
Defines functions labelWithUnit argShow approx3d angleRemap abbreviateVector gappyIndex pluralize asNumeric

Documented in angleRemap approx3d argShow gappyIndex labelWithUnit

# vim:textwidth=80:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4

# Internal function, mainly used in plotting raw images
asNumeric <- function(x) {
    if (is.numeric(x)) {
    rval <- as.numeric(x)
    if (is.array(x)) {
        dim(rval) <- dim(x)

# Internal function; use as e.g. oce:::pluralize().  Supply n and singular,
# but only give plural if it is different from singular with a 's' tacked on.
pluralize <- function(n, singular, plural) {
    if (missing(plural)) {
        plural <- paste0(singular, "s")
    paste(n, if (n > 1L) plural else singular)

#' Create a Possibly Gappy Indexing Vector
#' This is used internally to construct indexing arrays, mainly for adv and adp
#' functions, in which [readBin()] is used to access isolated regions within a
#' [raw] vector. The work is done in C++, for speed. Since this function is
#' designed for use within oce, it does not offer many safeguards on the
#' parameters, beyond detecting an overlapping situation that would occur if
#' `length` exceeded the space between `starts` elements.  Also, users ought
#' to be aware that the behaviour of `gappyIndex()` might change at any time;
#' simply stated, it is not intended for direct use except by the package
#' developers.
#' For example, suppose data elements in a buffer named `buf` start at bytes
#' 1000 and 2000, and that the goal is to skip the first 4 bytes of each of
#' these sequences, and then to read the next 2 bytes as an unsigned 16-bit
#' integer. This could be accomplished as follows.
#' ```
#' library(oce)
#' buf <- readBin("filename", "raw", n=5000, size=1)
#' i <- gappyIndex(c(1000, 2000, 3000), 4, 2)
#' # i is 1004,1005, 2004,2005, 3004,3005
#' values <- readBin(buf[i], "integer", size=2, n=3, endian="little")
#' ```
#' @param starts integer vector of one or more values.
#' @param offset integer value indicating the value to be added
#' to each of the `starts` value, as the beginning of the sequence.
#' @param length integer value indicating the number of
#' elements of that sequence.
#' @author Dan Kelley
gappyIndex <- function(starts, offset = 0L, length = 4L) {
    if (missing(starts)) {
        stop("must provide 'starts', an integer vector")
    if (any(starts < 1L)) {
        w <- which(starts < 1L)[1]
        stop("'starts' must consist of positive values, but e.g. starts[", w, "] is ", starts[w])
    if (length(offset) != 1L) {
        stop("'offset' must be a single number")
    if (length(length) != 1L) {
        stop("'length' must be a single number")
    if (offset < 0L) {
        stop("'offset' must be non-negative")
    if (length < 1L) {
        stop("'length' must be positive")
    do_gappy_index(starts, offset, length)

abbreviateVector <- function(x) {
    if (1 >= length(x)) {
    ud <- unique(diff(x))
    if (1L == length(ud) && 1L == ud) paste(x[1], ":", tail(x, 1), sep = "") else x

#' Convert Angle From 0:360 to -180:180 Convention
#' This is mostly used for instrument heading angles, in cases where the
#' instrument is aligned nearly northward, so that small variations in heading
#' (e.g. due to mooring motion) can yield values that swing from small angles
#' to large angles, because of the modulo-360 cut point.
#' The method is to use the cosine and sine of the angle in order to find "x"
#' and "y" values on a unit circle, and then to use [atan2()] to
#' infer the angles.
#' @param theta an angle (in degrees) that is in the range from 0 to 360
#' degrees
#' @return A vector of angles, in the range -180 to 180.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # fake some heading data that lie near due-north (0 degrees)
#' n <- 20
#' heading <- 360 + rnorm(n, sd = 10)
#' heading <- ifelse(heading > 360, heading - 360, heading)
#' x <- 1:n
#' plot(x, heading, ylim = c(-10, 360), type = "l", col = "lightgray", lwd = 10)
#' lines(x, angleRemap(heading))
angleRemap <- function(theta) {
    toRad <- atan2(1, 1) / 45
    atan2(sin(toRad * theta), cos(toRad * theta)) / toRad

#' Trilinear Interpolation in a 3D Array
#' Interpolate within a 3D array, using the trilinear approximation.
#' Trilinear interpolation is used to interpolate within the `f` array,
#' for those (`xout`, `yout` and `zout`) triplets that are
#' inside the region specified by `x`, `y` and `z`.  Triplets
#' that lie outside the range of `x`, `y` or `z` result in
#' `NA` values.
#' @param x vector of x values for grid (must be equi-spaced)
#' @param y vector of y values for grid (must be equi-spaced)
#' @param z vector of z values for grid (must be equi-spaced)
#' @param f matrix of rank 3, with the gridded values mapping to the `x`
#' values (first index of `f`), etc.
#' @param xout vector of x values for output.
#' @param yout vector of y values for output (length must match that of
#' `xout`).
#' @param zout vector of z values for output (length must match that of
#' `xout`).
#' @return A vector of interpolated values (or `NA` values), with length
#' matching that of `xout`.
#' @author Dan Kelley and Clark Richards
#' @examples
#' # set up a grid
#' library(oce)
#' n <- 5
#' x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = n)
#' y <- seq(0, 1, length.out = n)
#' z <- seq(0, 1, length.out = n)
#' f <- array(1:n^3, dim = c(length(x), length(y), length(z)))
#' # interpolate along a diagonal line
#' m <- 100
#' xout <- seq(0, 1, length.out = m)
#' yout <- seq(0, 1, length.out = m)
#' zout <- seq(0, 1, length.out = m)
#' approx <- approx3d(x, y, z, f, xout, yout, zout)
#' # graph the results
#' plot(xout, approx, type = "l")
#' points(xout[1], f[1, 1, 1])
#' points(xout[m], f[n, n, n])
approx3d <- function(x, y, z, f, xout, yout, zout) {
    # Were all arguments given?
    if (missing(x)) {
        stop("must provide x")
    if (missing(y)) {
        stop("must provide y")
    if (missing(z)) {
        stop("must provide z")
    if (missing(f)) {
        stop("must provide f")
    if (missing(xout)) {
        stop("must provide xout")
    if (missing(yout)) {
        stop("must provide yout")
    if (missing(zout)) {
        stop("must provide zout")
    # Are there enough data to interpolate?
    if (length(x) < 2) {
        stop("must have more than one x value")
    if (length(y) < 2) {
        stop("must have more than one y value")
    if (length(z) < 2) {
        stop("must have more than one z value")
    # Are the array dimensions consistent with x, y, and z?
    if (!is.array(f)) {
        stop("f must be an array")
    dimf <- dim(f)
    if (3 != length(dimf)) {
        stop("f must be an array with 3 dimensions")
    if (length(x) != dimf[1]) {
        stop("length(x) and dim(f)[1] must agree, but they are ", length(x), " and ", dimf[1])
    if (length(y) != dimf[2]) {
        stop("length(y) and dim(f)[2] must agree, but they are ", length(y), " and ", dimf[2])
    if (length(z) != dimf[3]) {
        stop("length(z) and dim(f)[3] must agree, but they are ", length(z), " and ", dimf[3])
    # Are x, y and z equi-spaced?
    if (length(x) > 2) {
        equispaced <- function(a) sd(diff(a)) / mean(diff(a)) < 1e-5
        if (!equispaced(x)) {
            stop("x values must be equi-spaced")
        if (!equispaced(y)) {
            stop("y values must be equi-spaced")
        if (!equispaced(z)) {
            stop("z values must be equi-spaced")
    do_approx3d(x, y, z, f, xout, yout, zout)

#' Show a Function Argument
#' @param x the argument
#' @param nshow number of values to show at first (if length(x)> 1)
#' @param last indicates whether this is the final argument to the function
#' @param sep the separator between name and value
argShow <- function(x, nshow = 4, last = FALSE, sep = "=") {
    if (missing(x)) {
    name <- paste(substitute(expr = x, env = environment()))
    res <- ""
    nx <- length(x)
    if (missing(x)) {
        res <- "(missing)"
    } else {
        if (is.null(x)) {
            res <- NULL
        } else {
            if (is.function(x)) {
                res <- "(provided)"
            } else if (nx == 1L) {
                res <- if (is.character(x)) paste0("\"", x[1], "\"") else x[1]
            } else {
                look <- seq.int(1L, min(nshow, nx) - 1L)
                res <- paste0(format(x[look], digits = 4), collapse = ",")
                res <- paste0(res, if (nx > nshow) ",...," else ",", x[nx])
    res <- if (nx == 1) paste0(name, sep, res) else paste0(name, sep, "c(", res, ")")
    if (!last) {
        res <- paste0(res, ",")

#' Create Label With Unit
#' `labelWithUnit` creates a label with a unit, for graphical
#' display, e.g. by \code{\link{plot,section-method}}.
#' The unit is enclosed in square brackets, although setting
#' `options(oceUnitBracket="(")` will cause parentheses to be
#' used, instead.
#' If `name` is in a standard list, then alterations are made as appropriate,
#' e.g. `"SA"` or `"Absolute Salinity"` yields an S with subscript A; `"CT"` or
#' `"Conservative Temperature"` yields an upper-case Theta, `sigmaTheta`
#' yields a sigma with subscript theta, `sigma0` yields
#' sigma with subscript 0 (with similar for 1 through 4), `"N2"` yields "N" with
#' superscript 2, and `"pressure"` yields "p".
#' These basic hydrographic quantities have default units that will
#' be used if `unit` is not supplied (see \dQuote{Examples}).
#' In addition to the above, several chemical names are recognized,
#' but no unit is guessed for them, because the oceanographic
#' community lacks agreed-upon standards.
#' If `name` is not recognized, then it is simply repeated in the
#' return value.
#' @param name character value naming a quantity.
#' @param unit a list containing items `unit` and (optionally) `scale`, only the
#' first of which, an [expression()], is used.  If `unit` is not provided,
#' then a default will be used (see \dQuote{Details}).
#' @return `labelWithUnit` returns a language object, created with [bquote()],
#' that that may supplied as a text string to [legend()], [mtext()], [text()],
#' etc.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # 1. temperature has a predefined unit, but this can be overruled
#' labelWithUnit("temperature")
#' labelWithUnit(
#'     "temperature",
#'     list(unit = expression(m / s), scale = "erroneous")
#' )
#' # 2. phosphate lacks a predefined unit
#' labelWithUnit("phosphate")
#' data(section)
#' labelWithUnit(
#'     "phosphate",
#'     section[["station", 1]][["phosphateUnit"]]
#' )
#' @family functions that create labels
#' @author Dan Kelley
labelWithUnit <- function(name, unit = NULL) {
    u <- if (!is.null(unit) && length(unit$unit) > 0L) unit$unit[[1]] else "unitless"
    L <- if (getOption("oceUnitBracket", "[") == "[") " [" else " ("
    R <- if (getOption("oceUnitBracket", "[") == "[") "]" else ")"
    # Note that the code is alphabetical in the first item of
    # equivalents. Please follow that convention if adding new
    # entries. Also, use paste() to combine words, to prevent
    # text-editor reflow operations from inserting line breaks.
    # There's no need to handle unitless quantities that don't
    # need renaming, since they are handled by the final else.
    if (name %in% c(paste("Absolute", "Salinity"), "SA")) {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(S[A] * .(L) * g / kg * .(R)) else bquote(S[A] * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name %in% c(paste("Conservative", "Temperature"), "CT")) {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(Theta * .(L) * degree * C * .(R)) else bquote(Theta * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name %in% c("density")) {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(rho * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R)) else bquote(rho * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name %in% c("depth")) {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(depth * .(L) * m * .(R)) else bquote(depth * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name %in% "N2") {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(N^2 * .(L) * s^-2 * .(R)) else bquote(N^2 * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name == "nitrate") {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(NO[3]) else bquote(NO[3] * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name == "nitrite") {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(NO[2]) else bquote(NO[2] * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name == "NO2+NO3") {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(NO[2] + NO[3]) else bquote(NO[2] + NO[3] * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name == "oxygen") {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(O[2]) else bquote(O[2] * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name == "pressure") {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(p * .(L) * dbar * .(R)) else bquote(p * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name == "phosphate") {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(PO[4]) else bquote(PO[4] * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name %in% c(paste("potential", "temperature"), "theta")) {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(theta * .(L) * degree * C * .(R)) else bquote(theta * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name == "Rrho") {
        rval <- expression(R[rho])
    } else if (name %in% c("salinity", "SP")) {
        rval <- expression("S")
    } else if (name == "sigma0") {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(sigma[0] * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R)) else bquote(sigma[0] * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name == "sigma1") {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(sigma[1] * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R)) else bquote(sigma[1] * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name == "sigma2") {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(sigma[2] * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R)) else bquote(sigma[2] * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name == "sigma3") {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(sigma[3] * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R)) else bquote(sigma[3] * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name == "sigma4") {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(sigma[4] * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R)) else bquote(sigma[4] * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name == "sigmaTheta") {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(sigma[theta] * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R)) else bquote(sigma[theta] * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name == "silicate") {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(SiO[4]) else bquote(SiO[4] * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name == "spice") {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(spice * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R)) else bquote(spice * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name == "SR") {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(S[R] * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R)) else bquote(S[R] * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name == "Sstar") {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(S["*"] * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R)) else bquote(S["*"] * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else if (name == "temperature") {
        # nolint start T_and_F_symbol_linter
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(T * .(L) * degree * C * .(R)) else bquote(T * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
        # nolint end T_and_F_symbol_linter
    } else if (name == "z") {
        rval <- if (is.null(unit)) bquote(z * .(L) * m * .(R)) else bquote(z * .(L) * .(u) * .(R))
    } else {
        rval <- name

#' Get First Finite Value in a Vector or Array.
#' If x is a vector, this is straightforward.  If x is
#' anything else, it is first converted to a vector with
#' [as.vector()], so the first value will be with
#' respect to storage by columns, for a matrix, etc.
#' @param v A numerical vector or array.
#' @return  The first finite value, or NULL if there are no
#' finite values.
firstFinite <- function(v) {
    if (!is.vector(v)) {
        v <- as.vector(v)
    first <- which(is.finite(v))
    if (length(first) > 0L) v[first[1]] else NULL

#' Read a World Ocean Atlas NetCDF File
#' @param file character string naming the file
#' @param name of variable to extract. If not provided, an
#' error message is issued that lists the names of data in the file.
#' @param positive logical value indicating whether `longitude` should
#' be converted to be in the range from 0 to 360, with `name`
#' being shuffled accordingly. This is set to `FALSE` by default,
#' because the usual oce convention is for longitude to range between -180
#' to +180.
#' @template encodingIgnoredTemplate
#' @return A list containing vectors `longitude`, `latitude`,
#' `depth`, and an array with the specified name. If `positive`
#' is true, then `longitude` will be converted to range from 0
#' to 360, and the array will be shuffled accordingly.
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' # Mean SST at 5-degree spatial resolution
#' tmn <- read.woa("~/data/woa13/woa13_decav_t00_5dv2.nc", "t_mn")
#' imagep(tmn$longitude, tmn$latitude, tmn$t_mn[, , 1], zlab="SST")
#' }
read.woa <- function(file, name, positive = FALSE, encoding = NA) {
    if (missing(file)) {
        stop("must supply 'file'")
    if (is.character(file)) {
        if (!file.exists(file)) {
            stop("cannot find file \"", file, "\"")
        if (0L == file.info(file)$size) {
            stop("empty file \"", file, "\"")
    if (!is.character(file)) {
        stop("'file' must be a character string")
    con <- ncdf4::nc_open(file)
    if (missing(name)) {
        varnames <- names(con$var)
        stop("must supply a name from the list: ", paste(varnames, collapse = ", "))
    longitude <- as.vector(ncdf4::ncvar_get(con, "lon"))
    latitude <- as.vector(ncdf4::ncvar_get(con, "lat"))
    depth <- as.vector(ncdf4::ncvar_get(con, "depth"))
    field <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(con, name)
    if (positive) {
        lon2 <- ifelse(longitude < 0, longitude + 360, longitude)
        i <- order(lon2)
        longitude <- longitude[i]
        # Crude method to reorder field on first index, whether it is 2D, 3D or 4D,
        # although I'm not sure that any 4D items occur in the World Ocean Atlas.
        if (is.array(field)) {
            ndim <- length(dim(field))
            if (ndim == 2) {
                field <- field[i, ]
            } else if (ndim == 3) {
                field <- field[i, , ]
            } else if (ndim == 4) {
                field <- field[i, , , ]
    rval <- list(longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude, depth = depth, field = field)
    names(rval) <- c(head(names(rval), -1), name)

# alphabetized functions END

# unalphabetized functions START

shortenTimeString <- function(t, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    tc <- as.character(t)
    oceDebug(debug, "shortenTimeString() {\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    oceDebug(debug, "A: '", paste(t, collapse = "' '"), "'\n")
    tc <- gsub(" [A-Z]{3}$", "", tc) # remove timezone
    if (all(grepl("^[0-9]{4}", tc))) {
        # leading years
        years <- substr(tc, 1, 4)
        if (1 == length(unique(years))) {
            tc <- gsub("^[0-9]{4}", "", tc)
            tc <- gsub("^-", "", tc) # works for ISO dates
            oceDebug(debug, "B: '", paste(tc, collapse = "' '"), "'\n", sep = "")
    } else if (any(grepl("[a-zA-Z]", tc))) {
        # Change e.g. 'Jul 01' to 'Jul' if all labels end in 01
        if (all(grepl("01\\s*$", tc))) {
            tc <- gsub(" 01\\s*$", "", tc)
            oceDebug(debug, "B: '", paste(tc, collapse = "' '"), "'\n", sep = "")
    oceDebug(debug, "C: '", paste(tc, collapse = "' '"), "'\n", sep = "")
    tc <- gsub("^\\s*", "", tc)
    tc <- gsub("\\s*$", "", tc)
    oceDebug(debug, "D: '", paste(tc, collapse = "' '"), "'\n", sep = "")
    oceDebug(debug, "}\n", unindent = 1)

#' Convert From Snake-Case to Camel-Case Notation
#' `snakeToCamel` converts "snake-case" characters such as `"NOVA_SCOTIA"`
#' to "camel-case" values, such as `"NovaScotia"`.  It was written for
#' use by [read.argo()], but it also may prove helpful in other contexts.
#' The basic procedure is to chop the string up into substrings separated by
#' the underline character, then to upper-case the first letter of
#' all substrings except the first, and then to paste the substrings
#' together.
#' However, there are exceptions.  First, any upper-case string that contains no
#' underlines is converted to lower case, but any mixed-case string with no
#' underlines is returned as-is (see the second example). Second, if
#' the `specialCases` argument contains `"QC"`, then the
#' `QC` is passed through directly (since it is an acronym) and
#' if the first letter of remaining text is upper-cased (contrast
#' see the four examples).
#' @param s A vector of character values.
#' @param specialCases A vector of character values that tell which
#' special-cases to apply, or `NULL` (the default) to turn off special
#' cases.  The only permitted special case at the moment is `"QC"` (see
#' \dQuote{Details}) but the idea of this argument is that other cases
#' can be added later, if needed.
#' @return A vector of character values
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' snakeToCamel("PARAMETER_DATA_MODE") # "parameterDataMode"
#' snakeToCamel("PARAMETER") # "parameter"
#' snakeToCamel("HISTORY_QCTEST") # "historyQctest"
#' snakeToCamel("HISTORY_QCTEST", "QC") # "historyQCTest"
#' snakeToCamel("PROFILE_DOXY_QC") # "profileDoxyQc"
#' snakeToCamel("PROFILE_DOXY_QC", "QC") # "profileDoxyQC"
#' @author Dan Kelley
snakeToCamel <- function(s, specialCases = NULL) {
    ns <- length(s)
    if ("QC" %in% specialCases) {
        s <- gsub("QCTEST", "Q_C_TEST", s) # for e.g. HISTORY_QCTEST
        s <- gsub("QC$", "Q_C", s) # for e.g. PROFILE_DOXY_QC
        s <- gsub("Qc$", "QC", s) # for e.g. positionQc (converted previously)
    if (ns < 1) {
        stop("'s' must be a vector of character values")
    res <- vector("character", length = ns)
    for (is in seq(1L, length(s))) {
        if (!grepl("_", s[is])) {
            # Handle the single-word case. If all upper-case, convert to lower,
            # but otherwise, leave it as it is.
            res[is] <- if (s[is] == toupper(s[is])) tolower(s[is]) else s[is]
        } else {
            # Handle the multi-word case. Start by making it lower case.
            s[is] <- tolower(s[is])
            # Now, split and then work through the words
            w <- strsplit(s[is], "_")[[1]]
            nw <- length(w)
            res[is] <- w[1]
            for (iw in seq(2L, nw)) {
                wl <- tolower(w[iw])
                res[is] <- paste0(res[is], toupper(substring(wl, 1, 1)), substring(wl, 2))

#' Decode Units From Strings
#' This is mainly intended for internal use within the package, e.g. by
#' [read.odf()], and so the list of string-to-unit mappings is not
#' documented, since developers can learn it from simple examination
#' of the code.  The focus of `unitFromString()` is on strings that are
#' found in oceanographic files available to the author, *not* on all
#' possible units.
#' @param unit a character value indicating the unit. These
#' are matched according to rules developed to work with actual
#' data files, and so the list is not by any means exhaustive.
#' @param scale a character value indicating the scale.  The default value
#' of `NULL` dictates that the scale is to be inferred from the unit. If
#' a non-`NULL` value is supplied, it will be used, even if it makes no sense
#' in relation to value of `unit`.
#' @return A [list()] of two items: `unit` which is an
#' [expression()], and `scale`, which is a string.
#' @examples
#' unitFromString("dbar") # dbar (no scale)
#' unitFromString("deg c") # modern temperature (ITS-90 scale)
#' @family functions that interpret variable names and units from headers
unitFromString <- function(unit, scale = NULL) {
    if (length(unit) > 1L) {
        stop("cannot work with a vector of strings")
    u <- trimws(unit) # remove any leading/trailing whitespace
    U <- toupper(u) # simplify some match tests
    #> message("unit=\"", unit, "\", scale=\"", scale, "\"")
    if (U == "" || U == "NONE" || U == "(NONE)") {
        return(list(unit = expression(), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "10**3CELLS/L") {
        return(list(unit = expression(10^3 * cells / l), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "CODE") {
        return(list(unit = expression(), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "COUNTS") {
        return(list(unit = expression(), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "DB") {
        # NOTE: this really should be decibel, but ODF files use it for decibar, sometimes
        return(list(unit = expression(dbar), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "DBAR" || U == "DECIBAR" || U == "DECIBARS") {
        return(list(unit = expression(dbar), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "DEG C" || U == "DEGREES C") {
        return(list(unit = expression(degree * C), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "ITS-90" else scale))
    if (U == "FMOL/KG") {
        return(list(unit = expression(fmol / kg), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "G") {
        return(list(unit = expression(g), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "GMT") {
        return(list(unit = expression(), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "HPA") {
        return(list(unit = expression(hPa), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "HZ") {
        return(list(unit = expression(Hz), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "ITS-90" || U == "ITS-90 DEGC") {
        return(list(unit = expression(degree * C), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "ITS-90" else scale))
    if (U == "IPTS-68" || U == "IPTS-68 DEGC" || U == "IPTS-68, DEG C") {
        return(list(unit = expression(degree * C), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "IPTS-68" else scale))
    if (U == "ITS-68" || U == "ITS-68 DEGC" || U == "ITS-68, DEG C") {
        # not an accepted unit, but seen in ODF files
        return(list(unit = expression(degree * C), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "IPTS-68" else scale))
    if (U == "KG/M^3" || U == "KG/M**3") {
        return(list(unit = expression(kg / m^3), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "M" || U == "METER" || U == "METRE" || U == "METERS" || U == "METRES") {
        return(list(unit = expression(m), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "M**3/KG" || U == "M^3/KG") {
        return(list(unit = expression(m^3 / kg), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "MA") {
        return(list(unit = expression(ma), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "M/S" || U == "METER/SEC" || U == "M/S" || U == "METRE/SEC") {
        return(list(unit = expression(m / s), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "MG/M^3" || U == "MG/M**3") {
        return(list(unit = expression(mg / m^3), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "MICRON" || U == "MICRONS") {
        return(list(unit = expression(mu * m), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (grepl("^\\s*MICRO[ ]?MOL[E]?S/M(\\*){0,2}2/S(EC)?\\s*$", U)) {
        return(list(unit = expression(mu * mol / m / s), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "ML/L") {
        return(list(unit = expression(ml / l), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "M/S" || U == "M/SEC") {
        return(list(unit = expression(m / s), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "M^-1/SR") {
        return(list(unit = expression(1 / m / sr), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "MHO/CM" || U == "MHOS/CM") {
        # 1 mho (archaic) = 1 Siemen (modern)
        return(list(unit = expression(S / cm), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "MHO/M" || U == "MHOS/M") {
        # 1 mho (archaic) = 1 Siemen (modern)
        return(list(unit = expression(S / m), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "MHO/CM" || U == "MHOS/CM") {
        # 1 mho (archaic) = 1 Siemen (modern)
        return(list(unit = expression(S / cm), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "MMHO") {
        # 1 mho (archaic) = 1 Siemen (modern)
        return(list(unit = expression(mS), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "NBS SCALE") {
        return(list(unit = expression(), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "NBS" else scale))
    if (U == "NTU") {
        return(list(unit = expression(NTU), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "PPM") {
        return(list(unit = expression(ppm), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "PSS-78" || U == "PSU") {
        return(list(unit = expression(), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "PSS-78" else scale))
    if (U == "PMOL/KG") {
        return(list(unit = expression(pmol / kg), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "PSU") {
        return(list(unit = expression(), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "PSS-78" else scale))
    if (U == "ML/L") {
        return(list(unit = expression(ml / l), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "S" || U == "SEC" || U == "SECOND") {
        return(list(unit = expression(s), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (u == "s/m") {
        return(list(unit = expression(s / m), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (u == "S/m") {
        return(list(unit = expression(S / m), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (u == "Total scale") {
        return(list(unit = expression(), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (u == "True degrees") {
        return(list(unit = expression(degree), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (u == "uA") {
        return(list(unit = expression(mu * a), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    # > stringi::stri_escape_unicode() indicates that Greek mu is "\u00b5"
    if (u == "\u00b5einsteins/s/m^2" || U == "UEINSTEINS/S/M**2" || U == "UEINSTEINS/S/M^2") {
        return(list(unit = expression(mu * mol / m^2 / s), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    # > stringi::stri_escape_unicode() indicates that Greek mu is "\u00b5"
    if (u == "\u00b5M") {
        return(list(unit = expression(mu * M), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "UMOL/KG") {
        return(list(unit = expression(mu * mol / kg), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (u == "ug/l") {
        return(list(unit = expression(mu * g / l), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (grepl("^mmol/m\\*\\*3$", unit, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
        return(list(unit = expression(mmol / m^3), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (grepl("^mmol/m\\^3$", unit, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
        return(list(unit = expression(mmol / m^3), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "UMOL/KG") {
        return(list(unit = expression(mmol / kg), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "UMOL/M**3") {
        return(list(unit = expression(mu * mol / m^3), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "UMOL/M**2/S") {
        return(list(unit = expression(mu * mol / m^2 / s), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "UMOL PHOTONS/M2/S") {
        return(list(unit = expression(mu * mol / m^2 / s), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "UTC") {
        return(list(unit = expression(), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "V") {
        return(list(unit = expression(V), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "1/CM") {
        return(list(unit = expression(1 / cm), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "1/M") {
        return(list(unit = expression(1 / m), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "VOLT" || U == "VOLTS") {
        return(list(unit = expression(V), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    if (U == "%") {
        return(list(unit = expression(percent), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))
    # If none of the above worked, just try our best.
    return(list(unit = as.expression(unit), scale = if (is.null(scale)) "" else scale))

#' Rename Duplicated Character Strings
#' Append numeric suffices to character strings, to avoid repeats.
#' This is used by various data
#' input functions, to handle the fact that several oceanographic data
#' formats permit the reuse of variable names within a given file.
#' @param strings Vector of character strings.
#' @param style An integer giving the style. If `style`
#' is `1`, then e.g. a triplicate of `"a"` yields
#' `"a"`, `"a1"`, and `"a2"`.
#' If `style` is `2`, then the same input yields
#' `"a_001"`, `"a_002"`, and `"a_003"`.
#' @return Vector of strings with repeats distinguished by suffix.
#' @seealso Used by [read.ctd.sbe()] with `style=1` to
#' rename repeated data elements (e.g. for multiple temperature sensors)
#' in CTD data, and by [read.odf()] with `style=2` on
#' key-value pairs within ODF metadata.
#' @examples
#' unduplicateNames(c("a", "b", "a", "c", "b"))
#' unduplicateNames(c("a", "b", "a", "c", "b"), style = 2)
unduplicateNames <- function(strings, style = 1) {
    # Handle duplicated names
    if (style == 1) {
        for (i in seq_along(strings)) {
            w <- which(strings == strings[i])
            lw <- length(w)
            if (lw > 1) {
                w <- w[-1]
                strings[w] <- paste(strings[i], 1 + seq.int(1, length(w)), sep = "")
    } else if (style == 2) {
        for (i in seq_along(strings)) {
            w <- which(strings == strings[i])
            lw <- length(w)
            if (lw > 1) {
                suffices <- seq_len(lw)
                strings[w] <- sprintf("%s_%03d", strings[i], suffices)
    } else {
        stop("unknown style=", style, "; it must be 1 or 2")

#' Calculate a Bound, Rounded up to Mantissa 1, 2, or 5
#' @param x a single positive number
#' @return for positive x, a value exceeding x that has mantissa 1, 2, or 5; otherwise, x
bound125 <- function(x) {
    x <- x[1] # ignore all but first element
    if (x <= 0) {
        res <- x
    } else {
        exp10 <- 10^floor(log10(x))
        xx <- x / exp10
        m <- if (xx <= 1) 1 else if (xx <= 2) 2 else if (xx <= 5) 5 else 10
        res <- m * exp10

#' Put Longitude in the Range From -180 to 180
#' @param longitude in degrees East, possibly exceeding 180
#' @return longitude in signed degrees East
#' @seealso
#' [matrixShiftLongitude()] and [shiftLongitude()] are more
#' powerful relatives to `standardizeLongitude`.
standardizeLongitude <- function(longitude) {
    ifelse(longitude > 180, longitude - 360, longitude)

#' Associate Data Names With Units
#' Note that the whole object is not being given as an argument;
#' possibly this will reduce copying and thus storage impact.
#' @param names the names of data within an object
#' @param units the units from metadata
#' @return a vector of strings, with blank entries for data with unknown units
## @examples
## library(oce)
## data(ctd)
## dataLabel(names(ctd@@data), ctd@@metadata$units)
dataLabel <- function(names, units) {
    res <- names
    # message("in dataLabel()")
    if (!missing(units)) {
        # message("  dataLabel(); next line is names")
        # print(names)
        # message("  dataLabel(); next line is units")
        # print(units)
        unitsNames <- names(units)
        # message("  dataLabel(); next line is unitsNames")
        # print(unitsNames)
        for (i in seq_along(names)) {
            # message("  i: ", i, ", name: ", names[i])
            w <- which(unitsNames == names[i])
            if (length(w)) {
                # message("  we match a unit at index w=",  paste(w, collapse=" "))
                u <- units[w]
                if (!is.null(u)) {
                    if (is.character(u)) {
                        res[i] <- paste(res[i], " [", u, "]", sep = "")
                    } else if (is.list(u)) {
                        res[i] <- paste(res[i], " [", u$unit[[1]], u$scale, "]", sep = "")
    res <- gsub(" *\\[\\]", "", res)

#' Capitalize First Letter of Each of a Vector of Words
#' This is used in making labels for data names in some ctd functions
#' @param w vector of character strings
#' @return vector of strings patterned on `w` but with first letter
#' in upper case and others in lower case
titleCase <- function(w) {
        function(i) {
            paste(toupper(substr(w[i], 1, 1)),
                tolower(substr(w[i], 2, nchar(w[i]))),
                sep = ""

#' Curl of 2D Vector Field
#' Calculate the z component of the curl of an x-y vector field.
#' The computed component of the curl is defined by \eqn{\partial }{dv/dx -
#' du/dy}\eqn{ v/\partial x - \partial u/\partial y}{dv/dx - du/dy} and the
#' estimate is made using first-difference approximations to the derivatives.
#' Two methods are provided, selected by the value of `method`.
#' * For `method=1`, a centred-difference, 5-point stencil is used in
#' the interior of the domain.  For example, \eqn{\partial v/\partial x}{dv/dx}
#' is given by the ratio of \eqn{v_{i+1,j}-v_{i-1,j}}{v[i+1,j]-v[i-1,j]} to the
#' x extent of the grid cell at index \eqn{j}{j}. (The cell extents depend on
#' the value of `geographical`.)  Then, the edges are filled in with
#' nearest-neighbour values. Finally, the corners are filled in with the
#' adjacent value along a diagonal.  If `geographical=TRUE`, then `x`
#' and `y` are taken to be longitude and latitude in degrees, and the
#' earth shape is approximated as a sphere with radius 6371km.  The resultant
#' `x` and `y` are identical to the provided values, and the
#' resultant `curl` is a matrix with dimension identical to that of
#' `u`.
#' * For `method=2`, each interior cell in the grid is considered
#' individually, with derivatives calculated at the cell center. For example,
#' \eqn{\partial v/\partial x}{dv/dx} is given by the ratio of
#' \eqn{0.5*(v_{i+1,j}+v_{i+1,j+1}) -
#' 0.5*(v_{i,j}+v_{i,j+1})}{0.5*(v[i+1,j]+v[i+1,j+1]) - 0.5*(v[i,j]+v[i,j+1])}
#' to the average of the x extent of the grid cell at indices \eqn{j}{j} and
#' \eqn{j+1}{j+1}. (The cell extents depend on the value of
#' `geographical`.)  The returned `x` and `y` values are the
#' mid-points of the supplied values. Thus, the returned `x` and `y`
#' are shorter than the supplied values by 1 item, and the returned `curl`
#' matrix dimensions are similarly reduced compared with the dimensions of
#' `u` and `v`.
#' @param u matrix containing the 'x' component of a vector field
#' @param v matrix containing the 'y' component of a vector field
#' @param x the x values for the matrices, a vector of length equal to the
#' number of rows in `u` and `v`.
#' @param y the y values for the matrices, a vector of length equal to the
#' number of cols in `u` and `v`.
#' @param geographical logical value indicating whether `x` and `y`
#' are longitude and latitude, in which case spherical trigonometry is used.
#' @param method A number indicating the method to be used to calculate the
#' first-difference approximations to the derivatives.  See \dQuote{Details}.
#' @return A list containing vectors `x` and `y`, along with matrix
#' `curl`.  See \dQuote{Details} for the lengths and dimensions, for
#' various values of `method`.
#' @section Development status.: This function is under active development as
#' of December 2014 and is unlikely to be stabilized until February 2015.
#' @author Dan Kelley and Chantelle Layton
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # 1. Shear flow with uniform curl.
#' x <- 1:4
#' y <- 1:10
#' u <- outer(x, y, function(x, y) y / 2)
#' v <- outer(x, y, function(x, y) -x / 2)
#' C <- curl(u, v, x, y, FALSE)
#' # 2. Rankine vortex: constant curl inside circle, zero outside
#' rankine <- function(x, y) {
#'     r <- sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
#'     theta <- atan2(y, x)
#'     speed <- ifelse(r < 1, 0.5 * r, 0.5 / r)
#'     list(u = -speed * sin(theta), v = speed * cos(theta))
#' }
#' x <- seq(-2, 2, length.out = 100)
#' y <- seq(-2, 2, length.out = 50)
#' u <- outer(x, y, function(x, y) rankine(x, y)$u)
#' v <- outer(x, y, function(x, y) rankine(x, y)$v)
#' C <- curl(u, v, x, y, FALSE)
#' # plot results
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
#' imagep(x, y, u, zlab = "u", asp = 1)
#' imagep(x, y, v, zlab = "v", asp = 1)
#' imagep(x, y, C$curl, zlab = "curl", asp = 1)
#' hist(C$curl, breaks = 100)
#' @family things relating to vector calculus
curl <- function(u, v, x, y, geographical = FALSE, method = 1) {
    if (missing(u)) {
        stop("must supply u")
    if (missing(v)) {
        stop("must supply v")
    if (missing(x)) {
        stop("must supply x")
    if (missing(y)) {
        stop("must supply y")
    if (length(x) <= 1) {
        stop("length(x) must exceed 1 but it is ", length(x))
    if (length(y) <= 1) {
        stop("length(y) must exceed 1 but it is ", length(y))
    if (length(x) != nrow(u)) {
        stop("length(x) must equal nrow(u)")
    if (length(y) != ncol(u)) {
        stop("length(x) must equal ncol(u)")
    if (nrow(u) != nrow(v)) {
        stop("nrow(u) and nrow(v) must match")
    if (ncol(u) != ncol(v)) {
        stop("ncol(u) and ncol(v) must match")
    if (!is.logical(geographical)) {
        stop("geographical must be a logical quantity")
    method <- as.integer(round(method))
    if (1 == method) {
        res <- do_curl1(u, v, x, y, geographical)
    } else if (2 == method) {
        res <- do_curl2(u, v, x, y, geographical)
    } else {
        stop("method must be 1 or 2")

#' Calculate Range, Extended a Little, as is Done for Axes
#' This is analogous to what is done as part of the R axis range calculation,
#' in the case where `xaxs="r"`.
#' @param x a numeric vector.
#' @param extend fraction to extend on either end
#' @return A two-element vector with the extended range of `x`.
#' @author Dan Kelley
rangeExtended <- function(x, extend = 0.04) {
    # extend by 4% on each end, like axes
    if (length(x) == 1) {
        x * c(1 - extend, 1 + extend)
    } else {
        r <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
        d <- diff(r)
        c(r[1] - d * extend, r[2] + d * extend)

#' Extract (x, y, z) From (x, y, grid)
#' Extract the grid points from a grid, returning columns.
#' This is useful for e.g. gridding large datasets, in which the first step
#' might be to use [binMean2D()], followed by
#' [interpBarnes()].
#' @param x a vector holding the x coordinates of grid.
#' @param y a vector holding the y coordinates of grid.
#' @param grid a matrix holding the grid.
#' @return A list containing three vectors: `x`, the grid x values,
#' `y`, the grid y values, and `grid`, the grid values.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(wind)
#' u <- interpBarnes(wind$x, wind$y, wind$z)
#' contour(u$xg, u$yg, u$zg)
#' U <- ungrid(u$xg, u$yg, u$zg)
#' points(U$x, U$y, col = oce.colorsViridis(100)[rescale(U$grid, rlow = 1, rhigh = 100)], pch = 20)
ungrid <- function(x, y, grid) {
    nrow <- nrow(grid)
    ncol <- ncol(grid)
    grid <- as.vector(grid) # by columns
    x <- rep(x, times = ncol)
    y <- rep(y, each = nrow)
    ok <- !is.na(grid)
    list(x = x[ok], y = y[ok], grid = grid[ok])

#' Draw Error Bars on an Existing xy Diagram
#' @param x,y coordinates of points on the existing plot.
#' @param xe,ye errors on x and y coordinates of points on the existing plot,
#' each either a single number or a vector of length identical to that of
#' the corresponding coordinate.
#' @param percent boolean flag indicating whether `xe` and `ye` are
#' in terms of percent of the corresponding `x` and `y` values.
#' @param style indication of the style of error bar.  Using `style=0`
#' yields simple line segments (drawn with [segments()]) and
#' `style=1` yields line segments with short perpendicular endcaps.
#' @param length length of endcaps, for `style=1` only; it is passed to
#' [arrows()], which is used to draw that style of error bars.
#' @param \dots graphical parameters passed to the code that produces the error
#' bars, e.g. to [segments()] for `style=0`.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(ctd)
#' S <- ctd[["salinity"]]
#' T <- ctd[["temperature"]]
#' plot(S, T)
#' errorbars(S, T, 0.05, 0.5)
errorbars <- function(x, y, xe, ye, percent = FALSE, style = 0, length = 0.025, ...) {
    if (missing(x)) {
        stop("must supply x")
    if (missing(y)) {
        stop("must supply y")
    n <- length(x)
    if (n != length(y)) {
        stop("x and y must be of same length\n")
    if (missing(xe) && missing(ye)) {
        stop("must give either xe or ye")
    if (1 == length(xe)) {
        xe <- rep(xe, n) # FIXME probably gives wrong length
    if (1 == length(ye)) {
        ye <- rep(ye, n)
    if (!missing(xe)) {
        if (n != length(xe)) {
            stop("x and xe must be of same length\n")
        if (percent) {
            xe <- xe * x / 100
        look <- xe != 0
        if (style == 0) {
            segments(x[look], y[look], x[look] + xe[look], y[look], ...)
            segments(x[look], y[look], x[look] - xe[look], y[look], ...)
        } else if (style == 1) {
            arrows(x[look], y[look], x[look] + xe[look], y[look], angle = 90, length = length, ...)
            arrows(x[look], y[look], x[look] - xe[look], y[look], angle = 90, length = length, ...)
        } else {
            stop("unknown value ", style, " of style; must be 0 or 1\n")
    if (!missing(ye)) {
        if (n != length(ye)) {
            stop("y and ye must be of same length\n")
        if (percent) {
            ye <- ye * y / 100
        look <- ye != 0
        if (style == 0) {
            segments(x[look], y[look], x[look], y[look] + ye[look], ...)
            segments(x[look], y[look], x[look], y[look] - ye[look], ...)
        } else if (style == 1) {
            arrows(x[look], y[look], x[look], y[look] + ye[look], angle = 90, length = length, ...)
            arrows(x[look], y[look], x[look], y[look] - ye[look], angle = 90, length = length, ...)
        } else {
            stop("unknown value ", style, " of style; must be 0 or 1\n")

filterSomething <- function(x, filter) {
    if (is.raw(x)) {
        x <- as.numeric(x)
        replace <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
        x[is.na(x)] <- replace
        res <- as.integer(filter(x, filter))
        res <- ifelse(res < 0, 0, res)
        res <- ifelse(res > 255, 255, res)
        res <- as.raw(res)
    } else {
        replace <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
        x[is.na(x)] <- replace
        res <- filter(x, filter)

#' Plot a Model-data Comparison Diagram
#' Creates a diagram as described by Taylor (2001).  The graph is in the form
#' of a semicircle, with radial lines and spokes connecting at a focus point on
#' the flat (lower) edge.  The radius of a point on the graph indicates the
#' standard deviation of the corresponding quantity, i.e. x and the columns in
#' y.  The angle connecting a point on the graph to the focus provides an
#' indication of correlation coefficient with respect to x.  The ``east'' side
#' of the graph indicates \eqn{R=1}{R=1}, while \eqn{R=0}{R=0} is at the
#' "north" edge and \eqn{R=-1}{R=-1} is at the "west" side.  The `x`
#' data are indicated with a bullet on the graph, appearing on the lower edge
#' to the right of the focus at a distance indicating the standard deviation of
#' `x`.  The other points on the graph represent the columns of `y`,
#' coded automatically or with the supplied values of `pch` and
#' `col`.
#' The example shows two tidal models of the Halifax sealevel data, computed
#' with [tidem()] with just the M2 component and the S2 component;
#' the graph indicates that the M2 model is much better than the S2 model.
#' @param x a vector of reference values of some quantity, e.g. measured over
#' time or space.
#' @param y a matrix whose columns hold values of values to be compared with
#' those in x.  (If `y` is a vector, it is converted first to a one-column
#' matrix).
#' @param scale optional scale, interpreted as the maximum value of standard
#' deviation.
#' @param pch list of characters to plot, one for each column of `y`.
#' @param col list of colors for points on the plot, one for each column of
#' `y`.
#' @param labels optional vector of strings to use for labelling the points.
#' @param pos optional vector of positions for labelling strings.  If not
#' provided, labels will be to the left of the symbols.
#' @param \dots optional arguments passed by `plotTaylor` to more child
#' functions.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references Taylor, Karl E., 2001.  Summarizing multiple aspects of model
#' performance in a single diagram, *J. Geophys. Res.*, 106:D7, 7183--7192.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(sealevel)
#' x <- sealevel[["elevation"]]
#' M2 <- predict(tidem(sealevel, constituents = "M2"))
#' S2 <- predict(tidem(sealevel, constituents = c("S2")))
#' plotTaylor(x, cbind(M2, S2))
plotTaylor <- function(x, y, scale, pch, col, labels, pos, ...) {
    if (missing(x)) {
        stop("must supply 'x'")
    if (missing(y)) {
        stop("must supply 'y'")
    if (is.vector(y)) {
        y <- matrix(y)
    ncol <- ncol(y)
    if (missing(pch)) {
        pch <- 1:ncol
    if (missing(col)) {
        col <- rep("black", ncol)
    haveLabels <- !missing(labels)
    if (missing(pos)) {
        pos <- rep(2, ncol)
    if (length(pos) < ncol) {
        pos <- rep(pos[1], ncol)
    xSD <- sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)
    ySD <- sd(as.vector(y), na.rm = TRUE)
    if (missing(y)) {
        stop("must supply 'y'")
    halfArc <- seq(0, pi, length.out = 200)
    # FIXME: use figure geometry, to avoid axis cutoff
    if (missing(scale)) {
        scale <- max(pretty(c(xSD, ySD)))
    plot.window(c(-1.2, 1.2) * scale, c(0, 1.2) * scale, asp = 1)
    # plot.window(c(-1.1, 1.1), c(0.1, 1.2), asp=1)
    sdPretty <- pretty(c(0, scale))
    for (radius in sdPretty) {
        lines(radius * cos(halfArc), radius * sin(halfArc), col = "gray")
    # spokes
    for (rr in seq(-1, 1, 0.2)) {
        lines(c(0, max(sdPretty) * cos(pi / 2 + rr * pi / 2)),
            c(0, max(sdPretty) * sin(pi / 2 + rr * pi / 2)),
            col = "gray"
    axisLabels <- format(sdPretty)
    axisLabels[1] <- paste(0)
    axis(1, pos = 0, at = sdPretty, labels = axisLabels)
    # temporarily permit labels outside the platting zone
    xpdOld <- par("xpd")
    par(xpd = NA)
    m <- max(sdPretty)
    text(m, 0, "R=1", pos = 4)
    text(0, m, "R=0", pos = 3)
    text(-m, 0, "R=-1", pos = 2)
    par(xpd = xpdOld)
    points(xSD, 0, pch = 20, cex = 1.5)
    for (column in seq_len(ncol(y))) {
        ySD <- sd(y[, column], na.rm = TRUE)
        R <- cor(x, y[, column])^2
        # cat("column=", column, "ySD=", ySD, "R=", R, "col=", col[column], "pch=", pch[column], "\n")
        xx <- ySD * cos((1 - R) * pi / 2)
        yy <- ySD * sin((1 - R) * pi / 2)
        points(xx, yy, pch = pch[column], lwd = 2, col = col[column], cex = 2)
        if (haveLabels) {
            # cat(labels[column], "at", pos[column], "\n")
            text(xx, yy, labels[column], pos = pos[column], ...)

#' Pretty Longitude/Latitude in Degree-Minute-Second Format
#' Round a geographical positions in degrees, minutes, and seconds
#' Depending on the range of values in `x`, rounding is done to degrees,
#' half-degrees, minutes, etc.
#' @param x a series of one or more values of a latitude or longitude, in
#' decimal degrees
#' @param debug set to a positive value to get debugging information during
#' processing.
#' @return A vector of numbers that will yield good axis labels if
#' [formatPosition()] is used.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' formatPosition(prettyPosition(10 + 1:10 / 60 + 2.8 / 3600))
prettyPosition <- function(x, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    oceDebug(debug, "prettyPosition(...) {\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    r <- diff(range(x, na.rm = TRUE))
    oceDebug(debug, "range(x)=", range(x), ", r=", r, "\n")
    if (r > 5) {
        # D only
        res <- pretty(x)
    } else if (r > 1) {
        # round to 30 minutes
        res <- (1 / 2) * pretty(2 * x)
        oceDebug(debug, "case 1: res=", res, "\n")
    } else if (r > 30 / 60) {
        # round to 1 minute, with extras
        res <- (1 / 60) * pretty(60 * x, n = 6)
        oceDebug("case 2: res=", res, "\n")
    } else if (r > 5 / 60) {
        # round to 1 minute
        res <- (1 / 60) * pretty(60 * x, 4)
        oceDebug(debug, "case 3: res=", res, "\n")
    } else if (r > 10 / 3600) {
        # round to 10 sec
        res <- (1 / 360) * pretty(360 * x)
        oceDebug(debug, "case 4: res=", res, "\n")
    } else {
        # round to seconds
        res <- (1 / 3600) * pretty(3600 * x)
        if (debug) cat("case 5: res=", res, "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "} # prettyPosition\n", unindent = 1)

smoothSomething <- function(x, ...) {
    if (is.raw(x)) {
        x <- as.numeric(x)
        replace <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
        x[is.na(x)] <- replace
        res <- as.integer(smooth(x, ...))
        res <- ifelse(res < 0, 0, res)
        res <- ifelse(res > 255, 255, res)
        res <- as.raw(res)
    } else {
        replace <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
        x[is.na(x)] <- replace
        res <- smooth(x, ...)

#' Rescale Values to lie in a Given Range
#' This is helpful in e.g. developing a color scale for an image plot.  It is
#' not necessary that `rlow` be less than `rhigh`, and in fact
#' reversing them is a good way to get a reversed color scale for a plot.
#' @param x a numeric vector.
#' @param xlow `x` value to correspond to `rlow`.  If not given, it
#' will be calculated as the minimum value of `x`
#' @param xhigh `x` value to correspond to `rhigh`.  If not given, it
#' will be calculated as the maximum value of `x`
#' @param rlow value of the result corresponding to `x` equal to
#' `xlow`.
#' @param rhigh value of the result corresponding to `x` equal to
#' `xhigh`.
#' @param clip logical, set to `TRUE` to clip the result to the range
#' spanned by `rlow` and `rhigh`.
#' @return A new vector, which has minimum `lim[1]` and maximum `lim[2]`.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # Fake tow-yow data
#' t <- seq(0, 600, 5)
#' x <- 0.5 * t
#' z <- 50 * (-1 + sin(2 * pi * t / 360))
#' T <- 5 + 10 * exp(z / 100)
#' palette <- oce.colorsViridis(100)
#' zlim <- range(T)
#' drawPalette(zlim = zlim, col = palette)
#' plot(x, z,
#'     type = "p", pch = 20, cex = 3,
#'     col = palette[rescale(T, xlow = zlim[1], xhigh = zlim[2], rlow = 1, rhigh = 100)]
#' )
rescale <- function(x, xlow, xhigh, rlow = 0, rhigh = 1, clip = TRUE) {
    x <- as.numeric(x)
    finite <- is.finite(x)
    # r <- range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
    if (missing(xlow)) {
        xlow <- min(x, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (missing(xhigh)) {
        xhigh <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
    res <- rlow + (rhigh - rlow) * (x - xlow) / (xhigh - xlow)
    if (clip) {
        res <- ifelse(res < min(rlow, rhigh), rlow, res)
        res <- ifelse(res > max(rlow, rhigh), rhigh, res)
    res[!finite] <- NA

#' Adjust The Time Within an oce Object
#' This function compensates for drifting instrument clocks, according to
#' \eqn{t'=t + a + b (t-t0)}{t'=t + a + b*(t-t0)}, where \eqn{t'}{t'} is the
#' true time and \eqn{t}{t} is the time stored in the object.  A single check
#' on time mismatch can be described by a simple time offset, with a non-zero
#' value of `a`, a zero value of `b`, and an arbitrary value of
#' `t0`.  Checking the mismatch before and after an experiment yields
#' sufficient information to specify a linear drift, via `a`, `b`,
#' and `t0`.  Note that `t0` is just a convenience parameter, which
#' avoids the user having to know the "zero time" used in R and clarifies the
#' values of the other two parameters.  It makes sense for `t0` to have
#' the same timezone as the time within `x`.
#' The returned object is computed by linear interpolation, using
#' [approx()] with `rule=2`, to avoid `NA` values at the
#' start or end.  The new time will be as given by the formula above. Note that
#' if the drift is large enough, the sampling rate will be changed.  It is a
#' good idea to start with an object that has an extended time range, so that,
#' after this is called, [subset()] can be used to trim to a desired
#' time range.
#' @param x an [oce-class] object.
#' @param a intercept (in seconds) in linear model of time drift (see
#' \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param b slope (unitless) in linear model of time drift (unitless) (see
#' \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param t0 reference time (in [POSIXct()] format) used in linear model of time
#' drift (see \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param debug a flag that, if nonzero, turns on debugging.
#' @return A new object, with time and other data adjusted.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(adv)
#' adv2 <- retime(adv, 0, 1e-4, as.POSIXct("2008-07-01 00:00:00", tz = "UTC"))
#' plot(adv[["time"]], adv2[["time"]] - adv[["time"]], type = "l")
retime <- function(x, a, b, t0, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    if (missing(x)) {
        stop("must give argument 'x'")
    if (missing(a)) {
        stop("must give argument 'a'")
    if (missing(b)) {
        stop("must give argument 'b'")
    if (missing(t0)) {
        stop("must give argument 't0'")
    oceDebug(debug, paste("retime.adv(x, a=", a, ", b=", b, ", t0=\"", format(t0), "\")\n"), sep = "", unindent = 1)
    res <- x
    oceDebug(debug, "retiming x@data$time")
    res@data$time <- x@data$time + a + b * (as.numeric(x@data$time) - as.numeric(t0))
    if ("timeSlow" %in% names(x@data)) {
        oceDebug(debug, "retiming x@data$timeSlow\n")
        res@data$timeSlow <- x@data$timeSlow + a + b * (as.numeric(x@data$timeSlow) - as.numeric(t0))
    res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(res@processingLog, paste(deparse(match.call()), sep = "", collapse = ""))
    oceDebug(debug, "} # retime.adv()\n", unindent = 1)

#' Calculate Minimum, Mean, and Maximum Values
#' This is a simpler cousin of the standard [fivenum()] function,
#' used in [summary()] functions for `oce` objects.
#' @param x a vector or matrix of numerical values.
#' @return A character vector of three values: the minimum, the mean, the
#' maximum.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' threenum(1:10)
#' @section Historical note:
#' On Aug 5, 2019, the dimension was dropped as the fourth column, and
#' this function returned to the original intention (revealed by its
#' name).  Another change is that the function now returns numerical
#' results, leaving the task of setting the number of digits to
#' [summary()].
threenum <- function(x) {
    dim <- dim(x)
    if (is.character(x) || is.null(x)) {
        res <- rep(NA, 3)
    } else if (is.list(x)) {
        if (2 == sum(c("lsb", "msb") %in% names(x))) {
            # e.g. landsat data
            x <- as.numeric(x$lsb) + 256 * as.numeric(x$msb)
            dim(x) <- dim
            res <- c(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), max(x, na.rm = TRUE))
        } else {
            res <- rep(NA, 3)
    } else if (is.raw(x)) {
        x <- as.numeric(x)
        dim(x) <- dim
        res <- c(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), max(x, na.rm = TRUE))
    } else if (is.factor(x)) {
        res <- rep(NA, 3)
    } else if (0 < sum(!is.na(x))) {
        res <- c(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), max(x, na.rm = TRUE))
    } else if (inherits(x, "POSIXt")) {
        res <- c(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), max(x, na.rm = TRUE))
    } else {
        res <- rep(NA, 3)

normalize <- function(x) {
    var <- var(x, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (var == 0) {
        rep(0, length(x))
    } else {
        (x - mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / sqrt(var)

#' Detrend a Set of Observations
#' Detrends `y` by subtracting a linear trend in `x`, to create
#' a vector that is zero for its first and last finite value.
#' If the second parameter (`y`) is missing, then `x` is
#' taken to be `y`, and a new `x` is constructed with
#' [seq_along()].  Any `NA` values are left as-is.
#' A common application is to bring the end points of a time series
#' down to zero, prior to applying a digital filter. (See examples.)
#' @param x a vector of numerical values.  If `y` is not given, then
#' `x` is taken for `y`.
#' @param y an optional vector
#' @return A list containing `Y`, the detrended version of `y`, and
#' the intercept `a` and slope `b` of the linear function of `x`
#' that is subtracted from `y` to yield `Y`.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' x <- seq(0, 0.9 * pi, length.out = 50)
#' y <- sin(x)
#' y[1] <- NA
#' y[10] <- NA
#' plot(x, y, ylim = c(0, 1))
#' d <- detrend(x, y)
#' points(x, d$Y, pch = 20)
#' abline(d$a, d$b, col = "blue")
#' abline(h = 0)
#' points(x, d$Y + d$a + d$b * x, col = "blue", pch = "+")
detrend <- function(x, y) {
    if (missing(x)) {
        stop("must give x")
    n <- length(x)
    if (missing(y)) {
        y <- x
        x <- seq_along(y)
    } else {
        if (length(y) != n) {
            stop("x and y must be of same length, but they are ", n, " and ", length(y))
    first <- which(is.finite(y))[1]
    last <- 1 + length(y) - which(is.finite(rev(y)))[1]
    if (x[first] == x[last]) {
        stop("the first and last x values must be distinct")
    b <- (y[first] - y[[last]]) / (x[first] - x[[last]])
    a <- y[first] - b * x[first]
    list(Y = y - (a + b * x), a = a, b = b)

#' Remove Spikes From a Time Series
#' The method identifies spikes with respect to a "reference" time-series, and
#' replaces these spikes with the reference value, or with `NA` according
#' to the value of `action`; see \dQuote{Details}.
#' Three modes of operation are permitted, depending on the value of
#' `reference`.
#' 1. For `reference="median"`, the first step is to linearly interpolate
#' across any gaps (spots where `x==NA`), using [approx()] with
#' `rule=2`. The second step is to pass this through
#' [runmed()] to get a running median spanning `k`
#' elements. The result of these two steps is the "reference" time-series.
#' Then, the standard deviation of the difference between `x`
#' and the reference is calculated.  Any `x` values that differ from
#' the reference by more than `n` times this standard deviation are considered
#' to be spikes.  If `replace="reference"`, the spike values are
#' replaced with the reference, and the resultant time series is
#' returned.  If `replace="NA"`, the spikes are replaced with `NA`,
#' and that result is returned.
#' 2. For `reference="smooth"`, the processing is the same as for
#' `"median"`, except that [smooth()] is used to calculate the
#' reference time series.
#' 3. For `reference="trim"`, the reference time series is constructed by
#' linear interpolation across any regions in which `x<min` or
#' `x>max`.  (Again, this is done with [approx()] with
#' `rule=2`.) In this case, the value of `n` is ignored, and the
#' return value is the same as `x`, except that spikes are replaced
#' with the reference series (if `replace="reference"` or with
#' `NA`, if `replace="NA"`.
#' @param x a vector of (time-series) values, a list of vectors, a data frame,
#' or an [oce-class] object.
#' @param reference indication of the type of reference time series to be used
#' in the detection of spikes; see \dQuote{Details}.
#' @param n an indication of the limit to differences between `x` and the
#' reference time series, used for `reference="median"` or
#' `reference="smooth"`; see \dQuote{Details.}
#' @param k length of running median used with `reference="median"`, and
#' ignored for other values of `reference`.
#' @param min minimum non-spike value of `x`, used with
#' `reference="trim"`.
#' @param max maximum non-spike value of `x`, used with
#' `reference="trim"`.
#' @param replace an indication of what to do with spike values, with
#' `"reference"` indicating to replace them with the reference time
#' series, and `"NA"` indicating to replace them with `NA`.
#' @param skip optional vector naming columns to be skipped. This is ignored if
#' `x` is a simple vector. Any items named in `skip` will be passed
#' through to the return value without modification.  In some cases,
#' `despike` will set up reasonable defaults for `skip`, e.g. for a
#' `ctd` object, `skip` will be set to \code{c("time", "scan",
#' "pressure")} if it is not supplied as an argument.
#' @return A new vector in which spikes are replaced as described above.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' n <- 50
#' x <- 1:n
#' y <- rnorm(n = n)
#' y[n / 2] <- 10 # 10 standard deviations
#' plot(x, y, type = "l")
#' lines(x, despike(y), col = "red")
#' lines(x, despike(y, reference = "smooth"), col = "darkgreen")
#' lines(x, despike(y, reference = "trim", min = -3, max = 3), col = "blue")
#' legend("topright",
#'     lwd = 1, col = c("black", "red", "darkgreen", "blue"),
#'     legend = c("raw", "median", "smooth", "trim")
#' )
#' # add a spike to a CTD object
#' data(ctd)
#' plot(ctd)
#' T <- ctd[["temperature"]]
#' T[10] <- T[10] + 10
#' ctd[["temperature"]] <- T
#' CTD <- despike(ctd)
#' plot(CTD)
despike <- function(
    x, reference = c("median", "smooth", "trim"), n = 4, k = 7, min = NA, max = NA,
    replace = c("reference", "NA"), skip) {
    if (is.vector(x)) {
        x <- despikeColumn(x, reference = reference, n = n, k = k, min = min, max = max, replace = replace)
    } else {
        if (missing(skip)) {
            if (inherits(x, "ctd")) {
                skip <- c("time", "scan", "pressure")
            } else {
                skip <- NULL
        if (inherits(x, "oce")) {
            columns <- names(x@data)
            for (column in columns) {
                if (!(column %in% skip)) {
                    # check for NA column
                    if (all(is.na(x[[column]]))) {
                        warning(paste("Column", column, "contains only NAs. Skipping"))
                    } else {
                        x[[column]] <- despikeColumn(x[[column]],
                            reference = reference, n = n, k = k, min = min, max = max, replace = replace
            x@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(x@processingLog, paste(deparse(match.call()), sep = "", collapse = ""))
        } else {
            columns <- names(x)
            for (column in columns) {
                if (!(column %in% skip)) {
                    if (all(is.na(x[[column]]))) {
                        warning(paste("Column", column, "contains only NAs. Skipping"))
                    } else {
                        x[[column]] <- despikeColumn(x[[column]],
                            reference = reference, n = n, k = k, min = min, max = max, replace = replace

despikeColumn <- function(
    x, reference = c("median", "smooth", "trim"), n = 4, k = 7, min = NA, max = NA,
    replace = c("reference", "NA")) {
    reference <- match.arg(reference)
    replace <- match.arg(replace)
    gave.min <- !is.na(min)
    gave.max <- !is.na(max)
    nx <- length(x)
    # degap
    na <- is.na(x)
    if (sum(na) > 0) {
        i <- 1:nx
        x.gapless <- approx(i[!na], x[!na], i, rule = 2)$y
    } else {
        x.gapless <- x
    if (reference == "median" || reference == "smooth") {
        if (reference == "median") {
            x.reference <- runmed(x.gapless, k = k)
        } else {
            x.reference <- as.numeric(smooth(x.gapless))
        distance <- abs(x.reference - x.gapless)
        stddev <- sqrt(var(distance))
        bad <- distance > n * stddev
        nbad <- sum(bad)
        if (nbad > 0) {
            if (replace == "reference") {
                x[bad] <- x.reference[bad]
            } else {
                x[bad] <- rep(NA, nbad)
    } else if (reference == "trim") {
        if (!gave.min || !gave.max) {
            stop("must give min and max")
        bad <- !(min <= x & x <= max)
        nbad <- length(bad)
        if (nbad > 0) {
            i <- 1:nx
            if (replace == "reference") {
                x[bad] <- approx(i[!bad], x.gapless[!bad], i[bad], rule = 2)$y
            } else {
                x[bad] <- NA
    } else {
        stop("unknown reference ", reference)

#' Substitute NA for Data Outside a Range
#' Substitute NA for data outside a range, e.g. to remove wild spikes in data.
#' @param x vector of values
#' @param min minimum acceptable value.  If not supplied, and if `max` is
#' also not supplied, a `min` of the 0.5 percentile will be used.
#' @param max maximum acceptable value.  If not supplied, and if `min` is
#' also not supplied, a `min` of the 0.995 percentile will be used.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' ten.to.twenty <- rangeLimit(1:100, 10, 20)
rangeLimit <- function(x, min, max) {
    if (missing(min) && missing(max)) {
        minmax <- quantile(x, 0.005, 0.995)
        min <- minmax[1]
        max <- minmax[2]
    ifelse(max < x | x < min, NA, x)

#' Determine Year From Various Abbreviations
#' Various data files may contain various abbreviations for years.  For
#' example, 99 refers to 1999, and 8 refers to 2008.  Sometimes, even 108
#' refers to 2008 (the idea being that the "zero" year was 1900).  This
#' function deals with the three cases mentioned.  It will fail if someone
#' supplies 60, meaning year 2060 as opposed to 1960.
#' @param year a year, or vector of years, possibly abbreviated
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' fullYear <- unabbreviateYear(c(99, 8, 108))
#' @family things related to time
unabbreviateYear <- function(year) {
    # handle e.g. 2008 as 2008 (full year), 8 (year-2000 offset), or 108 (year 1900 offset)
    ifelse(year > 1800, year, ifelse(year > 50, year + 1900, year + 2000))

#' Unwrap an Angle That Suffers Modulo-360 Problems
#' This is mostly used for instrument heading angles, in cases where the
#' instrument is aligned nearly northward, so that small variations in heading
#' (e.g. due to mooring motion) can yield values that swing from small angles
#' to large angles, because of the modulo-360 cut point.
#' The method is to use the cosine and sine of the angle, to construct "x" and
#' "y" values on a unit circle, then to find means and medians of x and y
#' respectively, and finally to use [atan2()] to infer the angles.
#' @param angle an angle (in degrees) that is thought be near 360 degrees, with
#' added noise
#' @return A list with two estimates: `mean` is based on an arithmetic
#' mean, and `median` is based on the median. Both are mapped to the range
#' 0 to 360.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' true <- 355
#' a <- true + rnorm(100, sd = 10)
#' a <- ifelse(a > 360, a - 360, a)
#' a2 <- unwrapAngle(a)
#' par(mar = c(3, 3, 5, 3))
#' hist(a, breaks = 360)
#' abline(v = a2$mean, col = "blue", lty = "dashed")
#' abline(v = true, col = "blue")
#' mtext("true (solid)\n estimate (dashed)", at = true, side = 3, col = "blue")
#' abline(v = mean(a), col = "red")
#' mtext("mean", at = mean(a), side = 3, col = "red")
unwrapAngle <- function(angle) {
    toRad <- atan2(1, 1) / 45
    angle <- angle * toRad
    S <- sin(angle)
    C <- cos(angle)
    Smean <- mean(S, na.rm = TRUE)
    Smedian <- median(S, na.rm = TRUE)
    Cmean <- mean(C, na.rm = TRUE)
    Cmedian <- median(C, na.rm = TRUE)
    resMean <- atan2(Smean, Cmean) / toRad
    resMedian <- atan2(Smedian, Cmedian) / toRad
    resMean <- if (resMean < 0) resMean + 360 else resMean
    resMedian <- if (resMedian < 0) resMedian + 360 else resMedian
    list(mean = resMean, median = resMedian)

#' Show Some Values From a List, Vector or Matrix
#' This is similar to [str()], but it shows data at the first and last of the
#' vector, which can be quite helpful in debugging.
#' @param v the item to be summarized.  If this is a list of a vector of named
#' items, then information is provided for each element. Otherwise, information
#' is provided for the first and last `n` values.
#' @param msg optional character value indicating a message to show,
#' introducing the vector.  If not provided, then
#' a message is created from `v`. If `msg` is a non-empty string,
#' then that string is pasted together with a colon (unless `msg` already
#' contains a colon), before pasting a summary of data values.
#' @param postscript optional character value indicating an optional message
#' to append at the end of the return value.
#' @param digits for numerical values of `v`, this is the number of digits
#' to use, in formatting the numbers with [format()]; otherwise,
#' `digits` is ignored.
#' @param n number of elements to show at start and end. If `n`
#' is negative, then all the elements are shown.
#' @param showNA logical value indicating whether to show the number
#' of `NA` values. This is done only if the output contains ellipses,
#' meaning that some values are skipped, because if all values are shown,
#' it will be perfectly obvious whether there are any `NA` values.
#' @param showNewline logical value indicating whether to put a newline
#' character at the end of the output string.  The default, TRUE, is
#' convenient for printing, but using FALSE makes more sense if
#' the result is to be used with, e.g. [mtext()].
#' @return A string ending in a newline character, suitable for
#' display with [cat()] or [oceDebug()].
#' @examples
#' # List
#' limits <- list(low = 0, high = 1)
#' vectorShow(limits)
#' # Vector of named items
#' planktonCount <- c(phytoplankton = 100, zooplankton = 20)
#' vectorShow(planktonCount)
#' # Vector
#' vectorShow(pi)
#' # Matrix
#' vectorShow(volcano)
#' # Other arguments
#' knot2mps <- 0.5144444
#' vectorShow(knot2mps, postscript = "knots per m/s")
#' vectorShow("January", msg = "The first month is")
#' @author Dan Kelley
vectorShow <- function(v, msg = "", postscript = "", digits = 5L, n = 2L, showNA = FALSE, showNewline = TRUE) {
    startEnd <- function(v, n) {
        if (length(v) < 2L * n) {
            paste(v, collapse = ", ")
        } else {
                paste(head(v, n), collapse = ","), ",...,",
                paste(paste(tail(v, n)), collapse = ",")
    dimv <- dim(v)
    nv <- length(v)
    if (!nchar(msg)) {
        msg <- deparse(substitute(expr = v, env = environment()))
    if (is.list(v) || (is.vector(v) && length(names(v)) > 0L)) {
        names <- names(v)
        values <- unname(v)
        msg <- paste0(msg, ": ")
        nv <- length(v)
        for (iv in seq_len(nv)) {
            msg <- paste0(msg, names[iv], "=", startEnd(values[[iv]], n))
            if (iv < nv) {
                msg <- paste0(msg, ", ")
        if (showNewline) {
            msg <- paste0(msg, "\n")
    } else {
        if (!is.null(dimv)) {
            msg <- paste0(
                    paste(unlist(lapply(dimv, function(x) paste0("1:", x))), collapse = ", "),
        } else if (nv > 1) {
            msg <- paste0(msg, paste0("[1:", nv, "]"))
        if (nchar(msg) && !grepl(":$", msg)) {
            msg <- paste0(msg, ": ")
    res <- msg
    if (nv == 0) {
        res <- paste(res, "(empty vector)")
    } else {
        if (n < 0 || nv <= 2 * n) {
            showAll <- TRUE
        } else {
            n <- floor(min(n, nv / 2))
            showAll <- FALSE
        if (is.numeric(v)) {
            if (showAll) {
                res <- paste(msg, paste(format(v, digits = digits), collapse = ", "), sep = "")
            } else {
                res <- paste(msg, paste(format(v[1:n], digits = digits), collapse = ", "),
                    ", ..., ", paste(format(v[nv - seq.int(n - 1, 0)], digits = digits), collapse = ", "),
                    sep = ""
                if (showNA) {
                    res <- paste0(res, " (", sum(is.na(v)), " NA)")
        } else {
            if (showAll) {
                res <- paste(msg, paste(v, collapse = ", "), sep = "")
            } else {
                res <- paste(msg, paste(v[1:n], collapse = ", "),
                    ", ..., ", paste(v[nv - seq.int(n - 1, 0)], collapse = ", "),
                    sep = ""
                if (showNA) {
                    res <- paste0(res, " (", sum(is.na(v)), " NA)")
    if (nchar(postscript) > 0) {
        res <- paste(res, postscript)
    if (showNewline) {
        res <- paste(res, "\n", sep = "")

#' Full Name of File, Including Path
#' Determines the full name of a file, including the path.  Used by many
#' `read.X` routines, where `X` is the name of a class of object.
#' This is a wrapper around [normalizePath()], with warnings turned
#' off so that messages are not printed for files that are
#' not found (e.g. URLs).
#' @param filename name of file
#' @return Full file name
#' @author Dan Kelley
fullFilename <- function(filename) {
    warn <- options("warn")$warn
    options(warn = -1)
    res <- normalizePath(filename)
    options(warn = warn)

#' Variable Names in Adjustable Sizes
#' Provide axis names in adjustable sizes, e.g. using T instead of Temperature,
#' and including units as appropriate.
#' Used by e.g. [plot,ctd-method()].
#' @param item code for the label. The following common values are recognized:
#' `"absolute salinity"`, `"along-spine distance km"`, `"along-track distance km"`,
#' `"C"`, `"conductivity mS/cm"`, `"conductivity S/m"`, `"conservative temperature"`,
#' `"CT"`, `"depth"`, `"direction"`, `"distance"`, `"distance km"`, `"eastward"`,
#' `"elevation"`, `"fluorescence"`, `"frequency cph"`, `"heading"`, `"latitude"`,
#' `"longitude"`, `"N2"`, `"nitrate"`, `"nitrite"`, `"northward"`, `"oxygen"`,
#' `"oxygen mL/L"`, `"oxygen saturation"`, `"oxygen umol/kg"`, `"oxygen umol/L"`,
#' `"p"`, `"phosphate"`, `"pitch"`, `"roll"`, `"S"`, `"SA"`,
#' `"sigma0"`, `"sigma1"`, `"sigma2"`, `"sigma3"`, `"sigma4"`,
#' `"sigmaTheta"`,
#' `"silicate"`, `"sound speed"`, `"spectral density m2/cph"`, `"speed"`,
#' `"spice"`, `"T"`, `"theta"`, `"tritium"`, `"u"`, `"v"`, `"w"`, or `"z"`.
#' Other values may also be recognized, and if an unrecognized item is
#' given, then it is returned, unaltered.
#' @param axis a string indicating which axis to use; must be `x` or
#' `y`.
#' @param sep optional character string inserted between the unit and the
#' parentheses or brackets that enclose it. If not provided, then
#' [`getOption`]`("oceUnitSep")` is checked. If that exists, then it is
#' used as the separator; if not, no separator is used.
#' @param unit optional unit to use, if the default is not satisfactory. This
#' might be the case if for example temperature was not measured in Celcius.
#' @param debug optional debugging flag. Setting to 0 turns off debugging,
#' while setting to 1 causes some debugging information to be printed.
#' @return A character string or expression, in either a long or a shorter
#' format, for use in the indicated axis at the present plot size.  Whether the
#' unit is enclosed in parentheses or square brackets is determined by the
#' value of `getOption("oceUnitBracket")`, which may be `"["` or
#' `"("`.  Whether spaces are used between the unit and these deliminators
#' is set by `psep` or [`getOption`]`("oceUnitSep")`.
#' @family functions that create labels
#' @author Dan Kelley
resizableLabel <- function(item, axis = "x", sep, unit = NULL, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    oceDebug(debug, "resizableLabel(item=\"", item,
        "\", axis=\"", axis,
        "\", sep=\"", if (missing(sep)) "(missing)" else sep, "\", ...) {\n",
        sep = "", unindent = 1, style = "bold"
    if (missing(item)) {
        stop("must provide 'item'")
    if (axis != "x" && axis != "y") {
        stop("axis must be \"x\" or \"y\"")
    itemAllowed <- c(
        "salinity", "S", "SA", "C", "CT", paste("conductivity", "mS/cm"),
        paste("conductivity", "S/m"), "T", "temperature", "theta", "sigmaTheta",
        paste("Conservative", "Temperature"), paste("Absolute", "Salinity"),
        "N2", "nitrate", "nitrite", "oxygen", paste("oxygen", "saturation"),
        paste("oxygen", "mL/L"), paste("oxygen", "umol/L"), paste(
        ), "phosphate", "silicate", "tritium", "spice",
        "fluorescence", "p", "z", "distance", "distance km",
        paste("along-spine", "distance", "km"), paste(
            "along-track", "distance",
        ), "heading", "pitch", "roll", "u", "v", "w", "speed",
        "direction", "eastward", "northward", "depth", "elevation", "latitude",
        "longitude", paste("frequency", "cph"), paste("sound", "speed"),
        paste("spectral", "density", "m2/cph"), "sigma0", "sigma1", "sigma2",
        "sigma3", "sigma4", "Sstar", "SR"

    # FIXME: if anything is added, run the next, and paste results into roxygen.
    # > A<-paste0("'",paste(sort(itemAllowed), collapse="'`, `'"),"'");A
    # NOTE: some hand-tweaking must be done to fix linebreaks and (preferably) to
    # change the ' into a ".
    if (!missing(unit)) {
        if (is.list(unit)) {
            unit <- unit[[1]] # second item is a scale
        if (0 == length(unit) || 0 == nchar(unit)) {
            unit <- NULL
    # Previous to 2016-06-11, an error was reported if there was no match.
    itemAllowedMatch <- pmatch(item, itemAllowed)
    if (!is.na(itemAllowedMatch)) {
        item <- itemAllowed[itemAllowedMatch[1]]
    if (getOption("oceUnitBracket") == "[") {
        L <- " ["
        R <- "]"
    } else {
        L <- " ("
        R <- ")"
    if (missing(sep)) {
        tmp <- getOption("oceUnitSep")
        sep <- if (!is.null(tmp)) tmp else ""
    L <- paste(L, sep, sep = "")
    R <- paste(sep, R, sep = "")
    if (item == "T" || item == "temperature") {
        var <- gettext("Temperature", domain = "R-oce")
        if (is.null(unit)) {
            # message("no unit given for temperature")
            full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * degree * "C" * .(R))
            abbreviated <- bquote("T" * .(L) * degree * "C" * .(R))
        } else {
            # message("unit given for temperature")
            full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
            abbreviated <- bquote("T" * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
    } else if (item == paste("conductivity", "mS/cm")) {
        var <- gettext("Conductivity", domain = "R-oce")
        full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * mS / cm * .(R))
        abbreviated <- bquote("C" * .(L) * mS / cm * .(R))
    } else if (item == paste("conductivity", "S/m")) {
        var <- gettext("Conductivity", domain = "R-oce")
        full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * S / m * .(R))
        abbreviated <- bquote("C" * .(L) * S / m * .(R))
    } else if (item == "C") {
        # unitless form
        var <- gettext("Conductivity Ratio", domain = "R-oce")
        unit <- gettext("unitless", domain = "R-oce")
        full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
        abbreviated <- bquote("C")
    } else if (item %in% c(
        paste("conservative", "temperature"),
        paste("Conservative", "Temperature")
    )) {
        var <- gettext("Conservative Temperature", domain = "R-oce")
        full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * degree * "C" * .(R))
        abbreviated <- bquote(Theta * .(L) * degree * "C" * .(R))
    } else if (item == "sigmaTheta") {
        var <- gettext("Potential density anomaly", domain = "R-oce")
        full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R))
        abbreviated <- bquote(sigma[theta] * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R))
    } else if (item == "sigma0") {
        var <- gettext("Potential density anomaly wrt surface", domain = "R-oce")
        full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R))
        abbreviated <- bquote(sigma[0] * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R))
    } else if (item == "sigma1") {
        var <- gettext("Potential density anomaly wrt 1000 dbar", domain = "R-oce")
        full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R))
        abbreviated <- bquote(sigma[1] * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R))
    } else if (item == "sigma2") {
        var <- gettext("Potential density anomaly wrt 2000 dbar", domain = "R-oce")
        full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R))
        abbreviated <- bquote(sigma[2] * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R))
    } else if (item == "sigma3") {
        var <- gettext("Potential density anomaly wrt 3000 dbar", domain = "R-oce")
        full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R))
        abbreviated <- bquote(sigma[3] * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R))
    } else if (item == "sigma4") {
        var <- gettext("Potential density anomaly wrt 4000 dbar", domain = "R-oce")
        full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R))
        abbreviated <- bquote(sigma[4] * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R))
    } else if (item %in% c("salinity", "SP")) {
        var <- "Salinity"
        abbreviated <- full <- bquote(.(var))
    } else if (item == "SR") {
        var <- "SR"
        abbreviated <- full <- bquote(S[R] * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R))
    } else if (item == "Sstar") {
        var <- "Sstar"
        abbreviated <- full <- bquote(S["*"] * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R))
    } else if (item == "theta") {
        var <- gettext("Potential Temperature", domain = "R-oce")
        full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * degree * "C" * .(R))
        abbreviated <- bquote(theta * .(L) * degree * "C" * .(R))
    } else if (item == "tritium") {
        var <- gettext("Tritium", domain = "R-oce")
        if (is.null(unit)) {
            full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * Tu * .(R))
            abbreviated <- bquote(phantom()^3 * H * .(L) * Tu * .(R))
        } else {
            full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
            abbreviated <- bquote(phantom()^3 * H * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
    } else if (item == "N2") {
        # full <- bquote("Square of Buoyancy Frequency"*.(L)*s^-2*.(R))
        full <- bquote(N^2 * .(L) * s^-2 * .(R))
        abbreviated <- bquote(N^2 * .(L) * s^-2 * .(R))
    } else if (item == "nitrate") {
        var <- gettext("Nitrate", domain = "R-oce")
        if (is.null(unit)) {
            full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * mu * mol / kg * .(R))
            abbreviated <- bquote(N * O[3] * .(L) * mu * mol / kg * .(R))
        } else {
            full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
            abbreviated <- bquote(N * O[3] * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
    } else if (item == "nitrite") {
        var <- gettext("Nitrite", domain = "R-oce")
        if (is.null(unit)) {
            full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * mu * mol / kg * .(R))
            abbreviated <- bquote(N * O[2] * .(L) * mu * mol / kg * .(R))
        } else {
            full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
            abbreviated <- bquote(N * O[2] * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
    } else if (item == "oxygen") {
        var <- gettext("Oxygen", domain = "R-oce")
        if (is.null(unit)) {
            full <- bquote(.(var))
            abbreviated <- bquote(O[2])
        } else {
            full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
            abbreviated <- bquote(O[2] * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
    } else if (item == paste("oxygen", "saturation")) {
        var <- gettext("Oxygen Saturation", domain = "R-oce")
        full <- bquote(.(var))
        abbreviated <- bquote(O[2] * .(L) * percent * saturation * .(R))
    } else if (item == paste("oxygen", "mL/L")) {
        var <- gettext("Oxygen", domain = "R-oce")
        full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * mL / L * .(R))
        abbreviated <- bquote(O[2] * .(L) * mL / L * .(R))
    } else if (item == paste("oxygen", "umol/L")) {
        var <- gettext("Oxygen", domain = "R-oce")
        full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * mu * mol / L * .(R))
        abbreviated <- bquote(O[2] * .(L) * mu * mol / L * .(R))
    } else if (item == paste("oxygen", "umol/kg")) {
        var <- gettext("Oxygen", domain = "R-oce")
        full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * mu * mol / kg * .(R))
        abbreviated <- bquote(O[2] * .(L) * mu * mol / kg * .(R))
    } else if (item == "phosphate") {
        var <- gettext("Phosphate", domain = "R-oce")
        if (is.null(unit)) {
            full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * mu * mol / kg * .(R))
            abbreviated <- bquote(P * O[4] * .(L) * mu * mol / kg * .(R))
        } else {
            full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
            abbreviated <- bquote(P * O[4] * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
    } else if (item == paste("potential", "temperature")) {
        var <- gettext("Potential Temperature", domain = "R-oce")
        if (is.null(unit)) {
            full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * degree * C * .(R))
            abbreviated <- bquote(theta * .(L) * degree * C * .(R))
        } else {
            full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
            abbreviated <- bquote(theta * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
    } else if (item == "pressure") {
        var <- gettext("Pressure", domain = "R-oce")
        if (is.null(unit)) {
            full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * dbar * .(R))
            abbreviated <- bquote(theta * .(L) * dbar * .(R))
        } else {
            full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
            abbreviated <- bquote(theta * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
    } else if (item == "silicate") {
        var <- gettext("Silicate", domain = "R-oce")
        if (is.null(unit)) {
            full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * mu * mol / kg * .(R))
            abbreviated <- bquote(Si * O[4] * .(L) * mu * mol / kg * .(R))
        } else {
            full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
            abbreviated <- bquote(Si * O[4] * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
    } else if (item == "fluorescence") {
        var <- gettext("Fluorescence", domain = "R-oce")
        if (is.null(unit)) {
            # I've no idea what a 'standard' unit might be
            full <- bquote(.(var))
            abbreviated <- full
        } else {
            full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
            abbreviated <- bquote("Fluor." * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
    } else if (item == "spice") {
        var <- gettext("Spice", domain = "R-oce")
        if (is.null(unit)) {
            full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R))
            abbreviated <- full
        } else {
            full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
            abbreviated <- full
    } else if (item == "spiciness0") {
        var <- gettext("Spiciness wrt surface", domain = "R-oce")
        full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R))
        abbreviated <- bquote(sigma[0] * .(L) * kg / m^3 * .(R))
    } else if (item == "S") {
        full <- gettext("Salinity", domain = "R-oce")
        abbreviated <- expression(S)
    } else if (item %in% c(
        paste("absolute", "salinity"),
        paste("Absolute", "Salinity")
    )) {
        var <- gettext("Absolute Salinity", domain = "R-oce")
        full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * g / kg * .(R))
        abbreviated <- bquote(S[A] * .(L) * g / kg * .(R))
    } else if (item == "p") {
        var <- gettext("Pressure", domain = "R-oce")
        full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * dbar * .(R))
        abbreviated <- bquote("p" * .(L) * dbar * .(R))
    } else if (item == "z") {
        var <- "z"
        abbreviated <- full <- bquote("z" * .(L) * m * .(R))
    } else if (item == "distance") {
        var <- gettext("Distance", domain = "R-oce")
        abbreviated <- full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * m * .(R))
    } else if (item == "distance km") {
        var <- gettext("Distance", domain = "R-oce")
        abbreviated <- full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * km * .(R))
    } else if (item == paste("along-spine", "distance", "km")) {
        var <- gettext("Along-spine Distance", domain = "R-oce")
        abbreviated <- full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * km * .(R))
    } else if (item == paste("along-track", "distance", "km")) {
        var <- gettext("Along-track Distance", domain = "R-oce")
        abbreviated <- full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * km * .(R))
    } else if (item == "heading") {
        var <- gettext("Heading", domain = "R-oce")
        abbreviated <- full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * degree * .(R))
    } else if (item == "pitch") {
        var <- gettext("Pitch", domain = "R-oce")
        abbreviated <- full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * degree * .(R))
    } else if (item == "roll") {
        var <- gettext("Roll", domain = "R-oce")
        abbreviated <- full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * degree * .(R))
    } else if (item == "u" || item == "v" || item == "w") {
        abbreviated <- full <- bquote(.(item) * .(L) * m / s * .(R))
    } else if (item == "eastward") {
        var <- gettext("Eastward", domain = "R-oce")
        abbreviated <- full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * m / s * .(R))
    } else if (item == "northward") {
        var <- gettext("Northward", domain = "R-oce")
        abbreviated <- full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * m / s * .(R))
    } else if (item == "depth") {
        var <- gettext("Depth", domain = "R-oce")
        abbreviated <- full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * m * .(R))
    } else if (item == "elevation") {
        var <- gettext("Elevation", domain = "R-oce")
        abbreviated <- full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * m * .(R))
    } else if (item == "speed") {
        var <- gettext("Speed", domain = "R-oce")
        abbreviated <- full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * m / s * .(R))
    } else if (item == "latitude") {
        var <- gettext("Latitude", domain = "R-oce")
        # maybe add deg "N" "S" etc here, but maybe not (aesthetics)
        abbreviated <- full <- var
    } else if (item == "longitude") {
        var <- gettext("Longitude", domain = "R-oce")
        # maybe add deg "E" "W" etc here, but maybe not (aesthetics)
        abbreviated <- full <- var
    } else if (item == paste("frequency", "cph")) {
        var <- gettext("Frequency", domain = "R-oce")
        unit <- gettext("cph", domain = "R-oce")
        abbreviated <- full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
    } else if (item == paste("sound", "speed")) {
        var <- gettext("Sound Speed", domain = "R-oce")
        unit <- gettext("m/s", domain = "R-oce")
        abbreviated <- full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
    } else if (item == paste("spectral", "density", "m2/cph")) {
        var <- gettext("Spectral density", domain = "R-oce")
        full <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * m^2 / cph * .(R))
        var <- gettext("Spec. dens.", domain = "R-oce")
        abbreviated <- bquote(.(var) * .(L) * m^2 / cph * .(R))
    } else {
        oceDebug(debug, "unknown item=\"", item, "\"\n", sep = "")
        if (is.null(unit)) {
            oceDebug(debug, "no unit given\n")
            # message("no unit given")
            full <- item
            abbreviated <- full
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "unit \"", unit, "\" given\n")
            full <- bquote(.(item) * .(L) * .(unit[[1]]) * .(R))
            abbreviated <- full
    spaceNeeded <- strwidth(paste(full, collapse = ""), "inches")
    whichAxis <- if (axis == "x") 1 else 2
    spaceAvailable <- abs(par("fin")[whichAxis])
    fraction <- spaceNeeded / spaceAvailable
    oceDebug(debug, "} # resizableLabel\n", unindent = 1, style = "bold")
    if (fraction < 1) full else abbreviated

#' Rotate Velocity Components Within an oce Object
#' Alter the horizontal components of velocities in `adp`,
#' `adv` or `cm` objects, by applying a rotation about
#' the vertical axis.
#' @param x an [adp-class], [adv-class], or [cm-class] object.
#' @param angle The rotation angle about the z axis, in degrees counterclockwise.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' par(mfcol = c(2, 3))
#' # adp (acoustic Doppler profiler)
#' data(adp)
#' plot(adp, which = "uv")
#' mtext("adp", side = 3, line = 0, adj = 1, cex = 0.7)
#' adpRotated <- rotateAboutZ(adp, 30)
#' plot(adpRotated, which = "uv")
#' mtext("adp rotated 30 deg", side = 3, line = 0, adj = 1, cex = 0.7)
#' # adv (acoustic Doppler velocimeter)
#' data(adv)
#' plot(adv, which = "uv")
#' mtext("adv", side = 3, line = 0, adj = 1, cex = 0.7)
#' advRotated <- rotateAboutZ(adv, 125)
#' plot(advRotated, which = "uv")
#' mtext("adv rotated 125 deg", side = 3, line = 0, adj = 1, cex = 0.7)
#' # cm (current meter)
#' data(cm)
#' plot(cm, which = "uv")
#' mtext("cm", side = 3, line = 0, adj = 1, cex = 0.7)
#' cmRotated <- rotateAboutZ(cm, 30)
#' plot(cmRotated, which = "uv")
#' mtext("cm rotated 30 deg", side = 3, line = 0, adj = 1, cex = 0.7)
#' @family things related to adp data
#' @family things related to adv data
#' @family things related to cm data
rotateAboutZ <- function(x, angle) {
    if (missing(angle)) {
        stop("must supply angle")
    S <- sin(angle * pi / 180)
    C <- cos(angle * pi / 180)
    rotation <- matrix(c(C, S, -S, C), nrow = 2)
    res <- x
    allowedClasses <- c("adp", "adv", "cm")
    if (!(class(x) %in% allowedClasses)) {
            "cannot rotate for class \"", class(x), "\"; try one of: \"",
            paste(allowedClasses, collapse = "\" \""), "\")"
    if (inherits(x, "adp")) {
        if (is.ad2cp(x)) {
            stop("this function does not work yet for AD2CP data")
        if (x[["oceCoordinate"]] != "enu") {
            stop("cannot rotate adp unless coordinate system is 'enu'; see ?toEnu or ?xyzToEnu")
        V <- x[["v"]]
        # Work through the bins, transforming a 3D array operation to a
        # sequence of 2D matrix operations.
        for (j in seq_len(dim(V)[2])) {
            uvr <- rotation %*% t(V[, j, 1:2])
            V[, j, 1] <- uvr[1, ]
            V[, j, 2] <- uvr[2, ]
        res@data$v <- V
    } else if (inherits(x, "adv")) {
        if (x[["oceCoordinate"]] != "enu") {
            stop("cannot rotate adv unless coordinate system is 'enu'; see ?toEnu or ?xyzToEnu")
        V <- x[["v"]]
        uvr <- rotation %*% t(V[, 1:2])
        V[, 1] <- uvr[1, ]
        V[, 2] <- uvr[2, ]
        res@data$v <- V
    } else if (inherits(x, "cm")) {
        uvr <- rotation %*% rbind(x@data$u, x@data$v)
        res@data$u <- uvr[1, ]
        res@data$v <- uvr[2, ]
    } else {
            "cannot rotate for class \"", class(x), "\"; try one of: \"",
            paste(allowedClasses, collapse = "\" \""), "\". (internal error: please report)"
    # Update processing log
    res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(
        paste("rotateAboutZ(x, angle=", angle, ")", sep = "")

#' Format a Latitude-Longitude Pair
#' Format a latitude-longitude pair, using "S" for negative latitudes, etc.
#' @param lat latitude in \eqn{^\circ}{deg}N north of the equator.
#' @param lon longitude in \eqn{^\circ}{deg}N east of Greenwich.
#' @param digits the number of significant digits to use when printing.
#' @return A character string.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso [latFormat()] and [lonFormat()].
latlonFormat <- function(lat, lon, digits = max(6, getOption("digits") - 1)) {
    n <- length(lon)
    res <- vector("character", n)
    for (i in 1:n) {
        if (is.na(lat[i]) || is.na(lon[i])) {
            res[i] <- "Lat and lon unknown"
        } else {
            res[i] <- paste(format(abs(lat[i]), digits = digits),
                if (lat[i] > 0) gettext("N", domain = "R-oce") else gettext("S", domain = "R-oce"),
                " ",
                format(abs(lon[i]), digits = digits),
                if (lon[i] > 0) gettext("E", domain = "R-oce") else gettext("W", domain = "R-oce"),
                sep = ""

#' Format a Latitude
#' Format a latitude, using "S" for negative latitude.
#' @param lat latitude in \eqn{^\circ}{deg}N north of the equator.
#' @param digits the number of significant digits to use when printing.
#' @return A character string.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso [lonFormat()] and [latlonFormat()].
latFormat <- function(lat, digits = max(6, getOption("digits") - 1)) {
    n <- length(lat)
    if (n < 1) {
    res <- vector("character", n)
    for (i in 1:n) {
        if (is.na(lat[i])) {
            res[i] <- ""
        } else {
            res[i] <- paste(format(abs(lat[i]), digits = digits),
                gettext(if (lat[i] > 0.0) "N" else "S", domain = "R-oce"),
                sep = ""

#' Format a Longitude
#' Format a longitude, using "W" for west longitude.
#' @param lon longitude in \eqn{^\circ}{deg}N east of Greenwich.
#' @param digits the number of significant digits to use when printing.
#' @return A character string.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso [latFormat()] and [latlonFormat()].
lonFormat <- function(lon, digits = max(6, getOption("digits") - 1)) {
    n <- length(lon)
    if (n < 1) {
    res <- vector("character", n)
    for (i in seq_len(n)) {
        if (is.na(lon[i])) {
            res[i] <- ""
        } else {
            res[i] <- paste(format(abs(lon[i]), digits = digits),
                gettext(if (lon[i] > 0.0) "E" else "W", domain = "R-oce"),
                sep = ""

#' Change Longitude From -180:180 to 0:360 Convention
#' For numerical input, including vectors, matrices and arrays,
#' [lon360()] simply calls [ifelse()] to add 360 to any negative values. For
#' [section-class] objects, it changes `longitude` in the `metadata` slot
#' and then calls itself to handle the [ctd-class] objects stored as
#' as the entries in `station` within the `data` slot.
#' For this [ctd-class] object, and indeed for all non-[section-class]
#' objects, [lon360()] changes `longitude` values in the
#' `metadata` slot (if present) and also in the `data` slot (again, if
#' present). This function is not useful for dealing with coastline
#' data; see [coastlineCut()] for such data.
#' @param x either a numeric vector or array, or an [oce-class] object.
#' @examples
#' lon360(c(179, -179))
lon360 <- function(x) {
    if (missing(x)) {
        stop("must provide 'x'")
    shift <- function(X) ifelse(X < 0, 360 + X, X)
    res <- x
    if (inherits(x, "section")) {
        # Shift section-level metadata.
        res@metadata$longitude <- shift(x@metadata$longitude)
        # Shift each station, by calling lon360() on that (CTD) object.
        for (istn in seq_along(x[["station"]])) {
            res@data$station[[istn]] <- lon360(x@data$station[[istn]])
        res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(res@processingLog, paste(deparse(match.call()), sep = "", collapse = ""))
    } else if (inherits(x, "oce")) {
        if ("longitude" %in% names(x[["metadata"]])) {
            res@metadata$longitude <- shift(res@metadata$longitude)
        if ("longitude" %in% names(x[["data"]])) {
            res@data$longitude <- shift(res@data$longitude)
        res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(res@processingLog, paste(deparse(match.call()), sep = "", collapse = ""))
    } else if (is.numeric(x)) {
        res <- shift(x)
    } else {
        stop("x must be a numeric value of an oce object")

#' Determine Time Offset From Timezone
#' The data are from
#' `https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/` and were
#' hand-edited to develop this code, so there may be errors.  Also, note that
#' some of these contradict; if you examine the code, you'll see some
#' commented-out portions that represent solving conflicting definitions by
#' choosing the more common timezone abbreviation over a the less common one.
#' @param tz a timezone, e.g. `UTC`.
#' @return Number of hours in offset, e.g. `AST` yields 4.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' cat("Atlantic Standard Time is ", GMTOffsetFromTz("AST"), "hours after UTC")
#' @family things relating to time
GMTOffsetFromTz <- function(tz) {
    # Data are from
    #   https://www.timeanddate.com/library/abbreviations/timezones/
    # and hand-edited, so there may be errors.  Also, note that some of these
    # contradict ... I've commented out conflicting definitions that I think
    # will come up most rarely in use, but perhaps something better should
    # be devised.  (Maybe this is not a problem.  Maybe only MEDS uses these,
    # as opposed to GMT offsets, and maybe they only work in 5 zones, anyway...)
    if (tz == "A") {
    } # Alpha Time Zone Military                UTC + 1 hour
    if (tz == "ACDT") {
    } # Aus. Central Daylight Time  Aus.     UTC + 10:30 hours
    if (tz == "ACST") {
    } # Aus. Central Standard Time Aus.ralia  UTC + 9:30 hours
    if (tz == "ADT") {
    } # Atlantic Daylight Time  North America    UTC - 3 hours
    if (tz == "AEDT") {
    } # Aus. E Day. or Aus. E Sum Time Aus.    UTC + 11 hours
    if (tz == "AEST") {
    } # Australian Eastern Standard Time  Aus. UTC + 10 hours
    if (tz == "AKDT") {
    } # Alaska Daylight Time    North America    UTC - 8 hours
    if (tz == "AKST") {
    } # Alaska Standard Time    North America    UTC - 9 hours
    if (tz == "AST") {
    } # Atlantic Standard Time  North America    UTC - 4 hours
    if (tz == "AWDT") {
    } # Australian Western Daylight Time Aus.   UTC + 9 hours
    if (tz == "AWST") {
    } # Australian Western Standard Time Aus.   UTC + 8 hours
    if (tz == "B") {
    } # Bravo Time Zone Military                UTC + 2 hours
    if (tz == "BST") {
    } # British Summer Time     Europe          UTC + 1 hour
    if (tz == "C") {
    } # Charlie Time Zone       Military        UTC + 3 hours
    # if (tz == "CDT")  return(-10.5) # Central Daylight Time   Australia    UTC + 10:30 hours
    if (tz == "CDT") {
    } # Central Daylight Time   North America    UTC - 5 hours
    if (tz == "CEDT") {
    } # Central European Daylight Time  Europe  UTC + 2 hours
    if (tz == "CEST") {
    } # Central European Summer Time    Europe  UTC + 2 hours
    if (tz == "CET") {
    } # Central European Time   Europe          UTC + 1 hour
    # if (tz == "CST")  return(-10.5) # Central Summer Time     Australia    UTC + 10:30 hours
    # if (tz == "CST")  return(-9.5) # Central Standard Time   Australia     UTC + 9:30 hours
    if (tz == "CST") {
    } # Central Standard Time   North America    UTC - 6 hours
    if (tz == "CXT") {
    } # Christmas Island Time   Australia       UTC + 7 hours
    if (tz == "D") {
    } # Delta Time Zone Military                UTC + 4 hours
    if (tz == "E") {
    } # Echo Time Zone  Military                UTC + 5 hours
    # if (tz == "EDT")  return(-11) # Eastern Daylight Time   Australia      UTC + 11 hours
    if (tz == "EDT") {
    } # Eastern Daylight Time   North America    UTC - 4 hours
    if (tz == "EEDT") {
    } # Eastern European Daylight Time  Europe  UTC + 3 hours
    if (tz == "EEST") {
    } # Eastern European Summer Time    Europe  UTC + 3 hours
    if (tz == "EET") {
    } # Eastern European Time   Europe          UTC + 2 hours
    # if (tz == "EST")  return(-11) # Eastern Summer Time     Australia      UTC + 11 hours
    # if (tz == "EST")  return(-10) # Eastern Standard Time   Australia      UTC + 10 hours
    if (tz == "EST") {
    } # Eastern Standard Time   North America    UTC - 5 hours
    if (tz == "F") {
    } # Foxtrot Time Zone       Military        UTC + 6 hours
    if (tz == "G") {
    } # Golf Time Zone  Military                UTC + 7 hours
    if (tz == "GMT") {
    } # Greenwich Mean Time     Europe           UTC
    if (tz == "H") {
    } # Hotel Time Zone Military                UTC + 8 hours
    if (tz == "HAA") {
    } # Heure Avancee de l'Atlantique N. Amer.   UTC - 3 hours
    if (tz == "HAC") {
    } # Heure Avancee du Centre North America    UTC - 5 hours
    if (tz == "HADT") {
    } # Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time N. Amer.   UTC - 9 hours
    if (tz == "HAE") {
    } # Heure Avancee de l'Est  North America    UTC - 4 hours
    if (tz == "HAP") {
    } # Heure Avancee du Pacifique  N. America   UTC - 7 hours
    if (tz == "HAR") {
    } # Heure Avancee des Rocheuses N. America   UTC - 6 hours
    if (tz == "HAST") {
    } # Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time N. Amer.  UTC - 10 hours
    if (tz == "HAT") {
    } # Heure Avancee de Terre-Neuve N. Amer.  UTC - 2:30 hours
    if (tz == "HAY") {
    } # Heure Avancee du Yukon  North America    UTC - 8 hours
    if (tz == "HNA") {
    } # Heure Normaee de l'Atlantique N. Amer.   UTC - 4 hours
    if (tz == "HNC") {
    } # Heure Normale du Centre North America    UTC - 6 hours
    if (tz == "HNE") {
    } # Heure Normale de l'Est  North America    UTC - 5 hours
    if (tz == "HNP") {
    } # Heure Normale du Pacifique  N. America   UTC - 8 hours
    if (tz == "HNR") {
    } # Heure Normale des Rocheuses N. America   UTC - 7 hours
    if (tz == "HNT") {
    } # Heure Normale de Terre-Neuve N.Amer.   UTC - 3:30 hours
    if (tz == "HNY") {
    } # Heure Normale du Yukon  North America    UTC - 9 hours
    if (tz == "I") {
    } # India Time Zone Military                UTC + 9 hours
    if (tz == "IST") {
    } # Irish Summer Time       Europe          UTC + 1 hour
    if (tz == "K") {
    } # Kilo Time Zone  Military               UTC + 10 hours
    if (tz == "L") {
    } # Lima Time Zone  Military               UTC + 11 hours
    if (tz == "M") {
    } # Mike Time Zone  Military               UTC + 12 hours
    if (tz == "MDT") {
    } # Mountain Daylight Time  North America    UTC - 6 hours
    if (tz == "MESZ") {
    } # Mitteleuroaische Sommerzeit Europe      UTC + 2 hours
    if (tz == "MEZ") {
    } # Mitteleuropaische Zeit  Europe          UTC + 1 hour
    if (tz == "MST") {
    } # Mountain Standard Time  North America    UTC - 7 hours
    if (tz == "N") {
    } # November Time Zone      Military         UTC - 1 hour
    if (tz == "NDT") {
    } # NFLD Daylight Time North America       UTC - 2:30 hours
    if (tz == "NFT") {
    } # Norfolk (Island) Time   Australia    UTC + 11:30 hours
    if (tz == "NST") {
    } # NFLD Std. Time North America           UTC - 3:30 hours
    if (tz == "O") {
    } # Oscar Time Zone Military                 UTC - 2 hours
    if (tz == "P") {
    } # Papa Time Zone  Military                 UTC - 3 hours
    if (tz == "PDT") {
    } # Pacific Daylight Time   North America    UTC - 7 hours
    if (tz == "PST") {
    } # Pacific Standard Time   North America    UTC - 8 hours
    if (tz == "Q") {
    } # Quebec Time Zone        Military         UTC - 4 hours
    if (tz == "R") {
    } # Romeo Time Zone Military                 UTC - 5 hours
    if (tz == "S") {
    } # Sierra Time Zone        Military         UTC - 6 hours
    if (tz == "T") {
    } # Tango Time Zone Military                 UTC - 7 hours
    if (tz == "U") {
    } # Uniform Time Zone       Military         UTC - 8 hours
    if (tz == "UTC") {
    } # Coordinated Universal Time      Europe   UTC
    if (tz == "V") {
    } # Victor Time Zone        Military         UTC - 9 hours
    if (tz == "W") {
    } # Whiskey Time Zone       Military        UTC - 10 hours
    if (tz == "WDT") {
    } # Western Daylight Time   Australia       UTC + 9 hours
    if (tz == "WEDT") {
    } # Western European Daylight Time  Europe  UTC + 1 hour
    if (tz == "WEST") {
    } # Western European Summer Time    Europe  UTC + 1 hour
    if (tz == "WET") {
    } # Western European Time   Europe  UTC
    # if (tz == "WST")  return(-9) # Western Summer Time     Australia       UTC + 9 hours
    if (tz == "WST") {
    } # Western Standard Time   Australia       UTC + 8 hours
    if (tz == "X") {
    } # X-ray Time Zone Military                UTC - 11 hours
    if (tz == "Y") {
    } # Yankee Time Zone        Military        UTC - 12 hours
    if (tz == "Z") {
    } # Zulu Time Zone  Military                 UTC

#' Acceleration Due to Earth Gravity
#' Compute \eqn{g}{g}, the acceleration due to gravity, as a function of
#' latitude.
#' Value not verified yet, except roughly.
#' @param latitude Latitude in \eqn{^\circ}{deg}N or radians north of the
#' equator.
#' @param degrees Flag indicating whether degrees are used for latitude; if set
#' to `FALSE`, radians are used.
#' @return Acceleration due to gravity, in \eqn{m^2/s}{m^2/s}.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references Gill, A.E., 1982. *Atmosphere-ocean Dynamics*, Academic
#' Press, New York, 662 pp.
#' **Caution:** Fofonoff and Millard (1983 UNESCO) use a different formula.
#' @examples
#' g <- gravity(45) # 9.8
gravity <- function(latitude = 45, degrees = TRUE) {
    if (degrees) {
        latitude <- latitude * 0.0174532925199433
    9.780318 * (1.0 + 5.3024e-3 * sin(latitude)^2 - 5.9e-6 * sin(2 * latitude)^2)

#' Make a Digital Filter
#' The filter is suitable for use by [filter()],
#' [convolve()] or (for the `asKernal=TRUE` case) with
#' [kernapply()].  Note that [convolve()] should be faster
#' than [filter()], but it cannot be used if the time series has
#' missing values.  For the Blackman-Harris filter, the half-power frequency is
#' at `1/m` cycles per time unit, as shown in the \dQuote{Examples}
#' section.  When using [filter()] or [kernapply()] with
#' these filters, use `circular=TRUE`.
#' @param type a string indicating the type of filter to use.  (See Harris
#' (1978) for a comparison of these and similar filters.)
#' * `"blackman-harris"` yields a modified raised-cosine filter designated
#' as "4-Term (-92 dB) Blackman-Harris" by Harris (1978; coefficients given in
#' the table on page 65).  This is also called "minimum 4-sample Blackman
#' Harris" by that author, in his Table 1, which lists figures of merit as
#' follows: highest side lobe level -92dB; side lobe fall off -6 db/octave;
#' coherent gain 0.36; equivalent noise bandwidth 2.00 bins; 3.0-dB bandwidth
#' 1.90 bins; scallop loss 0.83 dB; worst case process loss 3.85 dB; 6.0-db
#' bandwidth 2.72 bins; overlap correlation 46 percent for 75\% overlap and 3.8
#' for 50\% overlap.  Note that the equivalent noise bandwidth is the width of
#' a spectral peak, so that a value of 2 indicates a cutoff frequency of
#' `1/m`, where `m` is as given below.
#' * `"rectangular"` for a flat filter.  (This is just for convenience.  Note that
#' [`kernel`]`("daniell",....)` gives the same result, in kernel form.)
#' `"hamming"` for a Hamming filter (a raised-cosine that does not taper
#' to zero at the ends)
#' * `"hann"` (a raised cosine that tapers to zero at the ends).
#' @param m length of filter.  This should be an odd number, for any
#' non-rectangular filter.
#' @param asKernel boolean, set to `TRUE` to get a smoothing kernel for
#' the return value.
#' @return If `asKernel` is `FALSE`, this returns a list of filter
#' coefficients, symmetric about the midpoint and summing to 1.  These may be
#' used with [filter()], which should be provided with argument
#' `circular=TRUE` to avoid phase offsets.  If `asKernel` is
#' `TRUE`, the return value is a smoothing kernel, which can be applied to
#' a timeseries with [kernapply()], whose bandwidth can be determined
#' with [bandwidth.kernel()], and which has both print and plot
#' methods.
#' @references F. J. Harris, 1978.  On the use of windows for harmonic analysis
#' with the discrete Fourier Transform.  *Proceedings of the IEEE*, 66(1),
#' 51-83 (`http://web.mit.edu/xiphmont/Public/windows.pdf`.)
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # 1. Demonstrate step-function response
#' y <- c(rep(1, 10), rep(-1, 10))
#' x <- seq_along(y)
#' plot(x, y, type = "o", ylim = c(-1.05, 1.05))
#' BH <- makeFilter("blackman-harris", 11, asKernel = FALSE)
#' H <- makeFilter("hamming", 11, asKernel = FALSE)
#' yBH <- stats::filter(y, BH)
#' points(x, yBH, col = 2, type = "o")
#' yH <- stats::filter(y, H)
#' points(yH, col = 3, type = "o")
#' legend("topright",
#'     col = 1:3, cex = 2 / 3, pch = 1,
#'     legend = c("input", "Blackman Harris", "Hamming")
#' )
#' # 2. Show theoretical and practical filter gain, where
#' #    the latter is based on random white noise, and
#' #    includes a particular value for the spans
#' #    argument of spectrum(), etc.
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' # need signal package for this example
#' r <- rnorm(2048)
#' rh <- stats::filter(r, H)
#' rh <- rh[is.finite(rh)] # kludge to remove NA at start/end
#' sR <- spectrum(r, plot=FALSE, spans=c(11, 5, 3))
#' sRH <- spectrum(rh, plot=FALSE, spans=c(11, 5, 3))
#' par(mfrow=c(2, 1), mar=c(3, 3, 1, 1), mgp=c(2, 0.7, 0))
#' plot(sR$freq, sRH$spec/sR$spec, xlab="Frequency", ylab="Power Transfer",
#'      type="l", lwd=5, col="gray")
#' theory <- freqz(H, n=seq(0,pi,length.out=100))
#' # Note we must square the modulus for the power spectrum
#' lines(theory$f/pi/2, Mod(theory$h)^2, lwd=1, col="red")
#' grid()
#' legend("topright", col=c("gray", "red"), lwd=c(5, 1), cex=2/3,
#'        legend=c("Practical", "Theory"), bg="white")
#' plot(log10(sR$freq), log10(sRH$spec/sR$spec),
#'      xlab="log10 Frequency", ylab="log10 Power Transfer",
#'      type="l", lwd=5, col="gray")
#' theory <- freqz(H, n=seq(0,pi,length.out=100))
#' # Note we must square the modulus for the power spectrum
#' lines(log10(theory$f/pi/2), log10(Mod(theory$h)^2), lwd=1, col="red")
#' grid()
#' legend("topright", col=c("gray", "red"), lwd=c(5, 1), cex=2/3,
#'        legend=c("Practical", "Theory"), bg="white")
#' }
#' @author Dan Kelley
makeFilter <- function(type = c("blackman-harris", "rectangular", "hamming", "hann"), m, asKernel = TRUE) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (missing(m)) {
        stop("must supply 'm'")
    i <- seq(0, m - 1)
    if (type == "blackman-harris") {
        # See Harris (1978) table on p65
        if (m == 2 * floor(m / 2)) {
            m <- m + 1
            warning("increased filter length by 1, to make it odd")
        a <- c(0.35875, 0.488829, 0.14128, 0.01168) # 4-term (-92dB) coefficients
        ff <- pi * i / (m - 1)
        coef <- a[1] - a[2] * cos(2 * ff) + a[3] * cos(4 * ff) - a[4] * cos(6 * ff)
    } else if (type == "rectangular") {
        coef <- rep(1 / m, m)
    } else if (type == "hamming") {
        coef <- 0.54 - 0.46 * cos(2 * pi * i / (m - 1))
    } else if (type == "hann") {
        coef <- 0.50 - 0.50 * cos(2 * pi * i / (m - 1))
    coef <- coef / sum(coef) # ensure unit sum
    if (!asKernel) {
    if (m == 2 * floor(m / 2)) {
        stop("m must be odd")
    middle <- ceiling(m / 2)
    coef <- coef[middle:m]
    # the r=0 is to prevent code-analysis warning; it only applies to Fejer, which we do not use
    return(kernel(coef = coef, name = paste(type, "(", m, ")", sep = ""), r = 0))

#' Grid Data Using the Barnes Algorithm
#' The algorithm follows that described by Koch et al. (1983), except
#' that `interpBarnes` adds (1) the ability to
#' blank out the grid where data are
#' sparse, using the `trim` argument, and (2) the ability to
#' pre-grid, with the `pregrid` argument.
#' @param x,y a vector of x and y locations.
#' @param z a vector of z values, one at each (x,y) location.
#' @param w a optional vector of weights at the (x,y) location.  If not
#' supplied, then a weight of 1 is used for each point, which means equal
#' weighting.  Higher weights give data points more influence. If `pregrid`
#' is `TRUE`, then any supplied value of `w` is ignored, and instead
#' each of the pregriddd points is given equal weight.
#' @param xg,yg optional vectors defining the x and y grids.  If not supplied,
#' these values are inferred from the data, using e.g. `pretty(x, n=50)`.
#' @param xgl,ygl optional lengths of the x and y grids, to be constructed with
#' [seq()] spanning the data range.  These values `xgl` are only
#' examined if `xg` and `yg` are not supplied.
#' @param xr,yr optional values defining the x and y radii of the weighting ellipse.
#' If not supplied, these are calculated as the span of x
#' and y over the square root of the number of data.
#' @param gamma grid-focussing parameter.  At each successive iteration, `xr` and
#' `yr` are reduced by a factor of `sqrt(gamma)`.
#' @param iterations number of iterations.  Set this to 1 to perform just
#' one iteration, using the radii as described at `xr,yr` above.
#' @param trim a number between 0 and 1, indicating the quantile of data weight
#' to be used as a criterion for blanking out the gridded value (using
#' `NA`).  If 0, the whole `zg` grid is returned.  If >0, any spots
#' on the grid where the data weight is less than the `trim`-th
#' [quantile()] are set to `NA`.  See examples.
#' @param pregrid an indication of whether to pre-grid the data. If
#' `FALSE`, this is not done, i.e. conventional Barnes interpolation is
#' performed.  Otherwise, then the data are first averaged within grid cells
#' using [binMean2D()].  If `pregrid` is `TRUE` or
#' `4`, then this averaging is done within a grid that is 4 times finer
#' than the grid that will be used for the Barnes interpolation. Otherwise,
#' `pregrid` may be a single integer indicating the grid refinement (4
#' being the result if `TRUE` had been supplied), or a vector of two
#' integers, for the grid refinement in x and y. The purpose of using
#' `pregrid` is to speed processing on large datasets, and to remove
#' spatial bias (e.g. with a single station that is repeated frequently in an
#' otherwise seldom-sampled region).  A form of pregridding is done in the
#' World Ocean Atlas, for example.
#' @param debug a flag that turns on debugging.  Set to 0 for no debugging
#' information, to 1 for more, etc; the value is reduced by 1 for each
#' descendent function call.
#' @return A list containing: `xg`, a vector holding the x-grid);
#' `yg`, a vector holding the y-grid; `zg`, a matrix holding the
#' gridded values; `wg`, a matrix holding the weights used in the
#' interpolation at its final iteration; and `zd`, a vector of the same
#' length as `x`, which holds the interpolated values at the data points.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso See [wind()].
#' @references S. E.  Koch and M.  DesJardins and P. J. Kocin, 1983.  ``An
#' interactive Barnes objective map analysis scheme for use with satellite and
#' conventional data,'' *J.  Climate Appl.  Met.*, vol 22, p. 1487-1503.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # 1. contouring example, with wind-speed data from Koch et al. (1983)
#' data(wind)
#' u <- interpBarnes(wind$x, wind$y, wind$z)
#' contour(u$xg, u$yg, u$zg, labcex = 1)
#' text(wind$x, wind$y, wind$z, cex = 0.7, col = "blue")
#' title("Numbers are the data")
#' # 2. As 1, but blank out spots where data are sparse
#' u <- interpBarnes(wind$x, wind$y, wind$z, trim = 0.1)
#' contour(u$xg, u$yg, u$zg, level = seq(0, 30, 1))
#' points(wind$x, wind$y, cex = 1.5, pch = 20, col = "blue")
#' # 3. As 1, but interpolate back to points, and display the percent mismatch
#' u <- interpBarnes(wind$x, wind$y, wind$z)
#' contour(u$xg, u$yg, u$zg, labcex = 1)
#' mismatch <- 100 * (wind$z - u$zd) / wind$z
#' text(wind$x, wind$y, round(mismatch), col = "blue")
#' title("Numbers are percent mismatch between grid and data")
#' # 4. As 3, but contour the mismatch
#' mismatchGrid <- interpBarnes(wind$x, wind$y, mismatch)
#' contour(mismatchGrid$xg, mismatchGrid$yg, mismatchGrid$zg, labcex = 1)
#' # 5. One-dimensional example, smoothing a salinity profile
#' data(ctd)
#' p <- ctd[["pressure"]]
#' y <- rep(1, length(p)) # fake y data, with arbitrary value
#' S <- ctd[["salinity"]]
#' pg <- pretty(p, n = 100)
#' g <- interpBarnes(p, y, S, xg = pg, xr = 1)
#' plot(S, p, cex = 0.5, col = "blue", ylim = rev(range(p)))
#' lines(g$zg, g$xg, col = "red")
interpBarnes <- function(
    x, y, z, w,
    xg, yg, xgl, ygl,
    xr, yr, gamma = 0.5, iterations = 2, trim = 0,
    pregrid = FALSE,
    debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    debug <- max(0, debug)
    oceDebug(debug, "interpBarnes(",
        argShow(pregrid, last = TRUE),
        ") {\n",
        unindent = 1, sep = ""
    if (!is.vector(x)) {
        stop("x must be a vector")
    n <- length(x)
    if (length(y) != n) {
        stop("lengths of x and y disagree; they are ", n, " and ", length(y))
    if (length(z) != n) {
        stop("lengths of x and z disagree; they are ", n, " and ", length(z))
    xrGiven <- !missing(xr)
    yrGiven <- !missing(yr)
    if (missing(w)) {
        w <- rep(1.0, length(x))
    if (missing(xg)) {
        if (missing(xgl)) {
            if (0 == diff(range(x, na.rm = TRUE))) {
                xg <- x[1]
            } else {
                xg <- pretty(x, n = 50)
        } else {
            xg <- seq(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), max(x, na.rm = TRUE), length.out = xgl)
        oceDebug(debug, "computed ", vectorShow(xg))
    if (missing(yg)) {
        if (missing(ygl)) {
            if (0 == diff(range(y, na.rm = TRUE))) {
                yg <- y[1]
            } else {
                yg <- pretty(y, n = 50)
        } else {
            yg <- seq(min(y, na.rm = TRUE), max(y, na.rm = TRUE), length.out = ygl)
        oceDebug(debug, "computed ", vectorShow(yg))
    if (!xrGiven) {
        xr <- diff(range(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / sqrt(n)
        if (xr == 0) {
            xr <- 1
        oceDebug(debug, "computed xr=", xr, " based on data density\n")
    if (!yrGiven) {
        yr <- diff(range(y, na.rm = TRUE)) / sqrt(n)
        if (yr == 0) {
            yr <- 1
        oceDebug(debug, "computed yr=", yr, " based on data density\n")
    # Handle pre-gridding (code not DRY but short enough to be ok)
    if (is.logical(pregrid)) {
        if (pregrid) {
            pregrid <- c(4, 4)
            oceDebug(debug, "pregrid: ", paste(pregrid, collapse = " "))
            pg <- binMean2D(x, y, z,
                xbreaks = seq(xg[1], tail(xg, 1), (xg[2] - xg[1]) / pregrid[1]),
                ybreaks = seq(yg[1], tail(yg, 1), (yg[2] - yg[1]) / pregrid[2]),
                flatten = TRUE
            x <- pg$x
            y <- pg$y
            z <- pg$f
            w <- rep(1, length(x))
    } else {
        if (!is.numeric(pregrid)) {
            stop("pregrid must be logical or a numeric vector")
        if (length(pregrid) < 0 || length(pregrid) > 2) {
            stop("length(pregrid) must be 1 or 2")
        if (length(pregrid) == 1) {
            pregrid <- rep(pregrid, 2)
        oceDebug(debug, "pregrid: ", paste(pregrid, collapse = " "))
        pg <- binMean2D(x, y, z,
            xbreaks = seq(xg[1], tail(xg, 1), (xg[2] - xg[1]) / pregrid[1]),
            ybreaks = seq(yg[1], tail(yg, 1), (yg[2] - yg[1]) / pregrid[2]),
            flatten = TRUE
        x <- pg$x
        y <- pg$y
        z <- pg$f
    for (i in seq_len(iterations)) {
        oceDebug(debug, "  Iteration ", i, ": use xr=", xr * gamma^((i - 1) / 2), " and yr=", yr * gamma^((i - 1) / 2), "\n")
    ok <- !is.na(x) & !is.na(y) & !is.na(z) & !is.na(w)
    if (sum(ok) > 0) {
        g <- do_interp_barnes(x[ok], y[ok], z[ok], w[ok], xg, yg, xr, yr, gamma, iterations)
        if (trim >= 0 && trim <= 1) {
            bad <- g$wg < quantile(g$wg, trim, na.rm = TRUE)
            g$zg[bad] <- NA
        rval <- list(xg = xg, yg = yg, zg = g$zg, wg = g$wg, zd = g$zd)
    } else {
        rval <- list(
            xg = xg, yg = yg,
            zg = matrix(NA, nrow = length(xg), ncol = length(yg)),
            wg = matrix(NA, nrow = length(xg), ncol = length(yg)),
            zd = rep(NA, length(x))
    oceDebug(debug, sprintf("filled %.3f%% of z matrix\n", 100 * sum(is.finite(rval$zg)) / prod(dim(rval$zg))))
    oceDebug(debug, "} # interpBarnes(...)\n", unindent = 1, sep = "")

#' Coriolis Parameter on the Earth
#' Compute \eqn{f}{f}, the Coriolis parameter as a function of latitude
#' (see reference 1),
#' assuming earth siderial angular rotation rate
#' \eqn{omega}{omega}=7292115e-11 rad/s. See reference 1 for general notes, and
#' see reference 2 for comments on temporal variations
#' of \eqn{omega}{omega}.
#' @param latitude Vector of latitudes in \eqn{^\circ}{deg}N or radians north of the equator.
#' @param degrees Flag indicating whether degrees are used for latitude; if set
#' to `FALSE`, radians are used.
#' @return Coriolis parameter, in radian/s.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references
#' 1. Gill, A.E., 1982. *Atmosphere-ocean Dynamics*, Academic
#' Press, New York, 662 pp.
#' 2. Groten, E., 2004: Fundamental Parameters and Current, 2004. Best
#'  Estimates of the Parameters of Common Relevance to Astronomy, Geodesy,
#'  and Geodynamics. Journal of Geodesy, 77:724-797.
#'  (downloaded from
#' `http://www.iag-aig.org/attach/e354a3264d1e420ea0a9920fe762f2a0/51-groten.pdf`
#' March 11, 2017).
#' @examples
#' C <- coriolis(45) # 1e-4
coriolis <- function(latitude, degrees = TRUE) {
    # Siderial day 86164.1 s.
    if (degrees) latitude <- latitude * 0.0174532925199433
    # http://www.iag-aig.org/attach/e354a3264d1e420ea0a9920fe762f2a0/51-groten.pdf 7292115e-11
    2 * 7292115e-11 * sin(latitude)

#' Correct for Drift in an Instrument Clock
#' It is assumed that the instrument clock matches the real time at the start
#' of the sampling, and that the clock drifts linearly (i.e. is uniformly fast
#' or slow) over the sampling interval.  Linear interpolation is used to infer
#' the values of all variables in the `data` slot.  The data length is
#' altered in this process, e.g. a slow instrument clock (positive
#' `slowEnd`) takes too few samples in a given time interval, so
#' `undriftTime` will increase the number of data.
#' @param x an [oce-class] object.
#' @param slowEnd number of seconds to add to final instrument time, to get the
#' correct time of the final sample.  This will be a positive number, for a
#' "slow" instrument clock.
#' @param tname Character string indicating the name of the time column in the
#' `data` slot of `x`.
#' @return An object of the same class as `x`, with the `data` slot
#' adjusted appropriately.
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' library(oce)
#' file <- "~/data/archive/sleiwex/2008/moorings/m08/pt/rbr_011855/raw/pt_rbr_011855.dat"
#' rbr011855 <- read.oce(file)
#' d <- subset(rbr011855, time < as.POSIXct("2008-06-25 10:05:00"))
#' x <- undriftTime(d, 1)   # clock lost 1 second over whole experiment
#' summary(d)
#' summary(x)
#' }
#' @author Dan Kelley
undriftTime <- function(x, slowEnd = 0, tname = "time") {
    if (!inherits(x, "oce")) {
        stop("method is only for oce objects")
    names <- names(x@data)
    if (!(tname %in% names)) {
        stop("no column named '", tname, "'; only found: ", paste(names, collapse = " "))
    res <- x
    time <- res@data[[tname]]
    nt <- length(time)
    if (nt < 2) {
        warning("too few data to to undrift time; returning object unaltered")
    } else {
        sampleInterval <- as.numeric(difftime(time[2], time[1], units = "s"))
        nt <- length(time)
        nt.out <- floor(0.5 + nt + slowEnd / sampleInterval)
        time.out <- seq.POSIXt(from = time[1], by = sampleInterval, length.out = nt.out)
        i <- seq(from = 1, by = 1, length.out = nt)
        i.out <- seq(from = 1, to = nt, length.out = nt.out)
        out <- data.frame(array(dim = c(nt.out, length(x@data))))
        names(out) <- names
        out[[tname]] <- time.out
        for (name in names) {
            if (name != tname) {
                yy <- approx(x = i, y = x@data[[name]], xout = i.out)$y
                out[[name]] <- yy
        res@data <- out
    res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(res@processingLog, paste(deparse(match.call()), sep = "", collapse = ""))

#' Fill a Gap in an oce Object
#' Sequences of `NA` values, are filled by linear interpolation between
#' the non-`NA` values that bound the gap.
#' @param x an [oce-class] object.
#' @param method to use; see \dQuote{Details}.
#' @param rule integer controlling behaviour at start and end of `x`.  If
#' `rule=1`, `NA` values at the ends are left in the return value.
#' If `rule=2`, they are replaced with the nearest non-NA point.
#' @return A new `oce` object, with gaps removed.
#' @section Bugs:
#' 1. Eventually, this will be expanded to work
#' with any `oce` object.  But, for now, it only works for vectors that
#' can be coerced to numeric.
#' 2. If the first or last point is `NA`, then `x` is returned unaltered.
#' 3. Only method `linear` is permitted now.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # Integers
#' x <- c(1:2, NA, NA, 5:6)
#' y <- fillGap(x)
#' print(data.frame(x, y))
#' # Floats
#' x <- x + 0.1
#' y <- fillGap(x)
#' print(data.frame(x, y))
fillGap <- function(x, method = c("linear"), rule = 1) {
    if (!is.numeric(x)) {
        stop("only works for numeric 'x'")
    method <- match.arg(method)
    class <- class(x)
    if (is.vector(x)) {
        # res <- .Call("fillgap1d", as.numeric(x), rule)
        res <- do_fill_gap_1d(x, rule)
    } else if (is.matrix(x)) {
        res <- x
        for (col in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
            res[, col] <- do_fill_gap_1d(x[, col], rule)
        for (row in seq_len(nrow(x))) {
            res[row, ] <- do_fill_gap_1d(x[row, ], rule)
    } else {
        stop("only works if 'x' is a vector or a matrix")
    class(res) <- class

#' Smooth and Decimate, or Subsample, an oce Object
#' Later on, other methods will be added, and [ctdDecimate()] will be
#' retired in favour of this, a more general, function.  The filtering is done
#' with the [filter()] function of the stats package.
#' @param x an [oce-class] object.
#' @param by an indication of the subsampling.  If this is a single number,
#' then it indicates the spacing between elements of `x` that are
#' selected.  If it is two numbers (a condition only applicable if `x` is
#' an `echosounder` object, at present), then the first number indicates
#' the time spacing and the second indicates the depth spacing.
#' @param to Indices at which to subsample.  If given, this over-rides
#' `by`.
#' @param filter optional list of numbers representing a digital filter to be
#' applied to each variable in the `data` slot of `x`, before
#' decimation is done. If not supplied, then the decimation is done strictly by
#' sub-sampling.
#' @param debug a flag that turns on debugging.  Set to 1 to get a moderate
#' amount of debugging information, or to 2 to get more.
#' @return An [oce-class] object that has been subsampled appropriately.
#' @section Bugs: Only a preliminary version of this function is provided in
#' the present package.  It only works for objects of class `echosounder`,
#' for which the decimation is done after applying a running median filter and
#' then a boxcar filter, each of length equal to the corresponding component of
#' `by`.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso Filter coefficients may be calculated using
#' [makeFilter()].  (Note that [ctdDecimate()] will be
#' retired when the present function gains equivalent functionality.)
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(adp)
#' plot(adp)
#' adpDec <- decimate(adp, by = 2, filter = c(1 / 4, 1 / 2, 1 / 4))
#' plot(adpDec)
decimate <- function(x, by = 10, to, filter, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    if (!inherits(x, "oce")) {
        stop("method is only for oce objects")
    oceDebug(debug, "in decimate(x, by=", by, ", to=", if (missing(to)) "unspecified" else to, "...)\n")
    res <- x
    do.filter <- !missing(filter)
    if ("time" %in% names(x@data)) {
        if (missing(to)) {
            to <- length(x@data$time[[1]])
        if (length(by) == 1) {
            # FIXME: probably should not be here
            select <- seq(from = 1, to = to, by = by)
            oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(select, "select:"))
    if (inherits(x, "adp")) {
        oceDebug(debug, "decimate() on an ADP object\n")
        warning("decimate(adp) not working yet ... just returning the adp unchanged")
        return(res) # FIXME
        # nbeam <- dim(x@data$v)[3]
        for (name in names(x@data)) {
            oceDebug(debug, "decimating item named '", name, "'\n")
            if ("distance" == name) {
            if ("time" == name) {{ res@data[[name]] <- x@data[[name]][select] }} else if (is.vector(x@data[[name]])) {
                oceDebug(debug, "subsetting x@data$", name, ", which is a vector\n", sep = "")
                if (do.filter) {
                    res@data[[name]] <- filterSomething(x@data[[name]], filter)
                res@data[[name]] <- res@data[[name]][select]
            } else if (is.matrix(x@data[[name]])) {
                dim <- dim(x@data[[name]])
                for (j in 1:dim[2]) {
                    oceDebug(debug, "subsetting x@data[[", name, ",", j, "]], which is a matrix\n", sep = "")
                    if (do.filter) {
                        res@data[[name]][, j] <- filterSomething(x@data[[name]][, j], filter)
                    res@data[[name]][, j] <- res@data[[name]][, j][select]
            } else if (is.array(x@data[[name]])) {
                dim <- dim(x@data[[name]])
                # print(dim)
                for (k in seq_len(dim[2])) {
                    for (j in seq_len(dim[3])) {
                        oceDebug(debug, "subsetting x@data[[", name, "]][", j, ",", k, "], which is an array\n", sep = "")
                        if (do.filter) {
                            res@data[[name]][, j, k] <- filterSomething(x@data[[name]][, j, k], filter)
                        res@data[[name]][, j, k] <- res@data[[name]][, j, k][select]
    } else if (inherits(x, "adv")) {
        # FIXME: the (newer) adp code is probably better than this ADV code
        oceDebug(debug, "decimate() on an ADV object\n")
        warning("decimate(adv) not working yet ... just returning the adv unchanged")
        return(res) # FIXME
        for (name in names(x@data)) {
            if ("time" == name) {
                res@data[[name]] <- x@data[[name]][select]
            } else if (is.vector(x@data[[name]])) {
                oceDebug(debug, "decimating x@data$", name, ", which is a vector\n", sep = "")
                if (do.filter) {
                    res@data[[name]] <- filterSomething(x@data[[name]], filter)
                res@data[[name]] <- res@data[[name]][select]
            } else if (is.matrix(x@data[[name]])) {
                dim <- dim(x@data[[name]])
                for (j in 1:dim[2]) {
                    oceDebug(debug, "decimating x@data[[", name, ",", j, "]], which is a matrix\n", sep = "")
                    if (do.filter) {
                        res@data[[name]][, j] <- filterSomething(x@data[[name]][, j], filter)
                    res@data[[name]][, j] <- res@data[[name]][, j][select]
            } else if (is.array(x@data[[name]])) {
                dim <- dim(x@data[[name]])
                for (k in seq_len(dim[2])) {
                    for (j in seq_len(dim[3])) {
                        oceDebug(debug, "decimating x@data[[", name, ",", j, ",", k, "]], which is an array\n", sep = "")
                        if (do.filter) {
                            res@data[[name]][, j, k] <- filterSomething(x@data[[name]][, j, k], filter)
                        res@data[[name]][, j, k] <- res@data[[name]][, j, k][select]
            } else {
                stop("item data[[", name, "]] is not understood; it must be a vector, a matrix, or an array")
    } else if (inherits(x, "ctd")) {
        warning("decimate(ctd) not working yet ... just returning the ctd unchanged")
        return(res) # FIXME
        if (do.filter) {
            stop("cannot (yet) filter ctd data during decimation") # FIXME
        select <- seq(1, dim(x@data)[1], by = by)
        res@data <- x@data[select, ]
    } else if (inherits(x, "pt")) {
        warning("decimate(pt) not working yet ... just returning the pt unchanged")
        return(res) # FIXME
        if (do.filter) {
            stop("cannot (yet) filter pt data during decimation") # FIXME
        for (name in names(res@data)) {
            res@data[[name]] <- x@data[[name]][select]
    } else if (inherits(x, "echosounder")) {
        oceDebug(debug, "decimate() on an 'echosounder' object\n")
        # use 'by', ignoring 'to' and filter'
        if (length(by) != 2) {
            stop("length(by) must equal 2.  First element is width of boxcar in pings, second is width in depths")
        by <- as.integer(by)
        byPing <- by[1]
        kPing <- as.integer(by[1])
        if (0 == kPing %% 2) {
            kPing <- kPing + 1
        byDepth <- by[2]
        kDepth <- as.integer(by[2])
        if (0 == kDepth %% 2) {
            kDepth <- kDepth + 1
        if (byDepth > 1) {
            depth <- x[["depth"]]
            a <- x[["a"]]
            ncol <- ncol(a)
            nrow <- nrow(a)
            ii <- 1:ncol
            depth2 <- binAverage(ii, depth, 1, ncol, byDepth)$y
            a2 <- matrix(nrow = nrow(a), ncol = length(depth2))
            for (r in 1:nrow) {
                a2[r, ] <- binAverage(ii, runmed(a[r, ], kDepth), 1, ncol, byDepth)$y
            res <- x
            res[["depth"]] <- depth2
            res[["a"]] <- a2
            x <- res # need for next step
        if (byPing > 1) {
            # time <- x[["time"]]
            a <- x[["a"]]
            ncol <- ncol(a)
            nrow <- nrow(a)
            jj <- 1:nrow
            time2 <- binAverage(jj, as.numeric(x[["time"]]), 1, nrow, byPing)$y + as.POSIXct("1970-01-01 00:00:00", tz = "UTC")
            a2 <- matrix(nrow = length(time2), ncol = ncol(a))
            for (c in 1:ncol) {
                a2[, c] <- binAverage(jj, runmed(a[, c], kPing), 1, nrow, byPing)$y
            res <- x
            res[["time"]] <- time2
            res[["latitude"]] <- binAverage(jj, x[["latitude"]], 1, nrow, byPing)$y
            res[["longitude"]] <- binAverage(jj, x[["longitude"]], 1, nrow, byPing)$y
            res[["a"]] <- a2
        # do depth, rows of matrix, time, cols of matrix
    } else if (inherits(x, "topo")) {
        oceDebug(debug, "Decimating a topo object")
        lonlook <- seq(1, length(x[["longitude"]]), by = by)
        latlook <- seq(1, length(x[["latitude"]]), by = by)
        res[["longitude"]] <- x[["longitude"]][lonlook]
        res[["latitude"]] <- x[["latitude"]][latlook]
        res[["z"]] <- x[["z"]][lonlook, latlook]
    } else if (inherits(x, "landsat")) {
        oceDebug(debug, "Decimating a landsat object with by=", by, "\n")
        for (i in seq_along(x@data)) {
            b <- x@data[[i]]
            if (is.list(b)) {
                dim <- dim(b$msb)
                if (!is.null(dim)) {
                    res@data[[i]]$msb <- b$msb[seq(1, dim[1], by = by), seq(1, dim[2], by = by)]
                dim <- dim(b$lsb)
                res@data[[i]]$lsb <- b$lsb[seq(1, dim[1], by = by), seq(1, dim[2], by = by)]
            } else {
                dim <- dim(x@data[[i]])
                res@data[[i]] <- b[seq(1, dim[1], by = by), seq(1, dim[2], by = by)]
    } else {
        stop("decimation does not work (yet) for objects of class ", paste(class(x), collapse = " "))
    if ("deltat" %in% names(x@metadata)) { # FIXME: should handle for individual cases, not here
        res@metadata$deltat <- by * x@metadata$deltat
    res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(res@processingLog, paste(deparse(match.call()), sep = "", collapse = ""))

#' Convert a BCD Value to an Integer Value
#' @param x a raw value, or vector of raw values, coded in binary-coded
#' decimal.
#' @param endian character string indicating the endian-ness ("big" or
#' "little").  The PC/intel convention is to use "little", and so most data
#' files are in that format.
#' @return An integer, or list of integers.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' twenty.five <- bcdToInteger(as.raw(0x25))
#' thirty.seven <- as.integer(as.raw(0x25))
bcdToInteger <- function(x, endian = c("little", "big")) {
    endian <- match.arg(endian)
    x <- as.integer(x)
    byte1 <- as.integer(floor(x / 16))
    byte2 <- x - 16 * byte1
    if (endian == "little") 10 * byte1 + byte2 else byte1 + 10 * byte2

#' Format Bytes as Binary (Defunct)
#' **WARNING:** The `endian` argument will soon be removed
#' from this function; see \link{oce-defunct}.
#' This is because the actions for `endian="little"` made
#' no sense in practical work. The default value for `endian`
#' was changed to `"big"` on 2017 May 6.
#' @param x an integer to be interpreted as a byte.
#' @param endian character string indicating the endian-ness ("big" or
#' "little"). **WARNING:** This argument will be removed soon.
#' @return A character string representing the bit strings for the elements of
#' `x`, in order of significance for the `endian="big"` case.
#' (The nibbles, or 4-bit sequences, are interchanged in the now-deprecated
#' `"little"` case.)
#' See \dQuote{Examples} for how this relates to the output from
#' \link{rawToBits}.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # Note comparison with rawToBits():
#' a <- as.raw(0x0a)
#' byteToBinary(a, "big") # "00001010"
#' as.integer(rev(rawToBits(a))) # 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
byteToBinary <- function(x, endian = "big") {
    if (endian != "big") {
            msg = "byteToBinary(.,'little') is disallowed and will be removed soon. See ?'oce-defunct'."
    # onebyte2binary <- function(x)
    # {
    #     c("0000", "0001", "0010", "0011",
    #       "0100", "0101", "0110", "0111",
    #       "1000", "1001", "1010", "1011",
    #       "1100", "1101", "1110", "1111")[x+1]
    # }
    # res <- NULL
    # if (class(x) == "raw")
    #     x <- readBin(x, "int", n=length(x), size=1, signed=FALSE)
    # for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    #     if (x[i] < 0) {
    #         res <- c(res, "??")
    #     } else {
    #         # FIXME: these are not bytes here; they are nibbles.  I don't think endian="little"
    #         # makes ANY SENSE at all.  2012-11-22
    #         byte1 <- as.integer(floor(x[i] / 16))
    #         byte2 <- x[i] - 16 * byte1
    #         #cat("input=",x[i],"byte1=",byte1,"byte2=",byte2,"\n")
    #         if (endian == "little")
    #             res <- c(res, paste(onebyte2binary(byte2), onebyte2binary(byte1), sep=""))
    #         else
    #             res <- c(res, paste(onebyte2binary(byte1), onebyte2binary(byte2), sep=""))
    #         #cat(" res=",res,"\n")
    #     }
    # }
    # res
    x <- as.raw(x)
    paste(ifelse(rev(rawToBits(x) == as.raw(0x01)), "1", "0"), collapse = "")

#' Format a Confidence Interval
#' This formats a confidence interval in either the +/- notation or
#' the parenthetic notation.  For example, if a quantity has mean 1
#' with uncertainty 0.05, which means a CI of 0.95 to 1.05,
#' the `"+-"` style yields `"1+/-0.05"`, and the `"parentheses"`
#' style yields `""'.
#' If a `model` is given, then `ci` is ignored, and a confidence
#' interval is calculated using [confint()] with `level` set to
#' 0.6914619.  This `level` corresponds to a range of plus or minus one
#' standard deviation, for the t distribution and a large number of degrees of
#' freedom (since `qt(0.6914619, 100000)` is 0.5).
#' If `model` is missing, `ci` must be provided.  If it contains 3
#' elements, then first and third elements are taken as the range of the
#' confidence interval (which by convention should use the `level` stated
#' in the previous paragraph), and the second element is taken as the central
#' value.  Alternatively, if `ci` has 2 elements, they are taken to be
#' bounds of the confidence interval and their mean is taken to be the central
#' value.
#' In the `+/-` notation, e.g. \eqn{a \pm b}{a +/- b} indicates that the true
#' value lies between \eqn{a-b}{a-b} and \eqn{a+b}{a+b} with a high degree of
#' certainty.  Mills et al. (1993, section 4.1 on page 83) suggest that
#' \eqn{b}{b} should be set equal to 2 times the standard uncertainty or
#' standard deviation.  JCGM (2008, section 7.2.2 on pages 25 and 26), however,
#' suggest that \eqn{b}{b} should be set to the standard uncertainty, while
#' also recommending that the \eqn{\pm}{+/-} notation (and presumably
#' the parentheses notation also) be avoided altogether, in favour of
#' writing sentences that explains uncertainties in clear terms.
#' The `parentheses` notation is often called the compact notation.  In
#' it, the digits in parentheses indicate the uncertainty in the corresponding
#' digits to their left, e.g. 12.34(3) means that the last digit (4) has an
#' uncertainty of 3.  However, as with the \eqn{\pm}{+/-} notation, different
#' authorities offer different advice on defining this uncertainty; Mills et
#' al. (1993) provide an example in which the
#' parenthetic value is half the \eqn{\pm}{+/-} value, whereas
#' JCM (2008) suggest using the same values.
#' The JCM(2008) convention is used by [formatCI()] for the parentheses
#' notation, as illustrated in Examples 1 and 2.  Note, however, that
#' if the confidence range exceeds the value, then
#' a request for `parentheses` format reverts to `+/-` format.
#' @param ci optional vector of length 2 or 3.
#' @param style string indicating notation to be used.
#' @param model optional regression model, e.g. returned by [lm()] or
#' [nls()].
#' @param digits optional number of digits to use.  This is ignored
#' if `style` is `"parentheses"`.
#' @param debug integer value indicating debugging level. If 0, then
#' [formatCI()] works silently.  If greater than 0, then some debugging
#' messages are printed during processing.
#' @return If `ci` is given, the result is a character string with the
#' estimate and its uncertainty, in plus/minus or parenthetic notation.  If
#' `model` is given, the result is a 1-column matrix holding character
#' strings, with row names corresponding to the parameters of the model.
#' @references
#' 1. JCGM, 2008. *Evaluation of measurement data - Guide to the
#' expression of uncertainty in measurement (JCGM 100:2008)*, published by the
#' Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology, available (as of November 2023)
#' at https://www.bipm.org/documents/20126/2071204/JCGM_100_2008_E.pdf.
#' See section 7.2.2 on Page 25, for a summary of notation, including
#' an illustration of the use of equal values for both the `+-` and the
#' parentheses notations.
#' 2. Mills, I., T. Cvitas, K. Homann, N. Kallay, and K. Kuchitsu, 1993.
#' *Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry*, published
#' Blackwell Science for the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
#' (See section 4.1, page 83, for a summary of notation, which shows that a
#' value to the right of a `+-` sign is to be halved if put in
#' in parentheses, which is not done in the present function, because
#' of a choice to follow the recommendation of reference 1.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # Example 1: mean=1, uncertainty=0.05, in +/- notation.
#' formatCI(c(0.95, 1.05)) # "1+/-0.05"
#' # Example 2: save mean and uncertainty, but in parentheses notation.
#' formatCI(c(0.95, 1.05), style = "parentheses") # "1.00(5)"
#' # example 3: using t.test to find a CI.
#' a <- rnorm(100, mean = 10, sd = 1)
#' CI <- t.test(a)$conf.int
#' formatCI(CI)
#' formatCI(CI, style = "parentheses")
#' # example 4: specifying a model
#' x <- seq(0, 10, 0.1)
#' y <- 2 + 3 * x + rnorm(x, sd = 0.1)
#' m <- lm(y ~ x)
#' formatCI(model = m)
#' formatCI(model = m, style = "parentheses")
#' @author Dan Kelley
formatCI <- function(ci, style = c("+/-", "parentheses"), model, digits = 2, debug = getOption("oceDebug", 0)) {
    formatCI.one <- function(ci, style, digits = 2, debug = 0) {
        if (missing(ci)) {
            stop("must supply ci")
        ci <- as.numeric(ci)
        if (length(ci) == 3) {
            x <- ci[2]
            ci <- ci[c(1, 3)]
        } else if (length(ci) == 2) {
            x <- mean(ci)
        } else {
            stop("ci must contain 2 or 3 elements")
        sign <- sign(x)
        x <- abs(x)
        if (style == "+/-") {
            pm <- abs(diff(ci) / 2)
            if (is.null(digits)) {
                paste(format(sign * x, digits = getOption("digits")), "+/-", format(pm, digits = getOption("digits")), sep = "")
            } else {
                paste(format(sign * x, digits = digits), "+/-", format(pm, digits = digits), sep = "")
        } else {
            pm <- abs(diff(ci) / 2)
            scale <- 10^floor(log10(pm))
            oceDebug(debug, "digits=", digits, ", pm=", pm, ", scale=", scale, "\n")
            pmr <- round(pm / scale, digits)
            if (pmr == 10) {
                pmr <- 1
                scale <- scale * 10
            # scale <- 10^floor(log10(x))
            # x0 <- x / scale
            # ci0 <- ci / scale
            if (pm > x) {
                return(paste(sign * x, "+/-", pm, sep = ""))
            digits <- floor(log10(scale) + 0.1)
            if (digits < 0) {
                fmt <- paste0("%.", abs(digits), "f")
            } else {
                fmt <- "%.f"
                debug, "pm=", pm, ", pmr=", pmr, ", scale=", scale, ", pm/scale=",
                pm / scale, "\n", " x=", x,
                ", x/scale=", x / scale, ", digits=", digits, ", fmt=", fmt, "\n"
            paste(sprintf(fmt, sign * x), "(", pmr, ")", sep = "")
    style <- match.arg(style)
    if (!missing(model)) {
        cm <- class(model)
        # > qt(0.6914619, 100000)
        # [1] 0.5
        if (cm == "lm" || cm == "nls") {
            ci <- confint(model, level = 0.6914619)
            names <- dimnames(ci)[[1]]
            n <- length(names)
            res <- matrix("character", nrow = n, ncol = 1)
            rownames(res) <- names
            colnames(res) <- "value"
            for (row in seq_len(dim(ci)[1])) {
                res[row, 1] <- formatCI.one(ci = ci[row, ], style = style, digits = digits, debug = debug)
    } else {
        if (missing(ci)) {
            stop("must give either ci or model")
        formatCI.one(ci = ci, style = style, digits = digits, debug = debug)

#' Infer ASCII Code From an Integer Value
#' @param i an integer, or integer vector.
#' @return A character, or character vector.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' A <- integerToAscii(65)
#' cat("A=", A, "\n")
integerToAscii <- function(i) {
        "", "\001", "\002", "\003", "\004", "\005", "\006", "\a", "\b",
        "\t", "\n", "\v", "\f", "\r", "\016", "\017", "\020", "\021",
        "\022", "\023", "\024", "\025", "\026", "\027", "\030", "\031",
        "\032", "\033", "\034", "\035", "\036", "\037", " ", "!", "\"",
        "#", "$", "%", "&", "'", "(", ")", "*", "+", ",", "-", ".", "/",
        "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ":", ";", "<",
        "=", ">", "?", "@", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I",
        "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V",
        "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "[", "\\", "]", "^", "_", "`", "a", "b",
        "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o",
        "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "{", "|",
        "}", "~", "\177", "\x80", "\x81", "\x82", "\x83", "\x84", "\x85",
        "\x86", "\x87", "\x88", "\x89", "\x8a", "\x8b", "\x8c", "\x8d",
        "\x8e", "\x8f", "\x90", "\x91", "\x92", "\x93", "\x94", "\x95",
        "\x96", "\x97", "\x98", "\x99", "\x9a", "\x9b", "\x9c", "\x9d",
        "\x9e", "\x9f", "\xa0", "\xa1", "\xa2", "\xa3", "\xa4", "\xa5",
        "\xa6", "\xa7", "\xa8", "\xa9", "\xaa", "\xab", "\xac", "\xad",
        "\xae", "\xaf", "\xb0", "\xb1", "\xb2", "\xb3", "\xb4", "\xb5",
        "\xb6", "\xb7", "\xb8", "\xb9", "\xba", "\xbb", "\xbc", "\xbd",
        "\xbe", "\xbf", "\xc0", "\xc1", "\xc2", "\xc3", "\xc4", "\xc5",
        "\xc6", "\xc7", "\xc8", "\xc9", "\xca", "\xcb", "\xcc", "\xcd",
        "\xce", "\xcf", "\xd0", "\xd1", "\xd2", "\xd3", "\xd4", "\xd5",
        "\xd6", "\xd7", "\xd8", "\xd9", "\xda", "\xdb", "\xdc", "\xdd",
        "\xde", "\xdf", "\xe0", "\xe1", "\xe2", "\xe3", "\xe4", "\xe5",
        "\xe6", "\xe7", "\xe8", "\xe9", "\xea", "\xeb", "\xec", "\xed",
        "\xee", "\xef", "\xf0", "\xf1", "\xf2", "\xf3", "\xf4", "\xf5",
        "\xf6", "\xf7", "\xf8", "\xf9", "\xfa", "\xfb", "\xfc", "\xfd",
        "\xfe", "\xff"
    )[i + 1]

#' Earth Magnetic Declination, Inclination, and Intensity
#' Implements the 12th and 13th generations of the
#' International Geomagnetic Reference Field
#' (IGRF), based on a reworked version of a Fortran program downloaded from a
#' NOAA website (see \dQuote{References}).
#' The code (subroutines `igrf12syn` and `igrf13syn`) seem to have
#' been written by Susan Macmillan of the British Geological Survey.  Comments
#' in the source code `igrf13syn` (the current default used here)
#' indicate that its coefficients were agreed to in
#' December 2019 by the IAGA Working Group V-MOD.  Other comments in that code
#' suggest that the proposed application time interval is from years 1900 to 2025, inclusive,
#' but that only dates from 1945 to 2015 are to be considered definitive.
#' @param longitude longitude in degrees east (negative for degrees west), as a
#' number, a vector, or a matrix.
#' @param latitude latitude in degrees north, as a number, vector, or matrix.
#' The shape (length or dimensions) must conform to the dimensions of `longitude`.
#' @param time The time at which the field is desired. This may be a
#' single value or a vector or matrix that is structured to match
#' `longitude` and `latitude`. The value may a decimal year,
#' a POSIXt time, or a Date time.
#' @param version an integer that must be either 12 or 13, to specify
#' the version number of the formulae. Note that 13 became the default
#' on 2020 March 3, so to old code will need to specify `version=12`
#' to work as it did before that date.
#' @return A list containing `declination`, `inclination`, and
#' `intensity`.
#' @author Dan Kelley wrote the R code and a fortran wrapper to the
#' `igrf12.f` subroutine, which was written by Susan Macmillan of the
#' British Geological Survey and distributed ``without limitation'' (email from
#' SM to DK dated June 5, 2015).  This version was updated subsequent
#' to that date; see \sQuote{Historical Notes}.
#' @section Historical Notes:
#' For about a decade, `magneticField` used the version 12 formulae provided
#' by IAGA, but the code was updated on March 3, 2020, to version 13.  Example
#' 3 shows that the differences in declination are typically under 2 degrees
#' (with 95 percent of the data lying between -1.7 and 0.7 degrees).
#' @references
#' 1. The underlying Fortran code for version 12 is from `igrf12.f`, downloaded the NOAA
#' website (`https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/IAGA/vmod/igrf.html`) on June 7,
#' 2015. That for version 13 is `igrf13.f`, downloaded from the NOAA website
#' (`https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/IAGA/vmod/igrf.html` on March 3, 2020.
#' 2. Witze, Alexandra. \dQuote{Earth's Magnetic Field Is Acting up and Geologists Don't Know Why.}
#' Nature 565 (January 9, 2019): 143.
#' \doi{10.1038/d41586-019-00007-1}
#' 3. Alken, P., E. Thébault, C. D. Beggan, H. Amit, J. Aubert, J. Baerenzung, T. N. Bondar, et al.
#' "International Geomagnetic Reference Field: The Thirteenth Generation."
#' Earth, Planets and Space 73, no. 1 (December 2021): 49.
#' \doi{10.1186/s40623-020-01288-x}.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # 1. Today's value at Halifax NS
#' magneticField(-(63 + 36 / 60), 44 + 39 / 60, Sys.Date())
#' # 2. World map of declination in year 2000.
#' \donttest{
#' data(coastlineWorld)
#' par(mar = rep(0.5, 4)) # no axes on whole-world projection
#' mapPlot(coastlineWorld, projection = "+proj=robin", col = "lightgray")
#' # Construct matrix holding declination
#' lon <- seq(-180, 180)
#' lat <- seq(-90, 90)
#' dec2000 <- function(lon, lat) {
#'     magneticField(lon, lat, 2000)$declination
#' }
#' dec <- outer(lon, lat, dec2000) # hint: outer() is very handy!
#' # Contour, unlabelled for small increments, labeled for
#' # larger increments.
#' mapContour(lon, lat, dec,
#'     col = "blue", levels = seq(-180, -5, 5),
#'     lty = 3, drawlabels = FALSE
#' )
#' mapContour(lon, lat, dec, col = "blue", levels = seq(-180, -20, 20))
#' mapContour(lon, lat, dec,
#'     col = "red", levels = seq(5, 180, 5),
#'     lty = 3, drawlabels = FALSE
#' )
#' mapContour(lon, lat, dec, col = "red", levels = seq(20, 180, 20))
#' mapContour(lon, lat, dec, levels = 180, col = "black", lwd = 2, drawlabels = FALSE)
#' mapContour(lon, lat, dec, levels = 0, col = "black", lwd = 2)
#' }
#' # 3. Declination differences between versions 12 and 13
#' \donttest{
#' lon <- seq(-180, 180)
#' lat <- seq(-90, 90)
#' decDiff <- function(lon, lat) {
#'     old <- magneticField(lon, lat, 2020, version = 13)$declination
#'     new <- magneticField(lon, lat, 2020, version = 12)$declination
#'     new - old
#' }
#' decDiff <- outer(lon, lat, decDiff)
#' decDiff <- ifelse(decDiff > 180, decDiff - 360, decDiff)
#' # Overall (mean) shift -0.1deg
#' t.test(decDiff)
#' # View histogram, narrowed to small differences
#' par(mar = c(3.5, 3.5, 2, 2), mgp = c(2, 0.7, 0))
#' hist(decDiff,
#'     breaks = seq(-180, 180, 0.05), xlim = c(-2, 2),
#'     xlab = "Declination difference [deg] from version=12 to version=13",
#'     main = "Predictions for year 2020"
#' )
#' print(quantile(decDiff, c(0.025, 0.975)))
#' # Note that the large differences are at high latitudes
#' imagep(lon, lat, decDiff, zlim = c(-1, 1) * max(abs(decDiff)))
#' lines(coastlineWorld[["longitude"]], coastlineWorld[["latitude"]])
#' }
#' @family things related to magnetism
magneticField <- function(longitude, latitude, time, version = 13) {
    if (missing(longitude) || missing(latitude) || missing(time)) {
        stop("must provide longitude, latitude, and time")
    dim <- dim(latitude)
    if (!all(dim == dim(longitude))) {
        stop("dimensions of longitude and latitude must agree")
    n <- length(latitude)
    if (inherits(time, "Date")) {
        time <- as.POSIXct(time, tz = "UTC")
    if (inherits(time, "POSIXt")) {
        d <- as.POSIXlt(time, tz = "UTC")
        year <- d$year + 1900
        yearday <- d$yday
        time <- year + yearday / 365.25 # ignore leap year issue (formulae not daily)
    if (length(time) == 1) {
        time <- rep(time, n)
    } else {
        if (!all(dim == dim(time))) {
            stop("dimensions of latitude and time must agree")
    if (!is.null(dim)) {
        dim(longitude) <- n
        dim(latitude) <- n
        dim(time) <- n
    # isv <- 0
    # itype <- 1                          # geodetic
    # alt <- 0.0                          # altitude in km
    elong <- ifelse(longitude < 0, 360 + longitude, longitude)
    colat <- 90 - latitude
    iversion <- as.integer(version)
    if (!(iversion %in% c(12L, 13L))) {
        stop("version must be 12 or 13, but it is ", iversion)
    # message("time:", time, " (", as.numeric(time), ")")
    r <- .Fortran("md_driver",
        as.double(colat), as.double(elong), as.double(time),
        declination = double(n),
        inclination = double(n),
        intensity = double(n),
    declination <- r$declination
    inclination <- r$inclination
    intensity <- r$intensity
    if (!is.null(dim)) {
        dim(declination) <- dim
        dim(inclination) <- dim
        dim(intensity) <- dim
    list(declination = declination, inclination = inclination, intensity = intensity)

#' Locate Byte Sequences in a Raw Vector
#' Find spots in a raw vector that match a given byte sequence.
#' @param input a vector of raw (byte) values.
#' @param b1 a vector of bytes to match (must be of length 2 or 3 at present;
#' for 1-byte, use [which()]).
#' @param \dots additional bytes to match for (up to 2 permitted)
#' @return List of the indices of `input` that match the start of the
#' `bytes` sequence (see example).
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' buf <- as.raw(c(0xa5, 0x11, 0xaa, 0xa5, 0x11, 0x00))
#' match <- matchBytes(buf, 0xa5, 0x11)
#' print(buf)
#' print(match)
matchBytes <- function(input, b1, ...) {
    if (missing(input)) {
        stop("must provide \"input\"")
    if (missing(b1)) {
        stop("must provide at least one byte to match")
    # n <- length(input)
    dots <- list(...)
    lb <- 1 + length(dots)
    if (lb == 2) {
        .Call("match2bytes", as.raw(input), as.raw(b1), as.raw(dots[[1]]), FALSE)
    } else if (lb == 3) {
        .Call("match3bytes", as.raw(input), as.raw(b1), as.raw(dots[[1]]), as.raw(dots[[2]]))
    } else {
        stop("must provide 2 or 3 bytes")

#' Rearrange Areal Matrix so Greenwich is Near the Centre
#' Sometimes datasets are provided in matrix form, with first
#' index corresponding to longitudes ranging from 0 to 360.
#' `matrixShiftLongitude` cuts such matrices at
#' longitude=180, and swaps the pieces so that the dateline
#' is at the left of the matrix, not in the middle.
#' @param m The matrix to be modified.
#' @param longitude A vector containing the longitude in the 0-360 convention. If missing,
#' this is constructed to range from 0 to 360, with as many elements as the first index of `m`.
#' @return A list containing `m` and `longitude`, both rearranged as appropriate.
#' @seealso [shiftLongitude()] and [standardizeLongitude()].
matrixShiftLongitude <- function(m, longitude) {
    if (missing(m)) {
        stop("must supply m")
    n <- dim(m)[1]
    if (missing(longitude)) {
        longitude <- seq.int(0, 360, length.out = n)
    if (n != length(longitude)) {
        stop("dim(m) and length(longitude) are incompatible")
    if (max(longitude, na.rm = TRUE) > 180) {
        cut <- which.min(abs(longitude - 180))
        longitude <- c(longitude[seq.int(cut + 1L, n)] - 360, longitude[seq.int(1L, cut)])
        m <- m[c(seq.int(cut + 1L, n), seq.int(1L, cut)), ]
    list(m = m, longitude = longitude)

#' Smooth a Matrix
#' The values on the edge of the matrix are unaltered.  For interior points,
#' the result is defined in terms in terms of the original as follows.
#' \eqn{r_{i,j} = (2 m_{i,j} + m_{i-1,j} + m_{i+1,j} + m_{i,j-1} +
#' m_{i,j+1})/6}{r_[i,j] = (2 m_[i,j] + m_[i-1,j] + m_[i+1,j] + m_[i,j-1] +
#' m_[i,j+1])/6}.  Note that missing values propagate to neighbours.
#' @param m a matrix to be smoothed.
#' @param passes an integer specifying the number of times the smoothing is to
#' be applied.
#' @return A smoothed matrix.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#' m <- matrix(rep(seq(0, 1, length.out = 5), 5), nrow = 5, byrow = TRUE)
#' m[3, 3] <- 2
#' m1 <- matrixSmooth(m)
#' m2 <- matrixSmooth(m1)
#' m3 <- matrixSmooth(m2)
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
#' image(m, col = rainbow(100), zlim = c(0, 4), main = "original image")
#' image(m1, col = rainbow(100), zlim = c(0, 4), main = "smoothed 1 time")
#' image(m2, col = rainbow(100), zlim = c(0, 4), main = "smoothed 2 times")
#' image(m3, col = rainbow(100), zlim = c(0, 4), main = "smoothed 3 times")
#' par(opar)
matrixSmooth <- function(m, passes = 1) {
    if (missing(m)) {
        stop("must provide matrix 'm'")
    storage.mode(m) <- "double"
    if (passes > 0) {
        for (pass in seq.int(1, passes, 1)) {
            m <- do_matrix_smooth(m)
    } else {
        warning("matrixSmooth given passes<=0, so returning matrix unmodified")

#' Express Time Interval as Colon-Separated String
#' Convert a time interval to a colon-separated string
#' @param sec length of time interval in seconds.
#' @return A string with a colon-separated time interval.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso See [ctimeToSeconds()], the inverse of this.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' cat("   10 s = ", secondsToCtime(10), "\n", sep = "")
#' cat("   61 s = ", secondsToCtime(61), "\n", sep = "")
#' cat("86400 s = ", secondsToCtime(86400), "\n", sep = "")
#' @family things related to time
secondsToCtime <- function(sec) {
    if (sec < 60) {
        return(sprintf("00:00:%02d", sec))
    if (sec < 3600) {
        min <- floor(sec / 60)
        sec <- sec - 60 * min
        return(sprintf("00:%02d:%02d", min, sec))
    hour <- floor(sec / 3600)
    sec <- sec - 3600 * hour
    min <- floor(sec / 60)
    sec <- sec - 60 * min
    return(sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", hour, min, sec))

#' Interpret a Character String as a Time Interval
#' Infer a time interval from a character string in
#' the form MM:SS or HH:MM:SS.
#' @param ctime a character string (see \dQuote{Details}.
#' @return A numeric value, the number of seconds represented by the string.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso See [secondsToCtime()], the inverse of this.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' cat("10      = ", ctimeToSeconds("10"), "s\n", sep = "")
#' cat("01:04   = ", ctimeToSeconds("01:04"), "s\n", sep = "")
#' cat("1:00:00 = ", ctimeToSeconds("1:00:00"), "s\n", sep = "")
#' @family things related to time
ctimeToSeconds <- function(ctime) {
    if (length(grep(":", ctime)) > 0) {
        parts <- as.numeric(strsplit(ctime, ":")[[1]])
        l <- length(parts)
        if (l == 1) {
            s <- as.numeric(ctime)
        } else if (l == 2) {
            s <- parts[1] * 60 + parts[2]
        } else if (l == 3) {
            s <- parts[1] * 3600 + parts[2] * 60 + parts[3]
        } else {
            stop("cannot interpret \"time\"=", ctime, "as a time interval because it has more than 2 colons")
    } else {
        s <- as.numeric(ctime)

#' Show an Item in the metadata Slot of an oce Object
#' This is a helper function for various `summary` functions.
#' @param object an [oce-class] object.
#' @param name name of item
#' @param label label to print before item
#' @param postlabel label to print after item
#' @param isdate boolean indicating whether the item is a time
#' @param quote boolean indicating whether to enclose the item in quotes
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(ctd)
#' showMetadataItem(ctd, "ship", "ship")
showMetadataItem <- function(object, name, label = "", postlabel = "", isdate = FALSE, quote = FALSE) {
    if (name %in% names(object@metadata)) {
        item <- object@metadata[[name]]
        if (is.null(item)) {
        if (is.na(item)) {
        if (is.character(item) && nchar(item) == 0) {
        if (is.na(item)) {
        if (isdate) {
            item <- format(item)
        if (quote) {
            item <- paste("\"", item, "\"", sep = "")
        cat(paste("* ", label, item, postlabel, "\n", sep = ""))

#' Trapezoidal Integration
#' Estimate the integral of one-dimensional function using the trapezoidal
#' rule.
#' @param x,y vectors of x and y values. In the normal case, these
#' vectors are both supplied, and of equal length. There are also two
#' special cases. First, if `y` is missing, then
#' `x` is taken to be `y`, and a new `x` is constructed
#' as [`seq_along`]`(y)1. Second, if `length(x)` is 1
#' and `length(y)` exceeds 1, then `x` is replaced by
#' `x*`[`seq_along`]`(y)`.
#' @param type Flag indicating the desired return value (see \dQuote{Value}).
#' @param xmin,xmax Optional numbers indicating the range of the integration.
#' These values may be used to restrict the range of integration, or to
#' extend it; in either case, [approx()] with `rule=2`
#' is used to create new x and y vectors.
#' @return If `type="A"` (the default), a single value is returned,
#' containing the estimate of the integral of `y=y(x)`.  If
#' `type="dA"`, a numeric vector of the same length as `x`, of which
#' the first element is zero, the second element is the integral between
#' `x[1]` and `x[2]`, etc.  If `type="cA"`, the result is the
#' cumulative sum (as in [cumsum()]) of the values that would be
#' returned for `type="dA"`.  See \dQuote{Examples}.
#' @section Bugs: There is no handling of `NA` values.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 10) # try larger length.out to see if area approaches 2
#' y <- 2 * x + 3 * x^2
#' A <- integrateTrapezoid(x, y)
#' dA <- integrateTrapezoid(x, y, "dA")
#' cA <- integrateTrapezoid(x, y, "cA")
#' print(A)
#' print(sum(dA))
#' print(tail(cA, 1))
#' print(integrateTrapezoid(diff(x[1:2]), y))
#' print(integrateTrapezoid(y))
integrateTrapezoid <- function(x, y, type = c("A", "dA", "cA"), xmin, xmax) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (missing(x)) {
        stop("must supply 'x'")
    if (missing(y)) {
        y <- x
        x <- seq_along(y)
    if (length(x) == 1 && length(y) > 1) {
        x <- x * seq_along(y)
    if (length(x) != length(y)) {
        stop("'x' and 'y' must be of same length")
    xout <- x
    yout <- y
    # message("x: ", paste(x, collapse=" "))
    # message("y: ", paste(y, collapse=" "))
    if (!missing(xmin) || !missing(xmax)) {
        if (missing(xmin) || missing(xmax)) {
            stop("'xmin' and 'xmax' must both be supplied, if either is")
        if (xmin >= xmax) {
            stop("'xmin' must be less than 'xmax'")
        if (xmin > max(x, na.rm = TRUE)) {
            stop("xmin must be less than max(x)")
        if (xmin < min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) {
            xout <- c(xmin, xout)
        } else {
            xout <- xout[xout >= xmin]
            xout <- c(xmin, xout)
        if (xmax < min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) {
            stop("xmax must be greater than min(x)")
        if (xmax > max(x, na.rm = TRUE)) {
            xout <- c(xout, xmax)
        } else {
            xout <- xout[xout < xmax]
            xout <- c(xout, xmax)
        yout <- approx(x, y, xout, rule = 2)$y
    # I think we should be able to use trap(), which gets defined into
    # R/RcppExports.R but that doesn't seem to be put into the loadspace.
    # My guess is that the problem is because we are not doing exports in
    # the recommended (automatic) way, but I don't want to do exports that
    # way since things are ok now, and have been for years.
    # I don't see much point trying to figure this out, because we already
    # have things set up for a .Call() from before the switch from C to Cpp.
    # NOTE: must run Rcpp::compileAttributes() after creating trap in
    # src/trap.cpp
    res <- do_trap(xout, yout, as.integer(switch(match.arg(type),
        A = 0,
        dA = 1,
        cA = 2

#' Calculate Matrix Gradient
#' In the interior of the matrix, centred second-order differences are used to
#' infer the components of the grad.  Along the edges, first-order differences
#' are used.
#' @param h a matrix of values
#' @param x vector of coordinates along matrix columns (defaults to integers)
#' @param y vector of coordinates along matrix rows (defaults to integers)
#' @return A list containing \eqn{|\nabla h|}{abs(grad(h))} as `g`,
#' \eqn{\partial h/\partial x}{dh/dx} as `gx`,
#' and \eqn{\partial h/\partial y}{dh/dy} as `gy`,
#' each of which is a matrix of the same dimension as `h`.
#' @author Dan Kelley, based on advice of Clark Richards, and mimicking a matlab function.
#' @examples
#' # 1. Built-in volcano dataset
#' g <- grad(volcano)
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(3, 3, 1, 1), mgp = c(2, 0.7, 0))
#' imagep(volcano, zlab = "h")
#' imagep(g$g, zlab = "|grad(h)|")
#' zlim <- c(-1, 1) * max(g$g)
#' imagep(g$gx, zlab = "dh/dx", zlim = zlim)
#' imagep(g$gy, zlab = "dh/dy", zlim = zlim)
#' # 2. Geostrophic flow around an eddy
#' library(oce)
#' dx <- 5e3
#' dy <- 10e3
#' x <- seq(-200e3, 200e3, dx)
#' y <- seq(-200e3, 200e3, dy)
#' R <- 100e3
#' h <- outer(x, y, function(x, y) 500 * exp(-(x^2 + y^2) / R^2))
#' grad <- grad(h, x, y)
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(3, 3, 1, 1), mgp = c(2, 0.7, 0))
#' contour(x, y, h, asp = 1, main = expression(h))
#' f <- 1e-4
#' gprime <- 9.8 * 1 / 1024
#' u <- -(gprime / f) * grad$gy
#' v <- (gprime / f) * grad$gx
#' contour(x, y, u, asp = 1, main = expression(u))
#' contour(x, y, v, asp = 1, main = expression(v))
#' contour(x, y, sqrt(u^2 + v^2), asp = 1, main = expression(speed))
#' @family things relating to vector calculus
grad <- function(h, x = seq(0, 1, length.out = nrow(h)), y = seq(0, 1, length.out = ncol(h))) {
    if (missing(h)) {
        stop("must give h")
    if (length(x) != nrow(h)) {
        stop("length of x (", length(x), ") must equal number of rows in h (", nrow(h), ")")
    if (length(y) != ncol(h)) {
        stop("length of y (", length(y), ") must equal number of cols in h (", ncol(h), ")")
    # ensure that all three args are double, so the C code won't misinterpret
    dim <- dim(h)
    h <- as.double(h)
    dim(h) <- dim
    x <- as.double(x)
    y <- as.double(y)
    rval <- do_gradient(h, x, y)
    rval$g <- sqrt(rval$gx^2 + rval$gy^2)

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