
Defines functions check_routing check_rule range_overlap add_column merge_arglists is_connected if.else

#' @aliases ability_tables
#' @export

#' @export

if.else = function(s,a,b) if(s){a}else{b}

is_connected = function(booklet_id, first,last)
  dsg = tibble(booklet_id = rep(as.integer(booklet_id), last-first+1),
               param = do.call(c,mapply(':',first,last,SIMPLIFY=FALSE)))
  tb = table(dsg$param, dsg$booklet_id)
  mt = crossprod(tb,tb)
  mode(mt) = 'integer'
  # DFS

# mix default with user args
merge_arglists = function(args, default = NULL, override = NULL)
    default = list()
    override = list()
  res = modifyList(default, args)
  res = modifyList(res, override)

# add named column(s) to the end of a data.frame
add_column = function(df, ...)
  dots = list(...)
  if(is.null(names(dots)) || any(names(dots) == ''))
    stop('arguments must be named')
  for(nm in names(dots))
    vec = dots[[nm]]
      vec = vec[0]
    stopifnot(length(vec)==1 || NROW(df) == length(vec))
    df[[nm]] = vec

# given min and max values defining a number of ranges
# returns a logical vector indicating whether each range overlaps 
# with any others in the set
range_overlap = function(mn, mx)
  stopifnot(length(mn) == length(mx))
  stopifnot(all(mx >= mn))
  if(length(mn) == 1) return(FALSE)
  combinations = as.data.frame(combn(1:length(mn), 2))
  overlap = unlist(lapply(combinations, function(i)
    between(mn[i[1]], mn[i[2]], mx[i[2]]) || 
      between(mx[i[1]], mn[i[2]], mx[i[2]]) ||
      between(mx[i[2]], mn[i[1]], mx[i[1]])
  ovl = combinations[overlap] %>% unlist() %>% unique()
  vapply(1:length(mn), function(i){ i %in% ovl}, FALSE)

# check a single rule in mst rules for syntactic validity
check_rule = function(rule)
  #if(names(rule)[length(rule)] != 'sym')
  #  stop(paste('error in rule:\n',paste(rule, collapse=''),'rule should end with a module name'))
  mod_name = function(ch) if(names(ch) != 'sym') 'unexpected operator'
  lbracket = function(ch) if(names(ch) != 'op' || ch != '[') paste('expected `[`, found:', ch)
  rbracket = function(ch) if(names(ch) != 'op' || ch != ']') paste('expected `]`, found:', ch)
  col = function(ch) if(names(ch) != 'op' || ch != ':') paste('expected `:`, found:', ch)
  minus = function(ch) if(names(ch) != 'op' || ch != '-') paste('expected `-`, found:', ch)
  plus = function(ch) if(names(ch) != 'op' || ch != '+') paste('expected `+`, found:', ch)
  minrt = function(ch)
    if(!(names(ch) == 'sym' && grepl('^\\d+$', ch, perl=TRUE))) 
      'minimum routing value has to be an integer larger than zero'
  maxrt = function(ch)
    if(!(names(ch) == 'sym' && grepl('^(Inf)|(\\d+)$', ch, perl=TRUE))) 
      'maximum routing value should be an integer or Inf'
  check = rep_len(list(mod_name, lbracket, minrt, col, maxrt, rbracket, minus, minus, plus), length(rule))
  for(i in seq_along(rule))
    msg = check[[i]](rule[i])
      indx = sum(sapply(rule[1:i-1],nchar)) -1
      msg = paste('error in rule:\n',
                  paste(rule, collapse=''),'\n', 
                  paste(rep_len(' ',indx), collapse=''),'^\n',

# given routing_rules as returned by mst_rules
# checks the validty (without regard to items)
# returns nothing, called for side effect of throwing an error
# might work for last routing as well as all, to test
check_routing = function(routing_rules)
  fmod = factor(routing_rules$module_id)
  routing_rules$miid = match(fmod, routing_rules$module_id)
  path_collision = routing_rules %>%
    mutate(exit_min = coalesce(.data$exit_min,0L), 
           exit_max = coalesce(.data$exit_max, .Machine$integer.max)) %>%
    group_by(.data$booklet_id) %>%
    mutate(path = paste(Reduce(paste, .data$miid, accumulate = TRUE)),
           nextmod = lead(.data$module_id)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    group_by(.data$path, .data$nextmod) %>%
      d = .
      if(nrow(distinct(d, .data$exit_min, .data$exit_max)) > 1)
        stop(paste0("multiple routes from module '", unique(d$module_id), "' to module '", unique(d$nextmod), "'"))
      slice(d, 1)
    }) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    group_by(.data$path) %>%
    filter(range_overlap(.data$exit_min, .data$exit_max))
  if(nrow(path_collision) > 0)
    stop(paste('booklets', paste0("'", path_collision$booklet_id, "'", collapse=','),
               'have overlapping routing rules'))

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dexterMST documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:35 p.m.