
Defines functions read.ctd.odf read.odf ODFListFromHeader ODF2oce ODFNames2oceNames findInHeader

Documented in ODF2oce ODFListFromHeader ODFNames2oceNames read.ctd.odf read.odf

# vim:textwidth=80:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4

#' Class to Store ODF Data
#' This class is for data stored in a format used at Canadian
#' Department of Fisheries and Oceans laboratories. It is somewhat
#' similar to the [bremen-class] class, in the sense
#' that it does not apply just to a particular instrument.
#' @templateVar class odf
#' @templateVar dataExample {}
#' @templateVar metadataExample {}
#' @template slot_summary
#' @template slot_put
#' @template slot_get
#' @references
#' 1. Anthony W. Isenor and David Kellow, 2011. *ODF Format Specification
#' Version 2.0*. (This is a .doc file obtained in June 2011 by Dan Kelley,
#' which no longer seems to be made available at any DFO website.)
#' 2. (Unknown authors), October 2014. *ODF Format Description (MLI)*,
#' `https://ogsl.ca/wp-content/uploads/ODF_format_desc_en_0.pdf`,
#' (Link worked early on March 16, 2022, but failed later that day.)
#' 3. A sample ODF file in the DFO format is available at
#' `system.file("extdata","CTD_BCD2014666_008_1_DN.ODF.gz",package="oce")`
#' 4. A sample ODF file in the MLI format may be available at
#' `https://ogsl.ca/wp-content/uploads/ODF_file_example_en_0.pdf`.
#' (Link worked early on March 16, 2022, but failed later that day.)
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to odf data
#' @family classes provided by oce
setClass("odf", contains = "oce")

    f = "initialize",
    signature = "odf",
    definition = function(.Object, time, filename = "", ...) {
        .Object <- callNextMethod(.Object, ...)
        # Assign to some columns so they exist if needed later (even if they are NULL)
        .Object@data$time <- if (missing(time)) NULL else time
        .Object@metadata$filename <- filename
        .Object@metadata$deploymentType <- "" # see ctd
        .Object@processingLog$time <- presentTime()
        .Object@processingLog$value <- "create 'odf' object"

#' Extract Something From an odf Object
#' @param x an [odf-class] object.
#' @section Details of the Specialized Method:
#' If `i` is `"?"`, then the return value is a list
#' containing four items, each of which is a character vector
#' holding the names of things that can be accessed with `[[`.
#' The `data` and `metadata` items hold the names of
#' entries in the object's data and metadata
#' slots, respectively. The `dataDerived`
#' and `metadataDerived` items are each NULL, because
#' no derived values are defined by [odf-class] objects.
#' @template sub_subTemplate
#' @family things related to odf data
    f = "[[",
    signature(x = "odf", i = "ANY", j = "ANY"),
    definition = function(x, i, j, ...) {
        if (i == "?") {
                metadata = sort(names(x@metadata)),
                metadataDerived = NULL,
                data = sort(names(x@data)),
                dataDerived = NULL
        callNextMethod() # [[

#' @title Replace Parts of an odf Object
#' @param x an [odf-class] object.
#' @template sub_subsetTemplate
#' @family things related to odf data
    f = "[[<-",
    signature(x = "odf", i = "ANY", j = "ANY"),
    definition = function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
        callNextMethod(x = x, i = i, j = j, ... = ..., value = value) # [[<-

#' Subset an odf Object
#' This function is somewhat analogous to [subset.data.frame()].
#' It seems likely that users will first convert the odf object into
#' another class (e.g. ctd) and use the subset method of that class;
#' note that some of those methods interpret the \dots argument.
#' @param x an [odf-class] object.
#' @param subset a condition to be applied to the `data` portion of
#' `x`.  See \dQuote{Details}.
#' @param \dots ignored.
#' @return An [odf-class] object.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to odf data
#' @family functions that subset oce objects
    f = "subset",
    signature = "odf",
    definition = function(x, subset, ...) {
        subsetString <- paste(deparse(substitute(expr = subset, env = environment())), collapse = " ")
        res <- x
        # dots <- list(...)
        if (missing(subset)) {
            stop("must give 'subset'")
        if (missing(subset)) {
            stop("must specify a 'subset'")
        keep <- eval(substitute(expr = subset, env = environment()),
            envir = x@data,
            enclos = parent.frame(2)
        ) # used for $ts and $ma, but $tsSlow gets another
        res <- x
        for (i in seq_along(x@data)) {
            res@data[[i]] <- x@data[[i]][keep]
        for (i in seq_along(x@metadata$flags)) {
            res@metadata$flags[[i]] <- x@metadata$flags[[i]][keep]
        res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(res@processingLog, paste("subset(x, subset=", subsetString, ")", sep = ""))

#' Plot an odf Object
#' Plot data contained within an ODF object,
#' using [oce.plot.ts()] to create panels of time-series plots for
#' all the columns contained in the `odf` object (or just those that
#' contain at least one finite value, if `blanks` is `FALSE`).
#' If the object's `data` slot does not contain `time`, then
#' [pairs()] is used to plot all the elements in the `data`
#' slot that contain at least one finite value.
#' These actions are both
#' crude and there are no arguments to control the behaviour, but this
#' function is really just a stop-gap measure, since in practical work
#' [odf-class] objects are usually cast to other types, and those types
#' tend to have more useful plots.
#' @param x an [odf-class] object.
#' @param blanks A logical value that indicates whether to include dummy
#' plots for data items that lack any finite values.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family functions that plot oce data
#' @family things related to odf data
#' @aliases plot.odf
    f = "plot",
    signature = signature("odf"),
    definition = function(x, blanks = TRUE,
                          debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
        oceDebug(debug, "plot,odf-method(..., blanks=", blanks, "...) {\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
        data <- x@data
        dataNames <- names(data)
        # At the start, n is the number of non-time variables, but
        # later on we might switch it to equal nok, which is the
        # number of non-time variables that contain finite data.
        if (!("time" %in% dataNames)) {
            finite <- unlist(lapply(data, function(col) any(is.finite(col))))
            pairs(data.frame(data)[, finite], labels = dataNames[finite])
        } else {
            # Define n as the number of non-time data items and nok as the
            # number of such columns that contain at least 1 finite value.
            n <- length(dataNames) - 1
            if (blanks) {
                nok <- n
            } else {
                nok <- 0
                for (i in 1:n) {
                    if (dataNames[i] != "time" && any(is.finite(data[[i]]))) {
                        nok <- nok + 1
            time <- data$time
            if (!is.null(time)) {
                if (!blanks) {
                    n <- nok
                if (n > 5) {
                    # make a roughly square grid
                    N <- as.integer(0.5 + sqrt(n - 1))
                    M <- as.integer(n / N)
                    # may need to add 1, but use a loop in case my logic is mixed up
                    # if that would
                    while (N * M < n) {
                        M <- M + 1
                    par(mfrow = c(N, M))
                    oceDebug(debug, "N=", N, ", M=", M, ", prod=", N * M, ", n=", n, "\n", sep = "")
                } else {
                    par(mfrow = c(n, 1))
                for (i in seq_along(dataNames)) {
                    if (dataNames[i] != "time") {
                        y <- data[[dataNames[i]]]
                        yok <- any(is.finite(y))
                        if (blanks || yok) {
                            oce.plot.ts(time, y, ylab = dataNames[i], mar = c(2, 3, 0.5, 1), drawTimeRange = FALSE)
                        if (!yok) {
                            warning(paste("In plot,odf-method() : '", dataNames[i], "' has no finite data", sep = ""), call. = FALSE)
        oceDebug(debug, "} # plot,odf-method\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)

#' Summarize an odf Object
#' Pertinent summary information is presented, including the station name,
#' sampling location, data ranges, etc.
#' @param object an [odf-class] object.
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A matrix containing statistics of the elements of the `data`
#' slot.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to odf data
    f = "summary",
    signature = "odf",
    definition = function(object, ...) {
        cat("ODF Summary\n-----------\n\n")
        showMetadataItem(object, "type", "Instrument:          ")
        showMetadataItem(object, "model", "Instrument model:    ")
        showMetadataItem(object, "serialNumber", "Instr. serial no.:   ")
        showMetadataItem(object, "serialNumberTemperature", "Temp. serial no.:    ")
        showMetadataItem(object, "serialNumberConductivity", "Cond. serial no.:    ")
        showMetadataItem(object, "filename", "File source:         ")
        showMetadataItem(object, "hexfilename", "Orig. hex file:      ")
        showMetadataItem(object, "institute", "Institute:           ")
        showMetadataItem(object, "scientist", "Chief scientist:     ")
        showMetadataItem(object, "date", "Date:                ", isdate = TRUE)
        showMetadataItem(object, "startTime", "Start time:          ", isdate = TRUE)
        showMetadataItem(object, "systemUploadTime", "System upload time:  ", isdate = TRUE)
        showMetadataItem(object, "cruise", "Cruise:              ")
        showMetadataItem(object, "ship", "Vessel:              ")
        showMetadataItem(object, "station", "Station:             ")
        invisible(callNextMethod()) # summary

# find first match in header
findInHeader <- function(key, lines, returnOnlyFirst = TRUE, numeric = FALSE, prefix = TRUE) # local function
    if (prefix) {
        key <- paste("^[ ]*", key, sep = "")
    i <- grep(key, lines)
    rval <- ""
    rval <- list()
    for (j in seq_along(i)) {
        # ----------
        # RISKY CODE: only look at first match
        # ----------
        # isolate the RHS of the equality
        tmp <- gsub("\\s*$", "", gsub("^\\s*", "", gsub("'", "", gsub(",", "", strsplit(lines[i[j]], "=")[[1]][2]))))
        # convert e.g. D+00 to e+00
        if (length(grep("[-A-CF-Za-cf-z ]", tmp))) {
            rval[[j]] <- tmp
        } else {
            tmp <- gsub("(.*)D([-+])([0-9]{2})", "\\1e\\2\\3", tmp)
            number <- 0 == length(grep("[-+.0-9eEdD ]*", tmp))
            rval[[j]] <- if (number && numeric) as.numeric(tmp) else tmp
    if (0 < length(rval)) {
        if (returnOnlyFirst) {
        } else {
    } else {

#' Translate ODF CODE Strings to oce Variable Names
#' Translate ODF CODE strings to oce variable names. This
#' is done differently for data names and quality-control
#' (QC) names.
#' The following table gives the recognized ODF code names for variables,
#' along with the translated names as used in oce objects. Note that the
#' code names are appended with strings such as `"_01"`, `"_02"`, etc,
#' for repeats. The converted name for an `"_01"` item is as shown below,
#' and for e.g. `"_02"` a suffix 2 is added to the oce name, etc.
#' QC items (which get stored as `flags` in object's
#' `metadata` slots) are assigned names that match those of the
#' parameters to which they refer.  In parsing ODF files, it is assumed
#' that QC items refer to the data items that precede them.  This pattern
#' does not seem to be documented, but it has held in all the files
#' examined by the author, and a similar assumption is made in other
#' software systems.  QC items have `CODE` values that are
#' either start with `"QQQQ"` or equal `"Q<CODE>"`,
#' where `<CODE>` matches the corresponding data item.
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' **ODF Code** \tab **Oce Name**      \tab **Notes**                                    \cr
#' `ABSH` \tab `humidityAbsolute`      \tab                                              \cr
#' `ACO2` \tab `CO2Atmosphere`         \tab                                              \cr
#' `ALKW` \tab `alkalinity`            \tab                                              \cr
#' `ALKY` \tab `alkalinityTotal`       \tab                                              \cr
#' `ALP0` \tab `apha0`                 \tab                                              \cr
#' `ALTB` \tab `altimeter`             \tab                                              \cr
#' `ALTS` \tab `altitude`              \tab                                              \cr
#' `AMON` \tab `ammonium`              \tab                                              \cr
#' `ATMP` \tab `pressureAtmosphere`    \tab                                              \cr
#' `ATMS` \tab `pressureAtmosphereSealevel` \tab                                         \cr
#' `ATRK` \tab `alongTrackDisplacement` \tab                                             \cr
#' `ATTU` \tab `attenuation`           \tab                                              \cr
#' `AUTH` \tab `authority`             \tab                                              \cr
#' `BATH` \tab `barometricDepth`       \tab                                              \cr
#' `BATT` \tab `batteryVoltage`        \tab                                              \cr
#' `BEAM` \tab `a`                     \tab                                              \cr
#' `BNO7` \tab `bestNODC7Number`       \tab That is an "oh" letter, not a zero           \cr
#' `CALK` \tab `carbonateAlkalinity`   \tab                                              \cr
#' `CHLR` \tab `chlorinity`            \tab                                              \cr
#' `CHLS` \tab `chlorosity`            \tab                                              \cr
#' `CNDC` \tab `conductivity`          \tab                                              \cr
#' `CNTR` \tab `scan`                  \tab                                              \cr
#' `COND` \tab `conductivity`          \tab                                              \cr
#' `CORG` \tab `carbonOrganic`         \tab                                              \cr
#' `CPHL` \tab `chlorophyll`           \tab                                              \cr
#' `CRAT` \tab `conductivity`          \tab Conductivity ratio (may have spurious unit)  \cr
#' `CMNT` \tab `comment`               \tab                                              \cr
#' `CNDC` \tab `conductivity`          \tab                                              \cr
#' `COND` \tab `conductivity`          \tab                                              \cr
#' `CTOT` \tab `carbonTotal`           \tab                                              \cr
#' `DCHG` \tab `discharge`             \tab                                              \cr
#' `DENS` \tab `density`               \tab                                              \cr
#' `DEPH` \tab `pressure`              \tab                                              \cr
#' `DEWT` \tab `temperatureDewpoint`   \tab                                              \cr
#' `DOC_` \tab `carbonOrganicDissolved` \tab                                             \cr
#' `DON_` \tab `nitrogenOrganicDissolved` \tab                                           \cr
#' `DOXY` \tab `oxygen`                \tab                                              \cr
#' `DPDT` \tab `dpdt`                  \tab                                              \cr
#' `DRDP` \tab `drogueDepth`           \tab                                              \cr
#' `DPWT` \tab `dryWeight`             \tab                                              \cr
#' `DRYT` \tab `temperatureDryBulb`    \tab                                              \cr
#' `DYNH` \tab `dynamicHeight`         \tab                                              \cr
#' `ERRV` \tab `errorVelocity`         \tab                                              \cr
#' `EWCM` \tab `uMagnetic`             \tab                                              \cr
#' `EWCT` \tab `u`                     \tab                                              \cr
#' `FFFF` \tab `overall(FFFF)`         \tab Archaic overall flag, replaced by `QCFF`     \cr
#' `FLOR` \tab `fluorometer`           \tab                                              \cr
#' `GDIR` \tab `windDirectionGust`     \tab                                              \cr
#' `GEOP` \tab `geopotential`          \tab                                              \cr
#' `GSPD` \tab `windSpeedGust`         \tab                                              \cr
#' `HCDM` \tab `directionMagnetic`     \tab                                              \cr
#' `HCDT` \tab `directionTrue`         \tab                                              \cr
#' `HCSP` \tab `speedHorizontal`       \tab                                              \cr
#' `HEAD` \tab `heading`               \tab                                              \cr
#' `HSUL` \tab `hydrogenSulphide`      \tab                                              \cr
#' `IDEN` \tab `sampleNumber`          \tab                                              \cr
#' `LABT` \tab `temperatureLaboratory` \tab                                              \cr
#' `LATD` \tab `latitude`              \tab                                              \cr
#' `LHIS` \tab `lifeHistory`           \tab                                              \cr
#' `LOND` \tab `longitude`             \tab                                              \cr
#' `LPHT` \tab `pHLaboratory`          \tab                                              \cr
#' `MNSV` \tab `retentionFilterSize`   \tab                                              \cr
#' `MNSZ` \tab `organismSizeMinimum`   \tab                                              \cr
#' `MODF` \tab `additionalTaxonomicInformation` \tab                                     \cr
#' `MXSZ` \tab `organismSizeMaximum`   \tab                                              \cr
#' `NETR` \tab `netSolarRadiation`     \tab                                              \cr
#' `NONE` \tab `noWMOcode`             \tab                                              \cr
#' `NORG` \tab `nitrogenOrganic`       \tab                                              \cr
#' `NSCM` \tab `vMagnetic`             \tab                                              \cr
#' `NSCT` \tab `v`                     \tab                                              \cr
#' `NTOT` \tab `nitrogenTotal`         \tab                                              \cr
#' `NTRA` \tab `nitrate`               \tab                                              \cr
#' `NTRI` \tab `nitrite`               \tab                                              \cr
#' `NTRZ` \tab `nitrite+nitrate`       \tab                                              \cr
#' `NUM_` \tab `scansPerAverage`       \tab                                              \cr
#' `OBKS` \tab `turbidity`             \tab                                              \cr
#' `OCUR` \tab `oxygenCurrent`         \tab                                              \cr
#' `OPPR` \tab `oxygenPartialPressure` \tab                                              \cr
#' `OSAT` \tab `oxygenSaturation`      \tab                                              \cr
#' `OTMP` \tab `oxygenTemperature`     \tab                                              \cr
#' `OXYG` \tab `oxygenDissolved`       \tab                                              \cr
#' `OXYM` \tab `oxygenDissolved`       \tab                                              \cr
#' `OXYV` \tab `oxygenVoltage`         \tab                                              \cr
#' `OXV_` \tab `oxygenVoltageRaw`      \tab                                              \cr
#' `PCO2` \tab `CO2`                   \tab                                              \cr
#' `PHA_` \tab `phaeopigment`          \tab                                              \cr
#' `PHOS` \tab `phosphate`             \tab                                              \cr
#' `PHPH` \tab `pH`                    \tab                                              \cr
#' `PHT_` \tab `pHTotal`               \tab                                              \cr
#' `PIM_` \tab `particulateInorganicMatter` \tab                                         \cr
#' `PHY_` \tab `phytoplanktonCount`    \tab                                              \cr
#' `POC_` \tab `particulateOrganicCarbon` \tab                                           \cr
#' `POM_` \tab `particulateOrganicMatter` \tab                                           \cr
#' `PON_` \tab `particulateOrganicNitrogen` \tab                                         \cr
#' `POTM` \tab `theta`                 \tab                                              \cr
#' `PRES` \tab `pressure`              \tab                                              \cr
#' `PSAL` \tab `salinity`              \tab                                              \cr
#' `PSAR` \tab `PSAR`                  \tab                                              \cr
#' `PTCH` \tab `pitch`                 \tab                                              \cr
#' `QCFF` \tab `overall(QCFF)`         \tab Overall flag (see also archaic FFFF)         \cr
#' `RANG` \tab `range`                 \tab                                              \cr
#' `REFR` \tab `reference`             \tab                                              \cr
#' `RELH` \tab `humidityRelative`      \tab                                              \cr
#' `RELP` \tab `relativeTotalPressure` \tab                                              \cr
#' `ROLL` \tab `roll`                  \tab                                              \cr
#' `SDEV` \tab `standardDeviation`     \tab                                              \cr
#' `SECC` \tab `SecchiDepth`           \tab                                              \cr
#' `SEX_` \tab `sex`                   \tab                                              \cr
#' `SIG0` \tab `sigma0`                \tab                                              \cr
#' `SIGP` \tab `sigmaTheta`            \tab                                              \cr
#' `SIGT` \tab `sigmat`                \tab                                              \cr
#' `SLCA` \tab `silicate`              \tab                                              \cr
#' `SNCN` \tab `scanCounter`           \tab                                              \cr
#' `SPAR` \tab `SPAR`                  \tab                                              \cr
#' `SPEH` \tab `humiditySpecific`      \tab                                              \cr
#' `SPFR` \tab `sampleFraction`        \tab                                              \cr
#' `SPVO` \tab `specificVolume`        \tab                                              \cr
#' `SPVA` \tab `specificVolumeAnomaly` \tab                                              \cr
#' `STRA` \tab `stressAmplitude`       \tab                                              \cr
#' `STRD` \tab `stressDirection`       \tab                                              \cr
#' `STRU` \tab `stressU`               \tab                                              \cr
#' `STRV` \tab `stressV`               \tab                                              \cr
#' `SSAL` \tab `salinity`              \tab                                              \cr
#' `SVEL` \tab `soundVelocity`         \tab                                              \cr
#' `SYTM` \tab `time`                  \tab                                              \cr
#' `TAXN` \tab `taxonomicName`         \tab                                              \cr
#' `TE90` \tab `temperature`           \tab                                              \cr
#' `TEMP` \tab `temperature`           \tab                                              \cr
#' `TEXZT` \tab `text`                 \tab                                              \cr
#' `TICW` \tab `totalInorganicCarbon`  \tab                                              \cr
#' `TILT` \tab `tilt`                  \tab                                              \cr
#' `TOTP` \tab `pressureAbsolute`      \tab                                              \cr
#' `TPHS` \tab `phosphorousTotal`      \tab                                              \cr
#' `TRAN` \tab `lightTransmission`     \tab                                              \cr
#' `TRB_` \tab `turbidity`             \tab                                              \cr
#' `TRBH` \tab `trophicDescriptor`     \tab                                              \cr
#' `TSM_` \tab `suspendedMatterTotal`  \tab                                              \cr
#' `TSN_` \tab `taxonomicSerialNumber` \tab                                              \cr
#' `TURB` \tab `turbidity`             \tab                                              \cr
#' `UNKN` \tab `-`                     \tab                                              \cr
#' `UREA` \tab `urea`                  \tab                                              \cr
#' `VAIS` \tab `BVFrequency`           \tab                                              \cr
#' `VCSP` \tab `w`                     \tab                                              \cr
#' `VMXL` \tab `waveHeightMaximum`     \tab                                              \cr
#' `VRMS` \tab `waveHeightMean`        \tab                                              \cr
#' `VTCA` \tab `wavePeriod`            \tab                                              \cr
#' `WDIR` \tab `windDirection`         \tab                                              \cr
#' `WETT` \tab `temperatureWetBulb`    \tab                                              \cr
#' `WSPD` \tab `windSpeed`             \tab                                              \cr
#' `WTWT` \tab `wetWeight`             \tab                                              \cr
#' `ZOO_` \tab `zooplanktonCount`      \tab                                              \cr
#' }
#' Any code not shown in the list is transferred to the oce object without renaming, apart from
#' the adjustment of suffix numbers. The following code have been seen in data files from
#' the Bedford Institute of Oceanography: `ALTB`, `PHPH` and `QCFF`.
# @section A note on unit conventions:
# Some older ODF files contain non-standard units for conductivity,
# including `mho/m`, `mmho/cm`, and `mmHo`. As the
# units for conductivity are important for derived quantities
# (e.g. salinity), such units are converted to standard units
# (e.g. `S/m` and `mS/cm`).  (This was once done with a warning,
# but on 2020-02-07 the warning was removed, since it did not
# indicate a problem with the file or the data scanning; rather,
# it was a simple matter of nudging towards uniformity in a way
# that ought to confuse no users, akin to converting `m**3` to
# `m^3`, which is also done here without warning.)
#' @param ODFnames vector of character values that hold ODF names.
#' @param columns Optional list containing name correspondances, as described for
#' [read.ctd.odf()].
#' @param PARAMETER_HEADER Optional list containing information on the data variables.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @return A list relating ODF names to oce names (see \dQuote{Examples}).
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family functions that interpret variable names and units from headers
#' @examples
#' ODFNames2oceNames("TEMP_01")$names # "temperature"
#' @references
#' For sources that describe the ODF format, see the documentation
#' for the [odf-class].
#' @family things related to odf data
ODFNames2oceNames <- function(ODFnames, columns = NULL, PARAMETER_HEADER = NULL, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    oceDebug(debug, "ODFNames2oceNames() {\n", unindent = 1, sep = "", style = "bold")
    # unused? n <- length(ODFnames)
    names <- ODFnames
    # If 'name' is mentioned in columns, then use columns and ignore the lookup table.
    if (!is.null(columns)) {
        cnames <- names(columns)
        for (i in seq_along(cnames)) {
            if (name[i] == columns[[i]]$name) {
                name[i] <- names
        warning("FIXME(Kelley): code 'columns' support into ODFNames2oceNames")
    # Infer standardized names for columns, partly based on documentation (e.g. PSAL for salinity), but
    # mainly from reverse engineering of some files from BIO and DFO.  The reverse engineering
    # really is a kludge, and if things break (e.g. if data won't plot because of missing temperatures,
    # or whatever), this is a place to look.
    oceDebug(debug, "STAGE 1 names: ", paste(names, collapse = " "), "\n")
    names <- gsub("ABSH", "humidityAbsolute", names)
    names <- gsub("ACO2", "CO2Atmosphere", names)
    names <- gsub("ALP0", "alpha0", names)
    names <- gsub("ALKW", "alkalinity", names)
    names <- gsub("ALKY", "alkalinityTotal", names)
    names <- gsub("ALTB", "altimeter", names)
    names <- gsub("ALTS", "altitude", names)
    names <- gsub("AMON", "ammonium", names)
    names <- gsub("ATMP", "pressureAtmosphere", names)
    names <- gsub("ATMS", "pressureAtmosphereSealevel", names)
    names <- gsub("ATRK", "alongTrackDisplacement", names)
    names <- gsub("ATTU", "attenuation", names)
    names <- gsub("AUTH", "authority", names)
    names <- gsub("BATH", "waterDepth", names) # FIXME: is this water column depth or sensor depth?
    names <- gsub("BATT", "batteryVoltage", names)
    names <- gsub("BEAM", "a", names) # FIXME: is this sensible?
    names <- gsub("BNO7", "bestNODC7Number", names)
    names <- gsub("CALK", "carbonateAlkalinity", names)
    names <- gsub("CHLR", "chlorinity", names)
    names <- gsub("CHLS", "chlosity", names)
    names <- gsub("CNDC", "conductivity", names)
    names <- gsub("CNTR", "scan", names)
    names <- gsub("COND", "conductivity", names)
    names <- gsub("CORG", "carbonOrganic", names)
    names <- gsub("CPHL", "chlorophyll", names)
    names <- gsub("CRAT", "conductivity", names)
    names <- gsub("CMNT", "comment", names)
    names <- gsub("CNDC", "conductivity", names)
    names <- gsub("COND", "conductivity", names)
    names <- gsub("CTOT", "carbonTotal", names)
    names <- gsub("DCHG", "discharge", names)
    names <- gsub("DENS", "density", names)
    names <- gsub("DEPH", "depth", names)
    names <- gsub("DEWT", "temperatureDewpoint", names)
    names <- gsub("DOC_", "carbonOrganicDissolved", names)
    names <- gsub("DON_", "nitrogenOrganicDissolved", names)
    names <- gsub("DOXY", "oxygen", names)
    names <- gsub("DPDT", "dpdt", names)
    names <- gsub("DRDP", "drogueDepth", names)
    names <- gsub("DRWT", "dryWeight", names)
    names <- gsub("DRYT", "temperatureDryBulb", names)
    names <- gsub("DYNH", "dynamicHeight", names)
    names <- gsub("ERRV", "errorVelocity", names)
    names <- gsub("EWCM", "uMagnetic", names)
    names <- gsub("EWCT", "u", names)
    names <- gsub("FFFF", "overall(FFFF)", names)
    # 2021-04-30: rename "fluorometer" as "fluorescence"
    names <- gsub("FLOR", "fluorescence", names)
    names <- gsub("GDIR", "windDirectionGust", names)
    names <- gsub("GEOP", "geopotential", names)
    names <- gsub("GSPD", "windSpeedGust", names)
    names <- gsub("HCSP", "speedHorizontal", names)
    names <- gsub("HCDM", "directionMagnetic", names)
    names <- gsub("HCDT", "directionTrue", names)
    names <- gsub("HEAD", "heading", names)
    names <- gsub("HSUL", "hydrogenSulphide", names)
    names <- gsub("IDEN", "sampleNumber", names)
    names <- gsub("LABT", "temperatureLaboratory", names)
    names <- gsub("LATD", "latitude", names)
    names <- gsub("LHIS", "lifeHistory", names)
    names <- gsub("LOND", "longitude", names)
    names <- gsub("LPHT", "pHLaboratory", names)
    names <- gsub("MNSV", "retentionFilterSize", names)
    names <- gsub("MNSZ", "organismSizeMinimum", names)
    names <- gsub("MODF", "additionalTaxonomicInformation", names)
    names <- gsub("MXSV", "largestSieveUsed", names)
    names <- gsub("MXSZ", "organismSizeMaximum", names)
    names <- gsub("NETR", "netSolarRadiation", names)
    names <- gsub("NONE", "noWMOcode", names)
    names <- gsub("NORG", "nitrogenOrganic", names)
    names <- gsub("NTRA", "nitrate", names)
    names <- gsub("NTOT", "nitrogenTotal", names)
    names <- gsub("NTRI", "nitrite", names)
    names <- gsub("NTRZ", "nitrite+nitrate", names)
    names <- gsub("NSCM", "vMagnetic", names)
    names <- gsub("NSCT", "v", names)
    names <- gsub("NUM_", "scansPerAverage", names)
    names <- gsub("OBKS", "turbidity", names)
    names <- gsub("OCUR", "oxygenCurrent", names)
    names <- gsub("OPPR", "oxygenPartialPressure", names)
    names <- gsub("OSAT", "oxygenSaturation", names)
    names <- gsub("OTMP", "oxygenTemperature", names)
    names <- gsub("OXYG", "oxygenDissolved", names)
    names <- gsub("OXYM", "oxygenDissolved", names)
    names <- gsub("OXYV", "oxygenVoltage", names)
    names <- gsub("OXV_", "oxygenVoltageRaw", names)
    names <- gsub("PCO2", "CO2", names)
    names <- gsub("PHA_", "phaeopigment", names)
    names <- gsub("PHOS", "phosphate", names)
    names <- gsub("PHPH", "pH", names)
    names <- gsub("PHT_", "pHTotal", names)
    names <- gsub("PHM_", "particulateInorganicMatter", names)
    names <- gsub("PHY_", "phytoplanktonCount", names)
    names <- gsub("POC_", "particulateOrganicCarbon", names)
    names <- gsub("POM_", "particulateOrganicMatter", names)
    names <- gsub("PON_", "particulateOrganicNitrogen", names)
    names <- gsub("POTM", "theta", names)
    names <- gsub("PRES", "pressure", names)
    names <- gsub("PSAL", "salinity", names)
    # leave "PSAR" alone, since oceanographers will likely know what it means
    names <- gsub("PTCH", "pitch", names)
    names <- gsub("QCFF", "overall(QCFF)", names)
    names <- gsub("RANG", "range", names)
    names <- gsub("REFR", "reference", names)
    names <- gsub("RELH", "humdidityRelative", names)
    names <- gsub("RELP", "relativeTotalPressure", names)
    names <- gsub("ROLL", "roll", names)
    names <- gsub("SDEV", "standardDeviation", names)
    names <- gsub("SECC", "SecchiDepth", names)
    names <- gsub("SEX_", "sex", names)
    names <- gsub("SIG0", "sigma0", names)
    names <- gsub("SIGP", "sigmaTheta", names)
    names <- gsub("SIGT", "sigmat", names) # in a moored ctd file examined 2014-05-15
    names <- gsub("SLCA", "silicate", names)
    names <- gsub("SNCN", "scanCounter", names)
    # leave "SPAR" alone
    names <- gsub("SPEH", "humiditySpecific", names)
    names <- gsub("SPFR", "sampleFraction", names)
    names <- gsub("SPVO", "specificVolume", names)
    names <- gsub("SPVA", "specificVolumeAnomaly", names)
    names <- gsub("SSAL", "salinity", names)
    names <- gsub("STRA", "stressAmplitude", names)
    names <- gsub("STRD", "stressDirection", names)
    names <- gsub("STRU", "stressU", names)
    names <- gsub("STRV", "stressV", names)
    names <- gsub("SVEL", "soundVelocity", names)
    names <- gsub("SYTM", "time", names) # in a moored ctd file examined 2014-05-15
    names <- gsub("TAXN", "taxonomicName", names)
    names <- gsub("TE90", "temperature", names)
    names <- gsub("TEMP", "temperature", names)
    names <- gsub("TEXT", "text", names)
    names <- gsub("TICW", "totalInorganicCarbon", names)
    names <- gsub("TILT", "tilt", names)
    names <- gsub("TOTP", "pressureAbsolute", names)
    names <- gsub("TPHS", "phosphorousTotal", names)
    names <- gsub("TRAN", "lightTransmission", names)
    names <- gsub("TRB_", "turbidity", names)
    names <- gsub("TRPH", "trophicDescriptor", names)
    names <- gsub("TSM_", "suspendedMatterTotal", names)
    names <- gsub("TSN_", "taxonomicSerialNumber", names)
    names <- gsub("TURB", "turbidity", names)
    names <- gsub("UNKN", "unknown", names)
    names <- gsub("UREA", "urea", names)
    names <- gsub("VAIS", "BVFrequency", names)
    names <- gsub("VCSP", "w", names)
    names <- gsub("VMXL", "waveHeightMaximum", names)
    names <- gsub("VRMS", "waveHeightMean", names)
    names <- gsub("VTCA", "wavePeriod", names)
    names <- gsub("WDIR", "windDirection", names)
    names <- gsub("WETT", "temperatureWetBulb", names)
    names <- gsub("WSPD", "windSpeed", names)
    names <- gsub("WTWT", "wetWeight", names)
    names <- gsub("ZOO_", "zooplanktonCount", names)
    # Fix up suffixes.
    names <- gsub("_[0-9][0-9]", "", names)
    oceDebug(debug, "STAGE 2 names: ", paste(names, collapse = " "), "\n")
    names <- unduplicateNames(names)
    oceDebug(debug, "STAGE 3 names (i.e. after unduplicating): ", paste(names, collapse = " "), "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "} # ODFNames2oceNames()\n", unindent = 1, sep = "", style = "bold")
    list(names = names)

#' Create ODF Object From Output of read_ODF in ODF package
#' As of August 11, 2015, `ODF::read_ODF` returns a list with 9 elements,
#' one named `DATA`, which is a [data.frame()] containing the
#' columnar data, the others being headers of various sorts.  The present
#' function constructs an oce object from such data, facilitating processing
#' and plotting with the general oce functions.
#' This involves storing the 8 headers verbatim in the
#' `odfHeaders` in the `metadata` slot, and also
#' copying some of the header
#' information into more standard names (e.g.  `metadata@@longitude` is a
#' copy of `metadata@@odfHeader$EVENT_HEADER$INITIAL_LATITUDE`).  As for
#' the `DATA`, they are stored in the `data` slot, after renaming
#' from ODF to oce convention using [ODFNames2oceNames()].
#' @param ODF A list as returned by `read_ODF` in the `ODF` package
#' @param coerce A logical value indicating whether to coerce the return value
#' to an appropriate object type, if possible.
#' @param debug a flag that turns on debugging.  Set to 1 to get a moderate
#' amount of debugging information, or to 2 to get more.
#' @return An oce object, possibly coerced to a subtype.
#' @section Caution: This function may change as the `ODF` package
#' changes.  Since `ODF` has not been released yet, this should not affect
#' any users except those involved in the development of `oce` and
#' `ODF`.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to odf data
ODF2oce <- function(ODF, coerce = TRUE, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    # Stage 1. insert metadata (with odfHeader holding entire ODF header info)
    # FIXME: add other types, starting with ADCP perhaps
    isCTD <- FALSE
    isMCTD <- FALSE # nolint (variable not used)
    if (coerce) {
        if ("CTD" == ODF$EVENT_HEADER$DATA_TYPE) {
            isCTD <- TRUE
            res <- new("ctd")
        } else if ("MCTD" == ODF$EVENT_HEADER$DATA_TYPE) {
            isMCTD <- TRUE # nolint (variable not used)
            res <- new("ctd")
            res@metadata$deploymentType <- "moored"
        } else {
            res <- new("odf") # FIXME: other types
    } else {
        res <- new("odf")
    # Save the whole header as read by BIO routine read_ODF()
    res@metadata$odfHeader <- list(
    # Define some standard items that are used in plotting and summaries
    if (isCTD) {
        res@metadata$type <- res@metadata$odfHeader$INSTRUMENT_HEADER$INST_TYPE
        res@metadata$model <- res@metadata$odfHeader$INSTRUMENT_HEADER$INST_MODEL
        res@metadata$serialNumber <- res@metadata$odfHeader$INSTRUMENT_HEADER$SERIAL_NUMBER
    res@metadata$startTime <- strptime(res@metadata$odfHeader$EVENT_HEADER$START_DATE_TIME,
        "%d-%B-%Y %H:%M:%S",
        tz = "UTC"
    res@metadata$filename <- res@metadata$odfHeader$ODF_HEADER$FILE_SPECIFICATION
    res@metadata$serialNumber <- res@metadata$odfHeader$INSTRUMENT_HEADER$SERIAL_NUMBER
    res@metadata$ship <- res@metadata$odfHeader$CRUISE_HEADER$PLATFORM
    res@metadata$cruise <- res@metadata$odfHeader$CRUISE_HEADER$CRUISE_NUMBER
    res@metadata$station <- res@metadata$odfHeader$EVENT_HEADER$EVENT_NUMBER # FIXME: is this right?
    res@metadata$scientist <- res@metadata$odfHeader$CRUISE_HEADER$CHIEF_SCIENTIST
    res@metadata$latitude <- as.numeric(res@metadata$odfHeader$EVENT_HEADER$INITIAL_LATITUDE)
    res@metadata$longitude <- as.numeric(res@metadata$odfHeader$EVENT_HEADER$INITIAL_LONGITUDE)
    # Stage 2. insert data (renamed to Oce convention)
    xnames <- names(ODF$DATA)
    res@data <- as.list(ODF$DATA)
    resNames <- ODFNames2oceNames(xnames, columns = NULL, PARAMETER_HEADER = ODF$PARAMETER_HEADER, debug = debug)
    names(res@data) <- resNames
    # Obey missing values ... only for numerical things (which might be everything, for all I know)
    nd <- length(resNames)
    for (i in 1:nd) {
        if (is.numeric(res@data[[i]])) {
            NAvalue <- as.numeric(gsub("D", "e", ODF$PARAMETER_HEADER[[i]]$NULL_VALUE))
            res@data[[i]][res@data[[i]] == NAvalue] <- NA
    # Stage 3. rename QQQQ_* columns as flags on the previous column
    names <- names(res@data)
    for (i in seq_along(names)) {
        if (substr(names[i], 1, 4) == "QQQQ" || (i > 1 && names[i] == paste0("Q", names[i - 1]))) {
            if (i > 1) {
                names[i] <- paste(names[i - 1], "Flag", sep = "")
    names(res@data) <- names

#' Create a List of odf Header Metadata
#' @param header Vector of character strings, holding the header
#' @return A list holding the metadata, with item names matching
#' those in the ODF header, except that duplicates are transformed
#' through the use of [unduplicateNames()].
#' @family things related to odf data
ODFListFromHeader <- function(header) {
    # remove trailing blanks
    header <- gsub("[ ]*$", "", header)
    A <- grep("^[A-Z].*,$", header)
    h <- vector("list", length = length(A))
    names(h) <- gsub(",.*$", "", header[A])
    names(h) <- unduplicateNames(names(h), 2)
    starts <- A + 1
    ends <- c(A[-1], length(header) + 1) - 1
    for (i in seq_along(starts)) {
        nitems <- 1 + ends[i] - starts[i]
        h[[i]] <- vector("list", length = nitems)
        itemsNames <- NULL
        itemsI <- 1
        for (ii in starts[i]:ends[i]) {
            name <- gsub("^[ ]*([^=]*)[ ]*=.*$", "\\1", header[ii])
            value <- gsub("^[ ]*([^=]*)[ ]*=[ ]*", "", header[ii])
            # Trim trailing comma (which seems to occur for all but last item in a list)
            if ("," == substr(value, nchar(value), nchar(value))) {
                value <- substr(value, 1, nchar(value) - 1)
            # Trim leading single-quote, and its matching trailing single-quote; warn
            # if former is present but latter is missing.
            if ("'" == substr(value, 1, 1)) {
                value <- substr(value, 2, nchar(value))
                if ("'" == substr(value, nchar(value), nchar(value))) {
                    value <- substr(value, 1, nchar(value) - 1)
                } else {
                    warning("malformed string in ODF header line <", header[ii], ">\n", sep = "")
            itemsNames <- c(itemsNames, name)
            h[[i]][[itemsI]] <- value
            itemsI <- itemsI + 1
        names(h[[i]]) <- itemsNames
        names(h[[i]]) <- unduplicateNames(names(h[[i]]), 2)

#' Read an odf File
#' ODF (Ocean Data Format) is a
#' format developed at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography and also used
#' at other Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) facilities
#' (see references 1 and 2).
#' It can hold various types of time-series data, which includes a variety
#' of instrument types. Thus, [read.odf()]
#' is used by `read.ctd.odf` for CTD data, etc.
#' Note that some elements of the metadata are particular to ODF objects,
#' e.g. `depthMin`, `depthMax` and `sounding`, which
#' are inferred from ODF items named `MIN_DEPTH`, `MAX_DEPTH`
#' and `SOUNDING`, respectively. In addition, the more common metadata
#' item `waterDepth`, which is used in `ctd` objects to refer to
#' the total water depth, is set to `sounding` if that is finite,
#' or to `maxDepth` otherwise.
#' The function [ODFNames2oceNames()] is used to translate
#' data names from the ODF file to standard `oce` names.
#' @section Metadata conventions:
#' Some metadata items may be specific to certain instruments, and
#' certain research groups. It can be important for analysts to be aware of
#' the conventions used in datasets that are under study.
#' For example, as of June 2018, `adp`
#' objects created at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography may
#' have a metadata item named `depthOffBottom` (called
#' `DEPTH_OFF_BOTTOM` in ODF files), which is not typically
#' present in `ctd` files. This item illustrates the renaming
#' convention, from the CAMEL_CASE used in ODF files to the snakeCase
#' used in oce. Bearing this conversion in mind, users should not
#' find it difficult to understand the meaning of items that [read.odf()]
#' stores within the `metadata` slot. Users should bear in mind
#' that the whole ODF header is saved as a list by
#' calling the function with `header="list"`, after which
#' e.g. [str]`(rval[["header"]])` or [View]`(rval[["header"]])`
#' can be used to isolate any information of interest (but bear in mind
#' that suffices are used to disambiguate sibling items of identical
#' name in the ODF header).
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' #
#' # 1. Read a CTD cast made on the Scotian Shelf. Note that the file's metadata
#' # states that conductivity is in S/m, but it is really conductivity ratio,
#' # so we must alter the unit before converting to a CTD object. Note that
#' # read.odf() on this data file produces a warning suggesting that the user
#' # repair the unit, using the method outlined here.
#' odf <- read.odf(system.file("extdata", "CTD_BCD2014666_008_1_DN.ODF.gz", package = "oce"))
#' ctd <- as.ctd(odf) # so we can e.g. extract potential temperature
#' ctd[["conductivityUnit"]] <- list(unit = expression(), scale = "")
#' #
#' # 2. Make a CTD, and plot (with span to show NS)
#' plot(ctd, span = 500)
#' #
#' # 3. Highlight bad data on TS diagram. (Note that the eos
#' # is specified, because we will extract practical-salinity and
#' # UNESCO-defined potential temperatures for the added points.)
#' plotTS(ctd, type = "o", eos = "unesco") # use a line to show loops
#' bad <- ctd[["QCFlag"]] != 0
#' points(ctd[["salinity"]][bad], ctd[["theta"]][bad], col = "red", pch = 20)
#' @param file the file containing the data.
#' @param columns An optional [list] that can be used to convert unrecognized
#' data names to resultant variable names.  For example,
#' `columns=list(salinity=list(name="salt", unit=list(unit=expression(), scale="PSS-78"))`
#' states that a short-name of `"salt"` represents salinity, and that the unit is
#' as indicated. This is passed to [cnvName2oceName()] or [ODFNames2oceNames()],
#' as appropriate, and takes precedence over the lookup table in that function.
#' @param header An indication of whether, or how, to store the entire
#' ODF file header in the `metadata` slot of the returned object.
#' There are three choices for the `header` argument.
#' (1) If it is `NULL`, then the ODF header is not stored in
#' the `metadata` slot (although some of its contents are).
#' (2) If it is `"character"`, the header is stored within
#' the `metadata` as a vector named `header`, comprising
#' a character string for each line of the header within the ODF file.
#' (3) If it is `"list"`, then the `metadata` slot of the
#' returned object will contain a `list` named `header` that
#' has lists as its entries. (The sub-lists are in the form of
#' key-value pairs.) The naming of list entries is patterned on
#' that in the ODF header, except that [unduplicateNames()]
#' is used to transform repeated names by adding numerical suffices.
#' Note: on June 6, 2019, the default value of `header` was
#' changed from `NULL` to `"list"`; in addition, the resultant
#' list was made to contain every single item in the ODF header, with
#' [unduplicateNames()] being used to append integers to
#' distinguish between repeated names in the ODF format.
#' @param exclude either a character value holding a regular
#' expression that is used with [grep()] to remove lines from the
#' header before processing, or `NULL` (the default), meaning
#' not to exclude any such lines.  The purpose of this argument
#' is to solve problems with some files, which can have
#' thousands of lines that indicate details that are may be of
#' little value in processing.  For example, some files have thousands
#' of lines that would be excluded by using
#' `exclude="PROCESS='Nulled the .* value"` in the function call.
#' @template encodingTemplate
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @return An [oce-class] object.
#' @section Handling of temperature scales:
#' `read.odf()` stores temperature data directly as read from the file, which
#' might mean the IPTS-68 scale.  These values should not be used to calculate
#' other seawater quantities, because formulae are generally based in ITS90
#' temperatures. To avoid problems, the accessor function converts to the modern
#' scale, e.g. `x[["temperature"]]` yields temperature in the ITS90
#' scale, whether temperatures in the original file were reported on that scale
#' or the older IPTS-68 scale.
#' @seealso [ODF2oce()] will be an alternative to this, once (or perhaps if) a `ODF`
#' package is released by the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
#' @template odfTemplate
#' @references
#' For sources that describe the ODF format, see the documentation
#' for the [odf-class] class.
#' @author Dan Kelley, with help from Chantelle Layton
#' @family things related to odf data
read.odf <- function(file, columns = NULL, header = "list", exclude = NULL, encoding = "latin1", debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    if (missing(file)) {
        stop("must supply 'file'")
    if (is.character(file)) {
        if (!file.exists(file)) {
            stop("cannot find file \"", file, "\"")
        if (0L == file.info(file)$size) {
            stop("empty file \"", file, "\"")
    debug <- as.integer(min(max(debug, 0), 3))
    oceDebug(debug, "read.odf(\"", file, "\", exclude=",
        if (is.null(exclude)) "NULL" else paste0("'", exclude, "'"), ", ...) {\n",
        unindent = 1, sep = "", style = "bold"
    if (!is.null(header)) {
        if (!is.character(header)) {
            stop("the header argument must be NULL, \"character\", or \"list\"")
        if (!(header %in% c("character", "list"))) {
            stop("the header argument must be NULL, \"character\" or \"list\"")
    if (is.character(file)) {
        if (nchar(file) == 0) {
            stop("'file' cannot be an empty string")
        filename <- fullFilename(file)
        file <- file(file, "r", encoding = encoding)
    } else {
        filename <- ""
    if (!inherits(file, "connection")) {
        stop("argument `file' must be a character string or connection")
    if (!isOpen(file)) {
        open(file, "r", encoding = encoding)
    # Read the full file.   (In a previous version, we only read the first 1000 lines
    # at the start, and later read the whole thing if we didn't find the DATA line.)
    lines <- readLines(file) # issue 1430 and 1970 re encoding
    # Trim excluded lines.
    if (!is.null(exclude)) {
        oldLength <- length(lines)
        lines <- lines[grep(exclude, lines, invert = TRUE)]
        oceDebug(debug, "the 'exclude' argument reduced the file line count from", oldLength, "to", length(lines), "lines\n")
    # Locate the header/data separator
    dataStart <- grep("^[ ]*-- DATA --[ ]*$", lines) # issue 1430 re leading/trailing spaces
    if (!length(dataStart)) {
        stop("ODF files must contain a line with \"-- DATA --\"")
    res <- new("odf")
    nlines <- length(lines)
    # Make a list holding all the information in the header. Note that this is entirely
    # separate from e.g. inference of longitude and latitude from a header.
    h <- gsub(",[ ]*$", "", lines[seq(1L, dataStart - 1)]) # note trimming trailing comma and maybe whitespace
    # Handle the case where there is a blank at the start of each line. (We only check
    # the first line, actually.) I have no idea whether this start-with-blank is part of the
    # ODF format, but I *can* say that quite a few of the ODF files on my computer have
    # this property.
    if (length(grep("^ ", h))) {
        h <- gsub("^ ", "", h)
    categoryIndex <- grep("^[a-zA-Z]", h)
    categoryNames <- h[categoryIndex]
    headerlist <- list()
    if (length(categoryIndex > 0)) {
        headerlist <- vector("list", length(categoryIndex))
    oceDebug(debug > 2, "headerlist will have", length(headerlist), "items\n")
    names(headerlist) <- categoryNames
    indexCategory <- 0
    lhsc <- list() # set up a list for counts of lhs patterns, used in renaming
    nh <- length(h)
    for (i in seq_len(nh)) {
        oceDebug(debug > 3, "examine header line ", i, " of ", nh, "\n", sep = "")
        if (grepl("^[a-zA-Z]", h[i])) {
            indexCategory <- indexCategory + 1
            headerlist[[indexCategory]] <- list()
            #> message("* '", h[i], "' is indexCategory ", indexCategory)
            lhsUsed <- NULL
        } else {
            if (0 == indexCategory) {
                warning("cannot parse ODF header, a header line started with a space, but no previous line started with non-space")
                header <- NULL
            # Use regexp to find lhs and rhs. This is better than using strsplit on "=" because some
            # rhs have "=" in them.
            lhs <- gsub("^[ ]*([^=]*)=(.*)$", "\\1", h[i])
            if (!(lhs %in% names(lhsc))) {
                lhsc[[lhs]] <- 1
            } else {
                lhsc[[lhs]] <- 1 + lhsc[[lhs]]
            lhs <- paste0(lhs, "_", lhsc[[lhs]])
            rhs <- gsub("^[^=]*=[ ]*(.*)[,]*$", "\\1", h[i])
            oceDebug(debug > 3, "lhs=\"", lhs, "\",  rhs=\"", rhs, "\"\n", sep = "")
            headerlist[[indexCategory]][[lhs]] <- rhs
            lhsUsed <- c(lhsUsed, lhs)
    if (length(headerlist)) {
        names(headerlist) <- unduplicateNames(names(headerlist))
    res@metadata$header <- headerlist
    # Learn about each parameter from its own header block
    linePARAMETER_HEADER <- grep("^\\s*PARAMETER_HEADER,\\s*$", lines)
    if (nPARAMETER_HEADER < 1) {
        stop("cannot locate any lines containing 'PARAMETER_HEADER'")
    # namesWithin <- parameterStart[1]:dataStart[1]
    # extract column codes in a step-by-step way, to make it easier to adjust if the format changes
    if (TRUE) { # FIXME: delete this later, after recoding to get individualized NA codes
        # The mess below hides warnings on non-numeric missing-value codes.
        options <- options("warn")
        options(warn = -1)
        # nolint start object_usage_linter
        nullValue <- NA
        # nolint end object_usage_linter
        t <- try(
                nullValue <- as.numeric(gsub("D\\+", "e+", findInHeader("NULL_VALUE", lines))[1])
            silent = TRUE
        if (inherits(t, "try-error")) {
            nullValue <- findInHeader("NULL_VALUE", lines)[1]
        options(warn = options$warn)
    # nolint start object_usage_linter
    ODForiginalNames <- NULL
    # nolint end object_usage_linter
    ODFnames <- NULL
    ODFunits <- NULL
    # This list, later converted to a data frame, is used for renaming the data in the file, for
    # inclusion in either the 'data' or 'metadata' slot of the returned object.  We add to it as we
    # read through the PARAMETER_HEADER blocks, and later transform it to handle name duplication
    # and the establishment of flag-data connections.  The data wll be read in with column names
    # equal to 'NAME', and then get moved and renamed according to 'oceName'.
    parameterTable <- list(code = NULL, nameOrig = NULL, name = NULL, oceName = NULL, units = NULL, scale = NULL)
    for (l in linePARAMETER_HEADER) {
        lstart <- l + 1
        # Isolate this block. Note that there seem to be two ways to end blocks.
        lend <- 0
        for (ll in seq.int(lstart, min(lstart + 100, nlines))) {
            if (length(grep("^\\s*(PARAMETER_HEADER|RECORD_HEADER)", lines[ll]))) {
                lend <- ll
        if (lend < 0) {
            stop("cannot find the end of a PARAMETER_HEADER block starting at line ", lstart - 1)
        # Get CODE (mandatory)
        icode <- grep("^\\s*(WMO_)?CODE\\s*=\\s*'?", lines[lstart:lend])
        if (length(icode) == 0) {
            stop("cannot locate a CODE line in PARAMETER_HEADER block starting at line ", lstart - 1)
        if (length(icode) > 1) {
            stop("cannot handle more than one code line in PARAMETER_HEADER block starting at line ", lstart - 1)
        code <- gsub("^\\s*(WMO_)?CODE\\s*=\\s*'?([^',]*)'?,?\\s*$", "\\2", lines[lstart + icode - 1])
        parameterTable$code <- c(parameterTable$code, code)
        # Get NAME (mandatory), e.g. from
        # "  NAME= 'Sea Temperature (IPTS-68)',"
        # "  NAME= 'CNTR_01',"
        iname <- grep("^\\s*?NAME\\s*=\\s*'?", lines[lstart:lend])
        if (length(iname) == 0L) {
            stop("cannot locate a NAME line in PARAMETER_HEADER block starting at line ", lstart - 1)
        if (length(iname) > 1L) {
            stop("cannot handle more than one NAME line in PARAMETER_HEADER block starting at line ", lstart - 1)
        # nolint start object_usage_linter
        nameOrig <- gsub("^\\s*NAME\\s*=\\s*'?([^']*)'?,?\\s*$", "\\1", lines[lstart + iname - 1])
        # nolint end object_usage_linter
        parameterTable$nameOrig <- c(parameterTable$nameOrig, code)
        iunits <- grep("^\\s*UNITS\\s*=\\s*'?", lines[lstart:lend])
        units <- if (length(iunits) == 0) "" else gsub("^\\s*UNITS\\s*=\\s*'?(.*)',?\\s*$", "\\1", lines[lstart + iunits[1] - 1])
        if (length(iunits) == 1) {
            if (grepl("IPTS\\-68", units)) {
                scale <- "IPTS-68"
            } else if (grepl("ITS\\-90", units)) {
                scale <- "ITS-90"
            } else {
                scale <- ""
        } else {
            scale <- ""
        #> message("units \"", units, "\"")
        #> message("scale \"", scale, "\"")
        parameterTable$units <- c(parameterTable$units, units)
        parameterTable$scale <- c(parameterTable$scale, scale)
    # Add entries for flag status and unduplicated names
    nparameter <- length(parameterTable$code)
    # Find which items are QC flags.  There are 4 ways to recognize these. and in the fourth,
    # we set Qprefix=TRUE as a way to rename the Q<...> to <...>Test, without danger
    # that a valid data parameter might start with the letter 'Q'.
    parameterTable$isFlag <- rep(FALSE, nparameter)
    for (i in seq_along(parameterTable$code)) {
        if (grepl("^(QQQQ)|(QCFF)|(FFFF)", parameterTable$code[i])) {
            parameterTable$isFlag[i] <- TRUE
        } else if (i > 1 && (parameterTable$code[i] == paste0("Q", parameterTable$code[i - 1]))) {
            parameterTable$isFlag[i] <- TRUE
    parameterTable$name <- unduplicateNames(parameterTable$nameOrig)
    # Clean up extraneous units (which are in parameter NAME but not in corresponding flag NAME)
    parameterTable$name <- gsub(" ITS-90$", "", parameterTable$name)
    parameterTable$name <- gsub(" PSS-78$", "", parameterTable$name)
    # Remove "sigma-theta, " from start of a density unit (e.g. in sample file CTD_BCD2014666_008_1_DN.gz)
    parameterTable$units <- gsub("sigma\\-theta, ", "", parameterTable$units)
    # Add oce names
    parameterTable$oceName <- ODFNames2oceNames(parameterTable$code, debug = debug)$name
    # Rename flags (assuming, as in CIOSS code, that they refer to just-previous item)
    #- message("parameterTable$oceName 1");print(parameterTable$oceName)
    for (i in which(parameterTable$isFlag)) {
        #> message("rename: ", paste(irename, collapse=" "))
        #> message("old name: ", paste(parameterTable$name[irename], collapse=" "))
        if (i > 1L && !grepl("^overall", parameterTable$oceName[i])) {
            newname <- paste0(parameterTable$oceName[i - 1], "Flag")
            #> message("new name: ", paste(newname, collapse=" "))
            parameterTable$oceName[i] <- newname
    # FIXME: get rid of next 3 items -- want everything in parameter table
    ODFunits <- parameterTable$units # FIXME: archaic
    ODForiginalNames <- parameterTable$code # FIXME: archaic
    ODFnames <- parameterTable$nameOrig # FIXME: archaic
    if (FALSE) {
        # Remove extraneous units in S and T names, which are present (sometimes) for the variables but
        # *not* for the quality-control flags
        for (i in seq_along(parameterTable$code)) {
            # Find cross-references for flags.
            if (parameterTable$isFlag[i]) {
                oceDebug(debug, "find variable name referred to by flag with description \"", parameterTable$name[i], "\"\n", sep = "")
                # To accommodate both BIO and IML variants, we must check multiple variants of the syntax
                # in the QQQQ name. And we must also check against both variable NAME and CODE, because
                # the DFO file provided with this package sometimes has NAME==CODE but other times
                # it is not CODE. The uniformity of ODF files is not high.
                iref <- which(parameterTable$name == gsub("(quality flag of )|(Quality Flag for Parameter: )", "", parameterTable$name[i]))
                oceDebug(debug, "iref=", iref, " from NAME lookup\n")
                if (length(iref) == 0) {
                    iref <- which(parameterTable$code == gsub("(quality flag of )|(Quality Flag for Parameter: )", "", parameterTable$name[i]))
                    oceDebug(debug, "iref=", iref, " from CODE lookup\n")
                if (length(iref) == 1) {
                    ref <- parameterTable$oceName[iref]
                    if (is.na(ref)) {
                        parameterTable$oceName[i] <- paste0("flag$", gsub("_.*$", "", parameterTable$code[i]))
                    } else {
                        parameterTable$oceName[i] <- paste0("flag$", parameterTable$oceName[iref])
                } else {
                    warning("cannot determine variable referred to by flag with description \"", parameterTable$name[i], "\"\n", sep = "")
    parameterTable <- data.frame(parameterTable)
    options(warn = options$warn)
    ODFunits <- trimws(ODFunits)
    # FIXME: document why we need to find names again (already in parameterTable)
    oceDebug(debug, "about to compute oceNames2\n")
    oceNames2 <- ODFNames2oceNames(ODFnames, columns = columns, PARAMETER_HEADER = NULL, debug = debug)
    res@metadata$depthOffBottom <- findInHeader("DEPTH_OFF_BOTTOM", lines, returnOnlyFirst = TRUE, numeric = TRUE)
    res@metadata$initialLatitude <- findInHeader("INITIAL_LATITUDE", lines, returnOnlyFirst = TRUE, numeric = TRUE)
    res@metadata$initialLongitude <- findInHeader("INITIAL_LONGITUDE", lines, returnOnlyFirst = TRUE, numeric = TRUE)
    res@metadata$endLatitude <- findInHeader("END_LATITUDE", lines, returnOnlyFirst = TRUE, numeric = TRUE)
    res@metadata$endLongitude <- findInHeader("END_LONGITUDE", lines, returnOnlyFirst = TRUE, numeric = TRUE)
    res@metadata$samplingInterval <- findInHeader("SAMPLING_INTERVAL", lines, returnOnlyFirst = TRUE, numeric = TRUE)
    res@metadata$scientist <- findInHeader("CHIEF_SCIENTIST", lines)
    res@metadata$ship <- findInHeader("PLATFORM", lines) # maybe should rename, e.g. for helicopter
    res@metadata$institute <- findInHeader("ORGANIZATION", lines) # maybe should rename, e.g. for helicopter
    res@metadata$station <- findInHeader("EVENT_NUMBER", lines)
    res@metadata$latitude <- as.numeric(res@metadata$initialLatitude)
    res@metadata$longitude <- as.numeric(res@metadata$initialLongitude)
    res@metadata$cruise <- findInHeader("CRUISE_NAME", lines)
    res@metadata$countryInstituteCode <- findInHeader("COUNTRY_INSTITUTE_CODE", lines)
    res@metadata$cruiseNumber <- findInHeader("CRUISE_NUMBER", lines)
    DATA_TYPE <- trimws(findInHeader("DATA_TYPE", lines))
    res@metadata$deploymentType <- if ("CTD" == DATA_TYPE) "profile" else if ("MCTD" == DATA_TYPE) "moored" else "unknown"
    # if any changes here, update ctd.R @ ODF_CTD_LINK {
    res@metadata$startTime <- as.POSIXct(strptime(tolower(findInHeader("START_DATE_TIME", lines)), "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S", tz = "UTC"))
    res@metadata$date <- res@metadata$time
    res@metadata$eventNumber <- findInHeader("EVENT_NUMBER", lines) # synchronize with ctd.R at ODFMETADATA tag
    res@metadata$eventQualifier <- findInHeader("EVENT_QUALIFIER", lines) # synchronize with ctd.R at ODFMETADATA tag
    # } ODF_CTD_LINK
    # FIXME: The next block tries to infer a single numeric NA value, if
    # FIXME: possible; otherwise it returns the first value.  Perhaps we should be
    # FIXME: keeping all these values and using them for individual columns, but (a)
    # FIXME: non-numeric values seem to be restricted to times, and times seem never
    # FIXME: to equal NULL_VALUE and (b) all files that I've seen have just a single
    # FIXME: numerical NULL_VALUE and (c) what should we do if there are elements in
    # FIXME: the header, which are not in columns?
    NAvalue <- unlist(findInHeader("NULL_VALUE", lines, FALSE))
    oceDebug(debug, "NAvalue (step 1): ", paste(deparse(NAvalue), collapse = ""), "\n", sep = "")
    NAvalue <- gsub("D([+-])+", "e\\1", NAvalue)
    oceDebug(debug, "NAvalue (step 2): ", paste(deparse(NAvalue), collapse = ""), "\n", sep = "")
    NAvalue[NAvalue == "NA"] <- NA
    oceDebug(debug, "NAvalue (step 3): ", paste(deparse(NAvalue), collapse = ""), "\n", sep = "")
    if (length(NAvalue) > 1) {
        NAvalue <- gsub("D", "e", NAvalue) # R does not like e.g. "-.99D+02"
        options <- options("warn")
        options(warn = -1)
        NAvalue <- try(
            silent = TRUE
        NAvalueList <- NAvalue
        names(NAvalueList) <- parameterTable$oceName
        options(warn = options$warn)
    oceDebug(debug, "NAvalue (step 4): ", paste(deparse(NAvalue), collapse = ""), "\n", sep = "")
    res@metadata$depthMin <- as.numeric(findInHeader("MIN_DEPTH", lines))
    res@metadata$depthMax <- as.numeric(findInHeader("MAX_DEPTH", lines))
    res@metadata$sounding <- as.numeric(findInHeader("SOUNDING", lines))
    # Compute waterDepth from "SOUNDING" by preference, or from "MAX_DEPTH" if necessary
    res@metadata$waterDepth <- NA
    if (length(res@metadata$sounding)) {
        res@metadata$waterDepth <- res@metadata$sounding[1]
    } else {
        if (length(res@metadata$depthMax)) {
            res@metadata$waterDepth <- res@metadata$depthMax[1]
    res@metadata$type <- findInHeader("INST_TYPE", lines)
    res@metadata$serialNumber <- findInHeader("SERIAL_NUMBER", lines)
    res@metadata$model <- findInHeader("MODEL", lines)
    if (is.null(header)) {
        res@metadata$header <- NULL
    } else if (header == "character") {
        res@metadata$header <- lines[seq(1L, dataStart - 1L)]
    } else if (header == "list") {
        res@metadata$header <- headerlist # ODFListFromHeader(lines[seq(1L, dataStart-1L)])
    } else {
        stop("problem decoding header argument; please report an error")
    # catch erroneous units on CRAT, which should be in a ratio, and hence have no units.
    # This is necessary for the sample file inst/extdata/CTD_BCD2014666_008_1_DN.ODF.gz
    wCRAT <- grep("CRAT", parameterTable$code, ignore.case = TRUE)
    if (length(wCRAT)) {
        for (w in wCRAT) {
            ustring <- tolower(parameterTable$units[w])
            if (length(ustring) &&
                ustring != "" &&
                ustring != "ratio" && ustring != "(ratio)" &&
                ustring != "none" && ustring != "(none)") {
                    "\"", parameterTable$oceName[w], "\" (code name \"",
                    parameterTable$code[w], "\") is a conductivity ratio, which has no units, ",
                    "but the file lists \"", ustring, "\" as a unit. ",
                    "Consult ?read.odf to see how to rectify this error."
    # Store @metadata$units
    tmp <- lapply(parameterTable$units, unitFromString)
    names(tmp) <- parameterTable$oceName
    res@metadata$units <- tmp
    # Store @metadata$namesOriginal
    namesOriginal <- list()
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(parameterTable))) {
        if (!parameterTable$isFlag[i]) {
            namesOriginal[parameterTable$oceName[i]] <- parameterTable$nameOrig[i]
    res@metadata$dataNamesOriginal <- namesOriginal
    # Store other things more directly
    res@metadata$address <- NULL
    res@metadata$recovery <- NULL
    res@metadata$sampleInterval <- NA
    res@metadata$filename <- filename
    #> # fix issue 768
    #> lines <- lines[grep("%[0-9.]*f", lines,invert=TRUE)]
    # issue1226 data <- read.table(file, skip=dataStart, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    data <- scan(text = lines, what = "character", skip = dataStart, quiet = TRUE)
    data <- matrix(data, ncol = length(oceNames2$names), byrow = TRUE)
    data <- as.data.frame(data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # some files have text string for e.g. dates, species lengths, etc.
    colIsChar <- as.logical(lapply(
        function(j) any(grep("[ a-zA-Z\\(\\)]", data[, j]))
    for (j in seq_len(dim(data)[2])) {
        if (!colIsChar[j]) {
            oceDebug(debug, "setting data[[,", j, "]] to numeric mode\n", sep = "")
            data[[j]] <- as.numeric(data[[j]])
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "setting data[[,", j, "]] to character mode\n", sep = "")
            data[[j]] <- as.character(data[[j]])
    if (length(data) != length(oceNames2$names)) {
        stop("mismatch between length of data names (", length(oceNames2$names), ") and number of columns in data matrix (", length(data), ")")
    names(data) <- parameterTable$oceName
    if (length(NAvalueList)) {
        for (name in names(data)) {
            if (is.finite(NAvalueList[[name]])) {
                bad <- data[[name]] == NAvalueList[[name]]
                data[[name]][bad] <- NA
                if (sum(bad) > 0) {
                    oceDebug(debug, "set ", sum(bad), " values in '", name,
                        "' to NA, because they matched the NULL_VALUE (", NAvalueList[[name]], ")\n",
                        sep = ""
    if ("time" %in% oceNames2$names) {
        data$time <- as.POSIXct(strptime(as.character(data$time), format = "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S", tz = "UTC"))
    res@data <- as.list(data)
    # Move flags into metadata.
    dnames <- names(res@data)
    iflags <- grep("Flag$", dnames)
    oceDebug(debug, "About to move flags from @data to @metadata\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "iflags=", paste(iflags, collapse = " "), "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "names(@data) = c(\"", paste(names(res@data), collapse = "\", \""), "\")\n", sep = "")
    oceDebug(debug, "names(@data)[iflags] = c(\"", paste(names(res@data)[iflags], collapse = "\", \""), "\")\n", sep = "")
    # Copy flag columns to res@metadata...
    for (iflag in which(parameterTable$isFlag)) {
        oceDebug(debug, "iflag=", iflag, "(FLAG) parameterTable$oceName=", parameterTable$oceName[iflag], "\n", sep = "")
        flagName <- gsub("Flag$", "", parameterTable$oceName[iflag])
        res@metadata$flags[[flagName]] <- data[, iflag]
        oceDebug(debug, "transferring data column ", iflag, " to @metadata$flags$", flagName, "\n", sep = "")
    # Remove the flag columns from res@data
    nflagged <- sum(parameterTable$isFlag)
    if (nflagged > 0) {
        oceDebug(debug, "deleting", nflagged, "data columns that were moved to @metadata$flags\n")
        res@data <- res@data[which(!parameterTable$isFlag)]
    # Remove flag units that are remnants from parameter-based QQQQ entries
    res@metadata$units <- res@metadata$units[!grepl("Quality Flag", names(res@metadata$units), ignore.case = TRUE)]
    # Remove flag units that are remnants from overall flag (QCFF and FFFF) entries
    res@metadata$units <- res@metadata$units[!is.na(names(res@metadata$units))]
    # Rename units (DFO files are ok already, but IML files need renaming)
    unitNames <- names(res@metadata$units)
    for (i in seq_along(unitNames)) {
        w <- which(unitNames[i] == parameterTable$name)
        #- message("w: ", paste(w, collapse=" "), " for \"", unitNames[i], "\"")
        if (length(w) > 0L) {
            w <- which(unitNames[i] == parameterTable$name)
            if (length(w) > 1L) {
                warning("more than one match during renaming of units (", unitNames[i], ")\n", sep = "")
                w <- w[1]
            oceDebug(debug, "unit renamed from \"", unitNames[i], "\" to \"", parameterTable$oceName[w], "\"\n", sep = "")
            # message("unit renamed from \"", unitNames[i], "\" to \"", parameterTable$oceName[w], "\"")
            unitNames[i] <- parameterTable$oceName[w]
    names(res@metadata$units) <- unitNames
    if (exists("DATA_TYPE") && DATA_TYPE == "CTD") {
        res@metadata$pressureType <- "sea"
    res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(
        paste("read.odf(\"", filename, "\", ",
            "columns=c(\"", paste(columns, collapse = "\", \""), "\"), ",
            "debug=", debug, ")",
            sep = ""
    oceDebug(debug, "} # read.odf()\n", sep = "", style = "bold", unindent = 1)

#' Read a ctd File in odf Format
#' @template readCtdTemplate
#' @template encodingTemplate
#' @param exclude either a character value holding a regular
#' expression that is used with [grep()] to remove lines from the
#' header before processing, or `NULL` (the default), meaning
#' not to exclude any such lines.  The purpose of this argument
#' is to solve problems with some files, which can have
#' thousands of lines that indicate details that are may be of
#' little value in processing.  For example, some files have thousands
#' of lines that would be excluded by using
#' `exclude="PROCESS='Nulled the .* value"` in the function call.
#' @details
#' `read.ctd.odf` reads files stored in Ocean Data Format, used in
#' some Canadian hydrographic databases.
#' @template odfTemplate
#' @references
#' For sources that describe the ODF format, see the documentation
#' for the [odf-class] class.
#' @family things related to ctd data
#' @family things related to odf data
#' @family functions that read ctd data
#' @author Dan Kelley
read.ctd.odf <- function(
    file, columns = NULL, station = NULL, missingValue, deploymentType = "unknown",
    monitor = FALSE, exclude = NULL, encoding = "latin1", debug = getOption("oceDebug"), processingLog, ...) {
    if (missing(file)) {
        stop("must supply 'file'")
    if (is.character(file)) {
        if (!file.exists(file)) {
            stop("cannot find file \"", file, "\"")
        if (0L == file.info(file)$size) {
            stop("empty file \"", file, "\"")
    oceDebug(debug, "read.ctd.odf(\"", file, "\", ...) {\n", sep = "", unindent = 1, style = "bold")
    if (!is.null(columns)) warning("'columns' is ignored by read.ctd.odf() at present")
    odf <- read.odf(file = file, columns = columns, exclude = exclude, debug = debug - 1)
    res <- as.ctd(odf, debug = debug - 1)
    # replace any missingValue with NA
    if (!missing(missingValue) && !is.null(missingValue)) {
        for (item in names(res@data)) {
            res@data[[item]] <- ifelse(res@data[[item]] == missingValue, NA, res@data[[item]])
    if (!is.null(station)) {
        res@metadata$station <- station
    for (mname in names(odf@metadata)) {
        res@metadata[[mname]] <- odf@metadata[[mname]]
    res@metadata$pressureType <- "sea"
    res@metadata$deploymentType <- deploymentType
    oceDebug(debug, "} # read.ctd.odf()\n", unindent = 1, style = "bold")

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