
Defines functions read.amsr download.amsr

Documented in download.amsr read.amsr

# vim:textwidth=80:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4

#' Class to Store AMSR-2 Satellite Data
#' This class stores data from the AMSR-2 satellite.
#' The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-2) is in current operation on
#' the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) GCOM-W1 space craft, launched in
#' May 2012. Data are processed by Remote Sensing Systems. The satellite
#' completes an ascending and descending pass during local daytime and nighttime
#' hours respectively. Each daily file contains 7 daytime and 7 nighttime
#' maps of variables named as follows within the `data`
#' slot of amsr objects: `timeDay`,
#' `SSTDay`, `LFwindDay` (wind at 10m sensed in
#' the 10.7GHz band), `MFwindDay` (wind at 10m sensed at 18.7GHz),
#' `vaporDay`, `cloudDay`, and `rainDay`, along with
#' similarly-named items that end in `Night`.
#' See reference 1 for additional information on the instrument, how
#' to cite the data source in a paper, etc.
#' The bands are stored in [raw()] form, to save storage. The accessor
#' function \code{\link{[[,amsr-method}} can provide these values in `raw`
#' form or in physical units; [plot,amsr-method()], and
#' [summary,amsr-method()] work with physical units.
#' @templateVar class amsr
#' @templateVar dataExample {}
#' @templateVar metadataExample Examples that are of common interest include  `longitude` and `latitude`, which define the grid.
#' @template slot_summary
#' @template slot_put
#' @template slot_get
#' @author Dan Kelley and Chantelle Layton
#' @references
#' 1. Information on the satellite, how to cite the data, etc. is
#' provided at `http://www.remss.com/missions/amsr/`.
#' 2. A simple interface for viewing and downloading data is at
#' `http://images.remss.com/amsr/amsr2_data_daily.html`.
#' @family classes holding satellite data
#' @family things related to amsr data
setClass("amsr", contains="satellite")

    definition=function(.Object, filename, ...) {
        .Object <- callNextMethod(.Object, ...)
        if (!missing(filename))
            .Object@metadata$filename <- filename
        .Object@processingLog$time <- presentTime()
        .Object@processingLog$value <- "create 'amsr' object"

    definition=function(object) {
        cat("Data (physical units):\n")
        dataNames <- names(object@data)
        for (b in seq_along(dataNames)) {
            dim <- if (is.list(object@data[[b]])) dim(object@data[[b]]$lsb) else dim(object@data[[b]])
            cat("  \"", dataNames[b], "\" has dimension c(", dim[1], ",", dim[2], ")\n", sep="")

#' An amsr dataset for waters near Nova Scotia
#' This is a composite satellite image combining views for
#' 2020 August 9, 10 and 11, trimmed from a world view to a view
#' spanning 30N to 60N and 80W to 40W; see \dQuote{Details}.
#' The following code was used to create this dataset.
#' library(oce)
#' data(coastlineWorldFine, package="ocedata")
#' d1 <- read.amsr(download.amsr(2020, 8,  9, "~/data/amsr"))
#' d2 <- read.amsr(download.amsr(2020, 8, 10, "~/data/amsr"))
#' d3 <- read.amsr(download.amsr(2020, 8, 11, "~/data/amsr"))
#' d <- composite(d1, d2, d3)
#' amsr <- subset(d,    -80 < longitude & longitude < -40)
#' amsr <- subset(amsr,  30 < latitude  &  latitude <  60)
#' @name amsr
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(amsr)
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(coastlineWorld)
#' data(amsr)
#' plot(amsr, "SST")
#' lines(coastlineWorld[["longitude"]], coastlineWorld[["latitude"]])
#' @family satellite datasets provided with oce
#' @family datasets provided with oce
#' @family things related to amsr data

#' Summarize an amsr Object
#' Although the data are stored in [raw()] form, the summary
#' presents results in physical units.
#' @param object an [amsr-class] object.
#' @param ... ignored.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to amsr data
    definition=function(object, ...) {
        cat("Amsr Summary\n------------\n\n")
        showMetadataItem(object, "filename",   "Data file:           ")
        cat(sprintf("* Longitude range:     %.4fE to %.4fE\n", object@metadata$longitude[1], tail(object@metadata$longitude, 1)))
        cat(sprintf("* Latitude range:      %.4fN to %.4fN\n", object@metadata$latitude[1], tail(object@metadata$latitude, 1)))
        for (name in names(object@data))
            object@data[[name]] <- object[[name]] # translate to science units
        invisible(callNextMethod())        # summary

#' Extract Something From an amsr Object
#' @param x an [amsr-class] object.
#' @section Details of the Specialized Method:
#' If `i` is `"?"`, then the return value is a list
#' containing four items, each of which is a character vector
#' holding the names of things that can be accessed with `[[`.
#' The `data` and `metadata` items hold the names of
#' entries in the object's data and metadata
#' slots, respectively. The `dataDerived`
#' and `metadataDerived` items are each NULL, because
#' no derived values are defined by [cm-class] objects.
#' Data within the `data` slot may be found directly, e.g.
#' `i="SSTDay"` will yield sea-surface temperature in the daytime
#' satellite, and `i="SSTNight"` is used to access the nighttime data. In
#' addition, `i="SST"` yields a computed average of the night and day values
#' (using just one of these, if the other is missing). This scheme of
#' providing computed averages works for
#' all the data stored in `amsr` objects, namely:
#' `time`, `SST`, `LFwind`, `MFwind`,
#' `vapor`, `cloud` and `rain`.  In each case, the default
#' is to calculate values in scientific units, unless `j="raw"`, in
#' which case the raw data are returned.
#' The conversion from raw to scientific units is done with formulae
#' found at `http://www.remss.com/missions/amsre`, e.g. SST is
#' computed by converting the raw value to an integer (between 0 and 255),
#' multiplying by 0.15C, and subtracting 3C.
#' The `"raw"` mode can be useful
#' in decoding the various types of missing value that are used by `amsr`
#' data, namely `as.raw(255)` for land, `as.raw(254)` for
#' a missing observation, `as.raw(253)` for a bad observation,
#' `as.raw(252)` for sea ice, or `as.raw(251)` for missing SST
#' due to rain or missing water vapour due to heavy rain. Note that
#' something special has to be done for e.g. `d[["SST","raw"]]`
#' because the idea is that this syntax (as opposed to specifying
#' `"SSTDay"`) is a request to try to find good
#' data by looking at both the Day and Night measurements. The scheme
#' employed is quite detailed. Denote by "A" the raw value of the desired field
#' in the daytime pass, and by "B" the corresponding value in the
#' nighttime pass. If either A or B is 255, the code for land, then the
#' result will be 255. If A is 254 (i.e. there is no observation),
#' then B is returned, and the reverse holds also. Similarly, if either
#' A or B equals 253 (bad observation), then the other is returned.
#' The same is done for code 252 (ice) and code 251 (rain).
#' @return
#' In all cases, the returned value is a matrix with
#' with `NA` values inserted at locations where
#' the raw data equal `as.raw(251:255)`, as explained
#' in \dQuote{Details}.
#' @examples
#' # Histogram of SST values
#' library(oce)
#' data(amsr)
#' hist(amsr[["SST"]])
#' @template sub_subTemplate
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to amsr data
    signature(x="amsr", i="ANY", j="ANY"),
    definition=function(x, i, j, ...) {
        debug <- getOption("oceDebug")
        oceDebug(debug, "amsr [[ {\n", unindent=1)
        if (missing(i))
            stop("Must name a amsr item to retrieve, e.g. '[[\"panchromatic\"]]'", call.=FALSE)
        i <- i[1]                # drop extras if more than one given
        if (!is.character(i))
            stop("amsr item must be specified by name", call.=FALSE)
        dataDerived <- c("cloud", "LFwind", "MFwind", "rain", "SST",
            "time", "vapor")
        if (i == "?") {
        if (is.character(i) && !is.na(pmatch(i, names(x@metadata)))) {
            oceDebug(debug, "} # amsr [[\n", unindent=1)
        namesAllowed <- c(names(x@data), dataDerived)
        if (!(i %in% namesAllowed)) {
            stop("band '", i, "' is not available in this object; try one of: ",
                paste(namesAllowed, collapse=" "))
        # get numeric band, changing land, n-obs, bad-obs, sea-ice and windy to NA
        getBand<-function(b) {
            bad <- b == as.raw(0xff)| # land mass
            b == as.raw(0xfe)| # no observations
            b == as.raw(0xfd)| # bad observations
            b == as.raw(0xfc)| # sea ice
            b == as.raw(0xfb) # missing SST or wind due to rain, or missing water vapour due to heavy rain
            b <- as.numeric(b)
            b[bad] <- NA
        dim <- c(length(x@metadata$longitude), length(x@metadata$latitude))
        if (missing(j) || j != "raw") {
            # Apply units; see http://www.remss.com/missions/amsre
            # FIXME: the table at above link has two factors for time; I've no idea
            # what that means, and am extracting what seems to be seconds in the day.
            if      (i == "timeDay") res <- 60*6*getBand(x@data[[i]]) # FIXME: guessing on amsr time units
            else if (i == "timeNight") res <- 60*6*getBand(x@data[[i]]) # FIXME: guessing on amsr time units
            else if (i == "time") res <- 60*6*getBand(do_amsr_average(x@data[["timeDay"]], x@data[["timeNight"]]))
            else if (i == "SSTDay") res <- -3 + 0.15 * getBand(x@data[[i]])
            else if (i == "SSTNight") res <- -3 + 0.15 * getBand(x@data[[i]])
            else if (i == "SST") res <- -3 + 0.15 * getBand(do_amsr_average(x@data[["SSTDay"]], x@data[["SSTNight"]]))
            else if (i == "LFwindDay") res <- 0.2 * getBand(x@data[[i]])
            else if (i == "LFwindNight") res <- 0.2 * getBand(x@data[[i]])
            else if (i == "LFwind") res <- 0.2 * getBand(do_amsr_average(x@data[["LFwindDay"]], x@data[["LFwindNight"]]))
            else if (i == "MFwindDay") res <- 0.2 * getBand(x@data[[i]])
            else if (i == "MFwindNight") res <- 0.2 * getBand(x@data[[i]])
            else if (i == "MFwind") res <- 0.2 * getBand(do_amsr_average(x@data[["MFwindDay"]], x@data[["MFwindNight"]]))
            else if (i == "vaporDay") res <- 0.3 * getBand(x@data[[i]])
            else if (i == "vaporNight") res <- 0.3 * getBand(x@data[[i]])
            else if (i == "vapor") res <- 0.3 * getBand(do_amsr_average(x@data[["vaporDay"]], x@data[["vaporNight"]]))
            else if (i == "cloudDay") res <- -0.05 + 0.01 * getBand(x@data[[i]])
            else if (i == "cloudNight") res <- -0.05 + 0.01 * getBand(x@data[[i]])
            else if (i == "cloud") res <- -0.05 + 0.01 * getBand(do_amsr_average(x@data[["cloudDay"]], x@data[["cloudNight"]]))
            else if (i == "rainDay") res <- 0.01 * getBand(x@data[[i]])
            else if (i == "rainNight") res <- 0.01 * getBand(x@data[[i]])
            else if (i == "rain") res <- 0.01 * getBand(do_amsr_average(x@data[["rainDay"]], x@data[["rainNight"]]))
            else if (i == "data") return(x@data)
        } else {
            if      (i == "timeDay") res <- x@data[[i]]
            else if (i == "timeNight") res <- x@data[[i]]
            else if (i == "time") res <- getBand(do_amsr_average(x@data[["timeDay"]], x@data[["timeNight"]]))
            else if (i == "SSTDay") res <- x@data[[i]]
            else if (i == "SSTNight") res <- x@data[[i]]
            else if (i == "SST") res <- do_amsr_average(x@data[["SSTDay"]], x@data[["SSTNight"]])
            else if (i == "LFwindDay") res <- x@data[[i]]
            else if (i == "LFwindNight") res <- x@data[[i]]
            else if (i == "LFwind") res <- do_amsr_average(x@data[["LFwindDay"]], x@data[["LFwindNight"]])
            else if (i == "MFwindDay") res <- x@data[[i]]
            else if (i == "MFwindNight") res <- x@data[[i]]
            else if (i == "MFwind") res <- do_amsr_average(x@data[["MFwindDay"]], x@data[["MFwindNight"]])
            else if (i == "vaporDay") res <- x@data[[i]]
            else if (i == "vaporNight") res <- x@data[[i]]
            else if (i == "vapor") res <- do_amsr_average(x@data[["vaporDay"]], x@data[["vaporNight"]])
            else if (i == "cloudDay") res <- x@data[[i]]
            else if (i == "cloudNight") res <- x@data[[i]]
            else if (i == "cloud") res <- do_amsr_average(x@data[["cloudDay"]], x@data[["cloudNight"]])
            else if (i == "rainDay") res <- x@data[[i]]
            else if (i == "rainNight") res <- x@data[[i]]
            else if (i == "rain") res <- do_amsr_average(x@data[["rainDay"]], x@data[["rainNight"]])
            else if (i == "data") return(x@data)
        dim(res) <- dim

#' Replace Parts of an amsr Object
#' @param x an [amsr-class] object.
#' @template sub_subsetTemplate
#' @family things related to amsr data
    signature(x="amsr", i="ANY", j="ANY"),
    definition=function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
        callNextMethod(x=x, i=i, j=j, ...=..., value=value) # [[<-

#' Subset an amsr Object
#' Return a subset of a [amsr-class] object.
#' This function is used to subset data within an [amsr-class]
#' object by `longitude` or by `latitude`.  These two methods cannot
#' be combined in a single call, so two calls are required, as shown
#' in the Example.
#' @param x an [amsr-class] object.
#' @param subset an expression indicating how to subset `x`.
#' @param ... ignored.
#' @return An [amsr-class] object.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(amsr) # see ?amsr for how to read and composite such objects
#' sub <- subset(amsr, -75 < longitude & longitude < -45)
#' sub <- subset(sub,   40 < latitude  &  latitude <  50)
#' plot(sub)
#' data(coastlineWorld)
#' lines(coastlineWorld[['longitude']], coastlineWorld[['latitude']])
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to amsr data
#' @family functions that subset oce objects
    definition=function(x, subset, ...) {
        dots <- list(...)
        debug <- if ("debug" %in% names(dots)) dots$debug else 0
        oceDebug(debug, "subset,amsr-method() {\n", style="bold", sep="", unindent=1)
        res <- x
        subsetString <- paste(deparse(substitute(expr=subset, env=environment())), collapse=" ")
        if (length(grep("longitude", subsetString))) {
            if (length(grep("latitude", subsetString)))
                stop("the subset must not contain both longitude and latitude. Call this twice, to combine these")
            keep <- eval(expr=substitute(expr=subset, env=environment()),
                envir=data.frame(longitude=x@metadata$longitude), enclos=parent.frame(2))
            oceDebug(debug, "keeping", sum(keep), "of", length(keep), "longitudes\n")
            for (name in names(res@data)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "processing", name, "\n")
                res@data[[name]] <- res[[name, "raw"]][keep, ]
            res@metadata$longitude <- x@metadata$longitude[keep]
        } else if (length(grep("latitude", subsetString))) {
            if (length(grep("longitude", subsetString)))
                stop("the subset must not contain both longitude and latitude. Call this twice, to combine these")
            keep <- eval(expr=substitute(expr=subset, env=environment()),
                envir=data.frame(latitude=x@metadata$latitude), enclos=parent.frame(2))
            oceDebug(debug, "keeping", sum(keep), "of", length(keep), "latitudes\n")
            for (name in names(res@data)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "processing", name, "\n")
                res@data[[name]] <- x[[name, "raw"]][, keep]
            res@metadata$latitude <- res@metadata$latitude[keep]
        } else {
            stop("may only subset by longitude or latitude")
        res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(res@processingLog, paste("subset(x, subset=", subsetString, ")", sep=""))
        oceDebug(debug, "} # subset,amsr-method()\n", style="bold", sep="", unindent=1)

#' Plot an amsr Object
#' Plot an image of a component of an [amsr-class] object.
#' In addition to fields named directly in the object, such as `SSTDay` and
#' `SSTNight`, it is also possible to plot computed fields, such as `SST`,
#' which combines the day and night fields.
#' @param x an [amsr-class] object.
#' @param y character value indicating the name of the band to plot; if not provided,
#' `SST` is used; see the documentation for the [amsr-class] class for a list of bands.
#' @param asp optional numerical value giving the aspect ratio for plot.  The
#' default value, `NULL`, means to use an aspect ratio of 1 for world views,
#' and a value computed from `ylim`, if the latter is specified in the
#' `...` argument.
#' @param breaks optional numeric vector of the z values for breaks in the color scheme.
#' If `colormap` is provided, it takes precedence over `breaks` and `col`.
#' @param col optional argument, either a vector of colors corresponding to the breaks, of length
#' 1 less than the number of breaks, or a function specifying colors.
#' If neither `col` or `colormap` is provided, then `col` defaults to
#' [oceColorsTemperature()].
#' If `colormap` is provided, it takes precedence over `breaks` and `col`.
#' @param colormap a specification of the colormap to use, as created
#' with [colormap()].  If `colormap` is NULL, which is the default, then
#' a colormap is created to cover the range of data values, using
#' [oceColorsTemperature] colour scheme.
#' If `colormap` is provided, it takes precedence over `breaks` and `col`.
#' See \dQuote{Examples} for an example of using the "turbo" colour scheme.
#' @param zlim optional numeric vector of length 2, giving the limits
#' of the plotted quantity.  A reasonable default is computed, if this
#' is not given.
#' @param missingColor List of colors for problem cases. The names of the
#' elements in this list must be as in the default, but the colors may
#' be changed to any desired values. These default values work reasonably
#' well for SST images, which are the default image, and which employ a
#' blue-white-red blend of colors, no mixture of which matches the
#' default values in `missingColor`.
#' @param debug A debugging flag, integer.
#' @param ... extra arguments passed to [imagep()], e.g. to control
#' the view with `xlim` (for longitude) and `ylim` (for latitude).
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(coastlineWorld)
#' data(amsr) # see ?amsr for how to read and composite such objects
#' # Example 1: plot with default colour scheme, oceColorsTemperature()
#' plot(amsr, "SST")
#' lines(coastlineWorld[['longitude']], coastlineWorld[['latitude']])
#' # Example 2: 'turbo' colour scheme
#' plot(amsr, "SST", col=oceColorsTurbo)
#' lines(coastlineWorld[['longitude']], coastlineWorld[['latitude']])
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to amsr data
#' @family functions that plot oce data
#' @aliases plot.amsr
    # FIXME: how to let it default on band??
    definition=function(x, y, asp=NULL,
        breaks, col, colormap, zlim,
        debug=getOption("oceDebug"), ...)
        dots <- list(...)
        oceDebug(debug, "plot.amsr(..., y=c(",
            if (missing(y)) "(missing)" else y, ", ...) {\n", sep="", style="bold", unindent=1)
        zlimGiven <- !missing(zlim)
        if (missing(y))
            y <- "SST"
        lon <- x[["longitude"]]
        lat <- x[["latitude"]]
        # Examine ylim (if asp is not NULL) and also at both xlim and ylim to
        # compute zrange.
        xlim <- dots$xlim
        ylim <- dots$ylim
        if (is.null(asp)) {
            if (!is.null(ylim)) {
                asp <- 1 / cos(pi/180*abs(mean(ylim, na.rm=TRUE)))
                oceDebug(debug, "inferred asp=", asp, " from ylim argument\n", sep="")
            } else {
                asp <- 1 / cos(pi/180*abs(mean(lat, na.rm=TRUE)))
                oceDebug(debug, "inferred asp=", asp, " from ylim argument\n", sep="")
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "using supplied asp=", asp, "\n", sep="")
        z <- x[[y]]
        # Compute zrange for world data, or data narrowed to xlim and ylim.
        if (!is.null(xlim)) {
            if (!is.null(ylim)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "computing range based on z trimmed by xlim and ylim\n")
                zrange <- range(z[xlim[1] <= lon & lon <= xlim[2], ylim[1] <= lat & lat <= ylim[2]], na.rm=TRUE)
            } else {
                oceDebug(debug, "computing range based on z trimmed by xlim alone\n")
                zrange <- range(z[xlim[1] <= lon & lon <= xlim[2], ], na.rm=TRUE)
        } else {
            if (!is.null(ylim)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "computing range based on z trimmed by ylim alone\n")
                zrange <- range(z[, ylim[1] <= lat & lat <= ylim[2]], na.rm=TRUE)
            } else {
                oceDebug(debug, "computing range based on whole-world data\n")
                zrange <- range(z, na.rm=TRUE)
        oceDebug(debug, "zrange: ", paste(zrange, collapse=" to "), "\n")
        # Determine colormap, if not given as an argument.
        if (missing(colormap)) {
            oceDebug(debug, "case 1: 'colormap' not given, so will be computed here\n")
            if (!missing(breaks)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "case 1.1: 'breaks' was specified\n")
                if (debug > 0) {
                    cat("FYI breaks are as follows:\n")
                if (!missing(col)) {
                    oceDebug(debug, "case 1.1.1: computing colormap from specified breaks and specified col\n")
                    colormap <- oce::colormap(zlim=if (zlimGiven) zlim else range(breaks), col=col)
                } else {
                    oceDebug(debug, "case 1.1.2: computing colormap from specified breaks and computed col\n")
                    colormap <- oce::colormap(zlim=if (zlimGiven) zlim else range(breaks), col=oceColorsTemperature)
            } else {
                oceDebug(debug, "case 1.2: 'breaks' was not specified\n")
                if (!missing(col)) {
                    oceDebug(debug, "case 1.2.1: computing colormap from and computed breaks and specified col\n")
                    colormap <- oce::colormap(zlim=if (zlimGiven) zlim else zrange, col=col)
                } else {
                    oceDebug(debug, "case 1.2.2: computing colormap from computed breaks and computed col\n")
                    colormap <- oce::colormap(zlim=if (zlimGiven) zlim else zrange, col=oceColorsTemperature)
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "using specified colormap, ignoring breaks and col, whether they were supplied or not\n")
        i <- if ("zlab" %in% names(dots)) {
            oceDebug(debug, "calling imagep() with asp=", asp, ", and zlab=\"", dots$zlab, "\"\n", sep="")
            imagep(lon, lat, z, colormap=colormap, asp=asp, debug=debug-1, ...)
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "calling imagep() with asp=", asp, ", and no zlab argument\n", sep="")
            imagep(lon, lat, z, colormap=colormap, zlab=y, asp=asp, debug=debug-1, ...)
        # Handle missing-data codes by redrawing the (decimate) image. Perhaps
        # imagep() should be able to do this, but imagep() is a long function
        # with a lot of interlocking arguments so I'll start by doing this
        # manually here, and, if I like it, I'll extend imagep() later. Note
        # that I added a new element of the return value of imagep(), to get the
        # decimation factor.
        missingColorLength <- length(missingColor)
        if (5 != missingColorLength)
            stop("must have 5 elements in the missingColor argument")
        if (!all(sort(names(missingColor))==sort(c("land", "none", "bad", "ice", "rain"))))
            stop("missingColor names must be: 'land', 'none', 'bad', 'ice' and 'rain'")
        lonDecIndices <- seq(1L, length(lon), by=i$decimate[1])
        latDecIndices <- seq(1L, length(lat), by=i$decimate[2])
        lon <- lon[lonDecIndices]
        lat <- lat[latDecIndices]
        codes <- list(land=as.raw(255), # land
            none=as.raw(254), # missing data
            bad=as.raw(253), # bad observation
            ice=as.raw(252), # sea ice
            rain=as.raw(251)) # heavy rain
        for (codeName in names(codes)) {
            bad <- x[[y, "raw"]][lonDecIndices, latDecIndices] == as.raw(codes[[codeName]])
            image(lon, lat, bad,
                col=c("transparent", missingColor[[codeName]]), add=TRUE)
        oceDebug(debug, "} # plot.amsr()\n", sep="", style="bold", unindent=1)

#' Download and Cache an amsr File
#' If the file is already present in `destdir`, then it is not
#' downloaded again. The default `destdir` is the present directory,
#' but it probably makes more sense to use something like `"~/data/amsr"`
#' to make it easy for scripts in other directories to use the cached data.
#' The file is downloaded with [download.file()].
#' @param year,month,day Numerical values of the year, month, and day
#' of the desired dataset. Note that one file is archived per day,
#' so these three values uniquely identify a dataset.
#' If `day` and `month` are not provided but `day` is,
#' then the time is provided in a relative sense, based on the present
#' date, with `day` indicating the number of days in the past.
#' Owing to issues with timezones and the time when the data
#' are uploaded to the server, `day=3` may yield the
#' most recent available data. For this reason, there is a
#' third option, which is to leave `day` unspecified, which
#' works as though `day=3` had been given.
#' @param destdir A string naming the directory in which to cache the downloaded file.
#' The default is to store in the present directory, but many users find it more
#' helpful to use something like `"~/data/amsr"` for this, to collect all
#' downloaded amsr files in one place.
#' @param server A string naming the server from which data
#' are to be acquired. See \dQuote{History}.
#' @section History:
#' Until 25 March 2017, the default server was
#' `"ftp.ssmi.com/amsr2/bmaps_v07.2"`, but this was changed when the author
#' discovered that this FTP site had been changed to require users to create
#' accounts to register for downloads.  The default was changed to
#' `"http://data.remss.com/amsr2/bmaps_v07.2"` on the named date.
#' This site was found by a web search, but it seems to provide proper data.
#' It is assumed that users will do some checking on the best source.
#' On 23 January 2018, it was noticed that the server-url naming convention
#' had changed, e.g.
#' `http://data.remss.com/amsr2/bmaps_v07.2/y2017/m01/f34_20170114v7.2.gz`
#' becoming
#' `http://data.remss.com/amsr2/bmaps_v08/y2017/m01/f34_20170114v8.gz`
#' @return A character value indicating the filename of the result; if
#' there is a problem of any kind, the result will be the empty
#' string.
#' @examples
#' # The download takes several seconds.
#' f <- download.amsr(2017, 1, 14) # Jan 14, 2017
#' d <- read.amsr(f)
#' plot(d)
#' mtext(d[["filename"]], side=3, line=0, adj=0)
#' @family functions that download files
#' @family functions that plot oce data
#' @family things related to amsr data
#' @references
#' `http://images.remss.com/amsr/amsr2_data_daily.html`
#' provides daily images going back to 2012. Three-day,
#' monthly, and monthly composites are also provided on that site.
download.amsr <- function(year, month, day, destdir=".", server="http://data.remss.com/amsr2/bmaps_v08")
    # ftp ftp://ftp.ssmi.com/amsr2/bmaps_v07.2/y2016/m08/f34_20160804v7.2.gz
    if (missing(year) && missing(month)) {
        if (missing(day))
            day <- 3
        day <- abs(day)
        today <- as.POSIXlt(Sys.Date() - day)
        year <- 1900 + today$year
        month <- 1 + today$mon
        day <- today$mday
    year <- as.integer(year)
    month <- as.integer(month)
    day <- as.integer(day)
    destfile <- sprintf("f34_%4d%02d%02dv8.gz", year, month, day)
    destpath <- paste(destdir, destfile, sep="/")
    # example
    # http://data.remss.com/amsr2/bmaps_v07.2/y2015/m11/f34_20151101v7.2.gz
    if (tail(destpath, 1)=="/") { # remove trailing slash
        destpath <- substr(destpath, 1, length(destpath)-1)
    if (0 == length(list.files(path=destdir, pattern=paste("^", destfile, "$", sep="")))) {
        source <- sprintf("%s/y%4d/m%02d/%s", server, year, month, destfile)
        bad <- download.file(source, destfile)
        if (!bad && destdir != ".")
            system(paste("mv", destfile, destpath))
    } else {
        message("Not downloading ", destfile, " because it is already present in ", destdir)
    if (destdir == ".") destfile else destpath

#' Read an amsr File
#' Read a compressed amsr file, generating an [amsr-class] object.
#' Note that only compressed files are read in this version.
#' AMSR files are provided at the FTP site, at
#' \code{ftp.ssmi.com/amsr2/bmaps_v07.2} as of April 2021.
#' To acquire such files,
#' log in as "guest",
#' then enter a year-based directory (e.g. `y2016` for the year 2016),
#' then enter a month-based directory (e.g. `m08` for August, the 8th
#' month), and then download a file for the present date, e.g.
#' `f34_20160803v7.2.gz` for August 3rd, 2016. Do not uncompress
#' this file, since `read.amsr` can only read the raw files from the server.
#' If `read.amsr` reports an error on the number of chunks, try
#' downloading a similarly-named file (e.g. in the present example,
#' `read.amsr("f34_20160803v7.2_d3d.gz")` will report an error
#' about inability to read a 6-chunk file, but
#' `read.amsr("f34_20160803v7.2.gz")` will work properly.
#' @param file String indicating the name of a compressed file. See
#' \dQuote{File sources}.
#' @template encodingIgnoredTemplate
#' @param debug A debugging flag, integer.
#' @seealso [plot,amsr-method()] for an example.
#' @author Dan Kelley and Chantelle Layton
#' @family things related to amsr data
read.amsr <- function(file, encoding=NA, debug=getOption("oceDebug"))
    if (missing(file))
        stop("must supply 'file'")
    if (is.character(file)) {
        if (!file.exists(file))
            stop("cannot find file '", file, "'")
        if (0L == file.info(file)$size)
            stop("empty file '", file, "'")
    oceDebug(debug, "read.amsr(file=\"", file, "\",",
        #if (length(band) > 1) paste("band=c(\"", paste(band, collapse="\",\""), "\")", sep="") else
        ", debug=", debug, ") {\n", sep="", unindent=1)
    res <- new("amsr")
    filename <- file
    res@metadata$filename <- filename
    file <- if (length(grep(".*.gz$", filename))) gzfile(filename, "rb") else file(filename, "rb")
    # we can hard-code a max size because the satellite data size is not variable
    buf <- readBin(file, what="raw", n=50e6, endian="little")
    nbuf <- length(buf)
    dim <- c(1440, 720)
    nchunks <- nbuf / prod(dim)
    if (nchunks != round(nchunks))
        stop("error: the data length ", nbuf, " is not an integral multiple of ", dim[1], "*", dim[2])
    # From an amsr webpage --
    # Each binary data file available from our ftp site consists of fourteen (daily) or
    # six (averaged) 0.25 x 0.25 degree grid (1440,720) byte maps. For daily files,
    # seven daytime, ascending maps in the following order, Time (UTC), Sea Surface
    # Temperature (SST), 10 meter Surface Wind Speed (WSPD-LF), 10 meter Surface
    # Wind Speed (WSPD-MF), Atmospheric Water Vapor (VAPOR), Cloud Liquid Water (CLOUD),
    # and Rain Rate (RAIN), are followed by seven nighttime maps in the same order.
    # Time-Averaged files contain just the geophysical layers in the same order
    select <- seq.int(1L, prod(dim))
    if (nchunks == 14) {
        oceDebug(debug, "14-chunk amsr file\n")
        timeDay <- buf[select]
        SSTDay <- buf[prod(dim) + select]
        LFwindDay <- buf[2*prod(dim) + select]
        MFwindDay <- buf[3*prod(dim) + select]
        vaporDay <- buf[4*prod(dim) + select]
        cloudDay <- buf[5*prod(dim) + select]
        rainDay <- buf[6*prod(dim) + select]
        dim(timeDay) <- dim
        dim(SSTDay) <- dim
        dim(LFwindDay) <- dim
        dim(MFwindDay) <- dim
        dim(vaporDay) <- dim
        dim(cloudDay) <- dim
        dim(rainDay) <- dim

        timeNight <- buf[7*prod(dim) + select]
        SSTNight <- buf[8*prod(dim) + select]
        LFwindNight <- buf[9*prod(dim) + select]
        MFwindNight <- buf[10*prod(dim) + select]
        vaporNight <- buf[11*prod(dim) + select]
        cloudNight <- buf[12*prod(dim) + select]
        rainNight <- buf[13*prod(dim) + select]
        dim(timeNight) <- dim
        dim(SSTNight) <- dim
        dim(LFwindNight) <- dim
        dim(MFwindNight) <- dim
        dim(vaporNight) <- dim
        dim(cloudNight) <- dim
        dim(rainNight) <- dim
        res@metadata$units$SSTDay <- list(unit=expression(degree*C), scale="ITS-90")
        res@metadata$units$SSTNight <- list(unit=expression(degree*C), scale="ITS-90")
        res@metadata$units$LFwindDay <- list(unit=expression(m/s), scale="")
        res@metadata$units$LFwindNight <- list(unit=expression(m/s), scale="")
        res@metadata$units$MFwindDay <- list(unit=expression(m/s), scale="")
        res@metadata$units$MFwindNight <- list(unit=expression(m/s), scale="")
        res@metadata$units$rainDay <- list(unit=expression(mm/h), scale="")
        res@metadata$units$rainNight <- list(unit=expression(mm/h), scale="")
        res@data <- list(timeDay=timeDay,
            SSTDay=SSTDay, LFwindDay=LFwindDay, MFwindDay=MFwindDay,
            vaporDay=vaporDay, cloudDay=cloudDay, rainDay=rainDay,
            SSTNight=SSTNight, LFwindNight=LFwindNight, MFwindNight=MFwindNight,
            vaporNight=vaporNight, cloudNight=cloudNight, rainNight=rainNight)
        res@metadata$longitude  <- 0.25 * 1:dim[1] - 0.125
        res@metadata$latitude <- 0.25 * 1:dim[2] - 90.125
        # rearrange matrices so that Greenwich is near the centre
        for (name in names(res@data)) {
            t <- matrixShiftLongitude(res@data[[name]], res@metadata$longitude)
            res@data[[name]] <- t$m
        res@metadata$longitude <- t$longitude
    } else if (nchunks == 6) {
        stop("Cannot (yet) read 6-chunk data. Please contact the developers if you need this file (and be sure to send the file to them).")
    } else {
        stop("Can only handle 14-chunk data; this file has ",
            nchunks, " chunks. Please contact the developers if you need to read this file.")
    res@metadata$spacecraft <- "amsr"
    res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(res@processingLog,
        paste(deparse(match.call()), sep="", collapse=""))
    oceDebug(debug, "} # read.amsr()\n", unindent=1)

#' Create a composite of amsr satellite data
#' Form averages for each item in the `data` slot of the supplied objects,
#' taking into account the bad-data codes.
#' If none of the objects has good
#' data at any particular pixel (i.e. particular latitude and longitude),
#' the resultant will have the bad-data code of the last item in the argument
#' list.
#' The metadata in the result are taken directly from the metadata of the
#' final argument, except that the filename is set to a comma-separated list
#' of the component filenames.
#' @param object An [amsr-class] object.
#' @param ... Other amsr objects.
#' @family things related to amsr data
#' @template compositeTemplate
    function(object, ...) {
        dots <- list(...)
        ndots <- length(dots)
        if (ndots < 1)
            stop("need more than one argument")
        for (idot in 1:ndots) {
            if (!inherits(dots[[idot]], "amsr"))
                stop("argument ", 1+idot, " does not inherit from 'amsr'")
        # inherit most of the metadata from the last argument
        res <- dots[[ndots]]
        filenames <- object[["filename"]]
        for (idot in 1:ndots)
            filenames <- paste(filenames, ",", dots[[idot]][["filename"]], sep="")
        n <- 1 + ndots
        dim <- c(dim(object@data[[1]]), n)
        for (name in names(object@data)) {
            a <- array(as.raw(0xff), dim=dim)
            a[, , 1] <- object@data[[name]]
            for (idot in 1:ndots)
                a[, , 1+idot] <- dots[[idot]]@data[[name]]
            A <- do_amsr_composite(a, dim(a))
            res@data[[name]] <- A
        res@metadata$filename <- filenames

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oce documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:18 p.m.