
Defines functions to_df.status create_flow_det update_flow_det summarize_flow_det .summarize_flow_det get_status.data.frame get_status.character get_status.flow final_status get_status status get_wds

Documented in get_status get_status.character get_status.data.frame get_status.flow get_wds status to_df.status

## will be extended to flowid later
## x="/scratch/iacs/ngs_runs/*"

#' Get all the (sub)directories in a folder
#' @param x path to a folder
#' @export
get_wds <- function(x){
  wds = list.files(dirname(x), full.names = TRUE, pattern = basename(x))
  #wds = list.dirs(x, full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE)
  y = file.info(wds)
  ## if the current folder contains a rds file
  if(file.exists(file.path(x, "flow_details.rds")))
  dirs = rownames(with(y, {subset(y, isdir == TRUE)}))

#' @title Monitor status of flow(s)
#' @description 
#' Summarize status of a flow OR multiple flows OR a high-level summary of all flows in a folder.
#' @aliases status
#' @param x path to the flow root folder or a parent folder to summarize several flows.
#' @param use_cache This skips checking status of jobs which have already been completed a
#' and assumes no new jobs were submitted in the flow(s) being monitored. [FALSE]
#' @param out_format passed onto knitr:::kable. supports: markdown, rst, html... [markdown]
#' @param progress Whether or not to show a progress bar, when fetching/reading files [TRUE]
#' @inheritParams to_flow
#' @details
#' basename(x) is used in a wild card search.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Get status of all the flows: 
#'   (all flows with 'sleep_pipe' in their name are checked and their status is shown)
#'   <br>
#'   \code{flowr status x=~/flowr/runs/sleep_pipe*}
#'   \item Provide a high level summary of ALL flows in a folder:
#'   <br>
#'    \code{flowr status x=~/flowr/runs}
#' }
#' Use \strong{use_cache}=TRUE to speed up checking the status. 
#' This assumes that no new jobs have been submitted and skips (re-)checking status of 
#' completed jobs.
#' Once all the jobs have been submitted to the cluster you may always use \code{use_cache=TRUE}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' status(x = "~/flowr/runs/sleep_pipe*")
#' ## an example for running from terminal
#' flowr status x=path_to_flow_directory
#' }
status <- function(x, 
                   use_cache = FALSE,
                   verbose = opts_flow$get("verbose"),
                   out_format = "markdown", ...){
  # get the total jobs
  #wds = list.files(path = dirname(x), pattern = basename(x), full.names = TRUE)
    stop("Please provide a path to a flow wd. x='my-awesome-flowpath'")
  # if a flow object it specified
    return(get_status(x, out_format = out_format, verbose = verbose, use_cache = use_cache, ...))
  wds = get_wds(x)
  lst = lapply(wds, function(wd){
    ncol = getOption("width"); #Sys.getenv("COLUMNS")
    hd = paste(rep("=", as.numeric(ncol)), collapse = "")
    message(paste0("\n", hd,
                   "\nSummarizing status (using triggers) of: \n", wd))
      message("Using cache for speed, skipping checking jobs, which were previously marked complete...")
    x = read_fobj(wd)
      # handle a case for local, and when flow was not submitted
      # if status is 'created' etc, use the working dir to extract trigger files.
      if(status_cat(x@status) < status_cat("dry-run"))
        lst = get_status(wd, out_format = out_format, verbose = verbose, 
                         use_cache = use_cache, ...)
        lst = get_status(x, out_format = out_format, verbose = verbose, 
                         use_cache = use_cache, ...)

      lst = get_status(x, out_format = out_format, verbose = verbose, 
                       use_cache = use_cache, ...)

#' @rdname status
#' @param ... not used
#' @export
get_status <- function(x, ...) {

final_status <- function(x){
  #statuses = sapply(x@jobs, function(y) y@status)
  statuses = x
  if(all(statuses == "completed")){ ## all complete
    final = "complete"
  }else if(any(statuses == "errored")){ ## some errored
    final = "errored"
  }else if(all(statuses == "pending")){ ## all pending
    final = "pending"
  }else if(any(statuses == "processing")){ ## some processing
    final = "processing"
  }else if(any(statuses == "pending")){ ## some pending
    final = "processing"

#' @rdname status
#' @export
get_status.flow <- function(x, verbose, use_cache, out_format, ...){
  ## --- get initial flow_det from the flow object
  flow_det = to_flowdet(x)
  ## --- update the flow_det using the triggers
  flow_det = get_status(flow_det, verbose, use_cache, ...)
  #write_flow_status_fl(x = x, summ = summ)
  summ = summarize_flow_det(flow_det, out_format = out_format)
  ## -- updating flow object
  for(i in nrow(summ)){
    jobnm = summ$jobnm[i]
    status = summ$status[i]
    x@jobs[[jobnm]]@status = status
  status = final_status(summ$status)
  x@status = status
  ## --- if input is a flow
  ## update status and exit code in the flow object
  ## write out fobj, status and flow_det
  write_flow_details(x = x@flow_path, summ = summ, flow_det = flow_det)
  #flow_det = try(update_flow_det(wd = x@flow_path, mat_cmd = mat_cmd))
  invisible(list(summary = summ, status = status, flow_path = x@flow_path))

#' @rdname status
#' @export
get_status.character <- function(x, verbose, use_cache, out_format, ...){
  ## Get a shorter get_status
  ## this is a summarizing of several flows, 
  ## this would be especially slow at times.
  if(verbose > 1)
    message("getting to_flowdet")
  fl = file.path(x, "flow_details.txt")
  if(use_cache == TRUE & file.exists(fl)){
    flow_det = read_sheet(fl);
    if(verbose > 1)
      message("skipped to_flowdet")
    # if x is a character
    flow_det = to_flowdet.rootdir(x)
  flow_det = get_status(flow_det, verbose, use_cache, ...)
  summ = summarize_flow_det(flow_det, out_format = out_format)
  status = final_status(summ$status)
  write_flow_details(x, summ = summ, flow_det = flow_det)
  invisible(list(summary = summ, status = status))

#' @rdname status
#' @export
get_status.data.frame <- function(x, verbose, use_cache, progress = TRUE, ...){
  ## get exit codes for all triggers
  ## got over each row of flowdet and work through it
  ## one may need to make this faster, for now, we will just show a progress bar
  if(verbose > 1)
    message("fetching exit codes...")
  # eval is we need to show progress
  show_progress = all(progress, nrow(x) > 1)
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = nrow(x), style = 3)
  get_exit_code <-  function(i){
    if(show_progress) pb$up(i)
    fl = x$trigger[i]
    ## skip reading the code
    code = x$exit_code[i]
    code = ifelse(is.null(code), -1, code)
    code = ifelse(is.na(code), -1, code)
    if(verbose > 2)
      message("previous exit code: ", code)
    if( code == 0 & use_cache){
      tmp <- as.numeric(scan(fl, what = "character", quiet = TRUE))
      code <- ifelse(length(tmp) > 0, tmp, -1) ## -1 mean not completed
  exit_code <- lapply(1:nrow(x), get_exit_code) 
  exit_code = unlist(exit_code)
  if(show_progress)  close(pb)
  x$started = !is.na(exit_code)
  x$exit_code = exit_code

## depreciated
.summarize_flow_det <- function(x, out_format){
  ## summarize
  nm <- tapply(x$jobnm, INDEX = x$jobname, unique)
  jobs_total <- tapply(x$jobname, INDEX = x$jobname, length)
  jobs_compl <- tapply(x$exit_code, INDEX = x$jobname,
                       function(z) sum(z > -1, na.rm = TRUE)) ## counts no. more than -1
  jobs_status <- tapply(x$exit_code, INDEX = x$jobname, function(z) sum(ifelse(z>0, 1, 0), na.rm = TRUE))
  jobs_started <- tapply(x$started, INDEX = x$jobname, function(z) sum(z))
  summ = data.frame(total = jobs_total, started = jobs_started,
                    completed = jobs_compl, exit_status = jobs_status, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  status = sapply(1:nrow(summ), function(i){
    diff = summ$total[i] - summ$completed[i]
    if(diff == 0){
    }else if(diff < "summ$total[i]"){
  summ$status = status
  tmp <- params::kable(summ, out_format, output = FALSE)
  message(paste(tmp, collapse = "\n"))
  summ = cbind(jobname = rownames(summ), jobnm = nm, summ)

summarize_flow_det <- function(x, out_format){
  ## summarize
  nm <- tapply(x$jobnm, INDEX = x$jobname, unique)
  jobs_total <- tapply(x$jobname, INDEX = x$jobname, length)
  jobs_compl <- tapply(x$exit_code, INDEX = x$jobname,
                       function(z) sum(z > -1, na.rm = TRUE)) ## counts no. more than -1
  jobs_status <- tapply(x$exit_code, INDEX = x$jobname, function(z) sum(ifelse(z>0, 1, 0), na.rm = TRUE))
  jobs_started <- tapply(x$started, INDEX = x$jobname, function(z) sum(z))
  summ = data.frame(total = jobs_total, started = jobs_started,
                    completed = jobs_compl, exit_status = jobs_status, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  status = sapply(1:nrow(summ), function(i){
    diff = summ$total[i] - summ$completed[i]
    if(summ$exit_status[i] > 0){
    }else if(diff == 0){
    }else if (summ$started[i] == 0){
    }else if(summ$started[i] > 0){
  summ$status = status
  tmp <- params::kable(summ, out_format, output = FALSE)
  message(paste(tmp, collapse = "\n"))
  summ = cbind(jobname = rownames(summ), jobnm = nm, summ)

### provides status of a single flow
## read and update flow_details status
# wd = "/scratch/iacs/iacs_dep/sseth/flows/JZ/telseq/my_super_flow-2015-02-15-20-11-21-UZOwi8Q2"

## --------------------- d e p r e c i a t e d        f u n c t i o n s ----------------------------- ##

# update_flow_det
# @param wd flow working directory
# @param mat_cmd a table with details about cmd files
# @details
# Get the flow_det files from wd, and update it with new statuses.
update_flow_det <- function(wd, mat_cmd){
  flow_det = read_flow_detail_fl(wd)
  rownames(flow_det) = paste(flow_det$jobname, flow_det$job_no, sep = "_")
  rownames(mat_cmd) = paste(mat_cmd$job_id, mat_cmd$num, sep = "_")
  flow_det$started = mat_cmd[rownames(flow_det), 'started']## track using rownames
  flow_det$exit_code = mat_cmd[rownames(flow_det), 'status']## track using rownames
  flow_det$file = mat_cmd[rownames(flow_det),'file']
  write_flow_detail_fl(x = wd, flow_det = flow_det)
  #   head(flow_det)
  #   head(mat_cmd)

#' @importFrom utils write.table
create_flow_det <- function(fobj){
  ret <- lapply(1:length(fobj@jobs), function(i){
    ids = fobj@jobs[[i]]@id ## jobid for submission
    deps = fobj@jobs[[i]]@dependency
    deps = sapply(deps, paste, collapse = ";")
    prev = fobj@jobs[[i]]@previous_job ## works for single type jobs
    prev = paste(prev, collapse = ";")
    #ifelse(prev != "") prev = paste(prev, 1:length(fobj@jobs[[prev]]@id), sep = "_")
    job_no = 1:length(ids)
    job_id = paste(fobj@jobs[[i]]@jobname, job_no, sep = "_")
    mat = cbind(jobname = fobj@jobs[[i]]@jobname,
                jobnm = fobj@jobs[[i]]@name,
                job_no = job_no, job_sub_id = ids,
                job_id = job_id,prev = prev,
                dependency = ifelse(is.null(unlist(deps)), NA, unlist(deps)),
                status = fobj@jobs[[i]]@status, exit_code = NA)
  flow_details = do.call(rbind, ret)
  write.table(flow_details, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE,
              file = sprintf("%s/flow_details.txt",fobj@flow_path, fobj@name))

#' to_df.status
#' convert the status to a df. To be called from R
#' @param x folder with multiple runs
#' @return a data.frame with status per dir.
#' @export
to_df.status <- function(x){
  # x = "/rsrch3/scratch/iacs/sseth/flows/SS/tnbc/ms51_wex/ss_cl_het/runs2/."
  stat = flowr::status(x)

  df_summ = lapply(seq_along(stat), function(i){
    message(i, " ", appendLF = F);x = stat[[i]];message(x$flow_path)
    x$summary$flow_path_full = as.character(x$flow_path)
    x$summary$flow_path = basename(x$summary$flow_path_full)
  df_summ = rbind(df_summ)

  x = "/scratch/iacs/ngs_runs/140917_SN746_0310_AC5GKGACXX/logs/"
  # Rscript -e 'library(flow); get_flow_status("shrna-Z1-2400REF1-ca2caca1-c484-4034-8f7c-d9b07c595095")'
  ## Rscript -e 'flow:::status("log")'

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flowr documentation built on March 3, 2021, 1:12 a.m.