d)
## Deal with different methods
{ ## See page 7 in Kojadinovic and Yan (2011)
stop("Jscore() cannot be computed for 'df.fixed = FALSE'")
## Integrals computed from n realizations by Monte Carlo
influ0 <- dlogcdtheta(copula, u) # (n, p)-matrix
derArg <- dlogcdu (copula, u) # (n, d)-matrix
influ <- lapply(1:d, function(i) influ0*derArg[,i])
p <- nParam(copula, freeOnly=TRUE)
S <- matrix(0, n, p)
for(j in 1:d) {
ij <- order(u[,j], decreasing=TRUE)
Ij <- influ[[j]]
ijb <- vapply(1:n, function(i) sum(t(u[,j]) <= u[i,j]), NA_real_)
S <- S +
rbind(, p),
apply(Ij[ij,,drop=FALSE], 2L, cumsum))[n+1-ijb,,drop=FALSE] / n -
matrix(colMeans(Ij*u[,j]), n, p, byrow=TRUE)
Sigma.n <- crossprod(influ0) / n # = A^T A / n for A = influ0
solve(Sigma.n, t(influ0 - S)) # solve(A, B) solves Ax = B => x = A^{-1}B
stop("method='ml' not available")
{ # See page 849 in Kojadinovic, Yan, and Holmes (2011)
stopifnot(d == 2)
(4/dTau(copula)) * ( 2*pCopula(u, copula) - rowSums(u) + (1-tau(copula))/2 )
{ # See Equation (3.5) on page 847 in Kojadinovic, Yan, and Holmes (2011)
stopifnot(d == 2)
i1 <- order(u[,1], decreasing=TRUE)
i2 <- order(u[,2], decreasing=TRUE)
n <- nrow(u)
i1b <- vapply(1:n, function(k) sum(t(u[,1]) <= u[k,1]), NA_real_)
i2b <- vapply(1:n, function(k) sum(t(u[,2]) <= u[k,2]), NA_real_)
rmu <- rowMeans(u)
term <- c(0, cumsum(u[,2][i1]))[n+1-i1b] / n - rmu +
c(0, cumsum(u[,1][i2]))[n+1-i2b] / n - rmu
(1/dRho(copula)) * ( 12*(apply(u, 1, prod) + term) - 3 - rho(copula) )
stop("wrong method"))
gofMB <- function(copula, x, N, method = c("Sn", "Rn"),
estim.method = c("mpl", "ml", "itau", "irho"),
test.method = c("family", "single"),
verbose = interactive(), useR = FALSE, m = 1/2,
zeta.m = 0, b = 1/sqrt(nrow(x)),
ties.method = c("max", "average", "first", "last", "random", "min"),
fit.ties.meth = eval(formals(rank)$ties.method), ...)
.Deprecated("gofCopula(*, simulation = \"mult\")")
.gofMB(copula, x, N, method=method, estim.method=estim.method,
verbose=verbose, useR=useR, m=m, zeta.m=zeta.m, b=b,
ties.method=ties.method, fit.ties.meth=fit.ties.meth,...)
##' revert to call gofMB() once that is gone
.gofMB <- function(copula, x, N, method = c("Sn", "Rn"),
estim.method = c("mpl", "ml", "itau", "irho"),
test.method = c("family", "single"),
verbose = interactive(), useR = FALSE, m = 1/2,
zeta.m = 0, b = 1/sqrt(nrow(x)),
ties.method = c("max", "average", "first", "last", "random", "min"),
fit.ties.meth = eval(formals(rank)$ties.method), ...)
## Checks -- NB: let the *generic* fitCopula() check 'copula'
stopifnot(N >= 1)
if(!is.matrix(x)) {
warning("coercing 'x' to a matrix.")
stopifnot(is.matrix(x <- as.matrix(x)))
stopifnot((d <- ncol(x)) > 1, (n <- nrow(x)) > 0, dim(copula) == d)
method <- match.arg(method)
estim.method <- match.arg(estim.method)
test.method <- match.arg(test.method)
if(estim.method == "ml") stop("estim.method='ml' not available")
if(estim.method %in% c("irho", "itau") && d > 2)
stop("only bivariate case possible for estim.method='irho' or ='itau'")
## 1) Compute the pseudo-observations
u. <- pobs(x, ties.method = ties.method) <- if (ties.method == fit.ties.meth) u.
else pobs(x, ties.method = fit.ties.meth)
## 2) Fit the copula
## ('copula' is the H_0 copula; = C_{\theta_n}(.)
## unless 'test.method = "single"' in which case it is the
## provided 'copula'; see Step 2) of .gofPB()) <- if(test.method == "family") {
fitter <- function(..., test.method)
fitCopula(copula,, method=estim.method, estimate.variance=FALSE, ...)@copula
} else copula
## 3) Compute the realized test statistic <- pCopula(u., # n-vector
denom <-
if (method == "Rn") # Rn
(*( + zeta.m)^m # n-vector
else ## "Sn"
rep(1, n) # Sn
Cn. <- F.n(u., u.) # n-vector
T <- sum( ((Cn. -^2 ) # test statistic Sn or Rn
if (useR) { ## R version ################################################
## Obtain approximate realizations of the test statistic under H_0
if (verbose)
warning("The 'verbose' argument is ignored in 'gofMB' when 'useR' is set to TRUE")
## The multipliers
Z <- matrix(rnorm(N*n), nrow=N, ncol=n) # (N, n)-matrix
Zbar <- rowMeans(Z) # N-vector
Zcent <- (Z-Zbar) # (N, n)-matrix
## The non-parametric part
## use a trick similar to C.n()
## note: - u. is an (n, d)-matrix
## - t(u.)<=u.[i,] is an (d, n)-matrix
## - colSums(t(u.)<=u.[i,])==d is an n-vector of logicals with kth entry
## I_{\{\hat{\bm{U}}_k <= \bm{u}_i\}}
ind <- vapply(1:n, function(i) colSums(t(u.) <= u.[i,]) == d, logical(n)) # (n, n)-matrix
hCnh. <- Zcent %*% ind # (N, n)-matrix * (n, n)-matrix = (N, n)-matrix
for(j in 1:d) { # bivariate only here
## build a matrix with 1s only, except for the jth column, which contains u.[,j]
u.j <- matrix(1, nrow=n, ncol=d)
u.j[,j] <- u.[,j]
ind.u.j <- vapply(1:n, function(i) colSums(t(u.) <= u.j[i,]) == d, logical(n)) # (n, n)-matrix
Cnh <- Zcent %*% ind.u.j # (N, n)-matrix * (n, n)-matrix = (N, n)-matrix
## finite-differences of the empirical copula at u.
Cjn. <- dCn(u., U=u., j.ind=j, b=b) # n vector
## compute the sum
Cjn.. <- matrix(rep(Cjn., each=N), nrow=N, ncol=n) # auxiliary (N, n)-matrix
hCnh. <- hCnh. - Cjn.. * Cnh # (N, n)-matrix
## Add the parametric part and compute multiplier replicates of T
num <- (hCnh. - Z %*% t(dCdtheta(, u=u.) %*%
Jscore(, u=u., method=estim.method))) # (N, n)-matrix
T0 <- rowSums( (num %*% diag(1 / denom))^2 ) / n^2 # N vector; test statistic Sn^{(h)} or Rn^{(h)}
} else {
## C version ################################################
## .C(cramer_vonMises_grid,
## as.integer(d),
## as.double(u.),
## as.integer(n),
## as.double(u.),
## as.integer(n),
## as.double(pCopula(u.,, # C_{\theta_n}(\hat{\bm{U}}_i), i=1,..,n
## stat=double(1))$stat
## gofTstat(u., method="Sn",
## 4) Simulate the test statistic under H_0
T0 <- .C(multiplier,## -> ../src/gof.c
p = as.integer(d),
U = as.double(u.),
n = as.integer(n),
G = as.double(u.),
g = as.integer(n),
b = as.double(b),
influ = as.double(dCdtheta(, u.) %*%
Jscore(, u=u., method=estim.method)),
denom = as.double(denom),
N = as.integer(N),
s0 = double(N),
verbose = as.integer(verbose))$s0
## Return result object
structure(class = "htest",
list(method = paste0(.gofTstr("Multiplier", copula, test.method),
sprintf(", with 'method'=\"%s\", 'estim.method'=\"%s\":",
method, estim.method)),
parameter = c(parameter = getTheta(,
statistic = c(statistic = T),
p.value = (sum(T0 >= T) + 0.5) / (N + 1), # typical correction => p-values in (0, 1) = deparse(substitute(x))))
### Wrapper ####################################################################
##' @title Goodness-of-fit test wrapper function
##' @param copula An object of type 'copula' representing the H_0 copula
##' @param x An (n, d)-matrix containing the data
##' @param N The number of bootstrap (parametric or multiplier) replications
##' @param method A goodness-of-fit test statistic to be used
##' @param estim.method An estimation method for the unknown parameter vector
##' @param simulation The parametric ('pb') or multiplier ('mult') bootstrap
##' @param verbose A logical indicating whether a progress bar is shown
##' @param ties.method passed to pobs (not for fitting)
##' @param fit.ties.meth passed to pobs (fitting only)
##' @param ... Additional arguments passed to the internal auxiliary functions
##' gofPB() and gofMB()
##' @return An object of class 'htest'
##' @author Ivan Kojadinovic, Marius Hofert
gofCopulaCopula <- function(copula, x, N=1000, method = c("Sn", "SnB", "SnC", "Rn"),
estim.method = c("mpl", "ml", "itau", "irho", "itau.mpl"),
simulation = c("pb", "mult"), test.method = c("family", "single"),
verbose = interactive(),
ties = NA, ties.method = c("max", "average", "first", "last", "random", "min"),
fit.ties.meth = eval(formals(rank)$ties.method), ...)
## Checks
stopifnot(N >= 1)
if(!is.matrix(x)) {
warning("coercing 'x' to a matrix.")
stopifnot(is.matrix(x <- as.matrix(x)))
stopifnot((d <- ncol(x)) > 1, nrow(x) > 0, dim(copula) == d)
method <- match.arg(method)
estim.method <- match.arg(estim.method)
simulation <- match.arg(simulation)
test.method <- match.arg(test.method)
ties.method <- match.arg(ties.method)
fit.ties.meth <- match.arg(fit.ties.meth)
if (method == "Sn" && is(copula, "tCopula") && !copula@df.fixed)
stop("'method'=\"Sn\" not available for t copulas whose df are not fixed as pCopula() cannot be computed for non-integer degrees of freedom yet.")
## Deprecation
## if (!is.null(print.every)) {
## warning("Argument 'print.every' is deprecated. Please use 'verbose' instead.")
## verbose <- print.every > 0
## }
## Back-compatibility
if(missing(estim.method) && !missing(method)) {
eMeth <- eval(formals()$estim.method)
if(! <- pmatch(method, eMeth))) {
warning("old (pre 0.999-*) argument 'method' is now called 'estim.method'")
estim.method <- eMeth[i]
method <- "Sn"
## Distinguish the methods
"pb" = { ## parametric bootstrap
.gofPB(copula, x, N = N, method = method, estim.method = estim.method,
test.method = test.method, verbose = verbose,
ties = ties, ties.method = ties.method,
fit.ties.meth = fit.ties.meth, ...)
"mult" = { ## multiplier bootstrap
.gofMB(copula, x = x, N = N, method = method, estim.method = estim.method,
test.method = test.method, verbose = verbose,
ties.method = ties.method, fit.ties.meth = fit.ties.meth, ...)
stop("Invalid simulation method ", simulation))
setMethod("gofCopula", signature("parCopula"), gofCopulaCopula)
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